Age of Myths (Age of Sigmar): Third Time the charm

[x] The Worldshaper: A great statue of living stone with trenches and deep wells. In these flow your essence, the fire of the star running like water or blood, channeled into patterns of power. Your fists will shatter planets, you will drink stars into your being and then releasing their flames at your wish. But you are not only a destructor for your hand can shape planets, making the outlines of continents, digging seas and rising mountains, while your inner fire can ignite their core. (Epic Strength, Earth, Shaping)
So to give a little context.

Epic Intelligence is the stuff in mythology associated with guys like Thoth, Odin or Athena. So we're talking about know most of the things.

Epic Perception is what you see in Heimdall who keep watch over Asgard or Apollo who is able to see things like Ares and Aphrodite sleeping together or Zeus allowing Hades to kidnap Persephone

Epic Wits is what you see in Tricksters: Loki managing to say just the thing that will enable him to keep his head or Hermes stealing his brother's cattle while a baby.

Epic Strength is what you see in Poseidon "throws mountains on his foes" or Kali 'dances so hard the world shakes". Still the Worldshaper is more the planet-builder choice than the martial one.
Besides the fact that I like the aesthetic description of the Eye, I find it a far more poignant combination to mix Epic Intelligence with Epic Perception.

And it was not a lack of power and strength that caused the Lizardmen's loss, but a lack of knowledge. They didn't understand, didn't comprehend what they should have and could have been doing. And that was because they didn't understand how to act without the Plan.
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[X] The Worldshaper: A great statue of living stone with trenches and deep wells. In these flow your essence, the fire of the star running like water or blood, channeled into patterns of power. Your fists will shatter planets, you will drink stars into your being and then releasing their flames at your wish. But you are not only a destructor for your hand can shape planets, making the outlines of continents, digging seas and rising mountains, while your inner fire can ignite their core. (Epic Strength, Earth, Shaping)
The August Star of Heavens part 3
The August Star of Heavens part 3
How to describe what happens to you? Images comes to the mind like reality crumbling apart like broken glass, heavens being rolled down like scrolls, of your flesh breaking and chains snapping. Comes the realization that your august palanquin is as much a part of you as your desiccated limbs, comes the expansion of the mind and the eyes to such degree you wonder if you are not going insane. You aren't, you just realized something you learned long ago when your first body was torn apart by etheric claws. The flesh is not important compared to the power of magic, to the power of patterns. Many tasks were given to you but patterning and watching and influencing. Some of your actions were wrong you see that now. You shouldn't have moved the plates of the world. Not from some disturbed moral sense but because it was brutish, and you didn't think of the consequences. By your hands the Dwarven empire fell and the forces of destruction were strengthened. As you expand and break down and divide, remaining one and yet many you understand that subtlety is a strength, that it is better to learn how to move an empire by frightening a mouse than crushing a mountain.

Of course, you are still the Sublime Communion. You move the very stars as you take your crown.

Fate asks you what is your story, what feats allow you to claim godhood. And here is your answer.

You are many and yet one, many minds united in communion despite ages of disagreement. You are one who survived the destruction of your flesh for you were struck down and yet your spirit emerged intact to cast your enemies out of your cities. When the world was consumed in hungry darkness you willed yourself back to life, power filling your ancient bones like never before. You are the mind who has no need for the flesh, the verses that speak themselves, the immortal.

Gained: Epic Stamina

You are the patterner, yours are the hands that moved the orbits of the world to bring it closer to the sun. You are the readers of prophesies and the followers of the great plans. You are the unseen hand behind history. Subtle your influence was not yet always it remained unsuspected. You are the fall of empires and the rise of the young mingled, sworn foe of Chaos who despoiled what you have built.

Gained: Domain of Fate.

You are the eyes always open, always seeing the waves of the infinite. You are the comet blazing heralding a new god for your people and the patterns of the stars reflected in temples and holy places through the continents, so that each constellation shines on its earthly reflection. You are the mind always churning, those who know how the world began, who saw species emerge from the muck. You are the eyes and the mind and the subtle hands who weave, who spin and who cut.

Gained: Domain of Stars, Epic Perception, Epic Intelligence

Here what you are looking like. There are around the two fighters a ring of many-stepped pyramids in such numbers nobody would number them. On each of this pyramid you stand emerging, vast robes concealing the void of your body while the stuff of stars, the many galaxies and the whirling nebulaes roll in the darkness of your face. You stand facing every direction and none as your eyes, manifold and unseen as attuned to every sight of the realm entire and bound only by the barrier between worlds.

You are what you are and you see what your two companions are, strangers of the same land united by a common hatred.

Once upon a time she was a queen radiant as the sun she embodies. Still she remained with the passions of the warm-bloods for once her brother the god of the storms launched a flayed horse in her weaving room she retreated to a deep cave uncaring of the world withering in her absence. She also banished her brother the moon when he killed a host for he was disgusted with the manner she was providing for the feast. Yet she ruled with justice, forbade the great gods to torment the mortals and when she placed her descendants on the throne of humanity she gave him great treasures of might. Amaterasu is her name goddess of sunlight and supporter of the world.

The other, well Mikaboshi was not so depraved as the servants of the Chaos Gods but he still pridefully refused to submit to Heaven. You see him and your mind at last recognize where you have seen his like before. Those elves who toyed with black magic but did not kneel before the Ruinous Powers. The man who stole immortality and led the legions of the dead against the waves of daemonkind. They had this look and they ended the same, helping in the ruin of all you hold dear. Evil no doubt but also annoying by orders of magnitude.

So what do you do?

[] Wrestle the stars away from him
[] Blast his palace with celestial flame
[] Bless visibly Amaterasu
[] Write-in

Also the combination of Epic Perception and Epic Intelligence enables you to have the answer to one of these questions.

[] What are Azyr and the other Realms?
[] What happened to the other Incarnates?
[] How to have living servants again?
[] What are the gods, and by extension you?
[] What are the Ruinous Powers doing/planning at the moment?
[] Write-in (subject of course to veto)
Godform: Eye of the Unseen
Godform: Eye of the Unseen

The Eye of the Unseen succeeds any mental actions it attempts. He is forbidden to take direct physical actions and is counted as having -20 when rolling to do so.

Legend Points: 144

Ultimate Stamina: Nothing can't harm you as long as you justify yourself to Fate. 30 Legend to negate any attack or being brought back from the dead if you haven't the time to activate it.

Ultimate Perception: Nothing is hidden to your sight. 30 Legend to automatically perceive everything in the Realm you're in

Ultimate Intelligence: You are knowledge. 30 Legend to have theological, psychological or strategic insight. If something is knowable to you, you know it.

The Wyrd: You are master of doom. 30 Legend to assume the Wyrd and be able of curses-blessings of epic proportion and applying over gods if they don't resist with another Assumption.

The Crown: You set the stars into motion: 30 Legend to do anything related to the Stars. The suggestion is subject to QM veto but marooning foes in the space between galaxies, catching the literal constellation of the Shield to protect you or influencing a star lifespan from creation to death and transformation into a black hole are fine examples.

Domain of Fate: Blessing/Curses/Sanctifying Oaths 15 Legend by use

Domain of the Stars: Moral Boosts/Morale debuffs/Starry Flames/Transforming people into stars/Influencing Stars 15 Legend by use
How to gain living servants.
How to gain living servants.
So how to make living servants. It was the easiest question to answer even if confusingly the answer is: Both easy and difficult.

Let's get that out of the way by yourself it's impossible. Your repeated choices in this quest have ensured you have way more chances to pick the Domain of Death than anything related to life and the flesh, which is totally a thing in-character.

Well that's not true, what you could totally do is pay 60 Legend while in godform becoming both the Wyrd and the Crown and then cutting parts of your burning essence and using your power over fate to metaphysically separate them from yourself. Such beings would be well, star elementals and a bit lacking in the body department but with your Epic Intelligence they would be very wise indeed. It would be less Lizardmen than mini-Slanns

If you want specifically to have Lizardmen, you know now they are in the Realm of Beasts and have surely been changed by the transition. This civilization in Ghur is composed of live Sauruses and Skinks and other Lustrian beasties and technically using the Crown to grant them immunity to vacuum is possible especially if you use the Wyrd to tie the entire species I the blessing. Still they have changed already and will change more the time you get to them.

As for going to Ghur, gods like Artemis, Itzlpaotl or Mixcoatl have gates in their domains leading to the realm as they have strong animal connotations.

Technically the easiest way to introduce true life in your domain would be to have a god with Fertility use the Assumption of the Green to literally make stones alive. Astarte and Amaterasu can do it and you have already met them but it's the apex of diplomatic relations with them as an Assumption has some cost for the god who does it. Astarte is actually the best for it because she's also goddess of the rain and thus is able to make a world (she doesn't have Earth so she can't form geological features from scratch) life-bearing. Well kind of because you would need a sun-god to transform the star into a sun (These two are different in Azyr).

A rather long-shot one would be to create gods with other deities and hope I draw the Empress, the Devil or Temperance when defining your child. So a 3/22 chance. That would net you a child with Fertility, just as Sacton has Earth.

Speaking of Sacton technically him or any craft-oriented god which in the vicinity means either Apollo or the Slavic Svarosvitch could make you bodies of living stone and metal you would use Ultimate Intelligence and the Wyrd to infuse with parts of your mind.
is it possible to claim an existing race or at least part of such race? for example, if we claim our dominion over a group of human what will be the direct and indirect effects? will they mutate into lizardman or they will be mentally enhanced without any kind of physical transformation? is forging a covenant like settra formed with Nehekharan Gods also possible?
is it possible to claim an existing race or at least part of such race? for example, if we claim our dominion over a group of human what will be the direct and indirect effects? will they mutate into lizardman or they will be mentally enhanced without any kind of physical transformation? is forging a covenant like settra formed with Nehekharan Gods also possible?

Azyr natives wouldn't be bothered by the lack of breathable air but you would need something to feed them which means needing still a Fertility specialist. In the event where you can feed them, no they won't mutate into Lizardmen because you would need powers over the flesh to do that and the consensus in the thread has been to actively augment your mind.

They would be mentally enhanced however your Epic Intelligence makes you super-good at teaching and if you rock Ultimate Intelligence you can imprint knowledge directly in their mind.

Depends what you mean by covenant. You can bless worshippers and get power from worship (even if you seriously don't need it that much seeing as you can draw power from Azyr natural features) and a formal agreement could be made but it would only be an obligation if you have worshippers in other realms. In Azyr you can hear prayers and offer blessings just fine.
Divine fight
So you surely have a fight on your hands and you have noticed the 144 points of Legend on your godform sheet. Mikaboshi and Amaterasu have less than you right now as they have already done a first exchange.

Normal powers (well the stuff that works on gods) are worth 15 points of Legend. The Assumptions and Ultimate cost 30 and can be used in any combination as long as you can rack the cost. Assumptions and Ultimate can be used to defend against other and in that case it's always the defender who wins because when an unstoppable force meets an unmoveable object, the object stands.

So that rises a question on how you will fight

[] Liberal: Use of Assumptions and Ultimates as often as possible which will introduce an answer. If someone in Azyr has not been aware of the fight at the moment they will be.

[] Conservative: Use of Assumptions and Ultimates as last resort (basically if Mikaboshi uses them first). The confrontation is a bit quieter
Azyr natives wouldn't be bothered by the lack of breathable air but you would need something to feed them which means needing still a Fertility specialist. In the event where you can feed them, no they won't mutate into Lizardmen because you would need powers over the flesh to do that and the consensus in the thread has been to actively augment your mind.

They would be mentally enhanced however your Epic Intelligence makes you super-good at teaching and if you rock Ultimate Intelligence you can imprint knowledge directly in their mind.

Depends what you mean by covenant. You can bless worshippers and get power from worship (even if you seriously don't need it that much seeing as you can draw power from Azyr natural features) and a formal agreement could be made but it would only be an obligation if you have worshippers in other realms. In Azyr you can hear prayers and offer blessings just fine.
but worship generate extra power is it not? i understand that i can draw power from Azyr natural features, but faith is, after all, a secondary source. you said a formal agreement could be made but it would only be an obligation if you have worshippers in other realms. that will it allow us to tap into faith or extra source of power, is it possible will enough faith we can influence that realm? maybe even implement our theme into patterns of that realm and vice versa?
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[x] Conservative: Use of Assumptions and Ultimates as last resort (basically if Mikaboshi uses them first). The confrontation is a bit quieter

Never show all the cards unless you have too
but worship generate extra power is it not? i understand that i can draw power from Azyr natural features, but faith is, after all, a secondary source. you said a formal agreement could be made but it would only be an obligation if you have worshippers in other realms. that will it allow us to tap into faith or extra source of power, is it possible will enough faith we can influence that realm? maybe even implement our theme into patterns of that realm and vice versa?

These are complicated questions to answer because they touch on what are the gods and what are the realms. But the gist of it is you are not a Warp being defined by faith but a material god present in the flesh, well in the mind. Thus as you stand in your Realm, your worshippers are in the same metaphysical space than you.

Rituals, formal agreements, temples, priesthood and all that jizz would be necessary for the prayers of worshippers in other realms to reach you, to make the energy breaks the barrier between the contained universes that are the Realms.

With enough faith and power yes, you would be able to influence the others Realm and by instance light stars above Shysh. It would still have to conform to the rules of the realm and thus by instance the stars in Shysh would be dead but you could.

Except if the gods that rule the area where you make the change disagree and then it's a contested roll where except if you have a ginormous amount of worshippers in the Realm in question they get a massive home advantage.

This is the same system who keeps the Forces of Chaos from tearing randomly the reality of the Realms apart. Closing a breach in Azyr by instance would be a child play for any of the gods there. Some Realms have stable gates to the Realm of Chaos or the Warp but Azyr is not one of them.
is it possible to devour or assimilate weakened God/Goddess of a similar theme without any kind of negative effects? To rewrite his/her essence to serve us or to completely devour him/her domains?
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