Age of Myths (Age of Sigmar): Third Time the charm

is it possible to devour or assimilate weakened God/Goddess of a similar theme without any kind of negative effects? To rewrite his/her essence to serve us or to completely devour him/her domains?

The first, not as Kroak no. It would be thematcally appropriate for Nagash or Gorkamorka, or even Sigmar if done by taking the emblems of the defeated foe, but this kind of thing is too primal for Kroak and the Slaans. Even for those mentioned above there would be detrimental effects as gods don't die easy even devoured. Just ask Cronos.

You could however convince somebody who is your friend to temporarily merge with you with Ultimate Intelligence then uniting your mind and doing things as one but such a process would need a willing partner and it would change you just like your contact with Astarte changed you.

As for rewriting them. Again that is not really in theme with Kroak as the Lizardmen were not shown using that much mind-control or at all. It would also suppose a victory so complete I don't know if the god in question would be that useful. In addition a major god would be protected by their links to the Realms.

Basically if you want to do that, you must pursue and obtain the Incarnatehood of Azyr, which would mean conflict with Sigmar who still has part of it, and several turns worth of dedicated Piety actions. If you manage to become one with the Realm defintively you would be able to envisage to do that.

Of course either action would basically unite everyone against you and would be impossible to act without gaining first divine mastery of stealth. The death of a god makes the Realms tremble.

TL:Dr: If you want divine servants it's much better to have children or make allies than going your way.
if we temporarily merge with sigmar or sun princess such contact will change us and them, but will that force us to lose our current domains and our talents(Ultimate perception, stamina & intelligence) or lessen them?
Nope it would add to them, there is nothing lost in that merging. Just as nothing was lost in your contact with Astarte but you gained some understanding of emotions.
[X] Liberal

I am done running. Impress upon them our might and use the deadly combination we chose.
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[X] Conservative: Use of Assumptions and Ultimates as last resort (basically if Mikaboshi uses them first). The confrontation is a bit quieter

This fight isn't everything. We contain this one.
As for having living servants...I like the Have Lots of Kids solution!
The August Star of Heavens: part 4
The August Star of Heavens: part 4
Roll: 98

Alone among the gods of Azyr no altar ever burned for you and no incense was offered to your presence yet you don't feel shame for this. You were the Incarnate of Heavens for a brief time, holding the powers of the stars while the storm descended to dwell in Sigmar. When the world was consumed and you fell in unreality your power ever-expanding created Azyr itself. So even if you have no worshippers you rest content you have created this universe and all in it which didn't come from outside, refugees like you from lands defiled by the hand of Chaos. Hundreds of gracile hands thus rise and strike at Mikaboshi affirming that the stars are your dominion and he can't force them in directions you can't approve.

For a moment it works, and you see the sublime masked face frown in incomprehension till he raises his eyes to your manifold self and laughs bitterly. He fights you as well as he is able but his mighty pride doesn't change your difference in stature. He was the Pole Star which, while the axis the heavens turn around is still but a single star while you hold sway over the vastness of the universe itself and the portents of its messengers.

Mikaboshi: 130 Legend: Spend 30 to become the Crown: 100

Seeing his power wane, Mikaboshi resorts to Assumption, reminding the universe he is too a power of the heavens and a master of the starry expanse. He folds and unfolds across many dimension, his palace now bearing an ideogram your enhanced mind translate as "unmoving center" and your own powers begins to ebb as his silhouette grows to grotesque proportions till he can seize stars in his fist and pass them like rings at his fingers. The pull of gravity is felt even by your unsubstantial bodies and your pyramids of living stone are unmoored from their places, slowly falling towards him.

Well that certainly counts as an emergency.

Kroak: 144 Legend: Spend 30 to become the Wyrd: 114

You don't fight him in the lands of stars for you have other powers and call on the Assumption of Fate. What was still physical in you fades away, living stone broken to chips and melting in the air, robed figures burnt by their own inner flames. Each is now a star that flies and forms the shape you wear, made of light instead of bones. And each is many and one, a story melded with the others to tell your story. Your right eye is Mazdamundi who leveled mountains, your left eye Adoni-Tegha who stood alone as the continents broke. The Slaan who is your right index pursued the Dark Elves to bring back the riches they stole. And right in the middle of your brow, like a shining third eye is your namesake, Lord Kroak ever standing, ever watching.

And all say to Mikaboshi that you will not be moved.

Amaterasu: 130 Legend: Spend 15 to summon the dawn and the hope it brings to your side.
Roll: 33+47: 80: Great Success: +20 for Kroak

Amaterasu, sunlit queen of eastern lands, acts and do not stay idle. Her power flares from her, not against your common foe but to support you. It is warm as the light of the day and it comforts your old bones. Under that light your gests are surer, your steps more assured and your actions blessed. Perhaps it's there that pride enters your heart but you know better. Pride was already in your mind and you didn't need the warmth of the sun to understand it. For while you hold the mantle of master of fate you reach with your hands to Mikaboshi and feel his connection to his power.

Kroak: 97
Mikaboshi: 3

The August Star of Heavens, the Pole Star, the rogue kami who defied a pantheon, Mikaboshi screams and screams and screams for you feel the link between him and the strange light of the stars and the vault of heavens, and you tear it from him. He howls as the Crown is torn from his brow and with it all his influence over the Domains of Stars. All light deserts his face and his beauty shines for a last sublime moment before it shifts to ugliness so foul it makes your very heart miss one of its thunderous slow beat. After this, Amaterasu and the rest of her pantheon will tell you that you couldn't know but Mikaboshi is the Pole Star but in a world near their own he was identified as the darkness before creation and the ruler of the world before the gods. And to that state he reverts as you take from him what was light

Mikaboshi: 100 Legend: Spend 60 to Assume both the Abyss and Ultimate Appearance: 40 Legend remaining
Spend the 40 left to affirm his new position: 94+32: 126: Black Hole

It is not darkness as you know it. Darkness is the absence of light, and that, that is a thing in its own. It is mist which choke your lungs and ocean whose waves break your cohesion and lose your constituents parts in its whirlwind. You see stars falling from the heavens and drown, their light and beauty forgotten as they emerge as black asters who spread darkness rather than radiance. You seek to anchor yourself but finds you cannot, for in the spreading gloom you can only see masks of porcelain who break and reforms into shapes you cannot bear.

Hail the Slanns, they laugh, hail the Slanns! Captains foolhardy in battle, stewards who didn't understand or care for the world they protected! How you treated the other races, not as children but as nuisances. How you destroyed them when they intruded over your lands until none, even among the wise, would come at you in search of knowledge. Perhaps if they had you would have a chance but you have murdered the world and done so repeatedly. For you see your selves standing atop their pyramids, always watching and rarely acting and even more acting rightly. Following the dictates of plan made obsolete as the Polar Gates became ,portals to unreality, you have damned the world under your care as surely as the ratmen or the servants of Chaos. Before you stand what you were and still are, and you shudder for dead golden eyes look at you with your own pride, with your own contempt of what isn't you and your own unthinking obedience.

You are a tool and a poorly made one at that says the Shadow and your resolve falters and you are ready to surrender to the waves of darkness that are Mikaboshi ultimate attempt to destroy his foes.

Yet other eyes are fixed on the battlefield and the rumor of the fight has gone so great that the gods of Azyr, gods of sun, star and moon who look at the worlds from above can't ignore it no longer. In realms you haven't gazed upon yet, a winged snake and a woman with a girdle of running dogs folds space for themselves and others making other gods make haste. For Mikaboshi, the Domain of the Stars ripped from his essence claims the throne of the darkness between the stars, the darkness that swallows all. And others object strenuously for that would give him the crown of Azyr.

You will learn after that the Assumption of the Sun is named the Glory and you understand it. For at least twelve great gods of the Sun assume their most powerful form and light sears the darkness until you see again the spires of Mikaboshi's palace now charred and blackened by the fire coming down, or is it because his realignment to the power of darkness. You see a gate of jet at the center slowly opening, a portal to Ulgu where shadows roam alive and remain the powers of eternal night and trickery alike. A voice echo in your head as a mind as powerful as yours touches your thoughts. You process the contact as Coeus the titan son of Ouranous and Gaïa, prophet and master of the axis of heavens.

"The choice is simple here weaver of fate. Either give him back his power and let him remains the Pole Star, or decree his link to the darkness within and without. I would do it myself but we would risk losing large chunks of this place if I'm not holding it."

So what do you do?

[] Restore Mikaboshi connection to the Stars, enabling him to remains in Azyr.
[] Banish him to Ulgu to make him someone else problem.
[] Try to kill him, which will send him to Shysh.

Restoring his connection will enforce the status-quo and leaves him defeated and hating pretty much everyone in Azyr for his ignominious defeat. Banishing him to Ulgu risks him gaining new powers and allies as his nature shifts. Killing him will have the same risks as banishing him and even with your Ultimates you don't know how gods die and what happens to them afterwards.

Adhoc vote count started by ganonso on Dec 30, 2017 at 8:05 PM, finished with 18 posts and 6 votes.
[X] Restore Mikaboshi connection to the Stars, enabling him to remains in Azyr.

Prefer to keep him where we can see him.


The Dominion of Stars (You)
Carthago (Astarte): Honored (17 620/24 000)
The Northern Hunting Grounds (Mixcoatl)
Tollan the Reborn (Quetzacoatl)
The Axis of Heavens (Coeus)
Starry A'aaru (Aset)

The Heavenly Plains (Amaterasu) FRIENDLY (6000/12000)

The Aetheric Realm: (Sokta the Bright Lady): NEUTRAL (4520/6000)
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The Dominion of Stars (You)
Carthago (Astarte): FRIENDLY (6000/12000)
The Palace of Pride (Mikaboshi): HATE
The Northern Hunting Grounds (Mixcoatl)
Tollan the Reborn (Quetzacoatl)
The Axis of Heavens (Coeus)
Starry A'aaru (Aset)

The Heavenly Plains (Amaterasu) FRIENDLY (6000/12000)
If we refuse to give back stars to mikaboshi then will we able to assimilate them as spoils?
Adhoc vote count started by SouvikKundu on Dec 30, 2017 at 6:13 PM, finished with 8 posts and 5 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by SouvikKundu on Dec 31, 2017 at 3:58 AM, finished with 19 posts and 6 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by SouvikKundu on Jan 1, 2018 at 1:38 PM, finished with 21 posts and 7 votes.
If he's gonna be an enemy anyway, I'd rather him being one that isn't occupying our territory.

And, from the looks of it, conservative wasn't ideal anyway if we got attention regardless. Be stronger and firmer. Despite good rolls we only won because of others' intervention.
If we refuse to give back stars to mikaboshi then will we able to assimilate them as spoils?

You will have the title of "God of the Pole Star" that you will be able to give to Sacton by instance. You have the Assumption of the Stars already, the ultimate mastery over the Domain. Infinite power doubled is still infinite power.

But you can give them to a servant and as I hope this fight has proved Assumptions are literally game-changing in a fight of gods versus gods

BTW Mechanically Sacton has: Epic Intelligence, the Domain of Stars and the Domain of Earth but he has neither the Ultimate nor the Assumptions and his legend pool is of 81 in godform. This is the same as by instance Eos from Greek mythology or the stars courtiers of Mikaboshi Palace.

If he's gonna be an enemy anyway, I'd rather him being one that isn't occupying our territory.

And, from the looks of it, conservative wasn't ideal anyway if we got attention regardless. Be stronger and firmer. Despite good rolls we only won because of others' intervention.

Conservative as the result you sit a 114 Legend while Mikaboshi is totally expanded since his attempt to swallow you has been broken by several angry sun-gods, and people like Ra or Shamash are loving the "didn't start shit" attitude you just took. So there were benefits.

Liberal, counting average rolls, would have you and Mikaboshi pop up the Crown and fighting a tug of war for the control of the immediate zone until Amaterasu would assume the Glory and punk Mikaboshi under searing light. The choice would surely have been to either try to kill the rogue Kami or to imprison him in his palace by Ultimate Strength.

It would have also more chance to ping you as a troublemaker to your neighbors.

EDIT: What made the fight noticeable to all (and Epic Perception is very widespread for people with celestial connotations) was the two successes and the failure of Mikaboshi. Criticals by gods are felt through the cosmos.
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You will have the title of "God of the Pole Star" that you will be able to give to Sacton by instance. You have the Assumption of the Stars already, the ultimate mastery over the Domain. Infinite power doubled is still infinite power.

But you can give them to a servant and as I hope this fight has proved Assumptions are literally game-changing in a fight of gods versus gods

BTW Mechanically Sacton has: Epic Intelligence, the Domain of Stars and the Domain of Earth but he has neither the Ultimate nor the Assumptions and his legend pool is of 81 in godform. This is the same as by instance Eos from Greek mythology or the stars courtiers of Mikaboshi Palace.

Conservative as the result you sit a 114 Legend while Mikaboshi is totally expanded since his attempt to swallow you has been broken by several angry sun-gods, and people like Ra or Shamash are loving the "didn't start shit" attitude you just took. So there were benefits.

Liberal, counting average rolls, would have you and Mikaboshi pop up the Crown and fighting a tug of war for the control of the immediate zone until Amaterasu would assume the Glory and punk Mikaboshi under searing light. The choice would surely have been to either try to kill the rogue Kami or to imprison him in his palace by Ultimate Strength.

It would have also more chance to ping you as a troublemaker to your neighbors.

EDIT: What made the fight noticeable to all (and Epic Perception is very widespread for people with celestial connotations) was the two successes and the failure of Mikaboshi. Criticals by gods are felt through the cosmos.
Huh. So, is it hard to regain spent Legend than?
Legend is renewed either by turn or event chain. So if you had angered someone (not likely with this fight but other gods are not so solitary as prideful Mikaboshi and live with at least a spouse or a child), you would not be able to regain Legend before the other fight.
I see.

Anyway guys, I know there's the saying "keep your friends close and your enemies closer" but in practice that sucks. If we throw him out we can empower a servant with the spoils and won't have to keep an eye on more than one place in the event of external conflict.
This post is there to explain how some things work in Azyr because shit gets seriously weird, notably because Azyr is the realm where space works strangely.

The main "sphere" if you can call it that of the Realm is the starry domains you are walking right now. There dwell gods associated primarily with the stars. If you land on a moon and concentrate enough, you arrive in another sphere where the great domains are enormous silver islands which well are the moons and the many gods who rule them. The eternal storm of people like Sigmar, Thor or Shango travels in all spheres as a sort of natural phenomenon who contains its own share of fiefdoms.

As an aside I'm not really a fan of putting storms in Azyr as they would be more at home in my Aqshy "realm of raging elements" but that was part of the Lore of Heavens even in battle. So I've decided with gods primarily associated lightning are in Azyr while gods mainly associated with rain are in Aqshy.

The sphere of the suns is complicated because light there doesn't really come from the stars, at least for the moment, but from the royal presence of the gods, keeping with the Azyr the realms of stars theme. That pisses off the sun gods really fierce because they were really fine with the whole "I'm the brightest and the ruler of the day" thing. Their consolation prizes is that their sphere is technically just above Hysh, making them the light of the Realm of the Light. Most have also palaces there.
We can keep him here where literally everyone else hates him and will block his growth, or we can cast him out where he can find allies, STILL hates us and will be unchecked.