Age of Myths (Age of Sigmar): Third Time the charm

[X] A god or is it a goddess? You cannot say for they change with such speed no shape is fixed. Yet no shape they can take can save them from the devastation of the city and the dead of their brothers and sisters. They look like a youth sitting at the borders of gender, with long white hair and a pregnant belly. They are clad in radiant silver and yet they pass from dignified dignitary to maddened beast and even become sometimes gates to the Beyond, letting around them the madness of the Warp. Yet they are foe of Chaos, the kind that was forged to destroy it using its own weapons. While you are not minded to approve, it seems they have survived for that while other more ordered gods were simply destroyed.

Luna Wyldsbane.
I think she'd counterbalance our rather...cerebral and static gods so far.
We need a trickster after all. Either her or Five Days Darkness, but she is oh so much stronger.
[x] A youth freed from what seem an intricate mechanism. He is weeping for even as they imprisoned him and cast him down they were still his siblings. His skin is black as starless night and his hair is white as snow and starfire. Of all his domain is the most elusive for he has power over what could be and not what will be. Possibilities are his purview and now he remains transfixed amidst the ruins of those who struck him down, wondering if they paid his imprisonment such. Still in his heart has been set the love of everything new and he remains a foe of Chaos who devours possibility and collapse it tonothingness.
[X] A god or is it a goddess? You cannot say for they change with such speed no shape is fixed. Yet no shape they can take can save them from the devastation of the city and the dead of their brothers and sisters. They look like a youth sitting at the borders of gender, with long white hair and a pregnant belly. They are clad in radiant silver and yet they pass from dignified dignitary to maddened beast and even become sometimes gates to the Beyond, letting around them the madness of the Warp. Yet they are foe of Chaos, the kind that was forged to destroy it using its own weapons. While you are not minded to approve, it seems they have survived for that while other more ordered gods were simply destroyed.
[X] A god or is it a goddess? You cannot say for they change with such speed no shape is fixed. Yet no shape they can take can save them from the devastation of the city and the dead of their brothers and sisters. They look like a youth sitting at the borders of gender, with long white hair and a pregnant belly. They are clad in radiant silver and yet they pass from dignified dignitary to maddened beast and even become sometimes gates to the Beyond, letting around them the madness of the Warp. Yet they are foe of Chaos, the kind that was forged to destroy it using its own weapons. While you are not minded to approve, it seems they have survived for that while other more ordered gods were simply destroyed.
Exalted. They are the Unconquered Sun (well not Unconquered anymore), Luna the Shifter, the Maidens of Destiny (Mercury,Venus,Mars,Jupiter,Saturn) and Nox Prince of Free-will. Mighty gods who nevertheless were addicted to their setting version of WOW
can anybody give me info on last one aka nox, i am aware of first three not last one.
This could be interesting.
The might of the surviving god/goddess has been broken and it is up to us to get this new divinity back on his/her feet. I wonder how our spiritual influence might effect the nature of the new existence that we will grant them?

Another thing to take into consideration is whether the portion of the essence of their being that exists as their Exaltation's came with them and if Chaos manged to corrupt any of those Exaltations, much like the Yozi and Neverborn once did (or worse learned how to create their own versions).

Actually did the surviving divinity manage to escape Chaos unwarped?

Luna forever tainted and bedeviled by the ever more capricious Changer of Ways; the essence of a Lord of Change forever added to the amalgam of Could-Have-Been Moon deities that exist within her, when she was tricked into ripping out and devouring its cruel, enchanted heart.

Ignis Divine whose perfection Slaanesh personally violated, through the medium of vice and excess provided by the the Games of Divinity themselves. He whose four virtues, grasped tightly in each hand, of Conviction, Compassion, Valor and Temperance were poisoned by Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Khorne and Nurgle respectively.

The Five Maidens Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars and Saturn; each of whose fates Slaanesh, Tzeentch, Nurgle, Khorne and Yakeen marred and broke forever.

Nox in whose dreams of endless possibilities Chaos Undivided whispered; speaking of how each and every, conceivable and inconceivable possibility could and should be realized by all - however fleeting, horrific and surreal that Chaotic realization might prove to be - if only the constraints of Fate and Order were no more.

[X] Five goddesses who are yet one. Five great ones sitting and weeping along the remnants of the Loom of crystal and the corpses of those who were their chosen. Once they wove the very fabric of fate, surveying the walls of reality. Of the great gods they were the weakest and the strongest. Weakest for they were five to equal one of their peers, and strongest because their decrees were obeyed by all. Maidens they were called and yet Crones they became at the sight of the fate that befell their home. Yet they smile as if freed from prison. They are clad in saffron, blue, red, green and violet and their eyes like yours are filled with stars.
[X] A god or is it a goddess? You cannot say for they change with such speed no shape is fixed. Yet no shape they can take can save them from the devastation of the city and the dead of their brothers and sisters. They look like a youth sitting at the borders of gender, with long white hair and a pregnant belly. They are clad in radiant silver and yet they pass from dignified dignitary to maddened beast and even become sometimes gates to the Beyond, letting around them the madness of the Warp. Yet they are foe of Chaos, the kind that was forged to destroy it using its own weapons. While you are not minded to approve, it seems they have survived for that while other more ordered gods were simply destroyed.

In the agony of defeat when Yu-Shan was cast down around him the Unconquered Sun managed to restore his Temperance and for a time protect his innermost essence with the Aegis of Invunerability

Luna was created as kin to Chaos and she danced in the waves, changing as they changed and yet remaining the same.

The Five Maidens made of the Loom of Fate their innermost shield, becoming for a time the embodiment of Samsara, the unyielding decree of Fate and thus escaping Chaos by becoming that it can never understand.

Nox was protected hilariously by being in the most secure location of all. Like Luna he asserted it was impossible to survive Chaos unwarped. And so as lord of the impossible, he did just that.

There are no Exaltations though. Not only were they vastly less powerful and durable than in canon Exalted but the Ruinous Powers took great care to flood them with impossible energies before chaining them at the center of the Warp where all things are possible and impossible. There they were destroyed.

The Chaos Gods have some blessings and marks who look like Exaltation (Tzeentch has Lunar and Sidereal themes by instance while Khorne Infernal and Solar and Nurgle some corruption of the Dragon Blooded) but they are not the indestructible shards of canon Exalted.

In the agony of defeat when Yu-Shan was cast down around him the Unconquered Sun managed to restore his Temperance and for a time protect his innermost essence with the Aegis of Invunerability

Luna was created as kin to Chaos and she danced in the waves, changing as they changed and yet remaining the same.

The Five Maidens made of the Loom of Fate their innermost shield, becoming for a time the embodiment of Samsara, the unyielding decree of Fate and thus escaping Chaos by becoming that it can never understand.

Nox was protected hilariously by being in the most secure location of all. Like Luna he asserted it was impossible to survive Chaos unwarped. And so as lord of the impossible, he did just that.

There are no Exaltations though. Not only were they vastly less powerful and durable than in canon Exalted but the Ruinous Powers took great care to flood them with impossible energies before chaining them at the center of the Warp where all things are possible and impossible. There they were destroyed.

The Chaos Gods have some blessings and marks who look like Exaltation (Tzeentch has Lunar and Sidereal themes by instance while Khorne Infernal and Solar and Nurgle some corruption of the Dragon Blooded) but they are not the indestructible shards of canon Exalted.
As it is not yet established which of them actually survived, how might they all have been slain?
As it is not yet established which of them actually survived, how might they all have been slain?

Sol Invictus was taken out by assassination while enjoying the Games of Divinity (and thus deprived of his Aegis).

Luna was basically unable to maintain cohesion once everyone she knew or cared about was slain and the Ruinous Power found a way to sever her Intimacies making her shapeless and claimable by Tzeench

Fate is no protection when the Fates of the world have been poisoned by the touch of Nurgle making the shield of the Maidens only an invitation to eternal stagnation and decay.

Nox mastery of impossiblity did not avail him when confronted to the Dragon Beyond the World who declared his paradoxical existence meant he was one of his sub-souls all along. Alternatively he never existed at all.
Nox mastery of impossiblity did not avail him when confronted to the Dragon Beyond the World who declared his paradoxical existence meant he was one of his sub-souls all along. Alternatively he never existed at all.
Oh yeah Oramus.
Did Chaos free him from the prison of his own wings? Was he as the Ruinous Powers are at that point?
The Yozis are Children of the Chaos Gods, most powerful of the many sub-gods gathered under the banner of Chaos Undivided. Or perhaps it's the history that exists now and they existed as Exalted posits before rewriting their own history by embracing Chaos.

Oramus is the child of Tzeentch, lord of change and impossibilities, he was once imprisoned but the Changer of Ways freed him and his pantheon.

Notable Yozis include the Ebon Dragon (child of Slaanesh and Yakeen), Isidoros (child of Khorne, Nurgle and Slaanesh), Malfeas (Child of Khorne and Slaanesh, or at least Ligier is Slaaneshi) and Metagagos (Child of Nurgle and Khorne)
I vote Luna. We shall remake her in the image of a pretty pony princess.

I vote her anyway, for reals, just cause I think she could use a friend.
[X] A god or is it a goddess? You cannot say for they change with such speed no shape is fixed. Yet no shape they can take can save them from the devastation of the city and the dead of their brothers and sisters. They look like a youth sitting at the borders of gender, with long white hair and a pregnant belly. They are clad in radiant silver and yet they pass from dignified dignitary to maddened beast and even become sometimes gates to the Beyond, letting around them the madness of the Warp. Yet they are foe of Chaos, the kind that was forged to destroy it using its own weapons. While you are not minded to approve, it seems they have survived for that while other more ordered gods were simply destroyed.

because i have a major fondness for the moon and moon themed characters.
[X] A god or is it a goddess? You cannot say for they change with such speed no shape is fixed. Yet no shape they can take can save them from the devastation of the city and the dead of their brothers and sisters. They look like a youth sitting at the borders of gender, with long white hair and a pregnant belly. They are clad in radiant silver and yet they pass from dignified dignitary to maddened beast and even become sometimes gates to the Beyond, letting around them the madness of the Warp. Yet they are foe of Chaos, the kind that was forged to destroy it using its own weapons. While you are not minded to approve, it seems they have survived for that while other more ordered gods were simply destroyed.
[X] A god or is it a goddess? You cannot say for they change with such speed no shape is fixed. Yet no shape they can take can save them from the devastation of the city and the dead of their brothers and sisters. They look like a youth sitting at the borders of gender, with long white hair and a pregnant belly. They are clad in radiant silver and yet they pass from dignified dignitary to maddened beast and even become sometimes gates to the Beyond, letting around them the madness of the Warp. Yet they are foe of Chaos, the kind that was forged to destroy it using its own weapons. While you are not minded to approve, it seems they have survived for that while other more ordered gods were simply destroyed.
Can someone give me the pros and cos of these Gods since I only have a limited knowledge of Exalted.

The Sun is perfect, excellent in every mortal pursuit, but his flaw is such that he cannot turn away or deviate from his course, never to refuse a challenge or to give aid.

The Moon is ever changing. She was born of chaos, as a weapon to defeat Chaos with chaos. She will meet strength with guile, guile with charm, charm with brutality. But her weakness is that she is not a little mad herself under the mask, and thus requires friends, lovers and children to anchor herself and act as her touchstones of stability.

The Maidens of Fate are wise and knowledgable, seeing the future in all its depth, having foretold their own coming, but what they see is absolute, they cannot change what has been foretold, and so acts between blind and free, or wise and trapped.

The last one less known though
[X] A god or is it a goddess? You cannot say for they change with such speed no shape is fixed. Yet no shape they can take can save them from the devastation of the city and the dead of their brothers and sisters. They look like a youth sitting at the borders of gender, with long white hair and a pregnant belly. They are clad in radiant silver and yet they pass from dignified dignitary to maddened beast and even become sometimes gates to the Beyond, letting around them the madness of the Warp. Yet they are foe of Chaos, the kind that was forged to destroy it using its own weapons. While you are not minded to approve, it seems they have survived for that while other more ordered gods were simply destroyed.
[X] A god or is it a goddess? You cannot say for they change with such speed no shape is fixed. Yet no shape they can take can save them from the devastation of the city and the dead of their brothers and sisters. They look like a youth sitting at the borders of gender, with long white hair and a pregnant belly. They are clad in radiant silver and yet they pass from dignified dignitary to maddened beast and even become sometimes gates to the Beyond, letting around them the madness of the Warp. Yet they are foe of Chaos, the kind that was forged to destroy it using its own weapons. While you are not minded to approve, it seems they have survived for that while other more ordered gods were simply destroyed.
[X] A god or is it a goddess? You cannot say for they change with such speed no shape is fixed. Yet no shape they can take can save them from the devastation of the city and the dead of their brothers and sisters. They look like a youth sitting at the borders of gender, with long white hair and a pregnant belly. They are clad in radiant silver and yet they pass from dignified dignitary to maddened beast and even become sometimes gates to the Beyond, letting around them the madness of the Warp. Yet they are foe of Chaos, the kind that was forged to destroy it using its own weapons. While you are not minded to approve, it seems they have survived for that while other more ordered gods were simply destroyed.
Luna Vote
Ok overwhelmingly Luna. Kinda surprising I would have bet on you taking the Unconquered Sun and trying to whip him back into shape. Or the Five Maidens.

So Luna. Well if I wanted to model her Exalted puissance she would have all Epic Attributes and Moon, Chaos,Illusion and you can make the case to War and a bunch of other purviews. Of course I would have to take into account she is a protean shapeless monster whose anchors (Sol, the Maidens, Gaïa) have been destroyed.

But you're lucky, Luna latched unto you as her new anchor and pillar of, what passes to her, sanity. Still you are vast and powerful and so what Luna did see in you? (In any case she has Moon, Chaos and Illusion for they are hardwired into her nature)

[] Luna the Full Moon: All Physical Epic Attributes, War, Animal: This Luna is dedicated to the destruction of Chaos by the most violent way possible. She is refreshingly simple but still a shapeshifting combat monster who is as liable to uses ambush and assassination to win. Violence solves problems after all.

[] Luna the Changing Moon: All Social Epic Attributes, Emotion, Justice (for oath making). This Luna is bright and beautiful, made to seduce the foes of creation and manipulate them or even turn them into friends at the drop of an hat. And it's just for the worlds long to be commanded by one who feels.

[] Luna the New Moon: All Mental Epic, Magic, Death: This Luna is both sorceress and explorer dedicated to find the way to defeat Chaos by using the unorthodox. Her knowledge is entropic and she sees the weaknesses in the movements of your enemies. Then she strikes for she knows that to kill an empire sometimes frightening a mouse is quite enough.