[x]Ask about something else
-[x]The Computer Core's location
-[x]The Observation Deck
Yeah, the empire-building stuff is coming. but it just wouldn't be Mass Effect without at least some irritating fetch quests and go-here-and-press-X tasks, or hidden goodies and optional routes.
or, for that matter, dialogue trees.

basically, were this a videogame rather than a Quest, this part would be where the tutorials and such are. Like the first few missions in ME2 before you get the second Normandy.
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[X]resume exploring
-[X] look in the elevator to see what floors it goes to, don't actually use it yet
-[X] pick up another power pack
-[X] check out another orange door
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[X]resume exploring
-[X] look in the elevator to see what floors it goes to, don't actually use it yet
-[X] pick up another power pack
-[X] check out another orange door
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[X]resume exploring
-[X] look in the elevator to see what floors it goes to, don't actually use it yet
-[X] pick up another power pack
-[X] check out another orange door
I mean, it's also because there's some Character Establishing Moments coming up, which will affect your starting resources when the actual empire builder part starts.
I have a sort of general flavor for you already because of [SPOILERS], but yeah. also achievements.
Mechanis threw 2 2-faced dice. Reason: Heads or tails, gentlemen? Total: 4
2 2 2 2
[X]resume exploring
-[X] look in the elevator to see what floors it goes to, don't actually use it yet
-[X] pick up another power pack
-[X] check out another orange door
[X]resume exploring
-[X] look in the elevator to see what floors it goes to, don't actually use it yet
-[X] pick up another power pack
-[X] check out another orange door
Prologue: Awakening (Part Three) exploring some more and Duct Tape
[X] Resume Exploration
[X]Take a battery
[X]Find out where elevator goes
[X]look at an Orange door​

You decide to resume your exploration, stepping away from the VI interface. First, you investigate the elevator. The displays indicate it goes to the Observation deck.
You decide not to use it immediately, and instead return to the Battery Bank to pick up another power supply.
(added Key Item: Portable Power Supply. There are three remaining.)
you decide to investigate the door to your immediate left (by flipping the coin again,) and find yourself in a small cargo bay. A few crates of various spare parts are haphazardly strewn around, though it looks like there used to be more of them if the drag marks are any indication. Those terminate at a large hatch set in the floor. You assume this is where the inactive cargo elevator on the first floor goes.

A partitioned area on the far end has what you recognize as a backup combustion generator- these are originally Krogan technology and will run reasonably well on essentially anything flammable, from wood to oil to advanced synthetic fuels.

As you emerge from the generator room, you spot a tool belt lying halfway behind a crate, between the crate and the wall it's shoved against. its position concealed it from your initial search. Most of the sleeves and pockets seem to be empty, but you do find a small multi-tool, a flathead screwdriver, and around half a roll of what humans still called 'Duct tape' despite being able to patch a hull breach from the outside. Molecular bonding adhesive is strong stuff. The belt straps comfortably to a pair of loops on your bodysuit, seemingly designed for the purpose, sitting opposite your pistol.
(Gained Key Item: Forgotten Tool Belt: This belt has a plethora of loops, straps, and pouches meant to hold tools. Most of them are empty, but you do have a simple multi-tool, a good-old-fashioned screwdriver, and some molecular bonding tape in a silvery-grey color.)

You return to the central hub, beginning to feel something approaching well-equipped.

[]Go ask the VI about the computer core's location

[]Explore current level (pick a door)

[]Go check out the Observation deck

[]Go back downstairs and finish exploring

[]Go activate the exterior access airlock (will remove your portable power supply)

  • Sabuara's Alternative: This superbly crafted Asari machine pistol fires flash-forged needles at an extremely rapid rate. While normally this would restrict the weapon to short bursts, this example has been custom-made with a rotating cylinder containing multiple heat-sinks, allowing it to fire almost indefinitely. Combined with its accuracy and armor-piercing projectiles, and this is almost certainly a unique piece.
  • Forgotten Tool Belt: This belt has a plethora of loops, straps, and pouches meant to hold tools. Most of them are empty, but you do have a simple multi-tool, a good-old-fashioned screwdriver, and some molecular bonding tape in a silvery-grey color.
  • Portable Power Supply: This portable battery can be connected to various systems to power them for a short period. Once the battery runs out, you'll need to return it to the main battery bank to recharge, but there's several of them available. Of course, you may need to power multiple systems at the same time, which is annoying since it's only really practical to carry one at a time due to their bulk.

  • Battery Bank: has the charging rack for your portable power supply, as well as three more portable power supplies.
  • Datacenter Security Door: This heavy security door appears to need both a power supply and an ID card to enter.
  • Command Center VI Terminal: An interface for the pod's VI. Currently running on a portable power supply. Has a long list of woes for you, you should probably deal with some of them.
I need to find an ID card if I want to open the security door in the Datacenter.
The VI in the Command Center rattled off a long list of complaints once it was turned on. It looks like the first thing I should do is fix the power distribution system, and perform a few manual activations or inspections of various systems, most of which are outside.
[X] Explore East Blue door
We need to fix the power. So far, the orange doors have given us a battery bank and a generator.

[X] Check out the last orange door

Edit- ah, I see I was too late. To the east door, I suppose.

Edit2- no, wait. That door was locked. We need ID for it. Unless you all meant West. The dark blue.
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You know, with all this stuff not just missing, but removed, I kind of wonder if this seedship wasn't discovered already and looted for its advanced tech.

I wonder if we're going to get out and find someone using stuff reverse engineered from our stuff?
You know, with all this stuff not just missing, but removed, I kind of wonder if this seedship wasn't discovered already and looted for its advanced tech.

I wonder if we're going to get out and find someone using stuff reverse engineered from our stuff?
Well, at least we are probably the single most powerful organism of the planet.

That may even the odds.
Prologue: Awakening (Part Three) Communications Center and The Devil's own luck
[X] Explore last blue door

You decide to investigate the third inner door on this level.
Inside is a communications room, with banks of operator consoles and telemetry stations occupying one part of it. The other is a half-assembled... thing. It takes you a few minutes of close examination, but you believe this is a partially assembled Quantum Entanglement Communicator array. Its construction appears to have been halted in a hurry, there's a number of dropped widgits and wires that were probably in people's hands. one lucky find is a tube of de-bonding agent for your tape. (De-bonding Agent added to tool belt)

Your close examination of the partially completed device reveals a glint of gold from a small, hard-to-reach spot. In fact, you actually can't reach it, the crevasse is too large for your hand to fit. Thinking quickly, however, you wrap a small strip of MB Tape around the end of your screwdriver, and use it to fish out the small object. a bit of debonder later, and you can examine your prize.
It appears to be an elegantly crafted omni-tool. you strap it around your wrist experimentally, and are delighted to find that it starts up with no problems.
The startup screen, however, makes your jaw drop as a burst of information from your flash-education reveals itself.
Who in the hell just drops a Savant XX? There were frigates that were less expensive than those things!
(gained key item: Lost Savant: Highly advanced omnitool made by the Serrice Council. At this point, literally priceless, you aren't likely to be able to build anything even close to this thing for decades at a minimum.)

[]Go ask the VI about the computer core's location

[]Explore current level
[]Green door
[]Orange door

[]Go check out the Observation deck

[]Go back downstairs and finish exploring

[]Go activate the exterior access airlock (will remove your portable power supply)

  • Sabuara's Alternative: This superbly crafted Asari machine pistol fires flash-forged needles at an extremely rapid rate. While normally this would restrict the weapon to short bursts, this example has been custom-made with a rotating cylinder containing multiple heat-sinks, allowing it to fire almost indefinitely. Combined with its accuracy and armor-piercing projectiles, and this is almost certainly a unique piece.
  • Forgotten Tool Belt: This belt has a plethora of loops, straps, and pouches meant to hold tools. Most of them are empty, but you do have a simple multi-tool, a good-old-fashioned screwdriver, and some molecular bonding tape in a silvery-grey color.
  • Lost Savant: Highly advanced omnitool made by the Serrice Council. At this point, literally priceless, you aren't likely to be able to build anything even close to this thing for decades at a minimum.
  • Portable Power Supply: This portable battery can be connected to various systems to power them for a short period. Once the battery runs out, you'll need to return it to the main battery bank to recharge, but there's several of them available. Of course, you may need to power multiple systems at the same time, which is annoying since it's only really practical to carry one at a time due to their bulk.

  • Battery Bank: has the charging rack for your portable power supply, as well as three more portable power supplies.
  • Datacenter Security Door: This heavy security door appears to need both a power supply and an ID card to enter.
  • Command Center VI Terminal: An interface for the pod's VI. Currently running on a portable power supply. Has a long list of woes for you, you should probably deal with some of them.
I need to find an ID card if I want to open the security door in the Datacenter.
The VI in the Command Center rattled off a long list of complaints once it was turned on. It looks like the first thing I should do is fix the power distribution system, and perform a few manual activations or inspections of various systems, most of which are outside.

A/n: ...and that, folks, is what three critical success loot magnitude rolls in a row looks like. good lord.