They're making a Reference to Alpharius Omegon, the Primarchs of the XXth Legion of the Adeptus Astartes. whose shtick is basically "HAIL HYDRA" with a side of Confusion Fu.
That was actually the last thing intended. I wanted to fit aria into the name but copying her was nope and then I thought we are the beginning and end of the species lets name ourselves omega but that sounded nope and then I got 40k and was like that's a good name, alpharia omega except i tried to do omegna but that was nope so i just kept omega said it was good enough. though the suggestion for omegus is enticing and I might probably switch to that.

edit: Funny thing, I actually rather quite dislike the notion of being sneaky and lying and being dishonest enough that my preferred origin vote was to make a civ without shame and lies. so the hydra reference goes pretty far from my intentions.
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I feel like this quest is going to be involve a lot of Warhammer references that'll go over my head. I'm at peace with this.
not gonna lie: that's probably going to happen. we are playing as essentially the Asari take on a Space Marine, after all.
though I will defend myself preemptively and say that the power armor was always going to be a Thing.
(what the game-era calls 'heavy' armor is classed as light armor by the Alliance. Medium and Heavy armor are both power armor, with the latter having a durability more akin to a light vehicle of the game era. and a heavy weapon power feed. and typically a number of other support systems.

look when you're fielding infantry against Reapers you pretty much need to go heavy or not go at all.)
not gonna lie: that's probably going to happen. we are playing as essentially the Asari take on a Space Marine, after all.
though I will defend myself preemptively and say that the power armor was always going to be a Thing.
(what the game-era calls 'heavy' armor is classed as light armor by the Alliance. Medium and Heavy armor are both power armor, with the latter having a durability more akin to a light vehicle of the game era. and a heavy weapon power feed. and typically a number of other support systems.

look when you're fielding infantry against Reapers you pretty much need to go heavy or not go at all.)
So we're getting gundams as weapons to surpass metal gear?

Clearly all individuals in this race should be Aria followed by a number identifier.
[Q] Aria 00000000000000002
Okay but legit though, that isn't the worst ideas. To start the cult of the holy mother aria whose name is that of all sicon!
Okay but legit though, that isn't the worst ideas. To start the cult of the holy mother aria whose name is that of all sicon
I look forward to future diplomatic screw-ups where people offend a Scion by dropping the Aria and then getting explained that the Aria is the good bit and they wouldn't put up with the numbers if they didn't have it.
I look forward to future diplomatic screw-ups where people offend a Scion by dropping the Aria and then getting explained that the Aria is the good bit and they wouldn't put up with the numbers if they didn't have it.
Okay let's be legit though, if we have a *snrrk* thick skin this would be far more adorable than prolematic. Plus we could be called artoo.
You know, if you're looking at primarch names as a baseplate, which isn't actually a bad idea because this is currently our viewpoint character for a race of post-asari, I've always been partial to Vulkan. Like, the person, though the name is cool too.

Mostly because of the Nanoha crossover Big Sister, admittedly, but nonetheless.

It even has extra meaning, since Vulkan, as per his name (Roman god of the forge), is a master of the forge. And what are we but the ones who will forge a new nation?

.. or... something. Something something philosophy.


Take Aria's name, too, because why not name yourself after the biggest badass you know of? (not that she knows a lot, yet.) There's no reason taking her name exactly should be a "no".

Aria V'kan?
Vulkan T'Loak?

Edit- actually, yeah. Edited these names into my vote.
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[:V] Commander
You remember a person with that name, Commander Shepard. A hero, an important leader who brought the galaxy together. You would need to do the same. It makes sense to name yourself after them.

[X] Explore Pod Chamber
You know, if you're looking at primarch names as a baseplate, which isn't actually a bad idea because this is currently our viewpoint character for a race of post-asari, I've always been partial to Vulkan. Like, the person, though the name is cool too.

Mostly because of the Nanoha crossover Big Sister, admittedly, but nonetheless.

It even has extra meaning, since Vulkan, as per his name (Roman god of the forge), is a master of the forge. And what are we but the ones who will forge a new nation?

.. or... something. Something something philosophy.


Take Aria's name, too, because why not name yourself after the biggest badass you know of? (not that she knows a lot, yet.) There's no reason taking her name exactly should be a "no".

Aria V'kan?
Vulkan T'Loak?

Edit- actually, yeah. Edited these names into my vote.
Honestly the warhammer reference was less trying to make a warhammer reference and more the warhammer reference beign what fit the name I was going for. I was going for aria which became omega which turned into alpha and omega and the best sounding name I could think of was le warhammer reference.

Anyway I did some thinkering and thought, what will we sound like? And I realized we have a blank slate, a civilization we will build totally from scratch which is the perfect oppourtunity to get the perfect language that we canguard and keep perfect for all arts and communication removing room for difficulty and misunderstanding and goddamn exceptions.

So here's my proposal.

Quadrapartite Language
Wouldn't it be nice to have a perfect and beautiful language consisting of our full range of communication capacity utilized to the fullest with each being able to function independently alone better than any language we hold still but together adding depth, beauty, and meaning that we could scarce comprehend?

Language of Tongues
An audio component largely verbal

Language of Sensation
A touch based component likely done with biotics but also manually per preference

Language of Movement
A language of body, gesture, movement, and hands like you see with sign languages or in sci fi with body language reading but more and better in a way that combines with the other languages in quadrapartite faction

Language of Colour
We have chromatophores, make a language out of that same as the above

And then it would all be better with the greater range of production and sensation we have over every person from the last cycle, to hear sounds we could never comprehend, see colours we could never see, feel feelings we could never feel, and catch motions we would always miss.

Language of Glyphs
Gotta have a written language, beautiful and simplistic and easy to understand.

Oh, and finally

Language of Mechanisms
Yeah, we gotta have a basic digital language and we're supergeniuses so it should be one our people learn. Maybe if we go full cyberpunk we'll get a quintapartite language integrating this too.

Trade Dialects
Dialect of Arithmatic
Dialect of Quantum Motions
Dialect of Material Constructions
Dialect of Historical Observances
Dialect of Natural Occurance
Dialect of Wisdom
Seriously though, having dedicated language intentionally rather than incidentally developed for things like biology would just be best. Perfectly designed so that language perfectly describes and gets across with naming and classification systems designed around communicating substance and meaning rather than whatever centuries old academic people want to think discovered something. The kind of trade specific language that exists no matter what but gets muddled about and overly complicated without all too good reason.

Study of Fallen Tongues
Gotta study the language of those who came before us so that we may learn of them.

Study of Common & Asari Tongues
We are born from the asari so it is their tongues we ought learn as standard as well as the galactic lingua franca. I'd imagine it would be the language of glyphs, the quadrapartite language, common, and the asari tongues that our people will learn in their compulsory education

Study of Tongues of Last Cycle
Of course the other languages hold an importance too and are deserving of study since we hold them readily available

Study of Ancient Tongues
This is probably more of a field of study, ergo study, related to archeology rather than a legitimate learning of languages to be honest but the language of leviathans, protheans, etc. all deserve study.

Study of Newborn Tongues
Yeah, languages will develop, among seedships and the newborn species who will inhabit the galaxy. Their language will need study and to be taught to diplomats and spies and such.

Anyway, basic idea is that our people would learn a perfect language which divides into four languages that combine to form a greater whole, the common galactic language of the last cycle, and an asari language of the last cycle, and maybe our basic digital language all as standard and compulsory education alongside their written forms with trade dialects also being constructed for perfection rather than developing naturally which leads to confusing bullshit and miscommunication among the people who need most not to have that occur.

So yeah, everyone should be trilingual with two of those languages being extraneous for the sake of rememberance.

I feel this proposal might work well.

and now I retreat back to my cave to prepare proposals for perfect cities followed by perfect arcologies.
Anyway I did some thinkering and thought, what will we sound like? And I realized we have a blank slate, a civilization we will build totally from scratch which is the perfect oppourtunity to get the perfect language that we canguard and keep perfect for all arts and communication removing room for difficulty and misunderstanding and goddamn exceptions.

So here's my proposal.
Or... we were taught the most common Asari language, maybe two to three others, and given translators. Like the rest of the galaxy.
Or... we were taught the most common Asari language, maybe two to three others, and given translators. Like the rest of the galaxy.
Dude, I proposed learning one perfect and beautiful tongue, followed by a single asari tongue for sentimentality, followed by a common tongue again for sentimentality, with translators used for communication with other people and study of other languagebeing more of a sentiment thing for people who feel connected to a given culture.

Like, a sicon language. We learn that. But we also learn asari and whatever the lingua franca at the end was because sentimentality and remembrance and shit.

Also study other languages because linguistic study is an important cultural and anthropological study and because maybe just maybe our diplomats would better understand people fi they spoke the same tongues. Y'know, like a lot of diplomats IRL do.

And then the sicon tongue is perfect and designed to be awesome.

And tradesmen like engineers and doctors have their dialects, that's a thing that happens IRl, if you don't study medicine you'll scarce grok med lingo. Except we design that perfectly because holy fuck trade dialects irl are confusing as shit and only get worse when you work between languages or disciplines.
If we do go ahead with the Tankborn-Twins Language, we're going to have a mountain and a half of differences to overcome if we ever get back in contact with any other colonies. (Presumably there are some for standard Asaris or maybe even an all commando colony to preserve military traditions into the future) We're already Space Valkyries, a language barrier might be a bridge too far, especially since any translation software isn't going to be equipped for our new language.
your flash-education includes Thessiain (the most common Asari language) which is your 'native' language (IE, the one most of your flash-education is in,) Standard English (again because it's an extremely common language), Kelish (because you had Geth along) and a modest amount of Prothean (at Javik's insistence.)
That doesn't preclude developing a conlang for your colony at some point, or dialect changes. The fact that you basically have mood ring skin, if nothing else, will undoubtedly affect your language eventually. You also have at least some of the translation database the citadel built up over its fifteen thousand odd years of civilization, so you aren't working totally blind here.
your flash-education includes Thessiain (the most common Asari language) which is your 'native' language (IE, the one most of your flash-education is in,) Standard English (again because it's an extremely common language), Kelish (because you had Geth along) and a modest amount of Prothean (at Javik's insistence.)
That doesn't preclude developing a conlang for your colony at some point, or dialect changes. The fact that you basically have mood ring skin, if nothing else, will undoubtedly affect your language eventually. You also have at least some of the translation database the citadel built up over its fifteen thousand odd years of civilization, so you aren't working totally blind here.

I was meaning to ask about the Cypher, it'd be criminal if every colony didn't have access to whatever's left of the Prothean ruins two cycles later. Those Inusannon ruins on Ilos were still in recognizable condition after two cycles, it's not unreasonable that the same would be for the less obvious Prothean ruins.

I'm sure that all the ones that were already discovered by the time of the Reaper War have been completely destroyed though, yeah?

Also, are there any Asari/ Prothean mixes running around. Depending on how Javik's philosophy developed over the years I think that answer could go either way, no?
Like, a sicon language. We learn that. But we also learn asari and whatever the lingua franca at the end was because sentimentality and remembrance and shit.
The problem is that that's not "learning" a language, it's making one up on the spot. Languages don't work like that, they evolve over vast stretches of time due to cultural and practical pressure.

Like, take Klingon for example. It's a made up language, and technically it's a fully functional language. But it has whole swaths of concepts and item names and descriptions that just don't exist for it because they weren't important for the show the language was created for. If we adopted Klingon as a language, we'd basically be making it up as we went along and, at that point, you might as well use words you already know from a language you already know that mean what you mean to say.

In the end, any "new" language we create is either going to be made up gibberish, or it's going to be "a language our progenitors used, plus any of our own use cases and additions". Sometimes also known as "a language".
If we do go ahead with the Tankborn-Twins Language, we're going to have a mountain and a half of differences to overcome if we ever get back in contact with any other colonies. (Presumably there are some for standard Asaris or maybe even an all commando colony to preserve military traditions into the future) We're already Space Valkyries, a language barrier might be a bridge too far, especially since any translation software isn't going to be equipped for our new language.
I mean, I kinda also proposed learning the standard asari language and the galactic lingua franca as standard out of sentimentality.

Also we would make translation software equipped for at least or verbal tongue. Hell, it should be even easier than making it for the literally dozens of existing languages that don't really make proper sense.

Also we have AI to make translation software so yeah. Hell, they're probably going a big part of making the tankborn langauge too since if we're looking for a perfect and beautiful conlang having the help of living supercomputers who process petabytes per second minimum will probably make the deal easier.

your flash-education includes Thessiain (the most common Asari language) which is your 'native' language (IE, the one most of your flash-education is in,) Standard English (again because it's an extremely common language), Kelish (because you had Geth along) and a modest amount of Prothean (at Javik's insistence.)
That doesn't preclude developing a conlang for your colony at some point, or dialect changes. The fact that you basically have mood ring skin, if nothing else, will undoubtedly affect your language eventually. You also have at least some of the translation database the citadel built up over its fifteen thousand odd years of civilization, so you aren't working totally blind here.
I mean, if we're going to develop our own creole if we don't outright make a language I'd prefer the conlang. No offense to my people but creoles are even worse than old natural languages.

So we speak Thessiain, English, and Kelish as standard assuming kelish is for the gethand english is the ending galactic lingua franca. Untouched these will probably merge and change with the added sensation and range into an odd creole.

So we have fifteen thousand years of language to work with plus two verities of artificial intellignce plus our own people who are bullshit smart plus whatever anthropoligical records there are to go with it.

So anyway I'm assuming that Thessiain and Kelish will probably, conlang or creole, be our tongues of sentimentality, presuming we maintain sentimentality, with maybe English becoming popular.

Yeah, we can make a damn good conlang. Gods I'm so enthusiastic.

I just utterly love this kind of civ building stuff so damn much.

The problem is that that's not "learning" a language, it's making one up on the spot. Languages don't work like that, they evolve over vast stretches of time due to cultural and practical pressure.

Like, take Klingon for example. It's a made up language, and technically it's a fully functional language. But it has whole swaths of concepts and item names and descriptions that just don't exist for it because they weren't important for the show the language was created for. If we adopted Klingon as a language, we'd basically be making it up as we went along and, at that point, you might as well use words you already know from a language you already know that mean what you mean to say.

In the end, any "new" language we create is either going to be made up gibberish, or it's going to be "a language our progenitors used, plus any of our own use cases and additions". Sometimes also known as "a language".
Like, you miss the point. any language is effectively gibberish to which we assign meaning, french, english, creole, spanish, etc.

Rather than making a show conlang that has no utility we'd be making a practical conlang with the help of the AI who process petabytes per second designed for perfect communication and fully capable of using our full ranges of sensation rather than naturally developing a creole which would by your standard be meaningless gibberish thus we get the utility of an efficient language utilizing everything designed to be beautiful and removing miscommunication.

So yeah, made up gibberish. Like creoles.

Effective, distinctive, and useful made up gibberish like literally every language ever.
Like, you miss the point. any language is effectively gibberish to which we assign meaning, french, english, creole, spanish, etc.

Rather than making a show conlang that has no utility we'd be making a practical conlang with the help of the AI who process petabytes per second designed for perfect communication and fully capable of using our full ranges of sensation rather than naturally developing a creole which would by your standard be meaningless gibberish thus we get the utility of an efficient language utilizing everything designed to be beautiful and removing miscommunication.

So yeah, made up gibberish. Like creoles.

Effective, distinctive, and useful made up gibberish like literally every language ever.
Okay. You know what? Sure. I can get behind this.

It would have been a waste of time and energy for our creators, who were busy assembling... well, us. And it probably wouldn't even occur to us to bother.

BUT! ADIS and the Geth have a lot of time on their hands. Time which might be partially spent creating a machine-optimized language. And if they have any control over our teaching programs, we might end up with a super-language.

While we're at it? I vote that Star Trek continued and even Expanded as a human entertainment series well into the Citadel Council age, and the languages therein were greatly expanded upon, and we know Klingon.

And maybe Elven.

This has less to do with language studies and more to do with "Phant0m5 is a huge nerd".


... wait.

The final vote only had R3 human database. Human cultural was R4.



Maybe it's in the general cultural database somewhere, @Mechanis ? Please?

Codex: Death of Omega

After the Calixis Line fell, large portions of the Citadel Alliance found themselves cut off and overwhelmed as the Reapers finally mustered the will to break them regardless of cost. The infamous 'Queen' of the Omega space-station, Aria T'loak, managed to rally a large number of pirates, mercenaries, and even Batarian remnant forces and wage a highly successful raiding campaign for nearly a year, basing out of Omega itself, which had been converted into a nigh-unassailable fortress.

Her forces would bog down nearly an eighth of the Reaper armada with hit-and-run tactics, guerrilla warfare strategies, and multi-vector ambushes. Eventually, however, her forces proved enough of an irritant that the Reapers dispatched the newly-completed Harbinger-class combat form Herald of Eternity to destroy her forces and kill her.

This, however, was precisely what she had wanted, as Herald had been created using Asari 'harvested' from Thessia itself, and the so-called Pirate Queen took personal offense to its existence. As the siege of Omega gradually stripped its defenses, T'loak goaded the Reaper into attacking Omega personally in order to ensure her death, which the inexperienced cybernetic organism obliged.

It was at that point that T'loak detonated a large number antimatter warheads hidden within Omega's structure, destroying the station itself, Herald of Eternity, and most of the Reaper fleet nearby.

Remnants of her forces would continue to harry the Reapers for several years, but eventually lack of supplies and maintenance took their toll and allowed them to be hunted down by Reaper squadrons.
Codex: Option Zero

The Turian Hierarchy fought to defend its capital with a grim determination that few other races could match. From the very beginning of the Reaper War, Palaven found itself under siege, but even the Reaper's terrible might proved insufficient to overcome the tenacity and disciple of the militaristic race.

Where might alone was not enough, however, attrition eventually took its grim toll. Once the Calixis Line was overrun, Palaven found itself cut off from reinforcement or re-supply. One by one, its bunkers and gun batteries were silenced, the Turains driven back inch by agonizing inch as the Reapers poured more and more ships into defeating them. By the end, a full sixteenth of the Reaper Armada was invested in the destruction of the Hierarchy capital and homeworld.

On the eve of their utter defeat, however, with supplies effectively depleted and Palaven itself almost completely overrun, an agent of the Turian intelligence service briefed Primarch Adrien Victus on 'Option Zero,' a final, spiteful defense of Palaven, one that would turn the entire planet into a shrapnel bomb of mind-boggling scale.
Having no intention of surrendering or allowing the Reapers to strip-mine the planet to construct new hulls as they had Thessia, Victus activated the weapon, destroying Palaven and every Reaper in its vicinity. This marked the single largest simultaneous loss the Reaper Armada had ever suffered until the Battle of Last Stand some few years later.