If we do go ahead with the Tankborn-Twins Language, we're going to have a mountain and a half of differences to overcome if we ever get back in contact with any other colonies. (Presumably there are some for standard Asaris or maybe even an all commando colony to preserve military traditions into the future) We're already Space Valkyries, a language barrier might be a bridge too far, especially since any translation software isn't going to be equipped for our new language.
I mean, I kinda also proposed learning the standard asari language and the galactic lingua franca as standard out of sentimentality.
Also we would make translation software equipped for at least or verbal tongue. Hell, it should be even easier than making it for the literally dozens of existing languages that don't really make proper sense.
Also we have AI to make translation software so yeah. Hell, they're probably going a big part of making the tankborn langauge too since if we're looking for a perfect and beautiful conlang having the help of living supercomputers who process petabytes per second minimum will probably make the deal easier.
your flash-education includes Thessiain (the most common Asari language) which is your 'native' language (IE, the one most of your flash-education is in,) Standard English (again because it's an extremely common language), Kelish (because you had Geth along) and a modest amount of Prothean (at Javik's insistence.)
That doesn't preclude developing a conlang for your colony at some point, or dialect changes. The fact that you basically have mood ring skin, if nothing else, will undoubtedly affect your language eventually. You also have at least some of the translation database the citadel built up over its fifteen thousand odd years of civilization, so you aren't working totally blind here.
I mean, if we're going to develop our own creole if we don't outright make a language I'd prefer the conlang. No offense to my people but creoles are even worse than old natural languages.
So we speak Thessiain, English, and Kelish as standard assuming kelish is for the gethand english is the ending galactic lingua franca. Untouched these will probably merge and change with the added sensation and range into an odd creole.
So we have fifteen thousand years of language to work with plus two verities of artificial intellignce plus our own people who are bullshit smart plus whatever anthropoligical records there are to go with it.
So anyway I'm assuming that Thessiain and Kelish will probably, conlang or creole, be our tongues of sentimentality, presuming we maintain sentimentality, with maybe English becoming popular.
Yeah, we can make a damn good conlang. Gods I'm so enthusiastic.
I just utterly love this kind of civ building stuff so damn much.
The problem is that that's not "learning" a language, it's making one up on the spot. Languages don't work like that, they evolve over vast stretches of time due to cultural and practical pressure.
Like, take Klingon for example. It's a made up language, and technically it's a fully functional language. But it has whole swaths of concepts and item names and descriptions that just don't exist for it because they weren't important for the show the language was created for. If we adopted Klingon as a language, we'd basically be making it up as we went along and, at that point, you might as well use words you already know from a language you already know that mean what you mean to say.
In the end, any "new" language we create is either going to be made up gibberish, or it's going to be "a language our progenitors used, plus any of our own use cases and additions". Sometimes also known as "a language".
Like, you miss the point. any language is effectively gibberish to which we assign meaning, french, english, creole, spanish, etc.
Rather than making a show conlang that has no utility we'd be making a practical conlang with the help of the AI who process petabytes per second designed for perfect communication and fully capable of using our full ranges of sensation rather than naturally developing a creole which would by your standard be meaningless gibberish thus we get the utility of an efficient language utilizing everything designed to be beautiful and removing miscommunication.
So yeah, made up gibberish. Like creoles.
Effective, distinctive, and useful made up gibberish like literally every language ever.