Against the Legion(WoW: Legion)

[X] Saria attempts to lure Gul'dan somewhere...
-[X] Onto another mine. Flying warlocks are funny.
Gul'dan doesn't know we are here yet and he might be pissed enough that we can pull this off before coming out ourselves.

Saria's already outnumbered 4 to 1, and Gul'dan can still use his summon, making it possible for her to be overwhelmed very quickly. It is too risky to wait any longer, as losing Saria would be bad for us. Besides, we can still kite Gul'dan into traps even if we ambush him with the forces that are hiding.
[X] Were not worried. One of the advantages of being the one in charge of making weapons,armor, and various other items for the Illidari is that you were often at the Black Temple whileothers were away, letting you speak with Illidan a bit more than others could have, and not justabout what needed to be made. You are friends, of a sort.
[X] You and your forces swarm up from the sides, taking Gul'dan and his remaining forcesby surprise and engaging in battle.
-[X] Focus the battle around holding theplatform. Let him reach it with realistic resistance
[X] Improvisational Crafter: This trait provides a+1 to craft rolls, with or without tools, and prevents tool-less crafting from reducing thequality of the crafted item.
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Alright. An hour left for any straggler's votes, then the tally and update.

Then what took Gul'dan so long? Can't be a fight, Gul'dan has a full health bar. Mechanical guards?

Do keep in mind that Gul'dan is a warlock. With my being a warlock main until demon hunters were released(and my gods, is it hard to go back to warlock after the sheer mobility and double jump/glide of demon hunter!), I can tell you that warlocks excel at that whole self-healing thing. At the expense of others, of course.

His guide to directions was formerly known as Ryouga clearly

Also this, to an extent. Cordana may have... Oversold her knowledge of the Vault, slightly. Not much, but enough to slow them down a bit.
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Alright, tally and update time.
Adhoc vote count started by Taina on Mar 1, 2018 at 12:57 AM, finished with 19 posts and 9 votes.
Gul'dan Round 1
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Stal'rem HP: 80/80
Kor'vas HP: 65/65
Kayn HP: 90/90
Saria HP: 95/95
Altruis HP: 90/90
Illidan HP: 185/185
NPC Illiidari HP: 35/35
NPC Warden HP: 30/30

Stal'rem def: 17
Kor'vas def: 15
Kayn def: 18
Saria def: 18
Altruis def: 18
Illidan def: 22
NPC Illidari def: 13
NPC Warden def: 15

Kayn offense bonus: +10 = +2 from Heroic Presence, +2 from surprise, +4 base, +2 familiar ground
Kor'vas offense bonus: +9 = +2 from Heroic Presence, +3 from surprise, +2 base, +2 familiar ground
Saria offense bonus: +11 = +2 from Heroic Presence, +2 from surprise, +3 base, +4 home ground
Stal'rem offense: +8 = +1 from Heroic Presense, +2 from surprise, +3 base, +2 familiar ground
Altruis offense: +10 = +2 from Heroic Presence, +2 from surprise, +4 base, +2 familiar ground
Illidan offense: +14 = +2 from Heroic Presense, +2 from surprise, +8 base, +2 familiar ground
NPC Illidari offense: +6 = +2 from Heroic Presense, +2 from surprise, +2 familiar ground
NPC Warden offense: +8 = +2 from Heroic Presence, +2 from surprise, +4 home ground

A note about NPC troop combat. NPC troops do not get individual attack rolls. They roll attacks and damage as a group with the number of damage die being determined by the number of NPCs in the group, while named characters get their own attacks. As a trade-off, NPC troops have to be killed a number of times equal to the number of NPCs in the group. So a group of three needs to be killed three times, but each time they are they lose one damage die, but not any of their bonus to attack.

Gul'dan HP: 179/200
Cordana HP: 125/125
Dreadlord HP: 40/40
Felhound HP: 25/25

Dreadlord defense: 18
Felhound defense: 15
Cordana defense: 20
Gul'dan defense: (25-2 from Enraged) 23

Gul'dan Offense: +14 = +2 from Enraged, +2 from Darkness Incarnate, +6 base, +2 from Terrifying Presence, +2 from Always Scheming
Cordana Offense: +8 = +2 from familiar ground, +2 from Terrifying Presence, +4 base

Others unimportant due to rolls in next part.

Kayn, Kor'vas and 3 Illidari targeting Dreadlord
3 Illidari targeting felhound
Altruis, 3 Illidari and 3 Wardens targeting Cordana
Stal'rem, Saria, and 6 Wardens targeting Gul'dan

Kayn attack: 1d20+10 = 25
Kayn damage: 1d10+10 = 20
Kor'vas attack: 1d20+9 = 29, critical success, damage doubled.
Kor'vas damage: 1d10+9 = 16x2=32

Dreadlord defeated, remaining Illidari attackers move to flank Cordana granting a further +2 to attacks against her.

Illidari attacking felhound: 1d20+6 = 15
Illidari damage: 3d8+6 = 26
Felhound defeated, remaining Warden attackers move to flank Gul'dan granting a further +2 to attacks against him.

Altruis attacking Cordana: 1d20+10 = 24
Altruis damage: 1d10+10 = 14
Illidari attacking Cordana: 1d20+8 = 22
Illidari damage: 3d8+8 = 16
Wardens attacking Cordana: 1d20+10 = 22
Wardens damage: 3d10+10 = 27
Cordana at 68/125 HP

Stal'rem attacking Gul'dan: 1d20+10 = 24
Stal'rem damage: 1d8+10 = 16
Saria attacking Gul'dan: 1d20+13 = 23
Saria damage: 1d10+13 = 23
Wardens attacking Gul'dan: 1d20+10 = 29
Wardens damage: 6d10+10 = 42
Gul'dan at 98/200 HP

The wardens with you may be having trouble seeing what is going on upon the platform above, due to their limited sight, but you and your fellow Illidari have no such issues, thanks to the sense which has replaced, or augmented, your sight. Moving along the ropes under the platform you confer with your fellows, designating targets and telling the Wardens where to go and who to attack.

Then you are all making use of the ropes to swarm up and over the sides of the platform, as silently as you can to preserve the element of surprise for as long as you can. Kayn and Kor'vas reach their targets first, Kor'vas dashing in low to the ground, her glaives striking it's legs and sending it toppling to the ground. Kayn, meanwhile jumps up, wings manifesting to control his descent, bringing him down glaive first onto the beasts chest, sending whatever passes for it's soul back into the Twisting Nether. The Illidari who were going to attack with them move smoothly to flank Cordana, limiting her ability to dodge and avoid attack.

Something that costs the corrupted Warden, as Altruis and his command rush toward her. His glaives are the first to strike her, tearing rents in her armor and the flesh beneath. But they aren't the last, as the weapons of the Illidari and Wardens with him do much the same, tearing through her armor and leaving her injured, though still standing.

Meanwhile another group of Illidari make their way for the felhound, dispatching it just as swiftly with flashing steel and a spray of black blood, the Wardens who were going to attack with them making their way behind Gul'dan.

This, and the slipping of his concentration due to rage, is the only thing that lets your initial blow against Gul'dan land. Your charge carries you toward him and your glaives lash out. Though he twists out of the way, turning to face you as he does, your blades still strike flesh, biting into his arms and holding them there.

Saria chooses this moment to rush at him from behind, her own glaive aiming for his back. It strikes something under his robes that causes it to be deflected to one side, though the serrated metal still chews through flesh. While the warlock is still held in place by your glaives the remaining Wardens all move in to attack, each attack doing less than yours or Saria's individually, but with six Wardens striking him, it adds up, and the orc is definitely looking worse for the wear.

Gul'dan's Eldritch Knockback roll: 1d20+14=31
Saria knocked away
Stal'rem knocked away
Wardens knocked away

Gul'dan's summoning roll: 1d20
Result: 15, moderately powerful group.
Roll 1d10 for number of demons: 8
2 Dreadlords, 2 Infernals, 4 felguards.

Infernal HP: 20
Infernal def: 16
Infernal offense: +6, special, hits 2 additional targets chosen at random for half damage. Not limited to the infernal's enemies.

Felguard HP: 15
Felguard def: 15
Felguard offense: +6

Well. Was hoping for a 20 on that initial roll. If he'd rolled a 1 on the 1d20, he'd have summoned nothing but 1d10 imps. But if he'd rolled a 20, however, that would have forgone the 1d10, and just straight up summoned a Pit Lord.

One last roll. Do any of the newly summoned enemies end up on mines? 1 yes, 2 no.
Result: 2

Gul'dan, further enraged by the attacks, and visibly wounded, chooses to make his first strike. He cannot move his arms much with your glaives where they are, but the inch that he can lift and lower them seems to be enough, as the butt of his staff slams into the ground. And with the sharp cracking noise of that comes an overwhelming pressure and intense heat, as a fel fueled blast knocks all of you away from the warlock.

Then his staff is lifted by bleeding arms, and a rent is torn in the air above the platform, and two flaming metors fall, causing further damage to the platform before unfolding into the towering form of infernals. Two dreadlords follow them, wings allowing them to alight nimbly upon the stone, while the landing of the following four felguards is much rougher.

"Pathetic Illidari! Scrabbling for power and making a futile stand against the unstoppable! When you could have all the power you desire within your grasp, if you were but to join us! Imagine it! Power greater than the mere fraction you have felt, souls free for the taking. But you fight!"

Gul'dan's attempts to convince: 1d20, +2 from Evident Power, +2 from Terrifying Presence, +2 from Always Scheming
Result: 12

Stal'rem gets an automatic success. If you guys join the Legion it will be your choice, not a roll.
Illidari NPC rolls to resist: 1d20, +2 from Lord Illidan Watches Over Us, +2 from Hatred of the Legion, -2 from Lust for Power
Kayn: 1d20+4 from Illidan, +2 from Hatred of the Legion, +1 from relationship with Stal'rem
Result: ... He rolled a 1, critical failure.
Kor'vas: 1d20+2 from Illidan, +2 from hatred, +4 from relationship with Stal'rem
Result: ... And she rolled a 20, critical success.
Altruis: 1d20+2 from hatred, +2 from principled, +1 from relationship with Stal'rem
Result: 18

Also, Gul'dan's roll to avoid letting plans slip: 1d20+2 from Always Scheming, -2 from injured, -2 from enraged
DC: 10
Result: 6, failure.

... And, does Gul'dan step on another mine on his way to the crystal? 1 yes, 2 no.
Result: 1, yes.
Damage: 5d6=14
Gul'dan at 84/200 HP

The warlock surveys the gathered forces, and seeing, mostly, little effect from his words lets out a disgusted huff and turns toward the crystal.

"Take care of these fools, while I secure our prize, and our way out of here!" You're fairly certain that his reasoning there isn't so much that he trusts his demons to handle your forces, but that he trusts them to hold off long enough for him to get his prize and escape, as he's looking rather injured. After saying this he starts to shuffle forward, despite his injuries and the forces arrayed against him, moving with an unconcerned and certain stride.

One which carries him onto another mine. When he climbs to his feet again his staff slams back onto the ground as he lets out a frustrated yell, felfire blazing in a ring out from the end. The ring doesn't extend far, but it does cause two mines off to the side to detonate, and reveals that there are no further ones in his path. When he continues forward again his pace is less sedate, and filed with far more stomping.

When he reaches the crystal one of his hands extends, resting against it, and a grin spreads across his features. "Yes... You will indeed serve well as the vessel of Sargeras."


Choice time! First, you need to choose on the result of Kayn's critical failure and Kor'vas's critical success. I... Honestly wasn't expecting that to happen, due to his higher devotion to Illidan, the fact that your relationship with him is NOT actually antagonistic at this point, and that he had no negatives to his roll. But it did. So...

Choose one:
[ ] Kor'vas employs percussive maintenance to Kayn's head, as he must be broken if he's considering Gul'dan's words, especially with Illidan right there! Kor'vas' critical success cancels out Kayn's critical failure and both are treated as though they had a standard pass.
[ ] Kor'vas shows what mercy one can to an Illidari who is fallen, and ends Kayn quickly. Kor'vas' critical success is used to kill Kayn outright. Prevents Kayn from joining Gul'dan's forces as an enemy.
[ ] Nothing. Kor'vas gains trait: Unwavering Purpose, granting +2 to all rolls to resist any outside influence. Kayn joins Gul'dan's forces, along with his knowledge of all that has been done to prepare for the fight against Gul'dan.
[ ] Write-in? Some other way you want to handle it?

And next stage of the fight. Something to bear in mind for this is that now that the initial ambush is done, they're going to start fighting back.

Choose one:
[ ] Attempt to finish off Gul'dan and his forces without collapsing the center of the platform. Carries a bit of risk, but if successful would mean that you could be certain Gul'dan is finished off. Illidan would join in at this point.
[ ] Drop the orc warlock into the abyss. Has a very good chance of succeeding, and a moderately high one of actually killing Gul'dan, but it is less certain, as he could pull off an escape, somehow. Illidan would join in at this point.
[ ] Focus on the summoned demons and Cordana. Gul'dan has a moderately high chance of escaping, but he would do so without what he came for, not that he knows it. Something that would set his plans back, lower his standing in the eyes of the Legion, and let you say you got one over on a being known for being scheming and manipulative. Illidan would remain hidden until Gul'dan escaped or was slain.
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So, I was going to go a bit longer, let the enemies get some attacks in, and another round of attacks for you all. But then Kayn rolled a 1 and I decided that you all should have a say in how that's handled. So... Yeah.
[X] Kor'vas employs percussive maintenance to Kayn's head, as he must be broken if he's considering Gul'dan's words, especially with Illidan right there! Kor'vas' critical success cancels out Kayn's critical failure and both are treated as though they had a standard pass.
[X] Drop the orc warlock into the abyss. Has a very good chance of succeeding, and a moderately high one of actually killing Gul'dan, but it is less certain, as he could pull off an escape, somehow. Illidan would join in at this point.

Gentlemen... Kayn seems to be faltering and considering joining the Legion, even though Illidan is right there and can hear him. Therefore, we must restore him to our side...
And I know what we should do...

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[X] Kor'vas shows what mercy one can to an Illidari who is fallen, and ends Kayn quickly. Kor'vas' critical success is used to kill Kayn outright. Prevents Kayn from joining Gul'dan's forces as an enemy.
[X] Attempt to finish off Gul'dan and his forces without collapsing the center of the platform. Carries a bit of risk, but if successful would mean that you could be certain Gul'dan is finished off. Illidan would join in at this point.

Illidan vs Guldan? Heck yes.
[X] Kor'vas employs percussive maintenance to Kayn's head, as he must be broken if he's considering Gul'dan's words, especially with Illidan right there! Kor'vas' critical success cancels out Kayn's critical failure and both are treated as though they had a standardpass.
[X] Drop the orc warlock into the abyss. Has a very good chance of succeeding, and a moderately high one of actually killing Gul'dan, but it is less certain, as he could pull off an escape, somehow. Illidan would join in at this point.

Activate Trap Card
If you really want to kill Gul'dan without dropping the platform, you should go for the percussive maitenance option for Kayn, as we need every fighter we can get our hands on. Killing Kayn when we can return him to our side is a bad idea.
I thought that option knocked him unconscious... @Taina ?
Edit: Yeah, no it seems pretty clear it is only a slap. Meh, I never really liked Kayn.
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[X] Kor'vas shows what mercy one can to an Illidari who is fallen, and ends Kayn quickly. Kor'vas' critical success is used to kill Kayn outright. Prevents Kayn from joining Gul'dan's forces as an enemy.
[X] Attempt to finish off Gul'dan and his forces without collapsing the center of the platform. Carries a bit of risk, but if successful would mean that you could be certain Gul'dan is finished off. Illidan would join in at this point.

I might not like Kayn but even Altruis isn't thatt traitory gawd fix it Kor'vas Kayn spent to long in the dungeon
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People, we can fix Kayn WITHOUT KILLING HIM! Why are you guys still voting for that option when the "percussive maitenance" is clearly superior in each and every way?

As quoted from that vote:"Kor'vas' critical success cancels out Kayn's critical failure and both are treated as though they had a standard pass."

If we go for percussive maintenance, Kayn will be treated as if he passed the roll, aka he stays loyal. All we lose is Kor'vas gaining a trait that, while useful, is not critical.
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People, we can fix Kayn WITHOUT KILLING HIM! Why are you guys still voting for that option when the "percussive maitenance" is clearly superior in each and every way?

As quoted from that vote:"Kor'vas' critical success cancels out Kayn's critical failure and both are treated as though they had a standard pass."

If we go for percussive maintenance, Kayn will be treated as if he passed the roll, aka he stays loyal. All we lose is Kor'vas gaining a trait that, while useful, is not critical.
because we are not all min-maxers... sometimes we accept the results of a roll.

[X] Kor'vas shows what mercy one can to an Illidari who is fallen, and ends Kayn quickly. Kor'vas' critical success is used to kill Kayn outright. Prevents Kayn from joining Gul'dan's forces as an enemy.
[X] Drop the orc warlock into the abyss. Has a very good chance of succeeding, and a moderately high one of actually killing Gul'dan, but it is less certain, as he could pull off an escape, somehow. Illidan would join in at this point.
because we are not all min-maxers... sometimes we accept the results of a roll.

I'm sorry, but I have to heavily disagree with this.
Firstly, this is not accepting the results of a roll, since we're being given a choice as to what should we do. If it was, then the author would had most likely given us the trait on Kor'vas and would had turned Kayn a traitor and made him join Gul'dan.

And second, if the vote has any palpable effects on how things go, then the voting criteria has to be the best vote for that situation, since it is a very logical criteria.

I do respect other opinions, but I will never agree with a voting style that does not prioritize making the best choice in each and every situation.
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because we are not all min-maxers... sometimes we accept the results of a roll

Perhaps we are not, but in this situation having every blade available against Gul'dan. I would rather see a dead Gul'dan than a dead Kayn.

[X] Kor'vas employs percussive maintenance to Kayn's head, as he must be broken if he's considering Gul'dan's words, especially with Illidan right there! Kor'vas' critical success cancels out Kayn's critical failure and both are treated as though they had a standard pass.
[X] Attempt to finish off Gul'dan and his forces without collapsing the center of the platform. Carries a bit of risk, but if successful would mean that you could be certain Gul'dan is finished off. Illidan would join in at this point.
I'm sorry, but I have to heavily disagree with this.
Firstly, this is not accepting the results of a roll, since we're being given a choice as to what should we do. If it was, then the author would had most likely given us the trait on Kor'vas and would had turned Kayn a traitor and made him join Gul'dan.

And second, if the vote has any palpable effects on how things go, then the voting criteria has to be the best vote for that situation, since it is a very logical criteria.

I do respect other opinions, but I will never agree with a voting style that does not prioritize making the best choice in each and every situation.
ok 1) sure we are being given the choice, but does that first option sound like something that would ever truly happen? no and it literally states one roll negates the other causing both rolls to cease,

2) no it does not the best criteria is the one with the best narrative and the one that would most likely be taken by the characters.

3) fair enough but that is in fact what min maxing and meta-gaming is.
ok 1) sure we are being given the choice, but does that first option sound like something that would ever truly happen? no and it literally states one roll negates the other causing both rolls to cease,

2) no it does not the best criteria is the one with the best narrative and the one that would most likely be taken by the characters.

3) fair enough but that is in fact what min maxing and meta-gaming is.

I admit that I don't know too much about the Illidari, but I think that option 1 does sound plausible to me, because if they could, I believe that they would try to stop those who fell to manipulations without killing them, unless there's no other choice in the matter.
And another personal preference... option 1 feels like a better narrative to me than option 2. Not everything has to be a tragedy and grimdark... there are times when things should go well and this is one of those times in my opinion.

Also san, I believe that we've argued enough about this... make your points on what I've said now and let us stop the argument after that. I think that at worst, we can agree to disagree regarding this matter.
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I admit that I don't know too much about the Illidari, but I think that option 1 does sound plausible to me, because if they could, I believe that they would try to stop those who fell to manipulations without killing them, unless there's no other choice in the matter.
And another personal preference... option 1 feels like a better narrative to me than option 2. Not everything has to be a tragedy and grimdark... there are times when things should go well and this is one of those times in my opinion.
fair enough I can respect that opinion, I just don't feel the Illidari wouldn't kill someone who was considering to join the legion given how fanatical they can be.
[X] Kor'vas employs percussive maintenance to Kayn's head, as he must be broken if he's considering Gul'dan's words, especially with Illidan right there! Kor'vas' critical success cancels out Kayn's critical failure and both are treated as though they had a standard pass.
[X] Attempt to finish off Gul'dan and his forces without collapsing the center of the platform. Carries a bit of risk, but if successful would mean that you could be certain Gul'dan is finished off. Illidan would join in at this point.
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Something to point out. I was torn on doing so, but decided that, to prevent the discussion from growing heated, I would.

Demon hunters are immortal.

Upon death a demon hunters soul is flung into the Twisting Nether, much like a demons. It waits there for a suitable body to inhabit, and upon finding one returns to life.

So even choosing to kill Kayn doesn't mean it is the last you will see of him, necessarily. I'm going to assume that the Illidari have a way to permenantly kill one, but also that it takes a bit of time to do(dragging their essence from the nether/getting it before it goes there, and devouring it or otherwise destroying it).

So like I said, killing Kayn? Not the last you'd see of him. Of course, that doesn't mean he'd be friendly when you saw him next. Also doesn't mean he'd be unfriendly. I already have plans for if he dies. Had them for any of the named demon hunters if they died in the fight.

Edit: Also, ugh. Phone typing.
[X] Kor'vas employs percussive maintenance to Kayn's head, as he must be broken if he's considering Gul'dan's words, especially with Illidan right there! Kor'vas' critical success cancels out Kayn's critical failure and both are treated as though they had a standard pass.
[X] Attempt to finish off Gul'dan and his forces without collapsing the center of the platform. Carries a bit of risk, but if successful would mean that you could be certain Gul'dan is finished off. Illidan would join in at this point.
[X] Kor'vas employs percussive maintenance to Kayn's head, as he must be broken if he's considering Gul'dan's words, especially with Illidan right there! Kor'vas' critical success cancels out Kayn's critical failure and both are treated as though they had a standard pass.
[X] Attempt to finish off Gul'dan and his forces without collapsing the center of the platform. Carries a bit of risk, but if successful would mean that you could be certain Gul'dan is finished off. Illidan would join in at this point
[X] Kor'vas employs percussive maintenance to Kayn's head, as he must be broken if he's considering Gul'dan's words, especially with Illidan right there! Kor'vas' critical success cancels out Kayn's critical failure and both are treated as though they had a standard pass.
[X] Attempt to finish off Gul'dan and his forces without collapsing the center of the platform. Carries a bit of risk, but if successful would mean that you could be certain Gul'dan is finished off. Illidan would join in at this point

Well, no point killing someone, if they just come back mad at you...