Adrift Amoungst Silver Waves: The Improved Third

Alright. I got a new place and I just got internet last night. I work these next three days. But, Thursday I'll be able to get a post out. Anyone still in the game post so, that I know. Even if you haven't been accepted yet.
Sunburn continues to scheme. Evilly does she scheme!

Great to have you back
Alright that's good. To keep everyone in the loop. I work tomorrow but, I should be able to get a post up Thursday.
With the obvious wear of the dock in mind, I take out a length of leather rope and secure my boat as best as I can to the sturdiest thing I can find. A large stone, an intact piece of the dock or a tree are all possibilities if they exist.

After that is done, I turn to the plaque. its grimy surface cloaking whatever is written on it. after trying to scrape off the majority of the salt and grime with only my knife I stop. near the beach, I find a small, smooth stone before returning to the plaque and using my knife as a chisel to get the majority of the grime off, even if I take care not to scratch the actual wood or metal. Then I get a bucket from my boat filled with seawater and start using it to wash away as much of its remaining coating as I can so it will hopefully become readable.

Though, if I could actually read the language is up in the air: I know some letters and numbers but I am a fisherman, not a wiseman.
Have I been responded too yet?
POSTED> Realizd that I hadn't been using this to let people know that I had been posting.
Name: Blaze the Cat

Character Type: Canon

Gender: Trans Woman*


Universe of Origin: Sonic

-Pyrokinesis: Blaze can, as her name suggests, generate flames from her hands, as well as manipulate them. This also renders her immune to fire damage.
-Super Speed: Blaze can move incredibly fast, almost at the speed of sound, as well as react to bullets.
-Agility: Blaze is very agile, able to jump much higher than a normal human despite her short height and perform amazing acrobatic feats.
-Dancing Fighting Style: Blaze uses a fighting style similar to dancing, with an emphasis on kicks.

Gear: Besides her garments, Blaze doesn't carry any gear since she doesn't think she requires any armaments.

Name of the Vessel: The Ocean Tornado

Ship Class: Sloop

Ship Appearance:

Crew Compliment: Can be operated by a single person, although has room for up to 13 and requires other crew members to use the weapons.

Armaments: Gun Turret (6 round magazine, 15mm), Cannon (3 round magazine, 30 lb), Flamethrower (Greek Fire)

Attached Units: Four Jet Skis

*Personal Headcanon
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