Adrfit Amongst Silver Waves.

Skip awoke to find that they were not where they had been. Sensors showed impossible things. Lava flows flowing nearly 100 meters beneath the surface of the ocean. With Small bubbles of superheated air rising the surface and occasionally small chunks of what you have to assume is pumice rises with them.
"What even..." Skip muttered, her eyes scanning the immediate vicinity. She was not on a bridge of some sort, but not the Trojan's. Her trusty Shade-class was a restored pirate vessel, and the bridge still bores sign of its previous inhabitants. This, however, didn't even looked human. The walls, floor, and ceiling are all one seamless mass of a material that straddle the line between metal and ceramic. The consoles looked like they grew out of the ship itself, and their display seemed strangely liquid.

"Welcome back, captain." A synthesized voice spoke from all around her, "What is your directive?"

Skip frowned. That was most likely an AI, and the only AI-crewed vessels she knew are Remnants. Those, however, didn't come with bridges, or any kind of consideration for human, for that matter.

"Where am I?" The smuggler demanded. The last thing she remembered was boarding a Remnants factory, then an Eagle crashed into one of its wings and everything started going to shit. They were looking for something, a relic...

"This is the omnitheatre attack craft O̶̡̧̪̮̤͙̤͍͊̄̉̅̑̋͆̆͠ͅͅ%̴̣̘̈́̊̽͛̏̚͝-̷̧̛͔̭̮͚͍̘̟̘̣̰͛́͌̔̑̐ͅ0̷̢̹͕̲͔̫͇̪̪̩̠̫̽̌̆̋̂̀̀͗͜͜ḋ̸̞̣̞̝̜̰̞̥̎̒̒̒̚̕͝0̸̡͎̬̜̠͉͔͌̓̊̆̈́͗1̵̪̯̗͕̹̥̣̠̬̣͔͋͜͜_̵̗̤̱̌̀̌1̴̡̼͉͓͚̤̼̹̟̺̯͕̽͋̄̕y̴̺̅̅͊̇͆#̸̧̞̦̪̱̥̩͍̭͑̉̅̃͗͌ͅ1̸̧̧̫̖̺͔̟̯͚̺͔̯̈́̌͑̿͆ͅ0̷̟̞̲̳̫̻̺̂̂̂̄͜1̷̨͙̬̘̜̻̖̠̆̈̈́̅̊̇̀̉̏̐͌͠͝_̶͙̹̥͉̽̊̀̚_̵̨̥̜̘̼̖̰͓̼̼̲̋͗̓͂̈̆̉̚̕̕͝͝ŝ̵̙̉0̴̫̩̤̝̗͚͋͑̈̕̕͝1̴̡̱͓̈́̍̋́̄͋̀̏̿̀̌̂́̽s̸̢̘̝̩̤͕̫̎̓̓̋͛̋̒̅͒̃͜^̴͙̗̋͒͂͛̐̋͋&̸̧̢̙̮̤͈͖̮̺͖̾̈́͆̽͑͘͝0̵͖͈̑̒́͑͛̉̑͐#̷̧̢̯͕͆̓̽̃̅̇̒̓̀̃̋1̷̧̱̥̼̣̪̤̻̲͔͎͖̈́͑͜͝e̸̡̜̖̺͛ͅ!̴͉͓̼̋̋̓́̓!̸̛̹̲͓̬͐̂̾̈́̄͠͠-̶͈͉̘̰͇͚͖̞̒̊́͗̃͘͜u̶̧͎̰͎̦̳͛̈́̄͋̔̋̀͜ͅ/̵̡̧̛͈̼̳͚̗̰̭͉̟̭͈͋̌͑̏͂̊̈́͘͜͝{̴͖̻͉̼̲̰͓́̒̐̊1̷̧̨̦͍̝̼̙̲̮͔̟͇͖͔̽̽̌̓͒́̏̊͝͝1̴̨̧̢̧̛̘͈̹̘̘͉͇̣̇̿͒͝0̴̨̡̙̽̌̍̓̃̈̌͆͛͘ͅ]̵̡̨̨̡̛̗̝̟͔͉͙͒̃̒̑̐̑͆ͅs̶̳͍̣̝͑ͅ. Current planet: Unknown."

Skip winced as the electronic hiss split through her brain. Omnitheatre attack craft. Right, so this was probably what she was contracted to recover. As for how she even get inside of it, or onto a planet with liquid water...

"Just... scan for radio waves... Anything that would signify civilization." She ordered between deep breath, trying to calm herself down, "And give me a status report."
It is a sound that awakens Admiral Raldirm den Rothorag. A soft ever-present humming that seems to pierce into the deepest bowels of the ship without getting any quieter or louder. The Ships watchmen had all either fallen asleep or found themselves distracted from the seas around them looked up to something they had not seen in a while nor had they seen it approach. Land. More specifically 9 large strangely shaped rocks jutting out of the water on the starboard side of the ship. Upon closer inspection, the noise was being produced by hundreds of small holes that perforated all nine of the rocks the water itself was obscured by a layer of fog that seemed to cover all of the water within view.
Raldirm frowned as he looked over the side of the Ether Drake. Back when he had been leading a massive fleet, such a sight would have been nothing but an interesting occurrence. He'd probably have someone note down the coordinates and send them to Petals of Grey, to arrange a researcher to show up there and take a look if the Don of Science thought it worth their while.

But Raldirm didn't have any larger responsibilities than his ship, not anymore. At times he missed the high stakes of combat in the vast darkness of space, but at times like this he couldn't help but be glad that he was allowed to indulge any peeks of whimsy.

The Admiral turned to his crew, "Alright you bunch of ignorant sacks of DNA, clearly you aren't doing your jobs hard enough if i was the first one to notice this! Now take us in, I want to take a closer look! And if I see you slacking off on the job again you'll have the night shift for a week straight!"
The small boat slows and floats up beside you. And a shorter, slightly balding man in an ill fitting black and white uniform. He shouts up to you sounding every so slightly out of breath. "Hello! This is the Refuge of Addrod Port Authority. We are here to question and then assign you a berth for you time here. Permission to come aboard?" Other than sounding out of breath he also, sounds bored and like this isn't the first time he's asked this question.

"Salutations!" I call out with a wave, "Yes, feel free to come aboard my friends! If you're in the mood for a drink, I will happily see if I have anything decent!"

Surely I should have some alcohol or something else that can help me loosen their lips somewhere on this ship...Maybe my quarters.
"Well, in. It's hay-day Macintosh was the cream of the crop in this area but, since the infection well, you get the idea. Biggest things you should know is that the Seas are pretty dangerous." Her voice is sullen for a moment but, she preks up and takes on a more... Lecturing tone. "The farther out from islands you get the bigger and more Hungry things you'll find. If you can try and stick to a set route. If you don't I've heard tales of folks who left and then spent years out in the open water."

At this point you can hear what soundstartede an alarm start to sound in the background. And then a muffled curse from Millicent then silence for a few seconds then she returns this time sounding harried. "Well, folks it sounds like they finally broke through the outer defenses. If anyone can get to me it would be much appreciated but, I understand if you got your own problems. I'll set up my Radar beacon but, this is Millicent signing off for maybe the last time." The line drops and then one of the radio operators reports a radio signal towards what they think might be west.
Silence reigned in the Student Council room as the signal cut out, the smile that was usually on Jenny's face fading as the girl became truly serious for perhaps the first time since they had arrived. Beyond the sheer implications that were far too heavy for her liking there was one simple fact that weighed heavy on her heart, right this instance there was someone trapped in a bunker, surrounded by god knows what and they needed help.

"Get Josie, I need to talk to her." she said to one of the aids, a small girl who nodded and ran off to find where Jenny's sister had gotten off to. As for Jenny herself, she had preparations to make....namely actually change out of her pajamas and prepare herself for the argument that was to come. Because she knew that when Josie got there she would have to make a lot of effort to convince her.


"I agree," Josie said after Jenny explained the situation to her, much to the blonde sister's shock. It caused her to smirk at having one gotten one over on her adorable little sister, "What expected me to disagree?"

"Yes!" Jenny exclaimed throw her arms up dramatically, "Usually when I say we are doing something like this you get that seriously look on your face and tell me it's a terrible idea! Then we argue until either you give in with an adorable pout or I see reason."

Josie just sighed, "Jenny we are in the middle of god knows where, in an ocean which we are told is dangerous and our only direction is towards there very island this person in bunkered at. Honestly it seems the best choi-" whatever Josie was about to say was cut off when she was hit by a flying ballistic sister in a very enthusiastic hug that knocked her to the group.

"ThankyoubigsisI'llgetthegirlsreadysoyoucantakeoverherethanksbye!" Jenny said before zipping out of the room towards the Sensha-do garages before Josie could even begin to pick herself off the ground.

"Never change sister," she muttered to herself before once again putting on a serious face and turning her attention to the other girls in the room who were used to such displays by now, "Well you heard the President, we have a invasion to prepare for, so hop to it!"

With that Itter sprang into action, the ship bear towards the source of the radio beacon as the girls on board prepared their tanks. All the while one cheeky radio operator decided to playing a little song on the airwaves, one that heralded their arrival.
A Willie D slowly roused from her rest, she felt her cheek resting on water? As she bolted awake and looked around the first thing she noticed was the rain. It was raining, not pouring per say but, lightly raining on her and...the potted plants around her? Looking around she was able to confirm that yes, surrounding her for as far as she could see there were plants in strange pots and not just small plants either. With her visual range, she could see four trees: two evergreens, what looked like a palm tree if a bit squatter, and a large oak tree all, sitting in pots with small or large buoys attached. Each plant had a small ribbon attached to it.
W-where? Willie thought sleepily, before shaking off her sleep and looking around, okay, I know my luck is bad, but really? as she got up on her feet, she couldn't help but wonder how the hell did she get here?
As you fly in you can see into the clearish water. Coral, occasional patches of sea weed, and, mainly, a lot of sharks. Sharks of all shapes and sizes, though none are bigger than 7 foot long. You land near one of the tin sheds near the bunkers. You see a few small rusted 'No Trespassing' signs.

The door to the shed lays open and you can clearly see a few packages of dirt, shovels, and other assorted tools. The doors to the bunkers are closed shut except for the one closest go the jungle. It's door is on the ground in front of the bunker.

Karena slowly moved through the small gathering of buildings, finding herself in a central area near the bunker entrance. "H-Hellooooo. Is there anyone here?" She called out, aiming her voice down the stairs, before taking in a sweeping view of the beach.
Meetings, Arrivals, and Prospects.
Another universe already? Normally she was given some time in-between deployments. Unicron may be a singularity, but he had many Heralds and only one of himself. He didn't need every one active to clear a reality. And this wasn't the Universe War either, that much was certain given the lack of other Cybertronians.

...Wait, where was her team? She was the support in subduing resistance, powering up the heavy hitters like Galvatron, Shockaract, and Thunderwing. Her master didn't mean for her to clear this reality herself, did he? It was then that Sunburn noticed something. Or a lack of something. The pressure on her mind, the constant reminder of her allegiance, was gone. Was this a chance for redemption? To pull a heel-face turn and join the side of Primus?

...She still found Thrust being popped like a grape while the alleged 'tactician' begged for mercy hysterical, so probably not. Still, no use just sitting here. Or was there?

Sunburn angled her panels to catch the light and fired a beam of power skywards, like a beacon.

She didn't know where she was and aimlessly boating would accomplish nothing. Better to find someone who knew what the fuck was going on and ask them.

Almost immediately you find a complete cluster fuck of radio signals. It's like getting hit with a solid brick of radio signals. You catch bits and parts of sentences. Its takes 20 minutes to parse the tangled signals. In the end you get three coherent signals and 28 signals that fall in one of three categories: 1. Random Electronic Screeching, 2. Screeching Binary that speaks of "hateful flesh" and "The Glory of The Augmented." And 3. Endless Commercials.

Of the 3 coherent signals you get two are saying the same thing. And not just both are speaking about the same thing they are saying the exact same things with about a 5 second delay. A dry smooth Male voice speaks. " The Metal Consortium moves to take 5b. The Co holds 34t. Emergency on 50gh. In need of restocking at sister location. This message repeats." And then repeats. The other signal is what sounds to be a radio station of some description. "Hey, There all this 73.4 The Wolf Coming to you loud and proud from the Radio Room of the Noreaster! We'll be spinnin up a whole bunch of those old hits today to strike back at those fascists to the north and those commies to the south! Starting with
The Road Vikings hit song Clutch Nixon!" The Female voice that speaks forth is rough in a way that conveys years of hard living in every syllable.

How wonderous a discovery. In this wonderous world I had found the home of a god, or perhaps a lesser spirit or even a human. Still, the statue is so large that I can hardly imagine that anything short of demigod could have made it seemingly alone.

Still, not all of the divine are good hosts so I offer a swift prayer and burn some salt in the stove before I guide my ship into the small dock. Just in case.

As you get closer you begin to see signs of neglect. The grasses and the small garden at the feet of the statue has gone wild and overgrown. Choked with weeds and small shrubs. The small dock is worn and is missing parts of the structure, though a quick test shows it is still stable enough to stand on.

As you step onto the dock you see that about halfway up the door is a small rectangle of wood that is inset with a bronze plaque but, the whatever words may have been on it are nearly unreadable under the layer of patina and salt crystals. The door has a simple handle made of rusted iron.

How interesting! Purifier had expected maybe a small town or city from catching the radio signals, but this wasn't at all what she expected, feeling generous she'd call it an old fashioned military outpost or fledgling port, one that was fairly important going by the amount of protection it had especially with that rather fascinating portcullis in the center of their wall.

Purifier slowed to a stop as she came to a decision she would contact the people here if only to gather information. Ignoring the niggling demands in the back of her head that called for the visceral removal of the ones patrolling the wall, and wasn't that a tempting action for her. Purifier set her radio to transmit after thoroughly shaking off her impulses though the excitement she felt stayed.

"Hello to whoever is listening behind the wall~ I am Purifier and I would wish to know where I am~," Purifier said in a sickeningly saccharine tone of voice as she projected her inner excitement.

There's silence for a moment and then a voice replys. Female, nasal, and, from the tone of voice, bored out of her skull. "Hello and welcome to Bastion 42 this is The Department please confirm that you are the shipgirl in the ill-fitting and very altered captains uniform in front of the western portcullis?"

Trent looked around at his crew, and the displays glowing red or amber in the CIC.

This could only mean one thing.

"XO! Remind me to double check the fine print the next time we get a favor from ROB. Comm, Nav, do we have anything? If not, find out our position and who's nearby. Scopes! Can we dive? Helm, if you get the okay from Scopes, take us down, we're a submarine for crying out loud, we should be at least ten meters below during a storm like this."

A press of a toggle switched him to a different channel. "Hanger, CIC. Prep subs for launch, launch on my signal once we get the Wyldecat below. CIC out."

Getting the sub below the waves is actually quite difficult with the waves being as tall as they are. At times you think your deep enough only for a particularly large wave to occur and prove you wrong. You end up needing to be nearly 30 meters down to escape everything and even that deep you can occasionally see the flashes of lightning.

Your radar gives you garbled returns for the most part due to the storm and the strangely uneven seafloor. Showing massive pillars and deep valleys that dot the undersea landscape.

Unknown Waters
Unknown Time
The beginning

It's not everyday you wake up and find yourself surrounded by water. At least for me. Not in the island or sandbar sense either, but rather, being submerged in water, the cool, yet strangely comfortable feeling of it everywhere around my body. I find myself covering my mouth and nose, but I feel a sense of... still breathing air, and a tingly sensation at my neck. I put my hand to it and find a series of small slots. Slightly ticklish ones too. Gills? Where'd those come from?

Actually, my body feels different, prompting me to look down... and what a pleasant surprise it is. It feels great to run my hands through the contours. I want to thank whoever made a female body for me. Having a mermaid tail is fascinating too, the feeling of waving it about, though its shape also reminds me of Kyogre...

Now I find myself immersed in information. New things about myself flow into my mind. I have no idea how and why, but it seems that along with this body, is the very essence of that super-ancient Pokemon. Kyogre... is me, with all it entails. Fantastical, yet it feels real, and true. The sea has become my domain, and how homely it is to me now. This isn't even my true form, though I very much like my new look. Turns out I can partially or completely assume that whale-like appearance too, which comes with unleashing more of my newfound power. The mermaid tail, in fact, is actually a part of that transformation. Cool!

My surroundings, meanwhile... other than in glasses, I've never seen water this clear. Even Boracay's, after all that cleaning, only comes out as 'close but not quite'. Below me is a huge swarm of... jellyfish, so colorful, so beautiful, just bobbing along... plus fish darting in and out. They also represent a danger, however, due to those stinging, poisonous tendrils they have.

It takes a while for me as I... process all this. Take in the sights. Savor the feeling of the sea, of being a mermaid, of bearing the mantle of the Sea Basin Pokemon. I dunno where I am, but I dunno where to go if I were to go home like this... yet at the same time, I want my body to stay like this. Feels so good.

A new body, a new... life, would come with a new name. It's but a moment before the perfect one strikes me. Neptune, like that Roman deity of the oceans, that eighth planet from the sun, and that Sega console and its bubbly, pudding-loving personification in Neptunia. Lovely.

Still, while the sights are spectacular, I feel nervous about being on my own in a strange place. Gotta go somewhere though, right? So, I swim up to the surface, the up-and-down swishing movements of my tail feeling new, yet also like second nature to me, and find open sea. No landmarks or anything. Oh well.

Swimming back down, I decided to pick a random direction and start moving, while avoiding the bloom below. I'll take some time to enjoy swimming like this, before trying out my complete true form.

Switching in the massive Kygore form is an interesting experience all things told. It's faster than your humanoid form for sure, Though given what happens within the hour your beginning to think that maybe looking like a massive whale might not be an amazing thing. The first ship you find is a large vessel with strange crane-like grabbing arms jutting out at random from its nearly square hull. You're just about to go up and say hi when a large harpoon shoots right past your face. It's large, hooked, and barbed gruesomely. It shoots down into the darkness and then slows to a stop at the end of a thick cable.

After a moment another harpoon flys through the water toward as the previous one is slowly being wrenched back toward the boat.

"Then, Mister Strelok, welcome to the Panama."

Waiting until a swell crossed her feet, Karen augmented the surge with a leap, and landed lightly on the deck of the ship.

"So, how far away would this Strychnine be, and which direction? I cannot guarantee a speed much faster than the wind, but a second set of hands will help the manner greatly."

Strelok jolts forward a hits the greasy water in a near-perfect dive slipping into the water like a knife before pulling himself onto your vessel in a jumble of limbs. He gives you directions while climbs your rigging like a large, particularly pale spider. Releasing rigging as required and ordered and pointing out small repairs that may be needed. Despite his appearance and... general demeanor he is a good traveling company and is quite a capable sailor.

It's a long journey before you begin to catch sight of tall twisting minarets and strange shingled roofs over gothic architecture that rests over a mass of floating docks, buildings, and stone piers. Strelok hangs from the upper rigging for a moment and proudly proclaims. "Welcome to Strychnine Mrs. Mellisar. The premier port in the area and my home for the last couple of years." Docking is a fairly simple affair all things considered. Strelok is known to the port guards, walls of meat and stitches that smell of rot and decay and speak with voices that sound like dragging a body across cobblestones and stand at nearly 3 meters tall. Strelok assists you in tying The Panama to one of the massive sunken poles that hold up one of the long wooden boardwalks that hold duel purpose as sidewalks and boat docks from the myriad of vessels that are also tied up.

Strelok climbs up and crouches down to help you up onto the sock before remembering your early display and waits for you to join him on the rough wood.

"What even..." Skip muttered, her eyes scanning the immediate vicinity. She was not on a bridge of some sort, but not the Trojan's. Her trusty Shade-class was a restored pirate vessel, and the bridge still bores sign of its previous inhabitants. This, however, didn't even looked human. The walls, floor, and ceiling are all one seamless mass of a material that straddle the line between metal and ceramic. The consoles looked like they grew out of the ship itself, and their display seemed strangely liquid.

"Welcome back, captain." A synthesized voice spoke from all around her, "What is your directive?"

Skip frowned. That was most likely an AI, and the only AI-crewed vessels she knew are Remnants. Those, however, didn't come with bridges, or any kind of consideration for human, for that matter.

"Where am I?" The smuggler demanded. The last thing she remembered was boarding a Remnants factory, then an Eagle crashed into one of its wings and everything started going to shit. They were looking for something, a relic...

"This is the omnitheatre attack craft O̶̡̧̪̮̤͙̤͍͊̄̉̅̑̋͆̆͠ͅͅ%̴̣̘̈́̊̽͛̏̚͝-̷̧̛͔̭̮͚͍̘̟̘̣̰͛́͌̔̑̐ͅ0̷̢̹͕̲͔̫͇̪̪̩̠̫̽̌̆̋̂̀̀͗͜͜ḋ̸̞̣̞̝̜̰̞̥̎̒̒̒̚̕͝0̸̡͎̬̜̠͉͔͌̓̊̆̈́͗1̵̪̯̗͕̹̥̣̠̬̣͔͋͜͜_̵̗̤̱̌̀̌1̴̡̼͉͓͚̤̼̹̟̺̯͕̽͋̄̕y̴̺̅̅͊̇͆#̸̧̞̦̪̱̥̩͍̭͑̉̅̃͗͌ͅ1̸̧̧̫̖̺͔̟̯͚̺͔̯̈́̌͑̿͆ͅ0̷̟̞̲̳̫̻̺̂̂̂̄͜1̷̨͙̬̘̜̻̖̠̆̈̈́̅̊̇̀̉̏̐͌͠͝_̶͙̹̥͉̽̊̀̚_̵̨̥̜̘̼̖̰͓̼̼̲̋͗̓͂̈̆̉̚̕̕͝͝ŝ̵̙̉0̴̫̩̤̝̗͚͋͑̈̕̕͝1̴̡̱͓̈́̍̋́̄͋̀̏̿̀̌̂́̽s̸̢̘̝̩̤͕̫̎̓̓̋͛̋̒̅͒̃͜^̴͙̗̋͒͂͛̐̋͋&̸̧̢̙̮̤͈͖̮̺͖̾̈́͆̽͑͘͝0̵͖͈̑̒́͑͛̉̑͐#̷̧̢̯͕͆̓̽̃̅̇̒̓̀̃̋1̷̧̱̥̼̣̪̤̻̲͔͎͖̈́͑͜͝e̸̡̜̖̺͛ͅ!̴͉͓̼̋̋̓́̓!̸̛̹̲͓̬͐̂̾̈́̄͠͠-̶͈͉̘̰͇͚͖̞̒̊́͗̃͘͜u̶̧͎̰͎̦̳͛̈́̄͋̔̋̀͜ͅ/̵̡̧̛͈̼̳͚̗̰̭͉̟̭͈͋̌͑̏͂̊̈́͘͜͝{̴͖̻͉̼̲̰͓́̒̐̊1̷̧̨̦͍̝̼̙̲̮͔̟͇͖͔̽̽̌̓͒́̏̊͝͝1̴̨̧̢̧̛̘͈̹̘̘͉͇̣̇̿͒͝0̴̨̡̙̽̌̍̓̃̈̌͆͛͘ͅ]̵̡̨̨̡̛̗̝̟͔͉͙͒̃̒̑̐̑͆ͅs̶̳͍̣̝͑ͅ. Current planet: Unknown."

Skip winced as the electronic hiss split through her brain. Omnitheatre attack craft. Right, so this was probably what she was contracted to recover. As for how she even get inside of it, or onto a planet with liquid water...

"Just... scan for radio waves... Anything that would signify civilization." She ordered between deep breath, trying to calm herself down, "And give me a status report."

The report on the state of the ship is mostly positive with two glaring exceptions. The first being that the phase drive is unbelievable out of date on the formulas and calculations that it requires to work as intended and that the plasma cannon is not calibrated anywhere near correctly for in-atmo fighting.

Your ship does catch a few radio signals mostly one-way music or talk show civilian channels. Though there is one that sounds interesting. "-This is the IHS Malloten In need of assistance from any Brotherhood assets in area. Any freelancers will be paid for their assistance if they give it. I repeat SOS on the Radio beacon IHS Malloten." Then the voice sounding cool and collected regardless of the sound of battle in the background.

Raldirm frowned as he looked over the side of the Ether Drake. Back when he had been leading a massive fleet, such a sight would have been nothing but an interesting occurrence. He'd probably have someone note down the coordinates and send them to Petals of Grey, to arrange a researcher to show up there and take a look if the Don of Science thought it worth their while.

But Raldirm didn't have any larger responsibilities than his ship, not anymore. At times he missed the high stakes of combat in the vast darkness of space, but at times like this he couldn't help but be glad that he was allowed to indulge any peeks of whimsy.

The Admiral turned to his crew, "Alright you bunch of ignorant sacks of DNA, clearly you aren't doing your jobs hard enough if I was the first one to notice this! Now take us in, I want to take a closer look! And if I see you slacking off on the job again you'll have the night shift for a week straight!"

The sentient Sacks of plant matter and DNA move quickly to being the ship even closer to the massive rock pillar. The noise rising in both pitch and volume the closer you get until it begins to give you a bit of a headache from the sound.

This close you can see that the holes are not random but, placed evenly across the entire pillar and they are straight through the pillar allowing you to see to the other side and see yet another more swirling mist.

"Salutations!" I call out with a wave, "Yes, feel free to come aboard my friends! If you're in the mood for a drink, I will happily see if I have anything decent!"

Surely I should have some alcohol or something else that can help me loosen their lips somewhere on this ship...Maybe my quarters.

"I do apologize but, I try to keep my rampant alcoholism to the hours I'm not working if you please." The words sound like a joke but, this harried civil servant seems in a bit of a rush at the moment as he pulls out a clipboard and a small black box. " alright let's begin with the simple questions that I can answer without you." He quickly marks boxes and writes things down while looking about your ship. Then finally asks. "Alright after getting the appearance and crew composition. The final question is. 'Are you or have you ever been a pirate?' And after that, I can give you your docking beacon." He gestures to the small box. " and I can get back to my job.:"

Silence reigned in the Student Council room as the signal cut out, the smile that was usually on Jenny's face fading as the girl became truly serious for perhaps the first time since they had arrived. Beyond the sheer implications that were far too heavy for her liking there was one simple fact that weighed heavy on her heart, right this instance there was someone trapped in a bunker, surrounded by god knows what and they needed help.

"Get Josie, I need to talk to her." she said to one of the aids, a small girl who nodded and ran off to find where Jenny's sister had gotten off to. As for Jenny herself, she had preparations to make....namely actually change out of her pajamas and prepare herself for the argument that was to come. Because she knew that when Josie got there she would have to make a lot of effort to convince her.


"I agree," Josie said after Jenny explained the situation to her, much to the blonde sister's shock. It caused her to smirk at having one gotten one over on her adorable little sister, "What expected me to disagree?"

"Yes!" Jenny exclaimed throw her arms up dramatically, "Usually when I say we are doing something like this you get that seriously look on your face and tell me it's a terrible idea! Then we argue until either you give in with an adorable pout or I see reason."

Josie just sighed, "Jenny we are in the middle of god knows where, in an ocean which we are told is dangerous and our only direction is towards there very island this person in bunkered at. Honestly it seems the best choi-" whatever Josie was about to say was cut off when she was hit by a flying ballistic sister in a very enthusiastic hug that knocked her to the group.

"ThankyoubigsisI'llgetthegirlsreadysoyoucantakeoverherethanksbye!" Jenny said before zipping out of the room towards the Sensha-do garages before Josie could even begin to pick herself off the ground.

"Never change sister," she muttered to herself before once again putting on a serious face and turning her attention to the other girls in the room who were used to such displays by now, "Well you heard the President, we have a invasion to prepare for, so hop to it!"

With that Itter sprang into action, the ship bear towards the source of the radio beacon as the girls on board prepared their tanks. All the while one cheeky radio operator decided to playing a little song on the airwaves, one that heralded their arrival.

It takes 20 minutes of sailing before you get to what you assume is Port Macintosh and you are astonished. What looked to have once been a city close to the size of San Fransico if it had several hard years in a row followed by an earthquake. There are skyscrapers that have fallen over or onto each other. The docks are filled with half-sunken cargo ships and smaller warships. There are three berths open though all have small mountains of neatly stacked containers nearby. And deeper into the city you can see movement.

And hear gunfire and explosions.

The distant pop of small arms is paired with the throaty roar of cannons and the dull thumps of mortars and grenade launchers. They are met and answered with a noise not unlike a cheering crowd at a packed concert if the noise was fed into the loudspeakers and the projected back out. The sound of a thousand voices screaming and groaning in concrete is disconcerting.

Docking is a simple affair though your helms girl and the rest of the bridge crew breath sighs of relief when you drop anchor and your tanks and their crews are prepped and awaiting their commanders.

W-where? Willie thought sleepily, before shaking off her sleep and looking around, okay, I know my luck is bad, but really? as she got up on her feet, she couldn't help but wonder how the hell did she get here?

The wind is soft and smells faintly of flowers and saltwater. The plants and their floating post now that you stand and look spread out around you for around 200 meters and each and everyone has a small ribbon a branch or around the stem.

It's calm and surprisingly peaceful.

Until you hear a soft girlish giggle from behind.

Karena slowly moved through the small gathering of buildings, finding herself in a central area near the bunker entrance. "H-Hellooooo. Is there anyone here?" She called out, aiming her voice down the stairs, before taking in a sweeping view of the beach.

The echo of your voice replys mockingly as it echoes into the depths of the bunker. As you turn you see that between the dents in the door and several strange grooves in the concrete the door was probably ripped off and thrown with some force to where it now lays.

The beach is a long narrow strip of sand and shade between the jungle and the ocean. Every now and again a large rock breaks up the sand.

And you almost miss it but, something shifts back and deeper into the jungle about 50 meters from you down the beach. Before you can process that you hear a loud clang from inside the bunker somewhere followed by a quick shuffling and then silence.
There's silence for a moment and then a voice replys. Female, nasal, and, from the tone of voice, bored out of her skull. "Hello and welcome to Bastion 42 this is The Department please confirm that you are the shipgirl in the ill-fitting and very altered captains uniform in front of the western portcullis?"
Ill-fitting? Purifier briefly frowned at that she could have sworn in a stray memory of modifying the uniform to fit her quite well to appeal to her beloved Shikikan, well actually taking notice of it. The uniform did seem to no longer fit her just right anymore how sad she would have to fix that it was after all, all she had left of her beloved Shikikan, and it just wouldn't do if Purifier returned to her in such a state. She would need a sewing kit and more to fix this travesty, oh yes.

Oh right they wanted an answer from Purifier well she could do that.

"I am indeed~ Even if to me the uniform has the rank of my Shikikan~ Is there anything else you need?~" Purifier asked excitedly.
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As you get closer you begin to see signs of neglect. The grasses and the small garden at the feet of the statue has gone wild and overgrown. Choked with weeds and small shrubs. The small dock is worn and is missing parts of the structure, though a quick test shows it is still stable enough to stand on.

As you step onto the dock you see that about halfway up the door is a small rectangle of wood that is inset with a bronze plaque but, the whatever words may have been on it are nearly unreadable under the layer of patina and salt crystals. The door has a simple handle made of rusted iron.
With the obvious wear of the dock in mind, I take out a length of leather rope and secure my boat as best as I can to the sturdiest thing I can find. A large stone, an intact piece of the dock or a tree are all possibilities if they exist.

After that is done, I turn to the plaque. its grimy surface cloaking whatever is written on it. after trying to scrape off the majority of the salt and grime with only my knife I stop. near the beach, I find a small, smooth stone before returning to the plaque and using my knife as a chisel to get the majority of the grime off, even if I take care not to scratch the actual wood or metal. Then I get a bucket from my boat filled with seawater and start using it to wash away as much of its remaining coating as I can so it will hopefully become readable.

Though, if I could actually read the language is up in the air: I know some letters and numbers but I am a fisherman, not a wiseman.
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Almost immediately you find a complete cluster fuck of radio signals. It's like getting hit with a solid brick of radio signals. You catch bits and parts of sentences. Its takes 20 minutes to parse the tangled signals. In the end you get three coherent signals and 28 signals that fall in one of three categories: 1. Random Electronic Screeching, 2. Screeching Binary that speaks of "hateful flesh" and "The Glory of The Augmented." And 3. Endless Commercials.
Category one were three are just annoying (no matter how catchy the jingles on the latter), but two elicited a sigh from Sunburn. That kind of language didn't come from anyone except deranged cultists. The Forged had been spitting the same propagantastic lines during her time in the Uniend cluster. She didn't have fond memories of that. The Forged were stronger than average and either too full of their shit and/or lobotomized to know when to run. The whole thing turned into a drawn out campaign until they finally managed to corner Shockwave.

It's either a coincidence or something more sinister that these 'Augmented' speak Binary. If she wasn't a Mini-Con Sunburn'd have a much harder time understanding them. But that name, combined with the whole 'hateful flesh' thing implied cyborgs. So this was either a Gargent universe or somewhere completely off the map. Maybe Lukas at a stretch. It didn't really matter which one it was, because all three options were so far at the edge of her master's influence that rescue was unlikely, to say the least. Sunburn may have been worth a small army of Dead End drones, but Unicron had enough drones that her going missing was just a drop in the bucket. She wasn't really expecting much from a job that included 'Being nommed last' in the employee benefits, but the thought of how utterly replaceable she was in the grand scheme of things hurt.
Of the 3 coherent signals you get two are saying the same thing. And not just both are speaking about the same thing they are saying the exact same things with about a 5 second delay. A dry smooth Male voice speaks. " The Metal Consortium moves to take 5b. The Co holds 34t. Emergency on 50gh. In need of restocking at sister location. This message repeats." And then repeats. The other signal is what sounds to be a radio station of some description. "Hey, There all this 73.4 The Wolf Coming to you loud and proud from the Radio Room of the Noreaster! We'll be spinnin up a whole bunch of those old hits today to strike back at those fascists to the north and those commies to the south! Starting with
The Road Vikings hit song Clutch Nixon!" The Female voice that speaks forth is rough in a way that conveys years of hard living in every syllable.
Sunburn did her best to block out the previous train of thought by focusing on the music. The first message was obviously a status update of some kind, probably by the 'fascists' the radio talked about. The whole 'augmented' thing was probably the Metal Consortium mentioned and they struck her more as the 'commies' in this scenario. Cyborgs tended to go for neural networks and links. It lent itself well to the whole 'greater good' ideal.

Hmm.... So North or South? North would probably mistake her for the enemy but might be convinced otherwise, but South might dissect her to figure out how she worked and improve themselves if they didn't value the individual over the whole. Not to mention the possibility that the radio station was part of some unknown third faction.

Screw it. Taking a page from someone who should never be a role model, Sunburn transformed and set off North. When in doubt, start with the faction less likely to take you in. Then you have a back-up when shit hits the fan.
"I do apologize but, I try to keep my rampant alcoholism to the hours I'm not working if you please." The words sound like a joke but, this harried civil servant seems in a bit of a rush at the moment as he pulls out a clipboard and a small black box. " alright let's begin with the simple questions that I can answer without you."

I frown a little before smiling again, "A shame, but I understand. I'll just need to find you off of work then! But for now, feel free to examine my fine vessel to you hearts' content!"

He quickly marks boxes and writes things down while looking about your ship. Then finally asks. "Alright after getting the appearance and crew composition. The final question is. 'Are you or have you ever been a pirate?' And after that, I can give you your docking beacon." He gestures to the small box. " and I can get back to my job.:"

......Of course that's a question you outright ask someone

It's almost hard to keep a straight face for me without giggling because of how silly I found the question. If this was any normal port then of course anyone would say no.

....Then again, this may not be a normal port, but I'll play it safe for now, and try out my skills in the art of bluffing.

I raise an eyebrow to the civil servant, "what a strange question to ask someone. Rest assured that I have no engaged in piracy before. My field of employment is, well...I suppose you could say is a mix of an adventurer and prospector, meaning I explore ruins and other such abandoned places and extract what I can from them to either sell or keep."

I then sigh, "that's actually how I got here I believe. You take one shiny artifact from an old temple, take it aboard your ship, and then suddenly the water in the entire bay turns bright green, drags your ship into its depths, and spits you out here. It's truly a wonder how my ship appears to have taken no damage during the entire endeavor, I suppose lady luck was on my side."
The report on the state of the ship is mostly positive with two glaring exceptions. The first being that the phase drive is unbelievable out of date on the formulas and calculations that it requires to work as intended and that the plasma cannon is not calibrated anywhere near correctly for in-atmo fighting.

Your ship does catch a few radio signals mostly one-way music or talk show civilian channels. Though there is one that sounds interesting. "-This is the IHS Malloten In need of assistance from any Brotherhood assets in area. Any freelancers will be paid for their assistance if they give it. I repeat SOS on the Radio beacon IHS Malloten." Then the voice sounding cool and collected regardless of the sound of battle in the background.
Skip's eyes almost leap out of their sockets as the report came in. A plasma cannon on a vessel this size? That probably explained why her sponsor was willing to pay an exorbitant fees and committed his sizable fleet to that Remnants grinder. It sounded almost magical, but a lot of pre-Collapse wonders are like that.

The signals were a cause for relief. That meant she was on an inhabited planet with civilized people, even if she couldn't find a clue as to which. Perhaps this was a fledgling colony founded by settlers trying to escape the core systems' dramas. They popped up often enough, though none ever had a happy ending. Regardless, this should hopefully mean she could get this relics fixed up and returned to orbit. Most likely her old ship and crew are all gone to the cold embrace of space in that disastrous battle, but she had a fair sum in the bank and this ship was worth five times what was lost.

The distress signal, though, opened up some interesting prospects. She didn't recognize the IHS initial or this "Bortherhood", but if this colony was so unstable that new factions are popping out of the woodwork and openly raiding each other, then it should prove to be a lucrative one. In fact, the usual problem with planet like these was that they are so lucrative that they attract the attentions of people so big Skip had to leave or risk getting crushed.

"Approach the distress signal, then dive and cloak up." She ordered the ship, "Scan both sides for their hull and weapons. I want to know my odds."
Unknown Waters
Unknown Time
Too bad Greenpeace is not here

Switching in the massive Kygore form is an interesting experience all things told. It's faster than your humanoid form for sure, Though given what happens within the hour your beginning to think that maybe looking like a massive whale might not be an amazing thing. The first ship you find is a large vessel with strange crane-like grabbing arms jutting out at random from its nearly square hull. You're just about to go up and say hi when a large harpoon shoots right past your face. It's large, hooked, and barbed gruesomely. It shoots down into the darkness and then slows to a stop at the end of a thick cable.

After a moment another harpoon flys through the water toward as the previous one is slowly being wrenched back toward the boat.

What the goodness?!

Too bad my face isn't the most expressive. Did someone just try to impale me with a harpoon? It has a horror-movie appearance too, the stuff of butchers.

Harpoons are what people use to catch whales. And I happen to look like a whale right now. The waters remain crystal-clear, so it can't be a case of collateral or misfire.

My instincts guide me towards self-defense. I just wanted to say hi, and they reply with an attack! That makes them the aggressor, and now they try to do it again!

Using my power over water, I direct an underwater current to shield me, by deflecting the second harpoon to the side, away from me. Then, glowing blue orbs surround me, firing azure beams of focused energy at the boat's keel. It's an Origin Pulse, intended to break the keel and prevent the hostile whaler from further attacking me.
The sentient Sacks of plant matter and DNA move quickly to being the ship even closer to the massive rock pillar. The noise rising in both pitch and volume the closer you get until it begins to give you a bit of a headache from the sound.

This close you can see that the holes are not random but, placed evenly across the entire pillar and they are straight through the pillar allowing you to see to the other side and see yet another more swirling mist.
Raldirm frowned at the strange pillar, barely even noticing his aching head. The thing looked, well, artificial, at least to some degree. He wasn't sure if it had been done by an intelligent being, but it was interesting nonetheless, especially compared to the empty seas.

"Oi, Navigator, get over here you lazy lump! What do you think about this thing?" Raldirm shouted across the ship.

The Navigator was a junior engineer, as he had been once, and surely had a name beyond his current job. Still, when you were as old as Raldirm was, you were allowed your quirks. He'd call them by their names when they earned it, and not a moment before.
It takes 20 minutes of sailing before you get to what you assume is Port Macintosh and you are astonished. What looked to have once been a city close to the size of San Fransico if it had several hard years in a row followed by an earthquake. There are skyscrapers that have fallen over or onto each other. The docks are filled with half-sunken cargo ships and smaller warships. There are three berths open though all have small mountains of neatly stacked containers nearby. And deeper into the city you can see movement.

And hear gunfire and explosions.

The distant pop of small arms is paired with the throaty roar of cannons and the dull thumps of mortars and grenade launchers. They are met and answered with a noise not unlike a cheering crowd at a packed concert if the noise was fed into the loudspeakers and the projected back out. The sound of a thousand voices screaming and groaning in concrete is disconcerting.

Docking is a simple affair though your helms girl and the rest of the bridge crew breath sighs of relief when you drop anchor and your tanks and their crews are prepped and awaiting their commanders.
Silently Jenny was thankful that there was a berth large enough in the ruined port for Itter to dock at, not many ports back home were able to dock School ships and if they had been forces to perform an amphibious landing then things would have been a lot more complicated...not to mention making their escape route more hazardous. Even now she was nervous about the situation, this entire thing reminding her way too much of a dozen different zombie movies.

Looking at the other girls in her Firefly's crew, all mirroring the determined worry that were in her eyes, before putting her fingers to her throat mic, "Okay girls we're moving out, remember this is a live fire situation so be careful. Josie are the defensive girl's ready?"

"Roger, moving my Panzers into position. Once you leave we'll dig in as much as we can and hold this area until you return." came the voice of her sister over the radio. They knew that they couldn't send all their tanks into the city, or else they'd leave the ship practically defenseless. So they'd both agreed to split the team, with Jenny taking the Shermans and Locusts into the city while Josie dug in at the docks with her StuGs and Panzers.

"Understood sis, if anything nasty shows up give 'em hell!" Jenny responded before signalling her group's tanks forward, "Locusts group move ahead and scout out our path to the beacon's location, Lance group your with me, Sword and Shield groups you have our flanks. Remember this is a city fight so watch for ambushes from the buildings."

A chorus of affirmations sounded over the radio as her detachment began moving out. While she was nervous about what they might find there was a part of her was thrumming with anticipation.
Josie was worried, her sister had always been the more reckless of the two of them and she didn't like the thought of her cute little sister running headfirst into a ruined city to save someone that she didn't even know....but she supposed that was what made Jenny such a charming person. Still Josie had a job to do and she wasn't going to let Jenny down.

Already they were piling up sandbags and moving what debris they could to form a makeshift barrier that can act as cover for her defensive forces. They didn't have time to do anything more complicated but every little bit counts and soon they hopefully should be ready to hold out against whatever was in the city.

Satisfied that her orders were being carried out, Josie turned her attention to her other job as leader of the defensive group. Taking the receiver from her radio operator she began to speak, her signal amplified through Itter's main transmission tower over a general channel that should reach the entire city. "This is Vice Commander Josie of the Itter, we have docked and are willing to provide assistance. Please respond, over."
Talk, Talk, Talk: 3
Ill-fitting? Purifier briefly frowned at that she could have sworn in a stray memory of modifying the uniform to fit her quite well to appeal to her beloved Shikikan, well actually taking notice of it. The uniform did seem to no longer fit her just right anymore how sad she would have to fix that it was after all, all she had left of her beloved Shikikan, and it just wouldn't do if Purifier returned to her in such a state. She would need a sewing kit and more to fix this travesty, oh yes.

Oh right they wanted an answer from Purifier well she could do that.

"I am indeed~ Even if to me the uniform has the rank of my Shikikan~ Is there anything else you need?~" Purifier asked excitedly.

"No other questions. Your allowed so, long as you don't start trouble with the other girls that here your fine. The porticillis sea mines are deactivated and your free to come in." The girl on the other side of the radio sighs and then cuts the transmission.

I frown a little before smiling again, "A shame, but I understand. I'll just need to find you off of work then! But for now, feel free to examine my fine vessel to you hearts' content!"

......Of course that's a question you outright ask someone

It's almost hard to keep a straight face for me without giggling because of how silly I found the question. If this was any normal port then of course anyone would say no.

....Then again, this may not be a normal port, but I'll play it safe for now, and try out my skills in the art of bluffing.

I raise an eyebrow to the civil servant, "what a strange question to ask someone. Rest assured that I have no engaged in piracy before. My field of employment is, well...I suppose you could say is a mix of an adventurer and prospector, meaning I explore ruins and other such abandoned places and extract what I can from them to either sell or keep."

I then sigh, "that's actually how I got here I believe. You take one shiny artifact from an old temple, take it aboard your ship, and then suddenly the water in the entire bay turns bright green, drags your ship into its depths, and spits you out here. It's truly a wonder how my ship appears to have taken no damage during the entire endeavor, I suppose lady luck was on my side."

"Good, sign here-" he turns the small slate over and offers you a pencil and indicates a line at the bottom of the paper. " and initial here and here." He then indicates two smaller places on the second page. " after that please make your way to an open berth and using this little beauty." Pointing to the small black box that he's set on your deck. "To register the spot or you will be fined no less than fourteen port credits." He then waits for your signature.

Raldirm frowned at the strange pillar, barely even noticing his aching head. The thing looked, well, artificial, at least to some degree. He wasn't sure if it had been done by an intelligent being, but it was interesting nonetheless, especially compared to the empty seas.

"Oi, Navigator, get over here you lazy lump! What do you think about this thing?" Raldirm shouted across the ship.

The Navigator was a junior engineer, as he had been once, and surely had a name beyond his current job. Still, when you were as old as Raldirm was, you were allowed your quirks. He'd call them by their names when they earned it, and not a moment before.

The Navigator jumps and moves over to Raldirm.
"No other questions. Your allowed so, long as you don't start trouble with the other girls that here your fine. The porticillis sea mines are deactivated and your free to come in." The girl on the other side of the radio sighs and then cuts the transmission.
"Rodger dodger~, I will be on my best behaviour~," Purifier said without transmitting. While she was disappointed she couldn't pick any fights or anything that didn't mean she couldn't defend herself if things came down to it, well that's what she thought at least. She didn't know if it would work that way if she got caught up in things.

But what would her Shikikan think of that, probably adorably exasperated that Purifier got into another fight that she had to break up, well purifier just made herself a bit sad now, she wanted her Shikikan to explore with damnit! Oh well she would just have to take photos and such for them, and find a way to go home.

Oh, right she should go in before they decided she was stalling for a reason, so with a slightly smaller metaphorical spring in her step Purifier sailed towards lands unknown to her
The echo of your voice replys mockingly as it echoes into the depths of the bunker. As you turn you see that between the dents in the door and several strange grooves in the concrete the door was probably ripped off and thrown with some force to where it now lays.

The beach is a long narrow strip of sand and shade between the jungle and the ocean. Every now and again a large rock breaks up the sand.

And you almost miss it but, something shifts back and deeper into the jungle about 50 meters from you down the beach. Before you can process that you hear a loud clang from inside the bunker somewhere followed by a quick shuffling and then silence.

"Alright. I'll give you tell the count of ten before I come down there. And if you try and scare me at all I will hit you. And it will not be fun for either party." Karena spoke loudly, letting her voice echo down the stairwell of the bunker. Over the next ten seconds she would shout a number down the stairwell, as she promised, before slowly descending the staircase her muscles and senses at the ready.
The wind is soft and smells faintly of flowers and saltwater. The plants and their floating post now that you stand and look spread out around you for around 200 meters and each and everyone has a small ribbon a branch or around the stem.

It's calm and surprisingly peaceful.

Until you hear a soft girlish giggle from behind.
"H-hello?" Willie nervously asked
"Good, sign here-" he turns the small slate over and offers you a pencil and indicates a line at the bottom of the paper. " and initial here and here." He then indicates two smaller places on the second page. " after that please make your way to an open berth and using this little beauty." Pointing to the small black box that he's set on your deck. "To register the spot or you will be fined no less than fourteen port credits." He then waits for your signature.

"Alright" I say with a smile. Now, what would be a good false name to use? Can I even be held for my crimes back on Earth? Well, they could also find out I was lying about not being a pirate soo...

Grabbing the slate and pencil, I jot down the name....Edward Read on the dotted line and the initials ER where needed. Satisfied with my false, but very creative, identity, I hand the slate and pencil back to the old captain.
The Navigator jumps and moves over to Raldirm.
"Do you have any idea what this thing is? It looks artificial to me, which means that something made it. And that something is probably more interesting than open ocean, so your job is to figure out how to get us there."

Of course, he doubted the Navigator has any more idea where they were than Raldirm did, but he figured if he gave the young worker a job he couldn't succeed in the fellow Kleptan would get them somewhere interesting.

And hopefully with food. Unlike the plant-sacks, Raldirm could not survive forever without something to eat.
Category one were three are just annoying (no matter how catchy the jingles on the latter), but two elicited a sigh from Sunburn. That kind of language didn't come from anyone except deranged cultists. The Forged had been spitting the same propagantastic lines during her time in the Uniend cluster. She didn't have fond memories of that. The Forged were stronger than average and either too full of their shit and/or lobotomized to know when to run. The whole thing turned into a drawn out campaign until they finally managed to corner Shockwave.

It's either a coincidence or something more sinister that these 'Augmented' speak Binary. If she wasn't a Mini-Con Sunburn'd have a much harder time understanding them. But that name, combined with the whole 'hateful flesh' thing implied cyborgs. So this was either a Gargent universe or somewhere completely off the map. Maybe Lukas at a stretch. It didn't really matter which one it was, because all three options were so far at the edge of her master's influence that rescue was unlikely, to say the least. Sunburn may have been worth a small army of Dead End drones, but Unicron had enough drones that her going missing was just a drop in the bucket. She wasn't really expecting much from a job that included 'Being nommed last' in the employee benefits, but the thought of how utterly replaceable she was in the grand scheme of things hurt.

Sunburn did her best to block out the previous train of thought by focusing on the music. The first message was obviously a status update of some kind, probably by the 'fascists' the radio talked about. The whole 'augmented' thing was probably the Metal Consortium mentioned and they struck her more as the 'commies' in this scenario. Cyborgs tended to go for neural networks and links. It lent itself well to the whole 'greater good' ideal.

Hmm.... So North or South? North would probably mistake her for the enemy but might be convinced otherwise, but South might dissect her to figure out how she worked and improve themselves if they didn't value the individual over the whole. Not to mention the possibility that the radio station was part of some unknown third faction.

Screw it. Taking a page from someone who should never be a role model, Sunburn transformed and set off North. When in doubt, start with the faction less likely to take you in. Then you have a back-up when shit hits the fan.

The trip North is an interesting one. The oceans around you slowly become shallower until you're able to see the seafloor and the small shoals of strange fish that call this shallow sea their home. You also begin to see wrecks both large and small dot the seafloor. They all share a certain look to them from the exposed steel 'ribs' to the strange eyeless skulls of metal that sit proudly on their prows to the uncomfortably organic lines that make up their metallic hulls. They dot the ocean floor in various stages of destroyed from the ones that have holes blown clear through them and lay on the floor in halves or smaller pieces to the ones with obvious scorch marks and twisted bulkheads from internal explosions.

Though there are those that rest in the sandy seafloor and look untouched. The only evidence that they are unoccupied is their sedentary nature and the presence of both seaweed and small amounts of coral resting on their hulls.

That idea is quickly shattered as you pass over one of those hulls and it lurches to life. The empty sockets of its prow skull flashing to life as the entire ship heaves itself nearly vertically at you. A sound like metal on ceramics smashes into your audio receptors event through the water and a strange Radio beacon appears. A simple three-tone signal, a high note and then two low notes.

An alarm it seems as you see several nearby hulks that look similar to this one heave themselves off of the ocean floor.

Skip's eyes almost leap out of their sockets as the report came in. A plasma cannon on a vessel this size? That probably explained why her sponsor was willing to pay exorbitant fees and committed his sizable fleet to that Remnants grinder. It sounded almost magical, but a lot of pre-Collapse wonders are like that.

The signals were a cause for relief. That meant she was on an inhabited planet with civilized people, even if she couldn't find a clue as to which. Perhaps this was a fledgling colony founded by settlers trying to escape the core systems' dramas. They popped up often enough, though none ever had a happy ending. Regardless, this should hopefully mean she could get this relics fixed up and returned to orbit. Most likely her old ship and crew are all gone to the cold embrace of space in that disastrous battle, but she had a fair sum in the bank and this ship was worth five times what was lost.

The distress signal, though, opened up some interesting prospects. She didn't recognize the IHS initial or this "Bortherhood", but if this colony was so unstable that new factions are popping out of the woodwork and openly raiding each other, then it should prove to be a lucrative one. In fact, the usual problem with planet like these was that they are so lucrative that they attract the attentions of people so big Skip had to leave or risk getting crushed.

"Approach the distress signal, then dive and cloak up." She ordered the ship, "Scan both sides for their hull and weapons. I want to know my odds."

Your ship is fast even with its phase drive and it hones in on the signal easily. What you see on arrival is a pitched battle between two groups of ships.

One group is a line of what looks to your, relatively, untrained eye for water ships to be Cargo ships of some kind. Gray, Squat, and Ugly ships with Prow and bow cannons and smaller guns and rifles on the sides in small casemates. The names that you can see are IHS Kittak, IHS Millnoin, and the IHS Malloten that you had received the distress beacon from. The reason that you haven't recieved on from the other two is fairly obvious as the burning flames coming from the conning towers and bridge areas would have probably made any attempts to radio for help from them less than useless.

The other side seems to be a large group of 14 small fast torpedo boats and four gyrocopters of some sort. The Pilots of the gyrocopters are exposed to the air and sit in between missile and gun pods as they dodge incoming fire and strafe the decks of the cargo ships. The Torpedo boats aren't firing their torpedos in fact they seem to be attempting to get close enough to board the IHS Malloten and from the look of it, they are barely being kept back.

Unknown Waters
Unknown Time
Too bad Greenpeace is not here

What the goodness?!

Too bad my face isn't the most expressive. Did someone just try to impale me with a harpoon? It has a horror-movie appearance too, the stuff of butchers.

Harpoons are what people use to catch whales. And I happen to look like a whale right now. The waters remain crystal-clear, so it can't be a case of collateral or misfire.

My instincts guide me towards self-defense. I just wanted to say hi, and they reply with an attack! That makes them the aggressor, and now they try to do it again!

Using my power over water, I direct an underwater current to shield me, by deflecting the second harpoon to the side, away from me. Then, glowing blue orbs surround me, firing azure beams of focused energy at the boat's keel. It's an Origin Pulse, intended to break the keel and prevent the hostile whaler from further attacking me.

The water pulse slams into the side of the Whaler crumbling the hull and slamming into bulkheads behind it you see that in the newly made rent in the hull several bodies and a large amount of what is probably oil spills out into the sea around the vessel. Another harpoon launch into the water and when you manage to evade it easily two strange canisters are land into the water and begin to float serenely down they smell of fish oil and actually smell appetizing to your more animalistic senses almost like a finely cooked tuna steak if you had to compare it to something your human form would know. Though there is a strange chemical tinge to it the longer you take in the smell.

Silently Jenny was thankful that there was a berth large enough in the ruined port for Itter to dock at, not many ports back home were able to dock School ships and if they had been forces to perform an amphibious landing then things would have been a lot more complicated...not to mention making their escape route more hazardous. Even now she was nervous about the situation, this entire thing reminding her way too much of a dozen different zombie movies.

Looking at the other girls in her Firefly's crew, all mirroring the determined worry that were in her eyes, before putting her fingers to her throat mic, "Okay girls we're moving out, remember this is a live fire situation so be careful. Josie are the defensive girl's ready?"

"Roger, moving my Panzers into position. Once you leave we'll dig in as much as we can and hold this area until you return." came the voice of her sister over the radio. They knew that they couldn't send all their tanks into the city, or else they'd leave the ship practically defenseless. So they'd both agreed to split the team, with Jenny taking the Shermans and Locusts into the city while Josie dug in at the docks with her StuGs and Panzers.

"Understood sis, if anything nasty shows up give 'em hell!" Jenny responded before signalling her group's tanks forward, "Locusts group move ahead and scout out our path to the beacon's location, Lance group your with me, Sword and Shield groups you have our flanks. Remember this is a city fight so watch for ambushes from the buildings."

A chorus of affirmations sounded over the radio as her detachment began moving out. While she was nervous about what they might find there was a part of her was thrumming with anticipation.
Josie was worried, her sister had always been the more reckless of the two of them and she didn't like the thought of her cute little sister running headfirst into a ruined city to save someone that she didn't even know....but she supposed that was what made Jenny such a charming person. Still Josie had a job to do and she wasn't going to let Jenny down.

Already they were piling up sandbags and moving what debris they could to form a makeshift barrier that can act as cover for her defensive forces. They didn't have time to do anything more complicated but every little bit counts and soon they hopefully should be ready to hold out against whatever was in the city.

Satisfied that her orders were being carried out, Josie turned her attention to her other job as leader of the defensive group. Taking the receiver from her radio operator she began to speak, her signal amplified through Itter's main transmission tower over a general channel that should reach the entire city. "This is Vice Commander Josie of the Itter, we have docked and are willing to provide assistance. Please respond, over."

There's a moment of silence and then the radio perks up though the formerly calm voice of Millicent returns. "Thank whoever's up there You got here I can see on the top cams that still exist that you're at the northern docks. Listen you need to take Bechilli Avenue it's the only mostly clear road Topside! But, it's only gonna be able to take you halfway. When you get to the intersection with the collapsed Skyscraper you need to turn right onto Glory Street. My bunker is a half-mile down at the parking garage near Blinco's Bar. Watch out for the tubby fucks and don't run over the ones that look emaciated everywhere but, their stomachs." Her voice is relived but, you can hear the fear creep back in as the sounds of crashing and screaming in the background gets louder and louder and the returning gunfire gets quieter and quieter. "-Please hurry. I don't wanna di-" the signal cuts off with a screech that makes you have to pull the radio bead from your ear or be deafened.


As the Defending tanks form up their crews nervously scan the towers of abandoned cargo containers and smaller wooden boxes as the tanks of Jenny team pull out and begin their rescue mission. once their engines fade into the distance it silent but, for the distant screams and gunfire. Until one of the Panzer II's spot movement. As the Figure slowly shuffles it's way out of the shadows of a nearby cargo container the crew is filled with a mounting sense of horror as the figure reveals itself to be a human figure with the arms messily removed at the shoulders and it's lower jaw hanging loose from a single joint and it's throat mostly open to the air. It's eye's glow a light red in the sunlight as it turns to take in the tank.

It then leans it's head back and releases a scream that even within their tanks and through the hearing protection they wear to keep themselves from being deafened by their own cannons is loud. The gunner panics and sends a 37mm shell into the thing's chest tearing it firmly in half but, it only takes a few seconds before several less loud but, still distinct screams begin to answer and move in The Itters Direction.

"Rodger dodger~, I will be on my best behaviour~," Purifier said without transmitting. While she was disappointed she couldn't pick any fights or anything that didn't mean she couldn't defend herself if things came down to it, well that's what she thought at least. She didn't know if it would work that way if she got caught up in things.

But what would her Shikikan think of that, probably adorably exasperated that Purifier got into another fight that she had to break up, well purifier just made herself a bit sad now, she wanted her Shikikan to explore with damnit! Oh well she would just have to take photos and such for them, and find a way to go home.

Oh, right she should go in before they decided she was stalling for a reason, so with a slightly smaller metaphorical spring in her step Purifier sailed towards lands unknown to her

As you pass underneath the rough iron portcullis that was raised for you begin to see small sea mines chained to the bottom of the channel floating randomly. their deep enough that no ships that could fit through this gate are likely to hit them but, you can imagine that if their magnetic fuses where on they would have hurt quite a lot if they went off.

You finally get to see what rests behind the walls of this place and what it is, is both confusing and frustratingly both more and less than you where expecting. Buildings of both stone, brick, and wood are stacked and scattered haphazardly along long wooden docks that just out into the wide river that goes deeper into the township. You can see, well you defintly see humans but, that's not the only species you see and that through you for a loop. Humans brush shoulders with beings that both tower over them and some that barely reach their hips. Green, Blue, Red, all manner of hair and skin colors like a pack Crayola crayons was spilled over a crowd of people. Some work the docks carrying boxes to and from ships and boats. Others shout and yell in all manner of tongues and accents while holding up fish, jewelry, and weapons of all kinds.

Then your radar catches something. A Liberty ship and a few destroyers of assorted nationalities, two Italian and one german Looking over you see that the three destroyers are picking on the liberty ship, mostly pulling her pigtail and name-calling but, they are boxing her in near against the wall of a building with a large smokestack that sits basically on the water's edge.

"Alright. I'll give you tell the count of ten before I come down there. And if you try and scare me at all I will hit you. And it will not be fun for either party." Karena spoke loudly, letting her voice echo down the stairwell of the bunker. Over the next ten seconds, she would shout a number down the stairwell, as she promised, before slowly descending the staircase her muscles and senses at the ready.

The numbers ring out in the deafening silence. The words echo down the stairs and deeper into the bunker. Nothing answers. The first step is slightly shaky as the step gives slightly but, it's the second one that's the doozy as it and the next three break sending you falling 15 feet onto hard concrete. Wheezing slightly as the breath is knocked from your lungs you manage to stop gasping just in time to see a shadow dart from one corner of the room you've fallen into and out the door. It's movements disjointed and inhuman as it seems to scramble and scrap at the air as it moves.

It also had too many limbs for comfort.

The room you've fallen into has concrete walls and a strange open slit in the wall that it takes a second to realize probably had glass of some sort in it and that the overturned table two feet to the left of you and the handcuffed skeleton with the caved-in skull that this was some form of an interrogation room.

"H-hello?" Willie nervously asked

There's quite for a moment as Willie's words leave her mouth, complete and total silence no waves, wind, or birds. Even Willie's on breathing sounds quieter. Then a soft smooth voice whispers a soft "Hello." into Willies ear.

"Alright" I say with a smile. Now, what would be a good false name to use? Can I even be held for my crimes back on Earth? Well, they could also find out I was lying about not being a pirate soo...

Grabbing the slate and pencil, I jot down the name....Edward Read on the dotted line and the initials ER where needed. Satisfied with my false, but very creative, identity, I hand the slate and pencil back to the old captain.

The Port Worker nods and hands you the small black box that he has been motioning to through the conversation and explains that once you're in a berth you just input your name and the berth number into the small touch screen on top. He then nods to you and motions the Port side of your ship. "And with that a good day to Mister Reed. If I may the berths between the Fishermans Stagger and the Dock Workers Union building-" Pointing to first a smaller squat wooden building on the docks and then to a larger brick and mortar building roughly directly in front of your vessel. "- are Currently mostly empty given the time of day and year so, you may be able to find a large to medium berth easier over there."

With that final piece of advice the Port Authority worker steps of your ship and back onto his own.

"Do you have any idea what this thing is? It looks artificial to me, which means that something made it. And that something is probably more interesting than open ocean, so your job is to figure out how to get us there."

Of course, he doubted the Navigator has any more idea where they were than Raldirm did, but he figured if he gave the young worker a job he couldn't succeed in the fellow Kleptan would get them somewhere interesting.

And hopefully with food. Unlike the plant-sacks, Raldirm could not survive forever without something to eat.

The Navigator nodded in reverence to the Don before freezing and looking at the Pillar strangely for a moment before pointing. "Sir, Who's that?" your just about to reprimand him for referring to the plant clones as people when you notice that he's pointing to a figure that was not their a moment ago. Dressed in a yellow rain slicker and with a grey sea bag by their feet a single arm is extended to the side with a single thumb pointing up in the universal sign for hitching a ride.

More worrying is the complete absence of the Plant-Sacks that the Don had sent out to investigate the Pillar.

With the obvious wear of the dock in mind, I take out a length of leather rope and secure my boat as best as I can to the sturdiest thing I can find. A large stone, an intact piece of the dock or a tree are all possibilities if they exist.

After that is done, I turn to the plaque. its grimy surface cloaking whatever is written on it. after trying to scrape off the majority of the salt and grime with only my knife I stop. near the beach, I find a small, smooth stone before returning to the plaque and using my knife as a chisel to get the majority of the grime off, even if I take care not to scratch the actual wood or metal. Then I get a bucket from my boat filled with seawater and start using it to wash away as much of its remaining coating as I can so it will hopefully become readable.

Though, if I could actually read the language is up in the air: I know some letters and numbers but I am a fisherman, not a wiseman.

It takes a while and the door nearly falls in a few times when your scrapping but, manage to get a good amount of the accumulated rust and mold off of the plaque.

You still can't read most of the words as when you scrapped you took off parts of them. But, you can read what's left. "Ho?? O? Deleth. Kee??? Of Th? Ligh???se ?f Laufey.
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The Navigator nodded in reverence to the Don before freezing and looking at the Pillar strangely for a moment before pointing. "Sir, Who's that?" your just about to reprimand him for referring to the plant clones as people when you notice that he's pointing to a figure that was not their a moment ago. Dressed in a yellow rain slicker and with a grey sea bag by their feet a single arm is extended to the side with a single thumb pointing up in the universal sign for hitching a ride.

More worrying is the complete absence of the Plant-Sacks that the Don had sent out to investigate the Pillar.
Raldirm frowned. "I have no idea, but I intend to find out."

He stepped out, priming his shield and keeping a firm grip on the laser pistol. He did not know who this figure was, but the plant sacks were rather important to the function of the ship. Without them they were dead in the water.

"You!" He shouted to the strange creature, "who the hell are you, and where are my workers?"
As you pass underneath the rough iron portcullis that was raised for you begin to see small sea mines chained to the bottom of the channel floating randomly. their deep enough that no ships that could fit through this gate are likely to hit them but, you can imagine that if their magnetic fuses were on they would have hurt quite a lot if they went off.

You finally get to see what rests behind the walls of this place and what it is, is both confusing and frustratingly both more and less than you where expecting. Buildings of both stone, brick, and wood are stacked and scattered haphazardly along long wooden docks that just out into the wide river that goes deeper into the township. You can see, well you definitely see humans but, that's not the only species you see and that through you for a loop. Humans brush shoulders with beings that both tower over them and some that barely reach their hips. Green, Blue, Red, all manner of hair and skin colors like a pack Crayola crayons were spilled over a crowd of people. Some work the docks carrying boxes to and from ships and boats. Others shout and yell in all manner of tongues and accents while holding up fish, jewelry, and weapons of all kinds.

Then your radar catches something. A Liberty ship and a few destroyers of assorted nationalities, two Italian and one german Looking over you see that the three destroyers are picking on the liberty ship, mostly pulling her pigtail and name-calling but, they are boxing her in near against the wall of a building with a large smokestack that sits basically on the water's edge.
To say Purifier was now more excited than before would be like saying that the ocean is a bit salty or that the sun is a tad bright, Purifier was quite frankly now ecstatic having passed the portcullis and gazed upon the wonders beyond, a veritable fantasy lay before her so many new things and people! Why did they have such colorful hair and skin? Purifier happily added that to her ever-growing list of questions to spit out at nine thousand words a minute at the opportune time.

Not all of her attention was on the people though she did still keep a metaphorical ear to her radar if only for any undeclared hazards on the way to the dock, imagine her surprise on picking up the presence of shipgirls further along a liberty ship and three destroyers who were picking on the liberty shipgirl. Purifier's instincts roiled as always at the sight of shipgirls but she squashed that with practiced ease, they may not be her Shikikan's shipgirls but she would extend the courtesy for now even if she did plan on taking some action on the picking on of the liberty shipgirl.

Shikikan would be disappointed if she didn't do so Purifier reasoned to herself as she pulled herself onto the docks and slinked quietly towards the group. She would form a plan when she had more to work on.
The Port Worker nods and hands you the small black box that he has been motioning to through the conversation and explains that once you're in a berth you just input your name and the berth number into the small touch screen on top. He then nods to you and motions the Port side of your ship. "And with that a good day to Mister Reed. If I may the berths between the Fishermans Stagger and the Dock Workers Union building-" Pointing to first a smaller squat wooden building on the docks and then to a larger brick and mortar building roughly directly in front of your vessel. "- are Currently mostly empty given the time of day and year so, you may be able to find a large to medium berth easier over there."

With that final piece of advice the Port Authority worker steps of your ship and back onto his own.

Alright! I managed to bluff my way successfully and now all I need to do is park somewhere and explore this cozy place! Wonder if there are places where a man can get a strong drink around here, should keep that in mind while I'm here.

Returning to the wheel, I begin to steer my vessel to where the kind gentlemen recommended. Now...where's a berth that would suit my fine ship?