Iwo Jima

"KSH Well, Little lady we work for Ivory Knives Naval Security and the Sharkfins are bunch cowardly raiders who like to ambush cargo ships like our charge here." A completely different voice jumps in where the first voice was a younger and more professional sounding this one is older and seemed to be a bit more tired sounding.

The cargo that the ship is carrying is generally pretty hard to see from your angle but, you can see that the towers of Containers are stacked higher than the bridge and that they seem to be locked tight.

"Ok, what can you tell me about the memorial back in the direction I came from?" I should after this I'll sit back and see if they have any questions for me. Especially considering I've basically been interrogating them the whole time. "Sorry if I've been bothering you with all my questioning, if you have anything you wish to ask if me I will answer." I say timidly, hoping I haven't upset them. Meggie I maintain a keen focus on my radar and scouts.
Coyote stared at the orb for a few minutes.

He decided to ignore it for now, flying up to the top of the tree to see if he couldn't get a good look at his surroundings, hoping to finally get a bead on where he might be.
The first page of the paperwork seemed to be reasonably normal: Name, Age, Race, medical conditions, and Ship name. The second pages first question is "Independent or Company?" with a checkbox next to both and a smaller text box underneath the Independent box with the words. "If Indie, disregard this page." the final page is covered in text in different languages with UM being about midway down the page and it seems to be a disclaimer.

"By signing this, you are waiving any right to most port in the event that you are killed or maimed whilst on Lucent Cay. You are acknowledging that as a generally dangerous area it is your own fault if any of the following occurs:" what follows is a moderately long list of assorted deaths and injuries most of which involving fire, lava, or falling to your death from somewhere high.

As you read over the paper, the man answers your question. The small genial smile never leaving his face. "Ah, This one is known as Zadish." as he says this he gestures to himself and then extends his gloved hand towards Karen. "And yours?"
Nodding to herself, Karen set the sheaf of papers down.

"I am Karen Mellisar, apprentice to the Cirni Rautha."

Taking the ink brush in hand, Karen fills in the sheet of paper in elegant caligraphy, the low form of Universal Metaconstant coming easily to her brush. With a last stroke, she set the brush down next to the ink stone.

"Tell me, Zadish, why do people come here if it is such a danger? Is there great wealth here?"
As 4RC climbs away from the figure, you can hear her muttering seemingly to herself. As the bot Maps the cargo containers, you can see her start to struggle against whatever is binding her to the box. 4RC maps the mess of boxes and fly down to you giving you the small map of the seemingly randomly placed boxes that upon closer inspection are actually arranged in a spiral pattern that culminates on the box with the person. As 4RC returns to the woman, you can hear grunts and sounds of exertion.

As you enter the area you can see now that underneath the entire circle is a massive chain net that would have been raised by the winches to encircle and trap anything inside. As you get closer to the figure you can hear the grunting get louder and can see the woman, and it is a woman, in greater detail: Long brown hair done in dreadlocks is trapped in a thick braid that flows down her back, you can see two heavily muscled tanned arms tensing against a set of chains that look to have been welded to the sides of the Container. Just as you are about to offer assistance you hear a creaking followed by the sound of shearing metal as the woman rips the chains from there anchors and stands with a roar of exertion.
What? How? Was she a synth, or maybe she had cybernetic enhancements?

Michael shook his head; for the moment at least, that wasn't terribly important. As the ship continued its approach, he asked through the radio, "So who are you, anyways? And how did you come to play the role of 'bait'?"
Answers and Questions, A Better look, A...Fight?, A name is learned.
Iwo Jima
"Ok, what can you tell me about the memorial back in the direction I came from?" I should after this I'll sit back and see if they have any questions for me. Especially considering I've basically been interrogating them the whole time. "Sorry if I've been bothering you with all my questioning if you have anything you wish to ask if me I will answer," I say timidly, hoping I haven't upset them. Meggie, I maintain a keen focus on my radar and scouts.

"Eh, don't worry about it girlie. I, at the very least, relish the opportunity to take my mind off this long ass journey. So, to answer your question if you're talking about what I think you are then you're talking about the Growing memorial. It was originally built back at the end of the War of Domett to commemorate the brave sacrifices made by tens of thousands of soldiers during the war. But, a bit of time passes and pretty soon anyone who dies protecting Port Refuge and its convoys gets a plant there. It's pretty nice, or so I've heard never been there myself." the same voice as before pipes up and almost the second that he finishes talking a new voice jumps in. "So, Where are you from Iwo Jima? Why are you in the area? How'd you get here? Why are you asking so many questions?" the nasally voice asks in rapid fire.

Coyote stared at the orb for a few minutes.

He decided to ignore it for now, flying up to the top of the tree to see if he couldn't get a good look at his surroundings, hoping to finally get a bead on where he might be.

As Coyote flys to the top of the tree, he looks around and can see almost the entire island the only things he can't get a bead on is the beaches but, there at the bottom of the cliffs, so that makes sense. He can see that all of the paths on the island lead to this tree and that the closer to the tree you get the wilder the vegetation grows. He can also see that there were several large animals slowly making their way through the briars. Grazing and then moving slowly carving paths through the briars towards the tree.

Nodding to herself, Karen set the sheaf of papers down.

"I am Karen Mellisar, apprentice to the Cirni Rautha."

Taking the ink brush in hand, Karen fills in the sheet of paper in elegant calligraphy, the low form of Universal Metaconstant coming easily to her brush. With the last stroke, she set the brush down next to the ink stone.

"Tell me, Zadish, why do people come here if it is such a danger? Is there great wealth here?"

"Welcome Karin Mellisar," He surreptitiously takes your paperwork and shuffles it in his lap while he is speaking. "And to answer your question, there are rumors that the previous Magma Baron, Baron Reckmel, hid a substantial amount of mithril, platinum, and adamantine somewhere in the mountains and caves that surround the town. So," His smile grows slightly at this point. "We get many... Adventurers coming here looking for it and dying horribly painful deaths."

He stops there and for the first time since you met this man his smile disappears. "Oh, dear now what could he want?" As he finishes that sentence, the door is thrown open and on the other side of it is a shirtless tattoo covered... Zadish? He looks out of breath, and after a few seconds he looks up and yells something in a language that sounds like someone sharpening two knives on a chalkboard. When you look back Zadishs smile has returned, and he is standing up and filing your paperwork away. He turns and begins to walk out the door, and as he's walking without even looking at you, he says. "Oh, what fun Karen you have arrived at quite the fortunate moment. Not many get to see an Earthbreaker fight."

What? How? Was she a synth, or maybe she had cybernetic enhancements?

Michael shook his head; for the moment at least, that wasn't terribly important. As the ship continued its approach, he asked through the radio, "So who are you, anyway? And how did you come to play the role of 'bait'?"

As you continue to approach, you realize something. This woman is probably about the size of a standard super mutant, and just as muscular. "Oh, vell zat is ein long sdory infolffing tranq darts und ein zinking schip...Oh, vell I guess it's not zat long after all." The woman says as she stretches and even from 10 yards away you can hear every single one of her vertebrae crack as she stretches.

"ein mein name is Mia. Mia Locke." she turns, and you can finally get a good look at her face. Half of her face is covered in tribal tattoos while the other side is immaculate she looks younger than you imagined but, it's hard to judge her age. Her eyes are a dark grey, and her skin is a dark tan. She's wearing a set of rags that at one point might have been a set of decent working clothes but, now the edges of the pants are frayed and torn while her shirt is sleeveless and sweat-stained.
Iwo Jima

"Eh, don't worry about it girlie. I, at the very least, relish the opportunity to take my mind off this long ass journey. So, to answer your question if you're talking about what I think you are then you're talking about the Growing memorial. It was originally built back at the end of the War of Domett to commemorate the brave sacrifices made by tens of thousands of soldiers during the war. But, a bit of time passes and pretty soon anyone who dies protecting Port Refuge and its convoys gets a plant there. It's pretty nice, or so I've heard never been there myself." the same voice as before pipes up and almost the second that he finishes talking a new voice jumps in. "So, Where are you from Iwo Jima? Why are you in the area? How'd you get here? Why are you asking so many questions?" the nasally voice asks in rapid fire.

"Well thank you for answering my questions. To answer yours, I was under construction in a place called Newport News. But I was never completed, which is strange. I say around for a few years before they decided they didn't want me anymore, and I was scrapped." At this point my voice was shaking in sadness, and I think a few years ran down from my eyes. "I don't understand why they would do that, all I wanted was to serve them proudly, but I guess I was just worthless to them." I think back and remember all my sisters who had been built before me, I can say I'm at least happy for them, if also slightly jealous that they got to be built. "I don't know how I got here. The last thing I remember was being scrapped, then waking up in the memorial back where I came from. I was asking questions because I have no idea how I'm even alive, how I got here, it why I'm even here."
It looked almost... normal. No fake anything, wildlife everywhere. It almost felt like home.


It wasn't home, no matter how nice it was. Home was Lily telling him to stop getting into trouble, it was playing pranks with Blitz and wrestling Guts and Alexandra. Home was Ariel and Cassiel and their son Shade, who always got into trouble, and Shade's son Griffon, who just wanted a peaceful life, free of his father's adventures. Sleeping next to Frieda was home, his daughter climbing all over him to wake him up so they could go flying and he could tell her stories.

That was home, and from the looks of things, home was a long, long ways away.

He would have to wait to see if he could recognize the stars, but he already knew in his gut that he wouldn't, foliage like this didn't grow anywhere he knew.

He was crying, he realized. He always had been a bit of a wreck without his Colony around.

He took a few minutes to calm down, before glaring off into the distance from atop the giant tree, the strange orb going ignored behind him.

This place reeked of danger, he'd never seen anything like that horse-alligator thing before, and he could already tell that things like that would be cannon fodder against what this place was eventually gonna throw at him.

But he'd seen the underworld, seen the monsterous cannibal bats of the jungle, this place was dangerous and he could tell that the ocean around it was worse, but it had another thing coming if it thought it could beat him.

He wasn't much, just a Silverwing bat, but then again he never had been anything special, and he'd seen more than his fair share of impossible things, had always managed to come out on top.

His name was Coyote.

It didn't mean anything, there was no great legend about anyone named Coyote, it wasn't a legendary name, but it didn't have to be, he'd made his own legends back home.

What's one more?
"Sure no problem. See ya" I reply with a smile.

The ship comes to a stop, lining up near the port getting ready to be attached.
"Bye Ame!" I said, having decided that giving her a nickname would be fun. Of course I didn't wait to see her reaction, that was her nickname now and she wasn't allowed to object. Instead I rushed out the door and flew air Metagross the short distance to Kyogre, idly noting that Volcarona had perched herself on top of the house while I was busy in the spaceship.


"Yes I did have a good time Kyogre, also I win the bet."


"Of course there was a bet. I said that there would be a cute girl in there and you said there wouldn't be."


"Yes it does count as a bet."

In response the Whale God glared at me as if he was contemplating the benefits of using Ice Beam.

"Oh fine I'll drop it." I said jumping off of Metagross onto my porch, recalling the Steel Type to his Pokeball for some well deserved rest. "Just take us into one of the large berths so I can anchor the house."


"Yes that means you can go looking for a snack soon, just don't eat too much. We both know how long your after meal naps are." I chuckled, a sentiment echoed by all the Pokemon.
"Right a Miss Amethyst and a Mr. Sin..." You hear the slight sound of pen on paper for a few moments and then. "Alright, Mr. Sin if you would please follow Mr. Decas and Miss. Waltz to the large sub berths, as your vessel is small enough that is ca share a berth with either of them, while Miss Amethyst if you would please wait for a tug to take you to another Berth on the west side.


As the Tugs come up a new voice comes over the Radio. "Hey, big boy you got anything against following me over to the Berths?"
Getting back on the radio as Kyogre moved into port I decided to ask some questions "So Mr Port Authority might I ask if you can tell me about the island? I need to find a place that can selling me some sulfur, I have a Princess up here who needs a lot of it in her diet."


"Oh but you are a Princess Volcarona and you know as well as I do that you enjoy it."


"Hey it's better than bland Pokechow."
"Welcome Karin Mellisar," He surreptitiously takes your paperwork and shuffles it in his lap while he is speaking. "And to answer your question, there are rumors that the previous Magma Baron, Baron Reckmel, hid a substantial amount of mithril, platinum, and adamantine somewhere in the mountains and caves that surround the town. So," His smile grows slightly at this point. "We get many... Adventurers coming here looking for it and dying horribly painful deaths."

He stops there and for the first time since you met this man his smile disappears. "Oh, dear now what could he want?" As he finishes that sentence, the door is thrown open and on the other side of it is a shirtless tattoo covered... Zadish? He looks out of breath, and after a few seconds he looks up and yells something in a language that sounds like someone sharpening two knives on a chalkboard. When you look back Zadishs smile has returned, and he is standing up and filing your paperwork away. He turns and begins to walk out the door, and as he's walking without even looking at you, he says. "Oh, what fun Karen you have arrived at quite the fortunate moment. Not many get to see an Earthbreaker fight."
Karen follows him.

(gimme something to work with)
As you continue to approach, you realize something. This woman is probably about the size of a standard super mutant, and just as muscular. "Oh, vell zat is ein long sdory infolffing tranq darts und ein zinking schip...Oh, vell I guess it's not zat long after all." The woman says as she stretches and even from 10 yards away you can hear every single one of her vertebrae crack as she stretches.

"ein mein name is Mia. Mia Locke." she turns, and you can finally get a good look at her face. Half of her face is covered in tribal tattoos while the other side is immaculate she looks younger than you imagined but, it's hard to judge her age. Her eyes are a dark grey, and her skin is a dark tan. She's wearing a set of rags that at one point might have been a set of decent working clothes but, now the edges of the pants are frayed and torn while her shirt is sleeveless and sweat-stained.
Oh. Well, that explains the strength at least. After that, Michael fell silent until the ship was nearly to the container Mia was on, then he went out onto the deck, and when possible welcomed her onto the ship with a(slightly overly dramatic), "Please come aboard, Ms. Locke!"

When she was on the ship, he continued, "So, where are these marauders of yours based out of?" After that he froze for a moment, remembering where they were, and added, "Or are they of a more mobile persuasion?"
As the Tugs come up a new voice comes over the Radio. "Hey, big boy you got anything against following me over to the Berths?"
After a series of closely connected incidents, Avriel Decas was just putting down a fire extinguisher when the message came through. "You see those holes?" He said after putting on the radio headset. "The holes in this ship? Do you think they are cosmetic?" He sighed. "It's fine, I'm coming, I'm coming." With that, he set a careful course to follow the tug into a berth, and mentally prepared to disembark.

Well, let's see this brave new world, eh?
An Offer, A Discovery, Docking , A Mysterious sight, and And Have muscles will travel.
Iwo Jima
"Well thank you for answering my questions. To answer yours, I was under construction in a place called Newport News. But I was never completed, which is strange. I say around for a few years before they decided they didn't want me anymore, and I was scrapped." At this point my voice was shaking in sadness, and I think a few years ran down from my eyes. "I don't understand why they would do that, all I wanted was to serve them proudly, but I guess I was just worthless to them." I think back and remember all my sisters who had been built before me, I can say I'm at least happy for them, if also slightly jealous that they got to be built. "I don't know how I got here. The last thing I remember was being scrapped, then waking up in the memorial back where I came from. I was asking questions because I have no idea how I'm even alive, how I got here, is why I'm even here."

There is silence on the Radio for a few moments as everyone who had been listening seemed to take a few moments to consider that had been said in before the middle voice, the more mature sounding voice that had answered Iwo's question about the memorial spoke. "Well, little lady I hope that you find out how you came to be and why you're here." There's a pause as if he was listening to someone else before he continues speaking. "And after some conversation with Cap, I'd be tickled pink if'n you would join us for supper on the Monet."

It looked almost... normal. No fake anything, wildlife everywhere. It almost felt like home.


It wasn't home, no matter how nice it was. A home was Lily telling him to stop getting into trouble, it was playing pranks with Blitz and wrestling Guts and Alexandra. A home was Ariel and Cassiel and their son Shade, who always got into trouble, and Shade's son Griffon, who just wanted a peaceful life, free of his father's adventures. Sleeping next to Frieda was home, his daughter climbing all over him to wake him up so they could go flying and he could tell her stories.

That was home, and from the looks of things, the home was a long, long ways away.

He would have to wait to see if he could recognize the stars, but he already knew in his gut that he wouldn't, foliage like this didn't grow anywhere he knew.

He was crying, he realized. He always had been a bit of a wreck without his Colony around.

He took a few minutes to calm down, before glaring off into the distance from atop the giant tree, the strange orb going ignored behind him.

This place reeked of danger, he'd never seen anything like that horse-alligator thing before, and he could already tell that things like that would be cannon fodder against what this place was eventually gonna throw at him.

But he'd seen the underworld, seen the monstrous cannibal bats of the jungle, this place was dangerous and he could tell that the ocean around it was worse, but it had another thing coming if it thought it could beat him.

He wasn't much, just a Silverwing bat, but then again he never had been anything special, and he'd seen more than his fair share of impossible things, had always managed to come out on top.

His name was Coyote.

It didn't mean anything, there was no great legend about anyone named Coyote, it wasn't a legendary name, but it didn't have to be, he'd made his own legends back home.

What's one more?

As Coyote glared at the surrounding area and thought of his home, He almost missed the slight movement on the plain to the left of him. There was a mound of Briar that had a couple of the giant furry creatures grazing around it and as he watched one of the animals walked up and punched through the briar on one side revealing a tunnel that had been hidden by the briars. The furry creature wandered back out of the hole a few moments later seemingly disinterested with the shaft but, it was still evident from Coyotes position.

"Bye Ame!" I said, having decided that giving her a nickname would be fun. Of course I didn't wait to see her reaction, that was her nickname now and she wasn't allowed to object. Instead I rushed out the door and flew air Metagross the short distance to Kyogre, idly noting that Volcarona had perched herself on top of the house while I was busy in the spaceship.


"Yes I did have a good time Kyogre, also I win the bet."


"Of course there was a bet. I said that there would be a cute girl in there and you said there wouldn't be."


"Yes it does count as a bet."

In response the Whale God glared at me as if he was contemplating the benefits of using Ice Beam.

"Oh fine I'll drop it." I said jumping off of Metagross onto my porch, recalling the Steel Type to his Pokeball for some well deserved rest. "Just take us into one of the large berths so I can anchor the house."


"Yes that means you can go looking for a snack soon, just don't eat too much. We both know how long your after meal naps are." I chuckled, a sentiment echoed by all the Pokemon.

Getting back on the radio as Kyogre moved into port I decided to ask some questions "So Mr Port Authority might I ask if you can tell me about the island? I need to find a place that can selling me some sulfur, I have a Princess up here who needs a lot of it in her diet."


"Oh but you are a Princess Volcarona and you know as well as I do that you enjoy it."


"Hey it's better than bland Pokechow."

"Uh, hmmm let me think." the Radio clicks off and you are left in silence for a few moments as you and your three larger friends are led to three very large berths. As the Berths come into view, your group can see In the berths closest to yours there is a large brass and copper covered sub with three large portholes on either side on the left. While on the right there is a large sperm whale sitting in a berth with people walking in and out of its mouth carrying boxes and supplies. The Port Authority man come back on. "Well, after a not insignificant amount of effort on my part I think that your best bet for sulfur would either be The Powder shack over on West Cypress or Marcos Plant and Herb shed on Bechealli Ave."

After a series of closely connected incidents, Avriel Decas was just putting down a fire extinguisher when the message came through. "You see those holes?" He said after putting on the radio headset. "The holes in this ship? Do you think they are cosmetic?" He sighed. "It's fine, I'm coming, I'm coming." With that, he set a careful course to follow the tug into a berth, and mentally prepared to disembark.

Well, let's see this brave new world, eh?

There is silence on the radio and the small tug in front of you turns and your cameras can just make out a man on the back wave you forward as it leads you and the other Sub towards a line of slightly submerged vessels, it is slow going as you have to maneuver your way through a large number of vessels but, eventually you manage to get to the berths and hey, what luck your group managed to get three berths in a row. In the berths closest to yours there is a large brass and copper covered sub with three large portholes on either side on the left and on the right, there is a large sperm whale sitting in a berth with people walking in and out of its mouth carrying boxes and supplies.

You manage to get into the berth with no trouble with help from the tug and after a small amount of climbing and a bit of physical exertion you end up on the dock next to your sub. There are several men and women in bright orange vests and hard hats speaking to on side, while a group of rough looking sailor types sitting around arguing over what looks to be a game involving dice. As you look around you streetcar stop with a group a small group of assorted people and creatures standing around and waiting for the car to arrive.

Karen follows him.

(gimme something to work with)

As Zadish and The other Zadish walk at an above average pace up the hill, you get a better look at the town. The first thing that is noticeable is that all the buildings are made of the same dark metal as the boats and where built in such a way that the farther into the town you got the taller the buildings got. the second thing was that you and the two Zadishes were not the only ones on the street. As Karen was lead farther into the town she saw a multitude of different peoples and creatures all heading in the same direction as she was: from a group of assorted bronze people, like the fisherman, to a group of four Large red snakes with human faces that are talking amongst themselves in a hissing drawn out language, Two large Armour suits stomped their way down the road speaking in UM in low grating tones.

Eventually, Zadish and other Zadish turned a corner and infront of you stood a large squat building in the middle of a lack of lava with four bridges of metal and stone leading to its doors. Zadish turns around his smile widening ever so slightly as he gestures to the building. "Welcome to the Trial Forge."

Oh. Well, that explains the strength at least. After that, Michael fell silent until the ship was nearly to the container Mia was on, then he went out onto the deck, and when possible welcomed her onto the ship with a(slightly overly dramatic), "Please come aboard, Ms. Locke!"

When she was on the ship, he continued, "So, where are these marauders of yours based out of?" After that he froze for a moment, remembering where they were, and added, "Or are they of a more mobile persuasion?"

The woman grins as you pull up next to the container, and you get a good look at her smile wich if you had to compare it to anything it would be a shark, Her teeth were extremely sharp, serrated, and pointed. She jumped onto the Minutes Notice causing the entire boat to lean in her direction. She took a seat on the deck crossing her legs and finally answering your question. " vell, zey're pazed out of zee zame bort zat I vas. Arh ! Zo, yeah I know vere zey are." She smiles again as she says that and continues with. "und I'm koing to tear zem abart ven I get home. Arh ! I mean If you vouldn't mind giffing me ein ride?"
The woman grins as you pull up next to the container, and you get a good look at her smile wich if you had to compare it to anything it would be a shark, Her teeth were extremely sharp, serrated, and pointed. She jumped onto the Minutes Notice causing the entire boat to lean in her direction. She took a seat on the deck crossing her legs and finally answering your question. " vell, zey're pazed out of zee zame bort zat I vas. Arh ! Zo, yeah I know vere zey are." She smiles again as she says that and continues with. "und I'm koing to tear zem abart ven I get home. Arh ! I mean If you vouldn't mind giffing me ein ride?"
In response, Michael grinned.
"Well, that makes that a lot simpler. I hope you can tell me which direction it is, though; the map I have is rather limited; it's basically just what 4RC over here," he indicated the eyebot, "could see when he flew up high. Speaking of which, 4RC, could you..."

The eyebot chirped in reply, and dashed upwards to get more pictures.

"Also, if it's less than... hmm..." the tinkerer's eyes went to the side as he thought. "Three... two... eh, we'll say three. If it's less than a three hour trip, I'm going to need to delay a bit. I'm... hesitant to go into combat without my armor, and I'll need a few hours to repair its bay and give it a full checking-over. It was... changed when I got here, and I'd rather not use it without knowing what those changes are."
Iwo Jima

There is silence on the Radio for a few moments as everyone who had been listening seemed to take a few moments to consider that had been said in before the middle voice, the more mature sounding voice that had answered Iwo's question about the memorial spoke. "Well, little lady I hope that you find out how you came to be and why you're here." There's a pause as if he was listening to someone else before he continues speaking. "And after some conversation with Cap, I'd be tickled pink if'n you would join us for supper on the Monet."

Thinking for a few moments, I decide to take take up on the offer for supper. So after wiping the tests from my eyes I speak. "Thank you for offering, I would love to join you for supper." So after directing my aircraft to continue scouting the area for enemies, and setting a crew member to keep a vigilant watch on the radar, I start making my way towards the Monet. Making a mental note to ask about the weird looking vehicles on the empty pads.
Inhabited Waters
Cautious plans

The man waves back looks down and seems to say something to someone below before returning his gaze to you. Several people from the fishing trawler have moved over the edge of the dock to watch you now as well.
Well looks like the man has acknowlegded we have seen him same though the stares from the people are unnerving me a bit never liked being stared at all that much,but seeing as the people watching us have not done anything threatening yet I whisper to Sara, "we're going to get closer to them slowly, make sure to open up on the radio that we come in peace", with those words spoke I have my shades continue their preparations for the worst after all just because it seems to be going well now doesn't mean it will continue to do so. Wait a minute Sara's planes are still out there that thought spurs me to whisper to Sara once more, "Sara you still have your planes out right? Keep them out until we're a few steps from land as a precaution it might seem less diplomatic but they will provide us with some sense of protection here."

Southern Island

Inhabited waters
New places new faces

As we reach the island I stow away the bullet I was balancing in a quick and efficient manner since we seem to have observers one of them on a torpedo boat this goes wrong I'll make sure to keep Sara safe so we can leave I certainly don't feel like harming these people no matter what the niggling hatred for humanity in the back of my head says.

While my shades prepare for the worst and man their stations I put on a smile and wave from my place alongside Sara while I whisper to her "if necessary be prepared to flee I don't think either of us want to harm anyone and flight is the better option for that".


I nod in agreement. While I can and will defend myself and Texas if it comes to that, I really hope I won't have to. I don't want to get into a fight.

With that in mind, I have my active fighters maintain their patrol as a precaution. I'd still keep a friendly face on, however, to show that while I don't mean harm, I won't let myself nor Texas come to harm, either.

The man waves back, looks down, and seems to say something to someone below before returning his gaze to you. Several people from the fishing trawler have moved over the edge of the dock to watch you now as well.

I keep pace with the Abyssal battleship as we continue to approach the dock. I'm not quite sure what else to do, though. Do a radio broadcast? Stay quiet? Keep the planes around for security? Recall them instead to be more diplomatic? They don't seem to show hostility, yet there is a lot of uncertainty here.

Texas said:
Well looks like the man has acknowledged we have seen him same though the stares from the people are unnerving me a bit never liked being stared at all that much,but seeing as the people watching us have not done anything threatening yet I whisper to Sara, "we're going to get closer to them slowly make sure to open up on the radio that we come in peace", with those words spoke I have my shades continue their preparations for the worst after all just because it seems to be going well now doesn't mean it will continue to do so. Wait a minute Sara's planes are still out there that thought spurs me to whisper to Sara once more, "Sara you still have your planes out right? Keep them out until we're a few steps from land as a precaution it might seem less diplomatic but they will provide us with some sense of protection here."

Do great minds think alike, or did Cypher read my mind? Either way, I reply with "Good idea."

With the help of my crew, I open up a radio broadcast, though I'm not sure what exactly to say. Um... "Hello, we come in peace."

Great, now I sound like a stereotypical extraterrestrial.
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"Uh, hmmm let me think." the Radio clicks off and you are left in silence for a few moments as you and your three larger friends are led to three very large berths. As the Berths come into view, your group can see In the berths closest to yours there is a large brass and copper covered sub with three large portholes on either side on the left. While on the right there is a large sperm whale sitting in a berth with people walking in and out of its mouth carrying boxes and supplies. The Port Authority man come back on. "Well, after a not insignificant amount of effort on my part I think that your best bet for sulfur would either be The Powder shack over on West Cypress or Marcos Plant and Herb shed on Bechealli Ave."
"Thanks, you just saved me a lot of hassle." I said into my radio as I began the process of disengaging the house from Kyogre, now that we were close enough to a berthing, it was a relatively simple process of retracting the straps and disengaging the suction seals that I could do it within moments. The hard part was making sure the house didn't shake too much as Kyogre dived beneath the water line. But I was a practiced hand at this and since Metagross was too busy examining a piece of the spaceship he kept and Volcarona was currently preening herself I called upon another member of my team.

In a flash of red light, posing like the overdramatic frog he was, appeared by starter Greninja taking every chance to act cool by standing on the water's surface. An effect that was ruined when I tossed the mooring lines into his face.


"You can show off later, now tie that to the docks." I said firmly, knowing full well that if I didn't he would stand there complaining all day. Leaving him to his job I returned to the radio, having realized that there was something I was missing if I was to purchase stuff on this island "By the way do you know anywhere a guy like me and my friends can make some quick money around here?"
You manage to get into the berth with no trouble with help from the tug and after a small amount of climbing and a bit of physical exertion you end up on the dock next to your sub. There are several men and women in bright orange vests and hard hats speaking to on side, while a group of rough looking sailor types sitting around arguing over what looks to be a game involving dice. As you look around you streetcar stop with a group a small group of assorted people and creatures standing around and waiting for the car to arrive.
After getting out through the hatch, and locking it behind him (Avriel luckily found a keycard to lock his submarine with, otherwise it would probably have ended up stolen. Not like there's multiple people on it.) he looked around the area.

It was... pretty ordinary. When he thought about it, that wasn't exactly surprising. Whatever weird tech was here couldn't stop people from being people it would seem.

Now the only question was, er. Well, now what?

This was unfamiliar territory to be sure, and he didn't exactly have cash on hand that would be locally accepted, probably. Folding his arms, he just took in the sights for a moment, while also looking around and seeing if anybody he'd known had docked nearby, like the Trainer. Maybe he could just follow them if all else failed? Otherwise, he'd just take a brisk walk around the city.
As Zadish and The other Zadish walk at an above average pace up the hill, you get a better look at the town. The first thing that is noticeable is that all the buildings are made of the same dark metal as the boats and where built in such a way that the farther into the town you got the taller the buildings got. the second thing was that you and the two Zadishes were not the only ones on the street. As Karen was lead farther into the town she saw a multitude of different peoples and creatures all heading in the same direction as she was: from a group of assorted bronze people, like the fisherman, to a group of four Large red snakes with human faces that are talking amongst themselves in a hissing drawn out language, Two large Armour suits stomped their way down the road speaking in UM in low grating tones.

Eventually, Zadish and other Zadish turned a corner and infront of you stood a large squat building in the middle of a lack of lava with four bridges of metal and stone leading to its doors. Zadish turns around his smile widening ever so slightly as he gestures to the building. "Welcome to the Trial Forge."
As Karen passed the armoured suits, she flicked her mind out, searching for any hint of the White flame of the Angels, anything that would mark them as the guardians of the law. But no, they did not burn with the scouring flame that marked them as Lawmen, and so she passed them by, ignoring their speech.

Looking at the building, Karen examined it with the eye of someone used to Throne, the towering palaces, the sweeping bridges, the graceful decent of the sparkling rivers. This might explain why, when looking at it, all she could summon was an immense distaste.

"Quite the ugly place, isn't it."

Taking a step forward, she started walking over the bridges, the immense heat of the metal and stone - warmed by the lava over however long they'd been built - casually ignored by the barefoot woman.

"So, is an Earthbreaker a title, or a species?"
A location is learned, Something is found, A question is asked, Some People meet, and A fight Begins!
In response, Michael grinned.
"Well, that makes that a lot simpler. I hope you can tell me which direction it is, though; the map I have is rather limited; it's basically just what 4RC over here," he indicated the eyebot, "could see when he flew up high. Speaking of which, 4RC, could you..."

The eyebot chirped in reply, and dashed upwards to get more pictures.

"Also, if it's less than... hmm..." the tinkerer's eyes went to the side as he thought. "Three... two... eh, we'll say three. If it's less than a three hour trip, I'm going to need to delay a bit. I'm... hesitant to go into combat without my armor, and I'll need a few hours to repair its bay and give it a full checking-over. It was... changed when I got here, and I'd rather not use it without knowing what those changes are."

"hah, nein it's apout ein days chourney schtraight east from here." Mia leans back against the edge of the boat before she stiffens a bit and then, in a somewhat suprised tone says. "vat? you actually vant to help me?"

Iwo Jima

Thinking for a few moments, I decide to take take up on the offer for supper. So after wiping the tests from my eyes I speak. "Thank you for offering, I would love to join you for supper." So after directing my aircraft to continue scouting the area for enemies, and setting a crew member to keep a vigilant watch on the radar, I start making my way towards the Monet. Making a mental note to ask about the weird looking vehicles on the empty pads.

"KSH Right'o lass I'll have one of the sailors put down a ladder for ya, Should be on the Starboard side." As you head toward the ship one of the farthest planes that you have on patrol catches sight of a four small PT boats sitting in the water. As the Fighter watches another two PT boats arrive making it a total of six boats in on place.

Inhabited Waters
Cautious plans

Well looks like the man has acknowlegded we have seen him same though the stares from the people are unnerving me a bit never liked being stared at all that much,but seeing as the people watching us have not done anything threatening yet I whisper to Sara, "we're going to get closer to them slowly, make sure to open up on the radio that we come in peace", with those words spoke I have my shades continue their preparations for the worst after all just because it seems to be going well now doesn't mean it will continue to do so. Wait a minute Sara's planes are still out there that thought spurs me to whisper to Sara once more, "Sara you still have your planes out right? Keep them out until we're a few steps from land as a precaution it might seem less diplomatic but they will provide us with some sense of protection here."
Southern Island

I nod in agreement. While I can and will defend myself and Texas if it comes to that, I really hope I won't have to. I don't want to get into a fight.

With that in mind, I have my active fighters maintain their patrol as a precaution. I'd still keep a friendly face on, however, to show that while I don't mean harm, I won't let myself nor Texas come to harm, either.

I keep pace with the Abyssal battleship as we continue to approach the dock. I'm not quite sure what else to do, though. Do a radio broadcast? Stay quiet? Keep the planes around for security? Recall them instead to be more diplomatic? They don't seem to show hostility, yet there is a lot of uncertainty here.

Do great minds think alike, or did Cypher read my mind? Either way, I reply with "Good idea."
With the help of my crew, I open up a radio broadcast, though I'm not sure what exactly to say. Um... "Hello, we come in peace."
Great, now I sound like a stereotypical extraterrestrial.

The man with the binos jumps down from the roof of the boat and disappears into the cabin of the boat and then you hear. "KSH Roger this Coastal Defense boat 1-11 may I ask who I'm speaking to? Over." the crowd of people has grown to about ten or so dressed in a mix of rough workers clothing and sailors uniforms.

"Thanks, you just saved me a lot of hassle." I said into my radio as I began the process of disengaging the house from Kyogre, now that we were close enough to a berthing, it was a relatively simple process of retracting the straps and disengaging the suction seals that I could do it within moments. The hard part was making sure the house didn't shake too much as Kyogre dived beneath the water line. But I was a practiced hand at this and since Metagross was too busy examining a piece of the spaceship he kept and Volcarona was currently preening herself I called upon another member of my team.

In a flash of red light, posing like the overdramatic frog he was, appeared by starter Greninja taking every chance to act cool by standing on the water's surface. An effect that was ruined when I tossed the mooring lines into his face.


"You can show off later, now tie that to the docks." I said firmly, knowing full well that if I didn't he would stand there complaining all day. Leaving him to his job I returned to the radio, having realized that there was something I was missing if I was to purchase stuff on this island "By the way do you know anywhere a guy like me and my friends can make some quick money around here?"

"Well, there's the job board at the Shattered Crane on Hilltop drive, it's always got some interesting stuff, and I hear that Mr. Mickle is always looking for new oddities for his shop, but, If you're looking for really fast cash there's always the Fighten Ring. Over on Downing Street." As he finishes speaking you hear the ringing of a small bell and looking around you catch sight of a streetcar arriving at a small stop about a hundred yards away that seems to be taking a small crowd of people farther into town and about fifteen feet away you see one of the other people that you docked with, the guy from the damaged sub if your memory is correct.

After getting out through the hatch, and locking it behind him (Avriel luckily found a keycard to lock his submarine with, otherwise it would probably have ended up stolen. Not like there are multiple people on it.) he looked around the area.

It was... pretty ordinary. When he thought about it, that wasn't exactly surprising. Whatever weird tech was here couldn't stop people from being people it would seem.

Now the only question was, er. Well, now what?

This was unfamiliar territory to be sure, and he didn't exactly have cash on hand that would be locally accepted, probably. Folding his arms, he just took in the sights for a moment, while also looking around and seeing if anybody he'd known had docked nearby, like the Trainer. Maybe he could just follow them if all else failed? Otherwise, he'd just take a brisk walk around the city.

looking around you catch sight of a streetcar pulling up to the stop that you had seen earlier and the crowd of people begin to file into but, as you look around you catch sight of the Trainer about 15 feet to your immediate left.

As Karen passed the armoured suits, she flicked her mind out, searching for any hint of the White flame of the Angels, anything that would mark them as the guardians of the law. But no, they did not burn with the scouring flame that marked them as Lawmen, and so she passed them by, ignoring their speech.

Looking at the building, Karen examined it with the eye of someone used to Throne, the towering palaces, the sweeping bridges, the graceful descent of the sparkling rivers. This might explain why, when looking at it, all she could summon was an immense distaste.

"Quite the ugly place, isn't it."

Taking a step forward, she started walking over the bridges, the immense heat of the metal and stone - warmed by the lava over however long they'd been built - casually ignored by the barefoot woman.

"So, is an Earthbreaker a title, or a species?"

Zadsih turns as he's walking across the bridge his smile taking on a slightly mischievous tilt. "There is an argument to be made for one or the other or even both." he chuckles. "Personally, I believe that the Title of Earthbreaker changes its holder on a spiritual level." As Karen and the two Zadishes moved across the bridge. She saw a massive set of doors that sat open and allowing the crowd of beings that had collected around you to walk in. As you walk in you can see that a massive crowd has already gathered in front of something that Karen can't see. Zadish walks forward without stopping and you watch as the crowd parts in front of him until he has claimed a spot right in front of, what you can now see is, a circular sand pit with four large obelisks of pure obsidian making a square inside of the pit. Leaning against one of the obelisks is a being that from what you can sense is an Ebon Devil.
on the opposite side of the pit sitting on the ground meditating is a small female human.
A Hush falls over the gathered crowd as it finishes filing in and settles into place. The small woman gracefully stands and takes a stance. "Blowing Fists of the Vengeful Meteor." as the words leave her mouth her fists begin to glow with a white flaming aura. on the other side of the pit, the Ebon Devil laughs and speaks. "Oh, little mortal I shall enjoy breaking you and ripping that title from your feeble body."
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Iwo Jima

"KSH Right'o lass I'll have one of the sailors put down a ladder for ya, Should be on the Starboard side." As you head toward the ship one of the farthest planes that you have on patrol catches sight of a four small PT boats sitting in the water. As the Fighter watches another two PT boats arrive making it a total of six boats in on place.

I grow slightly worried when I notice the patrol boats from my aircraft. "Hold on tight there, one of my aircraft just found 4 and now 6 patrol boats gathering nearby. They wouldn't happen to be these Crimson Sharkfins would they? If they are just give me the word and I'll send my aircraft at them." I say as I slow down and prepare some aircraft to launch. I decide to keep my scouts observing the patrol boats, while my aircraft elsewhere continue their patrols as normal in case there's more than one group out there.
Zadsih turns as he's walking across the bridge his smile taking on a slightly mischievous tilt. "There is an argument to be made for one or the other or even both." he chuckles. "Personally, I believe that the Title of Earthbreaker changes its holder on a spiritual level." As Karen and the two Zadishes moved across the bridge. She saw a massive set of doors that sat open and allowing the crowd of beings that had collected around you to walk in. As you walk in you can see that a massive crowd has already gathered in front of something that Karen can't see. Zadish walks forward without stopping and you watch as the crowd parts in front of him until he has claimed a spot right in front of, what you can now see is, a circular sand pit with four large obelisks of pure obsidian making a square inside of the pit. Leaning against one of the obelisks is a being that from what you can sense is an ebon demon. on the opposite side of the pit sitting on the ground meditating is a small female human. A Hush falls over the gathered crowd as it finishes filing in and settles into place. The small woman gracefully stands and takes a stance. "Blowing Fists of the Vengeful Meteor." as the words leave her mouth her fists begin to glow with a white flaming aura. on the other side of the pit, the ebon demon laughs and speaks. "Oh, little mortal I shall enjoy breaking you and ripping that title from your feeble body."
Karen stops as soon as she sees the Devil, looking at the creature directly. Internally she felt nothing but the deepest horror, but she kept her face as calm as she could, a mask hiding her emotions. The most powerful form of Devil, unbound but for its singular blackened name. And this one looked strong, fattened on the warm black flame of the humans who fought it. She spared a glance for the poor opponent, but dismissed them almost instantly. Her art was like none she knew of, and she knew the many arts of the Angels, the most skilled martial artists on the wheel, even if her proficiency in them was poor and faltering.

"Earthbreaker... it is a black name. She will be well skilled if she escapes this arena alive."

That said, Karen stepped forwards, to watch the match from the side of Zadish.
"hah, nein it's apout ein days chourney schtraight east from here." Mia leans back against the edge of the boat before she stiffens a bit and then, in a somewhat suprised tone says. "vat? you actually vant to help me?"
"Ah, good. Might be able to get the Robotics Workbench working as well, get another pair of feet on our side. Well, not literally, a Handy thruster might be a better choice given the circumstances..." Michael's voice trailed off for a moment, then he shook his head, clearing the designs from his mind. Discount robot design could come later, there were more important things to deal with right now.

"Anyways, of course I want to help. They left a trap to catch anything that wandered in, and used a sapient as bait. They have some serious questions to answer." As he spoke, his posture had straightened, becoming similar to any number of heroes from fiction.

For a moment at least, then his shoulders sagged and his head tilted down slightly.

"... at least, that's what I would like to happen. Given my luck, however, I'm going to guess that they're yet another gang of raiders who would shoot on sight, surrender never. I beg you to tell me I'm wrong on that, but I seriously doubt you will."
"Well, there's the job board at the Shattered Crane on Hilltop drive, it's always got some interesting stuff, and I hear that Mr. Mickle is always looking for new oddities for his shop, but, If you're looking for really fast cash there's always the Fighten Ring. Over on Downing Street." As he finishes speaking you hear the ringing of a small bell and looking around you catch sight of a streetcar arriving at a small stop about a hundred yards away that seems to be taking a small crowd of people farther into town and about fifteen feet away you see one of the other people that you docked with, the guy from the damaged sub if your memory is correct.
At the mention of a Fighting ring all of my Pokemon perk up, it was an inevitability with any Professional Pokemon team really as it tended to breed a fair few battle maniacs. "A Fighting Ring sounds lovely." I said before hanging up and walking out onto the front porch as the House settled, Kyogre having already left underwater for his hunt and Greninja just finishing tying us to the docks.


"Heard that did you? Well I would be a poor trainer if I didn't pay them a visit."


"Well We'll have to see if your allowed, this isn't Kalos so odds are they don't follow League Rules." I said as I hopped off my house and onto the docks, Greninja to my right and Volcarona hovering just above me. "Still I'm sure we'll be allowed to compete, those kinds of places are always looking for something new. Now guys return so we can make a proper entrance." Loyally all my pokemon, minus Kyogre who wasn't here, returned to their balls as I went to deal with the one final obstacle to my plan.

"Excuse me good sir, but could you point me in the direction of Downing Street?" I asked a random civilian.
Shrugging, Avriel sauntered over to the Trainer, nodded, and prepared to tag along. Hey, could go well, and apparently there was something about a fighting ring? He didn't quite hear right. If so, watching Pokemon fight in real life would be... well, novel he supposed.