Francis Drake
On a flying casino bote
Now tying rope

The two of us head down the stairs, down to the casino deck. To say Francis was surprised when she saw it would be like saying water is wet. The deck is filled with slot machines and blackjack tables, enough to fill a full sized casino. The interior is carpeted green to mark a path between the various tables and slot machines.

"Ayup, she's a flying casino. Maybe you'd care for a game or two when we're safer? Still, the stores are further down."

Drake let out a surprised laugh at the sight of the casino machines and her hand moved to cover the pockets of her captain's coat, protecting any treasure... if there were any... almost instinctively.

"A casino? Just what kind of ship do you run here, Setzer?"

Oh, she knew allll about casinos... well... the Grail did at least. The prospect of gambling against Lady Luck to win a pretty little fortune...?

Well... She was a betting lady. A little odds never hurt.

"Ah here we go," I say as we enter the lounge room, "over to the side here is where we keep the stores. There's one last deck below us, that's where the shop is. They've got more than just alcohol too, potions to recover health and mana, lotions that cure a bunch of things like poisoning or paralysis, even feathers that can revive the recently deceased. I'm not sure if their stock is as limitless as it was before, but they never seemed to have to stop to restock before."

"Just an airship captain, eh? It kinda sounds like you run some kind of adventurer taxiing service." Drake raised an eyebrow at Setzer's explanation.

Still, a shop with limitless stock somehow? There was no way. There had to be Magecraft involved here... quite possibly even Magic.

Or they could just be really, really good shopkeepers. Anything was possible.

Heck, she was a fragment of the spirit of the original Francis Drake located in the Throne of Heroes which was... somewhere diagonally left of the space-time continuum. Or maybe it was diagonally right.

She was getting sidetracked. The point was, it was probably flipping magic.

Damned magi and their magical bullshit.

Yes, she was well aware of how hypocritical that statement was if she were to complain that to any competent magus.

No, she didn't particularly care either. She was Francis Drake, she should be the one getting complained to about the unfairness of this world!

As I speak I manage to open the door to the stores and tumble in. Said tumble works in may favour actually because it gets me to the back to the stores somehow. And what do you know, there's some rope here. If we get our ships close it should be enough to attach them. I walk out casually with a coil of rope, as if I hadn't fallen in by accident like that.

"Alright, I found some rope, let's get our ships closer together and tie them!"

Drake snickered as Setzer somehow managed to trip into the storeroom... Somehow... and raised a knowing eyebrow when Setzer casually walked out, looking mildly ruffled but none the worse for wear and acting as if he hadn't just tripped over his own feet and tumbled over.

"Well, points on the recovery at least." She nodded politely, grinning slightly and moved to take the coil of heavy-duty rope from the airship captain.

Their cargo in hand, both captains made their way back up to the upper decks where Drake swiftly proceeded to tie one end of the rope coil to the Blackjack's railing.

"Well, you don't get to be a pirate like me without knowing how to tie a few knots." She admitted as she tested the integrity of the knot, and nodding with satisfaction once she was sure it would hold.

She figured the Blackjack's railing wouldn't break so easily. If it could keep the boat attached to the balloon, while in the air under the influence of gravity, she was certain it could tow her smaller ship without any problems.

Drake hefted up the remaining rope coil in her arms and grinned at her fellow captain. "Better warm up those engines now. I'll see you on the other side, Setzer!"

With that, she moved across the Blackjack's deck towards the direction of her ship and leapt over the railing, across the water and back onto the deck of the Golden Hind. Upon landing, one of her crew members emerged from the lower decks carrying an armful of coils of chains. Upon seeing Drake however, the sailor promptly dropped the chains and threw his arms up in the air, managing to make the motion seem exasperated.

Drake's laughter could be faintly heard on the Blackjack, even as as the sailor moved to take the coil of rope from his captain with the intent of tying it somewhere on the Golden Hind to allow the Blackjack to tow it.
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Betting, Another Contestant, Meeting New People, A very Strange Tree, Payment, New Revelations, The Robes Man.
Grinning and rubbing his hands yet further, Avriel immediately searches for the way to place bets on said companion with his apparent 500 complementary tokens or whatnot. If he was here he needed cash, and he saw no better way to get cash then bet on the Pokemon of the man who had a god damn Kyogre. And it should also be an entertaining fight, that was a plus too.

As you in tap the name and input the amount you are given the odds of your choice. It appears that System's odds for a win are 1/15.

Glancing at the clock I figured that I had arrived just before the main event, which was fine by me as I would not want to spend over an hour in here waiting for the match to start. Still deciding that I might as well get to know my fellow contestants, after all just because we will be rivals in this doesn't mean we need to be enemies. Picking the largest contestant I could see to approach I walked up to him and said "So looking forward to the match?" all the while tossing Sharpedo's Pokeball up and down in my offhand, a confident smile on my face.

The being as you can't tell it's gender, race, or even if its a biological being stands a full head and shoulders above you. looks down at you from where it is leaning against the wall right next to a long concrete bench. "My blade and blood sing for the possibility of true combat." The being's voice is a deep, raspy thing. "I am ecstatic that I am able to go against one as lauded as Hitch Barlow."

I find myself feeling very nervous at getting all these people. So I find myself fidgeting slightly as I get everyone at once. "Hello, my name is Iwo Jima. But you can just call me Iwo. Thanks for inviting me to eat with you." The thought of food makes my stomach growl, and I blush slightly in embarrassment. Reminding me that I need to refill my depleted munitions. Taking a seat next to the people I nervously turn to them to speak. "Hello, what are your names?" I feel like I'm fumbling over my words. I'm definitely not used to speaking with people.

The three people look over as you speak and one, the woman who you notice is wearing a flight suit and a set of aviators, brushes her brown hair over her shoulder as she leans back and gives you a cocky smile. "Well, well, the Conquering hero is a shrinking violet." She holds her hand out suddenly. " Lieutenant commander Shawna Milan at your service." The taller of the two men snorts and hides his face in his hand while the other man, a short and gaunt man with a hatchet face and what looks like a permanent scowl snorts and takes a deep drink from a small hip flask.

Coyote blinked, jumping off so that he could land in front of the cat.

"Uh... hi."

Cats were new. Then again it wasn't like he'd been everywhere, he still didn't even know where he was, still, it was nice to see someone normal for a change.

Well, normal-ish.

"Yes, Hello. This one must ask. How did you get up there? M'aiq knows much but, is confused at how you got up there while this-" and he throws a rock at the base of the tree. The tree instantly sprouts massive thornes all around its base one of which hits the rock and throws it back towards M'aiq who catches it and then looks up at you with a confused expression on his face.

Karen looked at him, as her mind tried to process what exactly his accent was and from there what exactly he'd said.

"That is fair. I wish you to bind two blue devils and one red devil to my service."

She smiled slightly at the man and moved to take a seat in one of the comfortable chairs.

After staring at Karen for a few moments before he coughed politely and said. "Et mon Paimont? Summonéng Dévils and zem eez 'ard wairk." He shrugged and said. "Admittedly la Dévils you réquestéd are weak et cheap but, ai am runnéng a businéz all le same."

Sitting up quickly, Michael waved Mia off and focused on a second-yup, math was working again. At least, basic mathematics; probably should run through more advanced stuff later. He pulled up the notes application on his PIP-Boy, and quickly left a note in the '!SCIENCE! Schedule' file (not that he made much use of it when his moments came and went, but still, occasionally) about some sort of mental repair/recovery system. Then, he sighed and noticeably relaxed, leaning back on his arms with his head facing the ceiling. Then, he spoke to his guest.

"Good morning Ms. Locke; thank you for waking me up. I take it I slept in a bit?"

You see as you look up she looks both worried and angry as she shakes her head. "Nein, it is zeffen o'clock, You schtarded screaming like zee deffil himzelf vas after you und you vouldn't vake up effen ven I schtarted schaking you I vas apout to slap you ven you voke up." Mia looks at you shrewdly. "Zis isn't ein regular zing, is it?"

'Apparently it doesn't like any other sound except it's own... what an asshole...' Henry backed up a bit and pointed to the bell and then made the mouth closed motion with his right hand and gave a thumbs up. 'Let's see... do I know sign language, nope... um... oh!' Henry tapped the side of his earpiece and a blue panel opened up in front of his face. He navigated to what was basically a text message format. Henry typed "I hope you can read, What's going on? Does that bell not like other sounds? And do you need help." With one motion Henry flipped the display and rotated the keyboard to the sailor.

On top of that he attempted to listen in the chanting to try and figure out what was being said and what the function of the spell was.

As the man started to read your armband the robed man seemed to finish his chanting and he raised his arms and then shoved them forward launching the Bell into the sea of bells as it kept ringing. The Robed Man turned to you and spoke in a low resonating that seemed to shake your very bones. "Hello, stranger may I ask you how. Did. You. Get. Here." His voice is regal and unwavering in its intensity.
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You see as you look up she looks both worried and angry as she shakes her head. "Nein, it is zeffen o'clock, You schtarded screaming like zee deffil himzelf vas after you und you vouldn't vake up effen ven I schtarted schaking you I vas apout to slap you ven you voke up." Mia looks at you shrewdly. "Zis isn't ein regular zing, is it?"
Michael looked concerned for a moment, and absently reopened the schedule file. He added "mental shielding?" to it(even !SCIENCE! could only go so far, but hey, worth a shot), and said, "Welp. Definitely not just a dream then."

Closing the file, he looked at Mia and asked, "No. No it is not. I don't suppose you know any entities that go by the name 'Mr. Chalk'?"
Coyote blinked at the base of the tree, confused.

"I flew up... I didn't touch the sides I guess?" Either that or the tree liked him, not the weirdest thing he'd have experienced.

"The name's Coyote, resident Silverwing bat." He held out a claw towards the cat, a friendly smile on his face. "Nice to meet you."
As the man started to read your armband the robed man seemed to finish his chanting and he raised his arms and then shoved them forward launching the Bell into the sea of bells as it kept ringing. The Robed Man turned to you and spoke in a low resonating that seemed to shake your very bones. "Hello, stranger may I ask you how. Did. You. Get. Here." His voice is regal and unwavering in its intensity.

"I was gonna ask you the same thing, well at least the how I got here part. And by the way, How did I get here? I actually don't really know, one minute I was sleeping in my bed, next I was sleeping on the floor in a shitty floatie house... er.... Houseboat? Is that what it is? Yeah I think. Where was I..." Henry paused, not taking a breath, and thought for a bit.

The ocean, the bells, even the air felt different. "I belive I was forced about 23 ' 'Worlds' to the left of my own." Henry put air quotes around Worlds. "Anyway, I'm Henry, I have no idea where this is, why I'm here, or how I even got here. Nice to meet you!" He said still not taking a breath as he stuck out his hand and took a step forward.
The being as you can't tell it's gender, race, or even if its a biological being stands a full head and shoulders above you. looks down at you from where it is leaning against the wall right next to a long concrete bench. "My blade and blood sing for the possibility of true combat." The being's voice is a deep, raspy thing. "I am ecstatic that I am able to go against one as lauded as Hitch Barlow."
Internally I whistled at this warrior, he...she?, certainly struck an imposing figure to say the least. Although while the warrior was impressive I wasn't fazed, after all I was me and I had my Pokemon by my side, "To be honest I have no idea who that is, i'm assuming he's who we're going to be fighting." I said taking a seat on the bench next to the warrior "But if he's as tough as you look then I think it'll be a rather fun match, like the aesthetic by the way, it sort of reminds me of a Ransei warrior from back home who decided to use some modern tech."
As you in tap the name and input the amount you are given the odds of your choice. It appears that System's odds for a win are 1/15.
Avriel, who couldn't read betting numbers, stared blankly. Alright this was against the champ, so really logic dictated that an unknown would get bad odds, which were good odds in betting terms, so... chance to times money by fifteen? Sounded good to Avriel, honestly. He, as planned, put all his chips on the Trainer, quite literally in fact.
Setzer Gabbiani
The Blackjack
Let's get out of here

"Just an airship captain, eh? It kinda sounds like you run some kind of adventurer taxiing service." Drake raised an eyebrow at Setzer's explanation.
"Heh, you end up doing a little bit of everything when you're the only airship captain around," I reply.
Drake snickered as Setzer somehow managed to trip into the storeroom... Somehow... and raised a knowing eyebrow when Setzer casually walked out, looking mildly ruffled but none the worse for wear and acting as if he hadn't just tripped over his own feet and tumbled over.

"Well, points on the recovery at least." She nodded politely, grinning slightly and moved to take the coil of heavy-duty rope from the airship captain.
"No idea what you're talking about my dear lady," I say in a mock posh voice.
Their cargo in hand, both captains made their way back up to the upper decks where Drake swiftly proceeded to tie one end of the rope coil to the Blackjack's railing.

"Well, you don't get to be a pirate like me without knowing how to tie a few knots." She admitted as she tested the integrity of the knot, and nodding with satisfaction once she was sure it would hold.

She figured the Blackjack's railing wouldn't break so easily. If it could keep the boat attached to the balloon, while in the air under the influence of gravity, she was certain it could tow her smaller ship without any problems.

Drake hefted up the remaining rope coil in her arms and grinned at her fellow captain. "Better warm up those engines now. I'll see you on the other side, Setzer!"

With that, she moved across the Blackjack's deck towards the direction of her ship and leapt over the railing, across the water and back onto the deck of the Golden Hind. Upon landing, one of her crew members emerged from the lower decks carrying an armful of coils of chains. Upon seeing Drake however, the sailor promptly dropped the chains and threw his arms up in the air, managing to make the motion seem exasperated.

Drake's laughter could be faintly heard on the Blackjack, even as as the sailor moved to take the coil of rope from his captain with the intent of tying it somewhere on the Golden Hind to allow the Blackjack to tow it.
As soon as Francis gives me an all clear that the ropes are tied I start up the sea-going engines. Even with the added weight of her Golden Hind the Blackjack should be enough to get us clear fairly soon. Taking care to maneuver so that neither of our vessels cross through the snake infested area between them. The grand adventure begins!

Y'know, now that I've brought it do the shopkeepers never run out of stock? They're also somehow able to buy anything that fits across the counter and they never run out of room to keep them. I mean, all the shopkeepers do that, so I just took it for granted, but it really doesn't make much sense now that I think about it. Ah well, at least now I have something I can ask about when I'm bored I guess.
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After staring at Karen for a few moments before he coughed politely and said. "Et mon Paimont? Summonéng Dévils and zem eez 'ard wairk." He shrugged and said. "Admittedly la Dévils you réquestéd are weak et cheap but, ai am runnéng a businéz all le same."
There was a small pause, as she processed his thick accent, before she reached up to her ears, and took off her earrings, each one made of silver with blue Jasper set into each. Flicking her hand, they both landed ontop of his book remarkably gently.

"Those should cover it, and more besides."
The three people look over as you speak and one, the woman who you notice is wearing a flight suit and a set of aviators, brushes her brown hair over her shoulder as she leans back and gives you a cocky smile. "Well, well, the Conquering hero is a shrinking violet." She holds her hand out suddenly. " Lieutenant commander Shawna Milan at your service." The taller of the two men snorts and hides his face in his hand while the other man, a short and gaunt man with a hatchet face and what looks like a permanent scowl snorts and takes a deep drink from a small hip flask.

I blush slightly, and fidget a little at her words. "I wouldn't call myself a hero, my pilots did all the work." I feel all my pilots cheer at that. I feel one pop up over my shoulder to inspect the women, before saying back inside. I shake her hand and formally introduce myself to her. "Nice to meet you miss Milan, my name is Iwo Jima. But I'd prefer just Iwo." I look towards the other two people. "It's nice to meet you too as well." I say as I bow my head slightly. As I feel my stomach growl slightly again I turn back to the Lieutenant Commander. "Do you know what's for dinner, and when it'll be ready?"
A Storm on the Horizon, Land Ho, M'aiq, The Warding Bells, Lets Get Ready to Rumble!, Would you like an upgrade?, and Dinner? She is served.
With that, she moved across the Blackjack's deck towards the direction of her ship and leapt over the railing, across the water and back onto the deck of the Golden Hind. Upon landing, one of her crew members emerged from the lower decks carrying an armful of coils of chains. Upon seeing Drake however, the sailor promptly dropped the chains and threw his arms up in the air, managing to make the motion seem exasperated.

Drake's laughter could be faintly heard on the Blackjack, even as the sailor moved to take the coil of rope from his captain with the intent of tying it somewhere on the Golden Hind to allow the Blackjack to tow it.
As soon as Francis gives me an all clear that the ropes are tied I start up the sea-going engines. Even with the added weight of her Golden Hind the Blackjack should be enough to get us clear fairly soon. Taking care to maneuver so that neither of our vessels crosses through the snake-infested area between them. The grand adventure begins!

Y'know, now that I've brought it do the shopkeepers never run out of stock? They're also somehow able to buy anything that fits across the counter and they never run out of room to keep them. I mean, all the shopkeepers do that, so I just took it for granted, but it really doesn't make much sense now that I think about it. Ah well, at least now I have something I can ask about when I'm bored I guess.

As soon as the engines start the coiling and roiling mass of serpentine shapes freeze. And just as quickly disperse and disappear beneath the dark red waves. The sounds of splashing that they had been producing stops and the only sounds are Blackjacks engines and the creaking of wood from the Golden Hind as it is pulled along behind the Airship. In the distance, you can just make out dark clouds on the horizon.

Michael looked concerned for a moment, and absently reopened the schedule file. He added "mental shielding?" to it(even !SCIENCE! could only go so far, but hey, worth a shot), and said, "Welp. Definitely not just a dream then."

Closing the file, he looked at Mia and asked, "No. No it is not. I don't suppose you know any entities that go by the name 'Mr. Chalk'?"

Mia looks at you questioningly. "Nein...I can't zay zat I do. Vy?" As she says this her voice rumbling in the enclosed cabin you both begin to here the distant sound of boat horns and voices. She startles and turns and starts to head back to the Deck. "Arg, Vere zere! Come on ve can discuss your dreams lader ve need to get ready to dock!" She yells over her shoulder as she starts up the small set of stairs that lead to the bridge.

Coyote blinked at the base of the tree, confused.

"I flew up... I didn't touch the sides I guess?" Either that or the tree liked him, not the weirdest thing he'd have experienced.

"The name's Coyote, resident Silverwing bat." He held out a claw towards the cat, a friendly smile on his face. "Nice to meet you."

He grasps your hand and shakes it vigorously his face splitting into a warm grin, his cheeks dimple slightly, and his eyes almost twinkle with mirth. "Ah, as this one said He is named M'aiq. And M'aiq is ecstatic to meet you and really anyone for he has been stuck on this island for two months and is, regrettably, getting tired of rural life." His voice his energetic and upbeat to the point that you almost find yourself smiling with him.

"I was gonna ask you the same thing, well at least the how I got here part. And by the way, How did I get here? I actually don't really know, one minute I was sleeping in my bed, next, I was sleeping on the floor in a shitty floating house... er... Houseboat? Is that what it is? Yeah, I think. Where was I..." Henry paused, not taking a breath, and thought for a bit.

The ocean, the bells, even the air felt different. "I believe I was forced about 23 ' 'Worlds' to the left of my own." Henry put air quotes around Worlds. "Anyway, I'm Henry, I have no idea where this is, why I'm here, or how I even got here. Nice to meet you!" He said still not taking a breath as he stuck out his hand and took a step forward.

You hear a deep resonating hum come from the robed man. "That is all very impressive but, what I mean is." and he points in the direction that he had sent the bell flying. "Did you come from within the Warding Bells? Because if you did we have bigger problems than where you came from." You begin to notice that there are more people on this boat than just the two you had initially seen. Two more robed figures step out of a nearby doorway and six or seven people with assorted spears, harpoon guns and one very strange looking rifle
have begun to make there way out of a door on the opposite side of the ship.

Internally I whistled at this warrior, he...she?, certainly struck an imposing figure to say the least. Although while the warrior was impressive I wasn't fazed, after all I was me and I had my Pokemon by my side, "To be honest I have no idea who that is, I'm assuming he's who we're going to be fighting." I said taking a seat on the bench next to the warrior "But if he's as tough as you look then I think it'll be a rather fun match, like the aesthetic, by the way, it sort of reminds me of a Ransei warrior from back home who decided to use some modern tech."

The warrior spun on its heel and came to a stop facing to face with you it's horns framing a light that was directly behind it. It seemed to look you over and you could hear it's raspy breath as it breathed slowly and deeply. "You dare to ac-" Interrupting the figure a bell begins to ring and the entire room shifts to see the wall beneath the clock shift open to reveal a room on the other side with large circular tubes lining all three walls next to each of them is a small locker and a table. As you watch you see a few of the closer people walk up and begin to stow weapons, ammo, and a few armors in the lockers and begin to climb into the pods. The figure you had spoken to initially seems to shudder and makes its way to the far corner and begins to do the same.

Avriel, who couldn't read betting numbers, stared blankly. Alright, this was against the champ, so really logic dictated that an unknown would get bad odds, which were good odds in betting terms, so... a chance to times money by fifteen? Sounded good to Avriel, honestly. He, as planned, put all his chips on the Trainer, quite literally in fact.

As you input the number a small check mark appears next to Sins name along with a slight Ding told you that you the machine had accepted your bet. As you lean back in your chair you begin to hear very low music and as the dull roar of conversation slowly dies down you can hear it more clearly. It's a deep primal drumline.

And stepping out, seemingly of the darkness, on top of the dark iron dome that dominates the center of the room is a tall rail-thin man in a garish red and purple tuxedo and a top hat. He twirls once and in a voice that makes itself heard even without the use a microphone yells. "LADY'S AND GENTLEMEN ARE YOU READY TO SEE A SHOOOOOOWWWWOWWWWWWW?!" The Crowd goes wild and the man spins slowly soaking in the noise before he gestures for them to stop a few times and continues. "WELL, THEN YOU CAME TO THE RIGHT PLACE. BECAUSE FOR TONIGHT AND ONLY TONIGHT WE HAVE A NO HOLDS BARED ALL VERSUS ONE MATCH WITH THE ONE BEGIN THE CHAMPION HITCH BARLOOOOOWWWWWWWW!" As the name leaves his mouth once again the whole crowd goes wild. They begin chanting his name and the man lets them got for a few minutes before, he once again stops them. "WELL, THEN WHY DON'T WE SEE WHERE OUR CONTESTANTS WILL BE FIGHTING!"

he stamps his foot down and the metal that he was standing begins to rise and hover with nothing visibly holding it up. the two sides of the dome go clear and thousands of different images pass by in a few moments, on what look like massively curved televisions but, there too clear and realistic. It looks more like your looking through a car window and watch the scenery pass by before it settles on something. A large gothic Church in the middle of a wide-open courtyard surrounded by old Spanish style buildings, it would be beautiful if it wasn't for the blast craters, fire and the set of empty gallows that stand directly in front of the Church. The man yells out. "WELL THEN IT LOOKS THE BATTLE WILL HAPPEN IN THE BEAUTIFUL SCREAMING CITY!!!!!!!" the Crowd roars and without even waiting for them to quite down he once again yells, this time into a mic. "STAY RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE FOLKS BECAUSE THE FIGHT STARTS IN JUST FIVE MINUTES!" He flashes the audenice a grin and disappears into the darkness.

There was a small pause, as she processed his thick accent, before she reached up to her ears, and took off her earrings, each one made of silver with blue Jasper set into each. Flicking her hand, they both landed ontop of his book remarkably gently.

"Those should cover it, and more besides."

He picks one of them up giving you a dubious look as he inspects first the one he is holding and then the other one. He sets them both down and then says. "Zese are maire than enough. Would you lik to upgrade any of yur current devils By un culair air would you lik a free imp wiv yur summoneng. Eez a good déahl. Ai promizé you." His voice doesn't change from his vaguely bored town as he reaches down and pulls out a small, thin penknife and a rather large chest and a small jar.

I blush slightly, and fidget a little at her words. "I wouldn't call myself a hero, my pilots did all the work." I feel all my pilots cheer at that. I feel one pop up over my shoulder to inspect the women, before saying back inside. I shake her hand and formally introduce myself to her. "Nice to meet you miss Milan, my name is Iwo Jima. But I'd prefer just Iwo." I look towards the other two people. "It's nice to meet you too as well." I say as I bow my head slightly. As I feel my stomach growl slightly again I turn back to the Lieutenant Commander. "Do you know what's for dinner, and when it'll be ready?"

She leans forward with inquisitively as she looks over the small figure on your shoulder the larger of the two men answers your question. He's in a set of green fatigues with the shoulder boards of a Marine captain. "I think it's steak and potato stew. And it Should be ready about....Now." There's a clanging sound of a bell and people near you begin to get up but, as you watch a trolley with two pots on it is wheeled over to your table and bowls, plates, and silverware are set in front of everyone you are served with a heaping helping of stew, with two thick barley rolls, and a cup of dark, almost sludge like, coffee.
She leans forward with inquisitively as she looks over the small figure on your shoulder the larger of the two men answers your question. He's in a set of green fatigues with the shoulder boards of a Marine captain. "I think it's steak and potato stew. And it Should be ready about....Now." There's a clanging sound of a bell and people near you begin to get up but, as you watch a trolley with two pots on it is wheeled over to your table and bowls, plates, and silverware are set in front of everyone you are served with a heaping helping of stew, with two thick barley rolls, and a cup of dark, almost sludge like, coffee.

I immediately begin to attack the food in from of me. Being a carrier, it means I need a lot to resupply lost ammo and fuel. This translates into me eating all the food I have rather quickly. But boy did it taste good! Probably the best for I've ever tasted! Which isn't saying much, unfortunately. I keep feeling my little ghost pilots taking sneak peek around, I ignore then for now. Once I finish I turn to the others.

"Thanks for the food! It was really good!" I decide to get a good look around at the other people in the room. While I have my scouts still patrolling around explore the area a little bit.
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The warrior spun on its heel and came to a stop facing to face with you it's horns framing a light that was directly behind it. It seemed to look you over and you could hear it's raspy breath as it breathed slowly and deeply. "You dare to ac-" Interrupting the figure a bell begins to ring and the entire room shifts to see the wall beneath the clock shift open to reveal a room on the other side with large circular tubes lining all three walls next to each of them is a small locker and a table. As you watch you see a few of the closer people walk up and begin to stow weapons, ammo, and a few armors in the lockers and begin to climb into the pods. The figure you had spoken to initially seems to shudder and makes its way to the far corner and begins to do the same.
I merely smiled back at the warrior, sure something I had said somehow pissed her/him/it off (my money was on not knowing who the arena's champion was) and sure the warrior was intimidating as all hell. But after you've stared down a Tyrantrum there isn't much that can phase you, least of all when Aegislash was ready to defend me at a moment's notice.

Although to say that I wasn't a little relieved when the pods came down would be a lie. "Well I look forward to seeing you in action!" I called after the Warrior.

But with that out of the way I made my way to one of the vacant pods, depositing my team's Pokeballs (Minus Kyogre's) and a couple of my empty spares in my locker.
He picks one of them up giving you a dubious look as he inspects first the one he is holding and then the other one. He sets them both down and then says. "Zese are maire than enough. Would you lik to upgrade any of yur current devils By un culair air would you lik a free imp wiv yur summoneng. Eez a good déahl. Ai promizé you." His voice doesn't change from his vaguely bored town as he reaches down and pulls out a small, thin penknife and a rather large chest and a small jar.
Karen considers the options for a long moment.

"I have a devil engine, back on my ship. I would rather you provide me some unbound devils as fuel, instead."
You hear a deep resonating hum come from the robed man. "That is all very impressive but, what I mean is." and he points in the direction that he had sent the bell flying. "Did you come from within the Warding Bells? Because if you did we have bigger problems than where you came from." You begin to notice that there are more people on this boat than just the two you had initially seen. Two more robed figures step out of a nearby doorway and six or seven people with assorted spears, harpoon guns and one very strange looking rifle
have begun to make there way out of a door on the opposite side of the ship.

Henry's hand went to the gun on his back out of instinct. "What is there a law about coming from the bells...?" Something about what the man said clicked. "Let me guess, sea monster. Really big. And the bells keep it asleep? Would a small four cylinder engine wake it up? If so yep, it's awake. If not, don't try anything." Henry said that as friendly as he could while still threatening.
Mia looks at you questioningly. "Nein...I can't zay zat I do. Vy?" As she says this her voice rumbling in the enclosed cabin you both begin to here the distant sound of boat horns and voices. She startles and turns and starts to head back to the Deck. "Arg, Vere zere! Come on ve can discuss your dreams lader ve need to get ready to dock!" She yells over her shoulder as she starts up the small set of stairs that lead to the bridge.
Wait they were what? Grabbing his coat, Michael rushed after his guest towards the bridge.

As he finished donning said coat, he reached the bridge. Hurrying over to the navcom's console, he set it to hold position, and he accessed the boat's transceiver, looking for anyone transmitting.

Then, pausing, he turned to Mia. "Erm. What now? Only place I've ever had to dock a ship was at Far Harbor over near Maine, and they didn't really have any sort of protocols other than 'if you're not from here, decent chance we're gonna shoot you when you step ashore'..."
Coyote grins back at the friendly cat, a light chuckle escaping him as he gestured his head towards where he parked Sanctuary.

"Well if you're looking to get off this rock, I've got a ship anchored off that way, there's also an underground area that I spotted around here, I can check it out with you if you want, or we can just get out of here."
Setzer Gabbiani
The Blackjack
It was a dark and stormy...horizon

As soon as the engines start the coiling and roiling mass of serpentine shapes freeze. And just as quickly disperse and disappear beneath the dark red waves. The sounds of splashing that they had been producing stops and the only sounds are Blackjacks engines and the creaking of wood from the Golden Hind as it is pulled along behind the Airship. In the distance, you can just make out dark clouds on the horizon.
Well, those snakes all disappearing like that is certainly ominous. Is there another predator in the water that scared them off? I really hope not, or at least I hope it'll be friendly. But Lady Luck can be fickle. If it's a single predator it'd probably be easier to defeat than a ton of snakes. On the other hand it'd have to be powerful to be able to scare them off like that.

Snakes notwithstanding there's also the storm on the horizon. We can probably weather it, but no captain worth his fancy hat would sail into a storm when he has other options. I mean, I don't have a hat...but you know what I mean. I turn the Blackjack to the left, leading us hopefully away from both the storm and the snakes (or whatever scared them off).

Y'know, Francis and I really need to find a way to talk from our ships, I'd rather not lose my voice shouting across our ships if something comes up. And I fully expect that something's going to come up.
A pier among peers
One wave closer to land

"Ksh Roger that Texas we'll prep the pier." As you watch the man gestures down to the crowd of people and a couple of them move to start working on something off to one side of the pier.
How nice of them to prep things for us I'm not sure how much prep work will be actually be needed for me and Sara but I certainly won't stop them from doing it. With an amused smile, I change directions to head towards the pier my mind whirring at what we might find once we get on the island proper.

The Admiral, The Pods, Devil summoning for Fun and Profit, They cam from Behind, Docks and Worries, the Caverns, Silence, and The Piers.
I immediately begin to attack the food in from of me. Being a carrier, it means I need a lot to resupply lost ammo and fuel. This translates into me eating all the food I have rather quickly. But boy did it taste good! Probably the best of I've ever tasted! Which isn't saying much, unfortunately. I keep feeling my little ghost pilots taking a sneak peek around, I ignore them for now. Once I finish I turn to the others.

"Thanks for the food! It was really good!" I decide to get a good look around at the other people in the room. While I have my scouts still patrolling around explore the area a little bit.

The volume slowly lowered from a dull roar to a more bearable level as the sailors began to eat and relax a bit after a hard days labor comfortably in the knowledge that Iwo's planes were giving them a safety zone. As you ate the others at your table chatted amongst themselves about meaningless topics and how their day had gone... Well, Shawna and the marine do the short man eats his food slowly and taking each spoonful and savoring it as though it is his last.

It was ten minutes after the food had been served when Ceat returns with a pensive look on his face, he cleared his throat to gain the attention of the group. " Um, Miss Jima, If you would please follow me. The Admiral would like to speak with you personally."

(After this conversation do you mind if I do a time skip over the next few days of travel? if yo wish to do anything you can mention it.)

I merely smiled back at the warrior, sure something I had said somehow pissed her/him/it off (my money was on not knowing who the arena's champion was) and sure the warrior was intimidating as all hell. But after you've stared down a Tyrantrum there isn't much that can phase you, least of all when Aegislash was ready to defend me at a moment's notice.

Although to say that I wasn't a little relieved when the pods came down would be a lie. "Well I look forward to seeing you in action!" I called after the Warrior.

But with that out of the way I made my way to one of the vacant pods, depositing my team's Pokeballs (Minus Kyogre's) and a couple of my empty spares in my locker.

As you do so you see several small scanners begin to slowly go over the pokeballs as the pod to the right of them opened up and a foam insert that seemed to be about your size was contained within. looking around you see all of the other contestants have either already gotten into the pods and are waiting expectantly or, like you, are in the process of putting their weapons into the lockers.

Karen considers the options for a long moment.

"I have a devil engine, back on my ship. I would rather you provide me some unbound devils as fuel, instead."

The small man nodded. "That would certainly be doable." He said his accent still making it difficult to understand him as he held out an earthen jar filled with a mixture of mud, herbs, chemicals, and clay that you know is used in the making of a binding mask. "If I may, I require a small amount of blood to make certain that the Devils summoned will be bound to you."

Henry's hand went to the gun on his back out of instinct. "What is there a law about coming from the bells...?" Something about what the man said clicked. "Let me guess, sea monster. Really big. And the bells keep it asleep? Would a small four cylinder engine wake it up? If so yep, it's awake. If not, don't try anything." Henry said that as friendly as he could while still threatening.

"Not quite..." The robed man said as he lightly thrust a hand out at you. Before you could react what seemed like a wave pushed through you, it didn't hurt it just felt strange, like a set of heavy curtains pushing past and around you. The assorted men and women all gasped and pointed their weapons at you...No, at something behind you...

Wait they were what? Grabbing his coat, Michael rushed after his guest towards the bridge.

As he finished donning a said coat, he reached the bridge. Hurrying over to the navcom's console, he set it to hold position, and he accessed the boat's transceiver, looking for anyone transmitting.

Then, pausing, he turned to Mia. "Erm. What now? Only place I've ever had to dock a ship was at Far Harbor over near Maine, and they didn't really have any sort of protocols other than 'if you're not from here, decent chance we're gonna shoot you when you step ashore'..."

Mia looked vaguely pensive as she looked at the Docks that were slowly becoming closer and closer. The docks themselves were a strange mishmash of architecture and materials. Some of the buildings seemed to have originally been built above water but had slowly begun to sink into the sea, and on top of them, there was a mix of structures made from whatever materials could be found.
She spoke suddenly and without warning her confident tone undercut by the slight hint of worry that crept in as she spoke. "Ve schould pe fine... zee only zing ve vould haffe to vorry apout vould pe zee Bort Authority und zey ove me zefferal faffors. chust pe cool if any of zoze." Mia pointed a group of small boats that were centered around a small pier, they eere covered in guns and people scurrying all over them. They all had a flag fluttering above them.

Coyote grins back at the friendly cat, a light chuckle escaping him as he gestured his head towards where he parked Sanctuary.

"Well if you're looking to get off this rock, I've got a ship anchored off that way, there's also an underground area that I spotted around here, I can check it out with you if you want, or we can just get out of here."

M'aiq grins and shrugs. "This one has heard many things about those caves. Some say that they are full of unholy terrors that await all whp enter its depths but, He has also heard that it is a paradise compared to the surface of the island. wide open areas covered in glowing crystal and full of edible mushrooms and clean water, with treasures galore from an ancient civilization." His smile widens. "Personally, M'aiq thinks that It is a nice place to get out of the sun occasionally."

Setzer Gabbiani
The Blackjack
It was a dark and stormy...horizon

Well, those snakes all disappearing like that is certainly ominous. Is there another predator in the water that scared them off? I really hope not, or at least I hope it'll be friendly. But Lady Luck can be fickle. If it's a single predator it'd probably be easier to defeat than a ton of snakes. On the other hand, it'd have to be powerful to be able to scare them off like that.

Snakes notwithstanding there's also the storm on the horizon. We can probably weather it, but no captain worth his fancy hat would sail into a storm when he has other options. I mean, I don't have a hat...but you know what I mean. I turn the Blackjack to the left, leading us hopefully away from both the storm and the snakes (or whatever scared them off).

Y'know, Francis and I really need to find a way to talk from our ships, I'd rather not lose my voice shouting across our ships if something comes up. And I fully expect that something's going to come up.

There is a discomforting silence that seems to encompass your two vessels as you move towards the Storm. You occasionally see small ripples in the waters that surronded your ships.

A pier among peers
One wave closer to land

How nice of them to prep things for us I'm not sure how much prep work will be actually be needed for me and Sara but I certainly won't stop them from doing it. With an amused smile, I change directions to head towards the pier my mind whirring at what we might find once we get on the island proper.


as you get closer to the island you see that the extent of the "preparations is that they've dropped a large ladder off the side of the pier and are making room for you to get out of the water. There are several fishermen types watching from the island side of the pier and seem to be keeping there distance for now while those closest to you, Several men in uniform armed with large pistols and short swords are sitting around on the torpedo boat watching you suspiciously.
"Not quite..." The robed man said as he lightly thrust a hand out at you. Before you could react what seemed like a wave pushed through you, it didn't hurt it just felt strange, like a set of heavy curtains pushing past and around you. The assorted men and women all gasped and pointed their weapons at you...No, at something behind you...

"It's behind me isn't it..." Henry said with a deadpan look. Drawing his gun as he span around leaping off the ground and floating above the group of people gun pointed towards whatever it was.
Michael Smith
At a Minute's Notice, Bridge

Mia looked vaguely pensive as she looked at the Docks that were slowly becoming closer and closer. The docks themselves were a strange mishmash of architecture and materials. Some of the buildings seemed to have originally been built above water but had slowly begun to sink into the sea, and on top of them, there was a mix of structures made from whatever materials could be found.
She spoke suddenly and without warning her confident tone undercut by the slight hint of worry that crept in as she spoke. "Ve schould pe fine... zee only zing ve vould haffe to vorry apout vould pe zee Bort Authority und zey ove me zefferal faffors. chust pe cool if any of zoze." Mia pointed a group of small boats that were centered around a small pier, they eere covered in guns and people scurrying all over them. They all had a flag fluttering above them.
Michael nodded, and once more urged the navcom onwards; when the auto-dock indicator began blinking, he grinned.

For a few seconds, the general glanced over the radio interface, before looking towards their destination. "A towering shanty-town atop ruins... heh, reminds me of home. A bit more... eastern, though." Those flags as well; they reminded Michael of that of Mao's 'Republic' to a larger degree than he was comfortable with, and he had to consciously keep himself from checking his AER9.

He stared onwards for half a minute more, then turned and began into the bowels of the ship.

"Going to go get in my armor; shouldn't take long. The navcom should handle everything from here on out, but if you need to stop the ship, the cyan button on its own off to the right initiates an emergency stop."

That said, the tinkerer walked onward, heading to where he had left his power armor.
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Coyote chuckled again, starting to walk towards where he had seen the hole in the ground, carefully making sure to keep an eye on M'aiq just in case.

Once he found the hole he'd see about using an echo to see if it was safe.
The small man nodded. "That would certainly be doable." He said his accent still making it difficult to understand him as he held out an earthen jar filled with a mixture of mud, herbs, chemicals, and clay that you know is used in the making of a binding mask. "If I may, I require a small amount of blood to make certain that the Devils summoned will be bound to you."
Karen got up, walking to the shot man. Biting her thumb, she let one drop of blood well up.
As you do so you see several small scanners begin to slowly go over the pokeballs as the pod to the right of them opened up and a foam insert that seemed to be about your size was contained within. looking around you see all of the other contestants have either already gotten into the pods and are waiting expectantly or, like you, are in the process of putting their weapons into the lockers.
Confident that I had done everything I took the foam insert and got into the pod, taking just a couple moments to get comfortable as I began planning what my battle strategy would be. Now while I could just send out all of my pokemon, that just didn't sit well with me especially if I would end up fighting a single I suppose that I should try and only send out as many pokemon as the people I am fighting, with the exception of if they try and attack me as then all bets are off.

Still whatever awaited me in the arena I was sure me and my team would be able to beat it.