Freezing Area

I raise an eyebrow at Saratoga Mk.II's recognition of me. "Yes, that'd be my name. I'm assuming you're Saratoga, CV3, Lexington-class Aircraft Carrier." I turn to the apparently non-hostile Abyssal. "Can't say I recognize you aside from the general classification of Ru-class Abyssal Battleship. Where I came from, there was none of this Pearl Harbor spirit. That and when Ship-souls and Abyssals met...well, we were less focused on the details of what each other was and more on the blowing each other up part. No offense."

All this talk of a Pearl Harbor spirit was curious though. It did confirm a theory of mine that the universe I was in wasn't the only one where Kanmusu faced off against Abyssals. Although one where an Abyssal went against their own kind was a bit of a surprise. It probably shouldn't, logically speaking, but maybe I had spent too much time in active service. Year after year of facing off against the Abyssals...as cliched as it sounds, the saying that 'war changes you' was true. For the better or worse though? At least I can still spend hours on end on useless naval gazing, that part of me hasn't changed at least.
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Frozen Area
Familiar faces, but not worn out places

I raise an eyebrow at Saratoga Mk.II's recognition of me. "Yes, that'd be my name. I'm assuming you're Saratoga, CV3, Lexington-class Aircraft Carrier." I turn to the apparently non-hostile Abyssal. "Can't say I recognize you aside from the general classification of Ru-class Abyssal Battleship. Where I came from, there was none of this Pearl Harbor spirit. That and when Ship-souls and Abyssals met...well, we were less focused on the details of what each other was and more on the blowing each other up part. No offense."

"That's me," I reply. I do look the part, at least.

Yeah, she wouldn't know of the momport princess. As far as I know, the one behind her has yet to read that story.

"Pearl was a special case, where she more-or-less overcame her hatred. She still had memories of the attack, but she tried to learn from them and move forward. She also managed to build friendly relations with the US and with Japan."

@Zeroth Jupi, @always_confused
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Frozen Area
Familiar faces, but not worn out places

"That's me," I reply. I do look the part, at least.

Yeah, she wouldn't know of the momport princess. As far as I know, the one behind her has yet to read that story.

"Pearl was a special case, where she more-or-less overcame her hatred. She still had memories of the attack, but she tried to learn from them and move forward. She also managed to build friendly relations with the US and with Japan."

@Zeroth Jupi, @always_confused

"That all happened in a more positive world than the one I'm from, in that case. Or one with more shades of grey. Don't particularly care." I look around at the icy wastes we're all spending time in. "Here." I take off my winter coat and toss it to Saratoga. "Feel free to share it with the Ru. We should probably get out of here asap."

I would be lying if I said the cold wasn't getting to me, but even without the coat I still had a sweater on. That and I was just coming off from a series of engagements in cold weather, back in my world. And how strange was it to call that world 'mine'. It was the one before that was really my home, but all things considered I considered the world of near endless battles against Abyssals as a personification of a ship as more of a home.
Name: Stephan Blackwell
Date: ... What time even is it?
Location: At sea?/Lightning Runner
Status: ... The hell?

@See my smile

... Silence. No one else seemed to be saying anything, so... Either no one was aboard, unlikely, or more accurately, they were below deck... Hmm. Stephan paused for a moment, frowning, before his hands whipped into speed. Might as well take the safe route then... Ram, Snake, Hare, made in quick succession, as well as the Chakra within him being released in time. Shadow Clones were really, really useful to have, even if he only apparently had the lightning derived version at the moment. With a puff of smoke, a second Stephan popped into existence, who nodded at the original Stephan. The clone went up the boat, climbing it with Chakra, before-

Stephan tch'd lightly to himself, retrieving a Kunai, while the Clone continued up. It wasn't too hard to hide while the Clone was doing its thing...

"That'd be me! You own this vessel?"

It called out.
Glacial Area
Time to go

"That all happened in a more positive world than the one I'm from, in that case. Or one with more shades of grey. Don't particularly care." I look around at the icy wastes we're all spending time in. "Here." I take off my winter coat and toss it to Saratoga. "Feel free to share it with the Ru. We should probably get out of here asap."

I catch the thrown coat with my right hand, my left still holding my flight deck. "Thanks, and I guess we should. Her name is Texas," I answer, that last part referring to the Ru.

So Hoelun thinks it's an actual thing rather than a story? Wait, from what she says, she sounds like she actually met and fought Abyssals, firsthand. For me, it was fiction, the stuff of stories and games, until now. For her, it has always been real...

I don't know anymore if she comes from the same world as I did, or if she is from a world of shipgirls and Abyssals. It would be safer to assume the latter unless proven otherwise.

I shakily stand up, and offer the coat to Texas. My dress (or as a certain pair of Huntresses would call it, a combat skirt) covers me more than the battleship's clothes covering her (I doubt an exposed stomach helps matters), so I figure she would need it more. While this place feels like London in December, I think I'll manage for now. I like the cold more than the heat anyway.

I whisper to Texas, out of Hoelun's earshot. "Let's take turns with the coat. Uh, is that you, Cypher?"

@Confused Ru, @Zeroth Montana
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Headpat giver in overtime

Sara said:
Wait, she knows? She knows of Pearl? "That's her. That's exactly her," I reply. That's pretty much how I would describe her, the best example of a friendly Abyssal that I could think of. She knows the story, too? Could she be in the same boat as me?

"Oh, and I'm Sara," I say, introducing myself. Considering what happened to me, it's a name I will have to go by while I'm like this, though it feels awkward right now to do so. Texas? So she's actually the Abyssalized spirit of that battleship? I've heard of that vessel before, but only because someone I know has that as his favorite.
With a chuckle I turn back to Saratoga, or as she just introduced herself as, Sara, my head patting having reached a new level in calming me, and speak, "Then it is nice to meet you Sara, and like I said you flatter me comparing me to Pearl." My piece said, I give more attention to giving Sara headpats when the one called Hoelun speaks up.

Hoelun said:
"Can't say I recognize you aside from the general classification of Ru-class Abyssal Battleship. Where I came from, there was none of this Pearl Harbor spirit. That and when Ship-souls and Abyssals met...well, we were less focused on the details of what each other was and more on the blowing each other up part. No offense."

"Feel free to share it with the Ru. We should probably get out of here asap."

Sara said:
"Thanks, and I guess we should. Her name is Texas,"

Sara said:
I shakily stand up, and offer the coat to Texas. My dress (or as a certain pair of Huntresses would call it, a combat skirt) covers me more than the battleship's clothes covering her (I doubt an exposed stomach helps matters), so I figure she would need it more. While this place feels like London in December, I think I'll manage for now. I like the cold more than the heat anyway.

I whisper to Texas, out of Hoelun's earshot. "Let's take turns with the coat. Uh, is that you, Cypher?"

My focus switching to Hoelun, I think briefly before speaking, "None taken, were I just any old Abyssal it would still be that way, and thank you Sara" I should have been offended by being referred to without a name, but I've long been used to being referred to as a thing usually to be called a mountain, but I digress, my mental drifting seems to have allowed Sara to escape my head-patting as she offers me the coat Hoelun tossed over and whispers to me something truly unexpected. With a quick and covert glance to see what Hoelun was up to showing that she hasn't reacted I whisper back, "Sure thanks for letting me use it first Sara, though before that are you the same Sara I think you are? I mean it makes sense and explains why you would know about Pearl. Tell me what does the name Alamo bring to mind?" my question asked I gently take the coat and put it on as she deliberated my meaning, does this coat make me look small in general I mean it's a fairly nice sized coat?

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Headpat giver in overtime

With a chuckle I turn back to Saratoga, or as she just introduced herself as, Sara, my head patting having reached a new level in calming me, and speak, "Then it is nice to meet you Sara, and like I said you flatter me comparing me to Pearl." My piece said, I give more attention to giving Sara headpats when the one called Hoelun speaks up.

My focus switching to Hoelun, I think briefly before speaking, "None taken, were I just any old Abyssal it would still be that way, and thank you Sara" I should have been offended by being referred to without a name, but I've long been used to being referred to as a thing usually to be called a mountain, but I digress, my mental drifting seems to have allowed Sara to escape my head-patting as she offers me the coat Hoelun tossed over and whispers to me something truly unexpected. With a quick and covert glance to see what Hoelun was up to showing that she hasn't reacted I whisper back, "Sure thanks for letting me use it first Sara, though before that are you the same Sara I think you are? I mean it makes sense and explains why you would know about Pearl. Tell me what does the name Alamo bring to mind?" my question asked I gently take the coat and put it on as she deliberated my meaning, does this coat make me look small in general I mean it's a fairly nice sized coat?


As I overhear the conversation, my suspicions grow. At the mention of Alamo, I can't control myself any longer. "The 5th Kongo class battleship battlecruiser later turned into a fast battleship by the US Navy?...Is that you, Cypher? And do the words UbeOne and Zeroth Jupi mean anything to either of you?"
"Umm...hello my name is Amethyst. You are probably wondering WHY I fired my guns for no apparent reason, but the thing is I do have a reason. Most of my ship is damaged and was on fire, don't worry it's been put out. So, I went for an armament check by firing the main batteries and nearly hit the big whale...wait? is THAT KYOGRE!. Ah, sorry for nearly hitting you, the dispersion is tricky to control when firing all at once. Anyway, I'm stuck. I cant get back to my world. My dimensional drive is destroyed and would take months to fix. We are all stuck together whether we like it or not, considering the circumstance anyway. I'll wait for a response."
"Because her voice sounded rather cute! It's not like I bring up your lover spats with Groudon!"
Avriel walked over to the radio station on board, clamping the headset on and flicking the switch that (he hoped) set it to transceiver mode. He listened to both of his compatriots currently on the radio, and then just... sighed.

"Alright you two, while you've been busy mucking about I've done actually useful stuff.
To the east invisible to the naked eye but, just visible to the camera's vision was a thin trail of grey smoke curling it's way into the sky.
To the west, he could just make out a small black dot that seemed to be unmoving on the horizon. An Island perhaps?
To the direct front and north of his ship, there was nothing other than even more open ocean for as far as the cameras could see.
And directly behind his ship and to the direct south there was what seemed to be a pillar of black smoke that curled into the air in the distance. Wonder how you didn't see that earlier.
In front of my ship, there's just ocean, but my cameras are telling me that there's an island to port, grey smoke on starboard and black smoke behind." He paused, and though. "Port and starboard are left and right, I can't remember if that's actually correct." He sighed again. "Anyway, that does mean we now do have some stuff to investigate. I vote we go islandwards, but I'm open to being persuaded."
In front of my ship, there's just ocean, but my cameras are telling me that there's an island to port, grey smoke on starboard and black smoke behind." He paused, and though. "Port and starboard are left and right, I can't remember if that's actually correct." He sighed again. "Anyway, that does mean we now do have some stuff to investigate. I vote we go islandwards, but I'm open to being persuaded."

"I'll go wherever you go. I mean, all I need is to get materials to fix my ship and dimensional drive then BOOM I'm out of here. Its gonna take months, so I'll be sticking around for a while."

As the main batteries turn and move back to their standby positions. My ship begins to move closer to the submarine, around 600m apart.
Titanic's Folly
Surprised Sara noises

Headpat giver in overtime

With a chuckle I turn back to Saratoga, or as she just introduced herself as, Sara, my head patting having reached a new level in calming me, and speak, "Then it is nice to meet you Sara, and like I said you flatter me comparing me to Pearl." My piece said, I give more attention to giving Sara headpats when the one called Hoelun speaks up.

"Ehehehehe..." is my response. "Nice to meet you too."

The headpats continue to give me that calming, comforting sensation...

My focus switching to Hoelun, I think briefly before speaking, "None taken, were I just any old Abyssal it would still be that way, and thank you Sara" I should have been offended by being referred to without a name, but I've long been used to being referred to as a thing usually to be called a mountain, but I digress, my mental drifting seems to have allowed Sara to escape my head-patting as she offers me the coat Hoelun tossed over and whispers to me something truly unexpected. With a quick and covert glance to see what Hoelun was up to showing that she hasn't reacted I whisper back, "Sure thanks for letting me use it first Sara, though before that are you the same Sara I think you are? I mean it makes sense and explains why you would know about Pearl. Tell me what does the name Alamo bring to mind?" my question asked I gently take the coat and put it on as she deliberated my meaning, does this coat make me look small in general I mean it's a fairly nice sized coat?


That's her. That's definitely Cypher! She's looking for a specific Sara, which would be me, and she knows of Alamo too. That battleship will be remembered.

"Your companion. The American Kongou. Compulsive hugger. Can't sleep alone. Your waifu in the IB. Turbo-electric drive. Eight US 14-inch guns, sixteen 5-inch guns, eighty Bofors, forty Oerlikons-"

I helped in coming up with that companion for her, and I still remember some of the details. Before I could continue, however, the Montana suddenly speaks up.

As I overhear the conversation, my suspicions grow. At the mention of Alamo, I can't control myself any longer. "The 5th Kongo class battleship battlecruiser later turned into a fast battleship by the US Navy?...Is that you, Cypher? And do the words UbeOne and Zeroth Jupi mean anything to either of you?"


She knows? She knows! But how did she hear? I made sure to be as quiet as I could! Either she has more sensitive ears than I thought, or Cypher was just a bit too loud.

"Yup. So you are the Hoelun I know! Are you still confused lately?" I reply to her.

That's wordplay on my part. After all, she's always_confused.

@Always Texas, @hoelun_jupi
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The World's End
Forming a chain

Yup. Suspicions confirmed. They're people from the life I had before the previous life I had. Which means, I'm free to do this...moving over to Cypher/Texas, who is still patting Saratoga on the head, I start patting her on the head. Unfortunately we don't have a 4th person along to pat me on the head as well, I observe with some annoyance and disappointment.

"Always, Saratoga. Always. Even without the icy weather, this place doesn't look particularly inviting. I was thinking now that we've all established ourselves to be friendlies, what about we send our planes - put our BB Floatplanes to use for once - in different directions? I'd rather not send them alone, so I'm sending my floatplanes out in duos. Thoughts?" *pat* *pat *pat* *pat*

@UbeOne @Zeroth Jupi
As Karen's vision sharpened and allowed her to pierce the darkness she saw some strange animals. Within her site there where four massive crabs slowly making there way over and through an even more massive skeleton from which the kelp seemed to be growing. The skull of the skeleton was almost directly below her vessel. Four empty eye sockets seemed to stare back at her as it sat on unmoving on the ocean floor. It was something akin to a massive crocodile..well if a crocodile had teeth more in line with a shark and had a skull bigger than her entire boat.
An audible grinding sound came from Karen as she forcibly kept her mouth shut as the depths of this sea revealed themselves to her. Letting her breath out in a controlled exhale that in no way resembled a sigh, she stepped back off of the prow and back onto the deck proper.

The next half hour was a flurry of activity as Karen took the sails down so she wouldn't have to come back to a boat moved a few miles, folding each one properly as she put them back in their proper place. Taking off her current dress, she left it neatly folded it beside her on the deck. Standing on the guard rail, she exhaled quietly, her lungs emptying themselves entirely of air.

With a monumental inhale, she sparked a fire in her lungs. Breathing in again, and again, she closed her mouth with an anatomically impossible amount of air inside her. Nothing to match Ys-Aesma, but enough. Her fingertips sparking embers, she flipped off the side of her boat, sinking through the kelp to land on the skull of the great beast, falling into the third stance of her art, her hands flat in the water. The weight of it pressed on her, every centimetre of her swathed by the ocean, slowing and dampening her movements.

But for all that, Karen would prove herself.
Avriel walked over to the radio station on board, clamping the headset on and flicking the switch that (he hoped) set it to transceiver mode. He listened to both of his compatriots currently on the radio, and then just... sighed.

"Alright you two, while you've been busy mucking about I've done actually useful stuff.

In front of my ship, there's just ocean, but my cameras are telling me that there's an island to port, grey smoke on starboard and black smoke behind." He paused, and though. "Port and starboard are left and right, I can't remember if that's actually correct." He sighed again. "Anyway, that does mean we now do have some stuff to investigate. I vote we go islandwards, but I'm open to being persuaded."
I froze as the voice came through my radio, not because it started me but because I realized that the switch that I had flipped when I had started....which meant that whoever was on the other ships and probably anyone within radio range probably heard that conversation I had with Kyogre.

"Umm...copy that, do you want me to see if I can't see anything from up here?" I said into my radio's microphone, trying to ignore the awkwardness of the situation "I have a couple Pokemon who can fly so...yeah."

"I'll go wherever you go. I mean, all I need is to get materials to fix my ship and dimensional drive then BOOM I'm out of here. Its gonna take months, so I'll be sticking around for a while."

As the main batteries turn and move back to their standby positions. My ship begins to move closer to the submarine, around 600m apart.
Hearing the words of the Girl? on the spaceship I nodded a little, sort of made sense to me as if I had a spaceship I wouldn't want to be confined to a single planet for too long. "So since it looks like we are going to be stuck with each other for a while....why don't we have some introductions....or do you guys want to wait until we can do that face to face?"
Thar be Ice Cap'n!
The headpatter has become the headpatee

Sara said:
"Your companion. The American Kongou. Compulsive hugger. Can't sleep alone. Your waifu in the IB. Turbo-electric drive. Eight US 14-inch guns, sixteen 5-inch guns, eighty Bofors, forty Oerlikons-"
Well that does it she's definitely who I am thinking of I get ready to reply but before I can Hoelun speaks up
Khatun/Hoelun said:
As I overhear the conversation, my suspicions grow. At the mention of Alamo, I can't control myself any longer. "The 5th Kongo class battleship battlecruiser later turned into a fast battleship by the US Navy?...Is that you, Cypher? And do the words UbeOne and Zeroth Jupi mean anything to either of you?"
Oh lovely we were overheard guess I wasn't as quiet as I usually am I blame having a new voice well the ship as it were has sailed time to reply, "That is one of my names yes, as for those names you used they are handles on a forum site many people frequent"
Hoelun said:
Yup. Suspicions confirmed. They're people from the life I had before the previous life I had. Which means, I'm free to do this...moving over to Cypher/Texas, who is still patting Saratoga on the head, I start patting her on the head. Unfortunately, we don't have a 4th person along to pat me on the head as well, I observe with some annoyance and disappointment.
"Always, Saratoga. Always. Even without the icy weather, this place doesn't look particularly inviting. I was thinking now that we've all established ourselves to be friendlies, what about we send our planes - put our BB Floatplanes to use for once - in different directions? I'd rather not send them alone, so I'm sending my floatplanes out in duos. Thoughts?" *pat* *pat *pat* *pat*
Well this is new can't say I've been headpat before it's kinda nice now to reply before I become a puddle of abyssal, "I don't see why not I'll launch mine as well whenever we do this."

@Saratoga @Hoelun
Not the Razgriz Straits
Closing the circle

The World's End
Forming a chain

Yup. Suspicions confirmed. They're people from the life I had before the previous life I had. Which means, I'm free to do this...moving over to Cypher/Texas, who is still patting Saratoga on the head, I start patting her on the head. Unfortunately we don't have a 4th person along to pat me on the head as well, I observe with some annoyance and disappointment.

"Always, Saratoga. Always. Even without the icy weather, this place doesn't look particularly inviting. I was thinking now that we've all established ourselves to be friendlies, what about we send our planes - put our BB Floatplanes to use for once - in different directions? I'd rather not send them alone, so I'm sending my floatplanes out in duos. Thoughts?" *pat* *pat *pat* *pat*

@UbeOne @Zeroth Jupi

"I don't see why not I'll launch mine as well whenever we do this."

There's a certain... imbalance here. Hoelun's head remains clear of pats, which needs to be addressed. To that end, I reach out with my right hand, and put it gently on her head, mimicking what she's doing to Texas, and what Texas in turn is doing to me.

"I could send escorts per floatplane," I suggest. Once we embark, it would be a good idea to have some aircraft patrolling in the air, just in case.

@Zeroth Jupi, @always_confused
Definitely not Kirwin Island
The origin of the circle

Sara said:
There's a certain... imbalance here. Hoelun's head remains clear of pats, which needs to be addressed. To that end, I reach out with my right hand, and put it gently on her head, mimicking what she's doing to Texas, and what Texas in turn is doing to me.
"I could send escorts per floatplane," I suggest. Once we embark, it would be a good idea to have some aircraft patrolling in the air, just in case.
And thus with Sara's actions the sacred circle of headpats is completed may we be blessed in our endeavours, right enough silliness, after thinking upon Sara's offer I reply, "Most likely that will be very helpful for us so I see nothing wrong with it", My opinion stated I return to pondering the mystic powers that headpats seem to hold.

@Saratoga @Hoelun
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Name: Stephan Blackwell
Date: ... What time even is it?
Location: At sea?/Lightning Runner
Status: ... The hell?

@See my smile

... Silence. No one else seemed to be saying anything, so... Either no one was aboard, unlikely, or more accurately, they were below deck... Hmm. Stephan paused for a moment, frowning, before his hands whipped into speed. Might as well take the safe route then... Ram, Snake, Hare, made in quick succession, as well as the Chakra within him being released in time. Shadow Clones were really, really useful to have, even if he only apparently had the lightning derived version at the moment. With a puff of smoke, a second Stephan popped into existence, who nodded at the original Stephan. The clone went up the boat, climbing it with Chakra, before-

Stephan tch'd lightly to himself, retrieving a Kunai, while the Clone continued up. It wasn't too hard to hide while the Clone was doing its thing...

"That'd be me! You own this vessel?"

It called out.
"YYYYYYYYYYYyyep," Jeff replies, leaping out of the hatch and landing lightly on his feet, turning until he sees the clone. "So who're you? Haven't noticed you approaching, here on the North Blue. And you usually can see a lot here!"
Water water everywhere but not a drop to drink
The circle of life~

Hmm...headpats. It was oddly relaxing. We must seem odd to onlookers. In any case, I should get to sending out scouts asap. The fairies send a determined feeling through the strange mental bond Kanmusu and their fairies seem to share and launch. With the offer from Saratoga to provide escorts, I decide to send one plane to each cardinal direction. Hopefully they find civilization.

@Zeroth Jupi @UbeOne
"I'll go wherever you go. I mean, all I need is to get materials to fix my ship and dimensional drive then BOOM I'm out of here. Its gonna take months, so I'll be sticking around for a while."

As the main batteries turn and move back to their standby positions. My ship begins to move closer to the submarine, around 600m apart.
"Umm...copy that, do you want me to see if I can't see anything from up here?" I said into my radio's microphone, trying to ignore the awkwardness of the situation "I have a couple Pokemon who can fly so...yeah."
"Honestly, do what you want with regards to scouting. I'm half tempted to go for one of the smoke funnels myself, but right now I think I value a potential safe harbor and source of supplies above adventure. If we're gonna be here a while we'll want to stretch food and such, and although this sub has military rations, I hope, I doubt they'll last forever."
Hearing the words of the Girl? on the spaceship I nodded a little, sort of made sense to me as if I had a spaceship I wouldn't want to be confined to a single planet for too long. "So since it looks like we are going to be stuck with each other for a while....why don't we have some introductions....or do you guys want to wait until we can do that face to face?"
"I honestly don't mind what you do, but I'm off to get breakfast. Or rather find breakfast, but same difference. I'll listen to any further radio comms with the PA system I assume this thing has, wait there's the button, and wait for us to get to the island.
The gargantuan submarine rises a ways higher, most of it's bulk now on the surface.

Inside, in the spacious area of the bridge, I clasped my hands behind my back.
"Well then..."
"No objections from fourth ship? Right, then we're off." He stood up from the radio console, flicked the PA on and set it to broadcast incoming transmissions, and then sauntered over to the navigation console. He frowned, looking over it, before figuring out how to put the submarine on autopilot and set a course for somewhere near the black dot in the distance, what was presumably an island.

With that done, and he could feel the titanic vessel beginning to move, he set off to find some sustenance for himself elsewhere in what was really a Jukon-class. He would quite quickly identify a storage room and find many crates of military rations, and consumed them quickly. Wasn't much taste to savor, so he wasted no time there.
Something in the water and a strange noise.
Coyote blinked, leaning back a bit, before shrugging and moving to get his knife.

Might as well put it to good use, no sense in wasting food.


Coyote settled, hanging upside down on the rigging of Sanctuary as he focused, bringing up that power that dwelled within all bats.

He was the only bat who enjoyed fighting, and due to that his magic was more in tune to the physical realm instead of the mental, less 'seeing the future' and more 'my sonics can reach miles in every direction or can dent steel'.

He channeled his power to his throat and ears and with a cacophonous 'BOOM' sent out probably the largest echolocation click ever made.

He sighed, relaxing. Now all he had to do was wait to see if there was anything besides water around.

As the sonic boom slowly moved out, it bounced and flowed over the surrounding waves, and after thirty minutes he received an answer to his question.

To the North or directly in front of him was something tall, broad and unmoving. It was pretty far away but, that's all he could get.
To the West, there was eventually something reasonably small and seemingly mobile.
To his direct South was something that felt remarkably similar what he remembered a forest was like.
But, to the East, His boom came back distorted and pulsing as if some other loud noise had hit it and distorted the image.

As he sat there taking this in he could just make out what he thought might be the noises that had distorted his echolocation. And they were getting louder.

An audible grinding sound came from Karen as she forcibly kept her mouth shut as the depths of this sea revealed themselves to her. Letting her breath out in a controlled exhale that in no way resembled a sigh, she stepped back off of the prow and back onto the deck proper.

The next half hour was a flurry of activity as Karen took the sails down so she wouldn't have to come back to a boat moved a few miles, folding each one properly as she put them back in their proper place. Taking off her current dress, she left it neatly folded it beside her on the deck. Standing on the guard rail, she exhaled quietly, her lungs emptying themselves entirely of air.

With a monumental inhale, she sparked a fire in her lungs. Breathing in again, and again, she closed her mouth with an anatomically impossible amount of air inside her. Nothing to match Ys-Aesma, but enough. Her fingertips sparking embers, she flipped off the side of her boat, sinking through the kelp to land on the skull of the great beast, falling into the third stance of her art, her hands flat in the water. The weight of it pressed on her, every centimetre of her swathed by the ocean, slowing and dampening her movements.

But for all that, Karen would prove herself.

As Karen hit the water the many small fish and assorted predators seemed to scatter and hide amoungst the dense kelp. As she slowly sank into the darkness that had initially hidden the massive skull from her. She passed the clams that she could see now were as big as she was. As she got lower and lower she saw less and less fish and by the time she landed on the top of the skull the only animals within view were two of the three giant crabs, with the third being somewhere on the other side of the skeleton's ribcage. For a moment it seemed as though the closest crab was going to attack but, it seemed to think better of it and scurried away farther down the skeleton.

As Karen stood atop the skull of the great beast, her enhanced eyesight just managed to catch sight of something as it passed near the edge of her vision. It would seem that she was not alone down here...

Water water everywhere but not a drop to drink
The circle of life~

Hmm...headpats. It was oddly relaxing. We must seem odd to onlookers. In any case, I should get to sending out scouts asap. The fairies send a determined feeling through the strange mental bond Kanmusu and their fairies seem to share and launch. With the offer from Saratoga to provide escorts, I decide to send one plane to each cardinal direction. Hopefully, they find civilization.

@Zeroth Jupi @UbeOne

As the scout planes slowly made their way away from Hoelun with their small pilots, readied and looking for anything that they could find. It was close to an hour before they returned all with wildly different accounts of four separate, and vastly different, islands.

To the North around 20 miles was a relatively small ice-covered island with what looked like a sizable port for its size.
To the West, around 15 miles was a relatively large island with what looked to be a Victorian-era Port town wreathed in fog and mist.
To the South around 18 miles was a minuscule island with nothing on it other than a lighthouse and a couple of small farms.
And to the East around 25 miles were several large sandbars that seemed to have a collection of temporary buildings and a collection of ruins on them.
As the planes return and relay the information to me, I inform the other two of our options. "Alright, to the north we have a small ice-covered island, but with a sizeable port. West, is pretty big island with a port covered in fog and mist, scout says it has a victorian-era type theme going. South is a tiny island with nothing but a lighthouse and some farms. Finally to the east, we have several large sandbars with a collection of temporary buildings and ruins on them. Thoughts?"

@Zeroth Jupi @UbeOne
"Honestly, do what you want with regards to scouting. I'm half tempted to go for one of the smoke funnels myself, but right now I think I value a potential safe harbor and source of supplies above adventure. If we're gonna be here a while we'll want to stretch food and such, and although this sub has military rations, I hope, I doubt they'll last forever."
"I don't know, I could probably stay out at sea for months assuming I let Kyogre hunt." I said leaning back, mentally tallying up the food I had stored up and the pokechow I had available while thanking Arceus that most of my Pokemon could either hunt for themselves (Kyogre and Sharpedo) or didn't really require food (Metagrosss and Aegislash) with only Greninja and Volcarona actually needing it. "Although I will admit eating seafood will get dull rather quickly, Magicarp is delicious the first time...not so much the 17th."

"I honestly don't mind what you do, but I'm off to get breakfast. Or rather find breakfast, but same difference. I'll listen to any further radio comms with the PA system I assume this thing has, wait there's the button, and wait for us to get to the island.

"No objections from fourth ship? Right, then we're off." He stood up from the radio console, flicked the PA on and set it to broadcast incoming transmissions, and then sauntered over to the navigation console. He frowned, looking over it, before figuring out how to put the submarine on autopilot and set a course for somewhere near the black dot in the distance, what was presumably an island.

With that done, and he could feel the titanic vessel beginning to move, he set off to find some sustenance for himself elsewhere in what was really a Jukon-class. He would quite quickly identify a storage room and find many crates of military rations, and consumed them quickly. Wasn't much taste to savor, so he wasted no time there.
@Fantasy Nature
"Alright then I guess I'll send out my scout and pay a visit to Mrs Spaceship down there." I said before leaning into the microphone "You hear that spaceship girl, I'm coming down so open a hatch for me."

With that done I returned to the porch and marveled at the ocean passing beneath us as Kyogre flew, the big lug was even considerate enough to drift right above the damaged spaceship having overheard my conversation. "Alright I'll be off, watch the house while I'm gone and no tricks! I don't want to come back to everything scattered all over the place again."


"Yes spinning counts, you can do it later once we find a place to anchor the house." I said with a smile, partially amazed at how easy it was to talk to the Pokemon God like the friend he was. But I had an appointment to make and some scouting to do, do with practiced ease I released the Pokemon perfect for the job.

In a flash of red light they appeared, both hovering just above the porch. The first was a picture of elegance, her red wings a picture of fiery beauty that makes it easy to understand why a member of her species at one point took over the role of the sun, my lovely Volcarona. Next to her was a being who was pure steel might and intellect, Metagross. "Hey you two."

"Vree!!" "Hmmmrrr"

"Good to see you two as well, so Metagross we are going to pay a visit to the spaceship below us and since I can't fly you'll have to carry me."


"Don't worry, i'm sure there is enough stuff for someone as smart as you to entertain yourself with. Now my fiery princess your job will be to survey the waters before us and tell us, your humble subjects, what you see."


"Okay I'll knock it off, just thought I'd have some fun." a chuckle escaped my throat as I hopped onto Metagross, his metal frame beginning to move the moment I got my balance. As for Volcarona, she was already doing her whole "I am the sun" routine as she flew up into the sky leaving a trail of embers behind her.
As the sonic boom slowly moved out, it bounced and flowed over the surrounding waves, and after thirty minutes he received an answer to his question.

To the North or directly in front of him was something tall, broad and unmoving. It was pretty far away but, that's all he could get.
To the West, there was eventually something reasonably small and seemingly mobile.
To his direct South was something that felt remarkably similar what he remembered a forest was like.
But, to the East, His boom came back distorted and pulsing as if some other loud noise had hit it and distorted the image.

As he sat there taking this in he could just make out what he thought might be the noises that had distorted his echolocation. And they were getting louder.

Coyote frowned as he received his click, sighing irritably as he heard his echolocation click he distorted from one side.

The only thing that he knew of that could distort an echo click was sound, such as the way Shade had formed a cocoon of sound around him to shred apart any Echos, effectively making him invisible, but to distort it?

The sheer amount of sound that would take would be enormous, and he wasn't really in a fighting mood.

He flew up to the rigging, readying Sanctuary to set sail as he turned it to the North.

For a while he had thought about going South, he had plenty of experience in forests and jungles, but something told him that it wouldn't be what he thought it was.

Coyote glared off to the east, whatever wanted a peice of him wouldn't have a pleasant time of it, he would make sure of that.
As Karen hit the water the many small fish and assorted predators seemed to scatter and hide amoungst the dense kelp. As she slowly sank into the darkness that had initially hidden the massive skull from her. She passed the clams that she could see now were as big as she was. As she got lower and lower she saw less and less fish and by the time she landed on the top of the skull the only animals within view were two of the three giant crabs, with the third being somewhere on the other side of the skeleton's ribcage. For a moment it seemed as though the closest crab was going to attack but, it seemed to think better of it and scurried away farther down the skeleton.

As Karen stood atop the skull of the great beast, her enhanced eyesight just managed to catch sight of something as it passed near the edge of her vision. It would seem that she was not alone down here...
Karen gently swept her hands out, shifting fluidly from the third stance to the seventh, hands brought closer in but elbows held away from the body. Her bare feet scuffed up small trails of bone dust as she shifted her weight to her toe-tips, but not pushing her heels up, keeping them close to the skull she stood on.

Exhaling a tiny bubble of superheated air, she closed her eyes.

For one perfect moment everything was still.

The kelp dancing in the soft current was still. The fish, darting around, were still. The crabs were each motionless. In this singular, perfect moment she was aware of each and everything around her, her skin detecting the soft changes in water pressure, her hearing locating every scuffle and flurried motion. She was blind, but she did not need her sight in these depths. Although it would help immensely.

Slowly turning, she shifted into the first stance of the nineth kata - a useful one, as all it needed was for her to stand fully on her tip-toes - and exhaled a tiny trace of black flame, and a heat shimmer rose in the water around her.

She could not speak, but that did not stop her running through the recitation in her head.

"Bless the Violence I am about to Commit, YS ATUN VRAMA PRESH, YS PREE ASHMA, UN INTRA, and YS MYRA"

And with that she snapped a palm out, the black palm shredding kelp and lesser fish in its path, as she attacked where she thought that fleeting yet dangerous presence lay.