Adrift Amongst Silver Waves: The second one.

The handle turns easily and the door swings open. Looking at the inside of the door you can see that there are five separate locks two of them are deadbolts and one of them is a chain lock. you can see a small stool sitting on the inside if where the door jam and you can see a small peephole about halfway up the door.
Coyote narrowed his eyes, immediately on guard. Whatever lived here was small, and you didn't survive as a small guy unless you had some serious power backing you up.

He sent an echolocation click through the room to get a quick map of it. Hopefully if there was anything still in here it would find it.
FFNF Saint-Louis
Gallian Sailing Ship's Deck

The Cabin boy who had held the artifact is huddled off to one side of the deck looking forlornly at the port and as you turn to look at what has caught his eyes you see three small figures flying in your direction. He can't see them but, your radar pings all three as Spitfire Mk V's and they seem to be on a patrol route around you. Then suddenly one of them banks towards you and takes an intercept course towards you.
Widening my eyes in fright, I rushed back to the Kapitan and her Daughter whilst shouting. "We've incoming aircraft on intercept course! Are they yours Miss Amelia!?"
And Viktor is able to see...nothing. It's like the Fog swallows the light and refuses to be pierced his magic. Then he hears something. A whisper on the wind. A light chuckle that barely tickles his eardrum and sets his teeth on edge. There are no words to the murmur but, looking around it seems that your the only one that hears it.

Viktor was instantly on edge: flashbacks of the maze rushing through his mind. His wand flicked up to a dueling position as his eyes moved rapidly, trying to pick out any sign of movement.

"Show yourself!" he called in English.
The Dog crouched and then with a deep growl, disappeared.
Chang'e's eyes narrowed, she had fought enough Ghost Pokemon to know that when an opponent just disappears there is a 80% chance that they simply turned invisible and were waiting to sneak attack you. Well she wasn't going to be caught off guard like that, "Sakura Petal Blizzard." she ordered her Pokemon.

The Lurantis nods and throws her arms wide, within moments the air is filled with countless pink petals that drift on an unseen breeze. Then more and more appear and they start to swirl around, slowly at first but soon they became a swirling vortex of pink. While the inexperienced might see them as mere flowerpetals, Chang'e knew that each one was a blade in and of itself and more than capable of harming anyone foolish enough to be caught by their majesty.
Mary 555 cocks her head in confusion. "Why?" the animated hulks continued to work.
Was she serious? "Because you promised!" That would have been a shriek, had PT-41 not controlled herself. Instead, it came out more along the lines of a whine. It wouldn't do to be rude to Mary 555 after all! "Look, I'll even-" Wait a minute...

Marry 555? Her Logs showed she talked to Mary 256! Not 555! "Mary 256 told me she'd get me sorted with that!"
Bar Fights and Postilions.
Karen sighed, and put her drink on the bar, calling up the barest ember of her flame as she stepped slowly fowards, hands flat in the air to show she was unarmed.

Of course, she didn't need to be armed

"Now now, gentlemen, let's not be hasty here, before someone does something their going to reject."

There was a moment of silence where nobody moved. Then the man with the anchor on his face snarled and moved to pull his flintlock. Before it even cleared leather the larger of the two shark men lunged at him and engulfed his anchor man's head with his jaws. The man with the skeleton tattoos yelled something that you couldn't quite hear over anchor man's screaming and the flesh on both of his arms sloughed away to reveal clean white bones, that as he charged the other sharkman became engulfed in deep green flames. The sharkman that he was charging pulled out two swords and threw them into the air where they hung until he pointed at the man and they charge him like a pair of loyal hounds.

Now I get out my sketchbook, and sketch a rough picture of the crab to fill in later, I can tell this place is going to give me some interesting things to say back home. So now I just pick a direction and just go that way until something happens? I guess so. Eny, meny miny mo! I point in the direction of my five o'clock and begin the process of figuring out how to turn a speedboat... Which... Is a thing... Turn the engine over, and set my course to that way.

I also take a moment to not that I feel rather off, something tore me here, I didn't go here myself. Which means I have to try not to underestimate everyone like I normally do... Fack. I also seem to be missing a large portion of my gear, and Blue seems to be quite damaged... It should function at around a Deagle for now... shit.

I glance around me and take in the sights, making observations about the world or... ocean around me. I am an Explorer right now. Gotta take in the sights.

It's thirty minutes after you left the crab when you see it. A small dot on the horizon that stays a small dot. As you get closer and closer you begin to realize what it is. A small island with only two things on it. A single palm tree and a small driftwood shack. the shack couldn't fit more than a single person comfortably or maybe two if they squeezed inside.

Coyote narrowed his eyes, immediately on guard. Whatever lived here was small, and you didn't survive as a small guy unless you had some serious power backing you up.

He sent an echolocation click through the room to get a quick map of it. Hopefully, if there was anything still in here it would find it.

As the sound filled the room he found that for the most part, this lowest level seemed to be a storage area it was filled with boxes and crates and a few barrels. It also smelled faintly of dust and mold as though it hadn't been taken care of in a long while. You echolocation also found a set of steep stairs that began to climb the statue.

FFNF Saint-Louis
Gallian Sailing Ship's Deck

Widening my eyes in fright, I rushed back to the Kapitan and her Daughter whilst shouting. "We've incoming aircraft on an intercept course! Are they yours Miss Amelia!?"

The Kapitan looks confused for a moment and seems like he is about to ask a question when Amelia curses and marches over to one of the marines she brought with her and pulls an extremely large handheld radio off his belt. "Gloire du Matin this is lieutenant de vaisseau Amelia Lapeyrère we have incoming air power I wish to know if they are friendly or if we should be assuming battle stations." there is quite on the ship for a second other than some confused uttering from the men. Then Amelia groans and you can just hear mutter " Fucking Zoomies." Then slightly louder. "It's fine it's just one of our more....excitable Witches coming over." As she finishes speaking yo begin to hear the sound of a single aircrafts engines and looking up you catch sight of something...very very very strange. Your looking at a girl with two stockings? Boots? leg coverings that are basically just aircraft engines strapped to her legs.

O'Rourke orders his Ship to go around, away 20 knots away From all damn lava and then calls a general Ships meeting of the officers to discuss the situation

You begin to move away from the lava and your officers begin to make their way to the bridge. As you begin your meeting something very big briefly enters your sonar to the north. Then in the middle of the meeting, the same contact hits to the east then again with roughly thirty minutes in between each contact the same thing happens to the south and the east.

Viktor was instantly on edge: flashbacks of the maze rushing through his mind. His wand flicked up to a fueling position as his eyes moved rapidly, trying to pick out any sign of movement.

"Show yourself!" he called in English.

The fog ripples and moves but, nothing appears. The murmruing stops and the giggles die down. The others on the ship are all staring at Viktor questioningly.

Chang'e's eyes narrowed, she had fought enough Ghost Pokemon to know that when an opponent just disappears there is a 80% chance that they simply turned invisible and were waiting to sneak attack you. Well she wasn't going to be caught off guard like that, "Sakura Petal Blizzard." she ordered her Pokemon.

The Lurantis nods and throws her arms wide, within moments the air is filled with countless pink petals that drift on an unseen breeze. Then more and more appear and they start to swirl around, slowly at first but soon they became a swirling vortex of pink. While the inexperienced might see them as mere flowerpetals, Chang'e knew that each one was a blade in and of itself and more than capable of harming anyone foolish enough to be caught by their majesty.

As the wave of petal blades spread out it hits the beast mid-lunge. It seems that the monster was attempting to jump at your throat but, the sheer number of petals that it's lunge to you was cut off and it was thrown back as it was torn into bloody ribbons. As it's shredded corpse hit the ground splattering you with a small amount of blood. You can see a small jewel-like object embedded in whats left of its throat.

Was she serious? "Because you promised!" That would have been a shriek, had PT-41 not controlled herself. Instead, it came out more along the lines of a whine. It wouldn't do to be rude to Mary 555 after all! "Look, I'll even-" Wait a minute...

Mary 555? Her Logs showed she talked to Mary 256! Not 555! "Mary 256 told me she'd get me sorted with that!"

Mary 555 quirked her head to one side. "She did? Mary! Did you tell this poor girl that you would let her have the algorithms to sense Psi?" There is a second of silence and then Mary 256s voice comes back. " I did Mary 555. As a Higher Ranked Mary, I thought it best to work with our new friend than against her." Mary 555 seemed to wilt in on herself and scuffed the ground with her foot. "But...I thought we weren't allowed to do that?" Mary 256 replied with an almost sad tone in her voice. " Ah, don't you worry about that. You're needed at the Factory anyway please leave me and our friend here to our business." Mary 555 nods and jogs down the empty street turn a corner and is gone from sight. "Well, with her out of the way lets get down to brass tacks. I'll give you the Psi Algorithm if you do one thing for me. Kill Emperor Zadish when he comes here tomorrow morning for his inspections."
As the sound filled the room he found that for the most part, this lowest level seemed to be a storage area it was filled with boxes and crates and a few barrels. It also smelled faintly of dust and mold as though it hadn't been taken care of in a long while. You echolocation also found a set of steep stairs that began to climb the statue.
He hummed lightly as he weighed his options, before slowly starting to walk up the stairs, sending an echolocation click ahead of him to look for danger.
Mary 555 quirked her head to one side. "She did? Mary! Did you tell this poor girl that you would let her have the algorithms to sense Psi?" There is a second of silence and then Mary 256s voice comes back. " I did Mary 555. As a Higher Ranked Mary, I thought it best to work with our new friend than against her." Mary 555 seemed to wilt in on herself and scuffed the ground with her foot. "But...I thought we weren't allowed to do that?" Mary 256 replied with an almost sad tone in her voice. " Ah, don't you worry about that. You're needed at the Factory anyway please leave me and our friend here to our business." Mary 555 nods and jogs down the empty street turn a corner and is gone from sight. "Well, with her out of the way lets get down to brass tacks. I'll give you the Psi Algorithm if you do one thing for me. Kill Emperor Zadish when he comes here tomorrow morning for his inspections."
Kill a Emperor Radish? Well, that was just silly- err, Zadish! She meant Zadish! "That's it?" Kill a head of state for state-secrets? A good trade! "Just give me a face and I'll blow him up sky high!" The Mental Model proclaimed, smile wide, hands to her hips, only to falter as a realization hit her. "He's going to be on a ship, right? I'm not authorized to shoot land-based targets that don't engage hostilities with me."

Were she a wiser and bigger boat, PT-41 would have asked why exactly the Emperor had to die, and what the ramifications of it were. In fact, she would have asked Mary 256 a whole lot more questions, but she was far too busy being smug at her soon-to-be-assassination attempt.
You begin to move away from the lava and your officers begin to make their way to the bridge. As you begin your meeting something very big briefly enters your sonar to the north. Then in the middle of the meeting, the same contact hits to the east then again with roughly thirty minutes in between each contact the same thing happens to the south and the east.
O'Rourke moves over to the sonar area, pausing for a moment he finally says let's go for the Eastern one and put me on all frequencies radio" as soon as he got to the station he said this "This is His Majestys Ship the Hermes. We demand your immediate identification, in the Name of the King and The United British Empire"
There was a moment of silence where nobody moved. Then the man with the anchor on his face snarled and moved to pull his flintlock. Before it even cleared leather the larger of the two shark men lunged at him and engulfed his anchor man's head with his jaws. The man with the skeleton tattoos yelled something that you couldn't quite hear over anchor man's screaming and the flesh on both of his arms sloughed away to reveal clean white bones, that as he charged the other sharkman became engulfed in deep green flames. The sharkman that he was charging pulled out two swords and threw them into the air where they hung until he pointed at the man and they charge him like a pair of loyal hounds.
Karen sighed, before switching into the ninth stance of Racing the Seven Suns, and blurring into motion. In a second she was at the table, her hand wrapping around the larger sharkman's lower jaw, while her other hand grabbed the hilts of both the swords, even as her left leg was planted firmly in the middle of the man with the skeleton's tattoos chest, keeping him from reaching the other shark man. Her last leg kept her balanced on the ground, one sole toe touching the floorboards.

In short, she interposed herself between every attack.

"I see you chose the option 'let's all have regrets'. Good going. In the name of the Demiurges, how about you all calm down?"
FFNF Saint-Louis
Gallian Sailing Ship's Deck

The Kapitan looks confused for a moment and seems like he is about to ask a question when Amelia curses and marches over to one of the marines she brought with her and pulls an extremely large handheld radio off his belt. "Gloire du Matin this is lieutenant de Vaisseau Amelia Lapeyrère we have incoming air power I wish to know if they are friendly or if we should be assuming battle stations."

There is quiet on the ship for a second other than some confused uttering from the men.

Then Amelia groans and you can just hear mutter "Fucking Zoomies."
'... Zoomies? Those are aircraft yes?' I asked my Captain and Vice-Captain to which both nodded and made me relax considerably, after all, one of the worst things that could happen to warships at sea is getting caught with their pants down by hostile aircraft.

Then slightly louder. "It's fine it's just one of our more....excitable Witches coming over."
Ignoring the looks I'm receiving, I loudly breathe a sigh of relief before looking up at where the supposed allied aerial contacts are.

As she finishes speaking you begin to hear the sounds of aircraft engines and upon looking up, you catch sight of something... very very very strange. You're looking at a girl with two stockings? Boots? Leg coverings that are basically just aircraft engines strapped to her legs.
"Ah." Uttered my mouth as I not only recognize what those leg machinery are and exaggeratedly despair as a certain series comes to mind.

Hands on the floor and dropping down to my knees, I sighed and cursed in my mind disregarding the fact that my crews are listening. "Ughh.... What did I do to receive this..."

'Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck...! Of all the settings there could be for a warship, I got friggin' Strike fuckin Witches!? The series in which the god damn Neuroi, the Baddies of the show, makes and fires LASERS like the fucking ORKS of Warhammer 40k?!'
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You just make it. Just. The cannon unleashes a full volley of some sort of large caliber rounds in your direction. One of them passes so close to you that you actually hear the crack as it breaks the sound barrier. In the distance, you can just hear the BRRRRRRPPP of the cannon.

As you come down you just manage to see that the ground has transformed into an insane asylum. The Two girls on the docks are firing into a mass of men dressed in breastplates and black and purple clothing carrying wicked looking greatswords and halberds. The girl on the Fifty is firing into a a strang wooden vessel with a weird copper looking cannon in the middle of the deck. the two girls left on the boat are firing into the same mass of men.

I let out a small sigh of relief after I narrowly avoided being turned into mush, at the cost of my hearing it seems. That relief was short lived however as I saw my...allies (?) being overwhelmed by an army of LARPers, all while a rickety wooden ship fired at them from the sea.

Where the Hell did all of these guys come from? This place was a ghost town just moments ago, as if they just crawled through the ground! And just how many are there?

These questions would have to be left unanswered, atleast for now, for the only friendly people I've met so far are now at risk of being overwhelmed, and I doubt their attackers would treat me any differently. Now, it is the time for action!

"Midmire, do you see that ship over there?" I asked my undead mount while pointing to the wooden ship, "I'm going to need you to burn it to ashes, can you do that for me? Grunt once if yes, twice if no." Midmire grunted once and I grinned, "alright! Let's get going then!"

Midmire began to fly towards the wooden ship, ready to cover it in the dragon's dark flame.
As the wave of petal blades spread out it hits the beast mid-lunge. It seems that the monster was attempting to jump at your throat but, the sheer number of petals that it's lunge to you was cut off and it was thrown back as it was torn into bloody ribbons. As it's shredded corpse hit the ground splattering you with a small amount of blood. You can see a small jewel-like object embedded in whats left of its throat.
"Well that went well," Chang'e said with a smile, "That was beautiful as always girl, remind me to give you some extra grooming later." before scratching a the Lurantis behind the head at a spot she knew she liked. Next to her she could already see Prism working on cleaning up the deck, which mainly consisted of him eating the corpse pieces and any other garbage that was just laying around.

With that out of the way she approached the jewel-like object that had been in the weird monster's corpse, she had been a trainer long enough to know not to touch something you didn't know about. So she grabbed the closest thing to a stick she could find a poked it.
The fog ripples and moves but, nothing appears. The murmruing stops and the giggles die down. The others on the ship are all staring at Viktor questioningly.

Viktor waited for a moment longer before lowering his wand, though he didn't completely let his guard down; he knew he'd heard something out there, and this fog was not natural.

Still, nothing was going to be solved by simply standing here, waiting for whatever lurked out there to make its move. Vasil Dimitrov, the Bulgarian team's captain, had always advocated an active response to adversity, and that belief had guided the team through many a tough game. "Keep your eyes peeled," he said to the others, switching back to Norwegian (the main language of Durmstrang). "There might be something out there, and even if there isn't we can't afford to crash into any rocks in all this fog."

As the others turned their gazes back to what they'd been doing, Viktor made his way to a witch who was peering into the fog above the ship: Sofie Hagen. Although a talented student, especially in Potions, Viktor knew that the only reason Karkaroff had brought her was because of her Astronomy skills being useful for guiding the ship, and he'd made no effort to hide that fact. It wasn't just her to suffer that indignity: Karkaroff had been so convinced that Viktor would be the Champion and win the tournament that he'd only brought anyone else for appearances sake.

Again, Viktor found himself glad that the man was gone. The students of Durmstrang deserved better.

"See anything?" he asked as he reached her. He didn't, but if anyone could glean some idea of where they were, it was Sofie.

And even if she didn't... Viktor had an idea of how to fix that.
It's thirty minutes after you left the crab when you see it. A small dot on the horizon that stays a small dot. As you get closer and closer you begin to realize what it is. A small island with only two things on it. A single palm tree and a small driftwood shack. the shack couldn't fit more than a single person comfortably or maybe two if they squeezed inside.

Huh... Interesting. I drive? Sail closer, around 300 feet from the shore and drop whatever anchor I have. Which seems to be a chain latched to the back of the boat, onto a rather heavy boot. Why a boot? Maybe it was one of my spares... who knows.

I seem to be able to still float, so I check my handgun and make my way over to the shore.

Upon landing I shout out to the shack, and whatever the hell else might be out here, and then place my hands on my hips, giving a very cocky demeanor as I glance around.

"YO! Anyone living here? Saw your shack from a ways off and was wondering if it was a castaways type situation."
Sound Off! Who's not dead?
He hummed lightly as he weighed his options, before slowly starting to walk up the stairs, sending an echolocation click ahead of him to look for danger.

As Coyote walks up the stairs his clicks bounce and reverberate up the twisting hall. He can see that at random there are small alcoves.
inside the alcoves are what must be windows judging by the way his echoes come back. Some of them have Statues? Pillars? Some kind of thick stone thing in the center.

And as you near the first alcove you find that the darkened staircase is growing lighter and you're sure about the windows as you turn the corner you are briefly startled as you are faced with a darkened figure clad in ragged robes. You ready for combat but, after a second you realize. It's a large statue of some kind. It's clothed in robes that at one point in time must have been expensive and regal but, by this time with the open window behind it and no care it was motheaten and becoming thin. The Statue itself was carved exquisitely and you would swear that it was a really person smiling kindly down at you. There was a small brass plaque at the base if the statue that was tarnished and had a thick patina on it. It seemed old and at one point in time well cared for.

Kill an Emperor Radish? Well, that was just silly- err, Zadish! She meant Zadish! "That's it?" Kill a head of state for state-secrets? A good trade! "Just give me a face and I'll blow him up sky high!" The Mental Model proclaimed, smile wide, hands to her hips, only to falter as a realization hit her. "He's going to be on a ship, right? I'm not authorized to shoot land-based targets that don't engage hostilities with me."

Were she a wiser and bigger boat, PT-41 would have asked why exactly the Emperor had to die, and what the ramifications of it were. In fact, she would have asked Mary 256 a whole lot more questions, but she was far too busy being smug at her soon-to-be-assassination attempt.

Mary 256 chuckled and a file downloaded itself onto yourself your drive. The picture is of an older man with a bronze crown clothed in a robe of a deep cerulean. His Left arm is gone beneath the elbow and ends in a large ornate hook. Directly behind the man is a large mechanical looking being in a red velvet suit with a large glowing cannon for a left arm. Then right in front of the Man you assume to be the Emperor is....Mary?

O'Rourke moves over to the sonar area, pausing for a moment he finally says let's go for the Eastern one and put me on all frequencies radio" as soon as he got to the station he said this "This is His Majestys Ship the Hermes. We demand your immediate identification, in the Name of the King and The United British Empire"

Thisshig "Um, This is the freighter SS Humber How can I help you?" Thisshig A younger sounding woman's voice replies. She sounds american and nervous. As she speaks your radio hit a another contact different than the previous one this one is larger and is clearly a ship of your size or larger. It's coming from the East and stays on the radar unlike the other one.

Karen sighed, before switching into the ninth stance of Racing the Seven Suns, and blurring into motion. In a second she was at the table, her hand wrapping around the larger sharkman's lower jaw, while her other hand grabbed the hilts of both the swords, even as her left leg was planted firmly in the middle of the man with the skeleton's tattoos chest, keeping him from reaching the other shark man. Her last leg kept her balanced on the ground, one sole toe touching the floorboards.

In short, she interposed herself between every attack.

"I see you chose the option 'let's all have regrets'. Good going. In the name of the Demiurges, how about you all calm down?"

As the men that surround you all glare at you and each other you all hear the sound fo the bartender set the glass that he had been washing down. Then the around of light grunt as he lightly vaults over the bar. He speaks aounding exasperated. " Boy's, I have you a place to stay during the rain and this what you do. And in front of New Comer to these parts?" He gestures to you as he speaks. The man with the tattoos takes a step and the flesh of his arms slow extinguisha itself while the two swords stop trying to rip themselves from your grip and instead hang limply in your hand.

The larger shark man doesn't release the mans head though and instead spend around both the head and your hand his jaws not moving. "Ah, Benji you saw and heard the little bloghter. I couldn't let an insult against me honor, tattered though it may be, stand."

FFNF Saint-Louis
Gallian Sailing Ship's Deck

'... Zoomies? Those are aircraft yes?' I asked my Captain and Vice-Captain to which both nodded and made me relax considerably, after all, one of the worst things that could happen to warships at sea is getting caught with their pants down by hostile aircraft.

Ignoring the looks I'm receiving, I loudly breathe a sigh of relief before looking up at where the supposed allied aerial contacts are.

"Ah." Uttered my mouth as I not only recognize what those leg machinery are and exaggeratedly despair as a certain series comes to mind.

Hands on the floor and dropping down to my knees, I sighed and cursed in my mind disregarding the fact that my crews are listening. "Ughh.... What did I do to receive this..."

'Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck...! Of all the settings there could be for a warship, I got friggin' Strike fuckin Witches!? The series in which the god damn Neuroi, the Baddies of the show, makes and fires LASERS like the fucking ORKS of Warhammer 40k?!'

There is quite for a second before a new female voice pipes up. "I'm is the weird girl who reads like a ship on radar okay? I mean other than that stuff." You hear some muffled signs and then a rough hand rests on your shoulder. " ah Madamesolle, " the Kaptain's voice sounds awkward. "Are okay? You seems to be...distressed. Are you alright?"

I let out a small sigh of relief after I narrowly avoided being turned into mush, at the cost of my hearing it seems. That relief was short lived however as I saw my...allies (?) being overwhelmed by an army of LARPers, all while a rickety wooden ship fired at them from the sea.

Where the Hell did all of these guys come from? This place was a ghost town just moments ago, as if they just crawled through the ground! And just how many are there?

These questions would have to be left unanswered, atleast for now, for the only friendly people I've met so far are now at risk of being overwhelmed, and I doubt their attackers would treat me any differently. Now, it is the time for action!

"Midmire, do you see that ship over there?" I asked my undead mount while pointing to the wooden ship, "I'm going to need you to burn it to ashes, can you do that for me? Grunt once if yes, twice if no." Midmire grunted once and I grinned, "alright! Let's get going then!"

Midmire began to fly towards the wooden ship, ready to cover it in the dragon's dark flame.

As Midmire makes his way towards the wooden ship you can see that the strang copper cannon is slowly turning towards you and though your fairly certain you can avoid whatever comes out you make sure to keep moving in such a way that the ship isn't able to get a firing pattern on you with the cannon. A couple of the smaller guns and a few muskets fire at you most of the smaller cannons miss you by miles and the few musket balls that hit bounce of Midmires hide and as you swoop down to cover the ship in Midmires flames you spare a glance towards girls on the docks you just manage to catch sight of two forty mm grenades one right after the other fly into the center of the group of men trailing a light grey smoke and as they landed in a surprisingly small explosion that never the less proved to be extremely effective as the mass of men began to scatter as those closest to the explosion desperately try and pat out flames that have sprouted on them.

"Well that went well," Chang'e said with a smile, "That was beautiful as always girl, remind me to give you some extra grooming later." before scratching a the Lurantis behind the head at a spot she knew she liked. Next to her she could already see Prism working on cleaning up the deck, which mainly consisted of him eating the corpse pieces and any other garbage that was just laying around.

With that out of the way she approached the jewel-like object that had been in the weird monster's corpse, she had been a trainer long enough to know not to touch something you didn't know about. So she grabbed the closest thing to a stick she could find a poked it.

The Closest thing turned out to be a partially melted rifle of some sort. It looks like that at some point it was left in some kind of massive heat but, now is just slightly warm to the touch as the tip of the rifle lightly jabbed at the jewel-like object the wound that it poked out off ripped open the rest of the way and the object slopped to the ground along with a good portion of the things remaining blood. Sitting in the pool of the blood, now completely open to the air, is a red helix made of dark red quartz like substance.

Viktor waited for a moment longer before lowering his wand, though he didn't completely let his guard down; he knew he'd heard something out there, and this fog was not natural.

Still, nothing was going to be solved by simply standing here, waiting for whatever lurked out there to make its move. Vasil Dimitrov, the Bulgarian team's captain, had always advocated an active response to adversity, and that belief had guided the team through many a tough game. "Keep your eyes peeled," he said to the others, switching back to Norwegian (the main language of Durmstrang). "There might be something out there, and even if there isn't we can't afford to crash into any rocks in all this fog."

As the others turned their gazes back to what they'd been doing, Viktor made his way to a witch who was peering into the fog above the ship: Sofie Hagen. Although a talented student, especially in Potions, Viktor knew that the only reason Karkaroff had brought her was because of her Astronomy skills being useful for guiding the ship, and he'd made no effort to hide that fact. It wasn't just her to suffer that indignity: Karkaroff had been so convinced that Viktor would be the Champion and win the tournament that he'd only brought anyone else for appearances sake.

Again, Viktor found himself glad that the man was gone. The students of Durmstrang deserved better.

"See anything?" he asked as he reached her. He didn't, but if anyone could glean some idea of where they were, it was Sofie.

And even if she didn't... Viktor had an idea of how to fix that.

Sofie curses under breath as she stares at the sky. "This fog is to thick for me to even try and get us anywhere by star It's like someone poured an entire philter of fog in the ocean around us." She glares at the surronding fog before shuddering. "And Viktor..." she pauses for a moment. "I swear I saw something on the deck when I came to."

Huh... Interesting. I drive? Sail closer, around 300 feet from the shore and drop whatever anchor I have. Which seems to be a chain latched to the back of the boat, onto a rather heavy boot. Why a boot? Maybe it was one of my spares... who knows.

I seem to be able to still float, so I check my handgun and make my way over to the shore.

Upon landing I shout out to the shack, and whatever the hell else might be out here, and then place my hands on my hips, giving a very cocky demeanor as I glance around.

"YO! Anyone living here? Saw your shack from a ways off and was wondering if it was a castaways type situation."

Silence grips the air as your voice echoes into the still warm air. and for a few seconds, your worried that the hut is empty or worse full of something no longer living when the front door slams to the ground an 8 foot tall lizard man in a pair of ragged cargo shorts and shredded Hawaiian shirt runs out of the small shack. "Och, thenk th' laird in heaven an' aw his saints! Ah thooght Ah was dain fur!" He smiles in what you would assume is joy but, the mass of sharp teeth that dominate his mouth leaves you unsure.
FFNF Saint-Louis
Gallian Sailing Ship's Deck

There is quite for a second before a new female voice pipes up. "Is the weird girl who reads like a ship on radar okay? I mean other than that stuff." You hear some muffled signs and then a rough hand rests on your shoulder. "Ah Madamesolle," the Captain's voice sounds awkward. "Are okay? You seems to be...distressed... Are you alright?"
Sighing, I shrugged and dismissed the Kapitan's worries. "Don't worry, just some stress with that of the fishmen, fighting and time manipulations."

"Anyway." Shaking my head out of the funk, I forcefully suggested that we dock. "I'm sure we're all tired and confused so I would strongly advise that we dock first, rest and then talk it out later."

"And you Miss Witch, do I, with a human body and all, look like a ship?" I asked incredulously with a blank look, hiding the fact that I was nearly found out because we all know what happens to those found extraordinary and supernatural by the fucking military. I ain't wanna be their guinea pig, no sirree.

What? No they actually do that Cap'n. No seriously, it's a chance to acquire supernatural power so of course they want it, just like how the Sirens did.
Sofie curses under breath as she stares at the sky. "This fog is to thick for me to even try and get us anywhere by star It's like someone poured an entire philter of fog in the ocean around us." She glares at the surronding fog before shuddering. "And Viktor..." she pauses for a moment. "I swear I saw something on the deck when I came to."

Viktor tensed, his mind automatically thinking of ways to suss out what she'd seen (which might be the same as what he'd heard.) Homenum Revelio? No, not only were there too many false positive around, it was possible whatever this was wasn't human. A more general Revelio? No, he'd have to have an idea of where this thing/person was; it would take a more talented wizard than he to cast one over the entire ship and expect success. Probably wouldn't come out if asked, either.

Should he call for a general search? That would probably just cause a panic. But he couldn't just let the possibility slip by, even if they still had to figure out where they were and what had caused them to move in the first place.

To many problems, too little time, for one person alone. Thankfully, Viktor wasn't alone.

"If we can't see through the fog, then let's go above it," he said. "Go grab a broom, I'll join you in a moment: I don't like this." Meanwhile... he looked around the deck, if he remembered correctly... yes, there he was. "Dragan!" he called.

Dragan Dimov was the only other Bulgarian born student aboard, looked up from his task and hurried over. Viktor would not say that the two were good friends; Dragan's talents in the more... morally questionable magical arts rubbed Viktor the wrong way, but he trusted the other student enough to know that he was no true follower of the Dark Arts. He'd lost family to Grindelwald's rampage, and the two had first spoken when they worked together to put the ones who'd bandied his symbol about in their place. Still, the idea of fighting fire with fire didn't sit well with Viktor.

However, in this moment he needed someone tough, observant and dependable, and Dragan was that and more.

"We need to make sure nobody was hurt by whatever happened," Viktor told Dragan when he arrived. "I need to go with Sofie to see if we can figure out where we are: nobody should be alone until we get a handle on the situation. Will you check to make sure everybody's safe?" He took a breath. "It is also possible that we're not alone on this ship: Sofie saw something, and I heard something."
Thisshig "Um, This is the freighter SS Humber How can I help you?" Thisshig A younger sounding woman's voice replies. She sounds american and nervous. As she speaks your radio hit a another contact different than the previous one this one is larger and is clearly a ship of your size or larger. It's coming from the East and stays on the radar unlike the other one.
O'Rourke puts his hand on the piece and tells his Lieutnant "Establish contact with the other hit, I'll deal with this Woman...". Turning back to the radio he says "please give us the details of your ship including port of departure,date of departure, and destination.Also please get your commanding officer on the line...."
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As the men that surround you all glare at you and each other you all hear the sound fo the bartender set the glass that he had been washing down. Then the around of light grunt as he lightly vaults over the bar. He speaks aounding exasperated. " Boy's, I have you a place to stay during the rain and this what you do. And in front of New Comer to these parts?" He gestures to you as he speaks. The man with the tattoos takes a step and the flesh of his arms slow extinguisha itself while the two swords stop trying to rip themselves from your grip and instead hang limply in your hand.

The larger shark man doesn't release the mans head though and instead spend around both the head and your hand his jaws not moving. "Ah, Benji you saw and heard the little bloghter. I couldn't let an insult against me honor, tattered though it may be, stand."
Letting her hand and legs drop, she flicks the wrist where the swords dangle, sending both flying through the air to sheathe themselves back in their owners belt. Twisting herself around the hand that was still grabbing onto the jaw, she suspends herself in midair, her weight seemingly vanishing as she holds herself up only by her hold on the mans jaw, before her hand dances across his limbs and back, targeting each meridian in a matter of seconds, trying to immobolise and relax every muscle he had, hopefully forcing him to release her and the other man.
Silence grips the air as your voice echoes into the still warm air. and for a few seconds, your worried that the hut is empty or worse full of something no longer living when the front door slams to the ground an 8 foot tall lizard man in a pair of ragged cargo shorts and shredded Hawaiian shirt runs out of the small shack. "Och, thenk th' laird in heaven an' aw his saints! Ah thooght Ah was dain fur!" He smiles in what you would assume is joy but, the mass of sharp teeth that dominate his mouth leaves you unsure.

He's just a lizard, I'm sure I could plug him before he bites me.

"Yo, nice little shack you got there. Shipwreck I take it?"

I lean on my left leg, slightly bending my right knee and slipping my hands into my pockets. Not waiting for him to respond i continue.

"How long have you been here?"

I glance behind him to take a look at the island once again see how this man is getting food, and maybe look into his shed if the door isn't closed.
The Closest thing turned out to be a partially melted rifle of some sort. It looks like that at some point it was left in some kind of massive heat but, now is just slightly warm to the touch as the tip of the rifle lightly jabbed at the jewel-like object the wound that it poked out off ripped open the rest of the way and the object slopped to the ground along with a good portion of the things remaining blood. Sitting in the pool of the blood, now completely open to the air, is a red helix made of dark red quartz like substance.
"Huh well that worked." Chang'e said still a little creeped out by thing but already mostly over it, "Prism would you grab and hold onto that form me." she asked her Muk who gave an enthusiastic nod before sludging over to the dark red quartz and grabbing it in a slimy hand between his crystalized poison claws with all the delicacy of a jeweler. The drained just smiled at her Pokemon as she looked around, her eyes searching for a way below deck and the treasure that was no doubt contained within.