Adrift Amongst Silver Waves: The second one.

As Coyotes pulse moved out through the water, it ran over the fish and quickly bounced back to him. He didn't know what the frequency was for but, it was something.
He started swimming straight up, kicking his feet and all but gliding through the water as he readied his sonics. He would wait until the last moment and then shatter whatever it was that he got the frequency of.

Even if it was worthless, he was likely to stalk them long enough to get out.
The Girl narrowed her eyes for a moment before she gave a low whistle and the rest of the girs slowly lowered there weapons. "We're heading into port Damilack to turn in a few bounties. Stay close to us on the approach and you should be fine." And like that the boat begins moving again. You watch as the rear gunner keeps her fifty trained on you the entire time.

I let out a quiet sigh of relief as Midmire slowly followed the vessel, let me tell you that it's strange seeing an undead dragon swim.

'Turn in a few bounties' huh? Looks like my guides are some kind of bounty hunters or mercenaries. Not surprisingly really, seeing as they're using dated equipment and it feels like they don't have the discipline a national army regiment (?) would have. Then again, I wouldn't really know myself, since I have never been a part of the army before.

After a good bit of time passes, I grow bored and awkward of how quiet it is, might as well try to strike up some conversation (and probably have it somehow backfire on me horribly, one part of my mind tells me. I ignore that part).

I look at the girl wielding the fifty aimed at me. Smiling, I began to speak.

"Easy now, good soldier! As I said before, I mean no harm! ....Or perhaps I'm just that ugly to look at, would that be the case?"

....Yeah, I'm sure as hell not the best when it comes to starting conversations.
ILS Saint-Louis
Anybody knows what's the time and date?
Sailing ship's Deck

With a cacophony of gunfire and screams most of the Fishman die without even knowing what had killed them their dark blue blood splashing everywhere. The few that survived the initial salvo charge you with rage and sorrow filled screams and are cut down in an instant. The survivors of the crew of the vessel all look at you with trepidation until one man who must be the captain judgeing by his hat and the long coat he is wearing walks up his saber still dripping with the thick blue liquid.
"Eet eez good zat you arrived whén you did Madame ai fair zat much longair and me et mine would 'ave been slain. Ai am Captain Lapeyrère ét zis eez ze AMS New Orleans." He holds his free hand out as the rest of his crew begin to patrol the deck checking bodies and, depending on the race throwing them over board or lining them up on the deck.
Though I relaxed for a bit as the fighting is over, I still haven't dismissed my weapons as well as my rigging. I watched a bearded man with a naval cap, an officer, a Captain if my observers are correct, come over to me with a relieved look on his face.

'Jesus Christ that's a horrible English.' I thought as my eyes twitched at the horribly mangled speech the man made. "It's no trouble Captain, might I ask from which Nation you hail from, the whereabouts of this bloody sea as well as the... things... I just helped you fought off."
Reaching out with your TK you grasp the body of the strange skeleton and with barely a thought throw it overboard as you hear it hit the water below you notice something curious happened. The Skeletons around you have begun to fall apart. They quickly begin to crumble there spines snapping and falling to the ground.
For a moment, Alfred found himself wondering again as the undead began to collapse - and then he berated himself, because dammit he had a plan and then he just abandoned it to fight a freaking- fr-what even was that?!

He turned his vision skywards, enabled his flight, and once more pushed it to the max speed it could reach!

- and then coughed in surprise as he fell the few meters he had managed to rise, psionic energy expended. Crap, he was using it too quickly.

He picked himself up off the ground, and after a couple of seconds, turned his vison skyward once more. He hadn't recovered much psi, but hopefully...

With a pair of cut-off clangs, he vanished, and reappeared twenty meters above. He once more fired up his flight, switched to and cast Bifrost, and carefully lowered himself-

His breath caught as his flight cut out once more, and as he hit the hovering plane of conjured material, he sank into the landing, hoping to absorb enough of the force.

As the conjured bridge blessedly failed to shatter, he released his breath, and then took in a few more. Once he had finally calmed down, as he felt his Psi begin to recover, he focused his attention through the transparent false solid to the events taking place on the ship beneath him.
The woman nearly begins to cry at that and the last two people up the ladder look vaguely worried before shrugging and continuing to climb. "You are the first person to have food zat isn't salted orrr kanned in four months." You see a single small tear flow down her cheek before she shakes her head and with a small blush on her face that she is trying to hide she quickly looks around and then says. " speak vith Beard. Tell him Fox sent you."
"Will do!" Chang'e said as she began her own climb up the rope ladder, only to stop and turn back to look at the Woman "Oh and if Charlotte comes back just tell her i'm shopping and that she can wait here for me." the girl said before resuming her climb, her mind already trying to decide which Malasada recipe she would use?
"How else does one get up somewhere? I climbed trying to get above this god's damned fog! And to answer your second question." He points down to the base of the rocks and looking down you can just make out the shape of a small fishing skiff that is just barely visible through the fog... and it's crashed into the side of the rocks. "I was busy fishing and wasn't able to stop in time before these cursed rocks appeared. You're the first vessel I've seen in two days."

The Captain turned to her XO and spoke quietly, "Hands to boarding stations. Bring him aboard and put him in austere where he can't do any harm. If he really is adrift like he says, then he'll welcome it and we'll be doing him a favour. If not, then the sharks can have him."
"Aye, Skip," came the reply, followed by the call on the PA system summoning the boarding crew away from their action stations and into one of the RHIBs. Within a few minutes, it was in the water with four crew and a driver.

All armed.

Elise was taking no chances.

She grabbed the PA microphone again, "Get yourself down, and into the boat, and we'll bring you on board. You will be searched, and any weapons you have on you will be confiscated. We are, first and foremost, a military vessel, so I'm sure you understand."
That same voice still as perky as it spoke again. " I have no idea what the Joint Tactical Network is I am merely speaking to the unregistered psionic contact that entered the ports Mental Net. Oh, and I'm Mary Number 256."
"Speaking to a what now?" Was she even talking to a human? There wasn't a single human culture on record that named their individuals with numbers. Perhaps PT was talking to some form of AI? "And what do you mean by Mental Net?" As the girl spoke, she continued her travels to the designated area, systems constantly scanning for threats and guns ready to react at a moment's notice.
And with a crash the things massive forelegs slammed into the lava and for a split second, it looks as though the creature will spin towards Karen and continue it's assault. But, it is unable to it seems that while it can survive the lava, it's outer carapace has cooled from the water and after it's leg had crashed through the lava it caused the lava to cool near instantly.
Not sparing the time to look back, Karen focused on running, her legs carving through the waves as she vaulted onto the deck of her ship. Not bothering to stop, she skidded across the deck, gathering ropes as she went, before heaving, tacking the craft sharply through the wind, just narrowly missing one of the lava spewing rocks around the place. Not bothering to tie the ropes back into place, Karen strained her body as she forcibly manoeuvred the ship out of the archipelago of volcanism, one leg directing the rudder as her two arms held the mainsail at broad reach.

Only when the last of the islands she could see was well behind her and she felt like there was no risk of running over some rocks did Karen finally tie up the rigging again, holding the wind to her port side, clipping lightly along the surface of the waves with the sails held at broad reach. Her arms were covered in marks and friction burns, her legs pitted with ash and volcanic rocks, but there was still more to do. Grabbing her possessions, she stowed them in the rooms of the yacht, taking inventory of the boat as she did. Minor damage aside - the sails were pock marked and stained with ash - the boat was in good condition. The kitchen was filled with long life provisions, there was a small storage room with a tightly packed spare set of sails and some equipment for mending, as well as what looked to be a room for relaxation, another for indoors practice - the rice mats and masters symbol on the wall told that clear enough - and three full cabins.

Satisfied her ship was in order, Karen kept holding the boat to broad reach, eyes scanning the horizon for any other ships or land. She was under no flag, admittedly, but hopefully that wouldn't pose much of a problem.
Combat is broken, Questions continue to go unanswered, and Some hooks are dropped.
He started swimming straight up, kicking his feet and all but gliding through the water as he readied his sonics. He would wait until the last moment and then shatter whatever it was that he got the frequency of.

Even if it was worthless, he was likely to stalk them long enough to get out.

As the wave of sound hit the beasts Coyote could just make-out bursts of bloodied water spruting out of their mouths as their teeth shattered nearly instantly but, as it the wave moved out he could see that it was quickly losing power and the remaining beasts merely felt their teeth vibrate for a moment in resonance. But, it did prove to be enough of a deterrent to give Coyote the time he needed to get out of the water.

I let out a quiet sigh of relief as Midmire slowly followed the vessel, let me tell you that it's strange seeing an undead dragon swim.

'Turn in a few bounties' huh? Looks like my guides are some kind of bounty hunters or mercenaries. Not surprisingly really, seeing as they're using dated equipment and it feels like they don't have the discipline a national army regiment (?) would have. Then again, I wouldn't really know myself, since I have never been a part of the army before.

After a good bit of time passes, I grow bored and awkward of how quiet it is, might as well try to strike up some conversation (and probably have it somehow backfire on me horribly, one part of my mind tells me. I ignore that part).

I look at the girl wielding the fifty aimed at me. Smiling, I began to speak.

"Easy now, good soldier! As I said before, I mean no harm! ....Or perhaps I'm just that ugly to look at, would that be the case?"

....Yeah, I'm sure as hell not the best when it comes to starting conversations.

The Girl on the fifty didn't move her gun from the center of Midmire's chest as she replied. "Seen uglier but, We don't get many fuck mothering Dragons around these parts so, there's that." her voice is tight and controlled as the PT boat cuts its way across the waves. The girls in the ship all lapse into an uncomfortable silence as the move the girl with the Grenade launcher seems to have a nervous tick where she loads a shell into it then seems to think better of it and unloads it. She does it repeatedly during the trip.

Eventually, after around thirty minutes of traveling, you begin to see a shape on the horizon...and Two large columns of greasy black smoke.

ILS Saint-Louis
Anybody knows what's the time and date?
Sailing ship's Deck

Though I relaxed for a bit as the fighting is over, I still haven't dismissed my weapons as well as my rigging. I watched a bearded man with a naval cap, an officer, a Captain if my observers are correct, come over to me with a relieved look on his face.

'Jesus Christ that's a horrible English.' I thought as my eyes twitched at the horribly mangled speech the man-made. "It's no trouble Captain, might I ask from which Nation you hail from, the whereabouts of this bloody sea as well as the... things... I just helped you fought off."

The Captain cleans his sword with a rag from his pocket. "Well, to start wiv le easy un Wé aré from le Glairius Nashe-on of Gallia, le théngs zat wairé tryeng to massacre mé et mon mén waire ze Culd Bloods and zé Sirènes . La last questshe-on eez actually... A bit hardair to answair." He looks around his face slowly warping into an expression of confusion as he looks around and then yells to one of his men in a strange language that seems like a mix of French and...Something else but, you're able to catch bits and pieces of it and it seems like he's asking where they are and the man is answering ina way that says he has no idea.

The captain turns back to you and answers his former jovial tone shifting to a more worried tone as he finishes sentence. " We 'ave non clué whaire we aré een zis accursed séa."

For a moment, Alfred found himself wondering again as the undead began to collapse - and then he berated himself, because dammit he had a plan and then he just abandoned it to fight a freaking- fr-what even was that?!

He turned his vision skywards, enabled his flight, and once more pushed it to the max speed it could reach!

- and then coughed in surprise as he fell the few meters he had managed to rise, psionic energy expended. Crap, he was using it too quickly.

He picked himself up off the ground, and after a couple of seconds, turned his vison skyward once more. He hadn't recovered much psi, but hopefully...

With a pair of cut-off clangs, he vanished, and reappeared twenty meters above. He once more fired up his flight, switched to and cast Bifrost, and carefully lowered himself-

His breath caught as his flight cut out once more, and as he hit the hovering plane of conjured material, he sank into the landing, hoping to absorb enough of the force.

As the conjured bridge blessedly failed to shatter, he released his breath, and then took in a few more. Once he had finally calmed down, as he felt his Psi begin to recover, he focused his attention through the transparent false solid to the events taking place on the ship beneath him.

And he saw that the groups on the midship that had been tearing people apart have begun to mass the limbs in the center of the deck in a large pile. He also sees four more of those large skeleton abominations none of them look exactly the same but, their all large and obviously made of an amalgamation of none human bones. The front of the ship is slowly being pushed back and as they're pushed you can see that the one who falls are quick, whether they're alive or dead, taken apart and the body parts are moved back to the pile.

"Will do!" Chang'e said as she began her own climb up the rope ladder, only to stop and turn back to look at the Woman "Oh and if Charlotte comes back just tell her i'm shopping and that she can wait here for me." the girl said before resuming her climb, her mind already trying to decide which Malasada recipe she would use?

The woman nods and goes back to looking out at the water as you climb the rope ladder on to the deck of the ship and looking around you see that the entire top deck of the ship has been turned into a makeshift market. You see several small stalls with men in women in clothing similar to Fox they seem to be selling a mix of handmade jewelry and random bits and bobs of scrap. The three larger Stalls are manned, in order by:

A short unsmiling bald man in a long ratty looking brown trench coat who is sitting on top of six or seven large olive drab wooden crates who's showing one of the men from the strange ships a large tube with a handle on the bottom of it.

A small slim woman in a nearly skin-tight rubber suit, that is covered in an assortment of pouches, armor pads, and strange pelts who is hawking furs, meats, and an assortment of knives.

The last man is a large jovial looking man with a scraggly beard who is leaning over a bar and talking with several men his laughter at one of their jokes echoing across the ship as he moves back to a large set of shelves covered in a mix of dusty bottles, large rusty cans, and kegs.

The Captain turned to her XO and spoke quietly, "Hands to boarding stations. Bring him aboard and put him in austere where he can't do any harm. If he really is adrift like he says, then he'll welcome it and we'll be doing him a favor. If not, then the sharks can have him."

"Aye, Skip," came the reply, followed by the call on the PA system summoning the boarding crew away from their action stations and into one of the RHIBs. Within a few minutes, it was in the water with four crew and a driver.

All armed.

Elise was taking no chances.

She grabbed the PA microphone again, "Get yourself down, and into the boat, and we'll bring you on board. You will be searched, and any weapons you have on you will be confiscated. We are, first and foremost, a military vessel, so I'm sure you understand."

The man didn't reply but, slowly began to climb down the rock using the many holes in it as finger holds.

As he began to come down though the radar began to sporadically pick up large contacts in the fog on the other side of the ship from the rocks. The contacts would appear and then just as quickly disappear.

"Speaking to a what now?" Was she even talking to a human? There wasn't a single human culture on record that named their individuals with numbers. Perhaps PT was talking to some form of AI? "And what do you mean by Mental Net?" As the girl spoke, she continued her travels to the designated area, systems constantly scanning for threats and guns ready to react at a moment's notice.

"The Mental Net is the large fence of psionic energy that you just sailed through. And As I said before I am Mary Number 256 Comptroller of this area of the port!" the voice hasn't once lost its perky quality.

Not sparing the time to look back, Karen focused on running, her legs carving through the waves as she vaulted onto the deck of her ship. Not bothering to stop, she skidded across the deck, gathering ropes as she went, before heaving, tacking the craft sharply through the wind, just narrowly missing one of the lava spewing rocks around the place. Not bothering to tie the ropes back into place, Karen strained her body as she forcibly maneuvered the ship out of the archipelago of volcanism, one leg directing the rudder as her two arms held the mainsail at broad reach.

Only when the last of the islands she could see was well behind her and she felt like there was no risk of running over some rocks did Karen finally tie up the rigging again, holding the wind to her port side, clipping lightly along the surface of the waves with the sails held at broad reach. Her arms were covered in marks and friction burns, her legs pitted with ash and volcanic rocks, but there was still more to do. Grabbing her possessions, she stowed them in the rooms of the yacht, taking inventory of the boat as she did. Minor damage aside - the sails were pockmarked and stained with ash - the boat was in good condition. The kitchen was filled with long life provisions, there was a small storage room with a tightly packed spare set of sails and some equipment for mending, as well as what looked to be a room for relaxation, another for indoors practice - the rice mats and masters symbol on the wall told that clear enough - and three full cabins.

Satisfied her ship was in order, Karen kept holding the boat to broad reach, eyes scanning the horizon for any other ships or land. She was under no flag, admittedly, but hopefully, that wouldn't pose much of a problem.

As Karen Sailed she began to notice something on the horizon. A mass of dark clouds that were indicative of a large storm that seemed to encompass the entirety of the horizon in front of her ship. she could just make out what looked like an island as well, also, directly in front of her.
ILS Saint-Louis
Gallian Ship's Deck

The Captain cleans his sword with a rag from his pocket. "Well, to start wiv le easy un Wé aré from le Glairius Nashe-on of Gallia, le théngs zat wairé tryeng to massacre mé et mon mén waire ze Culd Bloods and zé Sirènes .La last questshe-on eez actually... A bit hardair to answair." He looks around his face slowly warping into an expression of confusion as he looks around and then yells to one of his men in a strange language that seems like a mix of French and...Something else but, you're able to catch bits and pieces of it and it seems like he's asking where they are and the man is answering ina way that says he has no idea.

The captain turns back to you and answers his former jovial tone shifting to a more worried tone as he finishes sentence. " We 'ave non clué whaire we aré een zis accursed séa."
Siren... Just hearing that word makes my blood boil for some reason. Taking a deep breath to calm myself so I don't twitch, I told them that I was in the same boat as them, figuratively and literally, and that if they mind if I crash on to their ship for a while. "... Is that so, I am in the same circumstances as you are Kapitan, I am lost as well. My apologies but do you mind if I stay at your Vessel for a bit? At least until we're back or spot an island with proper civilization and I promise to work my share while aboard your Vessel Kapitan."

And there's also another thing that's bothering me. The word 'Gallia', it could mean four things:
  1. I'm in Strike Witches' version of France pre-canon due to the fact that these people are from the age before steam boats were a thing as was shown in their mix-match of uniforms.
  2. I'm in Valkyria Chronicles' version of France with the same premise as point one.
  3. I'm in Fire Emblem's version of France with the same premise as the other two points.
  4. I'm in Dog Days' Gallia but it would be highly unlikely as they show no signs of a typical Gallian or Flognardean features. They're no Beastskins or Kemonomimi.
Well there's a fifth one but that simply means that my predictions were way off, which I hope isn't the case because if so then I may be utterly screwed.
Last edited:
The Girl on the fifty didn't move her gun from the center of Midmire's chest as she replied. "Seen uglier but, We don't get many fuck mothering Dragons around these parts so, there's that." her voice is tight and controlled as the PT boat cuts its way across the waves. The girls in the ship all lapse into an uncomfortable silence as the move the girl with the Grenade launcher seems to have a nervous tick where she loads a shell into it then seems to think better of it and unloads it. She does it repeatedly during the trip.

Eventually, after around thirty minutes of traveling, you begin to see a shape on the horizon...and Two large columns of greasy black smoke.

I sighed again as we embarked, so much for making any small talk.

I followed along in boredom and occasionally glanced at the one with the grenade launcher to make sure she doesn't intend on blowing me up anytime soon. Really, why give the jitteriest girl the most destructive weapon?

I pondered on this for a little bit until I see something that appears to be on fire...That certainly wasn't good.

"You think you'll be able to fly sometime soon? You may need to." I whispered to Midmire and then turned back to my guides, not expecting Midmire to respond, and spoke up. "I take it that this is our destination and that it shouldn't be covered in smoke?"
As the wave of sound hit the beasts Coyote could just make-out bursts of bloodied water spruting out of their mouths as their teeth shattered nearly instantly but, as it the wave moved out he could see that it was quickly losing power and the remaining beasts merely felt their teeth vibrate for a moment in resonance. But, it did prove to be enough of a deterrent to give Coyote the time he needed to get out of the water.

He burst through the surface, flicking his wings out to be rid of the water on them as he shook his head, blinking the liquid from his eyes and and whirling around, setting off as soon as his eyes landed on Sanctuary.

He landed on the boat as soon as he got near, unfurling the sails with a flick of his wings and a careful application of sonics, setting off in no particular direction, his only goal to get away from the damned fish.
"The Mental Net is the large fence of psionic energy that you just sailed through. And As I said before I am Mary Number 256 Comptroller of this area of the port!" the voice hasn't once lost its perky quality.
"Ok, Mary," This was downright surreal. "If this Psionic Energy did exist, how come my sensors couldn't detect it?" Where was she supposed to go again? Oh right, she had to reach the Port Authority in the Fishing Docks. Full steam ahead then! This Psionic Energy must be investigated for the glory of the Fog! "And what's a Comptroller? Some kind of Artificial Intelligence?" At the speed she was going, reaching the Fishing Docks didn't take long.
The woman nods and goes back to looking out at the water as you climb the rope ladder on to the deck of the ship and looking around you see that the entire top deck of the ship has been turned into a makeshift market. You see several small stalls with men in women in clothing similar to Fox they seem to be selling a mix of handmade jewelry and random bits and bobs of scrap. The three larger Stalls are manned, in order by:

A short unsmiling bald man in a long ratty looking brown trench coat who is sitting on top of six or seven large olive drab wooden crates who's showing one of the men from the strange ships a large tube with a handle on the bottom of it.

A small slim woman in a nearly skin-tight rubber suit, that is covered in an assortment of pouches, armor pads, and strange pelts who is hawking furs, meats, and an assortment of knives.

The last man is a large jovial looking man with a scraggly beard who is leaning over a bar and talking with several men his laughter at one of their jokes echoing across the ship as he moves back to a large set of shelves covered in a mix of dusty bottles, large rusty cans, and kegs.
With a hop, skip and a jump Chang'e made her way across the ship stopping briefly to glance at the various items that were being sold. They were interesting, especially the handmade jewelry that she saw the one woman selling but the young trainer had been asked to see a person named beard and she wanted to get that out of the way first.

So using her powers of deduction she zeroed in on the bar manned by the large bearded man, taking a seat at the bar she spared just a moment to release Jojo from his ball who took a seat besides her, before turning her attention to the bearded man.

"Alola!" she greeted with a smile on her face, "You wouldn't be Beard by any chance? Cause Fox said I should speak to you."

Next to her Jojo grunted and raised a finger.

"Oh and this is Jojo, he's asking for a bottle of your strongest Sake or any other alcohol if you don't have it."
Sorry about the wait.
ILS Saint-Louis
Gallian Ship's Deck

Siren... Just hearing that word makes my blood boil for some reason. Taking a deep breath to calm myself so I don't twitch, I told them that I was in the same boat as them, figuratively and literally, and that if they mind if I crash on to their ship for a while. "... Is that so, I am in the same circumstances as you are Kapitan, I am lost as well. My apologies but do you mind if I stay at your Vessel for a bit? At least until we're back or spot an island with proper civilization and I promise to work my share while aboard your Vessel Kapitan."

And there's also another thing that's bothering me. The word 'Gallia', it could mean four things:
  1. I'm in Strike Witches' version of France pre-canon due to the fact that these people are from the age before steamboats were a thing as was shown in their mix-match of uniforms.
  2. I'm in Valkyria Chronicles' version of France with the same premise as point one.
  3. I'm in Fire Emblem's version of France with the same premise as the other two points.
  4. I'm in Dog Days' Gallia but it would be highly unlikely as they show no signs of a typical Gallian or Flognardean features. They're no Beastskins or Kemonomimi.
Well there's a fifth one but that simply means that my predictions were way off, which I hope isn't the case because if so then I may be utterly screwed.

The Captain nods along seemingly lost in thought as he stares at the seas around him a man that you quickly deduce is the Navigator walks up and produces a small Sextant and what something in the back of your mind tells you is a Line Slide Rule. Your mind also tells you that a Line Slide Rule was first produced at the beginning of World War 1. After a couple of minutes of the captain taking readings and the Navigator making calculations, they both stop and look to you for a moment with worried expressions on there faces. "Wé... Found ur locashé-on, eet seems zat wé are on-lee 10 Kilometairs from Gallia..." he trails off slowly as he speaks looking around at his crew as they begin to make minor repairs to the Vessel. The young cabin boy is glaring at the still glowing green orb with a hatred that is nearly surprising if you didn't take into account the fact that it had left him frozen and unable to assist his friend for who knew how long.

I sighed again as we embarked, so much for making any small talk.

I followed along in boredom and occasionally glanced at the one with the grenade launcher to make sure she doesn't intend on blowing me up anytime soon. Really, why give the jitteriest girl the most destructive weapon?

I pondered on this for a little bit until I see something that appears to be on fire...That certainly wasn't good.

"You think you'll be able to fly sometime soon? You may need to." I whispered to Midmire and then turned back to my guides, not expecting Midmire to respond, and spoke up. "I take it that this is our destination and that it shouldn't be covered in smoke?"

The Girl on the gun turns around and most of the girls on the ship seem almost mesmerized by the smoke until the girl at the helm began to curse at them to get back to postings and stop gawking like. "A bunch of Green Slack Jawed Morons on there first leave."

It was a tense twenty-minute drive to the source of the smoke and as you got closer more and more shapes began to resolve themselves for you. The most obvious being that there where around 20 smaller and grayer columns of smoke scattered in a fairly tight grouping almost directly in front of you. The next thing you're able to see a number of squat green and grey buildings and a long concrete wharf and several other boats tied.

As the boats slowly pulls in into a small wharf you able to see painted in stark, blocky white letters on the wharf are the words. "Steel for Hire." and you see a few other berths with the same name in the same area. It's actually unsettlingly quiet. You haven't heard or seen anyone on the other vessels. The girl with the rifle slowly climbs onto the wharf and looks around before turning around and shrugging. "I don't see anyone Ma'ma." The girl who had up to that point been driving scowled. "Alright then. Clarice, Meg set up a perimeter. Bobby stay on the gun and keep watch on the seas. Marg grab the bounties we're going to find out what the fuck is up." in an instant the girls begin to move the Girl with the launcher and the girl with the M60 both climb out the boat and begin sweeping the wharf, the girl with the rifle climbs back in and heads over to a large refrigerator chest and pulls out a burlap sack soaked in blood and full of several vaguely spherical objects. The girl on the fifty final takes it off you as she begins sweeping the other wharves.

They seem to have forgotten about you for a moment.

He burst through the surface, flicking his wings out to be rid of the water on them as he shook his head, blinking the liquid from his eyes and whirling around, setting off as soon as his eyes landed on Sanctuary.

He landed on the boat as soon as he got near, unfurling the sails with a flick of his wings and a careful application of sonics, setting off in no particular direction, his only goal to get away from the damned fish.

As you slowly begin to move you see those flowers that you now know are just lures on the backs of those massive fish follow along of around a half hour. But, eventually, they begin to peel off one by one until finally you are Left alone on your ship.

"Ok, Mary," This was downright surreal. "If this Psionic Energy did exist, how come my sensors couldn't detect it?" Where was she supposed to go again? Oh right, she had to reach the Port Authority in the Fishing Docks. Full steam ahead then! This Psionic Energy must be investigated for the glory of the Fog! "And what's a Comptroller? Some kind of Artificial Intelligence?" At the speed, she was going, reaching the Fishing Docks didn't take long.

"Well Ma'ma Psionic Energy is an almost undetectable mental energy that all beings that have thought release. Unless you have your sensors are correctly tuned you won't be able to detect it. You silly Goose." She replies with a slight giggle. "And As I said I am Mary Number 256! A simple part of the Glorious ALL!"

Looking up you see a wall of concrete that had seemingly appeared looming out of the water. You easily stop in time and looking up and around you can see a number of small fishing wooden and metal fishing boats.

With a hop, skip and a jump Chang'e made her way across the ship stopping briefly to glance at the various items that were being sold. They were interesting, especially the handmade jewelry that she saw the one woman selling but the young trainer had been asked to see a person named beard and she wanted to get that out of the way first.

So using her powers of deduction she zeroed in on the bar manned by the large bearded man, taking a seat at the bar she spared just a moment to release Jojo from his ball who took a seat besides her, before turning her attention to the bearded man.

"Alola!" she greeted with a smile on her face, "You wouldn't be Beard by any chance? Cause Fox said I should speak to you."

Next, to her, Jojo grunted and raised a finger.

"Oh and this is Jojo, he's asking for a bottle of your strongest Sake or any other alcohol if you don't have it."

The man looks between you and the bear for a second before he answers. "Ah, sorry komrade, Beard os Boss of me. I kan get him for you if you like?" The man speaks quickly as he pours a small dish of sake and sets it in front Jojo with a hint of trepidation.
ILS Saint-Louis
Still missing the time and date
Gallian Sailing Ship's Deck

The Captain nods along seemingly lost in thought as he stares at the seas around him a man that you quickly deduce is the Navigator walks up and produces a small Sextant and what something in the back of your mind tells you is a Line Slide Rule. Your mind also tells you that a Line Slide Rule was first produced at the beginning of World War 1. After a couple of minutes of the captain taking readings and the Navigator making calculations, they both stop and look to you for a moment with worried expressions on there faces. "Wé... Found ur locashé-on, eet seems zat wé are on-lee 10 Kilometairs from Gallia..." he trails off slowly as he speaks looking around at his crew as they begin to make minor repairs to the Vessel. The young cabin boy is glaring at the still glowing green orb with a hatred that is nearly surprising if you didn't take into account the fact that it had left him frozen and unable to assist his friend for who knew how long.
"Yeah don't touch that Ball and activate it again young man." I say to the boy before turning back to the Captain. "Kapitan, as it seems like you have no further duties to commit, I would wholeheartedly suggest returning back to the docks for repairs and for the men to rest, unless of course you have duties to commit to. You might also want to throw that ball off the ship or put it somewhere that's far away from us as possible and locked up behind as many locks as possible."

I eyed the ball for a moment before shaking my eyes off of it as I continue. "Something tells me that it'll only bring trouble to you as well as myself if that thing remains."

Yeah that thing gives me the 'Pirates of the Caribbean'-vibes and I don't like it one damn bit.
"Well Ma'ma Psionic Energy is an almost undetectable mental energy that all beings that have thought release. Unless you have your sensors are correctly tuned you won't be able to detect it. You silly Goose." She replies with a slight giggle. "And As I said I am Mary Number 256! A simple part of the Glorious ALL!"

Looking up you see a wall of concrete that had seemingly appeared looming out of the water. You easily stop in time and looking up and around you can see a number of small fishing wooden and metal fishing boats.
PT huffed in return at Mary's good-natured teasing. A form of energy her sensors couldn't detect? Preposterous! The Fog had every piece of human knowledge and more stored in their data banks! Surely, her genious self could disprove this? "Alright then Marny Number 256 of the ALL," PT began, stopping her engines as she reached the wall of concrete. "Call me PT-41 of the Fleet of Fog." Her sensors turned their attention to the boats and the concrete, trying to spot any anomalies. "So tell me, what do I do now and how do I tune my sensors to detect Psionic Energy?"
As Karen Sailed she began to notice something on the horizon. A mass of dark clouds that were indicative of a large storm that seemed to encompass the entirety of the horizon in front of her ship. she could just make out what looked like an island as well, also, directly in front of her.
Muttering something in one of the gutter languages of throne, she started trimming the sails. She could rush forwards and hope to meet the island before the storm was in, but she didn't much fancy her odds. Better to brace and prepare for the storm, and ride through it to the island.

After taking in the sails, she rushed around the ship as fast as she could, fastening and holding everything in place such that the storm wouldn't rip anything off her ship - the half managed repairs she'd affixed would just have to hold, and then she waited, watching the storm inch closer, ready to wrestle with the wind and waves and hopefully find harbour.

If this island doesn't have harbour by Aesma's tits I will punch this storm.
The man looks between you and the bear for a second before he answers. "Ah, sorry komrade, Beard os Boss of me. I kan get him for you if you like?" The man speaks quickly as he pours a small dish of sake and sets it in front Jojo with a hint of trepidation.
Chang'e just nodded, "Yeah that would be nice, thanks." she said as the large Pokemon besides her took the sake dish and took a few sips before downing the entire thing in one go with a satisfied look on his face. "Like that Jojo?"


"That's good, sorry I can't get you some more often."


"It's not my fault they aren't allowed to sell to 10 year olds, it's the law."


"Hmm good point, besides it's time for your daily exercise anyway" she said before turning back to the barkeeper "So Jojo here wants to know if there are any open areas where he and a friend of mine can have a sparring match? Preferably with an audience....also he'd like a bottle of whatever he just had."
As you slowly begin to move you see those flowers that you now know are just lures on the backs of those massive fish follow along of around a half hour. But, eventually, they begin to peel off one by one until finally you are Left alone on your ship.

Coyote let out a breath, flopping down onto Sanctuary's deck and letting out a tired sigh, simply laying there for a minute as he caught his breath.

"... this isn't earth." The words were said as a statement, and as he lay there the thought seemed to sink in.

Despite all he'd seen, the games between gods, the magic, all of it, there was always the thought that it was still home, that no matter what happened, he always knew where he stood.

That wasn't the case anymore.

This wasn't Home, those fish... things didn't exist back home, this wasn't even the underworld, because he'd seen nearly all of it and there were no oceans there.

He had Frieda in the underworld, but he'd sworn not to return until it was his time, and now... now he couldn't even return to his home.

He closed his eyes, sighing as he brought a wing up to rub at his eyes.

"This is bad." He mumbled. He got up with a grunt of exertion, walking over to the sails and beginning the slow process of getting the ship going.

He needed to find an island to dock on, if only so he could rest and the rest of the crew could stretch their wings once they woke up.

"Any direction is good I suppose." He muttered.
Harbors are made and Things are not always what they seem.
ILS Saint-Louis
Still missing the time and date
Gallian Sailing Ship's Deck

"Yeah don't touch that Ball and activate it again young man," I say to the boy before turning back to the Captain. "Kapitan, as it seems like you have no further duties to commit, I would wholeheartedly suggest returning back to the docks for repairs and for the men to rest, unless of course, you have duties to commit to. You might also want to throw that ball off the ship or put it somewhere that's far away from us as possible and locked up behind as many locks as possible."

I eyed the ball for a moment before shaking my eyes off of it as I continue. "Something tells me that it'll only bring trouble to you as well as myself if that thing remains."

Yeah, that thing gives me the 'Pirates of the Caribbean'-vibes and I don't like it one damn bit.

The Captain frowns and shakes his head once. " Right, Men! To yur posishé-on et get up and Les Indomptés bak to Wairk! We need ze Enginé at full speed. WE'RE GOeng HOME!" the crew immediately jumped into action with admirable speed. One of the three big multi-armed men walked up and out onto the deck and grabbed a large barrel of some kind and then walked back into the ship.

The New Orleans sailed at an admirable speed and managed to make it into sight of what you assumed to Galia But, as you get closer you see the Captains face morphing into one of confusion and you begin to see why. Three large fully metal ships, and they looked almost the same as Chacal-class destroyers, one of which was slowly leaving port. They all had the same flag as the New Orleans.

PT huffed in return at Mary's good-natured teasing. A form of energy her sensors couldn't detect? Preposterous! The Fog had every piece of human knowledge and more stored in their databanks! Surely, her genius self could disprove this? "Alright then Mary Number 256 of the ALL," PT began, stopping her engines as she reached the wall of concrete. "Call me PT-41 of the Fleet of Fog." Her sensors turned their attention to the boats and the concrete, trying to spot any anomalies. "So tell me, what do I do now and how do I tune my sensors to detect Psionic Energy?"

Mary giggled. "Oh wow, you really haven't been here before, have you? Well, If you wouldn't mind coming to the surface so that we can talk face to face then maybe we can get you the algorithms to detect the energy. What do you say?" Her light tone hasn't once left her voice. Scanning the Boats about half of them were steel, aluminum, and wood. But, the other half were...weird. You found that five or six seemed to be made out of the solid stone of some kind, six were made out of some sort of glass, and the remaining twenty where made of what you had to assume was some sort of metal that you had no data on.

Muttering something in one of the gutter languages of the throne, she started trimming the sails. She could rush forwards and hope to meet the island before the storm was in, but she didn't much fancy her odds. Better to brace and prepare for the storm, and ride through it to the island.

After taking in the sails, she rushed around the ship as fast as she could, fastening and holding everything in place such that the storm wouldn't rip anything off her ship - the half managed repairs she'd affixed would just have to hold, and then she waited, watching the storm inch closer, ready to wrestle with the wind and waves and hopefully find harbor.

If this island doesn't have harbor by Aesma's tits I will punch this storm.

You just manage to make it.

As you sail into the small cove the sky opens up. You are drenched in freezing rain and sleet by the time you begin to tie your boat up to the almost empty wharf. You can just make out a long wooden building with a small neon sign at the edge of the docks. The Sign reads "The Lonely Monger." light was visible through its windows.

Chang'e just nodded, "Yeah that would be nice, thanks." she said as the large Pokemon besides her took the sake dish and took a few sips before downing the entire thing in one go with a satisfied look on his face. "Like that Jojo?"


"That's good, sorry I can't get you some more often."


"It's not my fault they aren't allowed to sell to 10 year olds, it's the law."


"Hmm good point, besides it's time for your daily exercise anyway" she said before turning back to the barkeeper "So Jojo here wants to know if there are any open areas where he and a friend of mine can have a sparring match? Preferably with an audience....also he'd like a bottle of whatever he just had."

The man sets a black ceramic jar with a small duck tape label that reads 'SAKe' on it in front of Jojo and seems like he's about to answer our question when an abnormally loud shout echoes through the market. "GHOST SHIP!!" the bartender curses and begins to pull rolling doors down over the shelves of alcohol with one hand and struggles to load a double barrel shot gun with the other the rest of the patrons are all running to the port sie of the ship as they pull weapons and binoculars out. Some of them are already pointing at something that seems to be port and just to the front of the vessel just out of your view.

Coyote let out a breath, flopping down onto Sanctuary's deck and letting out a tired sigh, simply laying there for a minute as he caught his breath.

"... this isn't earth." The words were said as a statement, and as he lay there the thought seemed to sink in.

Despite all he'd seen, the games between gods, the magic, all of it, there was always the thought that it was still home, that no matter what happened, he always knew where he stood.

That wasn't the case anymore.

This wasn't Home, those fish... things didn't exist back home, this wasn't even the underworld, because he'd seen nearly all of it and there were no oceans there.

He had Frieda in the underworld, but he'd sworn not to return until it was his time, and now... now he couldn't even return to his home.

He closed his eyes, sighing as he brought a wing up to rub at his eyes.

"This is bad." He mumbled. He got up with a grunt of exertion, walking over to the sails and beginning the slow process of getting the ship going.

He needed to find an island to dock on, if only so he could rest and the rest of the crew could stretch their wings once they woke up.

"Any direction is good I suppose." He muttered.

You sail for what feels like hours before you get even a hint of something on the horizon. A glimmer. Something that seems to be shinning in the distance at regualar ten second intervals. It seems to be some sort of signal.

(OOC: IT LIVES! Sorry about that what had some mid-terms and clinicals that I had to do but, I'm back now.)
You sail for what feels like hours before you get even a hint of something on the horizon. A glimmer. Something that seems to be shinning in the distance at regualar ten second intervals. It seems to be some sort of signal.

Lighthouse. That was the first thing that popped into his mind. Those lily pads weren't lilly pads. Was his next thought.

Coyote tapped one of his feet as he stared at the light, before sighing heavily and turning his ship so that it was sailing for the light, once more cursing his species' mostly nocturnal tendencies as he did everything himself.

"This better not be another trap..." He muttered. If it was, someone was about to learn a very valuable lesson on fucking with the wrong bat.
The Girl on the gun turns around and most of the girls on the ship seem almost mesmerized by the smoke until the girl at the helm began to curse at them to get back to postings and stop gawking like. "A bunch of Green Slack Jawed Morons on there first leave."

It was a tense twenty-minute drive to the source of the smoke and as you got closer more and more shapes began to resolve themselves for you. The most obvious being that there where around 20 smaller and grayer columns of smoke scattered in a fairly tight grouping almost directly in front of you. The next thing you're able to see a number of squat green and grey buildings and a long concrete wharf and several other boats tied.

As the boats slowly pulls in into a small wharf you able to see painted in stark, blocky white letters on the wharf are the words. "Steel for Hire." and you see a few other berths with the same name in the same area. It's actually unsettlingly quiet. You haven't heard or seen anyone on the other vessels. The girl with the rifle slowly climbs onto the wharf and looks around before turning around and shrugging. "I don't see anyone Ma'ma." The girl who had up to that point been driving scowled. "Alright then. Clarice, Meg set up a perimeter. Bobby stay on the gun and keep watch on the seas. Marg grab the bounties we're going to find out what the fuck is up." in an instant the girls begin to move the Girl with the launcher and the girl with the M60 both climb out the boat and begin sweeping the wharf, the girl with the rifle climbs back in and heads over to a large refrigerator chest and pulls out a burlap sack soaked in blood and full of several vaguely spherical objects. The girl on the fifty final takes it off you as she begins sweeping the other wharves.

They seem to have forgotten about you for a moment.

So this place was probably attacked by these "Steel" folks? I'm going to guess they're mercs of some kind. Well I'm not going to find out by just staying here am I?

I turned to the girl on the fifty and began to speak, "I'm going to ascend with Midmire here to give us a bird's eye view on the situation, alright? Alright." Not waiting for her to respond, I shout "fly Midmire!" and quickly find myself high in the sky as my dragon obeyed my command and ascended.

Upon reaching a height where I am comfortably above the area, I begin to fly over it, keeping an eye for anything, or anyone, of interest.
FFNF Saint-Louis
Still missing the time and date
Gallian Sailing Ship's Deck

The Captain frowns and shakes his head once. " Right, Men! To yur posishé-on et get up and Les Indomptés bak to Wairk! We need ze Enginé at full speed. WE'RE GOeng HOME!" the crew immediately jumped into action with admirable speed. One of the three big multi-armed men walked up and out onto the deck and grabbed a large barrel of some kind and then walked back into the ship.

The New Orleans sailed at an admirable speed and managed to make it into sight of what you assumed to Galia But, as you get closer you see the Captains face morphing into one of confusion and you begin to see why. Three large fully metal ships, and they looked almost the same as Chacal-class destroyers, one of which was slowly leaving port. They all had the same flag as the New Orleans.
'Reporting! Chacal-class destroyers spotted.' Oui! Oui!

Yes, I see it, thank you crewman.

'... They aren't flying FFNF flags Madame.' Oui. Oui.

That they aren't Captain, but still, that flag is either the same or extremely similar to the ones this ship is flying with, there's time shenanigans that's going on and I don't like it one damn bit. I knew that sphere was no good.

'Hm. Are you going to tell our friends?' Oui. Oui.

No, we aren't we'll play the 'confused girl in the seven seas' part as is, we look the part anyway and silently prepare to escape. For all we know those ships are Vichy and we all know what happens when Franc-- err, Iris Libre and the Vichy meets.

The Captain of my ship-self grimaced at the reminder and nodded, meanwhile, I continued my charade as is and prepared myself to jump away and either flee or fight by stepping towards the bow at the railings as if trying to do my best to see what's on the horizon.

... Actually, change of plans Captain, there's a faster way for us to identify them. Radio-guy, get on comms and hail them but tell nothing of us, act as if you're the sailing ship's radio.

'Aye, aye Ma'am!' Oui! Oui!

The Radio-guy salutes and does as ordered, trying every radio frequency possible in hopes of contacting the warships at the horizon.

'You think it'll work?' Oui? Oui?

Probably Cap, those are ships in our play book, there's little chance it won't work, plus we're contacting them via Navy lines, there's going to be something inherently wrong if they didn't try to detain us just by knowing military radio frequencies. If they still have the same frequencies we have that is. Radio-guy, include old unused or backup frequencies if needed, just get us in contact with them also, try to make it as if we're having trouble trying to establish a stable line with them.

'Aye Ma'am!' Oui!

As I kept holding on the rails, I turned around and asked the sailing ship's Captain if they have any way of contacting those ships. "Kapitan. Do you mayhaps know of a method to contact them? I'd rather not have them shoot at us if possible."

Apparently, the IRIS LIBRE (France of Azur Lane) uses the prefix of 'FFNF' and only now that I noticed, it'll keep bugging me in the future if I keep using ILS so I'll switch to FFNF to prevent my OCD from murdering me.
Mary giggled. "Oh wow, you really haven't been here before, have you? Well, If you wouldn't mind coming to the surface so that we can talk face to face then maybe we can get you the algorithms to detect the energy. What do you say?" Her light tone hasn't once left her voice. Scanning the Boats about half of them were steel, aluminum, and wood. But, the other half were...weird. You found that five or six seemed to be made out of the solid stone of some kind, six were made out of some sort of glass, and the remaining twenty where made of what you had to assume was some sort of metal that you had no data on.
PT-41 saw very little choice but to follow, weird as it was to listen to someone who wasn't of the Fog. "Alright, but I swear if this is a trap, I won't be very nice!" The Mental Model replied, her guns revealing their true form as energy weapons rather than the WW2 Era weaponry they disguised themselves as, her hull breaching the surface of the water. This was all just so worrying, to be surrounded by so many unknowns. From the ships to the whole Psionic energy thing, it was just so confusing!