Adrift Amongst Silver Waves: The second one.

First Post.

See my smile

Life...Life never Changes.
The Commonwealth
It had been a long hard day.

You all had had several large problems occur that required your personal attention and had turned out to be much more complicated than initially thought. But, you had done what was needed of you. Even if it did take a bit longer than it should have. You nearly fall into your sleeping quarters and quickly fall asleep or pass out. And when you awaken it is somewhere very different.


You awaken to a chilly feeling all along the front of your body and the side of your face. Opening your eyes you quickly realize that your not where you fell asleep. Massive columns of rock and iron shoot out of water around you going up until they're swallowed by the thick fog bank that surrounds you. The atmosphere is an oppressive one and you as you look down you realize the water is a deep, almost black, blue.

@Lazy Coyote

You awaken to the feeling of the sun on your face and a sweet smelling breeze in your nostrils. Opening your eye reveals a cloudless sky and looking to either direction reveals open water with nothing in sight. The water nearest to you vessel is covered in small, almost lily pad like plants. With white and red flowers in the center and a serious of thick roots leading extending down into the water.

@Ryven Razgriz

You awaken to the strange sensation of your back being slightly higher than your head or your legs and no matter how you shift you can't get what has to be a pillow out from under you. You final wake up and see a dark stormy sky and realize, you are not where you had fallen asleep and where you are is deeply wrong. Looking around you you see stormy seas and waves big enough to give even you trouble...well if they were moving. The seas around you are still and tranquil. Not a single drop of water is moving and when you look the thing pushing into you back? It was a small ridge of water that looks like it was about to become a wave.


You awaken to the feeling of your bedroom swaying gently. And a quick glance out the window shows you why. You're on a boat. And that boat is currently in the middle of the open ocean. Looking around you see that the water beneath you is actually fairly shallow and there are several schools of brightly colored fish slowly making their way underneath your vessel and as you watch several dolphins just appear and begin to hunt the fish. That is to say, the water was empty except for the fish for as far as you could see and then the dolphins just appeared.

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You awaken to the feeling of the sun on your face and a sweet smelling breeze in your nostrils. Opening your eye reveals a cloudless sky and looking to either direction reveals open water with nothing in sight. The water nearest to you vessel is covered in small, almost lily pad like plants. With white and red flowers in the center and a serious of thick roots leading extending down into the water.
Coyote sniffed the air for a few moments, smiling slightly at the sweet scent that permeated the air, before he got up, running a claw lazily across a bit of Sanctuary's deck as he walked over towards the lilies that were floating a bit away.

He opened his mouth in a large yawn as he took a moment to wake up, shaking himself a little bit in an effort to get some blood flowing, before he flapped his wings and jumped up, launching himself all the way up to the top of his ship's main mast, wrapping a wing around the pole as he landed, leaning around and squinting into the distance.

"Well," he started as his eyes scanned the horizon. "Either the underworld has had a major makeover since I last saw it, or this isn't anywhere I recognize." Which was slightly worrying, seeing as he didn't think he'd ever seen plants like those lilies, and the outright ominous feeling he was getting.

Coyote launched himself up off the mast, flying up towards the sky and looking around to see if he could spot, well, anything in the distance.
You awaken to the feeling of your bedroom swaying gently. And a quick glance out the window shows you why. You're on a boat. And that boat is currently in the middle of the open ocean. Looking around you see that the water beneath you is actually fairly shallow and there are several schools of brightly colored fish slowly making their way underneath your vessel and as you watch several dolphins just appear and begin to hunt the fish. That is to say, the water was empty except for the fish for as far as you could see and then the dolphins just appeared.

"Hmm five more minutes mom." Chang'e mumbled as she snuggled deeper into her fluffy pillow, she was the champion now so she should be allowed to sleep in.

"Rwa!" came the voice again as her pillow was ripped from her grasp, or maybe she ripped from it?

"Nooo my pillow." the girl complained as she frantically flailed her arms around trying to locate the warm fluffiness that was there mere moment ago. That is until she opened her eyes and found herself staring into the black eyes of Huggles, her Bewear. "Oh...morning Huggles."

"Rwa!" the fluffy pokemon said in a manner that sounded concerned.

"What do you mean somethings wrong?"


"How can't we be in Alola anymore, we just left Aether Paradise yesterday." as Chang'e said that she thought back to the ordeal that the Rainbow Rocket incident was, fighting against so many powerful trainers all of whom had legendary pokemon on their teams had been exhausting work. She had been so glad that Lusamine had greet to loan Chang'e her private Yacht for a weekend of R&R.

"Rwa." the pokemon replied carrying her trainer to a porthole to look at the ocean outside, just in time to see the Dolphins leap out of the water.

"...I see your point, now can you put me down please." the girl asked moments before her huggable teddy bear let her go. Now with her feet on the ground the Trainer had some thinking to do, as she had either somehow ended up on a new region or she sailed through an Ultra Wormhole in the night or a Legendary she didn't know about decided to pull a prank or...."Arrgg too complicated, I'll worry about it later."

But rather than doing anything to solve the issue Chang'e Moon decided that the first thing she needed was some breakfast.
Gangut awoke face-down in the water, pushing herself to her feet and surveying her surroundings.


A prank?

But who could find the the courage to prank her, the flagship? The Fleet personnel at Severomorsk were a boring sort, all too stiff and formal with her. The little ones were nearly awe whenever she so much as talked to them, and she couldn't picture them gathering the courage abducting her from her dorm and carrying her out for the sake of a laugh.

Her sisters, certainly, but they were deployed far away, and she would have heard if they were scheduled to visit.

With the mental switch, Gangut's rigging manifested itself, clinging to her back.

Well, regardless, she'd need to find her way back home. The fog made ir difficult to navigate, but if she picked a direction eventually she'd reach clearer skies.

The pillars were a bit of a navigational hazard, but she had her ways. A small rotating antenna extended from her rigging as Gangut activated her search radar, illuminating the fog.
ILS Saint-Louis
When the fuck am I?
Where the fuck am I?

... At least I look damn good. Now, is time to press the panic button?

You awaken to the strange sensation of your back being slightly higher than your head or your legs and no matter how you shift you can't get what has to be a pillow out from under you. You finally wake up...
Okay what the hell? What happened?

I look around around and...

... And see a dark stormy sky and realize, you are not where you had fallen asleep and where you are is deeply wrong. Looking around you you see stormy seas and waves big enough to give even you trouble...well if they were moving. The seas around you are still and tranquil. Not a single drop of water is moving and when you look the thing pushing into you back? It was a small ridge of water that looks like it was about to become a wave.
... Where the is this? I wasn't sleeping in the ocean...

'And what's this on my back?' It's bulky, heavy and feels like a steel structure of some kind. It's got some white monster-like skull with gold ornaments in it.

'Oui. Oui.' It is your Rigging Madame Louis.

As I heard a voice in my head replying to my question in a respectful and helpful manner. I paused and went stiff as I replied mentally in an unsure manner. '... O-oh? R-rigging? What do you mean by that?'

'Eh? Eh. Oui.' The Rigging Ma'am? It is parts of your steel hull-self magically compressed into a compact, wearable, summon-able at will usable equipment, facilities and weapons.

No you don't understand. What I mean is... '... why do I have something like that?'

'Eh? Eh. Eh.' Whatever do you mean Ma'am? You are shipgirl Saint-Louis. You're supposed to have a Rigging like all shipgirls do.

Oh... I see. So to get this right. '... I am Saint-Lois, the shipgirl of a Saint-Louis-class of warship is that correct?'

'Oui! Oui.' Yes Ma'am. You are Saint-Louis of the Saint-Louis-class of Heavy Cruiser.

Hm. Hm. I became a member of the Navy without me knowing? Also... '... Of what Navy?'

'Eh? Eh. Eh.' Iris Libre Ma'am. Madame are you feeling fine? Crew reports of no damage received since we ended up here.

... Yeah, definitely I don't remember a country named like that. Besides, there haven't been that much French girls in KanColle, only Richelieu and Commandant Teste. Als...o... Wait a god damn second.

French... Kantai Collection... Saint-Louis... Iris Libre... Rigging with ornate white-skull like skull covering a ship rigging...

... I only know of one faction named Iris Libre, it is the France of a certain KanColle-clone. As for Saint-Louis... Isn't that a warship that appeared in World of Warships? And didn't they had a collaboration with a certain KanColle-clone devs?

Just to be sure. I'll make up an excuse and ask my 'crew'. 'Hey... uh... can you describe what do I look like now? You know... just in case something changed in the hull or something. J-just... just describe me will you and make it short. Please.'

'Eh? Eh. Eh. Eh. Oui.' We have not noticed any changes made throughout the hull Ma'am. As for the short description... you have a upper chest length grey hair with black ornaments, still wearing your black and mainly white Iris Libre uniform with a skirt and all of which has blue and gold highlights, again still wearing your set of steel gauntlets with the same color scheme as your uniform, panty-hose, white high heeled boots and last but not the least, your cross spear. Ma'am.

... What? Dobolyu Eitch Aay Tee, what? I look absolutely nothing like that!

Fearing for the worst, I looked down, yes I am floating, and yes I am wearing what was described along with the spear in my left hand. But more importantly, I looked at what my face is like from the reflection on the tranquil waters.

... Okay... First of all. Wow I look beautiful, honestly I look like a Jeanne Alter from Nasuverse and OH MY FUCKING GOD I WAS NOT A JEANNE-FACE! OR SABER-FACE FOR THAT MATTER! I WASN'T EVEN OF THIS GENDER FOR FUCK'S SAKE!

Taking a deep breath, I leveled my look at the tranquil sea and ordered my crew before succumbing to internal panic and existential crisis. 'Crew, I want total perimeter alert. Keep an eye out on everything and anything be it on the sea, air or down below us. I'll be... thinking... for a little bit.'

'Oui! Oui!' Aye aye Ma'am. Entering yellow alert and manning all stations. Radar and Hydrophone are on and active and men on observation posts.

... Okay... Time to press the panic button.

(OoC: @See my smile, What did my crew and searching equipment found? If there's anything to be found that is.)

"Fairy Talk"
'Fairy Thought Transmission'

<<Radio Chatter>>
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Alone in the sea, Supplies, Lost in the Fog, and A Graveyard of sorts.
Coyote sniffed the air for a few moments, smiling slightly at the sweet scent that permeated the air, before he got up, running a claw lazily across a bit of Sanctuary's deck as he walked over towards the lilies that were floating a bit away.

He opened his mouth in a large yawn as he took a moment to wake up, shaking himself a little bit in an effort to get some blood flowing, before he flapped his wings and jumped up, launching himself all the way up to the top of his ship's main mast, wrapping a wing around the pole as he landed, leaning around and squinting into the distance.

"Well," he started as his eyes scanned the horizon. "Either the underworld has had a major makeover since I last saw it, or this isn't anywhere I recognize." Which was slightly worrying, seeing as he didn't think he'd ever seen plants like those lilies, and the outright ominous feeling he was getting.

Coyote launched himself up off the mast, flying up towards the sky and looking around to see if he could spot, well, anything in the distance.

As Coyote leaves his vessel for the are he can see that not only are there lily pads surrounding his boat there are a large number of them in the surrounding area and as he watches several clumps of them seem to drift closer to the boat. But, that's not all.

Far to the West almost invisible on the horizon is a tall, thin silhouette.
To the East and comparatively closer to him than the one in the West is something occasionally shining as if it was catching the sun.
To the North, it appears as if there is nothing but, open ocean.
And to the South is what looks to be a large green mass.


"Hmm, five more minutes mom." Chang'e mumbled as she snuggled deeper into her fluffy pillow, she was the champion now so she should be allowed to sleep in.

"Rwa!" came the voice again as her pillow was ripped from her grasp, or maybe she ripped from it?

"Nooo my pillow." the girl complained as she frantically flailed her arms around trying to locate the warm fluffiness that was there mere moment ago. That is until she opened her eyes and found herself staring into the black eyes of Huggles, her Bewear. "Oh...morning Huggles."

"Rwa!" the fluffy pokemon said in a manner that sounded concerned.

"What do you mean somethings wrong?"


"How can't we be in Alola anymore, we just left Aether Paradise yesterday." as Chang'e said that she thought back to the ordeal that the Rainbow Rocket incident was, fighting against so many powerful trainers all of whom had legendary pokemon on their teams had been exhausting work. She had been so glad that Lusamine had greet to loan Chang'e her private Yacht for a weekend of R&R.

"Rwa." the Pokemon replied carrying her trainer to a porthole to look at the ocean outside, just in time to see the Dolphins leap out of the water.

"...I see your point, now can you put me down please." the girl asked moments before her huggable teddy bear let her go. Now with her feet on the ground, the Trainer had some thinking to do, as she had either somehow ended up on a new region or she sailed through an Ultra Wormhole in the night or a Legendary she didn't know about decided to pull a prank or...."Arrgg too complicated, I'll worry about it later."

But rather than doing anything to solve the issue Chang'e Moon decided that the first thing she needed was some breakfast.

You find that your kitchen is actually reasonably well stocked with a supply of food for yourself and your Pokemon that, at a glance, looks like it'll last you about a week.

Gangut awoke face-down in the water, pushing herself to her feet and surveying her surroundings.


A prank?

But who could find the the courage to prank her, the flagship? The Fleet personnel at Severomorsk were a dull sort, all too stiff and formal with her. The little ones were nearly awe whenever she so much as talked to them, and she couldn't picture them gathering the courage abducting her from her dorm and carrying her out for the sake of a laugh.

Her sisters, certainly, but they were deployed far away, and she would have heard if they were scheduled to visit.

With the mental switch, Gangut's rigging manifested itself, clinging to her back.

Well, regardless, she'd need to find her way back home. The fog made it difficult to navigate, but if she picked a direction eventually she'd reach clearer skies.

The pillars were a bit of a navigational hazard, but she had her ways. A small rotating antenna extended from her rigging as Gangut activated her search radar, illuminating the fog.

As the radar wave slowly moves out you quickly find that it's bouncing back and forth among the iron pillars so, much that what little image you get back is muddled and confusing except for one lonely contact. The only clear contact you get back, it is a small almost imperceptible dot to the radar. It is there in the first wave and gone in the next.

ILS Saint-Louis
When the fuck am I?
Where the fuck am I?

... At least I look damn good. Now, is time to press the panic button?

Okay, what the hell? What happened?

I look around and...

... Where the is this? I wasn't sleeping in the ocean...

'And what's this on my back?' It's bulky, heavy and feels like a steel structure of some kind. It's got some white monster-like skull with gold ornaments in it.

'Oui. Oui.' It is your Rigging Madame Louis.

As I heard a voice in my head replying to my question in a respectful and helpful manner. I paused and went stiff as I replied mentally in an unsure manner. '... O-oh? R-rigging? What do you mean by that?'

'Eh? Eh. Oui.' The Rigging Ma'am? It is parts of your steel hull-self magically compressed into a compact, wearable, summon-able at will usable equipment, facilities and weapons.

No, you don't understand. What I mean is... '... why do I have something like that?'

'Eh? Eh. Eh.' Whatever do you mean Ma'am? You are shipgirl Saint-Louis. You're supposed to have a Rigging like all shipgirls do.

Oh... I see. So to get this right. '... I am Saint-Lois, the shipgirl of a Saint-Louis-class of warship is that correct?'

'Oui! Oui.' Yes, Ma'am. You are Saint-Louis of the Saint-Louis-class of Heavy Cruiser.

Hm. Hm. I became a member of the Navy without me knowing? Also... '... Of what Navy?'

'Eh? Eh. Eh.' Iris Libre Ma'am. Madame, are you feeling okay? Crew reports of no damage received since we ended up here.

... Yeah, definitely I don't remember a country named like that. Besides, there haven't been that much French girls in KanColle, only Richelieu, and Commandant Teste. Als...o... Wait a god damn second.

French... Kantai Collection... Saint-Louis... Iris Libre... Rigging with ornate white-skull like skull covering a ship rigging...

... I only know of one faction named Iris Libre, it is the France of a certain KanColle-clone. As for Saint-Louis... Isn't that a warship that appeared in World of Warships? And didn't they had a collaboration with a certain KanColle-clone devs?

Just to be sure. I'll make up an excuse and ask my 'crew'. 'Hey... uh... can you describe what do I look like now? You know... just in case something changed in the hull or something. J-just... just describe me will you and make it short. Please.'

'Eh? Eh. Eh. Eh. Oui.' We have not noticed any changes made throughout the hull Ma'am. As for the short description... you have an upper chest-length grey hair with black ornaments, still wearing your black and mainly white Iris Libre uniform with a skirt and all of which has blue and gold highlights, again still wearing your set of steel gauntlets with the same color scheme as your uniform, panty-hose, white high heeled boots and last but not the least, your cross spear. Ma'am.

... What? Dobolyu Eitch Aay Tee, what? I look absolutely nothing like that!

Fearing for the worst, I looked down, yes I am floating, and yes I am wearing what was described along with the spear in my left hand. But more importantly, I looked at what my face is like from the reflection on the tranquil waters.

... Okay... First of all. Wow, I look beautiful. Honestly, I look like a Jeanne Alter from Nasuverse and OH MY FUCKING GOD I WAS NOT A JEANNE-FACE! OR SABER-FACE FOR THAT MATTER! I WASN'T EVEN IF THIS GENDER FOR FUCK'S SAKE!

Taking a deep breath, I leveled my look at the tranquil sea and ordered my crew before succumbing to internal panic and existential crisis. 'Crew, I want total perimeter alert. Keep an eye out on everything, and anything be it on the sea, air or down below us. I'll be... thinking... for a little bit.'

'Oui! Oui!' Aye aye Ma'am. Entering yellow alert and manning all stations. Radar and Hydrophone are on an active and men on observation posts.

... Okay... Time to press the panic button.

(OoC: @See my smile, What did my crew and searching equipment found? If there's anything to be found that is.)

"Fairy Talk"
'Fairy Thought Transmission'

<<Radio Chatter>>

As your hydrophone booms out you actually see what it "sees". And what it shows you is deeply unsettling. It shows you that the entire sea floor seems to be nothing but, sunken ships. There are so many of them that the entire seafloor is carpeted in broken timbers and shredded and rusted hulks.
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To the East and comparatively closer to him than the one in the West is something occasionally shining as if it was catching the sun.

Coyote hummed lightly as he eyed the lilies getting closer to his boat, deeming them to be a Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, and sending out a few clicks in the shape of the peace sign towards the shiny thing in the east.

It was most likely a boat, and he kind of wanted to get away from those lilies, so he flew back down with the intent of sailing Sanctuary in the general direction of east.
ILS Saint-Louis
When the fuck am I?
Where the fuck am I?

... At least I look damn good. Now, is time to press the panic button?

The small wave that formed behind me clashed to my legs, I got rocked a bit but it was inconsequential. What was not inconsequential however, was the fact that my crew was telling me that 'read' nothing but wreckage of ships, corpses in shipgirl language, littering the seafloor, they said that there's almost no patch of seafloor that isn't covered in wreckage of ships.

As your hydrophone booms out you actually see what it "sees". And what it shows you is deeply unsettling. It shows you that the entire sea floor seems to be nothing but, sunken ships. There are so many of them that the entire seafloor is carpeted in broken timbers and shredded and rusted hulks.
Flinching, I felt apprehension which is quickly subsumed by anger as my mind fully comprehended what my crew was telling me.

And I know for a fact that it wasn't my anger nor the crews... it came from me but it wasn't exactly me who was angered. I would know if it was me who's angered but it wasn't me. It was Saint-Louis' anger.

Quelling the anger rising from within, I took a deep breathe and calmed myself down. Then I ordered my crew. 'Maintain radio silence, we may be in hostile waters but do keep them on receive only, if we're lucky, ladies from either Eagle Union, Sakura Empire, Ironblood, Iris Libre or any of the other Alliance Nations affiliated warships could be around to help us. Or god-forbid, us helping them.'

Oui. Eh? Roger that Ma'am. Do you think it's the Siren once more?

Asked the XO fairy to which I replied. 'Hell if I know, but if they're back and have done this, then the AN won't stay quiet especially Enterprise.'

Strangely enough, knowledge regarding the counter-part of nations and ships in Azur Lane came pouring as if I just forgot it for the moment. Along with it, is the knowledge on how to use my cross spear as well as my Rigging to wreck havoc to whatever bastard's behind the seafloor wreckage.

Pushing the metaphorical lever, I slowly pushed forward, slow ahead and steamed just in front of me.

"Fairy Talk"
'Fairy Thought Transmission'

<<Radio Chatter>>

Eagle Union = USA
Sakura Empire = Imperial Japan
Ironblood = Germany
Iris Libre = France
You find that your kitchen is actually reasonably well stocked with a supply of food for yourself and your Pokemon that, at a glance, looks like it'll last you about a week.
"Breakfast is served!" Chang'e declared a short time after checking the pantry, she was pleased to find that it had enough stock to last them for at least a week, which mostly consisted of herself, Huggles, Jojo and Mami as the rest of her team either ate garbage (Prism), could survive off of sunlight (Sakura) or could hunt for herself even out at see (Charlotte).

Speaking of which the trainer could only smile at her Pokemon as they dug into their respective food with Huggles and Jojo staring each other down even as they enjoyed her cooking, 'Not to self set up the next match once we find some land', Sakura was on the upper deck sunning herself, Charlotte had decided to do some hunting and was probably hanging off the bottom of the ship weaving a web. In the kitchen she could hear Prism having his breakfast while cleaning up after her, she had made herself some bacon and eggs and Prism just loved the taste of used vegetable oils. The only one not out of their ball was Mami and that was simply due to her size, Chang'e knew that the ice type would have trouble fitting in the Yacht's cabin.

A smile on her face the girl began enjoying her own meal, the taste of crispy bacon adding the pep that she needed to truly start her day and the sugar of her tea was perfect for banishing the last of sleep's lingering effects. Between bites she asked a question to no one in particular, knowing that her intended target would hear, "Say Rotom do you think you can find us an follow some radio signals or something? This yacht has a radio so you can do that.....right?"

"Bzzzt Correct, beginning scan. This will take a moment Bzzt"
As the radar wave slowly moves out you quickly find that it's bouncing back and forth among the iron pillars so, much that what little image you get back is muddled and confusing except for one lonely contact. The only clear contact you get back, it is a small almost imperceptible dot to the radar. It is there in the first wave and gone in the next.

As soon as she noticed the faint contact on radar, Gangut brought her weaponry to full readiness. Abyssals were well known for their ability to fool radar and other precision detection methods.

It was at times like these she wished she'd had a spotter plane.

Well, no matter.

If it was an Abyssal she couldn't just let it roam free, and if it wasn't, well, that too required investigation. Slowly but surely she began navigating in the direction of the radar contact.
Lilies, Going the Distance, Radio Free Waters, and Strnage things happen in the Fog.
Coyote hummed lightly as he eyed the lilies getting closer to his boat, deeming them to be a Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, and sending out a few clicks in the shape of the peace sign towards the shiny thing in the east.

It was most likely a boat, and he kind of wanted to get away from those lilies, so he flew back down with the intent of sailing Sanctuary in the general direction of east.

As you make it back to Sanctuary you see that what started as a small patch of the lily flowers surrounding your boat has grown to b a four meter thick ring around your vessel and as you watch you see several more clumps join the ring.

ILS Saint-Louis
When the fuck am I?
Where the fuck am I?

... At least I look damn good. Now, is time to press the panic button?

The small wave that formed behind me clashed to my legs, I got rocked a bit but it was inconsequential. What was not inconsequential however, was the fact that my crew was telling me that 'read' nothing but wreckage of ships, corpses in shipgirl language, littering the seafloor, they said that there's almost no patch of seafloor that isn't covered in wreckage of ships.

Flinching, I felt apprehension which is quickly subsumed by anger as my mind fully comprehended what my crew was telling me.

And I know for a fact that it wasn't my anger nor the crews... it came from me but it wasn't exactly me who was angered. I would know if it was me who's angered but it wasn't me. It was Saint-Louis' anger.

Quelling the anger rising from within, I took a deep breathe and calmed myself down. Then I ordered my crew. 'Maintain radio silence, we may be in hostile waters but do keep them on receive only, if we're lucky, ladies from either Eagle Union, Sakura Empire, Ironblood, Iris Libre or any of the other Alliance Nations affiliated warships could be around to help us. Or god-forbid, us helping them.'

Oui. Eh? Roger that Ma'am. Do you think it's the Siren once more?

Asked the XO fairy to which I replied. 'Hell if I know, but if they're back and have done this, then the AN won't stay quiet especially Enterprise.'

Strangely enough, knowledge regarding the counter-part of nations and ships in Azur Lane came pouring as if I just forgot it for the moment. Along with it, is the knowledge on how to use my cross spear as well as my Rigging to wreck havoc to whatever bastard's behind the seafloor wreckage.

Pushing the metaphorical lever, I slowly pushed forward, slow ahead and steamed just in front of me.

"Fairy Talk"
'Fairy Thought Transmission'

<<Radio Chatter>>

Eagle Union = USA
Sakura Empire = Imperial Japan
Ironblood = Germany
Iris Libre = France

As you move forward you begin to see things you see an albatross that would stand taller than most men stuck in midair, completely immobile. You see a few scraps of wooden planks sitting on top of the water and as you crest one of the immobile waves and you see it . A tall wooden sailing ship sitting about a mile out it's flag proudly displayed.

"Breakfast is served!" Chang'e declared a short time after checking the pantry, she was pleased to find that it had enough stock to last them for at least a week, which mostly consisted of herself, Huggles, Jojo and Mami as the rest of her team either ate garbage (Prism), could survive off of sunlight (Sakura) or could hunt for herself even out at see (Charlotte).

Speaking of which the trainer could only smile at her Pokemon as they dug into their respective food with Huggles and Jojo staring each other down even as they enjoyed her cooking, 'Not to self set up the next match once we find some land', Sakura was on the upper deck sunning herself, Charlotte had decided to do some hunting and was probably hanging off the bottom of the ship weaving a web. In the kitchen she could hear Prism having his breakfast while cleaning up after her, she had made herself some bacon and eggs and Prism just loved the taste of used vegetable oils. The only one not out of their ball was Mami and that was simply due to her size, Chang'e knew that the ice type would have trouble fitting in the Yacht's cabin.

A smile on her face the girl began enjoying her own meal, the taste of crispy bacon adding the pep that she needed to truly start her day and the sugar of her tea was perfect for banishing the last of sleep's lingering effects. Between bites she asked a question to no one in particular, knowing that her intended target would hear, "Say Rotom do you think you can find us an follow some radio signals or something? This yacht has a radio so you can do that.....right?"

"Bzzzt Correct, beginning scan. This will take a moment Bzzt"

As Rotom begins scanning the channels he gets a number that are basically indecipherable static but, about twenty minutes into the search Rotom finally gets a hit. "Attention all vessels! This is the Skadovsk, Rad and Psy detectors are going wild! If anyone can hear this please ,for your own safety, make your way to us! The shield around us makes us immune to the emmisions! Location is as follows." And a serious of numbers and letters that you recognise as degrees on a compass.

As soon as she noticed the faint contact on radar, Gangut brought her weaponry to full readiness. Abyssals were well known for their ability to fool radar and other precision detection methods.

It was at times like these she wished she'd had a spotter plane.

Well, no matter.

If it was an Abyssal she couldn't just let it roam free, and if it wasn't, well, that too required investigation. Slowly but surely she began navigating in the direction of the radar contact.

As you slowly make your way in the direction of the radar contact you begin to notice something to either side of you the fog is like an impenetrable wall but, directly in front of you it is slowly dispersing. And then you get that same week radar contact closer this time. It's 25 meters to your direct front.
As you make it back to Sanctuary you see that what started as a small patch of the lily flowers surrounding your boat has grown to b a four meter thick ring around your vessel and as you watch you see several more clumps join the ring.
Not good.

This wasn't just some plant life anymore, Coyote could tell that much in an instant. This was now a direct attack on something that he wanted to protect.


In an instant he adjusted his course, shifting his trajectory so that he dove into the water through a gap in the lilies.

Nothing would harm Sanctuary, not while he was around.
ILS Saint-Louis
Again, when the fuck am I?
Again, where the fuck am I?

As you move forward you begin to see things you see an albatross that would stand taller than most men stuck in midair, completely immobile. You see a few scraps of wooden planks sitting on top of the water and as you crest one of the immobile waves and you see it . A tall wooden sailing ship sitting about a mile out it's flag proudly displayed.
"..." I looked at the freezed Seagull in mid air. It wasn't a normal Seagull, it was far, far larger than your normal Seagull that you'll see living on Earth, and that gives me the jibbies...

"... Has the server froze?" I ask no one in particular as I kept on steaming forward until I see a figure in the distance. Accordingly, my crew sounded off and listed whatever they could find out about the figure with visual observation.

My observation posts reports of an old sailing ship, the kind you see at pirate movies the likes of The Pirates of the Carribean with wooden hull, sails and all.

'Hm... Crew, identify its affiliation. Might actually be a pirate for all we know.' I lightheartedly joked to which my crew pleasantly returned with a chuckle of their own.

I also help by manifesting a Binocular taken from a crew member on my shoulder, part of the observation crew, and scanned the wooden ship.

(OoC: @See my smile, pirate, human, monster, abandoned or what?)
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As Rotom begins scanning the channels he gets a number that are basically indecipherable static but, about twenty minutes into the search Rotom finally gets a hit. "Attention all vessels! This is the Skadovsk, Rad and Psy detectors are going wild! If anyone can hear this please ,for your own safety, make your way to us! The shield around us makes us immune to the emmisions! Location is as follows." And a serious of numbers and letters that you recognise as degrees on a compass.
"Well that doesn't sound good." Chang'e said to her pokemon, she didn't know what Skadovsk or Rad meant but Psy made her think of Psychic so maybe it was some kind of phenomenon or something? The girl didn't really know, she wasn't really interested in psychic pokemon and all the sciency stuff was something a professor would worry about. But on the other hand if they were broadcasting something like this it must be dangerous and it wasn't like she had any other idea of where she should go. "Rotom head toward those coordinates!"

"Bzzt Acknowledged, activating engines Bzzt!"

Satisfied that they would be moving she turned her attention to her Pokemon, "Alright everyone breakfast is over, return!" she said before returning her team to their Pokeballs, including Charlotte who had poked her head out of the water once the engines started up. With the comforting feeling of a full set of full pokeballs on her belt Chang'e made her way to the ship's radio and switched it on "Hello this is The Lunala's Light, we're headed your way now.....also what is that stuff you were talking about, I don't really know what a Skadovsk, Rad or Psy is....are they like Ultra Wormholes or something?"
As you slowly make your way in the direction of the radar contact you begin to notice something to either side of you the fog is like an impenetrable wall but, directly in front of you it is slowly dispersing. And then you get that same week radar contact closer this time. It's 25 meters to your direct front.

Gangut flicked a switch, and suddenly high-power floodlights turned on behind her eyes, engulfing the area in front of her with dull, red illumination.

With that, she continued towards the contact.
Bigger Fish, Unknown Ship, Market Day!, A Sleeper, and Welcome! New Meat.
Not good.

This wasn't just some plant life anymore, Coyote could tell that much in an instant. This was now a direct attack on something that he wanted to protect.


In an instant he adjusted his course, shifting his trajectory so that he dove into the water through a gap in the lilies.

Nothing would harm Sanctuary, not while he was around.

As Coyote slams into the water, he realizes two things. 1. The water? it's freaking cold. You had assumed because of the flowers that it had to be relatively warm but, it is not. and 2. The Flowers? Not flowers. As you are finally able to see beneath them you see that hidden just beneath them and at an angle that you couldn't see are large scaled creatures. They seem to be a mix of catfish, alligator gar, and, of course, those goddamn lilies that are growing out of the things back.

The closest one, almost directly in front of you, twitches for a moment as though it is surprised to see you before a massive mouth filled with teeth lunges at you.

ILS Saint-Louis
Again, when the fuck am I?
Again, where the fuck am I?

"..." I looked at the freezed Seagull in mid air. It wasn't a normal Seagull, it was far, far larger than your normal Seagull that you'll see living on Earth, and that gives me the jibbies...

"... Has the server froze?" I ask no one in particular as I kept on steaming forward until I see a figure in the distance. Accordingly, my crew sounded off and listed whatever they could find out about the figure with visual observation.

My observation posts reports of an old sailing ship, the kind you see at pirate movies the likes of The Pirates of the Carribean with wooden hull, sails and all.

'Hm... Crew, identify its affiliation. Might actually be a pirate for all we know.' I lightheartedly joked to which my crew pleasantly returned with a chuckle of their own.

I also help by manifesting a Binocular taken from a crew member on my shoulder, part of the observation crew, and scanned the wooden ship.

(OoC: @See my smile, pirate, human, monster, abandoned or what?)

As your crew looked over at the ship they noticed a few things that are... strange to say the least. The first thing is that just like everything else nothing on the ship is moving, the next is the flag
It's strange it seems like a flag that Iris Libre would use but, it's not in any of the books, and finally the deck of the ship isn't strange but, it is worrying you see men frozen in time armed with sabers and revolvers fighting monsters that look like demented mermaids. And in the center of the deck is a younger man with his hands planted on something that your men can't quite see.

"Well that doesn't sound good." Chang'e said to her pokemon, she didn't know what Skadovsk or Rad meant but Psy made her think of Psychic so maybe it was some kind of phenomenon or something? The girl didn't really know, she wasn't really interested in psychic pokemon and all the sciency stuff was something a professor would worry about. But on the other hand if they were broadcasting something like this it must be dangerous and it wasn't like she had any other idea of where she should go. "Rotom head toward those coordinates!"

"Bzzt Acknowledged, activating engines Bzzt!"

Satisfied that they would be moving she turned her attention to her Pokemon, "Alright everyone breakfast is over, return!" she said before returning her team to their Pokeballs, including Charlotte who had poked her head out of the water once the engines started up. With the comforting feeling of a full set of full pokeballs on her belt Chang'e made her way to the ship's radio and switched it on "Hello this is The Lunala's Light, we're headed your way now.....also what is that stuff you were talking about, I don't really know what a Skadovsk, Rad or Psy is....are they like Ultra Wormholes or something?"

As you begin moving the Man on the radio doesn't seem to react to what you've said. In fact, he begins speaking in another language and then another, and another. For the 5 minutes, it takes you to eventually get to the location he doesn't stop speaking or switching languages. As you get closer you see five other boats heading in the same directions. Two of them look like fishing ships that seem to be held together with hope and ducktape, one of the others is a newer looking speedboat with a large metallic ram on the bow, and the last two are heavily armored and seem to be armed with a mix of harpoon guns and strange blades on swivels. But, the largest ship is a large icebreaker.

As you move in to get a closer look at the ships the voice suddenly shouts. "EMISSION! EVERYONE DOWN." and suddenly a massive booming sounds from seemingly everywhere. As your vision goes white for a second and then just as quickly everything stops. And all you can hear is a slight whining sound. And as you look at the Ice Breaker that Your beginning to get is the Skadovsk, You see four large posts extended into the air with strange glowing rocks on top of them. Over the radio, the same voice speaks again this time it seems very tired. "Emission in effect. To all of those who manged to make it within the bubble your safe but, we recommend you stay with us for the next hour or so, and what for the secondary effects to stop. In that time-" His voice picks up a little bit, "The Skadovsk Market is open for business!" At this you start to see a number of men beginning to move on the deck of the Skadovsk.


Gangut flicked a switch, and suddenly high-power floodlights turned on behind her eyes, engulfing the area in front of her with dull, red illumination.

With that, she continued towards the contact.

And she quickly gets eyes on and what she sees is... not something she expected. A small orange rubber dingy with a small frail looking figure curled up inside it.


What awakens Captain Landon and the crew of the Hesperides isn't a sight or a sound. It is a soft ever-present humming that seems to pierce into the deepest bowels of the ship without getting any quieter or louder. It's watchmen had all either fallen asleep or found themselves distracted from the seas around them looked up to something they had not seen in a while nor had they seen it approach. Land. More specifically 9 large strangely shaped rocks jutting out of the water on the starboard side of the ship. Upon closer inspection, the noise was being produced by hundreds of small holes that perforated all nine of the rocks the water itself was obscured by a layer of fog that seemed to cover all of the water within view.


As you awaken you find that you are not where you fell asleep. Looking around you quickly find that you are in somewhere that could easily be described as hellish. Within view, there are six floating islands that seem to be around 50 feet wide at their widest and are pouring lava down into the water that surrounds you. You watch as a massive red carapaced spider crawls through the lava and onto the top of the island. looking over the edge gives you a view of dark nearly black water that occasionally you can just catch sight something moving in the darkness.


You awaken and the first thing you notice is you are completely cut off from the rest of the fleet. The second is that if you felt the cold you would be freezing. As you look around you can see a light dusting of snow along your boat as well as several small ice flows that lightly bump the side of your vessel as you float gently in place. A few hundred meters away from you on a small glacier, there are several furred creatures looking at you curiously. They are relatively large, being about the size of a walrus. You can just barely make out that they have a single horn sticking out of the middle of their foreheads, and four flippers as well as a tail.


You awaken floating gently on top of your dragon you realize something. The sun is shining directly into your eyes. Looking around you realize your sitting in the middle of the open ocean. The water surrounding you is a deep blue that only occurs far out in the ocean.

@Zeroth Jupi

As Terror slowly regains consciousness, she feels her cheek resting on water? As she bolted awake and looked around the first thing she noticed was the rain. It was raining, not pouring per say but, lightly raining on her and...the potted plants around her? Looking around she was able to confirm that yes, surrounding her for as far as she could see there were plants in strange pots and not just small plants either. With her visual range, she could see four trees: two evergreens, what looked like a palm tree if a bit squatter, and a large oak tree all, sitting in pots with small or large buoys attached. Each plant had a small ribbon attached to it.


Alfred awakens not in his bed as he is used to but, on the deck of a ship with he was confused for a second and then vaguely worried as he began to feel fat drops of some kind of liquid fall from the sky. Looking up he was able to see the massive dark thunderheads that are resting above him.
The closest one, almost directly in front of you, twitches for a moment as though it is surprised to see you before a massive mouth filled with teeth lunges at you.
Coyote flapped his wings once, giving himself a big push to the side as he sent out a hammer of sound towards the thing.

While in the air more precise sonics are effective, they suffer massively in water, blunt sonics though? Well they just hit all the harder.

Now, let's see if he couldn't get an imprint of this thing's frequencies using the returns on his Sound Hammer.
You awaken and the first thing you notice is you are completely cut off from the rest of the fleet. The second is that if you felt the cold you would be freezing. As you look around you can see a light dusting of snow along your boat as well as several small ice flows that lightly bump the side of your vessel as you float gently in place. A few hundred meters away from you on a small glacier, there are several furred creatures looking at you curiously. They are relatively large, being about the size of a walrus. You can just barely make out that they have a single horn sticking out of the middle of their foreheads, and four flippers as well as a tail.
"Haaah?" Wait. Voice?! A voice on her ship?! "Die Intruder!" If news got out that a human was able to board her, she'd be the laughing stock of the fleet! Her reputation as a airhead was bad enou-

Wait, why was she looking down the barrel of her own .50 Cal Machinegun? Why was she even looking in the first place?! Does that mean she- "A Mental Model!" PT-41 couldn't help but yell, feet carrying her into the air as her hands grasped her own cheeks. "I have a Mental Model!" Her feet touched the nanomaterial floor of her hull, the sound filling her ears. She could hear, she could smell the salty air! She could see the snow! Snow!

With inhuman speed, the girl rushed over to the nearest turret and swiped a clump of the white substance into her hands. Then another, and another, and another until she had enough to make an entire snowball! "Catch!" A beam of orange answered in reply, the thrown snowball instantly vaporized by one of the turrets installed on the Patrol Boat's frame. The Mental Model could only giggle in reply, throwing herself onto the floor and waving her arms and legs in a practice that should result in a snow angel if the records on human customs was to be believed.

Speaking of humans. Where was she again?

Strange, her GPS connection was cut along with her connection to the JTN. PT-41 stopped her waving limbs, eyes closing in thought as she 'hmm-ed'. "Hello!" She yelled, voice echoing and augmented by the new megaphone in her hand. "Can anyone hear me?" The girl stood, eyes scanning her surroundings as her systems abandoned any semblance of stealth, and broadcast her message in every possible bandwidth she could. If there was a good pair of ears around here, or even the most primitive of radios, her message should have been heard.

Satisfied with a job well done, the girl nodded to herself and turned her attention back to the snow. While she waited for a reply, a good use of her time would be making a snowman!

Yeah! That sounded like a good, economic use of her time!
ILS Saint-Louis
Again, when the fuck am I?
Climbing aboard a Sailing ship

As your crew looked over at the ship they noticed a few things that are... strange to say the least. The first thing is that just like everything else nothing on the ship is moving, the next is the flag
It's strange it seems like a flag that Iris Libre would use but, it's not in any of the books, and finally the deck of the ship isn't strange but, it is worrying you see men frozen in time armed with sabers and revolvers fighting monsters that look like demented mermaids. And in the center of the deck is a younger man with his hands planted on something that your men can't quite see.
'Eh? Oui! Oui?' What is that flag? It isn't in our records Ma'am. And... a-aren't those Mermaids?

'Yeah, I know.' More than that. That's the flag of France just tilted and with some bits from Jeanne D'Arc's (Nasuverse) flag, specifically the small things in the corners of Jeanne's banner... Does that mean that we're on Earth? At the English Channel seeing that I can 'sense' the seafloor with my Hydrophones?

But I haven't read nor heard of news about the seafloor being littered to the brim with wreckage! What is going on?!

'Ladies, prepare for counter-boarding action, I'll jump aboard the sailing ship.' I ordered as I increase my speed to 50%.

'Oui! Oui! Oui!' Aye aye, prepare for counter-boarding measures! Bust out the guns from the Armory and arm yourselves!

Acceleration quickly followed whilst my fairy crew ran to and fro, handing each other rifles, pistols and whatever gun and explosives they could get from the armory. Ship-board security fairies also stationed themselves around the entrances of my superstructure, they checked and reloaded their weapons as they eagerly await the prospecting firefight.

Speaking of which, while I've read in KC that a shipgirl can still keep their rigging deployed while not on a body of water, they're only as fast as an infantry carrying full gear, except shipgirl riggings are more bulkier so the act of mere turning in a tight corner is either a giant nuisance or a lethal move. I guess I have to be careful when entering doors and rooms, luckily I have an oversized cross-spear that I can use to shank whatever threatens me.

Switching my cross-spear to my right hand, I raised my right hand above my waist and slightly backwards, this way I am prepared to stab what monsters may come at a moment's notice.

... Well, as long as they're in front of me that is.


Either way, I arrived next to the sailing ship. Looking up to it I spot a rope that leads down that I can use to climb. Taking a short breath, I un-summon my cross-spear in favor of a Chicago Typewriter with 100-round drum mag, spears are nice and all but I am going to climb up a rope, a spear can only reach so far and needs space to use even for a simple thrust, a gun on the other hand, no pun intended, only needs to be aimed and a finger to pull the trigger to use. I'll be a lot safer with a gun while climbing.

As I approach the rope, I had my left hand grab it to pull myself up only for me to abruptly stop as I remembered something. My rigging.

It's bulky and would probably throw my balance out the proverbial window if I climb up with it on a ladder or a rope so I dismissed it.

Taking one last breath, I used my left hand to grab the rope and coil it, I pulled myself up. Using both of my hands would've expedite the matter but I'd rather not lose the ability to fight back, Commander Shepard and her crew can attest to that during the Citadel DLC.

After nearly a minute of climbing, I finally was able to reach the deck's railings. I grabbed onto it and pulled myself up and as I do, I had my gun raised and ready to hip-fire at whatever jumps at me. I uncoiled the rope on my left hand and sprung myself up and over the railings to see...

@See my smile
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What awakens Captain Landon and the crew of the Hesperides isn't a sight or a sound. It is a soft ever-present humming that seems to pierce into the deepest bowels of the ship without getting any quieter or louder. It's watchmen had all either fallen asleep or found themselves distracted from the seas around them looked up to something they had not seen in a while nor had they seen it approach. Land. More specifically 9 large strangely shaped rocks jutting out of the water on the starboard side of the ship. Upon closer inspection, the noise was being produced by hundreds of small holes that perforated all nine of the rocks the water itself was obscured by a layer of fog that seemed to cover all of the water within view.

Captain Elise Ladon's eyes snapped open, her emerald eyes scanning the room. It looked like her cabin - everything was where it was meant to be - but something seemed ... off. The young mercenary swung her legs over the side of her cot as she sat up, golden hair cascading over her shoulders, and a shiver spiralling up her spine as her bare feet made contact with the cold metal flooring. Elise held a hand to her head in an attempt to alleviate the mild headache she had felt since her abrupt awakening a few moments earlier. It was odd: as though her head was vibrating in chorus was some machinery on the ship, but the engines had never had this effect on her before ... unless it wasn't the engines ...

There. In the background. A throbbing hum. A constant sound that seemed to permeate Elise's very soul. Its very presence sent a wave of goosebumps all over the Captain's body - never a good sign. Her instincts told her that something was wrong. Very wrong.

Elise grabbed her jumpsuit from the side of the wardrobe, and slipped into the soft fabric, the navy coloured digital print camouflage pattern barely visible in the semi-darkness: a combat uniform. This was no time for her usual, more formal, skirt and white jacket. Elise's instincts told her to be prepared for the worst, and the young captain knew from experience that her instincts were rarely wrong, and definitely worth paying attention to. Next, she picked up her belt and attached holsters for her sidearms, and was in the middle of fastening it around her waist when the officer of the watch, her XO, knocked and entered.

Lieutenant Bret Johnson was not a small man, and walking around small enclosed corridors was no easy task. He loved the ocean, but he also loved being able to stand up straight, and consequently spent as little time below deck as possible. A man of few words, he was a man primarily of action, and had been a member of the elite SBS before Elise had quite literally saved his life, and now he repaid this debt by serving as his Captain's XO.

"Captain. Sorry to wak-...," the XO started, before his eyes registered that Elise was not only awake, but already fully dressed, "My apologies, Captain. You're needed on the bridge."
Captain Ladon finished clipping her belt on, and began tying her hair into a tight bun before responding. "Situation?"
"Unsure, ma'am. Rocks crept up on us out of nowhere. If the sonar hadn't pinged, we'd've gone straight into them."
"And the noise?"
"From the rocks."
"Come again?"
"It's best you see for yourself, ma'am."

Elise hurried out of her cabin with more haste, and practically flew up the stairs to the bridge. If something was serious enough for her XO to come and get her personally, then it was something very serious indeed. In all the years that she'd known Bret, she'd never known him to be one to be shaken easily, but his eyes had betrayed a buried primal fear the resonated with Elise: fear of the unknown. When she looked out of the starboard windows, and saw the monstrous pillars jutting out of the water, she felt that same fear deep within her being. Immediately Captain Ladon began to give orders: she knew better than to let the fear take hold of her. In this situation, the crew - her crew - would look to her for guidance, and she had to be there to give it, no matter what.

"XO, go to Action Stations. Wake up the rest of the crew."
"Aye aye," came the crisp reply before the XO spoke on the ship-wide PA system, "Action Stations, Action Stations. Assume damage control state 3. Condition Zulu. Action Stations, Action Stations." Several blasts of the ship's klaxon followed, piercing anyone's slumber. Elise could hear the sudden scurry of movement beneath her feet as the sailors under her command jumped into action, their bodies running on auto-pilot through well trained drills. Within a few minutes the entire ship was at full readiness state. "Ship at Action Stations, Captain."
"Thank you, XO," Elise turned to face the bridge's crew, "Ladies and gentlemen, I want to know what it is that we are dealing with here. I do not, for one moment believe that a highly trained and well disciplined crew such as yourselves would fail to notice those rocks, which can only lead me to believe that either you are all actually incompetent, or those rocks are a new feature on this sea. Are they organic? Are they floating? Right now, regardless of what they are, they pose a very serious danger to this ship. Nav!"
"Yes, Cap'n?"
"Plot us a course away from those rocks. Be very careful: I don't want us scraping the hull on anything that wasn't there five minutes ago."
"Aye, Cap'n!" Lt. Jane Harris began giving orders to her small team, testing the depth under the water, and attempting to plot a safe course away from the mysterious rocks.
"Use the thermals. Scan those things and get me as much information as possible. If it's organic, I want to know weak spots. XO, supervise the Petty Officer."
"Aye, ma'am," replied the pair.
"Engineering, how are we looking?"
"All systems good to go, boss!"
"Excellent, let me know the moment anything changes."
"Will do, Cap."

With her command staff engaging in their various tasks, Elise walked over to the Captain's chair and, feeling the throbbing of the ship's engines beneath her feet, sat herself down: deep in thought. If these rocks were nothing more than rocks, then this whole situation would seem like a massive overreaction, but even so it was better to be safe than sorry. She's much rather be prepared for something, than assume that everything is always as it seems. That was simply not the way that Captain Elise Ladon operated, and if it wasn't the way that she operated then it wasn't the way that the Hesperides operated ...
As you awaken you find that you are not where you fell asleep. Looking around you quickly find that you are in somewhere that could easily be described as hellish. Within view, there are six floating islands that seem to be around 50 feet wide at their widest and are pouring lava down into the water that surrounds you. You watch as a massive red carapaced spider crawls through the lava and onto the top of the island. looking over the edge gives you a view of dark nearly black water that occasionally you can just catch sight something moving in the darkness.

Karen twisted as she landed, her feet instantly recognising the transition from the mats of her masters dojo to the rough wooden planks of wherever she was, forcing breaths down her breast as she recovered from the kick she'd received. It was hotter here, that was for sure, and she cautiously switched from the fourth stance to the nineteenth, her feet rising till she stood on only her two largest toes. Beneath her blindfold she saw nothing, but her comparatively untrained senses felt the rush of air from something large and square, so she leaned back, the item missing her by millimetres. Flicking her leg out in a testing kick, she felt a wooden beam snap under the blow, before Karen had to jump to avoid the next thrown item. Landing on top of it - a futon? - she waited for more, holding her stance.

Suddenly, something twisted within her stance, a blow kissing the barest edge of her neck, her ribs, and her temple. As her blindfold and restraint frame fell to the floor, she instantly inhaled, and focused her Atum to her eyes. Her master, it seemed, had kicked her into another universe.


Looking around, she saw the first item that had been thrown at her was her clothes chest, now on its side against the doors to the cabin, and that she was standing on a futon. Her prized motorbike was resting not far from where her kick had shattered one of the posts for the guard rail. She was, most definitely, on a boat.

The waters around her were treacherous, steam rising from where the lava hit the water, waves forming from the pressure shock of mass evaporation. The islands were small, but her ship wasn't much smaller, making navigation a trouble.

Opening the doors of the cabin, she kicked her futon and chest inside, before gently wheeling her vespa to its rightful place, out of the salt spray hitting the deck with every larger than usual wave. Closing the doors, she ran up the main mast, trimming the sail as she went, until she stood at the top of the swaying ensemble, eyes picking out every motion around her.

Given the path of the boat, the wind, and the islands, I have about two minutes to work with until something hits.

Slipping into the first stance of the third kata, she breathed in, her eyes fluttering shut. Focusing on the fire within, she breathed in. In, and out, faint wisps of smoke following the exhaled air. Before her forehead the slightest flicker of a crown appeared for a fraction of a second, before it vanished.


Her eyes burning with the traces of the mortal flame of humanity, she leapt off the mast, landing on the sea in front of the spider. Time to get to work.

You awaken floating gently on top of your dragon you realize something. The sun is shining directly into your eyes. Looking around you realize your sitting in the middle of the open ocean. The water surrounding you is a deep blue that only occurs far out in the ocean.

I open my eyes to a bright blue sky, the sun was shining in all of its radiance. As the bathed in its warmth, I smiled as I attempted to fall asleep again. state never has clear skies, and didn't I have a roof?

I opened my eyes in alarm, nearly blinding myself by unintentionally gazing directly into the sun, and rose from my....bed...

OK, my bed wasn't this hard, what was I lying on?

I then heard a snort accompanied by the creaking of bones from behind me. Turning around, I found myself staring face-to-face with a skeletal dragon.

"OH SHIT WHAT THE FU-" Was all I got out before I fell into a pool of water while attempting to get away from the beast. Unalarmed by my outburst, the dragon merely snorted again and pulled me back up by the...cape, why did I have a cape?

I looked down at myself, finding that I was now wearing a type of medieval armor, an oddly shaped sword hung on my belt. What I noticed the most though was my skin, which was now a dark grey.

The memories slowly came trickling in

There are better places to take a nap than on the ground, you know?

Where did you get that?

Anything can change!

You are the wind at my back and the sword at my side...

I tell you again: I make my own future

...This isn't your fault...


My head was soon pounding, filled with the memories of a fallen hero, the one who died at the hands of his greatest ally and resurrected to be a tyrant over the ashes of the world.

I was Chrom, the undead king of Ylisse.

It was so much to take in but I was able to keep my sanity from the onslaught of knowledge that filled my mind. I turned towards my dragon that I now know as Midmire.

"Can you fly?" I asked, hoping they would understand me. I glanced at their wings, they were torn in a few places, but largely intact. Perhaps it's possible?

The dragon merely snorted in response, I sighed. "If was that a yes, then get ready. We'll need to find land before anything else." I paused, "if the strain grows to be too much, then try to land somewhere to rest. Now...Ascend."

The dragon complied, rising out of the sea and into the air, showing that there was at least a little bit of strength in those wings. Midmire flew towards an unknown destination and I hoped we'll reach somewhere...anywhere, before his wings gave out.
As you begin moving the Man on the radio doesn't seem to react to what you've said. In fact, he begins speaking in another language and then another, and another. For the 5 minutes, it takes you to eventually get to the location he doesn't stop speaking or switching languages. As you get closer you see five other boats heading in the same directions. Two of them look like fishing ships that seem to be held together with hope and ducktape, one of the others is a newer looking speedboat with a large metallic ram on the bow, and the last two are heavily armored and seem to be armed with a mix of harpoon guns and strange blades on swivels. But, the largest ship is a large icebreaker.

As you move in to get a closer look at the ships the voice suddenly shouts. "EMISSION! EVERYONE DOWN." and suddenly a massive booming sounds from seemingly everywhere. As your vision goes white for a second and then just as quickly everything stops. And all you can hear is a slight whining sound. And as you look at the Ice Breaker that Your beginning to get is the Skadovsk, You see four large posts extended into the air with strange glowing rocks on top of them. Over the radio, the same voice speaks again this time it seems very tired. "Emission in effect. To all of those who manged to make it within the bubble your safe but, we recommend you stay with us for the next hour or so, and what for the secondary effects to stop. In that time-" His voice picks up a little bit, "The Skadovsk Market is open for business!" At this you start to see a number of men beginning to move on the deck of the Skadovsk.
Chang'e blinked trying to shake the white dots from her eyes, because seriously Arceus that was bright! It reminded her of the time she saw Tapu Koko go all out. Still she really wanted to know what that Emission was and currently there was only one way to find out, plus SHOPPING! She hoped they had some good stuff and that they accepted she could worry about that later.

"Come on out Charlotte!" she said as she reached the edge of her ship, releasing the water spider in a flash of red light. The Araquanid was larger than the average member of her species which Chang'e thought made her extra special. The large spider was standing on the water's surface as if it were solid ground, Chang'e had no idea how her pokemon did it but it was super convenient in her opinion. "Alright girl we're going shopping, you just need to carry me to that ship over there" she said gesturing at the Skadvosk "and I'll see if I can't get you something tasty as a reward."

Charlotte just looked at her trainer through her water bubble, before nodding and turning around to let Chang'e onto her back. The spider always loved the treats her trainer got for her, like those Rainbow Pokebeans or those Lava Cookies. Regardless Chang'e Moon jumped onto her Pokemon's back and Charlotte began walking across the Water surface towards to Skadvosk, then once she arrived at the ship she became to climb up it's side and finally up and onto the deck.

So what the crew of the vessel saw when they arrived was a giant spider with a water bubble on it's head climbing onto their ship and a 12 year old girl riding it.
Alfred awakens not in his bed as he is used to but, on the deck of a ship with he was confused for a second and then vaguely worried as he began to feel fat drops of some kind of liquid fall from the sky. Looking up he was able to see the massive dark thunderheads that are resting above him.
As Alfred's eyes blinked open, he let out a groan of confusion and began to push himself upright. I'm cold and my bed is too stiff no this is not my bed where am I what is this it's psimetal why am I on psimetal I can feel other psimetal my harness my CAD my psiblade wait why do I have my psiblade I never have my psiblade-


The impact of a raindrop on his hand broke Alfred's rambling train of thought, and he looked groggily upwards; then, he cast his eyes out upon his surroundings. Oh. water falling, rainstorm, no, drizzle oncoming rainstorm no those are dark, thunderstorm. Body of water so... river? lake? pond? ocean? not pond, can't see land, probably not lake though those can be kinda big?


As several more drops of liquid hit Alfred, he woke up enough that his mind started putting information together on its own.

Ohcrap, oncoming thunderstorm and I'm on the most conductive structure I can see. Although...

He was probably on a boat, and if his last absurdly irritating week had taught him anything, it would be the regulations for boats made of psimetal. And if this thing was up to code...

He reached down and tapped the deck, pushing a little bit of focus through it... yup. Minimized conductivity; better insulator than rubber.

Which means that that's one problem I'm not facing anymo-no wait that just means I'm the most conductive thing for miles. Crap.

Now beginning to worry more than a bit, Alfred looked back towards the boat. With any luck its motive core is active, because I'm no-

His face fell, and he let out a (slightly whiny groan). "Noooo. Not you, why you? It wasn't enough that you spent the last week refusing to become seaworthy, but now that you almost are I'm stuck on you in the middle of- shelter now, complaining later."

Irritation aside, he supposed there was one good thing about being on this ship. It meant -

The man slid a finger slightly down the underside of his gauntlet, and vanished with a clang reminiscent of a bell, cut off a mere second into its ring. Moments later, he appeared a few meters away, inside the ship's cabin.

- that he knew it didn't have anything in most of it that would complicate a Blink.

Right then. Should probably set up a distress signal and get the Motive Heart up and running in temp user mode. If anyone picks up my distress signal then it'll be enough, and if there isn't anyone to do so... well, it'll make it easier to get the main Driving Sentience online. Might want to run a Changelog Check while it boots, see if I can figure out what happened.

That decided, he fired up his comm package and began recording a message.

"This is Alfred val'Karnaya aboard the..." a flash of disappointment is included, akin to an irritated sigh, "'Gilded Brilliance'. I am uncertain where I am, and am requesting any location information that could be provided. Any assistance that could be rendered would be greatly appreciated, though I am not in danger. This message repeats." Right. Message recorded, and... hm. About once a minute was the standard, the psion thought? Not often enough to be mistaken for an attack, but still often enough to be caught.

And so, message repeating once every minute, Alfred began the process of initializing the Motive Heart in temporary user mode. And then was immediately done with his part, since most of it was automated.

Turning from the rapidly appearing and vanishing spell circles, he opened his gauntlet's spell programmer, and slapped together a quick Eidos Changelog Check spell that dumped its results into a chosen folder in the CAD's filesystem. Normally he would be more cautious with an Eidos spell, but... well, Changelog Checks only really provided a danger to privacy if anything, and for the Brilliance he somehow doubted that would be an issue. Hm... twelve hours, just to be sure.

Compiling the spell and closing the interface, he switched to it, tapped the deck as he cast it, waited a few moments for it to finish its work, and then began looking through the information it output.

Alright. Let's see what happened...
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Fighting a Swarm of fish, Some strange radio contacts, A battle Frozen in Time, A Hitchhiker, A Giant Spider, A Tiny, comparatively, Boat, Welcome?, and A Distressed Distress Signal.
Coyote flapped his wings once, giving himself a big push to the side as he sent out a hammer of sound towards the thing.

While in the air more precise sonics are effective, they suffer massively in water, blunt sonics though? Well, they just hit all the harder.

Now, let's see if he couldn't get an imprint of this thing's frequencies using the returns on his Sound Hammer.

The literal wall of sound that you release slams into the open mouth of the fish. Even over the Sonics, you hear a loud crack as its upper jaw folds almost all the way back and it shakes it head in pain as it dives past Coyote leaving a trail of blood Coyote felt a moment of satisfaction at the win before he remembered something. He looked up, and the noticed that the entire pack of fish, around 5 in total, are now staring at him hungrily.

"Haaah?" Wait. Voice?! A voice on her ship?! "Die Intruder!" If news got out that a human was able to board her, she'd be the laughing stock of the fleet! Her reputation as a airhead was bad enou-

Wait, why was she looking down the barrel of her own .50 Cal Machinegun? Why was she even looking in the first place?! Does that mean she- "A Mental Model!" PT-41 couldn't help but yell, feet carrying her into the air as her hands grasped her own cheeks. "I have a Mental Model!" Her feet touched the nanomaterial floor of her hull, the sound filling her ears. She could hear, she could smell the salty air! She could see the snow! Snow!

With inhuman speed, the girl rushed over to the nearest turret and swiped a clump of the white substance into her hands. Then another, and another, and another until she had enough to make an entire snowball! "Catch!" A beam of orange answered in reply, the thrown snowball instantly vaporized by one of the turrets installed on the Patrol Boat's frame. The Mental Model could only giggle in reply, throwing herself onto the floor and waving her arms and legs in a practice that should result in a snow angel if the records on human customs were to be believed.

Speaking of humans. Where was she again?

Strange, her GPS connection was cut along with her connection to the JTN. PT-41 stopped her waving limbs, eyes closing in thought as she 'hmm-ed'. "Hello!" She yelled, voice echoing and augmented by the new megaphone in her hand. "Can anyone hear me?" The girl stood, eyes scanning her surroundings as her systems abandoned any semblance of stealth, and broadcast her message in every possible bandwidth she could. If there was a good pair of ears around here or even the most primitive of radios, her message should have been heard.

Satisfied with a job well done, the girl nodded to herself and turned her attention back to the snow. While she waited for a reply, a good use of her time would be making a snowman!

Yeah! That sounded like a good, economical use of her time!

As your Snowman slowly takes shape your radio catches two separate signals. One seems to be a fairly simple weather broadcast, that as you tune in seems to be just wrapping up. "- And with that I want everyone to remember Port Sith're Radio for all your weather forecast needs and to be especially careful around the Marks this time of year. They'll be looking for folk to disappear. Be safe and have fun out there!" the second one seems to be a mix of battle music and propaganda for something called the Markesann Empire. "-This is a reminder to all citizens there is a curfew in effect as the morrow is Birthday of our glorious lord of all that he casts his eyes upon. And to any dissidents who are currently listening: please return to us. The loving Embrace of the ALL will gladly welcome you back into the mind."

ILS Saint-Louis
Again, when the fuck am I?
Climbing aboard a Sailing ship

'Eh? Oui! Oui?' What is that flag? It isn't in our records Ma'am. And... a-aren't those Mermaids?

'Yeah, I know.' More than that. That's the flag of France just tilted and with some bits from Jeanne D'Arc's (Nasuverse) flag, specifically the small things in the corners of Jeanne's banner... Does that mean that we're on Earth? At the English Channel seeing that I can 'sense' the seafloor with my Hydrophones?

But I haven't read nor heard of news about the seafloor being littered to the brim with wreckage! What is going on?!

'Ladies, prepare for counter-boarding action, I'll jump aboard the sailing ship.' I ordered as I increase my speed to 50%.

'Oui! Oui! Oui!' Aye aye, prepare for counter-boarding measures! Bust out the guns from the Armory and arm yourselves!

Acceleration quickly followed whilst my fairy crew ran to and fro, handing each other rifles, pistols and whatever gun and explosives they could get from the armory. Ship-board security fairies also stationed themselves around the entrances of my superstructure, they checked and reloaded their weapons as they eagerly await the prospecting firefight.

Speaking of which, while I've read in KC that a shipgirl can still keep their rigging deployed while not on a body of water, they're only as fast as an infantry carrying full gear, except shipgirl riggings are more bulkier so the act of mere turning in a tight corner is either a giant nuisance or a lethal move. I guess I have to be careful when entering doors and rooms, luckily I have an oversized cross-spear that I can use to shank whatever threatens me.

Switching my cross-spear to my right hand, I raised my right hand above my waist and slightly backwards, this way I am prepared to stab what monsters may come at a moment's notice.

... Well, as long as they're in front of me that is.


Either way, I arrived next to the sailing ship. Looking up to it I spot a rope that leads down that I can use to climb. Taking a short breath, I un-summon my cross-spear in favor of a Chicago Typewriter with 100-round drum mag, spears are nice and all but I am going to climb up a rope, a spear can only reach so far and needs space to use even for a simple thrust, a gun on the other hand, no pun intended, only needs to be aimed and a finger to pull the trigger to use. I'll be a lot safer with a gun while climbing.

As I approach the rope, I had my left hand grab it to pull myself up only for me to abruptly stop as I remembered something. My rigging.

It's bulky and would probably throw my balance out the proverbial window if I climb up with it on a ladder or a rope so I dismissed it.

Taking one last breath, I used my left hand to grab the rope and coil it, I pulled myself up. Using both of my hands would've expedite the matter but I'd rather not lose the ability to fight back, Commander Shepard and her crew can attest to that during the Citadel DLC.

After nearly a minute of climbing, I finally was able to reach the deck's railings. I grabbed onto it and pulled myself up and as I do, I had my gun raised and ready to hip-fire at whatever jumps at me. I uncoiled the rope on my left hand and sprung myself up and over the railings to see...

@See my smile

As you and your men climb aboard you begin to get a better look at the battle and its participants. what at first looked like mermaids you can now see have a lot more in common with anglerfish, sharks, and eels. None of them look quite the same and all of them are armed to the teeth with obsidian tipped spears, massive clamshell axes, and spiked clubs of shark teeth. The men, on the other hand, are armed with a mix of revolvers, mostly MAS 1873 revolvers and Modèle 1892 revolvers, and naval sabers and boot knives. They seem to be wearing a strangely mixed uniform your men recognize some of it from historical photos but, none of them are wearing a full uniform from the same era.

And there hunched over in the middle of the deck clutching a glowing orb is a young, extremely scared, man. You'd put him at maybe 18, almost unhealthily skinny, with short dark brown almost black hair that is slicked back by water and blood from a small head wound above his right eyebrow. his dark green eyes are filled with fear. He's holding the orb out in a manner that suggests he was trying to point it at one of the mermaids as they were about to stab one the other crew members on the ground.

Captain Elise Ladon's eyes snapped open, her emerald eyes scanning the room. It looked like her cabin - everything was where it was meant to be - but something seemed ... off. The young mercenary swung her legs over the side of her cot as she sat up, golden hair cascading over her shoulders, and a shiver spiralling up her spine as her bare feet made contact with the cold metal flooring. Elise held a hand to her head in an attempt to alleviate the mild headache she had felt since her abrupt awakening a few moments earlier. It was odd: as though her head was vibrating in the chorus was some machinery on the ship, but the engines had never had this effect on her before ... unless it wasn't the engines ...

There. In the background. A throbbing hum. A constant sound that seemed to permeate Elise's very soul. Its very presence sent a wave of goosebumps all over the Captain's body - never a good sign. Her instincts told her that something was wrong. Very wrong.

Elise grabbed her jumpsuit from the side of the wardrobe, and slipped into the soft fabric, the navy coloured digital print camouflage pattern barely visible in the semi-darkness: a combat uniform. This was no time for her usual, more formal, skirt and white jacket. Elise's instincts told her to be prepared for the worst, and the young captain knew from experience that her instincts were rarely wrong, and definitely worth paying attention to. Next, she picked up her belt and attached holsters for her sidearms, and was in the middle of fastening it around her waist when the officer of the watch, her XO, knocked and entered.

Lieutenant Bret Johnson was not a small man, and walking around small enclosed corridors was no easy task. He loved the ocean, but he also loved being able to stand up straight, and consequently spent as little time below deck as possible. A man of few words, he was a man primarily of action, and had been a member of the elite SBS before Elise had quite literally saved his life, and now he repaid this debt by serving as his Captain's XO.

"Captain. Sorry to wak-...," the XO started, before his eyes registered that Elise was not only awake, but already fully dressed, "My apologies, Captain. You're needed on the bridge."
Captain Ladon finished clipping her belt on, and began tying her hair into a tight bun before responding. "Situation?"
"Unsure, ma'am. Rocks crept up on us out of nowhere. If the sonar hadn't pinged, we'd've gone straight into them."
"And the noise?"
"From the rocks."
"Come again?"
"It's best you see for yourself, ma'am."

Elise hurried out of her cabin with more haste, and practically flew up the stairs to the bridge. If something was serious enough for her XO to come and get her personally, then it was something very serious indeed. In all the years that she'd known Bret, she'd never known him to be one to be shaken easily, but his eyes had betrayed a buried primal fear the resonated with Elise: fear of the unknown. When she looked out of the starboard windows, and saw the monstrous pillars jutting out of the water, she felt that same fear deep within her being. Immediately Captain Ladon began to give orders: she knew better than to let the fear take hold of her. In this situation, the crew - her crew - would look to her for guidance, and she had to be there to give it, no matter what.

"XO, go to Action Stations. Wake up the rest of the crew."
"Aye aye," came the crisp reply before the XO spoke on the ship-wide PA system, "Action Stations, Action Stations. Assume damage control state 3. Condition Zulu. Action Stations, Action Stations." Several blasts of the ship's klaxon followed, piercing anyone's slumber. Elise could hear the sudden scurry of movement beneath her feet as the sailors under her command jumped into action, their bodies running on auto-pilot through well trained drills. Within a few minutes, the entire ship was at full readiness state. "Ship at Action Stations, Captain."
"Thank you, XO," Elise turned to face the bridge's crew, "Ladies and gentlemen, I want to know what it is that we are dealing with here. I do not, for one moment believe that a highly trained and well disciplined crew such as yourselves would fail to notice those rocks, which can only lead me to believe that either you are all actually incompetent, or those rocks are a new feature on this sea. Are they organic? Are they floating? Right now, regardless of what they are, they pose a very serious danger to this ship. Nav!"
"Yes, Cap'n?"
"Plot us a course away from those rocks. Be very careful: I don't want us scraping the hull on anything that wasn't there five minutes ago."
"Aye, Cap'n!" Lt. Jane Harris began giving orders to her small team, testing the depth under the water, and attempting to plot a safe course away from the mysterious rocks.
"Use the thermals. Scan those things and get me as much information as possible. If it's organic, I want to know weak spots. XO, supervise the Petty Officer."
"Aye, ma'am," replied the pair.
"Engineering, how are we looking?"
"All systems good to go, boss!"
"Excellent, let me know the moment anything changes."
"Will do, Cap."

With her command staff engaging in their various tasks, Elise walked over to the Captain's chair and, feeling the throbbing of the ship's engines beneath her feet, sat herself down: deep in thought. If these rocks were nothing more than rocks, then this whole situation would seem like a massive overreaction, but even so, it was better to be safe than sorry. She's much rather be prepared for something, than assume that everything is always as it seems. That was simply not the way that Captain Elise Ladon operated, and if it wasn't the way that she operated then it wasn't the way that the Hesperides operated ...

Your thermals reveal next to nothing other than a few small crabs that quickly dive into the water as your ship begins moving. As you move away from the rocks the hum gets slightly quieter until you lose sight of the tall pillars in the fog but, the sound never leaves completely, It stays at a low almost imperceptible hum for the next hour until. It starts to get louder again and over the next minute as your men get into position and ready their weapons.

You see it.

Those same goddamn rocks rise to meet you out of the fog. But, this time there's something profoundly different. A figure standing on the third one form the middle, a seabag at his feet and his right arm outstretched and his thumb up in the universal sign of "Can I get a ride."

Karen twisted as she landed, her feet instantly recognising the transition from the mats of her masters dojo to the rough wooden planks of wherever she was, forcing breaths down her breast as she recovered from the kick she'd received. It was hotter here, that was for sure, and she cautiously switched from the fourth stance to the nineteenth, her feet rising till she stood on only her two largest toes. Beneath her blindfold she saw nothing, but her comparatively untrained senses felt the rush of air from something large and square, so she leaned back, the item missing her by millimetres. Flicking her leg out in a testing kick, she felt a wooden beam snap under the blow, before Karen had to jump to avoid the next thrown item. Landing on top of it - a futon? - she waited for more, holding her stance.

Suddenly, something twisted within her stance, a blow kissing the barest edge of her neck, her ribs, and her temple. As her blindfold and restraint frame fell to the floor, she instantly inhaled, and focused her Atum to her eyes. Her master, it seemed, had kicked her into another universe.


Looking around, she saw the first item that had been thrown at her was her clothes chest, now on its side against the doors to the cabin, and that she was standing on a futon. Her prized motorbike was resting not far from where her kick had shattered one of the posts for the guardrail. She was, most definitely, on a boat.

The waters around her were treacherous, steam rising from where the lava hit the water, waves forming from the pressure shock of mass evaporation. The islands were small, but her ship wasn't much smaller, making navigation a trouble.

Opening the doors of the cabin, she kicked her futon and chest inside, before gently wheeling her Vespa to its rightful place, out of the salt spray hitting the deck with every larger than usual wave. Closing the doors, she ran up the main mast, trimming the sail as she went, until she stood at the top of the swaying ensemble, eyes picking out every motion around her.

Given the path of the boat, the wind, and the islands, I have about two minutes to work with until something hits.

Slipping into the first stance of the third kata, she breathed in, her eyes fluttering shut. Focusing on the fire within, she breathed in. In, and out, faint wisps of smoke following the exhaled air. Before her forehead, the slightest flicker of a crown appeared for a fraction of a second, before it vanished.


Her eyes burning with the traces of the mortal flame of humanity, she leapt off the mast, landing on the sea in front of the spider. Time to get to work.

The spider took several steps back before in surprise as the small being before it, to it at least, seems to appear. It stands there silent for a moment and then lets loose a loud screech that sounds like the rending of metal before it spews a jet of fire out of its mouth and then charges Karen fangs and razor-sharp pedipalps held high as it tries to eviscerate the small being that dares to entire its realm unannounced.

I open my eyes to a bright blue sky, the sun was shining in all of its radiance. As the bathed in its warmth, I smiled as I attempted to fall asleep again. state never has clear skies, and didn't I have a roof?

I opened my eyes in alarm, nearly blinding myself by unintentionally gazing directly into the sun, and rose from my....bed...

OK, my bed wasn't this hard, what was I lying on?

I then heard a snort accompanied by the creaking of bones from behind me. Turning around, I found myself staring face-to-face with a skeletal dragon.

"OH SHIT WHAT THE FU-" Was all I got out before I fell into a pool of water while attempting to get away from the beast. Unalarmed by my outburst, the dragon merely snorted again and pulled me back up by the...cape, why did I have a cape?

I looked down at myself, finding that I was now wearing a type of medieval armor, an oddly shaped sword hung on my belt. What I noticed the most though was my skin, which was now a dark grey.

The memories slowly came trickling in

There are better places to take a nap than on the ground, you know?

Where did you get that?

Anything can change!

You are the wind at my back and the sword at my side...

I tell you again: I make my own future

...This isn't your fault...


My head was soon pounding, filled with the memories of a fallen hero, the one who died at the hands of his greatest ally and resurrected to be a tyrant over the ashes of the world.

I was Chrom, the undead king of Ylisse.

It was so much to take in but I was able to keep my sanity from the onslaught of knowledge that filled my mind. I turned towards my dragon that I now know as Midmire.

"Can you fly?" I asked, hoping they would understand me. I glanced at their wings, they were torn in a few places, but largely intact. Perhaps it's possible?

The dragon merely snorted in response, I sighed. "If was that a yes, then get ready. We'll need to find land before anything else." I paused, "if the strain grows to be too much, then try to land somewhere to rest. Now...Ascend."

The dragon complied, rising out of the sea and into the air, showing that there was at least a little bit of strength in those wings. Midmire flew towards an unknown destination and I hoped we'll reach somewhere...anywhere, before his wings gave out.

As you begin flying you quickly find fairly quickly that you are far out at sea it takes you almost two hours of flying and resting before you see anything. And what you see is incredibly small it looks like a boat, it looks around 30ish feet long painted an olive green with a small canopy around midship and as you watch you just manage to see a little bit of movement on it.

Chang'e blinked trying to shake the white dots from her eyes, because seriously Arceus that was bright! It reminded her of the time she saw Tapu Koko go all out. Still she really wanted to know what that Emission was and currently, there was only one way to find out, plus SHOPPING! She hoped they had some good stuff and that they accepted she could worry about that later.

"Come on out Charlotte!" she said as she reached the edge of her ship, releasing the water spider in a flash of red light. The Araquanid was larger than the average member of her species which Chang'e thought made her extra special. The large spider was standing on the water's surface as if it were solid ground, Chang'e had no idea how her pokemon did it but it was super convenient in her opinion. "Alright girl we're going shopping, you just need to carry me to that ship over there" she said gesturing at the Skadvosk "and I'll see if I can't get you something tasty as a reward."

Charlotte just looked at her trainer through her water bubble, before nodding and turning around to let Chang'e onto her back. The spider always loved the treats her trainer got for her, like those Rainbow Pokebeans or those Lava Cookies. Regardless Chang'e Moon jumped onto her Pokemon's back and Charlotte began walking across the Water surface towards to Skadvosk, then once she arrived at the ship she became to climb up it's side and finally up and onto the deck.

So what the crew of the vessel saw when they arrived was a giant spider with a water bubble on it's head climbing onto their ship and a 12-year-old girl riding it.

As you pass the Speedboat you see three men in expensive looking clothing airing up a small rubber Dinghy stop and stare at you as you pass and as you pass the armored vessel you see a larger longboat being dropped into the water filled with men and women in rough-hewn clothing made of a mix of strangely colored and textured leathery substance. A few of them wave at you and one or two are laughing amongst themselves and miss you as you pass. And finally the Skadovsk. As you pull up next they side fo the vessel you notice that they have just finished dropping a small wood and styrofoam platform into the water with a rough rope ladder leading from it up to the deck and sitting in a small folding chair staring slightly aghast at you, is a woman dressed in a rubbery protective suit holding a rifle of some sort. As she watches you and you pokemon approach she just sorts of points it in your general direction, she doesn't outright aim it at you or anything just sort of prepares just in case.
"Hello, Velkome to Skadovsk. Anything you vould like to declare before you kome aboard." she speaks in a heavy accent that you cant quite place.

As Alfred's eyes blinked open, he let out a groan of confusion and began to push himself upright. I'm cold and my bed is too stiff no this is not my bed where am I what is this it's psimetal why am I on psimetal I can feel other psimetal my harness my CAD my psiblade wait why do I have my psiblade I never have my psiblade-


The impact of a raindrop on his hand broke Alfred's rambling train of thought, and he looked groggily upwards; then, he cast his eyes out upon his surroundings. Oh. water falling, rainstorm, no, drizzle oncoming rainstorm no those are dark, thunderstorm. Body of water so... river? lake? pond? ocean? not pond, can't see land, probably not lake though those can be kinda big?


As several more drops of liquid hit Alfred, he woke up enough that his mind started putting information together on its own.

Ohcrap, oncoming thunderstorm and I'm on the most conductive structure I can see. Although...

He was probably on a boat, and if his last absurdly irritating week had taught him anything, it would be the regulations for boats made of psimetal. And if this thing was up to code...

He reached down and tapped the deck, pushing a little bit of focus through it... yup. Minimized conductivity; better insulator than rubber.

Which means that that's one problem I'm not facing anymo-no wait that just means I'm the most conductive thing for miles. Crap.

Now beginning to worry more than a bit, Alfred looked back towards the boat. With any luck its motive core is active, because I'm no-

His face fell, and he let out a (slightly whiny groan). "Noooo. Not you, why you? It wasn't enough that you spent the last week refusing to become seaworthy, but now that you almost are I'm stuck on you in the middle of- shelter now, complaining later."

Irritation aside, he supposed there was one good thing about being on this ship. It meant -

The man slid a finger slightly down the underside of his gauntlet, and vanished with a clang reminiscent of a bell, cut off a mere second into its ring. Moments later, he appeared a few meters away, inside the ship's cabin.

- that he knew it didn't have anything in most of it that would complicate a Blink.

Right then. Should probably set up a distress signal and get the Motive Heart up and running in temp user mode. If anyone picks up my distress signal then it'll be enough, and if there isn't anyone to do so... well, it'll make it easier to get the main Driving Sentience online. Might want to run a Changelog Check while it boots, see if I can figure out what happened.

That decided, he fired up his comm package and began recording a message.

"This is Alfred val'Karnaya aboard the..." a flash of disappointment is included, akin to an irritated sigh, "'Gilded Brilliance'. I am uncertain where I am, and am requesting any location information that could be provided. Any assistance that could be rendered would be greatly appreciated, though I am not in danger. This message repeats." Right. Message recorded, and... hm. About once a minute was the standard, the psion thought? Not often enough to be mistaken for an attack, but still often enough to be caught.

And so, message repeating once every minute, Alfred began the process of initializing the Motive Heart in temporary user mode. And then was immediately done with his part, since most of it was automated.

Turning from the rapidly appearing and vanishing spell circles, he opened his gauntlet's spell programmer and slapped together a quick Eidos Changelog Check spell that dumped its results into a chosen folder in the CAD's filesystem. Normally he would be more cautious with an Eidos spell, but... well, Changelog Checks only really provided a danger to privacy if anything, and for the Brilliance, he somehow doubted that would be an issue. Hm... twelve hours, just to be sure.

Compiling the spell and closing the interface, he switched to it, tapped the deck as he cast it, waited a few moments for it to finish its work, and then began looking through the information it output.

Alright. Let's see what happened...

As you finish the Broadcast you get less than two feet away when a panicked voice suddenly bursts from the radio. " SS Gilded Brillance, this is The Grafton we are in desperate need of any assitance. We have been boarded by unknown hostiles. We nee-" the voice cuts off as sounds of struggle comes over the radio. It goes on for a few seconds before five quick Bangs ring out over the receiver and the same voice this time sounding pained and scared continues. "Please. We need help!" the voice dissolves into broken sounding sobs.