Adaptation+Assimilation: Deny Extinction Plan Quest

The End Is Coming: Prologue Pt.1
You are #0001, the current director of operations of Project Transcendence. Some monstrous, overbearing species has declared a war of Annihilation against you and your species' allies. From the first days the ancestors began exploring beyond their own world, they encountered strange and wonderful things as well as newfound dangers.

They had successfully recruited several other races into their alliance. (Choose 3 Races)
[] Sea Trolls- These creatures are of incredible mass and strength. Their endurance is absurd, and their bodies have incredible regenerative capability. However, their intelligence is... lacking. Eager to labor in construction and in battle.

[] Mesmer Crabs- Crustacean in nature and squat to the ground. They wield incredibly powerful pincer claws, and their eyes having potent hypnotic abilities they can utilize to stun and expose target prey. Eager to provide diplomatic aid and in battle.

[] Kappas- Squat and stout humanoids armed with an impressive shell and lethal talons at the end of their hands. Nominally carnivores that hunted in groups. They were eager to continue crafting and battle.

[] Water Striders- Insectoid with a centaur-like body layout. These creatures strived to learn how to strike the surface of the water. Dominating any bodies of water. They excelled at construction on the oceans and oceanic farming by crafting limited underwater biomes for their livestock.

[] Net Jellies- These beautiful creatures were discovered in the deep sea of one of the worlds. Bio-luminescence used to signal when to extend their strange "brain matter" in the form of a biological net that connects with their kin. This allows incredible levels of mental processing to occur through them. They are enthused to act as biological processing power, and help administer the oceans biosphere.

[] Moss Mounds- Initially thought to be simple plant matter that moved with the tides. However they were later discovered to be sapient during the first sample harvesting attempt! It was revealed that their biological "fur" can be safely trimmed and used in many medicines. They also naturally filter the oceans waters as a byproduct.

[] Oracle Clams- Admittedly, the one they felt the worst off about was knowing their own ancestors devoured the clams own elders as a delicacy. When we made contact and this was conveyed, we apologized profusely. Thankfully they genuinely don't seem to hold it against us. Though entirely immobile without assistance, they are greatly valued for their Pearls, which contain psychic power, and the occasional vision of possible futures that would affect them.
[X] Water Striders- Insectoid with a centaur-like body layout. These creatures strived to learn how to strike the surface of the water. Dominating any bodies of water. They excelled at construction on the oceans and oceanic farming by crafting limited underwater biomes for their livestock.

[X] Net Jellies- These beautiful creatures were discovered in the deep sea of one of the worlds. Bio-luminescence used to signal when to extend their strange "brain matter" in the form of a biological net that connects with their kin. This allows incredible levels of mental processing to occur through them. They are enthused to act as biological processing power, and help administer the oceans biosphere.

[X] Oracle Clams- Admittedly, the one they felt the worst off about was knowing their own ancestors devoured the clams own elders as a delicacy. When we made contact and this was conveyed, we apologized profusely. Thankfully they genuinely don't seem to hold it against us. Though entirely immobile without assistance, they are greatly valued for their Pearls, which contain psychic power, and the occasional vision of possible futures that would affect them.
[X] plan a bit of everything
-[X] Sea Trolls- These creatures are of incredible mass and strength. Their endurance is absurd, and their bodies have incredible regenerative capability. However, their intelligence is... lacking. Eager to labor in construction and in battle.
-[X] Net Jellies- These beautiful creatures were discovered in the deep sea of one of the worlds. Bio-luminescence used to signal when to extend their strange "brain matter" in the form of a biological net that connects with their kin. This allows incredible levels of mental processing to occur through them. They are enthused to act as biological processing power, and help administer the oceans biosphere.
-[X] Oracle Clams- Admittedly, the one they felt the worst off about was knowing their own ancestors devoured the clams own elders as a delicacy. When we made contact and this was conveyed, we apologized profusely. Thankfully they genuinely don't seem to hold it against us. Though entirely immobile without assistance, they are greatly valued for their Pearls, which contain psychic power, and the occasional vision of possible futures that would affect them.
Are we playing all three of them?

Nah so you fine folks picked the Empath Squids as your main race. They just happened to develop in a system with 3 other nominally oceanic worlds. Which all happen to have conveniently useful species developing on them.

Since one of the core goals is creating genetically engineered soldiers this also plays into it. Empath Squids managed to persuade all 3 other races to peacefully integrate into a larger faction.

Edit: They each bring both genetic and regular utility of some sort to your faction :] if anyone has other questions I'll answer as soon as I can!
[X] Plan Summon the Boys
-[X] Mesmer Crabs- Crustacean in nature and squat to the ground. They wield incredibly powerful pincer claws, and their eyes having potent hypnotic abilities they can utilize to stun and expose target prey. Eager to provide diplomatic aid and in battle.
-[X] Kappas- Squat and stout humanoids armed with an impressive shell and lethal talons at the end of their hands. Nominally carnivores that hunted in groups. They were eager to continue crafting and battle.
-[X] Water Striders- Insectoid with a centaur-like body layout. These creatures strived to learn how to strike the surface of the water. Dominating any bodies of water. They excelled at construction on the oceans and oceanic farming by crafting limited underwater biomes for their livestock.
XD Oh yeah this is good to call now I think hehe
Scheduled vote count started by ErraticWizard on Jun 27, 2024 at 4:14 AM, finished with 28 posts and 17 votes.

  • [X]- Velim Empath
    [X]- Fleshripper Mimics
    [X] plan a bit of everything
    -[X] Sea Trolls- These creatures are of incredible mass and strength. Their endurance is absurd, and their bodies have incredible regenerative capability. However, their intelligence is... lacking. Eager to labor in construction and in battle.
    -[X] Net Jellies- These beautiful creatures were discovered in the deep sea of one of the worlds. Bio-luminescence used to signal when to extend their strange "brain matter" in the form of a biological net that connects with their kin. This allows incredible levels of mental processing to occur through them. They are enthused to act as biological processing power, and help administer the oceans biosphere.
    -[X] Oracle Clams- Admittedly, the one they felt the worst off about was knowing their own ancestors devoured the clams own elders as a delicacy. When we made contact and this was conveyed, we apologized profusely. Thankfully they genuinely don't seem to hold it against us. Though entirely immobile without assistance, they are greatly valued for their Pearls, which contain psychic power, and the occasional vision of possible futures that would affect them.
    [X] Plan Summon the Boys
    -[X] Mesmer Crabs- Crustacean in nature and squat to the ground. They wield incredibly powerful pincer claws, and their eyes having potent hypnotic abilities they can utilize to stun and expose target prey. Eager to provide diplomatic aid and in battle.
    -[X] Kappas- Squat and stout humanoids armed with an impressive shell and lethal talons at the end of their hands. Nominally carnivores that hunted in groups. They were eager to continue crafting and battle.
    -[X] Water Striders- Insectoid with a centaur-like body layout. These creatures strived to learn how to strike the surface of the water. Dominating any bodies of water. They excelled at construction on the oceans and oceanic farming by crafting limited underwater biomes for their livestock.
    [X]- The Alden
    [X]- Fleshripper Mimics- Amphibious Carnivorous Starfish that are able to quickly swim through water, or rapidly scuttle on land in bursts of absurd speed. They are dependent on water, and are incredibly vicious swarm hunters. Once latched on barbed tendrils pierce the flesh of the assaulted creature. Paralyzing and overwhelming the bodies impulses. In this way they can cover and control a host body while they feed. They additionally can pile together and temporarily meld for lack of a better term. Suggesting that they harvest dna samples from prey to correctly reshape their exterior.
    [X] Water Striders- Insectoid with a centaur-like body layout. These creatures strived to learn how to strike the surface of the water. Dominating any bodies of water. They excelled at construction on the oceans and oceanic farming by crafting limited underwater biomes for their livestock.
    [X] Net Jellies- These beautiful creatures were discovered in the deep sea of one of the worlds. Bio-luminescence used to signal when to extend their strange "brain matter" in the form of a biological net that connects with their kin. This allows incredible levels of mental processing to occur through them. They are enthused to act as biological processing power, and help administer the oceans biosphere.
    [X] Oracle Clams- Admittedly, the one they felt the worst off about was knowing their own ancestors devoured the clams own elders as a delicacy. When we made contact and this was conveyed, we apologized profusely. Thankfully they genuinely don't seem to hold it against us. Though entirely immobile without assistance, they are greatly valued for their Pearls, which contain psychic power, and the occasional vision of possible futures that would affect them.
AHHHHH Its not done yet lol, need a tie breaker cx Edit: Flipped a Coin

[X] plan a bit of everything
-[X] Sea Trolls- These creatures are of incredible mass and strength. Their endurance is absurd, and their bodies have incredible regenerative capability. However, their intelligence is... lacking. Eager to labor in construction and in battle.
-[X] Net Jellies- These beautiful creatures were discovered in the deep sea of one of the worlds. Bio-luminescence used to signal when to extend their strange "brain matter" in the form of a biological net that connects with their kin. This allows incredible levels of mental processing to occur through them. They are enthused to act as biological processing power, and help administer the oceans biosphere.
-[X] Oracle Clams- Admittedly, the one they felt the worst off about was knowing their own ancestors devoured the clams own elders as a delicacy. When we made contact and this was conveyed, we apologized profusely. Thankfully they genuinely don't seem to hold it against us. Though entirely immobile without assistance, they are greatly valued for their Pearls, which contain psychic power, and the occasional vision of possible futures that would affect them.
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Project Ascendency Charter Establishment New
Director #0001 Appointment and Negotiations Meeting

N.1 Was awaiting the meeting with the highest authorities present within the Nation. They were aware that their own Gene-Donor was renown for their background and that their lineage, your existence, from now on would always echo their life's works. Looking back on it you think it'll be vital to the mission... Choose One:

[] Diplomacy- The Velim Empaths are renowned for being incredibly potent diplomats. Thus, this was one of the most common significant professions among them. +Diplo Actions

[] Engineering- Technology allowed the Velim to breach the great barrier between ocean and space. To seed the stars with space stations and mine from passing asteroids along with their moon. +Tech Actions

[] Gene-Tech- Without a doubt, something the four species bonded together over. Mutual excellence at biological to technological interfaces and medicinal treatments. +Genetic Actions

[] Warmaking- Few and far between, viewed as a grim necessity due to Orkoid's existence. Those who dedicated themselves to warfare and doctrine to repelling the enemies of the Velim Empaths. +War Actions

N.1 Was to be the first director of a new, surprisingly quite redacted project. Even those working directly with it from the Velim were required to undergo mental training to withhold this. However, the project's final details were vital and had to be correctly sorted out beforehand. The only true positive in this case was a government that was otherwise open and trusted for the efforts invested in the public goodwill. As such you knew quite well that you started in a fairly comfortable position going into this.

[Must Assign Initial Founding Agreements, Can Have 0 Political Capital, However Must Restore to Positive Before End of Plan.]
Political Capital: 100/100
Public Goodwill: 50/100

Authority: It was vital to dictate exactly how much control you, and by inheritance every director after you hold for the project as a whole.
5- Minimal, The Governing Council
10- Moderate, The Governing Council
15- High, The Governing Council
25- Absolute, The Governing Council forms new branch of government.

Decision 3

Budget: Simply put there is no way any organization marches without garnering funds. The lifeblood of any government organization after all.
5- Minimal, Treasury Agents yield a minimum at 1% of the national budget.
10- Moderate, Treasury Agents yield a workable 2.5% of the national budget.
15- High, Treasury Agents yield an cool 5% of the national budget.
20- Absolute, Treasury Agents yield an impressive10% of the national budget.

Decision 4

Command: Military authority over the Project regarding to actual field deployments and level of shot calling over traditional military leadership.
5- Minimal, Mil-Com effectively controls all project assets.
10- Moderate, Mil-Com control over the project assets is balanced.
15- High, Mil-Com holds little command over project assets.
20- Absolute, Mil-Com holds no direct command over project assets.

Decision 5

Priorities: How bound to the will of the Representatives the Project is. Autonomy comes at a price.
5- Minimal, Civil Admin Directors must heed mandates or else.
10- Moderate Civil Admin holds a balanced authority in issuing mandates.
15- High, Civil Admin holds limited direct authority on mandates.
20- Absolute, Civil Admin holds no direct authority to issue mandates.

Having settled the affairs with the governing organs of the state. The Director boards one of the many transport shuttles used to move swiftly through the system. Unable to achieve star-ocean travel yet able to relatively quickly fling itself to any of the planetoids in the system. Before this meeting, it was time to head to the site and behold the initial facilities and capacities allotted to the project. The Headquarters of Project Transcendence is, of course, located at...

[] Velim 1- Ancestral Homeworld to the Velim Empaths. From its deep-sea trenches, the mighty sea vents and gravitonic slingshots were used to fling vessels into orbit with boosters activating post-water surface. It had grown into a world where many small islands were well occupied with additional infrastructure. It was the most industrially and economically developed. (Costs 5

[] Velim 2- Oracle Clams were discovered on the first world Velim had expanded to. Though they had once eaten them they had created luxury complexes. Here the Clams had access to small drones to allow them their mobility. Within monasteries carved into cliff walls they contemplate and predict. Their pearls a rare commodity used to aid in traversing the Star-Ocean. (Costs 3 PS)

[] Velim 3- Upon Velim 3 deep oceanic exploration had discovered vast migrations of the Net Jellies. Through exposure understanding was had and unity was forged. Through the vast power of their intellect and the ease of communication from the Velim this became the bastion of science and progress. Though it cannot match the industrial might of Velim 1. (Costs 10 PS)

[] Velim 4- Brutish and hostile for generations. The Sea Trolls had to be pacified through generational negotiations and skirmishes. Yet when the Orks came for these worlds the Trolls found commonality against the outsiders who even now have remnants on this world. They are now among the premier infantry forces of the Velim though quite dim.(Costs 1 PS)

[] A Moon Base- Though it lacked the sheer access of the others, it allotted an entire moon to the initial organization. Infrastructure would have to be scaled up dramatically to exploit resources locally or bring in more material from the planets. (Costs 0 PS)

[] Exo-Solar Colony- Almost entirely out of the question. This would place the facility in greater danger if there is incursions. Yet it would further cement your total hegemony over the HQ. (Costs 10 PS)

The Director settled into the partial facility. Already developing a minor headache over the state of things. No matter it was nothing that time and effort could not solve.

Looking forward to seeing where this quest goes! I'll try to brainstorm some ideas tomorrow, however before anything else:

Budget: Simply put there is no way any organization marches without garnering funds. The lifeblood of any government organization after all.
5- Minimal, Treasury Agents yield a minimum at 1% of the national budget.
10- Moderate, Treasury Agents yield a workable 2.5% of the national budget.
15- High, Treasury Agents yield an cool 5% of the national budget.
20- Absolute, Treasury Agents yield an impressive10% of the national budget.

@ErraticWizard, I think I see how the amount of authority that is held over the project by the civilian authority and military command could have consequences for the development of all parties arise from the emergent narrative and the degree of importance of externally manadated objectives/deadline, but does the percentage of the budget we take also have a potential mechanical and/or narrative consequences of leaving less resources for other government bodies which will thus be weaker, less able to lend assistance and need ourselves to fulfil a wider role?

Looking forward to seeing where this quest goes! I'll try to brainstorm some ideas tomorrow, however before anything else:

@ErraticWizard, I think I see how the amount of authority that is held over the project by the civilian authority and military command could have consequences for the development of all parties arise from the emergent narrative and the degree of importance of externally manadated objectives/deadline, but does the percentage of the budget we take also have a potential mechanical and/or narrative consequences of leaving less resources for other government bodies which will thus be weaker, less able to lend assistance and need ourselves to fulfil a wider role?

Why yes the portion of the budget to you get does affect the rest of the nation. Similarly the other features have some pretty direct effects on things to come. This also decides the tone of things. I.e. if you have Mandates get ready for mandates, if you are more independently minded though they want to see more results from the project if you are more independent.

Edit: In short each of these shifts the internal interactions a bit. Homeworld also has impact there, and then the actual performance of the org regardless of choices will affect the various organs of government interacting at the next meeting.
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[X] Gene-Tech- Without a doubt, something the four species bonded together over. Mutual excellence at biological to technological interfaces and medicinal treatments. +Genetic Actions

This looks fun. Not sure on anything else tho
Plan: Balanced start
[X] Diplomacy- The Velim Empaths are renowned for being incredibly potent diplomats. Thus, this was one of the most common significant professions among them. +Diplo Actions
[X] A Moon Base- Though it lacked the sheer access of the others, it allotted an entire moon to the initial organization. Infrastructure would have to be scaled up dramatically to exploit resources locally or bring in more material from the planets. (Costs 0 PS)
[X] 10- Moderate, The Governing Council
[X] 10- Moderate, Treasury Agents yield a workable 2.5% of the national budget.
[X] 10- Moderate, Mil-Com control over the project assets is balanced.
[X] 10- Moderate Civil Admin holds a balanced authority in issuing mandates.
Plan: Balanced start
[X] Diplomacy- The Velim Empaths are renowned for being incredibly potent diplomats. Thus, this was one of the most common significant professions among them. +Diplo Actions
[X] A Moon Base- Though it lacked the sheer access of the others, it allotted an entire moon to the initial organization. Infrastructure would have to be scaled up dramatically to exploit resources locally or bring in more material from the planets. (Costs 0 PS)
[X] 10- Moderate, The Governing Council
[X] 10- Moderate, Treasury Agents yield a workable 2.5% of the national budget.
[X] 10- Moderate, Mil-Com control over the project assets is balanced.
[X] 10- Moderate Civil Admin holds a balanced authority in issuing mandates.

Yeah so unless any other votes happen you are just gonna win by default xD will close this out come Sunday methinks.
Plan: Balanced start
[X] Diplomacy- The Velim Empaths are renowned for being incredibly potent diplomats. Thus, this was one of the most common significant professions among them. +Diplo Actions
[X] A Moon Base- Though it lacked the sheer access of the others, it allotted an entire moon to the initial organization. Infrastructure would have to be scaled up dramatically to exploit resources locally or bring in more material from the planets. (Costs 0 PS)
[X] 10- Moderate, The Governing Council
[X] 10- Moderate, Treasury Agents yield a workable 2.5% of the national budget.
[X] 10- Moderate, Mil-Com control over the project assets is balanced.
[X] 10- Moderate Civil Admin holds a balanced authority in issuing mandates
Yeah that'll do cx eager to just get into this.
Scheduled vote count started by ErraticWizard on Jan 15, 2025 at 7:44 AM, finished with 7 posts and 3 votes.

  • [X] Diplomacy- The Velim Empaths are renowned for being incredibly potent diplomats. Thus, this was one of the most common significant professions among them. +Diplo Actions
    [X] A Moon Base- Though it lacked the sheer access of the others, it allotted an entire moon to the initial organization. Infrastructure would have to be scaled up dramatically to exploit resources locally or bring in more material from the planets. (Costs 0 PS)
    [X] 10- Moderate, The Governing Council
    [X] 10- Moderate, Treasury Agents yield a workable 2.5% of the national budget.
    [X] 10- Moderate, Mil-Com control over the project assets is balanced.
    [X] 10- Moderate Civil Admin holds a balanced authority in issuing mandates.
    [X] Gene-Tech- Without a doubt, something the four species bonded together over. Mutual excellence at biological to technological interfaces and medicinal treatments. +Genetic Actions
The End Is Coming: Prologue Pt.2 New
Turn 0 Plan Phase, Organization Preamble

Director #1 arrived to the facility that Project Transcendence would begin its full awakening. All that remained was to finish commanding the construction initiatives and begin operations.

You have 1 Die assigned to Diplomacy by default thanks to specialty, You have 1 permanent free die, and 5 free dice that you must assign to categories permanently. You will unlock additional dice as you go.

Assign Free Dice Permanently

[Diplomacy] 1 Dice+X

[] [Deploy Representative 1]
-[] Deploy Representative, Velim 1: Velim are the greatest of the national presences in the confederation. It is vital to establish diplomatic connections.
Prog: (0/50)
-[] Deploy Representative, Velim 2: Foolish is the mind that refuses the power of prophecy. In securing our relations here, we could receive supernatural advice.
Prog: (0/50)
-[] Deploy Representative, Velim 3: Technology and Innovation are vital to the Confederation and us. Reaching out couldn't hurt.
Prog: (0/50)
-[] Deploy Representative, Velim 4: Most brutal and potent of them, while diplomacy is of... reduced value it still could net us useful ties to the army.
Prog: (0/50)
-[] Deploy Representative, Velim Exo-Solar: Bluntly put these worlds will bear the burden of the initial attacks. Thus perhaps they are need outreach most?
Prog: (0/50)

[Military] 0 Dice+X

[] [Assess Situation 1]
-[] Assess Situation, Velim 1: Home of the Velim, Fortress and Industrial Font. Yet even this worlds survival is in question before the unknown, assess its odds with limited frontline information.
Prog: (0/50)
-[] Assess Situation, Velim 2: Home of the Oracles, Monasteries and Preserves. The least defended world in the core, its survival is considered a strategic necessity. Assess for full-scale reinforcement.
Prog: (0/50)
-[] Assess Situation, Velim 3: Home of the Net Jellies, Technological Innovation and National Processing. Considered vital to all large technological progression. Assess for defensive revisement.
Prog: (0/50)
-[] Assess Situation, Velim 4: Home of the Sea Trolls, Brutal and Wild Lands. Considered vital to the Confederations Army. Assess for full-scale reinforcement to secure them.
Prog: (0/50)
-[] Assess Situation, Velim Exo-Solar: The frontier and the fledgling colonies between the advancing threat and the core. These worlds are varied from write off to potential hardpoints.
Prog: (0/50)

[Stewardship] 0 Dice+X

[] [Assess Infrastructure 1]
-[] Assess Infrastructure, Velim 1: Project Transcendence is intensive in infrastructural demands. Though here the greater challenge is finding available infra to use.
Prog: (0/50)
-[] Assess Infrastructure, Velim 2: Spacious and vast, yet much of it is preserved. Perhaps there is space the Oracles would allow us to use?
Prog: (0/50)
-[] Assess Infrastructure, Velim 3: Fundamentally the technologies forged here are needed. Though it'll be fierce competition for useful access.
Prog: (0/50)
-[] Assess Infrastructure, Velim 4: Bluntly put wide open outside of native settlements and limited confederation army presence. This means it has the most potential with the least prebuilt access.
Prog: (0/50)
-[] Assess Infrastructure, Velim Exo-Solar: The Frontier fascinates you and encourages minds. The colonies vary greatly but all need assessment.
Prog: (0/50)

[Intrigue] 0 Dice+X

[] [Recruiting Observers 1]
-[] Recruit Observers, Velim 1: Politically the center of the universe. Observers are a must to get more information.
Prog: (0/50)
-[] Recruit Observers, Velim 2: Its an option? However, the Oracles remain relatively sedate and openly share their knowledge.
Prog: (0/50)
-[] Recruit Observers, Velim 3: Center of Technology and Research? Yes please insiders go.
Prog: (0/50)
-[] Recruit Observers, Velim 4: Primarily tied to the Army this is to put our fingers to part of the military pulse.
Prog: (0/50)
-[] Recruit Observers, Velim Exo-Solar: News traveling inwards will arrive here first after all.
Prog: (0/50)

[Research] 0 Dice+X

[] [Collecting Samples 1]
-[] Collect Samples, Velim 1: Our remit requires the deepest level of genetic understanding and potential asset stock as we can acquire and go forth.
Prog: (0/50)
-[] Collect Samples, Velim 2: Our remit requires the deepest level of genetic understanding and potential asset stock as we can acquire and go forth.
Prog: (0/50)
-[] Collect Samples, Velim 3: Our remit requires the deepest level of genetic understanding and potential asset stock as we can acquire and go forth.
Prog: (0/50)
-[] Collect Samples, Velim 4: Our remit requires the deepest level of genetic understanding and potential asset stock as we can acquire and go forth.
Prog: (0/50)
-[] Collect Samples, Velim Exo-Solar: Our remit requires the deepest level of genetic understanding and potential asset stock as we can acquire and go forth.
Prog: (0/50)

[Genetics] 0 Dice+X

[] Replica Enhancements
-[] Replica Strength 1
Prog: (0/?)
-[] Replica Dexterity 1
Prog: (0/?)
-[] Replica Constitution 1
Prog: (0/?)
-[] Replica Intelligence 1
Prog: (0/?)
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