Ad Astra ex Lutum

Another effortpost on our operational situations, and what I believe is our path to victory on the ground:

So, despite everything, I think our tactical situation on the ground is rapidly improving. While the influx of new combat power has shifted the initiative back in the enemies favor, the 58th has shown us that if we can overmatch the enemy tanks in numbers, we can now defeat them in battle. The question then becomes how we can set up these situations. Let me bring up the most relevant quotes and try and summarize what I take from it:

By the fifth day, additional forces of the Alien enemy were tasked with halting the incursion with VTOLs deployed in large numbers along with a stock of armored assets to halt the breakthrough. Broadly across the front, their holding actions failed, the armor that had consistently posed a threat that could not be surmounted was surmounted and overcome at several sectors. A single tank of the Alien Enemy used to be an insurmountable challenge, but with successive engagements, they have proven unable to adequately respond to coordinated flanking fire with previously solid defenses of two mutually supporting tanks capable of being overrun by a well-coordinated company.

Initial desperation ploys by the Alien Enemy to stall the advance by deploying a mixture of rear line IFV and VTOL assets have been partially defeated as while the latter proved more capable of defeating armor, the lack of warning has cost the Alien Enemy several VTOL craft.
Counter-attacks in the sector have managed to stall the operation and provide a sufficient degree of delay on the main axis of advance but at a significant cost. Repositioning of what is believed to be a full alien armored battalion managed to contain the initial advance as the initiative was depleted along with several AFVs being stalled due to fuel, supply, and progressively worsening mud conditions. The division was still theoretically combat-capable in the initial phases before the Alien Enemy started large-scale counter-attack operations but that would not last.

1. A tank company (13) can defeat an enemy tank section (2)
2. IFVs and VTOLs are not sufficient to contain our armored thrusts.
3. Massed enemy tanks can contain our armored advances, but one battalion being enough to contain the 58th was in large part due to the horrific mud situation, and supply issues caused by that same mud.

The destruction of at least fifty alien IFVs has been confirmed along with confirmed gun camera kills on around twenty tanks and another twenty VTOL craft, significantly degrading forces in the theater.

4. The 58th Armored Corps managed to inflict enough casualties to turn a mechanized brigades worth of forces combat ineffective before going down, even with its dubious tactical situation.

So, what does that mean for us? A lot of good things, actually. Going by the current assumptions that we are dealing with a mechanized division and an armored division, with three combat brigades and a 'support brigade' for each of them, and the fact that one brigade from the mech division has been made combat ineffective, trading at current rates would in theory mean we only need to spend 5 armored corps with type 45s to make the enemy mechanized assets combat ineffective. This isnt a good way to model things since the enemy now has a lot more armor and we kill those at a significantly slower rate, but if we correctly set up the situation our ability to fight their tanks should be much improved over what the 58th was capable of as well.

So how do we set up these favorable situations that allow us to defeat enemy armor, especially now that they've been reinforced? First, we need to inflict virtual attrition. What is virtual attrition?

When it comes to military affairs, virtual attrition entails the threat or use of violence to cause inefficient changes in enemy force generation or force employment. Put simply, a military inflicts virtual attrition when its attack, or the prospect of its attack, causes the adversary to adjust its behavior in ways that decrease the quality, amount, or rate of combat power brought to bear. Conversely, a military suffers virtual attrition when the physical attrition it fears causes it to deploy, maneuver, or sustain its forces in suboptimal ways.
Link to the article thats dragged from: Quality Has a Quality All Its Own: The Virtual Attrition Value of Superior-Performance Weapons - War on the Rocks

We've already been doing a lot of that; our main defensive doctrine currently is all about inflicting virtual attrition with short attacks and recon in force operations to tie up enemy IFVs and armor to defend their infantry. Our artillery, rather than being able to achieve effective destructive fire is also mostly used to disrupt enemy attempts at concentration, tie up IFVs and to suppress infantry positions. Adding more pressure here, especially attritional drones and similar projects should increase both real attrition and virtual attrition, however it will not be enough to win the war in any timely manner. For that we need big armored pushes like the 58th did.

The suicidal charge of the 58th Corps became suicidal in large parts because the main efforts couldnt happen due to the mud, but given current weather patterns it seems likely the raining season will end much earlier then expected, given the fact that there is only so much water that can be dropped down on our planet as rain, which combined with the reduced sunlight would limit how much precipitation is physically possible. I've written a lot about mud and how it affects both sides here, but in short we need to take advantage of the improved ability to maneuver the end of mud season represents.

That means we now need to seriously consider launching large scale spoiling attacks by the armored corps, supported by the CAAs doing their recon in force operations, in order to wrest the initiative away from the enemy and have them fight on our terms. We gave ground this month so that our armies and corps could recover, if they've recovered enough to start offensive operations again then we probably need to do that before the enemy manages to split our forces and conquer Athluas (and more importantly the port facilities there).
War for Dannan Turn 11, Month 8 45 AE

War for Dannan Turn 11, Month 8 45 AE

Government Support: Unlimited
Budget: 295 Total Mobilizational Capacity; 185 Available

-30 for 3 Months Superconductor Plants
-10 for 10 Months Nuclear Production
-25 for 5 Months Redundant Harbor Systems
-15 for 5 Months Homefront Logistical Stabilization
-30 for 1 Month Infantry System Production

Vehicle Recovery Efforts
AAR by Major Achall Niadh

The Morvran is a vehicle that has been designed for heavy operations in adverse conditions according to both the technical and operations manuals. Current practice has involved the designation of a platoon per company as a series of armored recovery vehicles in case of breakdown or bog down. Initial operational maneuvers conducted with the Morvran have immediately demonstrated several issues as the tank is too heavy for its ground profile and all the torque available, it does not help when the vehicle's low profile makes it susceptible to bogging. In battalion maneuvers across the theater in preparation for offensive actions the entire battalion has bogged down at least once with six breakdowns in training evaluation.

Frontline modifications to the tank have seen a new design for the tracks issued as standard to reduce issues in bogging down, with widened external components to improve grip against heavy mud. This has been accompanied by a reinforced set of drive wheels, providing improved durability for force transfer from each of the electric drives. Onboard batteries have if anything proven reliable along with the internal systems but anything involving performance on terrain has been sacrificed in favor of anti-laser performance. Current frontline recommendations for iterated variants are focused on the increase of track width, greater elevation of the main tank body, and reliability improvements for the drive components.

Drivetrain issues are secondary to the issues with the L75 LGG as the gas mechanism remains deeply imperfect no matter the technical work done on it. The seal on the weapon system is redundant and consistent with no issues reported across the entire corps but consistency in both pressure and gas composition has caused several issues. Accuracy at ranges above two kilometers is poor even with the flattened trajectory of the round due to inconsistencies in combustion. Loading systems also have had several cryogenic and pressure issues with moisture buildup on the electronic feed systems, a consistent problem due to the cryogenic issues in storage. Initial fixes have used absorbents in the area, but that remains a temporary fix as there are only so many improvised items that can be used for the task.

As one of the few bright spots of the project, Morvran's power supply system is uncomplicated and reliable. The number of components that have been directly cloned off trucks in the civilian sector notwithstanding, the system works, provides motive power and doesn't kick up issues like everything else with the tank. Immediate recommendations for new tracks along with dehydration systems for the primary gun are expected to solve most immediate issues with current conditions. Improving gun accuracy is going to take a more concerted effort or a redesign of the entire firing and loading chamber. As far as a tank that had been shat out in five months of frantic work, it's better than expected, if a clunking mess that is more appropriate for a pillbox than an armored vehicle.

Broader Strategic Picture:

Retreat actions have defined the last few months with the 74th Armored receiving the order to hold back the primary axis of advance as long as possible. The corps is expected to be rendered combat ineffective in the next month if not this one as no matter how many direct-fire nuclear shells are employed the older vehicles cannot counter significant concentrations of alien armor. Support from the 1st and 5th CAA has brought the front itself to a slow advance, forcing a cautious pace of advance for the Alien Enemy as even small ambushes represent something of a slowing factor, especially as support forces can be harassed due to the proximity of the front.

Frontal conditions along with the implementation of Coral have seen many of the formations responsible in an organized retreat, trading space for time to reorganize otherwise damaged armored forces. Increased production of type 45 systems has already started to locally turn the tide with five corps equipped or reconstructed with the new machines just this month. Production is liable to plateau in the next two months as the primary industry reaches the buildout capacity for the vehicle. Further, the CAAs assigned to the front have received their respective tank destroyer units to improve general defensive capabilities in the meantime. Thanks to the rapid advance of the autumn rains at the end of summer, much of the ground has proven impassable, slowing the alien advance to a paltry five kilometers a day.

Confirmation has come that the Alien Enemy has at least three hundred tanks and a further four hundred IFVs concentrated across the primary theater at current deployments. The infantry formations available to it have been successively savaged with the deployment of infantry split into three discrete grades in internal memos and AID analysis of the disposition of their forces. Category A infantry was initially deployed in four divisions, but strength in the initial invasion has been reduced to two field divisions in recent consolidations along with two organizational units used for training, if still designated as divisions. These forces have many of the initial wave integral IFV systems, representing the bulk of visible armored power and the most capable troops on the field outside new forces.

The initially fielded divisions of category B forces have been at least partially trained units equipped with what has been described as "security" armor. The preferences of the alien enemy have seen them used sparingly and generally as secondary troops with distributed support assets from improved units used overwhelmingly to provide stiffness and local support. Distribution of heavier rifle-type weaponry amongst the group has improved significantly along with training and formation capabilities as the early units in the invasion of Curach have received a trial by fire along with a general culling of the more incompetent elements. At this point, the force comprises approximately a single division and if the original counter-attacks envisaged by Plan Orange went into operation there is a near total agreement of both analysts and ML systems that it would have been a deathblow for these formations.

Newer reinforcements can be separated into two very distinct categories as they are oceans apart in quality and capability. The largest part of the force has been the category C formations that have been internally designated as militia units. Most have received primary simulation-focused training with several of the NCO core incorporated from other units to stiffen discipline and improve overall training. The armor of the militia units is technically superior across the primary aspect, but armament is limited to carbines, and already several reports have been made internally on the inadequacy of electronic systems onboard the armor. Current deployments have three divisions placed on Curach, two on the Moon, and one that has been frontally deployed and has already lost thirty percent of its combat power.

The latest drop represents something of a curiosity and a major element of new forces that have been moved to frontline positions. The force is a full armored division with a set of supporting assets and at current estimations has nearly multiplied the Alien Enemies armored force fivefold. This is accompanied by an expanded set of mechanized equipment of a more modern generation if one that is still believed to be under threat by the military gun. These have also taken some casualties in the drop but the amount has yet to be communicated to the compromised executive suite. This division is expected to perform offensive operations on the Eastern corridor to Athlaus, as it has been deployed there and current climatic conditions have made movement across the front prohibitive. Further, support assets have involved a battalion of dedicated SPLAA, negating most reasonable quantities of high-medium arc artillery fire across primary frontal sectors.

With the recovery of the artifact further forces have been allocated for the invasion with a significant focus on mechanized units to make up for the shortfalls inherent to their infantry forces. Armor has performed the best of all of their units by far and the current vulnerability of front-line assets to enemy armor has been endemic to every defeat suffered by the military. To that end the corporate board has confirmed the purchase of four armored divisions, what has been designated as a high-quality mechanized division, and two motorized divisions with a further allocation of trucks to mobilize current infantry units. The armored corps itself is believed to be using modernized older generation vehicles, with current data intercepts indicating a worse armor profile but partially better sensor packages compared to currently fielded machines.

This represents something of the zenith of current investment funds as even the most optimistic investors do not believe a larger wave is coming in the C-suite. With this allocation of reinforcements further waves of personnel are not expected to be as large and the current C-suite has significantly reduced its share of investment capital. What is left now is to defeat the wave and drive the Alien Enemy off the planet, of the system, and ensure that the CLP is destroyed before it can flee. The forces tasked with the destruction of Dannan are significant but new armor has already proven that their tanks are not invincible and can be destroyed, even frontally, at an acceptable ratio. Railgun system testing is advancing at a decent pace and the first examples of next-generation armor are likely to be available before initial landing waves.

[]Plan White: The alien enemy is expecting to regain an offensive posture and stress the line on the approaches to Athlaus with a likely goal of separating the frontline. Operations conducted by the armored corps on the line in the Weaker sectors in the West can be attempted as a follow-on from plan orange, striking once the ground stops being as muddy and enabling some coordinated offensive operations. If the Alien enemy commits to an attack on the previously planned location, the goal will be to ensure that they are heavily engaged, aiming to collapse the front by attacking the weak flank.

[]Plan Black: Instead of acting on the weaker sector, the armored force can be consolidated and concentrated to degrade the alien armored units as preparatory maneuvers for larger operations in the next months. This would be a partially conventional defense with the aim of both slowing down the spearhead and forcing the weaker flanking formations to undergo constant lethal attack. Getting the majority of forces in position will take the first week of operations leaving the theater only protected by the reduced concentrations of mud. If all goes well then it will be possible to significantly degrade and destroy many of the armored spearheads, expanding the offensive capacity of the Alien Enemy.

[]Plan Green: Continuing what has worked when it comes to steady short attacks and frontal attritional operations can work to reduce the number of armored vehicles and serve to increase attrition. Increasingly large sectors of the front line are only manned in the sense of having quick response teams and successful attacks can be reinforced towards minor penetrations of the defensive line. The primary offensive axis will impose severe costs in men and material but by continuing a strategy of attritional commitments the enemy army will be forced to narrow its defensive lines. Follow-on attacks by mechanized CAA units will be core, extending the front further and forcing the Alien Enemy into an unsustainable frontline condition.

[]Plan Purple: The defenses of Curach have been reduced to under-equipped units and training formations, by shifting forward three older armored corps along with two CAAs for landing operations with beachhead operations by the 2nd and 5th Special Attack divisions a massive defeat can be handed to the enemy. All submarine assets will be focused on the reduction of supply lines with the first Type 45 Kelpie's supporting the assault and providing anti-VTOL and kinetic cover. Operations on Dulliech will focus on larger-scale offensives to pin the remnants of planetary units in their positions, likely increasing attrition but ensuring that the Alien Enemy has too many sectors to react to. Initial landing operations will involve the use of six hundred 800kt warheads on terrain-following platforms, cauterizing the landing zone before major disembarkation, and softening the defensive perimeter.

PSC Agent-Partisan Actions:

Recent moves to organize partisan actions through AID connections with local cells have borne fruit at a far greater scale than ever expected. Settlers that originally came up to the land in the aftermath of the war and the following peace treaty, especially several of the farmers that have moved into the area have become ripe for radicalization. A few direct connections and a prolonged discussion on the atrocities committed by the local government, the alien oppressor, and more importantly their poor perception of local events and politics have enabled a wide recruiting base. Several countryside organizations have been established for radicalizing and training the youth, ensuring that they are ready to die for the cause of liberation and be expended to inflict attrition on enemy formations.

Several have been given training for use in short attacks on vulnerable positions with minimal support assets with a massive degree of success. For the expenditure of one to four radicals, an entire public area can be shut down with significant attrition inflicted on local government organs. Further efforts towards the militarization of local organs have failed to achieve larger formations with most of the local army units challenging to reorganize due to the challenging local political situation. Recruitment of a series of radicalized youth has been easy if anything, but getting productive soldiers out of the effort has posed its nightmare. At the current rate, local formations are likely to be expended in the next six to nine months.

This has culminated in a massive coordinated strike against the believed position of the traitor's health minister, as his schedule was compromised by internal agents. Delegating planning to local organs of the AID along with several less reliable intelligence operatives have allowed them to achieve their objective, if with significant blowback. Compared to the clean operation expected through the insertion of an armed squad along with the significant use of remote-drive car bombs, the casualties and fallout have been immense. Local units have chosen to procure a nuclear artillery shell with agents giving them the armament codes to improve the depth of attack penetration along with the materials for achieving a sufficient radiological coating.

This attack along with a string of more blatant maneuvers has gotten the effort severe criticisms due to the degree of collateral damage involved. The nuclear attack along with two dozen high-yield car bombs have led to something of a local reaction to the program as many otherwise supporting personnel have been shocked by the damage involved. The local PSC party organizations have been declaring the recent string of attacks as a series of victories against the invader and its collaborationists, but several domestic voices have started cautioning against the degree of escalation. The campaign is working, but not enough to achieve a deceptive impact or keep down a significant number of high-quality forces.

[]Continue Open Support: The invader must not surrender a single meter of ground or a single room. If the PSC and local paramilitary cells are willing to fire at the invader they should be given every asset available for the struggle. The question of the postwar situation inherently requires there to be a successful post-war situation. If any Seelie is willing to take up arms and throw themselves at the invader, then they should at least have the honor of dying productively.

[]Denounce and Support: Denouncing the heinous actions of strikes against arguably irrelevant targets and the operation of deliberately dirty bombs can be done as a public line. Official channels of support will have to be reallocated through loyalist forces on the island along with Department Four black budgets to reduce government transparency. Continued attacks will poison the well for the youth's view of the PSC and various partisan organizations, allowing them to dig their proverbial graves.

[]Institute Guidelines: The heads of Departments Four and Six both believe that any guidelines would immediately be worked around, but even by them being worked around some limits can be implemented. Restricting the issuance of nuclear weaponry to cells outside direct military control can be a first step along with the implementation of a tighter RoE for partisan forces. All of these policies will be worked around but painting the partisans as having gone off the proverbial reservation can have political benefits that do not degrade the assets involved.

[]Denounce Officially: The literal fascists are supporting the current groups and every victory here is of negligible tactical value anyway. By cutting support from the organizations involved and pulling away AID assets the domestic political impact can be minimized both during and after the war. An official denouncement and a removal of support will mollify local criticism and have negligible impact on the overall conduct of the war even if some tactical victories may be surrendered through the relocation of forces.

Current Programs for Mobilization:

Icebreaker Construction Efforts: With the expected northern freezes over much of the oceans from the incoming winter, new programs for building icebreakers are going to be needed. A massive amount of industrial supplies need to be shipped from mines in the south along with the necessities of maintaining a northern route to keep supply flowing to Milta and the other cities. Initial orders will come in place of modernized cargo ships with yards that are ready to complete their vessels on a standardized high-flotation design capable of dealing with moderate enemy fire and breaking thicker ice. Reinforcement in the form of a thicker high-capability HEA-Y prow will be implemented, allowing improved cold weather performance with the first examples ready by the end of the year. (108) (artificial crit)

Rapid construction and buildup of new icebreakers have been one of the current priorities to keep the southern supply lines open. Fortunately for the current, several ships have received modifications using ultra-hard light HEA compounds, fortifying the bow and allowing the mounting of a hardened system without structural changes outside external reinforcement. Dedicated icebreakers are still going to be constructed along with widening the previously underway anti-laser naval refit program. Both are expected to proceed well before winter, stabilizing supplies and providing some provisions for loss of shipping tonnage. The new generation of icebreakers is expected to receive further anti-laser armoring, reducing the impact of possible bombardment.

Redundant Harbor Systems: As alien bombardment has started to hit harbor infrastructure no matter how much it has been diverted from laser intercepts, a critical question is to make infrastructure redundant while modifying ships for independent unloading. Current programs aim to do both with the modification of transport shipping to service prefabricated cranes that can flexibly load onto trucks and trains instead of using dedicated cargo-port infrastructure where necessary. Almost four hundred new low-capacity harbors have also been planned with a more resistant to bombardment layout, ensuring that operations can continue even under mildly disorganized bombardment. (68)

Harbor expansions that have been previously planned to rapidly improve the economy have been re-proposed and pushed to implementation. Most have been designed to be modular with the cover of an overlapping series of light pulse laser batteries to reduce the impact of impactors and protect infrastructure from bombardment. Actual construction of some of the larger systems in the Mouran chain is going to take the majority of the next year but almost sixty smaller ports will be completed in two months to eliminate key logistical shortfalls. Construction programs for the larger harbors have brought out millions of workers as much of the heavy machinery has started to degrade from the pressures of wartime as plants have remained fully militarized.

Homefront Logistical Stabilization: Expanding local railways and truck routes has been something of a secondary priority due to the stress placed on the industry during the war, but both offer redundancy and industrial stability. These new rail lines would be comparatively well defended from kinetic strikes due to the laser batteries reducing the accuracy of fire while ensuring that large loads of cargo can easily travel internally. Trains further offer a more efficient mode of transportation than trucks, allowing previously logistically essential trucks to be mobilized for military use and to support units in the field. (71)

Designs of new battery-powered electric trains have been pushed towards mass production in some secondary theaters along with new railway lines. These are not expected to entirely replace oceangoing shipping on the larger island chains but a focus on improvements in rail infrastructure is expected to reduce naval force use, allowing more shipping to be mobilized. Road modernization has accompanied the modernization of railway infrastructure with several two-lane low-visibility roads starting construction in strategic points to simplify the movement of workers and resources. Relocation of naval assets will not be available for much of the next year, but the new infrastructure can start the steady movement toward land-based logistics and interior settlement.

Infantry System Production: Increasing the production of the Type 45 equipment set along with its accompanying automatic rifle variant will be important to modernize infantry formations. The automatic rifle is a simple extension with an enlarged fifty-round magazine fed through the rear, an integral bipod, and improvements in thermal performance under sustained fire. Both systems will start being issued to infantry units in the next month to improve the performance of current troops in the field and provide some minor gains in capability to new formations. The armor itself is if anything a larger problem as the more advanced equipment is problematic to manufacture as they demand improved AI performance. (96)

Production of the new Type 45 armor system has been the largest priority and success of the program with new units shipped out to secondary theaters as limited logistical throughput to the main front has limited the deployment of new systems. This has come with several challenges in implementation especially for new ammunition as the polymer industry has had some mild struggles in the production of adequate numbers of CT 12mm rounds. Still, current production is expected to be sufficient to arm frontline units over the next few months as production and logistics improve. The new machine gun is a simple modification of the base Type 45 Assault Rifle with improved firing chamber heat rejection and an integrated bipod to provide a stable base of fire. Improved 3d location hardware has been developed to accompany the gun as a modular package, providing an improved battlefield picture.

Emergency Food Programs: With the lack of food and partial destruction of the harvest the food situation has continued to destabilize with acute shortages expected over the winter. Supplementation with alternative food sources has already started but the initial expectations of a more normal harvest this year have been dashed by increasing cold conditions and a persistent reduction of sunlight along with increasing metallic burdens, causing crops to grow far smaller than they normally should. Third-generation starch organisms can be deployed both in contained and uncontained environments to stabilize the situation, allowing for continued resistance. (97)

Third-generation directly controlled starch organisms built on a limited genome with metabolic control factors have been distributed at scale to improve food production. The program has involved the implementation of standard grow tanks with defense against algal buildup to minimize maintenance efforts, allowing a single light strip and fan to be used to make a generative calorie-dense slush. This can later be refined directly into easy-to-format starch that can then be pressed into bars with all ninety-seven flavors and sixteen textures that have been developed and pushed at the lowest level. Local production systems can easily flavor and texture the processed starch to feed the general public with flavor and texture composition determined on demand. Open field programs have accompanied smaller closed system efforts, with stockpiles of starch expected to be sufficient for a year of operations by the end of the year.

Expansion of Heating Systems: Nuclear winter is coming in the next few months with temperatures expected to drop by around ten degrees from current use and another five if the incineration of the biosphere is maintained. Out-of-control fires have been a mainstay of several sectors leading to massive depositions of carbon into the atmosphere. The number of ground bursts conducted has also increased the relative thermal burden, modifying the climate and reducing the availability of sunlight. Limited heating is going to cause several casualties if not built up now and the power grid loading will steadily increase as the winter gets worse. (63) (Increases Power Issues)

Standardized electric and fuel oil heating systems have been prioritized for construction to reduce the impacts of the incoming nuclear winter. Initial infrastructure constructed in the aftermath of the exchange has been returned to operation with several district heating systems refurbished. Consumption of fuel oil, LNG, and electricity is expected to increase as things move into winter with most significant urban areas protected from the worst ravages of the winter. Heating in more rural areas has been focused on single-room resistance heating units that are cheap to produce and operate, allowing the heating of a select number of rooms and the general stabilization of temperatures. Issuing them is as simple as making the printable design public, with small workshops all able to produce a small heating element.

New Fusion Reactor Cores: Older-designed magnetic confinement fusion reactors can still maintain adequate separation of reaction products, allowing for significant power yields from even DT reactions. Underground construction of high-efficiency 15GW D-T tokamaks will provide a comfortable amount of baseload for cities that are currently struggling with power security. The issues with building new cores are significant due to the technical demands of the project but hardened fusion cores represent an immense generation capacity. Surplus parts still exist along with some under-utilized production capacity allowing the program to be implemented quickly with slower follow-ons built up for general grid security. (49) (Reduces Power Issues)

Several older facilities for the production of fusion confinement magnets and MHD power harvesting systems have been partially taken apart previously for the production of war material, but now with a lack of production damage grid increases have become necessary. To achieve them the old infrastructure has been brought back and concentrated instead of being used for other high-power magnetic and sensor applications. First tokamaks are going to only be available in a few months using surplus parts that are still in warehouses with actual new production not expected to start this year. All of the reactor cores constructed are going to be arguably obsolete DT magnetic confinement systems, but each can more than power an entire city.

Available Mobilization Programs:

[]Establishment of New Electronics Plants: More mature designs for a combined sixty-four core conventional chipset interlinked with a lower node bridging circuit and two 90nm optical cores will more than quadruple general computing power. The non-monolithic design alone has moved electronics down another node with the optical cores providing rapid calculation capacity that would otherwise not be available. Applications for neural network modeling alone promise to be immense and if funded now could achieve initial technical yields in twelve months, revolutionizing military equipment and the economy. (-40 Mobilization Capacity for 3 Months)

[]Decentralization of Energy System Production: Solar and battery production has not previously been considered a high-priority industry to be of military necessity but now that the war is moving to a new stage, it still needs to be hardened. Battery production plants will be broken up and steadily moved into better camouflage areas with photovoltaic plants rapidly following behind them. Solar systems offer an unparalleled advantage in durability and portability compared to any other source of power generation and can provide some resilience to the general grid. Emergency generators are of course being built already but having more options for electricity is unlikely to damage anything. (-15 Mobilization Capacity for 6 Months)

[]Expand Mainline Yards: The large naval yards currently building and modifying ships by their hundreds need further expansion and funding to keep up with the intensifying demand for the movement of metal and war material. Immediate programs will focus on already existing yards, adding several slipways for conventional naval production along with expanding them to produce more vessels in general. The war has demanded far more of the merchant marine, especially with the growth of heavy industries above any original expectation. These expansions will be slow to start, but supplies of mainline transport ships might be stabilized by the end of next year. (-50 Mobilization Capacity)

[]Expand Housing Allocations: Building larger housing along the central Mouran chain will likely be taken as a bad sign but if massive numbers of refugees are inbound cities need to be prepared to house them. The program will mostly focus on the construction of expedient standardized housing as was done in the immediate post-exchange era. Little originality and flourish will be available, but for the next few months over fifty million apartments of adequate quality can be built. This will continue to expand the urban centers, and theoretically, if more jobs open up can even start some economic growth. (-20 Mobilization Capacity for 4 Months)

[]Seabed Mining and Refining Programs: High-quality HEA-Y production inherently depends on Yttrium with few exceptions. Nodule mining of the seafloor has been attempted several times with results slowing after the mass use of asteroid mining. Resuming those programs with an eye toward rare earths will be essential for increasing supplies. Enough of it will not be available to stick it on every application where it would offer an advantage, but most vehicles can have a few reinforced parts that will reduce wear. Refining industries are going to be massively power-hungry and polluting, but that in itself is a problem after the war. (-20 Mobilization Capacity for 2 Months)

[]Attritional Drones: The fundamental dominance of SPLAA is a consistent problem for every form of attack but it can partially be worked around. As there are no satellite communications and a general state of moderate jamming, this leaves few comfortable options for the utilization of hunter-killer drones. Current proposals from Milta, General Aerospace, and Lunos are an entirely autonomous self-contained system. Produced by the millions and capable of independently locating and intercepting infantry in a set region, it will ensure an adequate suppressive effect. Direct contact with a light cumulative charge will be challenging, reducing casualty-causing effect but the less the Alien Enemy can rest the greater the effect of all other forces. (-25 Mobilization Capacity)

[]Heavy Drone Systems: Dealing with enemy armor with a large cumulative warhead has been dismissed after prolonged testing against dense carbon weave but that does not mean there isn't an ordinance capable of achieving effective kills. The use of large ClF3 charges on heavier turbine-powered drones used in large thermal tracking swarms can impede vehicle traversal and due to the few styles of barak and portable living quarters used in the lines, utilize terrain following for enhanced penetration. These would have to be fully autonomous systems due to the inherent limitations in guidance and heavy jamming at frontal positions, but similar swarm systems have already been demonstrated. All that is left is for design efforts to go ahead and production to sufficiently increase. (-30 Mobilization Capacity)

[]Prepare Drone Production: The initial caveats of drone warfare still exist no matter how advanced the enemies' anti-drone systems are. Increasing the production of simple parts for drones and the full-scale printing of HEA-Y turbines can start now along with introducing off-the-shelf programmable electronic parts for guidance systems. Swarm intelligence will be sufficient to avoid excessive target saturation with several new complexes planned to ensure that by the time the third wave has made its landing drone systems are available in the tens of millions. Saturation of the skies in automatic systems conducting independent penetration will improve overall recon pictures, and penetration of defensive systems, and save costs relative to more expensive artillery systems and their logistical throughputs. (-20 Mobilization Capacity for 4 Months)

[]Mobile Mine Swarms: Terrestrial mines have been challenging to implement on such a low frontal density, but there are plenty of light autonomous systems that can form effective hunting mines. These would be built on a light chassis with a simple automated electronic guidance package and the ability to traverse areas toward pre-programmed locations utilizing a few guides incorporating astral navigation. Each unit will only have a moderately sized conventional warhead, but those will prove sufficient to degrade infantry along with several dedicated protocols for the infiltration of buildings designed and implemented. The small creatures they are based on should reduce the suspicion of attacks and provide accompanying swarms for infantry to deal with that are largely immune to laser fire. (-30 Mobilization Capacity)

[]Type 36 Automatization: There is currently a significant stockpile of older Type 36 A's and tens of thousands of obsolete BGs. Converting them all to autonomous systems with internal capability to designate and attack targets with minimal prompting will make them viable guns again and reduce the impact of inevitable heavy casualties. The electronic control systems on both vehicles are well suited for the conversion and neither offers a significant improvement in capability over either a Type 41 or more advanced Type 36 models that are rapidly entering ever-increasing production. These would mostly be incorporated into units as explicit attritional components, holding down significant sectors for a negligible cost in manpower. (-15 Mobilization Capacity)

[]VTOL Modification: The Type 45 is insufficient as a manned general-purpose platform due to the sheer density of weapon systems available at the front and the steady increase in laser density. Working to amend the issue by converting every four of five planes to loyal wingmen with the manned airframe confined to rear line work and the direction of the rest of the wing. Modified power generation systems along with superconducting capacitors can be fitted onto the airframe with recharge capacity replacing VTOL capacity. Primary weapons then would shift to a frontally mounted pulse laser capable of inflicting lethal wounds onto VTOLs but with a negligible capacity to endure return fire. (-35 Mobilization Capacity)

[]Transport Helicopters: To move casualties away from frontline positions and provide some prospects for medevac a new generation of helicopters has been proven necessary. Improvements in technology have made the gunship obsolete but the other roles of the helicopter can still be useful. Cargo transportation to frontline bases and the movement of wounded back to rear line positions will improve divisional casualty ratios and ensure that positions can be evacuated. The laser defenses of the Alien Enemy will prevent most conventional operations but a system to move troops around in the rear is still necessary at the current time. Further, cheap HEA-Y components and composites can reduce the price of the airframe and engines, accelerating the design to rapid mass production in a few months. (-25 Mobilization Capacity)

[]Accelerate Submarine Construction: There are not enough submarine dockyards to significantly raise production, but some measures can still be taken to accelerate production. Section building machinery can be expanded to produce more equipment for new submarines while missile production can be increased to compensate for any deficiencies. The new boats are going to have more issues than previous examples and the reactor cores will be built to a lower standard but any mobile anti-orbital strength cannot be under-estimated. (-40 Mobilization Capacity)

[]Continued Work Programs: Keeping a massive number of youths working and being productive has already improved morale on the homefront significantly but hour-sharing programs can be extended further. New housing construction and the operation of civilian economic services have not reduced in demand since the start of the war with both only increasing. To keep the under-served demand met and provide some chances for civilian growth grant funding can be organized through the civilian government to improve local business and provide for those who want to start fresh in the aftermath of relocations. (-20 Mobilization Capacity for 6 Months)

[]Partial Demobilization: The economy has done remarkably well at a war footing but its mildly shrinking outside military-related production is not the best victory to parade around. Focusing on reducing the direct control of the economy along with the re-introduction of monetary relations in some dual-purpose industries to allow for some growth. This reduction in military control will improve some of the control mechanisms for the economy as overwork in central coordination can be reduced. The civilian side of the economy can also stop being directed into maximum wartime production, providing some room for new machinery to be built and new technologies developed outside of military auspices. (-60 Total Mobilization Capacity) (Reduces Power Issues)

[]Government Wire-Taps: Monitoring core communications of the members of the civilian government to keep any collaborationist temptations down will be an important first step. If the legislators wanted to have privacy they should not be actively working as a part of the wartime government. Any corruption uncovered in the process will be forwarded to relevant authorities but likely ignored until after the war if it is not massively degrading military production to keep operational security. Most of the monitoring will come with the installation of backdoors and direct division four analysis of them to ensure that morale is staying high and the other aspects of society are not actively burning down. (-15 Mobilization Capacity)

[]Refound the Ecology Department: The presence of alien bodies has allowed for a revolution in new developments of technologies. The bodies of the Alien Enemy are badly optimized and replete with vulnerabilities for viable attack vectors. Immune recognition is slow without much of a redundant automatic mechanism. Further, lacking capabilities in signaling cascades in essential oxygen exchange organs speaks to a species that is poorly adapted for existence much less combat operations. Immediate vectors for deployment will focus on targeting these systems, aiming to reduce oxygen uptake and re-direct metabolic processes. Standardized fifth-generation systems will be adapted for the task of colonizing filters and breathing media for the constant production of new vectors. Viable agents can be made and released within two months, degrading enemy capacity until they can deploy adequate retroviral vectors to eliminate likely vulnerability routes. (-25 Mobilization Capacity)

6-Hour Moratorium Vote by Plan
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[ ] Plan Black Skies
-[ ] Plan White
-[ ] Denounce Officially
-[ ] Expand Mainline Yards (-50 MC)
-[ ] Attritional Drones (-25 MC)
-[ ] Heavy Drone Systems (-30 MC)
-[ ] Prepare Drone Production (-20 MC x4)
-[ ] VTOL Modification (-35 MC)
-[ ] Continued Work Programs (-20 MC x6)

MC Used: 180/185 MC

Of the various plans, Plans White and Purple seem best. Plan Green is too conservative - we have a giant pile of metal at Duillech, we ought to use it for the purpose of inflicting significant damage on the enemy. Plan Black is trying to go against the enemy armor in a head-to-head collision, and that takes a week of setup time when the enemy division has SPLAA that swats our artillery, meaning we can't reliably stop the spearhead from just smashing through before we're ready. Plan White is an aggressive armored assault upon the still overstrained enemy infantry formations, which could rapidly erode the units that would normally protect the spearhead's flanks and let us overwhelm it next month.

Plan Purple meanwhile is a huge gamble, albeit one that if it works could obliterate the very understrength Curach garrison and remove their first beachhead, main command center, and collaborator government. Oh, and 600 800kt nuclear shells going off is probably bad for the environment. But if Plan Purple goes wrong then our Special Attack Divisions and other troops tasked to the attack are gonna get caught out in the open and obliterated for no gain.

As for the insurgents, they've served their purpose by existing in the moment and tying up Salamander troops and disrupting the Collaborator government with their existence, and they'll keep doing so with or without our support. Might as well cut them loose and let the Salamanders deal with as many of them as possible so we don't have to.

Do the last of our seaborne logistics options, start work on next-gen aircraft (and drone wingman conversions to not attrition pilots like water), and do Continued Work Programs to keep up civilian morale via continued employment. Finally, do a bunch of the new drone warfare options. Heavy Drone Systems is another method of inflicting damage on enemy armor, the big problem they have. Drone Production is a long-term project we want ready by the time the 3rd Wave hits.

This delays the Partial Demobilization by a turn, which isn't great. But I think it's worth doing because this turn is the turn we need to start the various drone projects if we want them to be done by the time the 3rd enemy reinforcement wave arrives. Given that the 3rd Wave is the zenith of enemy ability to get reinforcements (4 Armored Divisions, 1 high-quality Mechanized Division, 2 Motorized Infantry Divisions, and all remaining divisions made into Motorized Divisions) I think it's worth the sacrifice of one extra month of decay in order to maximize the amount of automated metal we can throw at the enemy when they arrive.
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Map updated to show the current situation as I understand it, keep in mind that it does not distinguish between the various different types of infantry the sallies have and that forces are most likely deployed a lot closer together than the map suggests. Also fun fact based on calculating the size of the island assuming the planet is roughly similarly sized to earth Duillech is around 6,67 million km2, a bit smaller than Australia. The total frontline area by this measurement is around 2029 km.
I'd note that it seems likely that Curach itself will be part of the landing zones that we are, ahem, cauterizing with our initial nuclear barrage for Plan Purple. Curach still is going to house millions of civilians, and given the brainworms of our leadership we won't bat an eye at this. Our population though probably will. The political considerations alone make this a non-starter; even if we 'have' to annihilate Curach and millions more of our own citizens in the process, I'd honestly then wait until it's part of our victory offensives, not while we are waiting for the much bigger third wave to arrive.
Plan Purple meanwhile is a huge gamble, albeit one that if it works could obliterate the very understrength Curach garrison and remove their first beachhead, main command center, and collaborator government. Oh, and 600 800kt nuclear shells going off is probably bad for the environment.
I think taking a gigantic nuclear blowtorch to an occupied city is the kind of thing that gets us shot after the war tribunal.
[ ]Plan 3000 Black Helicopters of Dannan
-[ ]Plan White
-[ ]Denounce Officially
-[ ]Expand Mainline Yards (-50 MC)
-[ ]Attritional Drones (-25 MC)
-[ ]Heavy Drone Systems (-30 MC)
-[ ]Prepare Drone Production (-20 MC x4)
-[ ]VTOL Modification (-35 MC)
-[ ]Transport Helicopters (-25 MC)

185/185 MC

Chimera's plan but delaying work programs for another month to instead do transport helicopters. Given how much money we've thrown the way of the civilians I think we can afford to focus on the front for a month.
Would it be better to use type 36 A automation rather then Helicopters? It would essentially let us trade metal before the reinforcement waves potentially blunt that capacity.
[] Plan Cogadh Uathoibríoch
-[]Plan Black
-[]Institute Guidelines
-[]Continued Work Programs: (-20 Mobilization Capacity for 6 Months)
-[]Decentralization of Energy System Production: (-15 Mobilization Capacity for 6 Months)
-[]Expand Housing Allocations: (-20 Mobilization Capacity for 4 Months)
-[]Type 36 Automatization: (-15 Mobilization Capacity)
-[]VTOL Modification: (-35 Mobilization Capacity)
-[]Heavy Drone Systems: (-30 Mobilization Capacity)
-[]Prepare Drone Production: (-20 Mobilization Capacity for 4 Months)
-[]Mobile Mine Swarms: (-30 Mobilization Capacity)

Fundamentally, we can expect maximum aggression from the enemy now that they are fucked and not getting any more money. As such, defensive attrition officially just became our advantage. Plan Black it is, and with drone swarming we will be able to sell fewer lives in the process.

It is important that we do not create for the PSC an effective myth of martyrdom. As they will continue their operations no matter what action is taken, seeming to be the ones to split the front is a terrible unforced blunder on our part. Instead, we must make them the unreasonable traitors who could not even muster up the slightest patriotism not to murder random civilians and steal nuclear weapons when they were supposed to be doing their jobs defending Dannan. Once this is done we will have all we need to declare the fascists terminally useless splitters and act accordingly, securing the postwar both physically and ideologically.

Work programs are a necessity to maintain the robust economy without engaging in a premature demobilization. This is utterly essential and one would be better off biting the bullet than just ignoring either option.

Similarly, the issues with power and shelter are not yet resolved, just not totally critical. Building enough heated bunkhouses and wind turbines to survive the winter months is a more than acceptable tradeoff for a population who continue to show admirable resistance to the Alien Enemy.

And then we shall drones drones drones drones drones everything's a bomb the squirrels are coming to kill you with MOAB warheads do you regret visiting sunny Dannan yet?

Vote for this plan if you like winning etc, etc. Don't wait up for me.
Keep in mind that our drones due to being fully autonomous and having shit target recognition are going to cause constant friendly fire and civilian casualty incidents.
Keep in mind that our drones due to being fully autonomous and having shit target recognition are going to cause constant friendly fire and civilian casualty incidents.
Honestly, that won't even be a fraction as many "collateral casualties" as we did on Curach alone when we engulfed our own city in nuclear firestorms with a few million civilians still in it.
Keep in mind that our drones due to being fully autonomous and having shit target recognition are going to cause constant friendly fire and civilian casualty incidents.
We're deploying them on Duillech, which we've already heavily evacuated, and aren't even deploying them in any of the areas that still have civilians. Their designated operational areas are behind enemy lines.
We've already nuked our own homeworld into an unrecoverable collapse spiral. Nothing for it.
We have not yet killed off the biosphere, just extended our recovery efforts by a few decades. The full breath of the pre-exchange ecosystem was already gone and left only building a range of custom species anyway.
Keep in mind that our drones due to being fully autonomous and having shit target recognition are going to cause constant friendly fire and civilian casualty incidents.
I wasn't the biggest fan of the killbot swarm idea beforehand, but since we just lost the one artillery mobilization program that could have helped with the existence of dedicated SPLAA, we don't really have a choice anymore if we want indirect fire smaller than our hypersonic missile.
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It probably wouldn't be produced in time to make a difference, might be why.
Nah, Blackstar did talk about how much impact the 2nd Gen VTOLs would have had on the war in the discord, and it wasn't nothing. This just seems to be what she meant by "spin offs of current in production systems" and us asking "why risk a pilot if we don't have to?"

Nah, Blackstar did talk about how much impact the 2nd Gen VTOLs would have had on the war in the discord, and it wasn't nothing. This just seems to be what she meant by "spin offs of current in production systems" and us asking "why risk a pilot if we don't have to?"

All I'm hearing is Arsenal Bird.
Sounds like the rain bought us a significant amount of extra slowdowns with Case Coral, the front isn't split yet which is a huge upgrade from what we were expecting even despite the pretty crappy roll. The news about even more incoming armor isn't great but between the T36CAT, the T45, and early examples of the T46 maybe even being available I think it's just going to be bloody instead of war ending. Especially if we can manage to get the drone printers spun up with sufficient stocks of Friendship drones ready to unleash upon the landing zones.

As for how to react this turn, Case Purple is obviously the correct choice but alas nearly 500 megatons of ordnance deployed into a city of millions is probably a little too spicy for the cowardly civilian government if they're already having second thoughts about merely cobalt bombing some traitors at the local preschool. Failing Purple, I think White is probably the play to put the pressure on their constantly weakening infantry formations rather than trying to match strength against strength with Black. Green is just too passive with all the newly equipped armor + heavy mechanized units fresh and ready to go while the enemy still has to wait on additional reinforcements for months. If we can force our way through in the west then we could have a few months of actually advancing instead of retreating for the first time, which would be invaluable for domestic morale and restraining the enemy's choices for where to land the 3rd wave.
Moratorium is up.

[X]Plan 3000 Black Helicopters of Dannan
-[X]Plan White
-[X]Denounce Officially
-[X]Expand Mainline Yards (-50 MC)
-[X]Attritional Drones (-25 MC)
-[X]Heavy Drone Systems (-30 MC)
-[X]Prepare Drone Production (-20 MC x4)
-[X]VTOL Modification (-35 MC)
-[X]Transport Helicopters (-25 MC)

185/185 MC

Adronio stole borrowed my plan for this, but since I like it, I'm stealing borrowing it back.

Not doing Partial Demob for a turn sucks, but it's a necessary cost in order to make sure that the drone swarm is out at full spool and other countermeasures like new VTOLs are all or most of the way done by the time the 3rd Wave hits us.

[X] Plan Black Skies
-[X] Plan White
-[X] Denounce Officially
-[X] Expand Mainline Yards (-50 MC)
-[X] Attritional Drones (-25 MC)
-[X] Heavy Drone Systems (-30 MC)
-[X] Prepare Drone Production (-20 MC x4)
-[X] VTOL Modification (-35 MC)
-[X] Continued Work Programs (-20 MC x6)

MC Used: 180/185 MC

EDIT: And here's my own plan that does Continued Work Programs instead of Transport Helicopters.
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[X] Plan Maintaining Momentum
-[X]Plan White
-[X]Denounce Officially
-[X]Expand Mainline Yards (-50)
-[X]Prepare Drone Production (-20x4)
-[X]VTOL Modification (-35)
-[X]Continued Work Programs (-20x6)
-[X]Partial Demobilization (-60 total)

I am very worried of the possibility of our economy shrinking rapidly with the mention of our heavy machinery all decaying.
Construction programs for the larger harbors have brought out millions of workers as much of the heavy machinery has started to degrade from the pressures of wartime as plants have remained fully militarized.
I don't want to see our mobilization capacity collapsing as the heavy industry fueling it grinds to a halt from a lack of maintenance. This plan aims to keep that from happening with a partial demobilization and the continuation of the work programs that stopped our mobcap from decaying in the first place with the expectation that it will prevent it from starting again. The war effort is not neglected though, with preparations made for drone production and modifications made to VTOLs.

For the next turn with 135 mobcap available the expected plan would look something like this, developing the drones that production has been prepared for and acquiring the Yttrium that they'll be using. Housing is also done to prepare for the inevitable evacuations needed on the next island.

Expand Housing Allocations (-20x4)
Seabed Mining and Refining Programs (-20x2)
Attritional Drones (-25)
Heavy Drone Systems (-30)
Type 36 Automatization (-15)
Transport Helicopters (-25)

EDIT: Approval voting
[X] Plan Maximum Drones
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