Ad Astra ex Lutum

The heavy frigate hasn't actually had any hulls ordered, we're still busy getting the thing from bar napkin to shipyard-ready blueprints, much less actually laying down keels. And with the small order of FTL testbeds that we put in, the existing medium yards will (if everything goes according to plan) be open in 44 and 45. If we want to put in larger/sooner orders for the heavy frigate we will need extra medium yards, but there's already room to build a couple in our current shipyards this planning period as things stand.
Made some plans, I don't have a great feel for the budget but I think keeping 300-400B on hand should be enough to get us started in 40 AE and then coast on our big +500B per year mobilization fund for the rest of the planning period? If somebody with a better grasp of the numbers thinks I should adjust that target number up/down let me know.

First plan is a PPM wet dream of tech funding, hoping to try and score some revolutionary techs that will bring us closer to par with the observed enemy rather than spending a bunch of money on stuff that will get immediately owned by the tech differential. Second plan is all industry all day, gambling that we're not going to get raided in the next decade or two and can take the time to snowball our shipbuilding complex while tech catches up more slowly. Last plan says fuck it we need to be able to fight raiders ASAP rather than hoping we have 20 years to peacefully snowball, with a heavy planetary army to repel raiders and committing to investments in an even heavier orbital combatant and the slips to build it/simulators to crew it.

I know the mumber-go-up is immediately attractive but I do think that both the alternates are worth consideration. Any kind of effective void navy is going to require decades to really build up so starting now with Defending the Homeland would give us a proper core of experienced crews and shipwrights. And the PPM is kinda right about the tech gap being horrific, throwing money at closing it could pay off majorly if we last long enough to deploy them.

[X]Plan Technological Acceleration
-[X]Budget Decisions
--[X]Orbital Technologies Development (+400B)
--[X]Use the Volunteers(Light) (-600B)
--[X]Maintain the Current Standard
-[X]Space Infrastructure
--[X]Light Shipyards (-200B)
--[X]Ultrapure Crystal Growth (-400B)
--[X]Long Strand CNT Production (-300B)
-[X]Groundside Infrastructure
--[X]Ignition Facilities (-250B)
--[X]Advanced Projects Agency (-500B)
--[X]Form the Intelligence Directorate (-250B)
--[X]Expand Army Disaster Relief (-150B)
-[X]Total Cost: 2250/2675B

[X]Plan Industrial Acceleration
-[X]Budget Decisions
--[X]Accelerated Industrialization (+600B)
--[X]Use the Volunteers(Light) (-600B)
--[X]Maintain the Current Standard
-[X]Space Infrastructure
--[X]Light Shipyards (-200B)
--[X]Orbital Manufacturing Plants (-500B)
--[X]Accelerate Lunar Mining (-400B)
--[X]Triple Launch-Ramp Barrels (-400B)
--[X]Outer Planet Colonization (-600B)
-[X]Groundside Infrastructure
--[X]Expand Army Disaster Relief (-150B)
-[X]Total Cost: 2250/2675B

[X]Plan Defending the Homeland
-[X]Budget Decisions
--[X]Planetary Defense (+600B)
--[X]Use the Volunteers(Heavy) (-1400B)
--[X]Maintain the Current Standard
-[X]Space Infrastructure
--[X]Light Shipyards (-200B)
--[X]Medium Shipyards (-500B)
--[X]Close In Orbital Defense Systems (-500B)
-[X]Groundside Infrastructure
--[X]Comprehensive Crew Simulator (-200B)
--[X]Expand Army Disaster Relief (-150B)
-[X]Total Cost: 2350/2675B
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Hoping for good tech super fast seems to be too much of a gamble, but I don't think our current tech can do anything to hostile aliens either.

[X]Plan Industrial Acceleration
If the politics roll align with the parliment position then the rolls look like this which really is not great for the greens even if it is somehow worse for the left while the PSC just keeps rolling unreasonably well
WP 22
PPM 30
GP 7
PPP 82
Ind 92
BFP 81
PSC 95
[X]Plan Technological Acceleration and Training
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[X]Plan Technological Acceleration
[X]Plan Technological Acceleration and Training
[X]Plan Industrial Acceleration And Training, Fusion and Spying on the Aliens and Ros Larping as Franz von Papen Edition

I fully understand the desire to build up industry that will help fuel the further build up of industry, but I'd really like to see what kind of crazy shit Elf DARPA can cook up when given access to even more fusion power.

Practically the only thing I can think of to give us more "fun" techs we can totally be trusted with would be to replace the Intelligence Directorate with Genetic Warfare.
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The two space tech-based options do have nonzero industrial return, just not nearly as much as the econ rush.

I wonder if the intelligence directorate is really necessary for technological acceleration. We don't really even have stuff to analyze yet. The Crew Sim might be a good alternative.
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[X]Plan Industrial Acceleration And Training
-[X]Budget Decisions
--[X]Accelerated Industrialization (+600B)
--[X]Use the Volunteers(Light) (-600B)
--[X]Maintain the Current Standard
-[X]Space Infrastructure
--[X]Light Shipyards (-200B)
--[X]Orbital Manufacturing Plants (-500B)
--[X]Accelerate Lunar Mining (-400B)
--[X]Triple Launch-Ramp Barrels (-400B)
--[X]Outer Planet Colonization (-600B)
-[X]Groundside Infrastructure
--[X]Expand Army Disaster Relief (-150B)
--[X]Comprehensive Crew Simulators (-200B)
-[X]Total Cost: 2450/2675B

A variant on Cryo's Industrial plan that adds the Crew Simulators since we're building a lot of mining ships, so the need is there. Also since the whole thing is preparing to print military ships once we got the economic stuff under control. The +500B each turn should keep us safe.

[X]Plan Industrial Acceleration
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[X] Plan Industrial Acceleration
[X] Plan Industrial Acceleration And Training
[X]Plan Industrial Acceleration, Training, Fusion and Spying on the Aliens/Ros Larping as Franz von Papen Edition
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Oh yeah I didn't think about training the mining ship crews, even though they're not combat personnel I'm sure long duration microgravity heavy industry still has plenty of technical skills that would be good to train on the ground instead of throwing a bunch of teenage conscripts at it and telling them to just figure it out on site. Here's a variant of Technological Acceleration that adds the simulators, with +500B per turn from mobilization this Plan I think we can get away with aggressive infrastructure spending now and fund procurement on the yearly +500B.

[X]Plan Technological Acceleration and Training
-[X]Budget Decisions
--[X]Orbital Technologies Development (+400B)
--[X]Use the Volunteers(Light) (-600B)
--[X]Maintain the Current Standard
-[X]Space Infrastructure
--[X]Light Shipyards (-200B)
--[X]Ultrapure Crystal Growth (-400B)
--[X]Long Strand CNT Production (-300B)
-[X]Groundside Infrastructure
--[X]Ignition Facilities (-250B)
--[X]Comprehensive Crew Simulators (-200B)
--[X]Advanced Projects Agency (-500B)
--[X]Form the Intelligence Directorate (-250B)
--[X]Expand Army Disaster Relief (-150B)
-[X]Total Cost: 2450/2675B

[X]Plan Technological Acceleration
[X]Plan Industrial Acceleration
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Well people won't be able to complain about us the military not making industry that will help the civilian economy and making jobs be it that industry or putting the teenagers into something that is not street fighting.
As a kinda side note since am not seeing it done. You can drop the light shipyards if you cause a delay in construction that's going to cause a problem but you can very easily point to the massive amount of other stuff you are putting up. It'll be of negligible political cost to run a shipbuilding program at not the absolute maximum pace possible, especially since your combat ship needs a medium slip anyway.
[X]Plan Industrial Acceleration, Training, Fusion and Spying on the Aliens/Ros Larping as Franz von Papen Edition
-[X]Budget Decisions
--[X]Accelerated Industrialization (+600B)
--[X]Use the Volunteers(Light) (-600B)
--[X]Maintain the Current Standard
-[X]Space Infrastructure
--[X]Orbital Manufacturing Plants (-500B)
--[X]Accelerate Lunar Mining (-400B)
--[X]Outer Planet Colonization (-600B)
-[X]Groundside Infrastructure
--[X]Ignition Facilities (-250B)
--[X]Comprehensive Crew Simulators (-200B)
--[X]Form the Intelligence Directorate (-250B)
--[X]Expand Army Disaster Relief (-150B)
-[X]Total Cost: 2350/2675B

Well, with that in mind, I have made a variant industrial plant that does fusion and establishes a military intelligence arm. The latter I feel could be mighty useful in the near future as the fascist threat looms, not to mention its more conventional utility in tracking intelligent life and signs of FTL. Also, Blackstar has teased lots of stuff fusion rolls could unlock,
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[X]Plan Industrial Acceleration, Training, Fusion and Spying on the Aliens/Ros Larping as Franz von Papen Edition
-[X]Budget Decisions
--[X]Accelerated Industrialization (+600B)
--[X]Use the Volunteers(Light) (-600B)
--[X]Maintain the Current Standard
-[X]Space Infrastructure
--[X]Orbital Manufacturing Plants (-500B)
--[X]Accelerate Lunar Mining (-400B)
--[X]Outer Planet Colonization (-600B)
-[X]Groundside Infrastructure
--[X]Ignition Facilities (-250B)
--[X]Comprehensive Crew Simulators (-200B)
--[X]Form the Intelligence Directorate (-250B)
--[X]Expand Army Disaster Relief (-150B)
-[X]Total Cost: 2350/2675B

Well, with that in mind, I have made a variant industrial plant that does fusion and establishes a military intelligence arm. The latter I feel could be mighty useful in the near future as the fascist threat looms, not to mention its more conventional utility in tracking intelligent life and signs of FTL. Also, Blackstar has teased lots of stuff fusion rolls could unlock,
Don't think they hit every box for fascism though?