Across the Pond Redux (Worm Quest)

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Worm quest set in Great Britain shortly before the start of canon.
Finn Blaney
Southampton, Great Britain
It is the start of 2011 and it has been almost thirty years since Scion's first public appearance. Since then, parahumans have risen and society has fallen. Africa and South America are in chaos and the rest of the world is in little better shape. Endbringers roam the planet, periodically attacking with devastating results each time.

The United States of America events will soon be set in motion, other stories play out on Earth-Bet. This particular story takes place on the other side of the pond as the British Isles gain a new budding superhero.

Southampton is a cinderbox, waiting for a matchstick to ignite it. The Headmistress of the Sterling Firm was one of the first villains to appear in the city and now decades later, she is finally preparing to make her move to seize the underworld of the city for herself.

Yet her plans have suffered a setback. The mercenary tinkers she hired to outfit her forces have turned on her, allying with some of their other customers to form their own group. Instead of providing the Headmistress with the edge that she needed, they have formed the Partnership and become a rival gang to the Sterling Firm.

The White Lightning are the resident fascists, wannabe neo-nazis who only have a presence thanks to rising tensions and foreign backing. Yet that continental support from the Gesellschaft is enough to make them one of the major players in the city.

The Dock Lads have well and truly lost their way, having fully stray from their once noble cause to becoming just another supervillain gang. The ideals they used to believe in are now just propaganda and recruiting tools.

The Triad continues to hold on. The weakest of the city's gangs, they will soon have to make a choice. They can either remain Chinese and be swept aside or they can let outsiders in to gain the strength needed to survive.

Heroes stand against them. While losses have forced the Suits to withdraw from Southampton, the King's Men remain in the city. The Royal Lion continues to preach the strength of his team, but everyone knows that the Sterling Firm has always been the stronger organisation in the city. Not to mention the dire financial straits of the city and their strongest member's desire to find greener pastures with richer employers.

The young ladies of the Solent Guardians are proving more popular with the people, but they are young and inexperienced. And who knows if their corporate sponsors will let them take the risks needed to truly save the city. Can they be counted upon to stand up where the Kings Men fail?

And the city isn't without its independents either. From influencers to pranksters to mercenaries to petty criminals, Southampton has plenty if capes unaligned with one of the local parahuman groups.

Now there has been a multi-trigger at a loc school, pushing the number of parahumans in the city to an even larger amount.


You are Finn Blaney, a student in your second year at King George VI Academy, a local college. A private school for rich kids, you managed to get in on a merit scholarship despite the fact that your working class family is struggling to make ends meet. The pressure to succeed was too much for you to bear and when you came back from the Christmas holidays, you broke and gained powers in the process.

Overweight and unfit, but otherwise attractive, your overfocus on studying has left you with no friends outside of your little sister Nessa. Your parents have ensured you don't need to work and can focus on your education and childhood at the price of not seeing much of them thanks to their long hours.

Now you seek to become a hero with your newfound superpowers and after the first days, you found yourself both a mentor with prior experience in the cape scene and another recently empowered aspiring hero.

No plan voting.

What is your cape name?
[ ] Whisper
[ ] Write-in. May be subject to QM veto.

Who is your mentor in the cape world?
[ ] Astrid Norgard. Your cluster-mate and local beautiful rich girl genius whose older sisters are heroes up in Winchester. You would be jealous of her except she is just too friendly for that and your powers apparently make you want to kiss her rather than punch her. Grab-Bag Cape from your cluster with a primary Trump power.
[ ] Alexandra Campbell/Starlight. A local independent cape who is an internet celebrity thanks to her popular YouTuber who likes to make videos and live streams of her cape activities. Standard Alexandra-Package with a light aspect to it.
[ ] Aveline Wynn/Silver Eagle. Over a decade ago, she was an aspiring young heroine before backfiring Tinkertech froze her in time, leaving her as a martyr and tourist attraction until very recently, when the temporal effect wore off. Grab-Bag Cape with Angel/Paladin theme to her.

Who is your first companion?
[ ] Astrid Norgard. Your cluster-mate and local beautiful rich girl genius whose older sisters are heroes up in Winchester. You would be jealous of her except she is just too friendly for that and your powers apparently make you want to kiss her rather than punch her. Grab-Bag Cape from your cluster with a primary Trump power. Cannot be chosen as your companion if taken as your mentor.
[ ] Tahmina Singh. Your cluster-mate and an aspiring athlete before her empowerment put an end to those dreams with a very public trigger. Grab-Bag Cape from your cluster with a primary Brute power.
[ ] Friday Evans. A recent trigger who thanks to her power, now must live in her killer's body after her original body died with her killer's mind in. Able to swap bodies with the touch of her hands.
[ ] Farah Hamdam. A recent trigger, she is torn between using her powers to help people and avoiding having a target painted on your back. Tinker with an apparent medicine speciality.

You are an eighteen year old girl of Irish descent and a working class background. You aren't a genius, but your smarts and work ethic have made up the difference to do well in class until your final year of college. You had a mental breakdown on the first day back at college following the Christmas holidays, resulting in triggering and becoming a hero.

Your current goals in life are to get into a university, preferably a good one, and to use your powers to be a hero.

You are an attractive if chubby redhead young lady who has a natural talent for getting along with others. You have also allowed your fitness to get away with you thanks to your overfocus on academics, resulting in an overweight and physical unimpressive body.

Your mother is Brigid Blaney, a retail worker, and your father is Fergus Blaney, a janitor. Your little sister by two years is Nessa Blaney, who shares your good looks, but lacks your smarts. You are close to all three of them and love them all dearly.

Primary Power (Tinker): You feel the urge to make things, but you have no idea what sort of things.
Secondary Power (Trump): You can fully copy a single non-Trump power of another parahuman via touch. You can only copy one power at a time and copying a new power will replace the one you are currently copying.
Secondary Power (Changer): Pick a goal in life. You change in both body and mind as if you had spent your life doing your best to fulfil that goal, only diverging from your regular self when necessary for the goal and you are limited to being a regular human female. Has a cooldown between transformations that lasts longer the more that the transformation differs from your regular self.
Secondary Power (Striker): You can drain the mental ability of a target to add to your own via hitting them. Your ability to think clearly, solve complex problems and keep track of thoughts is improved at the expense of your victim's own capabilities. Length can be from minutes to hours depending on how hard you hit your victim.
Secondary Power (Mover): You can fly really fast though it takes some time for you to accelerate to higher speeds and you have yet to figure out your top speed.

-A List = Main/General Builds

Currently none.

-B List = Patterns & Augments
Currently none.

-C List = Utility/Misc
Trinket: Scanner Phone = Your Nokia burner phone has been upgraded to act as a scanner for your Tinker power, letting you take inspiration from other parahumans. Each scan will completely drain your battery and having a lower battery at the time of the scan reduces the effectiveness of it.


This is a Worm quest set in Great Britain and a semi-reboot of my previous quest. I have the themes and plot lines of each gang fleshed out along with giving more character to the heroes than just their powers and genders.

You will continue to play as Finn Blaney, the player character of the previous quest, but you will be starting from when she goes out as a hero rather than when she triggers. I have also aged her up a bit so I can make her eighteen and subject to more nastier aspects of parahuman powers since she is no longer underaged. She also has a somewhat different power set as her Thinker ability was hard to write and I cut her cluster down to four people so I can focus on more characters outside of it.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to.
By the way, feel free to start voting. I won't be reserving any front page posts.
powers have changed if I am not wrong? mover and trump are cool though the new striker power might not see too much use. I don't see how ability to solve complex problem is helpful in combat

is charles still a thing? and little sister?

also we seem to have a brute cluster mate but we don't have any brute power

new changer looks cool!

as for name, we are not info gatherers anymore. we are chubby and weak, but the changer should help us get over it for combat. so I think whisper isn't as good now? thats not our role
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Who is your mentor in the cape world?
[X] Aveline Wynn/Silver Eagle. Over a decade ago, she was an aspiring young heroine before backfiring Tinkertech froze her in time, leaving her as a martyr and tourist attraction until very recently, when the temporal effect wore off. Grab-Bag Cape with Angel/Paladin theme to her.

Who is your first companion?
[X] Farah Hamdam. A recent trigger, she is torn between using her powers to help people and avoiding having a target painted on your back. Tinker with an apparent medicine speciality.
powers have changed if I am not wrong?
They have.
I'm also going to change Finn's primary power from Thinker to Tinker because frankly the Thinker power wasn't getting much use and it is hard to write for the viewpoint character. I found the power to be interesting, but it works better as a side-character power than a protagonist character. As for replacing it with a Tinker, it fits the trigger event and I find a Tinker power more interesting to write than any other power especially since I'm going to limit you with the need for maintain, resources and other such factors. So your minor Tinker power is becoming your primary power and in its place, you will get a Trump power that is simple to use and won't require much bookkeeping on my part.
She also has a somewhat different power set as her Thinker ability was hard to write and I cut her cluster down to four people so I can focus on more characters outside of it.
is charles still a thing? and little sister?
Yes and yes.
also we seem to have a brute cluster mate but we don't have any brute power
You got your Changer power from her Shard.
[X] Aveline Wynn/Silver Eagle. Over a decade ago, she was an aspiring young heroine before backfiring Tinkertech froze her in time, leaving her as a martyr and tourist attraction until very recently, when the temporal effect wore off. Grab-Bag Cape with Angel/Paladin theme to her.

[X] Astrid Norgard. Your cluster-mate and local beautiful rich girl genius whose older sisters are heroes up in Winchester. You would be jealous of her except she is just too friendly for that and your powers apparently make you want to kiss her rather than punch her. Grab-Bag Cape from your cluster with a primary Trump power. Cannot be chosen as your companion if taken as your mentor.

You got your Changer power from her Shard.
what about the striker power? it seems kinda useless. maybe if it would steal quick thinking instead? or reflexes? or combat instincts? this sstays in the theme and is also useful to have. the best use I can think of for the current one is punching Astrid or another companion when we gotta amplify our thinking. and we probably won't want to do that a lot
[X] Aspire

[X] Aveline Wynn/Silver Eagle. Over a decade ago, she was an aspiring young heroine before backfiring Tinkertech froze her in time, leaving her as a martyr and tourist attraction until very recently, when the temporal effect wore off. Grab-Bag Cape with Angel/Paladin theme to her.
[] Friday Evans. A recent trigger who thanks to her power, now must live in her killer's body after her original body died with her killer's mind in. Able to swap bodies with the touch of her hands.

Freaky Friday girl has some narrative shit going on.

[X] Farah Hamdam. A recent trigger, she is torn between using her powers to help people and avoiding having a target painted on your back. Tinker with an apparent medicine speciality.

Rather her than Astrid.
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what about the striker power? it seems kinda useless. maybe if it would steal quick thinking instead? or reflexes? or combat instincts? this sstays in the theme and is also useful to have. the best use I can think of for the current one is punching Astrid or another companion when we gotta amplify our thinking. and we probably won't want to do that a lot
Using the power of deduction, you know that you got it from Charles Rainbridge. As for it being useless, I'm going to politely disagree. It definitely has its uses in my opinion.
I don't see how ability to solve complex problem is helpful in combat
i dunno about that, being able to outthink people can be very useful, not only mid combat, but especially if given time to breathe, keep in mind that accords power is purely making him more intelligent based on a problem, yet he can calculate the size and composition of buildings at a glance and stuff like that, with our powerset? we'd be able to make good use of something like that, we can fly, change out body and mindset to a goal, can tinker devices for our usage and most importantly, copy any single power, being way smarter lets us make way better use of our multiple powers, especially when we can specialize toward something. keep in mind this makes enemies stupid too, so way more likely to fall for any traps we set, which again, we're kinda perfectly build towards making if we want to be.
also we seem to have a brute cluster mate but we don't have any brute power
cluster triggers tend to be less sharing power classification and more power mechanics, a pyrokinetic shaker might have the cluster-mate be a pyrokinetic mover instead, or breaker, but they are nonetheless pyrokinetic
what about the striker power? it seems kinda useless. maybe if it would steal quick thinking instead? or reflexes? or combat instincts? this sstays in the theme and is also useful to have. the best use I can think of for the current one is punching Astrid or another companion when we gotta amplify our thinking. and we probably won't want to do that a lot
making someone stupid is gonna include quick thinking i am fairly sure, probably combat instincts too, but more so, it's gonna make them less likely to be able to spot traps or think of ways to beat us in ways that aren't brute force, and if we say copy a brute with our power copying then even that is less of an issue

[X] Aveline Wynn/Silver Eagle. Over a decade ago, she was an aspiring young heroine before backfiring Tinkertech froze her in time, leaving her as a martyr and tourist attraction until very recently, when the temporal effect wore off. Grab-Bag Cape with Angel/Paladin theme to her.

i mean, another grab bag who knows the struggle? hell yeah, add onto that presumed time tech and we're golden

[X] Tahmina Singh. Your cluster-mate and an aspiring athlete before her empowerment put an end to those dreams with a very public trigger. Grab-Bag Cape from your cluster with a primary Brute power.

grab bag for both brute power to copy from and potential friendship and athletic advice for getting into shape, i could've gone for starlight but figured having more options to copy powers from, with a major brute power option? well that sounds more dope than purely a brute power

although, question? the cluster trigger has 4 people in it according to the chapter, but 5 powers? is there a reason for this? to my knowledge, it's 1 power pr person in a cluster
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although, question? the cluster trigger has 4 people in it according to the chapter, but 5 powers? is there a reason for this? to my knowledge, it's 1 power pr person in a cluster
I used the fan-made Grab-Bag Guidebook for Weaverdice to help me come up with the closer and I decided to give your cluster an augment/bonus to make up for the messing members. That resulted in 8/The Chariot, which is "All cluster members gain the same secondary power, taken from the Alexandria package (flight, strength, or increased durability)". In this case, I decided to pick flight because I want your offence/defence to be handled by your Tinkertech and Trump power.
ah so it's part of the cluster gimmick, that everyone has flight, makes sense, although, i mean, 4 people in a cluster isn't that bad, it's on the lower end, but we do have examples of 3 people clusters, so its not unheard of
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[X] Aveline Wynn/Silver Eagle. Over a decade ago, she was an aspiring young heroine before backfiring Tinkertech froze her in time, leaving her as a martyr and tourist attraction until very recently, when the temporal effect wore off. Grab-Bag Cape with Angel/Paladin theme to her.
[X] Astrid Norgard. Your cluster-mate and local beautiful rich girl genius whose older sisters are heroes up in Winchester. You would be jealous of her except she is just too friendly for that and your powers apparently make you want to kiss her rather than punch her. Grab-Bag Cape from your cluster with a primary Trump power. Cannot be chosen as your companion if taken as your mentor.
[X] Aspire

More fitting for our powers. Changer lets us physically change ourself based on a goal. Tinkers get stronger over time. We get smarter as we punch things.
I do like whisper though. I just dont think it is as fitting.

[X] Aveline Wynn/Silver Eagle. Over a decade ago, she was an aspiring young heroine before backfiring Tinkertech froze her in time, leaving her as a martyr and tourist attraction until very recently, when the temporal effect wore off. Grab-Bag Cape with Angel/Paladin theme to her.

Honestly, this character is just really interesting to me. Would not be averse to reading a story focused on them, but as a mentor I am excited to see where it goes. The fact that they gave skipped the last decade and all of its technological and sociological advances should have some good knock on effects.
How long has she been out of the time stop? How did we meet her? Im looking forward to it.

[X] Astrid Norgard. Your cluster-mate and local beautiful rich girl genius whose older sisters are heroes up in Winchester. You would be jealous of her except she is just too friendly for that and your powers apparently make you want to kiss her rather than punch her. Grab-Bag Cape from your cluster with a primary Trump power. Cannot be chosen as your companion if taken as your mentor.

just makes sense that we would team up with her first. Plus we didnt get to see all that much of her in the first version. No reason to change it.
[X] Aspire

[X] Astrid Norgard. Your cluster-mate and local beautiful rich girl genius whose older sisters are heroes up in Winchester. You would be jealous of her except she is just too friendly for that and your powers apparently make you want to kiss her rather than punch her. Grab-Bag Cape from your cluster with a primary Trump power.

[X] Tahmina Singh. Your cluster-mate and an aspiring athlete before her empowerment put an end to those dreams with a very public trigger. Grab-Bag Cape from your cluster with a primary Brute power.

Curious to see what happens if we pick both cluster-mates for this.
@Oshha What is the Kiss/Kill like between Astrid and Tahmina or Tahmina and Finn?

Edited: Forgot about the name, Whisper is a weird one with our revised powers. So with no better ideas, Aspire it is.
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[X] Aveline Wynn/Silver Eagle. Over a decade ago, she was an aspiring young heroine before backfiring Tinkertech froze her in time, leaving her as a martyr and tourist attraction until very recently, when the temporal effect wore off. Grab-Bag Cape with Angel/Paladin theme to her.

[X] Farah Hamdam. A recent trigger, she is torn between using her powers to help people and avoiding having a target painted on your back. Tinker with an apparent medicine speciality.
@Oshha What is the Kiss/Kill like between Astrid and Tahmina or Tahmina and Finn?
The three ladies have all have moderate to fairly high kiss with each other through their various kisses aren't all equal with each other. Meanwhile Tahmina and Astrid have low kill towards towards Charles whilst Finn has high kill against Charles. You don't know what sort of kiss or kill feelings that Charles might hold towards the rest of you.
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[X] Whisper

[X] Astrid Norgard. Your cluster-mate and local beautiful rich girl genius whose older sisters are heroes up in Winchester. You would be jealous of her except she is just too friendly for that and your powers apparently make you want to kiss her rather than punch her. Grab-Bag Cape from your cluster with a primary Trump power.

[X] Tahmina Singh. Your cluster-mate and an aspiring athlete before her empowerment put an end to those dreams with a very public trigger. Grab-Bag Cape from your cluster with a primary Brute power.
The three ladies have all have moderate to fairly high kiss with each other through their various kisses aren't all equal with each other. Meanwhile Tahmina and Astrid have low kill towards towards Charles whilst Finn has high kill against Charles.
Given the descriptions of Astrid and Tahmina in Finns eyes, we can assume Finn->Astrid kiss is on higher side and Finn->Tahmina is on lower side.
This whole cluster composition reads rather contrived, ngl. Person everyone wants to kill is conveniently an entitled bully anyway, and everyone else is in a nice hugbox. It wasn't that obvious in a previous version, because cluster was bigger and we didn't know most of the reactions, but here it looks like we got a pre-arranged team and a common enemy to unite it.
[X] Aveline Wynn/Silver Eagle. Over a decade ago, she was an aspiring young heroine before backfiring Tinkertech froze her in time, leaving her as a martyr and tourist attraction until very recently, when the temporal effect wore off. Grab-Bag Cape with Angel/Paladin theme to her.

[X] Farah Hamdam. A recent trigger, she is torn between using her powers to help people and avoiding having a target painted on your back. Tinker with an apparent medicine speciality.

Very good move taking a step back and redoing things! Though if I had to make one critique I'd say the Trump power seems a bit strong. I'd recommend either a time limit or gaining a weakened version, or maybe just a cap on strength? As is we're basically triumvirate tier permanently as soon as we go to an endbringer fight and poke legend.

I also like Farah's description, and think cluster mechanics will be more interesting if we're not immediately on the same team.
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Though if I had to make one critique I'd say the Trump power seems a bit strong.
I second this notion. Somehow missed it reading the reboot post, but trump ability is a solid A-list power by itself. As a one of three secondary powers it's way too strong, unless it's a plot point to be investigated.
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[X] Astrid Norgard. Your cluster-mate and local beautiful rich girl genius whose older sisters are heroes up in Winchester. You would be jealous of her except she is just too friendly for that and your powers apparently make you want to kiss her rather than punch her. Grab-Bag Cape from your cluster with a primary Trump power.

[X] Farah Hamdam. A recent trigger, she is torn between using her powers to help people and avoiding having a target painted on your back. Tinker with an apparent medicine speciality.
Wow, these powers are awesome. Trump is A-tier, Changer, Striker and Mover are pretty strong as well. Tinker is probably also very good.
Given the descriptions of Astrid and Tahmina in Finns eyes, we can assume Finn->Astrid kiss is on higher side and Finn->Tahmina is on lower side.
You can, but since Finn doesn't know yet, I'm not going to confirm or deny it until Finn has had some on-screen interactions with both.
This whole cluster composition reads rather contrived, ngl. Person everyone wants to kill is conveniently an entitled bully anyway, and everyone else is in a nice hugbox. It wasn't that obvious in a previous version, because cluster was bigger and we didn't know most of the reactions, but here it looks like we got a pre-arranged team and a common enemy to unite it.
That would be because I am only telling you what Finn has figured out so far and not what is really going on with the cluster's gimmick. If it looks too good to be true, then feel free to start looking for the catch. With that said however, I will say that all three girls were firmly straight prior to their empowerment as that is something else that Finn would be able to know by the start of the quest.
Though if I had to make one critique I'd say the Trump power seems a bit strong. I'd recommend either a time limit or gaining a weakened version, or maybe just a cap on strength? As is we're basically triumvirate tier permanently as soon as we go to an endbringer fight and poke legend.
I second this notion. Somehow missed it reading the reboot post, but trump ability is a solid A-list power by itself. As a one of three secondary powers it's way too strong, unless it's a plot point to be investigated.
Out of universe, the Trump power is designed for easy bookkeeping for me, the QM. Rather than having to constantly worry about change up powers, you just get one and keep it until you change it or gets it nullified. And if you decided to just stick with one powerful power, well, I've covered that below. I did consider putting a cap on strength, but that's sort of difficult because parahuman powers are relative in power and their power levels are sort of arbitrary. I suppose it could be a weakened power, but I would need a good way of doing that and I'm open to suggestions.

In universe, it is a bit on the stronger size because even reduced under a cluster-trigger, Astrid's own power would make her a solid A-lister in her own right provided she is able to access the right conditions because she is a old character of mine that I reused for this quest and she was initially conceived protagonist for a Worm CYOA fic that I planned out, but never had the time or right motive to write. When I came up with a minor power for Finn based on an aspect of Astrid's main power, this is what you got because to my understanding, the power level of a secondary power is relative to the primary power it comes from. So if you have a strong power for a secondary power, it is because it comes from an even stronger primary power. Which is admittedly a possible plot point to investigate because Astrid is probably the most developed character in this fic.

And if you just decide to find one powerful power and stick with it indefinitely, that is the sort of action that puts you at odds with the Shard providing you with your Trump power and all that comes with that. Which you will have to find out the hard way because I certainly won't be telling you ahead of time.
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