welp time to reunite belka, and hopefully steal some of the juicy super planes and such to get ourselves the needed firepower to keep everyone else off our backs.

otherwise, build, build, build untill we cant build no more!
Hm honestly I'd prefer if the doves get in power because then we would be in a better place to build up our economic and military might to CRUSH THE OSEAN SCUM. All memes aside doves would be our best bet right now because the hawks want us dead to avoid a potential Grey Man 2.0 even though taking us out would only make it worse.
The Doves would help but like I said the Hawks still have a good chance to win. It all depends on what actions are taken to do something or to not do something. Also don't assume a Dove president will be easy they would just be different and with a Hawk-led congress they may still cause trouble for Belka and its interests.


Also I love how the Aurelian war went down, I sincerely hope our intelligence organizations identify other brewing conflicts we can pick the winners of in the future.
there are actions for that and dice rolls but we have reached the end of the canon known conflicts. The next one is a GR war in the 2030s and then the Intercorporate War. Whether that TL is followed or not kind depends on what actions are taken but most likely not.

welp time to reunite belka, and hopefully steal some of the juicy super planes and such to get ourselves the needed firepower to keep everyone else off our backs.

otherwise, build, build, build untill we cant build no more!
You already have access to some super planes. The ADF-line is ADFX-10/10F and ADF-11/11F. Now it is possible you could get the other planes from that line and the ADA line but those aren't with you directly and are with a certain company's data. Also the ADF fighter drones are not on par with the ones from the game. That data was lost so they would be normal piloted aircraft instead. And if using a Drone will be much worse than normal units due to lower-level performance and even ZOE would be lower-level since you lack combat data.

Other planes are available it just depends how you go about it. Also remember COFFIN tech boosts the level of all fighters by one if developed and equipped.
2021-2 Turn Start Presedintal Race Heat Up
Osean Presidental Election Inbound
With the loss of the Congress to the Hawks, the Doves have rallied around their candidates for the Presidency and Vice-Presidency fully. The surprising support from North Osea for the Doves has revitalized the Presidental race with commentators and foreign analysts unsure which way the election will turn out. The Doves are using every misstep that the Hawks have made recently, especially in their accusations of "Belkan aggression" to sway voters.

Meanwhile, the eastern breakaway states of Erusea and the smaller Usean Nations have nearly completed their reconstruction and are singing the praise of Belkan ingenuity. Due to the stability, this has produced the flow of refugees to the Lighthouse has slowed a bit and some have started moving towards the rebuilding nations in search of work and possible new homes. Princess Cossette of the Provisional Erusean Government has decided in light of the rebuilding to officially recognize the Grand Duchy of Shilage and the Republic of Voslage as independent nations. Why she has done this is not fully understood though it is possible that she simply recognizes that those two break-away factions are in the strongest position and border her own territory. It is also possible that she hopes to curry favor with the states so they will recognize her as the official leader of the rest of Erusea, or to ally with her own break-away state. Either way, time will tell what the outcome will be.

South Osea has quieted down fully from the war last year. With new reconstruction being started it is time to see if the same Belkan magic that was worked in Usea can be done in the south. Aurelia has begun negotiations with Leasath to purchase aircraft for their Air Force. Payment is expected to go toward repairing the agricultural sector of Leasath first. In need of more funds, Leasath is also looking to sell their remaining Carrier with the neighboring nations of Perbla and Adamas Island being reached out to.

In the Anean continent, the three nations of Emmeria, Nordennavic, and Eskovakia maintain an uneasy peace. Emmeria having recovered from the invasion has started to look back into the old discarded plans for a united Anea. Meanwhile, Eskovakia continues to slowly recover and rebuild its shattered nation. To keep another possible civil war from reigniting the IUN-PKF has been stationed in parts of the nation to maintain order. This was one of the conditions imposed by the peace treaty. The IUN forces have the unfortunate loss of reputation from the Lighthouse war and due to most Osean units being recalled are now made up mostly of Emmerian and Yuktobanian troops. This deployment of troops has been described as an occupation by some internationally and some locals but no incidents have occurred thus far. One of the few upsides of the IUN forces is that they represent a stable if small source of revenue for Eskovakian arms manufacturing as the IUN supplements shipments with local products to maintain supply levels. The Kingdom of Nordennavic meanwhile continues to maintain its strict non-interference and neutrality policy. While it maintains trade relations with its two neighbors that is about it. So far there have been no signs that they wish to support the Anea initiative again. Aside from that the Kingdom flourishes with a stable government and a steady economy.

The Verusan continent is also undergoing a period of activity. Yuktobania has used the Osean weakening from the Lighthouse war to grow its own influence in the global order. With the withdrawal of most Osean formations from the IUN Yuktobania has been able to step into the void along with Emmeria. The election of the Hawks to the control of the Osean congress has caused concerns in Cinigrad due to that same party being the ones that helped push the last war to go on. Though the fact that the Hawks are currently focused on Belka more than on Yuktobania has stopped any overreactions from happening so far. The nations of Verusa and Kaluga have recently entered into an economic deal with the aim in boosting the domestic production levels for both nations. The deal is extensive and is excepted to take years to complete but when it is complete the boost is expected to be substantial. Sotoa meanwhile has started to reach out to the eastern nations of Usea for new trade deals seeing the lowered influence of Osea in the region as a potential boon for themselves.

In the eastern part of Osea things have not been quiet. Gebet with its investments into HIE being shown to have been a wise decision and seeing the arms Belka was able to provide to Aurelia has started to consider closer relations with the Principality in order to acquire replacement equipment for their obsolete air force or army. The local Belkan population in Gebet is also enjoying the increased prestige of their ancestral home and have been pushing for more deals and better relations between the two nation.

Recta likewise has seen its own Belkan population grow in prominence on the actions of Belka. Though it is not as close to Belka as Gebet it is also not too concerned about them. Recent events by Belka, the gains of Gebet from its partnership, and the tensions with Ratio and Nordland have made it clear that some sort of overhaul is needed for their outdated military. Belka is the obvious choice for a short-term solution to acquiring replacement aircraft or vehicles. Belka might also be a possible solution for long-term production by way of joint investment to improve the domestic military-industrial complex though given the current view of Belka that may have to wait.

Ustio continues to have issues with Ratio as they have not forgotten the theft of their territory when they were a vulnerable newly formed nation. Due to the losses, Osea suffered recently Ustio has been looking for ways to secure their interests. In the time since the end of the Lighthouse War Ustio has reached out to both Sapin and FATO in search of help with expanding and training their military units. Though Sapin has been able to help with training but not in selling new equipment as they maintain their production for domestic use. FATO has been clear that with the threat of Nordland they cannot afford to divert resources to help them.

With Ratio maintaining its aggressive stance towards all its neighbors tensions in the region continue to remain high. Recently the Ratio Lifer units have started to sport more modern equipment. Even some of the conscript units predominately the Air Force and Navy have started to show modern equipment in regular use. Where this equipment is coming from isn't known and Ratio has had no inclination to say anything themselves. Some look to Belka as a possible supplier but what information is shown doesn't match arms sent to Aurelia or in major use by the Belkan military aside from generic equipment that almost every nation uses.

FATO and Nordland continue to have issues along their border and it is only the diplomatic efforts of Wielvakia that keep things from escalating to live fire. The three Nations are in a balancing act that no one knows how long it will last. Nordland continues to invest in their own arms companies but seems to have stopped shipping all of it to their frontline troops on the border and instead seems to be using it for newly raised units in their heartlands. In a surprising move Nordland has even withdrawn some of it units from their border with Wielvakia and not moved them to the FATO border. This has lessened tension a bit but the fact the units in question haven't been deployed anywhere important has raised some eyebrows.

The Kingdom of Sapin has been hard at work improving its military both to protect themselves but also to make up for the losses of withdrawn Osean units. Due to their close relations with both Ustio and Osea they have performed training drills with the Ustian Army and Naval drills with the Osean Navy in Oured Bay. To better defend themselves the Sapinish Government began an upgrade program to replace their current equipment for their ground forces. This is why they cannot supply Ustio with any military equipment as the resources are being used for the program.

With Eastern Osea in the state, it is the Belkan government has seen many opportunities. Nordland's expanding military and rumored interest in heavy command cruiser development could provide a distraction in the future. Ratio being the focus of most of the neighboring nations that Belka has interests in deflects suspicions away from Belka though the new influx of weapons is interesting. The need for training and modern equipment to expand or update the air force and army of Ustio, Recta, and Gebet along with possible investment opportunities that bind those nations closer to Belka. Many paths lay ahead it will be up to the government to decide which is the best.

Choose 4 Actions
  • Military
    • New Deployment of Forces
      • Ongoing Deployments do not require an action to continue
    • Train unit
    • Expand / Reduce unit size
    • Change tech level of unit
    • Raise new unit
    • Military R&D
  • National Action
    • Affecting Belkan Political Parties
      • Increase or decrease a parties share of parliament
    • Economic Development (Increasing available EP)
      • Short Term Path
      • Mid Term Path
      • Long Term Path
    • General R&D
  • International Action
    • Economic deals
      • Hoffnung Industrial Engineering reconstruction work 177/200 CP Must complete by end of 2021 (1 turn)
      • Aurelia/Leasath Hoffnung Industrial Engineering reconstruction work 0/100 CP Must be completed by the end of 2023 (5 Turns)
    • Military deals
    • Influence State
      • Openly
      • Covertly
    • Espionage

AN: Alright here is the next turn. Still using the old method though if people have suggestions for actions and I deem them possible I will keep them as a separate file so people can look them over. There is a moratorium of 24hrs before voting is allowed. Use that time to discuss plans, actions, and ask questions. After that voting will be open for five days.

Please vote in plan format.
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-Hoffnung Industrial Engineering reconstruction work 177/200 CP Must complete by end of 2021 (1 turn
-Aurelia/Leasath Hoffnung Industrial Engineering reconstruction work 0/100 CP Must be completed by the end of 2023 (5 Turns)

Well for first thoughts these two actions seem like they should be done. One has a very short time limit and is almost done. The other has a decent time limit but there doesn't seem to be any real reason to wait on it.

-Influence State (Covertly)

Supporting the Doves in Osea seems wise. A split between the congress and the president seems like the best case for Belka. If either side were to have full control they will need to compromise less. Openly influencing the election seems unwise, but a deniable media blitz seems workable.

The last action is the big question. Expand the economy, push R&D, or try to sell arms to the world all seem promising. I'll have to look a bit more in depth before I make a firm suggestion. I've thrown together a first draft below for a plan.

Plan: Political Games
-Hoffnung Industrial Engineering reconstruction work 177/200 CP Must complete by end of 2021 (1 turn
-Aurelia/Leasath Hoffnung Industrial Engineering reconstruction work 0/100 CP Must be completed by the end of 2023 (5 Turns)
-Influence State (Covertly) Supporting the Doves in Osea - Try to dig up any dirt on the Hawks and make sure it gets into the hands of the media. Be more concerned with making sure nothing is tied back to us then maximizing effectiveness. A Dove president would be good, but not at the cost of drawing attention to Belka for meddling in an election.
-Economic Development (Increasing available EP) Mid Term Path
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You only have so many points to use. There is a total of 160 EP now because of the +10 from economic development. But you currently still have 49 MP worth of upkeep for the military that is removed.

Any deal to sell to others is its own action as well. And you need to put in what you want to do with your actions for deals and influence. Same with RnD or else I will decide what it is and I will just roll on a dice table or something.

Also you can change the makeup/standard aircraft for our units without taking an action so long as the Aircraft fits in the same tech level and role.
My understanding is that we vote on the options, and after that we vote on the budget. Is that correct?

Without questioning on if the plan is a good idea is the plan I posted legal? Does it provide enough information or do I need further details?

The main reason I went with the actions I did was to leverage the minority government bonuses. Economic Development should please the industrialists, while covertly influencing the election seems to be right in the New Belkans wheelhouse.
I'm flattered folks are voting for my plan already but voting doesn't open for another 20+ hours. Does anyone have any comments on said plan?
I'm flattered folks are voting for my plan already but voting doesn't open for another 20+ hours. Does anyone have any comments on said plan?

I would love to see us get to de point of building wonder weapons but our industrial base is not nearly big enough. I wish we could just focus on internal Econ but you seem to be on the money in regards to our foreign relations.
I'm flattered folks are voting for my plan already but voting doesn't open for another 20+ hours. Does anyone have any comments on said plan?
-Hoffnung Industrial Engineering reconstruction work 177/200 CP Must complete by end of 2021 (1 turn
-Aurelia/Leasath Hoffnung Industrial Engineering reconstruction work 0/100 CP Must be completed by the end of 2023 (5 Turns)
-Influence State (Covertly) Supporting the Doves in Osea
-Economic Development (Increasing available EP) Mid Term Path
Well I did the math:
hoffnung recontruction will take 23 CP
Aurelia/lesath reconstruction 20CP(so a trickle of CP will finish it on time)
Influence supporting Doves at least 30CP
Economic Development use the remaining points 38CP(will give 47.5CP worth of progress)

111CP after military upkeep
111-23 = 88
88-20 =68
58-30 = 38
38-38 = 0CP

edited: adjusted the CP since QM explained my mistake.
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My understanding is that we vote on the options, and after that we vote on the budget. Is that correct?

Without questioning on if the plan is a good idea is the plan I posted legal? Does it provide enough information or do I need further details?

The main reason I went with the actions I did was to leverage the minority government bonuses. Economic Development should please the industrialists, while covertly influencing the election seems to be right in the New Belkans wheelhouse.
Yes there are two phases of voting. One for the plan itself. And then a second one for point distribution.

Also yes the influence option works but adding more details help when writing results.
Well I did the math hoffnung recontruction will take either 18(with bonus it becomes 22.5 cp not sure if it rounds up or down) or 19 CP(23.75 cp)
Aurelia/lesath reconstruction would need 80CP if we want to finish it this turn but since its not I propose we use 40 CP to finish it in 2 turns
Influence supporting Doves at least 30CP
Economic Development use the remaining points 22-23CP

111CP after military upkeep
111-19 = 92
92-40 = 52
52-30 = 22
22-22 = 0CP
The industrialists bonus only applies to economic development not to the reconstruction of the other nations.
As an alternative means of getting more points to spend (if a more temporary point one), we could make an arms deal with one or more of our neighbors that have at least a neutral relation with us: Gebet, Ustio, and Recta. That can also be used to improve relations with them.
Yes Recta and Gebet both have outdated equipment and undertrained units. Ustio has need of training and is looking to expand their size. That is something that you can use. They will eventually find a supplier and fix it on the their own too. A economic deal for selling equipment to those three is possible same as with doing an international diplomacy action to set up joint training exercises with them all. That was discussed in the last thread as well.

They also have a neighbor that is a threat to them in Ratio. Also technology research is also an option. You can ask about if Belka already has the tech or which type of tech it would be in.
I may have missed it, but are there any indications on the costs for the various projects? It seems like some are /? but others have a set target number. How many turns will a mid-term or long-term economic project tie up an action?

I'm not opposed to the idea of selling gear to our minor power neighbours. Recta has the better relationship with the Belkan minorities, and is on the border with a Ratio. Ratio is ruled by a Junta, and seems like it might get aggressive soon. Replacing the Economic Development with a military trade deal with Recta seems like a decent change from my plan.

Some random brainstorming for techs -
Improved resource gathering. IIRC Belka went to war over resource rich areas. Better exploiting what we already have seems reasonable.

Improved COFFIN tech - Full cockpit ejection system, ala the Hatchetman from Battletech. The improved performance of the COFFIN system seems good, but I'm not a fan of offering our pilots up as sacrifices to appease the dark gods. I'll leave that to the Lyrans with their Lucifers. The drone ejection from the Ravens seems a bit excessive, but does prove that the concept is worth looking at in this setting.

I'll split my plan into two versions. I think these will cover our basis fairly well, but I'll tweak them again pending answers from the QM.

[]Plan: Political Games - Internal
-Hoffnung Industrial Engineering reconstruction work 177/200 CP Must complete by end of 2021 (1 turn
-Aurelia/Leasath Hoffnung Industrial Engineering reconstruction work 0/100 CP Must be completed by the end of 2023 (5 Turns)
-Influence State (Covertly) Supporting the Doves in Osea - Try to dig up any dirt on the Hawks and make sure it gets into the hands of the media. Be more concerned with making sure nothing is tied back to us then maximizing effectiveness. A Dove president would be good, but not at the cost of drawing attention to Belka for meddling in an election.
-Economic Development (Increasing available EP) Mid Term Path

[]Plan: Political Games - External
-Hoffnung Industrial Engineering reconstruction work 177/200 CP Must complete by end of 2021 (1 turn
-Aurelia/Leasath Hoffnung Industrial Engineering reconstruction work 0/100 CP Must be completed by the end of 2023 (5 Turns)
-Influence State (Covertly) Supporting the Doves in Osea - Try to dig up any dirt on the Hawks and make sure it gets into the hands of the media. Be more concerned with making sure nothing is tied back to us then maximizing effectiveness. A Dove president would be good, but not at the cost of drawing attention to Belka for meddling in an election.
International -> Military Deal -> Sell Military equipment to Gebet, Recta, & Ustio for upgrades/expansion. - Same plan as with Aurelia.

[Edit - I went with sell over joint training because it seems to make sense to help them train with the new gear. Also I think it has a better chance of being accepted. Some folks might think joint training was for nefarious purposes, while just selling weapons worked out quite well for Aurelia.]
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I may have missed it, but are there any indications on the costs for the various projects? It seems like some are /? but others have a set target number. How many turns will a mid-term or long-term economic project tie up an action?
If they have a question Mark it is because you do not know how much is required for them or they don't have a set requirement of points.

Each economic Development level take twice as long as the previous level.

Some random brainstorming for techs -
Improved resource gathering. IIRC Belka went to war over resource rich areas. Better exploiting what we already have seems reasonable.
What would those resource gathering tech be? Better tools, better detection, synthetic material creation, drone work force, exoskeleton for worker?

Improved COFFIN tech - Full cockpit ejection system, ala the Hatchetman from Battletech. The improved performance of the COFFIN system seems good, but I'm not a fan of offering our pilots up as sacrifices to appease the dark gods. I'll leave that to the Lyrans with their Lucifers. The drone ejection from the Ravens seems a bit excessive, but does prove that the concept is worth looking at in this setting.
There is no reason COFFIN equipped units can't have ejection seats. They are still sitting in normal seats afterall. We aren't using the AC 3 set up for them afterall. COFFIN tech boosts every part of the aircraft performance. And the entire point of the drone ejection system for the Ravens was as an escape vehicle. It is meant to run and get the pilot to safely either on the ground or out of the area.
This is what action you would need for setting up training drills with your neighbors

International -> Military Deal -> Invite Gebet, Recta, & Ustio for joint training exercise.

And this is what you need for selling. You can do individual actions for each but that takes more time. The upside is that you can sell more to individuals instead of splitting it three ways. Also for larger deals there would be a project to sell over time.

International -> Econ Deal -> Sell Military equipment to Gebet, Recta, & Ustio for upgrades/expansion.

And this is about how much it would cost to do the training exercises using one air and ground unit for each side.
For that training stuff I was talking about. This is what I wanted to do it would cost a hell of a lot. Which is why the turn before this was proposed to the three Nations we would sell them a military deal on par with the same amount we sold to Aurelia to cover some of the cost.

Ustio Training units:
  • 3rd Aerial Supremacy Group, Size: Group/Group, Tech: Current, Level: Veteran 8XP, Mission: Air Superiority, Standard Aircraft: MiG-29S, Upkeep: 3=11 MP to train
  • 5th Armoured Division, Size: Division/Division, Tech: Current, Level: Regular 8XP, Mission: Armoured, Upkeep: 5=13 MP to train
Recta Training units:
  • 21st Air Defense Group, Size: Group/Group, Tech: Current, Level: Veteran 14XP, Mission: Interceptor, Standard Aircraft: MiG-31B, Upkeep: 3=17 MP to train
  • 4th Division, Size: Division/Division, Tech: Current, Level: Regular 8XP, Mission: General, Upkeep: 5=13 MP to train
Gebet Training units:
  • 16th Strike Group, Size: Group/Group, Tech: Current, Level: Veteran 8XP, Mission: Multirole, Standard Aircraft: Rafale, Upkeep: 3=11 MP to train
  • 2nd Division, Size: Division/Division, Tech: Current, Level: Regular 8XP, Mission: General, Upkeep: 5=13 MP to train
Total Cost for training: 78 MP
[X]Plan: Political Games - Internal
-Hoffnung Industrial Engineering reconstruction work 177/200 CP Must complete by end of 2021 (1 turn
-Aurelia/Leasath Hoffnung Industrial Engineering reconstruction work 0/100 CP Must be completed by the end of 2023 (5 Turns)
-Influence State (Covertly) Supporting the Doves in Osea - Try to dig up any dirt on the Hawks and make sure it gets into the hands of the media. Be more concerned with making sure nothing is tied back to us then maximizing effectiveness. A Dove president would be good, but not at the cost of drawing attention to Belka for meddling in an election.
-Economic Development (Increasing available EP) Mid Term Path
To be more clear, most of the actions don't have any cost listed that I found. I had assumed that if it's listed as /? then we are in the dark. I don't have a good idea of how much a mid versus long term economic project would cost. With Short/Mid/Long being 2/4/8 turns would the cost be a similar ratio (35/70/140) or something else? Do we have any idea what the RoI would be? Short term got 10ep for 35 investment. Is that a consistent result, a poor result, or a wild crit? I am guessing that the mid and long term options would be more efficient, else why bother. If a 2 turn action gives 10, an 8 turn action would need to give well more than 40 to be worth it. This is because you'd be getting the +10 income every 2 turns from the short term options completing. Of course diminishing returns could well be a thing. Is it?

My understanding was the reason that the COFFIN system was named such was the lack of ejection system. If they do allow for ejection then I have far less objections to their use.

The full escape vehicles is certainly a thing that can be done, but I feel it probably adds to much complication to the aircraft. Alright, I admit that is probably a selling point for the Belkans.

What would those resource gathering tech be? Better tools, better detection, synthetic material creation, drone work force, exoskeleton for worker?
I don't really know. What do we need? Does Belka have known resource deposits that present technology can't exploit? Does it have resources that it just isn't exploiting effectively so better tools would solve the problem? If there aren't any good prospects then better prospecting technology seems reasonable. Some form of geological imaging is my first thought. Maybe advance ground penetrating radar or advanced seismic imaging.

If all you are looking for is some suggestions for some cool tech, I'm happy to do so. I just don't have enough of a grasp on the situation on the ground to know what would actually be useful. If that isn't a concern then I'll be get right on providing all kinds of tech for various things.

While research is never a sure thing, I also don't have any good concept for how much an R&D project would be. I'd assume that we could look at the budgets for some previous projects to get a sense of what kind of numbers we are talking about. If we wanted a new super fighter or a better nuclear reactor looking at the cost of the last few super fighters or nuclear reactor design would at least allow us to know if it was feasible to consider the option. I don't need an extensive list, just a few data points.

Because people love super weapons - How much did Excalibur cost back in the 80s? What is the condition of the site now? Are their proposals for refitting the site or building an Excalibur 2.0? Since Belka built it, it should be fairly easy to work out what a similar project would cost now. Not saying it would be easy or even advisable to actually build it, but if we had a good idea of the budget that would be handy.
My understanding was the reason that the COFFIN system was named such was the lack of ejection system. If they do allow for ejection then I have far less objections to their use.
It was nicknamed COFFIN because the canopy was fully covered and dark without the cameras and sensors.

To be more clear, most of the actions don't have any cost listed that I found. I had assumed that if it's listed as /? then we are in the dark. I don't have a good idea of how much a mid versus long term economic project would cost. With Short/Mid/Long being 2/4/8 turns would the cost be a similar ratio (35/70/140) or something else? Do we have any idea what the RoI would be? Short term got 10ep for 35 investment. Is that a consistent result, a poor result, or a wild crit? I am guessing that the mid and long term options would be more efficient, else why bother. If a 2 turn action gives 10, an 8 turn action would need to give well more than 40 to be worth it. This is because you'd be getting the +10 income every 2 turns from the short term options completing. Of course diminishing returns could well be a thing. Is it?
The reason the actions don't have cost is because you need to decide what each action is per category. The options are general one that you use to make specific actions. Only started actions will be shown with progess. And again if there is ? then you do not know how much is needed or if there is a set amount required.

Economic developments each give a set amount of points. There is also other things the higher levels provide but you need to take them to find out. And yes eventually there will be a wall on what can be done with your current tech or territory

And yes you can do almost anything you want for research and other actions. But you are not in a vacuum those actions will get reactions from others.

As for Excalibur it was expensive before and would still be expensive now. But it would be hard to hide you working on it.
As for Excalibur it was expensive before and would still be expensive now. But it would be hard to hide you working on it.
Can you be less general? Assume for the moment that we didn't care about hiding it due to Hubris. Is it on the order of 200? 2000? 20,000? I'm asking because people seem to want super weapons. Knowing how much it will cost for one will determine how hard to push for economic development VS other tasks.