Ace Combat: Belka Quest Reborn
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Will you restore Belka to its former Glory? Will you burn the world to ash around you? Will you let go of the past and find a new path? Or will you just spam super weapons until your economy implodes? Join and find out in this exciting continuation of Belka Quest.
Game Start 2021-1 Half Year Results
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Belka Quest Reborn

2021 Half Year

Hoffnung Industrial Engineering reconstruction work 177/200 CP Must complete by end of 2021 (2 turns)

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The foreman's whistle sounded in repeated blasts as he waved to the crane's crew. Steel beams were raised high into the sky and placed into the frame of the building with deliberate precision. The welding torches of men clinging to the building then blazed to life and began locking them in place. After the slow progress of previous months, the sight of the building's skeleton finally coming together was a welcome sight to many on the surrounding streets. With progress being made they could see that the rerouting of their daily commute would eventually come to an end.

As if possessed the workers over the last few months have advanced their progress far above even the most optimistic projections. The shipment of supplies and raw materials has increased in both amount and speed. To the people of Usea, it seems as if HIE and the Belkans are just magicking up everything they need to restore their shattered homelands. In truth, the fast pace of delivery is due to the largest shipping company in Belka working overtime. Anfang Shipping & Freight was started by a pair of brothers that were Aces during the Belkan War. The pace is so fast that the subcontracted portions of the projects have already finished ahead of schedule and under budget. Those same companies have used the extra time and materials to improve other sectors of their nations that weren't being handled by HIE. Abandoned and damaged military infrastructure and defenses were being brought back online across Usea giving the populations peace of mind.

Across Shilage, Voslage, and the other countries that had contracted HIE last year this scene was repeated. In many bars scattered around the now divided continent, the hubbub of Belkan voices from the off-duty construction workers grew later and later as overtime shifts became more common and men far from home took the opportunity to spend hard-earned cash. Belkans and locals laugh and enjoy themselves while joking about how the famed "Belkan witchcraft" has finally shown itself.

1D10=10 1.5 times to points spent
Result: Major Progress completed, all projects have entered the final leg of construction. Some military infrastructure was restored by Usean companies. Belkan "witchcraft" is not so feared after all. Many bars across Erusea find an appreciation for Belkan patrons.

Short Term Economic Development 35/35 CP Must spend 2 turns on action 2/2

The whistle of the engine nearly deafened Alfons as he lifted up his welding mask and glanced at the clock. Smiling as he realized the hands read 1200 he put his equipment to the side and walked over to the lunch area. When he got there one of the other welders waved and reached into the fridge, they paused and rummaged for a second before pulling out a sandwich that had Alfons' name marked on it and tossing it over to him.

Nodding in thanks Alfons took a seat on the porch of the on-site office to get out of the sun and ate his sandwich. Mind-wandering he remembered the elections back in 2019, he hadn't been too sure about who he'd cast his vote for at the time, but seeing the turnaround they'd managed to take the country into gave him confidence. His son was going to be able to get a job right out of university and with all the construction and other government-funded projects that had come up they'd managed to pay off the last of his tuition.

Truly it was a good time to be Belkan.

Result: Action complete. +10EP permanent.

Political Manoeuvring in Osea 32.5/? CP

Using both Belkan BCP resources as well as the influence of prominent Belkan loyalists in occupied South Belka efforts have been made to support and increase the popularity of the Doves in their Presidential run. Due to the Hawks' very unsubtle threats and rhetoric against the "threat" of Belka and their "puppet" Grunder Industries it was easy to build a major voting block for the Doves and their non-aggression stance towards Belka. Due to the investigation into Grunder by the Osean Intelligence Agency revealing that there was no connection between the company, its employees/members, and subsidiaries and the infamous Grey Men the Hawks have lost credibility in many places both domestic and overseas. As they are now seen by some to be deflecting Osea's failures onto people and entities that weren't involved this has made it easier to build support for the Doves.

South Belka is a major population center for Osea so having people rallying around a President that won't cause intentional harm to their homeland was easy to accomplish. The older generation while still considering themselves Belkan understood that the Doves were the best chance for if not reunification then at least a de-escalation of tensions for their homeland. The younger generations also were still raised to view Belka as their rightful home. They also knew that if war broke out then the front line would be in their homes and that wasn't wished for by anyone. Even the Oseans in the area didn't want to have a war there for many of the same reasons. This upswing participation from a province that had traditionally had low voter turnout was a surprising swing state. When taken into account the lead the Hawks enjoyed was reduced by a good margin.

That support combined with Grunder using proxies and shell companies to help fund the campaigns and projects of the Doves has allowed for many wary Oseans that were on the fence about supporting Hawks' warlike tendencies to gravitate back to the Doves and their support for civilian projects that improve the lives of more people. Along with Grunder making subtle public endorsements of the Dove candidate and the ideals of Vincent Harling has been able to sway other companies in Osea to put some support behind the Doves. Though only Grunder is a company in the military sector to do so there were other companies in the transportation, telecommunication, and constructions sectors that have followed their lead only some of which have any ties to Grunder.

The actions of Belka in their rebuilding of Usean nations, Aurelia, and Leasath from the ravages of war along with the release from Belka and Aurelia about what the increased military production the Hawks used to win the congress was actually used for have lowered the popularity of some of the new congressmen and women. Due to the fact that Belka's armed forces have not increased in size as the Hawks claimed and that major portions of Belkan resources are either being used for economic development or reconstruction efforts in war-torn nations the support for both the Hawks and Doves is about even now compared to the lead that the Hawks enjoyed before.

1D10=7 No effect
1D100= 49+32.5=83
Result: Presidential Race tied between Doves and Hawks. North Osea (South Belka) formed as a core of Dove support. Civilian sector companies and Grunder backing Doves. Hawks have egg on their face from being proven wrong on multiple occasions.

Bidding for reconstruction contracts in Aurelia and Leasath 25/? CP

Now that the war is over both Aurelia and the Provisional Government of Leasath must contend with rebuilding their countries. Aurelia while winning the war still lost a considerable amount of its military and the infrastructure to support that military. No bases were spared damage except the bases far in the east of the country which were second-rate at best due to them not being considered priorities. As such all of the main army camps, naval stations/ports, and air forces bases need to be rebuilt and all the undamaged bases need to be upgraded.

While the northern and eastern part of Aurelia was conquered and most of the fighting took place in that area the Leasathian forces weren't in control long enough nor were they secure enough to do massive damage to civilian infrastructure. As such that part of the reconstruction could be handled by local companies while HIE focused on the more important military side. The capital of Griswall and all the major cities would need their defenses restored as they were destroyed in the counterattacks. Luckily the Atmos Ring remained intact for the most part with only minor damage.

The Provisional Government of Leasath has even more work to do than Aurelia. Due to both the presence of Aurelian observers and their own citizens' anger at the old regime, the relief funds being sent are actually being used to help the nation recover instead of being pocketed. The repairs needed are vast as not only is the damage from the Aurelian counter-invasion present but the damage from years of civil war has not yet been repaired. Unlike Aurelia which could repair their civilian infrastructure Leasath needed to get outside help from HIE. There were new roads that needed to be built, power grids that needed to be revamped, cities that required near-total rebuilding, and most importantly farms/food production that needed upgrading and recommencement of production.

While the bases and military support structures of Leasath also took major damage and the sheer reduction in the size of the armed forces doesn't help. It is unlikely that rebuilding those forces to their former size will be on the agenda until after reconstruction is done. That means that only a few bases and their required infrastructure are part of the contract for rebuilding and upgrading. The focus will be on using those bases for defense along with also restoring the cities' defensive weapons and systems to dissuade any opportunistic nations or organizations. One of the few sectors of Leasath still mostly intact from the war is ironically arms manufacturing which might be key to helping Leasath recover its economy.

With the Aurelians still needing to rebuild their Air Force since their army is still supplied with enough equipment to restore pre-war numbers the search for outside arms dealer to supplement their own local production has them looking toward Leasath and Belka. With Aurelia taking a more active role and interest in the reconstruction the idea to bid Leasath through an economic partnership for aircraft procurement isn't out of the question. It would rebuild the Aurelian Air Force faster and would keep those same aircraft out of Leasath's hands for longer allowing Aurelia to maintain their lead. On the other hand, Belka has already provided quality goods before and is helping to rebuild both Nations. It is worrying that buying from Belka for this combined with all the help Belka has already done might create a dependency on the faraway nation. As such it is the former enemy that is the favored option by Aurelia and Leasath agrees as they need as much capital infusion as possible to get back on their feet.

With all the work being done by HIE and the decent relations with the local governments it was possible for the company to buy out some local companies and merge them into new branches and subsidiaries for South Osea. This would help employ both local and Belkan workers while strengthening the local economies where the branches are located. The scale of the required reconstruction is not on par with the work being done in Usea but will still take either several years or a massive amount of funding to accomplish.

1D10=9 1.25 times point spent
Aurelia: 88+31.5=120
Leasath: 77+31.5=108
Result: Reconstruction contracts for Aurelian military infrastructure. Reconstruction contracts for full Leasathian Infrastructure. HIE local branches and subsidiaries are established in the South Osean Continent. Easier to perform Econ deals with Aurelia and Leasath.

Alright, so this is a continuation and slight modification to the Old Belka Quest that I got permission to continue. To catch up on where we are starting this game go check out the link. Now like I said most of what was in effect in the last thread apply here and I will only be changing some things and adding to the mechanics with some stuff that wasn't set in stone so I can work it for hopefully a good game. I am also looking for a Co-QM to help run this so if you are interested let me know.

Please wait while create enough posts for the extra materials and infromation.
Mechanical Information Post

Resource System
Economy size generates a certain amount of points. These are split between 2 pools based on how big the military budget is. Expanding the military budget raises the Osean invasion metre.

Military Points (MP)
Obviously these are spent to buy military units as well as on unit upkeep.
Some R&D can be paid for with this instead of CP.

Civil Points (CP)
Spent on everything else. Want to build infrastructure? CP. Want to overhaul govt bureaucracy? CP. etc.
Action Mechanics
Each turn will be divided into 2 phases. In the first phase you will vote for which actions are to be taken that turn:
  • Military
    • New Deployment of Forces
      • Ongoing Deployments do not require an action to continue
    • Train unit
    • Expand / Reduce unit size
    • Change tech level of unit
    • Raise new unit
    • Military R&D
  • National Action
    • Affecting Belkan Political Parties
      • Increase or decrease a parties share of parliament
    • Economic Development (Increasing available EP)
    • General R&D
  • International Action
    • Economic deals
    • Military deals
    • Influence State
      • Openly or Covertly
    • Espionage
In the second phase of the turn once actions have been decided there will be another vote where you decide how to spend your CP and MP on the selected actions.
Military System
Each military unit will have 3 stats, first Size.
SizeCompany - Army
Squadron - Air Force
Task Unit - Navy
Regiment - Army
Wing - Air Force
Battlegroup - Navy
Brigade - Army
Group - Air Force
Task Force - Navy
Division - Army & Air Force
Fleet - Navy
Unit size determines how many dice a unit rolls when it performs an operation.

Army and Navy units roll 1d100 per unit size
Air Force units roll 2d100 per unit size and take the higher one.

So as an example an Army division would roll 4d100 for any operations it undertakes whereas an Air Division would roll 8d100 and take the highest 4.
Now you may be thinking, doesn't that make Air Force units much more powerful than Army or Navy units?
Yes it does, this is Ace Combat. If you want realistic power levels for your Air Force find another franchise.

A units Equipment will be its second stat and the modifier from it applies to each die the unit rolls.
EquipmentObsolescentCurrentCutting EdgeNext Gen
Units are raised by spending MP and cost 50% of that MP in upkeep per turn. Drones, aside from Z.O.E. units, cost 40% of the MP spent to raise them.

MP NeededCompany/Squadron/Task UnitRegiment/Wing/BattlegroupBrigade/Group/Task ForceDivision/Fleet
Cutting Edge35711
Next Gen46914
The first question this chart may give you is why spend for a Division when 4 Companies will give you the same dice?

Well, there are two answers to that.
  • Larger units can absorb casualties more easily. If a Division takes 75% casualties it will be reduced to a Regiment whereas if a Company takes 75% casualties it will be destroyed.
  • Larger units are capable of larger operations. As an example Juno Beach had 1 Division and 1 Brigade which in terms of cost to raise is equal to 12 Companies. 12 Companies would not have the manpower to perform an operation on the scale of Juno Beach.
  • Cheaper upkeep. For example 2 Next Gen Brigades will cost you 9 in upkeep while 6 Next Gen Companies will cost you 12 with both of them providing 6d100+30
  • Following on from that, reinforcing a unit is usually cheaper than creating a new unit.
If a unit takes enough casualties it may go down in size, to bring this unit back up to strength you will have to spend MP equal to the unit's equipment level divided by 2 and rounded up, then multiplied by the number of sizes you are restoring.
(Equipment/2) * Steps of Size

I know that's kind of opaque so here's an example.

A Next-Gen Division is reduced to a Regiment. First, we determine what the equipment will cost, NextGen is the 4th level of Equipment so the base Equipment value is 4.
4/2 = 2 rounded up to 2
Now we multiply that by the number of steps in size we're going back up to. A Regiment is the 2nd level of Size and a Division is the 4th level of size so we're going up 2 steps.
2 * 2 = 4
So to reinforce that unit fully it will cost 4 MP.
This also applies if you want to increase the size of a unit without it having taken casualties.

Upgrading a unit's Equipment level is done similarly. Size/2 * Steps of Equipment.

A unit's Skill is its third stat and like Equipment its modifier applies to each die the unit rolls. So for a full battle an Elite Next Gen Air Group would roll 6D100H3+90(Skill)+90(Equipment). This is subject to change as battles happen to find the right balance for gameplay.
A unit's Skill is determined by its XP.

XP NeededGreenRegularVeteranElite
Company/Squadron/Task Unit0124
Brigade/Group/Task Force04816
All units start at Green and can increase their XP through either combat or training exercises. Training exercises cost MP to perform. Cost is calculated by Upkeep+XP=MP.

Drones are the exception, aside from Z.O.E. units drones do not gain XP through combat or training. Drones are created with their AI at a certain skill level and it can only be improved through R&D. Unless stated otherwise all drones are Green.
Ace Mechanics
So Aces, the reason we all love Ace Combat. In this quest, Aces are ranked on the ever-present letter system.

Ace Generation:
Every air unit in the game has the potential to generate an Ace if they roll well enough. This roll will include all of the dice the unit rolls, even the ones that are usually passed over.
Roll needed to generate AceSquadronWingGroupDivision
Taking specific actions towards generating an Ace will grant you a bonus to these rolls, but every time a unit makes a roll this chart is checked to see if they generate an Ace.

C Rank:
Notable pilots who aren't qualified enough to be considered a proper Ace. These pilots have no mechanical effect but are kept track of for their potential

B Rank:
Low level Aces and elite squadrons. These are the kind of pilots who, while well behind legends can still manage to share their sky without being completely left in the dust.
Examples: Yellow Squadron, Sol Squadron, The LRSSG
Mechanics: Roll 2d100+30(Skill)+(Equipment Level), once Aces reach this rank they may be assigned to counter an enemy Ace or affect the general battle.

A Rank:
Proper solo Aces who've written their names in the sky. These men and women can sway battles with their mere presence.
Examples: Larry "Solo Wing" Foulke, Patrick "Big Shot" Wiseman, Wardog/Razgriz Squadron
Mechanics: Roll 3d100+30(Skill)+(Equipment Level) and take the highest 2, gain a trait. They also get a nickname.

S Rank:
Their names live eternally, as much a part of the sky as the clouds or the deep blue. These men and women are strategic weapons that can dictate the course of wars and fate itself.
Examples: "Grim Reaper" Mobius 1, Blaze (Wardog 1, Razgriz 1), "Demon Lord" Cipher (Galm 1), "Three Strikes" Trigger (Mage 2, Spare 15, Strider 1), "Mister X" Mihaly A. Shilage (Sol 1)
Mechanics: Roll 3d100+30(Skill)+(Equipment Level), Possess 2 traits.

Ace Traits:
So as mentioned for A and S rank, Aces can possess Traits. These traits will give them a bonus of either +25 or +50 depending on how well the traits fit the mission at hand. Some traits will be generalized, some traits will be unique to the Ace in question. Examples:
  • Ace Killer - Mihaly, Cipher
  • Generalist - Mobius 1
  • Special Forces - unlocks unique missions - Blaze / Wardog(Razgriz) Squadron
  • Squadron Command - Blaze, Wiseman, Talisman
  • Against All Odds - Trigger
  • Symbol of Hope and Victory - Trigger, Mobius 1
  • Father to his Men - Falco 1
  • Icon of Victory - Falco 1, Talisman
  • Aggressor - Gryphus 1, Cipher
  • Back from the Brink - Gryphus 1, Mihaly
Aces are not immortal. If a C Rank Ace's unit takes high enough casualties they will die. If a B or A rank Ace rolls a pair of 1's they will die. If an S Rank rolls triples 1's they will die. This applies to standard combat, even if there are no enemy Aces present the dice can decree "nope, they dead"

Aces can also kill each other. If Aces go head to head and one rolls more than double the score of the other they will shoot down the enemy Ace. The shot down Ace must make a survival role and if they fail they are reduced to pining for the fjords. This works both ways, enemy Aces can and if the dice decree it, will kill your Aces.
Depending on how the votes come each party will be allocated a share of the Belkan Parliament. If they receive the most votes for a single party but not more than all others combined they are a minority government. If they receive more than all other parties combined they form a majority government.
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Political Parties

Belkan Internal Politics

The great capitalists of Belka, products of its industrial revolution. These are the men of wealth and intelligence who made their fortunes upon the sweat of their (employee's) brow. Weakened by their loss of one of their most influential companies, the South Belka Munitions Factory, now North Osea Grunder Industries, they nonetheless wield their influence through their bank accounts. As a group, their foreign policy has mostly focused on building Belkan influence through economic domination. Belka has always been one of the most industrialized nations in the world and it should leverage that strength to create economic dependency in other nations to the point where Belka's economic might makes it the natural leader of anything that matters on the world stage.

On the war of 1995 they believe that it was the Old Belkan insistence on honour and individual skill that lost the war. Modern war is an industrialized slaughter and sheer weight of numbers should be enough to carry the day no matter what demon leads the enemy.

Minority Govt Bonus: CP count as 1.25 when applied to Economic Development
Majority Govt Bonus: CP count as 1.75 when applied to Economic Development (overrides Minority Govt Bonus)
The next generation after the Industrialists were these men and women. Believers in the supremacy of science overall and the power of the human mind and its will to advance. In the military the power of technology can close the quality or quantity gap, in production the next advance will clearly make the old methods obsolete, in computing every byte of possible advantage is life and death. The formula don't lie, Belka can be run by the numbers and succeed.

The 1995 war merely cemented the power of superweapons in their minds. After all was it not the most advanced weaponry, nuclear, that brought a halt to the enemy advance? Did Excalibur not stop the enemy from making any missile attacks against Belkan soil? Did the XB-0 Hresvelgr not pave the way for warfare in showing the validity of airborne carriers so well that even Osea and Erusea bowed to their might?

Super Weapons are the answer.

The Technocrats don't need a question.

Minority Govt Bonus: CP & MP count for 1.25 when applied to R&D
Majority Govt Bonus: CP & MP count as 1.75 when applied to R&D (overrides Minority Govt Bonus)
Old Belkans
The descendants of the knightly houses of medieval Belka this has been the most consistent faction in Belkan politics for two centuries. Their role in the formation of the political system has kept them central to it and their stance on the meritocratic raising of any Belkan who proves themself through honour and valour in combat wins them admirers from all sectors. Their foreign policy as a group has consistently been one of either expansion or aggressive defence to demonstrate the power of Belka.

Their stance on why the war of 1995 failed is simple. Belka simply wasn't committed enough and may have tried to take on more opponents than wise concurrently. They firmly believe in the supremacy of the Belkan military over its neighbours and the strength of conventional, proven, military technology over whatever superweapon the Technocrats are touting this week.

Minority Govt Bonus: MP counts for 1.25
Majority Govt Bonus: Military XP gains are doubled
New Belkans
The newest faction in Belkan politics, the New Belkans believe that the ways of the past are what doomed Belka. There can be no victory in your own strength, only in turning the enemy's strength against themselves. While not the largest support base compared to other interest groups of the Belkan political scene they make up for it with increased rates of participation and die hard belief rivalling that of the staunchest Old Belkans.

1995 failed because it relied on military strength. Belka saw what the Oseans accomplished through trickery and deceit and it was the loss of both the Eastern Territories and the Grand Lakes region. Only when they had the overwhelming advantage was military force applied. To regain the pride lost 24 years ago Belka must do the same.

Minority Govt Bonus: CP & MP count as 1.25 when applied to Espionage and Black Ops actions
Majority Govt Bonus: MP can be hidden as CP so other countries are unaware of Belka's true military

New Belkans​
Old Belkans​
60 Sitting Members​
110 Sitting Members​
80 Sitting Members​
50 Sitting Members​
Junior Coalition Member​
Government Leader - Minority
Senior Coalition Member​
Opposition Leader​
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Osean Continent Foreign Nations
Foreign Nations: Osean Continent

Relations between Belka and Osea are once more frosty, with the investigation providing no clear evidence of any Belkan actions in the Lighthouse war or with any action Grunder had taken the Oseans have been unable to legally take any new actions. This hasn't stopped the Hawks and other Oseans from continuing to blame Belka for the war. And the fact that Belka outplayed Osea in both the reconstruction of Usea and South Osea has made Osea more careful in their accusations. With the Aurelian Government publicly announcing with the Belkan Government that Aurelia had purchased the massive arms production that the Osean called a Belkan military expansion also hurting the pride of Osea. Belka's proactive approach and simple luck in helping the Aurelian by accident have started to diminish Osea's influence. How they will respond will depend on how the Hawk congress and Dove President share power.
  • Naval: the Osean Navy is still heavily damaged from the Lighthouse War, 4 of their 7 Carrier Task Forces were effectively destroyed. Of the three remaining, 1 suffered extensive damage and will remain in Dry Dock till the end of 2022 for repairs, while the last 2 have been made combat-capable again. Associated fleet elements are likewise in poor status, significantly reducing Osea's ability to project force. Both carriers and their attached units stay in Oured Bay working with Sapin and ready to lauch their Naval Strike Wings into Belka at a moment's notice.

  • Army: Osea's army, while damaged, suffered the least due to the geological distance involved. Osean army elements on Usea were over the course of the war effectively destroyed as a larger fighting force but significant reserves left in Osea escaped unharmed. Of the three of Osean's military branches, their army is still a major threat to Belka in the event of war. To show that threat Osea moved 4 Rapid assault Land Divisions to South Belka to keep the Belkan populations in line.

  • Air Force: the Osean Airforce, like the Navy, suffered heavy losses overall. The use of drones and the surprise attacks on IUN-PKF (which were primarily Osean) units in the opening stages of the war, and Erusean aerial dominance via the hijacked Arsenal Birds gutted the better part of the Osean Airforce by the war's end. While all remaining forces have been recalled this has caused issues with the IUN which depended on those units. As such they have been replaced by other nations' forces which has lowered the view of Osea as just hoarding their power. The forces left are a bloodied and veteran cadre of skilled pilots that can match the Belkan Air Force for overall Skills. The striking power of the LRSSG cannot be understated. A squadron made up entirely of aces will wreak havoc in war. As a show of force and intimidation, Osea has deployed 3 full Air Divisions to the Belkan border. Something the Belkans have called out as an attempt to strong-arm Belka as to station those units Osea withdrew all their other forces from Eastern Osea.
With the Elections finally finished and a strange mix of power as the result it is unlikely that there will be a cool down of tensions both internally and externally with other states. With the Hawks in control of the Legislative their ability to act is majorly expanded. It is likely they will try to push for an increase in military spending though with the Doves in the highest offices possible they will be unable to push it as far or fast as they were planning. The fact that the Hawks now have to deal with three Dove strongholds in the NorthEast, NorthWest, and South has resulted in friction amongst the government and people. While nothing can be done about the west or south due to the Belkan population in the east it is easier to get away with suppression of the east. It may be possible to create a strong enough movement in South Belka to force the Doves and Hawks to agree to return the territory to be saved from such a troublesome province.

Relations between Ustio and Belka are cool. Neither nation has much love for the other but Belka has done nothing in recent years to provoke Ustio. Belka is considered a long defeated enemy, Ustio's focus has shifted to Ratio. Recently started inquires about purchasing equipment military.
  • Navy: Land Locked so no Navy Exists

  • Army: Ustio is estimated to have 1 Mechanized and 1 Airborne Division, and an Air Defense Brigade along the Belkan Border. 3 Divisions of land troops along the Recta/Ratio border regions.

  • Air Force: an Interceptor Division on the Belkan Border. Intelligence indicates that they have an additional 2 Air Divisions along the Recta/Ratio border regions.
Ustio is politically stable at the moment. Following Osea's poor performance during the Lighthouse War and them drawing down units from the region, Ustio has begun to consider a larger investment into their military. The actions of Belka in both Usea and South Osea has started to get the Belkan Minority to become more vocal about closer ties with their homeland. The main points is that Belka has the ability to supply both the military goods and training that the government wishes and that denying that is just wounded Pride on the part of the Ustio Government.

Relations with Recta are nominally cordial, especially with the rising tensions with Ratio in recent years. Due to the poor quality of troops and equipment Ratio is looking to acquire experience and new supplies and may look toward Belka for both.
  • Navy: Land locked no Navy exists

  • Army: Recta has stationed 3 Infantry Brigades along the Belkan border These forces are poorly equipped and trained, the bulk of Recta's forces instead of being stationed along the Ratio Border.

  • Air Force: A Multirole Group along the Belkan border is deployed. These forces are poorly equipped and trained, the bulk of Recta's forces instead of being stationed along the Ratio Border.
Recta is stable the central government has handled the communication disruption due to the Lighthouse war rapidly. Rising tensions with Ratio and a seemingly limited response from the Government have started to cause issues as citizens start to fear for their safety.

Relations between Gebet and Belka are close, the Dinsmark-Mons Trade Conference of 2018 has resulted in a moderate investment of Hoffnung Industrial Engineering by Gebet investors. This had the effect of allowing HIE to finish expansion and upgrades to their production facilities in Hoffnung. With the reconstruction finished in Usea and a new reconstruction project started in South Osea the investments have brought in major profit for Gebet. This has allowed for an increased trade link with both Belka and the western Usean Nations that were rebuilt. With the connection of the transportation networks of both Belka and Gebet relations have grown with cheap access to Belkan port facilities.
  • Navy: No Navy but access to Belkan Ports might lead to a creation of a small navy for convoy escort.

  • Army: Gebet has 1 Mechanized and 1 Armored Division stationed on the Belkan border. These divisions are poorly equipped and poorly trained.

  • Air Force: Bebet has placed a Fighter Group and a Multirole Division on the Belkan Border. These divisions are poorly equipped and poorly trained.
Gebet is internally stable at the moment. With the gains made from working closely with Belka and their own part in funding the reconstruction in Usea and the projects ongoing in South Osea, the government has gained much support internationally. Though Nations like Osea and Yuketobania are attempting to make it seem as if it was Gebet only that did the work and denying the Belkans their due. With Gebet not yet having taken a stance on this the large Belkan Minority of the country are starting to protest and demand that Gebet denounce such attempts by the superpowers for what they are. Manipulation, lies, cover-ups of Osean incompetence, and hate from Yuketobania. So far Gebet's government has been in close doors sessions with the Belkan ambassadors but it is unknown what action they will take.

Relations between Belka and the FATO States continue to be tense. Following the reveal of the Grey Men and the end of the Continental War the ongoing détente between Belka and FATO rapidly reversed. FATO has maintained its economic sanctions against Belka even now. However, the recent election of an ultranationalist party in Nordland and the rapidly rising tensions there have seen a reduction in FATO forces along the Dinsmark border region.
FATO maintains 3 divisions of infantry along their defensive line on the border, with an additional Armored Brigade. An Interceptor Group and Strike Wing round out their air defenses. Along the coast they maintain a single naval Task Force headed by the F.N.S. Karlbert, lead ship in the Karlbert Class Sea Control Ship, which maintains a wing of F-35s.
The FATO States has always been wary of Osean influence and have thus maintained a strong military to ensure they do not become subordinate to Osea as many other nations have. As a formal alliance by a number of smaller states the political status of FATO is not easily summarized, but in broad strokes the states are rather concerned with the aggressive rhetoric and extensive military expansion being undertaken by Nordland. Especially following the failure by Osea and the IUN-PF Forces to contain Erusea's initial aggression and the perceived poor performance by the aforementioned forces have given rise to stronger pro-FATO sentiments within the member states. FATO's views to Belka are still mistrustful, but it is likely that a drawing down of forces on the border will be seen if the situation in Nordland does not calm.

Osea's closest ally in the region, the Kingdom of Sapin maintains strong ties with their allies from 1995. Ustio in particular has several major free trade and movement agreements. Their views on Belka are limited with most of the populace remembering them as an old defeated enemy and little else.
Sapin keeps most of its military focused on two areas. A group on the western border of 2 Army Divisions and 2 Air Divisions with the rest of it spread out along its vast border with Ratio. While their air force is average their army performed exceptionally well in 1995 and they've maintained that level of skill. The navy is focused on the protection of their naval borders. They are centered around a pair of Escort Carriers and a large number of destroyers and frigates. Sapin does not consider naval force projection to be an important aspect of their military.
Sapin's situation is going fairly well, the Royal family unifies the sometimes touchy and more independent minded regions of the nation and its democratic government manages the country effectively though the recent massive communications disruption has caused minor protests due to the govt slow down it caused.

Nordlands disposition wins it few friends abroad, however the vast distance between them and Nordlands constant belligerence towards Osea and Erusea has given them not-insignificant Yuktobanian backing.
Nordlands had a policy of maintaining a military capable of fighting the FATO states and Wielvakia at the same time. Though current events with FATO expansion have managed to push them to near their limit. Their military is well drilled and well equipped though growing less so as it struggles to maintain its size.
Nordland is a near completely homogeneous nation in race and culture that has generally taken an isolationist stance since the 40's, barring their close relationship with Yuktobania. In the last decades there has been an upsurge in ultranationalistic sentiment that has grown into an aggressive and expansionist regime that holds modest popular support. Their military has grown rapidly in the last few years, fueled by Yuktobanian surplus while their national military industrial complex has been invested into heavily to bring it up to par with their neighbors, in particular FATO whom they seek to match in strength.

This has greatly increased tension within the region, in particular rumors that Nordland is seeking expertise in the development of Heavy Command Cruisers.

Playing the game of international politics is how Wielvakia has survived for as long as it has. A careful balancing act of stoking tempers FATO, Ratio, Recta, Gebet, and the Nordlands without boiling over into an open war that Wielvakia may have to get involved in but also from stopping them from demilitarizing and losing their place as possible counterweights.
Well drilled but small. The Wielvakian military has mostly served as border guards and a supplement to the police when the internal situation breaks down. They are strong enough to force any nation to think twice when allies are taken into account however.
THE KING REIGNS. The current King, Madlenka rules ably and justly in the name of the Wielvakian people. Her mastery of diplomacy has kept Wielvakia mostly well regarded by all of their neighbours as well as managed to keep tensions between them at a level Wielvakia finds comfortable. Her successors may swing either way however.

Ratio's opportunistic seizure of Eastern Ustio during the Belkan dissolution of the 90s earned them few friends, and their behavior afterwards has driven the few who remained away. Ratio has no close allies and many enemies on its borders.
Ratio's military is starkly divided into two sections, conscripts and lifers. Conscript units are unmotivated, underequipped, and poorly trained. By contrast Lifer units have the finest equipment the nation can get its hands on and are universally well trained and near-fanatical in their morale. The military is distributed evenly around the nation as all sides are towards the enemy.
The Junta that took control shortly after the Belkan war using their popularity earned from taking Eastern Ustio to depose the Prime Minister and install themselves as their nations leaders. While not an expansionist state, they are utterly paranoid about maintaining their power and react very poorly to foreign influence.
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South Osean Continent Foreign Nations
SOUTH OSEA Continent

Relations between Belka and Aurelia are warm and receptive. Owning to the massive sale of modern military equipment that allowed the Aurelian army to replace their outdated and defective vehicles and small arms. Due to this sale, the Aurelians were able to hold off and then reverse the Leasathian advance. Combined with the Belkan post-war bid to repair the damage to both nations involved the general opinion of the average citizen is one of cautious optimism towards Belka. Due to the distance, there is no worry about Belkan aggression and if the reconstruction is performed well there might even be closer relations achieved.
  • Naval: the Aurelian Navy was damaged in the War with their forces taking enough damage that the remains were reorganized into a pair of Task Force-sized formations. Most of the destroyed and damaged vessels were luckily in the frigate and destroyer range with only a few cruisers. Both Carriers are still in operation and are excepted to have their aircraft complements restored in due time.​

  • Army: While the army took a beating their upgraded equipment and newfound skills and veterancy make them more than strong enough to defend their territory. A renewed sense of military awareness from the citizens along with the massive stockpile of Belkan arms remaining will ensure that the army will recover to its pre-war size with little to no issue in the coming years.​

  • Air Force: the pride of the Aurelians was both their strongest and weakest asset by the end of the war. While the Aurelian pilots were able to eventually destroy the Leasathian Air Force the opening assault spearheaded by the Gandr and Gleipnir resulted in the downing of nearly 2/3rds of all Aurelian Aircraft. The remains of the Air Force stand at just under a third of pre-war strength by the end, but they are made up of battle-hardened pilots equipped with some of the best units possible. The combined Falco and Gryphus Squadrons now form a single Elite unit with two of the best Aces in all of South Osea. Due to the losses in aircraft replacement contracts are being looked into with Belkan and ironically Leasathian being considered as the most likely to win the contract. There is also talk of the Gandr and Gleipnir being used to cover for the weakened Air Force during the rebuilding.​
Following the War, Aurelia is revamping their military policy. Those that fought against the acceptance of the Belkan arms deal to the end have lost major support while those that eventually supported it have risen to prominence. Overall things are stable and the rearmament contracts for the air force are the major topic along with what to do with Leasath. Prior to the Belkan bid to rebuild both nations' damaged infrastructure the original plan was to simply withdraw and leave Leasath to fend for themselves. The acceptance of the Bid by Leasath and the reporter Albert Genette's reveal of the true cause of the war changed that. It was decided that leaving the situation as it is was only going to cause issues. As such, the Aurelians have decided on leaving observers with the new Leasathian Government to oversee the delivery and use of humanitarian aid for their citizens. There is also talks of the air force contract with Leasath to help fund rebuilding and to keep the Leasathian Air Force from being rebuilt before the Aurelian Air Force can be restored first.

Relations between Leasath and Belka are nominally neutral. Neither nation has much to do with the other though the sale of Belkan Arms to Aurelia was feared by Belka to cause issues. Since the sale happened at the start of 2020 months before the invasion started and there was no contact between Belka and Leasath it was simply considered bad timing for the Leasathian. Belka's bid to repair the damage from both the Aurelian war and the Civil War has made the new government more receptive though final results of the reconstruction will be needed before any true improvement to relations is possible.
  • Naval: the Leasathian Navy took as much damage as their Aurelian counterparts did in the war. Both Fleets were reduced in size to a pair of Task Forces but the Leasathians also lost a carrier and their remaining carrier has no aircraft to speak of. As such, there is talk to either mothball the ship or sell it most likely to either Aurelia, Perbla, or Adamas Island. The lost ships are unlikely to be replaced until reconstruction is finished and economic development is improved.​

  • Army: the Army took a major size reduction throughout the war. The military might of Lesath went from 10 Divisions to less than two full Divisions of mixed troops. Due to the need of the new government to focus on rebuilding the nation it is unlikely that the remaining formations will be restored to their former size. Though a rebuilding of their company size formations into Regiment sized units is planned to help with security and defense before any other expansion can be tried. Local arms production for ground forces isn't spoken for and the nationalization of all of the former commanding officer Diego's assets in said arms industry should allow for the limited rearmament.​

  • Air Force: All combat Aircraft were lost in the Aurelian war. Pilot losses were also high but not total so it is possible to eventually rebuild. Though the speed of that is dependent on if Leasath wins the contract to restore the Aurelian Air Force. While it may seem counter to do so the funds brought in from the sales would go towards the recovery of the nation's citizens. And even if the Air Force was rebuilt they wouldn't have the pilots to match any of their neighbors.​
Leasath is on an edge at the moment. The reveal of Diego Gaspar Navarro's motives, embezzlement of aid, and lies have the potential to restart the civil war. The only reason it hasn't is due to the capture of the former leader for trial, the stripping of his wealth by the new government, and the Aurelians themselves making it known that they would still supply humanitarian aid for the citizens. While some feel that the new government is a puppet most understand that if Aurelia wanted to control Leasath they could do it without having to use a puppet due to their crushing victory and possession of both aerial fortresses. The possibility of funds from arms sales to Aurelia and the Belkan reconstruction efforts for the devastated country is the light of hope for both the government and the people of seeing a better tomorrow.
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Usean Continent Foreign Nation
USEA Continent

Both sides of the civil war hate Belka for "costing them" the war. While the Conservatives are more willing to try and reach out again. Their killing of Belkans on Tyler Island has made Belkans want nothing to do with them. Meanwhile, the Radicals only want more weapons and the Belkan government has issued an arms embargo on them as there is no benefit to supplying them. It is possible to create better relations but that would require a lot of work and people willing to do so.
  • Naval: The Erusean Navy was heavily damaged during the war with them losing most of their heavy warships and carriers. The one remaining carrier is currently under conservative control. Meanwhile, the remaining battlecruiser and battleship are in the hands of the Radicals.

  • Army: The army if taken as a whole is still the largest in all of western Usea. But as the army is split in the civil war both sides had roughly 7 divisions of troops each. These forces have since been reduced by 40% due to losses and defections to breakaway states. Though these remaining forces are now battle-hardened veterans.

  • Air Force: The Lighthouse war cost both sides most of their elite pilots and aces either to Trigger and the LRSSG or defections. Due to the Radicals being made up of mostly younger officers they are less skilled so they make up with the use of their remaining drones which are not available in the same numbers and are still being built in the few factories still under their control. Meanwhile, the Conservatives still have the remnants of Gram, Ilios, Refil, Hrotti, and Sigurd Squadrons as their top aces and pilots. This superior skill allows them to match the slight numbers imbalance that they face. The remains of both sides air force are equal to about a third larger than the size of Belka's current Air Force.
The end of the Lighthouse War did not mean an end to the fighting in Erusea. The civil war simply took over the main focus. Both sides claim to be the legitimate government and call the other rebels. All over Erusea fighting continues though with both sides concentrated on military forces only there have been no reports of atrocities against civilian populations. And both sides even allow for people to leave since they see them as being possible distractions to the war. This does mean that while civilian deaths are at a reasonable quality of life is not great. Not to the level of third world nations but people are being ignored. Due to the Radicals' actions in starting the war and attempts to keep it going the conservatives do have higher popular support. If the war does not end in the next couple of years Erusea could see itself further breaking apart into at least two new nations.

Gunther Provisonal Government
Belka and the Gunther Government have grown exceptionally close since 2020 when major work was started in the Gunther territory. Due to the actions of Princess Cossette in saving many Belkans from Tyler Island as well as testimony from those same Belkans the Princess is looked upon fondly by the Belkan people. As such efforts were made to ensure proper supplies were delivered to the people in the camps from Belka of which a large number were Belkans fleeing from all over Usea as the Osean rhetoric and Grey Men Papers made them targets of harassment and worse. This makes Gunther the nation with the highest Belkan population in Usea. With reconstruction over and new trade deals in place along with Belkan support for the Princess' government to become the permanent official one, it is hoped that this will lead to a strong friendship between the two nations one newly born and the other understanding of the pain they are suffering.
  • Naval: Remains of the Erusean navy that escaped Farbautti and Anchorhead Bay have formed a single battlegroup mostly made up of very like ships with an AEGIS Destroyer serving as the flagship. Mostly regulated to protecting Tyler Island and customs duty in the bay.

  • IUN Navy: units are stationed in the area with an Emmerian carrier Battlegroup-sized unit. Made up of a single Fleet Carrier and several Frigates with four AEGIS Destroyers

  • Army: Made up of defecting forces from the civil war that didn't want to fight and kill their own countrymen. Formed into a single division mostly used to help with humanitarian aid and security around the elevator. Due to this the troops are very popular and have several groups wanting to join the army. No plans exist to create more formations at the moment but may be possible once a future path for the Government is decided on.

  • IUN Army: units deployed are made up of about two Divisions one air defense and the other armored. Both are made up of Yuketobanian forces and deployed to the border with Erusea to keep the civil war internal.

  • Air Force: Made up of those Erusean Squadrons that joined the coalition to bring down the Arsenal Bird. They decided to join the Princess rather than flee or fight their own people.

  • IUN Air Force: Two IUN air groups deployed from both Emmeria and Yuketobania. The Emmerians are a Naval Strike Group stationed out of their carrier while the Yukes are an Interceptor Group stationed on Tyler Island Air Base.
While the end of the Lighthouse war was chaotic at the best of times. Princess Cossette's plan to help the refugees and help her allies has garnered acceptance and recognition from most of western Usea. The quick actions of the Belkan HIE company in starting rebuilding also helped head off any major disasters. Currently there is a movement happening to install the Princess as the head of a new constitutional Principality government with the vote set to happen at the end of 2022. It is expected to pass and once it does the new government will be able to act in a greater capacity on the world stage. While Osea has attempted to decry such actions as illegal due to the area being an IUN trust region the rest of the IUN nation spearheaded by Emmeria has stated that the will of the people will be respected and that Osea could not dictate terms.

Both Shilage and Voslage have vastly improved relations with Belka. While some members of the military are still wary due to the drones used in the lighthouse war being of Belkan origins they seem to accept the statement of the Belkan government that they had no direct hand in the war. The two newly freed nations also continue to maintain close ties with each other both militarily and economically. The reconstruction of both nations especially the work done to repair what the Osean LRSSG did in their banditry and sack of the nations has helped restore their status. Due to the LRSSG's actions, both nations are cold toward Osea, especially with the Hawks in power.
  • Naval: Due to their landlock nature no navy exists but natives and descendants of the nations serve in the Gunther Navy as the bay is the main port of call for trade. Talks are underway to see about possibly funding the Gunther Navy with ships that would be controlled by Shilage and Voslage so long as they stayed on protecting the bay or escorting trade convoys. The talks are expected to only truly start after the 2022 vote.

  • Army: Each nation has about two divisions of troops made up of new recruits and veteran defectors. The units are spread out along the border with Erusea and they are well motivated and decently trained, but only the veterans have heavy modern equipment.

  • Air Force: The Air Force is where the two Nations shine made up of several highly skilled squadrons that defected from Erusea as the core along with new pilots that have gone through some of the hardest training possible. The three premier Squadrons are Sol, Ask, and Egil with Sol being made up completely of Aces.
Due to being formed in a war the Nations did not start off that great and the actions of the Osean LRSSG nearly caused a full-on collapse. Only through the luck of having Erusea locked in a civil war and the quick actions of Belka did the two nations survive. Since that time of crisis, the nations have stabilized and grown to be the most powerful of the break-away states as it is impossible to fight only one without the other attacking as well. With a fully upgraded infrastructure and a well-trained military, there is no immediate threat. The current Duke Mihaly A. Shilage intends to step down within a year once his granddaughter Ionela A. Shilage comes of age. This is seen as a good move as Ionela has been learning Gunther from the Provisional Council and her friend the Princess. This friendship is also one of the reasons Selatapura was chosen as the main port of call for the nations. All in all, given more time and a chance to acquire more defenses the future of Shilage and Voslage look bright.

The Republic of Amber has officially declared Belka a friend of The Republic. Amber as the site of Stonehedge has suffered the most invasions and counter invasions in all three wars. It also suffered from the refugee crisis that proceeded the second war. Amber credits the quick actions of Belka as the only reason Amber didn't suffer another crisis and collapse. Trade deals and agreements with Belka and Amber's neighbors have resulted in the start of what may become a new bloc in western Usea. Ugellas is the other Nation with the best relation with Amber due to their shared border and access to the bay. Amber has also officially recognized every Erusean breakaway state in order to create a buffer between Erusea and Amber.
  • Naval: Amber has a limited Navy only built for short-range operations in and around the bay. Their Navy is meant to act defensively. This doesn't mean it is underequipped or undertrained. Due to the nature of the Navy, it is made up of a Battlegroup-sized force of top of the lines Frigates and AEGIS Destroyers. Along with Gunther and Ugellas naval units, joint operations and protection are performed. With the goal of eventually expanding all three naval powers to take over from the IUN.

  • Army: Despite being invaded three times the Amber army has been able to maintain its relative strength each time by allying, standing down, or withdrawing before enough damage could be done to wipe it out. As such their forces are well trained and have some of the best performance records with the Allied Usean Forces and ISAF. Due to somewhat increased tensions with the FCU for perceived apathy towards the western nations two brigades are stationed on the eastern border. A single rapid assault brigade is stationed on the border with Shilage with its mission unknown but believed to be meant as reinforcements in case of an Erusean attack on the smaller nation. A single Division of mechanized infantry is stationed along the border with Uegellas engaged in war games and joint training exercises.

  • Air Force: The Air Force has deployed its Air Defence Group to the FCU border. With a single Air Supermacy squadron on the Shilage border to help the brigade advance as needed. Finally, a Strike Wing is engaged in training with the Uegallas Air Force on that border.
Amber has suffered much due to Stonehedge being located inside its borders. Having been occupied three different times in three different wars has caused turmoil. Along with taking in refugees displaced by the asteroid impact and the latest war there are many minority groups present. Amber has with the help of Belkan reconstruction been able to keep the peace by ensuring that everyone is cared for. This has made the government popular with most people. The alliance with Uegellas and cooperation with the rest of western Usea has also helped keep order in the region and improve trade income.

Uegellas has public thanked Belka for their efforts and relations are good. With the help from Belkan companies and sub-contracted local companies, Uegellas now has modern connections to all of western Usea except Erusea and the major Port of Axel Bay has been fully restored. With the shipbuilding infrastructure at Axel Bay rebuilt and upgraded to Belkan standards the ability to create both new warships and commercial ships for both domestic use and sales has boosted the economy of Uegellas massively. Already orders for commercial shipping vessels have been started from Amber, Gunther, and Shilage/Voslage. With military vessel production in negotiations with Amber and Gunther being the primary buyers.
  • Naval: Like Gunther and Amber the Uegellas state has a single battlegroup in service. Unlike the other two, it does have a carrier even if it is just a Light Carrier with only an Air wing attached. The rest of the battlegroup is made up of 9 newly developed Frigates. With the Axel Bay Drydocks in service, it is possible for new ships to be added to round out the navy for a larger range of operations.

  • Army: The army of Uegellas has 3 brigades along its border with the FCU due to their stance in supporting Amber. Along with another newly raised Division training with Amber along their shared border in sight of the FCU. This is meant to show that the two states are prepared to defend themselves and do not need the FCU and their UTO which all of western Usea has already left.

  • Air Force: The air force has deployed 3 CAS wings to their brigades on the FCU in order to increase their defensive strength. Along with an Interceptor wing deployed in the training exercise with Amber. Their Light Carrier also maintains their Naval Strike Wing with their best pilots and equipment made up of Block III Super Hornets and F-35Cs.
Uegellas is currently experiencing a time of growth and stability takes to its alliances and help from Belka. Combined with new industries being started in Axel Bay the lot of the average citizen are good. Tensions with both Osea and the FCU are a concern but the government has assured that they would not make the first move in any conflict.

Delarus has decided to back Belka in its efforts to grow its influence on the world stage as thanks and repayment for bringing Delarus out of the death spiral it was in due to the wars and crises it caused. The city of Port Angel which was named as such to honor the hero of the Continental War Mobius 1 the Reaping Angel has become a great trade lane for connecting with Eastern Osea. Working with its southern neighbor of San Salvacion the city has become the jewel of the North fueling the expansion in both Nations.
  • Naval: Due to its major large coastline and disputes with Erusea over territorial waters the Delarusian Navy is made up of veterans from the Usean Allied Forces and ISAF Navies. Along with sheltering their ships during the Lighthouse war, this has allowed for a full Task Force to remain in operation. Made up of several Destroyers, Cruisers, and AGEIS variants of both. There has been talk about buying a pair of Escort or Light Carriers in order to extend their power project into the Cascade Ocean now that Erusean Naval power has been reduced. Where these carriers would be purchased from is still being looked into but Nordland, FATO, or North Point seem to be the current best estimates.

  • Army: The army took a lot of hits trying to stop the Erusean advance at the start of the Lighthouse war. What is left is a battle-hardened but small force. Most of the units are deployed internally for security as the borders are not considered threatened by their neighbors. 2 Divisions are spread out over the nation with a brigade of their best troops in San Salvacion helping rebuild their ally's ground forces.

  • Air Force: The Air Force took heavy damage at the start of the war before they were ordered to be grounded to save them from destruction. This allowed the retainment of 2 Air groups that are deployed to land border areas with a pair of Naval Strike wings stationed out of Port Angel
Delarus has had a tough time since the Connetintal War. The major damage and disputes with Erusea have caused unrest and the threat of rebellion. The invasion by Erusea during the Lighthouse war was able to unite the nation for the immediate time but the government was prepared for fallout after the war. If not for the quick actions of Belka that fallout would have torn the nation apart. Now with a restored nation and a close relationship with San Salvacion the Nation is growing stronger. Along with the new connections to the rest of western Usea as well.

San Salvacion
San Salvacion relations with Belka have vastly improved to the point of major efforts to increase communication and trade are on the table. The other closest ally is their northern neighbor of Delarus. They jointly operate the city of Port Angel as their main trade link to the rest of the world and most importantly to Eastern Osean Nations like Belka and Gebet. The military has never been a major concern for San Salvacion, but after three wars the government has finally decided to change that. New Ships are being purchased from anyone they can contact. As well as joint plans to create new shipyards and Dry Docks at Port Angel to increase local production of war materials. As well as more training and expansion of both the ground and air force. Training is being done alongside Delarus and aircraft and ground equipment are being looked into for creating new arms companies but they require expertise and support from outside to get the project off the ground.
  • Naval: The navy as it stands is made up of two Battlegroup-sized forces fully stationed at Port Angel. Made up of all gunboats and Missile Boats with the task of defending the skies only. Combined with the extensive anti-air network built by the Belkans and the Naval strike units from Delarus the city is well protected.

  • Army: The army is the easiest to grow with bodies but with equipment and training wise it is less capable. Even so while the newest units are equipped with less than modern equipment they are motivated and training hard with the Delarusian units sent to help. 5 Brigades are currently in existence with 3 being newly formed and the other 2 being the majority of the veterans from the last two wars.

  • Air Force: The Air Force has always been the smallest branch even smaller than the Navy. A single Interceptor wing with a pair of multirole Strike wings make up the entirety of the air force. They spend almost all their time training with eachother and the Delarusian Air Force to boost their performance.
Due to the last three wars the once highly peaceful borderline pacifist nature of San Salvacion has been replaced with what can best be described as militarist deterrence. With the goal of growing the military and network of alliances to make any attacker think twice before trying a fourth invasion. This move has garnered moderate popular support with even the detractors not questioning the necessity but only the possible extent the military budget would take up the GDP. Luckily a growing and stable economy make even most critics willing to take a wait-and-see approach for now.

Erusean Breakaway States
The Breakaway states are made up of individual rebels but overall they all have warm relations with Belka and Gebet as well as cordial relations with Shilage, Voslage, and San Salvacion their primary neighbors. Though they still fear the Eruseans will reconquer them after the civil war is over. With only a single port trade with Belka and Gebet is much less than what the rest of Western Usea is capable of doing. Though more overland trade with each other and neighbors helps keep the economies intact. Whether the breakaway states stay separate, allied, or even form a new combined state is still unknown but whatever they decide it all depends on what reaction Erusea will have.
  • Naval: Due to only two of the five states having access to the seas there is only a single Task Unit of ships that defected to the states. They have been combined with what crews could be found and all 5 frigates are operational if understaffed and trained.

  • Army: Made up of mostly defectors since the breakaway states had to focus on building up their own infrastructure first before the military expansion was possible. As such each state has 1 land Brigade each all assigned to the Erusean border.

  • Air Force: Due to the extra supplies sent to them by error from Belka the breakaway states were able to acquire enough aircraft to expand each air force to a wing instead of a squadron.
The Breakaway states are the least stable of all nations in Western Usea not locked in a civil war. Though that is only due to the major fear and anxiety that comes from Erusea. Given time to build up and if the alliance can be strengthened even more that level of uncertainty will go down. There is also growing support amongst the people to form their own Federation of United States as a way to boost their presence and make it harder to be taken over. Each nation would retain much of its autonomy inside its borders but would act as one with outside entities. There are many on both sides of the argument that have engaged in debates and other demonstrations. Though no violence has happened and is not expected to happen the governments are going to need much more time and effort before they make a decision one way or another.
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Anean Continent Foreign Nation
ANEA Continent

While relations between Emmeria and Belka have never been close they have also never been bad. Neither nation has interacted much with each other outside of trade. That changed after the Emmeria-Estovakia War as it was revealed that the technology for the Aerial Fleet came from Belkan defectors. The attitude of the Emmerians became cold towards Belkans but the investigations in Anea discovered no link between the governments of Belka and Estovakia. The Emmerian Government started attempts to inform its people of this fact and protect the Belkans living in Anea from discrimination. These actions have garnered the respect of Belka. So out of the Great Powers and Super Powers of the world Emmeria has the best reputation in Belka. This makes it possible for cooperation to occur.
  • Naval: The Emmerian Navy has recovered since the end of their last war. Currently, 3 Carrier Fleets are in service. With 1 Carrier fleet seconded to the IUN. Each fleet is made up of top-of-the-line frigates and destroyers, along with a number of AEGIS Cruisers and some have battlecruiser support. With an entire Fleet gone to the IUN new hulls have been laid down and reserved and mothballed ships are being refitted and reactivated. This would create a 4th Carrier Fleet when it is done by the start of 2024 though some of the ships would be available earlier as they finish up. Work on the new fleet started in 2020 after the disaster that was the Lighthouse war was abandoned by Osea.

  • Army: The army of Emmeria is one of the biggest and well-equipped in the world. Since the end of the war, Emmeria has restored its forces and performed an expansion adding up to 5 Divisions worth of extra troops in the years since. With such a large number this is the only branch that hasn't gotten an expansion since the end of the Lighthouse war and the Emmeria deployment of troops to the IUN.

  • Air Force: Like many Nations, the Air Force of Emmeria is one of their strongest assets. While the Strigon and Vampire Teams dealt major blows in the opening stages and the aerial fleet took down a large number of aircraft as well the remaining pilots of that war are veterans one and all. This allowed for a powerful core to be formed for the rebuilt air force. With the best pilots and squadrons being those that followed Garuda Team and their wingmen. Talisman, Skykid, Avalanche, and Windhover are the best Aces in the REAF. Recently 2 more Air Divisions were raised bringing the estimated total of Divisions to match the lower end of what it is expected Osea currently has.
Emmeria has been increasing its influence and power since the end of the Lighthouse war. As the largest, most populated, and richest nation on Anea this has allowed them to grow quickly, but they will hit a limit to their military without cooperation from the other two Anean Nations. Emmeria has been reaching out to both to try and form a new power bloc though not to the same extent as the Republic of Anea plan. Estovakia is unlikely to back any such plan until they are rebuilt so that is why Emmeria is investigating Belka's actions in Usea and South Osea

Estovakia ironically has a decent relationship with Belka. Though it was defectors that gave Estovakia the technology for the Aerial Fleet the Belkan Government did not make any demands of the defectors or their technology. While some blame the Belkan technology for pushing The Generals into thinking they could win the war it isn't an overwhelming amount. Combined with Belka recognizing the new coup government after The Generals were overthrown has garnered some goodwill. Estovakia has also been looking into hiring Belkan companies for their own rebuilding efforts. Though Emmeria also seems to be interested in bidding into the reconstruction.
  • Naval: The Estovakian Navy is still a force to be respected with A total of 1 Fleet and 1 Task Force each with a Fleet Carrier. With the Navy downsized from the war the budget was able to be used to upgrade the ships to a higher standard with many destroyers and cruisers all getting AEGIS systems installed. While the equipment is of higher the smaller numbers mean overall upkeep went down. The excess funds are going towards reconstruction and if finished in time the Task force is likely to be expanded into a full fleet again. Any other plans for a rebuilt 3rd Fleet are currently unknown.

  • IUN Naval: Due to the relative strength of the Estovakian Navy there is only a single Task Force from the IUN stationed in the country. With the task force split into 2 Battlegroups one each from Emmeria and Yuketobania. The Emmerians are only escort-type ships but the Yukes have a Carrier group assigned.

  • Army: The Army while dealing with heavy fighting in Emmeria was eventually able to retreat in good order back to Emmeria. Those that did not go to the Chanadllier facility have proven loyal to the new government and have been busy dealing with unrest and performing humanitarian missions. Recently the army has expanded to about 70% of the lower end of what it is believed the Emmerian Army has grown to. Making them once again the second-largest army in Anea

  • IUN Army: Currently there is enough Emmerian and Yuketobanian troops to match 4 full divisions evenly split with them spread out in smaller formations working with local troops to help the people and maintain order.

  • Air Force: With the loss of the Aerial Fleet, the Strigon Team, and the Vampire Team Estovakian Air Power was massively curtailed. Though even with those losses a slow rebuild and a limited but constant production run for CFA-44s have allowed them to create roughly 6 Air divisions. While the war cost the lives of many Ace enough did survive to form a new elite Squadron though one that is a bit under strength as the leaders Lt. Col Goran "The Devil Instructor" Rosandic and Major Lorenz "Feniks" Riedel are focused on training their skills and has managed to get the remaining 6 Pilots to a new Level with two reaching the level of true Solo Ace status. Toscha Mijasik and Irena Dvornik the last active member of the Strigon team and the "Goddess of Victory" Respectively had honed their skills under the eyes of their older mentors who no longer can keep up with age being a major factor.

  • IUN Air Force: The IUN Air Force is made up of a Veteran Air group stationed on the Carrier and a Division of Emmerian aircraft to patrol the skies.
Estovakia is slowly rebuilding from the Ulysses impact, the civil war, and finally the burden of the EE-war. It is slow going but with the Post-war government advocating for peaceful reconciliation with Emmeria progress is being made. Without greater outside help Estovakia will most likely be left behind by the rest of the world by the time the damage is repaired. Something that worries the government quite a bit.

Nordennavic has maintained its strict neutrality towards wars and major events. As such its stance on Belka is complete disinterest in political situations. It does on the other hand allow worker and student Visas to Belkans in order to improve their own technology and nation. Nordennavic has been open to technology sharing and collaboration though it has not pursued it with much enthusiasm. Being more focused on internal development and issues. Belkan intelligence does note that certain actions and behaviors do not match the official lines given by the Nordennavic government. It may be worth investigating to see if there is anything that can be used by Belka.
  • Naval: Being a Kingdom with a large number of Islands means that the Nordennavic Navy is one of the strongest in the world with high-level equipment and highly skilled sailors. But because the Stance of the military is that of only Defense it is smaller than most. Currently three task forces with a Light Carrier in each formation. Each carrier has a Naval Strike Wing assigned.

  • Army: Like the rest of the military the Army is only large enough for defense and to dissuade any attack. They maintain two Divisions on the main line border with Emmeria, along with another 2 divisions on the coast of the mainline in the ports to keep them from being captured as footholds. In the island 4 Divisions are spread out protecting the biggest ones that have centers of population, industry, or the strategic valve.

  • Air Force: The Air Force like the Navy is one of the best equipped in the world but it is also one of the smallest barely matching the Belkan Air Force. With 5 Air Groups and 3 Naval Wings. All these units tend to be equipped with cutting-edge aircraft even if overall the pilots' skills are only average due to a lack of practical real-world experience. Reading between the line it seems that there may be another Squadron that has access to even more advanced versions of aircraft and are the very best pilots in Nordennavic.
The Nation is stable due to the rule of the King. Having been able to stay out of any conflict the people are supportive of the King and his government. Though they have no wish to retry the Republic of Anea if relations between all three Nations on the continent can be normalized back to the pre-impact status then they may be willing to enter into an alliance to better act on the world stage.
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Belkan Military
Belkan Military

Air Force
NameSize (Max/Current)EquipmentSkillXPTagsNotesUpkeep
3rd Ground Support GroupGroup/GroupCurrentVeteran8CASStandard Aircraft: SU-343
19th Air Defense GroupGroup/GroupCurrentVeteran8InterceptorStandard Aircraft: F-14D3
21st Air Defense GroupGroup/GroupCurrentVeteran14InterceptorACE: Kord Gaertner
Standard Aircraft: MiG-31B
3rd Aerial Supremancy GroupGroup/GroupCurrentVeteran8Air SuperiorityStandard Aircraft: MiG-29S3
16th Strike GroupGroup/GroupCurrentVeteran8MultiroleStandard Aircraft: Rafale3
55th Strike GroupGroup/GroupCurrentVeteran8MultiroleStandard Aircraft: Gripen E3
"Fischadler" 7th Naval Strike WingWing/WingCurrentElite8NavalStandard Aircraft: F-2A2
"Brokkr" 13th Experimental SquadronSquadron/SquadronNext GenElite8Air Superiority/Test GroupACE: Liesel Metz
No Standard Aircraft
NameSize (Max/Current)EquipmentSkillXPTagsNotesUpkeep
1st Airborne DivisionDivision/DivisionCurrentRegular8Airborne Infantry5
2nd DivisionDivision/DivisionCurrentRegular85
3rd Mountain DivisionDivision/DivisionCurrentRegular8Mountain Infantry5
4th DivisionDivision/DivisionCurrentRegular85
5th Armoured DivisionDivision/DivisionCurrentRegular8Armoured5
NameSize (Max/Current)EquipmentSkillXPTagsNotesUpkeep
Belkan NavyTask Force/Task ForceObsolescentRegular4Short RangeNo carriers2
Current Deployments
2nd Division4th Division3rd Mountain Division"Brokkr" 13th Experimental SquadronBelkan Navy
16th Strike Group21st Air Defence Group5th Armoured Division"Fischadler" 7th Naval Strike Wing
55th Strike Group19th Air Defence Group
3rd Ground Support Group1st Airborne Division
3rd Aerial Supremacy Group
Military Upkeep

Air Craft Produced
Next-Gen/COFFIN Compatible Aircraft
ASF-X Shinden II: Available
ADF-01 Falken: Available/COFFIN
ADA-01(A/B) Adler: Available/COFFIN

ADF-11F/11 Raven: Available/COFFIN
CFA-44 Nosferatu: Available/Naval
F-28G Razorcat: Available/Naval/COFFIN
XR-45 Cariburn: Available/COFFIN
YR-99 Forneus: Available/COFFIN
XFA-24A Apalis: Available/Naval/COFFIN
XFA-33 Fenrir: Available/Naval/COFFIN
XFA-27B Phoenix: Available/Naval/COFFIN
X-02S Strike Wyvern: Available/Naval
YR-302 Fregata: Available/Naval/Attacker/COFFIN
Cutting-Edge/COFFIN Compatible Aircraft
ADFX-02 Morgan: Available
X-02A Wyvern: Available/Naval
F-28E Advanced Tomcat II: Available/Naval

F-22A Raptor: Available
YF-23 Black Widow II: Available
Su-57 Felon: Available
F-35C Lightning II: Available/Naval
MiG-35D Super Fulcrum: Available
F-2A-Super Kai: Available/Attacker/Naval
F/A-18F Super Hornet Block III: Available/Naval
F-15 S/MTD: Available
Su-30SM3 Super Sukhoi: Available/Naval

F-117A Nighthawk: Available/Attacker
FB-22 Strike Raptor: Available/Attacker
Current/COFFIN Compatible
F-14D Super Tomcat: Available/Naval In Use
F-16C Falcon: Available
F-20A/X-29A Tigershark: Available
Su-37 Terminator: Available
Su-35S Flanker-E: Available
Su-30M2 Flanker-F2: Available
Su-33 Flanker-D: Available/Naval
Typhoon: Available
Rafale M: Available/Naval In Use
Gripen E: Available In Use

Mirage 2000-5: Available
MiG-29S: Available In Use
MiG-31B: Available In Use

A-10C Thunderbolt II: Available/Attacker
AV-8B+ Harrier II: Available/Attacker/Naval
Su-34 Fullback: Available/Attacker In Use
F-14B Tomcat/Bombcat: Available/Attacker/Naval
F-15E Strike Eagle: Available/Attacker
F/A-18F Super Hornet: Available/Naval
F-16XL: Available/Attacker
F-2A Viper Zero: Available/Attacker/Naval In Use
MQ-99: Current/Green/Naval
MQ-101: Current/Green/Naval
F/A-18F: Current/Green/Naval
Su-35S: Current/Green
ADF-11/11F: Next-Gen/ZOE/Green
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Belkan Aces
Belkan Aces

S Rank - Belka's Legends
None yet. Damn those mercenary dogs!
A Rank - Belka's Heroes
Siegmar "Grey Owl" Dreschner
Rank: Major
DOB: October 17th 1983,
Aircraft: SU-37 Terminator Custom
Trait: Instructor - Increases XP gain and Ace Generation for unit he's attached to
Current Task: None
Siegmar was born into a family of low-ranking nobility from Northern Belka with a long history of military service. Both of his parents were killed during the Belkan War, his father shot down during the Osean offensive into B7R. His mother died during the bombing of Hoffnung. Left orphaned he was raised by his uncle until he reached the age of majority whereupon he left home and took up the dishonourable work as a mercenary in order to support an ailing home.

Having spent almost a decade fighting in various wars and conflicts he returned home a proper ace and a wealthy man. Siegmar did not take up a life of leisure, instead taking a commision in the Belkan Air Force as an advanced tactics instructor and Aggressor Squadron Flight Leader. For the last 9 years he has taught many of Belka's best pilots and hopes that they will put their skills to good use against the Homeland's enemies.
B Rank - Belka's Finest
Liesel Metz
Rank: Hauptmann
DOB: July 9th 1994
Aircraft: Mirage 2000/COFFIN
Current Task: Brokkr 2, 13th Experimental Squadron
One of the first woman to enlist in the Belkan Self-Defense Force following the 2012 "Equal Armed Forces Enlistment Act", Liesel quickly proved herself to be a particularly sharp witted woman. Taking advantage of the Education Grants she pursued a master's degree in aerospace engineering after her first term of service in the BSDF concluded. Rather then emigrate outside of Belka or join Grunder she instead re enlisted with the BSDF.
Kord Gaertner
Rank: Major
DOB: 27th of September, 1988
Aircraft: MiG-31B
Current Task: Carmine 1, 1st Wing, 21st Air Defence Group
Born, much to his later consternation, the year Belka's eastern territories seceded, Kord was born into a small family of jewellers who plied their trade at a shop owned and founded by Kord's grandfather, Bruno. But few desired jewellery in the dire straits of an economic crisis. The shop's profits dwindled, forcing many in the family to find new work to support themselves, and all to house together. After a string of unsuccessful attempts at alternative employment, Kord's father, Marc, enlisted with the army, who at least would provide food and shelter. Though much of their work in this time was infrastructural rather than martial, Belka's military was ever a sizable beast, and the beast still kept its fangs sharp.

During the War of '95, Marc was with the forces occupying Directus, the Ustian capital. He perished that year, his legs crippled in the aerial bombardment carried out by Galm Team and and his skull crushed by an Ustian wielding a broken chunk of cement. This would set the family's situation back a way, but the breaking point would come in the humiliating peace treaty Belka was forced to sign at the end of the war. The family business was forced to close, costing more to run than the meagre trickle of customers still affluent enough to purchase jewellery could provide. Worse, there was little work to go around in the first months, as the post-war government was thrown into chaos by the AWWNB and reconstruction initiatives were confounded. Even afterwards, it was years before significant recovery was made.

Still a child, Kord could do naught but help keep the now-elderly Bruno company while those of the family with work laboured, at least whenever he wasn't in school. Though exact memories are hazy, Kord remembers many of the lessons Bruno impressed on him. Precision, perseverance, prudence, and passion. The value of knowledge and science. He also remembers the bone-deep shivering fits Bruno would fall into when the only heating that could be afforded was curling around each other in Winter. The nights he would tear hungrily into sugary bread and only realize afterwards that his mother had no plate, simply staring at him with a tiny smile on her face. The days his eldest cousin returned home with angry bruises on her skin and a dark look in her eyes, and the day she did not return at all.

By the time Kord had reached the age of majority, the crisis had been over for years, but it was far from forgotten. No longer a child, he understood the truths of his nation's dark hour. He knew how Osean betrayal was why his grandpa had withered to a spirited skeleton. He understood how the Ustian mobs had taken his father from him—never mind Belka having declared the war—and how air power had spelled the end of Belka's renewal. Most of all, he understood the frustration of being powerless to help. A child he may have been, but he still knew when those around him needed help, and the feeling of forces far greater than anything he could affect chaining his hands behind his back.

The lessons of his life seemed to him to point in one direction only. He must take to the skies, that he may protect his family. To that end, he delved into the realms of academia. While he had attended school in his childhood, it was one that had struggled most under the weight of a dwindling budget, where classes were short, disorganized, and large. Despite being forced to play catch-up in university and working in a library on the side, he excelled with a mix of natural brightness and sleepless nights buried in books. He graduated as a Bachelor of Natural Sciences & Mathematics, pivoting straight from there to the Belkan Air Force.

This leads to today, where Kord Gaertner is Squadron Lead of Carmine. A quiet, calculating man with a scientific view of war, Kord is an effective tactical leader who brings a cool-headed touch to the instinctive flying of many other Aces. But this cold nature is tinged at the edges with red, as deep underneath his cool exterior lies a profoundly angry man with a virulent hatred of those who have wronged Belka, which he now views as the body in which his family is but a cell, living and dying by the body's success.

He has yet to fully harness his heart to his plane, however, as he still fears his hot-blooded and vengeful side. Perhaps he may yet achieve the mastery and synchronicity of heart and mind his grandfather preached, or perhaps he may find strength in another path. Whatever happens, Kord may yet be able to shield Belka behind his wings as he yearns to do, writing his name in the clouds with other legends of the sky. But peace is hardly the forge of legends.
C Rank - Belka's Future
Kreszenz von Bardowski
Rank: Leutnant
DOB: July 19, 1999
Aircraft: MiG-31B
Current Task: Bismuth 4, 3rd Wing, 21st Air Defense Group
Born to a noble family with a long history of civil service, she was expected to follow their footsteps. A life that would have been an unassuming and comfortable one, working day and night at the desks of Belka's many bureaucracies.

Or should have, had it not been for the war. Though she only came into the world nearly half a decade after its end, the scars it created made themselves felt and for her family at least, they may never heal.

Hoffnung was not the only city or town to be hit by Osean aerial bombardment and as it turned out, desks don't offer much protection from bombs. Every story told to her about a relative or a friend she would never be able to meet only strengthened her resolve to defend Belka's sky from any who would seek to recreate another Hoffnung.

Enrolled in the military academy to become a full-fledged pilot, it impressed on her the importance of constant readiness and the stamina to last long or frequent flights. The tips and tricks she learned from her parents to work the long hours of her would-be life were surprisingly useful in her new path, though requiring much revision. Sitting on a pilot's seat going mach speed was different than a sitting at a stationary desk after all.

Graduating from the academy, she was to serve in her first assignment: the 21st Air Defense Group.
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Ace Creator Template
This is the template used to create new Aces when you roll high enough. I still have the other potential Aces from the first thread that are around as well.

When an ace is generated you guys will get a chance to create that ace and their backstory.

Here are the examples to follow.

Rank: Major
DOB: October 17th 1983,
Aircraft: SU-37 Terminator
Trait: Instructor - Increases XP gain and Ace Generation for unit he's attached to
Current Task: None

Siegmar was born into a family of low-ranking nobility from Northern Belka with a long history of military service. Both of his parents were killed during the Belkan War, his father shot down during the Osean offensive into B7R. His mother died during the bombing of Hoffnung. Left orphaned he was raised by his uncle until he reached the age of majority whereupon he left home and took up the dishonourable work as a mercenary in order to support an ailing home.

Having spent almost a decade fighting in various wars and conflicts he returned home a proper ace and a wealthy man. Siegmar did not take up a life of leisure, instead taking a commision in the Belkan Air Force as an advanced tactics instructor and Aggressor Squadron Flight Leader. For the last 9 years he has taught many of Belka's best pilots and hopes that they will put their skills to good use against the Homeland's enemies.
Rank: Leutnant
DOB: July 9th 1994
Aircraft: Mirage 2000/COFFIN
Current Task: Brokkr 2, 13th Experimental Squadron

Background: One of the first woman to enlist in the Belkan Self-Defense Force following the 2012 "Equal Armed Forces Enlistment Act", Liesel quickly proved herself to be a particularly sharp witted woman. Taking advantage of the Education Grants she pursued a master's degree in aerospace engineering after her first term of service in the BSDF concluded. Rather then emigrate outside of Belka or join Grunder she instead re enlisted with the BSDF.
These are the current aces you've got. Look at them as examples.

What you'll be working with is

Name: ?
Rank: [German, OF-1 thru OF-5]
DOB: ?
Aircraft: MiG-31B
Current Task: [Squadron, name archetype TBD by Group] [Number, 1 is Leader], X Wing, Y Group

bio here that must end with them in the Belkan Air Force as part of the whatever Group gained the Ace gen

And some notes to consider;
Generally OF-1 thru OF-3 are in their 20s and OF-3 thru OF-5 are in their 30s, not a hard rule though.
If they are a Squadron Leader they must be OF-3
If they are a Wing Leader they must be OF-5
The name doesn't have to be German-ish, though it is suggested if their family is Belkan. If you want to do something else giv'er

Other than that go hog wild, make them whoever you want.

Let's see what you've got.
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