A World of Rules (IC)

"You'll be okay. Miss Kallistra won't kill you. Are you okay?" She can't ease the pains her healing gives. she bites her lip worriedly.
Grunting on the ground, Johnny places a hand on the ground...and a rather large spurt of the same murky sweat comes out from his arm. He does, however, pushes himself up off the ground as the sweating accelerates from both the natural process and him straining to keep focus.

"I...am fine." He takes a deep breath but seems to be somewhat steadier than before, although is still gonna need time for his purge to finish.
Grunting on the ground, Johnny places a hand on the ground...and a rather large spurt of the same murky sweat comes out from his arm. He does, however, pushes himself up off the ground as the sweating accelerates from both the natural process and him straining to keep focus.

"I...am fine." He takes a deep breath but seems to be somewhat steadier than before, although is still gonna need time for his purge to finish.
Lucindrah kneels and gets a cloth out of her storage and starts to mop up the disease sweat. Miss Kallistra wouldn't like rats to get poisoned accidentally. She stands nearby humming to herself. If he needed help she was ready tho he looks okay and the purge soon finishes depending on how much he wished for that poison to leave.

"Are you okay?" Lucindrah bites her lip and gets on tiptoes to shyly look his way. She giggles anxiously.
Lucindrah kneels and gets a cloth out of her storage and starts to mop up the disease sweat. Miss Kallistra wouldn't like rats to get poisoned accidentally. She stands nearby humming to herself. If he needed help she was ready tho he looks okay and the purge soon finishes depending on how much he wished for that poison to leave.

"Are you okay?" Lucindrah bites her lip and gets on tiptoes to shyly look his way. She giggles anxiously.
"I'm fine." Johnny says while some of that sweat got into his mouth...it then proceeded to cause him to have a coughing fit before a rather small amount of vomit comes out, with the similar coloration of the sweat.

He's not fine, but he won't admit it. "Although...why do you even mop up the mess? Nothing left here but rats and bugs. And gods know that rats would somehow find a way to last longer than the mess I would leave. Even more so for bugs."

Seriously, even if they apply enough pesticides of every variety onto a ship once, eventually bugs will infest it somehow. From poisons, fire, to even straight out bats, somehow there will be some bugs that will thrive there.