PHO Interlude; Clash of Angels
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♦ Topic: Clash of Angels in the Bay?
In: Boards ► USA ► Brockton Bay
Chaosfaith (Original Poster)
Posted On Mar 3rd 2011:
So, here is what happened, for all that have not heard about it. Brockton Bay, home of the strange and the weird, where the Nazi's called up demons and monsters from Asian folklore seem to be coming out of the woodwork and we have had literal zombie outbreaks lately, has just produced a dark mirror to The Simurgh.
As in, you cannot post links because of 'possible memetic hazards' to prove it, a tall corpse with black wings and a crown made from bones that seem to be surrounded with an aura of death metal. And from what I hear... the original false angel was digging to try and find her mirror twin.
Or maybe she wanted to deal with copyright infringement? Granted, seeing how we saw her running and looking scared, maybe she wanted to deal with the 'Angel of Death' before she woke up only to get something pissed off swinging at her in a way nobody else has so far?
Because for some reason, I don't think the Hopekiller saw this coming.
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►Bagrat (The Guy in the Know) (Veteran Member)
Replied On Mar 3rd 2011:
So yeah, I'll be entirely honest with everyone. I did not see this coming for more than just Endbringers. As it is, I just wish there was no mindfuckery, because this sounded like a song battle straight out of Tolkien's The Silmarillion
Replied On Mar 3rd 2011:
You know, I'm just going to say that I will never complain about visiting the folks outside of the city ever again, even if it means I can't go home
Replied On Mar 3rd 2011:
I'm just hoping some of my friends made it out.....
►Procto the Unfortunate Tinker (Not a tinker)
Replied On Mar 3rd 2011:
Well, thats another city gone. At least LEET is locked up for good!
►Space Zombie
Replied On Mar 3rd 2011:
Alas, no there will be fewer earth zombies to join me!
Replied On Mar 3rd 2011:
Yeah right. Who do you have to be to get an Endbringer sent after you personally? Think she was just in the way and this will be used as an excuse to go after some other capes.
Replied On Mar 3rd 2011:
Well, RIP Brockton Bay, even if we shall not really miss ye.
Replied On Mar 3rd 2011:
They had just been starting to offer up practical magic lessons... I had been hoping to go learn!
Replied On Mar 3rd 2011:
@ Space Zombie
Dude, don't joke about the zombie outbreaks. Seriously, Brockton seems to be the place were nothing stays dead lately.
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►Valkyr (Wiki Warrior)
Replied On Mar 3rd 2011:
Always sad to see the wiki changes after an attack, but damn if this one won't be memorable for a few reasons.
Replied On Mar 3rd 2011:
First Kyushu and now Brockton Bay... family is not taking it well, even if... well, we saw Lung fight off Leviathan. Now this Clíodhna matching the Simurgh. Makes me wonder if there's one for Behemoth?
Replied On Mar 3rd 2011:
Yeah, if there is a cape like that, I would not want to be on the same continent as them when THAT showdown happens
►Bagrat (The Guy in the Know) (Veteran Member)
Replied On Mar 3rd 2011:
Well, let us raise a glass for Brockton Bay, as PRT just released a list of confirmed heroes and rogues that were still inside of the zone. Hopefully they can hold on.
►Dawgsmiles (Veteran Member)
Replied On Mar 3rd 2011:
Oh sweet lord... just what are the Fallen going to be saying about this?
►XxVoid_CowboyxX (Banned) (At Ground Zero: Brockton Bay)
Replied On Mar 3rd 2011:
Well, I'm not going to be on here for much longer, so just thought I'd take the opportunity to say a few final words.
I've sent you the last few videos and joke collections I can for a while. Hoping to use whatever Uber and Leet set up eventually, and going to say will miss talking with you
@the Winged One & PTV
The plan was never going to work, even if things went as you pathed.
Why do you think using the enemies tools and playbook they have created, memorized and made sure they can't lose will let you win?
And to all a we are boned night.
►The Winged One
Replied On Mar 3rd 2011:
Void, you are an insect with no idea of what you are talking about. The only thing I'll regret is that the contest to see how fast to get you banned will no longer be a thing.
Replied On Mar 3rd 2011:
I'll miss you
@the Winged One
At least he's funnier than a bitch with a feather duster stuck up her ass with daddy issues.
►XxVoid_CowboyxX (Banned) (At Ground Zero: Brockton Bay)
Replied On Mar 3rd 2011:
She is not worth it. Trust me on that. Also, I will thank god each night before bed that you found me funny
@the Winged One
Since I'm going to be banned anyway... why don't you just shove the fedora the Eye wears up Dadverseries ass?
►The Winged One
Replied On Mar 3rd 2011:
Tinmother; No Deaththreats
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►Tinmother (Moderator)
Replied On Mar 3rd 2011:
So, as it stands, XxVoid_CowboyxX is now permanently banned, as he is in a Simurgh containment zone. Let us wish him a pleasant life off the site.
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