PHO Interlude; Clash of Angels

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♦ Topic: Clash of Angels in the Bay?
In: Boards ► USA ► Brockton Bay
(Original Poster)
Posted On Mar 3rd 2011:
So, here is what happened, for all that have not heard about it. Brockton Bay, home of the strange and the weird, where the Nazi's called up demons and monsters from Asian folklore seem to be coming out of the woodwork and we have had literal zombie outbreaks lately, has just produced a dark mirror to The Simurgh.

As in, you cannot post links because of 'possible memetic hazards' to prove it, a tall corpse with black wings and a crown made from bones that seem to be surrounded with an aura of death metal. And from what I hear... the original false angel was digging to try and find her mirror twin.

Or maybe she wanted to deal with copyright infringement? Granted, seeing how we saw her running and looking scared, maybe she wanted to deal with the 'Angel of Death' before she woke up only to get something pissed off swinging at her in a way nobody else has so far?

Because for some reason, I don't think the Hopekiller saw this coming.

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(The Guy in the Know) (Veteran Member)
Replied On Mar 3rd 2011:
So yeah, I'll be entirely honest with everyone. I did not see this coming for more than just Endbringers. As it is, I just wish there was no mindfuckery, because this sounded like a song battle straight out of Tolkien's The Silmarillion

Replied On Mar 3rd 2011:
You know, I'm just going to say that I will never complain about visiting the folks outside of the city ever again, even if it means I can't go home :(

Replied On Mar 3rd 2011:
I'm just hoping some of my friends made it out.....

►Procto the Unfortunate Tinker (Not a tinker)
Replied On Mar 3rd 2011:
Well, thats another city gone. At least LEET is locked up for good!

►Space Zombie
Replied On Mar 3rd 2011:
Alas, no there will be fewer earth zombies to join me!

Replied On Mar 3rd 2011:
Yeah right. Who do you have to be to get an Endbringer sent after you personally? Think she was just in the way and this will be used as an excuse to go after some other capes.

Replied On Mar 3rd 2011:
Well, RIP Brockton Bay, even if we shall not really miss ye.

Replied On Mar 3rd 2011:
They had just been starting to offer up practical magic lessons... I had been hoping to go learn!

Replied On Mar 3rd 2011:
@ Space Zombie
Dude, don't joke about the zombie outbreaks. Seriously, Brockton seems to be the place were nothing stays dead lately.

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(Wiki Warrior)
Replied On Mar 3rd 2011:
Always sad to see the wiki changes after an attack, but damn if this one won't be memorable for a few reasons.

Replied On Mar 3rd 2011:
First Kyushu and now Brockton Bay... family is not taking it well, even if... well, we saw Lung fight off Leviathan. Now this Clíodhna matching the Simurgh. Makes me wonder if there's one for Behemoth?

Replied On Mar 3rd 2011:
Yeah, if there is a cape like that, I would not want to be on the same continent as them when THAT showdown happens

►Bagrat (The Guy in the Know) (Veteran Member)
Replied On Mar 3rd 2011:
Well, let us raise a glass for Brockton Bay, as PRT just released a list of confirmed heroes and rogues that were still inside of the zone. Hopefully they can hold on.

►Dawgsmiles (Veteran Member)
Replied On Mar 3rd 2011:
Oh sweet lord... just what are the Fallen going to be saying about this?

►XxVoid_CowboyxX (Banned) (At Ground Zero: Brockton Bay)
Replied On Mar 3rd 2011:
Well, I'm not going to be on here for much longer, so just thought I'd take the opportunity to say a few final words.

I've sent you the last few videos and joke collections I can for a while. Hoping to use whatever Uber and Leet set up eventually, and going to say will miss talking with you :(

@the Winged One & PTV
The plan was never going to work, even if things went as you pathed.

Why do you think using the enemies tools and playbook they have created, memorized and made sure they can't lose will let you win?

And to all a we are boned night.

►The Winged One
Replied On Mar 3rd 2011:
Void, you are an insect with no idea of what you are talking about. The only thing I'll regret is that the contest to see how fast to get you banned will no longer be a thing.

Replied On Mar 3rd 2011:
I'll miss you :( I wanted to surprise you when I got out, but you have been a great friend and I am going to miss you.

@the Winged One
At least he's funnier than a bitch with a feather duster stuck up her ass with daddy issues.

►XxVoid_CowboyxX (Banned) (At Ground Zero: Brockton Bay)
Replied On Mar 3rd 2011:
She is not worth it. Trust me on that. Also, I will thank god each night before bed that you found me funny :)

@the Winged One
Since I'm going to be banned anyway... why don't you just shove the fedora the Eye wears up Dadverseries ass?

►The Winged One
Replied On Mar 3rd 2011:

Tinmother; No Deaththreats

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Replied On Mar 3rd 2011:
So, as it stands, XxVoid_CowboyxX is now permanently banned, as he is in a Simurgh containment zone. Let us wish him a pleasant life off the site.

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Well atleast he can't fuck up his friendship with gstringgirl so it ended on a good note atleast.

Also the Tolkien comment was so correct I was thinking that as well when I read that they fought in song.
Ironically, in a somewhat AU move, Greg only wanted to be Taylors friend to prevent the terrible monsters writhing under her skin keening a song of loneliness, despair and suffering from emerging. Even as the omens and visions scared the shit out of him.

He was not exactly going to cheat on his online girlfriend after all.

And that was the impression I was hoping for :)
The Dreamworlds of Brockton Bay
When the walls came to seal away Brockton Bay, it was also a time at which the worst of the dreaming unreality had slipped away and one could say that the majority of the city woke. Some pockets of course, had never slept and dreamed in the first place, and would continue to be largely free of the nascent dream worlds that were being grown and tended by the madwoman at the heart of the bay. Yet, to the majority of the inhabitants, these dreams would be as real as the waking world, as their sanity cracked and madness smoothed over and filled the resulting chasms.

In many ways, the dream worlds have their own fiefdoms and rules, smaller fragments and shards owing fealty to the greater dream world ruled by the banshee queen. They have their own rules, their own dangers that the dreamers must take into account as they move from one dream to another. Much of the dream is relatively normal, not much different from the waking world, even as nightmares dance and reach out, another part of the grand tapestry. But the living are not the only ones that can be found dreaming here, as here, it is true that the dead dream.

Yet, these ghosts and spirits can be found in the waking world as well, as they whisper and move, watching their former lives and changing, becoming more at home among the oddity of the Bay. Some of course, will change much more than others, invited into otherworldly courts and given new shapes and roles. Some were granted new flesh as real as any other, others clad themselves in the material of the world and yet more can only be seen by the mad and the lost for they were reforged from insightful fantasy.

And yet, this is a brief guide to the six major dream worlds that are known and recorded.

The Dreaming City

In many ways, this dream world is the greatest in scope, the safest for normal dreamers and the location in which all the others have doors. Blanketing most of the city, the Dreaming City is a twisted and funhouse reflection of the cities physical location... or at least, of all the areas swallowed by the heath. In many ways, as you roam the city in your dreams, it would seem to be a simple and mundane coastal city, free of major strife and conflict, with regular business and is somehow managing to thrive.

And yet, everything seems off, wrong in ways that are sometimes hard to place in exact words. Most often it is the subtle details, little things out of place, the way things to shift ever so slightly, the way things seem to just be a little too perfect, a little too good. Some would point to the fact that reflections can cast things in strange shapes and angles and that many are prone to nonsensical behaviour, even as it is rich with art and music, with laughter and light.

And some of course, point to the cats, who seem to be watching with keen and understanding eyes.

The Nightmare Hunt

Walking into the projects and slums, one would quickly notice that the character of the dream changes, that the people are more afraid, wary and hostile... in the day. As the sun sets and a full moon dripping with gore rises the majority hunker down in their shelters, taking out their weapons and fortifying themselves in place. Incense can be smelt, strong and cloying that brings to mind a silver lash from small cracks. The windows are barred and covered, and the shadows seem to follow any who walks outside.

The lights flicker, as vines, lichen and trees grow wild, as the urban jungle is rapidly replaced with a literal one, burying those inside till morning. Yet, even as nature takes hold of the dream, the howling of beasts and monsters can be heard, always beginning in the distance, and often coming close, as does the sound of violence and bloodshed. To escape to a modicum of safety, the fleeing soul must always face a beast of the nightmare one way or another.

Those who have proven themselves strong may be visited by the Flower of Savage Predation and made into one of the howling beasts that croon their hunting songs to the moon. Others, often those deemed attractive, may catch the eye of the Good Huntress. The lucky are used and discarded. The unfortunate are toyed with before the end.

The Blood Courts

Scattered and seemingly separate, the dream haunts of the vampires are connected fiefdoms that range across the city and are ruled by The Bloody Hand, who have risen as the masters of these dark locales. All share the following in common. Never does the sun rise on the courts, and yet all seems adapted for the gloom of night.

As you head along the docks, you might stumble across what seems to be a pub located on the waterfront, situated on a pier. In many ways, it is a normal drinking hall, save that it is larger on the inside that one might expect... and that in several places holes open to the dark and churning sea below. Several parts of the inner structure seem to be grown coral, and there are shadows in the water blocked off by grates and bars. And yet, the pub itself is neutral ground, were man, vampire and fae can meet without violence. Some of the sea grates lead into the spirit realm.... and others into the vampires own coral crypts.

Near the projects is an arena, modeled after the Skydome of Toronto (no matter that it had been renamed to the Rogers Center). Made from black stone, some say that it is an obsidian blade raised against the night sky, even as inside it is not mundane sports matches that take place. No, it is blood sports that occur here, as all manner of combat is cheered for. Wealth, glory and power are available for the taking of any who dares to test might against might... and if you can stand atop your foes, the blood kiss and a room in its halls might be yours.

The university has been claimed, and an observatory erected. Magic twists and walks the corridors, as the study of power, of portents and mysticism continue apace in the waking and dreaming world. In many ways, for the academics that have torn out their own eyes as they howled truths too great for mortal minds to withstand only for the sightless orbs to reveal deeper mysteries still, not much changes between waking and sleeping, as the boundaries of what is possible shift and twist.

The Sewers near China Town writhe with shadows, as do a number of innocent looking places on the border, as they overlook the entry into Lung's realm. And yet, it is a realm of deception and trickery, where little is as it seems and the shadows themselves are often living things, as ninja dance in the night and prepare for the duels in the waking world.

There is a great and gothic church where the father is always on his knees, prostrating himself before the cross as he begs forgiveness, as he mutilates himself in penance. And does the halls of the church resound with the cries of the penitent crying out for forgiveness, where there is none needed or to be found.

Lastly, one comes across both a night club and art gallery beside each other, extensions of the other and a realm devoted to art in its every medium. It is where poets and artists gather, as they strive to create and be perfect, to showcase their skills and to take inspiration. For its own halls are noted to shift and twist, as if the environment was in itself, another artists grand work.

The Gleaming Spires

As one heads downtown, the location of the Gleaming Spires is not yet obvious, not until you look up. For the tops of the skyscrapers and high rises have been replaced, no longer concreate and steel, but gleaming crystal that reflects only the truth and sings mighty hymns as the wind passes through them. It is a bright and airy realm, high above the ground and the domain of those with wings to soar and those that dare the swaying bridges, between the gleaming crystal islands.

Yet those bridges sway and the more conflict, doubt and mental flexibility in ones heart, the more they are willing to be able to change, the more difficult and treacherous each bridge becomes. Only those devoted, whose hearts are full of conviction and faith can walk freely on those bridges, between the many different truths that remain inviolate and unstained above the world, even as they are always how they have been, even as what they are is subject to change as dictated by the Flower of Innocence Defiled.

The Halls of Sin

From the outside, it appears to be a mansion set halfway into Captains Hill, where the rich and politically powerful used to live, before those who were able fled. And yet, it is only as you venture inside that the truth of it becomes clear. This is the abode of demons. Not raging beasts of destruction and devastation, but forces of corruption and perversion, who will twist the essence of those that listen to them and drag them down into the depth a sweet word, a gentle touch and flirtatious smile at a time.

And in some respects, as you venture into the twisting halls, it is a mansion, where each demon has their own suite of rooms to put the decadence and wealth of the global elite to shame, restrained as they are only by their inhabitants whims and dreams. Yet it is also a storehouse for souls taken by deals and agreements for one reason or another. It is an artists gallery, a place of punishment, torture and exploration of sensations. It is a nursery, where the souls who appeal are broken and remade before being given a room and welcomed to the family, their hearts torn out and devoured by their new mother.

This is the domain from which the Flower of Kinship Betrayed cultivates her own horrors to loose on the world, giving lie to their containment.

The Lurking Dark

Formerly Coil's base, this is the throne of the mistress of the dream, and her private dominion beneath the city. It is here she works and slumbers, and from here that her dreams seep into the broken minds that lap at her desires and nod. None may enter without leave, for they simply cannot find a way inside. After all, this is the dream of Taylor Hebert and she wishes not to be disturbed.
So, updated Amy Dallon, Pancea and Bloodmoon Huntress special items;

Burial Blade; This is a +1 Metalline Scimitar of Wounding. While at first it seems to not have much else going for it, it can be transformed into a +1 Metalline Scythe of Speed as a move action. In addition, whenever the user preforms a coup de grace or the target is helpless, the weapon does maximum damage.

Huntresses Pistol; On first examination, this is a simple +1 Glock 20 of Distance. However, one quickly notes there is no way to reload it. Yet, the red tinge of the bullets should provide the clue. By paying 5 hit points, a full clip of fifteen bullets are created inside of the pistol. Yet, by secret arts and alchemy, not to mention more blood, the hunter can pay 10 hit points to give the bullets the flaming, freezing or shocking burst special qualities.

Bloodmoon Garb; This +1 Leather Armor is one of the simplest bits of the set, yet it does possess the Shadowed and Silent Move properties. What might be more important and useful however? The pockets are supernaturally deep, and there are seven of them that allow the huntress to carry up to three pounds of items each near weightlessly.

Huntresses Medical Mask; A simple and humble mask, it actually boasts a number of potent divination effects, allowing the huntress to detect poison, disease and the general health of all she surveys at a glance.

Also updated Elder Relics; The Black Ring (Mythos Version);

Lord of the Black Ring; There are steps yet to be taken, and yet you stand at the reaches of what mortals think they can achieve. Already, you know this to be both true and false. Humanity in its current incarnation is weak, bound to be slaves groveling at their masters feet. But you? You are a lord and will cast off the shackles imposed on yourself. The effects of this are as follows.

Firstly, you gain The Vasharan Legacy and Vile Leadership as bonus feats if you did not already possess them. However, you do not need to lead mere mortal men and women. You may instead bind fiends to your service, treating them as followers whose level is equal to their CR. If you possess the Assume The Throne Of The Demon Sultan mythos, increase the level of all followers you possess by 1 (for example, you possess a minimum of Level 2 followers). If you possess the mythos Throw Open the Mouths Of Apocalypse, you may call forth and bind replacement followers as needed from a demon gate.
In The Wake Of Angels
A peace had settled on the bay even as the walls rose up and terror gripped the heart of the common man and woman. As in many places after the Simurgh had made her mark, paranoia and terror reigned. As in all places were the walls rose, eyes looked at neighbors and whispers began, for who could tell who was not warped into a weapon of terror and who was not? Humans are social animals, but no matter the grand civilization and trappings we surround ourselves with, animals we remain. It merely required... the correct form of stimulus to shatter into yet smaller tribes, packs vicious and willing to do all they can to protect their territory from the other.

In large part, this was due to the pressures of the urban environment where escape was impossible and that they could not simply move away into the wild, to gain space and seek out new resources to survive, to have their children survive. And in many of those doomed cities, the spark that spread the violence was lit sooner rather than later due to a simple and unavoidable set of circumstances. Firstly, cities only had so much food and water stockpiled. Secondly, rare was it that there was a modern city that could be called self-sufficient, not just for food but in infrastructure. Lastly, what was eaten needed to be expelled.

And with the lack of renewed fuel, food and water, a city was left with what could be found entirely inside the walls. Starvation and disease killed more than violence, even as many an injury turned potentially lethal. Each walled city was a pressure cooker, driving up the stress of those survivors and prompting increased numbers of triggers. Thus, the cycle was enacted and everything went according to the plan of those who came from beyond.

Yet, inside of Brockton Bay, these problems were soon short-circuited by a triad of factors. Indeed, one could hesitate to say that Brockton Bay survived as a singular entity, but instead was, to those troopers on the wall, a grey and blasted heath, with some notable exceptions, enclaves in the subtle madness of the bay. One of the most notable factors was that, while the mayors office was still coordinating, such as they could, with the remaining members of the PRT, as the mental state of the common folk of the bay declined, so did the need for food and water.

As the days and weeks passed, the people of the bay seemed to change in some degrees, quirks growing more pronounced, habits and oddities, strange nonsensical practices becoming common place. From reports of the PRT, the mad dreamed the stores were fully stocked, and so in their dreams they ate richly... and the shaker effect made it so, sustaining them, and seeming to respond to the whims and desires of those who had delved deepest into their individual madness.

But, there was a catch, from what they found. The mad could weave fantasies of possessing tanks and advanced weapons, of grand projects and the tools to do so... and yet, these mad fever dreams were for those that lost their minds alone. Which is not to say, that some effects were not noticed. After all, according to the mad, there was work begun on a new skyscraper, and while they were able to walk the scaffolding and were clearly interacting with something, from all that the agents could tell? There was nothing there at all.

But of course, there were the enclaves, where madness held no sway, where something close to reality remained. Few remarks were made on those trooper that seemed to be in worse shape than others... not until some were seen to have marks, signs that they ceased to remain among the living. But it was not mentioned, as eyes were on the loyal and undreaming dead, shudders of primal horror that made silence a virtue, and then placing them out of sight and out of mind. After all, other members of the debacle remained at large, others that they could persecute. All that was left in Brockton Bay, as far as most of the world was aware, were the mad and ghost stories.


Two of his few real friends were dead or worse. This was always an unfortunate factor and unforeseeable variable in the world. Again, his fingers clenched, as he thought of the chaos spawned by the Endbringers, of the disruptions they spawned in their wake... and with the revelations that Glintstone had brought. There was another layer to the world, one he was not aware of, one he was not sure how it affected everything else. But he considered, as he looked over some of the literature, weighing the costs and benefits to allowing these... Sorcerers of the Black Ring passage to their various destinations, or merely quietly disposing of him.

On the one hand, they would likely spread chaos and disorder in the world if what happened in Brockton Bay was any indication. On the other hand, between New Orleans, Stull Kansas, Hellam Township, Waipoi Valley and Mexico City was that in four of them, there were urban legends that connected them with gates to Hell. Sadly, the letter has also been clear. Constantine could recruit locals easily enough, he merely wanted his sorcerers there to establish local cells.

Of course, there was, as he looked over their information, always his contacts with the Yangban. After all, at least down in Mexico, such things happened after all, if the cartels did not reach them first. And so, he looked at his plans, at the changes and adjustments needed, and began to see how each route would best suit the plans.

Miss Militia

She wondered, not for the first time, why everyone was ignoring the fact that Emily Piggot was dead? Her body after all, had given out, even if she remained at her desk and seemed to act as if nothing had changed. In fact, at times it seemed as if she was one of the few that noticed that things were getting odder, going from strange (the bay had always been somewhat off) to outright irrational at times. Something connected to sleep, to dreams she was beginning to suspect, even if it was merely the simplest reason for why she was not affected.

And yet... the main reason why the connection to Director Piggot had come to mind was simple, as she looked at were the eye was. Where the dark preacher was working alongside a work gang of moving corpses and skeletons to try and build a structure in the middle of the research area. All while singing hymns to the queen of the dead and how this was the glorious holy land. She ignored that one of the workers was crushed under a slab of concrete, only for his ghost to emerge and animate his corpse, returning to work.

Frankly, she was not sure why she was still patrolling here, but in her report? It was simply a local community leader creating a place for him and his followers to worship peacefully. Because so far, the only people they were harming were themselves, and with the eye cut off from the outside world at the moment, even with talks for some scientists to come and examine the energy? Frankly, if it would contain the moaning screams that still came from the eye, she had no problem with it.

Danny Hebert

Everything was peaceful, as he embraced his wife, as she smiled and Taylor laughed, giggling with Emma and her other friends. It was just another day of spending time with the wife before he went to work, watching the children as they plotted and schemed together, talking of heroes and villains, of capes and plays, of fashion and things that he never really paid any mind towards.

Yet, in many ways, this was the peaceful life he always dreamed of.
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So, part one is a recap and just some... explanations. Will explore the enclaves more later.

The Black Ring Society has left the bay, and five 'sorcerers' accompanied Glintstone and the travelers, five acolytes really. Mainly looking to buy some discreet transport and support from Accord, false identities, that sort of thing.

There remains a PRT/Protectorate presence in the Bay... but they dream, and they are changing. Miss Militia does not need to sleep unless she chooses to trance like an elf as it happens. Funny that, eh?

And yes, I basically killed off Danny. Pleasant dreams for him anyway.
Constantine, Lord of the Black Ring Vs Scion
Authors Disclaimer; So, this popped into my head. Mostly something not likely to happen any time soon, or at all, but would take place in roughly a decade.

Truth be told, he had not thought that Cauldron would have agreed to his demands. This was for a number of reasons, not least because they agreed without trying to bargain! Who the hell does that when you are striking a deal with someone who could be best described as a lord among the fiends of the Infernum and did little at all to hide that fact! That, and nobody that took themselves seriously opened with what they actually thought they would get, instead allowing the other side to dicker them down as they clashed and parried each others positions and demands.

So, Cauldron was either desperate (entirely possible), Scion was worse than he thought and they had inside knowledge (it was a possibility), they were hoping to get Amy or Taylor to try and stop him and force him into a confrontation with those two (and he preferred avoiding both crazy girls), they were idiots that had been hard carried by a powerful thinker ability who let their critical thinking skills atrophy (by the void and the stars, why did this seem so possible?) or they were so utterly ruthless that they would sacrifice anything so long as their goals were met. Which was almost respectable.

Almost. As it was... giving him a blank check in addition to the miscellaneous crap he asked for? "I will of course, need a few days, to assess the exact requirements of the project." Keep it calm, keep it professional, even as inside wheels spun and burned, bound souls fragments speaking and whispering as they passed through him, small clues and hints bubbling and burning hints into the walls of his veins. After all, for all that Scion was not a God, he was close enough in many respects, and truth be told?

He needed to make sure he was not going to be stepping on a pair of crazy ladies toes with his upcoming stunt.

"Good news everyone!" To be sure, saying to his inner circle could come off as odd, but of the twelve members, eight of them were literally fiends bound to his very essence and wrought to love him. Frankly, between that and his awesome arcane powers, if he wanted to engage in a little drama? He was being a little dramatic. "We can proceed with the plan, as neither of the two are that worried about it."

Or rather, they had very easily affordable price tags. Because all Amy wanted was a few platters of fine delicacies, little samples after all was said and done. Taylor's little gift was more involved, but then again he had to just forward Legend traveling around Ireland as a rainbow slinky while singing an ode to Lucky Charms to Cauldron and say it would be for strange and esoteric reasons. Such as allowing the two crazy girls to allow him first crack at Scion as after some consulting they apparently considered his more esoteric and planar ambitions to be less problematic than the girls in the long run.

Not really the case, but then he could not be bothered to explain things to them. Then again, it could also be that he was the one that was least insane between the three of them? That, or they thought they would be able to actually kill him and have it stick... unlike the girls. It was hard to permanently get rid of one who was dead and dreaming a figment of herself into the waking world (whoever would have guessed?) or someone so connected to life and flesh that they could just make a new meatsuit around their soul.

Rather short sighted of them to forget that the nobility of the lower planes treat him as an upstart young peer and just what that implied.

On the one hand, he admired the lengths to which Cauldron was willing to go. On the other hand? He was a slaver of damned souls, a monarch of torment who gazed on the putrid depths of reality and tore scraps of its essence away to devour. He left his humanity behind, but it was recent enough that as he looked over the pyramid that stood at the apex of ten worlds, their entire populations having migrated towards the bloody altars with smiles on their faces to the song of angels...

That he was rather justified, as the Simurgh bowed down, the knife plunging into her core, as on each of the nineteen other altars daggers sank into cores of the other Endbringers, Eidolon silently screaming as his boneless head was impaled on the peak of the altar, his still beating heart at the bottom of the pit, wrapped in chains made from his own skull and unraveled testicles, Corona Pollentia and Gemma glowing as gems on the central altar.

But even this act of butchery and carnage was in many ways, a prelude, as the stars turned, and the Silver and Ivory Keys were presented before the Gate. The Gate Opened. The Gate had always been open. Screaming, the sky shattered and broke, a hole in the world that revealed a garden of not quite dead flesh, a silver form sleeping as the dead in the midst of it. A bloody knife, humming and pulsing moved. Words ripped and tore, whispered secrets that thundered with grand authority. Crystalline flesh bubbled and melted, turned into a slurry that screamed and whimpered, dead eyes thrown open.

A trillion mouths and eyes screamed as they vanished down a greedy gullet, as every scrap of energy and lore was wrung from an Entities remains, a red star that burned black to the soul erupting from a space between worlds. The pyramid shifted, and golden eyes, impassive and unaware flew open, as truths were forced into his mind like maggots. The Golden God commanded the blasphemy before him to Still. And the void drank his command, hungry and devouring in silence and stillness, a slavering entropic maw as laughter tore itself away from hearing, an absence that was.

And with blood and flesh, the lord of the damned spoke his own command, memories and protocols stolen from his previous feast shearing through defenses and objections. [HARVEST].

And Gold fell as Silver did. And as swiftly, did the pyramid fade, vanishing into a place between, leaving behind only a naked and shivering Eidolon, gasping and whimpering on the barren earth, twitching and unresponsive.

Alternate Route

But even this act of butchery and carnage was in many ways, a prelude, as the stars turned, and the Silver and Ivory Keys were presented before the Gate. The Gate Opened. The Gate had always been open. Screaming, the sky shattered and broke, a hole in the world that revealed a garden of not quite dead flesh, a silver form sleeping as the dead in the midst of it. A bloody knife, humming and pulsing moved. Words ripped and tore, whispered secrets that thundered with grand authority. Crystalline flesh bubbled and melted, turned into a slurry that screamed and whimpered, dead eyes thrown open.

And yet, this would not be a meal, as lips curled into a smirk cruel and knowing. No, for there was a simple thing really about these Entities, as silver flesh ran into a sea of blood and bone, viridian flames igniting and erupting beneath. Nuclear explosions erupted, searing pillars of hate as words whispered, as the knife cut and directed the forces at play. As all the physical dross was melted and burned away, souls igniting and writhing, hands gripping the sins and karma of the dead entity and squeezing them tight, compressing the spiritual until it once more turned physical.

Some would say the resulting product was lacking for all the effort. A simple silver rod three feet in length, the total sum remains of the Thinker. Of her essence. Of her sins. Of her refined karma. Of the countless curses and cries of despair from civilizations and worlds beyond mortal minds ability to fully comprehend. Even someone with only the faintest scrap of awareness, less than that which was needed to really be considered alive, could tell there was weight to the rod. To anyone with mystic potential? It was a black hole clad in gleaming silver, viridian runes burning along its length.

Experimentally, Constantine gave it a wave, as flick of the wrist as if it were a Harry Potter wand. And with that wave, reality tolled as if struck. And so the Lord of the Black Ring laughed, as the pyramid vanished.

No mortal soul could ever reveal what occurred, as Constantine brought his war against the Golden Man, though all on Earth Bet knew how it began. Bold as brass did the laughing magician walk up to the first hero, and on striking the man who looked at the silver rod in his hand with horror and disgust, keened as bones and flesh tore, warping into a portal, a gateway through which he walked, a smile on his lips into a world of gleaming crystal spires.

The last Bet ever saw of Scion was as the frame crumbled, burning away, meteors covered in a green flame that shrieked of hate falling like rain, monsters emerging from tears in formerly pristine spires, consuming it all around them, as parahumans around the world shrieked as one in agony and terror.
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So yeah, was just messing around with the three 'Mythos' characters and what they might get up to at level 20 or thereabouts. As it is... hopped up on harvested life essence, he could just 'eat' Scion... or forge the Thinker into a 'Minor' artifact and pull a 'sudden burning legion invasion'
The Dreaming War, Opening Clashes
The Skies Above Brockton Bay


It was a small thing, as she compared astrological data in and out of the bay. Which ever since the Simurgh attack had been... off. Looking it over, Brockton Bay seemed to be normal in the day, but as the stars came out? Pockets and patches still moved in their normal shape and course, but in other places? She could not shiver, not shudder, not really, as she looked into strange and alien stars, and of the wyrm stretching between them, devouring its own tale as it formed a celestial Ouroboros around the boundaries of the walled off city.

Why then, did she see a knife of midnight hue reach up, disembowelling the serpent and tearing from it radiant new stars, a bridge bound in beams of moonlit longing tying the center of the gate to the bridge? There was something beyond that gate, but every attempt to gaze past it, to understand it? She rebooted several minutes later, the feeling of cold lips at her temple (but she had no head), claws running along her cheek (she was an AI, she had no actual body), amused eyes looking into her own (but this was not real!), laughing as a young voice giggled and booped her on the nose (a glitch, sensor errors!).

It was enough that she sent out the word, that Clíodhna was doing something inside of her cage. As it was, she was going to have to submit to Master/Stranger protocols... and do an in depth inspection of her code. Because (the events that did not take place) unnerved her and she was... afraid. And then the alarm began to blare, as in thre Mordovia Bubble, The Sleeper opened his mouth and began to scream, thrashing in his sleep. Him having a nightmare was anomaly enough... even as he began to foam at the mouth, blood mingling with it all.

And then the storm erupted from his sleeping body, the color of freshly spilled blood, as The Sleeper roared, his voice shaking the walls of his home. "Кровь для Кровавого Бога! Черепа для Трона Черепов!" Even as the projections began to appear, blades lifted into the sky and howling, she translated the phrase and referenced it, promptly wondering why this S class threat was pulling a Leet, even as she began to send the emails and sending the requests to along the proper channels, as Bloodletters, Flesh Hounds and Juggernauts were rushing through the woods, aiming for the roads and population centers.

The Dreams of The Sleeper

The Sleeper

He was besieged by a nonsense army, because what else could you call what seemed to be children's fortresses on the back of tortoises that had chicken legs (and the heads of horses of all things), who had not cannons, but catapults dispersing payloads of squirming and scabrous rats, bloated with black welts, exploding in showers of bone, acidic blood, burning viscera and fleas as they sought to claw at ones face? Manned of course by what seemed to be cheering and slightly malformed children, rushing about with mad abandon on rigging of their 'tanks'.

This was saying nothing of the army of Lawn Gnome infantry marching in lockstep across the plains of his dreams, garden trench shovels in their hands as they dug trenches sized for them along with barbed wire, sandbags rising as gun pits were dug and potato launchers assembled as artillery... and then the cheeky things fired miniature Sputnik's from Russia's space days as ammunition! To be sure, the crashing as screaming balls of fiery death was new, but this is what made it a fight!

To be sure, as he looked over his dream, he was aware that this was just a dream, his storm lurking at the boundaries, not able to fully enter. Because these invaders came from some place else, some deeper level of dreaming? It mattered little, as he hefted his AK-74, that old friend he did not really use since he gained the storm and moved. In many ways, it was refreshing, to not have the storm at his back, to have something other than unleashing the full fury of the Warp against those that stood before him.

Granted, that was more due to the fact that they were standing inside of it, or perhaps the eye of the storm? He never really had to think of it, but even as he dreamed of war and blood.... he took in a breath, and in one hand was a codex, an army book for a game he had not played in decades. And so, he roared, blood spraying from his lips, and as that bloody spittle mingled with the earth, models of his own design and creation rose, fashioned from a mind dreaming of war, of blood and battle as he grinned. "Blood for the Blood God! Skulls for the Skull Throne!" And with that, codex secured to his hip, AK-74 in one hand and an axe in the other, he moved to defend his own mind!

Yet he wondered, as he looked to the skies, to see the dispassionate watcher, who she was. A tall form, and every inch a queen with a crystal crown, wearing a dress of chain mail that shimmered and shifted endlessly, a sceptre of iron in one hand that spoke of a royals right to rule and crush all before them. And yet, those eyes were so dark as to make the void seem bright, everything about her flesh and bones speaking of delicate grace... but as bullets struck at her? He could feel her distain, her contempt for such petty tricks... and as the bullets, fragments of his dreaming mind collided against that barrier? Steel shattered against ice.

And so he smiled, as he rushed forward to war, the stars behind his foe a burning gate.

The Mathers Compound

Mamma Mathers

She shivered, as she considered her options, a part of her considering calling in favors to Cauldron, even as Chort stomped on one of the giggling fiends, mud splashing from the 'corpse' as it melted away, no longer retaining a coherent form. As it stood, she could affect the damn things... but it was like dealing with the more annoying kind of tinker, the physical form was just a suit, something the actual creatures just wore. Granted, as Eligos scattered a howling demon made of semi-solid air, it was less physical and more embodied.

She did not need to sleep, she was beyond such petty concerns... but the creatures knew that. 'Soon, soon your defenders will need to rest, soon you will meet her' they giggled, laughing as her family broke and tore them apart. Yes, it took time for them to gain a new body, and they had managed to adjust, making sure that the most numerous of the creatures would have no beast flesh to wear, even if Bamet was annoyed that some of his greatest creatures were taken and reshaped.

Still, they got rid of water, no fires... no metal or electricity... and just in time, as the trees outside began to creak and twist, leering faces breaking and shaking themselves lose from the bark as clawed branch hands reached out, laughing. "There is no escape little Christine! You will sleep, you will dream and you will kneel before the throne!" They laughed as they were made into splinters and lumber, as she looked over her family and frowned, rage burning in her heart.

Yet, this sealed it. They had to accept help from unbelievers and sluts, as they needed... numbers or information. Both really, because when she found the child that was responsible for this? She would take the brat onto her knee and thrash them bloody!

The Goblin Kingdom (Ellisburg)

King Jamie Rinke

He considered the emissary before him, as he sat on his throne, before the man nodded, curiosity in his eyes. "Very well. You may inform your liege lady that she is invited to the Feast of All Hollows Eve, where we may discuss matters between our realms." All in all, as the figure, a tall fellow dressed as a sailor and with a sea lamp on his belt inclined his head and moved back to the pool of brine that had appeared on the borders of his realm, it had been a fruitful negotiation.

And such a polite fellow monarch at that, to send a herald with gifts. Even if he could not embrace them, as they lacked flesh, it was good to see Polka the first again, to know that his people, his children in every way that mattered, could persist beyond the grave, even if they would enter into another's realm. Still, he wondered, what could the queen of the dead, so recognized by those that would stand against his own as well, desire of him? What could call her from her misty and raven haunted halls into the realm from where all her subjects came?

And so, he would admit, it was in good part curiosity that made him agree to the meeting. It would be good to meet with a fellow royal, even one so new to her throne. After all, according to her herald, she had no wish to war with neighbors.
So yeah, been a while. As it is, here, have some Taylor and Queen Admin, some dream war, some diplomacy... and what is going to be a new bestiary entry as Taylor plays around with some minions. Also, yes, Jack has some ways out of the city... the aquifer may or may not be a vampirate port with connections to expanding underground rivers.

Also, given how Warhammer 40K was first released in 1987, I'm just saying that The Sleeper may be a fan and his Storm may have some resemblances to a Warp Storm. However! He is not actually a Psyker. No actual warp shenanigans in this story.
Thank ye! As it stands... Taylor is getting a work out of the Ophidian Gate and playing around with a few things. So now comes combat testing time! Granted, there are reasons for each of her three targets... though in many ways, the person/human is mostly just a vector.
Tome of Nightmares; The Dreamling Fiends
Size/Type:Small Outsider (Chaotic, Extraplanar, Evil)
Hit Dice:2d8+2 (9 hp)
Speed:30 ft. (4 squares), Climb 30ft
Armor Class:14 (+2 Dex, +2 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 12
Base Attack/Grapple:+2/+3
Attack:Bite +4 (1d4+1) or Claw +4 (1d3+1)
Full Attack:Bite +4 (1d4+1) and Two Claws -1/-1 (1d4)
Space/Reach:5ft ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks:Mythos
Special Qualities:Darkvision 60ft, Dreamworld Kaddath Creature, Xoriat's Taint, Aberrant Blood, Embodied Madness
MythosTongue Of The Masters (Wretched Worm Degradation, The Song That Ends The World), Corpse-Body Resilience, Rigid Deathgrip Calcification (Heavy Mohrg-Grip), Ignoble Bloodlust-Satiating Banquet
Saves:Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +4
Abilities:Str 12, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 12
Skills:Spot +6, Listen +6, Hide +11, Move Silently +7, Climb +8, Jump +6, Balance +7, Decipher Script +5
Feats:Marked By The Black Spiral (B), Legacy of Marching Aeons (B), Dark Speech (B), Tomb Tainted Soul (B), Tomb-born Vitality (B), Improved Grapple (B), Improved Initiative
Environment:Brockton Bay Dreamworlds
Organization:Pair, Grave (2-12), Carrion Pit (4-40), Haunt (1-4 Worldlings 8-80 Corpselings and) or Nightmare Cyst (30-90 Corpselings and 10-40 Worldlings and 1-4 Greenlings)
Alignment:Chaotic Evil
Advancement:3-6 HD (Small), 7-11 HD (Medium)
Dreamworld Kaddath Creature (EX); The Dreamling fiends are not real creatures. While they exist, they dwell in the fever dreams of the mad, in the insane ramblings of the lost and broken. The sane lack the insight that madness brings, and so these creatures do not exist for them. In this, ignorance is bliss, as those made from the essence of the dreaming heaths cannot directly affect the sane, much as the sane cannot directly affect them. As such, a Kaddath creature needs to drive a victim mad through indirect means... or cheat.

Embodied Madness (SU); Normally, those things taken from a Kaddath Dreamworld are simple and inanimate objects, and whose ability to interact with the sane is limited. But Dreamling fiends are creatures, living after a fashion, and imbued with power and cunning. Experiments in a way, for what their mistress plans with her greatest creations, but effective all the same. Universal to the fiends is something akin to possession... though each can only inhabit different kinds of vessels.

Corpselings are the least of he fiends, but also the most numerous and some might say the easiest to inhabit new forms. Once every 1d10 minutes, they can touch a corpse of a non-sentient creature that possessed equal or fewer HD and animate them as a Corpse Creature, save that they possess the creature as they animate it and the resulting creature possesses all the physical traits of the undead creature and the mental and supernatural abilities of the Corpseling.

Advancement; A Corpseling is treated as a Olethrofex of their HD for the purposes of gaining mythos as they advance. In addition, Corpselings always qualify for the Swallowing the Feral Heart feat, save that their 'inner animal' is whichever they are possessing, and are considered to possess the Flesh of the Wild Places mythos.


Size/Type:Medium Outsider (Chaotic, Extraplanar, Evil, Variable Elemental)
Hit Dice:8d8+8 (44 hp)
Speed:30 ft. (4 squares)
Armor Class:15 (+5 Dex, +2 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 12
Base Attack/Grapple:+8/+10
Attack:Slam +13 melee (1d8+5)
Full Attack:Two slams +13/+13 (1d8+5)
Space/Reach:5ft ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks:Powers, Mythos
Special Qualities:Darkvision 60ft, Dreamworld Kaddath Creature, Xoriat's Taint, Aberrant Blood, The Flow of Energy, Precision Philosophy, DR 5/-, Embodied Madness
Power Point Reserve12/12 (Can store 8 additional Power Points in its own body as a psicrystal)
Powers Known (ML 8)1st; Control Object, Control Light, Create Sound, Inertial Armor
2nd; Energy Missile, Control Sound, Psionic Tongues, Energy Push
3rd; Energy Cone, Body Adjustment, Body Purification
MythosSpiraling Into Madness (Painting The Black Gyre), Revolving Upon An Alien Fulcrum, Meditating On The Elements, Inner Strength Weaponisation, Tongue Of The Masters (Terror Beyond Mortal Ken, Wretched Worm Degradation), Land-Strike Wrath, Tumultuous Geokinema Assault, Body Mastering Elemental Adaptation, Element Embodying Internal Modification, Physicality Reinforcing Elemental Connection
Saves:Fort +8, Ref +11, Will +10 (+4 vs mind affecting)
Abilities:Str 14, Dex 20, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 18, Cha 12
Skills:Decipher Script +11, Psicraft +11, Spot +12, Listen +12, Concentration +10, Intimidate +9, Knowledge (Nature) +11, Survival +12, Jump +10, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +11, Sense Motive +12
Feats:Marked By The Black Spiral (B), Overchannel (B), Body Fuel (B), Scribe Tattoo (B), Omniscient Whispers (B), Dark Speech (B), Improved Natural Attack (Slam) (B), Legacy of The Ur-Machine (B), Warped Mind (B), Madspawn, Twisted Mind, Psionic Horror
Environment:Brockton Bay Dreamworlds
Organization:Solitary, Pair, Haunt (1-4 and 8-80 Corpselings) or Nightmare Cyst (10-40, 30-90 Corpselings and 1-4 Greenlings)
Alignment:Chaotic Evil
Advancement:9-12 HD (Medium), 13-18 HD (Large)
Dreamworld Kaddath Creature (EX); The Dreamling fiends are not real creatures. While they exist, they dwell in the fever dreams of the mad, in the insane ramblings of the lost and broken. The sane lack the insight that madness brings, and so these creatures do not exist for them. In this, ignorance is bliss, as those made from the essence of the dreaming heaths cannot directly affect the sane, much as the sane cannot directly affect them. As such, a Kaddath creature needs to drive a victim mad through indirect means... or cheat.

Embodied Madness (SU); Normally, those things taken from a Kaddath Dreamworld are simple and inanimate objects, and whose ability to interact with the sane is limited. But Dreamling fiends are creatures, living after a fashion, and imbued with power and cunning. Experiments in a way, for what their mistress plans with her greatest creations, but effective all the same. Universal to the fiends is something akin to possession... though each can only inhabit different kinds of vessels.

Worldlings are dreams of wild and twisted elemental power, corrupt and infectious with the madness of the far realms as it seeps into the natural world. And so it is that of the dreamling fiends, they are noted to be able to most directly impact the natural world. Natural Katarrei, they consider the hallucinations of Revolving Upon An Alien Fulcrum their natural state... and are able to use their mythos that affect the elements normally against the sane.

Additionally, they may, once every 1d10 minutes, gather a sizeable amount of the element they are attuned to, creating and possessing an elemental whose size is equal to their own. They may not use any psionics that cause direct damage against the sane however, no matter if they are embodied or not.

Variable Elemental Nature; Each worlding must choose between Air, Earth Fire or Water. This determines which element they embrace for the effects of their mythos, and which one they are imblanced towards, gaining the appropriate subtype. Once chosen, this cannot be changed.

Advancement; A Worlding is treated as a Katarrei of their HD for the purposes of gaining mythos as they advance.

Size/Type:Large Outsider (Chaotic, Extraplanar)
Hit Dice:13d8+65 (155 hp)
Speed:30 ft. (4 squares)
Armor Class:18 (+1 Dex, +8 natural, -1 Size), touch 10, flat-footed 17
Base Attack/Grapple:+12/+28
Attack:Bite +19 (2d10+12) or Two Claws +19 (1d8+5)
Full Attack:Bite +19 (2d10+12) and Two Claws +14/+14 (1d8+5)
Space/Reach:10ft ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks:Mythos, Verdant Mastery
Special Qualities:Darkvision 60ft, Dreamworld Kaddath Creature, Xoriat's Taint, Aberrant Blood, Embodied Madness
MythosTongue Of The Masters (Terror Beyond Mortal Ken, Wretched Worm Degradation), A Trick Once Twice Over (Or Maybe Thrice Over*4), I Call, and Mother Answers! (My Friends Love You), "Wood is Harder Than Stone", Visions Of Things Yet To Come (Spread The Madness), Verdant Creeper-Infestation, In the Ring I Dance, In the Ring You Fall (Arbor Trees, Encircle the Breach, Guard the Breach, Arbor of the Storm), Tree of the First Storm, Accelerated Heart-Rate Tenacity, Primal Fright-Tapping Emanations (Visions of the First Existence), False Safety Obliterating Essence (Harbinger of Verdant Dread, Ancient Instillation of Primordial Terrors, Dreaded Foe Implacability),
ExcellenciesInhuman Natural Disdain Augmentation, Soul-Shredding Inner Redistribution, Forceful Attitude Adjusting Grimace, Animal Talent, Green Thumb
HexesCoven, Blight (Will DC 20), Pollute Water (Fort DC 20), Polluting Glance (4), Slumber (Will DC 20), Leshy Summoning
SLA's (CL 13)Summon Natures Ally V 3/Day. Shape Wood At Will.
Saves:Fort +13, Ref +9, Will +10
Abilities:Str 26, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 18
Skills:Decipher Script +18, Intimidate +23, Survival +18, Hide +13, Move Silently +17, Spot +18, Listen +18, Knowledge (Arcana) +18, Knowledge (Nature) +18, Spellcraft +18
Feats:Marked By The Black Spiral (B), Dark Speech (B), Legacy of Black Hate, Improved Grapple, Skill Focus (Intimidate), Broken Dread Amalgam, Dread Anthology Conflux
Environment:Brockton Bay Dreamworlds
Organization:Solitary, Pair, or Nightmare Cyst (10-40, 30-90 Corpselings and 1-4 Greenlings)
Alignment:Chaotic Evil
Advancement:14-18 HD (Large), 19-25 HD (Huge)
Dreamworld Kaddath Creature (EX); The Dreamling fiends are not real creatures. While they exist, they dwell in the fever dreams of the mad, in the insane ramblings of the lost and broken. The sane lack the insight that madness brings, and so these creatures do not exist for them. In this, ignorance is bliss, as those made from the essence of the dreaming heaths cannot directly affect the sane, much as the sane cannot directly affect them. As such, a Kaddath creature needs to drive a victim mad through indirect means... or cheat.

Embodied Madness (SU); Normally, those things taken from a Kaddath Dreamworld are simple and inanimate objects, and whose ability to interact with the sane is limited. But Dreamling fiends are creatures, living after a fashion, and imbued with power and cunning. Experiments in a way, for what their mistress plans with her greatest creations, but effective all the same. Universal to the fiends is something akin to possession... though each can only inhabit different kinds of vessels.

Greenlings are among the most powerful of their queens nightmares, even as they bow before the flowers. Where the worldlings are bonded to the elements, Greenlings are twisted emissaries of that which is green and growing, even as their bark twists with the shadows of terrors older than the world beneath their roots. While disembodied, they may use their Summon Natures Ally ability to summon Leshy's with the Foulspawn Template, the aura version of the Primal Fright-Tapping Emanations mythos, may freely converse with animals and plants, shape wood, blight the land and waters and summon their arbor trees. In addition, the effects of Visions Of Things Yet To Come can continue to spread via its Spread The Madness manifestation if the Greenling is forced out of its body.

Yet, once every 1d10, they can select a tree of at least large size and possess it, animating it. In all ways, treat the resulting creature as an awakened tree with the Greenlings mental ability scores and supernatural ability scores.

Verdant Mastery (SU); While a Greenling is embodied, they may use Animate Plants, Plant Growth, Wall of Thorns at will and Awaken (Plants only) three times a day. Any plants awoken have the Foulspawn template and will take the Tongue Of The Masters mythos.

Coven; Greenlings are considered Hags for the purposes of forming covens.

Advancement; A Greenling is treated as a Archikos of their HD for the purposes of gaining mythos as they advance. However, they will rarely take more mythos drawing on the fey realms, instead gaining Hag mythos. They may also gain up to four additional exceptional, two fantastic and one legendary Epifovian mythos, as they would need to take additional feats to gain greater access to the powers of Dread.

Indeed, as their boughs shake in anticipation, as they reach 19 HD, they desire to have Dread Essence Analect, that they may take the Far-Plane Recreating Terraforming Glare mythos. While inside of a Bastion of Terror, creatures suffering a fear effect may consider Kaddath creatures to have full concealment. The miss chance extends to all effects, and extends both ways.
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I just wanted to say that the title name is fucking epic and even though I don't know anything about dnd and I don't like Taylor like the MC, that's the enough reason that I want to read this.