Glory Girl
For the most part, as she flew over the city, enjoying a patrol alongside her boyfriend (as he had not done anything of late that would have resulted in her revoking that status), eyes open even as they waved to the thinning late afternoon crowds along the boardwalk, it was good that things had gotten just a bit more quiet after the events of the last few days. Sure, she would always be up to punch and smash some Nazi's, but a zombie horde and all the blood? She shuddered faintly, as really, that had been more than a little disturbing.
In some ways, this brought to mind some of the tales of the Teeth and the 'bad old days' she had overheard, of the wild chaos and frequent clashes, of the blood flowing in the streets like rivers as the gangs mauled and tore at each other. Even with just isolated clashes, she thought she was beginning to understand why people said gang wars were bad... particularly with the Empire breaking out freaking war crime weapons they had smuggled into the city. But, she would admit that it was the fact some of the Empire's parahumans dying that disturbed her.
Like the rest of New Wave, she was aware of how in many ways they could not get the full coverage of the unwritten rules, and just how flimsy a cover those could be. Yet all that she saw, all that she read and heard and could infer? This new cape, Clíodhna did not play by the rules. Already her Gallant had mentioned how it was more than likely a kill order was in the works, because a cape willing to jump straight to this, to wage war? Yeah, the crazy bitch was not even a vigilante, she was just a villain targeting other villains.
So caught up in her thoughts, she missed him falling behind, staying still and shuddering, shivering as he looked out at nothing at all. "Gallant? You okay?" Worry laced her tone, as her Gallant, her Dean, began crying, the tears actually dripping from his visor despite it not working that way and very soon they began to be laced with red before rivets of sweet and sticky smelling blood coursed down the cheeks of his helmet and he let loose a scream. It was a howl that was torn from a dying beast, rasping with metal and reverbing in on itself, as she rushed to him.
"Gallant, calm down, Gallant!" Now, she was worrying and freaking out, as this was freaking horror movie shit, even as around them people were watching, taking out their phones and taking snap shots, some even filming for PHO later. Of course, PRT console was buzzing, Clockblocker calling out for him to reply, to speak to him and calm down, and that help was on the way, if his buddy could just hold on.
Yet, as he began to thrash in place, as he continued to cry those tears of blood, the faceplate of his mask began to tear, to crumple and part with a sound part way between a car crumpling and the tearing of a side of beef. It tore and transformed, and where there had been featureless chrome, there was instead a jagged maw of metal, pink and red flesh inside as he began
to scream out music. There was no way for a human throat to make those sounds, and yet they ripped from him with a spray of bloody foam, the radio distorting and joining in, somehow more organic than the tortured sounds being torn from his bleeding throat.
And only a handful saw the shadow loom over him, that tall woman of the mists clad in a cloak of raven wings, with a great spear in hand.... save that all saw as Crusaders back arched, a scream ripping free as a nightmare blade punctured his dead heart and he began to melt away, leaving a pool of fetid water mixed with ash and blood. In something almost like black humor, Crusader met his second and final end in front of a stall selling NFL merchandise and another selling baked potatoes.
Yet, as Crusader faded, the hounds did but howl, and leap away into the mists, vanishing from mortal sight.
She danced and moved with glee, spear in hand as her hounds bounded at her heels, tongues lolling even as they barked ever so playfully, her free hand moving to give the good boys scratches behind the ears as they ran through this land of mist and fog. This realm of spirits and shadows ever so quiet, a river which was a sea that drained into a place far larger and stranger and yet bound in the confines of reality. And yet, she had merely stepped through the ophidian gate to hunt down the naughty ghost that had been spying on her.
As he had been a member of the Empire Eighty-Eight in life, she would not put it past him to spy on her or her friends while they were in the showers at that! And yet, she would freely admit that at least some of what she did was for the pleasure of it, to hunt him down as a harbinger of the fate that awaited him, a laugh on her lips and a spear through his heart. Yet, this was not the hunt she was most looking forward to this eve, oh no. Granted, as she danced and swam through the earth and metal, she needed to pass through the gate again, from a different angle.
Idly, she wondered, moving down the streets that she knew all so well, just what she could do this eve? Humming, she considered, as she checked first on her home, to an empty abode. Her Father would be home in a little while, and so she could take care of other business first.
Business, as she looked over the napping figure of one of her tormentors, that would be ever so fun! After all, dear little Sophia was a predator, and so would she not enjoy being taken on a hunt?
Shadow Stalker
Mood Music)
The dream began the same way it always had of late, of the burning venom in her blood, the fire as a pale moon (an eye torn from Taylors socket) looked down at her, back arching as she howled and began to change. She could feel her humanity there, slipping away between her fingers, slick and wet as her skin broke and bones snapped. Claws tried to hold onto herself, tearing and shredding it, desperate to keep as much as she could even as she burst free from herself.
Her dreaming self was
STRONG, every muscle and bone ripping and built for power, her frame tall and sleek. In some respects, she was a mixture of human and wolf, stretched to eight feet tall and made of living and rippling shadows, as her claws flexed and she tried to drape herself with the torn and tattered fragments in her hands. Bits of her weak self, her human self fell down into the shadow, tainted and twisted, images and scents as she stretched... and her stomach growled.
She moved, at one with the dark of the apartment as her nose brought her scents, all of them making her mouth water and snap, muscles straining to not just rush forward in a flurry of claw and fang. No, she moved with careful tread to the den, where she tasted the salt of the sweat, felt the oil coming from their bodies and the sweet scent of rot, of sin dripping from him like the juices from a roast pig. And she pounced on his form, teeth gripping his neck as she twisted and tore, meat coming loose, swallowing as she knocked him over and out of the female below him (her mother, now covered with blood from her boyfriends torn throat).
With a snarl, she lowered her muzzle, claws ripping and opening the prey, opening up the flesh to the organs inside, as her mother screamed and flinched, blood stained muzzle moving to rip, tear and swallow the meat. And then her mother struck her, arms striking ineffectually. A part of her is annoyed that this prey was striking her while she was busy with her meal (a silent part of her was screaming for her mother to run, to flee and hide), the blows passing through the shadows that made up her flesh. So, with a casual swipe claws tear out the crying meats throat (inside, the fragments of herself scream and deny she would ever do it).
She is not sure why the fact that the sight of the meat looking at her with wide and betrayed eyes, afraid and pitying strokes the flames of rage inside of herself, as she howls, hate and anger clear as claws tear out the eyes, crush the skull and tear and tear until it cannot look and gurgle at her anymore! Something makes a noise at the door. A male, looking in, eyes wide (run Terry, run!), as he turns and moves. For a moment, she merely stands and breathes, even as there are more words, and a small females words... and feet moving outside.
The male took her sister. She is not sure why that was important, but the fury rose again from the embers, howling with hate and hunger. If he flees with her sister, if her brother escapes, if he leaves her... there is pain, as she runs, as she rushes and leaps, as he looks up at her, mouth spewing words she could not understand.
She woke up, heart pounding and the taste of copper and iron on her lips. Yet, as Sophia Hess checked the mirror, she was human. "It was a dream, just a dream..." She screams and falls on her ass when she thinks she sees a muzzle in the mirror in place of her face.
She giggled, as she skipped away, the prank she pulled on Sophia a delightful one. She was going to have to consider just what kind of pranks and jests to play with Emma and Madison when she had some time free. As for the rest of the night? She slipped into a dream and into a memory, pulling her father along, laughing and dancing with her Mother, his wife. For the first time in a long while, they spent time together, a family. Soon enough though, she was tucked into bed, waking with a kiss to her forehead.
Even as she sighed, she made the resolution. She would have to try and spend some more time with her father soon enough, even if a good part of her... would he even recognize the monster she had become?