That went quite well. I like the combination of initially acting offensively to gain respite from the Dragon's initial attacks before distracting it. Question though: can Serpensortia summon multiple snakes at once? I thought could only do one at a time.

Wonder what everything things of a Gryffindor using Serpensortia.
She didn't use any of the fancy spells to deal with fire she learned from Dumbledore, which is slightly disappointing.
Anyway it's nice to see she couldn't get past the dragon totally on her own (it's supposed to be the work of a team of trained wizard not a single untrained individual).
She didn't use any of the fancy spells to deal with fire she learned from Dumbledore, which is slightly disappointing.
Eh, knowing she had some way of dealing with fire at all, as a last-ditch maneuver, probably made her a lot more willing to take risks. Even if she ended up not needing it, it makes everything safer, allowing her to take other risks, as it were.
Question though: can Serpensortia summon multiple snakes at once? I thought could only do one at a time.

I'd say that can fairly safely be written off as a "skill and practice" kind of thing. When Malfoy used it in the books he was a 12 year old trying out a fairly advanced spell so he could probably only manage the one, and it was probably a relatively mundane snake, like a reticulated python or a boa or something. Someone who decides to specialise exclusively in snake summoning could probably wave their wand and summon a dozen anaconda, or inland taipan, or whatever
Looks like she should have paid more attention to Pansy. Potter Stinks turned out to be a sound warning that she should have taken under consideration.

Outside of double potions, Pansy Parkinson started to hand out badges proclaiming Cedric Diggory to be the real Hogwarts champion. They changed between that and saying 'Potter Stinks', which Holly thought was a low water mark for Pansy's barbs.
Then, just as she crested the hill, she saw the Horntail's spiky snout turn in her direction and sniff loudly. Holly began to understand the flaw in her plan
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Two typos I noticed:

'Throw me at your foe, and I shall aid you with marble fist and stone bladeread the card. Holly could guess what the chess piece would do, and she carefully pocketed it and the vial.
"blade read"

"Excellent, excellent... but if you need anything, you just ask. A few pointers, maybe... or something discrete. Nobody'd have to know," Bagman said, and Holly almost went for his wand. Why would Bagman want to help her cheat, she wondered?

Heh. "I'm sorry, but I can only help you cheat in discrete units, not continuously cheat for you."
in some way, a fairly straightforward approach, which is quite nice to read.

I confess I'm a bit worried with how.. kinetic things are described the dragon will accidentally destroy the fake eggs, but seems she didn't do it.
I'm just imagining Holly throwing the Queen Piece, and it smashing just before the dragon as it lunges forward, with the Queen uppercutting the dragon as it expands to full size.
Oh, god. How much money did Bagman put on her winning this?
More than he should have, which to be fair is "any at all." So much for impartiality.

I'm beginning to suspect we know who put her name in a second time, and it was probably for thing more than base greed.
To be fair, he bet heavily on Harry in the books, too. My guess is Kreacher on Lucius's orders - he may not know that one of Crouch's "Lords Emissary" is present.
She hesitated for only a moment and withdrew her dragon. It was covered in spikes of bone, and she had to hold it by the tail to stop it from trying to breathe a miniature jet of fire at her. It had a little card around its neck that read 'one'.
I'm pretty sure that Holly's dragon should be wearing the number four.

I enjoyed the chapter, especially the different strategies that the others used, like Krum taking canon Harry's idea.
She didn't use any of the fancy spells to deal with fire she learned from Dumbledore, which is slightly disappointing.
Anyway it's nice to see she couldn't get past the dragon totally on her own (it's supposed to be the work of a team of trained wizard not a single untrained individual).
I'm pretty sure that fancy shield she used at the start to weather the first dragonfire burst was something Dumbledore taught her.
He paused for a moment, and the sound of hundreds of people walking up the stairs into the stands grew very loud inside the tent. Bagman paused for a moment, and Holly saw the other champions get even more nervous.
You used the "paused for a moment" comment twice, ya might consider changing up the words a bit to avoid redundancy.

and stone bladeread the card.
bladeread - blade read

his voice magical enhanced
magical - magically
Please, it's plenty safe, they only have to deal with dragons, drowning, grindylows, and a maze stocked with monsters and traps. Perfectly safe, even first years can participate!
With all that talk of making the tournament safer, I thought we would be getting completely different tasks than in canon.
The canon version of the tournament was already a safer version of the original. Which really makes you wonder what it was like back in the day- the only task mentioned from the old tournament is the champions trying to catch a cockatrice, which IIRC escaped and killed all the judges...
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The canon version of the tournament was already a safer version of the original. Which really makes you wonder what it was like back in the day- the only task mentioned from the old tournament is the champions trying to catch a manticore, which IIRC escaped and killed all the judges...
I can't imagine how many points the judges' ghosts must have taken off for that...