The Seven Seals probably offer a solution to Hunger's excessive Cha. Not that we actually have that at the moment, but in the long term it could be an alternative.
[X] Honing
[X] Agents of the Throne

I've been back and forth on this vote on every option before I even made a post. I've deleted and rewritten this post a bunch of times.

In summary:
I really truly want to see Doctor Apocalypse again. He's a dear favorite of mine who I feel that I failed. I'd love to have him shine, even as an antagonist.
That's a terrible reason to vote Skyveil. It's pretty inconsiderate of the thread at large, and I really do prefer the themes and ideas of the Halo, with Hunger unleashed. Vengeance, remember.

Halo seems pretty marvelous, and I do like it, but it's also not rank. I committed pretty hard to the rank build when I supported Crown, and I believe we should see it through.
Even though I want it, I also want to exercise some restraint. Not too much restraint, I think Honing is a solid buff going into an unknown combat situation, and echos don't seem very meaningful any more.

Agents feels like a good mix of responsibility and advantage. Form leaves the Sovereignty dangerously exposed to a rogue Surgecrafter, and sooner or later someone will use their power destructively. Willfully or otherwise. Regimentation is on the other end, telling people not to use their magic powers at all without a license. While not strictly a bad thing, I do think it provides some notable incentives for crime, which was an existing problem as seen in Mizuku.

I'm torn!
@Byzantine Hope this meets with your approval.

[ ] Shattershock - This Element encompasses everything from the paradigm-upending bolt from the blue of revolutionary scientific discoveries to more prosaic electrical discharges. Profoundly unsubtle and difficult to control, Shattershock ranks among the deadliest recorded Surges. It typically manifests as tines of living lightning rendered in surreal blue and surrounded by vibrations, a sudden fulmination that seems to shake the world apart.

Emitting large quantities of lightning that either electrocutes or shatters targets like glass is a trivial offensive application. A wielder of Shattershock can easily level entire city blocks in the opening instant of an engagement, hurling thunderbolts like Jove from Olympus. The greater the surprise, the greater the damage; notably, Shattershock becomes less effective in lengthier battles as opponents acclimate to it. This effect expires over time, so the Elementalist's acquaintances are only slightly advantaged when sparring.

Shattershock can paralyze targets struck by it physically or mentally, diminishing the target's ability to process new information. But with practice, the inverse of this ability is achievable: by integrating Shattershock into the Elementalist's nervous system, they galvanize themselves, thinking and moving as fast as lightning for brief bursts... at least until they acclimate to the buff, at which point it wears off.

Beneficiaries of this process are prone to epiphanies regarding whatever subject they're thinking of. This ranges from tactical insights, to solving equations in a burst of genius, or even realizing feelings toward a friend. This can be distracting in combat; Shattershock's wielder must prioritize discipline in all things, lest their Element wield them.
Anyone want to try their hand at Shattershock?

[ ] Shattershock - Lightning does not dance. It shatters, jagged rivers of shock and awe. The Imaginary Element that heeds your call is fulminant and forceful. This is not the cowed electricity, that moves to the whim of coil and copper, that powers the machines of fools playing at masters of their own fate. It is lightning, through and through, built to pierce any defense and cow any onlookers. Live for the crackle and the discharge, the tumult in a world that stands motionless in the face of an all-shattering spear of the heavens. One wonders... if your element is the lightning, who could stand in the way of the storm?

*Shattershock is an element of pure offense, and has a +10% effectiveness modifier when assaulting defenses, due to its nature.
*When using your Imaginary Element, gain +50% Agility as you become one with the lightning. Your entire nervous system lights up, reducing the need for the inefficient linkages of flesh and replacing it instead with conduits of lightning itself. Perhaps this could be applied to the neural impulses in your brain... how risky.
*Call upon storms of lightning to turn the tide of pitched battle. AOE attacks are normally easy for Surgecrafters, yet even among Surgecrafters your Element's battlefield command is superlative. Little to no cost for even large tides of mountain-searing thunderbolts. Become a siegebreaker or siegemaster with trivial ease.
*Your element is indiscriminate, harming allies and foes without meaningful distinction.
*Naturally repels supernatural effects. Shattershock is the condensed power of nature, not some trivial daydream to be cast with magic words.
*You Are A Railgun

I'd like an imaginary element called Voidchain if anyone is willing.

[ ] Voidchain - What lurks between the depths of stars? An abyssal expanse so tremendous and full of nothing that it beggars belief. And yet, it is here. Your Imaginary Element takes the form of chains made of nothing. An invisible heatshimmer that wraps and restrains, transfixes with the reflection of all those that look too closely. These chains are flimsy, yet for that exact reason they are impervious. Rapidly regenerating, resistant to dispellation, and endless in number. The chains are weak alone, but they are never alone. Clamp on to a foe, and don't let go.

You will never run out. All the Void is and will ever be is the ball and chain on reality.

*Voidchain is an element built to bind and control. Beings restrained by your chains will slowly lose the will to resist, eventually ceding to total domination.
*+50% to the value of Will+s. It takes a strong heart to carry the chains.
*This element can be used in versatile ways, from shooting chains at rapid velocity to spear a foe to acting as a grappling hook to carry you over steep ravines.
*Effective nonlethal means of acquiring an army! The persistent nature of your Element means that your foes will have to fend of millions of independent and autonomous assaults from will-draining enemies.
*With severe exertion, use your chains to rip open a hole into a Void. Dragging an enemy here can be considered an instant kill, as their ontological weight withers under the fervent nothingness of the eternal abyss!
*The Void asks nothing and takes nothing for calling on its power. Simply be aware that when you scream into the Void, something may answer.
Phantomweight, Wyrmspite, Shattershock x2, and Voidchain have all been added to the sheet!
Yes. Staying alive come first.

Either of the 7 Arete options has much to offer for that purpose, and successful navigation of a social encounter may allow you navigate past enemies that would otherwise be extremely challenging even for a Hunger with Honing! There are certainly foes of formidable physical strength but lacking in social or mental defenses.

I would think for the long term SkyVeil is where it's at. Using it and Disguise for all his power it lets him go out and act like a normal person, which might be important when you are looking at living a quadrillion years. It's crazy what people start to miss.

Indeed, and unlocking the powers of Stealth in general offers much versatility!
ADS gives all stats but does that apply to stats that we haven't unlocked yet? Would it automatically unlock stats we don't yet have like luck and stealth or would we have to get picks that explicitly give them?
ADS gives all stats but does that apply to stats that we haven't unlocked yet? Would it automatically unlock stats we don't yet have like luck and stealth or would we have to get picks that explicitly give them?
Luck is a baseline stat so it gives that. It does not unlock stealth though it does apply if we do unlock stealth.

Awesome, both of you!
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Did I miss something about why we don't have Stranglethorn offered, or is it just mystery?

Because we won't be able to put picks into the new DA crown unlocks until we're finished with the Arc for attaining it. Since we'd have to only get one for the moment, it was seen as better to wait for it to unlock and choose between them rather then lock us into strangethorn before we even see it.
[X] Sky Veil

Hard choice. On the one hand, SAVING for OaF is obviously good, especially with Honing. On the other hand, preempting complications before we have to spend effort to deal with them has a lot of value too..
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[X] Vanquisher Halo
[X] Without Form

After some calculation, I realized that the seven arete options are only going to amount to delaying OaF by one update. I think we have slightly more than one update of wiggle room, and I prefer Vanquisher Halo over Sky Veil because of the increased utility of Charisma.


Attempting a tally...
Adhoc vote count started by runeblue360 on Aug 1, 2020 at 5:30 AM, finished with 188 posts and 37 votes.
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May I suggest going for Agents or Regimentation? Without form is great, but surges are naturally difficult to control, somewhat unstable, and you don't have an innate sense for all the power can do.

I worry that even with no malevolent actions by anyone without form risks blowing up in our faces because some kid didn't get sufficient practice/training before thinking they were an expert with their surge. And only later, after it is too late, finds out the surge has more effects than what they thought.

Consider how dangerous Aobaru would be if he wasn't extremely talented, and the secondary effect of his surge was harder to reach. First time he pushes himself too hard suddenly he accidentally kills people because they explode. All it takes is some teenager being too cocky for their own good...

And that's just one way it could end badly as an accident cause by nothing more than teenage pride and a slightly misunderstood surge.
Without Form is the true choice, who are we to restrict people's access to magic? Also even a small increased chance of someone of Aobaru's level is the most valuable thing offered.
Without Form is the true choice, who are we to restrict people's access to magic? Also even a small increased chance of someone of Aobaru's level is the most valuable thing offered.
Someone who has seen what unrestricted magic in the hands of teenagers can do by accident? Don't forget the entire rotbeast enhancement was just apocryphal handing it a particular surgecrafter.

These are a bunch of kids who effectively are weapons. I'm not suggesting we make it impossible for them to do anything - I'm suggesting we should limit their use of their powers till they have a good grasp on them and can prove it.
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Someone who has seen what unrestricted magic in the hands of teenagers can do by accident? Don't forget the entire rotbeast enhancement was just apocryphal handing it a particular surgecrafter.

I mean there's magic for the person going out of control and magic for the people stopping them, so I don't see the harm. It seems more likely that if we restrict it there might be people who flout the law and rebel against us.

Better to let them be and let them become more skilled by being able to freely use Surgecrafting. They can police themselves well enough.
I mean there's magic for the person going out of control and magic for the people stopping them, so I don't see the harm. It seems more likely that if we restrict it there might be people who flout the law and rebel against us.

Better to let them be and let them become more skilled by being able to freely use Surgecrafting. They can police themselves well enough.
Hunger is a memetic threat. Bluntly not only are they not going to try to rebel against him, they will probably try to live up to whatever expectations he offhandedly comments he groggily made one day while waking up.

Also the risk levels clearly indicate they cannot, in fact, police themselves well enough.
Well, lets give this a try.

[] Brokenpromise

A Vow made between children waiting for the bus, left unfulfilled due to childish neglect.

The startling Brilliance of a once in a generation Talent, squandered out of grief, and misplaced rage.

The Fate of billions crying out for a savior, a hero, anyone, yet only silence answers, until long after all those who cried out are silenced.

For every shining moment that exists, there are thousands, upon thousands, upon thousands, and more, that pass us by, all unfulfilled.
It is said that everything has a price, yet what happens to the toll taken from the willing, the blind, and the desperate, who never receive what their pain, hope, and drive ought to have won them?

Energy can neither be created, nor destroyed, and at last all those desperate, despairing voices have an answer, in you.

Pray, oh pray they never find you.

The Brokenpromise is less of an Element, and more of a reservoir, the natural space in existence where the energy generated by unfulfilled, shattered, and broken Promise comes to lie. Gathered over a span of time unknowable to any being bound by such a concept, your withered, craven soul has now become one of the cracks in existence through which this energy seeps away from the deserving.

You are a blight upon the world, for all Promise dims both in your presence, and in your wake. Oaths are broken, dreams fade, and even the workings of Fate itself go unfulfilled, but for all things there is a price, and even such as you receive your due.

A tiny trickle of the vast energies rushing through your being cling to your existence in passing, warping your unworthy vessel with glimpses of the Brilliance, Glory, and Hope you steal from others.

As long as you live, your being will be buoyed by this misplaced grace, you will find yourself growing in talent, stature, and luck, any task you try your hand at, success unearned is yours to grasp.

With time, and the right combination of donors, no feat is beyond you, the machinations of the fates, laws of reality, and most especially the dreams of man, all can be overcome, for the right price, and be it discovered, found, or outright stolen you find you never come up short.

This Element manifests physically in a manner only wholly visible to you, though the undeserving my catch a glimpse of it from the corner of their eye, as streams of glimmering, pearlescent energy draining into you from your surroundings, upon closer inspection, they appear to be tattered threads of fate, recently discarded from the Loom.

Your growth is slow, and scattered, but all encompassing, one moment supping from the talent of a passing virtuoso, the next from the meager scraps left behind by long abandoned and vanished dreams.

With concentration you can see traces of the Looms workings surrounding the lives of others, and draw them to you, but even a casual glance into the Promise of those around you can be deeply informative, revealing secrets about their lives unknown even to them. Ironically it is the skilled that have the most to fear from you, for it takes but a glance, and the merest flex of will for them to falter, whether you face them on the battlefield, or across the boardroom table. Focused effort on your part has the fastest, most predictable result, but this effect is always on, like water down a drain, Promise flows through you.

The friendships of a lifetime, the passion of lovers, the life's work of a scholar not long for this world, all are as dross before you, weakened in your wake, shattered in your presence, Broken by your will.

Cower, Craven, for every dog has its day, and ever do the Fates, among others, seek out such gaps in creation to seal them forever. Your mobility is your friend, pray they never find you, or if not that, then that they come too late to stop you, for while fate is never on your side, in this alone, it too is subject to the vagrancies of chance.

@Orm Embar 687 words, I hope it was entertaining.
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May I suggest going for Agents or Regimentation? Without form is great, but surges are naturally difficult to control, somewhat unstable, and you don't have an innate sense for all the power can do.

I worry that even with no malevolent actions by anyone without form risks blowing up in our faces because some kid didn't get sufficient practice/training before thinking they were an expert with their surge. And only later, after it is too late, finds out the surge has more effects than what they thought.

Consider how dangerous Aobaru would be if he wasn't extremely talented, and the secondary effect of his surge was harder to reach. First time he pushes himself too hard suddenly he accidentally kills people because they explode. All it takes is some teenager being too cocky for their own good...

And that's just one way it could end badly as an accident cause by nothing more than teenage pride and a slightly misunderstood surge.
I guess I just don't see how Agents of the Throne is any better regarding this? Rereading the blurbs, the difference between Without Form and Agents of the Throne has nothing to do with the level of training available to elementalists, or even whether they are required to receive training. It's about whether elementalists are allowed to do things like perform mercenary work.