A Self Insert, and Evangelion Self Insert.

The fic that's old enough to drink.

At least I was drinking age ten


Darkness came, but none of us could sleep. I lay in bed in my nightwear, scratching myself, dipping a toe in a few teenaged fantasies. Asuka shuffled under her blankets, alternating between reading, clicking away at the keys on her phone and trying to sleep.

Nature called. Shinji'd beaten me to the bathroom, leaving his bedroom undefended.

And I was forced to conclude the absolute worst part about being a teenager is that sometimes you just do the dumbest or weirdest things and you don't even realise you've done them until you wake up in the middle of the night cradling a pillow in your arms that you've sprayed in Shinji's deoderant.

Not that I'd done that.

Don't judge me.

The sun rose again.

Life carried on. Another 24 hours had given the city more time to recover. Most of the obvious cracks had been patched. The resources of the entire world poured into Tokyo 3, to give the whole world a chance.

America went broke. Africa starved. Europe glowed. Tokyo-3.

I had to stop and take stock of this place.

I sat on a bench watching a half-dozen helicopters crane a truck-sized rifle across the city skyline, wondering when such dream-like images had become routine.

But then again, what had the line been?

Where is my reality?

At the end of your dreams.

My whole life before now, sat there as a two-decade long dream of rationality and sanity, feeding into this life of giant robots and Angels things that belonged on a Saturday morning cartoon.

I'd gone from the anonymous periphery of a cyberpunk technothriller in the making, to the main cast of a Saturday morning anime.

That made me laugh.

Misato waited for me in her red jacket, grave expression on her face. Opposite, sat Shinji in his nightshirt and shorts

"We need to talk," said Misato.


I took a seat without throwing up.

We're being stood down in favour of a nuclear arsenal. There's another Angel on the way. We know what you are, Noriko.

My blood chilled as Misato drew in a deep breath, clasping her hands in front of her

"We've all had time to sleep in it, and think about what happened. And I want to know how you feel about...."

"About irradiating an entire continent?"

Asuka crossed her arms in front of her breasts, daring Misato to answer.

Misato took a single, calm breath "I thought you should know, Asuka, before you say anything else. So Far, we lost One Point Four million people this time. Not including radiation casualties."

One Point Four Million People.

Asuka's jaw hinged open. "How?" she breathed.

"A quarter of a million in Minamiizu. Another hundred thousand along the coast as the wave washed ashore from the first drop. Four Hundred thousand in China. Three hundred thousand in the Philipine Federation. Two hundred in Indonesia. A hundred in South America. Fifty in Hawaii. Another fifty in the United States proper. Twenty-Five in the North Australian Republic. And more. The projections are still coming in."

Mother... And that's where my mind stopped dead. One and a half million people. Bigger than a statistic. Bigger than I could swallow in one bite. Bigger than my imagination could understand. Anything else I could possibly say just didn't seem like enough. What else could I say?


"We're supposed to help people, Misato. That's what you told me," said Shinji, his voice calm, even. He looked right at her.

"And we saved two point seven billion," answered Misato, wearing that Sisterly smile of hers. "We can't judge ourselves for the enemy's actions,."

She looked at me. I sat back. Maybe I was wrong, to compare Misato's decision with Omelas.

With Omelas, when those who turn their backs on the city powered by a forsaken child leave, there's no consequence to the city. It's inhabitants will continue as they always have and those few who find it reprehensible can continue to leave.

If we turn away, then the world ends.


When walking away from Omelas means certain death for the city and everyone who lives there, do I have the right to leave? Philosophy and ethics were never my strongpoint, but I think I had an answer I could stand over.

"We're still alive. And just rolling over and dying because it's easier than feeling guilty is wrong."

Choosing not to launch, would be no different, than choosing to destroy the world.

Asuka glared, aghast. Misato gave me that warm sisterly smile of hers, a proverbial pat on the head and I congratulated myself on giving the right answer.

Sorhyu's expression twisted into a malignant sneer. "I know the real reason you did it. And If I'm right, then you should never be forgiven," she hissed through her teeth.

"So be it," said Misato. "We had no choice."

Asuka said nothing, standing there with her mouth open waiting for words that just wouldn't come. Misato glared, daring her to burst out.

"I'll never understand the impact generation," said Shinji.

"Thank fuck," I added, under my breath.

Asuka took a deep breath, and I braced. "Oh the cruel Impact Generation for whom a hundred million is a statistic, look at you like you're the next Colonel Grun if you don't eat all your food and would kill their own mothers to save their skins. Aren't we all lucky they can be so ruthless they'll poison thousands of people just for their own revenge."

Misato glared, teeth clenched, wanting to snap off but knowing far better than to rise to the challenge. I sat waiting.

She opened her mouth to speak.

The opening door cut her off.

"Ayanami," said Shinji, stepping up.

She stood there, wearing a scruffy school uniform with nearly a week's worth of wear on it, holding her satchel in her hand and nothing else.

"My apartment was destroyed," she said, "I have orders."

And then stepped inside. That was that.

Asuka smothered a german curse, dropping into a hard wooden chair. Neither of them looked particularly thrilled at the idea of sharing an apartment with the other.

"They could've told me," Misato placed a palm against the side of her head, before grinding her face into something approximating a smile. "Welcome aboard. You can stay in the girl's room."

Asuka sneered. "There's no space in there."

The idea sparked in the back of my mind, racing to my lips riding a bolt of mischief. "She can have my bed. I'll sleep with Shinji."


The look on Asuka's face pulled a smile to my lips. Showing the quick wit and reactions expected of an Evangelion pilot, Shinji sat there and stared.

"Hmmm. No, we can't have that." Midato touched a cheeky finger to her lips "You can sleep with Ayanami,"

Damn. Two weeks ago, I might've cared.

Asuka stepped up to our new roommate, inspecting. Rei went stiff. I'm sure Shinji did too. I watched hhim glance between all three of us, before finally settling on me, puzzling me out.

Did I mean it?

Really, I don't know yet.

"Is that all you have to wear?" Asuka plucked at Rei's blue uniform. "And that smell?" She wrinkled her nose. "The shower's through that door. Get yourself washed up while we find something to lend you for the time being so you an at least look like you belong."

Rei glared at Asuka, standing her ground.

"It's a good idea," said Misato. "You'll feel much better afterwards."

"I shall," Rei nodded, dropped her things on the floor and went inside without grabbing a towel, resigned to following orders.

"You two. Find her some clothes you don't like."

I could feel Shinji watching watching me as I followed Asuka to our room. The door closed. She heeled around to face me.

"I can't believe you picked her side, Noriko..."

Backfooted, I pressed myself against the door.

"I don't like dying."

I'd learned from experience.

"It's the principal of the thing," said Asuka., sweeping her arm in front of her. "We don't want them thinking they have options other than Us, or what happens then?" A dozen fanfics, or thereabout. "We're the only thing that can save the world. If something comes along and replaces us, what'll be left? Think about that."

She stared me down, aiming a finger at my chest. I didn't like thinking about that. I wonder what she'd think if they knew I had nightmares about that.

"The Angels can adapt to bombs," I said, stepping into the room pushing into her space.

"But they won't think of that. They'll just see a brilliant mushroom cloud and a few casualties in the future and think that it's so much easier to do it again and again rather than have us around."

I caught the trope.

"And then we get to make our glorious comeback from mothballs at the last minute. That's how it normally goes,"

"What?" she blinked, looking right at me with her arms stopped mid-gesture. Slowly, they fell down to her side.

"An old film. I can't remember what it was called."

A great way of avoiding having to name a film that I knew never even existed. My phone on the table warbled. I looked at it.

"Sync test this afternoon?" Asked Asuka. She filtered through her underwear, picking out the plain, the dull and the well-worn – things she could bear to part with.

"Back to the grind." I sighed, glancing at the screen. "At least I can wear my plugsuit again."

"So Shinji can see you?" she needled.

Now, I regretted making the joke.

"I just learned that I like boys. Give me a break. I'm still getting used to these new and weird feelings deep inside me." I placed a hand on my stomache.

"If you're not careful it'll be more than a new and weird feeling deep inside you."

Part of my body revolted against the idea. A growing part pricked up its ears and listened for more.

"He's not like that." I folded my arms. I didn't meant to defend him. I knew what it sounded like, but that wasn't what I meant.

"He's domesticated?" she grinned, holding a pair of panties.

"A beginner-level male," I sat on the bed, trying to sort my feelings out in my mind. "This is still really weird."

Otherwise known as puberty. I'd done it before. That didn't stop it being weird and strange, like growing a new limb on your back or something. It felt completely different to what I remembered, but exactly the same at the same time.

Sorhyu leered at me, "To move up to something a little rougher, like Kaji?"

I smiled at her, shrugging my shoulders. And now this had become my new normal. This is who I am now. Not a bad person. Not a bad life. Not even bad feelings. I liked myself, I liked by body. I liked what I did. I liked my place in the world.

I win, Nagisa. I win at Evangelion.

And my revenge will be my happiness.


I woke in the middle of night to a still and silent room. Rei had stopped snoring. Or Asuka had finally had enough and smothered her. Children were crying in a distant apartment. I lay in every Evangelion fanboy's dream, lying hot and sweaty under the covers with the real Rei Ayanami.

Both of us lay breast-to-breast, nipple-to-nipple, wearing nothing but breezy nightwear barely hanging on. Our nipples touched at the apex of a breath, a momentary static shock forcing both of us to slip back. Our legs slipped against each others, soft, sweat-slick skin sliding apart.

Gazing at her pursed lips as drew soft, sibilant breaths, only one thought entered my mind.

I hate sharing beds. Especially with the air conditioner dead.


In my plugsuit, I became my true self. The first image of me that I could accept. Not a guy stuffed into some girls body, or a girl saddled with some guy's memories – but the Fourth Child. The Pilot of Unit 03.

I faced down the end of the world.

The end of the world felt easier to deal with than another day of unemployment. At least I could do something proactive about the end of the world.

The locker room door opened. Two armed guards waited for me outside.

"Pilot Nagato. Follow us."

They know! The idea bolted through my mind before my eyes caught the friendly smile on their face. Even if the smile told me I had nothing to worry about, nothing chilled the bone like armed guards in full body armour.


What had I done?

Is this because I fucked with Kensuke's head?

I followed them up to the command level, my stomach rising along with the lift. They said nothing to betray what this was about, standing either side of me. Left. Right. Left again. My own access card wouldn't have let me get this high up. It trapped me inside as doors sealed themselves behind me, pushing me forward.

They beckoned. me through a single door labelled 'conference 4'.The Commander?

Shadows shimmered at the edge of my vision. The hairs on my neck prickled, thrills racing around my body as I readied for the attack. A single harsh spotlight nailed me to the ground, pulling beads of sweat from my face.

"For the record, please state your name, service branch, rank, service number and service capacity."

A male voice, booming from all around. My head spun, trying to pin it down. There had to be speakers in the walls, somewhere. It came from everywhere at once, pushing me into place.

"Lieutenant First Grade Noriko Nagato. United Nations Special Research Agency NERV. Nine-One-Seven-Eight-Four-Three-Six-Zero-Zero-Four-Juliette. Operations Division."

The automatic answer.

"You are the assigned Pilot of Evangelion Unit 03, correct?"

A different voice. Higher pitch, more nasal.

"Yes," I answered. The darkness swallowed my voice.

"You must answer any questions put forward by this committee truthfully and to the best of your abilities and knowledge. You may not refuse to answer. Refusal to answer or deliberate misinformation will be punished in accordance with internation law. Therefore, in respect to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, nothing recorded in this session may be used against you or your guardian in a criminal or civil prosecution. Do you understand this caution?"

Third voice. Definitely natural Japanese.


That was my first lie.

"This Committee has been called to evaluate the chain of events and decision making process which led to the request for order A-dash-Eleven-Thirty-Two and the subsequent use of nuclear weapons on the Fifteenth of September last. In your own words, please recount the events as you saw them."

The first one again. I guessed an American.


I stalled for time to gather my thoughts, hoping they'd let me make it a short story.

"From the time of the First Alert."


It took me a few moments. I read my own after-action-report from memory. It was dry and factual. This was the situation, these were the solutions suggested that I was aware of, this was what I was ordered to do. This was who ordered me to do it. This was the effect of that order. Our own AAR's didn't ask for much in depth analysis of command decisions - they were more focused on our own individual performance and piloting capabilities. How could we improve ourselves, how could we respond faster, was our response to our orders the correct one? Should we have suggested a different course of action, or should we have acted on our own initiative? What should I have done differently?

We weren't robots; we were the Pilots of giant robots.

Nasal voice cut me off.

"Do you think Major Katsuragi made the correct decision?"

But I knew the answer to this.

"It is not my place to question orders. An order is an order."

Nuremberg defence. It worked for the winners.

"To rephrase. Assume you have command. Would you have considered this option?"

No, I amn't the target. I felt it land on my shoulder, heavy. They wanted Misato.

"I wouldn't have been able to think of it as an option."

Because, when you get right down to it, Misato was Operations Director for one reason, and one reason only. It wasn't tactical genius or inspiration, or any of the traditional qualities of command or management. When you got right down to it, Misato got the job because she would do whatever was necessary to destroy an Angel, without blinking, without flinching, without ever looking for permission or forgiveness. She would never give up, until she had her revenge.

"A diplomatic answer." said the first, "Given the option. Would you have taken it?"

I answered quick, trying to dodge. Trying not to fuck up and give a solid answer that could be turned against me.

"Without knowing what other options she had. I think Mi.... Major Katsuragi made the necessary decision."

"But not the right one?" He pushed, proving I wasn't cut out for a career in politics.

"It was the right decision." And I said it with conviction. I'd believe it too, in time. Just to protect Misato.

"You do not have to protect your guardian," said the first voice.


"In fact," the second continued. "It may harm her standing if you lie in her defense."

I stopped, weighing my options. If I told the truth, would they call it a lie. Fuck them.

"Major Katsuragi did the right thing. Stopping the Angels comes first. We're fighting for survival. I'd rather be alive than right."

Silence. And I meant it. I swallowed a deep breath, bad memories crawling up my spine. Maybe I shouldn't have said that.

"Thank you. That is all we require. Your statement before this tribunal is classified Umbra Top Secret and is not to be discussed beyond this room. Do you understand?"


The spotlight went off, leaving me cold in the dark. The people who would cause Third Impact had left me alone.

Naturally, the first thing I did after leaving the room was message Asuka and warn her.


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Unit 03 welcomed like a warm blanket, sucking any stress from my body. Three hours gave me time to clear my head. Not enough time. A hot shower blasted off the slime, the naked image in a fogged up mirror smiling back at me.

I tried to conjure up myself – who I had been. How much taller I'd been, with deeper, steel-coloured eyes. Broader shoulders. A grey haze of stubble.

The image sat like a shadow in the back of my mind, refusing to come forward. I focused on the two big differences, building on my chest. I conjoured up a memory of twelve-year old Noriko instead, poking herself in the same place, wondering when the puberty fairy would finally come down.

That's who you were.

This is who I am now.

This is who I'm becoming.

Not quite a moment of melancholy, but a sense of passing nonetheless. Not like a death, but more like an old childhood friend whose face I'd forgotten long ago.

"I've gained muscle," I muttered, clasping my arm.

No, I didn't use a bundle of socks to make one last desperate attempt at spinning up my old self-image. Anyone who says they walked in on me trying that is a damned liar.

The whole way home, I waltzed through my mind, revelling in fresh memories, getting to know myself again.

Misato waited for me, alone. With a vulpine grin on her face


"Shinji and the other two are still on base, so I thought it was time we had another chat."


"Something a bit more feminine this time, woman-to-woman."

No! Not when I'd just gotten round to accepting myself right now and these conversations always ended up with another gear-shift in my self identity and I like myself now.

I turned back t the door. "I have to meet a friend."

"No. You don't," she said. The chair opposite her scratched away from the table. "Sit."

I stared, my arms folded under my chest.

"Sit. And you can have a beer."



I'll trade my identity for a single can. She placed it in front of me on the table as I sat myself down on the chair.

I imght've downed half a can in one go – earning a cheeky grin for my effort.

"When I took Asuka in, and yourself I promised myself I wouldn't stick my nose in your personal lives." she began. "I wouldn't forbid anything, or tell you not to do anything because.....well....." The can hung beneath her crabbed fingesr, slowly swinging it as she thought. "I didn't want you to think you had to hide."

My stomach tightened. "What makes you think I want a relationship"

"I kind of hoped he and Asuka would get together, and it'd be good for both of them. He could share some of her strength and maybe, he'd cool her off a little too. But it didn't work out."

"You want to try again?"

She's using me?

"I think you both need it."

"What makes you think he's even interested in me?"

"You've a pair of tits and aren't beating him over the head every night, I'd say you're in pole position,"

I winced. Bad choice of words. Alright. Time for final ultimate defense.

"Shinji and I are colleagues. It would just make things complicated. EVA is more important. Saving the world is more important,"

She answered with a sad smile,shaking her head. Wrong answer. "Noriko, a woman's heart isn't logical. It wants what it wants, and it doesn't always want what's best for us. It means sometimes, you sleep with the same man your mother did before she died. "

I tried not to laugh, knowing far more than I should have. She chuckled, taking a swig from her can.

"It means.... it means you do something really stupid as a kid who's frightened and doesn't know better and you spend the next five years trying to patch the damage with a cycle of hollow joy and misery."

Regret hung in the air. That set my mind.

"I don't want to do something stupid as a kid."

"Sometimes, you don't know it's stupid until after the fact. Sometimes you know it's stupid, but it feels so good you can't help yourself. It's all diamonds and rust that way."

So, maybe not regret. Even knowing what I did, I couldn't read her. Her face betrayed nothing, only an amused smile that could've been an answer to me being stubborn as much as something remembered

"You've a choice to make. You can go talk to Shinji, either tell him how you feel or just see what happens when you kiss him on the lips – t might work out, or you might end up hurting yourself – but at least you'll know it wasn't supposed to be. Or, you can say No, and take the pain. Maybe he'll find someone else on his own and be happy with her, and the jealousy will hurt you. You'll hate her. You'll hate him for it and most of all you'll hate yourself for denying yourself the chance at that happiness. And go looking for it in the arms of another..."

"This is complicated..." I muttered.

"That's being a woman., she said, taking a drink. "Get used to it."

How does she do that? How does she always manage to turn me from dead set against something to really, honestly thinking about it? To turning the idea over and over in my mind to the point where I actually start liking it

"I won't tell you what to do, Noriko. It's your body and your life, and your decision." She giggled. "But it's only scary up until your first kiss. And then, well, you'll know what to do next."

That grin sent a shudder up my spine. Is it still too late to turn around and go home?

Right. To hell with it. Time to be a man again, one last time. One last battle, against the night. One last mouthful of Dutch courage.

"I'll do it,"

Just to prove, once and for all, that I could make my own choices. That I could say no to her and stand up for myself and do what I wanted and not what she thought was best for me.

Hang on....


Locked on SB. Too lazy to PM the mods.....
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I'm always glad to see your writing. A while ago I found the FF part, and just reread that a week or so ago, and hadn't found this thread until quite recently, so it's fun to see the story continue.
You know those fics where the self insert drops into Tokyo-3 and ends up sleeping with the girls...

Man or woman, girl or boy, some things would always be the same. Everybody experiences The Wait.

You sit and spin it over and over in your mind.

You entertain your worst fears, all the ways it could blow up in your face, all the ways they could turn around and say they hate you, smack you, slap you, leave you sitting with your guts torn out and your heart in pieces.

You try focus on the positive

How they'll feel in your arms, the tickle of their breath on your lips and that electric moment when you finally touch. The happiness, the days and weeks to come, the shared moments and the simple fun that comes from having someone around day to day.

How hot they are under the blankets, the feel of their legs sliding against yours and the warmth of their body clutched tight. I try it on for size, a little teenaged fantasy.

He's on his back. I'm straddling his hips. His body firm beneath me, thin lines of muscles betraying the first flicker of manhood under his skin. It's awkward, pawing, grabby and sweaty but it feels...

I know what I want to do when the train arrives.

My palms prickled with sweat. My heartbeat reverberated through my chest. I recalled all the stupid fics that had ended in the awesome wish fulfilment character ending up on top of Asuka or Rei, and wondered if any of them had ended up on top of Shinji instead.

Every muscle in my body clenched tight as the geofront train whined to a halt. I could've just sat there and convinced myself he took the next train instead, but no, I'd prove my decision to Misato.

Step one. Find him.

I mustered the willpower to stand up and walk to the station gate, taking a space against the tiled wall between the gate and the exit. He had to pass through here, so I could make the intercept.

Shinji walked with Rei, sharing that comfortable silence they both enjoyed. She held her bookcase in front of her skirt as she walked, keeping just behind him, guarding him.

Step two. Open my mouth. Shinji beat me to it, spotting me waiting.


"Shinji. Can we talk?"

For a moment, I recognised the look in his eyes. I'd worn it myself once. A mix of terror and hope. His worst fears crawled up out of the well to meet him, thick strands of hair hanging down over its face.

"Okay… ahm." Rei stood waiting, handbag by her side, her eyes focused on mine, an expression of some discomfort etched on her face. He glanced over at her. "I'll catch up."

She nodded. My gaze lingered on her a moment, watching her stand there as I led him to a nearby bench. Both of us sat down, my legs crossing while I fought the urge to lip closer.

"So…" he said.

"So…." I breathed.

My hands clasped on my lap. "Alright Shinji." Take a deep breath. This won't hurt. Just three words. I stared right through his eyes, right into my own reflection and forced it to speak. "I like you."

"What?" He blinked.

How the fuck did he not get that? Why? Just to rub it in that I had to admit it. I stared through his grey eyes.

"I like you. As a boy."


He looked down at his feet, almost sounding disappointed.

"Is that it?"

My voice cut, sharped than I meant. The boy winced.

"That's the first time anyone's ever said that to me," he said.

My body relaxed, offering a mollifying smile.

"It is weird for me too," I breathed.

"So. Do we kiss?" he asked, almost sounding hopeful. "Or, do you want to do something?"

Yes. I swallowed it.

"No," I shook my head.

"But you just said....Why?"

It sounded painful. I couldn't look him in the eye.

"A lot of reasons." Because a few months ago from my perspective, I might've been sitting in his place. "But, with Eva. I think it would be irresponsible to add the stress of a relationship, to being a pilot."

"Oh...." his shoulders fell.

I felt sick.

"I thought it would be better if I told you, rather than confuse you with secrets and mixed signals."

He offered the faintest of smiles. "Thanks."

My hand found his thigh. Warm and firm. His eyes, crystal and longing. My heart pounding, begging for more, smothering my mind.

What would be the harm?

"Maybe just one kiss?" my lips suggested, outrunning my mind.

"My first," he said.

"Mine too." For a definition.

A firm hand fell on my shoulder, pulling us together. My free arm slipped between his chest and the bench, pulling him against my chest. The bloody smell of LCL on my breath trickled through my nose, a cold chill running through my spine as every nerve sparked to life.

How I could feel every muscle beneath his shirt, the firmness, the strength of his body, all in my arms, in my control. There, just for me and me alone. All I had to do was move forward.

Our eyes closed. Our lips touched in a lightning moment, my body shaking as his hands fell behind my back, easing me towards him. His tongue tasted of LCL, breakfast and canned coffee, hot and moist, slipping through my lips. Afternoon stubble prickled against my cheek, brushed by whisps of teenage fur. My hand slipped to his thigh finding firm muscle to pull myself tighter. Breath tickled my cheek, hot and moist.

A deep kiss.

An adult kiss that promised more later.

A shudder ran through his body as my fingers went elsewhere. His fingers locked with mine, edging my hand away. Go! Go! Go! Drummed my heart, pushing further. I pushed against him. My breasts compressed against his chest, thrilling lightning running through my body, striking to my core, an ache of a desire deeper than anything I thought possible.

And I saw. I saw myself as his girlfriend. I saw where to go, what to do, what would happen, all sparkling and spinning with roses. I saw it all, who and what I'd become and part of me screamed, begged for it. I could do that and I could be so happy and I hated it.

The betrayal of my soul.

I saw the way he looked at Ayanami as he walked away to speak with me, that spark of longing in his eyes and knew.

My body went cold.

I snapped back. Shinji blinked, licking spit from his lips.

That's it.


His eyes blinked. His fingers touched his lips. Mine went cold.

"Who do you like?" It sounded more like an accusation than I meant, stinging him. "I know you like her. I just want to hear you say it."

He threw me a guilty look, like a chastised puppy. Something lit behind his eyes, the spark of an idea catching fire.

"I like Ayanami," he said, his voice tentative. A look of horror crossed across his face, both hands coming up between himself and me. "I don't mean I don't like you and I think your okay but...." he trailed off, looking away.

Ouch. Shinji x Rei confirmed. OTP

It felt dirty in some way I couldn't explain, even though I'd known myself it sickened, almost like a betrayal of the moment we'd just shared. The urge to scream bloody fury flared…

I caught it. The benefits of what used to be an adult mind. This wasn't my first rodeo. I could swallow it. I could handle it. I could keep up appearances and force myself to smile and nod. Don't ask a question if you can't swallow the answer.

"I understand. Thanks for telling me."

I did understand, but it didn't sound like I believed it. It hurt. But I could take it. I'd expected it. I could accept it.

With a few moments breathing space, I felt good. At least, I'd tried. We could be friends. We could sit a little longer and think about what might be and then we could both take different routes home.

While I wondered what I could've done.


The taste lingered on my lips, memories of that moment begging to turn and run and call it all a big mistake. But not that big mistake. To use that prerogative I'd fucking earned in the last two months and change my mind and maybe ask to try again.


I want this.

This is my choice and that makes it valid, right? The heart wants what it wants, but I'm more than that. There's more to me than that.

It hurt in ways I didn't expect, cutting through my core.

I like him.

He likes her.

That's poisoned from the start, a relationship based on mutual desire rather than a friendship based on trust and clear communication. I could've been happy for a while, basking a fleeting moment of hollow joy, followed by the crash when the awful truth came out. This is better, really?

So it goes. The more I thought about it, the more right it became, the more I proved it. I could grow. Maybe find another and I'd be happy then. Maybe I'd find out more about myself, take more steps, grow more into this new person.

Be me in all the ways that mattered. A whole person rather than some cut-and-shut stuffed together and made work.

Be able to have a normal relationship.

I could do it.

I beat Misato by choosing not to.

I beat him by showing that I could.

I proved myself the real adult and not some actor like Asuka.

And now Shinji would catch up to Rei. They'd walk They'd talk. Maybe he'd work up the nerve to speak and make that tenuous connection. Maybe their fingers would touch, entwine and the quiet moment would be shared on a park bench with neither feeling the need to fill the peace with anything so inane as chatter.

They'd sit. He'd smile and she'd wonder why it felt so warm on such a cool evening.

But it feels good for her to, an aching sense she can't fathom. Because fuck me she likes him to even if she doesn't know – it just feels right.

She likes the feeling. He does too.

And they sit, hands together, hoping the moment never ends, watching the red sunset burn behind the mountain while a cold night breeze nips at my legs chasing me home.

So it goes. I'll bare the cold instead. That's my choice and mine alone.

A sterile apartment door waited for me. A push on a button whooshes it open.

"I'm back,"

"Wark!" greeted the penguin.

I reached out. He turned and ran. Rejected

Only one other remained in the apartment, sitting in cut-off shorts and a tank top at the table with her laptop open, and a can of beer beside it. A vulpine grin split her face as the door sealed me in.

"So," she said.

"So," I answered with a shrug, slinging my school backpack against the wall.

"What happened?"

"Oh. This and that."

I stepped passed her, making a beeline for the couch rather than falling into the trap.

"Really?" she hmm'd, leaving he bait hanging.

She stared, taking a sip from that can of hers while I sat myself down, making a show of looking for television remote.

"He likes Ayanami" I took a breath, not looking at her, hiding my expression. "And I think she likes him."

My jaw went tight.

"And how do you feel about that?"

"Alright." I breathed again. My arms folded. "I'm just not ready for a relationship like that anyway."

"So how far did you go?"

I glared at her. Fuck off.

"We kissed."

My stomach turned.

"And?" she leant towards me, begging for the lurid details.

"It was good." I admitted, with a shrug, praying she'd drop it.

"A full deep kiss?"

She proved that, once again, appeasement in the face of tyranny is doomed to fail.

"Unh...." I nodded, licking my lips at the thought of it. A giddy thrill went through my body. "It felt good but it didn't feel right."

"Hmmmm......." she swung the can between her fingers, giving me that moment to tell her I'd changed my mind. "If that's your choice as a woman. Can't say it's the right one."

She downed the last of the can, crushing it in her hand, before starting on another.

I hadn't thought of it like that, exactly. But I suppose it marked the final point on my little journey. Two months, give or take, that in hindsight could've been ten years. I couldn't tell anymore

There we go. Another final nail in a coffin made mostly of bit of steel held together by the dregs of a few matchsticks.

"There's something under my bed you'll need tonight. I'll leave it out for you later"

Dammit Misato, stop breaking my mind.

I made it to 2am before proving her right. As usual.

Shinji's stolen pillow smelled like that moment in the train station all over again, teasing what could've been.

I did do the right thing, didn't I?


So we have Rei, Asuka and Misato dakimakura's, but no Shinji ones? Noriko am dissapoint.
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That which is not dead can eternal lie....

An update will have to wait for 6 weeks or so. Both to get 3 years of shit polished together into a cohesive whole, and because the chance to post an Eva fic from Tokyo-3 is too good to pass up.
Ouch... Poor kid. The kiss was everything you could have hoped for... and just told you Shinji liked someone else even more. Ouch... :(
Originally an attempt to get the juices flowing. Now a promise that this story isn't dead. There is something written of the next chapter - just a great lot less than I would like unfortunately.

Asuka's holding it up as usual.

Anyway. Try name the fics we ripped off below.

Variant 1: Desant

"Take your time," The doctor said, his compassionate smile returning. "I have other patients to attend to Noriko, so, I'll have to see you tomorrow then. There should be a government official as well. Nurse Ibuki here will take care of your 'private' issues. Cheerio!"

"Em, Cheerio," I answered, more interested in the fifty year old, slightly overweight, brunette nurse that had been working unnoticed in my room the whole time. She was the same one who had drugged me before, and found me awake earlier.

What could the Doctor possibly mean by 'Private issues'?

The nurse snapped a pair of rubber gloves from a small cardboard box. She said something that sounded as if it was supposed to reassure me as she slowly approached. I shrank back into my pillow, still trying to figure out what she wanted to do.

When I did, I knew true fear.

What happened afterwards is best not mentioned. Suffice to say, twenty minutes later I was no longer tethered to my bed, though I'd gained a very sore spot between my legs for the privilege. They'd finally disconnected me from all the little electronics, I could move if I wanted.

But where could I go?

I was also eating my way through some soft strawberry jelly and ice cream, the first thing my body had eaten through the mouth in around seven months. I poked at a still-fresh scar that slashed across my stomach like a failed attempt at seppuku. It had partners on my right arm and leg, running parallel to the bone. I could feel the metal holding the bones together underneath when I squeezed.

My first full day ended with me lying back on my bed, staring once more at the ceiling. I was cranking the day's events over in my mind, trying to fill in certain blanks, and maybe get some small idea of what might be coming.

A government official, did that mean Foster care then?

I had the traditional EVA tragic past, so it was entirely possible that perhaps I could find myself behind the sticks of an Evangelion. The fanboy within stirred at the merest hint of that possibility, desperately searching for any and all possible scenarios that could put me at the controls of Unit 01, no matter how far-fetched.

And then, night fell, and the hospital fell silent. In the darkness, I was alone, lying there, listening to the rattle of the ventilation, with the silhouette of Ramiel against the moonlit sky as my only company.

Nuts to EVA, I really wanted to go home, just wake up in my own bed, realise this was a nightmare and live happily ever after.
Sometime after that, I fell into a peaceful and welcome sleep.

Returning to my bed, I sat and watched a few shows, even if I couldn't understand what was being said, one of the shows, I couldn't remember the title, seemed strangely familiar.

"Good Afternoon Noriko!" Dr James' cheerful voice interrupted my viewing pleasure.

"Afternoon," I responded, a little irritated.

"You remember yesterday?"

I nodded.

"Good." He smiled, looking almost relieved. "I've brought someone from the government to see you. Captain Sofiya Pavlovena of the Russian,…ahm"

"Vozdushno-Desantnye Voyska"

A cool voice drew my attention to the door. She stepped into the room, dressed in a heavy, dress jacket with more gold braid and shiny things on it than the average palace guard.

Huh…. I pieced together the acronym in my mind.

My first thought was to wonder why Russian Paratroopers would give a shit about me, especially given I was almost certain this was where Neon Genesis Evangelion was a thing. My second, was to wonder just what'd happened to her face - it looked like she'd picked a fight with a deep-fat fryer and lost.

My Third thought, was to realise with horror that I most definitely wasn't where I'd thought I'd been…

I was somewhere far…far worse.

Variant 2: Meeting your inspiration

It hadn't come as a surprise to me, but Asuka was taking it with her usual good grace.

"Shinji you idiot, why couldn't you have told me you expected we couldn't go on the trip?

It was, I thought, best just to let them go at it with each other. I was too tired from my training to inteject with anything anyway. I was first to see the lift doors open, revealing a Rei Ayanami who first glanced at Asuka, then Shinji, then focused her stunned gaze on me.

Almost like it was the first time she'd met me.

"B-But, Asuka," Shinji stammered. "It only makes sense that . . ." His shoulders slumped in defeat. "Misato already explained . . ." He looked around, unable to look Asuka in the eye. Of course, he spotted Rei. "Oh! Ayanami! Good morning."

That snapped her right out of it….

"Good morning," she said, keeping her voice deliberately soft.

Asuka bustled her way in, interjecting herself between Rei and Shinji. "Oh, great!" Asuka muttered as she whirled around and faced Rei. "It's Wonder Girl." She fidgeted with a shopping bag in one hand.This Rei didn't seem to care what Asuka was doing. Her alazarin eyes focused hard on me, never breaking. She studied me intently, as if she'd never seen me before that, and she was struggling to work out who I was.

I'd spoken to her just 20 minutes beforehand to get the correct training times for tomorrow

"Are you ignoring me on purpose?"

Rei blinked. "….I have nothing to say to you."

Asuka muttered a dark curse in German at her. To both our surprises, Rei answered her clearly - her tone never waving from its deliberate evenness. Asuka stepped forwards, pressing her chest against Rei's. Blue eyes glared down at Red. The German had been challenged and she would not back down, no matter what.

Rei. Surprising everyone…. did, taken a step towards the back wall of the lift car. Asuka loomed over her.

"Are you going to the pool as well, Ayanami?" Shinji asked, trying to keep the peace,

"Yes," she said, sounding briefly relieved. "I have been ordered to maintain my physical fitness through a regimen of swimming. I shall do as I have been ordered."

She was still stealing glances at me in a way that unnerved me just a little.

"Well," Asuka said in exasperation, "Aren't you the good little soldier? Don't you ever have any fun in your spare time?"

"If I am ordered to," she said, the master of self control keeping her face serene in spite of everything, "I will."

Asuka was flabbergasted. The concerned look on Shinji's face was obvious. Catching up a moment later, I snorted a laugh through my nostrils, shocking all three.

"Ayanami…" I stopped, stuck searching for the right word, before giving up and switching back to my native language. "She's just being sarcastic."

"What would that freakzoid know about sarcasm?" Sorhyu hissed.

"Enough" Answered Ayanami, mildly.

The door opened before Asuka had the chance to explode. All four of us made our way to our respective locker-rooms, Shinji peeling off alone. It still felt wrong going into the girl's locker room, but I swallowed the sensation.

Ayanami headed off to her own end, while I got to put up with Sorhyu complaining about the Freakazoid girl messing with her head before finally getting the chance to enjoy a swimsuit and warm water.

Normally I wouldn't give anything she said any stock, but this time? Something was strangely off with her in a way I just couldn't place.

It was probably nothing.

Variant 3: Staggering

Asuka'd been blabbing about him for a while, and now I finally got to meet the martial arts instruction she'd been raving about. They'd waited a few weeks for my fitness and language levels to catch up to the point where I could reliably hold a conversation. Or take a punch.

Even Shinji seemed to be enthusiastic. It was rare for him to be enthusiastic about anything, so it had to be good. A monster of a motorcycle was parked outside - something that looked completely out of place - as much a parachronism as I was.

Inside, it even smelled traditional. I could bath in the scent of warm woods and sweet oils welcoming me into their embrace.

I followed the others to the main hall, where we sat and waited for the appointed hour. I tried to immitate their cross-legged position, and found it just hurt my scarred leg to put pressure on it like that.

Nothing made me feel quite as small as meeting our instructor for the first time. I'd met Americans. I'd met Europeans. I'd even met Japanese Adults. He just seemed to be on a different level, filling the room with an energetic presence that made the hairs on my arms tingle. It was a little unnerving to be standing opposite such a tower of a man.

The floorboards creaked under his feet.

"Good morning class. I see our little Lazarus is finally fit enough to join us for the first time…."

His intonation was sharp, clear and practiced - a voice belonging to someone well used to public speaking. He really did seem to command the entire room.

"I got better," I managed, in broken Japanese.

Monty Python never even occurred to me - not until I saw the glimmer in his eyes and the smile crawl across his lips.

"I see your education has not been neglected, Miss Nagato. Well. I am Colonel Douglas Sangnoir, and it's a pleasure to meet you" He paused, allowing my time to translate "However, in this building, you must call me Sensei,"

I caught up. My expression went blank.



My mouth hung wide open, parching dry. What….

He waited. Maybe he thought I was just stuck on the Japanese, but it was far more than that.

I looked at Asuka for an explanation, then right back at him, still smiling warmly at me.

"It looks like the Fourth Child finally hit puberty," Asuka needled, jabbing me painfully in the side with her elbow.

Her betrayal flabbergasted me. That wasn't it. That wasn't it at all. And I summed it up in the only way I knew how, cheeks burning red hot and everything.


Ears rang.

Well, I only recognize Variant 2. It is, after all, a closely related fanfic to this one, and together with this one makes up the entirety of my contact with Evangelion's fanfiction. The others are a bit before my time.
I'm just surprised people remembered it existed. It's not as fun as 'other stories'

do you know how rare a self insert story with actual quality is?
I can't name any other ones except for this one, that's how rare
well, ones that have any sufficient length and are in English
anyway, I'll be rereading it anyway :D I require good reading
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Variant one
Dunno, a black lagoon/EVA fic? I kind of want a link now.
Variant two
I was a teenage dummy plug?
Variant three
Drunkards walk?
He knows. It was posted on the DW forums a while back.

First one is not Black Lagoon - even if that is Balalaika, it's a fanfic it's referring to.
That "and" in the title still bugs me, @Dartz.

I personally liked this enough to enthusiastically binge-read it. My biggest complaint is that it leaned a lot on the "oh noes I'm a girl" aspect. Which should not necessarily be irrelevant, but it seems strange that the MC is seemingly unworried about the fact that the world is going to be destroyed. Why is s/he not thinking about it even in passing? Why is s/he not doing something, even if "something" is a hastily scrawled anonymous letter to Kaji detailing all his/her meta-knowledge in the desperate hope that he can do something?

Still, even if that one issue of mine is not patched up, I found the MC's inner voice to be sufficiently compelling to the degree that I would happily read another chapter.
Yup, I don't recognize the first, and well, it's too bad the second stopped. I really enjoyed that story. As for Drunkards Walk... good grief and good luck!
Anyone know if Foxboy is still lurking about the interwebs anymore? I've gone looking a time or two but never quite managed to track him down despite his being one of the two stories, the other being this one actually @Dartz that got me to write my own after years of reading on the ffml.
It says a lot about how well I've beeb doing that this has taken three years.

I may yet get another chance to update 'On Location' in November.




Author: Mjr Katsuragi, Misato. Director of Operations NERV Headquarters
Date: 2015-09-20
Original Document Language: Japanese
Authorised Translated copies: German. English. Russian. Chinese.

The Fourth Children currently resides at a secure domestic facility with First, Second and Third Childrens. It is 8 weeks from her recovery. Is is 28 weeks from initial pre-contact and commencement of observation. She continues to show advancement in all monitored aspects.. There are currently no major causes for concern with her development.

Her current status will be assessed as below:

Physical Health.
Mental Health.
Coworker relationships.
Social relationships.
Academic performance.
Effectiveness of Corrections .

Recommended Actions will be detailed afterwards.

**Physical Health.

The Fourth Children's physical health continues to be excellent. She is responding well to physical training, as can be expected. It is difficult to believe that this is the same child who was in a hospital bed for eight months. By my estimation, she is physically the strongest of all Children - including Third and Fifth - and certainly has achieved the highest endurance.

This Children continues to show a natural tendency towards physical activity.. If mandatory training hours were reduced she would likely continue on her own initiative.

There are no observed lingering effects from her injuries. She has not reported any discomforts, and has not been seen to be attempting to hide any.

**Mental Health

The Fourth children is still suffering from fatigue from recent battles. Her mood and demeanor have shown less of a negative swing compared to the Second. She has been disappointed by the result, but is willfully compliant with her orders and accepting of my authority and judgement in the matter..

Her outlook in life remains positive. She remains enthusiastic as a pilot. Her self-confidence is increasing.

Her interest in the opposite sex has continued to develop. She is now aware of her emotions and choosing how to act upon them. This has been accompanied by a marked increase in comfort with her own self-image. Self-experimentation continues as previously reported.

However, she continues to show minor neglect for her personal appearance - in comparison both to the Second and to expected social norms for a child of her age. It is thought that this is likely a consequence of her upbringing, and a lack of the usual social pressures that affect her peer group. It is not thought to be unhealthy or deleterious at this time and should not be considered as equivalent to the difficulties with the First Children.

She places a great deal of value on her position as a pilot. This may become an issue if this position is threatened.

**Coworker relationships

The relationship with the First is cool, but non-antagonistic. They have each reported mutually disturbed sleep from their close quarters with a resulting effect on mutual fatigue levels. Larger living quarters is recommended. No future difficulties are foreseen otherwise.

The relationship between the Fourth and Second children is becoming more strained. She is now more likely to stand up for herself and argue in her own favour with more of a desire to be seen as an equal, rather than a junior. The Second may threatened by this. Issues with the Third Children have not improved matters and may lead to a break in trust if care is not taken.

The relationship with the Third has culminated with the pair sharing a moment of physical intimacy, at the request of the Third Children. Although a clear and developing mutual attraction and interest exist, the Fourth has consciously chosen not to pursue a more intimate relationship at this time. Her decision is based on the belief that the Third Children is romantically interested in the First and an unwillingness to poison their mutual relationship. This may be to her detriment. An intimate relationship will be of immediate short term mutual benefit, but not if it is forced into being.

Relations with the Fifth have not improved. The Fourth is avoidant of his presence where possible, and openly antagonistic where it is not. This hostility is not reciprocated by the Fifth. No previous record of their meetings, nor any record of an incident or assault can be found. Thus far, there have been no negative consequences to their duties. If the situation deteriorates, immediate action may be required - by first determining the root cause - then by applying corrective mutual training, or removal from duty if the situation cannot be resolved amicably.

**Social relationships.

A friendship between the Fourth and a female classmate (G13-2C) continues without change. This child is Marduk Negative with no latent potential to Sync and has not been moved to 2A. The internet browsing history of this girl provides some cause for morality concerns, and her influence on the Fourth. Her value as a 'normal' friend to the Fourth should not be underestimated - a similar friendship involving the Second and a classmate had a marked stabilising influence. These friendships serve to ground the Children. This relationship can be leveraged if needed to provide motivation. Due to the multiple benefits, it continues to be recommended that no action be taken to remove this influence.

An encounter with one of the Third's peers (B02-2A) was reported. In the course of this encounter, the Fourth - when asked what sacrifices were required to become an Evangelion Pilot - fabricated a history explaining how she had once been male, that NERV had determined females are better suited to being a Pilot, and thus, that NERV had forcibly reassigned her gender to improve her capabilities as a pilot. Furthermore, she stated that a similar procedure had been begun with the Fifth, and had not been attempted on the Third due to time pressure only. Her motivations behind this fabrication remain unclear. Whether this is related to her self-image difficulties, or if she is aware of our influence on these, is not known. This story was relayed to the Third, who was concerned by the possibility and required reassurance. She will be warned against spreading misinformation.

There have been no reported incidences of overt bullying. Section II have reported that some students are privately noting her lack of concern with personal appearance, but have refrained from commenting due to her position.

The Fourth has not be subjected to any direct assaults or threats.The Fourth has not initiated any.

**Academic Performance

The Fourth Children continues to perform below the 93rd percentile. This is the lowest of her class group, and the lowest of all Pilots. This is in line with her previous performance prior to hospitalisation and is not thought to be a lingering effect of injuries suffered.

Her literacy in Japanese continues to rank below the Second Children, and below the expected progression of a Child of her age - even accounting for her upbringing. The school has recommended that she be removed to Class 2B for academic development purposes.

Nevertheless, she shows a high level of intrinsic knowledge, with a higher than usual level of 'life skills' for a child of her age group. She has recently demonstrated an ability to drive a vehicle, and has shown an aptitude for problem solving and home mechanical maintenance.

Her instructors have also reported a working familiarity with technical concepts and mathematics that are only taught in university courses. It is thought that she may have been tutored at home by her father who would have been familiar with these techniques.

This has allowed her to cover for her academic deficiencies in the short term.

**Effectiveness of Corrections .

Psychograph directed neural feedback therapy, along with a healthy dose of encouragement and directed positive feedback have finally corrected the unusual variances in the Fourth Children's psychograph readings.

These corrections have been verified observationally and behaviourally, with the Fourth Children showing a markedly improved confidence and self-certainty within her body image. The improvement in the last three weeks has been remarkable.

She has shown an increased confidence and acceptance of herself as female. This corresponds with a reported return of a large majority of her life memories, and a step improvement in her linguistic skills.

Her accent especially has disappeared.

Therefore, it is surmised that this variance was likely a consequence of her injuries and the psychological effects thereof. .


** Recommended actions going forward.

-The Fourth is to be continued to be permitted to choose the course of her relationship with the Third. Further interference is not recommended. Close monitoring is required as this may change.
- The cause of the antagonism between the Fourth and Fifth to be further investigated. A qualified counsellor may be required.
-Efforts should be taken to limit any perceived competition between Second and Fourth. Training exercises should focus on mutual co-operation, with an emphasis on team scoring rather than individual performance.
-Neural feedback therapy to be maintained due to positive effects noted.
-The Fourth is to be warned about discussing NERV business with uncleared individuals.
-A request for larger accomodations has been logged (ARP-2015-22391-A). This should be prioritised within the MAGI system.

Further recommendations to be detailed by others as addenda to this report.


Ayanami's snoring made it impossible to sleep.The true reality of sleeping with Rei Ayanami had nothing on the fantasy. Not that I cared too much for the fantasy anymore.

Not even a little.


Asuka's voice proved I wasn't the only one being kept awake


"Did you really confess to Shinji?"

My body cringed. I tried to gauge how she felt.


"Did you kiss him," she pushed.

She lay with her back to me, her blankets pulled across her body to bare her back. My tongue licked my lips, capturing the memory of the taste.


She breathed.

"What was it like?"

My body shuddered.

"My first," I answered. "He tasted nice,"

"So you two….."

"We're not." I shot her down.

"Why?" she asked after a moment

"He likes someone else," I answered.

I heard her rustle in her bedsheets as she turned over. Blue eyes stared at me.


A snore split the air between us. My eyes looked at the source

"I see…." Asuka answered in a flat voice. Her bedsheets rustled again as she turned away from me. "They suit each other."

I said nothing.

Rei stopped snoring.

My arms embraced Shinji's pillow, my body curling around it.

Strictly a comfort thing now. Nothing else.


I woke with Shinji in my arms, a knot in my stomach and a mat of hair over my face.

Indulging in the fantasy for a few seconds, I pulled the body closer, feeling it crush against my chest. My legs wrapped themselves around it, along with my arms. The fantasy collapsed as my lips met sweaty fabric.

Oh well.

"It's just a pillow,"

My eyes turned to see Asuka standing in the door.

"It's comfy,"

"It makes you look like one of those body-pillow creeps."

"It's comfy," I said again, recalling the Shinji dakimakura's I'd seen online in another life. Plugsuit Shinji. Uniform Shinji. My eyes turned towards the girl in the door, and the bewildered expression on her face.

"I can be normal."

Her jaw slacked open.

But I couldn't expect her to truly understand, could I? Her bed creaked as she sat down. She drew a breath. I braced myself.

"And the first likes him too,"

She might aswell have been announcing her surrender. I rolled over. She'd already stood up.


She stopped, standing with her legs planted apart, looking back at me over her shoulder.

"Do you?"

She drew a sharp breath, putting on that best 'are you stupid' mask.

"Those two idiots are too dense to ever realise themselves so there's still a chance to get in his pants and make your move now."

"I made my choice," I demurred

"A stupid one,"

"I have my pillow. And my fingers," I grinned, showing them to her, hooking them over.

"That woman has ruined you."

I lay my head back down on the pillow, far more aware of my body and what it was touching than I had been for days. "It's because of her I can be normal…"

"It's normal do it after everyone's asleep or before they wake up," she huffed. "Somebody needs something,"

I sat up, blinking.

"Are you trying to set me up?"

"Idiot," she sneered at me. "I'm just sick of being woken up by all the perverts in this house." Her voice carried true, stinging venom "At least together the two of you will have to get a love hotel or something."

Her voice hung in the air as she turned on her heel and left, slamming the door behind.

I thought she's just figured out she came third in a race she hadn't realised she was running. To someone who'd just told her she hadn't any interest in racing anyway, and Rei Ayanami.

The green eyed monster had been unleashed.

My body curled up under the sheets. It's not my fault. I had every right to be interested in Shinji. It was only normal, after all. We lived in the same house. He had a nice body, a warm personality. He could be kind. He could be strong.

And I'd learned my lesson about saying never.

Maybe this was just what it felt like to be a teenage girl facing her first crush with no real idea what she was supposed to do about it.

Well, not entirely no idea…

I knew what my first girlfriend did for me.

My mind dithered. My toes clenched around my bedsheets. My mind wandered to teenage places before I pulled it back to reality.

Time to face the day.

Time to make it snappy.

But you know first you have to make it out of bed.


The school being closed meant for extra hours testing. Science division filled every spare hour they could.

On some level, I remembered having an idea that being the Pilot of some kind of giant robot at the apex of a pan global United Nations effort to save the world from annihilation would be a fun thing.

Mostly, it was as utterly boring as any other job you could do on a Tuesday morning when you knew the sun was shining outside.

Real robots demanded testing, maintenance, more testing and hours sitting in a cockpit with a procedure specification on my knee that ran through at least four hundred meticulously choreographed steps.

With nothing more interesting to focus on, my thoughts turned to Shinji

Trying the heart of a teenage girl on for size brought a smile to my face and a soft sense of warmth to my chest, like wrapping myself in his arms. My mouth watered at the idea of another kiss, my heart stumbling at the possibility of going further.

Tingles and thrills ran through my body, begging for something more than a warm pillow. My mind drifted its way through the fantasy, embracing his firm body once more, extending a few moments of a kiss into a long night.

My thoughts dithered on the idea, poking at it like a fresh scab. The only thing that might've felt better than a few private teenage fantasies would've been the real thing.

Lensed through an adult's experience, I could see the storm coming, even as I reminded myself that adult relationships tended to come with a lot more strings attached. They came with lifelong consequences.

Things had been so much simpler when I'd been fourteen for the first time and didn't know better.

Maybe it is cowardice. Either from being burned too much as an adult, or being afraid to take that final step– like your average teenager. Part of me smiled, remembering this had once been a nightmare. Part of me wondered what I'd been so scared about.

Part of me recoiled in horror at becoming everything I feared.

A breath quelled the welling tears.

My revenge will be my happiness.

My mind called up the first time I'd ever had a girlfriend – fumbling, grabbing, trying to figure out what to do with a real person, compared to the printed thing in a magazine. Mt body slipped into her skin, cringing at clumsy fingers

My mind called up that moment with Shinji

Where my hand had gone and what my fingers felt. My body thrilled at the memory, begging me to carry it to the next level.

I pulled back

I'd take the pain.

So it goes.

I did the right thing.

This is my choice.

And that makes it valid.

One some level, out of the remnants of two personalities, something had been built that had a fighting chance of doing all the normal things it should be doing.

From Control: "Noriko, are you concentrating in there?"

Ritsuko's voice filled the plug. He face filled a window, staring at me.

From Control: "You missed program 16-38…"

Asuka's voice cut in, her face appearing on another screen hovering beside my shoulder.

From Unit 02: "She's thinking about Shinji,"

"…I am not." I lied. The projection beside my shoulder smirked.

From Unit 02: "His soft lips. His firm chest, His hard…." She continued, heating up the blush on my face.

From Control: "Can we please be serious? This is a critical test."

I ignored her, staring back at Sorhyu. "Sounds like you're the one with Third Child fantasies"

From Unit 02: "Which one of us was hugging a pillow sprayed with his deodorant?"

My mouth activated before my mind did. "Which one of us slept with him?"

The shriek in my ear told me I'd scored a hit.

From Unit 02: "What? He told you about that? You traitor Shinji you know that was an accident!"

Shinji's face appeared. Somebody else groaned with frustration.

From Unit 01: "I didn't tell!"

Asuka's face turned in her window to wherever Shinji had appeared on her cockpit

From Unit 02: "Then how did she find out?"

I watched the animé.

From Unit 01: "….I…."

Shinji's mouth locked open. His face glanced around for an answer. He looked to me, wondering. He looked offscreen.

Misato's voice added to the confusion, from somewhere behind Ritsuko on the screen "Let them be children Ritsuko."

The Doctor turned from her monitor.

From Control: "They don't have time to be Children. If we don't finish this test the updates to the radar rangefinding system will be delayed."

Shinji continued in a panic. I felt myself start to laugh inside my throat.

From Unit 01: "Asuka I didn't tell her I don't know how she found out…."

Kawaoru's face appeared with an electronic chirp

From Unit 04: "You kissed him, if I recall,"

From Unit 02: "He told you too,"

She glanced from screen to screen, half in a panic, corned by the revelation. I almost felt guilty.

From Unit 04: "The conversation is in the operational logs for the seventh angel mission. I read them all before arriving."

From Control: "They are part of the official record, yes." Her image on screen massaged her temples with her hands. He face had begun to redden. "As is every word spoken during this test."

From Unit 02: "No. That's not right. I don't even like him and…."

She looked for support, gaze snapping from screen to screen

From Unit 02: "Well if you don't want your sex life to be part of public record then I suggest you stop talking about it on official comm."

From Unit 02: "No…"

He voice trailed to a whine.

From Control: "Now can we please resume the test. Step 108."

My life is a giant robot harem anime. And I amn't the protagonist.

I comforted myself with the knowledge that it could be worse. It could be one of those shows where everybody dies at the end and I'm the cast member who exists solely to kiss once, then die screaming and finally push the protagonist over the edge of despair.

Somehow, that didn't comfort me much, if at all.

The End loomed.

I focused on the test instead, setting a few cockpit switches before marking them as complete on my kneeboard with a pressure-pen.

The End didn't matter if we didn't live that long.

Shinji's named flashed across the comm, attached to another

The thought occurred to me that Shinji would, of course, be happier if he had a stable relationship. I'd get to come home to hot meals and a cleaned house every day, followed by a warm embrace in strong arms.

Ritsuko's voice cut in.

From Control: "Noriko. Please concentrate."

The control room could read my vitals - my heartrate, my breathing, my blood-pressures and sugars. They could read my mind, tracing nerve impulses as they sparked in the depths of the lizard brain and raced through my body and out to the machine beyond. They could datalog my very soul, my moods, my feelings, right down to my subconscious.

The scream of an alarm sent a punch of adrenaline straight through my chest - even if it'd been expected. My eyes bounced from monitor to monitor, scanning for information. My fingers worked at the switches on both throttles, reframing the information

I beat the operators up in the booth to the cause.

"Master Alarm. Code 12-02 at 16-68."

Kawaoru followed a heartbeat later.

From Unit 04: "Same. 12-02 alarm at verb 16 and noun 68"

Shinji waited a moment.

From Unit 01 "I'm still online."

From Unit 02 "Unit 02 is not affected."

Asuka gloated, her face looming beside me.

Maya's voice offered a deeper explanation

From Control: "No valid sectors in vector accumulator."

Ritsuko gave us her favourite catchphrase.

From Control:"What, that's Impossible?"

Misato giggled in the background.

From Control: "You always say that Ritsuko, but Operations still finds a way."

In my mind's eye I could see Misato kneeling on an office chair, spinning herself around in boredom.

From Control: "Unit 03 and 04. CDU is still engaged. Confirm step 77 completion"

Obviously, we had to be the ones to make the mistake - Technical division were perfect, after all.

"Step 77. Switch radar to slew mode. Confirmed"

I'd marked it in grease pencil on the checklist.

From Control: "Retry,"

I could almost hear the steam whistling from Ritsuko's ears. My fingers reset the switches, cycling through the test schedule, before reaching the exact same end point. Screens filled an angry red, with alarms screaming from speakers embedded in the chair.

" Yeah. Confirmed. Same alarm,"

Maya dutifully gave the reason why.

From Control: "The CDU's sending empty frames and overloading the buffer. It's causing a memory leak,"

I knew what those words meant. Another me might've found them interesting. I couldn't bring myself to care anymore. Just another glitch. One of dozens that fell off the bleeding edge of science fact.

Being an Evangelion Pilot sounded cool until I had to be an Evangelion Pilot. Then it became a job like any other. My body followed instructions on autopilot while my mind chewed on that idea.

The infinite capacity of the human mind to accept the insane as normal. To live two lives at once, while also being a third completely different from either. To be the man and the girl, the engineer and the athlete, to watch the show and to live in it at the same time.

This is just who I am now.

I think I would've preferred to be a Magical Girl.

Glad to see this back. Hoping to see more of it, and that you will be okay physically and psychologically.