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A Sailor's Quest

A Sailor Senshi serves as the guardian of her planet protecting it from the...
Pittsburgh PA
A Sailor's Quest

A Sailor Senshi serves as the guardian of her planet protecting it from the forces of Chaos. The valiant struggle of the Sailors to protect their worlds spans countless stories across the cosmos. Now your story joins them.

[] The princess of a lost kingdom of the moon.
-[] What is your name?

[] A former adviser of Queen Serenity, and now you must manage of the latest generation of Sailor Senshi.

[] A reincarnated dignitary to the Kingdom of the Moon, swept up in the magics of destruction and rebirth. Despite or perhaps due to your own status as a sailor.
-[] You were visiting your sister Luna when everything ended.
-[]Write in a planet and a Name.

[] A warrior of Chaos redeemed and reincarnated by the power of Sailor Moon. Tin Nyanko is a thing of the past you're now Sailor Mau.

But the Sailors are not the only power there is some say that there are other powers in the universe rivaling that of the Sailors...
[] There are Bizarre powers born from the manifestation of mental and spiritual energy known as Stands.
[] The alien race known as the Incubators that grant the wishes of young girls, awakening their magical potential.
[] Formulaic systems of magic, most notability the Mid-Childa and Belka systems each with vast destructive power.
[] There are countless ways in which power is born, all of these things and so much more exist.
[] Rumors are just rumors, each world might have some native magic but nothing on the level of the sailors.

QM note: This is my first attempt at running a quest so any advice or criticisms would be appreciated.
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[X] Formulaic systems of magic, most notability the Mid-Childa and Belka systems each with vast destructive power.
[] The princess of a lost kingdom of the moon.
-[] What is your name?
Out of curiosity, why is this the only option asking our name when all of them are original characters?

[X] A reincarnated dignitary to the Kingdom of the Moon, swept up in the magics of destruction and rebirth. Despite or perhaps due to your own status as a sailor.
-[X] Ganymede and Hikari Iseult

[X] There are countless ways in which power is born, all of these things and so much more exist.

Not the best with names.
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Let me see...

I think this is a split vote, where we vote for one option under each section. If not, please ignore my vote.

[X] A former adviser of Queen Serenity, and now you must manage of the latest generation of Sailor Senshi.

Let's not be the powerhouse. Instead, let's be the guide.

[X] There are countless ways in which power is born, all of these things and so much more exist.

For the alteration of the world, and surprise the guide.
Out of curiosity, why is this the only option asking our name when all of them are original characters?

[X] The princess of a lost kingdom of the moon.
-[X] Hikari Iseult

Not the best with names.

The second isn't an original character, and the fourth kinda isn't. Anyway for most options a more detailed character creation will be coming after this. Also I should have a name option for the other planet option... going to edit that in now.

Let me see...

I think this is a split vote, where we vote for one option under each section. If not, please ignore my vote.

[X] A former adviser of Queen Serenity, and now you must manage of the latest generation of Sailor Senshi.

Let's not be the powerhouse. Instead, let's be the guide.

[X] There are countless ways in which power is born, all of these things and so much more exist.

For the alteration of the world, and surprise the guide.

You are entirely correct.
Character Sheets

Strength: 16 ( primary melee attribute measures physical strength.)
Vitality : 10 (effects HP and physical endurance)
Agility : 10 (primary ranged attribute effects fine or swift moments such as sneaking or dodging.)
Intelligence: 20 (Primary spell casting attribute, also effects mana pool and is used in knowledge based actions. )
Wisdom: 15 (Used for certain spells, also effects perception and insight.)
Charisma: 13 (Used for certain spells, also influences social interactions.)

Max HP 100
Max mana 2000
Knight Rank AAA

Reference for base stats
1-5 below average: incompetent areas.
6-10 normal: expected range for an average person.
11-15 skilled: range for trained individuals
16-20 advanced: Some of the best in the world.
21-25 master: level of skill found only a few times in a generation.
26-30 grand master: the best of what is naturally possible.
31+ Almost impossible without augmentation.

Feline Form
The appearance of a black house cat with a yellow crescent moon on its forehead. When in this Form gain five agility and suffer a three charisma penalty with all non-allied Humanoids . Additionally any object designed to require arms or hands can not be used.

Human Form
The appearance of a woman of average height with wavy black hair partially set in four buns. Typically wears a yellow dress with black skirt. Appears to be between twenty and thirty years old.

Armed Device Knight (melee)
You are well trained in the use of your Armed Device. When in Combat add half of your Intelligence to your Strength.

Mau Magic Rank 1: Two Forms.
Casting time one minute.
Chanel magic to transform between Feline and Humanoid forms.
The simplest of the Mau spells known even to kittens.

Mau Magic Rank 2: Subspace Pocket
Creates an inventory that can store material up to 3 cubic meters.
Basic level storage magic.

Mau Magic Rank 3: Limited Teleport
Teleports user within line of sight. Costs 10 mana to cast and 1 mana for ever 50 meters moved. Requires full concentration to use.

Mau Magic Rank 4: Advanced Subspace Pocket
Expands Subspace Pocket to 15 cubic meters.
Skilled level storage magic

Cartridge Charge
Spend 500 mana to charge a Cartridge
Cartridges can be used to power spells cast though a Device.

Cat's Eye - Visual Sensory Augmentation to detect magic other invisible energies in the focus area. Adjustable to show only selective energy types.

Knight's Garb Belkan Defense Passive
As long as this spell is active any damage instead drains mana at a one damage to five mana ratio.

Celestial Mirror Defense
Rank A Range 2 meter radius Casting Time instant.
Directional shield spell which blocks and reflects an incoming energy attack through spatial manipulation. Less effective against physical projectiles, and does not effect melee attacks.
Mana Cost 20 mana for each point of damage reflected or mitigated.

Schrodinger's cat Support Spell
Rank B Range 10 meter radius Casting Time instant
Teleports user within line of sight and range, leaves behind an afterimage that is disrupted after taking any damage.
Cost 100 mana

Cat's Cradle Belkan Bind Spell
Rank C, Range 15 meter radius Casting time 1 second
Generates magical strings within the spell's range, each string can only withstand about 4.5 kilograms of force (10 pounds) or minor magical damage. Multiple strings may be created at once.
Mana Cost 2 per string.

Feral Cats Belkan Aimed Shooting Spell
Rank A, Range 400m max (signifigantly less in confinded areas) Casting time 5 seconds.
A set of four arcing crescents launched from Spaltbeil's blades, each crescent cuts its target multiple times as it spins. A random flight pattern hampers attempts to dodge without lowering accuracy.
Mana Cost 75 mana , number of projectiles increases with additional mana.

Double Crescent Belkan Magic-enhanced attack
Rank AAA, Range Melee, Casting time Instant
A double slash where first blow creates a spatial tear that continuously cuts while degrading defensive effects, and the second slash splits the spatial tear wide open along with the target.
Mana cost 500 minimum, damage can be enhanced with extra mana.

Moon Claw Belkan Magic-enhanced attack
Rank AA Range Melee, Casting time Instant
Expand the blades and head of Spaltbeil until the gleam of it's edge appears to be the moon descended. Dramatically enhance melee range and the damage of all spells cast from the device.
Mana Cost 400 for initial cast and 300 per minute.

Stand-by Form

Luna's Armed device, allows for the easy casting of Belkan type spells while also serving as a potent melee weapon. Das Spaltbeil's sheer size allows it to serve as a defensive implement in addition to its offensive capabilities. Comes equipped with a five Cartridge system. When not in use it takes the form of an amulet that hangs from Luna's Collar.

A small armory currently occupying about half of your pocket.
Seven Six wands and a Brooch used for Sailor transformations.
Several items with notable magical energy.
-A winged staff with a star at its head.
-A pair of bows, one made of black metal the other made of still living wood.
- A crystal containing data for a program.
- A Whip made of countless woven strings.
A large collection of mildly magical swords, spears, gloves, wands, and instruments.

50 empty mana cartridges.

A scrap of paper with a note from Queen Serenity that was in your pocket.
You might need these.
Don't trust H.

A note from Artemis found in the cave you awoke in.
Dear, Luna
Since your're still sleeping I went ahead and got a start on our mission. I've already managed to find and contact one of the Sailors but she hasn't been able to fully awaken as of yet. Also, it appears that the Dark Kingdom is already slipping through the seals and one of their commanders is in a vulnerable position. By the time you read this message we will already have left the county of Japan. You should be able to contact me though the Lunar Computers I rebuilt under the Game Center Crown, in Azabu-Jūban, Minato, Tokyo.

Rei Hino

Strength: 10
Vitality : 9
Agility : 13
Intelligence: 11
Wisdom: 13
Charisma: 7

Max HP 90
Max mana 1100

Shinto Shrine Maiden
Rei's training in the Shinto arts combined with an innate magical potential, allows for the use and development of Shinto magic.

Adapt Archer
Part of Rei's training involved the usage of ceremonial bows, her own drive for success has lead her to develop a fair amount of skill with the weapon and a fine aim in general. Gain a plus ten bonus to the use of projectile weapons and spells, and and plus seven bonus to the use of aimed spells.

Burning Soul
Rei soul's blazes with fire. Spells may be enhanced with the Fire attribute, spells already designed to use fire are easier to learn and use while other elemental spells are harder to learn.

Sailor Form
When active all Sailor abilities, traits, and spells become active and usable.

Power of Mars Sailor
Drawing upon the magic of the planet Mars enhances the human body beyond its usual capabilities
While this is active gain plus six to strength, vitality, and agility.

Disguise Field Sailor
The natural magic of a Sailor prevents anyone from forming a connection between their civilian identity and their Sailor identity. This is disabled for anyone who is directly told of the Sailor's identity or anyone who witnesses the Sailor transforming.

Fire Divination Shinto
Casting time 1 hour
Meditate in front of a Sacred Flame to gain some insight into of the activities of evil forces.
Chance of success varies with the power of the target.

Ofuda Enchanting Shinto
Casting time 1 hour
Inscribe piece of paper with an incantation and a prayer and effuse it with magic to produce an Ofuda. As many as six may be made at one time.
Mana Cost 10

Mars Power, Make Up! Transformation
Casting time Instant
Use the Mars Transformation Wand to activate the Sailor Form trait.

Pretty Guardian Sailor Defense Passive
Activates automatically with the Sailor Form.
Mitigate any physical damage below a certain threshold, and halve all damage taken from magic.

Mars Fire Soul Sailor Aimed Shooting Spell
Rank A+ Range 15 meters Cast Time 2 Seconds
Launch a stream of fire that erupts into a burning pillar when it hits a target.
Mana Cost 50

Akuryo Taisan Shinto Projectile
Rank (varies) Range 3 meters Casting time Instant
Throw an Ofuda while saying the incantation, to release the stored magic. Power varies depending on the target.
Consumes 1 Ofuda.

Mars Transformation Wand,
A wand that can only be used by Rei Hino, used to transform into Sailor Mars.
10 Ofuda,
A tag which harms evil spirits and the undead.

Ōnusa 20% done
Hama Yumi 82% done

Kyoko Sakura

Strength: 12
Vitality : N/A
Agility : 8
Intelligence: 14
Wisdom: 7
Charisma: 5

Max Mana 0
Current Grief 15.00%

Puella Magi
The transfer of the soul from the mortal body into a Soul Gem marks Kyoko as a Puella Magi. HP is disabled and replaced with grief. Any damage that would be taken is converted to grief at a rate of ten damage equaling .5% grief, spells, abilities, and certain emotions may also generate grief.

Zombie Like body Puella Magi
The body of a Puella Magi counts as undead for the purposes of magic and abilities, grants immunity to poisons, toxins, and diseases, removes requirements for food and water.

Extreme Trauma
Witnessing her father kill her entire family in response to her wish has lead Kyoko to reject her wish and magical ability. Disable anything tagged with Rejected and disable mana.

A Partial Truth Puella Magi
The True nature of the Soul Gem can vastly impact a Puella Magi, usually for the worse. All Grief gains from damage are halved, all Grief gains from emotional effects are tripled.

Magic Spear Master.
Spending a year fighting Witches without using magic has honed Kyoko 's skill with her spear to immense levels. Double strength in combat while using a spear.

Puella Magi transformation Puella Magi
Transform into a Puella Magi outfit and summon a weapon.
Weapon: Chain Spear.

Charm Trick Puella Magi Passive Rejected
Automatically succeed when trying to convince someone of a reasonable request, gain a +40 bonus to charisma for unusual requests, gain a +20 bonus to impossible requests.
Grief Cost 1% per charisma check.

Rosso Fantasma Puella Magi Rejected
Rank AA Casting time instant
Split into three fully solid clones. Any damage will dispel the first two leaving the real one behind.
Grief cost 5%

Illusionary Puella Magi Rejected
Rank A
Casting time instant
Create an image within eyesight.
Grief cost .5% per image

3 Boxes of Rocky.
2 Grief Seeds (not currently on person)
The remains of a Witch, absorbs Grief from a Soul Gem. At maximum capacity it may become a Witch once more. Available Grief Capacity 150%
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[X] A reincarnated dignitary to the Kingdom of the Moon, swept up in the magics of destruction and rebirth. Despite or perhaps due to your own status as a sailor.
-[]Write in a planet and a Name.

Mercury? We already have one on SB but its also a newbie QM doing that one.

[] Formulaic systems of magic, most notability the Mid-Childa and Belka systems each with vast destructive power.

I want to go with this, but there are already a lot of MGLN x-overs right now. Or enough its starting to feel that way anyway.
I don't really see that much of a difference between managing a team of Senshi and managing a team plus one more OC that's supposed to be us.

[X] A reincarnated dignitary to the Kingdom of the Moon, swept up in the magics of destruction and rebirth. Despite or perhaps due to your own status as a sailor.
-[X] Ganymede and Hikari Iseult
(I think you did just fine with a name, @King Arthur . There's no reason the senshi has to be reincarnated as a full native Japanese!)

Ganymede because it is a moon, is larger than mercury, and is close to Jupiter so it is similar to mercury. Plus the name sounds like it goes with Iseult very well!

[X] There are countless ways in which power is born, all of these things and so much more exist.

This appears to include the formulaic magic. And Kyuubi style magical girls are already Canon in Sailor Moon, as the Witches 5 who hunt Daemons.(Both of whom's power comes from Pharaoh 90!)

It's also more in keeping with the Spirit of the Sailor Moon Series, as when the new Season's villains show up they are nearly always much more powerful than the Senshi at first, until the Senshi grow into some new Powers. Though Luna may express the opinion that nothing in the universe is more powerful than a Senshi, that's just her pride talking!

Plus I think it would be a really neat idea if Naru Osaka were to be a magical girl from one of the other types of Magical Girl this would bring to the universe!
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[X] A former adviser of Queen Serenity, and now you must manage of the latest generation of Sailor Senshi.
[X] Formulaic systems of magic, most notability the Mid-Childa and Belka systems each with vast destructive power.
[x] A warrior of Chaos redeemed and reincarnated by the power of Sailor Moon. Tin Nyanko is a thing of the past you're now Sailor Mau.
[x] There are Bizarre powers born from the manifestation of mental and spiritual energy known as Stands.
[X] A former adviser of Queen Serenity, and now you must manage of the latest generation of Sailor Senshi.
[X] There are countless ways in which power is born, all of these things and so much more exist.
I don't really see that much of a difference between managing a team of Senshi and managing a team plus one more OC that's supposed to be us.

[X] A reincarnated dignitary to the Kingdom of the Moon, swept up in the magics of destruction and rebirth. Despite or perhaps due to your own status as a sailor.
-[X] Ganymede and Hikari Iseult
(I think you did just fine with a name, @King Arthur . There's no reason the senshi has to be reincarnated as a full native Japanese!)

Ganymede because it is a moon, is larger than mercury, and is close to Jupiter so it is similar to mercury. Plus the name sounds like it goes with Iseult very well!
The other Sailor option has the potential to become team leader and or manager but it isn't a guarantee. Right now I'm a bit unsure the selection of Ganymede as I was trying to imply that the players could choose a planet from outside the solar system, but if people like the option I can work with it.

[X] There are countless ways in which power is born, all of these things and so much more exist.

This appears to include the formulaic magic, and Kyuubi style magical girls are already Canon in Sailor Moon. Pharaoh 90 and the Witches 5! Witches too from the Sailor Phages.

It's also more in keeping with the Spirit of the Sailor Moon Series, as when the new Season's villains show up they are nearly always much more powerful than the Senshi at first, until the Senshi grow into some new Powers. Though Luna may express the opinion that nothing in the universe is more powerful than a Senshi, that's just her pride talking!

Plus I think it would be a really neat idea if Naru Osaka were to be a magical girl from one of the other types of Magical Girl this would bring to the universe!
I can see a few parallels with the magic science of the Death Busters and the magic of MGLN, and between Shadow Galactica and Kyuubi. Never really noticed that before, quite insightful.
The power curves are easiest with this option and the most dynamic.
Also Naru doesn't get enough love... Just hope that being Naru isn't suffering.
[X] A warrior of Chaos redeemed and reincarnated by the power of Sailor Moon. Tin Nyanko is a thing of the past you're now Sailor Mau.
[X] Formulaic systems of magic, most notability the Mid-Childa and Belka systems each with vast destructive power.
The other Sailor option has the potential to become team leader and or manager but it isn't a guarantee. Right now I'm a bit unsure the selection of Ganymede as I was trying to imply that the players could choose a planet from outside the solar system, but if people like the option I can work with it.

I can see a few parallels with the magic science of the Death Busters and the magic of MGLN, and between Shadow Galactica and Kyuubi. Never really noticed that before, quite insightful.
The power curves are easiest with this option and the most dynamic.
Also Naru doesn't get enough love... Just hope that being Naru isn't suffering.

Well if your looking for some extrasolar Sailors, I have a couple I've been working on for a while:

Name: Komugi Osumi (大角 小麦 Osumi Komugi)
Aliases: Northern Sentinel Star Arcturus (北センチネル星アルクトゥルス) Kita senchineru-boshi arukuto~urusu
Guardian of the bear of the north (北のクマの保護者) Kita Kuma no Hogo-sha
Identity/Class: Magical Girl Warrior, Human
Role: Daughter, Friend, Granddaughter, High School Student, Kouhai, Magical Girl, Magical Girl Warrior
Creator/Origin: Me
Publisher/Source: Original Character
First Appearance:
License: Creative Commons
Measurements Height: 164cm, Weight: 49kg
Birthday: May 1
Hair: Medium Length, Wavy, Fine, Wheat Blonde(245:222:179), Odd Sensual Style
Eyes: Obsidian(3:3:5), Almond Shaped
Description: Amazonian, Pale, Muscular, Teen
Gender: Female
Clothes: Yellow Cardigan, Blue Shoes, Curly Ribbons, Hair Bow, Hair Ornaments, Maid Uniform, School Uniform, Rocker Shirt, Rocker Skirt
Personality: Artistic, Sensual, Strong Willed
Engages in: Cosplay, Fighting Crime, Studying
Base of Operations:

Osumi Komugi (大角 小麦) (translation: greathorn wheat) (meaning: the Chinese and Japanese names for Arcturus) an alien orphan adopted into the Osumi family. Father - Asahi, Mother - Ayame, Sisters - Kunisake, Shimokita

Birthday - assumed May 1 1989 (no memory)

Magical girl titles:
Northern Sentinel Star Arcturus (北センチネル星アルクトゥルス) Kita senchineru-boshi arukuto~urusu
Guardian of the bear of the north (北のクマの保護者) Kita Kuma no Hogo-sha

Name: Kukyo Kyoyado ( 虚宿 空虚 - Kyoyado Kukyo ) O
Aliases: Kokyu Sorano, Sentinel Star Sadalsuud
Identity/Class: Magic User, Human, Succubus (Note Succubus as in Alien that drains energy, not a demon that has sex with humans! I've considered calling her a Vampire instead.)
Role: Friend, Full Sister, Granddaughter, High School Student, Kouhai, Orphan, School Archery Club Member
Publisher/Source: Parody of a copyrighted character
First Appearance:
License: Not sure that's applicable? Or just a similar design?
Measurements Height: 156cm, Weight: 46kg
Birthday: 2 March
Hair: Shoulder Length, Sideswept Fringe, Straight, Luxurious, Deep Purple (51 0 102)
Eyes: Light Violet (255 153 255), Tsurime
Description: Average Height, Fair, Slim, Teen
Gender: Female
Clothes: Apron, Blazer, Blouse, Bookbag, Cardigan, Dress Shoes, Hair Ribbon, Kneesocks, Pleated Skirt, Ribbon Hair Accessory, Sailor Uniform, School Uniform, Sleeveless Sweater, Tie
Personality: Low Self-esteem, Shy
Engages in: Archery, Cleaning, Cooking
Base of Operations: Archery Club

A student in her first year of high school. Not sure on the license for this one as she's very much based on another fictional character. I think people may be able to guess who.

Name: Kuro Mitama ( Xx Xx Mitama Kuro)
Aliases: Black Soul
Identity/Class: Shrine Maiden, Human
Role: Daughter, Friend, Granddaughter, High School Student, Kouhai, Shrine Maiden, Singer
Creator/Origin: Me
Publisher/Source: Original Character
First Appearance:
License: Creative Commons
Measurements Height: 156cm, Weight: 43kg
Birthday: April 19, {1989?}XXxx(depending on date when the chariot mansion is on that year)(Because that's the constellation equivalent of Corvus)
Hair: Long, Curly, Luxurious, Soot Black(99:99:105), Artistic Style
Eyes: Brown(165:42:42), Round
Description: Average Height, Pale, Lithe, Teen
Gender: Female
Clothes: Olive Cardigan, Brown Shoes, Hair Ribbons, Hair Ornaments, Miko Uniform, School Uniform, Violet Shirt, Violet Skirt
Personality: Kind, Empathetic, Determined
Engages in: Studying, Singing, Working
Base of Operations: Shrine

Kuro studies Shinto Magic and aspires to be an Idol Singer. She spends her time practising and working at a shrine. In an actual Sailor Moon Universe, Sailor Mars and Rei are her idols! However she's more likely to be destined for a different kind of magical girl.

However it is possible she's the reincarnation of Sailor Lead Crow, and therefore eligible for Sailor Corvus. But that would make going to Rei's Shrine awkward... "Sempai help! The Crows are attacking me!"
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@tygerbright, are write-ins allowed? Because I've got a character concept for SM handy that's been waiting for someone to write it!

If you have a character concept, there is no harm in sharing it.

From what I understand Tygerbright to have stated is that we should vote on a character name and planet in the case that option wins.

There is plenty of room for Extra-Solar Senshi, Formulaic Mages, or other types of OC's as NPC's or to get voted in as the main character.

Though it currently appears that former advisor and formulaic magic will win the vote, so no Senshi or OC for main character.
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Well if your looking for some extrasolar Sailors, I have a couple I've been working on for a while:
Name: Komugi Osumi (大角 小麦 Osumi Komugi)
Aliases: Northern Sentinel Star Arcturus (北センチネル星アルクトゥルス) Kita senchineru-boshi arukuto~urusu
Guardian of the bear of the north (北のクマの保護者) Kita Kuma no Hogo-sha
Identity/Class: Magical Girl Warrior, Human
Role: Daughter, Friend, Granddaughter, High School Student, Kouhai, Magical Girl, Magical Girl Warrior
Creator/Origin: Me
Publisher/Source: Original Character
First Appearance:
License: Creative Commons
Measurements Height: 164cm, Weight: 49kg
Birthday: May 1
Hair: Medium Length, Wavy, Fine, Wheat Blonde(245:222:179), Odd Sensual Style
Eyes: Obsidian(3:3:5), Almond Shaped
Description: Amazonian, Pale, Muscular, Teen
Gender: Female
Clothes: Yellow Cardigan, Blue Shoes, Curly Ribbons, Hair Bow, Hair Ornaments, Maid Uniform, School Uniform, Rocker Shirt, Rocker Skirt
Personality: Artistic, Sensual, Strong Willed
Engages in: Cosplay, Fighting Crime, Studying
Base of Operations:

Osumi Komugi (大角 小麦) (translation: greathorn wheat) (meaning: the Chinese and Japanese names for Arcturus) an alien orphan adopted into the Osumi family. Father - Asahi, Mother - Ayame, Sisters - Kunisake, Shimokita

Birthday - assumed May 1 1989 (no memory)

Magical girl titles:
Northern Sentinel Star Arcturus (北センチネル星アルクトゥルス) Kita senchineru-boshi arukuto~urusu
Guardian of the bear of the north (北のクマの保護者) Kita Kuma no Hogo-sha

Name: Kukyo Kyoyado ( 虚宿 空虚 - Kyoyado Kukyo ) O
Aliases: Kokyu Sorane, Sentinel Star Sadalsuud
Identity/Class: Magic User, Human, Succubus (Note Succubus as in Alien that drains energy, not a demon that has sex with humans! I've considered calling her a Vampire instead.)
Role: Friend, Full Sister, Granddaughter, High School Student, Kouhai, Orphan, School Archery Club Member
First Appearance:
License: Parody of a Copyrighted Character? Or just a similar design?
Measurements Height: 156cm, Weight: 46kg
Birthday: 2 March
Hair: Shoulder Length, Sideswept Fringe, Straight, Luxurious, Deep Purple (51 0 102)
Eyes: Light Violet (255 153 255), Tsurime
Description: Average Height, Fair, Slim, Teen
Gender: Female
Clothes: Apron, Blazer, Blouse, Bookbag, Cardigan, Dress Shoes, Hair Ribbon, Kneesocks, Pleated Skirt, Ribbon Hair Accessory, Sailor Uniform, School Uniform, Sleeveless Sweater, Tie
Personality: Low Self-esteem, Shy
Engages in: Archery, Cleaning, Cooking
Base of Operations: Archery Club

A student in her first year of high school. Not sure on the license for this one as she's very much based on another fictional character. I think people may be able to guess who.

Name: Kuro Mitama ( Xx Xx Mitama Kuro)
Aliases: Black Soul
Identity/Class: Shrine Maiden, Human
Role: Daughter, Friend, Granddaughter, High School Student, Kouhai, Shrine Maiden, Singer
Creator/Origin: Me
Publisher/Source: Original Character
First Appearance:
License: Creative Commons
Measurements Height: 156cm, Weight: 43kg
Birthday: April 19, 19{89?}xx(depending on date when the chariot mansion is on that year)(Because that's the constellation equivalent of Corvus)
Hair: Long, Curly, Luxurious, Soot Black(99:99:105), Artistic Style
Eyes: Brown(165:42:42), Round
Description: Average Height, Pale, Lithe, Teen
Gender: Female
Clothes: Olive Cardigan, Brown Shoes, Hair Ribbons, Hair Ornaments, Miko Uniform, School Uniform, Violet Shirt, Violet Skirt
Personality: Kind, Empathetic, Determined
Engages in: Studying, Singing, Working
Base of Operations: Shrine

Kuro studies Shinto Magic and aspires to be an Idol Singer. She spends her time practising and working at a shrine. In an actual Sailor Moon Universe, Sailor Mars and Rei are her idols! However she's more likely to be destined for a different kind of magical girl.

However it is possible she's the reincarnation of Sailor Lead Crow, and therefore eligible for Sailor Corvus. But that would make going to Rei's Shrine awkward... "Sempai help! The Crows are attacking me!"

Wow those idea are really interesting, I might use some aspects at some point in this quest.

@tygerbright, are write-ins allowed? Because I've got a character concept for SM handy that's been waiting for someone to write it!
Post your idea and if people support it I can try to work with it, the moon princess and extra solar Senshi options are write in OC friendly.

Thank you.

[X] Yaku-Jin.
What are you voting for? That name hasn't come up yet.

Also here is the current tally
Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[X] Formulaic systems of magic, most notability the Mid-Childa and Belka systems each with vast destructive power.
No. of votes: 3
veekie, wingstrike96, Demonlorddraco91
[X] A former adviser of Queen Serenity, and now you must manage of the latest generation of Sailor Senshi.
No. of votes: 3
Random Tale, wingstrike96, Cornix Argentus
[X] There are countless ways in which power is born, all of these things and so much more exist.
No. of votes: 3
Random Tale, Matou Sutegobana, Cornix Argentus
[X] A reincarnated dignitary to the Kingdom of the Moon, swept up in the magics of destruction and rebirth. Despite or perhaps due to your own status as a sailor.
No. of votes: 2
ShadowAngelBeta, Matou Sutegobana
-[X] Ganymede and Hikari Iseult
No. of votes: 1
Matou Sutegobana
[x] A warrior of Chaos redeemed and reincarnated by the power of Sailor Moon. Tin Nyanko is a thing of the past you're now Sailor Mau.
No. of votes: 2
Rei of Sunshine, Demonlorddraco91
[x] There are Bizarre powers born from the manifestation of mental and spiritual energy known as Stands.
No. of votes: 1
Rei of Sunshine
[X] Yaku-Jin.
No. of votes: 1
King Arthur

Due to the current tie in the cross over option I'll keep it up for a while longer.
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If Former Advisor wins the Vote, would an Ancient Belkan Mage who stays in his animal form be an acceptable advisor in everyone's opinion?

And can we name him Wesley?

I figure he got caught in the reincarnation spell, and is now the last of his Civilization.
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If Former Advisor wins the Vote, would an Ancient Belkan Mage who stays in his animal form be an acceptable advisor in everyone's opinion?

And can we name him Wesley?

I figure he got caught in the reincarnation spell, and is now the last of his Civilization.

Some days I wish I wasn't so oblique.
The Advisor is for Luna, if either of the current front runners in the crossover option win she can start off with Ancient Belkan magic if the everything one wins she can alternatively start off with a Stand, and this would be on top of options to focus in the Magic of the Mau, some mundane weapon, or technology, or martial arts...
[X] A reincarnated dignitary to the Kingdom of the Moon, swept up in the magics of destruction and rebirth. Despite or perhaps due to your own status as a sailor.
-[X] Ganymede and Hikari Iseult
[X] Formulaic systems of magic, most notability the Mid-Childa and Belka systems each with vast destructive power.
What are you voting for? That name hasn't come up yet.
Wrong quest, accidentally clicked the wrong tab.

I'l just repost my vote since it got skipped due to that little mistake.

[X] A reincarnated dignitary to the Kingdom of the Moon, swept up in the magics of destruction and rebirth. Despite or perhaps due to your own status as a sailor.
-[X] Ganymede and Hikari Iseult

[X] There are countless ways in which power is born, all of these things and so much more exist.
[X] Write-in: The darkest thoughts of the old Queen - her doubts and fears, her urge to control people for their own good, and her guilt over some of the things she had to do to keep her reign stable - empowered and given independence by Chaos, but then sealed away. Released by the death of the Queen, to imprint on her daugther instead, only to be caught up in the reincarnation spell. Finally given shape by the wish of a little girl for a sister, and accepted into her family as one of their own.
[X] There are countless ways in which power is born, all of these things and so much more exist.

The idea comes from the Tales from the Silver Milennium ideas thread on Spacebattles; Via the scenario described in the vote, Nehelennia ends up on the Tsukino's doorstep on Usagi's third or so birthday, and is adopted as her quasi-twin sister Tsukino Fukuro (Owl of the Moon; Kuro also means black).

Personality-wise, she covers up wariness and anxiety of everyone she isn't close to (her family and especially Usagi, possibly Naru to an extent) under a formal and cold facade with occasional moody outbursts. Also has some confidence issues over being abandoned and then adopted, fears not being a proper part of her family, and has secret guilty fantasies about being the long-lost princess of a magical kingdom.
Likes reading and painting, especially fantasy. Hates getting up in the morning and especially having to drag Usagi out of bed to be in time for school, but does it out of necessity and is usually rather grumpy about it. Uses large amounts of coffee and make-up to not look like a zombie in the mornings. Intensely protective of her sister - and vice-versa - due to a history of being the social outsider because of her origin and strange looks.
Power-wise, where Sailor Moon is themed around protection, purification, light and healing, as her dark reflection Sailor Dark Moon her powers center around shadows, dreams, madness, illusions and curses, with a weakness in terms of direct raw power.

More info starting here.
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[X] Write-in: The darkest thoughts of the old Queen - her doubts and fears, her urge to control people for their own good, and her guilt over some of the things she had to do to keep her reign stable - empowered and given independence by Chaos, but then sealed away. Released by the death of the Queen, to imprint on her daugther instead, only to be caught up in the reincarnation spell. Finally given shape by the wish of a little girl for a sister, and accepted into her family as one of their own.
[X] There are countless ways in which power is born, all of these things and so much more exist.

The idea comes from the Tales from the Silver Milennium ideas thread on Spacebattles; Via the scenario described in the vote, Nehelennia ends up on the Tsukino's doorstep on Usagi's third or so birthday, and is adopted as her quasi-twin sister Tsukino Fukuro (Owl of the Moon; Kuro also means black).

Personality-wise, she covers up wariness and anxiety of everyone she isn't close to (her family and especially Usagi, possibly Naru to an extent) under a formal and cold facade with occasional moody outbursts. Also has some confidence issues over being abandoned and then adopted, fears not being a proper part of her family, and has secret guilty fantasies about being the long-lost princess of a magical kingdom.
Likes reading and painting, especially fantasy. Hates getting up in the morning and especially having to drag Usagi out of bed to be in time for school, but does it out of necessity and is usually rather grumpy about it. Uses large amounts of coffee and make-up to not look like a zombie in the mornings. Intensely protective of her sister - and vice-versa - due to a history of being the social outsider because of her origin and strange looks.
Power-wise, where Sailor Moon is themed around protection, purification, light and healing, as her dark reflection Sailor Dark Moon her powers center around shadows, dreams, madness, illusions and curses, with a weakness in terms of direct raw power.

More info starting here.

This is very interesting but I have to say that the way that the way this is worded might be a bad idea with either the everything vote or the PMMM vote.

Voting will close in about 8 hours.
[X] Write-in: The darkest thoughts of the old Queen - her doubts and fears, her urge to control people for their own good, and her guilt over some of the things she had to do to keep her reign stable - empowered and given independence by Chaos, but then sealed away. Released by the death of the Queen, to imprint on her daugther instead, only to be caught up in the reincarnation spell. Finally given shape by the wish of a little girl for a sister, and accepted into her family as one of their own.
[X] There are countless ways in which power is born, all of these things and so much more exist.

(I have so little time but I will give this a shot as it looks very interesting.)
This is very interesting but I have to say that the way that the way this is worded might be a bad idea with either the everything vote or the PMMM vote.

That's... hmm. Didn't think of that. One one hand, that's Bad, capital B. On the other, plot! As well as the fact that that's a fairly accurate description of her, or at least, her origins. What I had in mind was that due to the influence of family and our resident genderbent space jesus, what should have been a pale imitation, incapable of anything but destroying the works of her original and without worth in it's own right, nothing more than a sockpuppet of Chaos, learns to live, to laugh, to love, to be human. But for all that, as you might have gathered from the personality description, she still has to struggle with her own dark side, which propably forms the basis of an altered Queen Nehelennia arc.

That said, if you have suggestions on how to reword the vote in a way that keeps the original idea and it's plot potential while preventing unfortunate implications, I'm all ears. If not, I think I'll stick with what I have.

As well, could I possibly convince you to keep the vote open just a while longer so people can see my write-in? Nine hours isn't a whole lot for that, especially when it's at a time of day where most of Spacebattles is sleeping.

I also have to say, a powerset that deals with madness in a world where there's witches/demons has fun potential which hadn't even occured to me until now.
If I may ask, how far are you going to unify the cosmology here? Youma (or at least the possibly-fanon interpretation I'm familiar with) are fairly similar to PMMM-style Demons and Familiars, in addition to what has already been pointed out. If you want, I could link you to an old post of mine that theorizes on how one could merge PMMM with other settings such as Black Rock Shooter and the Persona series. Beyond that, if you want any of my thoughts on this topic, independent of wether my write-in wins or not, feel free to ask, as it's a topic I'm quite interested in.
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