From what Ciel observed, Rose is not particularly physically strong. Neither is she overly weak. Seeing that Giano lost her heavy greatsword and greatshield, Rose should be able to carry her.
Ok, so plan is not completely dead out of the water, but it still might be better to go for us carrying the two.
For a short reminder (partially to myself) of what to expect on the T-Corp thingy's part: Rose told us it accelerate her a thousandfold, and that she has five seconds of it left, meaning five thousand seconds of running… assuming it works on more than one person at a time and that it doesn't increase how much energy that uses if it can.
Just in case, do consider it more likely it works on two, and that it gives more time if it does, but we probably would still go farther while carrying two in less time than Rose would alone in more time….
Assuming the simplest relation between *more people* and *more energy use*, Rose alone has five thousand seconds to flee, she has 2 500 seconds if taking Giano, and we have 1 666,66666666… seconds if we take the both of them. (Frankly, just the number makes me wants to ), in that scenario, we definitely go further than Rose alone.
The problem is if that isn't the case, for example, just assuming the energy double for each humans carried, we don't have 1 666, we have 1 250, not yet horrible, but still minutes shaved.
And the worst case of it working is worse, and we get seconds of acceleration on our hand, which would not be helpful.
My risk vs reward sense is hesitant on hoping the device can even support three persons, let alone do it for long is what I mean, this is a hail-mary, it can be tried, but it isn't assured.
Particularly since T-Corp's main problem has always been how energy hungry their singularity is, I don't hope for a linear relation of increase of use.
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