Part 10: Interconnected.
You saw the suit that you were now wearing a three-piece that made you look like a dashing gentleman from the old novels you read as a child, the ones that were translated into Japanese for children. Truthfully you found the English versions better. They were more… well, you didn't know how to describe it… raw, emotional and action-packed.
Although the fact that you read the children's books version may have had something to do with that.
The monocle covered your eye in such a way that it covered much of your right side. The string brushing your check with every step or movement.
As you held up the gladius, and spun it, and grabbed the clipboard and moved to protect your forearm, you marched forward into the fog. You were going to find the doctor and Sojiro. And as you turned it, it seemed to morph into a cane, completing the image of a gentleman
But you could not see without your monocle, so you close your left eye and looked through your right eye, through the glass.
As you continued to walk forward, the world seemed to turn into a TV studio. An old place that was run down, with operated sets that ran on low budget shows to keep itself going.
But as you walked forward, you heard a faint screaming. "HELP!" The voice screamed it's faint sound echoing all around you. But through the looking glass that was your monocle, you walked through it.
When you reached the source of the screaming, the world around you changed, now you were in front of a well-stocked shop. It was like a country general store that was homely, with most of the goods either being handmade or of high quality.
The girl screaming was in the school uniform of a school you did not recognize, sobbing on the floor as her doppelganger stood over her.
"Don't you see that you're the one betraying your family. You work for Junes, the store that is driving everyone away from Inaba. Everybody knows it, yet you delude yourself into seeing Yosuke as someone you can tolerate, but deep down you know exactly what he is, an annoying piece of refuse who's family is destroying your home." The doppelganger said.
"That's not true!" the girl shot back. "It's-"
"Oh but it is. Jones has already closed half of the town. All your family friends have been closed down and forced to leave… and yet you still don't feel like you are doing anything wrong?" The doppelganger was mocking the girl now. "Face it, you are the problem."
"I am not!" The girl shouted in between her sobs. "I just want to… to help!"
"But, you aren't. Your just a selfish brat who only cares about herself." The doppelganger stared coldly. "And I am just the cold bitch informing you of the truth."
"No… Your not me!" She shouted.
Uh Oh… that wasn't good.
The doppelganger laughed and the world darkened. Shadowy goop poured from the doppelganger and she began to laugh. "So be it!"
And the shadow changed into some kind of monster.
"I am your shadow… Your true self!" The monster shouted.
THat monster was going to attack... and you need to stop it.
What do you do?:
[]PERSONA!: You feel the energy calling in your body. Your other self, wanting to break FREE!
[]Save the Girl: You can't fight that thing, so you'll save the girl.
[]ATTACK!: You have a sword! Use it!
[]Block the strike: You have a clipboard… hope this works.
AN: Enjoy!