Tanks; are well known for their capacities of getting the enemies attention, as well as being party's main scout and primary defense. They are but not limited to; Space Marines, knights, Spartans, Sisters Militant, Ork[Krog], Tau Fire Warrior, Chaos marines, Imperial Knight, Tanks and Titans.

By far the strongest, in terms of speed, strength and weaponry. These characters are the most desired by many players. Tho they may be known for their great strength and near impenetrable armor, they are by far the lowest in magic, healing.

Not many jobs are available to this class of characters, as their abilities are usually, limited but to combat.

Known for their power base fighting styles, all characters named but not limited to, have an added feature to them. Do to the sheer quantity of species, as well as multiple variations of skills that a player may want to gain

All power based characters now have, the added ability of gaining a new skill, thru combat. Tho by no means would this be as simple as; a Space Marine learning how to use the Ork Waa, tho it is possible. Any skill set, that a player desires can be acquired, by fighting and slaying a character or player that has the particular skill you desire.

For example, a Spartan[Halo] could gain the ability to cast magic by killing a sorcerer, or by slaying a magic base creature, should the player desire it.

In addition to this all beginners, to this class of fighters, will automatically be given a simple set of instructions that will allow them to navigate thru the emptiness of space. But players beware, for space is filled with all sorts of horrors.
[God mode]12
God\ deity mode can be achieved by all players of any category. Do to its highly controversial nature to this game all players that seek out to become a new God, are required to increase their levels.

God\ Deity can be achieved by three forms.

1 Stating that you are a a god in front of several N.P.C's, there for subjegating and making them worship you.

2 Defeating a Demon, or a high level player there for creating a legend amongst your fellow players, which in turn will grant you worship from the natives of the game.

3 Performing miracles, or in simple terms healing, battling and creating reasons for the natives to worship you without you yourself ever doing anything to achieve God state.

All players should remember that while achieving this state is simple, keeping it however is not. For example a planet may worship you, but an exterminatus on said planet would undo any ability you may have gained true the worship you received.

The benefits of this form of game play, allows a player to have an ever increasing amount of soldiers, both mortal and demon alike. As well as being able to perform small miracles\ courses. For example a low level player may cure a cold, while a high level player could remove the demon hood from a demon prince.

Thereby returning said individual mortal once again
''Julio what do we have'' 1432 asked, as he and Alice walked into the bridge.

''Not much sir except that the planet seems to be emitting a type of signal. I've checked the entire surface, but I have yet to pick any life signs. There aren't even any animals on the surface, at least none that the ship could detect.'' Julio answered

''I was able to summon a servo skull, which I have already sent down by teleporter however there aren't any life signs anywhere. There are several buildings, however they appear to be, well to be honest sir they look like if they were dropped on top of each other''. Julio informed 1432

''Alright, I'm going down. Listen I'll call you when I find whatever sending out the signal until then, your in charge.'' 1432 told Julio

''Captain with all do respect.'' Julio began to protest

''Do you see anyone else onboard capable of long range communication, or with an access to a large amount of weaponry. I didn't think so and no Julio we're not using the Mutants, those people have already been thru enough. Besides you're the only one capable of navigating the ship.

So I'm the only option.'' 1432 said, as he blocked any attempt, Julio ha to prevent him from leaving the Infinity

With a hint of regret Julio simply bought and set the teleporter to send his Captain down onto the planet. Hopefully he would arrive near the signal, because the teleporter was extremely inaccurate, however unbeknownst to Julio or 1432, another person had been sent down with 1432, a person no one could see.

''Is… Is he coming back.'' said a small voice, from behind Julio

A' Julio turned around to see who it was, he was surprised to see that it was the N.P.C Alice along with her pet. He assumed the girl, was a mute considering the only sound she had ever made, was a simple laugh, other than that no other noise ever came from her.

''Do not worry Alice, your father is extremely resourceful, as well as for added protection I am monitoring him from here so I'll be able to teleport him should anything happen.'' Julio said, in his strange mechanical way

''Oh'' Alice said, as she held onto her flying snail while wanting to cry

''Would you like to see what he is doing?'' Asked Julio as a screen displayed a ruined city. ''I have sent down a servo skull so we will receive real time footage'' Julio said as Alice stood next to him, when had the girl moved was beyond him, however he paid little care so it probably didn't matter

''Before you ask, yes we can see him, but he can't see us. In fact there seems to be someone with him at the moment.'' Julio said as he received the image, of a woman around the age of twenty, with short brown hair, pale skin and a dark rob following 1432

Silently using his text form of communication, he sent 1432 the details of the person following him. However he also noted that the Infinity's systems, were unable to detect her, while the servo skull did.
The world seemed empty, no more than empty. Like if someone or something had arrived and taken everyone. As she followed the Captain, thru the ruined city, she began to wonder how the man was able to know where to go.

All of a sudden a screeching noise caught her attention, she was about to turn around and see who or what it was when the Captain began to talk.

''So are you going to tell me why you've been following me around and why are you and your friends on my ship. Or should I let my friend here do something about you.'' he said as he turned to look directly at her, only for the sound of rocks falling, behind her.

Revealing a flying skull with a glowing red glass eye, a machine gun welded into it and several wires, cables and gears all over its exposed form

''I'm waiting, you can walk and talk so move. Believe me, no one wants to stay here.'' he said as he turned around and began to walk

She hesitated for a moment ''My name is Kiyone Kotetsu, I was once the Lieutenant of thirteen division, of the Soul Society division, I was one of the people you rescued.'' Kiyone answered

''No your not, I personally made sure to see every single person that went thru , those lights and none of them look like you. So explain'' 1432 demanded, as he turned around and began to walk

''Well … you see the thing is I'm not really, what you call alive.'' she answered, not knowing how 1432 would take the news, she just gave him.

''So you're a ghost. So what do you want.'' 1432 asked, as he walked underneath a fallen street sign, that was covered in moss

''Wa wait, you actually believe me?'' Kiyone asked, not believing actually believing her ears

''You're on an alien planet, with a guy that picked you and your people up from a demon invasion, before you were all consumed by it'' 1432 said, before stopping and looking at his a map on his help screen ''Julio, I found the origin of the signal''

''Understood, Captain please be careful.'' Julio answered

Kiyone could only listen and stare at the Captain, as she attempted to understand, how was he able to talk to the machine the ship, as well as simply moving on from the things he had seen just hours before.

However her thoughts were cut of, when the Captain went inside a destroyed library, that still had the sign on top of it saying library in old roman writing. So as she followed him inside, she was met by a sight, that made her rub her eyes. It was a massive library holding millions upon millions of book.

Thoe as she entered the room a slight humming noise could be heard, so as she began to look for the Captain, she noticed him walking up to a sphere in the far edge of the room, that seemed to be levitating by a single thread of green light.. But when Captain approached it, the entire room suddenly became white, and a man wearing a rob appeared.

His white robes, gave of an omniscient feeling as she looked at him, even as the image flickered itself into existence, she could tell that the man was not Human. His face was hidden in shadows, while his crazed, mad eyes seeming to maintain themselves, regardless of how many times the image the image disappeared, and reappeared.

''Whoever you are, these treasures now belong to you, but please listen to our story. Learn from it, so that our tragedy doesn't happen again. Within these books, are the histories of every demon that has ever existed in this world.''

''However before you destroy them, please take in mind that within these pages, are the ways of banishing, as well as killing them'' the man said, as he struggled to speak almost as if he wore in pain

Suddenly the white room became a city, much like the one the Humans from her world lived in, however this one seemed to be in the middle of a war. As the destroyed buildings filled the room, and the images of people fleeing something caught her attention.

''Yokai, is what we called ourselves, for thousands of years we lived hidden way from the Humans. For thousands of years we lived side by side with each other, as well as being with each other.'' the man said, as the images of creatures, that could only be described as demons, Vampires and witches filled the room.

Some were shown, living in forest while others, were actually shown living side by side with the Human population. Even as the man said the last part the image of a young man Japanese man, holding onto a silver haired, red eye woman was shown.

''Sadly this wasn't always the case, long ago we were at war with each other and a deal was made. The Humans would live on the planet, while we took everything else, its wasn't a bad deal. After all the planet was the safest place for the Humans at the time.'' the man said, as faint smile appeared on his face. Which was odd, considering his face was hidden in shadow and his mad eyes, were the only thing that could be seen

''However, not everyone of us agreed. The Humans forgot about us and we became stuff of myth and legend. I wish we could have done the same, we saw them grow, create wonders, we could not. Many of us, myself included, wanted to live, there and learn how they did it. In their brief life, every single individual, made an impact no matter how small.''

''Yet, we had hardly progressed at all'' the man continued to speak, as the images of people creating the first steam engine, trains, space ships, skyscrapers appeared. Only to be contradicted by the sight, of the same demonic creatures of before, still stuck in bronze age. Hardly changing from the first image, of knights fighting vampires, a person would have imagined if they ever thought about those times.

''So a plan was made, we would send out a small group. They would live amongst the Humans and bring back what they learned, what came back was turbine. The Humans, didn't care about how we looked as long as we looked Human, however anything that could not pass as them was immediately attacked.''

''So we learned and created ways to hide ourselves amongst them, those few that discovered us either persecuted or accepted us. We became able to join, our once separated people once again.'' he said, as the images of tiny potion bottles appeared, which were immediately replaced with the images of people working construction, bars, doctors and even mafia members. All of which, were immediately shown, to be monsters under some sort of disguise

''We all knew, that in a couple of thousand years we could once again join our worlds completely together. With the creation of space flying technology, we could simply say we were a type of alien, a friendly one and move on. However, there were those that didn't accept this. They called themselves, Fairy Tale, they desired, power, the ability to rule, destroy and kill everything, to turn the world back into the dark age'' he said, his voice now heavy with regret. As the images of the nearby planets were shown, as well as the image of the man himself, agreeing with what looked like world leaders, in a meeting to stage a first contact.

''They released an ancient evil named Alucard, it took the combination of all of the world's forces to destroy the abomination. Who in turn broke the barrier separating our worlds, in an instant everything we had worked for was undone''

''As the energies of our world saturated the planet and mixed with its own, summoning something called a Blood Thirster. The creature killed and drove inane any who saw it. While at the same time, called forth more of its kind.'' he said, as the image of an upside down world appeared in the sky and hundreds of creatures literally emerged from the corpses of the dead and immediately began killing and drinking the blood of everyone Human, Youkai and animal. Men, women, and children, nothing was spared

''The abominations arrival, also brought forth something else. A creature that seduced all, driving them into frenzy one like none had ever seen before. To speak of what we saw that day, is to condemn one's soul, as its power wipers into one's ear even after death.'' he said, as the image of a creature that looked like a woman. Whose body was completely exposed, who was surrounded by…. The best way to describe it, it would be there was nothing pure left anywhere near it

Kiyone could only stare, this was almost exactly how her world fell, except instead of disease and madness. This one was drowned in violence and every vice imaginable. As she vomited what little content her stomach held, she noticed how the Captain seemed un waiving, firm almost uncaring, yet at she looked closer, she could see a slight feel of regret in his eyes.

''In the Universe, this is Monday. Don't blame yourself, or anyone else, it's impossible to save everyone. 1432 said, to the ghost woman behind him. Thoe he may have seemed cruel, those words were the only thing he could think of, after all this was his first encounter with chaos.

If you didn't count, how he and Julio ran away after they picked up the people who were currently on the ship

''We were forced to do the unthinkable. Everyone along with every Human that would listen prayed to the Humans Gods, hoping that at least one of them would hear our prayers. One listened, a golden light spoke in a tired yet powerful voice, block the Wap and I'll be able to take them away, however those that prevent the Warp from coming thru will be left behind.'' It said, to a room full of people who were kneeling down praying for help

Almost immediately a blast of golden light yanked everyone uncorrupted into a small bubble, inside a building far away from the area everyone was praying in.. Kiyone realized it was actually the library they were in right now.

''One by one, every spell caster died, holding the varior up,. As our remaining population vanishes, until only I remained, to see our world fell in under a single day. The golden light, had left some sort of poison for the creatures and their hold on the planet slowly disappeared over three thousand years.''

''In that time, I have gathered what little remained of everyone that has gone, please take care of it.'' he said as he vanished and the white room once again became a library

'';Julio, prepare a teleportation beam, were taking everything'' 1432 said his voice somehow sounding heavy

Rosario Vampire
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The disorienting feeling weightlessness took over, as the teleporter grabbed hold of the two of them, yet just as quickly as it came, it left. If someone were to ask both Kiyone and 1432 how it felt or what they saw.

They would say that one moment they were in a library, the next they were on the ships in control feeling like they had been a rooking ship that just would not stop moving.

''Welcome back Captain'' Julio said, as Alice ran up to 1432, along with her flying snail and immediately took his hand while instantly applying pressure to it. This caused 1432 to kneel down and place his remaining one on the girl's head and say.

''I couldn't take you with me. It's too dangerous to blindly walk around an unknown planet.'' 1432 said, until the flying snail jumped on his back and whistled. Making him laugh ''Alright, alright. That goes for you too young lady, I know how you get when you see new things.'' 1432 said, as the snail twisted its head almost as if it were asking what are you talking about

''Julio, where did you put everything'' 1432 asked, while still having a giant snail on his back and the small girl holding his hand

''I teleported everything to a cargo hold, it remains sealed in the opposite direction of the one, the refugees arrived in'' Julio informed 1432, whatever 1432 would have said, was immediately stopped as and explosion hit the ship so hard that it thrue him, Alice and their snail across the room

The only reason both the girl and the snail, weren't hurt was because 1432 made himself a ball around the girl, to protect her and the snail was on his back safely away from the wall

''Captain we're under attack'' Julio said, as he moved his hands up and down in the air using his help screen to try and see who it was. As the Infinity's sensors, seemed unable to pick up who it was that was attacking them.

''Open up all channels, lets try and reason with them. Fire when you get the chance'' 1432 , ordered Julio as he struggled to pick himself of the floor.

''Transmitting'' Julio said

''This is the Infinity, we have refugees aboard , do not fire. I repeat, we have refuges on board, don't fire.'' 1432 said, attempting to to get the attackers to stop while using the people on board as negotiation material

I have them. Captain, it appears to be Jurian warship. Captain, the Infinity is picking up a massive power build up.'' Julio said as he charged the Infinity's engines to enter Slipspace.

As the blue, purple portal opened in front of the Infinity and the ship managed to enter it. Julio noticed that they narrowly avoided a red beam of pure energy that was fired at them. As everyone let out a breath of relief, they all began to thank God it was over.

''Julio get me a head count, I want to know how many people we have injured, how many died. Allso give me a full damage report.'' 1432 ordered Julio

''Captain, the Infinity has suffered no damage, all tho Void Warriors, are functioning at 90%, and our hard light shields are at 40%. Also, I have no way of knowing how many injured we have at the moment.'' Julio answered 1432

''Put me on speaker.'' 1432 ordered, making Julio bow his head, letting 1432 know that he was currently now addressing the entire ship.

''This is your captain speaking, we were attacked by an enemy ship. I need everyone that has any kind of medical experience, to follow the yellow arrows to the onboard infirmary.''

'Any person capable of fighting follow the red arrows, it will take you to the armory. Everyone else take the elderly and the children to the infirmary '' 1432 said, as he made a cut sign on with his hand informing Julio to cut transmission

''Lieutenant, get all non corporals together, anyone that was not aboard this ship before the battle is to be killed without even a single thought I have no need for prisoners that I myself did not order.'' 1432 ordered Kiyone, even tho he couldn't see her at the moment

''Captain well be exiting Slipspace in a moment'' Julio informed 1432, as the dark empty void of slipspace vanished, immediately being replaced with the distant and empty void of space and star of the unknown Universe.

''Captain, I'm picking up a large amount of energy emerging near us, powering up all weapons.'' Julio informed 1432

''Get the Warp Drive ready, we're getting out of here.'' 1432 ordered Julio

''Captain that is ill advised, using the Warp would'' Julio said before 1432 stopped him

''I know, but there's something I have to know'' 1432 said, as the Jurian war ship emerged, only for it to be lost as the Infinity banished into the Warp ''Julio, can the Infinity survive activating both faster than light engines''

''The ship will not survive entering both realms simultaneously, but if you mean activating both drives for immediate transmission yes.''Julio answered

''Good cause if our weapons don't work, our faster than lights will.'' 1432 said

''I don't follow'' Julio said

''You heard me, were sending half the enemy into the Warp and the other half into Slipspace.'' 1432 answers, as the ship shook with the sound of something scratching at its walls, while Julio used a type of buffer to remove any sound from the ship's speakers. In an attempt to prevent the screams of agony, coming from the Warp from getting in the ship.

''Emerging from Warp now'' Julio said, as the chaotic whirlpool of disfigured color,, body parts and goop like existence of the Warp was left behind. Only for the Jurian warship to immediately emerge near them

''Firing salvos'' Julio said as he used all of the Infinitys long range weaponry only for it to be completely blocked by the Jurian's ships shields ''Captain our attack had no effect, I'm launching missiles now.'' Julio said, only for him to see the missiles be swatted aside, before they even made it near the Jurian ship

''Put this thru all signals. Attention Jurian Warship. For the good of your people, stop this attack or we will sentence you and everyone on board to a fate worse than death.'' 1432 said only for an image of a destroyed Infinity, to be sent back to him

''We tried'' Julio said in his odd mechanical voice, as he activated the Warp Drive making the chaotic portal appear near the enemy ship and immediately turned on, the Slipspace Drive making the Infinity shake, as the combined energies of both engines began to over wealm her.

So as the blue and purple portal, appeared behind the Jurian ship as it attempted to move away from the Warp portal in front of it. As both energies began to destabilize, normal space near them 1432 and Julio both noticed how the Warp seemed as if it was being attacked by the energies that made up Slip Space. Of course the same could be said the other way around, unfortunately for the enemy ship that was caught in between both energies, forcefully dragged it into them.

As the ship broke apart, Julio turned off both engines, to prevent the same from happening to the Infinity, only for the portals to continue to observe the enemy. The last thing both Julio and 1432 saw was a small pod, be launched from the enemy ship into a tip of portal away from them.

''Captain, the enemy has been destroyed.'' Julio informed 1432

''Everyone this is your Captain speaking, the enemy has been neutralized. It's over, put all of the weapons back, anyone caught with one will be forced to clean the ship from top to bottom. It a giant ship, you won't ever be done.

All of those with military experience, or have been in the police force meet me in the infirmary.''1432 said

''You do realize that the speakers weren't on. Don't worry though I recorded what you said and am now sending it thru the speakers.'' Julio said, strangely sounding amused, how he managed to do that with a mechanical voice 1432 would never know

''Julio, scan the surrounding space, while I see to our new crew. Before I leave, I want you to think about something. You know how games have a place for players to learn how to do things and everything, is low level. What if the Engineering sector, as well as any safe zone are these and we were told to stay away.

To keep us from making trouble, because we refused to be apart of that guys guild.'' 1432 said as he walked out of the room with both Alice and their flying snail

Alice could only stare at the man the giant monster told her was her father, as they walked down the ship's hallway, all the while several thoughts swirled around her mind ''Was he really her father? Is that why she never met him befor? It does explain why he feed her, and took care of her'' As she turned her head to see her new friend, the odd creature the Captain made appear out of the light.

''He did make her a friend and gave her a name. Her name was now Alice and it was a good name. Then he gave her new clothes, then he made her cleaner. Was he really her father, then why did he leave?'' She thought to herself, as they finally began to see people that were brought on board earlier. Except they were all leaning on the walls

''How is everyone'' 1432 said, as the people in front of him immediately flinched the moment they heard him

''We...we're ok Captain, just a little banged up.'' a man said as he held his hand. Only for 1432 to immediately take it and squeeze it.

''This arms broken. It's a serious crime to lie to a ship's Captain, however because of what you went thru. I'll over look it.'' 1432 said, as he laid claim to the man and immediately went to the character modifications and repairs the man's broken arm

''My arm, thank you Captain.'' the man said only for 1432 to walk pass him and say ''Help those around you, take them to the infirmary, I'll be looking for those injured.''

Alice could only stare as the injured man was cured, after the Captain moved his hands in front of him. As they walked down the hall, he did the same for a woman who had a broken leg, and told her the same thing.

When they arrived near a boy, who was breathing over and over again, lie he would run out of air. He place his hand on the boy's head and immediately hugged him. This made the boy cry and scream as he immediately hugged the Captain. As the boy cried, a woman ran towards him and immediately took the boy.

She was his mother, apparently they had been separated as they ran to the infirmary.

They did this for a while, but eventually they made to the hospital. Only for the room to be met by the same girl he had spoken to in the kitchen earlier that day.

''Captain, more than half the people are injured, there's a lot of technology here, but we don't know how to use most of it'' the young woman said, as she held onto a small tablet, that showed the health of everyone laying down on one of the beads

''Are these all of the people, that are too injured to move around on their own.'' 1432 said, as he turned to look at the woman

''Yes'' she answered

''Alice, I need you to dome a big girl job for me. Give this to everyone standing around, make sure everyone writes in it. It will change colors and it wont let those, who already wrote down their names on it writ it again. The same goes for you'' 1432 said, as he took a pair of tablets from the desk, that was conveniently near the infirmary door, and handed them to Alice and her flying snail.

The moment 1432 said those words, he walked towards the nearest bead, leaving the small girl and her pet to be swarmed by the people who heard what he had said. The problems began as soon as they started, as parents had to write down their children's names, only that the tablet stopped them the moment they tried.

The thing was that some of them, started to argue and say how were infants, how were they supposed to write their own names. Things became even more problematic as the people around them as they tried to calm them down, only for them to begin to shove them, and say that first their whole world is attacked by monsters.

Then the ship is attacked not once but twice and now they're being forced to do an impossible thing. Everything seemed like it would spill over into a fight, had a Servo Skull not shot at the wall near the people who were starting to attack everyone. Standing next to it, was a hologram of the monster, the same one he had used to tell the Captain, no her father to go to where he was earlier

''I have heard you problems and have already put the children's names down. Do not start trouble on this ship'' Julio's holographic form said

''Why should we listen to some machine'' said a man whose eyes, looked like they would pop out of his head

''My name is Julio second in command of this ship I am also this ship's navigator. I repeat do not start any trouble or else I will do what's necessary.'' Julio said, as the Servo Skulls laser aimed at the man's head, immediately shooting at him with a small dart

This made everyone around him gasp and back off. This man is going thru Post Traumatic Stress disorder. Everything that's happened, has been too much for him. Please take him to one of the ship's rooms, make sure he stays there.'' Julio said, before addressing everyone else

''I understand this is very hard for all of you, but please remember were doing the best we can. So please sign your names and what you used to work in as well as any skill you have. If you have any trouble simply say it, I'll be listening'' Julio said, before vanishing leaving his Servo Skull near Alice

They had started at two and finished at five. Or at least that what the time on the tablet said, in all honestly Alice didn't even know, all she cared about was going back to the man. So as her friend, and the monsters flying Skull entered the Infirmary holding their tablets in their hands. Well tentacles, because her friend didn't have hands, they heard him speak.

''The're we go that's all of them''1432 said, as he wiped the sweat of his head

''Captain all vitals are clear, but how did you.''' the same girl from earlier said, before 1432 cut her off

''Everything's automated. I told you that earlier, when I said it in front of everyone.'' 1432 said, as he used his help screen to find, a tutorial to the infirmaries equipment ''Look in the looker you'll find a tutorial for all of the equipment in here, I won't always be available to help you in here miss'' 1432 said, only for him to realize he hadn't bothered to ask the the girls name

''My names Yuzu Kurosari'' the girl answered, only for Alice to jump in and hug 1432 tightly behind his back

''Did you already finished''1432 asked Alice, only for him to receive an angered look

''Miss tell me, were you a nurse or perhaps a doctor'' 1432 asks Yuzu, only for Alice to tighten her hug as he spoke

''I helped in my parents clinic, along with my sister'' yuzu said only for her eyes to regain the distant look she had earlier, that day

''Captain please come to the bridge'' Julio said, only that this time his voice came thru the Servo Skulls speaker

''Excuse me, please look into the tutorial'' 1432 said as he turned and walked away, somehow managing this with an eight year old with a vice gripe attached to him

Alice didn't bother looking up, that girl wanted to take her dad away and he had finally taken her away from all of the bad people. So she did the best thing she could think of, she held onto him like crazy, he was her dad after all.

After all the monster protected her, and said the Captain was her father. That meant, something she didn't know what but she would figure it out later

''So what do we have'' 1432 asked

''Well one four, were completely lost again. Only that this time we're way lost. Check your map'' Julio told 1432, only to get a what the hell from him

''We did two random jumps, with two vastly different faster than lights. Be glad we're not all dead. Now for the bad news, the are were on has a space faring race and they saw the whole fight.

Also, we can't use any faster than light until the Infinity cools down, so we're stuck with our basic engines'' Julio informed 1432

''Can't we just turn around'' 1432 asks

''I can do that, but we might have to go thru this place again. So its better we meet them now, plus we just took down a ship that was a million times stronger than anything they're using'' Julio answered

''How long?'' 1432 asks

''About an hour, until we have to meet them. Five until we can safely jump'' Julio answers

''Dam'' 1432 said, with Alice still stuck to him
Else wear
A voice ''The exploration ships, to be a man in one these, is to be one of many growing number of the safe zones braves and most revered individuals. Many that set out, into the unknown never return, others go completely insane. While many more are known to create vast empires, all of which always return to the Safe Zone to share the wealth of their new kingdoms''

''Lead by the most battle hardened veterans ever known, their skills unmatched, their ability to remain calm in battle is stuff of legends. It's said that a single ship, took on an entire Tyranid Hive fleet and won

Many spend their entire lives, polishing their skills just to get a chance to work in one.''

''Beneath them, are the defense fleet, retired veterans of the exploration ships. All who have sworn to protect the Safe Zone from, hostile aliens, deranged robots, insane god's, traitors and many more unspeakable things.''

''Beneath them are the many schools, each one teaching everything from technology, magic, medicine and spiritual protection. There is a saying that those who enter these schools are known to be the bravest men and woman ever to be see. Because, they are all fully aware of what they encounter in the outside.''

''Equally as important is the medical corps, no one that has ever entered one of these buildings has ever come out the same. There is rumor that a drop out, hid himself inside an exploration ship. He then saved three thousand lives, repaired several machines and the Captain absolutely refused to hand him over. When the leader of the Engineering sector found out he had boarded the ship''

''The reason, the man had proven himself and anyone capable of doing, what he did was under the Captain's protection.''

''Then there are the agrecortial worlds, these are known to be paradise, for nearly all of the sectors people live in one of our vast space stations. Those who choose to live on planets are respected, for they know what out there and still live their lives unprotected.''

''Then there's us, the low level janitors, our job is to clean everything. But you know what one day I'll be on one of those ships, who knows maybe one day I'll be a Captain too'' said the owner of the voice, only to be stopped when a hologram appeared in front of the girl's face who he was speaking too

''What!'' she let out a scream

As he turned to look at what she saw, he read what the hologram said Yuzu Kurosaki, is hereby accepted as the Infinity's 1432 on board Doctor, all family friends are welcomed aboard, should they choose to. This honor is brought about, her ability to keep a cool head in combat, maintaining critical points under control, several acts of unsporting command in tight situations. As well as several small feats, such as usage of unknown machinery to help, ailing, or sick individuals.

Therefor, all family and friends members are allowed on board the Infinity, when she returns

''Wow your sister did all that'' he says, as the girl runs of

''Dad'' she screams, before the man stops her

''I know'' he says before he enters a room, whose sign reads director

''Sorry for barging in like this, but what does this mean'' he says to the controller, of the Engineering sector

The man just raises an eyebrow and says ''Hey could you send Ichigo Kurosaki over to my office, just beam him over please'' In an instant a young man with orange hair, white shirt and holding a mop appears

''Okay let's start. First of all congratulations, on having an outstanding daughter.'' the man says

''Wait, what happened?''asked Ichigo

''Look'' said Karin, as she handed her brother the hologram. Her long black hair, heavily contradicting her bleach white shirt. As her dark eyes showed a hint of worry

''I take it from, your son's question that you don't know just how rare it is what your daughter has accomplished.'' the man says as he looks at Isshin Kurosaki ''Men and Women, spend their entire lives just hoping, to be allowed onto a ship, many will never leave the stations they're in.''

''Those few that do make it, are usually just for the defense fleet, it's extremely rare, for a greenhorn to make it on an exploration ship. It's almost impossible, for someone to be requested, or for their love ones and friends to be welcomed. Your daughter has achieved the impossible.''

''Now the reason, I summoned your son here, is o that I may be perfectly clear with all of you. Three days ago that ship, helped rescue several of your people from your dying world. Since then, it has been in combat with an alien race that makes its technology seem like rocks, going up against a Sun, and won both encounters.''

''There is no doubt, that the Captain of that ship is worth every one of his strips. Now in that time, your daughter, has proven herself, along with eight hundred people, worthy of being allowed to be on that ship. Somehow someway, she managed to impress both the Captain, and vice Captain, enough to guarantee, your entire family a spot on the ship.''

''A lot of people are going to approach all of you, if your daughter, sister was capable of doing this. What could any of you do. Think about what I just said.

Now because of her new, position, I will contact the Captain, and ask to be allowed to place you in one of his larger stations. Of course, this will extend to your planets, surviving people''

''Believe me you'll love it, its called the Greater Ark, and believe me you won't even believe your not on a planet.'' he says before he dismisses them ''Oh and before I forget, try calling her to say congratulations.''
Meanwhile back on the Infinity
1432 stared at the tablet both Alice and her friend handed him, its was odd considering she had given it to him, while she was latched onto him. One would say, that seeing a little girl hugging a person's leg to be normal.

The thing is, that after three minutes her Harugok started imitating her. Either the snail was learning thru Alice's behavior, or the thing just thought this kind of stuff was normal. Whatever the case 1432 now had a little girl on one leg, while he had a giant flying snail on the other

''One Four, it seems they've really become attached to you.'' said Julio, as he disconnected himself from the Infinity's system

''Yeh they do, I feel like the time both my brother and my nephew, did this so I would buy them stuff.'' 1432 said as he exhaled ''It wasn't pleasant then, it isn't now. These two weigh a lot.'' 1432 answers

Hearing those words Julio knelled down to Alice's height, or at least how low he could get kneeling, considering he was still the same size as 1432, while he knelled down. Further emphasizing his height, while he stood.

''Alice, your father and I are about to do something important. Please release him, right now.''Julio said, only to have Alice latch onto 1432 even tighter.

It was at this moment that 1432's hand brushed off on Alice's head and began to pat it. Making her look up. ''You're scared of Julio aren't you. Don't worry as long as I'm here he won't ever do anything. Now take this, back to the infirmary, there's a lot of injured children, go play with them.'' 1432 said, only to spot and do the same thing with the flying snail.

''That goes the same for you, Haku. Yeah that will be your name Haku.'' 1432 said only to receive an angry sounding whistle. ''So you think, haku is a boys name. How about Martha.'' 1432 responded, only for the snail's tentacles to wrap themselves around his chest almost as if they were giving him a hug.

Slowly but surely lice let go of 1432, while Martha simply released him. Taking both tablets back to the infirmary with them.

''We can't use half of them, there not caught out for being on a ship. The other half, is either too traumatized, to scared, or trying to deal with everything.'1432 said to Julio the moment they were alone

''How long have we been wake?'' 1432 asks Julio

''Ever since we got on the Infinity, it's been three days.'' Julio answered, while he placed his hands on his helmet. Making it immediately realize a hiss and detach itself from him, revealing his pale skin, his dark brown eyes and an extremely short hair cut.

''So that's how you look like'' 1432 said as he looked at Julio

''Yeah, One four earlier you said your name was Jose right. Was that your real name, I mean not the name you have on the game.'' Julio asked 1432

''Yeah. I was never a 40K fan, I mean I read the Fanfics and watched the tutorials on YouTube, but this was my first game'' 1432 answers Julio

''You're taking it well. I'm guessing you're like me and don't have any real attachment to our Earth.'' Julio said, now sounding more concerned, than ever before

''Yeah, I mean my family is there, but nothing else and even then I haven't talked to them in years. So what about you''1432 answers Julio

''First yes Julio is my real name, second no I never played a game on a ship. I always stuck to hand to hand, or first person shooters. As for my life on Earth, let's just leave it at, as long as you don't do anything truly horrible, I'll always be your pilot Captain.'' Julio answered 1432, before turning his head to see a large phone appear on the Infinity's screen

''Captain we're receiving communication, from the Engineering sector.'' Julio informed 1432

''Put them thru'' 1432 answer

''Ah good we managed to contact you two. First of all congratulations on your, victories over the Jurian warships'' said the leader of the Engineering sector

''Wait how do you know that have you been spying on us.'' asked\demanded 1432

''Your ship, sends back to us everything you guys do. While we admit we don't care what you do, so enslaving, and having your way with your passengers isn't our problem. But your combat or weapons are.

Like it or not, you're a danger to us'' the leader answered

''So care to inform why you called us.'' demanded Julio

''Yes, yes, you see when you accepted those people you unwillingly made your selves responsible for their love ones. This includes their planets people, we know you have both the Ark and the Great Ark.

Before you argue, look at your information regarding the area of taking on crew, normally this wouldn't be an issue, but considering their families are currently living in this area, they fall under the protection law'' answered the leader

''So you want access to the Ark'' 1432 said

''No we want you to accept responsibility, just go to your help screen and click on yes. You're not the only Halo player, so your material isn't needed.'' the leader answered

''Food, water, medicine and cloths'' 1432 answers

''Done'' the leader said, only for 1432 to press accept on his help screen

''We don't have time to continue'' Julio informed 1432 as he signaled several small ships, that were heading towards the infinity

''Somehow, I feel like if we have changed.'' 1432 said, as the transmission was cut off and he looked as his hands. At that moment his hands shifted or moved underneath their skin, finally fusing himself with his avatar.

At the same time Julio's skull seemed to move underneath itself ''I guess that means there's no going back now.'' Julio said as he put his helmet back on

''This is the Infinity, we mean no hostile intent. Should you attack we will defend ourselves'' 1432 said as the small smooth ships stopped in front of the Infinity

''This is Admiral Steven Hackett. We mean no hostile intent, we have seen your battle, this is our standard procedure.'' the admiral of the ship's answered

''Well be out of your hair in a few hours Admiral, until then how about we trade a few technologies.'' 1432 answers.

''That would be acceptable'' Hakett answered

''Follow the blinking lights'' Julio said as he opened the Infinity's hanger door

''You ready'' 1432 asked Julio, only to see Julio summon three Servo Skulls, and four Servitors ,and immediately arm them with both lass guns and flamethrowers

''Yeah I'm ready, how about you.'' Julio answered

''Give me a second.'' 1432 said as he summoned three Promethean's all of which were equipped with a plasma gun and a plasma swords ''Alright let's go meet the neighbors'' 1432 said as he began to walk
Spell casters, witches, phykers, spiritualist, shamans, healers, scribes along with many of their variations. Can be found all over the Universe, players should keep in mind, that the higher the level your spell caster is. The more protection it will need.

As a low level character there is always a possibility, that your character might be attacked, by demons. However as your level increases, so does the possibility of you having to fight the demonic forces of.

Like all other characters, it is possible to learn the skills of other spell casters. For example, an Eldar could learn the ability to speak to the forest, similar to an Avatar of Nature. The same goes for a Imperial Grey knight, who can learn but is not limited to the far sight of an Eldar Far seer.

The jobs available are plenty yet few, do to the fact that most spell casters are usually weaker than most soldiers. The jobs offered, but are not limited to.Cooking, healing, vanquishing demons, creating fortresses, recording the events that have unfolded. Treasure hunting, reviving the dead and so forth.
mass effect
Pove change
A few minutes earlier. Vice Admiral Steven Hackett, no recently promoted Admiral Steven Hackett, was having a ruff day. Oddly enough it was the same day he had just been promoted, which in turn should have been a good day.

The reason today the world would know about the new planets, the System Alliance had discovered beyond the Relay.

So to make it a big deal, as well as to show the people back home, how going thru faster than light looked, a satellite drone was sent there. There hadn't been so many people, looking at their televisions, for a space announcement since the discovery on Mars.

Except, something happened that no one expected. Just as the satellite was about to reach the relay that was hidden underneath Pluto, [apparently it was never a planet, but a ball of ice]. Did the drone catch something unthinkable, two massive alien space crafts, completely dwarfing anything the Alliance could field.

One looked like it was made out of wood, its body was smooth, the color was brown, with a giant red oval in the center, obviously the control center. While the other was something Humanity would design, rough edged, with a hint of elegance, it was definitely a predator.

From the footage its body was completely covered in guns, the dark metallic body, could only be distinguished from the space around it, because of the lights on its body, however unlike the wooden looking ship.

This one had no separate parts that floated around the ship, no this was a single piece and a dangerous one. Hackett could only stare when the drone seemed as it had been hacked, and a recording was sent true.

''Attention Jurian Warship. For the good of your people, stop this attack or we will sentence you and everyone on board to a fate worse than death.''

The next thing they knew was that two separate portals were opened up near the smooth wooden looking ship, they tore true it like hot knife thru butter. From what the recording showed, both portals held their own gravity fields.

Now the giant dark ship, that destroyed another one, that by appearances looked even more advanced, was headed straight for Humanity's home system. So he did the best he could and rallied together, every ship he could, only for the aliens to send a transmission, to his own ship.

The sight that greeted them made nearly everyone in his ship, what he could only imagine was both the rest of the fleet and Humanities planets stand in silence.

''This is the Infinity we mean no hostile intent, should you attack we will defend ourselves.''

They looked Human, or at least the one who was speaking to him. He quickly regained his composure, remembering that these people had completely overtaken the satellites like if it was nothing.

''This is Steven Hackett, this is merely standard procedure.'' he quickly answered

''Understood, well be out of your hair in a few hours, until then how about we trade in some technology.'' the man from the alien ship said, so casually. Almost as if he was used to doing this, all of the time.

''Please follow the yellow lights'' said a massive bulk of metal. It was more than abius an attack bot. There was no way that thing could be a living creature, but Hackett immediately dismissed those thought.

If these were really aliens , then his perception of normal could go out the window, in a second.

So as they cut transmission, and called in home for any help. The only thing he received was that he and his fleet would be, the first people to make contact with an alien race. One that completely out classed Humanity in all scales.

They just said to secure some technology, and for the love of God don't start a war.

To be honest that was easier said than done especially after what the aliens said next.

Please send us who will be negotiating with, we will teleport them and their guards on board, of course we will let the rest of your fleet see everything.

These people had teleportation technology, something they once thought of as impossible. Hackett quickly pointed himself, Samantha Shepard, and John Harper as the contact team, with eight guards for each of them, from all over the fleet.
In an instant they felt themselves, move and then they were all in a simple white room, with a table and several black chairs.

As they looked confused, at the room a voice from behind them caught their attention.

''Perhaps we made a mistake, and you do not use any of these things'' said the same man wearing an old world war two uniform, the same one who had spoken to him earlier. Besides him several creatures made out of light, their bodies somewhat insectoid, made of a smooth silver metal.

Each one had a type of floating material, or object around it. Then came a the massive machine. ''Excuse me Captain, we are in a time schedule'' it said, as it enters the room with several machines that looked almost like if they were mixed in with organic life.

''Right thanks Julio'' the man said ''I am Captain 1432, and this is my Vice captain Julio. Shall we begin after we introduce yourselves,'' the mans said.

Haket could only feel his heart stop, the man said that thing was his vice Captain, that meant that thing was alive and if so. That thing was only wearing an armor.

''Ye, I am Steven Hackett Admiral of the System Alliance, this is Colonel Samantha Sheppard , and Captain John Harper.''
mass effect
The man in the old world war two uniform looked confused, at them almost as if he didn't know what to do. ''Please, take your seats'' he said, as he stared at the chairs, almost as if he had no idea of what to do with them

As each of them took their seats only then did he sit down, yet neither did his machines or his supposed vice captain.

''I hope you don't mind but we are kind of on a schedule. 1432 said as he signaled to Julio ''I'm afraid, my vice captain won't be able to take a seat along with us. You see he's much to heavy for any material in this room.''

Haket looked at the giant and his machines, the first looked smooth clean, like as if they had been created with the idea of elegance along with deadliness. He could feel a slight edge, from them. Yet the others, looked rough, dirty almost as if they had been designed to terrify anyone near them.

Unlike the first, they seemed almost as if any given moment, they would disobey orders and slaughter everyone in the room.

''That was quite a show earlier.'' said John Harper, immediately gaining the man in the out dated soldier uniforms attention

''An unfortunate incident. Space is filled with dangers, after all, they make one do things, they regret'' answered 1432

''I'm sorry 1432 is it, but what could we possibly offer you. I mean you have one impressive ship?'' asks, Samantha Sheppard

''You have kids, there for I want this.'' 1432 said, as the images of every single toy available, was shown all over the screens, that all of a sudden covered the entire room

''You want toys?'' asked Admiral Hackett

The man frowned and looked at the giant almost as if he was asking something. Yet no words were spoke, ''Your device may I see it.'' 1432 asked Samantha Sheppard, as he signaled towards her Omnitool

In the short moments they had before getting near the alien craft, they had been searched for anything that might endanger the System Alliance. So the moment he had asked a simple nod from Haket was all Samantha needed to allow the Human looking alien to take it.

''Well acting like an idiot worked.'' 1432 thought to himself, as his help screen showed he had equipped the omnitool he had gotten from the woman. The moment he got the chance he immediately asked its memory and copied everything all at once.

If he had to put it in words he would have said, it looked like someone had thrown a bunch of images and sounds together, because a mixture of everything flashed before his eyes in an instant. The moment it was over he simply said ''Ah I see''

Hackett knew the moment the omnitool, flashed that these were not Humans, no these thing looked Human but the weren't. He had caught sight, of Egyptian writing, over American, over Japanese,over Israeli.

This thing in front of him, had read every language on the planet in a matter of seconds, not only that but it had caused all of the earths information using a device that wasn't even supposed to reach that far.

''I offer in exchange this'' 1432 said, as he summoned a second Covenant Plasma Sword, thankfully this time it appeared in front of him in the middle of the table. Then he reached to his waist and pulled out his forerunner pistol

''Technologically speaking this is as far as I can trade with you. You haven't made it this far yet.''1432 said, as he handed Samantha Sheppard her omnitool back

''I'm afraid you ask for a lot'' Admiral Hackett said as he looked at both the glowing blue blade, that appeared out of thin air, and the gun the man had put in front of him

''Those are hard light bullets'' 1432 said, while attempting to counter Jackets statement, however knowing he couldn't afford to let anyone get their bearings he continued.

''The sword is made of concentrated plasma, and the gun doesn't need to aim to hit its target. Tell me how one of every toy is asking for a lot.'' 1432 said, as he saw the three people in the room, actually lose their composure, as they stared at the two objects in front of them

''We'll need to talk to our people back home'' Hackett answered back

''Be my guess'' 1432 said as, he waited for them to send their message. Which was odd considering he thought that they didn't get any reception while inside the Infinity.

''We can do half, in half an hour.'' admiral Hackett answered

''Choose''1432 answered immediately, but the entire room just stared at him ''Half for half'' he answered hoping to get everyone's eyes of him, only for the room to be filled with a giant whistle

As the marines escorting pulled their weapons ready to fire, Alice and Martha entered the room. Immediately hiding behind Julio the moment they saw the guns aimed at them, which in turn made both the Prometheans charge their plasma swords, and the servitors aim their weapons at the Alliance Marines

The tension in the room was so tight, that no one dared to make a move. Only when a voice shouting to put them down did it calm itself out. 1432 would later find out it had been Hackett, who was ordering his escorts to put their weapons down

'' The deal has already been made however you and your escorts will have to wait on your own ship' said 1432 only to notice that a single image, of a little boy was shown on the wall next to Samantha sheppard.

He had short black hair, a white shirt, and was holding a toy dinosaur.

''Martha make me one of those'' 1432 order his flying snail, which in turn went up to one of the chairs and made a toy transformer action figure, 1432 immediately added to Sheppard ''A peace offering'' he said

Only for Samantha to hand him back a small necklace she was wearing ''As an apology.'' she answered

So as Admiral Hackett chose the gun and was immediately sent back to his ship. Everyone waited for half an hour for the ship carrying all of the toys to show up, when it did all of its cargo instantly banished only the crew was left, untouched

Years later Hackett would look back and remember how the world reacted, to the discovery of not only the ship, the aliens that looked Human, but the fact that a gun that no one could make heads or tails out of existed

''Yet it wasn't until a year later that a Nerd from the internet would show to the world the amount of technology Humanity had reverse engineered from the toy Sheppard had been given. Because five years later, they were still discovering new things from it..
The body itself appeared mostly metallic, that is appeared however under closer inspection, it was covered in tightly night together wiring. Every layer seemed almost as if it had been built for a purpose, the scientist who were in charge of inspecting it, compared dismantling the toy, to dissecting a living organism.

Still between both the weapon and the toy, Humanity heavily benefited. Not only did the know there were aliens out there, but they were certain that some of them dwarfed Humanity by a large portion. Luckily they weren't all hostile, but from what the Alliance and its people had seen.

Those very same races could and would strike back if provoked. So as the years passed huge technological breakthroughs were accomplished with both Element Zero, and without it, it would be those same breakthroughs that propelled Humanity in their first encounter with the Citadel Council and the dangerous Tuarian Empire.

So as he walked down the stairs in the welcoming ceremony, into the larger galaxy, Hackett along with both John and their good friend Samantha remembered that as advanced as their new allies are, they still had a long way to go. But still that was a path for the next generation to follow.
Back on the Infinity
''God I'm glad that's over'' 1432 said as Alice held on to his leg

''So mind telling me why you only asked for toys when we could have asked for ships'' Julio asked\ demanded

''Simple my friend. The reason, we got everything else'' 1432 answered as he began to show Julio everything he had downloaded, into his help screens memory, as well as somehow managing to send half of it into the Infinity's computer.

That way managing to gather all of the Alliances information.

''So you stole everything, from them.'' Julio pointed out while looking at the recently stolen helicopter designs. ''So how does this help us?'' he asked

''Simple, we still need to build everything, right. Look let me cut clean with you, look at the Prometheans I have, noticed something'' 1432 asked Julio

''They're all different designs, wait you're not able to summon the same thing. One four what level are you'' Julio asked genuinely concerned

'Fifteen.'' 1432 answers ''I've notice something, were still bound by the game's mechanics when we use the help screens, however. This isn't a game, meaning that we can get around that problem. Right now I have a ship, full of people and what I can asoom are gohst.

We need food, medicine and weapons''

''We have the first two but were lacking in the later. Look they need someway to pass the time, so they now have tv shows and what not. But we need ships, to defend the Infinity, or to at least be able to go down onto a planet.

Lets face it, sooner or later were going to have to fight, either hand to hand when we get boarded. Or by tanks, when we have to go to war'' 1432 explained to Julio, as the image of the universe appeared behind him

''Even if what you say is true, were still ways away from any of the tags'' Julio answered, until he looked at the map again ''The maps changed'' he said

''Were still bound by the game's mechanics, but were also bound by everything else two.'' 1432 said, as the images of several tags, were shown moving away from what was marked as Warhammer Space

''We're heavily out gunned right now.''1432 told Julio, his tone now more serious than anything, the Space Marine had heard before

''My level is one hundred and fifty however, I only stuck to planetary combat. So I am at your command Captain'' Julio answered, as he looked at Alice and Martha ''So what do you plan to do now'' he asked

''Now we find a good and empty spot to get this hip and its people in shape. We've been fighting and running ever since we got on board, plus we have a lot of loot we have to search thru'' so find us a good spot number one'' 1432 said with a smile on his face

Julio could only smile, he had just the place ''Captain, do you think you could summon, a small ship?'' he asked

''Yeah, just tell me how small were talking'' 1432 answers

''Around a cruiser size, I have just the planet. The Infinity's systems found it, a couple of minutes ago. It's a water world, with only a few land masses in it. Half the planet is salt water, the other is fresh, with the center being the area where the two mix. A perfect vacation spot'' Julio explained

''Good will rotate, that way we can both search thru the stuff, and neither of us can complain about who got more. Were also going to have to talk about how we're going to manage the crew''1432 said

''Yeah but right now let's take things one step at a time'' Julio answered, as he set course towards the nearby planet.

So as 1432 walked out with Alice and their flying snail, Julio began to think to himself that there was no way he and 1432 could have, survived those encounters earlier. Those Jurian ships dwarfed them en every category, he had assumed that 1432 was just that high a level, or that he had some sort of gear that allowed them to beat that one ship and outrun the other.

The thing was that he didn't have either, that was pure skill. That worried him.

Levels didn't mean much anymore, in a game the player with the highest level usually wins any encounter with another player or a beast they encounter. This is actually negated if his opponent either has an ability or a special equipment on them that helps them.

For example, having a healer allows a player, to keep fighting longer, or having a special weapon allows him to attack with greater strength that they normally would. Any idiot could tell you that, but they didn't have any of that.

Then there was the other thing, he hadn't said anything earlier, but he noticed it back when they had first encountered the Jurian's. 1432 had stayed strangely quiet, almost as if he had noticed something, this was all but confirmed when they encountered the N.P.C's

1432 had ordered the Infinity to hack the Alliances computers, but it wasn't able to. That was when he asked that woman for her device. Their help screens still had the ability to bypass computers. Then that meant their storage spaces, still worked.

He mentally kicked himself for not thinking about it earlier. He had just been using what he had on him, back in the Hive City. 1432 was thinking ahead of time, almost as if he was expecting something to go wrong and that worried him.