mass effect
Pove change
A few minutes earlier. Vice Admiral Steven Hackett, no recently promoted Admiral Steven Hackett, was having a ruff day. Oddly enough it was the same day he had just been promoted, which in turn should have been a good day.

The reason today the world would know about the new planets, the System Alliance had discovered beyond the Relay.

So to make it a big deal, as well as to show the people back home, how going thru faster than light looked, a satellite drone was sent there. There hadn't been so many people, looking at their televisions, for a space announcement since the discovery on Mars.

Except, something happened that no one expected. Just as the satellite was about to reach the relay that was hidden underneath Pluto, [apparently it was never a planet, but a ball of ice]. Did the drone catch something unthinkable, two massive alien space crafts, completely dwarfing anything the Alliance could field.

One looked like it was made out of wood, its body was smooth, the color was brown, with a giant red oval in the center, obviously the control center. While the other was something Humanity would design, rough edged, with a hint of elegance, it was definitely a predator.

From the footage its body was completely covered in guns, the dark metallic body, could only be distinguished from the space around it, because of the lights on its body, however unlike the wooden looking ship.

This one had no separate parts that floated around the ship, no this was a single piece and a dangerous one. Hackett could only stare when the drone seemed as it had been hacked, and a recording was sent true.

''Attention Jurian Warship. For the good of your people, stop this attack or we will sentence you and everyone on board to a fate worse than death.''

The next thing they knew was that two separate portals were opened up near the smooth wooden looking ship, they tore true it like hot knife thru butter. From what the recording showed, both portals held their own gravity fields.

Now the giant dark ship, that destroyed another one, that by appearances looked even more advanced, was headed straight for Humanity's home system. So he did the best he could and rallied together, every ship he could, only for the aliens to send a transmission, to his own ship.

The sight that greeted them made nearly everyone in his ship, what he could only imagine was both the rest of the fleet and Humanities planets stand in silence.

''This is the Infinity we mean no hostile intent, should you attack we will defend ourselves.''

They looked Human, or at least the one who was speaking to him. He quickly regained his composure, remembering that these people had completely overtaken the satellites like if it was nothing.

''This is Steven Hackett, this is merely standard procedure.'' he quickly answered

''Understood, well be out of your hair in a few hours, until then how about we trade in some technology.'' the man from the alien ship said, so casually. Almost as if he was used to doing this, all of the time.

''Please follow the yellow lights'' said a massive bulk of metal. It was more than abius an attack bot. There was no way that thing could be a living creature, but Hackett immediately dismissed those thought.

If these were really aliens , then his perception of normal could go out the window, in a second.

So as they cut transmission, and called in home for any help. The only thing he received was that he and his fleet would be, the first people to make contact with an alien race. One that completely out classed Humanity in all scales.

They just said to secure some technology, and for the love of God don't start a war.

To be honest that was easier said than done especially after what the aliens said next.

Please send us who will be negotiating with, we will teleport them and their guards on board, of course we will let the rest of your fleet see everything.

These people had teleportation technology, something they once thought of as impossible. Hackett quickly pointed himself, Samantha Shepard, and John Harper as the contact team, with eight guards for each of them, from all over the fleet.
In an instant they felt themselves, move and then they were all in a simple white room, with a table and several black chairs.

As they looked confused, at the room a voice from behind them caught their attention.

''Perhaps we made a mistake, and you do not use any of these things'' said the same man wearing an old world war two uniform, the same one who had spoken to him earlier. Besides him several creatures made out of light, their bodies somewhat insectoid, made of a smooth silver metal.

Each one had a type of floating material, or object around it. Then came a the massive machine. ''Excuse me Captain, we are in a time schedule'' it said, as it enters the room with several machines that looked almost like if they were mixed in with organic life.

''Right thanks Julio'' the man said ''I am Captain 1432, and this is my Vice captain Julio. Shall we begin after we introduce yourselves,'' the mans said.

Haket could only feel his heart stop, the man said that thing was his vice Captain, that meant that thing was alive and if so. That thing was only wearing an armor.

''Ye, I am Steven Hackett Admiral of the System Alliance, this is Colonel Samantha Sheppard , and Captain John Harper.''
mass effect
The man in the old world war two uniform looked confused, at them almost as if he didn't know what to do. ''Please, take your seats'' he said, as he stared at the chairs, almost as if he had no idea of what to do with them

As each of them took their seats only then did he sit down, yet neither did his machines or his supposed vice captain.

''I hope you don't mind but we are kind of on a schedule. 1432 said as he signaled to Julio ''I'm afraid, my vice captain won't be able to take a seat along with us. You see he's much to heavy for any material in this room.''

Haket looked at the giant and his machines, the first looked smooth clean, like as if they had been created with the idea of elegance along with deadliness. He could feel a slight edge, from them. Yet the others, looked rough, dirty almost as if they had been designed to terrify anyone near them.

Unlike the first, they seemed almost as if any given moment, they would disobey orders and slaughter everyone in the room.

''That was quite a show earlier.'' said John Harper, immediately gaining the man in the out dated soldier uniforms attention

''An unfortunate incident. Space is filled with dangers, after all, they make one do things, they regret'' answered 1432

''I'm sorry 1432 is it, but what could we possibly offer you. I mean you have one impressive ship?'' asks, Samantha Sheppard

''You have kids, there for I want this.'' 1432 said, as the images of every single toy available, was shown all over the screens, that all of a sudden covered the entire room

''You want toys?'' asked Admiral Hackett

The man frowned and looked at the giant almost as if he was asking something. Yet no words were spoke, ''Your device may I see it.'' 1432 asked Samantha Sheppard, as he signaled towards her Omnitool

In the short moments they had before getting near the alien craft, they had been searched for anything that might endanger the System Alliance. So the moment he had asked a simple nod from Haket was all Samantha needed to allow the Human looking alien to take it.

''Well acting like an idiot worked.'' 1432 thought to himself, as his help screen showed he had equipped the omnitool he had gotten from the woman. The moment he got the chance he immediately asked its memory and copied everything all at once.

If he had to put it in words he would have said, it looked like someone had thrown a bunch of images and sounds together, because a mixture of everything flashed before his eyes in an instant. The moment it was over he simply said ''Ah I see''

Hackett knew the moment the omnitool, flashed that these were not Humans, no these thing looked Human but the weren't. He had caught sight, of Egyptian writing, over American, over Japanese,over Israeli.

This thing in front of him, had read every language on the planet in a matter of seconds, not only that but it had caused all of the earths information using a device that wasn't even supposed to reach that far.

''I offer in exchange this'' 1432 said, as he summoned a second Covenant Plasma Sword, thankfully this time it appeared in front of him in the middle of the table. Then he reached to his waist and pulled out his forerunner pistol

''Technologically speaking this is as far as I can trade with you. You haven't made it this far yet.''1432 said, as he handed Samantha Sheppard her omnitool back

''I'm afraid you ask for a lot'' Admiral Hackett said as he looked at both the glowing blue blade, that appeared out of thin air, and the gun the man had put in front of him

''Those are hard light bullets'' 1432 said, while attempting to counter Jackets statement, however knowing he couldn't afford to let anyone get their bearings he continued.

''The sword is made of concentrated plasma, and the gun doesn't need to aim to hit its target. Tell me how one of every toy is asking for a lot.'' 1432 said, as he saw the three people in the room, actually lose their composure, as they stared at the two objects in front of them

''We'll need to talk to our people back home'' Hackett answered back

''Be my guess'' 1432 said as, he waited for them to send their message. Which was odd considering he thought that they didn't get any reception while inside the Infinity.

''We can do half, in half an hour.'' admiral Hackett answered

''Choose''1432 answered immediately, but the entire room just stared at him ''Half for half'' he answered hoping to get everyone's eyes of him, only for the room to be filled with a giant whistle

As the marines escorting pulled their weapons ready to fire, Alice and Martha entered the room. Immediately hiding behind Julio the moment they saw the guns aimed at them, which in turn made both the Prometheans charge their plasma swords, and the servitors aim their weapons at the Alliance Marines

The tension in the room was so tight, that no one dared to make a move. Only when a voice shouting to put them down did it calm itself out. 1432 would later find out it had been Hackett, who was ordering his escorts to put their weapons down

'' The deal has already been made however you and your escorts will have to wait on your own ship' said 1432 only to notice that a single image, of a little boy was shown on the wall next to Samantha sheppard.

He had short black hair, a white shirt, and was holding a toy dinosaur.

''Martha make me one of those'' 1432 order his flying snail, which in turn went up to one of the chairs and made a toy transformer action figure, 1432 immediately added to Sheppard ''A peace offering'' he said

Only for Samantha to hand him back a small necklace she was wearing ''As an apology.'' she answered

So as Admiral Hackett chose the gun and was immediately sent back to his ship. Everyone waited for half an hour for the ship carrying all of the toys to show up, when it did all of its cargo instantly banished only the crew was left, untouched

Years later Hackett would look back and remember how the world reacted, to the discovery of not only the ship, the aliens that looked Human, but the fact that a gun that no one could make heads or tails out of existed

''Yet it wasn't until a year later that a Nerd from the internet would show to the world the amount of technology Humanity had reverse engineered from the toy Sheppard had been given. Because five years later, they were still discovering new things from it..
engineering sector
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Empty space| |
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celestial corps
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I need help in fixing this image, for some reason it keeps coming up mushed together
The engineering sector
the celestial corps on the left and on theright would be the source wall, while at the bottom would be the empty space.
The body itself appeared mostly metallic, that is appeared however under closer inspection, it was covered in tightly night together wiring. Every layer seemed almost as if it had been built for a purpose, the scientist who were in charge of inspecting it, compared dismantling the toy, to dissecting a living organism.

Still between both the weapon and the toy, Humanity heavily benefited. Not only did the know there were aliens out there, but they were certain that some of them dwarfed Humanity by a large portion. Luckily they weren't all hostile, but from what the Alliance and its people had seen.

Those very same races could and would strike back if provoked. So as the years passed huge technological breakthroughs were accomplished with both Element Zero, and without it, it would be those same breakthroughs that propelled Humanity in their first encounter with the Citadel Council and the dangerous Tuarian Empire.

So as he walked down the stairs in the welcoming ceremony, into the larger galaxy, Hackett along with both John and their good friend Samantha remembered that as advanced as their new allies are, they still had a long way to go. But still that was a path for the next generation to follow.
Back on the Infinity
''God I'm glad that's over'' 1432 said as Alice held on to his leg

''So mind telling me why you only asked for toys when we could have asked for ships'' Julio asked\ demanded

''Simple my friend. The reason, we got everything else'' 1432 answered as he began to show Julio everything he had downloaded, into his help screens memory, as well as somehow managing to send half of it into the Infinity's computer.

That way managing to gather all of the Alliances information.

''So you stole everything, from them.'' Julio pointed out while looking at the recently stolen helicopter designs. ''So how does this help us?'' he asked

''Simple, we still need to build everything, right. Look let me cut clean with you, look at the Prometheans I have, noticed something'' 1432 asked Julio

''They're all different designs, wait you're not able to summon the same thing. One four what level are you'' Julio asked genuinely concerned

'Fifteen.'' 1432 answers ''I've notice something, were still bound by the game's mechanics when we use the help screens, however. This isn't a game, meaning that we can get around that problem. Right now I have a ship, full of people and what I can asoom are gohst.

We need food, medicine and weapons''

''We have the first two but were lacking in the later. Look they need someway to pass the time, so they now have tv shows and what not. But we need ships, to defend the Infinity, or to at least be able to go down onto a planet.

Lets face it, sooner or later were going to have to fight, either hand to hand when we get boarded. Or by tanks, when we have to go to war'' 1432 explained to Julio, as the image of the universe appeared behind him

''Even if what you say is true, were still ways away from any of the tags'' Julio answered, until he looked at the map again ''The maps changed'' he said

''Were still bound by the game's mechanics, but were also bound by everything else two.'' 1432 said, as the images of several tags, were shown moving away from what was marked as Warhammer Space

''We're heavily out gunned right now.''1432 told Julio, his tone now more serious than anything, the Space Marine had heard before

''My level is one hundred and fifty however, I only stuck to planetary combat. So I am at your command Captain'' Julio answered, as he looked at Alice and Martha ''So what do you plan to do now'' he asked

''Now we find a good and empty spot to get this hip and its people in shape. We've been fighting and running ever since we got on board, plus we have a lot of loot we have to search thru'' so find us a good spot number one'' 1432 said with a smile on his face

Julio could only smile, he had just the place ''Captain, do you think you could summon, a small ship?'' he asked

''Yeah, just tell me how small were talking'' 1432 answers

''Around a cruiser size, I have just the planet. The Infinity's systems found it, a couple of minutes ago. It's a water world, with only a few land masses in it. Half the planet is salt water, the other is fresh, with the center being the area where the two mix. A perfect vacation spot'' Julio explained

''Good will rotate, that way we can both search thru the stuff, and neither of us can complain about who got more. Were also going to have to talk about how we're going to manage the crew''1432 said

''Yeah but right now let's take things one step at a time'' Julio answered, as he set course towards the nearby planet.

So as 1432 walked out with Alice and their flying snail, Julio began to think to himself that there was no way he and 1432 could have, survived those encounters earlier. Those Jurian ships dwarfed them en every category, he had assumed that 1432 was just that high a level, or that he had some sort of gear that allowed them to beat that one ship and outrun the other.

The thing was that he didn't have either, that was pure skill. That worried him.

Levels didn't mean much anymore, in a game the player with the highest level usually wins any encounter with another player or a beast they encounter. This is actually negated if his opponent either has an ability or a special equipment on them that helps them.

For example, having a healer allows a player, to keep fighting longer, or having a special weapon allows him to attack with greater strength that they normally would. Any idiot could tell you that, but they didn't have any of that.

Then there was the other thing, he hadn't said anything earlier, but he noticed it back when they had first encountered the Jurian's. 1432 had stayed strangely quiet, almost as if he had noticed something, this was all but confirmed when they encountered the N.P.C's

1432 had ordered the Infinity to hack the Alliances computers, but it wasn't able to. That was when he asked that woman for her device. Their help screens still had the ability to bypass computers. Then that meant their storage spaces, still worked.

He mentally kicked himself for not thinking about it earlier. He had just been using what he had on him, back in the Hive City. 1432 was thinking ahead of time, almost as if he was expecting something to go wrong and that worried him.
Julio, except hes dressed in white and has a red dragon painted on his chess
Captain 1432
Sorry for posting these seperately, for some reason my computer, wont upload the images together
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As the planet's oceans slowly moved all across the its surface. A shadow moved over a small island.

''This is your Vice Captain. The Captain has decided that we will be stopping in a small planet. Please take your time and relax, those of you who wish to stay aboard and sleep, or simply want to watch a show or simply read a book. Just say the word'' Julio announced, to the people onboard, as he performed a deep scan on the planet. Confirming that there was nothing that could endanger the people

He was happy to find, that the only thing that endangered the people, was a deep ocean and a strong current, that was away from the island.

So as the people were shown the images of a beach, they were even more confused to hear that the giant was going to go down with them. Many of them chose to stay on board, they considered it to be the only safe place.

Others simply chose to stay because they were to tired, while a whole group stayed in the medical wing of the ship learning everything they could from it. Yet there was a group that stayed in the indoor garden, or even the kitchen, these men and women looked for a meaning something to give them a purpose.

The repeated attack on the ship, as well as the death of their home at the hands of Chaos, destroyed their belief in the world, as well as their faith in God.

At the end only seven hundred men, women, and children left the ship to enjoy the water of an alien world.

At the end 1432, Alice and several people were left inside the Infinity, so as 1432 entered the cargo hold he noticed just how many books as well as machines he now had to look thru. Thankfully he couldn't see any Chaos infected materials.

So as he entered the room, he immediately stepped into a set of five rosaries, so as he picked them up he notice what they said. [Rosari; this object is capable of creating a massive strike that can eliminate low level demonic creatures. As for high level demons, they will be unable to move. For three minutes]

Unfortunately he wasn't able to go deeper into his new library, because the first problems began to show up.

''Captain'' a woman's voice was heard behind him

As he turned around to see who it was he noticed he couldn't see anyone. ''Julio, is there a way, you can cover the Infinity with whatever the Servo Skull uses.'' 1432 asked to his help screen

''Way ahead of you, it's not perfect but it's the best I could do.'' Julio answered, as he remotely control a Servo skull, to a corner in the Infinitys walls Then another and another each to opposite sides of the ship. ''There aren't that many yet but hey should at least allow us to see our other passenger'' Julio answers

''Waite how many of these things do you have?'' 1432 answers, only to receive a chuckling sound in response

''I'm not a low level player like you.'' Julio answered, before cutting of his communication

As a red light began to cover the hall, he began to see the form of a woman, her slim curved form, short hair and loose cloths were almost immediately gave her away. It was the woman Kiyone Kotetsu ''Lieutenant., it's a pleasure to see you again.'' 1432 said

''Captain, you haven't given the release for the confrontation, scenario''Kiyone Kotetsu said

''That's because, we're not moving. Any moment, we could be attacked'' 1432 answers

''I beg your pardon.''Kiyone Kotetsu asked

''Get your people together. I'm about to reveal some extremely difficult things'' 1432 said, only for a gust of wind to meet him, in an instant several people, stood next to them they were each dressed in either white or black clothes, some of them weren't wearing anything at all

''I see they're already here.'' 1432 said, as he let out a breath ''why don't we talk inside''

The air inside the room was heavy almost as if it was mixed in with an unknown substance 1432 could only imagine that whatever was keeping all of the books flying was what he felt.

''So this is what you brought in'' Bazz B said as he looked at the room

''So whats going on?'' 1432 asked

''What do you mean we haven't stopped being in alert'' asked Kiyone Kotetsu asked

''Our people are in an unknown planet, we've stopped moving and as things stand we can't track everything out there. Space is just that dangerous'' 1432 answers

''So what do you plan to do with us.'' Harribel asks, with her arms crossed

''Now you get your people together and make peace with each other, I don't mean you have to like each other. But you have to work together, because what happened to your world that's called Wednesday's.'' 1432 answers

''You didn't answer my question.'' Harribel answers back

''I just did, by the way you're dressed, your each from different groups. So I'm taking a wild guess here and say you all don't like each other. Get over it, because if you don't you won't survive.'' 1432 answered back with a cold look in his eyes

''So why are we here, if it's so dangerous'' asks Kyouraku Shunsui

''We need to get our bearings together, and the people on board need time to relax. I can't have a ship, filled with people who don't know what to do, so as long as some of them have know what to do the rest will follow.'' 1432 answers

The people in the room visibly tensed, some either tighten their hands on their wrist while others simply glared at 1432.

''Listen we're going to be here for a weak, go relax, talk among each other and figure out how you'll learn to live together.

As for your healers, please head to the infirmary. Learn to use some the machinery and if possible try to come up with some new stuff, to help everyone around.'' 1432 said, as the people in the room left

As 1432 was going to attempt to search thru the loot, the sound of laughter reached his ears. When he turned around to see what she was doing, he noticed that Martha and her were playing with three marbles.

However as he walked up to them and took one, a voice he hadn't heard before spoke thru the Infinity's speakers.

''Captain, could you please come to the kitchen, we have a small problem'' the voice said, sounding strangely amused

Unfortunately for Martha and Alice 1432 took all of the small orbs, with him as he left the room. ''Alice I need you to go to the infirmary, tell one of the doctors that there will be people that they can't see, working with them. If possible, tell them that they might need to clone them new bodies.'' 1432 told Alice as he pointed out the door.

As both Alice and Martha got up and walked out the room, 1432 activated the Infinity's teleporter, and made it to the kitchen, in a brief blink of an eye. The moment he entered he was caught by a sight, no one would have expected.

Over a dozen small chimera like creatures were inside the garden, that was located next to the cafeteria. ''Julio Scan the Infinity, I need to know if there's something that shouldn't be on board'' 1432 said, only to see the people's faces instantly lose their smiles as some of them were actually playing with the creatures.

''There's nothing, that shouldn't be why?'' Julio answered

''Look for yourself, I need to know if any of them are running around'' 1432 answers

''....Well that's interesting'' Julio answered before pausing ''No there's no more.'' Julio finished

''Alright enjoy your vacation'' 1432 answered before leaving Julio alone

''Okay everyone, how many got out and how many people are bitten'' 1432 said to the people, as he smiled at them wondering from where exactly the animals came from

''No one has been bitten sir, is there a problem'' a woman spoke as she walked up to 1432, revealing that she was actually the same woman 1432 had spoken to earlier, when he went to open up the kitchen.

''No. But we have no idea how you may react to these little critters. Catch them and take them to the infirmary, I want a complete scan of them all, as well as each of you who have come in contact with them.

If nothings comes up, feel free to play with them as much as you want.'' 1432 answered the woman, only to have the people around the small chimeras to immediately scatter away from the.

''You've already been in contact, there's no use running away now, just take them to the infirmary, and ask around maybe someone that came with you is a veterinarian.'' 1432 said as he turned around walked out the door

''Um Captain'' the woman said stopping 432 from leaving the room ''Do you mean all of them?'' She asked, making 1432 turn around and look into the garden. What he saw made him stop dead, the garden was full of creatures, that weren't supposed to be on the ship

''Yes all of them. You're in charge of catching and tagging them all. Get anyone to help you, just as long as they aren't doing something important'' 1432 answers, before he leaves the room, now fully intending to look around the Infinity for any intruders

Except that the moment he walked out of the cafeteria a man stopped him. ''Captain, I was told you were here. I would like permission to be able to look at some of the technology you have on board. You know try to understand how it works.'' the man said

1432 didn't bother to acknowledge him, but he knew better than to let someone use the weapons systems. ''If you're intending to look at pour weaponry, your answer is no. The same goes for our, communications, as well as our engines. Other than that, as long as it doesn't damage the ship go nuts.'' 1432 said, now seeing the man's long lair, tired eyes and defeated look.

''Before that go get some rest, you'll be going down to the planet when we rotate, our people'' 1432 told the man hoping he could get some sleet or at least relax a little

Just like that the week went by, neither 1432 nor Julio could get any work done. There was always someone or something that needed looking into, each time they were forced to stop what they were doing and go see what it was.

All the while they were either forcing the people down to the planet, as they tried to get them to relax or they were attending a meeting with their new crew. Trying to get things up and running properly. At the end it was decided that Bazz B would be in charge of the ship's police force, his group was a mixture of Human, Shinigami, Quincy and Hollow

Tier Haribel would be in charge of training everyone with different abilities. Like Bazz B her group was a mixture of the people they had on board. The reason she was put to train their abilities, the woman had an incredible amount of patients, just seeing the three woman that followed her around proved that just by how much they argued.

Kyouraku Shunsui was in charge of the strike them, well he was Vice Captain after Julio, oddly enough the man absolutely refused to be kept out of hand to hand battle. A pacifist by far, but according to him, the people on board were what was left and he would keep them safe.

Like the two before him his group consisted of a mixture of everything, with the added bonus of two Promethean's and one Servitor and servo skull.

As for Julio, he remained the ship's, navigator and pilot, but he now had an dozen sectors feeding him information about what was going on in the competitors. Aplenty he was unable to access everything, and still couldn't. The Infinity needed Human's to be on those computers and the crew wasn't ready yet.

So as the week ended 1432 put some people that didn't know what to do, to clean the room that was filled with artifacts, their job was simple. Put the books on the shelves, put all the bottles, orbs and crystals, and weapons in their own separate spots and tell him when they were done.

Still it had been a stressful week for everyone, even with their brakes to the island planet, their stolen Alliance programing[Television], and new pets. But as the Infinity left, that temporary home, they all somehow felt as if something awaited them. Almost as if it was going to test their newly found orde
These are Jurian creatures, I know they're not but just with it
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Galaxy police headquarters

Far into the edges of the United Space lies the Galaxy Police headquarters, a massive sized space station, divided into several sections, each dedicated to the study development of new and old weaponry. The capture, trial and incarceration of various criminals, as well as the security force for under developed sectors and their planets.

As the day came to an end and the various officers walked into a large white room, that appeared similar to a University's classroom, filled with seats stakes on top of one another. A woman with long green hair, tied in a pony tale. Dressed in a bright orange suit, with dark blue patches on her shoulders wrist and sides, that served as her uniforms colors.

The various different alien species, began to speak to each other only to immediately stop as she began to speak.

''Good morning or good evening. First of all let me thank you all for coming in such short notice, I know it wasn't easy for any of you. To stop what you were doing to attend this meeting.''

''With that being said as you know several advanced races have been discovered, yet none of them have been friendly.

The mechanical abominations known as the Nekron, that appeared six months ago in sector G1009, the ever evolving Zerg that continue to plague sector 147. The cruel and uncaring Dark Eldar, all of whom have continued to plague our galaxy since their discovery and all of which have cost the lives of several of our officers, the planets under our protection and the people living in them''

She takes a deep breath and graves a glass filled with water before she drinks it. Some how feeling that every time she passed down the cold liquid, the sound of her swallowing could be heard in the entire room.

''Which is why with a heavy heart I now declare a state of emergency for sections A, Z, G, B, and T from now on these sectors are to be considered extremely hazardous. The reason being Section A has become infested with a war loving derange race of green skin creatures, that appear to be some sort of fungus.

We have reason to believe that they are in fact a biological weapon. The people of this sector are all currently being evacuated, unfortunately not all of them will. This race loves war and any attempt to get survivors is met with complete hostility.''

''They call themselves Orks'' she says, as the holographic image of a large muscle cupboard, green skin Ork appears in the center of the room

''Sector T, has become of limits after the discovery of an advanced yet reclusive race. They call themselves the Minbari, keep in mind that this sector has nothing of importance and the race actually sends anyone, that wonders in there back so leave that sector alone.''

''Sector Z is gone. We only received one word the great devour'er is here. Any attempts to enter or simply send in proves has been impossible no one and nothing comes out. All of you are to stay away.''

''Sector G has lost all life, the only survivors were the ones that made it out or simply at the edge of the system. All life has been wiped out by an army of mechanical abominations, who seem to be able to repair themselves. We were able to get the name from which they go by, they call themselves Nekrons.

Hopefully, that will help us uncover how to stop them''

'Sector B is currently at war with a race of slavers. Their skin is blue, they appear to have a flat nose and are extremely friendly.

The call themselves the Tau, but make no mistake. That friendliness comes at a price, they like to whittle away at any races will to live separately, and will make any free thinking individual disappear.

Thankfully, sector B will be freed in the following week''

''Now everyone please take a good look at the following image. '' she says as the image of a Tau Fire Warrior vanishes and is replaced by the image of the Infinity

''Currently the only one known is the ship's Captain, his offenses are. The destruction of a Jurian Heavy Dreadnought, murder of several officers and a member of the Jurian royal family. Attacking Ladies Seto's Royal warship, then fleeing. Assistance in the destruction of a low level planet and the use of a multi dimensional weapon.

Make no mistake this ship and its Captain are extremely dangerous'' she finally finishes and immediately leaves the room, leaving everyone speechless

''So how did it go'' asked a mechanical male voice to the green hair woman

''Not so good. I never had to tell anyone so many bad news. The problem is that they just keep coming'' she answers

''Don't worry toots, everything will be all right'' said the mechanical voice, as it got closer to the woman's breast only for her to punch its metallic round body. The voice came from a flying round metal ball name M.B

Sadly unbeknownst to either of them, on the other side of the Galaxy sized space station, some one else was listening to their conversation as well as the woman's report from earlier

''Did you guys see that ? so we getting out of here or what?'' asked a man in a blue room.

''We wait'' answered another in a red room

''That was sector G what is that, a couple of light years from here. I say we did our time and we leave, besides dying aint going to stop us'' said a third person, this time the one who spoke was a woman, who was in a yellow room

''I already said we wait, So you two go to sleep, we'll talk about this later'' the man in the red room ordered the other two
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Meanwhile back in the Infinity

''Captain we're picking up a distress signal, It appears to be an Imperial Star Destroyer'' Julio informed 1432

''So what do we got.'' 1432 asked

''Other than a couple of gas masses, there doesn't seem to be any sign of whoever attacked it.'' Julio answered

''Gas masses, why does that sound so familiar.'' 1432 said, only for his eyes to be fill with fear

''Julio get us out of here!'' he screamed, only for his warning to come a little too late. As the Infinity was struck by several missiles. The first assault caused the ship's systems to go haywire, immediately draining the Infinity's power, preventing Julio and 1432 from sending in any instructions to the people on board.

As the Infinity's injured body slowly used what little power remained in its systems, it was struck by a second torpedo strike blowing a hole in its armor. Many would say that it was a miracle that only one person was caught in the explosion.

Art this moment 1432 did something that only Julio had done before, seeing as he had no reason to attempt this himself Using his connection to his Prometheans he announced ''Everyone we're being boarded by slavers kill them!'' he screamed as his voice resonated across the rooms where the Prometheans were currently in

Likewise Julio did the same announcing to everyone on board including the non corporeal crew, to kill everyone that was not supposed to be on the Infinity.

In a desperate attempt to save everyone 1432 looked at his help screen and noting that no one who had been taken yet, did one one of the most insane feats anyone would ever do. ''Julio can the Infinity take a Slipspace jump in her current state?'' 1432 asked Julio

''Yeah but we won't be able to control her.'' Julio answers

''Do it. We're being attacked by Dark Eldar, that's the whole reason why we haven't seen hoes attacking us yet.'' 1432 answers Julio, remembering that that one race loved quick and precise strikes

So as the blue and purple portal enveloped the Infinity once again, leaving behind the injured Star Destroyer and her crew to the unseen enemies raft, however a fight for survival was being fought on board the Infinity. 1432's warning was nearly far too late for several members of its people.

As several armed men and woman, fired a wall of bullets at a woman whose tightly fitted black body armor, that displayed her well figured body. Who was easily evading their attacks, as she sent several mental images to the defenders of the unspeakable horrors that they would face the moment they were capture.

Thereby forcing them into submission as they were forced to feel the intense agony of the unspoken torture they would have been put thru, that is had an arrow made of light not pierced her skull instantly killing her.

In the garden where the few children, infants and pregnant woman spent their days several men and women, with the same tightly fitted black armor entered. Their cold cruel eyes, showed no hint of kindness.

As the look in their eyes was comparable to a knife's edge, as they looked onto the defenseless people in front of them

However the moment one of them took a step towards the people, the once cute chimeras morphed their tiny frail cuddly bodies into deadly versions of their adult selves, each one deadlier than the one before it. Their mixture of animal instincts locating one of the attackers, wherever they may have gone.

Even as their opponents, used their advanced cloaking technology, the chimeras senses still picked up on the smallest hint of the psychokinetic power of their enemies.

All over the Infinity's halls Dark Eldar bodies were being torn apart by a combination of Hollow, Shinigami and Quincy all of which remained in their incorporeal state.

Unfortunately for the Dark Eldar that had secured the few slaves, taken from the Infinity near the breach of its body. Were met by by a frightening realisation as the entire room was covered in flames, each time melting away their bodies as well, as any psychokinetic power they may have used to protect themselves.

All the while ignoring the capture people, leaving them completely untouched, Bazz B rage was seen and felt by the people in the room with him.

As the many battles were fought within the the Infinity's body, both Julio and 1432 were caught in a different kind of battle. As the alarms within the bridge, sounded all over.

''Captain, were descending to an unknown planet!'' Julio informed 1432

''Pull up!'' 1432 screamed

''We have no control of our trajectory.'' Julio answers

''Can you open a portal to the planet that way we can just slide onto it, rather than crashing into the damn thing!'' 1432 asked\screamed
Else where
A man wearing a torn, dirty, white robe placed a goat on a stone platform before speaking. ''Oh great ancestors, I beg of the. Help us. Even tho we have spent our entire lives struggling and fighting of our great enemies, we are loosing.''

''To the north the unending brutality of the green skinned Orcs, whose deranged lust for war only grows by the day.

The cruel and uncaring Dark Elves who torture and enslave all they come across. To them even the the smallest infant is garbage.''

''Oh ancestor we can not stop the endless horde of the restless spirits that cover our lands , who poses and dam all they come across.

We have persevered and held as long as we can but our lands are covered by the perverse Goblins who defile any woman they come across while slaughtering any male they see.

Not even those within their mother's wombs are spared.''

''Please ancestors, I beg of the. For even tho the beast men and the Elven kingdoms have united with us were about to lose it all. Please accept this sacrifice and send us help, even if it's just one of the enemy's races please send us help so we can destroy them.'' the man says before cutting the goats nec, only for he himself to fall as a red stain covers his stomach

As his tired old eyes look onto the scorched remains of the once lively town he lived in. His dying eyes were met with the sight of a massive fireball the was heading straight towards him, only for it to vanish in a blue and purple gate in the sky.

In a matter of seconds a massive explosion was felt as the earth itself shook. The unknown man simply smiled as his prayers were heard, so as his tired eyes lost their sight, the feeling from his body slowly banished he simply smiled for help had finally come
letters [1.1]

My dearest son, I leave to you a hand written account of the events that transpired during The Age of the Two Kings, The Iron fortress and the unknown Warriors of Heaven.

Please remember that the world was a much crueler place when I was a boy, there was no measure of peace, our people lived in constant fear for death was ever present. It pains me to know, that these few hand written accounts, along with those of our friends, family and others of which name we do not know.

Are what remains of the events that occurred so long ago, for the church and the united kingdom's have decided to suppress this information. Please my son do not resent them, for they fear the ancient evils, may return should the world ever remember it's painful past.

It all started when I was a small boy no older than ten years old, though I could not read or write I had always been a master of getting into trouble, along with the uncanny ability to hide from my father and his branch of discipline, made many wonder what I could accomplish if I grew older.

It pains me to say that you were nearly never born, for on the day of the first day of fall our small village was attacked by an unholy horde of Goblins. I can still remember hearing the small girls of the village scream as the foul creatures tore apart their simple garments.

Tho it disgusts me to say, that day all I could accomplish was to flee from the area, like the coward I was\am.

I can still remember seeing my mother's eyes, as she handed my infant sister and my younger brother who were only a month and two years old. How full of fear and regret as she turned and fought those disgusting creatures off, hoping to buy us enough time to escape.

We would later find her defiled naked body, surrounded by the corpses of her attackers.

Fifty Seven steps, fiftyseven steps were the amount we were able to take out side of our burning village, before we surrounded by those creatures.

I can still remember the smell of Urine, rot and decay, as the greenish brown bodies of those hellish beast, approached us. The screams of my infant sister still haunts me to this day. I remember your uncle holding onto my leg, screaming in terror crying his eyes out.

Then a miracle happened.

The sky tore itself open, as if the heavens could take no more, and in a ball of fire the came. Their bodies were made of blue and orange light, their silver and grey armors seems as if they had been created by the Elves. Yet one walked in four legs and the other in two.

The one in four legs resembled a large hunting dog or a small battle cat, while the one that walked in two legs seemed almost like an insect, resembling the ones I caught when in happier times.

I have no words to describe what i saw that day my son, but in a stream of orange and blue light, did our attackers die. They never took a single step.

I can still remember how both warriors walked past us and entered what remained of our village and the sound of the world breaking immediately following. Yet in all this we could only stand there petrified with fear, it was my brother who broke himself of and looked at the area where the had fallen.

The large hole made by their impact was covered in glass, no the ground itself had been turned to glass.

I can still remember seeing the remnants of the horde of Goblins run past us in fear, only for the silver beast to either catch or kill them with its orange light. Your uncle still remembers, how it slowly crushed the Goblin leaders head under its feet.

How the vile creature screamed in agony and how it cried in fear, begging for mercy, only for the beast to answer.

''And when they begged you to stop, why didn't you'' it said its voice filled with hate

Yet in all of this when it turned and looked at us its face felt almost as it held pity and shame ''Folow me'' it said , as it guided us back into the village

That day my son I saw the one who walked in two legs and whose body was made of blue light heal the injuries of all those present. Beit by a small light it shined upon them or a simple hand gesture, that removed an illness.

Yet in all of this they could not revive the dead.

Our friends, family were all taken away in more ways than one by those unholy Goblins. Many young women both young and old were left with eyes that seemed almost dead after that, their bodies and souls defiled by them.

Unfortunately our savior's could not help them, my mother had the same look when we found her, still lying next to the corpses of her attackers.

Yet as the day came to an end and night took hold, our protectors began to leave.

I do not know why I did it, or what took over but I simply asked. ''Where are you going?''

''To find our Master'' the orange beast answered

''Can we come?'' i asked again

''If that is what you wish'' answered the one made of blue light

I do not know if it was because everyone felt safe near them, or simply because of the villages destruction but everyone began to follow. It would be the next day that I would discover, that every male child both young and old was murdered by those creatures the moment they were caught.

That day only two grown men and eighty seven male children, made it out alive All women were accounted for yet they could barely be called living by that point.
We walked under the half moons light, many of us falling from sheer exhaustion, it was after six hours of walking, that our rescuers ordered us to stop and stay where we were.

''Hostile life forms detected'' the one orange one spoke

''Best course for minimal civilian casualties, is for all to remain behind and for unit one and two to engage in premeditated strike. Full purge must be done.'' the blue one spoke

I can still remember seeing their glowing bodies, shine in the darkness of the night. The sounds of thunder shook the fields all around us, the screams of women and children could be heard in the distance.

Then it happened, the sounds of a stampeding hord, similar to the one that had attacked our home was heard. Exsept that the moment they reached us, they were fleeing from the two creatures.

The vile shrunken bodies, of the Goblins ran passed us. Their bodies were adorned by the bones of both Humans and animals, I still remember seeing them run on top of one another as they ran passed us.

Those few that stopped to spare a glance at us, were immediately cut down by small orange lights that passed right through them.

I remember that one of them tried to take a small child away from his mother, only for a glowing blue blade to pierce its shrunken body lifting the Goblin into the air.

One hundred sixty seven thousand goblins died that day.

Just like before the survivors of the attack followed their rescuers, tho I do not know if it was because they had lost everything, or because they feared them more than our hated enemy. They were a tribe of Fox men, but nearly all of them had been wiped out by the goblies only three hundred remained.

As you probably know Foxmen have an unusually low female number that are born. We walked for seven days and seven nights, nearly fainting from exhaustion every time. Yet we persevered, why I do not know, our protectors never once speaking save for when they told us to stop.

We would pass pass lands so poisoned that they seemed almost made of rot, on occasions we would see rivers of blood run as our saviors slaughtered entire Goblin villages. On occasions we wondered if we were slaves, yet when one of us wanted to leave they would always say it is your choice.

They never stopped anyone from leaving

Then on the eighth day we bore witness to it, a fortress the likes of no other. Its massive could easily be confused with a mountain, its iron black as the moonless night.

''We are here'' spoke the blue one, awaking us from our disbelief.

Then the sound of someone whistling reached us and a strange creature flew towards us, its glowing blue body, that had several tentacles, with a large lump on its back, that made it look like a snail greeted us.

''Martha, we request medical assistance for the refuges we have encountered'' said the blue one, only for the odd creature to bow its head and fly off, in mere moments a young girl no older than eight or ten came to greet us.

She rod a large beast that had the head of a lion, the head of a dragon and the head of a goat, its tail was a serpent and its body was that of a lion.

Her deep green hair, large blue eyes and healthy peach skin along with her flowered dress made her look like some kind of princess or queen.

Accompanying her was a young girl, who wore a similar looking dress yet her hair was long and black, her skin was pale and she had a hardness in her eyes. The kind you see in the people that had seen far too much.

''Hie my name is Alice come on in. My father is waiting for you.'' She said , as her long black hair moved with the wind

''Mistress Alice we have come in contact with several hostile life forms, please do not leave the ship unprotected'' said our orange colored protector. Somehow unwillingly telling us that the one with black hair was their master's daughter.
letters[ 1.3]
I can still remember seeing both girls and how they looked at us. While the one that had green hair looked at us with pity, the other simply dismissed us like we were nothing.

I wanted to scream at them , for them not to look at us as if we were nothing, that they couldn't treat us that way. But walking for so long with people who were nothing, was all but impossible.

Those seven days the people with us, that is my brother and infant sister were all without clothing, for those vile creatures left us nothing.

Yet as we all bowed our heads in shame, he appeared a giant made of the whitest steel ever created. On his chest he bore the emblem of a burning red dragon, his eyes seemed as if they glowed with a fierce blazing red.

With every step he shook the ground beneath him, yet in all of this he somehow seemed as if he were not any more than a mere man.

Surely this must be the king of the Iron fortress, if he were to accept us surely we would be safe. I am sorry to say to you my son, that that was not the case.

Tho he may have been mighty, nor in all his terribly power we whimpered in fear and tho we hoped for aide. He was not the king.

No my son, the king was a simple man that walked behind him, he had a simple armor that was colored black and green, as if it had been made to look like the ruined building, left behind.

His eyes were cold, yet warm. His hair was cut unusually short and he carried himself with a hint of pain, almost as if he carried a burden no one could see. With him were several men and women each carrying white tops, that we used to cover our chess, and necs.

While at the same time they brought with them black bottoms that we used to cover our delicate areas.

I can still remember, hearing one of the fox girls say, that they were all dressed the same as us.
Dearest Matthew, tho it pains me to write this, I must now carry the labor of your father, to write down the events that occurred so long ago. For in his haste to retrieve the Queen's diary, he was caught by the Church and executed, for his deeds.

I only pray, that his soul may make it to the Iron Fortress and to the hands of King One Four, but if not may he arrived near Julio's protective hands.

I will write down what I remember, up to the point that I can recall no more.

We entered, the Iron fortress, thru a simple hole in the wall. Tho it pains me to say, I didn't enjoy the first time I laid eyes upon the white walls, that were so clean an alley rat could eat of them, for an entire lifetime and stay healthy.

I can still recall, seeing the gray skulls on each end of its white walls. How the smell of flowers, touched us the moment we stepped in.

Never before had we seen such a place, it felt wrong yet so right. Children ran past us, chasing small creatures the likes no one had ever seen before. The sounds of their laughter, someone making us wonder if we had died and found the Heavenly fortress.

I can still remember how the Iron and moved on its own and lead us into a room filled with many injured, ill or dying Beast Men and Humans. We were told we would have to share a room with many others for there were so many the Healers could not reach them all.

So they were taking care of those who were on the verge of death first.

Each room, was a room fit for a King. We slept in beading so comfortable that our injured exhausted bodies simply gave the moment we laid on them. Our necessities, were done in a room that in all honesty, the ones built now are but pale imitations of.

Food was so bountiful and so rich that we greedily ate it all, tho it shames me to say. I did not know your father at the time.

No he spent the days away with his mother.

The king himself attended to them.

I once asked him if he knew how the king held everyone, and by all accounts he did in fact tell me the truth. But my son, I still remain unconvinced. Yet again I was always the kind that needed to see it for herself.

In your father's own word. ''The king stretched out his hands, to each of us. One by one, yet he never touched us. He took away our pain, our injuries and our wish of death.

After that we spent our days in the garden, playing with the strange creatures that lived there, while during the night we slept in one of the biggest rooms I had ever seen.''

''I do not know, if by simply being there my mothers broken soul was heal. For her glass like , distant eyes suddenly light up full of life.

Five days, it took for her to come back to us and for five days we live in the fortress. Yet in the seventh day we were told it was time for us to leave.''

I can still remember seeing your father, for the first time. His short black hair, dark skin, white top, accompanied by his black bottoms that his two siblings along with his mother wore.

How the nearly dead woman, somehow now had a beautiful peach color, that made her look younger than she was. Her pale diying skin, infected by the Goblins was replaced by her healthy self.

I can still remember the sleeping form of the infant baby, in her arms. As well as the two mischievous boys, that would take turns attempting to touch one of the the warriors of blue lights heads.

As odd as it might seem, the warrior must have gotten annoyed for it called to them both and made them both touch its glowing arms. It can be safe to say that the two of them didn't bother him again.

It's amazing, what those beings could do in a few days.

Seven days, we lived inside and in seven days a small village was built. Each home was created as if it was expecting a king, or an important figure, imagine our surprise when we were told that it would be our new home.

During the day, the men would go hunting, while the women tended to the homes, or were taught to read and write. The children were either playing or tending to the few animals that somehow showed up or followed their masters there.

There were four groups of strangers, the men of white, the men of black and those that stood in between. The men of white patrolled the village, stopping any unrighteous behavior, while the ma of black went out into the unknown clearing out any Goblin homes they came across.

While toes that stood in between, taught and trained all who wanted in the art of combat.

The men of white used arrow made of pure white light, while the men of black use enchanted swords that could turn into many things. Yet those that stood in between, wielded both things.

Don't be confused my son if what I say does not match what the Queen wrote, for I was but a mere girl at the time, while the Queen was a young woman.

The king was hardly ever seen, but it was by his decree that the village was growing and that the warriors of white patrolled the streets. You can imagine that for a young girl such as myself, seeing a man be arrested for beating a beast men, was sheer madness.

Yet it was not to the King, to him we were all equal, no one was less and no one was more.

Yes those days, were indeed peaceful. I can still recall seeing the tiny creatures grow in size and cary the villages children on their backs, how it felt having them grow beneath us.

Then he came, the Greedy King of the East, accompanied by his horde of mad riders and deranged warriors. They never once attempted to speak to us or say a simple word, they simply attacked everything they came across.

I can still remember the fires of the homes they light, suddenly come to life and refuse to touch a single soul.

The leader of the city guard had arrived, though he did not wild an arrow made of light, he controls something just as strong the flame of the world were at his beck and call. There was no mighty battle or, great victory, just many burned people and the melted remnants of a greedy King and his foolish men
use the thread marks, to skip all of the different point of views and stay with the main story. There actually given names than just numbers, the main story is marked wit just numbers
letters 1.4
Yet even as this tragedy occurred the king forbade any retaliation, he wanted peace over all. So he dispatched a member of each order to the land of the Eats, a journey that would have taken eight twelve days was accomplished in mere hours.

I don't know of what occurred my son, for when they returned . Iron beast of sizes and shapes no mortal being could ever be, emerged from the Iron fortress itself. In the span of mere hours, they dug the very ground .

The space between the wall of dirt and our village was fifty men across,and one thousand men in high.

Two days it took, for the walls of dirt, to become proper walls of some. No more did the men hunt alone, for they were accompanied by a man of white.

No more did our sons and daughters spend their days in the fields, for they were taught to read, write and combat by those who stood in between.

In every corner a skull, light up the night, preventing the darkness of the night from taking hold.

Then they came.

The deranged corpses of the undead, marched towards our new home. I can still hear, how the iron lances sounded similar to thunder, as they spilled fire and shot towards the undead. Tearing their rotten flesh apart.

The men of white, who shot their arrows of light, dissolve them by the hundreds,, while the men of black used every manner of enchantment imaginable to destroy the incoming horde.

Yet it would be those who stood in between, who would do the most damage. It would be their leader Harribel, a woman whose dark skin, short blond hair and white clothing would do the unthinkable.

She slammed the hilt of her sword onto one of the undead, causing it to dissolve, then with a bone chilling how, that was heard through the battlefield, were the undead attacked by an unseen force.

Their rotting flesh, was crushed, burned, blasted away like dry leaves that touched fire, yet it was not enough, the undead would not be denied.

The colors green, red, blue and purple fell from the sky onto the incoming enemy completely obliterating them.

King One Four and his right hand Julio had entered the battlefield. In their arms were but a simple set of rosaries, one to the eat , one to the west, one to the north and one to the south. Each given to a member of every faction and one was given to your father's mother.

I don't know of what happened, but in a blinding white light were all of the undead destroyed. Leaving behind an ocean of rotting, mutilated corpses.

It would be on the fifteenth day that we would meet the Queen of the East and the remnants of her people.][][
I Queen Celeste leave behind this diary, so that the future generations know of what occurred in those long forgotten years. It pains me, that by the Iron Fortress, that I have to keep this diary in secret]

My husband's greed had taken a dangerous rut, no one knew from where these thoughts came from, but all that we knew was that his advisers along with all of the nobility had fallen to it.

No more did they care for our people, instead they weld themselves deeper into their carnal desires, ignoring the plague that swept thru our lands.

The fields one green and plentiful, were now dead and made of rot, there were no innocents left for all that were born in those accursed gowns, were hideous deformities that had been touched by the devil himself.

The sky did not rain water, instead it dripped a type of pus that seemed to give life, to being made of a living disease.

Our people were on the verge of all out Cannibalism, so I gathered our people in secret and ran, we ran for half a year fighting of Ogres, Goblins Orks and the unyielding undead.

Then a miracle happened, dressed in clothing that resembled the darkness of night, and wielding weapons made of light they came in our time of need.