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In December 2016 the world was taken by storm, Games Workshop, along with several companies, had...


If you want peace, then you must prepare for war.
In December 2016 the world was taken by storm, Games Workshop, along with several companies, had agreed to create the first multi game package. This would enable players to create their own mixed fleets and empires, as well as being able to bring in any character they chose into the dark millennium.

However there was a heavy price that needed to be paid, one that the creators as well as the players of said Free Online Game, were unaware of. Seeing as an unknown entity, had taken interest in these new rules.

In an known world an event was taking place one of apocalyptic nature. The once blue sky was turned into a swirling vortex of power, madness and mutation was assured for all on that world, the few priest, shrine maidens , pastures and whatever people remained of the various faiths, gathered in one spot and did the unthinkable.

The used the very same power that was now bringing doom onto their world, to call forth heros, in hopes that one day they could end the madness. Under normal circumstances this would have never worked, however that being witnessed this and took the opportunity to enact his game.

In a moment the universe was engulfed in a light that was never seen, the various powers both great and terrible were unleashed onto the unsuspecting universe. As the players of the online game and all of expansions were merged onto their characters.

This is their story.
In an ordinary house apartment a single man types on his computer, repeatedly clicking on the settings for the new online game he had just signed up for. In all honesty he didn't have a lot of time for games, his job demanded for him to work late hours, so during the day he would be asleep.
Thankfully this new online game allowed him to bring in his Halo account into it, it was one of the few games he ever truly finished. He had just about finished setting up when suddenly a flash of light blinds him, leaving his room completely empty.

[Location; Hive world Aerius] The smell of oil, gas and sludge, combined with a number of foul aromas hit his senses, as the cold uncaring air struck him. ''What the hell.'' he said, as numerous people walked passed him. Each one showing some sort of aggression around him, as he looked at everyone that walked passed, however he immediately noticed something odd, he could see their names, age and positions they held in the city.

Unfortunately for them they all said citizen\no importance. ''Whats going on.'' he said, as he tried to wrap his mind on what was going on. As he looked at his help screen, he noticed that it displayed a map of the city all around, instinctively he looked at how many hostiles there were. Which he gave a silent thank's because it currently read zero.

But what caught his attention was his personal profile, seeing as how he didn't finish it, before he somehow ended up here. It currently had no name, position or even a list stating him as active, but as he looked at it he notice how it began to fill itself out, though he still had no name displayed. He was now officially known as 1432 guards man of the second company, of the planetary defense force.

According to his profile, he had nothing of significant importance. His only weapons were a standard lass gun, given to all of the planetary defense members and his body armor, which while heavy looked more like, a U,S world war 2 uniform.

As he looked to the sky, while he tried to get some sort of understanding of what was going on. He immediately noticed, that there was no sky, just a black metallic roof, that constantly had a black dust falling from it.

As he felt his heart beat faster and faster he was about to scream in despair, as the realization of what was going on fully fell on him. This was real and the people along with the world around him were real.

Yet as he was about to scream a beeping sound caught his attention, then another and another and another. As he search for what was making that sound, he noticed how his help screen was glowing yellow.

As he moved his arm and pressed open, he immediately noticed how there were literally, millions of messages in his in box. But what caught his attention was, the part that said voice chat. The moment he pressed it he was met with thousands of cries for help.

''Dear God, we're being invaded by Nekrons, don't come near the Gothic sector. Someone please tell my wife I love her.'' A desperate voice said, before vanishing

''Fucken Tau, if anyone can hear me. Press the blue button on your help screen, it will show you where the rest of our people are. The thing doesn't acknowledge N.P.C's. Please if anyone can hear me, destroy the Tau.'' a man said, before the sound of a gunshot cut his transmission

He immediately moved to press a glowing blue button on his help screen, simply out of instinct, as if hoping that he wasn't the only one here. Unfortunately for him, the closest player to him, was on the other side of the hive city.

''Shit!'' a woman's voice screamed ''If there's any players in command of a ship, we need help I'm in the Assertion center, planet Moovius. We're under attack we need help or an evacuation, whichever is good.'' the woman screamed

''I'll be right there just hold on for three days.'' a man answered

''We don't have three days!'' the woman yelled

''Did you add any other games before you ended up there, if you did you can get guns from those games, but you're going to have to get to them. Hold for three days, I wish I could get there faster but anyone that doesn't fit the status quo, is immediately branded a heretic. So be careful.'' the man said, before cutting his transmission of.

So he could get guns from the games he had hooked up before ending up here, that at least calmed him down. So as he searched in his help screen and sure enough there they were, Halo U.N.S.C weaponry as well as Covenant and Forerunner.

He briefly wondered if the same worked for food, so he tried it out and looked in his help screen and there they were. Instinctively he pressed on a hamburger and was met with a map showing it five steps away from him.

So as he moved in to pick it up, he noticed how the flavor, the warm meat as well as the smell were all genuine. In fact they were better than the original, these things tasted and smelled better, than anything he had on Earth.

All of sudden he had the feeling he was being watched, so as looked around he noticed a little girl standing next to him. Hungrily looking at his meal, so he looked around he noticed that her parents were nowhere around, so as he lowered himself to give her his burger he noticed her profile.

Citizen [No name] Status [Thrown out, ate too much] that was it, now that he got a closer look at her he saw how thin she was. Her long shirt, that doubled as her dress was filthy with the city's grime, her bare feet were cut and covered in bruises.

Al of a sudden a voice cut right thru his systems ''If anyone's listening, I'll be gathering survivors, so when I get to whatever planet you're on, your screen should light up. So hold on till I get there, we will round up whatever people we have and move on from there. So if anyone has away of gathering people, I would appreciate the help.'' the voice said

''This is Marcus of the Inquisition, I have fifty thousand in my sector alone. I can get to most of them, but a lot of what's left are in some pretty tight situations.''

''Umm ah this is Melisa of the Sisters Militant, I might be able to help, but I'll need help getting of this dam church.''

''This is Mathew of the Thousand Sons, all of us can help. We're about three hundred, it seems that every Chaos player, lost their connection to Chaos. We're currently getting any survivors, out of here so we'll be able to help as soon as we can.''

''I guess it's up to me to gather our scattered remnants, everyone gather allies, you're going to need them. Survive, hold the line until I get there. You're not alone, don't try to build any ships unless you're far away from any Imperial fleet or else you'll be killed. I already saw it happen.'' the man's voice cut itself off, only leaving a countdown that said. Extraction time six days, with a timer counting down.

Just like that he had at least away to get of this world, so as he was about to walk away and begin to look for a safe place to stay. He felt a small tug at his pants leg, she was holding him trying and succeeding to look cute.

Exhaling he patted her on the head and began to walk with her next to him.
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As they walked down the endless streets made of ceramic and steel, the ground beneath them long since covered in oil, rust and several unknown kinds of pollution. With every ten steps they gave the situation he was in, was further hammered into him.

His help screen proved to be absolutely vital, especially since he had this kid following him., every N.P.C he passed said potential danger and they appeared grey on screen, the problem was they weren't staying that way.

More than once he had to turn at a certain moment or go down a small alley, just to avoid them. There was no doubt in his mind that they were looking for him, but why was beyond him, the problem was that he didn't even have time, to curse God for putting him in this position because somehow they were tracking him.

How he didn't know, he didn't know anything about this world really. The only reason he got the game, was because he had heard so many stories on YouTube, each explaining everything they could about the universe.

But the thing was he really didn't know anything about it, so when the game came out, with the added bonus of being able to ad tech from other games he immediately jumped in. After all who didn't want to see Master Chief go up against a Space marine.

The girl next to him really wasn't his problem, even if her parents had thrown her out, but he couldn't just leave, it just wasn't right, even if she was just an N.P.C. A gain his screen bleeped and a red mark appeared moving close to him, he needed to get some sort of weapons, but everything he could summon was either too noisy or was plain alien.

Even he knew, that in this place using those was an automatic death sentence. He needed a place to hide at least for a few minutes, that way he could get a Plasma sword or something he could hide, while at the same time didn't make too much noise.

Having a place to hide seemed nice, but the thing was this place had few if any real safe areas and those didn't stay safe. The city labyrinth as he began to call it, God only knew when he began to call it that, maybe it was just him trying to make sense of it all.

Either way the city was nothing more than a massive labyrinth, the walls around him reached so high that it was impossible to know when they stopped, earlier he had seen what looked like a plane flying over the dam place.

Suddenly a voice caught his attention, he hadn't notice it but in a span of a fifteen minutes the chat log had gone silent. Of course he had been too busy trying to avoid all of those damn red mars chasing him.

[''1432 can you hear me'' ] a girl's voice spoke

''Yeah.'' 1432 said

[''No very talkative is he''] a man said

''Sorry I'm trying to avoid some red marks that keep showing up. I could use a little help.'' 1432 answers

[[Look no matter what don't let those things catch up to you, or else you'll have to fight. So unless you can kill another person, you should avoid them. But if they do catch up to you remember their just N.P.C's''] the woman from before said

As he turned the corner he noticed that the entire road was completely black, there was no light every part of the place seemed like it had deliberately been forcefully made like this. Yeah he'd have to be an idiot not to notice this place screamed trap, for everyone.

[Listen can you see where we are on your map. Head to our location and before you ask yes that's all of us, don't ask any more questions. If you run into trouble, you're going to be on your own until we can regroup properly.''] the man said

When he looked at his map, he saw that there were only three green lights, as opposed to the twelve that had been there when he first looked. They were all headed in the same direction, luckily for him they were about an hours walk from where he was.

Just out of habit and a little hope he looked at how far the closest ship was and saw when all of a sudden it banished and immediately reappeared in another part of the map. However his rescue counter, now read one day.

He smiled at that, the timer didn't apply for faster than light travel, that was the only explanation, still that didn't change the fact that he had to enter this pitch black area, that didn't show anything. As he felt a small tug on his leg, he knew she was scared.

But still he had to go thru it they were getting closer, so he would take a big risk. He immediately went into his inventory and took out a Covenant Plasma Sword, and a Forerunner Boltshot pistol, unfortunately they appeared inside the dam black zone.

Exhaling he knelt down and picked up the girl, he wanted to leave her but for some reason he couldn't do it. God at times like this he wished he had a flashlight, still he couldn't complain and wait any more, his screen was beginning to beep, they were coming.

He was running out of time so he began to move twenty steps to get to the Plasma Sword, forty steps to get to the Pistol. The moment he stepped into the dark area, he lost all sight of everything, the only light he had was his help screen, that was displaying where his weapons were.

Two more steps and he could get his sword, the sounds of metal grinding, scratching could be heard all around him, he silently prayed that whatever was down there didn't notice him. He could feel the girl's weight as he lowered himself to pick up the Sword, however he didn't dare turn it on, he wasn't stupid he had seen enough movies to know that the moments the lights turned on it would be a fight to the death. He needed his pistol.

The sounds of something slithering passed him, he silently held his breath, while the girl tightened her grip around his neck. Good she was still alive, he didn't want to know he was carrying a corpse.

He was almost near the gun and he could literally see the light at the end of the tunel, hell there were stairs right underneath the dam thing. But just as fast as his excitement came it left, he knew what that meant, whatever was down here was letting him walk down the area. It was giving him false hope, while at the same time enclosing him so he couldn't go back the way he came in.

Either way he finally had his gun and he began to move toward the stairs. But when he reached them nothing happened, he thought they were free, then the lights turned on.

If he had the time or the sense, he would have vomited, instead he threw the girl on to the stairs and told her to climb. There was a reason why he hadn't been attacked, and why his pursuers had not caught up to him here even though he was moving so slowly.

They had been killed silently and efficiently. Their killers were giant spiders, but calling them spiders was exaggeration. They had the heads of people, their bodies were rooting, and seemed to ooze a type of disease against the walls.

That explained why the lights were off, one of them had caused a short circuit. They all turned to look at him, he just opened fire, missing every two out of every five shots. Their gurgling shrieks, echoed thru the walls as the girl above him screamed.

He didn't care he began to climb, until he reached her. At that moment he placed his head between her legs and pushed her up. As the sounds of metal scratching caught his attention, they were climbing.

Either way he shot the closest ones and continued to climb, when all of a sudden the sounds of machine gun fire caught his attention. Help had come.

[''Hold on, we're going to send a wire, put it on your waist because you're never going to get out of there, by climbing up those stairs.''] it was the same voice, from the girl from before

Sure enough there was a wire hanging down, right next to him, he immediately tied it around his waist, briefly thinking about putting it on the girl. But immediately discarding the thought, the three of them should be able to pull them both up. After all the girl barely weighed anything.

The moment the wire was tied, was the moment he felt it dig into him, threatening to slice him in half. As his surroundings began to blur faster and faster and the girl held on for dear life, it dawn on him just how far down he really was.
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He could feel his waist being carved by the wire and his head becoming wet, as a small amount of water ran down his face. All he could do was grin his teeth and keep shooting, but he was almost out of ammunition.

The girl on his head, made things even harder, even though she didn't weigh much but God damn it she was strong. Normally when you see someone malnourished, to the point, where they look like if they could fall over, you don't expect them to be all that strong. But this girl seemed to have the strength of a gorilla.

Still he missed every three shots, out of every five, that was before he figured out, that the hole keep your finger pressed on the trigger and then watch the shots hit the enemy without you having to aim still worked.

So yeah he was abusing the hell out of it, but it was using up all of his amo. Then he had to reload, in those moments he had to let the girl go, and expect her to hold on. Each time he did that, she would squeeze her legs that were around his neck with all her strength, and her arms would wrap around his head further hindering him.

But as the seconds became minutes, his vision was becoming blurry, the lack of air, along with the tight wire around his weight and the added weight of hanging while someone pulled him up was slowly killing him. If he didn't reach the top soon he would die, and so would the girl.

Why did he keep thinking about her he didn't know. But he couldn't see anymore, he could barely breath and everything seemed so far away. He could feel his body stop responding to him and he knew his time was almost up ,but at that moment he felt something grab him when it did that, he didn't know.

He felt something shoved in his mouth, but he just couldn't see anymore, or hear anything at all. Almost as if were an instant, did the sound of the world around reach him, the first thing that reached him, was the sound of machine gun fire, combined with the hard steel he was laying on.

''I'm almost out of ammo!'' screamed a woman

''Screw it, we're leaving!'' screamed a man

''So were just leaving him!'' answered a second woman

''He's dead weight, that potions healing him, but it's to slow. Whatever these things are they're too many. We need another one of his guns, it's the only thing that works on them.'' the man from before screamed, as he fired his overly explosive gun, that seemed as if he was launching bombs with every shot

As his vision began return he was greeted by the dark uncaring steel, ceramic roof, accompanied by what could only be described as snow, that fell over so carefully on to the ground below. At the edge of his sight he saw the girl kneeling besides him, whether it was because she had seen it far too many times, or she didn't know how to react to it. But she just stayed there knelled down looking at him.

As he took a deep breath and fully awoke, he was greeted by the smell of ash, and the repugnant scent of rotting flesh. As he tried to stand up his waist screamed in pain, every move only further increasing his agony, still he could no longer let his injuries stop him. How long had he been unconscious, how long had those people protected him, he did not know, either way they would soon abandon him, they had said so themselves, he was dead weight.

As his waist screamed in a hot combination of pain and numbness, he stood once again. He owed these people, his fellow players had come to back him up, even though they said that he would be on his own if he ran into any trouble.

Still if he was going to face against something like the Flood, then he needed weapons that could do real harm. Unfortunately he was unable to summon another pistol, there was a time limit of fifteen minutes and ten had passed already. Well at least he knew how long he had been unconscious.

Still he needed time, so if his could hold the enemy of for just a little bit longer he might be able to make something useful. Unfortunately when he looked at his inventory and searched thru his Warhammer one, he was disappointed to find that it only had a Lasgun, a bayonet, a couple of cans of tear gas, as well as to a set of tools for maintenance of his lass gun.

So all he had was his Halo weapons, so he did the one thing he could do, he grabbed as many U.NS.C sticky grenades, Forerunner pulse grenades and Covenant Plasma grenades, unfortunately he could only get four of each, still it was more firepower than he might need at least he hoped it was.

Suddenly noticing that his surroundings had become silent, he looked up to see his defenders only to be heavily disappointed. They were dressed in a type of world war one or was it world war two, military clothing and had a sign that said planetary guard, they were N.P.C's.

But wasn't what had him disappointed, they had seen him summoning his grenades and as a result they were now aiming their laser guns at him. As he was about to say something, he felt a small tug on his pants, the girl was hiding behind him, all of a sudden a beeping sound caught his attention.

The moment that one of the N.P.C's was about to speak he was burned alive, him and his comrades. They had saved him and he never got a chance to say thank you.

''Seems we made it just in time.'' said a powerful voice behind him, as he turned around to see who it was, he was met with a man easily six times his size. Clad in thick white armor and with the emblem of the Dragon age design on it he said. ''Fucken N.P.C's man first they help you, then they try to kill you. Word of advice, don't trust any of them, by the way names Julio, leader of the dragon forge chapter, made it myself.''
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Pove change
The world shook beneath her feet, it felt as if everything was going to break and fall apart. The Guardsman was doing that thing again where he moves his hands and thing appear, but the other ones didn't like that and now they were pointing their guns at him.

She could hear them, those things that live in the dark, no one knows what they are or where they came from, but they take way anyone that goes into the dark areas. That was why no one went near a completely dark place, the rule was one lantern you're safe, no lantern run away.

She just wanted to make that pounding sound go away, so she did the only thing that worked she held the Guards mans leg.For some reason he knew, what she wanted every time she did that, the first time he had given her food.

Then he let her go with him, it was the first time one of the street people didn't want to do something to her, what they wanted she didn't know but any girl or boy they caught was never seen again.

No one wanted her, only he did, why else did he take her with him, if he didn't.

The pounding noise was getting louder and the three other Guards were getting scared, then something threw fire at them. ''Seems I made it just in time'' said a voice that shook everything ''Fucken N.P.C's man, first they help you then they try to kill you. Word of advice, don't trust any of them, by the way names Julio leader of the Dragon forge chapter, made it myself'' the giant said as he walked up to them.

She wanted to scream when she saw, just what it was.

It was completely white, it's feet were bigger than her and with every step it made the ground shake. Its glowing red eyes, were so bright in the darkness of the under hive, its long tube like mouth then it, with every step it became bigger and bigger, until it finally stopped right infront of her.

In its hands held a gun she had never seen before, it had a pair of long white tubes in front of it, a small white bottle near the bottom, but what scared her was just how big it was. She was just reached the things ankle, The only color she could see besides its glowing red eyes, was the red marks that shone in its chess.

''You know, they did save me'' 1432 said

''They were going to shoot you, trust me I've seen it before.'' Julio answered

''So where's everyone else, I don't see them. All I see are a couple of red tags'' 1432 asked

''There dead, I told you, those dam N.P.C's will kill you if they get the chance''. … ''Space Marine armor, stronger than what any of them had at the moment. Don't worry they'll be back in a few minutes, it's not the first time some of them die.'' Julio answered, as the sound of screeching mixed in with a type of gurgling reached their ears.

''So what do we got'' Julio asks

''Looks like some kind of infection,I don't think its the Flood or at least not a version I've seen before. But don't worry I've got this, here take a look I got a couple of Forerunner Pulse grenades and some U.N.S.C sticky grenades, plus. '' 1432 answers before being stopped

''Don't use any of them except for the Pulse grenades, any explosion you used would just call in unnecessary attention here. Listen haven't you wondered why no one questions why this place is so dark right now.
The Guard tried to clean out the Under Hive, so a lot of shit is going on right now. Unfortunately, they're still around here somewhere but they're still pretty spread out.'' Julio answered

''So I just throw them down there, by the way haven't you noticed that we're having a surprisingly calm conversation.''1432 asks

''Our emotions are locked somehow, the others and I talked about it earlier. Now throw your fucking grenades down there, so that I can start burning the ones that make it up here.'' Julio answers

''As they both walk up to the where the burned corpses of the Guardsmen Julio just burned. 1432 throws his grenades down, immediately after Julio begins to use his Flamer moving it back and forth, trying to burn anything. Unfortunately every time his flames, get anywhere near any of the creatures they simply move out of the way, or just go further back.

''Well this isn't working, you know what fuck it.'''1432 says, as he starts throwing grenades at the enemies. Unfortunately a small light wraps around them and they vanish from the Under Hive, never knowing if any of their efforts actually did anything.
''What the hell'' Julio says, as the world changed. When the light banished they were inside a white room, filled with nothing but empty chairs, and what looked like old computers.

Gentlemen and lady welcome aboard, the Space Ball One, I'm your captain. Names Mark 187.'' Said a man standing behind them, as they turned around to see who it was, they were met by a strange sight.

His overly joy filled expression, seemingly light up the room. His brown air force jacket, white shirt, brown pants and black shoes, along with his black skin and bleach white hair made the man quite a sight.

As 1432 was about to say something, the man spoke again stopping him from saying anything. ''Okay three you guys have to know, as of two days ago , all Senior Players have been in a huge meeting. You probably didn't know about it, because for some reason only the ones that had Space ships could hear it.''

''They agreed on three things, before you say anything hear me out, I'm just doing what I have to do. Somehow were actually merging with our Avatars, you guys probably noticed it, but it's hard for you to feel, if it's not a strong sensation, well it's like this, some people put themselves in a scanner and well. People don't gain muscles without pain, and everyone either, got pretty freaking strong, or is another species. ''

''What ever brought us here, at least made sure we lived enough so we could adapt.''Mark 187 said

''Wait what do you mean, I just got here.'' 1432 interrupted

''No you didn't, like I said the process is extremely painful. A lot of people said the same thing and so they looked at their recordings and found they've been unconscious for at least a week. Count your self lucky you weren't striped for parts, or turned into a Servitor.''

''Now listen there are these areas where everyone is forced and I mean everyone else will kill you if you don't respect. Their still the same as the ones from before but, guys this means everyone's supposed to drop everything and go protect these places, should the need come.''

''Space Engineer sector, Dc the Source Wall, the Great Celestials corps, and the Empty field. Anyone can make anything they want and can even start their own shops in any of these places. A lot of people have started actually.''

''And now the moment you've all been waiting for the basic rules that have been discovered and have now been created.'' Mark 187 said as he spread his hands wide ''You don't have to join any group, but please don't enslave any other player, because the day your discovered. We will kill you and use your tags to get whatever gear you have.''

''Number two, please don't try to conquer any of the major factions, were to spread out and a lot of people are still missing, oh yeah, I almost forgot. You can summon any ship you have but you won't be able to call it again, if it's destroyed for two or five days.'' Mark 187 said as he finally finished explaining what he knew

''So where are we heading right now.'' Julio asked

''Great question, right now we're off to Space Engineer, that way you guys can get of my ship and decide whatever you want to do. So once I drop you guys of its back to exploring for me. We should be there in five minutes, I am using the call back feature after all.''Mark 187 answered, before a beeping sound caught his attention, well that was fast we're already here so go an a head.''
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''Oie look outside, were getting to our destination right now.''Mark 187 said, as an entire wall became a dark screen, as the dark empty image began to be filled with, the remains of space ships, space stations, planets and other debris. Both Julio and 1432 began to realize that it wasn't just a screen cover, no it was everything outside of the ship they were in.

Slowly several Gundams flew towards them, after emerging from their hidden locations, behind some of the wreckage. As both Julio and 1432 tensed up fully preparing themselves for the upcoming battle for their lives. Mark 187 spoke again.

''Relax you two, they're just the defense system. I told you already, this place is a safe place, that's why we all have to com and protected. No N.P.C can come in here unless we allow it, so if this place is ever breached, just remember, there's a hell of a lot of firepower protecting it. So yeah, we need your help.''

As 1432 was about to say something Mark 187 spoke again, one more time preventing the guards men from talking. ''And that right there is our groups main office.'' Mark said as both Julio and 1432 only stared, both me unable to comprehend just what the hell they were seeing.

It was a planet, there was no doubt, but it was completely made of metal, light up in an eerily glowing mixture of blue, red, white and pink lights, that showed the sheer amount of machines tethering and assembling pieces of the place somewhere else. Almost as if they were attempting to rebuild the planet, but in a different location.

''Hey look, the Promethean, it has a glowing ball on it. It took it out of one of the buildings.'' Julio said as a blue, Promethean flew into an unseen area away from prying eyes.

''That my friends was a spark, you know a transformers soul. We can't have Decepticons running around, the same goes for their counter parts so whenever a spark is found we simply take it and destroy the body. Oh and believe me here everything is a machine.'' Mark 187 said

Suddenly in front of them a blue water like portal opened up behind the. Both Julio and 1432 prepared their respective weapons, only for Mark to stand in their way. As the blue glow of the portal became brighter, a small woman around the age of fifteen emerged from it.

Her long black hair, white shirt, tight long business skirt, and black high heels, made her look like an office worker. She was quite the looker, 1432 would have immediately thrown himself at her, except she only reached up to 1432's chess.

''Mark I see you picked up some new people, come on we have paperwork to do.'' she said

''Come on , really. I just left.'' Mark 187 answers

''Yes you left me with the bill, so I have ohh I don't know a slight grudge. Good thing there's a lot of paperwork to do and you're going to do it.'' she answered as she walked into the portal. As she disappeared into the portal Mark 187 signaled them to follow them into it.

As they walked the portal 1432 felt a small tug in his arm, it was the girl somehow she must have been brought in with hem. He had completely forgotten about her, she had been so quiet after all, one could almost say she could have been invisible. Al he did was smile and patted he on the head, as he shook her arm and they both walked in.

As they all walked thru the portal they were immediately met with a man sitting behind a large desk, which was odd considering the entire room was completely white. The only color was the man, the nearly invisible stack of papers, which were the same color as the room, and the finely furnished desk and chair in it.

''Gentlemen, miss welcome to Cybertron, I'm one of the eight heads that controls the Engineer sector, who knows maybe one of you could become the ninth. My names Ricardo and if you're asking who is this guy and why is he in charge, My colleagues and I are all Veterans, I myself am a U.S Marine, the one in the East is J.D.F, the one in the north was a Mexican Army General, if you want I could continue.'' Ricardo said, while he sat reading the paper he had in his hands, never once bothering to look up at them.

''Now the rules of this place remain the same as when they were on the game, except there's a couple of things you're not allowed to do, no enslaving your fellow players, you can however enslave any non protected N.PC planet for five years then, all inhabitants get to go free and are under our protection as a hole. This goes for a single individual as well. Oh and if you think about torturing them, we will find out and unlike them you don't stay dead.''

''Now if you signup with us we offer a complete package of Faster than light readings, this allows you to see nearly all ships that are in space. As you might already know you can only pick up an the ones you have access to. Of course this also includes the faster than light engines, so you can access them.''

''However should you remain unaffiliated and choose to make your own group, please consider us as your first choice for sales and trade and good luck that's all. After all space is quite big and there's no reason for any of us to see each other again.'' Ricardo said in a strangely cheerful voice

''You sound oddly cheerful.''1432 said

''Because I am , this isn't Earth where I have to put up with idiots that think they're above the law, there are fates worse than death. So what's it going to be.'' Ricardo says, as he finally puts the sheet of paper down.

''Think I'll pass on joining your group, I'm still new to all of this afterall.'' 1432 answers

''Sure, hope you reconsider in the future, so how about you big guy.''

''Sorry but I have to say no.'' Julio answers , only to be caught in a swilling whirlpool, of light, the moment it ended three more people stood next to him, unfortunately the defense system felt their resurrection and immediately tossed them out of the room.

''Sorry about that, but those are some of our safety precautions, would you like to wait for your friends. My assistant will be explaining everything to them at the moment.'' Ricardo asks, Julio

''No, I just met those people were not really close. I've spent more time with these two. Well my time with them has been a hell of a lot better.'' Julio answers almost immediately

''I see, well good luck feel free to build your ships here, and like always a fully stocked medical ship will be assigned to you by the system.'' Ricardo says, as a beam of light blinds their vision.

As they emerged in an unknown room they begin to realize just where they were. There were several beds all lined up beside one another with only a few curtains separating them, with several windows showing the empty space outside.

''Greetings please choose which ship you would like to create or if you already have some in your system which one would you like to summon'' said a computerized voice

''Why are we being rushed?'' asked 1432

''They probably don't want competition, it's an old sales ploy for small companies. Think about it, new guy shows up, with a completely clean slate, except this time. The new guy has the ability to find anything useful and they want that on their side.'' Julio answers

''Oh guess that makes sense, so aren't you going to build one.''1432 asked genuinely curious as he began to look thru the ships he already had.

''Actually, I was hoping to come with you. I've played plenty of ship to ship battles, and lost all of them. So no I don't have what it takes to keep a ship afloat, the thing is something tells me that not being able to die, might be a bad thing here.'' Julio answers, as he looks at the metal peaces floating in front of him.

…..''Okay then, sorry.''1432 said, as he takes in a deep breath ''Let's see, we need lots of space, but we also need firepower, The thing is any alien ship would be shot by the Imperium on sight, shields we definitely need Void Barriers. Im guessing both hard light and heat, you know the kind that keeps stuff like solar storms away from us.''

''Faster than light, we need Warp, but according to this we can only have two faster than light engines on the ship, any other form is allowed as long as it's from a third party.''1432 says to himself and Julio

''Why do we need the Warp drive, I mean you know what that thing does.'' Julio asks, no understanding why his new Captain would choose to keep something so dangerous.

''Like it or not, there's a huge chance we might get suked into the Warp, regardless of what we do. I want way out incase that happens, so for that we need both the barriers and the drive.'' 1432 immediately answers, while not even bothering to look at Julio

''Now we need food, let's put an indoor garden, we definitely need bathrooms, kitchen a cafeteria, training room, some spare space, in case we find something good. Oh yah rooms lots of rooms, for the crew we might have.'' Immediately snapping his fingers '' I knew I forgot something, the weapons one hanger will holds tanks and any other heavy equipment and the other guns, armor, and every freakin explosive needed.'' 1432 says as he looks at the list he just made, as it begins to appear in front of him and Julio

''You forgot the Infirmary, as well as the laboratory and the engineering department, with the forge so we can replace what we lose.'' Julio says as he point out, what 1432 missed

''You're right, well guess that makes everything and the ship's name is the Infinity.'' 1432 says as he begins to see several runes begin to mark themselves on the ship only now realizing that they forgot to choose another faster than light engine, so the computer that controlled the ships creation simply left the Slipspace engine on.

''Dam, now we're stuck with two wierd acting engines. But still it's quite a sight'' 1432 says as the Infinity itself begins to form in front of him, it's enormous size, held a form of beauty that could not be put into words. The black paint, accompanied by the enormous guns, made her look dangerous, the only thing that confused him however was the sign that read awaiting Ai

''Hey 14, ask if I can be hooked up to her. I don't trust Ai'' Julio asks

''No need, it's an option''1432 says, as he presses the accept button on his screen.

However not two seconds after the ships creation, did a request come in, neither caring to allow both of them any choice Ricardo stood in front of them.

''Gentlemen I see you finished your ship, good. I have a request for the two of you, the reward a starmap of all of the areas mapped by our members, this includes the locations of the other safe zones. As well as multiple faster than light trackers.''

''Should you say yes, your mission is to help rescue what's left of a planet's people. Just get them of planet and keep them with you for a year while we figure out what to do with them.'' Ricardo says in a strange combination a of authority, and asking a request

''Why keep them for a year''Julio asks, suspicious of the quest given to them

''We don't have any planets at the moment, at least none that won't kill them the moment they set foot there. Tell you what I'll even throw in a deep communicator. That way you guys and your guest can call here wherever you go. So will you help us.'' Ricardo asks

''Deal'' was all that 1432 said, as a beam of light enveloped him, Julio and the N.P.C girl with him as the ship itself was absorbed into a Stargate that was moved by several Gundams

''Are you sure about this'' a woman asks Ricardo

''You saw it your self my assistant. Those two didn't die, while they were alone only nine people have done that and we're all leaders of the safe zones. So yes it's better to keep them under us for the moment'' Ricardo said as he sat back down and continued to read both Julio's and 1432's profiles
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Category Guardsmen\ Adventurer\ Subordinate\ Towns Native\ Apprentice\ Slave; The most basic and by far most common character, that a player will run into. These are individuals that either have decided to play the game as an average Human and therefore have learned of the advantages of said limitations. Or are the newest players to the M.M.O R.P.G.

Advantages, do to being the most common and therefore the y can easily be found in any planet, ship, town or slave pin. These individuals are experts in multitasking, infiltration, weapons design, magic, technology, run engraving, spirituality and so on.

Their strengths is acknowledged by their sheer diversity as they can and will be capable of acquiring any sort of skill, however when a player decides to take a new form, such as becoming an Elf, Nekron, or Ork this diversity is lost.

While the weakest of all characters, they are by far the most useful, should a player know how to use their avatars. Their strength, speed, weapons, magic, as well as any other ability they may have will be the lowest an individual may have, please remember that it is this very trait that makes these characters so deadly.

The weak body can be nullified should a player acquires a power armor, enchanted\runic weaponry as well as a mixture of the two. Tho they are the weakest their summoning ability is the highest in the game.

An example given would be if a Spartan is only able to summon one type of ship, though they maybe able to summon ten of any given size [please note that the examples given are beta only and could change in the near future.] they would be forced to only summon that specific tip of ship during the battle face, or during their assembling of their fleet. At least until their points have fully returned, which in turn would allow them to summon any other ship type of any size, but would be limited to ten and of only that kind.

The adventurer would not be under any set of limit, instead they are subjected to a level limiter, and therefore the higher the level the shorter their cool down period for summoning will be.

An example give should a player of low level su,on an Imperial dreadnought, they would be unable to summon a second Imperial Dreadnought, however they will be able to summon a Covenant Dreadnought. This inturn will of course apply to any other ship, or creature they choose, please note that a player has to have these designs or ships in their databases, for the summoning to work.

Please note that while the lowest of players may not be able to summon more than one planetary ship, the ship itself will not be equipped with any types of land vehicles, as a form of leveling the battlefield they would need to acquire, build, steal their equipment from other ships, [which can be stolen] or by trading with the local inhabitants.

[][Please remember that even though Humans\ Adventurers are the lowest of playable characters, the jobs available to them are significantly higher than all other characters. They are but not limited to, Farmer, Assassin, Knight[but only temporary if one wishes to stay a knight they would lose their adventurer status] Captain of any ship, Engineer, Mage and so on
Character change; How did this happen? How did it get to this? That's right it started ten years ago, she hadn't paid much attention to the news back then, in all honesty there was no reason to. The news talked about some new serial killer and how he kept stealing people's skulls, while leaving everything else behind.

But in all honesty, she had just believed it was just another mad man. Another lost soul in an ever darkening world God now she wished she was wrong.

A young woman struggles to stand, as the deluded sounds of the ongoing war around her slowly begins to return, along with her somewhat blurry vision, as she struggles to regain her senses and therefore gain a moment of clarity, the smell of smoke , blood and urine hit her.

Realizing this she immediately vomits, what little contents her stomach held, seeing as she hadn't eaten in two days, regardless of this she lifts up her had in an attempt to gain some sort of comfort, she is only met with an alien sky. A raging whirlpool of Chaotic colors that seems to have creatures in it, all seemingly attempting to escape its hellish grip, only to fail miserably and be dragged back into it.

As she begins to lower her gaze in despair a man graves her arm screaming at her ''Come on, there's another ship over there. We have to hurry before it leaves'' he yelled at her as he began to drag her with him. As they both run in the direction he was heading, she begins to notice that the buildings all around her begin to change slowly but surely they started to grow mold and by some strange reason, giant mushrooms and strange mold off all sorts of colors begin to grow out of them.

As they both begin to run faster and faster attempting to escape whatever madness is going on, she finally gets a clear view of the ship they were headed to. It looked like a boat, but made of metal, plus it was floating in the sky, in its twelve circular rings that surrounded its body, she could make up what looked like people sitting on chairs, its early green glow somehow seemed to force whatever was happening around her away from it.

She was able to see this as the ship began to fly up into the sky and away from them, in that moment she heard the man besides her cry ''That was the last ship, all of the others left already,'' he said as he stood his ground and tears fell from his eyes. All around her the same thing could be heard, people giving up falling to despair, it was at that moment that her tunnel vision cleared up and she saw the reality of the situation.

Her city no longer existed, it was either infested with grotesque diseases of every kind, with what she only hoped were strange funguses that looked like people reaching out to her, begging her to join them, or it was repeatedly breaking itself and forming something else, while it tried to stay the same.

All around her people were either holding each other or on their knees crying, as the sound of machine gun fire and some sort of whooshing sound, similar to when her dad used the blowtorch he had and some strange stomping sounds reached her she began to fully lose hope.

At least that was until a strange white light past her and the stomping sounds shook the ground, at that moment she truly realized just how insignificant she was, for in that moment she bore witness to a truly terrifying sight an Imperial Titan charged straight at her. Its massive chain sword screaming anxious for battle, and it was met with an even more horrifying enemy.

A red giant bull, with the lower body of a tank, an arm made of of five massive cannons, and a giant sworn in the other hand that remained, from its mouth it seemed to spill some sort of acid that ate away at the ground once it touched it.

As the two monsters fought, a soldier screamed at them ''Come on! Everyone into the portal your ride is on the other side!'' he screamed, without thinking it everyone began to run and as soon as they reached the strange blue and purple gate they jumped right thru.

The last thing she would see of her home, would be the soldier using some kind of flame thrower on what could only be called demons as he made sure everyone made it out, as the portal closed behind her.

It only took but an instant, but she emerged on the other side wherever it was and she was greeted by a massive steel black and gray room. With her were all of the people she had seen earlier, plus a lot more she hadn't.

''Ladies and gentlemen. This is your Captain speaking, for your own safety take of your cloth, all of them including your underwear, anyone with infants the same goes for their diapers and any sort of extra material you may have.'' A man's voice sounded as it came from all over the room.

''And why should we.'' a man screamed

''That stuff you were running thew, if just a tiny spec gets threw, everyone in this ship will suffer exactly like everyone and everything you saw earlier and once it starts it can't be stopped.'' the man's voice answers

''Now if there any other objections please say it, otherwise please exit through the door on your left. Those of you with infants, or children I'm afraid they will have to go alone without you, but don't worry just tell whoever is in front of you to watch them as you walk thru.''

''The door works as a super disinfectant, we have some cloths if you find nothing that fits well find something that does thank you for your cooperation.'' the man says as the sounds of speakers cutting of can be heard

''Fuck'' says the man behind her, as she turns around to see who it is she's shocked to see him taking off his cloths.

''Hey girl quit being so shy. Look around you everyone is doing it. I mean we got no choice, you've seen it to, that guy wasn't lying once it starts it doesn't stop'' he says ''Oh yeah by the way names Bazz B, how about you'' he asks as he finally finishes taking of his clothes and begins to walk to the metal doors

With a bright red face she answers with her head down as she tries not to look at the people around her ''Yuzu'' she answered weakly

''What's that I couldn't hear you.'' Bazz B answered

''I said my names Yuzu Kurosaki, and thank you for saving me'' she finally finishes answering as she walked behind him noticing that a woman in front of her place a newborn infant onto a tray that slid to the other side of the doors, only to be picked up by a man and handed back to the woman as soon as she crosses

''Guess that guy wasn't lying, when both the kid and his mom passed their skin was light brown like it had been exposed to some kind of radiation. Bet that's what they're using to kill whatever it is. Plus their cloths'' Bazz B says, as he points to a bunch of people, wearing white t shirts and black pants, as other people start to go towards them

As Bazz B walked towards the door Yuzu looked back to see a lot of people wearing white beginning to undress as she left, come to think about it as she walked forward the guy Bazz B wore a similar looking suit. Maybe they were from some sort of group she thought as she left the room and immediately headed for her change of cloths.
[]][ earlier
''What the hell'' 1432 said

''We appear to to have changed locations'' Julio answers as he looks out the window

''Dammit, computer bring shields up.'' 1432 saisd only to be met with a humming noise. ''Right this shop doesn't have an A.I'' 1432 said as he looked at the ship's bridge

''Which is lucky that you have me.'' Julio said as he walked up to a table in the center of the room and somehow knowing where a u.s.v cord and plug are.

''My help screen showed me how I can control, the ship as well as its navigating systems,. Were fortunate that the life support and communications are powered by a separate engine rather than the Warp or Gravity one, or else we would have been in trouble.'' Julio explained

The moment the cord connected to a small opening in his neck did the engines begin to turn on, immediately activating all of the Infiniti's lights, and powering up its shields. ''Infinity this is Captain John 1673 were sending whatever survivors we can, Don't turn on your shields. I repeat don't turn on your shields they will arrive by sleep space portals onto your ship. The man on the other side said before being cut off

''Julio show me what the hell were dealing with''1432 said as hundreds of screens begin to light up and show a planet becoming a demon world, however surrounding it were an assortment of ships everything from Planet crackers from Dead Space to the Outlaw Star

''Julio as soon as those people are on board get them in a sealed room then get us the hell out of here. This place is infested by Chaos.'' 1432 said as the realization of what he signed up for sank in

''Captain I am receiving reports from the surrounding ships, these people have some sort of mutants'' Julio informed 1432 as the images of people with arrows made of light were shown, immediately followed by another image of a bald man wielding some sort of sword that became something else, and several people with strange powers all fighting off the demon infestation. While they gave the surviving people time to get to the last remaining ships on the planet.

''Julio do we have any drop ships on board that we can use to pick up any one left behind'' 142 asked genuinely worried

''No and it would be advised. From what I'm reading the entire planet is about to be bombarded with everything from planet Crackers to black hole bombs.'' Julio answered as he notices that they suddenly had two thousand more life signs aboard ''Captain, I am receiving a text all other ships are leaving. It would be advised for you to say something to the refuges''

''Right ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking for your own safety. Please take of your cloths.'' [Read their arrival for his announcement,] As he finishes telling everyone what to do, he felt a small tug on his arm it was the girl still as quiet as ever only looking somewhat mad at him now.

It was at this moment that a small screen appeared besides would you like to claim her. He immediately pressed yes and was greeted with everything from customized hair to even her personality, however all he changed were her cloths. She now wore a long flowery yellow dress that seemed to light up the room with joy.

''You're going to need someone to play with, but I'll also need somebody to fix everything and my points are almost gone. Luckily I have just the guy for the job a Huragok, they may look weird but they're harmless.'' 1432 said, as the Huragok flew around the girl, oddly enough she actually smiled and laughed. Witch surprised 1432 because he assumed she was amute

Yet as quickly as the laughter begin it vanished , the Huragok had ran away from the girl and now she had a pouty face, it would later return with all of the refuges and he would have to explain everything he knew to them

However right now they were headed by the Infinity's original faster than light, into the edges of mapped space. Something was going on and he was going to see it. Oddly enough neither he nor Julio would notice but they both seemed to have more color in them, almost as if they were a little more human.

''Captain we have company'' Julio said as he informed 1432 and thereby removing him from the refuges. ''It appears to be some sort of wooden ship, Captain we're receiving transmission.'' Julio said, as the image of a woman with green hair pale skin and red stripes on her face appeared

''Attention Pirates surrender or die.'' she said

''This is Captain Jose 1432 of the U.S.C Infinity we are not pirates , I repeat we are not pirates.'' 1432 answer

''Ah no did you and your friends not just destroy that planet. Since you lied about it die.'' she said

''Captain she seems to be trying to take over all of our systems. However all of our runes seem to be holding her off for the moment.'' Julio informed

''Julio the moment you get a chance shoot her, with everything we have, I just realized who that is. Lady Seto, she's a member of the Juraian royal family.'' 1432 told Julio.

''Lady Seto we have refugees on board, your actions are putting them in danger, should you continue we will fire.'' 1432 said his voice now sounding ice cold

''Like if you could, commence boarding' Lady Seto said as a barrage of railguns, missiles and lasers hit her ship rocketing her own like crazy when she looked up however a strange blue and purple portal enveloped the Infinity making it disappear it was at that moment she bowed to find oit and its captain
''Julio scan the area, I don't want any surprises, so the moment you find anything, I want to know about it!'' 1432 ordered.

''Captain we're officially, in the uncharted areas. I'm scanning the surrounding star clusters, however we're going to need to launch a couple of drones, if we're going to get a more accurate map.'' Julio answered

''Do we have any on board'' 1432 asked

''Unfortunately, no sir. Captain, permission to remove myself from direct contact with the Infinity.'' Julio asked

''Granted, but re connect yourself ass soon as you can. If we're really in uncharted areas.'' 1432 answers as Julio cut him off as he removed the U.S.B cord from his neck

''One four, when I connected to the infinity, I received everything from its weight engine power, weaponry, life support and repeated scans of its interior as well as its exterior. However I also received some stuff that didn't belong in it.''

''I received a form of teleportation, several designs of server skulls, and at least three different types of light armament, the thing is that the moment I disconnected they were removed from my inventory.'' Julio informed 1432

''If you can get that teleporter up in running, I still have to deal with the people we have with us. As soon as you're done mapping the nearby area, well check out what it has to offer, Oh and Julio if you find any nearby players, make sure you tell me before you head towards them.'' 1432 ordered, as he walked towards the people who looked at him and Julio somewhat frightened

As 1432 looked at the group of people, who were all in different states of shock,confusion, and if one looked closely some of them were beginning to run away from reality.

''Ladies and gentlemen, I ask of you to forgive us for what you just went thru. But royalty never seems to believe anything except what they want to believe. Obviously we're not Pirates, otherwise you'd all be in cages, which none of you are.''

''Feel free to move about the ship, treat it as your home. Because for the next year it will be, now I'm not going to lie to any of you, the time you spend on this ship will change you. Space isn't a kind place, but it also isn't entirely evil.''

''So if any of you believe you have relatives on one of the other ships, I suggest you call them, the wall all have the call in feature. If any of you are hungry, feel free to go to the cafeteria, we have plenty of spare rooms for those of you that just want to get some sleep. Now I will be coming by with my little assistant and our friend here, when we pass by please come to us in an orderly manner. We'll need to know your name, what occupation you had, any extra skills and what illnesses you may have. Such as Asthma, Cancer and so on.'' 1432 told the people, as they all began to break apart and walk away, some heading for the walls and immediately saying their family members names.

While others simply looked for the supposed spare rooms, while the few that could headed to the cafeteria as small arrows on the walls, showed them the way.''

1432 Exhaled as he turned to look at his little companion, besides Julio she had been with him ever since he woke up. Granted she never said anything, but she was there. Hell would normally punch himself, for not bothering to at least give her a name.

As he took a good look at her he began to think to himself ''Maybe I rushed into this'' She was small, with pale skin from living in the light deprived Hive city. Her long black hair, and flowery dress gave her a sense of joy, yet just by looking at how thin she was. 1432 knew that she wouldn't have lasted another three months, before she died of starvation.

As he looked and smiled while he patted her on, her head '1432 said ''Let's go get something to eat. Alice, do you you like it your name will be Alice.'' the moment those words existed his mouth, the girl somehow shined, yet at the same time cried, but to any onlookers her tears were those filled with joy

As both 1432 and his claimed N.P.C left, Julio immediately began to make his move. ''Open data package, given to us by the administration of the Engineering sector, I want a quick overview of the information.
Opening information package, for eyes of players only, anyone caught in the illegal spreading of this information will be executed fifty seven times.

. The four safe zones are the areas of space that have the most valuable resources from the time these works were just a games. The empty space is exactly what it it's name implies, those living within this sector, are experts in confronting entities such as the Great Old Ones, and the Elder Gods.

Do to being a completely empty void, all inhabitants of this area have the luxury of being able to create any form of energy and life forms they wish, while at the same time have recently discovered a way to move the safest planets away from the madness of their section of the Universe.

The Source wall; do to being a wall located in the edge of its universe, all inhabitants of this area of space, live within the screaming mouths of the petrified entities encased in it. Do to the wall being near lethal to all non players, many have taken to living in the nearby planets, thus making their section one of the most divers as well as resource rich.
The engineering sector,; by far one of the most wasteful as well as one of the most secure areas in the four universes. While clustered in the remnants of billions of failed space crafts designs, it remains one of the most secure, as it is the only one to be known to have fought of both the likes of a Tiranid hive fleet ,as well as the replicator armada.

These feats were accomplished do to the numerous combinations of technology available, as well as the fact that all safe zones can call upon each other and for help.
The celestial corps, the inhabitants of this sector are known to be experienced in combating threats such as Galactus, the Fenix as well as many others. Do to modeling from some of the players, many Mutants now live within this area.

All players visiting this area, are advised to take extreme caution do to many entities attempting to learn exactly what players are.
1;No player will enslave another. If one enslaves another race, then after five years they are to be released. The same applies for an individual.
Failure to do so will, mark you as a candidate for permanent\continues death. We may not be able to permanently kill you but we can keep killing you over and over.

2; All rescued or, discovered players must be taken to one of the safe zones so that they may gain the call back feature there, in case of any emergency

3; All players are required, to lay aid to any of the safe zones should they need it. There are no exceptions, except if the callback is blocked or if a player is currently in a war. The reason being, no one wants these resources, to fall into the wrong hands.
';' Do to not having applied to live within one of the safe zones rules for habitation can not be displayed.

''That barely helps anything at all, at least I know that those places are completely on separate sides of the universe.'' Julio said after hearing everything
''Bring up markings of all players, attach all known areas that have already been charted by other players.''Julio ordered, as the images regarding the the safe zones and their surrounding areas , were displayed on the infinity's monitors.

However he ignored them as his attention was placed on the holographic projector he had been leaning on, since he first connected himself to the ship. There were a disturbingly high amount of tags in the uncharted areas. Tho there were plenty within the already known sections of space.

He himself cared little for them, they weren't his problem. His help screen, showed a small loading sign next to the star map, around the infinity. As a small area about the same distance from the sun to Pluto began to fill itself out around it. To many the sight of this would have been incredible, but for him it was pathetic.

If Julio had to put it in words,he would say, it was like getting a map when you're lost. Only to realize you got a map showing you are here and nothing else. It was infuriatingly useless, still at least he could now mark where they were and where they were headed.

''Bring up, Warp display I want to know if any ships are nearby'' he order, only to be met with an empty image of space and a strange swirling display of colors that hurt his head every time he looked at it His star map was completely empty as well. So with his answers he moved on and did the same for his other form of faster than light, only to be met with the same results.

Except, this time instead of the swirling colors, there was a strange dark purple area that, for some reason made him feel depressed just by looking at it.

It was at this time, that Julio would do one of the few things, anyone in his position would ever think about doing and it would also be one of the few times he did anything without 1432 knowing about it.

''Bring up all communications.'' he ordered, only to immediately mute them out begin scan for all wave links. The moment the Infinitys screens showed how the people on board were talking to their love ones Julio made his move. ''Begin scans in all uncharted areas, anything with a signature similar to this I want to see it.'' he said

At that moment nearly any doubt about Julio's intelligence or at least his creativity was crushed as nearly dozens of ships appeared around in the Infinity's monitors. Yet as Julio looked at the holographic images, he noticed several blurry forms or completely dark areas that seemed to move.

However as he was able to track them now he decided to move on, rather than worry about them after all every one of them were extremely far from his location. So he moved on to add the teleporter the Captain wanted, so as he looked at his inventory, he immediately noticed that it now once again had several of the equipment he had lost the moment he had disconnected.

Still he gave that matter little attention, he didn't have time to worry about it at the moment. The moment he clicked on the teleporter he noticed it came in two forms one was the old Star Trek version and the other was a full ship version. He was about to call 1432 until he sided to see their strategic value first.

The Star Trek version allowed the full control of what got on the ship, as well as a room where anyone boarding that way could be contained there. While the full ship version allowed a complete transfer of ships, vehicles and personnel without the limitation of the first one.

The thing was it also made it incredibly hard to stop anyone from getting in that way, but they currently had no tanks, in the ship something that they would need. Yet at the same time though limited the Star Trek beemers, were incredibly more accurate.

Still he decided that it was better to have the full ship version so he just went with it, only to discover that the other one was completely locked and was now lost. He now had to live with his decision and hope it wouldn't come back to bite him later

So as he was finishing with his modifications to the she noticed that the stra mad had completed forming, yet he was somewhat disappointed to find only one planet bear them. Still he decided to head towards it, after all the Captain's orders were that if he found any new players, here he wanted to know about the. 143 had never said anything about not going to see what new things other worlds had.

Yet while Julio was busy doing his maintenance as well as getting acquired with his new job of pilot\A.I and navigator somewhere else a young girl finally made contact with her family.
Else wear
As they 1432 and Alice walked down the massive halls of the Infinity, leaving Julio behind and finally entering the cafeteria. They noticed in it was just standing around, or simply sitting on the tables.''What happened'' 1432 thought to himself

''Excuse me miss'' he turned and spoke to a young woman passing by him. Her light brown hair, brown eyes pale skin, along with the white shirt and black pants she wore. That were the exact thing everyone else was wearing made her seem incredibly approachable.

''Yes'' she answered, with a small voice almost sounding like a whisper.

''I noticed that no one is eating anything, aren't any of you hungry.'' he asked

''No no, its that there's no one in the kitchen and none of us are able to enter it.'' she answered, as the veins of her brown hair covered her eyes, giving her distinct shadow, that hid both her forehead and her eyes

Hearing this 1432 looked at his map, which was displaying the room he was currently in and immediately headed towards the area that showed one of four doors. Each door lead to a different location, one to the hall where the and Alice had just entered from, the one in the far left lead to the bathrooms, the one in the center of the room lead to the garden he installed earlier, before he had picked these people up

He however, was heading to the one next to him on the right, the moment his eyes saw the door he understood why no one was able to find it. For security reasons, like someone trying to poison their food, the door looked like the ship's walls. At least that was what he read on his screen.

''Thank you for your help.'' he told the young woman, as he walked away and began to announce\scream to the people in the room

''Excuse me everyone, I need anyone that knows how to koot to please come this way. For obvious reasons, as of this moment all of you will help me prepare the food for everyone in this room'' he said as he noticed that only a handful of people, in fact it was about ten people in a room filled with around a hundred, maybe more he didn't bother looking at his screen. At the moment he didn't need to.

As he looked at the people in front of him, as they began to gather around him, he noticed that they were around eight older women, two men and at least eight teen girls, witch made his count earlier wrong, but who cared about the small details. Still all he did was run his arm up and down and waited for the wall to open, which thankfully for 1432 it did.

No one with him not even himself expected the sight of what they bore witness to the moment they and entered the kitchen. Every tool, from the pots , pans, the grills, the tables and floors, were brand new and still sparkled. On the far right was a massive table that held, as much fresh produce that the world's pickiest eaters, would be thankful for.

Yet as the people accompanying 1432 began to look around searching for anything they could use, it was Alice who opened a set of massive doors, that lead into a huge room that was both the friends, which was on the left and the freezer that was on the right.

One by one everyone in the kitchen began to move and started to chop, boil or fry what the all liked, unbeknownst to them the smell of freshly made food exited the kitchen in t the halls attracting mere people than before.

It would be two hours later, that they themselves would eat their meal, after everyone in the cafeteria had left.

''Thank you for your help''1432 spoke to everyone, sitting at the table with him

''Not a problem '' answered a man sitting in front of him, his long braided, dark brown hair hanging slightly in front of him.. His smiling face, along with the muscular body gave him a small amount of intimidation, but not enough to make people actively avoid him.

As the woman besides them fed their children, Alice gave her new friend a potato only for it to immediately turn it into a strange combination of potato and light bulb. 1432 only smiled when he saw this.

''So where are we going Captain'' asked a man next to the one in front of him ''Oh sorry , my name's Bazz B'' he introduced himself.

''Anywear, this ship is going into the unknow.'' 1432 answers

''Captain if you don't mind me asking, why are there no personnel except for you, the child and and that machine we saw earlier. I mean no disrespect, by the way my name is Harribel'' the woman introduced herself, after asking her question directly. Her short blond hair, tan skin, firm body and impressive breast made her desirable for any men, unfortunately 1432 wasn't one of them he preferred the hole housewife type. Rather than the straight, discipline, no jokes kind

''Everything automated. Me and Julio along with A lice here'' 1432 answers but was immediately stopped when a slight whistle came from behind him, and a glowing pink face was suddenly right next to his ''You didn't let me finish, and our good friend here , we're going to be the only ones, it makes it easy to leave in case something happens. Fortunately, for us that is no longer the case. Space can be lonely after all'' 1432 answers as a set of tentacles wrapped around him making him laugh

At that moment Julio in holographic form appeared behind 1432 ''Captain were approaching planetoid, please come to the bridge.'' Julio informed 1432

''Excuse me mr.'' 1432 said only realizing he didn't know the name of the man sitting in front of him

''It's Shunsui Kyoraku, that's my name'' the man answered

''Sorry, excuse me everyone'' 1432 told everyone, as he got up and walked away.

As 1432, Alice and their flying snail, Shunsui suddenly said said. ''Suddenly I feel this room's gotten a whole lot smaller.'' as the room began to fill itself, with Shinigami, Quincy, and Arrancar