How Would You Prefer To Handle Unit Design?

  • Just let the QM do it.

    Votes: 15 30.0%
  • Just choose which techs to use.

    Votes: 23 46.0%
  • Choose which techs and extra features to use limited by size, cost, and upkeep.

    Votes: 9 18.0%
  • Choose individual (fictional) systems to equip units with. Limited by size, cost, upkeep, etc.

    Votes: 2 4.0%
  • None of these.

    Votes: 1 2.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Any other rage quitters? I'd suggest an exit stage left, though that's because I don't know what goes on at stage right.

Although for those who want to play still please hold the salt for a bit. We tend to need seasoning of some form as a quest goes on.
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Agreed, I would have been happy either way. I just want an XCOM quest, there was a really good one that ended a while a go so I have my hopes up.
:O, why you hate Murica :(
Murica is cool

Though to be serious, Its w/e to RQ the quest, however don't show anger and contempt on your way out, because Noone gives a shit if you leave in the first place, but especially don't try to sour things for others.
Interesting. I'm gonna keep an eye on this game.

Though I can't seem to see the Tech Tree.
Have you clicked the '+' icons to expand each category?
Hmmm, i was able to get it to open after some work, but I'm only seeing one branch to every tech after I open them so far.
You can only see currently available techs. You currently have two techs available per category. More techs/categories can unlock during the quest. More info will be released when I finish writing up the R&D actions.
Have you clicked the '+' icons to expand each category?

All I'm getting from the document I'm downloading is an Internet Explorere window with this text:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<mxfile type="device" editor="" version="7.3.7" userAgent="Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_6) AppleWebKit/603.3.8 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/10.1.2 Safari/603.3.8">
<diagram id="b98fa263-6416-c6ec-5b7d-78bf54ef71d0" name="Page-1">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</diagram>

No idea what this is.
i just cant get to the tech tree. so if anyone could tell me whats there or post it that would be great.
Download the Tree from mediafire and click the link to open Select "Device" and click "Open Existing Diagram". Select the file 'Tech Tree.xml'. Click the plus signs to open categories.
All I'm getting from the document I'm downloading is an Internet Explorere window with this text:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<mxfile type="device" editor="" version="7.3.7" userAgent="Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_6) AppleWebKit/603.3.8 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/10.1.2 Safari/603.3.8">
<diagram id="b98fa263-6416-c6ec-5b7d-78bf54ef71d0" name="Page-1">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</diagram>

No idea what this is.
That is the compressed tech tree diagram information. See above for use instructions.
Planning 2031
Country: United States of America
Territory: Continental US, Alaska, Pacific Islands, Puerto Rico
Tax Base: 10000 (30%) [10000@100%]
Income: 3000
Expenses: 1000
Debt: 1000%
Interest: 1% (10 turns till 2%) [1000]
Morale: Excellent
Number: Good
Growth: Intact
National Guard (Size: Small, Quality: Militia)
Highways: Damaged
Rail Network (Cargo): Intact
Waterways: Damaged
Electrical: Intact
Water: Intact
Communications: Intact
Housing: Intact
Factories: Partially Automated
-AeroSpace: Excellent
-Armour: Mediocre
-Consumer: Decent
-Electronics: Mediocre
-Industrial: Mediocre
Unrestricted Actions:
Diplomatic Actions:
America. Land of the free, home of the brave, 1000% GDP in debt. The United States of America exited the Long War practically undamaged. However, it is crippled by overspending, lacks a military, and has alienated three fourths of the planet. Can you make America great again? I just couldn't resist...
Reintroduce Conscription:
We simply don't have enough men in uniform to reconstitute even a single branch of the armed forces. If we intend to do so, we must first begin conscription.
80%, 1000(+20%), 2
Military <- Recruits(Large, Green).
Liquidate Remaining Assets:
While the United States military is defunct, its assets still remain. By liquidating what remains we can reduce our debt by as much as 5%!
100%, -2500(-25%), 1
Reopen Officer Schools:
Our officer corps has been greatly depleted over the last five years. If we want to restore our military's administrative and command duties we must begin training replacements. Unfortunately, this is expensive. (Countrywide equivalent of Long War's Officer Training School.)
80%, 250(+20%), 3
+1 Military Action, Officer Schools -> Decent
Repair Highways:
While the highway system wasn't seriously damaged by war, it hasn't received sufficient repairs in at least 5 years.
90%, 500(+20%), 2
Tax Base +5%, Highways -> Good
Repair Waterways:
River transport is one of the most efficient means of cargo transport. Unfortunately, the locks haven't received proper maintenance in decades.
90%, 100(+20%), 2
Tax Base +5%, Waterways -> Excellent
Improve Utilities:
While American utilities are functional, more than many countries can say in these dark days, they are not particularly good. It is time to solve that problem.
90%, 500(+20%), 2
Tax Base +5%, Water, Electrical, Communications -> Good
Expand Factories:
Increased industrial capacity is always worthwhile. Expanding your factories would strengthen America both economically and militarily.
80%, 1000(+20%), 1
Factories@Type -> CUR_LEVEL + 1, ???
Create Department of Industry:
American industry is doing fairly well. However, space exploration will require the government to work closely with industry leaders to drive down costs and understand limitations.
75%, 100(+10%), 1
+1 Industrial Action
Assess Assets:
America has gained many assets from the War. Probably. You don't actually have intact records for much of the past half a decade. (Degree of success determines how much loot the US got during the war.)
100%, 100(+10%), 1
Extraterrestrial Artifacts
Postpone Debt Payments:
With most of the world recovering from the extraterrestrial threat, we may be able to obtain a 1 year stay on debt payments.
70%, 100(+5%), 1
-1% interest for 1 turn.
Declare Bankruptcy:
Eliminate debt at the cost of massive damage to the economy.
50%, 1000(+10%), 3
-5000 Tax Base, Assets Liquidated, ???
Create Finance Committee:
The current state of American finances make the need for more specialized management apparent.
75%, 100(+10%), 1
+1 Financial Action
All your base are belong to us!:
As the largest source of funding for the XCOM project, we clearly have ownership of XCOM HQ. Unfortunately, personnel cannot be forced to remain.
30%, 50(+5%), 1
Begin Talks with XCOM:
XCOM has shut itself off from the world. Luckily, our diplomats have physical access to XCOM HQ.
60%, 100(+10%), 1
Three Musketeers:
We had a number of wartime projects carried out in collaboration with our neighbors. It is time to begin peacetime collaboration.
90%, 100(+10%), 1
Research and Development:
Advanced Small Arms:
Improved small arms.
75%, 500(+25%), 1
Unlock New Small Arms Techs
Advanced Body Armour:
Improved body armour.
75%, 500(+25%), 1
Unlock New Body Armour Techs
Advanced Artillery:
Improved artillery.
75%, 500(+25%), 1
Unlock New Weapon Techs
Advanced Armour:
Improved vehicle armour.
75%, 500(+25%), 1
Unlock New Armour Techs
Advanced Weaponry:
Improved weapons technology.
100%, 400(+25%), 1
Unlock New Weapon Techs
Advanced Materials:
Improved material science.
100%, 400(+25%), 1
Unlock New Materials Techs
Advanced Hardware:
Improved electronic hardware.
75%, 500(+25%), 1
Unlock New Hardware Techs
Advanced Software:
Improved electronic hardware.
75%, 500(+25%), 1
Unlock New Software Techs
Advanced Production:
Improved industrial production techniques.
85%, 500(+25%), 1
Unlock New Production Techs
Advanced Construction:
Improved construction techniques.
85%, 500(+15%), 1
Unlock New Construction Techs
Create Science and Technology Advisory Board:
While the government understands that technology is useful, perhaps input from actual scientists would make their efforts more efficient.
80%, 100(+10%), 1
+1 R&D Action
Note: This is a new format, so please let me know if anything is unclear. Thanks for playing!
Adhoc vote count started by Isaacssv558 on Sep 10, 2017 at 12:50 AM, finished with 8 posts and 5 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Isaacssv558 on Sep 10, 2017 at 10:24 AM, finished with 29 posts and 15 votes.
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Unrestricted Actions:
[X] Advanced Production:
[X] Postpone Debt Payments:
Diplomatic Actions:
[X] Begin Talks with XCOM:
Unrestricted Actions:
[X] Create Department of Industry
[X] Create Science and Technology Advisory Board
Diplomatic Actions:
[X] Begin Talks with XCOM

I am of the opinion that, when given the option of more actions per/turn, those options should be taken ASAP, cause their usefulness directly relates to how quickly you get those additional actions.

And XCOM is probably the single most advanced organization in all areas of technology ATM, we should try and get on friendly terms with them quickly so we can use their tech to get both ourselves and later the wider world back on its feet.
[X] [Diplomatic] Begin Talks with XCOM
[X] [Financial] Create Finance Committee
[X] [Industrial] Create Department of Industry

Well, ramp up the actions. We'd need industry and finance actions ASAP to get on top of the debt problem rather than baling a ship out with a bucket.
Go buy a pump. The bucket can't even go as fast as it leaks.
[X] [Financial] Create Finance Committee
[X] [Industrial] Create Department of Industry
[X] [Diplomatic] Begin Talks with XCOM
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[X] [Financial] Create Finance Committee
[X] [Industrial] Create Department of Industry
[X] [Diplomatic] Begin Talks with XCOM
[X] [Financial] Create Finance Committee
[X] [Industrial] Create Department of Industry
[X] [Diplomatic] Begin Talks with XCOM
[X] [Diplomatic] Begin Talks with XCOM
[X] [Financial] Create Finance Committee
[X] [Industrial] Create Department of Industry

Didn't actually see the Financial Committee. Changing my vote.
[X] [Diplomatic] Begin Talks with XCOM
[x] [Financial] Create Finance Committee
[X] [Industrial] Create Department of Industry

Guys, 1000% debt can't be paid off. Let's deal with it in one or two turns and stop wasting actions on hopeless. The sooner we do that, the better.
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Guys, 1000% debt can't be paid off. Let's deal with it in one or two turns and stop wasting actions on hopeless. The sooner we do that, the better.
Don't jump to conclusions. The QM wouldn't have given us so many other actions to work with if it was impossible like you say.
[X] [Financial] Create Finance Committee
[X] [Industrial] Create Department of Industry
[X] [Diplomatic] Begin Talks with XCOM

Nothing is impossible, just really, really hard.
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