Closing the vote.

The winner is
[X] Plan Soak and Shoot
-[X] Harvest: You set your minions to harvest a set area and they will bring you back everything they could carry from that area. x3
--[X] Shadow Sanctuary x3
-[X] Undead Upgrades:
--[X] Zombie Armor: your zombies greatest use is their ability to absorb attacks, why not increase that by adding some armor.
-[X] Upgrade Spell: You know how to cast spells but the spells could be better so fix that.
--[X] Magic Missile LV2
prince84 threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: Harvest Total: 192
44 44 95 95 53 53
prince84 threw 4 20-faced dice. Reason: Harvest loot Total: 56
9 9 19 19 9 9 19 19
prince84 threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Research Total: 90
79 79 11 11
Turn 5 Results
Turn 5 Results

[X] Plan Soak and Shoot
[X] Harvest: You set your minions to harvest a set area and they will bring you back everything they could carry from that area.
-[X] Shadow Sanctuary
Cost: 0
Difficulty: 20+Area chosen modifier (20)=40 Rolled 44+15 (Graveborn)= 59
Reward: 1d20-4 (Minimum 0) split between M and G (80/20 rounding done towards M) Rolled 9-4=5 4M, 1G
[X] Harvest: You set your minions to harvest a set area and they will bring you back everything they could carry from that area.
-[X] Shadow Sanctuary
Cost: 0
Difficulty: 20+Area chosen modifier (20)=40 Rolled 95+15 (Graveborn)=110 Double Loot Rolls
Reward: 1d20-4 (Minimum 0) split between M and G (80/20 rounding done towards M) Rolled 19-4=15 12M, 3G Rolled 19-4=15 12M, 3G
[X] Harvest: You set your minions to harvest a set area and they will bring you back everything they could carry from that area.
-[X] Shadow Sanctuary
Cost: 0
Difficulty: 20+Area chosen modifier (20)=40 Rolled 53+15 (Graveborn)=68
Reward: 1d20-4 (Minimum 0) split between M and G (80/20 rounding done towards M) Rolled 9-4=5 4M, 1G

Sending your zombies out to harvest you can't shake the feeling that you are still missing something even though they brought back a good haul. Still you have to wonder who wears silk XXL sized clothing in a slum.

Gained: 32M, 5G

[X] Undead Upgrades: The undead are the most basic of your forces but that does not mean you have to leave them in their basic form. With some time and effort they can be improved. (Pick 1)
-[X] Zombie Armor: your zombies greatest use is their ability to absorb attacks, why not increase that by adding some armor.
Cost: 5M
Difficulty: 45 Rolled 79
Reward: Zombies gain an extra d5 damage soak, Zombie creation cost rises 1M

As you have no need to concern yourself with comfort it is easy to attach various pieces of piping or boards to your zombies in such a way as to cover and or reinforce their vulnerable joins.

Gained: Zombies gain LV1 Armor: +d5 to zombie saok

[X] Upgrade Spell: You know how to cast spells but the spells could be better so fix that.
-[X] Magic Missile LV2
Cost: 5G
Difficulty: 65 Rolled 11
Reward: Magic Missile LV2: 2 guaranteed hits at Arcane strength.

Okay what have you learned?
Power is NOT the key to upgrading this spell.
You CAN cause gold to catch fire, if overloaded with magic.
Being hit by an explosion of burning gold HURTS.

You will have to try again… once you put out the fires.

Resource Tally
Gold: 100-5+5=100
Materials: 36-5+32=63/200
Parts: 17/200

9 Vermin Tails

+5 to defense rolls per 10 Zombies raised to +10 to defense rolls per 10 Zombies
I see two plans for next turn:

1. We visit the market to buy any decent gear we can and then go open the gate with our current forces.
2. We spend a turn doing double research again and hope we get a good spell/upgrade for doing the thing the turn after that.
Okay what have you learned?
Power is NOT the key to upgrading this spell.
You CAN cause gold to catch fire, if overloaded with magic.
Being hit by an explosion of burning gold HURTS.
We can use this for offensive? Imagine all those shiny idiots which use gold in their armors... we could explode them while they wear armor....muahahahaha. It can serve as an distraction at least.
We can use this for offensive? Imagine all those shiny idiots which use gold in their armors... we could explode them while they wear armor....muahahahaha. It can serve as an distraction at least.

still if we can somehow make that an offensive spell that would be a win.

Well you could if you wanted to spend 10-20 minutes focusing your energy to have a random piece of gold nearby burst into flames.
Well you could if you wanted to spend 10-20 minutes focusing your energy to have a random piece of gold nearby burst into flames.
Any way to make it faster? because exploding blinged idiots of good is never a bad thing.
Guys, spending effort on getting a spell that only works on people wearing entirely too much bling is not very useful... We really are better off learning spells that work on everyone.
An Ignite spell is feasible, just set the entire person on fire. We'll want to invest in more standard fire magic first though.
Locations and Beasts post added to the informational threadmarks.
Turn 6
Turn 6

Your zombies now possess a bit of armor making them even better damage sponges even if it does nothing for their looks. Your attempt at improving your main attack spell on the other hand was a bust. Though you do have the resources to try again.

General Actions: Not everything requires a lot of attention to detail and such actions can be left up to your minions. You can currently control 60 minions
10 Zombies= 1 action
10 Skeletons= 1 action
30 Zombies

Acquisitions: Your minions can strip an area of resources faster than you could alone but there is no guaranteeing the quality or condition of what they bring back.
[] Harvest: You set your minions to harvest a set area and they will bring you back everything they could carry from that area.
-[] Where?
Cost: 0
Difficulty: 20+Area chosen modifier
Reward: 1d20-4 (Minimum 0) split between M and G (80/20 rounding done towards M)

[] Paaaaarrrrrtttssss: Unleash your minions upon the unwary population and have them bring you the parts that are so vital to a necromancer.
-[] Where?
Cost: 0
Difficulty: 15+Area chosen modifier
Reward: 1d30-8P (Minimum 0), Will draw some kind of response

Combat: One of the basic uses of the undead is as combatants. You have undead and a grudge against the world so go on the attack and spill it's blood.
All combat options are normally treated like regular option unless you add a personal action to them. If you do it starts a combat mini turn where you have much better control, gain better loot, are able to support your minions and are likely to lose less minions doing so.
[] The Public: No one is innocent make them all pay. You need Parts for your work and want to make the world suffer, so send out your minions to slay the unsuspecting. (This may draw a response)
Cost: 0
Difficulty: Depends where you are and what you send. (Base Difficulty 20)
Reward: G, M, P, ???? (Amount based on a lot of things)

[] Patrols: The Light maintains patrols in all the lands it controls. These patrols are often only a token force but they are trained combatants. (You will almost always lose some minions each time) (This may draw a response)
Cost: 0
Difficult: Depends where you are and what you send. (Base Difficulty 35)
Reward: G, M, P, ???? (Amount based on a lot of things)

[] The Precinct Building: The Light centers its control of an area in its Precinct buildings, so destroying one would weaken their grip on the area. (Expect heavy losses) (This will draw responses.)
Cost: 0
Difficult: Depends where you are and what you send. (Base Difficulty 95)
Reward: Area wide changes, G, M, P, ???? (Amount based on a lot of things)

[] Write in

Miscellaneous: Not all the things you can order your minions to do can be neatly categorized.
[] Fortify The Gate: When you moved in there was a locked heavy gate attached to the cistern. While the gate is already heavy you could reinforce it.
Cost: 15M, 5G
Difficulty: 45
Reward: Heavy Locked Gate become Reinforced Locked Gate

Personal Actions: Some things you have to deal with yourself and not delegate to others. (You currently have 2 actions)

Necromancy: The art and very magic that flows through your veins and the reason the world hates you, it is also the core of your power.
[] Raise the undead: Turning the dead into undead is the central core of your art, it also supplies you with minions. (You can pick as many of the options below as you have personal actions, you can also pick the same one more than once.)
-[] Zombie: Slow moving meat shields zombies are best used to soak enemy attacks as they are both cheap and easy to make.
Cost: 5P
Difficulty: 5
Reward: 10 Zombies
-[] Skeletons: While more fragile Skeletons are both faster and more resistant to piercing attacks.
Cost: 8P
Difficulty: 10
Reward: 10 Skeletons

[] Demi-lich Ritual: By completing the conversion of a candidate into a Demi-lich you will gain a general for your forces capable of leading the undead into battle without you. On top of that the Demi-lich will have a will of its own allowing more to be done. Best of all as you hold thier soul there is no chance of betrayal.
Cost: 1 Demi-lich candidate, 25G, 15M, 25P, 3 turns
Difficulty: NA

Acquisitions: Your master always handled the finances and purchases and never allowed you to know where the money and things came from. Now that he is gone you are going to have to be creative about acquiring things.
[] Scavenge: It is not glorious but growing up it the slums taught you that many people throw out or misplaced usable materials or even rarely valuables.
Cost: 0
Difficulty: 15/65/???
Reward: M or/and G amount determined by degree of success

[] Grave Robbing: Graveyards hold many bodies that no one is using that you could. Unfortunately if someone notices the theft your name would be first on the list of suspects, but luckily not the only name.
Cost: 0
Difficulty: 10/30/???
Risk: 75/55/????
Reward: P, ???

[] Hunting the Urban Jungle: There are Parts all around you. The only problem is they are still moving but with a bit of effort and cunning you can fix that. (This action can be taken multiple times to add to the amount of time you can spend in the mini turn.)
Cost: 0
Difficulty: NA
Reward: Start Hunting Mini Turn. (Parts, Gold, ????)

[] Word of Mouth: People die all the time and bodies are useful for many things in the Darkness not just necromancy, so it should not raise suspicion if you let the word out that you are willing to pay for some, as long as you are discreet about it.
Cost: 5G (only on a success)
Difficulty: 35
Reward: 5+d10P

[] Going Shopping: The bazaar is still there, maybe someone is selling something interesting? And basic supplies are always for sale.
Cost: 10G
Risk: Depends on how pissed off people are at you.
Reward: M, ?

[]Write in

Research: One thing your master always stressed was that you should never rely solely on old knowledge and should always seek to create or find more.
[] Undead Upgrades: The undead are the most basic of your forces but that does not mean you have to leave them in their basic form. With some time and effort they can be improved. (Pick 1)
-[] Skeletal Arms: There is no doubt that being attacked by animated skeletons is terrifying, but you know what would make it even more terrifying? If the skeletons were wielding weapons that's what.
Cost: 5M, 1P
Difficulty: 50
Reward: Skeletons gain an extra d5, Skeleton creation cost rises 1M

[] Upgrade Spell: You know how to cast spells but the spells could be better so fix that.
-[] Magic Missile LV2
Cost: 5G
Difficulty: 65
Reward: Magic Missile LV2: 2 guaranteed hits at Arcane strength.
-[] Deflect LV2
Cost: 6G
Difficulty: 70
Reward: Deflect LV2: For 2 turns all missile based attacks suffer -10 debuff against your units
-[] Mend Spell LV2
Cost: 1G, 1P
Difficulty: 75
Reward: Mend Spell LV2: Heal/repair damage to your units equal to 2/3 your Arcane stat.

[] Research Vermintide Spell LV1: The Vermintide spell summons insects and small rodents that swarm toward your enemies. It works as a debuff spell on all opponents on the battlefield. At level 1 it causes -5 to both Attack and Defense rolls for two turns.
Cost: 1G, 1M, 5 Vermin Tails
Difficulty: 70
Reward: Vermintide Sell LV1

[] Research Ratlings: You remember stories your master used to tell you about the variety of undead that necromancers used to control. One of them was the Ratling which while extremely fragile gained useful abilities once their master became able to upgrade them with poison or plague attributes.
Cost: 6P, 8 Vermin Tails

Miscellaneous: Not all you have to do can be neatly categorized.
[] Personal Attention: You can personally supervise one of your minions actions.
-[]Which action
Cost: 0
Difficulty: Autosuccess
Reward: Adds your stat bonus to general action, Can change the way the action is handled.

[] Opening The Gate: There is a heavy locked gate attached to the cistern and you want to know what is beyond it. That said you are not stupid so you will not open the gate to just stick your head through, that is what minions are for.
-[] What minions do you bring with you? (must take at least 1d worth of minions with you)
Cost: 0
Difficulty: Autosuccess
Risk: 45/75/???

[] Gather Rumors: Well you know you defied the Light's local administration by moving out. It would be good to know if they are looking for you and what else they are up to. And any other news might contain risks or opportunities for you too. Go out and talk to some people to find out what is going on around here.
Cost: 6G+???(You can chose to spend more)
Difficulty: 15/45/75
Risk: Depends on how pissed off people are at you.
Reward: Information.

[] Demi-lich Candidate: Search for someone with both nothing to lose and the magical potential and affinity to undergo the Demi-lich ritual.
Cost: 10G, 2M, 5P
Difficulty: 55
Reward: 1 Demi-lich Candidate

[] Write in

Resource Tally
Gold: 100
Materials: 63/200
Parts: 17/200

9 Vermin Tails
Well as I said I think we need to decide whether or not we want to open the gate now or soon. As such I'm making two plans here open for comment:

[]Plan Gate now
-[] Going Shopping
--[] Try to see if there is any useful gear for sale before going exploring through the gate.
-[] Opening The Gate
--[] 30 zombies

See if we can find anything like that knife from our first bazaar visit and then go for the gate with all our minions. @prince84 would you be okay with doing the shopping before potential combat?

[]Plan Bit more prep
-[] 2*Harvest:
--[] Shadow Sanctuary
-[] Fortify The Gate
-[] Upgrade Spell: You know how to cast spells but the spells could be better so fix that.
--[] Magic Missile LV2
-[] Research Vermintide Spell LV1

This plan aims more at trying to get at least one more spell improvement before heading down that gate. The odds for both research items aren't great, but the odds of getting at least one aren't horrible. I also included fortifying the gate since if we are being cautious anyways we might as well ready a contingency just in case what we run into on the other side ends up being too dangerous to kill.
