A Legacy of Chaos (A Ship of the Line story)

A Legacy of Chaos: The Babylon Edition
A Legacy of Chaos: The Babylon Cut

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters or universes that I am about to mangle around for my own amusement, sadly Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Babylon 5 and EVE Online belong to Mutant Enemy Productions, Babylonian Productions Inc., Warner Brothers and CCP Games respectively, I am merely borrowing them and make absolutely no profit from their use. As a result, please keep the legal attack dogs – also known as lawyers – firmly muzzled and on a leash as I have no money to give to anyone.

Authors Notes: This is a spin-off story from my Ship of the Line story – don't worry this does not mean that the other is going to be in anyway abandoned – based on the thought that what if the Powers That Be took action against Xander in the aftermath of the Halloween spell and with it the intervention of the Ascended and a True Deity in said spell, banishing the new born capsuleer to another reality altogether.

If parts of the first chapter seem familiar it is because they have been taken verbatim from the first chapter of the main Legacy of Chaos story.


Chapter One


It was the first thing that Xander Harris became aware of. Everything was damp and slimy, and his limbs felt like they were made of wet spaghetti and not skin, bone, and muscle. Slowly he opened his eyes to find himself lying flat on a metallic deck amid a pool of thick golden fluid that was rapidly being drained away through slots in the floor specifically designed for that purpose. He blinked in confusion and awkwardly managed to sit up, it was hard as his muscles didn't seem to want to coordinate for some strange reason and look around in complete and utter bafflement.

He was lying on the floor of a metallic room filled with strange transparent cylinders filled with softly bubbling gold fluid. Though what really freaked him out was what was in those cylinders. Each contained the vague outline of a human body though he couldn't make out any precise details due to his current angle though he could tell that all the bodies were male and all were of the same size and general build.

"What the hell," he said blinking as his voice croaked as if it had never been used before, it was also slightly deeper than he expected.

"Please try to relax captain," a disembodied, somewhat emotionless female voice said from everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

"Who the hell are you?" Xander demanded, somewhat foolishly, looking around for the source of the voice and seeing nothing but more of the cylindrical glass and metallic tanks.

"I feared this would happen. Please try and relax Xander Harris," the voice said, "your memories of what has happened to you should fully integrate in another couple of minutes and it can be very disorientating the first time."

Xander frowned and was about to repeat his demand when a tsunami of memories and information came crashing into his mind and suddenly, he knew everything. It came as a slipstream blur of images, impressions, recollections, and feelings. They swept through his mind like a hurricane and what was even more surprising was the fact that not all the memories – in fact a great many of them – weren't his own but belonged to the space pilot he had dressed as after Herr Snyder roped him, Buffy and Willow into escorting a bunch of snot-nosed, sugar high little runts around Sunnydale in the annual quest for Halloween candy.

After what seemed like an eternity it faded away into the background leaving him shivering in reaction in the aftermath. Finally, the worst of the shakes faded away and Xander shook his head to clear the residual disorientation.

"Damn that was… I don't know how to describe it," he muttered even as he carefully got to his feet, his limbs now working properly as his neural patterns completed their integration with his new clone body. A fact that was really going to take a hell of a lot of getting used to, he also now had to a) figure out a way back to Earth assuming that was possible and b) stop Buffy from Slaying him on sight given people did not usually just come straight back from the dead unless they were a vampire or had been raised by dark magic.

"My former captain often said that," the female voice that he now recognized as belonging to Aura, Alexander's A.I replied. "The disorientation will pass completely in another few moments. Neural integration shock is not an unknown phenomenon among capsuleers, especially new ones like yourself sir though it will become less of an issue over time and…"

"…with more deaths," Xander finished even as he shivered both at the thought of dying again and the fact that he was bloody cold as he was kind of naked here. "No offense Aura but I don't plan to die again anytime soon. Now can you tell me where I can shower and get some clothes?"

"There are showers just by the entrance to the clone bay and a dressing room beyond that you should find clothing in there."

"Thank you," he replied as he began walking towards the entrance to the clone bay without needing anymore directions from Aura. "Aura by the way, where am I? This definitely isn't somewhere in Sunnydale after all."

"No, it is not. You are currently in bay one of the cloning facilities of a Fortizar-class Citadel station," Aura answered. "We are currently orbiting a gas and ice giant planet in an unknown system. Curiously if I am interpreting data from the stations sensors correctly this gas giant is located only thirty point one astronomical units from your previous location."

Xander frowned slightly, pausing as he reached for the door controls as he recalled the astronomy sections of his high school physics lessons. Surprisingly, he found it a great deal easier than he was used to and suddenly realized just which planet they were orbiting. "We're in orbit of Neptune then," he said.

"Neptune?" Aura questioned before searching through the station's library files for that name and feeling as close to shock as an artificial intelligence could at what she found. "You mean the eighth planet of the Terran home solar system do you not?"

"Well I'm not referring to the Ancient Roman god of the same name so yeah," Xander answered momentarily confused as to why Aura seemed to be surprised at where the massive station was orbiting. Then he remembered that for Aura, Alexander – indeed anyone from New Eden – Earth and the other planets of its solar system were spoken of and remembered as being objects of myth and legend dating back twenty thousand or so years to before the sudden, violent collapse of the EVE gate wormhole severed New Eden from the rest of humanity. It was amazing when he thought about it that the people of New Eden could talk about Earth and the other planets of the solar system in much the same way they'd talk about the lost civilization of Atlantis.

"How could we possibly be here?" Aura wondered aloud. "I have no records of the station ever being built here and at any rate the EVE gate wormhole reopening would have certainly been headline news all over New Eden."

Xander shrugged even as he acknowledged that would be true. The four great empires of New Eden as well as Concord, the various alliances and miniempires created by capsuleers would go crazy if the wormhole back to the rest of humanity suddenly reappeared after twenty thousand or so years of being gone. "Magic would be my best guess," he said, "it's also would explain how all of this," he gestured to the station around them and then at himself, "came into existence in one night. Especially as everything here normally only exists in a video game world, one that is supposed to still be in development in Iceland."

"That is not logical. Magic is not real."

"Maybe not in the reality you're from but in this one it is very real, everything supernatural that has been thought a myth in modern times – by my reckoning probably ancient times to you – is in fact frighteningly real."

"But how?"

"That I cannot answer, Giles might be able to tell you but I can't all I know is that every supernatural I thought fictional, but especially vampires are in fact real and unlike what some modern fiction likes to show they are not in any way friendly."


"Yes, I'll explain more soon after I've had a shower and got dressed as I'm kind of freezing here."

"Would you like me to adjust the environmental settings?" Aura asked concerned about her new captain's welfare, such was one of her duties as an artificial intelligence. After all despite what some people back in New Eden, including some capsuleers themselves, thought capsuleers were at the end of the day still human beings and thus had quite strict environmental requirements to remain healthy and happy.

"It's a figure of speech Aura."


Xander sighed to himself. He had a feeling it was going to take him and Aura awhile to get used to each other as while he had Alexander's memories, and hopefully his skills and training as it would suck big time to be stuck on this station, he wasn't him. Hopefully he would soon also be able to get back in touch with Giles and the others – hopefully without Buffy trying to slay him on sight – and figure out just what to do from here as he couldn't leave this station empty for too long. Especially given the fact that, according to his new memories, there were multiple copies of himself in the cloning bays waiting for his consciousness to be downloaded into them if he ended up getting killed again – though hopefully that wouldn't happen again for a good long while as dying kind of hurt.

And isn't that creepy to think about that if I die, I just wake up here in a new body, he thought as he arrived at the entrance to the room that held the showers. Stepping inside he came face to face with a mirrored wall and froze as he saw his own reflection. The person staring back at him was him but older, he looked to be in his twenties instead of his mid-teens, he was a little bit taller and noticeably more athletic sporting the compact but muscular build of a professional gymnast or martial artist.

"Is this me," he muttered rubbing his chin and seeing his reflection do the same. He ran a hand back through his hair, which was wet and quite sticky from the cloning fluid, in a nervous gesture before a thought occurred to him. He ran his hand down his neck and found what he had half expected to find, a circular metallic port just below the nape of his neck. He turned slightly, angling himself so he could see his back in the mirror and somehow wasn't surprised to see five more ports running down his spine to just above the small of his back.

"Suppose that proves it," he said aloud. "I'm still a capsuleer."

"Did you expect not to be," Aura replied making him jump.

"Damn it! Aura don't do that," he answered, "what are you trying to do give me a heart attack?"

"My apologies I did not mean to startle you. But my question stands did you expect not to still be a capsuleer?"

"To be honest yes and no. Don't get me wrong the idea that I can plug myself into a ship and fly it via neural interface is like a dream come true but there was part of me that…"

"Wanted to be able to go back to whatever life you had before the spell was cast?"

"Yeah. Though that was always going to be something of a foolish hope, I cannot go back not now that they saw me die and certainly not looking like I do now know this," he turned to look back at the image looking back at him, an reflection that had a goldish tint to the skin from cloning fluid residue, "is who and what I am now. I have to accept that."

"I'm sorry," Aura offered a moment before a vibration began to make its way through the station. Xander looked around in surprise a second before the whole station shook violently and a brilliant flash of light momentarily blinded him. For a few seconds, the light persisted, and he got the distinct feeling of being wrenched away from something and sent flying – though his feet didn't leave the floor – before being set down somewhere else.

The light and vibration faded away a few seconds later.

"What the hell was that? Aura what happened?" Xander asked, the artificial intelligence didn't answer. "Aura?"

"She can't hear you at the moment kid," a new voice said from behind him. He spun around to find himself face to face with a human looking being dressed as though he had just stepped out of the nineteen seventies.

"Who the hell are you?" Xander demanded.

"Name's Whistler, I work for the Powers That Be."

"The who now?"

"They're the ones in charge of the battle between good and evil," Whistler told him, "I would have thought the Watcher would have told you about them or at least rat breath would."

"Rat breath?"

"Angel I call him that because when I recruited him to work for the Powers and earn redemption for the crimes of the vampire Angelus, he had been living off rats for the better part of a hundred years. Hence rat breath."

Xander grinned. "Huh rat breath. I am so going to have to call him that the next time I see him. Make a change from calling him deadboy," he said imagining the look on Angels oh so perfect face when he called him that nickname.

Whistler chuckled at the term he used to refer to Angel. "Deadboy? I am going to have to remember that one," he replied smiling, liking Xander's sense of humour before turning, somewhat regretfully, serious. "But I am afraid that you won't be able to call Angel rat breath, as much as I would love to see that. You see you will never see him again."

"What do you mean?"

Whistler looked uncomfortable. "You got to understand kid that the reality you knew exists in a delicate balance. Good and evil, chaos and order they must exist in a delicate balance otherwise all of creation could be destroyed," he explained, "unfortunately interference in the Ritual of Masks spell cast by Ethan Rayne meant it became far more than it ever should have been. What you are now, what the spell changed you into that it shouldn't have, threatened the balance too much."

Xander stalked up to Whistler. "What are you getting at Whistler," he asked a note of menace in his voice that made the balance demon wince. Damn no wonder he was able to bully Angel into taking him into Nest's lair to revive the Slayer, he thought, and no wonder in another timeline he became a Master Vampire after only having been a vampire for a year.

"You got to understand that the Powers didn't want to do this, but they had no choice."

"Out with it," Xander demanded, "stop dodging and say whatever you came here to say."

"Remember the old saying don't shoot the messenger."

"Whistler!" Xander snapped nearing the end of his patience.

Whistler swallowed but took the plunge all the while hoping he survived it. "It is the judgement of the Powers That Be that due to your conversion into a capsuleer and the creation of this station and its contents that you Alexander Harris are too great a threat to the balance," he said, "therefore and forevermore you are banished from your home reality never to return."

"They're…. they're exiling me."

"I'm afraid so," Whistler said looking at him in sympathy. "I'm sorry kid, nobody deserves to be castaway like this but there isn't a choice. If you stayed, then evil would have to be given a capsuleer of their own to balance the scales."

Xander grimaced at that as memories from Alexander surfaced, especially memories of the kinds of chaos and devastation that capsuleers could unleash – when they wanted to or when they were out of empire space and the jurisdiction of Concord – was almost without limit. The mere thought that someone immoral or outright evil back home getting their hands on that kind of power was almost unimaginable. It could easily lead to the extinction of all life on Earth as even light ship-based weapons in New Eden could inflict devastation on a scale that would make the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima or Nagasaki at the end of the Second World War seem like the work of children, especially when you started talking about 55mm railguns that fired antimatter rounds.

"Fine," he bit out at last. "So, where the hell, have they dumped me?"

Whistler smirked. "You'll find out. I think you'll like it here as you'll get a chance to give too different groups of self-important assholes a few much deserved headaches," he said, "a world you know well and no its not New Eden. Even the Powers, capricious though they can be, aren't mean enough to dump you into that nest of vipers."

"Sheesh cryptic or what?"

"Curse of being a balance demon I'm afraid, see ya kid," Whistler said with a smirk before vanishing with all the fuss of a bursting soap bubble.

"Captain can you hear me," Aura asked as Xander staired at the place where Whistler had just been.

"I can Aura."

"Thank goodness. I have been trying to speak to you for the last few minutes, but you literally seemed to be frozen."

"I'm not surprised someone was talking to me from our previous reality. Can you tell me where we are now?"

"That is why I was trying to talk to you. We were enveloped by an extremely powerful energy burst that has somehow transported the station twenty-four light years to an unknown star system. I am not detecting any electromagnetic or gravimetric readings to indicate the presence of any intelligent life in the system; however, the energy burst has disabled the long-range sensor array. Automatic repair systems are responding however it will be several hours before long range sensors are restored," the artificial intelligence replied, "but what do you mean about talking to someone from our previous reality? Sensors showed no other presence aboard the station."

"I would be surprised if they did," Xander replied, "the reason I was frozen as you noticed was I was being spoken to by Whistler who I believe took me out of temporal sync for our little chat, he's a servant of the Powers That Be apparently they're the ones in charge of keeping good and evil in balance."

"What did he have to say?"

Xander sighed and explained everything that Whistler had told him, only just keeping his voice level as he did so as it really began to set in what the balance demons words, and his exile from his home, truly meant. While he wasn't at all cut up about the fact that he would never see his parents again - any feelings of affection he had once had for Anthony and Jessica Harris had disappeared a long time ago, washed away by the copious amounts of alcohol both consumed on a daily basis to him these days they were just DNA donors nothing more – the fact that he would never see his friends again, would never even trade barbs with Cordelia again – hell he'd even miss Snyder – seriously pissed him off. Beneath the anger there was grief as well at that realization but for now it was buried by the anger that burned like molten lava through his veins.

When he was done Aura was quiet for a few moments as she processed just what it was that he had said. "I'm sorry nobody deserves to be permanently exiled from their home for something that was not their choice," she said at last. "Eternal banishment to another reality seems to be a very extreme action for such an issue."

"Now that I think about it, I believe you are right though I can understand why giving evil a capsuleer of their own would not be a good idea," he admitted. "If what I remember from Alexander is right my kind are capable of unleashing almost unimaginable amounts of chaos and devastation."

"Capsuleers have been known to do that yes especially in low and null-sec space," Aura agreed. "Still eternal banishment seems to be a bit of an overreaction. Though there is nothing that either of us can do about it now."

"Unfortunately," Xander replied as he resumed heading for the showers. Alexander's memories telling him he needed to get the residue of the cloning fluid off quickly before it dried out completely as dried cloning fluid could be an irritant especially in those harder to reach bits. He paused a moment. "Aura you said our long-range sensors will be down for several hours?"

"Unfortunately, yes the energy burst that enveloped us overloaded them and the control systems are spread out all over the station. With no operational crew I only have maintenance drones and auto-repair systems to work with, which means it will take far more time to repair them than it otherwise would. Why do you ask?"

"I was asking as I wanted to know what sensor capability we have now."

"Local scan only so anything up to forty thousand kilometres of the station. If you wish to temporarily extend our sensor range to compensate for the down long-range scans, I could launch some survey probes."

"Do it they'd also give us a good look at the ley of the land in this system, wherever we are, to boot."

"Very well launching probes. The probes will reach optimum scan positions in fifteen minutes."

"Good as soon as they're in position commence scans. In the meantime, I'm going to shower off this cloning fluid residue before it dries completely."


With their conversation concluded for now, they had nothing else to really discuss until the probes reached optimum position to at least somewhat compensate for their down long-range sensors, Xander walked to the nearest shower cubicle and began the process of cleaning off the drying, increasingly sticky and tacky feeling cloning fluid residue.


Sometime later, dressed much as he had been back in Sunnydale when the spell had been cast, Xander emerged from the changing room off the shower room. Somehow, he hadn't been surprised that he knew his new sizes and the fact that there had been plenty of different bits of clothing present for him to chose from. The only thing that was missing was the fact that he didn't have a CAR-9 burst scrambler pistol belted to his right thigh – which had made such short work of Spike he would always remember the look of surprise and horror on the bleach blond master vampires face as the heat of the plasma bolt set his undead flesh on fire – which strangely made him feel a little naked. Not that I would be in any danger from any intruder here, he thought knowing that the station would have some truly lethal – and sometimes quite fiendish – anti-personnel defences ranging from plasma blasters to laser nets to nano disintegrator sprays.

"Aura?" he called out.

"Yes Captain?"

"First off please stop calling me captain all the time. Call me Xander."

"As you wish Xander. Is there something you wanted to know?"

"Yes, there is, have our probes reached their scanning positions?"

"They have yes. I have begun running scans of the system."

"Have you found anything?"

"Indeed, I have. While the system is as uninhabited as it first appeared, it is rich in resources including several asteroid and ice belts plus the innermost planet is a lava world. The third planet has a thick atmosphere of carbon dioxide and water vapour, it would not be that difficult to terraform it. Curiously, I am picking up an artificial structure at the gravitational balance point between the fourth planet – a class three gas giant which we are currently orbiting – and its largest moon. It appears to be emitting tachyons."

"Tachyons! Why would it be doing that," Xander wondered aloud then frowned as Whistler's words about his place of exile being a universe he knew very well. "Aura can you show me a visual image of the device?"

"Of course." A holographic screen blinked into existence in front of him even before the AI stopped speaking showing him a visual feed from one of the camera drones that buzzed around the outside of the station. The object appeared and Xander's eyes widened as he recognised it.

The object took the form of four metallic pylons, studded with small solar panels, arranged in a diamond pattern. Running along the inner surfaces he could see glowing ribbons of energy as numerous fusion reactors inside the pylons continually generated the power that was needed to energize an exotic – and until now fictional to him – material enough to produce the subatomic particles needed to open a portal between normal space and an alternate dimension used for faster than light travel.

"I know what it is," he breathed aloud.

"What is it?" Aura asked curious both about what the device was and how Xander knew about it as it didn't look like anything from New Eden so he wouldn't have memories of it from her previous captain.

"It's a jump gate," Xander replied. "It's a device that energizes an exotic material called quantium forty which create a stream of subatomic particles that create a portal between normal space and an alternate dimension called hyperspace which is used for faster than light travel. Since there are no landmarks or star patterns observable in hyperspace each jump gate creates a tachyon-based beacon allowing navigation. The tachyon beacons are also used as part of an interstellar communications network."

"Fascinating might I ask how you know this?"

"Because back home it was the background for a science fiction television series, and a series of role playing game books, called Babylon Five and I'm… well a geek at heart or at least I used to be till Jessie was turned into a vampire and I watched him turn to dust on the other end of the wooden stake I was wielding at the time."

"Interesting I believe that on top of our transit to this reality you have just confirmed one of the more esoteric aspects of multiverse theory."

"Oh, which part?"

"The part which states that what is fiction in one universe can be real in another."

"Oh, that bit," Xander replied with a slight smile.

"That's odd," Aura abruptly said.

"What is it?"

"Energy emissions from the jump gate are increasing. I believe it might be powering up to generate the portal you spoke about. Should I raise the shields?"

"Since we don't know whose space, we're in that would be a good idea," Xander replied as he kept his eyes focused on the display to see the jump gate power up and activate. The effect was almost identical to what was shown in the television show in that a series of energy pulses ran down the length of each of the pylons as the reactors and quantium forty capacitors discharged. However when the energy pulses reached the end of the pylons the effect was different as instead of each pylon firing a single pulse each emitted a series of four pulses that combined together at the exact centre point between the pylons. Immediately the glowing blue whirlpool of an incoming hyperspace jump point burst into existence filling the space between the generating pylons with the vortex. A vortex that looked somewhat different to what he was used to seeing as the blue was a shade of the colour that he had honestly never seen before and the transition point between hyperspace and normal space at the centre was not a dark circular mass, instead it appeared to be a glowing point of light.

The light pulsed and a ship appeared from the centre shooting out of the jump point like a bullet fired from a gun. Behind the newly emerged ship the vortex contracted and closed with the minimum of fuss leaving Xander to examine the ship that had just appeared. It was blocky and angular with a grey, white and blue livery along the hull. The presence of five huge turrets two on the dorsal hull, one of the ventral hull and two on the flanks of the vessel confirmed its nature as a warship. A warship whose design and configuration he instantly recognised from both the television show and the RPG games that himself, Willow, Jesse and sometimes Jonathan and Andrew used to play.

It was an Earth Alliance Hyperion-class heavy cruiser.


Authors Notes: Well that's the first chapter of this AU of A Legacy of Chaos done. I am not sure how far this particular story is going to go, I have a definite plan for now though it could change depending on a) how this is received and b) if my muse for it continues to cooperate. I also wish to restate that the main Legacy story has not and will not be abandoned – I am already working on a new chapter for that as well as a new chapter for A Left Turn at Albuquerque, hopefully I will have them ready sometime this month but considering the mayhem that can unfold around here in the build up to Christmas I can obviously make no promises.

Until next time stay safe everybody.
I am glad for and update but disappointed its not a continuation of the story. Imo B5 is really boring, the setting always felt flat and uninteresting when i watched it on tv.
Chapter Ten
Chapter Ten

Baldur blinked as the Surtur's transporter beam released him and he found himself in an exquisitely crafted artificial biosphere. Indeed, if he hadn't known that he was on-board the massive space station he would have assumed that he had somehow been transported to an alien world somewhere the holographic sky above being so perfect that it looked like a real planets sky, even the warm light falling on him felt like the light of a real star and not the synthetic recreation that he knew it to be. Most impressive, he thought gazing around at an environment that was both familiar and alien at the same time, especially in the colours of the grass and the foliage on some of the trees.

Strange I have never seen vegetation in these colours before, he thought as he gazed upon the softly swaying strands of light blue grass and the softly rustling silver, red and gold leaves of some of the trees and bushes. Gently meandering through the manicured environment around him was a river, filling the air with the soothing trickling of water, a river that was feeding numerous ponds and small lakes as it journeyed through this place. Combined with the vegetation – rich with the sounds and smells of a living, breathing ecosystem – it filled even an Asgard with a profound feeling of peace and tranquillity. An effect that Baldur knew would be even more pronounced in humans as human races had a higher susceptibility to the kinds of chemicals put out by living things than his kind did. At the same time though Baldur realized that this parkland – if it was as extensive as it appeared to be – was not only here to provide any inhabitants on the station with a slice of nature floating amidst the stars but had another far more logical and important function in helping with atmospheric regeneration onboard. Though he could not be sure he would not be surprised if a few major air shafts converged on this room so the plants could do what plants did very well and regenerate the air.

The sound of approaching footsteps caught his attention and he looked in the direction they were coming from. Just in time to see a human appear from behind a bend in the flagstone path that like the river meandered through the biosphere. The human was of average height, with a compact but at the same time athletic build, dark brown almost black hair, and warm hazel-coloured eyes. He also had an extremely faint gold tint to his skin whose sheen somewhat reminded him of the residue of cloning fluid which could take several days to completely fade away, though the colour was slightly different to the colour of Asgardian cloning fluid which was white. Interesting is he a clone of some kind? Baldur mused, if he is, I hope he is aware of the dangers involved, unlike my people who didn't realise the dangers of replicative fading until it was too late.

He made a mental note to discuss it with the human, who he presumed to be Xander, later. If he was not aware of the dangers of cloning, or didn't have the means to mitigate said dangers, then he would have to warn him about them. After all he couldn't in good conscience allow someone else to repeat the Asgardian people's mistake without at least giving fair warning and the benefit of their unfortunate experience in that area of science.

"Commander Baldur," the human said in greeting speaking with an accent he had never heard before, "my name is Xander, welcome aboard."

"Thank you it is a pleasure to be here," Baldur replied. "I admit that this artificial biosphere is very impressive, is it purely ornamental or does it have a specific purpose."

"A bit of both," Xander answered, "it was discovered long ago that spacers – even capsuleers like me – need to have the option of being able to walk in a living space like this. It also helps to ease the load on the station's oxygen scrubbers as the blue grass especially is an extremely good producer of fresh oxygen. To the point that alongside atmospheric filtration towers it is frequently used in terraforming projects. Now if you follow me the Nox delegation are waiting for us."

"Very well please lead on," Baldur replied even as he wondered just what a capsuleer was. He had never heard someone refer to themselves by that designation before. Xander nodded before turning and starting to walk away, Baldur followed and immediately noticed poking out just above the rim of his shirt was a small metallic port built into the base of his neck. What could that be for, he wondered as he followed the human along the path and over a small arched bridge across the river to an oriental themed seating area where three Nox – among them Elder Ohper – were patiently waiting

Seeing Xander return with the small child-sized form of Baldur in tow Ohper inwardly frowned. The Asgard had never been a very physically imposing race – certainly not in the way that humans were and not to the level of the Furlings – which had completely belied their fierceness in battle, but they had never been that small and unwell looking; Baldur's grey skin was a little too light and had a faint oily sheen that to a species like his own, who knew the Asgard of old, was a sign of chronic illness in the species. After exchanging subtle concerned looks with Antaeus and Lya Ohper reached out with his mystical senses and scanned the Asgard.

What he discovered immediately set mental alarm bells ringing.

Baldur, and presumably the rest of his race, was indeed ill. There was a slowly growing distortion in his aura – the energy field produced by all life – like a cancer that would manifest as an ever-increasing feeling of weakness and frailty as cells were having to work harder and harder to keep the body alive. Despite knowing that the Asgard had been having some issues with genetic degeneration – it was nothing new they had had periodic problems with it on and off for about ten thousand years or so ever since a mistake in the species genetic engineering program half sterilized them – Ohper was deeply shocked by how far it had progressed. If Baldur was any indication, then the Asgard race was only decades or at most a century away from entering a terminal decline that could and would only end in extinction. Why did they not come to us we could certainly have stopped it from progressing as far as it has, he thought thinking of the Asgard in general though he knew that the answer came down to the diminutive race's warrior past and the profound sense of pride and self-reliance that such a heritage inevitably nurtured in a race. He made a mental note to speak with Baldur about it later.

"Please be seated commander," Xander said gesturing to a spare seat and Baldur grimaced, in a subtle Asgard fashion, as the seat was scaled for a human not the smaller, slimmer frame of an Asgard.

"Xander, would you mind if I transported a chair over from my ship? I mean no offense but the chair you have indicated is not suitable for one of my kind to sit on for any length of time."

Xander blinked as it honestly hadn't occurred to him that he wouldn't have a chair suitable for Baldur aboard this station but then he had never actually dealt with aliens before today. Let alone an alien that was a dead ringer for a Roswell grey right down to being no taller than the average human ten-year-old and much slighter in build than any child who wasn't heavily emaciated by hunger and malnutrition. "Of course, you may, forgive me I did not realize," he said.

"No harm done I should have advised you beforehand," Baldur replied, knowing the blame for the oversight was as much his as Xander's. Without waiting he manipulated the runes on the control stone he was holding in his right hand, which he had brought with him to allow him to beam back to the Surtur after this meeting was concluded. Immediately the faintly musical tones of an Asgard transporter filled the air and a silver-white line appeared next to the table, a microsecond later something seemed to shoot down into it making it flare brighter and wider before with a crescendo vanishing leaving behind one of the throne-like chairs favoured by the Asgard.

Without hesitation Baldur sat in the chair.

"Now that we are all comfortable, I believe that you have some questions?" Xander asked addressing Baldur a moment before Aura spoke inside his head, or rather spoke through his primary bodies link to the station's systems.

"Xander we're receiving a signal from the QEC device you left with Mister Giles," the artificial intelligence told him, "it appears to be Mister Giles, Miss Summers, Miss Calendar and a number of other individuals wishing to speak with you."

Oh, great timing guys,
Xander thought with a mental sigh. "Can you deal with them for me for a bit Aura while I deal with this meeting?" he asked. "If Willow is there, she's bound to ask a whole pack of questions would you mind answering them? I do have to warn you though she tends to talk fast when she gets going. You will also have to remind her to breathe from time to time otherwise she'll talk until she passes out."

"Not a problem I will field their questions for you. Shall I inform them that you will contact them as soon as possible?"

"Yes, please Aura. Oh, and Aura now that the repairs to the stealth bomber's cloaking device have been completed would you prepare it for launch and make sure the troop compartment has somewhat comfortable chairs in."

"I will set some drones on the task immediately. Would you also like me to prepare some guest quarters, I assume you want to bring Mr Giles and others here for a face-to-face meeting?"

"You assume right. There's a lot I need to talk with them about and I have a feeling that this conversation with Baldur and Ohper is going to reveal even more."

"Would you like me to monitor and record so we can review the conversation more later?"

"I'd appreciate that thank you Aura."

"It is not a problem. Now I suggest you turn your full attention to our guests."


Feeling Aura recede a bit to the back of his mind – or rather recede from his link to this particular clone avatar given his main body was still in the stations main control capsule – Xander turned his attention back to his guests. "Sorry about that. Aura brought something to my attention that I needed to deal with," he said seeing the way everyone was looking at him in some concern and he realized he had probably been – from their perspective – staring into space.

"Who is Aura," Baldur asked curious.

"She's my personal artificial intelligence. Every capsuleer has a copy of Aura issued to them when they complete the conversion process. Each one starts out more or less the same but overtime they adapt to suit there specific capsuleers personality, wants and goals. Though thanks to the ascended no Aura is quite as capable as mine is." Or will be, he thought remembering what Ganos Lal had said about how Aura would evolve as her AI matrix adapted to the improvements, they'd made to her when – to compensate him for being changed so much by their interference in Ethan Rayne's spell – they'd made this station and everything in it for him.

"Interesting though that does bring me to my first question," Baldur admitted, "what is a capsuleer?"

"I admit I am curious to know that answer as well," Ohper admitted as while Ganos Lal had indicated that the overpowering of the Ritual of Masks spell cast by someone called Ethan Rayne had been responsible for turning the young man before him into a capsuleer she hadn't exactly said what a capsuleer was.

"Are you familiar with the term infomorph?"

"You are saying that you are actually a body of sentient information," Baldur questioned.

"Well, I am now but like all capsuleers back in New Eden – which is fiction in this reality – I originally started out as an ordinary human. In the normal conversion process a capsuleer candidate undergoes a trans neural scan that converts their minds into living data – in the process the original body is terminated and eventually reduced to reclaimable biomass – which can then be downloaded into a cybernetically enhanced clone body. When that clone dies our consciousness is instantly transferred from that clone to another, and another and another. Through this method we have a form of immortality.

"While part of our cybernetic implants is for this consciousness mapping and transfer process that is not their main function nor the reason why capsuleers were created in the first place," Xander continued relying entirely on Alexander's memories to explain all of this. "We were created to be a new kind of starship pilot – the immortality bit was just a side development – using advanced cybernetics we are designed to essentially merge with our ships. When connected the ship essentially becomes our body, it let's us control our ships with both greater efficiency and speed than you can achieve just pressing buttons."

"A novel approach to neural interfacing," Lya commented knowing that neural interfacing was a quite common technology among the more advanced spacefaring species with even the Goa'uld having the own variant of the technology. Though none, to her knowledge anyway, used neural interfacing to physically merge with the ship. "Though why the term capsuleer?"

"The term is derived from exactly how the interface works," Xander explained before with a thought making a hologram of a pod-ship appear over the table. "This is a hydrostatic capsule. Within which is a suspension chamber where the capsuleer floats inside a vat of a hyper oxygenated biosynthetic solution that not only protects the body but provides for all biological functions while inside. The connecting cables to our cybernetics are also located here and attach to ports on our back, ports that are non-conductive outside of the hydrostatic fluid. When all six connections are in place the hydrostatic capsule – which in itself is a ship albeit an extremely small and quite vulnerable one – becomes the bridge between the capsuleer and whichever ship they are going to pilot.

"This is the basic information on what a capsuleer is," he finished. "Our nature as infomorphic lifeforms and our cybernetics do give us a few other ancillary abilities – one of which I am using right now as I told the Nox earlier – but this is really what we are. A caste of immortal interstellar pilots."

"Which ability is that" Baldur asked while also wondering just what Xander had talked about with the Nox in the time before he'd arrived here.

"This body you see is just another of my clones that I am remotely controlling as an avatar. My current active clone, in which the bulk of my consciousness and my soul reside, is currently in the operations centre capsule," Xander explained before making a new hologram appear this one showing the suspension chamber in the operations centre courtesy of the stations internal security cameras. The three Nox and the solo Asgardian blinked and looked in interest to see a nearly naked – aside from a pair of underpants – version of the man before them floating inside a pale blue fluid. Thick cables wrapped around him connecting to the six ports along his spine.

"As I said to the Nox when they first came aboard, I could have projected a hologram to speak with you even more easily," Xander continued despite himself a little surprised by how he looked when connected to the capsule. Really weird seeing myself like that, he thought before making the hologram disappear.

"Does it hurt at all," Lya asked concerned by how brutal the connection method actually looked.

"Not really," Xander replied, "really only when the cables connect and the bioneural relays running up my spine first come to life, even then it's not that uncomfortable and only lasts a second due to the sudden power surge. It's one of those little things that capsuleers learn to put up with."

"I see."

"Shall we move on," Xander asked wanting to change the subject now as there really wasn't much more that he could tell them about being a capsuleer beyond the technical bits of how their implants worked and so on. Information that was complex, to the point that even in New Eden it was considered knowledge that only the most intelligent of individuals – or your average Jovian – could truly comprehend. Certainly, like most capsuleers Alexander hadn't known exactly how his implants worked, only that they did and how he could use them. "After all there is not much more that I can tell you about capsuleers and how we work."

"Very well," Ohper agreed. "However, before we proceed do you have any questions that you wish to ask us Xander? This is after all an exchange of information and not an interrogation." Baldur nodded in agreement, this was after all a friendly meet and greet.

"Well, I would like to know a bit about your respective species," Xander answered, "you know now what I am after all so it's only fair that I know about you. Not so much about your species Ohper as our earlier discussion revealed a lot about your species, including your familiarity with magic but I don't know anything about Commander Baldur's species beyond the name Asgard."

"Then I will endeavour to enlighten you," Baldur replied, "as you know my people are called the Asgard. Ourselves and the Nox are old allies having known each other for many tens of thousands of years, though it has been a few centuries since we last spoke to any meaningful degree. We are the only two members of the Alliance of Four left in this galactic cluster."

"The Alliance of Four?"

"It is a long story," Ohper replied.

"We have plenty of time."

"That we do. Very well I will explain…"


Three Hours Later

Standing before the viewports on one of the stations vast observation decks Xander watched through both the eyes of his avatar and the stations sensors and camera drones as the Nox shuttle made its way back to its mothership. The meeting with the Asgard and the Nox had been informative and gone on for quite some time having really only ended half an hour ago with the Nox delegation returning to their shuttle while Baldur had teleported back to his ship.

One thing that really stuck in his mind though was the scale of the danger facing Earth. Baldur had informed him about the existence of the Goa'uld Empire and the nature of the sentient parasites that had built it. To say that the nature of the Goa'uld, and how they hijacked control of whoever they took as a host, brought back some very unpleasant memories of his own possession by the primal hyena spirit would have been an understatement. The fact that they also wouldn't hesitate to burn Earth to glass from orbit and enslave any survivors was also worrying, especially as Earth had already been attacked by them once and had seemingly only survived that attack through sheer dumb luck. I wonder if Giles has any references to the Goa'uld in his books, he mused recalling Baldur telling him how the Goa'uld had been driven from Earth thousands of years ago and the Stargate sealed and buried – well until recently as the US Air Force had somehow gotten their mitts on it and were now using it to travel the galaxy and no doubt being a subtle as a bull in a china shop as they went about it.

"Though hopefully things will change there soon," he said recalling how Ohper had been planning to have a word with this Stargate Command about their behaviour, especially how they kept the existence of the Stargate secret presumably for reasons of 'national security'. Though more likely so the Air Force and the Pentagon can ensure that America and only America can benefit from the gate, he thought with a sigh. It seemed the problems and challenges facing him were growing ever more extreme as he couldn't just leave Earth helpless in the face of the Goa'uld threat. Though he couldn't just hand over New Eden technology to the US government either, for the simple reason that there were far too many in positions of power who wouldn't hesitate to use it against other nations on the planet. Plus, he had to consider the vast gulf of technological and scientific knowledge that they would have to cross to understand anything he gave them. His technology after all came from a civilization that was twenty thousand years more advanced than the most cutting edge Earth technology.

"Did you say something Xander," Aura asked.

"I was just thinking aloud Aura."

"You seem troubled. Might I ask what is bothering you?"

Xander sighed. "It's the Goa'uld," he admitted, "hearing about them and what they subject the poor souls they take as hosts to brings back some very unpleasant memories of my own experience with being possessed."

"By my former captain?"

"No, I actually didn't remember any of that until after I was dumped out of the cloning tank here and then it was more a merger between Alexander's memories, knowledge and experiences and my own. There were no personality fragments or anything to try and take control of me. No, it's a prior experience, one I really don't care to remember."

"I see. The Asgard ship is requesting we disengage the tethering beam."

"Do it then keep our sensors focused on the Asgard and Nox vessels as they leave. They're heading to Earth to speak with this Stargate Command organisation so they're probably going to nip into whatever form of faster than light travel they use to cross the distance between here and Earth," Xander replied. "The more information we get on it the better, though we'll probably find plenty of data in the memory banks of the corvette. How is the data mining going by the way?"

"Slowly," Aura said sounding as frustrated as an artificial intelligence could be. "While I have been able to gain basic access to the ships computers all critical data is protected by complex firewalls and security protocols that are taking considerable time to bypass or disarm. I have however determined that the vessel was deliberately abandoned by its crew who fled to Earth after they received a message from their home planet recalling them for a final defensive stand against someone called Ba'al."

"Deserters," Xander exclaimed in disgust a feeling that came from both himself and the remnant of Alexander left in him. Having served proudly in the Gallente Federal Navy for a few decades before being demobbed and becoming a civilian pilot Alexander had had a very dim view of people who he saw as betrayers of their uniform.

"So, it seems," Aura agreed even as Xander became aware of sudden increases in power generation on board the Asgard and Nox vessels. "It appears our guests are indeed preparing to enter whatever FTL they use. As requested, I will monitor their departure. In the meantime, what are you going to do?"

"Put this clone away," Xander replied, "then return to my normal body before we place a call to Giles and the others. Though it will be getting dark in Sunnydale by now so Buffy will be getting ready to head out on her first vampire slaying patrol of the night, so it probably only be Giles and probably Ms Calendar that I end up speaking to."

"Understood. Would you like me to summarise the conversation I had with them?"

"Leave that till I relinquish control of this avatar please Aura," Xander replied as he turned away from the viewports, though in his minds eye he could see – thanks to the station's camera drones – both the Asgard and Nox vessels moving away from the station at least for now. Both began emitting an energy field that had some similarities to both warp and cynosural fields while being distinctly different from both fields at the same time. Huh I wonder exactly what it is, he thought even as the effect of the fields readily became apparent as greenish-white glowing rents appeared in space, rents which both ships – with a burst of extreme acceleration – disappeared into. The anomalies disappearing behind them.

"Fascinating," Aura commented. "Sensors recorded numerous emissions unlike anything we have ever seen before though some of the particles that produced the vortices share properties with those used to generate cynosural fields. The analysis should be most fascinating."

"I'll say," Xander agreed as he left the observation deck heading for the nearest turbolift and a short jaunt to the cloning bay. "But get some of your background process to do the analysis. At least until your matrix finishes adjusting to whatever the ascended did to it."

"As you wish."


A Few Minutes Later

Fully back in his normal body, the clone he'd used as an avatar once again in stasis in one of the tanks, Xander reviewed the conversation that Aura had had with the rest of the Scooby Gang as well as the other former members of the pack while he had been busy talking with the Asgard and the Nox. The conversation had gone much as he had expected it to with Willow asking numerous questions and having to be repeatedly reminded to breathe lest she talk herself into unconsciousness.

Though he was also somewhat disappointed, if not especially surprised, in how she had behaved whenever one of the pack had spoken. Willow had not only alternatively glared and sulked at them, her very manor screaming that she really did not like them being there and would have rather seen them gone, whenever they'd asked questions. If fact Willow had tried to hog all the questions and made numerous allusions to seeing if they could find away to return him to normal despite being told – repeatedly by both Giles, Ms Calendar and someone called Kowalski, he would have to ask Giles who he was – that it was not possible. He wasn't surprised as while she was his best friend, he was well aware that Willow was something of a control freak who could be both quite ruthless and very single minded about getting her way, though she hid it well beneath her meek 'do no harm' mouse exterior. She is going to be a problem, he thought, I am going to have to show her the science about how its impossible to convert someone from the infomorphic format back to a normal human consciousness format. Even destroying all my other clones wouldn't make me back to what she no doubt wants me to be.

"Aura hail the QEC device I left with Giles,"
he thought spoke.

"Hailing," Aura confirmed.

Xander waited for a few moments before suddenly seeming to be standing in Giles living room. He wasn't surprised to find that Buffy and Willow weren't present, no doubt they'd headed off on Buffy's first patrol of the evening which if it was anything like normal would start off at the Bronze – a favourite hunting ground for vampires especially the younger looking ones that made up the majority of Sunnydale's vampire population – and once that place started to wind down they'd patrol a few of the graveyards for any fledglings and a few other hotspots for the undead bloodsucking fiends before going to their respective homes. Cordelia and the pack had also left the townhouse that Giles called home, presumably heading to the Bronze themselves.

Though that did not mean that Giles was alone. He wasn't surprised to see that Ms Calendar was still here with the Watcher, what did surprise him though was the fact that the mysterious Mr Kowalski was present. All three of them looked like they had been having a pretty in depth and serious conversation when he'd hailed them.

"Xander my boy how are you," Giles asked, "did your meeting go well?"

"I'm fine. As for the meeting it was informative and somewhat worrying," Xander replied, "there are a few things that we need to talk about though I would rather discuss most of them face-to-face instead of over a quantum comm signal."

"Your AI Aura was it indicated earlier that you would like us to come to the station," Ms Calendar commented as she gazed at Xander not for the first time amazed by the incredible resolution of the holographic image he was projecting. "That shouldn't be too difficult as the school is going to be closed for at least a fortnight, possibly longer."

To say that Xander was surprised by that response would have been an understatement. "Really! Did something happen?" he asked.

"You could say that" Giles replied, "suddenly and quiet unexpectedly almost half the administration staff and several of the senior members of the faculty – including Principal Snyder – just keeled over dead. It's not just here but all over the state and much of the country. Not to mention numerous celebrities, business moguls and politicians also all dropped dead at the same time. The latter deaths are all over the planet."

"What the hell caused…. It was the withdrawal of Wolfram & Hart wasn't it. The Senior Partners withdrew from this dimension after the interference in the Ritual of Masks spell cast by Ethan Rayne," Xander answered as he realized just what had happened. "Everyone who died must have had deals with the demons behind the law firm so when they withdrew…"

"…the contracts would be terminated resulting in the death, and likely soul destruction, of almost everyone who had a high enough level contract with them," Giles finished for him. "How did you know the name of the spell? Do you know who interfered with it?"

"That I do," Xander confirmed, "and that's one of the things we really need to talk about face-to-face instead of face-to-hologram. But before we continue who is this?" He gestured to Kowalski.

"My names Charles Kowalski," the man replied, "I'm a whitelighter which is a…"

"…type of angel I have read about your kind in some of the books Giles loaned me last summer," Xander finished, "you deal with good witches if I recall correctly." Which I do as an eidetic memory is one of the little perks that come with capsuleer implants, he thought. "Though the question then is who are you here for?"

"Willow," Kowalski replied, "she's a special type of white witch, one that doesn't come around very often. I have been assigned to teach her the responsibilities and dangers that come with her type of magic."

"I don't envy you," Xander told him. "Willow will want to dive straight into the deep end when it comes to magic; thinking she can succeed just because she always has succeeded in whatever she wants to learn. As much as I love her like a sister, I am not as blind to her faults as she likes to think I am."

"We were just discussing that amongst ourselves," Giles replied, "how the three of us can go about the delicate task of teaching Willow how to use magic while ensuring she doesn't try to do things above her level of knowledge and skill before she's ready. Magic isn't science after all it cannot just be experimented with. But those discussions can wait for now."

"Nah it's okay I'll let you get on with your discussion. But before I go, I need to know if you're willing to come here? We can then arrange just how we're going to go about it. Though before you ask the problem with my cloak has been fixed, slight manufacturing defect that was easily corrected so I can always pick you up from the car park at Calex though picking you up from that disused world war two airfield south east of town would probably be better."

"Of course, we'll come," Giles said, "but there is something we need to do first. Something that you can help us with."


Giles exchanged a look with Ms Calendar. What he had to say now was something that he had argued against in the past but in light of everything that had happened since the spell, and Xander's brief 'death' when his original clone was killed by Drusilla, they didn't really have a choice. It was something that both Cordelia and Kyle had pointed out and even Kowalski had backed them up, the whitelighter pointing out that it was better that they knew.

"We need your help explaining everything to Joyce and Dawn Summers."


Author Notes: Yay this chapter is finally done. It's taken quite some time and three rewrites to get this chapter to cooperate the way I wanted it to. Hopefully, the next chapter won't be so difficult to write as there are going to be a few serious discussions and events taking place next time especially as we will be returning to Stargate Command and the situation with Sam/Jolinar. Now before anyone asks in reviews, I am also going to do some work on the Babylon 5 spin off story. Until next time stay safe everyone.
Woo! Always a good day when one of my favorite stories updates.
You know, Pride being what kept the Asgard from asking the Nox's help makes a lot of sense. They probably could have dealt with it easily.

Also, the Discovery of the Stargate is quite interesting Xander, as it's a tale straight out of Indiana Jones. Nazis and all...

Edit: Also, the Nox and Asgard showing up with Jolinar still alive would be very interesting. Especially since Xander could potentially solve the whole lack of willing hosts issue the Tok'ra suffer from...
Last edited:
You know, Pride being what kept the Asgard from asking the Nox's help makes a lot of sense. They probably could have dealt with it easily.

Also, the Discovery of the Stargate is quite interesting Xander, as it's a tale straight out of Indiana Jones. Nazis and all...

Edit: Also, the Nox and Asgard showing up with Jolinar still alive would be very interesting. Especially since Xander could potentially solve the whole lack of willing hosts issue the Tok'ra suffer from...

I figured that there racial pride would make a lot of sense for why the Asgard wouldn't contact the Nox to help them with there genetic degradation and cloning issues. Something that the Nox - with their mastery of bioengineering and in this reality healing magics - would have been able to solve relatively easily, of course its gone so far now that the Asgard might be beyond even the Nox's ability to help.

Indeed the discovery of the Stargate has really intrigued Xander, though he already knew that the Air Force had something capable of creating stable wormholes as he detected two wormholes being created - one incoming and one outgoing - the last time he was in orbit. Which caught him by surprise, and indeed surprised even Aura, as everything he knows from the memories and knowledge of Alexander Zenakori (the capsuleer he was turned into during the spell) says that wormholes simply cannot exist on a planet.

I have plans for Jolinar as one thing is for sure Baldur is certainly to detect three Goa'uld life form readings at the SGC two mature - Jolinar and the Ashrak - and one immature - junior sitting inside Teal'c's pouch - on the base.
Indeed the discovery of the Stargate has really intrigued Xander, though he already knew that the Air Force had something capable of creating stable wormholes as he detected two wormholes being created - one incoming and one outgoing - the last time he was in orbit. Which caught him by surprise, and indeed surprised even Aura, as everything he knows from the memories and knowledge of Alexander Zenakori (the capsuleer he was turned into during the spell) says that wormholes simply cannot exist on a planet.
Well that goes to show you just how ridiculously advanced the Alterans were now doesn't it? Though Naquadah probably helps them cheat a lot I bet...
Well that goes to show you just how ridiculously advanced the Alterans were now doesn't it? Though Naquadah probably helps them cheat a lot I bet...

Indeed especially as before they even came to the Milky Way - or Avalon as they called it - the Alterans/Ancients/Lanteans were already a very old and very technologically advanced race.
Chapter Eleven
Author Note: A reminder conversation in italic refers either to a symbiote speaking to a host or Xander thought-speaking as he naturally cannot talk aloud when inside the hydrostatic capsule as his lungs and throat are full of fluid.


Chapter Eleven

Xander's Citadel

"We need your help to explain all this to Joyce and Dawn Summers."

Xander was sure his physical body blinked as he stared at Giles in shock and surprise. He had suggested that they inform at very least Joyce Summers about the dangers of Sunnydale and her eldest daughters calling to combat them. He had said about it after the incident where Darla had fed on her in an attempt to frame Angel for attacking her after they had discovered that he was a vampire, well before Angel had confessed that he had been cursed with a human soul – giving him back a conscience and the ability to feel such human emotions as remorse and guilt – after feeding upon the wrong Romani a century earlier. As he'd pointed out, repeatedly to both Giles and Buffy, if Joyce had known not to invite anyone she didn't know in after dark then Darla would never have been able to attack and nearly kill Joyce.

Unfortunately, neither the Watcher nor the Slayer had been inclined to listen.

Of course, that didn't mean that young Dawn didn't already know as not only had she read her older sisters diary on numerous occasions – in the tradition of bratty younger sisters everywhere – without Buffy being aware of it but she had encountered a vampire a few weeks earlier when she'd nagged him into taking her to the corner shop for some candy one time when he'd been babysitting her. Thankfully, it had only been one and a fledgling which means he had easily staked the bloodsucking fiend. Which had shown to Dawn the Buffy wasn't lying in her diary and led to him having to explain quite things to her. Though of course he had sworn her to both secrecy – Buffy would slay him for sure if she knew he'd told her baby sister – and to not go out looking to learn more about the supernatural as it was not something a twelve-year-old girl should ever be concerned about.

Of course, given how curious she could be not to mention the fact that she had the same reckless streak as Buffy, there was no guarantee that Dawn would do as she was told.

"You want to tell Joyce and Dawn," he repeated at last. "Why now you have always resisted before when I have said about it?"

Giles fidgeted uncomfortable at his question. Thankfully Kowalski took pity on him and spoke up. "You can blame me for it Xander," he said with a smile, "well me and Kyle. We were able to convince both Mister Giles and Miss Summers that Joyce and Dawn knowing about the dangers of this place was the best thing and that they were in unnecessary danger not knowing." He didn't add that there was another reason and that was what Joyce's own destiny was, though there was no reason for anyone to know that and there was the fact that Dawn had the Key within her.

Though the latter he couldn't explain without getting into the headache that was temporal magic.

"That's been my argument all along."

"I am aware I am not sure why I did not listen," Giles admitted as he could see why Xander had argued the way he had. Given that Sunnydale was the sight of a very active Hellmouth, the fact that her eldest daughter was the current Slayer, and the fact that she'd already been attacked once by Darla – well before Darla had been dusted by Angel – it made sense that Joyce should be told the truth and, if necessary, shown that her daughter wasn't lying.

"It's a combination of factors Mister Giles," Kowalski replied, "there is your oath of secrecy to the Watchers Council influencing your decisions as there is a small amount of magic involved in it. Magic that compels secrecy, though due to the ambient dark magic emissions of the Hellmouth it has worn off on you now. The other element which is more recent is a compulsion to ignore any suggestions made by Xander was placed upon you, Ms Summers and everyone in your group."

"By whom?" Giles asked instantly angry that someone would place such a compulsion spell on them. Such things were grey magic at best. They certainly were not something that anyone could cast since, as with most other magic's, which had to be a genuine desire to bring about the intent of the spell.

"By the Powers That Be. They don't like Xander very much."

"Who are the Powers That Be? What did I ever do to them?"

"The Powers That Be are the group of higher beings that oversee the Slayer line," Kowalski explained, "they choose who will be the next Slayer. They have a number of other champions to battle lower and mid-level demons, the ensouled vampire Angel is one such champion. As for why they don't like you… well that's because you embarrassed them."

"How so," Jenny asked just beating Xander to the punch.

"Because he was able to revive Slayer Summers when she was briefly drowned by the master vampire Heinrich Nest."

"Why would they dislike me for that?" Xander asked more than a little puzzled by why these Powers That Be would be upset with him for saving Buffy. Surely, they would be grateful to still have her around to battle the various vampires and demons that made Sunnydale home due to the presence of the Hellmouth.

"They dislike you because it was an embarrassment to them," the whitelighter explained. "They had created the prophecy that Buffy would face The Master and that she would die, and they expected things to go exactly as they planned. However, such prophecies were never written with modern first aid training in mind, thus it never occurred to them that Buffy would be able to be revived. It was a sharp reminder to them that prophecy and destiny are not the be all and end all of things, and just because prophecy is written a certain way doesn't mean it will completely come true.

"The Pricks That Bungle," Kowalski continued once again drawing chuckles at his derisive nickname for the PTB. "Did not appreciate that reminder and decided to punish Xander for interfering in their plans. Personally, I think they're being completely and utterly ridiculous and childish, they've actually gained another Slayer out of the whole affair, but that's the Powers for you. Bunch of spoilt brats if you ask me who spout nonsense and do nothing to really fulfil the purpose for which they were created."

"There's another Slayer?" Giles demanded.

"Yes, you did not know?"

"No. The Council did not see fit to inform me," Giles growled annoyed as he knew just who was behind it being kept quiet Quentin Bloody Travers and his currently ruling traditionalist faction. It would be just like them to compartmentalize such information, leaving whoever the new girls Watcher was to believe that Buffy was dead. "Do you know who it is?"

"Some girl in Jamacia I believe. I wasn't briefed on her identity since the only slayer I'm likely to meet here is Buffy."

"If the Slayer spirit has moved on to another girl how is Buffy still the Slayer," Xander asked, "are the powers a soul imprint just like my improved hearing."

"It's not a soul imprint," Kowalski replied. "Nobody quite knows what it is. Though I would advise that you don't say anything about this to Buffy."

"Agreed," Giles replied knowing his charge well. Not only would Buffy not appreciate it she would certainly try to use it to skimp on her sacred Slayer duties in her endless quest to have a so-called normal life. While he could understand why she would want a normal life, he had resented his own calling to be a Watcher – as his father and his grandfather had been before him – when he'd been her age and it had led him into a very, very dark place, he knew it would never be possible for her. Buffy, like all Slayers, would always have inside of her the need, the instinct, to hunt down and destroy supernatural evils and if she ignored it for too long… well very bad things could happen mentally to a Slayer in such a situation. "But we're getting somewhat off track here. Xander, will you help convince Joyce and Dawn about all of this?"

"Of course, I will. I even have an idea how I can do that from here," Xander replied immediately before hesitating then dropping his bombshell knowing they needed to know. He just hoped that Giles would be reasonable about it. "But it's only Buffy's mom that we need to convince. Dawn already knows."

"What!" Giles and Jenny exclaimed in shock at the same time, making both capsuleer and whitelighter chuckle in amusement as they'd spoken at exactly the same time and with precisely the same incredulous tone.

"How does Dawn know," Giles asked after taking a moment to recover from the shocking announcement, even as an explanation for how she knew came to him. "Did you tell her Xander?" He hoped that the young man hadn't, but he knew it was a possibility.

"Of course not," Xander replied instantly, a little irritated that Giles would think he would do something like that. "No, she found out another way. Think about it Giles she's Buffy's somewhat bratty younger sister what is she likely to do whenever she thinks she can get away with it?"

"Read Buffy's diary," Jenny replied immediately knowing that a few of her siblings and clanmates would, and indeed, had done the same to her when she'd been a teenager. Well before she'd figured out how to put wards and notice me not spells on the diary so nobody but her could find it let alone open it.

"Exactly and when it comes to her diary Buffy is somewhat careless, I've seen her leave it out and open on her dresser numerous times whenever I've babysat Dawn for Mrs Summers," Xander answered making Giles frown and make a mental note to have a word with Buffy about being more careful with her diary, especially if she kept putting information on the supernatural in it. Hmm it might be an idea to offer to put concealment wards on it for her, he thought though he forced himself to keep listening as Xander spoke up again.

"Dawn read all about vampires in the diary," Xander continued, "she's also encountered one before one time when I was babysitting her. She nagged me into taking her down to the shop."

"You took her down to the shop. At night!"

"She deployed the puppy eyes against me plus she's been spending far too much time with Willow. She's starting to pick up the 'resolve' face. I resisted of course, but in the end, I gave in. We met a vampire as we were coming back. Thankfully I knew it was there before it even jumped out at us from behind a bush and had a stake ready to dust the stupid thing."

"I see, how did Dawn take it," Giles asked hoping that, like everyone else in Sunnydale, Dawn would want to repress it and rationalize it away in some fashion. Gang violence fuelled by the highly addictive hallucinogenic drug phencyclidine – or PCP - being the answer that most people immediately reached for. While he knew that it wasn't likely, given what Xander had already said, that Dawn would do that, but a man could dream couldn't he?

"How do you expect? Confused and scared as it was one thing to read about vampires in her sister's diary and quite another to be face to fang with one. Fascinated as well though I made sure that she understood that vampires are not something that she should go out investigating – you know what Dawn can be like with these things – as that would be a good way to end up dead… or worse. Surprisingly she agreed though I have been keeping a closer eye on her recently just in case as it wouldn't be the first time that Dawn said one thing and did the exact opposite. So far she's behaved."

"That's a relief when did this encounter take place?"

"A month ago. Naturally I couldn't tell Buffy about it as you know how she'd react and that would only push Dawn to do exactly what nobody would want her to do."

Giles nodded in a mixture of understanding and agreement. He knew his charge well and knew that Buffy would go absolutely nuts about her sister knowing her secret – and the way she'd found out about it by reading her diary – and her encounter with a vampire while in Xander's company. She would no doubt do everything in her power to make Dawn a prisoner in her own home out of a need to protect her from the vampires now that she knew of them going into both full on, I'm the Slayer you have to do what I say mode and overprotective big sister mode.

Which would result in Dawn sneaking out just to get away from her sister regardless of the hour and that was a recipe for something very bad to happen.

"I don't blame you though be prepared for Buffy to give you a hard time when she finds out that Dawn has known for so long," Giles cautioned Xander.

"She'll try," Xander agreed though he wasn't that worried about the prospect of facing Buffy's wrath anymore. It was not like she could kill him permanently or anything anymore while, if he wanted to, he could kill her easily with the many tools of death that he now had access to. Superhuman strength and fighting ability would hardly let her dodge a plasma bolt let alone a laser beam, to say nothing of some of the nastier methods of killing like nano disintegrators. One of the many things that the peoples of New Eden – be they mortal or immortal - were unfortunately particularly good at was finding new, innovative ways to kill someone.

Not that he had any intention of ever killing Buffy. Angel on the other hand he would gladly dispose of that cursed demonically reanimated corpse as he still hadn't forgotten – or forgiven him for – how Angel had offered him to Spike as a meal a few months ago just because he was still jealous over Buffy using him as a human stripper pole to make the ensouled vampire jealous. Of course, he had never said anything about Angel doing that to anyone as he wouldn't be believed; he knew full well that Buffy especially would ignore it and just brand him jealous – despite the fact that he no longer had any romantic feelings whatsoever for her as he could never love someone who would use him like she had – and Willow would just follow her lead like she always did. As for Giles well he'd keep quiet, even if he did believe him, just to keep his Slayer happy.

For some reason, the way Xander had just said that sent a chill down Giles spine and he wondered just how much the young man had been changed by Ethan's mutated spell. He clearly wasn't the only one as he saw a momentary flash of worry cross Jenny's face at the tone Xander had used and saw Kowalski momentarily frown and look at the eighteen-inch-tall hologram of the new adult Xander assessing. Giles quickly decided to get back to the issue at hand.

"In any case we've wandered off topic again," he said. "You said that you have an idea for how to convince Mrs Summers of the truth?"

"Yes, there are actually two options. The easiest would be for you to simply take this QEC device with you when you go to talk to Mrs Summers, you could then hail me and either myself or Aura would answer you."

"Seeing you as a hologram could be quite convincing," Jenny agreed, "though just out of curiosity what is the other choice? And is there anything special we need to do to the QEC device for transport?"

"The alternative is that I can come back to Earth and go with you when you see her," Xander replied, "it could mean leaving the station unattended for longer than I would like but if you think that would be the better choice, I'll do it."

"It would probably be the best option," Giles admitted, "that way you can prove the existence of your cybernetics in the same way you showed us at the old CRD site. Though what is the risk of leaving the station unattended?"

"Not that much at the moment," Xander admitted knowing that there was only one warship in Sol at the moment and that was the Asgard cruiser. A cruiser that while it was undeniably a formidable vessel didn't have the firepower to defeat the shields of a Fortizar-class citadel in a reasonable period of time, "I can have Aura leave the shields up while I'm away. They're more than powerful enough to protect the station though if someone does attack hardware lockouts would prevent Aura from even powering the weapons let alone returning fire."

"Is an attack likely?

"I do not think so."

"Then we will plan for you to come back to Earth for a short period. Might I suggest you come tomorrow morning? And where would you like us to meet you CRD again?"

"Sounds like a plan though I would rather you pick me up from the decommissioned World War Two air base southeast of town. Willow should know where it is as there used to be an air circus based there that we always went to, well until it closed three years ago after the owner died in a car accident. It's been abandoned ever since. If Willow doesn't know or doesn't remember how to get there, then Cordelia or Kyle will know."

"Alright but why there?" Jenny asked.

"It would be a lot easier to hide my ship there just in case there is another problem with the cloak. There shouldn't be but I prefer to err on the side of caution."

"Understandable we'll meet you there," Giles agreed approving of Xander's caution in this matter. The last thing they needed after all was to have the military showing up anywhere near the Hellmouth as they surely would if they detected Xander's ship. That would be just asking for trouble and there was already enough of that to go around thank you very much.

"Alright. See you all tomorrow."

"We'll see you tomorrow goodnight Xander," Jenny agreed causing Xander to smile once before his hologram winked out of existence as he closed down the connection from his end. He's really got some incredible technology at his command, she thought, and somehow, I don't think we've seen even a tiny fraction of what's on that station just as we still don't really understand what capsuleers are despite what Aura told us.

"Now where were we before Xander contact us," Giles said bringing the discussion back to what they'd been talking about earlier.

"How to go about teaching Willow the proper respects for magic as she begins to learn and identify what active powers she may have," Kowalski said.

"I do have a few ideas for that," Jenny commented.

"We're listening."

Jenny nodded and began to speak.


Xander had barely closed down the connection with the QEC device in Sunnydale when he became aware that Aura wanted to speak with him. He could see a flashing icon in the HUD like thing that completely filled his vision so to speak as a mental representation of his interface with the system. A flashing icon that indicated that Aura had something to report and was waiting for him to become available.

"Yes Aura," he asked.

"Ah good Xander I trust your discussion with your friends back in Sunnydale was interesting," the AI replied.

"It was. What's happened while I was occupied?"

"I am pleased to report that I have successfully bypassed and disarmed all the firewalls and security protocols on the alien corvette you acquired from Martian orbit."

"Really! What have you found?"

"Quite a lot though I have yet to fully assimilate all the data as it is written in a different format to our own seemingly designed to work through photonics and crystals instead of using fluid data routers and a quantum computer. I am having to download it in segments and covert them to a format our systems can fully understand. I can however provide you with a summary of the data so far translated."

"Please do so."

"As you wish."


Briefing Room
Stargate Command
That Same Time

Major General George Hammond felt a headache coming on as he listened to the report that his second in command was presenting on the Goa'uld prisoner that they were holding. A Goa'uld who had taken his top scientist as a host, a Goa'uld who – if what Jack was saying was true and not some fabrication – wasn't really a Goa'uld at all and who was now under threat from another of its parasitic kind. In an effort to gain there assistance against this assassin the Goa'uld had made a very intriguing and tempting offer, in exchange for helping it defeat the threat and returning it to wherever it came from the Goa'uld would not only return Captain Carter to them unharmed but would provide them with a ship and pilot to take a small team to the alien space station orbiting Neptune so they could meet whoever had built it…

…and in the process changed the world.

Despite their best efforts it had proven impossible to conceal the existence of the space station and with it the knowledge that aliens were real. There were simply too many observatories out there, too many media outlets and so on, that were outside their control. Thus, the public had learned of the station's presence almost as soon as they had. Though the public had not reacted as they had feared they would to the revelation that not only were aliens real but appeared to be technologically far more advanced than they were. For a long time, they had feared it would lead to chaos with panic and rioting on the streets. There had been none of that, instead the public had reacted mostly with curiosity wanting to know just who their new neighbours were. The fact that SETI – and numerous observatories and radio telescopes around the world – had received a first contact package from the station, numerous times over the last few hours in fact as it seemed to broadcast on a loop, had only increased their curiosity and eagerness to learn more about their new neighbours.

He put thoughts of the space station out of his mind for now, focusing instead on the issue at hand.

"So let me get this straight Jack this Goa'uld Jolinar claims to be an enemy of the System Lords," he questioned. "And in exchange for us helping to defeat one of its enemies it will not only return Captain Carter to us unharmed but will provide us with a ship and a pilot to take a small team to the alien space station."

"Yes sir," Jack confirmed.

"Jolinar claims to be a member of the Tok'ra," Teal'c added.

"Against Ra," Daniel translated turning to look at the rest of them from where he had been standing at the windows looking down upon the embarkation room and the currently inactive Stargate.

"Master Bra'tac has told me about the Tok'ra before," Teal'c continued, "they're stated goal is the destruction of the System Lords and a change in the ways of the Empire, preaching a more symbiotic relationship with their hosts. They are hunted and hated by the System Lords."

"Is that why you were surprised when Jolinar said who she was Teal'c," Jack asked.

"Indeed O'Neill. From what I have been taught Jolinar was once a Goa'uld who led an insurrection against the System Lords," Teal'c explained, "the resultant battle was fierce and only ended in victory for the System Lords when Ra himself committed his elite forces to the battle. Jolinar escaped in the slaughter of his armies, but not before evacuating the human populations from the handful of planets under his control."

"So, this Jolinar is wanted in Goa'uld town."


"Explain to me what exactly this Jolinar is offering and what exactly is an Ashrak?" Hammond said.

"An Ashrak is a highly trained Goa'uld assassin all bred from and trained in the arts of infiltration, sabotage and assassination by the Goa'uld Queen Selket," Teal'c explained, "they are one of the most lethal opponents one can ever face and care nothing for anything other than completing the mission for which they are contracted."

"And one of them is here on Earth and after Jolinar and with her Carter," Jack continued, "we don't know exactly where he is right now, only that he nearly killed Doctor Jacobs when he escaped from the Air Force Academy Hospital."

"What do you suggest we do Colonel?"

"I don't think we have a lot of choice sir," Jack admitted, "well unless we want to attempt to remove the Goa'uld surgically from Carter and hope we get all of the damned thing this time."

"It would not resolve the question of the Ashrak," Daniel pointed out "and there is no guarantee that what happened with Kowalski won't happen again and this time we might not survive it."

Both Jack and General Hammond grimaced at the reminder of what had happened with Major Kowalski when he'd been taken over by a Goa'uld. The SGC had come within minutes of being destroyed by its own self-destruct device, only the Goa'uld's overconfidence had let them avert disaster. While they had made some improvements to security and so on since that incident Jolinar had chosen perhaps the best person to take as a host if it truly meant them harm.

"Very well I will speak with the President and the Joint Chiefs," Hammond said at last breaking the uneasy silence that had fallen on the briefing room. "This decision is one they'll have to make. In the meantime, Colonel I want you to oversee an increase in security at all access points into the mountain. If possible, I want to stop that Ashrak getting in here."

"Yes sir."

Hammond stood up but before he could begin to move into his office to pick up the red phone to the White House a strange feeling filled the air. A feeling of tension and oppressive stillness like the calm before a storm. Everyone looked around in surprise and confusion a second before a sound like gentle raindrops against stone filled the air nanoseconds before Hammond's outline shimmered with a milky-green light and he vanished along with the sudden tenson. For a second shocked inaction ruled…

…then Jack leapt to his feet and hit the general alarm control on the wall.


"What the devil?"

General Hammond's shocked exclamation echoed in the air as he suddenly found himself standing in a completely different place to the main briefing room at his command. The room he was in looked to be made of a kind of stone or coral that was a pale green in colour. A table that appeared to be made from stone with wooden chairs dominated the centre of the room but what really grabbed his attention was the opposite wall. It was dominated by a window through which he could see the Earth below.

A new sound caught his attention and he turned in the direction the sound seemed to be coming from. To see a man – that he instantly recognised as President Marcel himself – appear in a shimmer of milky-green light. The light vanished and Marcel looked around in surprise and confusion before his eyes landed on General Hammond.

"General Hammond. What's going on? Where are we?"

"I believe we are on a ship orbiting Earth Mr President," Hammond replied, "as to how we got here and why we're here I have no idea."

Marcel frowned but before he could ask another question, they both heard a door opening. Both Americans turned to look at the opening door, both hoping that they were about to be explained why they'd been somehow transported up here against their will, in time to see an alien wearing simple looking beige coloured robes that appeared to be made of natural fibres. The alien had thick, grass-like hair that looked uncontrollable, and which had plants growing out of it. Hammond instantly recognised the alien as a Nox, a male by the looks of things.

"General Hammond, President Marcel allow me to introduce myself I am Elder Ohper of the Nox," the Nox said in greeting. "Forgive me for bringing you here against your will but there are things that we must discuss that unfortunately cannot wait."

"What's that?" Marcel asked guessing that they would not be returned to the planet until they heard what the Nox had to say.

"Please sit and I will explain," Ohper told them. Reluctantly both men did as they were bid, sitting next to one another on one side of the table. As soon as they were comfortable the Nox elder sat down opposite them.

"What did you want to talk to us about Elder Ohper," Hammond asked.

"Two things. One the threats from the shadows that have once again begun infiltrating your planet as they did millions of years ago during the reign of the Ancients," Ohper replied prompting both Americans to exchange puzzled glances as they wondered what the Nox meant by that. Before they could ask a question however the diminutive but undeniably very powerful alien spoke again. "The other thing we need to discuss is in many ways even more pressing. We have after all seen it happen before on other worlds and it never ends well."

"What's that?" Marcel asked.

"Your misuse of the Stargate."


Authors Note: Another chapter bites the metaphorical dust. Sorry its taken so long to get this out but things have been quite hectic here recently. Hopefully it won't take so long to get the next update ready though I cannot promise anything.
Yay! The only EVE capsuleer story that is any good. Nice to see you back. I have greatly enjoyed how things are setup. Hope you keep with it!
Actually lore wise the safeties are in the gate itself, not the dialer. The misuse in this case is not having it be public knowledge. In SG-1 at least 2 civilizations are show to have been destroyed due to only one nation knowing about the gate resulting in a war after it came out.
Actually lore wise the safeties are in the gate itself, not the dialer. The misuse in this case is not having it be public knowledge. In SG-1 at least 2 civilizations are show to have been destroyed due to only one nation knowing about the gate resulting in a war after it came out.

Exactly that's the misuse that the Nox are referring to. The Nox and the Asgard have seen what can happen when one nation on a planet keeps the Stargate a secret and uses it as a means to gain an advantage in the game of nations. They know that it never ends well. The Ancients knew that as well which is why if they found it going on they would swiftly put a stop to it.
Actually lore wise the safeties are in the gate itself, not the dialer.
Nope most of the safeties and software programming is in the DHD; it is explicitly stated that the SGC's dialing computer ignores over half of the feedback signals a Stargate can send, and the fact that the SGC uses a kitbashed hack-job to run their Stargate instead of a DHD is a plot point several times. It is also heavily implied that the lack of a DHD is why the SGC's Stargate has so many weird problems with it that no-one else ever seems to have despite the massive numbers of Stargates in regular use throughout the galaxy; the Stargate sends a 'no don't dial this gate it's falling into a black hole' feedback signal and the SGC's dialing computer goes 'BRRRR' and oops they dialed a black hole.

The misuse in this case is not having it be public knowledge. In SG-1 at least 2 civilizations are show to have been destroyed due to only one nation knowing about the gate resulting in a war after it came out.
But yes this is what Ohper means in this instance.
Fingers crossed, hope Xander finds and "downloads" an Ancient Repository of knowledge. Or at least does SOMETHING that will massively improve his knolwedge of Science/medicine/everything. Giving him a VERY STRONG knowledge base with which to understand his own technology and the technology of others. While also enabling him to be able to make all kinds of improvements and start cleaning up after the Ancients. So the SG-1 do not, hopefully, wind up stumbling into all kinds of things that they REALLY shouldn't. Not the least of which because Earth is way too divided for any one nation to suddenly have such advanced technology/abilities. Like Merlin's cache with the communication stones, Atlantis, or the Antarctic outpost. Maybe the MC will even be able to save the Ancient stuck in the Ice in the Antarctic, as opposed to her being woken up prematurely only to die of the disease.

A bit bummed by the MC actually telling the truth to so many people. Not really a fan of when MC's overshare their secrets/abilities. Just feels like REALLY bad OpSec(Operational Security). I mean, a secret/ability known is one that can be exploited, planned for, and circumvented. Would have preferred the MC either not contact anyone on Earth(that would know him), thereby exposing his origin, or, more realistically, doing it in a more clandestine and intelligent way. Maybe also informing/preparing his friends so they do not expose him.

MC feels kinda dumb, the way he keeps wanting to move around in his main body, instead of keeping it in the station and using a clone/avatar. I mean, he already said that leaving the station puts not only himself, but the station in danger. There is no good reason, at this time, to do so.

Regardless though. I am enjoying the story, happy to see it is not abandoned. I hope the author releases more chapters, more frequently.
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The only ones who know the truth about Xander are the Nox as an ascended being and a true deity came to see the Council of Elders before Ohper was sent to speak to him, Baldur and Xander's friends on Earth. Nobody else knows the truth and won't as when he openly makes contact he'll present himself as a very lost Gallentean who has no idea how he got here.

Also he won't need an Ancient repository as he has a complete copy of the New Eden technological database on board the station. Also remember that the ascended seriously upgraded Aura - though hardware lockouts prevent her accessing certain systems like the stations weapons systems, though she can operate shields - so she'll be an ever increasing help to him as her artificial intelligence matrix finishes adapting to the changes made.
Yeah, the Ancients arguably exceeded New Eden technology in only a few areas of SCIENCE!

Xander is actually one of the most advanced civilizations in the Stargate universe right now.
Bunch of spoilt brats if you ask me who spout nonsense and do nothing to really fulfil the purpose for which they were created.

If they won the war they'd be out of a job.

Some girl in Jamacia


Nobody quite knows what it is

The best theory I've heard, that fits all known Slayer facts and Buffyverse cosmology/mythology is momentary possession by a chained Old One, that starts modifying the body but is exorcised before hitting god-like physique or soul consumption.

Also he won't need an Ancient repository as he has a complete copy of the New Eden technological database on board the station. Also remember that the ascended seriously upgraded Aura - though hardware lockouts prevent her accessing certain systems like the stations weapons systems, though she can operate shields - so she'll be an ever increasing help to him as her artificial intelligence matrix finishes adapting to the changes made.

New Eden is generally comparable to the Alterans, but there are a few areas where the Alterans were more advanced, and lots of areas where the Alterans were better at efficiency and miniaturization. A New Eden device that needs a frigate to carry it might well be man-portable or even pocket-sized using Alteran tech.
A New Eden device that needs a frigate to carry it might well be man-portable or even pocket-sized using Alteran tech.
On the other hand, the New Eden device is clearly documented and reproducible, even mass producible. The Alteran device is a random one-off that one of them threw together one bored afternoon and has no instructions for use, because Alterans don't need instructions and why would anyone other than an Alteran be using Alteran stuff?
On the other hand, the New Eden device is clearly documented and reproducible, even mass producible. The Alteran device is a random one-off that one of them threw together one bored afternoon and has no instructions for use, because Alterans don't need instructions and why would anyone other than an Alteran be using Alteran stuff?

The manual is in the repository download. That's why Alterans don't need instructions.