Name: Jacob Marvan Basques Age: 13, Birthday: 13th August Funds: 18 Galleons 6 Sickles 5 Knuts (1 Galleon is 17 Sickles, 1 Sickle is 29 Knuts)
A self-portrait by Jacob, late November 1993 ( Drawn by @Arthelys )
A self-portrait scribble by Jacob, early November 1993 ( Drawn by @Arthelys )
Level 6 – 196/500 XP (Total XP until level 5: 1175) Time Echoes – 10 You can use 1 of those points to raise the probability of any roll by +5… and some other interesting things. You may or may not see.
Constitution 4 - Your general physical condition, endurance, health, and strength. Creativity 5 - The ability to create innovative ideas or things using your imagination. Intellect7 (Locks at 8) - The ability to think in an intelligent way and to understand difficult or complicated ideas and subjects. Empathy 3 - The ability to understand how someone feels because you can imagine what it is like to be them. Luck 6 - Success that you have by chance and not because of anything that you do.
Core Skills
Charms (CRT/INT) → P+ Transfiguration (CRT/INT) → P+ Defence Against the Dark Arts (CRT/INT) → A+
Flying (CON/CRT) → D- Dark Arts (CRT/INT) → D-
Legilimency & Occlumency (CRT/EMP) → P-
Other Skills
Potions (CRT/INT) → P+ Alchemy (CRT/INT) → P
Understanding of Magical Creatures (CON/EMP) → D- Herbology (INT/EMP) → D+
Astronomy (INT) → D+ Ancient Runes (INT) → E-
Arithmancy & Magical Theory (CRT/INT) → D+
Divination (CRT/EMP) → T
History of Magic (INT/EMP) → D+ Muggle Studies (INT/EMP) → T
No skill can go higher than 5 points over one of the two attributes needed for it. While your attributes may be categorized by numbers, your skills are not. Use the following overview to see the counterparts of each grade: Outstanding (O); Exceeds Expectations (E); Acceptable (A). Poor (P); Dreadful (D); Troll (T).
To get a feeling as to what the grades even mean, it is rare for a student to reach skill levels of Exceeds Expectations (E) during his school life in Hogwarts and very rare for someone to reach skill levels of Outstanding (O). It happens at times with the best students of a given subjects, but only few times in a generation for multiple subjects. Only the brightest minds reached so far beyond what is expected of them. A good absolvent moves in the range of Acceptable (A), while most never even reach that.
Constitution - CON
Creativity - CRT
Intellect - INT
Empathy - EMP
Luck – LCK
Abilities Abilities are magical Skillsets that your character possesses. They might be mundane or rare, but cannot be trained the conventional way.
Pact Making I – Dark Arts. This is a dark art in its purest form; a magical binding between multiple parties. While a Pact does not force a party to comply by the word of the agreement, it does punish a breaking of the Pact. Something, that you do not understand yet, witnesses the Pact and then resides inside the involved party, only to awaken when the contract is broken or fulfilled. The consequences depend on how grave the actions against the Pact were but are always harsh in nature. One is always advised to follow the rules of a Pact. You are only able to form Pacts, when there is a bilateral agreement on its contents. You do not understand what exactly happens during the Pact, nor the circumstances surrounding it.
Warding Magic I – The magical art of protecting a specific place or object with a magical defense effect. This effect can be triggered by certain actions or events, such as someone attempting to enter without permission or tampering with the protected object. The strength and complexity of the ward can vary, from a simple alarm spell to a multi-layered protection that can only be breached with specific countermeasures. Warding magic can also be used to conceal objects or places, making them invisible or intangible to those who are not meant to see or touch them. It is a powerful tool for those who wish to keep their possessions and secrets safe. The skill is also used to break a ward, but it must be used with caution as breaking a ward can often have severe consequences. Lowest skill of [Transfiguration, Charm, Runes, Alchemy] is used for rolls. Dark Arts can be unlocked as an additional bonus.
Magic Sense II – You remember feeling the magic of your brothers. There was warmth and familiarity. Underneath your senses there had been something else, waiting to wake. Your ability is starting to take form and get more sensitive. You sense more magic than before around you; it is like a vibrant sensation that fills the surroundings.
Class Related Perks:
Duelling Club - +20 in training Charms, Transfiguration or DADA.
Hogwarts Ancient Runes Club (H. A. R. C.) - +10 in training Ancient Runes and History of Magic, +5 on Alchemy related research and training.
Hagrid's Friend – You like to spend time with the good-natured Professor. You guys share a lot of common interests. Get a + 10 in training Constitution & Understanding of Magical Creatures related Rolls.
Personal Perks
Soft Rolls:
My name is Riddle II – You have developed the mind of a detective that shines brightest whenever confronted with a difficult riddle. +15 to all detective work
Child of the Stone – You have not been created in a natural way. Thus, you see the world differently, understand its components better than other people and know how to reorganize them and put them together. +30 to Alchemy Research projects and Building.
Combat Related:
I love surprises II – You are quick on your feet and have developed a vague sense for intense concentration of magic. If you walk into a trap or are surprised otherwise, you get a +10 on the next roll.
My brother Isaac – You have seen the wisest of men never to give up, no matter the peril. From this, you learned to be strong in times of need. In a life and death situation, get a +5 on all defence rolls.
Protego (Deep Understanding) – Gives a +15 to defending rolls.
Talaria - Allows you to step on air as if on ground; Gain a +Constitution on all combat rolls]
Traits give you no roll bonusses but are there to describe your character instead.
A genius awakening - You can be surrounded, ambushed or stand against insurmountable odds. Your mind stays calm no matter the situation, because deep inside you there is the lingering feeling of superiority against any opponent. You know that your potential is limitless. If you lose today, you will be stronger tomorrow.
I am not afraid of dying – It is not that you don't fear; you are not a Gryffindor. You feel terror and experience fear just as anyone else. But you are not afraid of dying. There is no reason to be afraid of the unavoidable. You will live your life to the fullest and answer as many of the questions that linger on your mind as you can. But when it is time… you will smile and go.
I decide what is possible – You do not take kindly to other people telling you what you can or can't achieve. You have proven time and time again, that the only limit you have is deciding how much you truly want something. While you will not go out and brag that you have achieved it, it does feel satisfying to prove someone wrong.
Wide-Eyed Seeker - Gone are the days when your curiosity was fickle, easily swayed by the next interesting object that caught your attention. Now, your dedication to learning and understanding the world around you has evolved. You are focused and driven in your pursuit of knowledge. You are as true a Ravenclaw as there is, dedicated to the pursuit of wisdom and understanding.
Fagus wood, Phoenix feather core, 12" long - The true match for a beech wand will be, if young, wise beyond his or her years, and if full-grown, rich in understanding and experience. Beech wands perform very weakly for the narrow-minded and intolerant. Phoenix feather wands are always the pickiest when it comes to potential owners, for the creature from which they are taken is one of the most independent and detached in the world. These wands are the hardest to tame and to personalize, and their allegiance is usually hard won. (Wand only available due to chosen origin. +5 to all spellcasting. If too many actions are taken that speak against the ideals of the wand, the wand will mark you unworthy and lose the bonus)
Atlas Gift – Magical Item. You have worked an entire year on this specific item. A detailed map of incredible detail with the Hogwarts castle and its surrounding grounds, every secret passage and hidden room carefully marked and labeled. You are able to track everyone that walks the castle grounds with this map.
Ghostly Goggles – Magical Item. You now have a much higher understanding about what it is to be a ghost. For a second, you walked in their shoes and looked through their eyes. They live in a spectrum of the world far different to yours, bridging between the here and the there as most of their magic has passed on and some of their soul stayed behind. You may be able to build something that did the same; give an item magic and then simulate the process the Grey Lady let you feel. Simulate the process of dying and give yourself the ability to see between the living- and the afterlife. [While wearingGhostly Goggles; Allows you to see the spirits of the living; Gain a +5 in combat against creatures; Gain the ability to see a form of afterimages as footprints that living creatures leave behind; Gain the ability to see living things through walls; ?? when interacting with Dementors ??]
Talaria – Magical Item. This specific exemplar is a set of merlot-coloured full grain leather boots. An idea that you came up with as part of your lessons with Nicolas Flamel. While you do not own a broom, it is a practical thing to conquer the sky. With these shoes you will not be able to soar and fly through the sky, but to step on it as if on ground. This will open up many new possibilities for you. [While wearingTalaria; Allows you to step on air as if on ground; Gain a +Constitution on all combat rolls]
Mermaid's Breath – Magical Item. The Mermaid's Breath is a magical tool designed to allow the wearer to breathe underwater. It is comprised of six golden rings that are connected by a thin silver frame, meant to be worn on the lower lip. When worn, the rings remove all pressure from the body in the depths of the water, allowing the wearer to explore the underwater world without any discomfort or difficulty. The golden rings gleam in the sunlight, their intricate designs and patterns catching the eye and drawing the attention of those around them. The silver frame is delicate and delicate, adding a touch of elegance to the tool. Overall, the Mermaid's Breath is a beautiful and unique tool that allows its wearer to explore the underwater world with ease and grace.
7 Vials of Acromantula Venom – Highly valuable and with interesting properties.
Alohomora – Charm. The Unlocking Charm, also known as the Thief's Friend, is a charm that unlocks and opens doors and windows that are not protected by magic. It is also able to open doors locked by the Locking Spell (Colloportus).
| | Colloportus – Charm. The Locking Charm.
Avifors (Deep Understanding) – Transfiguration. A transforming spell that could be used to change the target into a bird, or summon a flock of birds or occasionally a flock of bats with a vivid flash of blue light. Transforms the targeted object into a bird, which can then be used to carry a small object or message to someone. With the deep understand you have gained, it is possible for you to guide the birds with new orders, even after having cast the spell.
Draconifors(Needed for exams at the end of the year) - Transfiguration. The Draconifors Spell is a Transfiguration spell used to transform small objects into Dragons, which can then be controlled by the caster. The dragons produced from this spell are much smaller and less powerful than true dragons, and their size depends on your skills and the object from which they are transfigured - i.e. a smaller object will produce a smaller dragon, and a larger object will produce a larger dragon.
Expecto Patronum - What stops an unstoppable force? - DADA. Wand movement: a circle. The Patronus Charm, is a ancient and mysterious charm conjures a magical guardian, a projection of all your most positive feelings. The Patronus Charm is difficult, and many witches and wizards are unable to produce a full, corporeal Patronus, a guardian which generally takes the shape of the animal with whom they share the deepest affinity. You may suspect, but you will never truly know what form your Patronus will take until you succeed in conjuring. For you it takes the shape of a very familiar wolf, much larger than any wolf you would find in nature.
Expelliarmus(Needed for exams at the end of the year) - DADA. The Disarming Charm, is a defensive charm which forces the victim to release whatever they were holding at the time. It is common to see this spell used in duels, to make an opponent release their wand.
Diffindo – DADA. The Severing Charm is a charm used to precisely and accurately cut something. It is taught in second year charms classes, and if used inappropriately can cause death or injury.
Felimpetu (Needed for exams at the end of the year) - Charm. The Cheering Charm is a spell which makes a person happy. When the spell is overdone, it can cause the victim to be overcome with fits of hysterical laughter.
Flipendo - Charm. Knocks over an opponent or object. This jinx is the most utilitarian of Grade 2 spell, in that it will allow the caster to 'knock back' an opponent or object and can also be used to push and activate certain magically charmed switches.
Focillo - Charm. The Warming Charm makes a small warmth from the tip of the caster's wand in a small cone. With more willpower, the heat can intensify, though never hot enough to become dangerous. Slow clockwise circles that continue while you concentrate. (Comment: That's new. Why is it a continuous movement until it builds up? What do the wand movements do?).
Glacius(Needed for exams at the end of the year) - Charm. The Freezing Spell is a freezing charm that causes air in front of the tip of the wand, to reach cold temperatures in the extreme, which in turn can extinguish fires and create ice blocks from water. The spell is capable of freezing several inches of water solid within seconds, making it durable enough to walk across without falling through or injuring themselves.
Immobulus - Charm. The binding Charm is a spell which immobilizes living targets. It can also be used to disable Muggle technology it seems.
Incendio – Transfiguration. The Fire-Making Spell is a charm and a form of Conjuration, that can be used to conjure a jet of orange and red flame. Thereby this spell can be used to set things alight.
Lapifors (Deep Understanding) (Needed for exams at the end of the year) - Transfiguration. The Lapifors Spell is a transfiguration spell that can be used to transform the target into a rabbit; it works best on smaller artefacts such as statues, salamanders and cats. It may also work on humans, but it has never been tested. I tested it, Nott is very thankful that I did. Worked like a charm.
Lumos (Deep Understanding) - Charm. The Wand-Lighting Charm is a charm and a light-creation spell. It's used to illuminate the tip of the caster's wand; this light is fairly warm. You are now able to keep the spell up, while casting other spells simultaneously.
| | Nox – Charm. Counterspell to Lumos
Point Me - Charm. The Four-Point Spell (Point Me) is a spell that causes the caster's wand to behave as if it were a compass and point North. Hold the wand flat in the palm of your hand and say the incantation. The wand will spin and point north. It is one of the few known incantations to be in modern English, rather than Latin or another ancient language. Note for later: How are spells created?
Protego (Deep Understanding) – DADA. Stronger version of the Shield Charm. Protego is a term applied to several varieties of charms. They create a magical barrier to deflect physical entities and spells, in order to protect a certain person or area. Conjurations may sometimes rebound directly off it back towards the caster or in other cases, may ricochet off in other directions or dissipate as soon as they hit the shield. Gives a +15 to defending rolls.
Reparo(Needed for exams at the end of the year) – Charm. The Mending Charm, also known as the Repairing Charm, is a charm that can be used to seamlessly repair a broken object and works on most materials. This useful charm was invented by Orabella Nuttley, in or before 1754.
Rictusempra - Charm. The Tickling Charm, also known as the Rictusempra Charm, is a spell that causes a victim to buckle with laughter. It also has at least two other side effects on the victim…
Tarantallegra - Charm. The Dancing Feet Spell is a charm used to force another person's legs to begin dancing uncontrollably. The spell requires a clear, unobstructed view of the target to be successfully cast.
Spongify - Transfiguration. The Softening Charm is a spell that softens a target area or object, making it rubbery and bouncy.
Wingardium Leviosa - Charm. The Levitation Charm is a charm used to make objects fly or levitate. It is taught to first years at Hogwarts. There are a number of lesser variations of the Levitation Charm, such as: The Hover Charm, the Rocket Charm, and the Floating Charm, but the Levitation Charm remains the original and best.
Antidote to Uncommon Poisons(Needed for exams at the end of the year) - A potion that cures minor magical or uncommon poisons such as doxy bites. The ingredients required are fire seed, graphorn horn, billywig stings and chizpurfle carapaces. Cost for ingredients: 2 Galleons per vial.
Blue Wideye Potion – Learning the Awakening Potion gave you an idea; it is clear that some of the ingredients act as a suppressant for tiredness and sleepiness. If you tweak the recipe and try to understand how the ingredients interact with each other… you may be able to make the potion more useful. If taken, it gives you one Personal Action more per potion. Can only safely consume one dose per month. Cost for ingredients: 5 Galleons per vial +1 Vial of Acromantula Venom.
Boil Cure - The Cure for Boils is a potion which cures boils, even those produced by the Pimple Jinx. It is an elementary potion. If the potion is made successfully, there will be pink smoke rising from the cauldron. Cost for ingredients: 1 Galleon per vial.
Forgetfulness Potion - A potion which causes an unknown degree of memory loss in the drinker. The recipe for this potion can be found in Magical Drafts and Potions; its key ingredients include Lethe River Water, mistletoe berries, and Valerian sprigs. Cost for ingredients: 1 Galleon per vial.
Herbicide - Herbicide Potion is a potion that kills or damages plants. It has a disgusting taste and is not for human consumption since it may affect the drinker's health. The recipe for this potion can be found in Magical Drafts and Potions. Cost for ingredients: 1 Galleon per vial.
Shrinking Solution(Needed for exams at the end of the year) - Also known as a Shrinking Potion, is a potion that causes the drinker to shrink to a smaller form. It is bright green when brewed correctly and, if prepared incorrectly, it can apparently be poisonous. One practical use of this potion is in the transportation of livestock — it allows for a wizard to carry an entire herd of pigs in the pocket. Could be used to lay a trap. Cost for ingredients: 2 Galleons per vial.
Sleeping Draught - A potion that caused the drinker to fall almost instantaneously into a deep but temporary sleep. A standard Sleeping Draught differed from the Draught of Living Death, which was much more powerful, lasting, and difficult to make. A class mate of yours described this as "simple, but powerful". Ingredients include Flobberworm Mucus, lavender, Valerian sprigs and Standard Ingredient. When brewed correctly, the potions should turn a dark purple colour. Cost for ingredients: 2 Galleons per vial.
Swelling Solution - A potion which causes whatever it touches to swell in size; its three key ingredients (the only ingredients in it) are bat spleens, dried nettles, and puffer-fish eyes. Could be used to lay a trap. Cost for ingredients: 2 Galleons per vial.
Wideye Potion(Needed for exams at the end of the year) - Also known as the Awakening Potion, is a potion which prevents the drinker from falling asleep and could also be used to awaken someone from drugging or concussion. Gives you one extra action if taken. May come with side effects.It acts as an antidote for the Draught of Living Death. Cost for ingredients: 3 Galleons.
Talaria – Magical Item. An idea that you came up with as part of your lessons with Nicolas Flamel. While you do not own a broom, it is a practical thing to conquer the sky. With these shoes you will not be able to soar and fly through the sky, but to step on it as if on ground. This will open up many new possibilities for you. [While wearingTalaria; Allows you to step on air as if on ground; Gain a +Constitution on all combat rolls] (Requires Alchemy and Ancient Runes skill of at least P), DC: 200.
Mermaid's Breath – Magical Item. The Mermaid's Breath is a magical tool designed to allow the wearer to breathe underwater. It is comprised of six golden rings that are connected by a thin silver frame, meant to be worn on the lower lip. When worn, the rings remove all pressure from the body in the depths of the water, allowing the wearer to explore the underwater world without any discomfort or difficulty. The golden rings gleam in the sunlight, their intricate designs and patterns catching the eye and drawing the attention of those around them. The silver frame is delicate and delicate, adding a touch of elegance to the tool. Overall, the Mermaid's Breath is a beautiful and unique tool that allows its wearer to explore the underwater world with ease and grace, DC: 200.
Ghostly Goggles – Magical Item. You now have a much higher understanding about what it is to be a ghost. For a second, you walked in their shoes and looked through their eyes. They live in a spectrum of the world far different to yours, bridging between the here and the there as most of their magic has passed on and some of their soul stayed behind. You may be able to build something that did the same; give an item magic and then simulate the process the Grey Lady let you feel. Simulate the process of dying and give yourself the ability to see between the living- and the afterlife. [While wearing Ghostly Goggles; Allows you to see the spirits of the living; Gain a +5 in combat against creatures; Gain the ability to see a form of afterimages as footprints that living creatures leave behind; Gain the ability to see living things through walls; ?? when interacting with Dementors ??]; DC 200.
Potions (Potions needed for class are free of ingredients costs for training)
Poción Vital - Also known as a variety of the potion of vitality in the western parts of Europe, is a potion that strengthens the drinker's constitutional development. When brewed correctly it turns into a dark blue liquid. It is often prescribed to wizards after heavy injuries or prisoners after long sentences to facilitate their recovery. Raises Rolls to training Constitution by 20% when taken.Cost for ingredients: 5 Galleons per vial, DC: 75.
Accio – Charm. The Summoning Charm is a charm that causes a target at a distance from the caster to levitate or fly over to them. This spell needs thought behind it, the object must be clear in the casters mind, before trying to summon. This spell is one of the oldest spells known to wizarding society. DC: 75
Apparition (Basic Understanding) – Charm. A spell that allows for teleportation of oneself from one location to another. This spell requires an immense amount of skill and concentration, as a misstep could result in serious injury or even death. It is also heavily regulated, as it requires a license to be able to perform Apparition. But let's be honest, you don't have a British registered wand. You know that you can do whatever you want on your vacations … no one will find out, probably. At this stage you are very loud, and your apparition needs a lot of time for concentration. You can't use this in combat or with another person yet, but you can clearly see the potential. Requires Charms Skill of A- & Constitution 4, DC: 150.
Arresto Momentum – Charm. Used to decrease the velocity of a moving target; it should be noted that it can be used on multiple targets, as well as on the caster himself. Needs your concentration to keep up, which could be a hindrance to using it in a fight against multiple people if you are on your own. But this will make you also much more mobile. Requires Charms skill of A. DC: 150
Draconifors(Deep Understanding) - Transfiguration. The Draconifors Spell is a Transfiguration spell used to transform small objects into Dragons, which can then be controlled by the caster. While it will still not be independent from you and will need a lot of concentration to keep up, it is now possible to transform medium large objects into dragons. The dragons produced from this spell are much smaller and less powerful than true dragons, and their size depends on your skills and the object from which they are transfigured - i.e. a smaller object will produce a smaller dragon, and a larger object will produce a larger dragon. DC: 100.
Engorgio - Transfiguration. The Engorgement Charm, also known as Growing Charm is a charm that causes the target to swell immensely. If the caster attempts to engorge the target beyond a certain point it will violently explode. Although this spell is safe to use on animals, it is not recommended until the counter-charm (Reducio) has been perfected.
| |
Reducio - Transfiguration. The Shrinking Charm is a charm that enables a witch or wizard to decrease the apparent physical size of the target, both internally and externally. It also can act as the counter-spell for the Engorgement Charm, causing the Engorged object to return to its original size. There are several variations of this charm. DC: 100.
Expelliarmus (Deep Understanding) - DADA. The Disarming Charm, is a defensive spell which forces the victim to release whatever they were holding at the time. It is common to see this spell used in duels, to make an opponent release their wand. Only for those with a deep understanding is it possible to throw the enemy back at the same time. DC: 100.
Flipendo (Deep Understanding) - Charm. With an advanced understanding of this spell, you are not only limited to knock over an opponent or object anymore, but to create a mighty force push instead. This is beyond what is usually expected out of the simple jinx. DC: 100.
Incendio (Deep Understanding) – DADA. The Fire-Making Spell can be used to conjure a jet of orange and red flame. Thereby this spell can be used to set things alight. Where you would usually expect a small flame, you are able to cast out a fireball as big as a head, roaring through the air and able to cause significant damage. DC: 100.
Phinidae (Basic Understanding) – Transfiguration. Spell Creation. Turn objects into mostly living creatures. You remember a day in your childhood, when you were able to turn a lifeless clay doll into something that moved and acted like a real animal. While it had been a cause of accidental magic back then, you believe that you may be able to do it willingly as well. (Affects either medium large statues or small objects of any other kind.) (Requires Arithmancy & Magical Theory of at least P-), DC: 150.
Protego (Mastery) – DADA & Magical Theory. Behind the spell of shielding, there is an idea of defence. You are starting to see the shape of it, but it is still vague and eluding your understanding. Protego is a term applied to several varieties of charms. None of them have earned the name. This is the definitive the Shield Charm. Your shield will not be penetrated by normal means. Requires DADA of O- and Arithmancy & Magical Theory Skill of A. Gives a +50 to defending rolls and counts both DADA & Magical Theory skill to the defending roll, DC: 150.
Reparo(Deep Understanding) – Charm. The Mending Charm, also known as the Repairing Charm, is a charm that can be used to seamlessly repair a broken object and works on most materials. This useful charm was invented by Orabella Nuttley, in or before 1754. There aren't many things with too heavy a damage or that are simply too large for you to not be able to repair them as swift as a blink of the eye by now. DC: 100.
Tempus - Charm. The Time-Telling Charm is a spell which tells the current time when cast. The wand needs to be pointed upwards and will then spin into the hour of the day. It will spin once for am and twice for pm. DC: 50.
Waddiwasi (Basic Understanding) – Charm. It was used by Professor Lupin to shoot the wad of chewing gum out of the keyhole and straight down Peeves's left nostril, but if you think about it, it could be used for any kind of other things. Waddiwasi is the incantation of a charm that can be used to shoot a small mass of whatever the caster so desires at the target.
Magical Creatures
[ ] How to tame a wild Water-Horse – Taming Creature. A Kelpie lurks in rivers and streams and will kneel in invitation for anyone to ride it across. If this is attempted, the Kelpie will drag the rider underwater and attempt to eat them. The creatures are shapeshifting water demons native to Great Britain and Ireland. They are able to take any form. But what if you have the possibility to meet it under water? Go into its lair and have it get used to you. A Kelpie could be rendered docile and harmless by making it familiar over time. [Requires Understanding of Magical Creatures skill of at least P D+ due to available Mermaid's Breath), DC: 150.
Please keep in mind that I want to keep this as simple as possible, story is king and this is only to guide your growth and keep things grounded in some level. Mechanics can and will change to fit the changing needs of the story.
No skill can go higher than 5 points over one of the two attributes needed for it. While your attributes may be categorized by numbers, your skills are not. Use the following overview to see the counterparts of each grade: Outstanding (O); Exceeds Expectations (E); Acceptable (A). Fail Grades. Poor (P); Dreadful (D); Troll (T).
0 → T
1 → D--
2 → D-
3 → D
4 → D+
5 → P-
6 → P
7 → P+
8 → A-
9 → A
10 → A+
11 → E-
12 → E
13 → E+
14 → O-
15 → O
16 → O+
17 → O++
18 → S
19 → SS
20 → SSS
To get a feeling as to what the grades even mean, it is rare for a student to reach skill levels of Exceeds Expectations (E) during his school life in Hogwarts and very rare for someone to reach skill levels of Outstanding (O). It happens at times with the best students of a given subjects, but only few times in a generation for multiple subjects. Only the brightest minds reached so far beyond what is expected of them. A good absolvent moves in the range of Acceptable (A), while most never even reach that.
Constitution - CON Creativity - CRT Intellect - INT Empathy - EMP Luck – LCK
Level Mechanics
Every new level gives you 2 attributes for distribution. You can also train attributes.
The highest attributes cannot be higher than 5 over the lowest attribute (Except Luck).
Training success decreases with each level of that particular attribute.
100% for Constitution 1, 90% for Constitution 2, 80% for Constitution 3 etc.
Luck can't be trained but can be raised through level ups and other methods.
Skills only increase with training, which is considerably easier. A skill level cannot be higher than 5 points over the lowest attribute used by the skill.
Gaining a point in the Troll to Poor- (0-5) Range is 100%, Poor to Acceptable+ (6-10) is 75%, Acceptable+ to Outstanding (11-15) is 50% and Outstanding+ to SSS (16-20) is 25%.
Dueling Mechanics
Dueling Mechanics Example:
Average Wizard (Average Skill 10) vs Mythical Wizard (Average Skill 20) → Example using 1 skill and the pertaining 2 attributes (No Perks) 1d100 +30 (10 Skill +10 Attribute +10 Attribute) vs 1d100 +255 (85 Skill +85 Attribute +85 Attribute)
Skill 10 → Gives a bonus of +10
Skill 20 -> Gives a bonus of +10 + every following number divided by two (rounded down). So 11 is a plus 5, 12 a plus 6 on top of that, 13 an additional 6 again, 14 an additional 7 etc.
→ Skill 20 = 10 + 5 + 6x2 + 7x2 + 8x2 + 9x2 + 10 = 85
→ Skill 20 gives a Bonus of +85
Why not only pump one skill then?
- A wizard can only reach a skill higher than 12 if they focus on multiple aspects of magic. Can't get higher than 12 if not at least 5 skills are at least 12
- New threshold at 15. No skill can go higher than 15, if not at least 7 skills are 12 or higher and three are 15 or higher
- New threshold at 17. No skill can go higher than 17, if not at least 10 skills are 12 or higher and five are 15 or higher
- New threshold at 20. No skill can reach 20, if not at least 12 skills are 15 or higher
Experience by Classes:
You are a Ravenclaw and will it might have advantages outside of class to be of a different house, your true advantage lies inside the classroom. Out of all houses you have to highest gains for simply going to classes. Classes go from September to June, leaving you with ten months' worth of classes in one school year. With your Ravenclaw trait you get your skill raised by 2 per year in each subject that you have classes in, which means that every month worth of class gives a 1/5 to the next raise in skill.
These progresses are not hindered by your own studies. If you chose to train your skills by yourself, you instead roll for it. If your skill is raised by a point through training outside of class, your progress to the next overall skill raise through classes will still stay the same.
You go to classes for two months → 2/5 progress to raise a skill point.
Now you choose to train that skill separately on your own and succeed to raise a point.
The progress to the next level stays the same → 2/5 progress to raise to next point.
I agree and totally understand, since I have similar issues with my job. I'll consider workable alternatives, something that wouldn't require your involvement that heavily.
Well, to be honest, I could just reread the entire thing and make a character list for myself, its what I sometimes do for fics and quest-fics I follow... I just lack the time for it right now. Kind of like you, I guess
Might as well do it as a quick and dirty community effort to keep us busy.
David Marvan Basques
Isabella Mia Cortez
Extended Family:
Nicolas Flamel
Perenelle Flamel (deceased)
Peque (Owl)
The little Owl had relatively long legs, a short tail, and a rather flat head with no ear-tufts. Her facial disc was ill defined and was basically a mop of greyish-brown with some light mottling. She was an Athene noctua, one of the smaller owls and absolutely adorable. That was why you named her Peque, the small one.
"I'm sure you miss home just as much as I do", you told the small owl, caressing her head as she proudly waited for her mission statement.
"Go home, Peque."
And that she did, spreading her wings as far as she could, before taking of after a short sprint. She flew upwards, circling the air above you before leaving the owlery through one of its many openings. It would be a long flight for her, but she could handle.
She was small, but she was a special one.
Megan Jones (H.A.R.C. member)
Megan was a quiet one. Not Jacob-grade quiet, but she was not the extroverted type like the other two Hufflepuff girls were. She had dark, short hair and had always been nice to anyone around her. Which was why people liked her… and it was the reason why the fourth year Hufflepuff that entered the room headed into her direction excitedly.
"Look at what I found", he exclaimed, turning a few heads around.
"Not again", Megan whispered more to herself than to you. You had just been able to hear her because both of you had chosen a position near the window to try and get some reading in and catch up to the rest of the Club-members.
"Not the first time?" you asked, looking up from your book.
Only now did your classmate realize that you had heard her. Her eyes widened as if surprised by her own words. She shook her head as fast as she could.
"No, it wasn't meant like that", she said, looking at the group that had intercepted the weirdly energetic boy. "They always find something with any kind of runes in it and think it to be of importance", Megan said, trying to sound as apologetic as she could. "I just wanted to thank you."
Her words made you stop in your tracks and look up again. Megan had abandoned the aggressive facade she had been showing you just a minute prior. Her eyes were focused on the wall behind you instead, as if she didn't know where to look at instead.
"I wanted to say thank you, because before this I've felt empty at times", she said. "Alone and as if I didn't belong… and I never knew why that was. It was as if something was missing… as if I had forgotten something."
You let your eyes focus on the stairs below. There was no reason for you to watch as tears were building up in her eyes.
"But now I remember why that is. I finally remember my first few months at the Castle. I…" she said, before raising her hands to her face to rub her eyes. "I had forgotten about my friend and you brought the memories back. That's why I wanted to thank you."
You didn't know how to answer that. You knew that there was more to her words than just what she had said. There was more to her hurt than just having forgotten something. But you didn't ask. Because in the end, you knew that this was the way she'd wanted to deal with.
"Jacob", you said, as you stood up to offer her to go down the stairs first.
"What?", she asked, looking at you with red puffy eyes.
"It's Jacob. Not Basques."
Tracey Davis (Duelling Club)
She had clearly not been expecting this first blow, because she had nothing to defend herself with. The spell threw her out of her feet and let her crash hard against her back. She had not been expecting the spell, nor had she been able to attempt evading it.
You still had to respect her for a different thing; Tracey's wand never left her hand. It was clear to you that she was one of type two of your definition of people; not gifted with talent, but extremely hard working. A good thing that she was in the club with you. She would keep you motivated.
Luna Lovegood
Nally (House-elve)
"Nice to meet you, Nally. I wanted to thank you in person for always helping me out this early in the morning", you said.
The House-elves' following ear to ear grin was more than enough for this whole thing to have paid off. She looked so happy as if you had just gifted her something huge and expensive. Then she bowed again, this time it was not only her head, but her entire upper body.
"Thank you, Master Basques. Nally is always there to help, Master Basques. Just call for Nally!" Your hypothesis had not survived contact with reality though. By now you knew most of the castle elfs and none of them were as confident and independent as Nally was. She was a very interesting oddity.
You sighed, before turning around to the table behind you and casting the levitation charm. Only when the table was in the exact same spot as you had found it in, did you put your wand away and turned to Nally again.
"You found something, didn't you?", you asked the small House-elf that was still standing in the same spot, looking prouder and taller than she had ever done before.
"Yes, Mr. Basques, Sir. I found another hidden place", she said.
"Would you mind showing me?" you asked her, plastering a grin on her face with your question.
"Please follow me, Sir", Nally said, as she turned around to disappear and reappear across the room right in front of the door that opened itself without her lifting a finger.
Justin Finch-Fletchley
A sigh. Then, out of the corner of your eyes, you saw Justin place the ingredient back onto the copper board next to his cauldron.
"Mate," he said, frustration and annoyance clear in his voice. "How is this practicing together, when I am on my third brew, and you still haven't moved one inch …" He looked at his wristwatch. "… in like an hour. And the first thing I hear from you is some cryptic non-sense?"
Finally, you looked away from the ingredients on your table and over to your Hufflepuff friend. There was frustration and a little bit of annoyance in his expression. It wasn't getting easier to deal with people, even if they became your friends. The cold vanished as the roaring fire grew in size, gifting you a warm and cosy feeling.
"I'm sorry." The words were so faint, that for a moment, you imagined not having heard them. When you looked to your left, you saw Justin's eyes directed straight at the fire and not at you. His expression was a solemn one.
"What?" You asked, not sure if you had even heard a thing.
"I did not help you, back there … Against Montague and Goyle, I mean." The cracks of the wood, burning themselves into ash were the only sound in the vicinity. The sun was setting as the forest and hills around you turned to darker shades.
"You did not have a wand," you tried.
"I could have still done something. But I didn't because I was afraid," Justin said, still looking into the fire, as he hugged his legs close.
"You don't need to say sorry, either way," you answered, not comfortable with the direction your conversation was taking.
"Jacob," the Hufflepuff started, before halting his words to think about how to proceed. "I am not very brave, never was. The hat knew it and I knew it as well."
Students (friendly):
Padma Patil
There were those that looked like they actually wanted you to join. Terry and Padma were smiling at you as inviting as they possibly could.
Terry Boot
And then there was the third group. They had talent to spare, were destined to become powerful and most of the times they even had all drive in the world. There were a few people in your year that came to mind. One was Terry Boot There were those that looked like they actually wanted you to join. Terry and Padma were smiling at you as inviting as they possibly could.
Anthony Goldstein
Then there was the type of wizard that was not all too talented but driven. This group you respected. They were hard working and knew that they had to keep their minds open to keep up with the top. Anthony Goldstein was one of these. Him you liked, even if you had rarely interacted with him at all.
Harry Potter
And then there was the most famous of all, maybe even the most talented of your year but someone that had absolutely no drive; Harry Potter. The boy-who-lived. The one you'd grown up reading stories about. He had fought trolls and basilisks at an age where others still had never even dueled another child… like you.
Morag MacDougal
Students (unfamiliar):
Hermione Granger
And then there was the third group. They had talent to spare, were destined to become powerful and most of the times they even had all drive in the world. There were a few people in your year that came to mind. One was Terry Boot, another was Hermione Granger… and naturally the most famous of them all, Harry Potter.
You had observed all three of them in classes and knew that they were not exactly the same. While Terry Boot was easily as talented as Granger and worked harder than most of you, her unparalleled effort just gave her the needed extra to be on top of your year. Everyone knew it by now.
That she was friends with the most famous student in Hogwarts had only cemented that.
Ron Weasley
Michael Corner
You had simply stayed on your own and you liked it that way. There was no way that you could hang out with someone like Michael Corner. He was everything that you despised. Loud, obnoxious, lazy and worst of all; ignorant. But then there was Michael Corner. His smile was the brightest and the most welcoming. Had you not observed him for two years, you would have fallen for that empty smile. He didn't like you and didn't want to be seen with you. The only reason why he didn't protest was because he didn't want to go against the popular guys in the room.
Stephen Cornfoot
leaving Stephen Cornfoot, the last boy sharing your bedroom, find friends with some of the Hufflepuff boys instead.
Sue Li
There were those that looked like they actually wanted you to join. Terry and Padma were smiling at you as inviting as they possibly could. Then there was Sue Li. The Asian girl wasn't even looking at you, choosing to open the entrance as if just waiting to exit the Common Room. She didn't care if you went, but she didn't want to wait any longer.
Mandy Brocklehurst
Students (unfriendly or worse):
Zacharias Smith
Wayne Hopkins
Graham Montague
Theodore Nott
Gregory Goyle Teachers (friendly/good rapport):
Filius Flitwick
He stopped, when he passed by you, looking at your chosen subjects, before smiling a bright smile. "I'm quite relieved that at least you are taking your studies serious, Mr. Basques." You nodded awkwardly when he passed you your document. "Thank you, Professor, I'm trying my best to fit in," you answered, without the need to look up even from your sitting position. Rumors were that your Professor and Head of House was part-goblin and you could see the truth in that. He was smaller than even the youngest students, when they started their years in Hogwarts.
"Yes, yes," he said, nodding to himself. "Everyone tries to fit in, but sometimes you shouldn't forget that you don't need to fit in too much." His words were spoken rather low, so that only you could hear it. "Well," the Professor then said with a stronger voice again. "I hope you are going to join some extracurricular activities as well? I hope to see you in our Dueling Club this year, Mr. Basques. We are always looking for young talents!" To no one's surprise, anyone who had attended in the first week had stayed loyal and come back in all following weeks.
It was clear to see why that was.
"Welcome, Welcome", the short man said who didn't quite share neither Professor McGonagall's nor Snape's heavy aura. Still, there was a specific charisma to him that the other two lacked and it was easy to understand why the Club-members liked to attend the club. "I…" you tried but had to stop as the tiny Professor looked up at you again. "I am sorry about the way that I handled the situation", you said. "I had an inkling as to what could happen, but I thought it was the best possible solution. I wasn't-…"
A hand touched your arm as Professor Flitwick came to a halt next to you.
"This was not your battle to fight, Mr. Basques", he said, looking up at you with calm support in his voice. "You have helped a student that we were not able to. I am very proud of having you as a student of my house, Mr. Basques."
You broke the eye contact, nodding simply as you looked up to see a familiar ghost fly by and disappear into a wall at the end of the corridor.
"That's the problem", you said, watching the no empty corridor in front of you. "I am not sure if I have helped here or if she has helped me see things differently, Professor."
Severus Snape
Rubeus Hagrid
Minerva McGonagall
"I am impressed, Mr. Basques." Professor McGonagall's voice brought you back to the classroom in which you were sitting. Only now did you realize that she had been still explaining the exact wand movements. It had been hard for you to sit through the lecture and it seemed as if you had just lost against your attention deficit again.
"Maybe next time you'd do us the honour to wait until the end of the explanation", she said in a stern voice.
"Two points from Ravenclaw", she said as you looked up to her with an apologetic smile. There was amusement in her eyes. "And five points to Ravenclaw for an exceptional demonstration of the spell."
Members of the Runes Club (H.A.R.C.)
Runes Club was peace. Runes Club was home.
Members of the Duelling Club
Sally-Anne Hudson (Ghost - moved on)
"Sally-Anne Hudson", you repeated now that you were closer to her. Her magic reacted just the way her magic inside your mind had reacted when you had heard her name for the first time earlier in the month. Every object circling in the air around you came to a full stop.
"I know who you are", you shouted, when her eyes fell on you. You could feel her icy presence inside your mind as if she was roaming through it to look for memories relevant to her. You would feed her how sorry you were for what had happened to her, if you knew how to. Instead, she took what she wanted. Images of your life flashed into existence in front of your eyes.
"I know that you don't want to hurt anyone, Sally-Anne", you said lowering your voice this time. The screams behind you lost in volume as the thick magic that was in the air found a moment of pause. It was as commanding a present as you had ever felt.
"I would never… hurt" the little girl said, who had been eleven years old for far longer than your parents had been alive.
"I know that, Sally-Anne. You would never hurt anyone. You just want to go to your classes and learn about magic", you offered, when she stopped talking. "I know that, because I am like that, too. I just want to learn new things and see all that Hogwarts has to offer."
Her eyes brightened at your words. Someone was shouting something from behind you, but you kept your focus on the brightest mind in the room.
All of this was only possible because of one little girl, who had left the world too early. She would have been a force of nature otherwise. Her magic had kept her in this world, disregarding the possibility of just merely being a ghost and choosing to cement herself as a force inside Hogwarts' walls.
She could have been one of the strongest witches to ever roam the world. But she wasn't. She had been robbed of that possibility. Instead her life had found a cruel end.
"I just want to do magic. Like my parents. Why wouldn't he let me?" she asked. She was looking through you, not really talking to Jacob Basques, but to her own destiny. It had given her a bright mind and all the talent in the world, only to take it all away and kill her after two months at Hogwarts.
"But you are doing magic, Sally-Anne", you said, stepping closer to her again. You were now only a few feet away from her. If she wanted to kill you, there was nothing that you could do to stop her… but you knew that she would not want to hurt you. All of her self-imposed rules had been there to grant her own wish of being part of Hogwarts, without hurting anyone else.
People forgot about her, because she didn't want to impact their lives. She just wanted to have some happiness for herself.
"I am?" she asked, her eyes never focusing on you.
"Yes, you are. I've never seen something like it before. You come back every year and live inside the castle and no one ever notices. You let people see you, but never remember you and you are so strong that not even the most powerful of us could do something against it."
Her magic had rules and it had power… but it was fundamentally centered around a little girl that just wanted to be in class and learn from the Professors. She wanted to hear her own name when they praised her. Which was the reason why her magic had failed the moment that you thought you'd heard her name in the kitchen below the Great Hall.
The magic inside your head had been affected by that for just a second, still weak because it didn't have the time to cement itself inside your being over the years. That short weakness had been enough for you to remember. It had been enough to get to this very moment.
"You are awesome and extremely powerful", you said, finally reaching her place in the middle of the Great Hall.
"So, I can go home?" she asked. "I am not a failure? I am not a Squib?"
"No", you answered, letting your hands fall on her small shoulders. You could touch and feel her, but she felt cold against your skin. She felt wrong. As if she wasn't supposed to be here.
The air was thicker the closer you got to her. For the first time in your life you could actually feel magic. It vibrated against your skin, pushing against you and making it hard for you to breath.
"You are the single most talented witch I have ever seen", you said. Sally-Anne took a moment to register your words, before she smiled. She was looking right through your chest as if you weren't even there.
"Don't you want to go home and tell your family how strong you've gotten? They will surely be missing you", you said.
"Yes", she answered as her skin turned silver. She looked up, locking eyes with you for the first time. Your mind was attacked ever so softly as she remembered her mother's last words to her.
I love you.
"Yes, I want to go home", she said.
"Then go home, Sally-Anne. Hogwarts will always be waiting for you. The doors will never close for such a bright mind", the tears that dropped down your face were not yours. They were hers as she tried to feel human emotions for one last time through your mind.
The tears dried up by the time that Sally-Anne had disappeared, never to return again as she left this world for good.
Helena Ravenclaw (Ghost)
"Good evening, Jacob", she said, a small smile on her lips. "You should get going. The curfew has almost arrived."
You nodded, still taking the time to fold your notes together carefully and put them back into your notebook before letting it fall into your bag altogether.
"Would you mind accompanying me?" you asked her as you shouldered your bag again. "I feel like we never get to talk at all."
Her first reaction was a more genuine smile that you had ever seen on her face. She looked flattered and just for a short moment you could see the person that she had been before her death. But then something happened to her, sadness overcame her as she fell back into her usual sad smile, not even looking at you anymore, instead directing her eyes at the painting of an empty room.
"Another time, surely", she said.
"Another time", you repeated after her, standing in the dark floor and observing the ghost that you knew nothing about. She was always helpful to those of your house, like a mother looking after her children. She showed students the way when they were lost or helped them track their things.
But you had never realized that you knew nothing about her.
"Take care of yourself", you said, trying to sound genuine. She didn't look at you again.
Sir Nicholas De Mimsy-Porpington (Ghost)
Adults (unfriendly or worse):
Rita Skeeter
There were truly despicable human beings out there.
If you hadn't known that she was lying, you would have felt bad for reading something as intimately written. As if she was laying her thoughts out into the open for the reader to analyze and scrutinize. Knowing that it was all fake let you see how perverted and sickening the woman really was.
There she was, out in the open and presenting herself as a hero. Rita Skeeter was a liar - and she was really good at it. It made you rethink some of your past evaluations of people.
"Well Rita", you whispered into the newspaper. "Better hope that Sally-Anne's magic doesn't come haunting you for this."
Peter Pettigrew
As a start to be expanded and dynamics to be discussed.
Edited: Until 2.4 October, 1993 / work in progress
Progress (End of June) Class Progress: 0/5 progress to next skill level
Core Subjects Astronomy
Defense Against the Dark Arts
History of Magic
Elective Subjects Study of Ancient Runes - The Study of Ancient Runes is a general theoretical subject that studies ancient runic scripts. It is taught by Professor Bathsheda Babbling. Arithmancy - Arithmancy is a branch of magic concerned with the magical properties of numbers. Arithmancy is reportedly difficult, as it requires memorizing or working with many charts. The subject is taught by Professor Septima Vector. It is separated into normal Arithmancy and Advanced Arithmancy Studies, the latter of which is taught as a NEWT-Course. Magical Theory - A subject taught in Class 67 on the fourth floor of Hogwarts Castle. It covers magic from a purely theoretical view.
Elective Clubs Duelling Club - A club at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, founded in 1992 by then Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor Gilderoy Lockhart with the intention of teaching the students of Hogwarts how to defend themselves in response to the revelation that the Chamber of Secrets had been opened for the second time. Though the initial club was not much of a success, it was recreated by Professor Flitwick.
As long as you go to the club, get +10 in training Charms, Transfiguration or DADA
At least one duel per month, at max 4 duels per month (Experience and possible Perks gain)
Tournament at the end of the year
Hogwarts Ancient Runes Club (H. A. R. C.) - A student organization at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for students interested in runes.
As long as you go to the club, get +10 in training Ancient Runes and History of Magic, +5 on Alchemy related research