In Rien ne va Plus omakes got rewarded and were placed into 'sidestory' with a canon/non-canon/semi-canon tag. I don't know if Tabula Rasa feels the same way about omakes now of course, but that's what happened in their last quest.
"Come in." Was the response to his knock on the door.
After a moment Jacob entered the room, looking none the worse for wear given the previous night's activities. Lupin and Sirius watched him enter with smiles on their faces.
"What can I help you with, Mr. Bas… You know what, I'm not really a teacher anymore after last night. What can I help you with, Jacob?
"After explaining things to my friends, they… took my actions poorly. Megan and Tracey demanded I come to apologize and for some reason both started butting heads over the fact one of them should be with me in the future to stop such a situation occurring again." Jacob appeared confused on the last part.
Sirius snorted and seemed about to start laughing or saying something before Lupin forced his hand over his friend's mouth. "I'm afraid," Remus answered while looking amused, "that that is a mystery you will have to work out for yourself."
Jacob looked thoughtful as he nodded and began speaking again. "Regardless, I do want to apologize. For calling you a bad teacher and, how did Justin put it, smashing on all your triggers."
Sirius did laugh at that.
"Jacob, while I may have been a competent teacher, how I treated you was wrong. Both you and Harry proved me wrong last night after all. I do apologize for that. So, tell me, what form does your patronus take?"
"A wolf." Jacob answered bluntly. Lupin raised his eyebrows, impressed while Sirius let out a whistle. After a moment of silence to see if he would say any more, Lupin continued.
"In spite of what my feelings were, last night proved I should not have been a teacher. I put everyone in danger. I really have you to thank, Jacob. For so much. You saved many lives last night. You made sure Harry, Ron, Hermione, and yourself weren't bitten. You made sure I was trapped in the forest until the night was over. You even caught Peter, ensuring that Severus, in spite of his feelings, would do the right thing. And because of that, and your and Harry's patroni, Sirius won't get kissed."
"He's right, kid. Last thing I want is to snog a dementor. I owe you a lot."
"Well," Jacob said turning to Sirius, "I heard that your family had a sizable library, or barring that," The two adults had had surprised and slightly antsy looks on their faces for a moment, "I certainly wouldn't mind the assistance of two wizards that were able to learn the animagus process at around my age."
"You want to become an animagus? Excellent! While you may be the most Moony like of the old Marauders you could definitely join Harry in the next generation."
Jacob didn't look entirely pleased with that sentiment but before he could respond there was a pounding on the door.
"Come in!" Lupin called, like he had only several minutes earlier. The door was flung open to reveal Harry Potter panting, probably from running all the way from the Great Hall to the office after hearing the news of Lupin's exit from the school.
"You… you… aren't leaving are you?
Jacob hadn't really been dismissed, but he started to edge his way out as Harry came in and took more of the attention. Lupin came forward and started talking with Harry but before Jacob could fully make his escape Sirius put his hand down on the boy's shoulder.
"If you want some pointers on the animagus process, I'd be happy to help with that. It wouldn't take out even half of the debt I owe you. Feel free to head out. Update those two girls on everything and make sure they know you took their advice to heart. Trust me, they'll be happy to hear it if you word it like that." Sirius patted his shoulder once before letting go and letting him make his way out the door. "I'll try to give you help with that mystery too if you don't figure it out yourself." Jacob was already a few steps out the door when he thought he heard Sirius mutter, "Will probably need all the help he can get to solve that one."
Peter and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day - June, 1994 (Semi-Canon)
Peter and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.
================================= Original timeline.
The dark curse flashes through the air, shattering the girl's hastily created shield. Sirius ducks, trying to dodge it, but he is luckily a second too slow. Dark red spell hits his chest and he collapses with a muffled shout.
Sirius was an unwelcome surprise. After a decade without any news from Azkaban you were so sure that the prison broke him. Yet now, less than a year after his sudden escape, here he is, doing what he does best - causing problems and upsetting the status quo.
James' son and the girl with the Time Turner rush to Sirius with panicked shouts, but Ron -a smart, smart boy- keeps his eyes glued to you. Normally, this is when you'd knock him out and escape in the chaos, but as it is, you can barely stand.
Who knew that after spending 13 years in the animagus form of a rat, magic abilities deteriorate into almost nothing? After only a single relatively weak curse you're a wobbling, sweating mess and you doubt you could cast anything else at all.
Right, so negotiation it is.
"Sirius, the answer is simple, I just really didn't want to die." You give perfunctory nods to the kids. "Harry, Ron, er… the girl."
Weasley steps towards you and your wand snaps in his direction. "It's Hermione! You prick! What have you done to Scabbers?" He yells at you, before the girl, Hermione as you now know, drags him back with a muffled "Ron!"
"I, what kind of," Sirius finally found his words. It seemed he didn't expect to continue their last conversation. "What kind of stupid reason is that?!" Sirius yells. "You were a Griffindor, Peter, you were as brave as we were! And you were James' friend! Dying for your friends is what you do!"
"Friend?" you snarl back at him. "Really? Because it sure didn't feel that way to me!" You growl out. "More like you were friends, and I was your sidekick. Peter fetch-my-homework Pettigrew! Marauder go-grab-us-butterbeer!" You spit the words with the power of old resentment and hate that is finally being voiced. "Perpetual butt of the joke Wormtail."
You feel your emotions taking control of you and mentally take a step back. This isn't a therapy room and you aren't actually trying to get Sirius to understand. Sirius is your enemy and you're just stalling for time. Letting your emotions cloud your judgment will be a mistake.
With the way Harry is slowly creeping away from Sirius, wand ready and eyes furious, you don't really feel as in control of the situation as an armed adult wizard should.
"But that is what we all did to each other," Sirius almost pleads. His voice becomes thick with nostalgia and longing for the past. "Don't you remember? Stupid, immature, teenage jokes about James being whipped, Rem having a period, like a girl, or how I am-"
This is your moment. Harry seems to pay rapt attention to the story that includes his father, and Sirius is lost in his perfect past. You raise your wand and cast a curse.
That wasn't you.
The spell hits you square in the back and you're thrown against the far wall. Something in your chest snaps and pain jolts through you, but your instincts from the war override it. You get on your feet instantly, and a non-verbal, advanced shield charm blocks several spells from Griffindors and from the new enemy - a young Ravenclaw boy, who is climbing through the window into the room.
You do your best to ignore the horrible weakness from casting the shield charm and take a moment to analyze the battlefield. Three Gryffindor kids, one without a wand, all inexperienced fighters. Sirius, a powerful wizard, but without a wand and wounded. The nameless Ravenclaw, possibly inexperienced, perhaps has specialized equipment or perhaps a weirdo, considering the goggles. And against all of them is Peter Pettigrew, who forgot most spells and can barely cast those he remembers.
The world seems to come to a crawl as people explode into action. Several spells flash through the air, all exploding helplessly against your still shimmering shield. Sirius turns into Padfoot and lunges for your throat, moving as fast as any spell. And you? You just win.
"Accio Time Turner!" You grab the thing from the air and immediately activate it. You don't have time to calibrate it, so you can only hope you go back further than 10 minutes.
The last thing you see before time takes you is Padfoot's maw. He looks like a Grimm.
Omake time! I just couldn't pass up the writing prompt that Tabula Rasa gave.
Harry watched the Ravenclaw leave with some sadness. In many ways he could see a lot of himself in Jacob. Much of this year he had taken far too much on his shoulders, things that were never truly his fault or responsibility. He knew now, being able to look with hindsight, that he had frustrated and hurt Ron and Hermione with his attitude. He would apologize when they came by after classes.
Luna had stayed with him for a little while after that, until Madam Pomfrey had come back to check on him and made sure she would go to class. He had appreciated her presence. It helped him keep his mind from brooding over the new reality of his life, something he would have to live with until the day he died. While she was a little odd, he could see himself being a friend with her in the future. Luna had also helped him learn a bit more about the Ravenclaw boy.
Jacob fascinated him. Being able to build his own Marauder's Map! And, as he would learn in a few weeks, the boy would rival Hermione's grades as well as earn the runner-up position in the Dueling Tournament, only losing to Percy of all people! Harry had been genuine in his thanks to the boy, and in an offer of friendship. Dumbledore was using whatever means he could to help Sirius gain his freedom and while being a werewolf would offer him challenges, the fact that he wouldn't have to deal with the Dursley's anymore was a positive for him if there ever was one.
"Jacob came to visit you?" Hermione asked, clearly interested. Apart from hearing of the boy's two scrapes with Slytherins earlier in the year, the curly haired witch had been the only one of the trio to pay him any mind otherwise.
"Did he explain how he got involved?" Asked Ron, between nibbles on a chocolate frog. Fred and George had clearly snuck out to Hogsmeade to get a treasure trove of sugar for Harry.
Harry's face flashed the same emotions of awe and envy he had felt when first showed Jacob's invention. "He called it Atlas' Gift. His own map of Hogwarts that he made himself."
Hermione looked like she was about to shriek. "He did what?!"
"Seriously?" Ron asked as well.
Harry nodded. "Luna and I had a look at it while I let him look over the Marauder's Map. Apparently, he had seen Sirius and Wormtail with the map's help and had figured out the animagus stuff. Last night he had seen himself on the map and so, as I told you what Dumbledore explained, had to keep the time loop intact."
Ron looked disgruntled, "Couldn't he have…"
"No, Ron," Hermione interrupted him, "he probably had no idea how events played out. Regardless, he needed to make sure the loops all worked properly. Honestly, with his and Professor Snape's help things are… better than they could have gone."
Ron seemed to only mutter about the rat at that but otherwise acknowledged what Hermione said.
"Still, I don't think I could have made a map or whatever those goggles he was wearing were. I definitely want to talk to him if given the chance." Fiery determination burned in Hermione's eyes. Given the amount of secret passages detailed in Jacob's map and not the Marauder's Map, Harry could only hope the boy would be able to avoid Hermione until the end of term. She would probably cool off a little during the summer. Hopefully. --------
This kind of came to my mind after the update. I don't necessarily think there is anything here that doesn't comply with canon, though i can edit if needed. Don't really have a name for it, so you can supply whatever title you want to this.