A Guard in The Prison of Eternity

"The open circle are a collection of smaller groups and organisations who all share a common goal. Namely, destroying the wall that protects this reality and allowing the forces of the second Primordial, Lucifer, to enter this world."
"Apocalypse cult, got it," Jim returned, brow furrowing. "Anyone else undesirable we should know about?"
"The open circle are a collection of smaller groups and organisations who all share a common goal. Namely, destroying the wall that protects this reality and allowing the forces of the second Primordial, Lucifer, to enter this world."

Alicia raised an eyebrow. "You haven't imprisoned him yet? That sounds like it's going to be one of our assignments. Actually, why can't we use Blackfire to wipe him out of existence? That's what it does, right? ...I'll need some crossbow lessons, though."
Frowning lightly and rubbing her sides as she finds herself finally free of the chains, the Business woman rolls her eyes and looks at the fallen Angel: "This does sound quite like the start for a terribly un-creative Novel someone pushed out and which ends up landing on the Spiegel Bestseller list."
"Mock them if you like. They deserve it honestly. But don't underestimate them."

Quinn rolled his eyes.
"Oh, is that all?" Jesus, as if this damn place wasn't crazy enough. "Sound like nice blokes. Might go out there and introduce them to the floor for keeping me from getting off this plane and starting my suicidal work shift."
"Nobody makes a bloody Irishman do something he doesn't want to do." Quinn all but growls. The plane was suddenly much too small, and he wanted off.
"I assure you that they are very capable of it. The Open Circle is not as powerful as they once where, but they can still play with your mind as if it where clay, given enough time."

"Apocalypse cult, got it," Jim returned, brow furrowing. "Anyone else undesirable we should know about?"
"As I said, they are not as strong as they once where. As a whole the collective that forms the Open Circle is on their last legs, any figureheads with any real power left the organisation long ago. All they have now is a couple of cambions and fallen angels who cant stomach the fact that most of the world is prejudiced against us. Entirely missing the fact that its people like them that caused those same prejudices in the first place.

Alicia raised an eyebrow. "You haven't imprisoned him yet? That sounds like it's going to be one of our assignments. Actually, why can't we use Blackfire to wipe him out of existence? That's what it does, right? ...I'll need some crossbow lessons, though."
"They have not been imprisoned because they are remarkably efficient at avoiding detection. And even when we do get a hold of them they work in isolated cells that make it impossible to reach the greater whole. As for why the two here are not being imprisoned, they come under the laws of hospitality. Cerberus was around when Zeus decreed those laws sacred, he wont break them. And don't overestimate Blackfire. It is a powerful thing, but most of you have not even unlocked it yet.And from what I have seen it can still be overcome, you may be strong against magic, but a bullet will still kill you."
"They have not been imprisoned because they are remarkably efficient at avoiding detection. And even when we do get a hold of them they work in isolated cells that make it impossible to reach the greater whole. As for why the two here are not being imprisoned, they come under the laws of hospitality. Cerberus was around when Zeus decreed those laws sacred, he wont break them. And don't overestimate Blackfire. It is a powerful thing, but most of you have not even unlocked it yet.And from what I have seen it can still be overcome, you may be strong against magic, but a bullet will still kill you."

"That is concerning, with this anti-magic, can it do what normal tales of magic say magic can? can it make us faster or stronger, can it make us bullet proof in theory, or failing that can I get a nice bullet proof vest?"
"That is concerning, with this anti-magic, can it do what normal tales of magic say magic can? can it make us faster or stronger, can it make us bullet proof in theory, or failing that can I get a nice bullet proof vest?"
"It may, or it may not. This is the first chance we have had to document someone who wields Blackfire. Although there are stories about wielders performing superhuman feats. But Blackfire is the personification of nothingness. It burns away reality, which is itself a construct formed of Whitefire. It is something beyond normal magic, and seems to change with every user. We cannot quantify it from what small pieces of information we have.

She shrugged. "Although when we arrive you can request any equipment you wish."
"Why does this single answer make me more afraid than anything else so far. No budget restraints?", she asked quite simply.
"The Governors run the world, have you heard those conspiracy theories about the illuminati? Well we are basically them, with a lot more power and reach. And magic. So budget constraints are not really a thing, especially to us. You don't want the people preventing ragnarok to fail because they ran out of money, do you?"
"The Governors run the world, have you heard those conspiracy theories about the illuminati? Well we are basically them, with a lot more power and reach. And magic. So budget constraints are not really a thing, especially to us. You don't want the people preventing ragnarok to fail because they ran out of money, do you?"
Quinn laughed out loud.
"You? Your the illuminati? Oh that's funny. I was just kidnapped and recruited by the illuminati to guard a prison for unspeakable horrors."

He shakes his head. "It's good thing I'm going to be dead, because nobody would believe this."

He then looks around.

"Is that cat-eyed bastard done yet? I want off this damn plane."
Quinn laughed out loud.
"You? Your the illuminati? Oh that's funny. I was just kidnapped and recruited by the illuminati to guard a prison for unspeakable horrors."

He shakes his head. "It's good thing I'm going to be dead, because nobody would believe this."

He then looks around.

"Is that cat-eyed bastard done yet? I want off this damn plane."
"Patience is a virtue you know." Silus chirps from behind. "You can't rush a negotiation with people who apparently want to have a biblical angel descend and potentially walk the earth, right? Besides, the boss man has got this! And we get to hang out with a bonafide fallen angel! How can you not be having just an itty bitty bit of fun right now?" A smile sits on the American's face as he seems rather content to just be around someone supernatural.
"Patience is a virtue you know." Silus chirps from behind. "You can't rush a negotiation with people who apparently want to have a biblical angel descend and potentially walk the earth, right? Besides, the boss man has got this! And we get to hang out with a bonafide fallen angel! How can you not be having just an itty bitty bit of fun right now?" A smile sits on the American's face as he seems rather content to just be around someone supernatural.
The light entering through the planes windows abruptly cuts out. A sound like nails screeching down a blackboard rings through the ears of everyone on the plane. You can hear people screaming and odd colours begin to swim at the edges of your vision. And then just as suddenly as it began it stops.

And then the gunfire starts.
And then the gunfire starts.

To the floor!
The drills had started back when Germany had had the first rampage in a school, but she had also heard enough of similar instructions for such cases and the first reaction, when hearing gunfire was to get into cover and then phone the police...well...they didn`t seem to have left her, her phone. With her ears still ringing from that terrible noise and her vision being a bit...off, she tries to make herself as small as possible and hopes that the plane would be at least partly bullet proof.
The light entering through the planes windows abruptly cuts out. A sound like nails screeching down a blackboard rings through the ears of everyone on the plane. You can hear people screaming and odd colours begin to swim at the edges of your vision. And then just as suddenly as it began it stops.

And then the gunfire starts.
"Well shit."muttered Quinn, before diving down, bringing anyone nearby down to the floor with him.

Sure, he'd been in gunfights. Some nut who had just lost his wife had wandered into his pub once and actually got in a shoot out with another guy.

Quinn had learned that the best thing to do was nothing at all. Sit on the ground and wait it out. Either one man died and the gunfight was over, or they ran out of ammo and the gunfight became a fistfight.

If if there was one thing Quinn could do well, it was fistfights.
The light entering through the planes windows abruptly cuts out. A sound like nails screeching down a blackboard rings through the ears of everyone on the plane. You can hear people screaming and odd colours begin to swim at the edges of your vision. And then just as suddenly as it began it stops.

And then the gunfire starts.
Jim hit the deck, swearing caustically in English and Norwegian.
The light entering through the planes windows abruptly cuts out. A sound like nails screeching down a blackboard rings through the ears of everyone on the plane. You can hear people screaming and odd colours begin to swim at the edges of your vision. And then just as suddenly as it began it stops.

And then the gunfire starts.

"Oh my god!"Alicia yelled in Chinese as she ducked. She wasn't prepared for this, these heels weren't meant for a shootout...

"What happened to those hospitality laws?!"
"Bloody hell!" Cried Laurence, launching himself to the floor of the plane, hands over his head.
For all the stories he'd heard from old relatives, and all the testimony and video evidence he'd seen in court, the lawyer had never actually been in a gunfight himself. He had never felt more terrified or alone.

"Stop shooting!" He shouted, hoping to be heard over the gunfire, "Stop bloody shooting! We can talk this out!"
Allison did not dive to the floor, she instead reached into her jacket and pulled out a small dagger. It looked more ceremonial that something built for combat use, but she pointed it towards the sound f the gunfire and a glimmering blue shield manifested itself before her. At the same time she pulled a radio out of the jacket and started to bark orders down it.

"Daniel, what is going on?"

While you cant make out exactly what is going on on the other side you do manage to pick up a couple of word.

"They... reinforcements... key."

Allison scowled and placed the radio back into her jacket, before turning to you. "All right people, long story short the Open Circle just used something called a skeleton key. It allows for mass teleportation, and they just brought in a massive amount of reinforcements, as well as teleporting Cerberus somewhere. Mr Rengar, your with me. I know you have no idea how to properly use Blackfire but we are massively outnumbered."

A chain of bullets burst through the side of the plane and impacted Allison's shield, sending ripples running across its surface.

"The rest of you wait until no one is paying attention to you and make a break for the transport. Any questions?"
"The rest of you wait until no one is paying attention to you and make a break for the transport. Any questions?"
As a series of projectiles shatter a nearby window, Quinn glares at the angel-lady while pressing himself further into the floor.
"I think they're bloody paying attention to us." He mutters.

"Yeah, I've got a question lass, how the hell are you and crossbow-boy planning to distract a bunch of phsycic cultists with guns?!" A bullet passes worryingly close to his head.
"If you don't mind me asking that is?"
After a moment, Alicia pulled off her shoes and tossed them aside. Heels weren't good for running, and she could get new shoes later. Though a part of her still hated to leave behind a good pair of Jimmy Choos.

how the hell are you and crossbow-boy planning to distract a bunch of phsycic cultists with guns?!

"Magic, obviously," she muttered, sticking her fingers in her ears to try and muffle the sound of gunfire. "Or anti-magic. Maybe they'll make the guns disappear..."
"Jævla helvete," Jim muttered, before falling silent and beginning to slowly army-crawl his way to the front of the plane and thus toward the exit to position himself for when the time came.

"Snark at each other when we're not getting shot at," he growled, mostly to himself. Somewhat louder, he called out: " I imagine the distraction is going to involve shooting at them right back!"
"Jævla helvete," Jim muttered, before falling silent and beginning to slowly army-crawl his way to the front of the plane and thus toward the exit to position himself for when the time came.

"Snark at each other when we're not getting shot at," he growled, mostly to himself. Somewhat louder, he called out: " I imagine the distraction is going to involve shooting at them right back!"
"With what?" Replies Quinn, somewhat put off. "I sure as hell cant pull a bloody magic crossbow out of my ass, can you?"
The light entering through the planes windows abruptly cuts out. A sound like nails screeching down a blackboard rings through the ears of everyone on the plane. You can hear people screaming and odd colours begin to swim at the edges of your vision. And then just as suddenly as it began it stops.

And then the gunfire starts.

I quickly get between a pair of windows kneeling behind the most solid area of wall I can see. I call upon the black fire trying to remember how it felt last time and to do so once again. I call upon it looking for a weapon so that I may fire back, I do not survive by sitting still while being shot at. I survive and win by fighting, so I try to call upon that black flame to take the form of a rifle.
Allison did not dive to the floor, she instead reached into her jacket and pulled out a small dagger. It looked more ceremonial that something built for combat use, but she pointed it towards the sound f the gunfire and a glimmering blue shield manifested itself before her. At the same time she pulled a radio out of the jacket and started to bark orders down it.

"Daniel, what is going on?"

While you cant make out exactly what is going on on the other side you do manage to pick up a couple of word.

"They... reinforcements... key."

Allison scowled and placed the radio back into her jacket, before turning to you. "All right people, long story short the Open Circle just used something called a skeleton key. It allows for mass teleportation, and they just brought in a massive amount of reinforcements, as well as teleporting Cerberus somewhere. Mr Rengar, your with me. I know you have no idea how to properly use Blackfire but we are massively outnumbered."

A chain of bullets burst through the side of the plane and impacted Allison's shield, sending ripples running across its surface.

"The rest of you wait until no one is paying attention to you and make a break for the transport. Any questions?"
"No ma'am, I read you." Says Silus from the floor. Rather than having ducked down to his hands and knees, he was seated against one of the chairs, eyes moving from her, the exit, and the rest of those around him. "We'll move at your go. I'll be rooting for you." He says while trying to smile as the cacophony of gunfire goes off from outside the confines of the plane.