A Guard in The Prison of Eternity

Alicia wasn't sure how to feel about the fact that she could no longer get drunk. On one hand, he hadn't said anything about being unable to taste the drink or feel its warmth on the way down. But the buzz was half the fun, even if people like Silus and Ms Lutz couldn't see it...

She sighed. She could test the limits of her newfound sobriety when they reached the bar. Until then, talking to Silus at least gave her something to do.

"You know, wherever it was, alcohol would've made you feel better about it. Shame you missed out. Next you'll be telling me you've never been to parties either."

She tried to remember all the people in college who reminded her of him. It wasn't as helpful as she thought. She couldn't remember which states they were from; she'd been too bored to pay attention.

"Are you from New Jersey or something?"
Alicia wasn't sure how to feel about the fact that she could no longer get drunk. On one hand, he hadn't said anything about being unable to taste the drink or feel its warmth on the way down. But the buzz was half the fun, even if people like Silus and Ms Lutz couldn't see it...

She sighed. She could test the limits of her newfound sobriety when they reached the bar. Until then, talking to Silus at least gave her something to do.

"You know, wherever it was, alcohol would've made you feel better about it. Shame you missed out. Next you'll be telling me you've never been to parties either."

She tried to remember all the people in college who reminded her of him. It wasn't as helpful as she thought. She couldn't remember which states they were from; she'd been too bored to pay attention.

"Are you from New Jersey or something?"
"Do I honestly sound like I'm from Jersey?" He asks with a puzzled look on his face. "Gee, I must have something in my throat, because that is way off! 49 to go! Would you like a hint?" He asks before responding to your other statements. "Well hey, alcohol just doesn't seem like fun to me. I can have plenty fun without risking impairment of my bodily functions. That, and of the...ok admittedly few parties I have been too...whoever drinks ends up regretting it." He seems to lose his smile just a little for a moment. "But there were always other ways to pass the time."
"Do I honestly sound like I'm from Jersey?" He asks with a puzzled look on his face. "Gee, I must have something in my throat, because that is way off! 49 to go! Would you like a hint?" He asks before responding to your other statements. "Well hey, alcohol just doesn't seem like fun to me. I can have plenty fun without risking impairment of my bodily functions. That, and of the...ok admittedly few parties I have been too...whoever drinks ends up regretting it." He seems to lose his smile just a little for a moment. "But there were always other ways to pass the time."

Alicia shrugged. "Whatever suits you, I guess."

She could practically hear him stop smiling. And he'd been such a joker until now. What could've made him upset enough to stop doing that, if only for a moment?

"New Jersey's practically-official state song is about getting the hell out of there, isn't it? I thought you might be able to relate to that," she said. "Fine. What's your hint?"
Alicia shrugged. "Whatever suits you, I guess."

She could practically hear him stop smiling. And he'd been such a joker until now. What could've made him upset enough to stop doing that, if only for a moment?

"New Jersey's practically-official state song is about getting the hell out of there, isn't it? I thought you might be able to relate to that," she said. "Fine. What's your hint?"
"Think rivers! Two big ones to be precise, coming together! We have only oh so little time til our destination, so I think that should help a little before we get dropped off to suffer our horrendous fates!" The chuckles comes back, apparently whatever was there now passing away with the distraction.
"Think rivers! Two big ones to be precise, coming together! We have only oh so little time til our destination, so I think that should help a little before we get dropped off to suffer our horrendous fates!" The chuckles comes back, apparently whatever was there now passing away with the distraction.
"Illi- no wait..." Quinn figured that, if he finished up this psychos "game" he would stop reminding everyone of their impending doom.
"Utah. It's fucking Utah right?"
"Wait are you saying I can't enjoy it any longer since I have my "Bag of tricks", patent pending?"

"Maybe, maybe not. I can still get drunk, but it takes a lot of alcohol to do it. And weaker practitioners can still drink normally. For all we know your Blackfire could do nothing. But when we originally caught you all we had to fill you up with enough sedatives to kill a bull elephant. I assume the Blackfire was preserving your body, burning away harmful substances."

The plane hit the tarmac. It seemed to be much smoother than it should have been. Allison's voice crackled through the speakers.

"Sir, we have landed. Your car is here, as well as the wielders transportation. Sir, there are also two others. They are not on the list."

Cerberus paused, frowning. "Can you find out who they are?"

There was silence for a moment, before the speaker sounded again. "I received a message from Daniel, it is John Smith and Jane Doe."

Cerberus froze for a moment, "What are the Open Circle doing here? And more importantly why hasn't Daniel put them in chains?"

"Apparently they want to talk to you, they claim your hospitality. And you do own the airport."

A string of curses exits Cerberus mouth. He takes a moment to collect himself before speaking. "Very well, take care of this lot and I will meet the suicidal freaks."

He exits further up the plane, beyond your view and you can hear the sound of the planes door opening. After a minute a woman walks into the cabin. She looks fairly plain, and even very slightly overweight. But the pair of black wings on her back. She speaks, the Texan accent making it clear she is Allison.

"Welcome to Australia."
here was silence for a moment, before the speaker sounded again. "I received a message from Daniel, it is John Smith and Jane Doe."
John Smith and Jane Doe? Wasn't that what Americans called people who die without identification?

Great. More bloody Americans.
Welcome to Australia."
Quinn almost laughed.

"Figured a fucking death factory pretending to be a prison would be in the land down under..."
"Illi- no wait..." Quinn figured that, if he finished up this psychos "game" he would stop reminding everyone of their impending doom.
"Utah. It's fucking Utah right?"
"The place with all the Mormons?" Don't they basically ban anything fun? "That would explain a lot..."
"Ooooh...good guess but sadly no tamales. Maybe we will figure one another out when we start working together instead!" Seeing as they are now all upon solid ground once more.

"Maybe, maybe not. I can still get drunk, but it takes a lot of alcohol to do it. And weaker practitioners can still drink normally. For all we know your Blackfire could do nothing. But when we originally caught you all we had to fill you up with enough sedatives to kill a bull elephant. I assume the Blackfire was preserving your body, burning away harmful substances."

The plane hit the tarmac. It seemed to be much smoother than it should have been. Allison's voice crackled through the speakers.

"Sir, we have landed. Your car is here, as well as the wielders transportation. Sir, there are also two others. They are not on the list."

Cerberus paused, frowning. "Can you find out who they are?"

There was silence for a moment, before the speaker sounded again. "I received a message from Daniel, it is John Smith and Jane Doe."

Cerberus froze for a moment, "What are the Open Circle doing here? And more importantly why hasn't Daniel put them in chains?"

"Apparently they want to talk to you, they claim your hospitality. And you do own the airport."

A string of curses exits Cerberus mouth. He takes a moment to collect himself before speaking. "Very well, take care of this lot and I will meet the suicidal freaks."

He exits further up the plane, beyond your view and you can hear the sound of the planes door opening. After a minute a woman walks into the cabin. She looks fairly plain, and even very slightly overweight. But the pair of black wings on her back. She speaks, the Texan accent making it clear she is Allison.

"Welcome to Australia."
"Howdy there!" Silus says to Allison in greetings, a smile on his face. "I'd shake your hand...but I don't think I can move mine much more than what I already can. So I will settle for having to give you one later!" He then identifies the wings and his eyes gleam. "Whoa! My dear lady, might you be an angel, or some sort of winged avenger? You have the most magnificent pair of feathered appendages I have ever seen. Never mind the fact they are perhaps the first pair on someone I have ever seen, but the fact does remain!"
"A prison in...Australia?", she says slowly and looks up to the winged woman, before shaking her head lightly....and then the rest of her body, to make the chains give off a rattling sound, as she looked over to one of the madman in the plane with her...who was now flirting with the woman? Using her wings to hit on her...with a shudder she leans back and simply waits for someone to open her chains...or carry her outside: right now she can`t do much.
"Huh," was the only sound Jim made for a minute as he stared at the wings. Fascinating; he wondered what sort of bird they were modelled after. Were they real, muscle-powered limbs, or was it another example of this 'Blackfire' magic?

"So... Australia," the - former, he supposed now - artist said aloud after he finished staaring at the impossible wings. "Makes sense; lots of empty space to build secret, nefarious supervillain bases."
Quinn almost laughed.

"Figured a fucking death factory pretending to be a prison would be in the land down under..."

Allison cocked her head. "We endeavour to maintain all possible safety procedures and ensure our workers lifespan for as long as possible. We also are constantly looking for new ways to make working safer. Life expectancy has more than quadrupled since the Prisons founding."

"Howdy there!" Silus says to Allison in greetings, a smile on his face. "I'd shake your hand...but I don't think I can move mine much more than what I already can. So I will settle for having to give you one later!" He then identifies the wings and his eyes gleam. "Whoa! My dear lady, might you be an angel, or some sort of winged avenger? You have the most magnificent pair of feathered appendages I have ever seen. Never mind the fact they are perhaps the first pair on someone I have ever seen, but the fact does remain!"

"I am an angel, one who fell." She reaches into a pocket and seems to fiddle with something for a few seconds.

"So... Australia," the - former, he supposed now - artist said aloud after he finished staaring at the impossible wings. "Makes sense; lots of empty space to build secret, nefarious supervillain bases."

"I must inform you that the Prison has been working to protect mankind since before the Babylonian era. We pre-date the Governors by several millennia. Super villain is not a label to be applied to us."

"You took me out of the country for that trial and then flew me straight back?" Asked Laurence, trying to bring himself back to presentability. "Isn't that a little circuitous?"

She shrugs. "There was every chance you all would of been executed."
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Allison cocked her head. "We endeavour to maintain all possible safety procedures and ensure our workers lifespan for as long as possible. We also are constantly looking for new ways to make working safer. Life expectancy has more than quadrupled since the Prisons founding."
Quinn shook his head, doing his best to ignore the fucking wings growing out of her back.

A fucking angel? Sure. Whatever.

And lifespan had quadrupled? That's ridiculous.

"You call us workers, but I'm guessing we won't get bloody paid right? That's called slaves where I'm from lass."
Allison cocked her head. "We endeavour to maintain all possible safety procedures and ensure our workers lifespan for as long as possible. We also are constantly looking for new ways to make working safer. Life expectancy has more than quadrupled since the Prisons founding."

"I am an angel, one who fell." She reaches into a pocket and seems to fiddle with something for a few seconds.

"I must inform you that the Prison has been working to protect mankind since before the Babylonian era. We pre-date the Governors by several millennia. Super villain is not a label to be applied to us."

She shrugs. "There was every chance you all would of been executed."
"Hot dog! A bonafide angel..." Silus excitedly shifts around in his seat. "I get to see magic, and meet an angelic being! Today has reached new levels of intrigue! So what do we do now? Is this the part where you ferry us out of the plane? Considering this my only other job outside of what I had back home until...well now that I am legally dead and all. I have no clue about the proceedings to be!" He leans forward with an inquiring look. "Do we get snazzy uniforms?"
She shrugs. "There was every chance you all would of been executed."
"And that's the only courthouse you have on the planet, is it?"

"Technically many of our action would be considered illegal. It is a valid label."
"Extralegal, if you really have got all our heads of state on side," Said Laurence leaning forward, "Which is bloody ridiculous and not something I'll believe until I hear Turnbull himself condemn me to death for..." He attempted what would surely have been a dramatic gesture if he hadn't still been chained down, "Whatever all this is." He finished lamely.
"That's beside the point, disgusting as it is. No, I want to know where you get off sending us to guard a prison you should be inside of! I'd say I don't know how you've managed to keep the place secure when your hiring pools for guards are lawyers, businesswomen, pub owners and whatever the fuck he is" He nodded towards Silus, "but considering we've just been told that we'll probably be eaten by Great Cthulhu by month's end, apparently it isn't! I'd ask how you keep this secret, but you're not gonna give me a straight answer, and neither is Rex over there! All you're good for is being mysterious and cryptic, and asking us to go along with you despite the fact that you have just admitted to being a literally God-damned demon!"

"Hot dog! A bonafide angel..." Silus excitedly shifts around in his seat. "I get to see magic, and meet an angelic being! Today has reached new levels of intrigue! So what do we do now? Is this the part where you ferry us out of the plane? Considering this my only other job outside of what I had back home until...well now that I am legally dead and all. I have no clue about the proceedings to be!" He leans forward with an inquiring look. "Do we get snazzy uniforms?"
"And you should be in a fucking institution!"
"And that's the only courthouse you have on the planet, is it?"

"Extralegal, if you really have got all our heads of state on side," Said Laurence leaning forward, "Which is bloody ridiculous and not something I'll believe until I hear Turnbull himself condemn me to death for..." He attempted what would surely have been a dramatic gesture if he hadn't still been chained down, "Whatever all this is." He finished lamely.
"That's beside the point, disgusting as it is. No, I want to know where you get off sending us to guard a prison you should be inside of! I'd say I don't know how you've managed to keep the place secure when your hiring pools for guards are lawyers, businesswomen, pub owners and whatever the fuck he is" He nodded towards Silus, "but considering we've just been told that we'll probably be eaten by Great Cthulhu by month's end, apparently it isn't! I'd ask how you keep this secret, but you're not gonna give me a straight answer, and neither is Rex over there! All you're good for is being mysterious and cryptic, and asking us to go along with you despite the fact that you have just admitted to being a literally God-damned demon!"

"And you should be in a fucking institution!"
Quinn watched the man's outburst with approval, a thin grin appearing on his face by the end.

What the lad said was true. All of it, which meant there was at least one other sane person on the plane with him.

Quinn nods respectfully at the man.

"Glad to see I'm not the only sane person here mate."
"You call us workers, but I'm guessing we won't get bloody paid right? That's called slaves where I'm from lass."

"You will receive compensation, and your service is not permanent. If you survive a year you will be free to go. A guard that survives for the entire year will receive a pay check of three million Australian dollars."

"Hot dog! A bonafide angel..." Silus excitedly shifts around in his seat. "I get to see magic, and meet an angelic being! Today has reached new levels of intrigue! So what do we do now? Is this the part where you ferry us out of the plane? Considering this my only other job outside of what I had back home until...well now that I am legally dead and all. I have no clue about the proceedings to be!" He leans forward with an inquiring look. "Do we get snazzy uniforms?"

"A uniform is not mandatory but there are several available."

"And that's the only courthouse you have on the planet, is it?"

"No, but it is the only one on natural ground. Just because the Governors work together on greater issues it does not mean they wont stab each other in the back for the smallest thing."

"That's beside the point, disgusting as it is. No, I want to know where you get off sending us to guard a prison you should be inside of! I'd say I don't know how you've managed to keep the place secure when your hiring pools for guards are lawyers, businesswomen, pub owners and whatever the fuck he is" He nodded towards Silus, "but considering we've just been told that we'll probably be eaten by Great Cthulhu by month's end, apparently it isn't! I'd ask how you keep this secret, but you're not gonna give me a straight answer, and neither is Rex over there! All you're good for is being mysterious and cryptic, and asking us to go along with you despite the fact that you have just admitted to being a literally God-damned demon!"

Allison actually seemed almost embarrassed by your speech. "Normally you would never of been accepted into the prison, but recently there was an indecent. The vast majority of our staff was killed and the prisons stability was thrown into jeopardy. While it has been corrected there are fears that it will happen again, and it it theorised that Blackfire would be a natural counter to the creatures that caused it."

She shook her head. "I know this must be overwhelming, terrifying. And personally I find this distasteful. You are here for no more reason than your bad luck, but you are too dangerous to let run around by yourselves. Ironically your chances of survival are better in the prison than out. I would give you a month before you ended up as someone's experiment."

"What do you want to know Mr Hurt, I will answer any question as honestly as I am able without giving up the Prisons most important secrets."
The vast majority of our staff was killed and the prisons stability was thrown into jeopardy

"Ms. Allison?", the business woman said softly, a bit embarrassed for having to do that instead of giving a small hand sign. Waiting to catch the winged womans attention, she asked slowly:
"Does that mean that the structure of your prison building is in jeopardy and could collapse...or did you mean the lack of prison guards leading to internal strife and disorder?". adding with a slightly fearful tone to it:
"Was the majority of the staff more like...". she tilts her head lightly as if unsure for words, her German accent becoming a bit worse as she gestured to wards their local Wilhelm Tell surrogate.
"You will receive compensation, and your service is not permanent. If you survive a year you will be free to go. A guard that survives for the entire year will receive a pay check of three million Australian dollars."
"Still....didn't mr. Freaky eyes say that most don't survive eight months? And how the hell does 3 million Australian dollars convert to euro's?"

Quinn put his head in his hands, then looked up and held out his bound wrists.
"Look, you know what? I'm done asking fucking questions. I'm done trying to figure out why you have wings or how that guy pulled a magic bloody crossbow out of his ass or wether or not punching the crazy lad in the back will make him less insane."

Quinn shook the chains. "Get these bloody things off me and pray- for all your sakes- that the bar here serves quality beer."
"Extralegal, if you really have got all our heads of state on side," Said Laurence leaning forward, "Which is bloody ridiculous and not something I'll believe until I hear Turnbull himself condemn me to death for..." He attempted what would surely have been a dramatic gesture if he hadn't still been chained down, "Whatever all this is." He finished lamely.
"That's beside the point, disgusting as it is. No, I want to know where you get off sending us to guard a prison you should be inside of! I'd say I don't know how you've managed to keep the place secure when your hiring pools for guards are lawyers, businesswomen, pub owners and whatever the fuck he is" He nodded towards Silus, "but considering we've just been told that we'll probably be eaten by Great Cthulhu by month's end, apparently it isn't! I'd ask how you keep this secret, but you're not gonna give me a straight answer, and neither is Rex over there! All you're good for is being mysterious and cryptic, and asking us to go along with you despite the fact that you have just admitted to being a literally God-damned demon!"

Alicia perked up a little at that. So he was a lawyer? Maybe he'd know something useful, or at least be able to help them negotiate.

And of course demons existed. She rolled her eyes. What did that even matter? That woman was still her boss, and therefore could make life very difficult for everyone here, no magic powers needed.

She leaned forward a little as payment was mentioned. That was about the same amount in US dollars, if she remembered correctly. And... twelve million renminbi? That was like a year's income for her parents-

"I would give you a month before you ended up as someone's experiment."

"...Who's going to be experimenting on us?"
"I have a few questions," Jim stated uncomfortably, signalling 'three' with his fingers. "One: you said the vast majority of the staff were killed. Are there any remaining guards - I assume they'd be killed first in a breakout - or will we be expected to police the whole complex by ourselves?

"Second, are there any allowances for getting non-essential supplies into the prison? If so, I'd like to request art supplies, assuming we get downtime and such a request is allowed."

The lean-framed, introverted artist fell silent again after that, and curled up in his seat and gnawed nervously at his thumb whilst avoiding looking at anyone else.