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Conspiracies, alien overlords, the Illuminati, all these things are often scapegoats blamed by paranoid individuals for the world's problems. However, the likelihood of these rumors being true is exceedingly low. In truth, humanity doesn't require an elaborate conspiracy to suffer or experience misery. Humanity's own stupidity, greed, and immorality are more than sufficient to screw themselves over.

However... What if I told you there exists a world where some of these seemingly farfetched tales hold a kernel of truth? A world where the notions of equality and freedom are even more elusive than in the realm you currently inhabit. A world where unseen hands pull the strings that control life as people know it.

Come let us explore this world together. And perhaps with time even change it.
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Necropostmancer on May 11, 2023 at 6:07 PM, finished with 9 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X]The Computer Whiz: A soul surrounded by technology. A tool tasked with servicing other tools. However, there is one small difference between this soul and the computers they service. Computers never doubt or question, something that this soul can't help but do.
    [X]The Conspiracist: Deep down this soul understands a fundamental truth, the world that they live in is not as it should be. Rather than ignore this feeling, they search for its cause.
    [X]The Hippie: When faced with the problems of the world this soul decided that the only solution was unconditional love. Will they stay true to their morals, or will they decide that some people just don't deserve to be happy?
    [X]The Scientist: A soul filled with boundless curiosity. Curiosity which over the course of their education has been carefully extinguished. Still, somewhere deep within their soul, a spark of innovation still resides.
    [X]The Occult Dabbler: Searching for meaning this soul has turned to places shunned by both religion and science. This soul is not sure what scares them more, the idea that the pagan faiths and occult rites that they read about are all a hoax, or the idea that they might not be.
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Necropostmancer on Jul 12, 2023 at 6:13 AM, finished with 5 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] Empathetic: "You should go over and comfort the guy. You don't really know him but if you just leave him like that you'll probably end up feeling bad about it later.
    [X] Pragmatic: "The guy's obviously going through some shit, but you have your own problems to worry about, having just lost your only source of income. Let the new guy be helped by someone who actually knows him.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Necropostmancer on Aug 5, 2023 at 11:55 PM, finished with 7 posts and 3 votes.

  • [x] Plan: When life gives you lemons
    -[x] train an attribute: Intelligence 3 AP
    -[x] train a skill: Programming 3 AP
    -[x] Look for work online: Programming job 3 AP
    -[x] Call Tom and see how he is doing: 1 AP