A God Slayer Are You (Campione Quest)

[X] Matteo Natale Martelli
[X]Italian American
[X] A huge fire started
Not female protagonist please
[X] Ailen Isi
[X] Female
[X] 20 years old
[X] Native American
[X] A tornado appeared and started wreaking havoc

Wind powers are the best.
He starts as a giant hypocrite who keeps lying about what he really wants - which is okay, a lot of people are hypocrites. He takes it to a higher level, however, with the constant whining and moaning about his situation - which he does nothing to fix. And despite his claims that he's not a "womanizer", he never really make any attempt to stick to one woman at all.

Everything makes him a standard harem hero, but then with the recent developments he just decides to just stop thinking about it all. He decides not to think much about the potential destruction. It's not like he's thinking it in the "I can atone for it later," kind of way, he just decides that thinking about it all is too much trouble. I just can't help but find him to be rather dislikable then.

To be fair to Godou that's mostly his family's indoctrination which he has spent the majority of the series breaking that caused him to act like a standard harem hero.

Dude is a womanizer like his grandfather but years of "Don't be like your grandfather" from his grandmother and his sisters combined with how his own parents who he isn't exactly the closest to(Dad straight up considers him useless while doting on his sister) are also known to be very good with the opposite sex has made him repress himself deeply kind of like JPS except there's not alternate personality to use as an outlet which has forced him to change his normal personality

So in the recent volumes he's gotten much much more open about things.(those scenes in vol 17.)

As for destruction he does care still. Problem is that Godou doesn't really have the ability to flick someone kilometers like Luo Hao so it's harder for him to change the setting of battles as nearly all of his opponents give zero shits about the potential devastation of fights.

He tries to hold fights at areas where people and things won't get too fucked up. He also doesn't dwell on it much because he's very busy not dying and he needs to keep his mind on the fight to survive.

Though he could do more to be better but that's what his on-going character development will take care of.
He tries to hold fights at areas where people and things won't get too fucked up. He also doesn't dwell on it much because he's very busy not dying and he needs to keep his mind on the fight to survive.
This, to a pretty big extent.

He goes out of his way to fight gods from a disfavorable position to spare innocents whenever he can. When he can't he usually smashes something ridiculously valuable, but no people were harmed in the process if he could help it. So there goes large buildings and historical relics, rather than people.
Heretic gods just give zero shits.
I know all of those, Diller, and under normal condition, I would probably be somewhat okay with it. And in a normal condition, all of those wouldn't take freaking 17 volumes to get there. It would take, like, five tops.

More like 15 ish volumes plus of actually makes sense. Indoctrination that you've gone though all of your life does take awhile to get rid of. When you consider it actually has only been at most a yr since the series started in story, the fact Godou's mostly broken though it in about a yr is remarkable.
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Besides, he's not exactly a womanizer in the classic sense of going out looking for girls. He and his grandfather are just natural babe magnets.
Besides, he's not exactly a womanizer in the classic sense of going out looking for girls. He and his grandfather are just natural babe magnets.

He like his grandfather also gives a crap about his women's feelings.

He never saw Lucretia again since that was what he promised Chiyo(Godou's grandmother) and never cheated on her.

Hell Godou's grandpa is actually known for being a very good and loyal man who always keeps his word which Godou himself admires and wants to be like.
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More like 15 ish volumes plus of actually makes sense. Indoctrination that you've gone though all of your life does take awhile to get rid of. When you consider it actually has only been at most a yr since the series started in story, the fact Godou's mostly broken though it in about a yr is remarkable.
This is a story. When it comes to a story, only the volumes and word count matters. If you can't make a decent amount of progress in that time, well, I can't really call it good.

And it's less [x time] needed, it's the intensity of experiences and the realization for a need to change that matters the most in changing a person. Godou had actually had a great amount of intense experience, yet he never really questioned everything he believed or thought, about himself, others, or the world at large. It's one of the biggest thing that hampered my enjoying of the novels, as I can neither sympathize or empathize with Godou, nor do I find him compelling in any way.

As for his grandfather, his grandfather could actually choose one woman to stick with, despite having so many girls pining for him. And that I can respect. Godou though... he's kind of wishy-washy when it comes to the relationship (relationship which isn't compelling to me as a reader btw).
This is a story. When it comes to a story, only the volumes and word count matters. If you can't make a decent amount of progress in that time, well, I can't really call it good.

And it's less [x time] needed, it's the intensity of experiences and the realization for a need to change that matters the most in changing a person. Godou had actually had a great amount of intense experience, yet he never really questioned everything he believed or thought, about himself, others, or the world at large. It's one of the biggest thing that hampered my enjoying of the novels, as I can neither sympathize or empathize with Godou, nor do I find him compelling in any way.

As for his grandfather, his grandfather could actually choose one woman to stick with, despite having so many girls pining for him. And that I can respect. Godou though... he's kind of wishy-washy when it comes to the relationship (relationship which isn't compelling to me as a reader btw).

That's because Chiyo told him "no more girls."

Beforehand he did fool around with other girls.

Erica outright told Godou to take Yuri as a mistress and kept throwing Yuri at him despite Godou's attempts to stop her and Godou has been obliging them.(getting out of Insane rush because they asked him too. Denying a goddess who was offering himself to him.)

This opened the floodgates for the others though the other girls have gotten more vigilant about not letting others in."

And of course he seemed wishy-washy he wants a relationship with them but he's was near literally brainwashed into denying his urges. So it was a fight between his instincts and his rational mind.

It's like how Ise in dxd was so traumatized by what happened with Raynare that he couldn't comprehend another girl actually liking him even when she's literally offering herself to him(though to be fair the teasing he got from the others probably didn't help.) except worse since Godou has been trained like that all his life.

It also doesn't help that he's a teenager and felt earlier that if he admitted anything he's be trapped for life. I remember a line from volume 3 where it was explained that one of the reasons Godou didn't make things official with Erica was because he felt she would then completely take over his life just like that. Or how in vol 9 he had to deny Ena because he felt he wasn't strong enough to protect them.

And Godou has been changed by what's happened to him. He's gotten far far more proactive and has matured since the series start. He actually initiatives things with the girls and doesn't shy away from the supernatural anymore. Hell he's been actively planning on how to permanently deal with the KoTE. He even tried to arrange things so that the KoTE couldn't use his enemy based powerup.

A far cry from Mr. I'm normal despite having literal godlike powers" who got killed by Athena(with a fucking kiss) because he was stupid enough to let his guard down around her

Discounting vol 3 and 11 since they were flashbacks and vol 8 since that was short stories it was about vol 12ish that Godou started to really show off his character development when he went and kicked Saturnus' ass with no real bitching. Luo Hao even told him she threw Saturnus at him and he just sighed and went to work. Which took about nine volumes and even beforehand we saw gradual change in Godou. Like how he was willing to use his position as a Campione to help out Hikari when before he would've noped getting involved at all back on vol 6.


And before I forget.

[X] Matteo Natale Martelli
[X]Italian American
[X] A huge fire started
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Eh. Vote change.

[X] Matteo Natale Martelli
[X]Italian American
[X] A huge fire started
That's because Chiyo told him "no more girls."

Beforehand he did fool around with other girls.
Wait, what? Last I remember was that he didn't have any interest in girls, but back before high school there are a lot of girls who secretly pines for him, just that he didn't realize them.
Erica outright told Godou to take Yuri as a mistress and kept throwing Yuri at him despite Godou's attempts to stop her and Godou has been obliging them.
Hm? Rather than a mistress, I thought she was only trying to keep her close because she has her uses. It's probably a misunderstanding, but I get your point. They still should have had a talk though. A serious talk.

Honestly, this is one of the reason why I dislike the way the relationship was done in Campione. It's not taken seriously at all.
And of course he seemed wishy-washy he wants a relationship with them but he's was near literally brainwashed into denying his urges. So it was a fight between his instincts and his rational mind.
And he should have followed his rational mind; relationship with a lot of girls tend to be rather shallow or they just don't work out. Well, it can work, it just needs a lot and lot and lots of talking and understanding with each other. Which I don't really see with them. Seriously, I never even see them talking about their aspirations or their wishes, or their troubles in life... all I keep seeing is a lot of physical intimacy and that's... well, I guess it's realistic in how shallow it is - but that doesn't make it good, much less compelling.
It's like how Ise in dxd was so traumatized by what happened with Raynare that he couldn't comprehend another girl actually liking him even when she's literally offering herself to him(though to be fair the teasing he got from the others probably didn't help.) except worse since Godou has been trained like that all his life.
What. You are comparing a trauma from betrayal and deaths to being told that you "should not be x" for your entire life. The former is an intense experience that scars your mind and heart. The latter is something that you can actually solve if you took the time to think and introspect yourself (as) objectively (as you can).

Also, while Issei took about... 9 or so volumes (including the side-stories because it's still time-spent in the real world), he still was very fun to follow with his crazy antics and fun personality. Also, he had to actually deal with the girls' (and boys, I guess) issues, with their past and their present.
It also doesn't help that he's a teenager and felt earlier that if he admitted anything he's be trapped for life. I remember a line from volume 3 where it was explained that one of the reasons Godou didn't make things official with Erica was because he felt she would then completely take over his life just like that.
Are you sure you aren't misinterpreting things? Because when I read it, I am very sure the vibes I got is that Godou thinks of Erica as a vixen and that if he follows her whims then he wouldn't be able to object or resist her schemes again, schemes which would make him more involved with the supernatural world which he didn't want.
Hell he's been actively planning on how to permanently deal with the KoTE.
Okay, what. Seriously, what. KoTE was the one guy who protects the balance of the world, the reset button that gets turned on every time there are too many Campiones. Because while there will always be Campione that rises within an age to protect the world from the Heretic Gods, there is no one that would rise to protect the world from its protectors who all are either weirdos or selfish pricks (usually both). Except for him.

Why would you want to break this delicate balance?!

Note: Yeah, I will admit that I stopped reading Campione because enough was enough. There was only so much borefest that I can take before I call it quits.
A far cry from Mr. I'm normal despite having literal godlike powers" who got killed by Athena(with a fucking kiss) because he was stupid enough to let his guard down around her
Even a monkey does not fall in the same hole twice. But there is such thing as "development quality" and "level of maturity". While I will say that it was above that of a monkey learning not to fall into the same hole, I still can't say it's in the realm of even the likes of Lelouch (and that's a low-bar, a more serious comparison would be Johnny Joestar).
Discounting vol 3 and 11 since they were flashbacks and vol 8 since that was short stories
No we're not - as I said, it's still time spent in the real world. From the start, this sort of non-linear storytelling really messes the flow of the story. But more importantly, it should have shown how much the characters has developed since their past ordeals. And yet, I found Erica to be much more interesting in Volume 3 and 11 than she is past the flashback.

I will admit that Godou isn't too bad, but by my standard, he is really shitty as far as protagonists goes. He's not fun, he's not engaging, he's not compelling, he's not interesting. He's bland and boring. And as I've said in the favorite protagonist type thread, that is the biggest sin for a protagonist to have.

Seriously, man. I'm reading Historical KanColle right now and somehow these girls with little personality was somehow more engaging than him. Well, admittedly it was history and it was war history, so of course it's engaging, but then again, Godou has love issues, morality issues, and battle against gods. I don't know how that managed to not be engaging, but my guess is at the writing of the story.
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Now this update may or may not come soon. Might be today, might be tomorrow.

Why you might ask? Because I spent eight hours doing RL shit without any food except a sandwich. So now I just ate and am Goin to sleep...and I might not wake back up till tomorrow.