A Force, Undying (New Jedi Order CK2 Quest)

[X] Rev Shan
[X] Human
[X] Male
[X] Civilian

With perhaps a chance for some Revan/Bastila heritage backstory?
[X] Daro Thorn
[X] Arkanian
[X] Male
[X] Civilian

Youth: You are young, by the standards of the Order-- you were a child when the Galactic Civil War ended. Those who are bound in that veterancy will never respect as much as those who knew the war-- even if they had been on opposite sides. Increase to Diplomatic difficulty.

The Galactic Civil War ended in 41 ABY. Nine years ago.

That means we are 26 at the oldest. Somehow I doubt you mean 17 when you say "child", so we are more likely about 21 or 22.

No-Name: Among a slate where none are altogether famous, you are the least famous of them all.

Sure, we're not a Skywalker or a Solo, and we're not a war hero, but given the above? We're a goddamn prodigy. Saying we're the least famous still makes us famous.
[X] Daro Thorn
[X] Arkanian
[X] Male
[X] Civilian

The Galactic Civil War ended in 41 ABY. Nine years ago.

That means we are 26 at the oldest. Somehow I doubt you mean 17 when you say "child", so we are more likely about 21 or 22.

Sure, we're not a Skywalker or a Solo, and we're not a war hero, but given the above? We're a goddamn prodigy. Saying we're the least famous still makes us famous.
I meant, like.

The Pellaeon-Gavrisom treaty, the first Galactic Civil War. So 19 ABY.
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[X] Daro Thorn
[X] Arkanian
[X] Male
[X] Civilian

My fickle fixations once more leads me to Star Wars.
[X] zuot crowfury
[X] Chadra-Fan
[X] male

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Vote is called, next part of character creation will be up in about an hour.
Character Creation Part 1
It is 50 ABY. Luke Skywalker-- one way or another-- is now one with the Force.

And so you all have been called to Coruscant, to choose a new leader of the Order. Leia Solo, Kyle Katarn, Jaina Solo-- all are here, all walk the halls, speaking and meditating and communing with the Force. The finest of your order are available-- but they, they have not been chosen to lead.

You, Daro Thorn, have been chosen, by the will of the Force and the right of the Jedi Order, to lead the Jedi into this new era. At the fairly spritely age of 37, you are a spring chicken compared to most of the past Grandmasters of the Order; one must dive deep to find any near your age, and even deeper to locate those younger.

But who are you? What are you like?

Modern Saber Style
To offer new Jedi a solid basis in Lightsaber combat, the revised Styles are taught; easier to learn than the old Forms, they can function well enough on their own; or, form a strong basis for a personal style. More, importantly, they can tell you something about your self. Not as refined as the Classic Forms, however, as many cease developing their skills in this form to develop skills in the Classic.
(Pick 1)
Fast Style (Master): A style developed to deal with ranged, blaster wielding opponents, it is built around tight, efficient moves to guard the body, reflect blaster fire, and endure the storm of war, relying on the natural properties of the lightsaber to deal with armor. However, practitioners of this Style may struggle against lightsaber wielding opponents, who can dominate the flitting speed and endure the barrage themselves. (+4 Personal combat, +10 against Blaster Wielding opponents, -15 against Lightsaber wielders)

Medium Style (Master): A style of few weaknesses, but few strengths as well. It presents a solid offense and defense against all opponents. Not inspiring against any particular sort of foe, but also not weak against any either. It is simple, and its simplicity is strength. Many Jedi who prefer to study the deeper mysteries or act as diplomats turn to it; and many warring Jedi learn it to have a fallback option if their more preferred styles are lacking. (+4 Personal Combat, +5 Against Blaster wielding opponents, +5 against Lightsaber Wielding opponents)

Heavy Style (Master): A style dedicated to dominating in Lightsaber combat, it favors strong, precise strikes to tear apart an opponent's defense, ideally so outmatching them that they surrender-- or never threaten another. But, against blaster wielding opponents, its slowness and precision cause problems, and may allow you to be drowned under blaster fire. (+4 Personal Combat, +10 Against lightsaber wielding opponents, -15 against blaster wielding opponents)

How you spend your time- what you do, what others think when they think of you.
(Pick 2)
Mystic: Diving deep into the secrets of the Force, you resemble nothing so much as Revan in your thirst to learn the deeper mysteries. The wisdom of Master Oodan-Urr, of The Disciple, of the Barsen'thor flows through you. (+2 Wisdom,???)

Teacher: You are a famed instructor in the order, in the vein of Kreia, of Yoda, of Meetra Surik. Often you were seen on Ossus, training the younglings. (+2 Wisdom, ???)

Historian: As Brianna, and Jocasta-Nu, and Tionne Solusar before you once did, you have learned the histories of the Jedi-- from their highest peaks to their lowest depths. (+2 Wisdom,???)

Healer: You know the gifts to knit the flesh, repair the bone-- beyond the things with which all Jedi have skill, your talent in the medical field excels. (+2 Wisdom, +2 Personal Combat)

Diplomat: It is your desire to leave the galaxy at peace, content, calm. You have settled many disputes (+2 Wisdom, +2 Diplomacy)

Chaste: To adore the flesh is to lose sight of the Force. (+4 Wisdom, -25% Fertility)

Duelist: You study often with your lightsaber-- for it is the heart of a Jedi. (+2 Personal Combat, +2 Wisdom, increase lightsaber skill to Grandmaster,???)

Adviser: Many heads of state throughout the galaxy seek your wisdom. (+2 Wisdom, +2 Diplomacy)

Weak In The Force: You and the Force have a...troubled history-- this has taught you many lessons that other Jedi may never learn. (+2 Wisdom, ???)

Strong in the Force: You are near to the Force, and strong with it, in a way few are. (+2 Wisdom)
These are the five virtues of a Jedi, as Odan-Urr once described them:
(May pick 2 for free, and up to 4 with Vices)
Merciful: It is to cast aside your blade to spare your foe, for you believe in the goodness within all living things-- none are beyond redemption. Luke Skywalker embodied this trait. (+2 Diplomacy, +2 Wisdom)
Just: A Jedi seeks to be fair in all things, equitable and righteous in action. If all things else should fail, but you are just, then you are still Jedi. The Barsen'thor embodied this notion. (+2 Diplomacy, +2 Wisdom)
Brave: A Jedi must not know fear-- must be willing to sacrifice themself for the Galaxy, and for the Right. Revan knew this more than most. (+2 Personal Combat, +2 Wisdom)
Humble: A Jedi must not regard himself as fundamentally worth more than others, and be aware of their own flaws. Plo-Koon acted thusly. (+2 Diplomacy, +2 Wisdom)
Studious: A Jedi knows that the galaxy is full of things to learn, and always seeks thusly. Before his fall, thus was the great virtue of Jacen Solo. (+4 Wisdom)

These are the flaws which Oodan-Urr warned the Jedi against.
(May take 2 Vices, in return for receiving 2 extra virtues)
Prideful: It is beyond contempt for a Jedi to believe themselves wise when they are not. History is littered with Jedi who embodied this failure, but of all Atris perhaps is the worst. (-4 Wisdom, lure to the Dark Side)
Hateful: It is not the way of the Jedi to detest a people, a nation, a culture-- but there are those who have. It was this which paved the first steps in the fall of Anakin Skywalker. (-2 Wisdom, Massive diplomacy malice against 1 Culture/State/Nation (if voted for, either you may select, or I will roll, lure to the Dark Side))
Wrothful: Fury blinds, and anger stifles thought. Master Bao-Dur fought with this quality all his life. (-4 Wisdom, +2 Personal Combat, lure to the Dark Side)
Deceitful: The way of the Jedi ought not to be falsehood, for to build anything on a lie is to build a house on a foundation of sand. Atton Rand struggled with this quality all of his life. (-4 Wisdom, -2 Diplomacy, +2 Intrigue)
Hopeless: It is unwell and damnable for a Jedi to lose all hope in the long struggle against the Dark. This, in truth, was what broke Malak and brought him to the Dark Side. (-6 Wisdom, Massive lure to the Dark Side, ???)
Alright, time to pick traits, then we'll do your Master and first IC Turn tomorrow.
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[X] Plan: The Heart of the Force
-[X] Medium Style
-[X] Mystic
-[X] Strong in the Force
-[X] Brave
-[X] Studious
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Two things: First, added the threadmark, sorry I forgot to do that to start.

Secondly, added in two traits that I realized I forgot.
[X] Plan: The Heart of the Force
-[X] Medium Style
-[X] Mystic
-[X] Strong in the Force
-[X] Brave
-[X] Studious