Luke Skywalker is one with the Force, leaving behind a strong order-- but one faced with challenges: Sith, Mandalorians, an unruly Imperial Remnant and much worse. See if you can rise to the challenge and lead the new Jedi Order!
The year is 50 ABY, and Luke Skywalker is one with the Force. For the first time in the New Order's history, you are without the guiding presence of perhaps the greatest Jedi to ever live-- who managed to destroy the Sith through his love of his father, who finally smote the spirit of Exar Kun from the galaxy, who led you through the madness of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion.
Large boots to fill.
The good news is, for the first time in a long time, there has been a relatively uninterrupted stretch of peace-- though admittedly, in some ways, it is the peace of the eye of a hurricane, with the Mandalorians under Boba Fett once again threatening the peace of trillions, the Lost Tribe of the Sith plotting in the darkness under their truce, and the Imperial Remnant chafing under what they consider the laxity of the Galactic Alliance.
The Jedi will need new leadership, and so they have convoked here-- Coruscant, the New Temple.
Where they have chosen you. You are not Ben Skywalker, nor Leia Organa Solo, nor Kyle Katarn. The galaxy does not scream odes to your name-- but the Force, nevertheless, has chosen you to leader. To guide them, through the storm which closes-- to be the light in the Dark.
To be Jedi.
Who are you?
[] Write-In Name
[] Write-In Species (Keep it sane, please- a bugman is alright but I'm not doing a sapient gas-cloud, or whatever)
[] Gender
And finally, what is your background?
Civilian: You have only ever been a Jedi. Well, okay, that's not quite true-- you may have memories before the Order-- but it has dominated your adult life. There are those who believe that this has crippled your thinking-- perhaps, but you would prefer to believe that it has, instead, allowed you to dedicate all of your time to being a Jedi, rather than having to split it with something else. It is definitely true that you are on the younger side for the post, but you believe yourself fit for it. This most resembles the Jedi of the post-Ruusan era, though perhaps the best example would be Obi-Wan Kenobi or Yoda. Pros Jediest-Jedi: Unlike the old soldiers, or smugglers, or spies, who make up so much of the order, you are only a Jedi-- you have no other commands on your time, beyond being the best Jedi you can be. Bonus to training, more Jedi traits available. New Blood: You are young, comparatively, and not too settled in your thinking. You can make decisions other members of the Order could not, would not, change things they would consider sacred. Broader reformations possible. Few Enemies: Of all those enemies of which you spoke, only the Sith will know to hate you-- neither the Mandalorians nor the Imperials will know to fear what you might be to them. Imperials and Mandalorians suffer a malus to facing you, and you have broader diplomatic options with them. Cons There is no Ignorance: You have only been a Jedi-- Kreia would be very disappointed in your lack of knowledge of mundane skills. Youth: You are young, by the standards of the Order-- you were a child when the Galactic Civil War ended. Those who are bound in that veterancy will never respect as much as those who knew the war-- even if they had been on opposite sides. Increase to Diplomatic difficulty. No-Name: Among a slate where none are altogether famous, you are the least famous of them all.
Soldier: You fought in the Galactic Civil War, on one side...or the other. In any case, you enlisted at a young age, during the later stages of the war, as the Empire fell apart and the Alliance transformed into the New Republic. You have been fighting for a very long time, and have gotten very good at it. If the galaxy is indeed called to war, you will answer the call. The tyranny of the Sith will not arise again, not on your watch! But then, they, and the Mandalorians, and the Imperials, will all know to fear you...old soldier. You could throw a stick and hit somebody with this sort of story, but Kyle Katarn and the Disciple represent the purest examples. Pros Master Duelist: You received training in Melee combat as part of the mundane armed forces, which transitioned very well into your lightsaber training. Automatically start with one of the New Lightsaber Forms at Grandmaster Level. A History: You have a history, a story. Perhaps you stood against Thrawn, perhaps you battled against the Yuuzhan Vong, maybe you slaughtered Mandalorians. In any case, they know to respect you, and you word. Strategist in the Making: Tactics may not bring you victory against the will of the Force-- but wielding them well may make victories smoother, and defeats less painful. Bonus to generalship. Cons: Aged: You are old, a little stuck in your ways. Change will not come easy to you. Hated: Many Mandalorians fell to your blade as you shattered their siege-- and many Imperials, too, hate you, either as a rival or an enemy. They will not underestimate you, and will not believe any claims to alliance, beyond singular moments. Warlike: The galaxy is sick of war-- but it is all you have known. They will not look fondly on attempts to drag them into it, and they will be suspicious.
Aristocrat: You were born to a family of the old blood. Perhaps the Prince of the Hapans, perhaps heir to a clan of Dathomir, perhaps one of the higher rank of Mandalorian, you were raised to excel at whatever you set your mind to-- whether that be diplomacy or the field of battle or the subtle knife. You were rising through the court, through the ranks, when you met a Jedi, who felt the Force within you--- and that became your destiny, then. On the one hand, you have trained for excellence; on the other hand, to be blunt, you are the most arrogant of the presented options, with a darker side than many others. This is similar to the story of Leia Organa, or Count Dooku. Pros Born to Win: In the environment of your birth, mediocrity and satisfaction were not acceptable. Automatically start with Ambitious trait. Proper Breeding: The Sith respect heritage, and you know yours for many millennia. You can pull out obscure members of your family as easily as they can. Bonus to Sith negotiations. Subtle Skills: You were born in a dangerous place and time. You, at least, know how to keep your mouth shut. Bonus to intrigue. Cons: A Noble: At best, the galaxy tends to regard the notion of nobility as a bit quaint, at worst as an insult to the dignity of sapient beings. Malus to reputation. Inner Dark: Perhaps it is the generations of in-breeding, perhaps it is the high-stress environment you were born in, whatever the case there is a darker angle to your nature. Must take at least one vice, regardless of how many positive traits are taken. Imperial Hatreds: For all its truly oligarchical nature, the Empire has pretense to meritocracy-- and the true believers of that tripe are not impressed by you leading the order.
Criminal: You were a criminal, on the other side of the law from where you are now. Perhaps you were just a simple smuggler, perhaps a less than ethical Bounty Hunter, perhaps something worse. In any case, you had a run-in with a Jedi who pretty soundly trounced you-- and then saved your life from your less than pleased boss. In the end the choice was clear-- either join the Jedi Order, or, at best spend the rest of your life in a concrete box. You made the smart choice, and haven't looked back since. Atton Rand and Mara Jade Skywalker would represent this background well. Pros Skilled: You trust the Force, but on the off chance you mess up, having a skillset outside of the Force seems like a wise investment. Kreia would be pleased. Friends in Low Places: You have plenty of friends in the underworld, with connections to underground figures in Imperial, Mandalorian, Hapan, and Hutt territory. Ace Pilot: For one reason or another, you were a fantastic pilot in your previous occupation. Cons Literally a Criminal: You broke the law-- it will not be hard for the Empire and the Sith and the Mandalorians to sully your name and reputation. Wanted Man: After you turned Jedi, you ratted out plenty of former employers. Black Sun, Hutts, and especially the Consortium-- overrated band of braggarts-- they all want you dead. Shady Past: Most of the Galactic Alliance Security Force and other law enforcement regard you as "The One That Got Away", and not in a good way either. Working with them will be...awkward, at best.
So, I'm likely to have a surcharge of free time when I go back to campus since we're transitioning to Online classes, so I figured I might as well having something productive started and ready.
As the name suggests, this quest is going to follow a heavily modified form of the CK2 system.
Traits Medium Style (Master): A style of few weaknesses, but few strengths as well. It presents a solid offense and defense against all opponents. Not inspiring against any particular sort of foe, but also not weak against any either. It is simple, and its simplicity is strength. Many Jedi who prefer to study the deeper mysteries or act as diplomats turn to it; and many warring Jedi learn it to have a fallback option if their more preferred styles are lacking. You have taken it to a whole new level, found great skill in it. (+4 Personal Combat, +5 Against Blaster wielding opponents, +5 against Lightsaber Wielding opponents)
Mystic: Diving deep into the secrets of the Force, you resemble nothing so much as Revan in your thirst to learn the deeper mysteries. The wisdom of Master Odan-Urr, of The Disciple, of the Barsen'thor flows through you. (+2 Wisdom,???)
Strong in the Force: You are near to the Force, and strong with it, in a way few are. (+2 Wisdom)
Brave: A Jedi must not know fear-- must be willing to sacrifice themself for the Galaxy, and for the Right. Revan knew this more than most. (+2 Personal Combat, +2 Wisdom)
Studious: A Jedi knows that the galaxy is full of things to learn, and always seeks thusly. Before his fall, thus was the great virtue of Jacen Solo. (+4 Wisdom)
Jedi: You are a Jedi-- in communion with the Force, and with those things higher than base matter. (Gain access to Wisdom stat, Traits)
Stats Wisdom: 17+2+2+2+4=27- To stare at you is like to gaze unto a mighty bonfire, a terrible conflagration, but without the scorching and the heat. Personal Combat: 12+2+4=18- Your heart does not yearn for battle-- but if it comes upon you, you can endure, and excel. Diplomacy: 14- People like you, and you have a leader's tongue. Strategy: 9- You do not know true war-- the war that burns a galaxy, that shatters planets, that leaves wailing orphans and tired widows and broken soldiers. Intrigue: 8- It is not the way of a Jedi to lie-- to be deceitful-- to break all oaths. Administration: 14- The ways of bureaucracy and paperwork come to you easily.
Tionne Solusar
Near-Human Jedi Master and member of the Jedi Council
Born: 22 BBY
Stats: Fast Style (Knight): A style developed to deal with ranged, blaster wielding opponents, it is built around tight, efficient moves to guard the body, reflect blaster fire, and endure the storm of war, relying on the natural properties of the lightsaber to deal with armor. However, practitioners of this Style may struggle against lightsaber wielding opponents, who can dominate the flitting speed and endure the barrage themselves. (+3 Personal combat, +10 against Blaster Wielding opponents, -20 against Lightsaber wielders)
Mentor: She has trained many Jedi, two of whom even now rest on the Jedi Council, as does she. It has given her a hard-earned patience, and charity of character. (+4 Wisdom, +2 Diplomacy)
Loremaster : She has studied the depths the Order. She knows your history backwards and forwards. (+4 Wisdom, +2 Personal Combat)
Weak in the Force: If you are a bonfire in the Force, she is a candle-- spluttering, and yet capable of holding back all the Dark in the universe. (+2 Wisdom,???)
Studious: A Jedi knows that the galaxy is full of things to learn, and always seeks thusly. Before his fall, thus was the great virtue of Jacen Solo. (+4 Wisdom)
Humble: A Jedi must not regard themself as fundamentally worth more than others, and be aware of their own flaws. Plo-Koon acted thusly. (+2 Diplomacy, +2 Wisdom)
Jedi: She is a Jedi-- in communion with the Force, and with those things higher than base matter. (Gain access to Wisdom stat, Traits) Stats: Wisdom: 16+4+4+2+4+2=32- She is one of the wisest of your order, knowing the Force in a way few ever do. Personal Combat: 7+3+2=12- Her heart does not sing the clash of lightsaber on lightsaber, blow for blow, death for death. Diplomacy: 13+2+2=17- She has a calm, good-hearted temperament, which allows her to easily make friends. Strategy: 13- She has a surprising strength for the grand view of war. Intrigue: 13- Who cares for where the humble bard walks? Administration: 7- She is not a thing of crunching numbers and shouted demands.
Leia Organa Solo Human Councilor of the Jedi Order
The daughter of Padme Amidala and Anakin Skywalker, she is mighty in the Force-- stronger, indeed, than you have ever been, perhaps. A wise diplomat, she aids the Order by attempting to sew peace, justice and righteousness throughout the galaxy-- and on the council, she advises for a better, more just solution.
Traits: Strong Style (Master): A style dedicated to dominating in Lightsaber combat, it favors strong, precise strikes to tear apart an opponent's defense, ideally so outmatching them that they surrender-- or never threaten another. But, against blaster wielding opponents, its slowness and precision cause problems, and may allow you to be drowned under blaster fire. (+4 Personal Combat, +10 Against lightsaber wielding opponents, -15 against blaster wielding opponents)
Form VI (Niman Grandmaster): Otherwise known as the Moderation Form, Niman has no great strengths, but no weaknesses. Easy to pick up, many, if not most Jedi in the waning days of the Old Republic preferred to study this Form-- this has given it the reputation of a mediocre Jedi's form. On the other hand, it is the Form which most integrates the Force, in order to compensate for the relative lack of bladework. Leia has brought it to the same level as Exar Kun once did. (+6 Personal Combat, +20 Against Blaster Wielding Foes, +20 Against Lightsaber Wielding Foes)
Peacemaker: She ends wars, strife, battle and death, a walking symbol of peace and hope throughout the galaxy. (+4 Wisdom, +4 Diplomacy)
Ambitious: Alderran did not forge mediocrity. (+2 All Stats)
Mighty In The Force: If you are as a bonfire, she is like the sun in the sky, such does she burn. (+4 Wisdom, +2 Personal Combat)
Confidante: She seems like nothing more and nothing less than the "close personal friend" of every head of state in the galaxy, and often offers them Counsel. (+4 Wisdom, +4 Diplomacy)
Just: A Jedi seeks to be fair in all things, equitable and righteous in action. If all things else should fail, but you are just, then you are still Jedi. The Barsen'thor embodied this notion. (+2 Diplomacy, +2 Wisdom)
Brave: A Jedi must not know fear-- must be willing to sacrifice themself for the Galaxy, and for the Right. Revan knew this more than most. (+2 Personal Combat, +2 Wisdom)
Jedi: She is a Jedi Master, trained in the Force, and mightier than most-- perhaps all, now that Luke Skywalker is dead. (Gain access to Wisdom, traits)
Stats: Wisdom: 18+2+2+2+4+4+4=36- The Force and she are one and the same, mighty together, utterly connected. Personal Combat: 13+2+2+2+(6or4)=27/29 - You spar with Leia sometimes, for the hell of it. You won, once, and you're sure she let you. Diplomacy: 19+2+2+4+4=31- She is a veritable font of peace and hope, in a galaxy often at war. Strategy: 14+2=16- She has been fighting the good fight since before you were born. Intrigue: 10+2=12- She has a surprising subtle side. Administration: 11+2=13- The daughter of Organa remembers her lessons well.
The year is 50 ABY, and Luke Skywalker is one with the Force. For the first time in the New Order's history, you are without the guiding presence of perhaps the greatest Jedi to ever live-- who managed to destroy the Sith through his love of his father, who finally smote the spirit of Exar Kun from the galaxy, who led you through the madness of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion.
At 50 ABY he wouldn't even be 70 yet and the Force seriously prolongs most life spans... SO. I'd suggest changing it to Luke retiring from the leadership of the order and and wandering off to do his own thing. Depending on dice rolls he comes back every once and a while to teach a little, or drop off something amazing again depending on dice rolls. If things go to hell he might just show up at the right place and time to be the Big damn hero he always is right when it's needed most.
The other idea is to start at least 100 ABY when it makes more sense for him to die in his sleep from old age.
At 50 ABY he wouldn't even be 70 yet and the Force seriously prolongs most life spans... SO. I'd suggest changing it to Luke retiring from the leadership of the order and and wandering off to do his own thing. Depending on dice rolls he comes back every once and a while to teach a little, or drop off something amazing again depending on dice rolls. If things go to hell he might just show up at the right place and time to be the Big damn hero he always is right when it's needed most.
The other idea is to start at least 100 ABY when it makes more sense for him to die in his sleep from old age.
Doesn't say he died in his sleep of old age. For all we know he got sick, or got wounded on a mission and it was too much for him, or he went out killing one last would-be Sith Lord, or whatever.
At 50 ABY he wouldn't even be 70 yet and the Force seriously prolongs most life spans... SO. I'd suggest changing it to Luke retiring from the leadership of the order and and wandering off to do his own thing. Depending on dice rolls he comes back every once and a while to teach a little, or drop off something amazing again depending on dice rolls. If things go to hell he might just show up at the right place and time to be the Big damn hero he always is right when it's needed most.
The other idea is to start at least 100 ABY when it makes more sense for him to die in his sleep from old age.
Doesn't say he died in his sleep of old age. For all we know he got sick, or got wounded on a mission and it was too much for him, or he went out killing one last would-be Sith Lord, or whatever.
Doesn't say he died in his sleep of old age. For all we know he got sick, or got wounded on a mission and it was too much for him, or he went out killing one last would-be Sith Lord, or whatever.
Luke dying of unnatural causes and 'uninterrupted stretch of peace' don't particularly work. If he sacrificed himself to take out a threat then obviously things aren't very peaceful.
Luke dying of unnatural causes and 'uninterrupted stretch of peace' don't particularly work. If he sacrificed himself to take out a threat then obviously things aren't very peaceful.
Huh but wasn't there already a recent 'quest' set after Return of the Jedi that had little to no Luke Skywalker in it, done by some complete hack that had no idea what he was doing?
Huh but wasn't there already a recent 'quest' set after Return of the Jedi that had little to no Luke Skywalker in it, done by some complete hack that had no idea what he was doing?