Can Lily do a Sim of Fallout Tactics and pose playing in Colorado?

Can Lily do a Google Maps and show pics of Megaton? I am sure Mr. House has pics and a map of Vegas.
Great that House reaction is when he suspects extra dimensional invaders.
Nice, time to do some collaborating.

While I understand his logic it's still funny.
Moderately spicy and not like Lily take: if House knows, she should inform Apprentice, possibly the ex Enclave bankers, and possibly senior members of the DC Brotherhood.

Show them good faith and reward loyalty with trust about a secret that doesn't actually matter much
Moderately spicy and not like Lily take: if House knows, she should inform Apprentice, possibly the ex Enclave bankers, and possibly senior members of the DC Brotherhood.

Show them good faith and reward loyalty with trust about a secret that doesn't actually matter much

Alice already knows, in fact Lily lets her peruse some of her memories of her past life like watching a streamer on Twitch. The rest, probably, yes, though.

Can Lily do a Google Maps and show pics of Megaton? I am sure Mr. House has pics and a map of Vegas.
Yes, that is going to be the main cool app besides the phone/texts on her LilyPads, although it won't show real-time images.
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Yes, that is going to be the main cool app besides the phone/texts on her LilyPads, although it won't show real-time images.

Yeah, but just daily updates on raider camp locations will really put a crimp in raiders' plans. Worse for the raiders, the local friendly militaries, like the BoS will likely have hourly updates. Which means when a raider group moves out the BoS can pounce on them.

And as LilyPads spread out, that ability will be a bigger and bigger hit to the raiders (assuming Lily keeps expanding out her cell network for daily updates). Even up to date maps will really help a lot of people and let the traders plan out their routes a lot better. As more towns get connected, those traders won't have to lug around stuff they can't sell and know what the town they are going to needs. At least until local security improves enough that they can start building railroads instead of having to depend on brahmin.
I kind of want to see House go with Lily into the ME universe. Imagine him talking down to the Council, especially after figuring out where all their technology is coming from.

My mind also decided to start shipping those two but I immediately decided that wouldn't work out at all, they'd just keep butting heads and being confused about who's on top.
Great that House reaction is when he suspects extra dimensional invaders.
Nice, time to do some collaborating.

While I understand his logic it's still funny.

I mean, why not? Lily is clearly a builder of sorts, rather than a Half-Life Combine invasion. If she is/her people are interested in helping humanity build themselves back up why would he turn that down?

That having been said, if he ever gets unfiltered reports about what is happening in Megaton I could see him wanting to hold her at arms length- he does hate communists/socialists and Megaton has a distinctly socialist feel.
Great that House reaction is when he suspects extra dimensional invaders.
Nice, time to do some collaborating.

While I understand his logic it's still funny.
To be fair, House is probably well informed enough to know or at least hear serious rumors about some of Fallout's odder things like the Eldritch influences and the aliens. Heck, I think there may have been people from another dimension in the first Fallout.

And yeah, I wouldn't tell anyone but Alice about the 'alternate universe' thing. Reveals way too much of her actual ability, which as witnessed by House's examination of her programming has definite limits. Better if people assume she's a polymath and overestimate her. I am still kinda taken aback by how much she's trusting the Brotherhood and former Enclave. House has a point about satellites, but all it takes is a coup in the local Brotherhood again and she could be having huge problems.
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Did Lily dismantle Archimedes II during her TAC-SAT disarmamanet operations? If not, it could be a useful piece of tech. As I like to thing of it: it´s basically a wireless energy platform, I like to think Poseidon was doing Orbit-to-Ground/Ground-to-Orbit Energy beaming stuff for potential Orbital Solar Arrays as an energy alternative for the US and Archimedes is just the weaponized version of the concept utilizing a ground collector and orbital emitter. Think Archangel from Crysis 3, but with more Vacuum tubes and no Transistors.

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House can either be a good ally or a great threat depending on what stance he takes with her.

Thanks for the chapter.
I know Zetans were part of the story earlier, but are you using them for anything else? Does House know about them? I've hit on a few videos recently talking about how they seem to have been around for a while and possibly even interacting with various governments/groups prior to the war. link
House can either be a good ally or a great threat depending on what stance he takes with her.

Thanks for the chapter.
Honestly, I doubt that he could be any of those two at the moment. Although maybe he could be a decent ally, with all the connections and knowledge of pre-war installations/experiments he has.

But right now, his technology is outdated, he's outmanned, has no allies, so hilariously outgunned it's not even funny, and his city is a lot worse than Megaton. Maybe if Lily decides to take him on as an ally or partner, he can use his big brain intellect to catch up and become a real asset.

At the very least, his natural intellect and genius with robotics, programming, and whatever else, combined with knowledge and science of the future, would be extremely valuable and would shore up Lily's weaknesses/gaps in knowledge.

There's a lot more to Eclipse Phase besides just the cool synthmorphs and biomorphs, maybe House can work on that side of the equation while Lily creates horrible monstrosities medical miracles.
As you can tell by my posts, I have way too much free time on my hands at the moment. And so to continue my wall of text, I have another theory for House.

We know House is fascinated by robotics and has gone to great lengths in order to achieve immortality or extend his lifespan, so he's clearly not a "biochauvinist" or whatever you want to call it.

Hell, the man has a robot harem, and that's not even a joke.

We also know that Lily and House have been talking about various methods of becoming a Synthmorph/Eidolon, with Lily trying to argue with House as to what quantifies as a successful transfer/upload as opposed to just making a copy or a clone.

So if Lily ever decides to free House from his tomb/prison/awful existence and asks what he wants for his new body, would House decide to upload himself?

To be fair, it all depends on whether Lily even knows how to do so while maintaining an interrupted stream of consciousness.

Anyways, who knows? I'm definitely excited about the future and curious about what direction Spira decides to take it in.
That having been said, if he ever gets unfiltered reports about what is happening in Megaton I could see him wanting to hold her at arms length- he does hate communists/socialists and Megaton has a distinctly socialist feel.
As opposed to what, the pre-war "democracy" sockpuppeted by the fascisct oligarchy shadow government that knew the war (that they could stop at any time) would end in nuclear annihilation and thought that wasn't a bug, it was a feature? :V

Well, we know how House put it - "If you want to see the fate of democracies, look out the window."

Had to be all "fine, I'll do it myself" and build his own missile defenses. Useless idiots and madmen, all of them...

Not saying he'd approve of commies and socialists.

The important thing though is the part where Lily 'obviously' holds the true power, much as he does in New Vegas, and can therefore prevent the foolish proletariat from ruining anything important. Past that, the window dressings of "capitalism" or "communism" are just that, as I imagine he'd see it.
I kind of want to see House go with Lily into the ME universe. Imagine him talking down to the Council, especially after figuring out where all their technology is coming from.

My mind also decided to start shipping those two but I immediately decided that wouldn't work out at all, they'd just keep butting heads and being confused about who's on top.
Oh goodness me please no. House can be fun, but he's enough of an asshole he's only fun at a distance or in moderation.

If anyone was going to jump with her it should be Alice by default.
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