A cyborg in the Wasteland [Fallout] [Self-insert]

"You thought it was Dr. House-senpai, but it was me, Benny!"
Heh. A lot of players sort of like him, but I'm guessing Lily would pretty much despise Benny.

Ironically despite coming from a neo-tribal background he practically embodies corporate sleaze and self-justification, even more so than House, who despite his authoritarian leanings is more straightforward and unapologetic to the point of being honorable in a sense.

Love the PipGirl! Prettier than the Pipboy...
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Robert House is not mad nor is he evil.
Eh, you could make some light arguments for 'evil', especially from alternative perspectives like the Western Brotherhood and that twat Caesar. But for the most part I'd agree on 'not evil'. Mad though? Mr. House is most definitely quite Mad. Very restrained and self-controlled, but mad all the same. Just look at what he did to his brother just before the war? And before 200 years hooked up to a prototype life-extension/digital interaction pod...

Well, to be blunt he remains fairly mad and obsessive with his drive towards space and getting there via corporate tyranny (rather then plain jane normal tyranny, or even making a technocracy).

Hell, even if there is a very clear method to his madness and leeching off the NCR is a great way to speed up his development without a solid army of his own or Lily's hax industrial fabricators... there's no truly logical reason to keep Vegas a resort city. All of the money is in power, water, and trade-routes over there. Hell, even if fleecing troopers and eventually settlers of their spending money is profitable, it simply cannot be as much as it was 200 years ago when nearly everyone had a vastly greater disposable income. And all the effort and money poured into making a thriving resort town only has the loosest connection to the industrial base needed for space like House claims he wants. He could have poured his pre-war resources into a secret bunker with an industrial foundation just outside of the limits of a non-priority population center and been in perfect position to establish a settlement and leap into advancement, but he didn't.

At the end of the day, the Strip remains the Strip purely because House can't let go of that old magic that first enraptured him. And what is that, if not madness?
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Hivemind woo! It would be nice to see a friendly one. Curious if any children they have would join it or not, and if the disconnect with the children would discourage them from having them
After reading an article the other day about how this surprisingly means 'main dish' in America, I get the joke!
Yeah, I have no idea why it means 'main dish' in English. It's a fascinating language, sometimes words are stolen from other languages and just totally change their definition. Kind of like until recently when Native American became more appropriate we called such people Indians for hundreds of years despite knowing IMMEDIATELY they weren't from India. I think it was Louis CK that did a skit about this 'Nah, you're Indians!'

For those who didn't get the slightly weird language joke, entrée in American English means main dish but in French and probably even in English in the UK it means a starter / appetiser or side dish.
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Yeah, I have no idea why it means 'main dish' in English. It's a fascinating language, sometimes words are stolen from other languages and just totally change their definition. Kind of like until recently when Native American became more appropriate we called such people Indians for hundreds of years despite knowing IMMEDIATELY they weren't from India. I think it was Louis CK that did a skit about this 'Nah, you're Indians!'
According to the article, it's because it actually did used to be the entreé in the traditional sense, but everybody started cutting down the number of courses per meal, and in America they decided those were the courses towards the end rather than the start.

But yeah, I think most languages with some exposure to foreign neighbours will a few handfuls of false friends, haha. Sometimes they're fun. But I still get triggered whenever I see alleged professionals translating 'スタイル' as 'style' instead of 'figure'.

EDIT: Actually, something similar but kind of opposite that I see a lot is that French people see so many of their words in English that they just make assumptions about what is or isn't actually English. One of my French friends used 'traduction (translation)' for the longest time, assuming it had been loaned into English, but no. The day when we broke it to her that it was not in fact an English word, and nobody had been correcting her because we assumed she was adding some French flair to her speech...

[NEW PEER CONNECTED - AE82::0202:B3FF:FE1E:8329 - 36°07'9.00" N -115°10'12.00" W ]
How many chapters away from the end would you say we are, and are you leaning towards taking a break, or jumping head first into the Mass Effect fic?
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How many chapters away from the end would you say we are, and are you leaning towards taking a break, or jumping head first into the Mass Effect fic?
Well, I might have been a little too quick to guess 15 back then, as things have taken a while, so I'd say we're still in the 15 range right now. I need a little time to get some things squared away, although I won't be closing all the plot points since I intend to write short stories from Alice's perspective as well, and Lily possibly returning later.
Hell, even if there is a very clear method to his madness and leeching off the NCR is a great way to speed up his development without a solid army of his own or Lily's hax industrial fabricators... there's no truly logical reason to keep Vegas a resort city. All of the money is in power, water, and trade-routes over there. Hell, even if fleecing troopers and eventually settlers of their spending money is profitable, it simply cannot be as much as it was 200 years ago when nearly everyone had a vastly greater disposable income.

And all the effort and money poured into making a thriving resort town only has the loosest connection to the industrial base needed for space like House claims he wants. He could have poured his pre-war resources into a secret bunker with an industrial foundation just outside of the limits of a non-priority population center and been in perfect position to establish a settlement and leap into advancement, but he didn't.

At the end of the day, the Strip remains the Strip purely because House can't let go of that old magic that first enraptured him. And what is that, if not madness?
I think you're wildly underestimating the 'city on the hill' effect. House sets up security robots to keep poor people out, and he still has to have them ventilate people who try to run into Vegas just so they can gamble. People throughout the Mojave talk about making their fortune in Vegas. And at night, everyone in the desert can see the Lucky 38 lit up... It's stupid given there are more concrete resources in the area, sure, but a lot of important things are stupid in an objective sense but crucial in a psychological sense.

Caesar is a deluded asshole, but there's a reason he thinks having a 'true city' is a huge deal. There's a reason Rhacotis was a ho-hum coastal city shipyard in Egypt for nobody knows how long anymore, whereas Alexander built the Pharos (Lighthouse) and since the city named after him has been famous around the world for the better part of two thousand years.
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Maybe you should ask and see if the Brotherhood knows anything about that area before committing."

I think this is where the Brotherhood realizes Lily's space assets. I can see them using it to check out the NCR and various places around the US and the world.

With access to Lily's satellites, their slowly rebuilding airforce, and their slowly growing military power they can start to expand their immediate influence out to a hundred miles. Maybe out to Boston for delayed support, which will likely stop the current decay of the Commonwealth Minutemen. With Lily, maybe, unearthing the Institute before she leaves.

Yeah, once the West Coast Brotherhood reaches out, the NCR is going to be absolutely horrified. Mr House is going to try to order a new body from Lily, but I doubt she is going to be willing to go out there, the Brotherhood will likely be more willing for a tech exchange.

A Brotherhood that is growing, their technology is advancing with the support of an advanced pre-war scientist, have an increasing amount of their local area under their supervision/control, and some of the local towns can even produce increasingly advanced tech like fusion cores/plasma weapons/advanced T-60 power armor in increasing amounts. Even their life science is advancing, able to clone and replace limbs (not mentioning cloning new bodies and doing brain transplants if needed).

Yeah, if the West Coast Brotherhood shows up in New Vegas the NCR will shit bricks. I think the Vegas Brotherhood may shit bricks for different reasons although.

Edit: I'm kinda surprised the Brotherhood isn't using its increasingly powerful and mobile force to start smashing down on raider camps. Hell, use one of their birds and some cheap mortars, they could put a decent dent into various raider camps. Worse if they setup some light defenses with their Power Armor. Use the mortars to smash the camps and force the raiders to attack the Brotherhood's fortified mortar emplacement. With the mortars continuing to smash the attacking raiders, while their heavily armed Power Armor in fortified positions rebuffs the attacks.
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Will Lily and Mr House cut a Deal?

Vegas has several surprisingly intact Airports, McCarran Airport & and Nellis AFB.

If she deals with Mr House, she can fund recovering the Chip and a direct connection from finding it to New Vegas, she can warn him about Benny if she chooses, and also about Big MT.

Does he have enough robots to also claim Nellis AFB?
I think this is where the Brotherhood realizes Lily's space assets. I can see them using it to check out the NCR and various places around the US and the world.

You're assuming Lily is going to give the neo-feudal technocrats access to her satellite network. They may realize that she has space assets, but I can't see her giving them access to it- she dislikes their goals too much. Tech is something to be shared in her opinion with a few exceptions, but they are exceptions and not the rule that the Brotherhood preaches.
nice chapter thx for writing it
fun new version of the pip boy and planning new expeditions
perhaps dr house will know whats going on with norad ?
[NEW PEER CONNECTED - AE82::0202:B3FF:FE1E:8329 - 36°07'9.00" N -115°10'12.00" W ]

Ooh. That had to be Dr House.
For a moment I almost had a bit of a mini panic attack thinking that you decided to make this some kind of multiplayer or pvp bs and added another reincarnated person. Seeing the last line was such a relief haha.
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I think the Vegas Brotherhood may shit bricks for different reasons although.
Honestly, Washington Brotherhood having tech and solid power base is important things, but they have one thing that really set them apart from any other, no matter how powerful, Chapter in the Wasteland, that become even more so ideologically important in relations to other tin cans after the fall of Western Brotherhood: they have a Maxson, probably the last one, too
You're assuming Lily is going to give the neo-feudal technocrats access to her satellite network. They may realize that she has space assets, but I can't see her giving them access to it- she dislikes their goals too much. Tech is something to be shared in her opinion with a few exceptions, but they are exceptions and not the rule that the Brotherhood preaches.
I don't think they will get sole access to it, but given Lily has effectively purged the worse groups from them. She will likely give them client access to do calls and up to date recon photos. Its not like she is planning on heavily restricting that portion. At least from my understanding a number of settlements around Megaton will get cell towers for her new Pipboy that will also have a satellite up-link portion to make long distance calls.
Yeah, I have no idea why it means 'main dish' in English. It's a fascinating language, sometimes words are stolen from other languages and just totally change their definition. Kind of like until recently when Native American became more appropriate we called such people Indians for hundreds of years despite knowing IMMEDIATELY they weren't from India. I think it was Louis CK that did a skit about this 'Nah, you're Indians!'

For those who didn't get the slightly weird language joke, entrée in American English means main dish but in French and probably even in English in the UK it means a starter / appetiser or side dish.
The culture of food words is complex and hilarious in English and the US in particular. We don't just steal from French either.

Pretty much the whole starbucks "tall" , "grande" and "venti" thing had been going on for over two hundred years.
Global coms is no small thing in fact is a very very large thing. And since no one else has it every one will use it and no matter how much they encrypt there calls she will probably be able to know what they are talking about… or at least where they are calling from.

Can't wait to see her interaction with house also I gotta wonder how the brotherhood is handling being able to re-sleeve there is elders in new younger body's or hell even people who just want to be younger.

Thanks for the chapter.