Chapter 40: Just For The Record, It Is Aluminium, Not Aluminum!: A Head On Collision, And The Story Behind The Lickey Banks Lickey Banker!
"Hello viewers. Keiko here, now, though I did say, that I was going to proceed back into the action in this chapter...

I was only sort of half telling the truth when I said that. As due to current events popping up. I thought that I would go ahead and get some housekeeping done, so to speak. And only after this chapter, will we then get back into the action...

But don't worry nor fret viewers...

As like the chapter before this once again, have my absolute full permission, to just skip past this chapter...

And onto a more telling subject now viewers, and, as you can probably tell, from the chapter title...I think that you know exactly, what I am about to go into detail about in this then, shall we proceed?...

Now, let me first start off, by saying, that while many do in fact, incorrectly pronounce Aluminium, as Aluminum...

I am going to say right from the off, that it is in fact, definitively pronounced, as let's just get that straight out of the way...And as for the most obvious of reasons viewers?...

Well, I think that you will all find, that has more to do, with the words origin...then most other things...

And going into further explanation, the name was originally given to the element by British chemist Humphry Davy, who discovered that aluminum could be produced from alumina (aluminum oxide) in 1808. Davy originally called the element "alumium," but later changed it to "aluminum."

Around the same time, another term, "aluminium," emerged, which was intended to make the name sound more like other elements with names ending in "-ium," such as calcium and magnesium...So viewers, as you can see, it is pronounced Aluminium, and not, as other berks have brashly called it, Aluminum...okay?...*I say this, while smiling with both eyes closed, and my head titled to one side, in a cute manner*...Now, moving onto the other part of this chapters title...

And as you are all probably wondering viewers, just what is the 'Lickey Incline,' correct?...

Well viewers, let me put it to you all in much more simpler terms...

In the United States, more specifically, in California's San Gabriel Mountains, is the grueling stretch of track, known, as the Cajon Pass...

It is so well known...partly, because in 1989...1994...and...1996...there were three...three!...Separate runaway train related incidents...On May 12, 1989...Southern Pacific freight train #7551 East...with four engines up front, SD40T-2 #8278, SD45R #7551, SD45R #7549, and SD45T-2 #9340...69...fully loaded...100-ton open top hoppers...filled to the brim with Trona...

And a further two banking helpers behind...front banking helper...SD40T-2 #8317, and trailing banking helper unit...SD45R #7443...derails on a curve at the bottom of the Cajon Pass at a speed of about 110 mph...and yes viewers...that number is not fake...

And as for the crew that was in charge of SP #7551 east?

Well, Engineer Frank Holland, was the man in charge of the 8900 ton freight...

#7551 Easts conductor was one Everett Crown...

Head end brakemen Allan Reiss was riding two engines back from lead head end unit #8278...

In head end unit #7549...

And usually viewers, the brakemen, like CN Rail brakemen Mark Edwards, on CN freight train #413, that wound up slamming head on, into VIA Rail's Super Continental #4, at a speed, of roughly, 59 mph...or, 95 kph.

The resulting force of the head on collision, just outside of Hinton Station, wound up destroying the head end lead unit of CN 413, derailed, 70 of CN 413's 113 freight cars...

And, destroyed the lead engines of VIA's Super Continental #4, and completely destroyed most of the #4s passenger consist as well...

In total, 23 people were killed, including the two crew members, Engineer Jack Hudson, and Brakemen Mark Edwards, in the head end lead unit of CN 413...

And, both crew members in the lead engine of the VIA Rail #4....

Along with a further 19 passengers in the head end carriages of the VIA Rail #4...

And a further 71, were injured...

Anyway viewers, back to the 89' Cajon Pass Runaway Incident...

The banking helper crew, one Helper Engineer Lawrence Hill, and His Brakemen, one Robert Waterbury...were the ones in charge of the two rear banking helper units...#8317, and #7443...

But unfortunately viewers, and as the investigators from the NTSB, would later realize, that out of the six locomotives on Southern Pacific #7551 East...

Only lead head end unit #8278...and rear trailing banking helper unit, #7443, had fully functioning dynamic brakes...

Second head end unit #7551...was dead, and was therefore, unable to provide any type of braking force...

Third head end unit #7549...had fully inoperative dynamic brakes...

Fourth head end unit...#9340...had only sporadically functioning dynamic brakes...

And finally...lead banking helper that of third head end unit #7549...also had...fully inoperative dynamic brakes...

And to make matters that much worse?...The true weight of the train...with a combining weight...regarding the six engines...and all of the 69...fully loaded...100-ton open hoppers...was roughly...8900 tons...

While the wrongly estimated combined weight...was well under, at just 6151 tons...a horrifyingly underestimated differential weight, of about 2749 tons...which...when factoring in the six locomotives, and their operative...or inoperative dynamic brakes...

Trying to hold a mandatory maximum restricted speed, down the Cajon Pass, of about 29 not, and was not possible...

And, the resulting accident, killed both conductor Everett Crown, and head end brakemen Allan Reiss...

Both of which wound up being crushed to death, in the crushed nose sections, of their respective engines...

Now viewers, onto a more lighter note...As I am quite sure, that all of you, are in well need, of a bit of a break...correct?...Now, onto the part regarding the famed Lickey Incline...which believe it or not even steeper then the Cajon the Cajon Pass, is estimated at 2.2%...And yes viewers, I am well, and fully aware, that the Saluda Grade, is far more steep...But that, in my quite honest opinion, and in my mind, doesn't really the Saluda Grade, has been shuddered, for quite a while now...Now, getting back on topic...the Lickey Incline, at a 1 in 37 gradient...or in conversion to US roughly a 2.65% grade...But anyway, the reason as to why, the Lickey Incline, is as well known, as it is...has to do in an engine, who served its time on the Lickey Incline for 37 years...I am of course, talking about...Big Bertha...or Big Emma...depending on who you talk to...Now, Big Bertha...built in MR Derby Works...was an 0-10-0 tender engine...who, as her nickname...'The Lickey Banker,' quite justifiably suggests...she was in fact, built for a single purpose, to bank trains...up the 1 in 37 gradient of the Lickey Incline...and she did so, right up until the end of steam on the Lickey...when in May 19, 1956...she was withdrawn...and then in September 1957...she was scrapped...And as for her running numbers?...Well viewers, she was delivered to the Lickey in 1919, sporting the number 2290...and she kept that number, while being owned, by the LMS...or the London Midland Scottish Railway...but she was renumbered to 22290 in 1947 to make room for the numbering of a Fairburn 2-6-4T. And only a year later, she was renumbered to 58100 by BR...So viewers...this does now in fact end, this current chapter...But rest we will be getting right back into the action, in the next chapter. And I look forward, to seeing you lot there, okay?...*I say this, while smiling with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*"
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Chapter 41: When The Past Comes Back To Haunt You!: The Not So Silent Party! (Part 3)
Date: August 25, 2009

Okay, so proceeding forward a little bit from the last chapter. Things currently were...well...

"Hey viewers, Keiko here. Now, before we proceed forward with the the chapter..."

"Hey Keiko?...Just do away with the fourth wall break for now, alright?...We have a bit of stuff in the following chapter to get to here...*Misaka says this to me with a somewhat weary looking pretty much let me know, that in this case, it is better to have the viewers, read the chapter for themselves, rather then me, doing another immense fourth wall break, like back in the last chapter*"

"Oh...right Misaka, my bad...*I say this while giving a close eyed sheepish grin, with one of my hands behind my head, in a somewhat embarrassing manner*...Anyway viewers, by Misaka's request...what do you all say, that we get on with the chapter now...hmm?...*I say this, while now smiling with eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*"

Okay, so going off from the last chapter, only a bit further forward, after the whole run-in with Misaka #10032. Me and Misaka, were currently walking down, one of the busy streets, of Academy City. Only thing was, that I was sort of divided regarding my attention. As I was currently, using my Telepath Ability, to sort of peer in, to Misaka's thoughts. And when I say that, I mean what she was thinking about at this very moment, and not, anything else.

"So viewers. Sorry, Keiko here again. So, just don't be going, and making any sort of unecessary assumptions, alright?...Anyway, back to the story."

So, as I was listening in, to what Misaka was currently thinking about. This was her current line of thought.

"She may or may not be involved...But now I need to focus on the information that me and Keiko do have...According to what Kongo said...the people behind the robot attack, were upset...because they had failed to retrieve Febrie...'retrieve,' implies getting her back...So does that mean...that Febrie...may have runaway from them at some point?...Whatever the case, the best way to obtain more to find out who these people are, and ask them questions...and if it turns out that The Underworld, really is involved...we can't drag Kuroko, or any of the others into this..." Misaka thought to herself, while I listened in with my Telepath Ability.

And once I had cut the connection, and had stopped listening into Misaka's thoughts. It was then, that a thought of my own, then made its way into my mind.

" I now get the sinking suspicion, that when Misaka was thinking, that 'she may or may not be involved'...why do I get the obvious realization, that she is talking about a certain someone...and that 'she,' implies to a certain former leader of MAR...*I sigh deeply*...Well viewers, it would appear, that if I am in fact right about Misaka thinking what I think she is...then we may...or may not...being paying 'her,' a little visit...very soon," I thought to myself, while I had turned my eyesight, as well as my attention, slightly to the left of me, to briefly address the viewers.

And as for why I was able to do my fourth wall break in this manner? Well, that was because partway through me, listening into Misaka's thoughts, she had stopped walking down the street. And as for me, I had followed suit.

"Which was why viewers. Sorry, Keiko here again. Anyway that was how, I was then able to address all of know...without running any sort of risk, of possibly running into something...or something else along those lines. Now then viewers, what do you say, that we get back to the story now...hmm?...*I say this while smiling with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*"

Anyway a little later on. After me, Misaka, and everyone else, had had a sort of in...yea..let's call it that...with one Mitsuko Kongo...and her...massive Boa constrictor.

"And yes viewers...sorry, Keiko here again...and in the words of one Indiana Jones...'snakes, why'd it have to be snakes?'...see what I did there viewers...*I now clear my throat*...Now then, what do you say...that we get back to the story now...hmm?...*I say this, while smiling with eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side in a cute manner*"

Anyway, fourth wall breaking aside, at least for the moment. After the in...with Kongo and her Boa constrictor. We were both, at the current moment, entering into a prison complex of sorts.

And as for the reason as to why? Well, about an hour or so back, during a quick talk with Heaven Canceller. After wanting to figure out more about 'The Underworld,' as Misaka, had said. The tail end, of the conversation, went as follows...

"If you want to learn more about The Underworld, then you will need to talk to someone who knows about it. And if that is what the both of you wish, then I will setup your meeting. There is however, something you both should know. The person whom you are both meeting, is already someone, to whom you are already well acquainted," Heaven Canceller had said.

And, upon walking into the complex, past the many vault like prison doors, and finally, through a sliding metal prison door, at the end of the long hallway in question. We both, then came up, to a much larger cell. And as for who was inside? Well...

"Well, it is so nice to see the both of you again...Railgun...Lucky Strike?" One Therestina Kihara Lifeline, said to both me and Misaka, in what was quite possibly, one of the most disdainful sounding, and yet, also smug sounding, tones.

And upon letting out a somewhat depressed sounding, and yet also, frustrated sounding sigh. I then decided to try and speak up. The only thing was, Misaka, sort of beat me to it...

"Well the feeling isn't mutual...Especially not after the pain that you caused to the both of us," Misaka said, with a sort of disdainful sounding tone, that even I, wasn't expecting from her.

And to be perfectly honest, I didn't blame Misaka in the slightest, for responding in such a manner. However, that didn't mean that it was any less surprising, when she had spoken up in such a manner.

"Okay viewers. Sorry, Keiko here again. So, this now marks the end, of this particular episode. Which, now brings us one chapter closer. To yet another encounter, with the rest of The Four Aces. So viewers, with that in mind, I will see you lot in the next chapter...okay?...*I say this, while smiling with both eyes closed, and my head titled to one side, in a cute manner*"
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Chapter 42: When The Past Isn't Yet Through With Disaster!: Railguns, Lucky Strikes, And Lifelines! (Part 1)
Date: August 26, 2009

Okay, so as it currently stood from the recent chapter. Me and Misaka, were currently, having to consult, with someone. Who quite honestly, neither one of us, wanted to be talking to, in any matter right now. And continuing off from the last chapter...

Well, not exactly the same spot where we left off last chapter, but you get what I mean...

"Well, it is so nice to see the both of you again...Railgun...Lucky Strike?" One Therestina Kihara Lifeline, said to both me and Misaka, in what was quite possibly, one of the most disdainful sounding, and yet, also smug sounding, tones.

And upon letting out a somewhat depressed sounding, and yet also, frustrated sounding sigh. I then decided to try and speak up. The only thing was, Misaka, sort of beat me to it...

"Well the feeling isn't mutual...Especially not after the pain that you caused to the both of us," Misaka said, with a sort of disdainful sounding tone, that even I, wasn't expecting from her.

And to be perfectly honest, I didn't blame Misaka in the slightest, for responding in such a manner. However, that didn't mean that it was any less surprising, when she had spoken up in such a manner.

And given the amount of pain and complete suffering, that Therestina had done to the both of us, back at the MAR building. What with nearly choking Misaka to death, up against one of the concrete pillars, of the MAR building. And to make it that much worse, she is, and is very, still incredibly arrogant.

The only thing here, was that I noticed, that Misaka, seemed to be in deep thought about the current situation. Even more then I currently was. And, just like when we were on the streets of Academy City not too long ago. And because I was rightfully concerned about her. I decided to, like back then, to once again use my Telepath Ability, to listen in on what she was currently thinking about.

Only this time, I was not just greeted by what she was currently thinking about, but also...

"I can't believe it, our paths are crossing with hers again?" Misaka thought to herself.

However, what happened after she had thought this, was something, that I wasn't exactly prepared for.

As this was then followed, by a couple of images, then flashing across my vision.

"You're all my lab rats, don't you see?! Would you like a different analogy?...Well?...Academy City is my breeding farm, and all you children are my livestock!" I heard ring through my ears in stereo. As the first image, was not surprisingly, of Therestina, back when me and Misaka, had fought against her back at the MAR building. And to make my demeanor, just that more rattled. Another image flashed across my vision. And this one, was of me and Misaka, locked in the power struggle, that had ensued, between our Railguns, and Therestina's weapon, back in chapter 16.

And yet, though I wasn't able to notice at the current moment. I was now, showing quite an extremely pained looking expression on my face. And not too long thereafter, I dropped to the floor, on my knees. And not surprisingly, I was in complete shock. And to make matters that much more obvious, regarding my current distress. I was wide-eyed, and I had also placed one of my hands, over part of my face, in an effort, to try and workout, exactly what had just suddenly transpired.

And the reason? Well, let me ask you this. How would you feel, if something like this happened to you out of the blue, and you weren't expecting it to happen to begin with? My point exactly.

And also, not surprisingly...

"Keiko...are you alright?" I then heard, the concerned sounding tone of Misaka, say to me.

"Oh how sweet..." I then heard the all too disdainful, and very arrogant sounding demeanor, of Therestina ring out in response.

However, the next thing that was said. And like back in the last chapter, was something, that even I wasn't prepared to hear.

"Be silent!" I then heard the now quite disdainful, very angry, and hurt sounding tone, of Misaka, then quite aggressively, say back to Therestina in response.

And to be honest, that sent me slightly reeling.

"Okay, wasn't expecting that from Misaka...I guess she really does care about my well-being...I mean after all viewers, we are siblings after all...And no, this is not a statement, that should be misconstrued...into being made to believe, that it is anything, other then Misaka, caring about my well-being...Anyway, back to the story, and the current situation at hand," I thought to myself, which during this, I had turned my head, eyesight, and attention, slightly to the right of me, to briefly address the viewers.

"Hey viewers...Sorry, Keiko here...*I say this, by traditionally bowing to the viewers...before bringing my head, and my attention back up, in order to continue, to address the viewers*...Anyway viewers, my apologies once again, for breaking the fourth wall on all of you again...But I feel, as though a couple of things, need addressing, before I wind up closing the book, on this chapter...*I then clear my throat, before once again continuing, to address the viewers*...Now then, you might all be wondering, why I have a Telepath Ability, correct?...Well, I am certain, that those of you, who haven't read chapter four of this fanfic...may all in fact be wondering that very thing, correct?...*I say this, while smiling with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*...Now then..."

"Uh Keiko, can you wrap your fourth wall break up already please?...You're doing it again...*Misaka winds up saying this to me, with a somewhat weary looking demeanor, and a bead of sweat, now present, on one side, of her face. To pretty much let me know, that the viewers, pretty much get the whole picture*"

"Oh apologies Misaka...And so viewers, with that in mind...I will be seeing you lot, in the next chapter, okay?...*I say this, while smiling with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*"
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Chapter 43: Don't Mistake My Kindness For Toxicity!: Addressing An Extremely Glaring Issue, While Looking To Leave Behind A Proper Legacy!
"Hello viewers...Sorry Keiko here...So sorry to be breaking the fourth wall on all of you again...and completely out of the blue like this I might add...*I say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers, before bringing my head, my attention, and my eyesight, back up again, to once again continue to address the viewers*...Now, remember, when I, exactly one or two chapters back, wound up doing a chapter, that wasn't action packed viewers, hmm?...*I say this while smiling with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*...Now, this chapter, will in fact be, yet another, not action packed chapter...As given recent events...I feel as though, that I need to address this...So viewers, like the previous chapter of this kind...And keep in mind viewers, that now going to be...yet another one...of one of the only other times...that I am going to be giving this sort of complete permission to all of you viewers, in letting you skip this particular the exact same manner...As you viewers, as of now, do once again, have my absolutely full permission, to skip this chapter...But just so you know viewers...You will, unlike the last chapter in which I wound up giving this exact same permission...Will not be missing much...*I say this, while smiling, with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*...Now then, who here, knows of a twitter user, by the username of @mahoshojoclips...?...Well, for those who don't know of this...*ahem*...quite unpleasant, and very toxic individual...Because as I have heard, she seems to have the sort of toxic demeanor, as well as an immense allergy of sorts, to anyone, who is generous to her...Or, even looks to give a sort of polite and selfless offering to the form of one of these three fanfics...I mean, if you ask me viewers, she sounds like a real...what's the type...ah yes...a very arrogant, toxic, petty, jealous, and very uptight individual...You know the type viewers...someone who is just immensely 'arrogant'...or someone who just emanates immense 'arrogance'... as in the very two words...That believe it or not viewers, have both been the most repeated words, in any of these three fanfics...Mind you, it might not be the 'most' repeated two words...But, the whole point here that those are the two words, that you need to remember from these fics, nearly more, then any other word...I mean after all viewers...I have made an eternal commitment, to not make any sort of money, off of a single bit of media, that I have posted so far on my YouTube channel, and will continue to do so...Until my eventual passing...But more importantly viewers...I don't intend to make any sort of money...from when I do wind up eventually handing over my completed three the anime that they can immortalize them in physical anime media form...The only thing that I ask for in at least...51% control, over the overall say, in how these fanfics are properly adapted...I mean after all viewers...these are technically original fanfics...But, I think that that is enough about all of this ranting and raving...So viewers, I will see you all in the next chapter...When we will get right back into the action, okay?...Oh, and by the way shall reap, what you shall sow...and as for what happens next?...Well unfortunately @mahoshojoclips, that is now out of my karma...can really work in mysterious way...*I say this while giving a look to the viewers, to pretty much let them know...that karma does very much in fact exist*...Oh, and as per a saying, that I myself go by...'sow bad seeds, and get a bad harvest...'...Which by the way a way of me saying...don't come at me the wrong way...Well, that is if you are willing to deal with the karma based ramifications...Oh, and furthermore @mahoshojoclips...but more importantly, as per the words of one Jon Taffer...'It's your fault, it's your bed, now sleep in it!'...As this is proof here viewers, that you don't...ever!...Attempt to falsely berate, or even mistake someones kind and generous intentions...especially if you are attempting to approach them, with nothing but both good, and generous intent in I was offering you my fanfics...with nothing but good faith in mind...Oh, and Jimmy, Logan Paul, KSI...don't even think for a moment, that I haven't forgot about you lot either...Because after all...I very much intend, to put you three, on blast, like one Johnny Bananas...did to Ashley in The Challenge: Total Madness episode...'Karma Chameleon,'...So you still want to play the silent you're a real life version, of Totally Spies villain Jazz Hands?...Or, do you still not want to do everyone a favor, and just 'Mime Your Own Business,' to speak?...Logan Paul...or Mr. I have rightfully coined you...Do you still want to try in a feeble attempt, to try and convince people, that you yourself, are not a crypto scamming Twonk?...KSI...just for the record, your song 'Thick Of It,' resembles you to a 't'...washed well as the spitting image, of one Sam Bankman-Fried Jr.,...But viewers...I do very much in fact think, that that is more then enough, of my lengthy four wall break ramblings for well as my witty sort of banter...Well, at least for the current chapter...and the current moment...As like always...I will be seeing all of you the next chapter...okay?...*I say this, while smiling with both eyes closed, and my head tilted to one side, in a cute manner*"
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Chapter 44: When The Past Isn't Yet Through With Disaster!: Railguns, Lucky Strikes, And Lifelines! (Part 2)
Date: August 26, 2009

"Hey viewers...Sorry Keiko here...So sorry to be breaking the fourth wall on all of you again...and completely out of the blue like this I might add...*I say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers, before bringing my head, my attention, and my eyesight, back up again, to once again continue to address the viewers*...Now then..."

"Yea...Keiko? How about you do away with your fourth wall break...and like in the last chapter...just let the viewers read the chapter...okay?...*Misaka says this to me while giving me a sort of look and pretty much let me know, that I should make my future lengthy fourth wall breaks shorter then they originally were*"

"Right, of course Misaka...And to just give all of you viewers a little bit of to speak...I will not only, wind up taking Misaka's fourth wall break advice to heart...But also, we are now...inching ever so what will wind up being, our second encounter...with the rest...of The Four Aces Alliance...*I then turn my attention to Misaka*....So sis...if I may ask you...was that not too lengthy of a fourth wall break?...*I say this to Misaka, while smiling with both eyes closed*"

"Yes Keiko, that was the proper amount of length...*Misaka says this with a reassuring smile on her face*...And just for the record viewers...and as I am sure that Keiko pointed out to all of you in a previous chapter...we are siblings...nothing more...*Misaka says this, while smiling with both eyes closed*"

"Well said Misaka...and so viewers, with all of this now in mind...what do you all say...that we finally get on with the chapter now...hmm?...*I say this, while smiling with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*"

Okay, so with fourth wall breaking, and fourth wall breaking moments aside. Well, at least for the current moment.

Anyway, getting back to the current situation from the last chapter. And I mean chapter 42, and not chapter 43. And as for the moment in question. Well, though it is not exactly at the current moment when we had left off per say. But, you get what I mean by this. As per the situation in question. Well...

"You're all my lab rats, don't you see?! Would you like a different analogy?...Well?...Academy City is my breeding farm, and all you children are my livestock!" I heard ring through my ears in stereo. As the first image, was not surprisingly, of Therestina, back when me and Misaka, had fought against her back at the MAR building. And to make my demeanor, just that more rattled. Another image flashed across my vision. And this one, was of me and Misaka, locked in the power struggle, that had ensued, between our Railguns, and Therestina's weapon, back in chapter 16.

And yet, though I wasn't able to notice at the current moment. I was now, showing quite an extremely pained looking expression on my face. And not too long thereafter, I dropped to the floor, on my knees. And not surprisingly, I was in complete shock. And to make matters that much more obvious, regarding my current distress. I was wide-eyed, and I had also placed one of my hands, over part of my face, in an effort, to try and workout, exactly what had just suddenly transpired.

And the reason? Well, let me ask you this. How would you feel, if something like this happened to you out of the blue, and you weren't expecting it to happen to begin with? My point exactly.

And also, not surprisingly...

"Keiko...are you alright?" I then heard, the concerned sounding tone of Misaka, say to me.

"Oh how sweet..." I then heard the all too disdainful, and very arrogant sounding demeanor, of Therestina ring out in response.

However, the next thing that was said. And like back in the last chapter, was something, that even I wasn't prepared to hear.

"Be silent!" I then heard the now quite disdainful, very angry, and hurt sounding tone, of Misaka, then quite aggressively, say back to Therestina in response.

And to be honest, that sent me slightly reeling.

"Okay, wasn't expecting that from Misaka...I guess she really does care about my well-being...I mean after all viewers, we are siblings after all...And no, this is not a statement, that should be misconstrued...into being made to believe, that it is anything, other then Misaka, caring about my well-being...Anyway, back to the story, and the current situation at hand," I thought to myself, which during this, I had turned my head, eyesight, and attention, slightly to the right of me, to briefly address the viewers.

And so, after I had been helped back to my feet again, with some assistance from Misaka of course. I then, could finally, try and get a couple of my words in edgewise.

And what I mean by that is. Well...

"Listen here Therestina, and you listen well...How dare you even attempt to mock or insult either of us!...Or need I remind you, as to the very two people, who put you in the very cell that you are in to begin with?!...You know absolutely nothing, of the pain and suffering, that we have both had to go through...So don't think for even a moment...that you have any sort of tell either of us, how to conduct ourselves...And by the way Therestina...while we are on the subject...please do tell me, just who the so called lab rat is now?" I said, while I had started out with speaking, in a very upset sounding tone.

Which wound up, suddenly changing, into a very smug sounding tone, in almost no time flat. And while I was saying the tail end, of my statement. An all too visible smirk, had wound up slowly forming, on my face. As I took quite a bit of humorous pleasure, in saying the lab rat statement, to Therestina, with quite a bit of wittiness, and also, in quite a smug sounding tone as well.

And not surprisingly...

"Damn you!...How dare you...!" Therestina wound up saying quite angrily, and quite aggressively in response. And this was while, she had quite quickly, gotten up from her chair in her cell. And then proceeded, to try and charge towards the bars of her cell. Well, that was, until I decided to cut off her threat mid-sentence. And it was while, I now had a look of complete anger, and sheer rage on my face. That I then, chose to speak up in response.

"How dare I?!...How dare I what Therestina?!...Do my absolute, and complete best, in order to defend both myself, and Misaka, from the likes of arrogant, and completely evil people like you?!...Why don't you look in a mirror?!...Oh wait, you don't have one in your cell do you?!...You know, I am getting really sick, and very tired, of people like you...seeming to think, that you can just do, whatever you please!...Angel Bluebell was right...villains like you...will never learn, nor even begin to understand, why villains like you, can't ever win, against the likes of us, and never will!" I said to Therestina, through sheer immense anger, gritted teeth. All while I looked, as though I was losing my composure, as Angel Bluebell herself had done, back in the chapter, 'Chapter 19: Jokers, Aces, Kings, Queens, And The Presence Of Marked Cards!: One Sided Wins And Loaded Dice, A Lack Of Trust Is A Villains Worst Enemy!'

"Hey viewers, Keiko here again...*I say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers, before bringing my head, my attention, and my eyesight, back up again, to once again continue to address the viewers*...Now then...I think, that this is more then an appropriate place, for me to end this chapter...And so viewers, with that now in mind...I will see you lot in the chapter...okay?...I say this, while smiling with both eyes closed, and my head tilted to one side, in a cute manner*"
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Chapter 45: When The Past Isn't Yet Through With Disaster!: Railguns, Lucky Strikes, And Lifelines! (Part 3)
Date: August 26, 2009

"Hey viewers...Sorry Keiko here...So sorry to be breaking the fourth wall on all of you again...and completely out of the blue like this I might add...*I say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers, before bringing my head, my attention, and my eyesight, back up again, to once again continue to address the viewers*...Now then viewers...what do you all say...that we get on with the chapter now...hmm?...*I say this, while smiling with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*"

And so, fourth wall breaking, as well as fourth wall breaking moments aside. Well at least for now. Anyway, with us now picking up from where we had last left off in the last chapter. Mind you, it is not the exact same point. see...the moment in question was...well...

"Listen here Therestina, and you listen well...How dare you even attempt to mock or insult either of us!...Or need I remind you, as to the very two people, who put you in the very cell that you are in to begin with?!...You know absolutely nothing, of the pain and suffering, that we have both had to go through...So don't think for even a moment...that you have any sort of tell either of us, how to conduct ourselves...And by the way Therestina...while we are on the subject...please do tell me, just who the so called lab rat is now?" I said, while I had started out with speaking, in a very upset sounding tone.

Which wound up, suddenly changing, into a very smug sounding tone, in almost no time flat. And while I was saying the tail end, of my statement. An all too visible smirk, had wound up slowly forming, on my face. As I took quite a bit of humorous pleasure, in saying the lab rat statement, to Therestina, with quite a bit of wittiness, and also, in quite a smug sounding tone as well.

And not surprisingly...

"Damn you!...How dare you...!" Therestina wound up saying quite angrily, and quite aggressively in response. And this was while, she had quite quickly, gotten up from her chair in her cell. And then proceeded, to try and charge towards the bars of her cell. Well, that was, until I decided to cut off her threat mid-sentence. And it was while, I now had a look of complete anger, and sheer rage on my face. That I then, chose to speak up in response.

"How dare I?!...How dare I what Therestina?!...Do my absolute, and complete best, in order to defend both myself, and Misaka, from the likes of arrogant, and completely evil people like you?!...Why don't you look in a mirror?!...Oh wait, you don't have one in your cell do you?!...You know, I am getting really sick, and very tired, of people like you...seeming to think, that you can just do, whatever you please!...Angel Bluebell was right...villains like you...will never learn, nor even begin to understand, why villains like you, can't ever win, against the likes of us, and never will!" I said to Therestina, through sheer immense anger, gritted teeth. All while I looked, as though I was losing my composure, as Angel Bluebell herself had done, back in the chapter, 'Chapter 19: Jokers, Aces, Kings, Queens, And The Presence Of Marked Cards!: One Sided Wins And Loaded Dice, A Lack Of Trust Is A Villains Worst Enemy!'

And now, getting back to the situation, which was just after this had occurred. But more importantly, after things between me, Misaka, and Therestina, had finally quieted down. Well, somewhat anyway, as I was honestly still fuming a tad bit, from the whole situation from the last chapter.

But anyway, after Therestina wound up giving us the information that we needed regarding 'The Underworld.' We then, proceeded out of the prison building.

"Sorry viewers....Keiko here, Now viewers..."

"Hey Keiko...what'cha doin'?...*Misaka winds up saying this to me with an extremely less then pleased expression on her face all while saying it in the same manner as a certain character from Phineas and Ferb...only it is with her currently less then pleased expression*"

"Oh...h-hi Misaka...whatever do you mean?...*I say this with a very nervous looking and very anxious looking expression with a bead of sweat also present, on one side, of my face*"

"You wouldn't be happening to be looking to end the chapter by any chance right now would you?...*Misaka says this, while bringing her face closer to mine, with a now almost Yandere looking expression on her face*"

"W-well...*I then deeply sigh*....yes...I was...But if you want sis, I can continue on if you want...I'll even fill the viewers in, on what was going to be left out...*I say this with a now very nervous looking expression on my basically show to the viewers, that I am currently fearing for my overall safety*"

"*Misaka's expression now returns to normal as she now backs away from me, and then proceeds to smile in agreement so to speak*...Yes, that would be the wise thing to do Keiko."

"R-right then viewers, with that in mind...and as per Misaka's...*ahem* to speak...let's get right back to the chapter now...shall we?...*I say this, while still giving a slightly nervous, and weary I am still...quite justifiably...nervous*"

Okay, so funneling back, to what had been told to us by Therestina, before we had left the prison building. As for what had been said. Well...

"We both came here seeking your help. There is a girl, her name is Febrie. She was artificially created, and if we do nothing, then she is going to die in 72 hours..." Misaka said, while I still having quite a bit of trouble, with wanting to make eye contact with Therestina. As for obvious reasons, I still held quite a bit of anger, towards everything that she had done to the both of us.

"Oh come on, what is it going to take? You got a whole heap of your clones killed..." Therestina began to say, while she had once again got up from her chair in her cell. And once again, proceeded to make her way towards the cell bars.

The only trouble was, I was now having even more trouble, with trying to keep my composure.

"Okay viewers, Sorry Keiko, this is going to be the end of this chapter...I know, I know, not the best place to end it...But, this episode, is going to be in about six chapter parts...and the reason for this viewer, is so that you can all properly digest the information...And so viewers, with that in mind...I will see you lot in the next chapter...okay?...*I say this, while smiling with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*"
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Chapter 46: When The Past Isn't Yet Through With Disaster!: Railguns, Lucky Strikes, And Lifelines! (Part 4)
Date: August 26, 2009

"Hey viewers...Sorry Keiko here...So sorry to be breaking the fourth wall on all of you again...and completely out of the blue like this I might add...*I say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers, before bringing my head, my attention, and my eyesight, back up again, to once again continue to address the viewers*...Now then...what do you say, that we all proceed forward with the chapter now...hmm?...*I say this, while smiling with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*"

"We both came here seeking your help. There is a girl, her name is Febrie. She was artificially created, and if we do nothing, then she is going to die in 72 hours..." Misaka said, while I still having quite a bit of trouble, with wanting to make eye contact with Therestina. As for obvious reasons, I still held quite a bit of anger, towards everything that she had done to the both of us.

"Oh come on, what is it going to take? You got a whole heap of your clones killed..." Therestina began to say, while she had once again got up from her chair in her cell. And once again, proceeded to make her way towards the cell bars.

The only trouble was, I was now having even more trouble, with trying to keep my composure.

And yet, I still had too stay strong, and still continue to listen in, on what Therestina was saying, despite it not sitting well with me in the slightest, or Misaka for that matter either.

"Because after all viewers...sorry Keiko here again...*I say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers, before bringing my head, my attention, and my eyesight, back up again, to once again continue to address the viewers* then, as I was about to say to all of you a somewhat well known saying once said...'in order to rise up, one must first be broken down'...I mean after all, Usagi Tsukino, or better known by all of us, as Sailor Moon...had to go through this entire sort of thing herself...I mean after all, she witnessed her friends, and Sailor Senshi in arms...all die at the hands...of both Beryl, and Galaxia respectively...And for those who don't know, exactly what it is, that I am on about...there is a very good reason, why Shinko Hanasaki...aka Angel Bluebell...wound up going into such great detail, about both of these specific the Sailor Moon anime canon these two in the last few episodes of Season 1...and the 2nd incident in the very last few episodes, of Season 5...or Sailor be more Sailor Moon anime season title specific...And as for Shinko Hanasaki...aka Angel Bluebell...I still do highly recommend, that you go read Going In Completely Blind...and Going In Almost Completely both will wind up giving you more insight, into what truly went on in this fanfic, and what eventually will wind up transpiring...I mean, I don't mean to go into more detail and spoil more then I have to here viewers...But, let's just say...that in the words of one Shinko Hanasaki...aka Angel Bluebell...there is always more to things, then just a simple fight...of good...versus evil...*I now proceed to smile a bit more broadly*...Now then viewers...with all of this now explained, as well as now being very fresh on all of your minds...what do you say...that we finally get back to the story now...hmm?...*I say this, while smiling with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*"

Anyway, now getting back to the current situation with Therestina. As well as putting my fourth wall breaking, and fourth wall breaking moments aside. Well, at least for the moment. And as for the continuation, of what Therestina was currently saying? Well...

"...And you want to try and save a girl that neither of you have ever met?! This kid, whatever her name is, is yet another lab rat, spawned from this city!" Therestina continued on with, as she wound up putting a great emphasis, on the word 'city.' Which was followed, with Therestina aggressively clenching her hands around the intricately designed bars of her prison cell.

And as for me and Misaka? Well, while Misaka managed to remain quite stoic faced, and expressionless. I on the other hand, was now very very close, to just snapping all together. And yet, given the current situation, and wanting to follow Misaka's example. I decided instead, to calm myself, down, and now, like Misaka, I was also stoic faced.

"Because after all viewers...sorry Keiko here again...*I say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers, before bringing my head, my attention, and my eyesight, back up again, to once again continue to address the viewers*...Now then, as I was about to address to all of you...If what happened back in chapter 17 of this fanfic...between me, Misaka, and one Misaki Shokuhou...bears any sort of resemblance...I have now decided, that like that exact incident...and as one Minako Aino...aka Sailor Venus, wound up saying in an episode of Sailor Moon...'there is no use crying over misspelled silk'...Well actually viewers, as Ami Mizuno...aka Sailor Mercury wound up properly correcting Minako on...'there is no use crying over spilled milk'...So yea viewers...if I had learned anything, from our run-in with Shokuhou...just before the first appearance, of the rest of the Four Aces Alliance...Then you can best believe, that I prefer to learn, from my past mistakes...Now then viewers...with that thought very much fresh on all of you minds...I will see all of you lot in the next chapter....okay?...*I say this while knowingly smiling with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*...So Misaka, how was that?...*I then turn my attention behind me, as Misaka then appears in shot*"

"Well said Keiko...and viewers, just like Keiko just said, we both look forward, to seeing all of you, in the next chapter...*Misaka says this while knowingly smiling with both eyes closed, and her head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*"
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Chapter 47: Automatic Warning Systems, Signaler Errors, SPADs, And SPARs!: Further Proof Why Tombstone Technology Can Only Do So Much!
"Hello again viewers...

Sorry Keiko here...

So sorry to be breaking the fourth wall on all of you again...and completely out of the blue like this I might add...*I say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers, before bringing my head, my attention, and my eyesight, back up again, to once again continue to address the viewers*...

Now, remember, when I, a couple chapters before this one, wound up doing a chapter, that wasn't action packed viewers, hmm?...*I say this while smiling with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*...

Now, this chapter, will in fact be, yet another, one of those chapters...As given several other more recent events...I feel as though, that I need to address this...

So viewers, like the previous chapter of this kind...And keep in mind viewers, that now going to be...yet another one...of one of the only other times...that I am going to be giving this sort of complete permission to all of you viewers, in letting you skip this particular the exact same manner...As you viewers, as of now, do once again, have my absolutely full permission, to skip this chapter...But just so you know viewers...You will, like the last chapter in which I wound up giving this exact same permission...Will not be missing much..if anything...*I say this, while smiling, with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*...

Now, first off, before I continue...I am just going to say...MrBeast, Logan Paul, and KSI, you should all be ashamed of yourselves!...Mind you, though they haven't killed anybody...yet...I still feel that they need to be put on blast...So...while we're on the subject of The Unholy YouTube Trinity...MrBeast, Logan Paul, and goes the so called crudstorm, that you three yourselves created, due to your own malign intend and deceit?...

I did say after all, that karma exists...So Jimmy...Logan Paul...KSI...I only ask you this...what size orange color you three want?...Because like it or not, you three, will soon be in them...and locked up...where you three rightfully belong...for attempting to poison our worlds youth!...

Also Jimmy, your brother Lucifer called, as he would like to have a word with you...

Also, fun fact about Jimmy viewers...he claims that he does charity work...when unfortunately, like everything else that he has is big...gigantic...lie...As in, as I am sure I have already said in a previous chapter...he used CGI, to remove a hospital, from his videos...and then...quite poorly I might add...he simply put it back in the future if to give off the illusion, that they had built that hospital...So Jimmy, karma really does come back to haunt you...doesn't it?...*I now proceed to smile quite broadly*...

And, now moving onto the other part of this chapters title...And for those who are not aware, what a SPAD, or a SPAR is...A SPAD, stands for a Signal Passed At Danger...while a a Signal Passed At Red...Some examples?...

Well, on October 8, 1952...An overnight express train from Perth, crashed into the rear of a local passenger train, that was standing at a platform at Harrow and Wealdstone station. The wreckage blocked adjacent lines and was struck within seconds by a "double-headed" express train traveling north at 60 mph, or 100 km/h for those who need the conversion over to kilometers per hour.

Anyway, The Ministry of Transport report on the crash found that the driver of the Perth train had passed a caution signal and two danger signals before colliding with the local train. The reason for this was never established, as both the driver and the fireman of the Perth train were killed in the accident...However, it was theorized, that because the weather was quite foggy leading up to the resulting was theorized...that the driver, and the fireman, of the Perth Night Express...couldn't see the signals, because they were likely obscured by the dense fog...How dense?...Well viewers, I am not talking RMS Empress Of Ireland incident type levels of dense...but I wouldn't say that it is that far off either...

Another example?...On October 5, 1999...The 06.03am Cheltenham Great Western Train...on route from Cheltenham, to London's Paddington Station, sometimes referred to, as...The "Cheltenham Flyer" wound up slamming head-on, into a Thames Turbo, that was bound for Bedwyn railway station in it had wound up passing by a SN109...that was at danger...Now I will give credit where credit is due...The Thames Turbo's driver, 31 year old Michael Hodder...did apply his brakes...when he saw the onrushing Cheltenham Flyer...however...given the stopping distance, and the time...that it would've taken the train to come to a safe stop...meant that it was already too the resulting head on collision, killed Michael Hodder...The Flyer's driver, Brian Cooper...a further 29 passengers, aboard both trains...and a further 417 people...were injured...

Another example?...On 22 May 1915...5 separate trains, were involved in an accident at Quintinshill Junction Signal what is, more then 109 years later, Britain's worst rail the resulting two separate from a troop train, slamming into a local train, that was parked on the mainline, and not even a minute later, a sleeper express bound for Glasgow, tripped over the wreckage...the resulting accident, and subsequent fire aboard the troop train, wound up killing at least 226 people...and also injured, at least 246 more...The cause?...Well unfortunately, as per the Quintinshills signaler regulations, that were present at the time, the blame for the accident, fell squarely with the signalmen James Tinsley...and signalmen George Meakin respectively...

Look, the salient point here that Tombstone it is called...can only do so companies...such as Thames Trains, and British Rail...will only spend the money to make the rails safer, when a body count winds up presenting itself...and to be honest viewers...that is not a good look...whether it be for them, or any other company that goes by this sort of philosophy...Now then viewers...with all of this now very much fresh on all of you minds...I will see all of you lot in the next chapter....okay?...*I say this while knowingly smiling with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*"
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Chapter 48: Icebergs, Slag Mixed Wrought Iron Failures, And Asia's Titanic!: Brian Penoyer Was Right, It's Just A Waste!
"Hello again viewers...

Sorry Keiko here...

So sorry to be breaking the fourth wall on all of you again...and completely out of the blue like this I might add...*I say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers, before bringing my head, my attention, and my eyesight, back up again, to once again continue to address the viewers*...

Now, remember, when I, in just the previous chapter before this one, wound up doing a chapter, that wasn't action packed viewers, hmm?...*I say this while smiling with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*...

Now, this chapter, will in fact be, yet another, one of those chapters...As I feel as though, that I need to mention this...

So viewers, like the previous chapter of this kind...or the last chapter to be more precise...And keep in mind viewers, that now going to be...yet another one...of one of the only other times...that I am going to be giving this sort of complete permission to all of you viewers, in letting you skip this particular the exact same manner...As you viewers, as of now, do once again, have my absolutely full permission, to skip this chapter...But just so you know viewers...You will, like the last chapter in which I wound up giving this exact same permission...Will not be missing much...if anything...*I say this, while smiling, with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*...

Oh and also, if you have some sort of problem, with me doing these non-action packed chapters...So in other words viewers...if the way that I go about such, offends you?...Then I highly suggest, that you keep it to yourself...or, just don't bother reading...simple as that...I will not take unecessary, and quite unwarranted hate...from those...who think that being immensely arrogant, and yelling Gregory House did sometimes, in the show House M.D...somehow think that that is supposed to intimidate me...or will make you more likely to be heard...

As that, will only seek to do the opposite, of what you think that it will accomplish...okay?...*I say this while knowingly smiling with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*...

Now then, will all of this now in mind, let's proceed forward so to speak...with this chapter...

And we shall start, with a sort of...*ahem*...discretionary to speak...As in, I am not showing any sort of disrespect, to anyone, who was killed, or otherwise injured, in such horrific, and very preventable tragedies...My heart, goes out, to those whose lives were cut short...

Now then, as I am sure you all have noticed, from this chapters title...I will be talking about...what is without a doubt, one of the most well known maritime tragedies, in history...

I am of course talking, about the sinking of the Titanic...

Now, I will not be going into immensely deep detail...regarding any conspiracy not what I am looking too do here...

I am just not...And in fact viewers...I am more going to be going into detail, into what had actually caused the sinking...

But also, I will also be explaining, of a much more horrid maritime, that seems to have been lost to the pages of to speak...a maritime accident...that while the sinking of the Titanic, killed 1,514 people...the horrible tragedy of the MV Doña far much worse?...

Well the tragedy of the MV Doña Paz...killed over 4,300 people...or roughly 4,385 were killed...which is nearly three times, the number of fatalities, in the sinking of the Titanic...and while 705 people survived the sinking of the Titanic...the tragedy of the MV Doña Paz...

Which took place on December 20, 1987, and at 06:30, Philippine Standard Time, Doña Paz had departed from Tacloban, Leyte, for Manila, with a stopover at Catbalogan, Samar. Commanded by Captain Eusebio Nazareno, the vessel was due in Manila at 04:00 the next day. It was reported that it last made radio contact at about 20:00. However, subsequent reports indicated that Doña Paz did not have a radio...

And at about 22:30, the ferry was at Dumali Point, along the Tablas Strait, near Marinduque. A survivor later said that the weather at sea that night was clear, but the sea was choppy. While most of the passengers slept, Doña Paz collided with MT Vector, a Philippine-owned oil tanker en route from Bataan to Masbate. At the time of the collision. Vector was carrying 1.05 million L, or 8,800 US bbl, or 1,041 tonnes, or 1,148 short tons, of gasoline and other petroleum products owned by Caltex Philippines...

Upon collision, Vector's cargo ignited and caused a fire on the ship that spread onto Doña Paz. Survivors recalled sensing the crash and an explosion, causing panic on the vessel. One of them, Paquito Osabel, recounted that the flames spread rapidly throughout the ship, and that the sea all around the ship was itself afire...

Another survivor, Philippine Constabulary corporal Luthgardo Niedo, claimed that the lights aboard had gone out minutes after the collision, that there were not any life vests to be found on Doña Paz, and that the crewmen were running around in panic with the other passengers, and none of the crew gave any orders or made any attempt to organize the passengers. It was said later that the life jacket lockers had been locked...

The survivors were forced to jump off the ship and swim among charred bodies in flaming waters around the ship, with some using suitcases as makeshift flotation devices. Doña Paz sank within two hours of the collision. Vector sank within four hours. Both ships sank in about 545 meters, or 1,788 ft of water, in the shark-infested Tablas Strait...

As a result of the collision, and subsequent fire...4,385 passengers, and crew, were killed, which included the 11 crew that were killed aboard MT Vector.

In total, only 26 people, survived the tragedy...26...

And as for the Titanic?...Well, while she was being constructed in Belfast...and they were putting her hull together, through the use of both steel based, and wrought iron rivets...via a gigantic rivet gun...which by the way viewers...was far too large, and unwieldy, to get to the front end of Titanic...

So...they were forced to use wrought iron rivets instead to put together Titanic's hull at her front they were less expensive, and easier to work with...and to compensate for the lack of strength in the wrought iron rivets, they used a type of molten mixture, known as Slag...and no viewers, I am not talking about the sort of British slang, that one would call somebody for being a to speak...

I am of course, talking about the nonmetallic material, that is a byproduct of smelting, welding, and other metallurgical processes...

Yes viewers, that kind of Slag...

Now then, you may all now be asking yourselves...'But Keiko, just what does Slag have to do with the inevitable sinking of the Titanic?'...

Well, I am so glad that you asked...

As per the properties, of mixing slag into anything...if you used too much, then it seeks to compromise the overall strength, and integrity of the wrought iron rivets...And if you used too little?...Then the rivet itself, wouldn't be as strong, as its steel based brethren...

Moreover Brian Penoyer...who was featured on the Titanic episode...of the series Seconds From Disaster...did do a test, with similarly constructed, and slag mixed, wrought iron order to simulate, the lap joint based design, of Titanic's hull...

More to the point here viewers...experts calculated, that at the moment, that Titanic had struck the fatal iceberg...the rivets on her starboard side, were put under, at least 14,000 pounds of pressure...or 14,000 PSI...for those who are interested in the more properly termed measurement...

Which, as it would wind up demonstrating in the rivet pressure test in question...and just to spoil you all with the inevitable result...the lap joint in question..failed, at just under 10,000 PSI...

Which definitively proved, beyond any sort of doubt, that improperly slag mixed wrought iron rivet failure, led to the loss of Titanic, and to the deaths, of 1,514 people...

And...there was one line that Brian Penoyer himself, had said in the episode in question...'It is impossible to go through the record...about the sinking of the Titanic, and be unmoved by the human tragedy that occurred, it's just a waste...'...and to be honest, he was right...

As no matter what people may think, about the strength of ones vessel...nature, and all that it possesses...should never be underestimated...

*I now start to tear up*...And for those...who have been involved, in either these tragedies, or those like have my sincerest sympathy, and my condolences as no one, deserves to go through such things...whether it be the loss of a loved one...or something equivalent...

Furthermore, for those, who did take their time, to read through this have my we all, must be willing too look to the past, in an effort, to better our future...*I now proceed to wipe the currently streaming tears from my face*...

And so viewers, with all of this now in mind...I will see you the next chapter...where finally, we will get back into the action...okay?...*I say this, while smiling with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*"
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Chapter 49: When The Past Isn't Yet Through With Disaster!: Railguns, Lucky Strikes, And Lifelines! (Part 5)
Date: August 26, 2009

"Hello again viewers...Keiko here...*I say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers, before bringing my head, my attention, and my eyesight, back up again, to once again continue to address the viewers*...Now then viewers...I did in fact, say back in the last chapter...that we would be getting right back into the action in this chapter...Well viewers, I never break a promise...*I say this while smiling*...So viewers, with that now very much in mind...What do you all say...that just go and do that right now, hmm?...*I say this, while smiling with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*"

Okay, so fourth wall breaking, and my fourth wall break moments aside, at least for the moment.

And getting back to the current situation from back in chapter 46...

As the current situation was...Well...

"...You want to survive in this city?!...Give into the darkness, and live like livestock...or become one of the people in charge!" Therestina continued on, after she had aggressively approached the bars of her prison cell, and had gripped the bars in question, quite forcefully. I could literally see Therestina, somewhat shaking, with the frustration on her face. To basically indicate, that she was...well...frustrated.

However, as per what went on in chapter 46. Both me and Misaka, still remained stoic faced.

"Now viewers...sorry Keiko then...while I am sure that you'd all love to listen to more of Therestina's...well...insanity based ramblings so to speak...Well, I wouldn't say that you would...but I had said several chapters ago Telepath Esper ability...only works on Misaka...Well actually viewers...and to give you a bit of a future chapter will wind up Telepath Esper Ability...has more then one use...what other use you may ask?...Well...the thing is viewers...if I did tell all of you what it was, then there would be little to no point, in you all be intrigued enough, to want to read on...*I say this while smiling*...Now then...though I do apologize for this...we will skipping ahead just a a little later on...But don't worry about what you wound up missing viewers...with regard to the rest of the conversation that had taken I will be explaining more about that, in the next chapter...But for now viewers...we will fast forward a little bit, to later on that Tokiwadai Middle School...more specifically viewers, in me, Misaka, and Kuroko's dorm room...Which was explained about at length, back in chapter 2 of this fanfic...And so now viewers, with that in mind...shall we begin?...*I say this, while smiling with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*"

Okay, so fourth wall breaking, and fourth wall breaking moments aside, at least for the moment. And fast forwarding to later that night, and inside of me, Misaka, and Kuroko's dorm room. And as for the conversation? Well...

"Yes, that would be great captain. K," Kuroko said, as she then hung up the current call on her cell phone. And then followed up with speaking up again, just after she had hung up. "She says that there isn't enough evidence, to justify taking any action," Kuroko said, while obviously referring to me and Misaka, with her statement.

And as for our separate and current attires? Well, Kuroko was wearing her usual Burgundy colored pajamas. Misaka, was wearing her usual Gekota patterned pajamas. And as for me? Well, I was wearing some light blue colored pajamas, to match my long light blue mane of hair, that currently cascaded down my back, and onto my bed. Which to be honest, I was still having a bit of trouble, in dealing, with getting used, to such a feeling...

"And by the way viewers...sorry...Keiko here again...Now then, a bit of housekeeping so too speak. Now, I am sure that I don't need to remind all of you viewers, that the age of consensus in Japan, is 13 years old, correct?...Furthermore viewers, as I am sure that one Shinko Hanasaki, had gone to in great length in Going In Completely Blind 'Chapter 37: Looks Like The Gang Is All Here?: The Fifth Love Angel!' As Shinko Hanasaki herself, or one Angel Bluebell...had wound up going into even deeper detail, with regard to this very topic...Now viewers, what I am basically saying that you really do need to go and read Going In Completely Blind, and Going In Almost Completely Blind respectively...and only then, will you all learn to truly appreciate, the ultimate uniqueness, that these three fanfics...have to each of them, and as a culminated whole as well...But viewers, I think that that is more then enough of my fourth wall break...Well at least for the moment...However, this now marks the end of this chapter...But fear not, nor fret there will not be a non-action packed chapter...that will wind up following after this one...Well, at least not yet...But viewers, with all of that now currently very much fresh on all of your minds...I will see all of you lot, in the next chapter...okay?...*I say this, while smiling with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*"

The only trouble was, that while things, seemed to be calm for the current moment. I would not know, until a bit later on in the future. That the events that wound up transpiring, back on August 9, would not, be an isolated incident. In fact, our most recent encounter, and alliance, with The 90s Magical Girl Holy Trinity, would not be an isolated incident either. But, more on that, at a little later of a date.
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Chapter 50: When The Past Isn't Yet Through With Disaster!: Railguns, Lucky Strikes, And Lifelines! (Part 6)
Date: August 26, 2009

"Hello viewers, Keiko here...*I say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers, before bringing my head, my attention, and my eyesight, back up again, to once again continue to address the viewers*...Now then viewers...I did in fact, say back in the last chapter...that we would be continuing one with the action in this chapter...Well viewers, I never break a promise...*I say this while smiling quite broadly*...So viewers, with that now very much fresh on all of your minds...What do you all say...that just go right ahead, and do that now, hmm?...So, on with the chapter...Just be aware, that there will be a non-action packed chapter again, that will be following this one...okay?...Oh, and as I had also promised from the last chapter, we are going to be covering the rest of the conversation, that me and Misaka, had had with Therestina..And after that, we will then proceed forward with the remainder of this current episode, okay?...*I say this, while smiling with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*"

Anyway, winding the time back a bit, to when me and Misaka, were still stoic faced, as Therestina was still mouthing off, so too speak. And, well...

"...Because those are the only two that you both have in this place," Therestina had finished with, after the abrupt cutoff from this current conversation back in the last chapter.

The only thing was, that as Therestina was about to continue speaking. I then decided, because I had now had enough of her nonsense, to try and speak up. The only trouble was, Misaka sort of wound up beating me to it...

"You're wrong..." Misaka wound up responding with to Therestina, which wound up prompting Therestina, to show a very disgusted looking expression. And of course, I couldn't resist, chiming in.

"Both of us know of the darkness that you are speaking of, as we have both witnessed it firsthand. And for the record Therestina, you know nothing, of the current goings on. Whether it be in Academy City, or even 'elsewhere,'" I said, with a slight smile making its way onto my face. All while making a slight emphasis, on the word 'elsewhere.' As the emphasis regarding that very word, had to do, with me and Misaka's recent run-in, with not just the 90s Magical Girl Holy Trinity, but with the villain rogues gallery, back on August 9.

But, however, Therestina didn't take any notice, of either my emphasis, or my smirk. As she was currently, still quite disgusted, with both of our current responding statements. And she was more attention focused, on Misaka, then she was with me, at the current moment.

And though this was the case, I was now once again using my Telepath Esper ability, as a means to peer into Misaka's mind. And I was glad that I had done so. As I was greeted, with the all too familiar sight, of every single, one of our allies. And not just Uiharu, Kuroko, and Saten. But, of Shinko Hanasaki, or Angel Bluebell, as she was known more as. Her younger sister, one Momoko Hanasaki, or Wedding Peach, as she was known more as. The rest of the Love Angels. Usagi Tsukino, or Eternal Sailor Moon. The rest of the Sailor Senshi. And, of course one Sakura Avalon, Zachary, Li, Kero, Yue, and the rest of our allies.

And now, all of the sudden, I had now started to tear up. Almost as if I knew, that our first encounter, and eventual reuniting, with the rest of the Four Aces, was now, inching ever so closer.

And as for the current conversation, that had been going on between Misaka and Therestina? Well, I sort of just spaced out for most of it. And I only snapped back, from now having used my Telepath Esper ability, to sever the connection, between me, and my reading of Misaka's thoughts.

And I only snapped back, just as the conversation, between Misaka, and Therestina, was nearing its end.

"I've had enough, you both can go now!" Therestina said, which had snapped me back to attention, in an instant.

And not surprisingly, I then decided to speak up. "No, we won't. And we will not oblige, until you give us the information that we both need from you!" I said, as I was now once again becoming very upset, very quickly.

"Okay viewers...Sorry Keiko here again...So, just to shorten this entire, quite lengthy too speak...After a nice war of words, followed by several...*ahem*...serious blow ups from Therestina...and with Therestina...grabbing Misaka by her uniform, and forcibly pulling her towards the bars of the cell. I couldn't help...but then have a series of images, suddenly flash through my mind...And this viewers, is where we shall move forward to then, back to the story...*I say this, while smiling, with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*"

Anyway, the images in question, that had wound up quickly flashing across my vision. Were of an open area, which seemed to be in complete ruin. But, the thing that wound up making my heart, nearly stop dead. Was of a familiar figure, glowing bright white...and on top of this, she looked to be in quite an unstable looking state. And only, once she had turned her attention forward, so to speak. I then wound up realizing, exactly who she was.

"Wait a sec, what the hell?!...Misaka...what the...?!...How...!?" I thought to myself, as I then wound up putting both hands to my head, in an attempt, to try and gauge, what had just happened. Only to drop to my knees, onto the floor. All while I displayed, a very distraught, and very pained expression, on my face.

And to make matters just that much worse, this was not just some vision, that was of what might wind up happening. But in fact, it was of a vision, that would wind up happening. And unfortunately, if something wasn't done, me, Misaka, and all of Academy City, would be wiped off the map. And, to make it even worse, a certain evil entity, would wind up being discovered, to have not been locked away, as we had all thought to have been, back on August 9. The day, that everything changed.

"Hey guys, Keiko here again...*I say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers, before bringing my head, my attention, and my eyesight, back up again, to once again continue to address the viewers*...Now then viewers...this now marks the end of this chapter, and also, the end of this episode...And yes viewers, I am well aware, that the actual canon episode representing this chapter, still has a lot left in it...However, in a somewhat fanfiction first...I am going to be covering everything after this, as another episode...And viewers, though I did say, that there was going to be another non action packed chapter this one...That is no longer going to be the case...As we will just wrap up the rest of Season 2...Or Season S...And, only then, will we then be doing another non action packed chapter...So viewers, with that now very much fresh, on all of your minds...I shall see all of you lot, in the next chapter...which as I just mentioned, will be the next episode...okay?...*I say this, while smiling with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*"
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Chapter 51: As A Student You Have To STUDY!: Firing Railguns And Bowling Lucky Strikes! (Part 1)
Date: August 27, 2009

"Hello viewers, Keiko here again...*I say this while smiling with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*...Now then, I believe that in the last chapter, which was also the end of the previous episode, that I was going to do, a sort of episode split, so to speak...Well viewers..."

"Yea, so Keiko?...Just wrap it're doing it again...*Misaka says this to me, while knowingly smiling, to pretty much let me know, that I was once again, about to start rambling on again, with what would've wound up being, a very lengthy fourth wall break*"

"Right Misaka, my bad...*I say this while sheepishly grinning with both eyes closed, and one of my hands, behind my head, in a somewhat sheepishly embarrassed manner*...And so viewers, with that now very fresh on all of your minds...And more importantly, as per Misaka's request...What do you say, that we get on with the chapter, and also, the next episode?...Mind you, it isn't exactly the next episode per say...but you get what I then, on with the chapter...*I say this while smiling with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*"

Now, moving back from the last chapter, to now the present. More specifically, the conversation, that had been, and was currently going on, between me, Misaka, and Kuroko.

And as for the current exchanging of words so too speak? Now, I am not saying that it was carrying on from the current last point in the conversation per say. But as for the current exchange of words? Well...

"I'm not saying that I'm surprised Kuroko...seeing as how Anti-Skill, as well as Judgment, both need enough of a reason, in order to take action. Still, it is very frustrating, that there still isn't enough evidence for either to..." I said, obviously referring to Kuroko's most recent statement.

However, it was then, that I had suddenly cut my statement short, and was once again, in deep thought. "Okay, so that vision that I had had of Misaka back at the prison...I wish I knew more about what it means...And yet, I guess that is what I get, for not watching more of the Railgun anime past episode three, before winding up here...Still, I also seem, to have been having more and more thoughts and visions of those two other versions of me...And yet, from what I saw regarding them...what with Shinko Hanasaki, Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, Angel Daisy, and Angel Salvia, all in their DX battle outfits...that has all but confirmed to me, that the already existent timeline of their anime, has concluded...*I then turn my attention briefly, to the right of me, in order to briefly address the viewers*...Well viewers, at least for now...*I now proceed to turn away from briefly addressing the viewers, to which I then, once again, go back into deep thought*...And, with Zachary, Sakura, Li, Kero, and Yue...with both Zachary, and Sakura...both wielding their Star Staffs...and with them in possession, of the Clow Cards...which now that I remember, from Zachary's temporary reveal of the design of the Thunder Card, from back in chapter 70...during our first fight, against the villain rouges gallery...has led me to theorize, and also confirm...that their anime timeline, has to have at least made it, past episode 70, at the bear minimum...Which, now confirms to me, that they more then likely, have gone through Eli Moon's Final to speak...And as for Eternal Sailor Moon, and the rest of the Sailor Senshi...and with given the confirmation, that Usagi Tsukino, was only ever in her Eternal Sailor Moon form, starting at the beginning...and through the duration...of Sailor Stars...then, that would mean, that their timeline, like that of Angel Bluebell, Wedding Peach, and the rest of the Love Angels, has also, concluded...Especially after Angel Bluebell, had explained at immense Sailor Galaxia herself in fact...that she at least knew enough about the fight with Galaxia, and the rest of the Sailor know of the 9 murders that Galaxia committed, against the Sailor Senshi...Not to mention, the absolutely anger...that Angel Bluebell herself, had displayed towards both Galaxia...And now that I think about what else that she had said a bit more...Angel Bluebell had also mentioned...that Beryl...had killed Sailor Moon, the other four inner senshi, and...Wait a sec, she said that Beryl had committed six then...that would mean that she at least knew about the death of Tuxedo Mask back then as well...*I then turn my attention briefly, to the right of me, in order to briefly address the viewers*...And now viewers, with all of this now in mind...and given part of the title of this chapter...'You Have To STUDY!'...I am doing...well..what else...studying, so to speak...*I then proceed to giggle in a cute and kind way*...And, for those of you viewers...who don't know, why the letters of 'study,' are all in capital letters?...Well viewers, you will be learning all about that, in the next chapter...When I will wind up going into much deeper, and further detail about that..and so viewers, with all of this information, now very much fresh on all of your minds...I will see all of you lot, in the next chapter...okay?...*I say this while smiling with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*" I thought to myself, all while I had, at some points in my deep thought process, had turned my attention, slightly, and briefly to the right of me, in order to briefly address the viewers.

The only thing was, that I was going to need to remember all of this information. Because, whether I knew about it or not. Our last involvement, with our aforementioned allies, was not, and would not be, a single isolated incident. In fact, as I had mentioned, regarding the vision that I had had. The very vision, would wind up putting, not just me, Misaka, Kuroko, and all of our other friends in Academy City at risk. But, like our encounter with the rogues gallery, would also, not be an isolated incident. But, more on all of that, at a much later date.
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Chapter 52: As A Student You Have To STUDY!: Firing Railguns And Bowling Lucky Strikes! (Part 2)
Date: August 28, 2009

"Hey viewers, Keiko here again...*I say this while smiling with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*...Now then viewers...let us now continue on with the remainder, of the current episode...Which technically, is the actual tail-end of the previous episode...but you get what I mean then, on with the chapter...*I say this while smiling with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*"

Now then, I did say, that I was going to be going into a bit of deeper detail, regarding the overall reasoning, as to why the word 'study,' in both this chapter, and the previous one, were all in capital letters. Well, it sort of goes like this, STUDY, as they are called, are a group of...well, let's just call them scientists, because that is technically what they all are.

The only difference, is that they, like that of Gensei Kihara, and unlike, any normal good will intention scientist, have nothing but an evil agenda. And STUDY, is no exception to this.

In fact, STUDY, was the one that was responsible, for creating Febrie. You know, the chemicaloid, from a few chapters back? Yes, that Febrie...

"But viewers...Sorry, Keiko here again...*I say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers, before bringing my head, my attention, and my eyesight, back up again, to once again continue to address the viewers*...and if I may interrupt again here viewers, with yet another justifiable fourth wall break..."

"Uh yeah, Keiko? How about we just proceed on with a recap of the previous're doing it again...*Misaka suddenly appears in my fourth wall break moment, while giving me a sort of expression, to pretty much let me know, that I am once again dragging my fourth wall break moment out, a lot longer then it needs to be*"

"Oh, r-right Misaka...*I say this while quickly turning to her, and then back again, only when I turn back again to continue to address the viewers, I now have a bit of an embarrassed looking expression, with a bead of sweat, now present, on one side, of my face*...And so viewers, with this all, now very much fresh, on all of your minds, and like the previous but recent chapters, as per Misaka's request...what do you say, that we finally get on, with the chapter now...hmm?...However viewers, as Misaka had also just pointed out...we will first, be doing a sort of short recap, of the last chapter...You know viewers, in case some of you, decided to try and wrongly skip ahead?...*I say this while smiling with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*"

Okay so starting off with a short sort of recap, of the last chapter. And as for the point in the last chapter that I am referring too? Well...

"I'm not saying that I'm surprised Kuroko...seeing as how Anti-Skill, as well as Judgment, both need enough of a reason, in order to take action. Still, it is very frustrating, that there still isn't enough evidence for either to..." I said, obviously referring to Kuroko's most recent statement.

However, it was then, that I had suddenly cut my statement short, and was once again, in deep thought. "Okay, so that vision that I had had of Misaka back at the prison...I wish I knew more about what it means...And yet, I guess that is what I get, for not watching more of the Railgun anime past episode three, before winding up here...Still, I also seem, to have been having more and more thoughts and visions of those two other versions of me...And yet, from what I saw regarding them...what with Shinko Hanasaki, Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, Angel Daisy, and Angel Salvia, all in their DX battle outfits...that has all but confirmed to me, that the already existent timeline of their anime, has concluded...*I then turn my attention briefly, to the right of me, in order to briefly address the viewers*...Well viewers, at least for now...*I now proceed to turn away from briefly addressing the viewers, to which I then, once again, go back into deep thought*...And, with Zachary, Sakura, Li, Kero, and Yue...with both Zachary, and Sakura...both wielding their Star Staffs...and with them in possession, of the Clow Cards...which now that I remember, from Zachary's temporary reveal of the design of the Thunder Card, from back in chapter 70...during our first fight, against the villain rouges gallery...has led me to theorize, and also confirm...that their anime timeline, has to have at least made it, past episode 70, at the bear minimum...Which, now confirms to me, that they more then likely, have gone through Eli Moon's Final to speak...And as for Eternal Sailor Moon, and the rest of the Sailor Senshi...and with given the confirmation, that Usagi Tsukino, was only ever in her Eternal Sailor Moon form, starting at the beginning...and through the duration...of Sailor Stars...then, that would mean, that their timeline, like that of Angel Bluebell, Wedding Peach, and the rest of the Love Angels, has also, concluded...Especially after Angel Bluebell, had explained at immense Sailor Galaxia herself in fact...that she at least knew enough about the fight with Galaxia, and the rest of the Sailor know of the 9 murders that Galaxia committed, against the Sailor Senshi...Not to mention, the absolutely anger...that Angel Bluebell herself, had displayed towards both Galaxia...And now that I think about what else that she had said a bit more...Angel Bluebell had also mentioned...that Beryl...had killed Sailor Moon, the other four inner senshi, and...Wait a sec, she said that Beryl had committed six then...that would mean that she at least knew about the death of Tuxedo Mask back then as well..." I thought to myself, all while I had, at some points in my deep thought process, had turned my attention, slightly, and briefly to the right of me, in order to briefly address the viewers.

And now, with the recap now done, and with us now all caught up. We will now, proceed to the conversation, that was now taking place, right after I had finished, my end of chapter fourth wall break, from the previous chapter.

Which was pertaining to, well...

"Okay, so thinking back to what Therestina had said to me and Misaka...well to be honest, me and Misaka, were able to figure out, that STUDY, intends to do something, at the upcoming Reach Assembly...and, if me and Misaka's recent run-in, with one of their green colored mechs, has proven anything, then me, Misaka, Kuroko, and all of our other friends, had best be fight like hell," I thought to myself while in deep thought.

Which, while I was doing this, Kuroko, had once again attempted to try another of her perverted antic-induced advances on Misaka, only for Misaka to smack her in response. And to be honest, I would've been giving, as much of a less then pleased expression, then Misaka was giving to Kuroko right now. But, as aforementioned, I was deep in thought, when this had taken place.

"Hey viewers, Keiko here again...So viewers, with all of this, now being very much fresh, on all of your minds...I shall see all of you lot, in the next chapter...which will be the further continuation, of this current episode...okay?...*I say this, while smiling with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*"
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Chapter 53: As A Student You Have To STUDY!: Firing Railguns And Bowling Lucky Strikes! (Part 3)
Date: August 28, 2009

"Okay, viewers...Keiko here...*I say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers, before bringing my attention back up again...To which I then proceed, to smile with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*...Anyways picking up, where we had last left off in the last chapter. Well, however viewers...I do think, first things first, that a chapter recap is in order here...and so viewers, with that intention in mind, let us get on with the episode recap in question...okay?...*I say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

Which was pertaining to, well...

"Okay, so thinking back to what Therestina had said to me and Misaka...well to be honest, me and Misaka, were able to figure out, that STUDY, intends to do something, at the upcoming Reach Assembly...and, if me and Misaka's recent run-in, with one of their green colored mechs, has proven anything, then me, Misaka, Kuroko, and all of our other friends, had best be fight like hell," I thought to myself while in deep thought.

Which, while I was doing this, Kuroko, had once again attempted to try another of her perverted antic-induced advances on Misaka, only for Misaka to smack her in response. And to be honest, I would've been giving, as much of a less then pleased expression, then Misaka was giving to Kuroko right now. But, as aforementioned, I was deep in thought, when this had taken place.

And now, with the recap of the last chapter now done, and over with. Let us now continue on, with the current conversation, just after, I had cut the last chapter off, with my usual fourth wall break, which was currently...well...not exactly the same point, in which we had left off but it was still...well...

"Oooh...I love it as well...when neither of you, choose to show no mercy, with punishing someone," Kuroko had just finished saying, as she currently, lay face down on the floor, after having been smacked on the head by Misaka. Which had been brought on, by Kuroko once again, attempting yet another perverted sort of antic, on Misaka.

And quite honestly, I was going to shock her myself, right then and there. But, with me remembering back to the Tokiwadai School Rules, regarding it being forbidden, to use my Esper ability in the school dorms I instantly decided against doing it. However, that didn't mean, that I couldn't take a short moment, in order to sort of reminisce, about the current situation.

"Hello viewers, Keiko here...*I say this while smiling with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*...So furthermore viewers, as for my Telepath ability. Though I am able to use it, even though the dorm rules, strictly forbid it...So viewers, let me just further explain this, for those who need a much further, and in depth explanation. So, this is due to the fact, that although most Esper abilities, were, and are mostly, easily detected. A Telepath Esper ability, is only detectable, by those, who also happen to have it, and, are of an equal Esper level to mine. And viewers...because I am a one of the higher ranked level 5 espers. And I am in fact third ranked...You know, for those of you viewers, who didn't already know, by choosing to try and skip ahead in this fanfic, and not bothering to read anything before this chapter...*I proceed, to bring my face very very close to the screen, as I said this part of my statement, with an extremely less then pleased looking expression, on my face. And while a tickmark, is now prominently present, on one side, of my face*...*My less then pleased looking expression, now fades away quickly, as I then clear my throat, and then continue to address the viewers*...Now then the only other, technically speaking Telepath ability user, of Tokiwadai, is Misaki Shokuhou...And also viewers, when you factor in, that one Misaki Shokuhou...*I say this, while grimacing slightly, in a somewhat upset looking, and otherwise irritated looking manner, with a slight tickmark, now very much present, on one side, of my face. As I said Misaki Shokuhou's full name, both times. Before I then proceed to clear my throat, and then continue to address the viewers*...Anyway, since Shokuhou, usually has more important things on her mind...What with things regarding her clique, and other stuff...either related, or not related to any of that...Well...most of the time anyway...*I proceed to say this part, while smiling a sort of sheepish looking grin, with one of my hands, now behind my head, as I continue to display, a sot of sheepish looking expression. Before, I once again continue, to address, the viewers*...And, that Shokuhou, as explained back in chapter, 'Chapter 17: 90s Magical Girls And Level 5 Electromasters!: The Masters Of The Star Cards, The Sailor Senshi, And The Love Angels Appear!'...You know the chapter in question viewers...the one, in which me, Misaka, and one Shoukuhou...among some others, wind up locked, in a fight for our very lives?...However viewers, who ever said, that an our first run in, with the rest of The Four Aces Alliance, or those of the villains rouges gallery for that matter, was going to be a sort of one off type of incident, in this fanfic...Because if you did, by any chance, decide to wrongly assume this...Well then, that is your prerogative...*I say this, while now smiling quite broadly*...Anyway...*I now instantly start to realize, that my fourth wall break moment, has once again started to get drawn out, and is now, very lengthy. I then clearly my throat again, before once again, continuing, to address the viewers*...So viewers, with all of this, now being very much fresh, on all of your minds...I shall see all of you lot, in the next chapter...which will be the further continuation, of this current episode...okay?...*I say this, while doing my usual, end of chapter four wall break moment, which was me smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"
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Chapter 54: As A Student You Have To STUDY!: Firing Railguns And Bowling Lucky Strikes! (Part 4)
Date: August 28, 2009

"Hey, viewers...Keiko here...*I say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers, before bringing my attention back up again. To which I then proceed, to smile with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute manner*...Anyways viewers...we will now be pick up, where we had last left off in the last chapter. Well, however viewers...I do think, first things first, that a chapter recap is in order here, just like the last chapter...*I now proceed to say what I am going to say next, by proceeding to bring my face closer to the screen*...I mean honestly viewers...did any of you really genuinely think, that you were going to get out, of having to read the previous chapters of this fanfics thoroughly?...Well viewers....bad news I'm I know fully well, that some...if not most of you viewers...will not be the least bit wanting to thoroughly read the previous chapters...*I now proceed to say the next statement, while a small warm and comforting looking smile, winds up slowly making its way, onto my face*...I mean after all viewers, surely you all must have realized...that Shinko Hanasaki...or Angel Bluebell, as you all know her as...Wasn't the only version of myself, that was well aware...of some, or most of the viewers, that would wind up reading these fanfics...wouldn't wind up putting in the required amount of effort...I mean honestly viewers...If one Gordon Ramsay...can have high demands, as well as standards, regarding what food, that he wants to come out of the kitchens, of all of his successful restaurants...then surely viewers...I can have the exact same amount of high standards, with how I wind up going about, with how these fanfic stories are told...Oh, and speaking of those, who don't want to put in the necessary effort...Jake Paul...your paying off everyone, in order for you to win against Mike Tyson, by quite frankly the most cowardice of moves, that you could've made...Just know this much Jakey-Boy, that karma exists, and whether you like it or's coming for you...*I proceed to say all of that, while giving the most warmest, and genuine of smiles*...and so viewers, with all of this, now very much fresh, on all of your minds, let us now, get on with the episode recap in question...okay?...*I say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

And regarding the episode recap in question. Which was...well...

"Don't take advantage of the current situation, and don't call me childish either!" Misaka said, as I then felt a bit of wind, pick up through our dorm room, as Misaka discharged quite a lot of electricity onto Kuroko, who had decided just before this had happened, to attempt a perverted antic on her.

"So you're that as well?...I love just love...when either of you, choose to decide, when one needs to be punished," Kuroko had just finished saying, as she currently, lay face down on the floor, after having been hit full on by the electricity, that had been discharged by Misaka.

And quite honestly, I was going to shock her myself, right then and there. But, with me remembering back to the Tokiwadai School Rules, regarding it being forbidden, to use my Esper ability in the school dorms I instantly decided against doing it. However, that didn't mean, that I couldn't take a short moment, in order to sort of reminisce, about the current situation.

And now, with the chapter recap now out of the way. We will now proceed, to the next morning. And as of said instance, me, Misaka, Kuroko, Uiharu, and Saten, were currently in one of the offices, of the 177th Judgment Branch offices. And as for the reason?


"The STUDY Corporation?" Misaka had just asked in response, in a current tone in her voice, that suggested that she wanted to know more about the aforementioned corporation name, that had just been said by Uiharu.

"Yes, Haruki Aritomi came as one of the companies lead directors," Uiharu said in response to what Misaka had just asked to her.

"Okay, so what kind of company is it?" Kuroko asked, now wanting to know more, not just about The STUDY Corporation, but also about the director, and what exactly it was, that The STUDY Corporation did.

"They seem to do a lot of things, but mainly it's pharmaceutical manufacturing and chemical engineering," Uiharu said in response, in order to answer both the questions, of Misaka, and Kuroko.

"Not to mention, that The STUDY Corporation, is also responsible, for the creation of Febrie. Which as I am sure you all know viewers...from a previous chapter...was one of several Chemicaloids, that were made by The STUDY Corporation...And also viewers...just to give you all just a smidge bit of foreshadowing...this very going to soon be, our next opponents...Well actually viewers, they were already sort of our opponents...You know, from back when me, Misaka, Kuroko, Uiharu, and Saten, had wound up going against, one of their giant green colored mechs?...Yes viewers, that giant green colored mech...which by the way viewers, as I am sure you all remember from the previous chapters, was un-piloted...And now viewers...I am sorry to say, that this, is going to wind up being the end, of the current chapter...I know viewers, I know...not the most ideal place to end this current chapter...But then again viewers......doesn't it does make all of you...enticed enough, to want to wait for, and to read the next chapter?...Anyway viewers, see all of you lot, in the next chapter," I thought to myself, all while I had slightly turned my eyesight, and my attention, slightly to the right of me, to briefly address the viewers, and with the warmest, and the most kind looking of smiles.
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Chapter 55: As A Student You Have To STUDY!: Firing Railguns And Bowling Lucky Strikes! (Part 5)
Date: August 28, 2009

"Hey, viewers...Keiko here...*I say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers, before bringing my attention back up again. To which I then proceed, to smile with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute manner*...Anyways viewers...we will now be pick up, where we had last left off in the last chapter...But first viewers, a chapter recap is in order...and so viewers, with all of this, now very much fresh, on all of your minds, let us now, get on with the episode recap in question...okay?...*I say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

And regarding the episode recap in question. It was...well...

"The STUDY Corporation?" Misaka had just asked in response, in a current tone in her voice, that suggested that she wanted to know more about the aforementioned corporation name, that had just been said by Uiharu.

"Yes, Haruki Aritomi came as one of the companies lead directors," Uiharu said in response to what Misaka had just asked to her.

"Okay, so what kind of company is it?" Kuroko asked, now wanting to know more, not just about The STUDY Corporation, but also about the director, and what exactly it was, that The STUDY Corporation did.

"They seem to do a lot of things, but mainly it's pharmaceutical manufacturing and chemical engineering," Uiharu said in response, in order to answer both the questions, of Misaka, and Kuroko.

"Not to mention, that The STUDY Corporation, is also responsible, for the creation of Febrie. Which as I am sure you all know viewers...from a previous chapter...was one of several Chemicaloids, that were made by The STUDY Corporation...And also viewers...just to give you all just a smidge bit of foreshadowing...this very going to soon be, our next opponents...Well actually viewers, they were already sort of our opponents...You know, from back when me, Misaka, Kuroko, Uiharu, and Saten, had wound up going against, one of their giant green colored mechs?...Yes viewers, that giant green colored mech...which by the way viewers, as I am sure you all remember from the previous chapters, was un-piloted..." I thought to myself. Which had followed, by me doing, one of my usual, end of chapter, fourth wall breaks.

And now, with the chapter recap of the previous chapter, now out of the way. We will now proceed, back to where the last chapter had left off. And as of said instance, me, Misaka, Kuroko, Uiharu, and Saten, were currently, still in one of the offices, of the 177th Judgment Branch offices. And things were still being explained, as well as learned about, regarding The STUDY Corporation.

And the information in question was...well...

"So, do they have any suspicious facilities?" Misaka now followed up with asking to Uiharu, in an attempt, to try and get more information, which was now regarding, as to whether or not, The STUDY Corporation, had any 'suspicious facilities,' as Misaka herself had just asked with her current statement. And given what I knew about our most recent involvement, in the Level 6 Shift Experiments, I honestly did not blame Misaka in the slightest, for wanting to ask Uiharu this particular question of hers.

"According to what I found so far. The STUDY Corporation, owns a factory in School District 17. It's an old factory, and nothing very special. But the fact that they paid a huge amount for it bothers me," Uiharu now said, in response to Misaka's most recent question, while she, as well as the rest of us. Well, besides Konori, and Febrie of course. And this was due to the current fact, that Konori, was currently entertaining Febrie, so to speak.

Anyway, the rest of us, were sort of huddled around the computer, that Uiharu was currently at, as Uiharu, proceeded to tell the rest of us, more about The STUDY Corporation.

And, upon hearing this most recent bit of information, I then, while everyone else was talking, went into a sort of deep thought process, so to speak.

"Okay, so it would appear, that The STUDY currently and more then likely engaging, in some less then legal activities...Unfortunately, I can't help but feel, as though they will wind up, being our toughest opponents yet...and seeing as how we went against Galaxia and the rest of the villains rouges gallery, not too long ago, that is saying quite a bit," I thought to myself, while I displayed a face, of not just deep thought, but also intrigue.

"Hello viewers, Keiko here again...*I say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers, before bringing my attention back up again. To which I then proceed, to smile with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute manner*...Anyways viewers..."

"Uh Keiko?...*Misaka's voice is now suddenly heard, as the camera now focuses on her for a brief moment*"

"Yes Misaka?...*I say this to Misaka, without needing to turn my eyesight, or even my attention to her, in order to let the viewers know, that I am still giving them some of my attention*"

"Are you ending the chapter now by any chance?...*Misaka asks me this, while giving me a small smile*"

"Yes sis, I am...Anyway viewers...this, now marks the end of the current chapter...Yes, yes I know...this is once again not the most ideal place to be ending this current chapter...However viewers...the next chapter, will wind up being the end of episode 22, of Railgun S...which is the current season, and episode, that we are currently in at the moment...So viewers...With all of and Misaka, will be seeing all of you lot, in the next chapter...okay?...*I say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"
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Chapter 56: As A Student You Have To STUDY!: Firing Railguns And Bowling Lucky Strikes! (Part 6)
Date: August 28, 2009

"Hey, viewers...Keiko here...*I say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers, before bringing my attention back up again. To which I then proceed, to smile with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute manner*...Anyways viewers...we will now be pick up, where we had last left off in the last chapter...And of course, this viewers, is going to be the final part of this episode...And then viewers, we will then be just that much closer, to our next meetup, with the rest of The Four Aces Alliance...And believe me will not be disappointed...I mean after all viewers, from the words as one Sakura Avalon once, said, 'didn't anyone ever tell you, that patience is a virtue?'...And quite honestly viewers...I do in fact believe, that her very words...wind up ringing true here...But first things first viewers, a chapter recap is in order...and so viewers, with all of this, now very much fresh, on all of your minds, let us now, get on with the episode recap in question...okay?...*I say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

And regarding the episode recap of the last chapter in question. Which was...well...

"So, do they have any suspicious facilities?" Misaka now followed up with asking to Uiharu, in an attempt, to try and get more information, which was now regarding, as to whether or not, The STUDY Corporation, had any 'suspicious facilities,' as Misaka herself had just asked with her current statement. And given what I knew about our most recent involvement, in the Level 6 Shift Experiments, I honestly did not blame Misaka in the slightest, for wanting to ask Uiharu this particular question of hers.

"According to what I found so far. The STUDY Corporation, owns a factory in School District 17. It's an old factory, and nothing very special. But the fact that they paid a huge amount for it bothers me," Uiharu now said, in response to Misaka's most recent question, while she, as well as the rest of us. Well, besides Konori, and Febrie of course. And this was due to the current fact, that Konori, was currently entertaining Febrie, so to speak.

Anyway, the rest of us, were sort of huddled around the computer, that Uiharu was currently at, as Uiharu, proceeded to tell the rest of us, more about The STUDY Corporation.

And, upon hearing this most recent bit of information, I then, while everyone else was talking, went into a sort of deep thought process, so to speak.

"Okay, so it would appear, that The STUDY currently and more then likely engaging, in some less then legal activities...Unfortunately, I can't help but feel, as though they will wind up, being our toughest opponents yet...and seeing as how we went against Galaxia and the rest of the villains rouges gallery, not too long ago, that is saying quite a bit," I thought to myself, while I displayed a face, of not just deep thought, but also intrigue.

And now, with the chapter recap of the previous chapter, now out of the way. We will now proceed, to a little bit later on. How much later on? Well, I would say perhaps, about an hour or so later. Which given the current situation in question, was with me and Misaka, currently aboard, one of Academy City's many trains. And the reason as to why? Well, we were sort of heading to a nearby laboratory, or a facility in this case. And once we had both gotten to the place in question, we were greeted by a girl, with dark colored hair, and, was currently wearing a lab coat.

But while on board the train in question, we sort of passed by an all too familiar iron bridge.

And upon us both glancing at the iron bridge in question. I then couldn't help, but reminisce slightly, back to when I had been locked, in a sort of very dangerous situation, with Misaka, and Touma.

(Back On The Evening Of August 21, 2009)

" need to step aside and let me do this!" Misaka said, in both a very upset, and not very enthusiastic sounding tone, as quite a bit of electricity, swirled and crackled around her. And as for me? Well...

"That is not going to happen you really expect me to just simply stand aside so that you can hurt him?!...How about you take a moment...and think about this?!" I said, as I stood in the middle, of what was currently, a very volatile situation.

And what I mean by that, was that the three of us, were all currently on a bridge, somewhere in Academy City. And as for a more detailed insight into the current situation? it currently stood...Misaka, had...for reasons known only to her, decided to start discharging huge amounts of electricity, towards Touma...and the reason for why?...Well, after I had briefly used my Telepath ability, to peak into her mind for a moment...I realized, that Misaka, was not interested, in having Touma get involved with the Level 6 Shift experiments...because she didn't want to drag him into our current dilemma, and risk him getting seriously hurt...and also, because Touma, apparently understood, exactly what Misaka was currently going through at this current moment. And as a pretty aggressive response, Misaka had then discharged quite a bit of her electricity...however, unlike back in chapter 5...Touma didn't use his Imagine Breaker, to neutralize Misaka's electricity. And not surprisingly, given the current situation...I wasn't having any of it.

"I am not budging here...So, if you want to hurt Touma..." I began to say, only to have my statement forced to a complete stop mid-sentence, as Misaka, once again, discharged more of her electricity.

But, while I continued to hold my ground...something unexpected happened. Touma, as it turned out, was no longer standing directly behind me. In fact, he had actually sidestepped out from behind me, and then wound up taking the full brunt of Misaka's discharged electricity. And, for the first time since I had wound up in control of Keiko's body back in chapter one, I was very very shocked and surprised.

"Wait a sec here...why did...wait...hold on here...what the heck just happened!?" I frantically thought to myself, as my current expression, now made me look, like I was now currently short-circuiting, as I tried to figure out, exactly what, had just taken place.

However, in those few seconds, in which I tried to figure out, exactly what was going on. Misaka, then proceeded to discharge, several more electric based attacks towards Touma. And each time, Touma didn't use his Imagine Breaker to block or neutralize any of them.

And, as I then turned my attention towards Misaka, during while this was going on. I then noticed, that she now had tears, streaming down her cheeks.

"What the heck is going on here?!" I thought to myself, as I continued to look on in horror, at the current situation, that was currently playing out in front of me.

However, once the electricity had completely seized discharging. And I then got a chance to get a much better look at the current situation. I couldn't help but show a face of complete horror. Because, once I took a look back at Touma, I was greeted by him, face-down on the ground, in a very injured state. And to make matters just that much worse then they already currently were, he was currently not moving either.

And, upon turning my attention back to Misaka, and as I was about to yell quite aggressively and angrily at her, for doing this to Touma. I then realized, that the tears that I had seen on her face during the whole incident, were now much more prominently visible, on her face.

"Okay...what the heck just happened?...And why do I get the feeling...that there is much more to this, then I am currently this very I missing something here viewers?" I thought to myself, while briefly turning my eyesight, as well as my attention, to the right of me, to briefly address the viewers, during the last bit of my thought.

And it was once my flashback to the incident in question had ended, and I had snapped out of my reminiscing stupor, that me and Misaka then arrived, at the laboratory in question. And upon coming across, the person that we were due to meet there...

Who was well...

"Oh, why hello 'original'...I see that you brought your sister along," One Nunotaba Shinobu said to the both of us.

However, the only thing was, I had absolutely no idea, who Shinobu was. As I had never met her before. And even worse still, I wasn't able, to learn about her, through gazing into Misaka's thoughts, with the use, of my Telepath ability.

However, though I did not know it at this current moment. What was about to happen, to me and Misaka, in only about a months more time. And, with the sudden second arrival, of the rest of our multi-dimensional allies. We would all, once again, be locked in a fight, for our very lives.

"Hey guys, Keiko here again...*I say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers, before bringing my head, my attention, and my eyesight, back up again, to once again continue to address the viewers*...Now then viewers...this now marks the end of this chapter, and also, the end of episode 22 of the railgun anime canon timeline...And also viewers...with this now being the case, we will be diving into the next episode, right after this one...So viewers, with that now very much fresh, on all of your minds...I shall see all of you lot, in the next chapter...which as I just mentioned, will be the next episode...okay?...*I say this, while smiling with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*"
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Chapter 57: From Here To Eternity!: What It Is Truly Like To Be A Third Ranked Level 5 Esper! (Part 1)
Date: August 28, 2009

"Salutations viewers...Keiko here...*I say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers, before bringing my attention back up again. To which I then proceed, to smile with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute manner*...Anyways viewers...we will now be heading, right into the next chapter..Or, the first part, of what will be episode 23...of Railgun Season S...or Season 2...And of course viewers...this episode, like that of the last one...will be at least six parts, in the form of six separate chapters...And then viewers, like the last will then bring us all, just that much closer, to our next meetup, with the rest of The Four Aces Alliance...And believe me viewers...I cannot stop saying this will not be disappointed...I mean after all viewers, from the last time that we all crossed paths with each wound up, being quite the stunning show...And, given one Shinko Hanasaki, or Angel you all know her more as...She, wound up dealing with one Sailor Galaxia, on more then one occasion...And, as a matter of fact viewers...You really do, need to go and read Going In Completely Blind...and Going In Almost Completely Blind as well...*I say this, while smiling quite broadly*...And so viewers, with all of this, now very much fresh, on all of your minds, let us now, get on with the recap of the previous chapter...or in other words, the tail end, of episode 22...okay?...*I say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

And upon us both glancing at the iron bridge in question. I then couldn't help, but reminisce slightly, back to when I had been locked, in a sort of very dangerous situation, with Misaka, and Touma.

(Back On The Evening Of August 21, 2009)

" need to step aside and let me do this!" Misaka said, in both a very upset, and not very enthusiastic sounding tone, as quite a bit of electricity, swirled and crackled around her. And as for me? Well...

"That is not going to happen you really expect me to just simply stand aside so that you can hurt him?!...How about you take a moment...and think about this?!" I said, as I stood in the middle, of what was currently, a very volatile situation.

And what I mean by that, was that the three of us, were all currently on a bridge, somewhere in Academy City. And as for a more detailed insight into the current situation? it currently stood...Misaka, had...for reasons known only to her, decided to start discharging huge amounts of electricity, towards Touma...and the reason for why?...Well, after I had briefly used my Telepath ability, to peak into her mind for a moment...I realized, that Misaka, was not interested, in having Touma get involved with the Level 6 Shift experiments...because she didn't want to drag him into our current dilemma, and risk him getting seriously hurt...and also, because Touma, apparently understood, exactly what Misaka was currently going through at this current moment. And as a pretty aggressive response, Misaka had then discharged quite a bit of her electricity...however, unlike back in chapter 5...Touma didn't use his Imagine Breaker, to neutralize Misaka's electricity. And not surprisingly, given the current situation...I wasn't having any of it.

"I am not budging here...So, if you want to hurt Touma..." I began to say, only to have my statement forced to a complete stop mid-sentence, as Misaka, once again, discharged more of her electricity.

But, while I continued to hold my ground...something unexpected happened. Touma, as it turned out, was no longer standing directly behind me. In fact, he had actually sidestepped out from behind me, and then wound up taking the full brunt of Misaka's discharged electricity. And, for the first time since I had wound up in control of Keiko's body back in chapter one, I was very very shocked and surprised.

"Wait a sec here...why did...wait...hold on here...what the heck just happened!?" I frantically thought to myself, as my current expression, now made me look, like I was now currently short-circuiting, as I tried to figure out, exactly what, had just taken place.

However, in those few seconds, in which I tried to figure out, exactly what was going on. Misaka, then proceeded to discharge, several more electric based attacks towards Touma. And each time, Touma didn't use his Imagine Breaker to block or neutralize any of them.

And, as I then turned my attention towards Misaka, during while this was going on. I then noticed, that she now had tears, streaming down her cheeks.

"What the heck is going on here?!" I thought to myself, as I continued to look on in horror, at the current situation, that was currently playing out in front of me.

However, once the electricity had completely seized discharging. And I then got a chance to get a much better look at the current situation. I couldn't help but show a face of complete horror. Because, once I took a look back at Touma, I was greeted by him, face-down on the ground, in a very injured state. And to make matters just that much worse then they already currently were, he was currently not moving either.

And, upon turning my attention back to Misaka, and as I was about to yell quite aggressively and angrily at her, for doing this to Touma. I then realized, that the tears that I had seen on her face during the whole incident, were now much more prominently visible, on her face.

"Okay...what the heck just happened?...And why do I get the feeling...that there is much more to this, then I am currently this very I missing something here viewers?" I thought to myself, while briefly turning my eyesight, as well as my attention, to the right of me, to briefly address the viewers, during the last bit of my thought.

And it was once my flashback to the incident in question had ended, and I had snapped out of my reminiscing stupor, that me and Misaka then arrived, at the laboratory in question. And upon coming across, the person that we were due to meet there...

Who was well...

"Oh, why hello 'original'...I see that you brought your sister along," One Nunotaba Shinobu said to the both of us.

However, the only thing was, I had absolutely no idea, who Shinobu was. As I had never met her before. And even worse still, I wasn't able, to learn about her, through gazing into Misaka's thoughts, with the use, of my Telepath ability.

However, though I did not know it at this current moment. What was about to happen, to me and Misaka, in only about a months more time. And, with the sudden second arrival, of the rest of our multi-dimensional allies. We would all, once again, be locked in a fight, for our very lives.

And so, with the recap of the previous chapter now done, we will now move on, to the current chapter. Or, the first part, of episode 23.

Okay, so as it currently stood, me and Misaka, had just met up, with one Nunotaba Shinobu. And, as I would soon learn, was actually, not an Esper. As in, she did not have, an Esper ability.

But, however...

"Okay, Misaka, do you know her? And, would you care filling me in on who she is?" I asked Misaka, with quite a bit of a confusing sounding tone, in my voice.

"Hey guys, Keiko here again...*I say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers, before bringing my head, my attention, and my eyesight, back up again, to once again continue to address the viewers*...Now then viewers...this now marks the end of this chapter...Yes, I know, I know, not the most ideal place to be ending this chapter...But like I said at the beginning of this chapter viewers...this is going to be split into six separate chapters...So viewers, with that now very much fresh, on all of your minds...I shall see all of you lot, in the next chapter...okay?...*I say this, while smiling with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*"
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Chapter 58: From Here To Eternity!: What It Is Truly Like To Be A Third Ranked Level 5 Esper! (Part 2)
Date: August 28, 2009

"Hello there viewers...Keiko here...*I say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers, before bringing my attention back up again. To which I then proceed, to smile with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner. To which I then open my eyes again, in order to continue, to address the viewers*...Anyways viewers...we will now be heading, right into the next part of the current episode..Or, the second part, of what is currently episode 23...of Railgun Season S...or Season 2...And so viewers, let us now, get on with the recap of the previous chapter...or in other words, what was the previous chapter...okay?...*I say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

And as for the previous chapter recap in question? Well, it is quite the small one. As it was, well...

"Okay, Misaka, do you know her? And, would you care filling me in on who she is?" I asked Misaka, with quite a bit of a confusing sounding tone, in my voice.

And now, with the recap of the previous chapter now done, we will now move on, to the current chapter. Or, the second part, of episode 23.

Okay, so as it currently stood. Things were currently, not in the best of circumstances. And, what I mean by that is...

"Damn dare you...!" I said, with a currently very angry, and upset sounding tone to my voice.

And the reason, as to why I was currently in such an extremely upset state? Well apparently, as Nunotaba, was about to tell us more, about the whole Chemicaloid project. A certain someone, decided to interject. And as this very same someone entered the room, right before he had said anything, he had apparently taken a syringe, and had injected it, into Misaka's arm. And the reason, as to why he hadn't done so to me? Well, that was because I was able to react in time, and sort of leap away, before he was able to stick me with the second syringe, that he had had on hand.

And as for the very someone in question? Well...

" nice of you to join us...Railgun," one Haruki Aritomi had spoken up with saying, just after he had stuck Misaka, with the syringe.

And as for me? Well about that...

"Ah-ah...I wouldn't make a move if I were you Keiko. After all, you wouldn't want to see your beloved sister hurt now, would you?" Haruki followed up with, in response to what I had said. And he had said this, with a somewhat telling smirk, present on his face.

Well, when I say that he had said it to me in response. What I really mean by that, was that he had decided, to cut me off mid-sentence.

And, not surprisingly...

"Damn you!...How dare you harm her!...Haruki, I will see to it that, you wind up paying dearly for this!" I said, with a now absolutely livid, and enraged look, now all but visible, on my face. And I was also quite livid, that Haruki, had decided, to cut me off mid-sentence.

"Hello there again viewers, Keiko here...Now viewers...I can now clearly see, why Shinko Hanasaki, or Angel Bluebell, as most of you know her more as...Was never really a fan, of people interrupting her...Whether it was during her speaking, or either when her, or the rest of the Love Angels, were doing there introduction speeches...And for the record as well viewers...You really, need to go, and read Going In Completely Blind...and Going In Almost Completely Blind as well...As it is completely mandatory, that you do so...*I now proceed, to bring my face, very close to the screen*...I mean, surely you all haven't still, been reading just this one fanfic still, have you?...*I now proceed, to give a sort of Picard style facepalm. To which I then quickly compose myself, in order to then continue, to address the viewers*...Anyway viewers...Enough about my fourth wall breaking, and fourth wall breaking moments...Well, at least for now...Now then, what do you say, that we get back to the story now, hmm?...I say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

Now then, getting back to the current point in the chapter. And unfortunately, things hadn't exactly gotten better. No surprise there. And of course the situation in question was. Well...

"Well, this is not the most ideal of situations...I can't seek to do anything...not while Misaka, is currently on the floor, and is currently indisposed, because of whatever liquid, that Haruki put in that syringe...Still, seeing as how she isn't dead...I would assume, that it must be...some sort of temporary paralysis agent..." I thought to myself. And this was while, I was still keeping part of my attention, focused on the current situation.

And upon me gazing down to Misaka again. Who was still temporarily paralyzed, from the temporary paralysis agent, that Haruki, had injected into her, I couldn't help, but get that much more upset.

But, the good news here, was that this, was a stalemate of sorts. Because, as long as I had my attention, focused on Haruki. Then I knew, that he couldn't try, to attempt to inject me, with whatever temporary paralysis agent, that he had used, on Misaka.

But, if I did nothing in this situation. Then, I had absolutely no idea, as to what Haruki, would seek to try against me.


"Nunotaba, let's go, we're leaving," Haruki then spoke up with saying.

"Hold on a sec, we're not finished here!..." I said, in an attempt, to voice to Haruki, that me and Misaka's fight with him, wasn't over, not by a long shot.

"No Keiko, I would say, that we are finished here. So Lucky Strike, I will see you, and your sister, at the next show," Haruki said, as he then turned around, and with Nunotaba in tow, they both left the room. Only, just before he had left with Nunotaba. Haruki, had given me, quit the malicious looking smirk.

And not surprisingly, it wound up, getting me just that much more livid.

"Hey guys, Keiko here again...*I say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers, before bringing my head, my attention, and my eyesight, back up again, in order, to once again continue, to address the viewers*...Now then viewers...this now marks the end of this chapter...And now viewers...with that very much fresh, on all of your minds...I shall see all of you lot, in the next chapter...okay?...*I say this, while smiling with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*"
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Chapter 59: From Here To Eternity!: What It Is Truly Like To Be A Third Ranked Level 5 Esper! (Part 3)
Date: August 28, 2009

"Hello viewers...Keiko here...*I say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers, before bringing my attention back up again. To which I then proceed, to smile with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner. To which I then open my brown eyes again, in order to continue, to properly address the viewers*...Anyways viewers...we will now be heading, right into the next part of the current episode..Or, the third part, of what is currently episode 23...of Railgun Season S...or Season 2...And so viewers, let us now, get on with the recap of the previous chapter...or in other words, what was the previous chapter...okay?...*I say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

And as for the previous chapter recap in question? Well, it was, well...

"Damn dare you...!" I said, with a currently very angry, and upset sounding tone to my voice.

And the reason, as to why I was currently in such an extremely upset state? Well apparently, as Nunotaba, was about to tell us more, about the whole Chemicaloid project. A certain someone, decided to interject. And as this very same someone entered the room, right before he had said anything, he had apparently taken a syringe, and had injected it, into Misaka's arm. And the reason, as to why he hadn't done so to me? Well, that was because I was able to react in time, and sort of leap away, before he was able to stick me with the second syringe, that he had had on hand.

And as for the very someone in question? Well...

" nice of you to join us...Railgun," one Haruki Aritomi had spoken up with saying, just after he had stuck Misaka, with the syringe.

And as for me? Well about that...

"Ah-ah...I wouldn't make a move if I were you Keiko. After all, you wouldn't want to see your beloved sister hurt now, would you?" Haruki followed up with, in response to what I had said. And he had said this, with a somewhat telling smirk, present on his face.

Well, when I say that he had said it to me in response. What I really mean by that, was that he had decided, to cut me off mid-sentence.

And, not surprisingly...

"Damn you!...How dare you harm her!...Haruki, I will see to it that, you wind up paying dearly for this!" I said, with a now absolutely livid, and enraged look, now all but visible, on my face. And I was also quite livid, that Haruki, had decided, to cut me off mid-sentence.

"Hello there again viewers, Keiko here...Now viewers...I can now clearly see, why Shinko Hanasaki, or Angel Bluebell, as most of you know her more as...Was never really a fan, of people interrupting her...Whether it was during her speaking, or either when her, or the rest of the Love Angels, were doing there introduction speeches...And for the record as well viewers...You really, need to go, and read Going In Completely Blind...and Going In Almost Completely Blind as well...As it is completely mandatory, that you do so...*I now proceed, to bring my face, very close to the screen*...I mean, surely you all haven't still, been reading just this one fanfic still, have you?...*I now proceed, to give a sort of Picard style facepalm. To which I then quickly compose myself, in order to then continue, to address the viewers*...Anyway viewers...Enough about my fourth wall breaking, and fourth wall breaking moments...Well, at least for now...Now then, what do you say, that we get back to the story now, hmm?...I say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

Now then, getting back to the current point in the chapter. And unfortunately, things hadn't exactly gotten better. No surprise there. And of course the situation in question was. Well...

"Well, this is not the most ideal of situations...I can't seek to do anything...not while Misaka, is currently on the floor, and is currently indisposed, because of whatever liquid, that Haruki put in that syringe...Still, seeing as how she isn't dead...I would assume, that it must be...some sort of temporary paralysis agent..." I thought to myself. And this was while, I was still keeping part of my attention, focused on the current situation.

And upon me gazing down to Misaka again. Who was still temporarily paralyzed, from the temporary paralysis agent, that Haruki, had injected into her, I couldn't help, but get that much more upset.

But, the good news here, was that this, was a stalemate of sorts. Because, as long as I had my attention, focused on Haruki. Then I knew, that he couldn't try, to attempt to inject me, with whatever temporary paralysis agent, that he had used, on Misaka.

But, if I did nothing in this situation. Then, I had absolutely no idea, as to what Haruki, would seek to try against me.


"Nunotaba, let's go, we're leaving," Haruki then spoke up with saying.

"Hold on a sec, we're not finished here!..." I said, in an attempt, to voice to Haruki, that me and Misaka's fight with him, wasn't over, not by a long shot.

"No Keiko, I would say, that we are finished here. So Lucky Strike, I will see you, and your sister, at the next show," Haruki said, as he then turned around, and with Nunotaba in tow, they both left the room. Only, just before he had left with Nunotaba. Haruki, had given me, quite the malicious looking smirk.

And not surprisingly, it wound up, getting me just that much more livid.

And now, with the recap of the previous chapter now done, we will now move on, to the current chapter. Or, the third part, of episode 23.

And regarding the current situation. Which was after, the temporary paralysis agent, that had been injected into Misaka, from the syringe, that Haruki had stuck her with. I was at least someone more relaxed, with now knowing, that Misaka, was okay.

But, however. I was still very upset, that Haruki, had resulted, to such an underhanded tactic. But, after knowing all too well, of other villains, that we both, had recently come across, back on August 9. We quickly then both realized, that things regarding our current situation, with Haruki, and the rest of The STUDY Corporation. Were not really as bad, as back when we had gone against, Sailor Galaxia, as well as the rest, of the villain rogues gallery.

But still....

"Damn that Haruki! Misaka, are you sure you're alright?" I asked her with concern in my tone. Well, that was after, I had said the first part of my statement, with a somewhat frustrated tone of voice, and, with a less then pleased looking expression, on my face.

"Yes Keiko, I'm fine," Misaka wound up saying back to me in response. Which was accompanied, by her giving close eye smile.

"Well, that is good to hear. Now then, shall we?" I asked Misaka, while giving a sort of hand gesture, towards the door, that lead out of the room.

And, upon Misaka, then giving me a nod in response, we both, then exited the room.

"Hey guys, Keiko here again...*I say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers, before bringing my head, my attention, and my eyesight, back up again, in order, to once again continue, to address the viewers*...Now then viewers...this now marks the end of this chapter...And with...I shall see all of you lot, in the next chapter...okay?...*I say this, while smiling with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*"
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Chapter 60: From Here To Eternity!: What It Is Truly Like To Be A Third Ranked Level 5 Esper! (Part 4)
Date: August 28, 2009

"Hello viewers...Keiko here...*I say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers, before bringing my attention back up again. To which I then proceed, to smile with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner. To which I then open my brown eyes again, in order to continue, to properly address the viewers*...Anyways viewers...we will now be heading, right into the next part of the current episode..Or, the fourth part, of what is currently episode 23...of Railgun Season S...or Season 2...And so viewers, let us now, quickly recap the previous chapter...or in other words, what was the previous chapter...okay?...*I say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

And as for the previous chapter recap in question? Which was, well...

And regarding the current situation. Which was after, the temporary paralysis agent, that had been injected into Misaka, from the syringe, that Haruki had stuck her with. I was at least someone more relaxed, with now knowing, that Misaka, was okay.

But, however. I was still very upset, that Haruki, had resulted, to such an underhanded tactic. But, after knowing all too well, of other villains, that we both, had recently come across, back on August 9. We quickly then both realized, that things regarding our current situation, with Haruki, and the rest of The STUDY Corporation. Were not really as bad, as back when we had gone against, Sailor Galaxia, as well as the rest, of the villain rogues gallery.

But still....

"Damn that Haruki! Misaka, are you sure you're alright?" I asked her with concern in my tone. Well, that was after, I had said the first part of my statement, with a somewhat frustrated tone of voice, and, with a less then pleased looking expression, on my face.

"Yes Keiko, I'm fine," Misaka wound up saying back to me in response. Which was accompanied, by her giving close eye smile.

"Well, that is good to hear. Now then, shall we?" I asked Misaka, while giving a sort of hand gesture, towards the door, that lead out of the room.

And, upon Misaka, then giving me a nod in response, we both, then exited the room.

And now, with the recap of the previous chapter now done, we will now move on, to the current chapter. Or, the third part, of episode 23.

And regarding the current situation. Which was after, the temporary paralysis agent, that had been injected into Misaka, from the syringe, that Haruki had stuck her with. I was at least someone more relaxed, with now knowing, that Misaka, was okay.

But, however. I was still very upset, that Haruki, had resulted, to such an underhanded tactic. But, after knowing all too well, of other villains, that we both, had recently come across, back on August 9. We quickly then both realized, that things regarding our current situation, with Haruki, and the rest of The STUDY Corporation. Were not really as bad, as back when we had gone against, Sailor Galaxia, as well as the rest, of the villain rogues gallery.

But still....

"Damn that Haruki! Misaka, are you sure you're alright?" I asked her with concern in my tone. Well, that was after, I had said the first part of my statement, with a somewhat frustrated tone of voice, and, with a less then pleased looking expression, on my face.

"Yes Keiko, I'm fine," Misaka wound up saying back to me in response. Which was accompanied, by her giving close eye smile.

"Well, that is good to hear. Now then, shall we?" I asked Misaka, while giving a sort of hand gesture, towards the door, that lead out of the room.

And, upon Misaka, then giving me a nod in response, we both, then exited the room.

And now, with the recap of the previous chapter now done. We will now, move on, to the current situation. Which oddly, was earlier the next morning. But, more importantly, me and Misaka, had caught up, to Nunotaba.

"Hey viewers, Keiko here again...Now, you may now all be wondering, how this is possible, correct? Well viewers, several hours back, just after the incident. Me and Misaka, simply went, and had eavesdropped, so to speak, and decided to wait, until Nunotaba was alone, so to speak. And, with our original intention, of wanting to learn more, about the Chemicaloid project, still very much strong, on both of our minds...And, with the three of us, now moved to another building, earlier in the morning. Nunotaba, then proceeded, to fill us in, so to speak, on the Chemicaloid project. But, more shockingly, Nunotaba, also stated during this, that Aritomi, had gone too far, with the project in question. And, on top of all of that, she had apparently been 'sold to STUDY,' so too speak...Now then viewers...back to the story...*I say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

And, upon getting all of this new information. Me and Misaka, then proceeded, to speak up in response.

"I know how terrible you must feel right now...but you are not alone, there are people out there who genuinely care about you. Including the both of us," Misaka wound up saying, in response to Nunotaba's quite lengthy statement, regarding Janie, who was one of the two main Checmicaloids, of the Chemicaloid project.

"And Nunotaba. Just know, that you're not the only one, who has something that is worth fighting for," I said, with quite a bit of determination present, on my face. And this was while, I had said my statement, with quite a bit of charisma, in my tone.

"Hey guys, Keiko here again...*I say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers, before bringing my head, my attention, and my eyesight, quickly back up again, in order, to once again continue to properly address the viewers*...Now then viewers...this now marks the end of this chapter...And with...I shall see all of you lot, in the next chapter...okay?...*I say this, while smiling with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*"
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Chapter 61: From Here To Eternity!: What It Is Truly Like To Be A Third Ranked Level 5 Esper! (Part 5)
Date: August 29, 2009

"Hello viewers...Keiko here...*I say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers, before bringing my attention back up again. To which I then proceed, to smile with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner. To which I then open my brown eyes again, in order to continue, to properly address the viewers*...Anyways viewers...we will now be heading, right into the next part of the current episode..Or, the fifth part, of what is currently episode 23...of Railgun Season S...or Season 2...And so viewers, let us now, quickly recap the previous chapter...or in other words, what was the previous chapter...okay?...*I say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

And as for the previous chapter recap in question...

So, several hours back, just after the incident. Me and Misaka, simply went, and had eavesdropped, so to speak, and decided to wait, until Nunotaba was alone, so to speak. And, with our original intention, of wanting to learn more, about the Chemicaloid project, still very much strong, on both of our minds.

And, with the three of us, now having moved to another building, earlier in the morning. Nunotaba, then proceeded, to fill us in, so to speak, on the Chemicaloid project.

But, more shockingly, Nunotaba, also stated during this, that Aritomi, had gone too far, with the project in question. And, on top of all of that, she had apparently been 'sold to STUDY,' so too speak.

And, upon getting all of this new information. Me and Misaka, then proceeded, to speak up in response.

"I know how terrible you must feel right now...but you are not alone, there are people out there who genuinely care about you. Including the both of us," Misaka wound up saying, in response to Nunotaba's quite lengthy statement, regarding Janie, who was one of the two main Checmicaloids, of the Chemicaloid project.

"And Nunotaba. Just know, that you're not the only one, who has something that is worth fighting for," I said, with quite a bit of determination present, on my face. And this was while, I had said my statement, with quite a bit of charisma, in my tone.

And now, with the recap of the previous chapter now done. We will now, move on, to the current situation.

Which, even after both me and Misaka, had said both of our respective statements. And given Nunotaba's current follow up statement. Which was, well...

"And you're both those people I suppose?! But how can you both seek to help me?!" Nunotaba had followed up with saying. And she had said this, while she had turned her attention to us, from looking off in a different direction. And she had also gone during this instance, while having clenched her right hand, into a very tight fist.

And it was then, that I decided to speak up in response.

"Nunotaba, let me tell you, what me and Misaka have realized recently. You have people that count on you, but other people count on you too. And, if you wind up working with those people, then your strength, can wind up making all the difference. I mean after all, it isn't just me and Misaka, who have this sort of need, to work together," I wound up saying in response. And towards the end of my statement, I had briefly turned my attention to Misaka, and had smiled a closed eyes smile, to which she then, wound up returning to me, in response.

"Hey viewers, Keiko here again...*I say this, while once again traditionally bowing to the viewers, as a sign of respect. Before I then, bring myself, back up, from this traditional bow. And then, once I had smiled, with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner. To which, I had then, opened my eyes again, I then proceeded, to continue, to address the viewers*...Okay then viewers, with that now out of the way...Let me just make on thing, completely clear from the off...As I am sure you all know by this point...Well, that is, if you haven't been jumping several chapters ahead, in this fanfics, or the other two, that are connected to it for that matter...*I proceed to say this, while blushing slightly*...*I then, once I have stopped blushing, then proceed, to bring my face, closer to the screen, in order to address the viewers, in this manner, for this part, of my current fourth wall break*...I mean, surely, you aren't still attempting, to skip ahead in any of these fanfics still, are you?...I mean, why do you think, I have been doing chapter recaps, at the start of every recent chapter?...Did you really think, that I didn't have some sort of contingency in place, to insure that you had no choice, but to read the recaps?...*I also proceed to say this, while also smiling, quite the cheeky looking smile*...Anyway viewers...I think that that, is enough fourth wall breaking from least for the moment...Now then viewers...back to the story...*I say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

And, it was after, I had said my most recent statement, to Nunotaba. Misaka, then chose, to speak up as well.

"You know, when I found out about my sisters, I reacted in the same way that you did. I kept thinking, 'this is my fault, I have to do something.' However, it took me a while, but I started to learn, not to think like that," Misaka said, while she displayed, a kind looking, and also understanding looking expression, on her face.

And, not surprisingly...

"Well, I guess I was right from the very beginning...Misaka, like the rest of The Four Aces, really does in fact, have both a genuine, and..." I thought to myself, all while I displayed, a very warming looking smile, on my face.

The only thing was, my thought process, was suddenly cut short, by the sudden blaring, of an alarm, throughout the entire building.

"Well, looks like, the endgame regarding The STUDY about to go into full swing," I thought to myself, as my expression, then wound up changing, to a now very confident looking smirk. And, while the familiar feeling of my electricity, had started to course, through the bangs, of my long light blue hair.

"Hey guys, Keiko here again...*I say this while once again traditionally bowing to the viewers, before bringing my head, my attention, and my eyesight, quickly back up again, in order, to once again continue to properly address the viewers*...Now then viewers...this now marks the end of this current chapter...And with...I shall see all of you lot, in the next chapter...Which will wind up being, the sixth, and final part...of episode 23...okay?...*I say this, while smiling with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*"
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Chapter 62: From Here To Eternity!: What It Is Truly Like To Be A Third Ranked Level 5 Esper! (Part 6)
Date: August 29, 2009

"Hello there viewers...Keiko here...*I say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers, before bringing my attention back up again. To which I then proceed, to smile with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner. To which I then open my brown eyes again, in order to continue, to properly address the viewers*...Anyways viewers...we will now be heading, right into the next, and now final part of the current episode...Or, the sixth part, of what is currently episode 23...of Railgun Season S...or Season 2...if you want to be more technical...I wouldn't know viewers...because I have stated previously, my Telepath Ability...only works on Misaka...Well actually viewers...that isn't entirely true...But, just so you all know, that, was a bit of foreshadowing...*I say this part, while smiling quite broadly, which winds up subsiding, before I then continue, to address the viewers*...And so viewers, with that now very much fresh, on all of your minds...let us now, quickly recap the previous chapter...or in other words, what was chapter 61...okay?...*I say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

"And you're both those people I suppose?! But how can you both seek to help me?!" Nunotaba had followed up with saying. And she had said this, while she had turned her attention to us, from looking off in a different direction. And she had also gone during this instance, while having clenched her right hand, into a very tight fist.

And it was then, that I decided to speak up in response.

"Nunotaba, let me tell you, what me and Misaka have realized recently. You have people that count on you, but other people count on you too. And, if you wind up working with those people, then your strength, can wind up making all the difference. I mean after all, it isn't just me and Misaka, who have this sort of need, to work together," I wound up saying in response. And towards the end of my statement, I had briefly turned my attention to Misaka, and had smiled a closed eyes smile, to which she then, wound up returning to me, in response.

"Hey viewers, Keiko here again...*I say this, while once again traditionally bowing to the viewers, as a sign of respect. Before I then, bring myself, back up, from this traditional bow. And then, once I had smiled, with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner. To which, I had then, opened my eyes again, I then proceeded, to continue, to address the viewers*...Okay then viewers, with that now out of the way...Let me just make on thing, completely clear from the off...As I am sure you all know by this point...Well, that is, if you haven't been jumping several chapters ahead, in this fanfics, or the other two, that are connected to it for that matter...*I proceed to say this, while blushing slightly*...*I then, once I have stopped blushing, then proceed, to bring my face, closer to the screen, in order to address the viewers, in this manner, for this part, of my current fourth wall break*...I mean, surely, you aren't still attempting, to skip ahead in any of these fanfics still, are you?...I mean, why do you think, I have been doing chapter recaps, at the start of every recent chapter?...Did you really think, that I didn't have some sort of contingency in place, to insure that you had no choice, but to read the recaps?...*I also proceed to say this, while also smiling, quite the cheeky looking smile*...Anyway viewers...I think that that, is enough fourth wall breaking from least for the moment...Now then viewers...back to the story...*I say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

And, it was after, I had said my most recent statement, to Nunotaba. Misaka, then chose, to speak up as well.

"You know, when I found out about my sisters, I reacted in the same way that you did. I kept thinking, 'this is my fault, I have to do something.' However, it took me a while, but I started to learn, not to think like that," Misaka said, while she displayed, a kind looking, and also understanding looking expression, on her face.

And, not surprisingly...

"Well, I guess I was right from the very beginning...Misaka, like the rest of The Four Aces, really does in fact, have both a genuine, and..." I thought to myself, all while I displayed, a very warming looking smile, on my face.

The only thing was, my thought process, was suddenly cut short, by the sudden blaring, of an alarm, throughout the entire building.

"Well, looks like, the endgame regarding The STUDY about to go into full swing," I thought to myself, as my expression, then wound up changing, to a now very confident looking smirk. And, while the familiar feeling of my electricity, had started to course, through the bangs, of my long light blue hair.

And, now that the recap of the previous chapter, is now done. We will now, move onward, to the currently volatile, and very quickly unfolding situation. Which from what you all remember, was back in the building, that me, Misaka, and Nunotaba, had been in, once the currently blaring alarm, had started to loudly blare, throughout the entire building. And, as for the quickly volatile, and quickly unfolding situation in question.

Well, with the current sudden arrival, of one Kuroko Shirai, and her quick dispatching, of the so called attack robots, that had been present at the entrance. Which in fact, had wound up setting off the blaring alarm in question. That was, at this moment, still blaring throughout the building.

And, upon me glancing outside, towards one of the adjacent buildings, I was just able to catch sight of Saten, who was currently perched on top of said building, while using a pair of binoculars, that she had on hand with her at the moment.

And, upon seeing her, I then couldn't help, but then give off a small smile.

But however...

"How did they know where to find the both of you?" Nunotaba suddenly chimed in with asking to both me and Misaka.

"Well Nunotaba...I am so glad you asked...and viewers...Yea, Keiko here by the way...Anyway viewers...I think that it is now time, for us to do a flashback of sorts..."

"Yea, so Keiko? How about you just explain it, rather then have us have to go through, what is more then likely, going to be a very lengthy flashback?...*Misaka winds up saying this to me, while giving me the sort of look, that told me, that perhaps I should take her statement, into account*"

"Okay Misaka, I suppose so...if you want to be boring..."

"What was that Keiko?...*Misaka proceeds to say this to me, with a look, that now pretty much tells me, that perhaps I should be thinking twice, about thinking something similar, during a future fourth wall break*"

"Uh nothing Misaka...*I say this, while a bead of sweat, is currently very visible, on one side of my face. Which winds up quickly subsiding, along with my currently nervous looking expression. To which I then, proceed to continue, to address the viewers*...So in short you know, in the James Bond movie Casino Royale...when James Bond, played by Daniel Craig...has a sort of tracking device, planted into his skin?...Well viewers, that just so happens to be, the similar type of device, that had allowed Kuroko, Uiharu, and Saten, to find and locate the both of us...Also, you might all be wondering, why I used Casino Royale, as a sort of analogy?...Well has to actually do, with the whole Poker aspect, of that movie...As the concept of Poker, so too speak...Will wind up playing a huge role, in a later arc, in this fanfic...But least for now, we will proceed onward, by getting right back, to the current situation...okay?...*I say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

Anyway, fourth wall breaking, and fourth wall breaking moments aside, at least for the moment. And, getting back to the current situation. Which was currently. Well...

"Kuroko!" I called out to Kuroko, who at the moment we had happened upon her, had just finished destroying yet another robot, with quite a bit, of her pin darts.

But, given Kuroko's response...

"Sissy...Keiko...!" Kuroko then responded with, in a somewhat perverse sounding manner.

But, as she was about to approach me and Misaka, in an effort to try, quite an inopportune perverse leap towards us. I then, simply made an somewhat kind expression, with just a bit of emotion, that made Kuroko, perhaps think twice, with trying this, given the current situation.

"Hey viewers...Keiko here again...*I say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers, before bringing my attention back up again. To which I then proceed, to smile with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner. To which I then open my brown eyes again, in order to continue, to properly address the viewers*...So viewers, the last line of six chapters before this episode...will have this current episode, split into two parts, of six chapters each...Yes, I know I know, not the most ideal...But least by doing it this way, it is much easier to digest...So then viewers...I will be seeing all of you lot, in the next episode...Well technically will still be the same know what I mean viewers...See you all there, okay?...*I say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"
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Chapter 63: Unbreakable Wills Of Iron And Unshakable Nerves Of Steel!: The Battle With STUDY Nears Its Conclusion! (Part 1)
Date: August 29, 2009

"Hello there viewers...Keiko here...*I say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers, before bringing my attention back up again. To which I then proceed, to smile with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner. To which I then open my brown eyes again, in order to continue, to properly address the viewers*...Anyways viewers...we will now be heading, right into, what is the first part of this episode...Well viewers...technically this is still part of the current episode...what is currently episode 23...of Railgun Season S...or Season 2...if you want to be more technical...Although viewers...on a somewhat lighter note...this now puts us, one more chapter closer, to our next eventual meetup, with the rest, of The Four Aces Alliance...*I say this part, while smiling quite broadly, which winds up subsiding, before I then continue, to address the viewers*...And so viewers, with that now very much fresh, on all of your minds...let us now, quickly recap the previous chapter...or in other words, what was chapter 62...okay?...*I say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

And here, is the recap, of the previous chapter, in question...

"How did they know where to find the both of you?" Nunotaba suddenly chimed in with asking to both me and Misaka.

"Well Nunotaba...I am so glad you asked...and viewers...Yea, Keiko here by the way...Anyway viewers...I think that it is now time, for us to do a flashback of sorts..."

"Yea, so Keiko? How about you just explain it, rather then have us have to go through, what is more then likely, going to be a very lengthy flashback?...*Misaka winds up saying this to me, while giving me the sort of look, that told me, that perhaps I should take her statement, into account*"

"Okay Misaka, I suppose so...if you want to be boring..."

"What was that Keiko?...*Misaka proceeds to say this to me, with a look, that now pretty much tells me, that perhaps I should be thinking twice, about thinking something similar, during a future fourth wall break*"

"Uh nothing Misaka...*I say this, while a bead of sweat, is currently very visible, on one side of my face. Which winds up quickly subsiding, along with my currently nervous looking expression. To which I then, proceed to continue, to address the viewers*...So in short you know, in the James Bond movie Casino Royale...when James Bond, played by Daniel Craig...has a sort of tracking device, planted into his skin?...Well viewers, that just so happens to be, the similar type of device, that had allowed Kuroko, Uiharu, and Saten, to find and locate the both of us...Also, you might all be wondering, why I used Casino Royale, as a sort of analogy?...Well has to actually do, with the whole Poker aspect, of that movie...As the concept of Poker, so too speak...Will wind up playing a huge role, in a later arc, in this fanfic...But least for now, we will proceed onward, by getting right back, to the current situation...okay?...*I say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

Anyway, fourth wall breaking, and fourth wall breaking moments aside, at least for the moment. And, getting back to the current situation. Which was currently. Well...

"Kuroko!" I called out to Kuroko, who at the moment we had happened upon her, had just finished destroying yet another robot, with quite a bit, of her pin darts.

But, given Kuroko's response...

"Sissy...Keiko...!" Kuroko then responded with, in a somewhat perverse sounding manner.

But, as she was about to approach me and Misaka, in an effort to try, quite an inopportune perverse leap towards us. I then, simply made an somewhat kind expression, with just a bit of emotion, that made Kuroko, perhaps think twice, with trying this, given the current situation.

And now, with the recap of the previous chapter, now over and done with. We will now, carry on, where we had last left off.

Which currently, was just after me and Misaka, had met up with Kuroko, just after, she had used her pin darts, to destroy a robot. And was just after, I had given Kuroko a sort of kind looking expression, which had pretty much let her know, that now, was not the most ideal time, to be attempting any perverted antics. Well, that was at least, until our current fight against STUDY, had finally reached its conclusion.

And, upon the three of us, now having regrouped with Uiharu, and Saten...

"What, a terrorist attack at the upcoming Reach Assembly!?" The voice of Saten, then suddenly blurted out, with quite a bit of surprise in her current tone.

"Yes Saten. However, the word that had been described by one Haruki, was a 'revolution,' so to speak," I wound up saying to Saten in response. And I made sure, to put a strong sort of emphasis, on the word 'revolution.'

"What, that's crazy!" Kuroko wound up responding to what I had just said in response.

"Well Kuroko technically that would be the case. However Kuroko, seeing as how we have recently been in crazier scenarios. I would say that this, isn't exactly the most crazy. I mean after all Kuroko, I need not remind you, about what went on, back on August 9th, right?" I wound up saying to Kuroko in response, in order to remind her, that our given situation, was only one-third, of what was, and still currently is, a much larger picture, and situation.

And this was compounded, by the all too obvious fact. As that was the date in question, in which me, Misaka, and Kuroko, had all had our first run-in, with the rest, of what was named, The Four Aces Alliance.

And more importantly, that was also the first time, in which I discovered, that my current situation, and who I currently was, was only one, of two other anime canon timelines, in which I, had wound up allying, in both of them, with three known female magical girls. Who would later be aptly coined, as 'The 90s Magical Girl Holy Trinity.'

"But viewers...Yes, Keiko here again...*I say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers, before bringing my attention back up again. To which I then proceed, to smile with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner. To which I then open my brown eyes again, in order to continue, to properly address the viewers*...Anyway viewers, this now concludes, the first part, next group of six chapters...of what is the second section of episode 23...And so viewers, with this now all very much in mind...I will be seeing all of you lot, in the next chapter...okay?...*I say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"
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Chapter 64: A World Of Elegance And Foreshadowing!: The Battle With STUDY Nears Its Conclusion! (Part 2)
Date: August 29, 2009

"Hello there viewers...Keiko here...*I say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers, before bringing my attention back up again. To which I then proceed, to smile with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner. To which I then open my brown eyes again, in order to continue, to properly address the viewers*...Anyways viewers...we will now be heading, right into, what is the first part of this episode...Well viewers...let us now, quickly recap the previous chapter...or in other words, what was chapter 63...okay?...*I say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

And here, is the recap, of the previous chapter, in question...

Which currently, was just after me and Misaka, had met up with Kuroko, just after, she had used her pin darts, to destroy a robot. And was just after, I had given Kuroko a sort of kind looking expression, which had pretty much let her know, that now, was not the most ideal time, to be attempting any perverted antics. Well, that was at least, until our current fight against STUDY, had finally reached its conclusion.

And, upon the three of us, now having regrouped with Uiharu, and Saten...

"What, a terrorist attack at the upcoming Reach Assembly!?" The voice of Saten, then suddenly blurted out, with quite a bit of surprise in her current tone.

"Yes Saten. However, the word that had been described by one Haruki, was a 'revolution,' so to speak," I wound up saying to Saten in response. And I made sure, to put a strong sort of emphasis, on the word 'revolution.'

"What, that's crazy!" Kuroko wound up responding to what I had just said in response.

"Well Kuroko technically that would be the case. However Kuroko, seeing as how we have recently been in crazier scenarios. I would say that this, isn't exactly the most crazy. I mean after all Kuroko, I need not remind you, about what went on, back on August 9th, right?" I wound up saying to Kuroko in response, in order to remind her, that our given situation, was only one-third, of what was, and still currently is, a much larger picture, and situation.

And this was compounded, by the all too obvious fact. As that was the date in question, in which me, Misaka, and Kuroko, had all had our first run-in, with the rest, of what was named, The Four Aces Alliance.

And more importantly, that was also the first time, in which I discovered, that my current situation, and who I currently was, was only one, of two other anime canon timelines, in which I, had wound up allying, in both of them, with three known female magical girls. Who would later be aptly coined, as 'The 90s Magical Girl Holy Trinity.'

And now, with the recap of the previous chapter, now done and over with. We will now, be picking right up, back where we had left off, from the previous chapter.

Which, was the now ongoing conversation, between me, Misaka, Kuroko, Uiharu, and Saten.

But, there was also someone else, that was currently present in the room with us. And as for who that someone was? Yea well about that...

"I'm sorry, but did you say that it was the diffusion ghost ability?" One Konori Mii then chimed in with asking. And for those who are wondering, yes, this is the exact same Konori, who was last seen, back in 'Chapter 12: Capacity Down!: The Problem With Big Spider!'

And as for what Konori had just asked? Well, that had to do, with an apparent ability, that Janie, who was Febrie's sister, happened to have.

"Hey viewers...Keiko I won't be going into immense and intensely deep detail, about Janie's diffusion ghost ability...I will just go ahead and say, that if used, can wind up, becoming quite a big headache of a problem, for all of us...But viewers, more on that a bit later...and with that, back to the chapter...*I say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

And whilst all of us, took the time, to talk about our plan of attack, regarding STUDY. I however, upon remembering something, then fell into a sort of deep thought.

"I mean, I am now remembering, back to when I was shown that vision, of Misaka...looking not quite like herself...And, if I have this suspicion right, that Gensei Kihara, is not in fact I had originally thought that he was...then...if something isn't done, when that supposed future event, is set into motion...then I fear, that it won't just be me, Misaka, and the rest of Academy City, that will wind up paying, for the worst case scenario, that would wind up potentially amounting from it," I thought to myself, as my mind, suddenly couldn't help, but drift back to when I had been shown the vision in question.

And, though I did not know it at the time. The very reason, as to why this had been shown to me, actually had something to do, with how one Shinko Hanasaki, had been shown her visions as well. And, to make things all the more mysterious, every one of these visions, were being shown, to me, her, and someone else as well, all from the same individual. Who just so happened to be, the very same individual, who all three of me, had met in the void, on more then one occasion.

And, it was a certain someone, who I never knew, was the type to be involved in things, outside of their own anime canon timeline. I mean after all, she wasn't the one who possessed one 'World of Elegance,' for no reason.

"Hello again viewers...I see that I have now gotten your attention, with that last bit of foreshadowing...*I now proceed to smile a bit broadly*....I mean after all, I need to make some sort of reference, to the very line of well written self-insert fanfics, that had been written, by one Brett Handy...And yes viewers...I feel, as though, these three fanfics, do in fact, live up to his self-insert fanfics reputations...But viewers, I think that that is more then enough of that...So, I will see all of you lot, in the next chapter...okay?...*I say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"
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