Chapter 115: A Hand On The Reins, With One In The Chamber!: Aleister Crowley Vs. The Four Aces! (Part 5)
"Hello viewers...Keiko here...*I proceed to say this, while like all of the other times, traditionally bowing to the viewers, before once again bringing Shinko's attention back up, in order to continue address the viewers. Only this was after I had then finished smiling with both of Shinko's eyes closed. And then opened Shinko's eyes again, in order to continue to properly address the viewers*...But anyway viewers...*I proceed to continue on, only for Rukia to then to decide to speak up from a couple of feet behind me*"
"Hey Keiko?...*Rukia proceeds to ask this to me as she come into the frame of shot, with a look of wanting to ask me a question, that I already know the answer to by the way, already present on her face*"
"Alright Rukia, I will explain what is going on...Because if you're going to ask me this countless more times, then I will just go and explain it to you now!"
"Good...*Rukia proceeds to say this to me, only for me to hold up my hand, which cuts her off mid statement*"
"But first Rukia, you need to explain to the viewers exactly what part of the Bleach anime canon timeline that you and Renji were in, before you wound up here in Academy City...And no Rukia, this is not a request that you're allowed to refuse either...So with...*I proceed to say this, only for Rukia to proceed to stand right in front of me, with some drawings she had already drawn on a sort of scrapbook...and...oh boy..*"
"Hello there viewers...Rukia Kuchiki, let me tell you where me and Renji were in our anime timeline, before we both wound up here...And yes viewers...I am well aware that you can't see my drawings...*Rukia proceeds to say this, only to stop mid sentence once she hears me suddenly giggle silently from behind her*...What's so funny Keiko?!...Would you care to elaborate?!...*Rukia proceeds to say this to me, while slowly turning around, to see me now looking at her with a sort of Anya type smirk on Shinko's face*"
"Wow...Ichigo was right about your drawings...they are pretty terrible...So am I to assume that Chappy The Rabbit was the sort of inspiration behind those drawings?...Because why else would the figures drawn in your drawings...*I proceed to say this, only to then take a look at Rukia's now very pissed off looking expression, which now causes me to attempt to backpedal*...Actually mistake, your drawings are excellent, top quality even...*I proceed to say this, with a look of both understanding and sheer fear and horror on Shinko's face, since I would really not like to have her use another Bakudo or Kido type spell on me again. And from what I knew about her, and the different Bakudos that her and Renji knew, that was something that was a very high priority for me to try and avoid at all costs*...So viewers...let us now..."
"Hey Keiko...don't start now, Rukia hasn't finished explaining our side of things yet!...*Renji now comes into the frame of shot, and proceeds to say this to me, while once, like the previous chapter...he says this while inches from my face*"
"Renji, you know, I am quite surprised that Ichigo is able to tolerate...*I proceed to say this to him, while starting to once again get irritated. But remembering what happened at the end of the last chapter, I proceed to think twice about it*...Actually Renji, you're right...So viewers...I will let Rukia and Renji explain there side of things...right after this chapter has concluded...and no Renji, I am not kidding!...So with this in mind viewers...on with the chapter...but first things first, a chapter then viewers...shall we?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of Shinko's eyes closed, and her head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"
Date: September 20, 2009
Okay, so getting right back into the swing of things. And what I mean by this is...
"Okay, does anyone have any bright ideas on how to deal with Crowley?" Shokuhou, who was still stuck in Rei's body now said. In a sort of attempted effort to try and get somebody to speak up with an answer to her currently lingering question.
And thankfully...
"As a matter of fact Shokuhou, I do. But, it is a little bit bold," Shinko, who was still currently stuck in my original body proceeded to say, as electricity, now started through the bangs of Keiko's long light blue hair.
"Wait a sec, since when did you have the ability to control my electricity so quick?" I now proceeded to ask Shinko, as the electricity continued to crackle through the bangs of my original bodies long light blue hair.
"Well Keiko, that's because I am a user of lightning. So as this is the same basic principle, since lightning is basically a form of electricity, only it is nature based. That is how I was able to learn to control your Electromaster ability with such ease. And by the way Keiko? I think you'll find that using my powers, will wind up being just as easy. And there's no need to ask me how to use them, as you can just access my original bodies thoughts to learn how to do so," Shinko prepared to say.
And sure enough, after I had had a quick look through of Shinko's thoughts. I then proceeded to reach into Shinko's skirt pocket. And then pull out her Saint Sword Of Bluebell.
And, upon briefly turning my attention to Misaka, who was still stuck in Momoko's body. I then noticed her proceed to raise her left hand.
And quite surprisingly...
"Beautiful Wedding Flower! Angel Amour Peach!" Misaka wound up saying in Momoko's voice. As Momoko's body, then proceeded to light up in a quick flash of light. Which was then followed by Momoko now in her wedding dress form. And with another quick flash of light, she was then in her DX battle outfit.
"Well then, I would say that now is the time to transform everyone, don't you think? And if I were you, I would search the thoughts of the body you are currently stuck in, in order to learn how to transform and use their powers," I now proceeded to say to everyone else on our side, who was currently not in their original body. And this was then followed, by me then proceeding to raise Shinko's Saint Sword Of Bluebell above her head with her left hand.
"Elegant Wedding Flower!" I said, and in a quick flash of light, I was in Angel Bluebells usual battle outfit.
But, however...
"Okay, so not only was that transformation sudden...but for some reason, it somehow felt comforting to that what Shinko feels when she transforms into Angel Bluebell? need to focus right now Keiko, as we all have a fight to currently attend to," I thought to myself, as everyone else who wasn't in their original bodies on our side, then proceeded to transform as well.
"Moon Eternal...Make Up!" Makoto, who was currently in Usagi's body called out. And in a quick transformation, she was in Eternal Sailor Moon's usual sailor senshi outfit.
"Mercury Crystal Power...Make Up!" Haruka, who was currently in Ami's body called out. And in a quick transformation, she was in Super Sailor Mercury's usual eternal sailor senshi outfit.
"Mars Crystal Power...Make Up!" Misaki Shokuhou, who was currently in Rei's body called out. And in a quick transformation, she was in Super Sailor Mar's usual super sailor senshi outfit.
"Jupiter Crystal Power...Make Up!" Hinagiku, who was currently in Makoto's body called out. And in a quick transformation, she was in Super Sailor Jupiter's usual super sailor senshi outfit.
"Venus Crystal Power...Make Up!" Hotaru, who was currently in Minako's body called out. And in a quick transformation, she was in Super Sailor Venus' usual super sailor sailor outfit.
"Uranus Planet Power...Make Up!" Minako, who was currently in Haruka's body called out. And in a quick transformation, she was in Super Sailor Uranus' usual super sailor senshi outfit.
"Saturn Crystal Power...Make Up!" Scarlet, who was currently in Hotaru's body called out. And in a quick transformation, she was in Sailor Saturn's usual sailor senshi outfit.
"Neptune Planet Power...Make Up!" Setsuna, who was currently in Michiru's body called out. And in a quick transformation, she was in Super Sailor Neptune's usual super sailor senshi outfit.
"Pluto Planet Power...Make Up!" Michiru, who was currently in Setsuna's body called out. And in a quick transformation, she was in Super Sailor Pluto's usual super sailor senshi outfit.
"Graceful Wedding Flower! Angel Precious Lily!" Ami, who was currently in Yuri's body called out. And in two quick flashes of light, she was in Angel Lily's usual DX battle outfit.
"Attractive Wedding Flower! Angel Courage Daisy!" Rei, who was currently in Hinagiku's body called out. And in two quick flashes of light, she was in Angel Daisy's usual DX battle outfit.
"Excellent Wedding Flower! Angel Passionate Salvia!" Yuri, was currently in Scarlet's body called out. And in two quick flashes of light, she was in Angel Salvia's usual DX battle outfit.
And with this now done and out of the way...
"Impressive, you all managed to transform despite not being in your original bodies. However..." Aleister Crowley now proceeded to speak up with. Which was once again followed by him speaking in the same cryptic sounding language from before.
"Not this time Crowley! Everyone, let him have it!" I now proceeded to speak up with.
"Hello there everyone, Keiko here viewers..."
"Are you seriously kidding me right now Keiko?! You're choosing now of all moments to end this chapter?!...*Renji now proceeds to come into the frame of shot, and proceeds to say this while just mere inches away from Shinko's face. Which currently and technically is my face at the moment. But, you get what I mean*"
"No Renji, I'm not kidding!...Is this how you and Ichigo bicker on occasion by any chance?!...You get up in his face like you are with me right now...and somehow I am supposed to be intimidated by it?! Well, here's a little bit of advice for you..."
"Hey?! Both of you, quit it!...*Rukia now comes into the frame of shot, with her index and middle finger on one of her hands already pointed at the both of us. And before either of us can react or notice...*...Bakudō #1...Sai!"
"*Me and Renji, who are currently still arguing and bickering with each other, now feel ourselves suddenly hunching over, as both of our hands are now suddenly bound behind our backs. And not surprisingly, I now proceed to speak up in a very pissed off sounding tone of Shinko's voice*...Oh come on!...Rukia, are you..."
"Yes Keiko, I'm serious!...Now both of you, quit your bickering!...*Rukia proceeds to say this to me and Renji, with a very not pleased and very pissed off looking expression on her face*"
"*I now proceed to let out a deep sigh from Shinko's mouth*...Alright fine Rukia, you win...Just get us both out of this binding spell of yours...And while she does that viewers...we all look forward to seeing you lot in the next chapter...So viewers...see you there."
And now that the chapter recap is now done. We will now proceed right into the current chapter.
Date: September 20, 2009
Okay, so as of the last chapter, we were all now finally transformed again. Well, that was despite me having to tell everyone to search inside the thoughts of a body, that wasn't originally theirs. And, this about we just gloss over that. Anyway, getting back to the current situation.
"I summon lightning!" Urd suddenly proceeded to shout out. As she raised one of her hands skyward. And just like before, a bolt of lightning shot down from the sky. Only trouble was...
"Don't you have any more tricks then just that one Urd!?" Li now proceeded to shout out to Urd. And he had said it both a ticked off sounding tone, and while a look of massive irritation was also present on his face.
"Li, why don't you use your magic, and stop worrying about other people!" Zachary proceeded to say, in an effort to try and get Li back on track. Which wound up doing the trick.
And, as Crowley, like before, proceeded to once again raise one of his hands, forming yet another forcefield, that wound up deflecting Urd's lighting. Crowley then proceeded to speak up.
"Alright, time to send you all to the grave," Crowley said, as he once again started speaking in the same cryptic sounding language from before.
But, more importantly...
"Hey Crowley?! Let me ask you a question. Why so serious? Also, in the words of Clint Barton's Hawkeye...made you look..." Shinko, who was still stuck in my original body, then proceeded to say, with a SpyXFamily Anya type smirk present on my original bodies face.
"Wait a sec, what do you mean..." I started to say, only to then look slightly behind Crowley, just in time to see both Renji, and Rukia, suddenly sort of warped in from out of nowhere. Only to then realize, that they had used their respective flash steps, to accomplish this.
And upon realizing this...
"Hey Crowley? Have you heard of a sudden freak weather event? Because as Shinko just so kindly put, made you look," I then proceeded to say. To which I just simply went, and nodded slightly at both Rukia and Renji. And once they had both nodded back in response, they then set about helping to dispatch Crowley.
But to my surprise, as well as to the surprise of several other people on our side...
"Now Roar...Zabimaru!" Renji called out. Which was then followed, by his Zabimaru, then proceeding to separate into its 6 segmented form again. To which it then proceeded to make its way towards Crowley. And thankfully, before he could react quickly enough to Zabimaru's Shikai, he was then ensnared in several of Zabimaru's segmented sections.
"Now Dance...Sode no Shirayuki!...San no mai, Shirafune!" Rukia called out. Which was then followed, by her Sode no Shirayuki, then proceeding to glow white. Only, once the light had faded, her Zanpakuto was now completely made of ice. Which in an instant, caused the blade of it, to suddenly and rapidly extend outwards, at an alarming rate, and towards Crowley.
"So, she is able to extend the reach of her Sode no Shirayuki...interesting...And I thought that Shinko's Saint Sword Of Bluebell was impressive,"I thought to myself, while I proceeded to glance at Shinko's Saint Sword Of Bluebell in my left hand. Which was Shinko's technically. But you get what I mean.
And, once the now extended and ice encased blade of Sode no Shirayuki, pierced through Crowley's body, right through the left of his back, and then out the front. We all thought, that this fight with Crowley, was finally over.
But, however...
"You think you have all won this fight haven't you? Also, I forgot to mention something to you all, this is not my original body. So your attacks can't kill me. But, that doesn't mean that I can't kill all of you. So, I will just leave you all for the time being, as I have a master plan to attend to. But just know, that none of you are safe by any means. So, until we meet again. Which, may wind up being a bit sooner, then you all might think," Crowley proceeded to say, as he just simply wound up fading out of existence.
"Hey get back here Crowley! We're not done here you coward!" Zachary now proceeded to chime in with, now once again irritated, since Crowley had once again decided to play the coward.
And though this was not the end of our fight against Crowley. For the time being, we had to figure out a way to get everyone on our side, back into our original bodies.
But thankfully, this wasn't going to wind up being much of a problem. In fact...
"So, does anyone happen to have a way that will help get us all back into our original bodies?" Shokuhou proceeded to ask in Rei's voice. Since was still currently stuck in Rei's body.
"Well Shokuhou, it is funny that you should ask that particular question," Urd now proceeded to respond to her question with. While a somewhat knowing smirk, was also currently present on her face.
And this was then followed, by Urd then proceeding to raise one of her hands upwards. To which a bright golden sphere then formed in it. And as it flew out of her hand, it then expanded, and then temporarily blinded everyone else.
But, once it had died down, I then noticed, once I had looked down at myself, that I was back in my original body. Which I was able to confirm by the fact that I was once again wearing my usual Tokiwadai Middle School uniform, and the same mane of long light blue hair.
And more importantly, so was everyone else.
"Hello there everyone, Keiko here viewers...this now marks the end of this chapter...And just for a heads up viewers...the next two chapters, will wind up being non action filler chapters...So viewers...see you lot there...okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"
"Hey Keiko?...*Rukia proceeds to ask this to me as she come into the frame of shot, with a look of wanting to ask me a question, that I already know the answer to by the way, already present on her face*"
"Alright Rukia, I will explain what is going on...Because if you're going to ask me this countless more times, then I will just go and explain it to you now!"
"Good...*Rukia proceeds to say this to me, only for me to hold up my hand, which cuts her off mid statement*"
"But first Rukia, you need to explain to the viewers exactly what part of the Bleach anime canon timeline that you and Renji were in, before you wound up here in Academy City...And no Rukia, this is not a request that you're allowed to refuse either...So with...*I proceed to say this, only for Rukia to proceed to stand right in front of me, with some drawings she had already drawn on a sort of scrapbook...and...oh boy..*"
"Hello there viewers...Rukia Kuchiki, let me tell you where me and Renji were in our anime timeline, before we both wound up here...And yes viewers...I am well aware that you can't see my drawings...*Rukia proceeds to say this, only to stop mid sentence once she hears me suddenly giggle silently from behind her*...What's so funny Keiko?!...Would you care to elaborate?!...*Rukia proceeds to say this to me, while slowly turning around, to see me now looking at her with a sort of Anya type smirk on Shinko's face*"
"Wow...Ichigo was right about your drawings...they are pretty terrible...So am I to assume that Chappy The Rabbit was the sort of inspiration behind those drawings?...Because why else would the figures drawn in your drawings...*I proceed to say this, only to then take a look at Rukia's now very pissed off looking expression, which now causes me to attempt to backpedal*...Actually mistake, your drawings are excellent, top quality even...*I proceed to say this, with a look of both understanding and sheer fear and horror on Shinko's face, since I would really not like to have her use another Bakudo or Kido type spell on me again. And from what I knew about her, and the different Bakudos that her and Renji knew, that was something that was a very high priority for me to try and avoid at all costs*...So viewers...let us now..."
"Hey Keiko...don't start now, Rukia hasn't finished explaining our side of things yet!...*Renji now comes into the frame of shot, and proceeds to say this to me, while once, like the previous chapter...he says this while inches from my face*"
"Renji, you know, I am quite surprised that Ichigo is able to tolerate...*I proceed to say this to him, while starting to once again get irritated. But remembering what happened at the end of the last chapter, I proceed to think twice about it*...Actually Renji, you're right...So viewers...I will let Rukia and Renji explain there side of things...right after this chapter has concluded...and no Renji, I am not kidding!...So with this in mind viewers...on with the chapter...but first things first, a chapter then viewers...shall we?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of Shinko's eyes closed, and her head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"
Date: September 20, 2009
Okay, so getting right back into the swing of things. And what I mean by this is...
"Okay, does anyone have any bright ideas on how to deal with Crowley?" Shokuhou, who was still stuck in Rei's body now said. In a sort of attempted effort to try and get somebody to speak up with an answer to her currently lingering question.
And thankfully...
"As a matter of fact Shokuhou, I do. But, it is a little bit bold," Shinko, who was still currently stuck in my original body proceeded to say, as electricity, now started through the bangs of Keiko's long light blue hair.
"Wait a sec, since when did you have the ability to control my electricity so quick?" I now proceeded to ask Shinko, as the electricity continued to crackle through the bangs of my original bodies long light blue hair.
"Well Keiko, that's because I am a user of lightning. So as this is the same basic principle, since lightning is basically a form of electricity, only it is nature based. That is how I was able to learn to control your Electromaster ability with such ease. And by the way Keiko? I think you'll find that using my powers, will wind up being just as easy. And there's no need to ask me how to use them, as you can just access my original bodies thoughts to learn how to do so," Shinko prepared to say.
And sure enough, after I had had a quick look through of Shinko's thoughts. I then proceeded to reach into Shinko's skirt pocket. And then pull out her Saint Sword Of Bluebell.
And, upon briefly turning my attention to Misaka, who was still stuck in Momoko's body. I then noticed her proceed to raise her left hand.
And quite surprisingly...
"Beautiful Wedding Flower! Angel Amour Peach!" Misaka wound up saying in Momoko's voice. As Momoko's body, then proceeded to light up in a quick flash of light. Which was then followed by Momoko now in her wedding dress form. And with another quick flash of light, she was then in her DX battle outfit.
"Well then, I would say that now is the time to transform everyone, don't you think? And if I were you, I would search the thoughts of the body you are currently stuck in, in order to learn how to transform and use their powers," I now proceeded to say to everyone else on our side, who was currently not in their original body. And this was then followed, by me then proceeding to raise Shinko's Saint Sword Of Bluebell above her head with her left hand.
"Elegant Wedding Flower!" I said, and in a quick flash of light, I was in Angel Bluebells usual battle outfit.
But, however...
"Okay, so not only was that transformation sudden...but for some reason, it somehow felt comforting to that what Shinko feels when she transforms into Angel Bluebell? need to focus right now Keiko, as we all have a fight to currently attend to," I thought to myself, as everyone else who wasn't in their original bodies on our side, then proceeded to transform as well.
"Moon Eternal...Make Up!" Makoto, who was currently in Usagi's body called out. And in a quick transformation, she was in Eternal Sailor Moon's usual sailor senshi outfit.
"Mercury Crystal Power...Make Up!" Haruka, who was currently in Ami's body called out. And in a quick transformation, she was in Super Sailor Mercury's usual eternal sailor senshi outfit.
"Mars Crystal Power...Make Up!" Misaki Shokuhou, who was currently in Rei's body called out. And in a quick transformation, she was in Super Sailor Mar's usual super sailor senshi outfit.
"Jupiter Crystal Power...Make Up!" Hinagiku, who was currently in Makoto's body called out. And in a quick transformation, she was in Super Sailor Jupiter's usual super sailor senshi outfit.
"Venus Crystal Power...Make Up!" Hotaru, who was currently in Minako's body called out. And in a quick transformation, she was in Super Sailor Venus' usual super sailor sailor outfit.
"Uranus Planet Power...Make Up!" Minako, who was currently in Haruka's body called out. And in a quick transformation, she was in Super Sailor Uranus' usual super sailor senshi outfit.
"Saturn Crystal Power...Make Up!" Scarlet, who was currently in Hotaru's body called out. And in a quick transformation, she was in Sailor Saturn's usual sailor senshi outfit.
"Neptune Planet Power...Make Up!" Setsuna, who was currently in Michiru's body called out. And in a quick transformation, she was in Super Sailor Neptune's usual super sailor senshi outfit.
"Pluto Planet Power...Make Up!" Michiru, who was currently in Setsuna's body called out. And in a quick transformation, she was in Super Sailor Pluto's usual super sailor senshi outfit.
"Graceful Wedding Flower! Angel Precious Lily!" Ami, who was currently in Yuri's body called out. And in two quick flashes of light, she was in Angel Lily's usual DX battle outfit.
"Attractive Wedding Flower! Angel Courage Daisy!" Rei, who was currently in Hinagiku's body called out. And in two quick flashes of light, she was in Angel Daisy's usual DX battle outfit.
"Excellent Wedding Flower! Angel Passionate Salvia!" Yuri, was currently in Scarlet's body called out. And in two quick flashes of light, she was in Angel Salvia's usual DX battle outfit.
And with this now done and out of the way...
"Impressive, you all managed to transform despite not being in your original bodies. However..." Aleister Crowley now proceeded to speak up with. Which was once again followed by him speaking in the same cryptic sounding language from before.
"Not this time Crowley! Everyone, let him have it!" I now proceeded to speak up with.
"Hello there everyone, Keiko here viewers..."
"Are you seriously kidding me right now Keiko?! You're choosing now of all moments to end this chapter?!...*Renji now proceeds to come into the frame of shot, and proceeds to say this while just mere inches away from Shinko's face. Which currently and technically is my face at the moment. But, you get what I mean*"
"No Renji, I'm not kidding!...Is this how you and Ichigo bicker on occasion by any chance?!...You get up in his face like you are with me right now...and somehow I am supposed to be intimidated by it?! Well, here's a little bit of advice for you..."
"Hey?! Both of you, quit it!...*Rukia now comes into the frame of shot, with her index and middle finger on one of her hands already pointed at the both of us. And before either of us can react or notice...*...Bakudō #1...Sai!"
"*Me and Renji, who are currently still arguing and bickering with each other, now feel ourselves suddenly hunching over, as both of our hands are now suddenly bound behind our backs. And not surprisingly, I now proceed to speak up in a very pissed off sounding tone of Shinko's voice*...Oh come on!...Rukia, are you..."
"Yes Keiko, I'm serious!...Now both of you, quit your bickering!...*Rukia proceeds to say this to me and Renji, with a very not pleased and very pissed off looking expression on her face*"
"*I now proceed to let out a deep sigh from Shinko's mouth*...Alright fine Rukia, you win...Just get us both out of this binding spell of yours...And while she does that viewers...we all look forward to seeing you lot in the next chapter...So viewers...see you there."
And now that the chapter recap is now done. We will now proceed right into the current chapter.
Date: September 20, 2009
Okay, so as of the last chapter, we were all now finally transformed again. Well, that was despite me having to tell everyone to search inside the thoughts of a body, that wasn't originally theirs. And, this about we just gloss over that. Anyway, getting back to the current situation.
"I summon lightning!" Urd suddenly proceeded to shout out. As she raised one of her hands skyward. And just like before, a bolt of lightning shot down from the sky. Only trouble was...
"Don't you have any more tricks then just that one Urd!?" Li now proceeded to shout out to Urd. And he had said it both a ticked off sounding tone, and while a look of massive irritation was also present on his face.
"Li, why don't you use your magic, and stop worrying about other people!" Zachary proceeded to say, in an effort to try and get Li back on track. Which wound up doing the trick.
And, as Crowley, like before, proceeded to once again raise one of his hands, forming yet another forcefield, that wound up deflecting Urd's lighting. Crowley then proceeded to speak up.
"Alright, time to send you all to the grave," Crowley said, as he once again started speaking in the same cryptic sounding language from before.
But, more importantly...
"Hey Crowley?! Let me ask you a question. Why so serious? Also, in the words of Clint Barton's Hawkeye...made you look..." Shinko, who was still stuck in my original body, then proceeded to say, with a SpyXFamily Anya type smirk present on my original bodies face.
"Wait a sec, what do you mean..." I started to say, only to then look slightly behind Crowley, just in time to see both Renji, and Rukia, suddenly sort of warped in from out of nowhere. Only to then realize, that they had used their respective flash steps, to accomplish this.
And upon realizing this...
"Hey Crowley? Have you heard of a sudden freak weather event? Because as Shinko just so kindly put, made you look," I then proceeded to say. To which I just simply went, and nodded slightly at both Rukia and Renji. And once they had both nodded back in response, they then set about helping to dispatch Crowley.
But to my surprise, as well as to the surprise of several other people on our side...
"Now Roar...Zabimaru!" Renji called out. Which was then followed, by his Zabimaru, then proceeding to separate into its 6 segmented form again. To which it then proceeded to make its way towards Crowley. And thankfully, before he could react quickly enough to Zabimaru's Shikai, he was then ensnared in several of Zabimaru's segmented sections.
"Now Dance...Sode no Shirayuki!...San no mai, Shirafune!" Rukia called out. Which was then followed, by her Sode no Shirayuki, then proceeding to glow white. Only, once the light had faded, her Zanpakuto was now completely made of ice. Which in an instant, caused the blade of it, to suddenly and rapidly extend outwards, at an alarming rate, and towards Crowley.
"So, she is able to extend the reach of her Sode no Shirayuki...interesting...And I thought that Shinko's Saint Sword Of Bluebell was impressive,"I thought to myself, while I proceeded to glance at Shinko's Saint Sword Of Bluebell in my left hand. Which was Shinko's technically. But you get what I mean.
And, once the now extended and ice encased blade of Sode no Shirayuki, pierced through Crowley's body, right through the left of his back, and then out the front. We all thought, that this fight with Crowley, was finally over.
But, however...
"You think you have all won this fight haven't you? Also, I forgot to mention something to you all, this is not my original body. So your attacks can't kill me. But, that doesn't mean that I can't kill all of you. So, I will just leave you all for the time being, as I have a master plan to attend to. But just know, that none of you are safe by any means. So, until we meet again. Which, may wind up being a bit sooner, then you all might think," Crowley proceeded to say, as he just simply wound up fading out of existence.
"Hey get back here Crowley! We're not done here you coward!" Zachary now proceeded to chime in with, now once again irritated, since Crowley had once again decided to play the coward.
And though this was not the end of our fight against Crowley. For the time being, we had to figure out a way to get everyone on our side, back into our original bodies.
But thankfully, this wasn't going to wind up being much of a problem. In fact...
"So, does anyone happen to have a way that will help get us all back into our original bodies?" Shokuhou proceeded to ask in Rei's voice. Since was still currently stuck in Rei's body.
"Well Shokuhou, it is funny that you should ask that particular question," Urd now proceeded to respond to her question with. While a somewhat knowing smirk, was also currently present on her face.
And this was then followed, by Urd then proceeding to raise one of her hands upwards. To which a bright golden sphere then formed in it. And as it flew out of her hand, it then expanded, and then temporarily blinded everyone else.
But, once it had died down, I then noticed, once I had looked down at myself, that I was back in my original body. Which I was able to confirm by the fact that I was once again wearing my usual Tokiwadai Middle School uniform, and the same mane of long light blue hair.
And more importantly, so was everyone else.
"Hello there everyone, Keiko here viewers...this now marks the end of this chapter...And just for a heads up viewers...the next two chapters, will wind up being non action filler chapters...So viewers...see you lot there...okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"
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