Chapter 115: A Hand On The Reins, With One In The Chamber!: Aleister Crowley Vs. The Four Aces! (Part 5)
"Hello viewers...Keiko here...*I proceed to say this, while like all of the other times, traditionally bowing to the viewers, before once again bringing Shinko's attention back up, in order to continue address the viewers. Only this was after I had then finished smiling with both of Shinko's eyes closed. And then opened Shinko's eyes again, in order to continue to properly address the viewers*...But anyway viewers...*I proceed to continue on, only for Rukia to then to decide to speak up from a couple of feet behind me*"

"Hey Keiko?...*Rukia proceeds to ask this to me as she come into the frame of shot, with a look of wanting to ask me a question, that I already know the answer to by the way, already present on her face*"

"Alright Rukia, I will explain what is going on...Because if you're going to ask me this countless more times, then I will just go and explain it to you now!"

"Good...*Rukia proceeds to say this to me, only for me to hold up my hand, which cuts her off mid statement*"

"But first Rukia, you need to explain to the viewers exactly what part of the Bleach anime canon timeline that you and Renji were in, before you wound up here in Academy City...And no Rukia, this is not a request that you're allowed to refuse either...So with...*I proceed to say this, only for Rukia to proceed to stand right in front of me, with some drawings she had already drawn on a sort of scrapbook...and...oh boy..*"

"Hello there viewers...Rukia Kuchiki, let me tell you where me and Renji were in our anime timeline, before we both wound up here...And yes viewers...I am well aware that you can't see my drawings...*Rukia proceeds to say this, only to stop mid sentence once she hears me suddenly giggle silently from behind her*...What's so funny Keiko?!...Would you care to elaborate?!...*Rukia proceeds to say this to me, while slowly turning around, to see me now looking at her with a sort of Anya type smirk on Shinko's face*"

"Wow...Ichigo was right about your drawings...they are pretty terrible...So am I to assume that Chappy The Rabbit was the sort of inspiration behind those drawings?...Because why else would the figures drawn in your drawings...*I proceed to say this, only to then take a look at Rukia's now very pissed off looking expression, which now causes me to attempt to backpedal*...Actually mistake, your drawings are excellent, top quality even...*I proceed to say this, with a look of both understanding and sheer fear and horror on Shinko's face, since I would really not like to have her use another Bakudo or Kido type spell on me again. And from what I knew about her, and the different Bakudos that her and Renji knew, that was something that was a very high priority for me to try and avoid at all costs*...So viewers...let us now..."

"Hey Keiko...don't start now, Rukia hasn't finished explaining our side of things yet!...*Renji now comes into the frame of shot, and proceeds to say this to me, while once, like the previous chapter...he says this while inches from my face*"

"Renji, you know, I am quite surprised that Ichigo is able to tolerate...*I proceed to say this to him, while starting to once again get irritated. But remembering what happened at the end of the last chapter, I proceed to think twice about it*...Actually Renji, you're right...So viewers...I will let Rukia and Renji explain there side of things...right after this chapter has concluded...and no Renji, I am not kidding!...So with this in mind viewers...on with the chapter...but first things first, a chapter then viewers...shall we?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of Shinko's eyes closed, and her head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

Date: September 20, 2009

Okay, so getting right back into the swing of things. And what I mean by this is...

"Okay, does anyone have any bright ideas on how to deal with Crowley?" Shokuhou, who was still stuck in Rei's body now said. In a sort of attempted effort to try and get somebody to speak up with an answer to her currently lingering question.

And thankfully...

"As a matter of fact Shokuhou, I do. But, it is a little bit bold," Shinko, who was still currently stuck in my original body proceeded to say, as electricity, now started through the bangs of Keiko's long light blue hair.

"Wait a sec, since when did you have the ability to control my electricity so quick?" I now proceeded to ask Shinko, as the electricity continued to crackle through the bangs of my original bodies long light blue hair.

"Well Keiko, that's because I am a user of lightning. So as this is the same basic principle, since lightning is basically a form of electricity, only it is nature based. That is how I was able to learn to control your Electromaster ability with such ease. And by the way Keiko? I think you'll find that using my powers, will wind up being just as easy. And there's no need to ask me how to use them, as you can just access my original bodies thoughts to learn how to do so," Shinko prepared to say.

And sure enough, after I had had a quick look through of Shinko's thoughts. I then proceeded to reach into Shinko's skirt pocket. And then pull out her Saint Sword Of Bluebell.

And, upon briefly turning my attention to Misaka, who was still stuck in Momoko's body. I then noticed her proceed to raise her left hand.

And quite surprisingly...

"Beautiful Wedding Flower! Angel Amour Peach!" Misaka wound up saying in Momoko's voice. As Momoko's body, then proceeded to light up in a quick flash of light. Which was then followed by Momoko now in her wedding dress form. And with another quick flash of light, she was then in her DX battle outfit.

"Well then, I would say that now is the time to transform everyone, don't you think? And if I were you, I would search the thoughts of the body you are currently stuck in, in order to learn how to transform and use their powers," I now proceeded to say to everyone else on our side, who was currently not in their original body. And this was then followed, by me then proceeding to raise Shinko's Saint Sword Of Bluebell above her head with her left hand.

"Elegant Wedding Flower!" I said, and in a quick flash of light, I was in Angel Bluebells usual battle outfit.

But, however...

"Okay, so not only was that transformation sudden...but for some reason, it somehow felt comforting to that what Shinko feels when she transforms into Angel Bluebell? need to focus right now Keiko, as we all have a fight to currently attend to," I thought to myself, as everyone else who wasn't in their original bodies on our side, then proceeded to transform as well.

"Moon Eternal...Make Up!" Makoto, who was currently in Usagi's body called out. And in a quick transformation, she was in Eternal Sailor Moon's usual sailor senshi outfit.

"Mercury Crystal Power...Make Up!" Haruka, who was currently in Ami's body called out. And in a quick transformation, she was in Super Sailor Mercury's usual eternal sailor senshi outfit.

"Mars Crystal Power...Make Up!" Misaki Shokuhou, who was currently in Rei's body called out. And in a quick transformation, she was in Super Sailor Mar's usual super sailor senshi outfit.

"Jupiter Crystal Power...Make Up!" Hinagiku, who was currently in Makoto's body called out. And in a quick transformation, she was in Super Sailor Jupiter's usual super sailor senshi outfit.

"Venus Crystal Power...Make Up!" Hotaru, who was currently in Minako's body called out. And in a quick transformation, she was in Super Sailor Venus' usual super sailor sailor outfit.

"Uranus Planet Power...Make Up!" Minako, who was currently in Haruka's body called out. And in a quick transformation, she was in Super Sailor Uranus' usual super sailor senshi outfit.

"Saturn Crystal Power...Make Up!" Scarlet, who was currently in Hotaru's body called out. And in a quick transformation, she was in Sailor Saturn's usual sailor senshi outfit.

"Neptune Planet Power...Make Up!" Setsuna, who was currently in Michiru's body called out. And in a quick transformation, she was in Super Sailor Neptune's usual super sailor senshi outfit.

"Pluto Planet Power...Make Up!" Michiru, who was currently in Setsuna's body called out. And in a quick transformation, she was in Super Sailor Pluto's usual super sailor senshi outfit.

"Graceful Wedding Flower! Angel Precious Lily!" Ami, who was currently in Yuri's body called out. And in two quick flashes of light, she was in Angel Lily's usual DX battle outfit.

"Attractive Wedding Flower! Angel Courage Daisy!" Rei, who was currently in Hinagiku's body called out. And in two quick flashes of light, she was in Angel Daisy's usual DX battle outfit.

"Excellent Wedding Flower! Angel Passionate Salvia!" Yuri, was currently in Scarlet's body called out. And in two quick flashes of light, she was in Angel Salvia's usual DX battle outfit.

And with this now done and out of the way...

"Impressive, you all managed to transform despite not being in your original bodies. However..." Aleister Crowley now proceeded to speak up with. Which was once again followed by him speaking in the same cryptic sounding language from before.

"Not this time Crowley! Everyone, let him have it!" I now proceeded to speak up with.

"Hello there everyone, Keiko here viewers..."

"Are you seriously kidding me right now Keiko?! You're choosing now of all moments to end this chapter?!...*Renji now proceeds to come into the frame of shot, and proceeds to say this while just mere inches away from Shinko's face. Which currently and technically is my face at the moment. But, you get what I mean*"

"No Renji, I'm not kidding!...Is this how you and Ichigo bicker on occasion by any chance?!...You get up in his face like you are with me right now...and somehow I am supposed to be intimidated by it?! Well, here's a little bit of advice for you..."

"Hey?! Both of you, quit it!...*Rukia now comes into the frame of shot, with her index and middle finger on one of her hands already pointed at the both of us. And before either of us can react or notice...*...Bakudō #1...Sai!"

"*Me and Renji, who are currently still arguing and bickering with each other, now feel ourselves suddenly hunching over, as both of our hands are now suddenly bound behind our backs. And not surprisingly, I now proceed to speak up in a very pissed off sounding tone of Shinko's voice*...Oh come on!...Rukia, are you..."

"Yes Keiko, I'm serious!...Now both of you, quit your bickering!...*Rukia proceeds to say this to me and Renji, with a very not pleased and very pissed off looking expression on her face*"

"*I now proceed to let out a deep sigh from Shinko's mouth*...Alright fine Rukia, you win...Just get us both out of this binding spell of yours...And while she does that viewers...we all look forward to seeing you lot in the next chapter...So viewers...see you there."

And now that the chapter recap is now done. We will now proceed right into the current chapter.

Date: September 20, 2009

Okay, so as of the last chapter, we were all now finally transformed again. Well, that was despite me having to tell everyone to search inside the thoughts of a body, that wasn't originally theirs. And, this about we just gloss over that. Anyway, getting back to the current situation.

"I summon lightning!" Urd suddenly proceeded to shout out. As she raised one of her hands skyward. And just like before, a bolt of lightning shot down from the sky. Only trouble was...

"Don't you have any more tricks then just that one Urd!?" Li now proceeded to shout out to Urd. And he had said it both a ticked off sounding tone, and while a look of massive irritation was also present on his face.

"Li, why don't you use your magic, and stop worrying about other people!" Zachary proceeded to say, in an effort to try and get Li back on track. Which wound up doing the trick.

And, as Crowley, like before, proceeded to once again raise one of his hands, forming yet another forcefield, that wound up deflecting Urd's lighting. Crowley then proceeded to speak up.

"Alright, time to send you all to the grave," Crowley said, as he once again started speaking in the same cryptic sounding language from before.

But, more importantly...

"Hey Crowley?! Let me ask you a question. Why so serious? Also, in the words of Clint Barton's Hawkeye...made you look..." Shinko, who was still stuck in my original body, then proceeded to say, with a SpyXFamily Anya type smirk present on my original bodies face.

"Wait a sec, what do you mean..." I started to say, only to then look slightly behind Crowley, just in time to see both Renji, and Rukia, suddenly sort of warped in from out of nowhere. Only to then realize, that they had used their respective flash steps, to accomplish this.

And upon realizing this...

"Hey Crowley? Have you heard of a sudden freak weather event? Because as Shinko just so kindly put, made you look," I then proceeded to say. To which I just simply went, and nodded slightly at both Rukia and Renji. And once they had both nodded back in response, they then set about helping to dispatch Crowley.

But to my surprise, as well as to the surprise of several other people on our side...

"Now Roar...Zabimaru!" Renji called out. Which was then followed, by his Zabimaru, then proceeding to separate into its 6 segmented form again. To which it then proceeded to make its way towards Crowley. And thankfully, before he could react quickly enough to Zabimaru's Shikai, he was then ensnared in several of Zabimaru's segmented sections.

"Now Dance...Sode no Shirayuki!...San no mai, Shirafune!" Rukia called out. Which was then followed, by her Sode no Shirayuki, then proceeding to glow white. Only, once the light had faded, her Zanpakuto was now completely made of ice. Which in an instant, caused the blade of it, to suddenly and rapidly extend outwards, at an alarming rate, and towards Crowley.

"So, she is able to extend the reach of her Sode no Shirayuki...interesting...And I thought that Shinko's Saint Sword Of Bluebell was impressive,"I thought to myself, while I proceeded to glance at Shinko's Saint Sword Of Bluebell in my left hand. Which was Shinko's technically. But you get what I mean.

And, once the now extended and ice encased blade of Sode no Shirayuki, pierced through Crowley's body, right through the left of his back, and then out the front. We all thought, that this fight with Crowley, was finally over.

But, however...

"You think you have all won this fight haven't you? Also, I forgot to mention something to you all, this is not my original body. So your attacks can't kill me. But, that doesn't mean that I can't kill all of you. So, I will just leave you all for the time being, as I have a master plan to attend to. But just know, that none of you are safe by any means. So, until we meet again. Which, may wind up being a bit sooner, then you all might think," Crowley proceeded to say, as he just simply wound up fading out of existence.

"Hey get back here Crowley! We're not done here you coward!" Zachary now proceeded to chime in with, now once again irritated, since Crowley had once again decided to play the coward.

And though this was not the end of our fight against Crowley. For the time being, we had to figure out a way to get everyone on our side, back into our original bodies.

But thankfully, this wasn't going to wind up being much of a problem. In fact...

"So, does anyone happen to have a way that will help get us all back into our original bodies?" Shokuhou proceeded to ask in Rei's voice. Since was still currently stuck in Rei's body.

"Well Shokuhou, it is funny that you should ask that particular question," Urd now proceeded to respond to her question with. While a somewhat knowing smirk, was also currently present on her face.

And this was then followed, by Urd then proceeding to raise one of her hands upwards. To which a bright golden sphere then formed in it. And as it flew out of her hand, it then expanded, and then temporarily blinded everyone else.

But, once it had died down, I then noticed, once I had looked down at myself, that I was back in my original body. Which I was able to confirm by the fact that I was once again wearing my usual Tokiwadai Middle School uniform, and the same mane of long light blue hair.

And more importantly, so was everyone else.

"Hello there everyone, Keiko here viewers...this now marks the end of this chapter...And just for a heads up viewers...the next two chapters, will wind up being non action filler chapters...So viewers...see you lot there...okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"
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Chapter 116: Level Crossing Accidents, Aggressive Rudder Inputs, And Signal Poor Offs!: Why It Helps To Have Your Wits About You!
"Hello there everyone...Keiko, like I had said in the last chapter viewers...this chapter, as well as the next one...are once again going to be non action filler chapters...

So, those of you who would like to skip both this chapter, as well as the next one, you have my full permission to do so...

But anyway viewers...let us begin...

And we will first start, with talking about a few accidents, that are involving collisions at level crossings...or as I have heard they are called over in the states...grade crossings...

And to be completely plain here viewers...for those who don't know about the history of the railroads...the very first steam locomotive...was built back in a man named Richard Trevithick...

For those who don't know Trevithick...he was born over here in the United a place called Illogan, Cornwall...back in 1771...

And the locomotive that he built...was called The New Castle...and was the very first steam locomotive to do work...

And as one Bernie Kopell once said in Railway Adventures Across Europe...which for those of you viewers who don't know of that VHS Tape was a series that was from the mid 1990s...around 1995 to be more exact...

Or, as it is known by its other name...World's Greatest Train Ride Videos...

And for those who don't know of Bernie Kopell...he was best known for playing a character on The Love Boat tv series...named Doc...

But as for what he had once said, 'Britain did in fact invent the steam locomotive'...

And viewers...whatever you may attempt to contest with, in the form of a baseless argument...I am just going to stop you before you attempt to make a complete berk of yourself...The United Kingdom invented the steam locomotive, and that is the end of the conversation...

Now then viewers...on with the first level crossing related accident...We will start off...

On March 15, 1999, when Amtrak's southbound Train #59 The City of New Orleans, collided with a lorry in the village of Bourbonnais, Illinois...11 of the trains 14 carriages derailed, including both lead locomotives...killing eleven people...and injuring another 122...

All of the 11 deaths, had occurred in the third carriage of the train...Sleeper Car #32035...

A National Transportation Safety Board investigation into the accident attributed the cause to the truck driver trying to beat the train across a grade crossing...

The NTSB's recommendations from the accident included increased enforcement of grade crossing signals, the installation of train event recorders at all new or improved grade crossings, and procedures to provide emergency responders with accurate lists of all crew members and passengers aboard trains...

And as for the consists fate...both of Train #59's engines, were deemed a total loss, and thus, were cut up and scrapped...

And now viewers...we will now head onto the next accidents...involving what is known, as a Signal Poor Off...and a Multiple Wrong Side Failure...

In which a signal...which in this case is a semaphore an incorrect aspect...

And viewers...we will be examining both...and we will start, with a Multiple Wrong Side Failure...

To do this, we will head back all the way to the 21st of January, in the year an accident, that was actually Rev. W Awdry's inspiration, to The Flying Kipper episode of Thomas The Tank Engine...Yes read that part right...this particular rail accident was the inspiration behind the wreck of The Flying Kipper...

The Abbots Ripton Rail Accident...which had occurred in the then county of Huntingdonshire, England, on the Great Northern Railway main line, previously thought to be exemplary for railway safety...In the accident, the Special Scotch Express train from Edinburgh to London was involved in a collision, during a blizzard, with a coal train. An express traveling in the other direction then ran into the wreckage...

The cause of this particular accident...was determined to be that on the night of the crash, snow had actually been forcing the arm of the semaphore signal down...and to make matters worse, ice had frozen the arm as that the arm was stuck between aspects...

And back in the day...the all clear aspect on a semaphore signal...was a clear white...which in this case, proved the point at which the ice and snow had frozen the semaphore signal arm...wound up creating a false clear aspect...which wound up causing the Special Scotch collide with a coal train...

And to make things just that much express traveling in the other direction...collided with the wreckage of the other two trains...

In total...13 people were killed...and a further 53 passengers, and 6 crew members...were injured...

But, the good news with this particular that it forced the permanently adopt a green signal, as an all clear aspect...So at least something arose from this particular tragedy...

But, as it would later be shown in the Invergowrie Train Crash on October 22, 1979...between a local train bound for Dundee...that was run into from behind by a Glasgow to Aberdeen Express...hauled by Class 47 Diesel roughly 60 miles per hour...or roughly 95 kilometers an hour...

And the force of the collision, was so violent, that it wound up throwing the back four carriages of the Dundee bound train, off the tracks, over a nearby sea wall, and into the Firth Of Tay...

The driver, and the second man on the Aberdeen Express, were both killed on impact...and a further 3 more people were killed in the last carriage of the Dundee bound train...and a further 51 people were injured...

An investigation into the cause of the crash...revealed that the driver of the Aberdeen Express had passed a semaphore signal that had been set at it passed by a nearby signal box at Longforgan...

However, it was later revealed that the signal in question...was shown to be at what's called a 'poor off'...Or in simpler terms, is a semaphore arm stuck between an all clear aspect, and a danger aspect...

And it was theorized, that as the driver of the Aberdeen Express, approached the signal at Longforgan, at 70 miles an hour...he may have misinterpreted the poor off as a clear aspect...and as a result, accelerated through it...a similar incident to that of the Ladbroke Grove Train Crash...caused by a 'Phantom Signal' incident...of signal SN109...that would wind up killing 31 people...including the drivers of both trains...

So I have stated before...while it is true that you can fix technology until one is blue in the face...but as for human behavior...that, can be known, to be far more challenging...I mean after all viewers...why else would most aircraft the result of Pilot Error...

The November 12, 2001 crash of American Airlines Flight 587 is one that immediately comes to the First Officer wound up using so much aggressive rudder inputs, that he literally tore the vertical stabilizer off of the Airbus A300B4-605R...

But anyway viewers...this now marks the end of this chapter...and so viewers...I will see you lot in the next chapter...okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"
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Chapter 117: Of Captains, 3rd Seats, And Lieutenants!: The Four Aces Alliance Is Cautiously On Guard! (Part 1)
"Hello there viewers...Keiko here...*I proceed to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers, before once again bringing my attention back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers properly*...Now then viewers...*I proceed to attempt to speak up again, only for a certain someone to then proceed to speak up*..."

"So your name is Keiko? That is quite an interesting name...So I take it that you and Shinko are sisters then?...*A somewhat cheeky sounding feminine voice now proceeds to speak up from a couple of feet behind me. And without even having to turn around, I proceed to address her. Who has long purple colored hair, orange colored eyes, and is wearing an all too familiar looking orange colored ninja type outfit*"

"Ah Ms. Shihouin...or should I address you as Yoruichi? And viewers...for those of you who don't know who she is...then don't you look like the person who...*I proceed to say this, only for Yoruichi to come rushing towards me, and then proceed to stop right next to me. To which she then proceeds to speak up*"

"Hello there viewers...Yoruichi Shihouin here...*She proceeds to say this, only for me to then start getting just a little bit irritated from her sudden interjection. But I manage to keep it under wraps*"

"Ms. Shihouin, might I ask...*I proceed to try and ask Yoruichi a question that I have had lingering for a few seconds. Only for someone else to now come into the frame of shot, and then proceed to speak up*"

"Oh, are we talking to the viewers again Keiko? Because...*Renji Abarai now comes into the frame of shot, along with Captain Toshiro Hitsugaya, and Lieutenant Rangiku Matsumoto. Which not surprisingly, now causes me to get just a bit more irritated. But thankfully, someone else has now come into the frame of shot, and then proceeds to clear up the current mess that was created by Yoruichi's sudden interjection, among with several others*"

"Okay, so if you all don't mind, Keiko needs to finish her fourth wall break to get the current chapter underway. So if you would all please let her do that, then we will both answer your lingering question, as soon as this current chapter has concluded...*Shinko, who has come into the frame of shot with Renji, Toshiro, and Rangiku, now proceeds to help clear up the current situation. Which thankfully winds up doing the trick*"

"Thank you for that Shinko, and you have my thanks...*I proceed to say this, while temporarily turning my attention over to Shinko. To which I then proceed to smile at her with both of my eyes closed. I then turn my attention forwards again, in order to continue to address the viewers*...Okay then viewers...let us now finally proceed into the current chapter...But first things first viewers...a chapter recap is in then...shall we?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

Date: September 20, 2009

Okay, so as of the last chapter, we were all now finally transformed again. Well, that was despite me having to tell everyone to search inside the thoughts of a body, that wasn't originally theirs. And, this about we just gloss over that. Anyway, getting back to the current situation.

"I summon lightning!" Urd suddenly proceeded to shout out. As she raised one of her hands skyward. And just like before, a bolt of lightning shot down from the sky. Only trouble was...

"Don't you have any more tricks then just that one Urd!?" Li now proceeded to shout out to Urd. And he had said it both a ticked off sounding tone, and while a look of massive irritation was also present on his face.

"Li, why don't you use your magic, and stop worrying about other people!" Zachary proceeded to say, in an effort to try and get Li back on track. Which wound up doing the trick.

And, as Crowley, like before, proceeded to once again raise one of his hands, forming yet another forcefield, that wound up deflecting Urd's lightning. Crowley then proceeded to speak up.

"Alright, time to send you all to the grave," Crowley said, as he once again started speaking in the same cryptic sounding language from before.

But, more importantly...

"Hey Crowley?! Let me ask you a question. Why so serious? Also, in the words of Clint Barton's Hawkeye...made you look..." Shinko, who was still stuck in my original body, then proceeded to say, with a SpyXFamily Anya type smirk present on my original bodies face.

"Wait a sec, what do you mean..." I started to say, only to then look slightly behind Crowley, just in time to see both Renji, and Rukia, suddenly sort of warped in from out of nowhere. Only to then realize, that they had used their respective flash steps, to accomplish this.

And upon realizing this...

"Hey Crowley? Have you heard of a sudden freak weather event? Because as Shinko just so kindly put, made you look," I then proceeded to say. To which I just simply went, and nodded slightly at both Rukia and Renji. And once they had both nodded back in response, they then set about helping to dispatch Crowley.

But to my surprise, as well as to the surprise of several other people on our side...

"Now Roar...Zabimaru!" Renji called out. Which was then followed, by his Zabimaru, then proceeding to separate into its 6 segmented form again. To which it then proceeded to make its way towards Crowley. And thankfully, before he could react quickly enough to Zabimaru's Shikai, he was then ensnared in several of Zabimaru's segmented sections.

"Now Dance...Sode no Shirayuki!...San no mai, Shirafune!" Rukia called out. Which was then followed, by her Sode no Shirayuki, then proceeding to glow white. Only, once the light had faded, her Zanpakuto was now completely made of ice. Which in an instant, caused the blade of it, to suddenly and rapidly extend outwards, at an alarming rate, and towards Crowley.

"So, she is able to extend the reach of her Sode no Shirayuki...interesting...And I thought that Shinko's Saint Sword Of Bluebell was impressive,"I thought to myself, while I proceeded to glance at Shinko's Saint Sword Of Bluebell in my left hand. Which was Shinko's technically. But you get what I mean.

And, once the now extended and ice encased blade of Sode no Shirayuki, pierced through Crowley's body, right through the left of his back, and then out the front. We all thought, that this fight with Crowley, was finally over.

But, however...

"You think you have all won this fight haven't you? Also, I forgot to mention something to you all, this is not my original body. So your attacks can't kill me. But, that doesn't mean that I can't kill all of you. So, I will just leave you all for the time being, as I have a master plan to attend to. But just know, that none of you are safe by any means. So, until we meet again. Which, may wind up being a bit sooner, then you all might think," Crowley proceeded to say, as he just simply wound up fading out of existence.

"Hey get back here Crowley! We're not done here you coward!" Zachary now proceeded to chime in with, now once again irritated, since Crowley had once again decided to play the coward.

And though this was not the end of our fight against Crowley. For the time being, we had to figure out a way to get everyone on our side, back into our original bodies.

But thankfully, this wasn't going to wind up being much of a problem. In fact...

"So, does anyone happen to have a way that will help get us all back into our original bodies?" Shokuhou proceeded to ask in Rei's voice. Since was still currently stuck in Rei's body.

"Well Shokuhou, it is funny that you should ask that particular question," Urd now proceeded to respond to her question with. While a somewhat knowing smirk, was also currently present on her face.

And this was then followed, by Urd then proceeding to raise one of her hands upwards. To which a bright golden sphere then formed in it. And as it flew out of her hand, it then expanded, and then temporarily blinded everyone else.

But, once it had died down, I then noticed, once I had looked down at myself, that I was back in my original body. Which I was able to confirm by the fact that I was once again wearing my usual Tokiwadai Middle School uniform, and the same mane of long light blue hair.

And more importantly, so was everyone else.

"Hello there everyone, Keiko here viewers...this now marks the end of this chapter...And just for a heads up viewers...the next two chapters, will wind up being non action filler chapters...So viewers...see you lot there...okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

And now that the chapter recap is now done. We will now proceed right into the current chapter.

Date: September 21, 2009

Okay, so it was now the following day, since me, Misaka, Kuroko, and the rest of The Four Aces Alliance, had last dealt with one Aleister Crowley. But, since he had gone back into hiding, it had been decided that the rest of our allies, would remain in Academy City for the time being. At least until Crowley was no longer deemed to be a threat to Academy City.

However, this did present us all with a problem. Because under no circumstances, were we going to be able to have them all stay with us at Tokiwadai. But, with the help of one Misaki Shokuhou, this wasn't going to be a problem.

Which was why we had had her, go and plant certain thoughts into the minds of everyone in Tokiwadai Middle School. Well, all of the higher ups, as well as some of the individuals around Academy City. Because with Exterior having been destroyed, Shokuhou could only use her Mental Out Esper ability at its normal power level. Which was still quite a few people.

Which thankfully, wasn't enough to overtax her, should she be needed again for when we did wind up eventually going against Crowley again.

But, thanks to Shokuhou, we were able to get the rest of our friends vacant dorm rooms, a couple of doors down from ours. Which, given what was going to take place in a few more days time, this was going to wind up proving to be very beneficial.

But, getting to the current situation, which was, well...

"Okay, though it was very nice of Shokuhou to help our friends get those vacant dorm rooms, this still hasn't allowed me to trust her any more then I do right now. Which to be honest Misaka, is not really a lot," I proceeded to say to Misaka, while both her and Kuroko, as well as me, were currently in our respective dorm room, trying to figure out what exactly was going to be our next plan of attack with regards to Crowley.

The only trouble was, just as Misaka was about to respond to what I had just said...

"Why did it have to be this complicated to find a single dorm room!" A now very loud sounding male voice proceeded to yell out. And this was then followed, by the door to our dorm room, proceeding to swing open somewhat slowly.

And in walked, well...

"Hey, you three! Can you tell me where Captain Kuchiki went?" A man with a completely bald head, and wearing a white colored shirt, proceeded to ask me, Misaka, and Kuroko.

And as for who he was...

"Uh...I'm sorry, who are you? And why are you bald?" Kuroko proceeded to ask the man, as she was also currently trying her best not to burst our laughing.

"What was that?! And who says..." The man proceeded to say, as his expression proceeded to then suddenly shift to one of slight annoyance and frustration.

But thankfully...

"Hey Pachinko Head, this is not the time to be talking to them like that. Isn't that right Kenny?" A sort of childish sounding female proceeded to speak up with from behind me, Misaka, and Kuroko.

And without me even having to turn around, my blood, then proceeded to run cold. "Oh...oh good god no...why is he here?!...So this whole situation just got very very unpredictable...And what I mean by that viewers...Is well..." I proceeded to think to myself, while during this very thought, I had turned my attention, slightly to the right of me, in order to briefly address the viewers.

But on the subject of who these three were...

"C-Captain Zaraki I presume?...3rd Seat Madarame...and Lieutenant what do we..." I proceeded to try and speak up with. The only trouble with doing this, was that I wasn't exactly expecting Captain Kenpachi Zaraki, to wind up being involved in all of this. As he was the sort of Soul Reaper Captain, that was known to be very unpredictable.

And given what would ultimately wind up transpiring in just a few more days time. This would actually wind up benefiting all of us, in what was going to wind up becoming a fight, that would once again, wind up putting everyone in Academy City, and in at least two other anime dimensions, in grave danger.

"Hello there again viewers...Keiko here again...*I proceed to say this, while traditionally bowing to the viewers. To which I then proceed to bring my attention back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers properly*...Now then viewers...*I then proceed to try and attempt to continue my current end of chapter fourth wall break. Only for someone to then proceed to come into the frame of shot, and then attempt to speak up*"

"Hey Keiko? Would it be alright if...?...*3rd Seat Ikkaku Madarame proceeds to try and speak up. Only for me to politely interject, to let him know, that telling the viewers where he and everyone else were in the Bleach timeline was not going to be necessary*...Ikkaku, it won't be necessary to tell the viewers where in the Bleach timeline you all came from before winding up here. As Shinko has already gone and taken care of that for you and everyone else. Now then, would you be so kind as to have me finish my fourth wall break? As that would be much appreciated...*I proceed to say this, while giving Ikkaku a sort of expression, that is basically letting him know not to try and contest this. Which although he then proceeded to try and do exactly this, he then proceeds to nod in response, as from then seeing my expression, he decides against it*...Good, now then viewers...this now marks the end of this chapter...And so viewers...see you lot in the next chapter...okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"
Last edited:
Chapter 118: Magicians And Doppelgangers!: The Four Aces Alliance Is Cautiously On Guard! (Part 2)
"Hello there viewers...Keiko here...*I proceed to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. Before once again bringing my attention back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers properly*...Now then viewers...*I proceed to attempt to speak up again, only for a certain someone to then proceed to speak up. Only unlike the last chapter, it is someone else this time*..."

"Keiko, what is taking you so long?...*Lieutenant Matsumoto proceeds to come into the frame of shot with Captain Hitsugaya. Only for me to then have a tickmark now slowly become visible on one side of my face. But I manage to hide this, as well as my currently building frustration. And one of my eyes, has now also started to twitch slightly. But thankfully...*"

"Rangiku, you're being rude, let her finish addressing the viewers...*Captain Hitsugaya proceeds to say this, while currently exhibiting an almost mirrored level, of irritation in his tone. Which thankfully, seems to do the trick. As Lieutenant Matsumoto, now proceeds to display a very cute looking pout on her face*...Alright, fine Captain, you're no fun..."

"Thank you Captain Hitsugaya, you have my thanks...Now then viewers...what do you say that we now finally get on with the chapter...hmm?...Oh right, a chapter recap is in order first...almost forgot about that...So then viewers...let us begin, shall we?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

Date: September 21, 2009

Okay, so it was now the following day, since me, Misaka, Kuroko, and the rest of The Four Aces Alliance, had last dealt with one Aleister Crowley. But, since he had gone back into hiding, it had been decided that the rest of our allies, would remain in Academy City for the time being. At least until Crowley was no longer deemed to be a threat to Academy City.

However, this did present us all with a problem. Because under no circumstances, were we going to be able to have them all stay with us at Tokiwadai. But, with the help of one Misaki Shokuhou, this wasn't going to be a problem.

Which was why we had had her, go and plant certain thoughts into the minds of everyone in Tokiwadai Middle School. Well, all of the higher ups, as well as some of the individuals around Academy City. Because with Exterior having been destroyed, Shokuhou could only use her Mental Out Esper ability at its normal power level. Which was still quite a few people.

Which thankfully, wasn't enough to overtax her, should she be needed again for when we did wind up eventually going against Crowley again.

But, thanks to Shokuhou, we were able to get the rest of our friends vacant dorm rooms, a couple of doors down from ours. Which, given what was going to take place in a few more days time, this was going to wind up proving to be very beneficial.

But, getting to the current situation, which was, well...

"Okay, though it was very nice of Shokuhou to help our friends get those vacant dorm rooms, this still hasn't allowed me to trust her any more then I do right now. Which to be honest Misaka, is not really a lot," I proceeded to say to Misaka, while both her and Kuroko, as well as me, were currently in our respective dorm room, trying to figure out what exactly was going to be our next plan of attack with regards to Crowley.

The only trouble was, just as Misaka was about to respond to what I had just said...

"Why did it have to be this complicated to find a single dorm room!" A now very loud sounding male voice proceeded to yell out. And this was then followed, by the door to our dorm room, proceeding to swing open somewhat slowly.

And in walked, well...

"Hey, you three! Can you tell me where Captain Kuchiki went?" A man with a completely bald head, and wearing a white colored shirt, proceeded to ask me, Misaka, and Kuroko.

And as for who he was...

"Uh...I'm sorry, who are you? And why are you bald?" Kuroko proceeded to ask the man, as she was also currently trying her best not to burst our laughing.

"What was that?! And who says..." The man proceeded to say, as his expression proceeded to then suddenly shift to one of slight annoyance and frustration.

But thankfully...

"Hey Pachinko Head, this is not the time to be talking to them like that. Isn't that right Kenny?" A sort of childish sounding female proceeded to speak up with from behind me, Misaka, and Kuroko.

And without me even having to turn around, my blood, then proceeded to run cold. "Oh...oh good god no...why is he here?!...So this whole situation just got very very unpredictable...And what I mean by that viewers...Is well..." I proceeded to think to myself, while during this very thought, I had turned my attention, slightly to the right of me, in order to briefly address the viewers.

But on the subject of who these three were...

"C-Captain Zaraki I presume?...3rd Seat Madarame...and Lieutenant what do we..." I proceeded to try and speak up with. The only trouble with doing this, was that I wasn't exactly expecting Captain Kenpachi Zaraki, to wind up being involved in all of this. As he was the sort of Soul Reaper Captain, that was known to be very unpredictable.

And given what would ultimately wind up transpiring in just a few more days time. This would actually wind up benefiting all of us, in what was going to wind up becoming a fight, that would once again, wind up putting everyone in Academy City, and in at least two other anime dimensions, in grave danger.

"Hello there again viewers...Keiko here again...*I proceed to say this, while traditionally bowing to the viewers. To which I then proceed to bring my attention back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers properly*...Now then viewers...*I then proceed to try and attempt to continue my current end of chapter fourth wall break. Only for someone to then proceed to come into the frame of shot, and then attempt to speak up*"

"Hey Keiko? Would it be alright if...?...*3rd Seat Ikkaku Madarame proceeds to try and speak up. Only for me to politely interject, to let him know, that telling the viewers where he and everyone else were in the Bleach timeline was not going to be necessary*...Ikkaku, it won't be necessary to tell the viewers where in the Bleach timeline you all came from before winding up here. As Shinko has already gone and taken care of that for you and everyone else. Now then, would you be so kind as to have me finish my fourth wall break? As that would be much appreciated...*I proceed to say this, while giving Ikkaku a sort of expression, that is basically letting him know not to try and contest this. Which although he then proceeded to try and do exactly this, he then proceeds to nod in response, as from then seeing my expression, he decides against it*...Good, now then viewers...this now marks the end of this chapter...And so viewers...see you lot in the next chapter...okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

And now that the chapter recap is now done. We will now proceed right into the current chapter.

Date: September 21, 2009

Okay, so shifting a little bit forward in time. About a minute or so, after me, Misaka, and Kuroko, had come into contact with both Captain Byakuya Kuchiki, Captain Kenpachi Zaraki, 3rd Seat Ikkaku Madarame, and Lieutenant Kusajishi...

And with regard to the current situation in question...

"Oh, Captain Kuchiki, well I see that you found Rukia and everyone else without any trouble," Zachary now wound up saying, upon him, Sakura, Li, and Kero, having just walked into the room, behind Ikkaku.

And upon me realizing what Zachary had just said. I not surprisingly, now had a look of complete shock upon my face. As I knew full well as to who Captain Byakuya Kuchiki was. And with this realization, I then proceeded to speak up. And not surprisingly...

"Wait a sec here Zachary, you're not serious right!?" I now proceeded to ask Zachary, with a now somewhat shocked expression then making its way onto my face.

And, as a way of perfectly timed comedy so to speak...

"Keiko, let me ask you a question in response to your question. Do I seem like the kind of person who wouldn't be serious..." Zachary proceeded to try and ask me.

"Well you see Zachary..." I proceeded to try and respond, only for Zachary to proceed to cut me off mid sentence.

"Actually don't answer I know full well what your answer was going to be Keiko. So anyway, yes Keiko, that Captain Kuchiki...or Byakuya Kuchiki..." Zachary proceeded to say, only to then be cut off mid statement by a certain long purple hair female suddenly appearing in the room with the use of her flash step, and then proceeding to scare the absolute living daylights out of both Hinagiku and Scarlet.

And upon realizing who she was...

"Oh, well I wasn't expecting Yoruichi Shihouin to grace us all with her presence. I guess one Kisuke Urahara probably had something to do with that," I thought to myself.

And meanwhile over in another anime canon timeline. A certain male with a black and white striped hat, then suddenly sneezed one time, and he didn't know why. And after shrugging, he went back to what it was that he had been doing.

And while some of us in the room weren't expecting the appearance of Yoruichi Shihouin. Me, and Shinko, who was also in the room with all of us, did. As I knew from the information on one Yoruichi Shihouin, that she was known as 'The Queen Of Flash Step.' And seeing it now for myself, I now realized that she more then deserved that nickname.

But, what none of us knew yet, that in only a couple more days time, we would all soon be fighting against Aleister Crowley again. But, to make matters just that much more unpredictable, Crowley wouldn't be the only opponent, that we would be facing in the upcoming fight either.

In fact, one simple word, which happened to be the name of this particular villain. Was the name of a certain Yugioh card, that had been played by one Maximilian Pegasus in Duelist Kingdom, against Seto Kaiba, and Atem respectively. And its name, was Doppelganger.

"And honestly viewers...I am sure that you all know about my stance on that anime, as well as that card game...Keiko here by the way viewers...anyway, my entire stance on the Yugioh TCG, and the anime, is actually the same as Shinko Hanasaki and her stance of what she thinks of it, from chapter 12 of Going In Completely Blind...anyway Zachary, your turn."

"So viewers...and thank you very much Keiko...Hello there viewers...Zachary here again...And as to those of you who don't know the card Doppelganger...then perhaps you will know it by its other name...Mimicat...But anyway viewers...this now marks the end of this chapter...So viewers...see you all in the next chapter...okay?"

"Well heard it from Zachary...Oh right, Keiko here...But anyway viewers...We all will look forward to seeing you lot in the next chapter...okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"
Chapter 119: A Quick Look To The Past, And Then Back To The Future!: The Four Aces Alliance Is Cautiously On Guard! (Part 3) New
"Hello there viewers...Keiko here again...*I proceed to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. To which I then proceed to bring my attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers*...Now then viewers...first things first..before I start with the chapter recap regarding the last chapter...I am just going to tell you all from the off, that this is chapter is going to be covering what went on between the recent chapter of Going In Completely Blind, and the current fight against both Aleister Crowley and Doppelganger...And yes viewers...I am very well aware that Shinko skipped ahead with regard to her most recent chapter...But believe or not viewers..that was I am now going to tell to you all, exactly what went on before that..."

"Hey Keiko?...Just get on with it already!...*Lieutenant Rangiku Matsumoto now proceeds to come into the frame of shot, and proceeds to say this to me with a sort of whiny sounding sort of tone in her voice*"

"*I now, with a very noticeable looking tickmark now on one side of my face. As well as a now quite peeved looking expression present on it as well. I now proceed to let out a very frustrating sounding and defeated sounding sigh. As I then, without turning to acknowledge Rangiku, proceed to then speak up*...Rangiku...let me ask you an honest question...if you don't mind...Does Captain Hitsugaya know...*I proceed to say, only for Captain Hitsugaya to then proceed to come running quite quickly into the frame of shot, and then stopping right next to me. As we both, then proceed to go into a sort of comedic looking whispering session. Like some other characters usually did in other anime. As Captain Hitsugaya, quite surprisingly I might add, now has quite a nervous looking expression on his usually calm, cool, and collected looking face*"

"Keiko, that is not a good idea to go and say that...As Rangiku can be a little bit...*Captain Hitsugaya proceeds to say this to me, as he proceeds to try and whisper this to me, with a sweatdrop now also being present on one side of his face*"

"Oh...r-right Captain mistake...we wouldn't want that to...*ahem*...happen now would we...good call...*I proceed to whisper this back in response to Captain Hitsugaya. With a bead of sweat, now present, on one side of my face*...And with that in mind viewers...let us now get on with that chapter recap now...shall we?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

Date: September 21, 2009

Okay, so shifting a little bit forward in time. About a minute or so, after me, Misaka, and Kuroko, had come into contact with both Captain Byakuya Kuchiki, Captain Kenpachi Zaraki, 3rd Seat Ikkaku Madarame, and Lieutenant Kusajishi...

And with regard to the current situation in question...

"Oh, Captain Kuchiki, well I see that you found Rukia and everyone else without any trouble," Zachary now wound up saying, upon him, Sakura, Li, and Kero, having just walked into the room, behind Ikkaku.

And upon me realizing what Zachary had just said. I not surprisingly, now had a look of complete shock upon my face. As I knew full well as to who Captain Byakuya Kuchiki was. And with this realization, I then proceeded to speak up. And not surprisingly...

"Wait a sec here Zachary, you're not serious right!?" I now proceeded to ask Zachary, with a now somewhat shocked expression then making its way onto my face.

And, as a way of perfectly timed comedy so to speak...

"Keiko, let me ask you a question in response to your question. Do I seem like the kind of person who wouldn't be serious..." Zachary proceeded to try and ask me.

"Well you see Zachary..." I proceeded to try and respond, only for Zachary to proceed to cut me off mid sentence.

"Actually don't answer I know full well what your answer was going to be Keiko. So anyway, yes Keiko, that Captain Kuchiki...or Byakuya Kuchiki..." Zachary proceeded to say, only to then be cut off mid statement by a certain long purple hair female suddenly appearing in the room with the use of her flash step, and then proceeding to scare the absolute living daylights out of both Hinagiku and Scarlet.

And upon realizing who she was...

"Oh, well I wasn't expecting Yoruichi Shihouin to grace us all with her presence. I guess one Kisuke Urahara probably had something to do with that," I thought to myself.

And meanwhile over in another anime canon timeline. A certain male with a black and white striped hat, then suddenly sneezed one time, and he didn't know why. And after shrugging, he went back to what it was that he had been doing.

And while some of us in the room weren't expecting the appearance of Yoruichi Shihouin. Me, and Shinko, who was also in the room with all of us, did. As I knew from the information on one Yoruichi Shihouin, that she was known as 'The Queen Of Flash Step.' And seeing it now for myself, I now realized that she more then deserved that nickname.

But, what none of us knew yet, that in only a couple more days time, we would all soon be fighting against Aleister Crowley again. But, to make matters just that much more unpredictable, Crowley wouldn't be the only opponent, that we would be facing in the upcoming fight either.

In fact, one simple word, which happened to be the name of this particular villain. Was the name of a certain Yugioh card, that had been played by one Maximilian Pegasus in Duelist Kingdom, against Seto Kaiba, and Atem respectively. And its name, was Doppelganger.

"And honestly viewers...I am sure that you all know about my stance on that anime, as well as that card game...Keiko here by the way viewers...anyway, my entire stance on the Yugioh TCG, and the anime, is actually the same as Shinko Hanasaki and her stance of what she thinks of it, from chapter 12 of Going In Completely Blind...anyway Zachary, your turn."

"So viewers...and thank you very much Keiko...Hello there viewers...Zachary here again...And as to those of you who don't know the card Doppelganger...then perhaps you will know it by its other name...Mimicat...But anyway viewers...this now marks the end of this chapter...So viewers...see you all in the next chapter...okay?"

"Well heard it from Zachary...Oh right, Keiko here...But anyway viewers...We all will look forward to seeing you lot in the next chapter...okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

And now that the chapter recap is now done. We will now proceed right into the current chapter.

Date: September 22, 2009

Okay, so it was now the next day, with not much having happened following the arrival of several more members of the Gotei 13.

And as for the time of day at the current moment? Well it was around midday. And as for me and Misaka? Well, we were currently out in one of the many parks of Academy City, sort of away from the rest of our allies. And the reason for this? Well about that...

"Okay Misaka, what do you think of the idea? I mean, it could possibly help us to gain an advantage during our next inevitable encounter with Crowley?" I proceeded to ask Misaka, as I had just proceeded to tell her the possible idea, of using a combination of quite a bit of iron sand, and our electricity, to help sort of string together a pair of massive iron sand composed Kaijus.

And for the record, neither me or Misaka, had ever attempted something as massive as that before. And to add more possible trouble to the issue, we weren't exactly sure on how to go about doing that. As some ideas, while they sounded good on paper, are actually much more difficult, or even impossible, to achieve in actuality.

However, this was something, that I honestly did feel, wasn't out of our wheelhouse, so to speak, to try and attempt to achieve.

And, as we both attempted to practice the task brought up with regard to my idea. And in order to be careful not to draw any sort of unwanted attention to ourselves, we had decided to only make practice gestures with our hand. And this was being done, so as not to cause any unwanted collateral damage to the park, or the many resources, plants, and vegetation within it.

But, after a few minutes of practicing, we both felt as though this idea of mine, had a pretty good chance of giving us the advantage we were both looking for.

And with a quick closed eyes nod to each other, we then proceeded to head back to our dorm at Tokiwadai Middle School.

"And now viewers...Yes Keiko here...*I proceed to say this, while once again proceeding to traditionally bow to the viewers. To which I then proceed to bring both my attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers*...Now then viewers...we will now proceed Back To The order to get back to the current situation, regarding our current fight with one Aleister Crowley...Now then viewers...let us proceed...shall we?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

And as for the current situation regarding Aleister Crowley? Well...

"Okay, I don't ever recall there being giant Kaiju like creatures in the Railgun anime. Just what is going on here?!" Shinko now proceeded to say out loud. As she, Momoko, Yuri, Hinagiku, Scarlet, and the rest of us, were currently staring down a very large concrete looking giant Kaiju type monstrosity, that was actually the work of a single individual. And its name, was Doppelganger.

"Okay, timeout here for a second here viewers...Yes, this is Shinko then might now be wondering how things managed to get to this point, yes?...Well viewers...*Shinko proceeds to say this, only for someone else to now proceed to interject*"

"Hey Shinko, how about you save the fourth wall break commentary until after you and everyone else have transformed okay?!...*Captain Toshiro Hitsugaya proceeds to say this to her, with a small tickmark currently being present on one side of his face*"

"Seriously Captain Hitsugaya?!...Since when was it...*Shinko proceeds to try and attempt to say back to Captain Hitsugaya in response. Only for him to then proceed look even more irritated then a second ago. Which winds up making her think twice*'re right...let me just transform then...and speaking of that!" Shinko then proceeded to say, as she proceeded to reach into my skirt pocket, and pull out her Saint Sword Of Bluebell.

Which was accompanied by Momoko pulling out her Saint Miroir, Yuri pulling out her Saint Lip Liner, Hinagiku pulling out her Saint Pendule, and Scarlet readying herself. As the five of them, along with everyone else, proceeded to transform. Well, except for me, Misaka, and Kuroko that is...

"Beautiful Wedding Flower! Angel Amour Peach!" Momoko called out. And in two separate flashes of light, she was in her usual DX battle outfit.

"Elegant Wedding Flower!" Shinko called out. And in a usual quick flash of light, she was once again in her usual battle outfit. And was Angel Bluebell once again.

"Graceful Wedding Flower! Angel Precious Lily!" Yuri called out. And in two separate flashes of light, she was in her usual DX battle outfit.

"Attractive Wedding Flower! Angel Courage Daisy!" Hinagiku called out. And in two separate flashes of light, she was in her usual DX battle outfit.

"Excellent Wedding Flower! Angel Passionate Salvia!" Scarlet called out. And in two separate flashes of light, she too was in her usual DX battle outfit.

"Moon Eternal...Make Up!" Usagi called out. And after a quick transformation, she was in her usual Eternal Sailor Moon fuku. Which was followed by her usual signature pose.

"Mercury Crystal Power...Make Up!" Ami called out. And after a quick transformation, she was in her usual Super Sailor Mercury fuku. Which was followed by her usual signature pose.

"Mars Crystal Power...Make Up!" Rei called out. And after a quick transformation, she was in her usual Super Sailor Mars fuku. Which was followed by her usual signature pose.

"Jupiter Crystal Power...Make Up!" Makoto called out. And after a quick transformation, she was in her usual Super Sailor Jupiter fuku. Which was followed by her usual signature pose.

"Venus Crystal Power...Make Up!" Minako called out. And after a quick transformation, she was in her usual Super Sailor Venus fuku. Which was followed by her usual signature pose.

"Saturn Crystal Power...Make Up!" Hotaru called out. And after a quick transformation, she was in her usual Super Sailor Saturn fuku. Which was followed by her usual signature pose.

"Uranus Planet Power...Make Up!" Haruka called out. And after a quick transformation, she was in her usual Super Sailor Uranus fuku. Which was followed by her usual signature pose.

"Neptune Planet Power...Make Up!" Michiru called out. And after a quick transformation, she was in her usual Super Sailor Neptune fuku. Which was followed by her usual signature pose.

"Pluto Planet Power...Make Up!" Setsuna called out. And after a quick transformation, she was in her usual Super Sailor Pluto fuku. Which was followed by her usual signature pose.

"Key of the stars, with powers burning bright, reveal the staff, and shine your light, Release!" Zachary and Sakura both chanted in unison. And after a sever gust of wind and sand. Both of their respective Star Keys expanded into their respective Star Staffs. Which was then followed by both of them twirling them, and then finishing off with their usual battle ready poses.

"Dance...Sode no Shirayuki! Rukia Kuchiki said, calling out her Zanpakuto's Shikai.

"Roar...Zabimaru!" Renji Abarai said, calling out his Zanpakuto's Shikai.

"Growl...Haineko!" Rangiku Matsumoto said, calling out her Zanpakuto's Shikai.

"Sit Upon the Frozen Heavens...Hyōrinmaru!" Toshiro Histugaya said, calling out his Zanpakuto's Shikai.

"Extend...Hozukimaru!" Ikkaku Madarame said, calling out his Zanpakuto's Shikai.

"Scatter...Senbonzakura!" Byakuya Kuchiki said, calling out his Zanpakuto's Shikai.

"Alright...And here is where the fun begins!" Kenpachi Zaraki said. As he held his respective Zanpakuto at the ready.

And as usual, as the sound of chiming bells then filled the air, Wedding Peach then began her introduction.

"On this quiet and peaceful night. How dare you proceed to attempt to harm innocent people. I can never forgive such a act of evil! I am the Love Angel! I am Wedding Peach, and I am extremely angry with you!" Wedding Peach said. Which was while she pointed her left hand at the Kaiju like monstrosity that was Doppelganger. Which was then followed by her swinging her other arm in its usual upward arc. To which she then brought it into a flexing pose, with her arm bent, and her hand in a tightly closed fist.

"Well done as always with your introduction Wedding Peach!" Angel Bluebell then said. To which she then swiftly followed by proceeding to start her own usual introduction. Which was after she had given her a quick closed eyes smile.

To which Angel Bluebell then proceeded, to look forward again. As she then proceeded to hold her Saint Sword Of Bluebell straight up with her left hand. As she then began her usual introduction.

"The nature of the Bluebell, is to spread joy and love, allowing friendships to remain strong! I cannot forgive those who commit acts of evil! I am the Love Angel! I am Angel Bluebell, and I am very angry with you!" Angel Bluebell passionately said. Which was while she proceeded to swing her Saint Sword Of Bluebell, up towards, and then over her right armor clad shoulder. To which she then swung it downward, stopped it mid downward swing, held it in front of her in a battle ready stance, and then struck her usual pose.

"In the language of flowers, the nature of the pure lily is special, it means that it will bloom and grant love!" Angel Lily said, as she said her introduction, and then struck a pose.

"The daisy is the emblem of the pure and innocent heart. For it's power can withstand even the most evil wind!" Angel Daisy said, as she said her introduction, and then struck a pose.

"In the language of flowers, salvia means a burning heart! The warrior from heaven, Angel Salvia, is here to do battle! All you devils who mislead innocent hearts, I will erase your filthy souls!" Angel Salvia said, as she then struck a pose.

"How dare you proceed to use your powers to try and harm innocent people! I am the Pretty Guardian, who fights for love and for justice! I am Sailor Moon, and now in the name of the moon, I'll punish you!" Eternal Sailor Moon said, as she did her signature pose, while pointing at Aleister Crowley.

"I am the Pretty Guardian, who fights for Love and Intelligence, I am Sailor Mercury! Douse yourself in water and repent!" Sailor Mercury said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am the Pretty Guardian who fights for Love and for Passion! I am Sailor Mars! In the name of Mars, I'll chastise you!" Sailor Mars said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am the Pretty Guardian who fights for Love and for Courage! I am Sailor Jupiter! I'll fill you regret, It'll leave you numb!" Sailor Jupiter said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am the Pretty Guardian who Fights for Love and for Beauty! I am Sailor Venus! In the name of Venus, I'll punish you with the power of love!" Sailor Venus said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am an emissary from the abyss of Death. Protected by Saturn, the Outer Planet of Destruction, the Guardian of Silence. I am Sailor Saturn." Sailor Saturn said as she struck her usual pose.

"Protected by Uranus, the Planet of the Wind. Guardian of Heavens. I am Sailor Uranus!" Sailor Uranus said as she struck her usual pose.

"Protected by Neptune, the Outer Planet of the Seas, Guardian of the Deep Sea. I am Sailor Neptune." Sailor Neptune said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am the Keeper of the Door of Space and Time. I am Sailor Pluto, Guardian of the Underworld." Sailor Pluto said as she struck her usual pose.

But then...

"Ah, I see that you are all not any less passionate from when we last did battle," the familiar sounding male voice of one Aleister Crowley now proceeded to speak up with. Which was as his form, had proceeded to fade into existence to the left hand side of Doppelganger.

"And that is to be very much expected from us all Crowley! Especially when we're dealing with a very powerful and arrogant induced villain such as you!" I proceeded to speak up with.

But then, and to my complete surprise...

"And as for your so called Doppelganger monstrosity Crowley. I think that you'll find that me and Sakura..." Zachary proceeded to say. But, as Zachary proceeded to pull out The Big Card...

"Uh yeah, so Zachary? Why don't we leave this to Misaka and Keiko. As I don't think that the citizens of Academy City need to be at risk of any collateral damage," Li proceeded to speak up with.

Which even though this caused Zachary to display a sort of pout type expression on his face. He simply then wound up letting out a very audible and defeated sounding sigh. And resigned himself to allowing Keiko and Misaka to handle most of the part with dealing with Doppelganger. Even though this was something that he wasn't in complete agreement with.

And as for me and Misaka. After I had tried my best not to giggle slightly from Zachary's current pouted expression. Which did the trick, as nobody seemed to notice. Not like Bradley Walsh always failed to do. As he really did break out laughing quite a bit during his current hosting of the UK TV Series: The Chase. But anyway, back to the current situation.

"Well Crowley, what do you say that we show you exactly why you should take us all seriously! Now Misaka, just like we practiced," I then proceeded to say, as both me and Misaka, then opened a hand of our each. To which we both then proceeded to conjure up quite a bit of iron sand from the ground beneath us both.

But, the major difference this time, was that we were also combining the iron sand, with our electricity. Which were the very hand gestures that we had been practicing in the park only a couple of hours prior. And, to our relief, and in only a couple of seconds, we were then both quite a few feet off of the ground. As were now both on top of a pair of iron sand and electricity composed Kaiju like beings, just as I had intended.

And it was then that I knew, that this was a fight, that we all had a very good chance to win. And finally, it would help to hopefully put an end, to the senseless fighting and death. And hopefully as well, Shinko, Momoko, the rest of the Love Angels, and the Sailor Senshi, could finally be able to retire peacefully.

But, with what was about to happen, and given how already askew things currently were. This was something, that was still a bit far away from occurring. In fact, what was about to take place, would soon put more, then just the current three anime dimensions at risk. And we would all soon be locked, in an all out dimensional war. And if something wasn't done, it would mean the end of everything that we held most dear, as we knew it.

"But that viewers...Oh right, sorry...Shinko here again viewers...and that, for those who are still not versed in this fanfic...that, was a bit more foreshadowing for you all...But anyway viewers...this now marks the end of this chapter...But fret not we will be getting right back into the action in the next chapter...Now then viewers...see you all there...okay?...*Shinko proceed to say this, while smiling with both of her eyes closed*"

"And will not want to miss the impending and imminent dimensional crossover, that will soon be taking place either...And no isn't going to be with the MCU...So I am terribly sorry to disappoint you on that...As I would rather not have a...*ahem*...certain big brand mouse...proceed to send me a sort of C&D if I can help it...*I now proceed to once again clear my throat, before once again proceeding to continue, to properly address the viewers*...Now viewers...that doesn't mean however, that this impending crossover won't wind up being any less awesome and fantastic...So then viewers...with this now all still very quite fresh on all of you minds...I shall look forward to seeing you lot, in the next chapter...okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"
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Chapter 120: Cats, Aliens, And Chimera Anima!: How A Single Spark Can Make A Situation More Complicated! (Part 1) New
"Hello there again viewers...Keiko here again...*I proceed to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. To which I then proceed to bring my attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers*...and before I proceed forward with this particular chapter...I believe that both Zachary, and Shinko in both of their last chapters...had told you all of an impending crossover arc event that was due to happen...Well viewers...neither of them were you can tell from this particular fanfic chapters title...these three fanfics, are now going to be taking on a sort of Quantum Leap, Multiverse Of Madness sort of premise now...And as for the anime, and or forms of media that will be featured in the chapters to come?...Well viewers...though I won't go too much into it...lets just say...that 'it's all about family'...But that particular form of media, won't be coming into play until much later on...*I now proceed to clear my throat, as I then proceed to continue, to properly address the viewers*...Now then viewers...we will now dive right into, what is now going to be the next arc of this crossover...Oh, and like always viewers...a chapter recap is in order then viewers...let us begin, okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

Date: September 22, 2009

Okay, so it was now the next day, with not much having happened following the arrival of several more members of the Gotei 13.

And as for the time of day at the current moment? Well it was around midday. And as for me and Misaka? Well, we were currently out in one of the many parks of Academy City, sort of away from the rest of our allies. And the reason for this? Well about that...

"Okay Misaka, what do you think of the idea? I mean, it could possibly help us to gain an advantage during our next inevitable encounter with Crowley?" I proceeded to ask Misaka, as I had just proceeded to tell her the possible idea, of using a combination of quite a bit of iron sand, and our electricity, to help sort of string together a pair of massive iron sand composed Kaijus.

And for the record, neither me or Misaka, had ever attempted something as massive as that before. And to add more possible trouble to the issue, we weren't exactly sure on how to go about doing that. As some ideas, while they sounded good on paper, are actually much more difficult, or even impossible, to achieve in actuality.

However, this was something, that I honestly did feel, wasn't out of our wheelhouse, so to speak, to try and attempt to achieve.

And, as we both attempted to practice the task brought up with regard to my idea. And in order to be careful not to draw any sort of unwanted attention to ourselves, we had decided to only make practice gestures with our hand. And this was being done, so as not to cause any unwanted collateral damage to the park, or the many resources, plants, and vegetation within it.

But, after a few minutes of practicing, we both felt as though this idea of mine, had a pretty good chance of giving us the advantage we were both looking for.

And with a quick closed eyes nod to each other, we then proceeded to head back to our dorm at Tokiwadai Middle School.

"And now viewers...Yes Keiko here...*I proceed to say this, while once again proceeding to traditionally bow to the viewers. To which I then proceed to bring both my attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers*...Now then viewers...we will now proceed Back To The order to get back to the current situation, regarding our current fight with one Aleister Crowley...Now then viewers...let us proceed...shall we?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

And as for the current situation regarding Aleister Crowley? Well...

"Okay, I don't ever recall there being giant Kaiju like creatures in the Railgun anime. Just what is going on here?!" Shinko now proceeded to say out loud. As she, Momoko, Yuri, Hinagiku, Scarlet, and the rest of us, were currently staring down a very large concrete looking giant Kaiju type monstrosity, that was actually the work of a single individual. And its name, was Doppelganger.

"Okay, timeout here for a second here viewers...Yes, this is Shinko then might now be wondering how things managed to get to this point, yes?...Well viewers...*Shinko proceeds to say this, only for someone else to now proceed to interject*"

"Hey Shinko, how about you save the fourth wall break commentary until after you and everyone else have transformed okay?!...*Captain Toshiro Hitsugaya proceeds to say this to her, with a small tickmark currently being present on one side of his face*"

"Seriously Captain Hitsugaya?!...Since when was it...*Shinko proceeds to try and attempt to say back to Captain Hitsugaya in response. Only for him to then proceed look even more irritated then a second ago. Which winds up making her think twice*'re right...let me just transform then...and speaking of that!" Shinko then proceeded to say, as she proceeded to reach into my skirt pocket, and pull out her Saint Sword Of Bluebell.

Which was accompanied by Momoko pulling out her Saint Miroir, Yuri pulling out her Saint Lip Liner, Hinagiku pulling out her Saint Pendule, and Scarlet readying herself. As the five of them, along with everyone else, proceeded to transform. Well, except for me, Misaka, and Kuroko that is...

"Beautiful Wedding Flower! Angel Amour Peach!" Momoko called out. And in two separate flashes of light, she was in her usual DX battle outfit.

"Elegant Wedding Flower!" Shinko called out. And in a usual quick flash of light, she was once again in her usual battle outfit. And was Angel Bluebell once again.

"Graceful Wedding Flower! Angel Precious Lily!" Yuri called out. And in two separate flashes of light, she was in her usual DX battle outfit.

"Attractive Wedding Flower! Angel Courage Daisy!" Hinagiku called out. And in two separate flashes of light, she was in her usual DX battle outfit.

"Excellent Wedding Flower! Angel Passionate Salvia!" Scarlet called out. And in two separate flashes of light, she too was in her usual DX battle outfit.

"Moon Eternal...Make Up!" Usagi called out. And after a quick transformation, she was in her usual Eternal Sailor Moon fuku. Which was followed by her usual signature pose.

"Mercury Crystal Power...Make Up!" Ami called out. And after a quick transformation, she was in her usual Super Sailor Mercury fuku. Which was followed by her usual signature pose.

"Mars Crystal Power...Make Up!" Rei called out. And after a quick transformation, she was in her usual Super Sailor Mars fuku. Which was followed by her usual signature pose.

"Jupiter Crystal Power...Make Up!" Makoto called out. And after a quick transformation, she was in her usual Super Sailor Jupiter fuku. Which was followed by her usual signature pose.

"Venus Crystal Power...Make Up!" Minako called out. And after a quick transformation, she was in her usual Super Sailor Venus fuku. Which was followed by her usual signature pose.

"Saturn Crystal Power...Make Up!" Hotaru called out. And after a quick transformation, she was in her usual Super Sailor Saturn fuku. Which was followed by her usual signature pose.

"Uranus Planet Power...Make Up!" Haruka called out. And after a quick transformation, she was in her usual Super Sailor Uranus fuku. Which was followed by her usual signature pose.

"Neptune Planet Power...Make Up!" Michiru called out. And after a quick transformation, she was in her usual Super Sailor Neptune fuku. Which was followed by her usual signature pose.

"Pluto Planet Power...Make Up!" Setsuna called out. And after a quick transformation, she was in her usual Super Sailor Pluto fuku. Which was followed by her usual signature pose.

"Key of the stars, with powers burning bright, reveal the staff, and shine your light, Release!" Zachary and Sakura both chanted in unison. And after a sever gust of wind and sand. Both of their respective Star Keys expanded into their respective Star Staffs. Which was then followed by both of them twirling them, and then finishing off with their usual battle ready poses.

"Dance...Sode no Shirayuki! Rukia Kuchiki said, calling out her Zanpakuto's Shikai.

"Roar...Zabimaru!" Renji Abarai said, calling out his Zanpakuto's Shikai.

"Growl...Haineko!" Rangiku Matsumoto said, calling out her Zanpakuto's Shikai.

"Sit Upon the Frozen Heavens...Hyōrinmaru!" Toshiro Histugaya said, calling out his Zanpakuto's Shikai.

"Extend...Hozukimaru!" Ikkaku Madarame said, calling out his Zanpakuto's Shikai.

"Scatter...Senbonzakura!" Byakuya Kuchiki said, calling out his Zanpakuto's Shikai.

"Alright...And here is where the fun begins!" Kenpachi Zaraki said. As he held his respective Zanpakuto at the ready.

And as usual, as the sound of chiming bells then filled the air, Wedding Peach then began her introduction.

"On this quiet and peaceful night. How dare you proceed to attempt to harm innocent people. I can never forgive such a act of evil! I am the Love Angel! I am Wedding Peach, and I am extremely angry with you!" Wedding Peach said. Which was while she pointed her left hand at the Kaiju like monstrosity that was Doppelganger. Which was then followed by her swinging her other arm in its usual upward arc. To which she then brought it into a flexing pose, with her arm bent, and her hand in a tightly closed fist.

"Well done as always with your introduction Wedding Peach!" Angel Bluebell then said. To which she then swiftly followed by proceeding to start her own usual introduction. Which was after she had given her a quick closed eyes smile.

To which Angel Bluebell then proceeded, to look forward again. As she then proceeded to hold her Saint Sword Of Bluebell straight up with her left hand. As she then began her usual introduction.

"The nature of the Bluebell, is to spread joy and love, allowing friendships to remain strong! I cannot forgive those who commit acts of evil! I am the Love Angel! I am Angel Bluebell, and I am very angry with you!" Angel Bluebell passionately said. Which was while she proceeded to swing her Saint Sword Of Bluebell, up towards, and then over her right armor clad shoulder. To which she then swung it downward, stopped it mid downward swing, held it in front of her in a battle ready stance, and then struck her usual pose.

"In the language of flowers, the nature of the pure lily is special, it means that it will bloom and grant love!" Angel Lily said, as she said her introduction, and then struck a pose.

"The daisy is the emblem of the pure and innocent heart. For it's power can withstand even the most evil wind!" Angel Daisy said, as she said her introduction, and then struck a pose.

"In the language of flowers, salvia means a burning heart! The warrior from heaven, Angel Salvia, is here to do battle! All you devils who mislead innocent hearts, I will erase your filthy souls!" Angel Salvia said, as she then struck a pose.

"How dare you proceed to use your powers to try and harm innocent people! I am the Pretty Guardian, who fights for love and for justice! I am Sailor Moon, and now in the name of the moon, I'll punish you!" Eternal Sailor Moon said, as she did her signature pose, while pointing at Aleister Crowley.

"I am the Pretty Guardian, who fights for Love and Intelligence, I am Sailor Mercury! Douse yourself in water and repent!" Sailor Mercury said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am the Pretty Guardian who fights for Love and for Passion! I am Sailor Mars! In the name of Mars, I'll chastise you!" Sailor Mars said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am the Pretty Guardian who fights for Love and for Courage! I am Sailor Jupiter! I'll fill you regret, It'll leave you numb!" Sailor Jupiter said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am the Pretty Guardian who Fights for Love and for Beauty! I am Sailor Venus! In the name of Venus, I'll punish you with the power of love!" Sailor Venus said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am an emissary from the abyss of Death. Protected by Saturn, the Outer Planet of Destruction, the Guardian of Silence. I am Sailor Saturn." Sailor Saturn said as she struck her usual pose.

"Protected by Uranus, the Planet of the Wind. Guardian of Heavens. I am Sailor Uranus!" Sailor Uranus said as she struck her usual pose.

"Protected by Neptune, the Outer Planet of the Seas, Guardian of the Deep Sea. I am Sailor Neptune." Sailor Neptune said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am the Keeper of the Door of Space and Time. I am Sailor Pluto, Guardian of the Underworld." Sailor Pluto said as she struck her usual pose.

But then...

"Ah, I see that you are all not any less passionate from when we last did battle," the familiar sounding male voice of one Aleister Crowley now proceeded to speak up with. Which was as his form, had proceeded to fade into existence to the left hand side of Doppelganger.

"And that is to be very much expected from us all Crowley! Especially when we're dealing with a very powerful and arrogant induced villain such as you!" I proceeded to speak up with.

But then, and to my complete surprise...

"And as for your so called Doppelganger monstrosity Crowley. I think that you'll find that me and Sakura..." Zachary proceeded to say. But, as Zachary proceeded to pull out The Big Card...

"Uh yeah, so Zachary? Why don't we leave this to Misaka and Keiko. As I don't think that the citizens of Academy City need to be at risk of any collateral damage," Li proceeded to speak up with.

Which even though this caused Zachary to display a sort of pout type expression on his face. He simply then wound up letting out a very audible and defeated sounding sigh. And resigned himself to allowing Keiko and Misaka to handle most of the part with dealing with Doppelganger. Even though this was something that he wasn't in complete agreement with.

And as for me and Misaka. After I had tried my best not to giggle slightly from Zachary's current pouted expression. Which did the trick, as nobody seemed to notice. Not like Bradley Walsh always failed to do. As he really did break out laughing quite a bit during his current hosting of the UK TV Series: The Chase. But anyway, back to the current situation.

"Well Crowley, what do you say that we show you exactly why you should take us all seriously! Now Misaka, just like we practiced," I then proceeded to say, as both me and Misaka, then opened a hand of our each. To which we both then proceeded to conjure up quite a bit of iron sand from the ground beneath us both.

But, the major difference this time, was that we were also combining the iron sand, with our electricity. Which were the very hand gestures that we had been practicing in the park only a couple of hours prior. And, to our relief, and in only a couple of seconds, we were then both quite a few feet off of the ground. As were now both on top of a pair of iron sand and electricity composed Kaiju like beings, just as I had intended.

And it was then that I knew, that this was a fight, that we all had a very good chance to win. And finally, it would help to hopefully put an end, to the senseless fighting and death. And hopefully as well, Shinko, Momoko, the rest of the Love Angels, and the Sailor Senshi, could finally be able to retire peacefully.

But, with what was about to happen, and given how already askew things currently were. This was something, that was still a bit far away from occurring. In fact, what was about to take place, would soon put more, then just the current three anime dimensions at risk. And we would all soon be locked, in an all out dimensional war. And if something wasn't done, it would mean the end of everything that we held most dear, as we knew it.

"But that viewers...Oh right, sorry...Shinko here again viewers...and that, for those who are still not versed in this fanfic...that, was a bit more foreshadowing for you all...But anyway viewers...this now marks the end of this chapter...But fret not we will be getting right back into the action in the next chapter...Now then viewers...see you all there...okay?...*Shinko proceed to say this, while smiling with both of her eyes closed*"

"And will not want to miss the impending and imminent dimensional crossover, that will soon be taking place either...And no isn't going to be with the MCU...So I am terribly sorry to disappoint you on that...As I would rather not have a...*ahem*...certain big brand mouse...proceed to send me a sort of C if I can help it...*I now proceed to once again clear my throat, before once again proceeding to continue, to properly address the viewers*...Now viewers...that doesn't mean however, that this impending crossover won't wind up being any less awesome and fantastic...So then viewers...with this now all still very quite fresh on all of you minds...I shall look forward to seeing you lot, in the next chapter...okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

And now that the chapter recap is now done. We will now proceed right into the current chapter.

Date: September 22, 2009

Okay, so getting back to the current situation, which was just after me and Misaka, had each generated our respective iron sand, and electricity composed Kaiju like beings. And though none of us knew what was about to happen. It would ultimately go to show, that sometimes, all it can really take, is just a single spark. When occurring improperly, can wind up turning a simple three anime dimension face off such as this one, into an all out multiverse sort of war.

But, getting back to the current situation...

"So Crowley, have you finally realized now, that there is absolutely not possible way in which you can win against all of us?" Angel Bluebell now passionately said to Aleister Crowley, as a look of severe smugness. As well as a smug looking smirk that would even make one Jeremy Clarkson jealous, was present on her face.

The only trouble was...

"So Bluebell, you really do think that your strength in numbers is somehow going to give you an advantage in this battle don't you? Well let us just see about that shall we?" Aleister Crowley proceeded to say. Which was then followed by him once again proceeding to speak in his cryptic sounding language again.

And as me and Misaka, prepared to launch our respective railguns towards Crowley. I wasn't able to realize, like that of Angel Bluebell, both she and Zachary, really should've bothered to pay a little more attention to what Crowley had been saying. But, since none of the three of us were able to understand the cryptic sort of speech that he had been saying. Neither me, Misaka, Zachary, or Angel Bluebell were able to realize. That it was the very act of me and Misaka firing our railguns at him, that was about to trigger something, that none of us would've seen coming. And, would wind up sending us all, into an eventual multi-dimensional war.

And so, with this not in mind sadly...

"Alright Keiko and Misaka, let him have it!" Angel Bluebell proceeded to passionately call out to the both of us. Which was then followed by, even though Angel Bluebell, and everyone else had a bit of hard trouble seeing us both from that far down.

But regardless, this was then followed, by the both of us, then proceeding to pull an arcade coin out of our skirt pockets. Which, after we had placed them between our respective fingers. We then, without flipping them, proceeded to fire our respective railguns.

But, just before both of our railguns made it to Crowley, something quite unexpected then happened.

Which was made apparent, when a severely blinding white light, proceeded to occur out of seemingly nowhere, just before both me and Misaka's respective railguns wound up making contact with Crowley.

And to make matters just that much worse, when the light finally died down, I then noticed that I wasn't in the open area in Academy City anymore. And, to make matters just that more strange, we were now in a different city. One, that I could almost recognize, as being Tokyo. Which was confirmed by Tokyo Tower being present off in the distance.

The only trouble was, that I could now tell, that this wasn't the usual timeline, of any of the three anime canon timeline, that me, Shinko, or Zachary were part of.

And even before I was able to think or do anything else. I then heard a sort of yell, that was coming from just to my right.

And when I then proceed to look slightly to my right, along with Zachary, and Angel Bluebell. I then noticed a girl, with pink colored hair. And she seemed to currently be wearing a somewhat recognizable magical girl outfit from a 90s magical girl anime.

But, as I then proceeded to turn my attention towards Angel Bluebell. I tnen noticed, as did Zachary, that she didn't seem to know who this girl was. But because he did, Zachary proceeded to then speak up, as a way to help enlighten Bluebell, on the one and only Mew Ichigo.

"Wait, there's no that?!...Oh, well this just got a whole lot more interesting Bluebell. Because if I am not mistaken, that is Mew Ichigo from the 90s anime magical girl series Tokyo Mew Mew," Zachary now proceeded to speak up with.

And, though I could see, as could Zachary as well. That Angel Bluebell was currently quite shocked with learning this new bit of information, she then proceeded to try and speak up, in response to what Zachary had just said ot her.

"Wait a sec here, how exactly do you..." Angel Bluebell tried to speak up with. Only to realize partway through her attempting to ask her, that she then realized exactly what Zachary was trying to tell Angel Bluebell. As I did know, along with her and Zachary, that Sakura, had worn a similar battle outfit, back she had captured the Thunder Card, in episode 8 of Cardcaptors.

And it was then that I knew, as did Angel Bluebell, and Zachary as well. That things in our current battle against Crowley, were now about to get far more complicated, then they already were.

And as a way to confirm this...

"Oh, well aren't you just a lovely looking girl. May I ask what your name is?" A sort of weird sounding male voice proceeded to speak up with from behind Angel Bluebell.

And when I had turned around, and towards the source of the voice. I was then greeted, as well as Angel Bluebell, and Zachary, by a male with golden eyes, with orange hues with small slits that stuck out more than anything due to their brightness.

He also had large, pointed elf-like ears, that would make even Buddy The Elf from the movie Elf jealous. He also had two small fangs, and was very pale.

His dark green hair was also styled rather short in the back, but some of the hair was in front of his ears styled, and with red bands.

And, with a nervous sort of sweatdrop, then proceeding to appear, and then slowly make its way down one side of my face. I now realized exactly who this person was, and I was now proceeding to become a bit nervous.

And this was because, I knew that he was the alien Quiche. One of the Cyniclons from the anime Tokyo Mew Mew, and apparently, the anime had pretty much demonstrated how much of a weird alien, he truly was. And I had been able to determine this, because it was one of the thoughts that had been drifting about in Shinko's mind, when I had been stuck in control of her body not too long ago.

And not surprisingly...

"Hey, how about you back up a little bit there? You're a bit to close for comfort," Angel Bluebell had proceeded to try and nervously say to Quiche. Since he was currently just a little bit too close to Angel Bluebell, for her liking. And to be honest, I was a bit uneasy regarding Quiche's closeness to her as well.

"Oh, but why would I want to do that? I think I am right where I need to be," Quiche proceeded to say to Angel Bluebell in response. Which not surprisingly, proceeded to make me and Angel Bluebell to then become even more grossed out by him. Which was why Angel Bluebell had now proceeded to grimace quite noticeably. And not surprisingly so had I. And so had Zachary as well. And I thought that Kuroko's antics were creepy...

But thankfully...

"Hey, back off a bit would you?! Can't you see that she is not interested in you, you creep?!" Misaka now proceeded to say, as she proceeded to come in between Angel Bluebell and Quiche, and sort of look at him with a very ticked off looking expression.

"And who may I ask are you? And what gives an irritating sort of female earthling like you the right to decide to interject hmm?" Quiche now proceeded to speak up with.

And as no sort of surprise, well to me at least. I had now noticed, that Angel Bluebell, had proceeded to giggle. It was somewhat inaudibly at first. But then she wound up giggling, until Quiche then became confused at to why she was currently giggling so much, and then proceeded to speak up.

"What's so funny?" Quiche proceeded to ask. But, without Angel Bluebell having to say a single thing to him in response, he now took in the now obviously very ticked off looking expression, that was now present on Misaka's face. And given the current situation, I didn't blame her in the slightest, and neither did Zachary. But, I also had now taken immediate note, as did Zachary, of the very clear sparks of electricity, that were now sparking through the bangs of her hair.

"Okay viewers...Oh, Angel Bluebell here by the way viewers...Now let me just turn the focus over to me for a I think that we need to give...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to say this, which is then suddenly followed by the sound of both electricity crackling. As well as the voice of Quiche, then proceeding to yell out in somewhat immense sounding pain slightly out of the frame of shot*...Okay viewers...that didn't sound very good...well mind you, you can't really hear what it sounded like...but you get what I mean by that...But anyway viewers, this now marks the end of this particular chapter...and your introduction into the next phase of this crossover...Which for the next few several going to be taking place in the 2002 Tokyo Mew Mew anime...And yes viewers...this is only going to be one of the many forms of media, that you can look forward to reading about, as the timelines in all three of these fanfics progress...But, believe it or not viewers...not all of us are currently present in the Tokyo Mew Mew anime canon timeline...Because as for the rest of our allies, and where they may or may not have ended up?...Well I am not going to tell you...because if I did wind up telling you viewers...then it would wind up completely defeating the purpose of you all being enticed enough to want to read on...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to say this, while proceeding to smile a bit broadly, and also while looking quite smug*...*Angel Bluebell now proceeds to clear her throat, as she then composes herself, in order to then continue, to properly address the viewers*...And so viewers, with all of this now still very much fresh on all of your minds...I will see you all in the next chapter...okay?...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to say this, while smiling, with both of her eyes closed*"

"Well viewers, you heard it from Angel Bluebell...see you all in the next chapter...okay?"

"Indeed Zachary...Oh right, Keiko here viewers...and believe me will not want to miss the upcoming chapters...Because as Bluebell herself just said, this is actually going to be following a good portion of the 2002 Tokyo Mew Mew anime canon timeline...Mind you isn't actually going to be following the timeline to the letter...which is for obvious reasons...But, interestingly enough viewers...if you were to go and lookup if there are any Tokyo Mew Mew fanfiction crossovers with A Certain Scientific Railgun, you won't find any...Well, you won't find any that are of the same length as any of these fanfics...But, you pretty much get the overall gist of what I mean by that...right viewers?...But anyway, the point that I am trying to make here viewers..."

"Hey Keiko?...*Misaka proceeds to speak up to me, right after she has just temporarily ceased with shocking Quiche with her electricity. Which has already left Quiche somewhat burned from the electricity. And, because it is somewhat high in voltage, he now smells quite strongly of a burning sort of smell. Which is almost the exact same sort of smell, that had emanated from the thugs at the very start of chapter one of this fanfic. And Misaka says this to me, with a now temporarily polite sort of expression on her face. To which she then proceeds to continue to speak to me. To basically let me know that I am once again making my fourth wall break, just a little bit too long*...You're doing it again...*Misaka proceeds to say this, before once again going to back to shocking Quiche with her electricity for a couple more seconds, before then proceeding to finally stop. Which now causes Quiche to collapse onto the ground, in a somewhat charred, and twitching heap*"

"Oh, r-right Misaka, my bad...I really do need to remember not to do that...*I proceed to say this, while a sweatdrop is currently present, on one side of my face*...Oh, and for the record viewers...the reason why it is a sweatdrop this time, and not a bead of because in the Tokyo Mew Mew anime...they didn't do beads of sweat...Because this was made back in the 90s...they didn't do that like they do in Railgun...So viewers...this now marks the end of this quite long chapter...But don't worry we will be getting right back into the action in the next chapter...So viewers...I look forward to seeing you lot there...okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"
Chapter 121: Cats, Aliens, And Chimera Anima!: How A Single Spark Can Make A Situation More Complicated! (Part 2) New
"Hello there again viewers...Keiko here again...*I proceed to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. To which I then proceed to bring my attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers*...*I now proceed to clear my throat, as I then proceed to continue, to properly address the viewers*...Now then viewers...we will now dive right into, what is now going to be the next arc of this crossover...Oh, and like always viewers...a chapter recap is in order then viewers...let us begin, okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

Date: September 22, 2009

Okay, so getting back to the current situation, which was just after me and Misaka, had each generated our respective iron sand, and electricity composed Kaiju like beings. And though none of us knew what was about to happen. It would ultimately go to show, that sometimes, all it can really take, is just a single spark. When occurring improperly, can wind up turning a simple three anime dimension face off such as this one, into an all out multiverse sort of war.

But, getting back to the current situation...

"So Crowley, have you finally realized now, that there is absolutely not possible way in which you can win against all of us?" Angel Bluebell now passionately said to Aleister Crowley, as a look of severe smugness. As well as a smug looking smirk that would even make one Jeremy Clarkson jealous, was present on her face.

The only trouble was...

"So Bluebell, you really do think that your strength in numbers is somehow going to give you an advantage in this battle don't you? Well let us just see about that shall we?" Aleister Crowley proceeded to say. Which was then followed by him once again proceeding to speak in his cryptic sounding language again.

And as me and Misaka, prepared to launch our respective railguns towards Crowley. I wasn't able to realize, like that of Angel Bluebell, both she and Zachary, really should've bothered to pay a little more attention to what Crowley had been saying. But, since none of the three of us were able to understand the cryptic sort of speech that he had been saying. Neither me, Misaka, Zachary, or Angel Bluebell were able to realize. That it was the very act of me and Misaka firing our railguns at him, that was about to trigger something, that none of us would've seen coming. And, would wind up sending us all, into an eventual multi-dimensional war.

And so, with this not in mind sadly...

"Alright Keiko and Misaka, let him have it!" Angel Bluebell proceeded to passionately call out to the both of us. Which was then followed by, even though Angel Bluebell, and everyone else had a bit of hard trouble seeing us both from that far down.

But regardless, this was then followed, by the both of us, then proceeding to pull an arcade coin out of our skirt pockets. Which, after we had placed them between our respective fingers. We then, without flipping them, proceeded to fire our respective railguns.

But, just before both of our railguns made it to Crowley, something quite unexpected then happened.

Which was made apparent, when a severely blinding white light, proceeded to occur out of seemingly nowhere, just before both me and Misaka's respective railguns wound up making contact with Crowley.

And to make matters just that much worse, when the light finally died down, I then noticed that I wasn't in the open area in Academy City anymore. And, to make matters just that more strange, we were now in a different city. One, that I could almost recognize, as being Tokyo. Which was confirmed by Tokyo Tower being present off in the distance.

The only trouble was, that I could now tell, that this wasn't the usual timeline, of any of the three anime canon timeline, that me, Shinko, or Zachary were part of.

And even before I was able to think or do anything else. I then heard a sort of yell, that was coming from just to my right.

And when I then proceed to look slightly to my right, along with Zachary, and Angel Bluebell. I then noticed a girl, with pink colored hair. And she seemed to currently be wearing a somewhat recognizable magical girl outfit from a 90s magical girl anime.

But, as I then proceeded to turn my attention towards Angel Bluebell. I tnen noticed, as did Zachary, that she didn't seem to know who this girl was. But because he did, Zachary proceeded to then speak up, as a way to help enlighten Bluebell, on the one and only Mew Ichigo.

"Wait, there's no that?!...Oh, well this just got a whole lot more interesting Bluebell. Because if I am not mistaken, that is Mew Ichigo from the 90s anime magical girl series Tokyo Mew Mew," Zachary now proceeded to speak up with.

And, though I could see, as could Zachary as well. That Angel Bluebell was currently quite shocked with learning this new bit of information, she then proceeded to try and speak up, in response to what Zachary had just said ot her.

"Wait a sec here, how exactly do you..." Angel Bluebell tried to speak up with. Only to realize partway through her attempting to ask her, that she then realized exactly what Zachary was trying to tell Angel Bluebell. As I did know, along with her and Zachary, that Sakura, had worn a similar battle outfit, back she had captured the Thunder Card, in episode 8 of Cardcaptors.

And it was then that I knew, as did Angel Bluebell, and Zachary as well. That things in our current battle against Crowley, were now about to get far more complicated, then they already were.

And as a way to confirm this...

"Oh, well aren't you just a lovely looking girl. May I ask what your name is?" A sort of weird sounding male voice proceeded to speak up with from behind Angel Bluebell.

And when I had turned around, and towards the source of the voice. I was then greeted, as well as Angel Bluebell, and Zachary, by a male with golden eyes, with orange hues with small slits that stuck out more than anything due to their brightness.

He also had large, pointed elf-like ears, that would make even Buddy The Elf from the movie Elf jealous. He also had two small fangs, and was very pale.

His dark green hair was also styled rather short in the back, but some of the hair was in front of his ears styled, and with red bands.

And, with a nervous sort of sweatdrop, then proceeding to appear, and then slowly make its way down one side of my face. I now realized exactly who this person was, and I was now proceeding to become a bit nervous.

And this was because, I knew that he was the alien Quiche. One of the Cyniclons from the anime Tokyo Mew Mew, and apparently, the anime had pretty much demonstrated how much of a weird alien, he truly was. And I had been able to determine this, because it was one of the thoughts that had been drifting about in Shinko's mind, when I had been stuck in control of her body not too long ago.

And not surprisingly...

"Hey, how about you back up a little bit there? You're a bit to close for comfort," Angel Bluebell had proceeded to try and nervously say to Quiche. Since he was currently just a little bit too close to Angel Bluebell, for her liking. And to be honest, I was a bit uneasy regarding Quiche's closeness to her as well.

"Oh, but why would I want to do that? I think I am right where I need to be," Quiche proceeded to say to Angel Bluebell in response. Which not surprisingly, proceeded to make me and Angel Bluebell to then become even more grossed out by him. Which was why Angel Bluebell had now proceeded to grimace quite noticeably. And not surprisingly so had I. And so had Zachary as well. And I thought that Kuroko's antics were creepy...

But thankfully...

"Hey, back off a bit would you?! Can't you see that she is not interested in you, you creep?!" Misaka now proceeded to say, as she proceeded to come in between Angel Bluebell and Quiche, and sort of look at him with a very ticked off looking expression.

"And who may I ask are you? And what gives an irritating sort of female earthling like you the right to decide to interject hmm?" Quiche now proceeded to speak up with.

And as no sort of surprise, well to me at least. I had now noticed, that Angel Bluebell, had proceeded to giggle. It was somewhat inaudibly at first. But then she wound up giggling, until Quiche then became confused at to why she was currently giggling so much, and then proceeded to speak up.

"What's so funny?" Quiche proceeded to ask. But, without Angel Bluebell having to say a single thing to him in response, he now took in the now obviously very ticked off looking expression, that was now present on Misaka's face. And given the current situation, I didn't blame her in the slightest, and neither did Zachary. But, I also had now taken immediate note, as did Zachary, of the very clear sparks of electricity, that were now sparking through the bangs of her hair.

"Okay viewers...Oh, Angel Bluebell here by the way viewers...Now let me just turn the focus over to me for a I think that we need to give...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to say this, which is then suddenly followed by the sound of both electricity crackling. As well as the voice of Quiche, then proceeding to yell out in somewhat immense sounding pain slightly out of the frame of shot*...Okay viewers...that didn't sound very good...well mind you, you can't really hear what it sounded like...but you get what I mean by that...But anyway viewers, this now marks the end of this particular chapter...and your introduction into the next phase of this crossover...Which for the next few several going to be taking place in the 2002 Tokyo Mew Mew anime...And yes viewers...this is only going to be one of the many forms of media, that you can look forward to reading about, as the timelines in all three of these fanfics progress...But, believe it or not viewers...not all of us are currently present in the Tokyo Mew Mew anime canon timeline...Because as for the rest of our allies, and where they may or may not have ended up?...Well I am not going to tell you...because if I did wind up telling you viewers...then it would wind up completely defeating the purpose of you all being enticed enough to want to read on...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to say this, while proceeding to smile a bit broadly, and also while looking quite smug*...*Angel Bluebell now proceeds to clear her throat, as she then composes herself, in order to then continue, to properly address the viewers*...And so viewers, with all of this now still very much fresh on all of your minds...I will see you all in the next chapter...okay?...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to say this, while smiling, with both of her eyes closed*"

"Well viewers, you heard it from Angel Bluebell...see you all in the next chapter...okay?"

"Indeed Zachary...Oh right, Keiko here viewers...and believe me will not want to miss the upcoming chapters...Because as Bluebell herself just said, this is actually going to be following a good portion of the 2002 Tokyo Mew Mew anime canon timeline...Mind you isn't actually going to be following the timeline to the letter...which is for obvious reasons...But, interestingly enough viewers...if you were to go and lookup if there are any Tokyo Mew Mew fanfiction crossovers with A Certain Scientific Railgun, you won't find any...Well, you won't find any that are of the same length as any of these fanfics...But, you pretty much get the overall gist of what I mean by that...right viewers?...But anyway, the point that I am trying to make here viewers..."

"Hey Keiko?...*Misaka proceeds to speak up to me, right after she has just temporarily ceased with shocking Quiche with her electricity. Which has already left Quiche somewhat burned from the electricity. And, because it is somewhat high in voltage, he now smells quite strongly of a burning sort of smell. Which is almost the exact same sort of smell, that had emanated from the thugs at the very start of chapter one of this fanfic. And Misaka says this to me, with a now temporarily polite sort of expression on her face. To which she then proceeds to continue to speak to me. To basically let me know that I am once again making my fourth wall break, just a little bit too long*...You're doing it again...*Misaka proceeds to say this, before once again going to back to shocking Quiche with her electricity for a couple more seconds, before then proceeding to finally stop. Which now causes Quiche to collapse onto the ground, in a somewhat charred, and twitching heap*"

"Oh, r-right Misaka, my bad...I really do need to remember not to do that...*I proceed to say this, while a sweatdrop is currently present, on one side of my face*...Oh, and for the record viewers...the reason why it is a sweatdrop this time, and not a bead of because in the Tokyo Mew Mew anime...they didn't do beads of sweat...Because this was made back in the 90s...they didn't do that like they do in Railgun...So viewers...this now marks the end of this quite long chapter...But don't worry we will be getting right back into the action in the next chapter...So viewers...I look forward to seeing you lot there...okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

And now that the chapter recap is now done. We will now proceed right into the current chapter.

Date: April 27, 2002

Okay, so getting right back into the current situation. Which for the record, was had actually been right in the middle of a current fight, between Quiche, Mew Ichigo, Mew Mint, and Mew Lettuce.

"Which for those who don't know already...Sorry, Angel Bluebell here viewers...Anyway, as I was about to address to all of you...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to try and continue her fourth wall break. Only for someone who she never expected to interject into her fourth wall break, now proceeds to come into the frame of shot, and then proceeds to speak up. Which not surprisingly, then proceeds to scare the absolute daylights out of her*"

"Oh, your name is Angel Bluebell? And I see that you can speak to the viewers as well...Hello there viewers...Mew Ichigo here...*Mew Ichigo proceeds to say this, while she proceeds to use her catlike speed and agility, to leap up into the air, and then land right next to Angel Blueell. Which also winds up catching her quite off guard*"

"Oh, so you have Fourth Wall Awareness as well...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to say this, while a sweatdrop now proceeds to become visible, and then slowly make its way down one side of her face. As Mew Ichigo simply just nods in response to what Angel Bluebell had just said*...Well viewers...I think it is best that I...*Angel Bluebell now proceeds to try and speak up again, in order to attempt to continue her current fourth wall break. Only this time, Sakura now proceeds to come into the frame of shot, and proceeds to interrupt her by cutting her off mid sentence. And with fascination currently present on her face. Sakura now proceeds to ask Mew Ichigo a question that she currently has for her*"

" are those cat ears of your real?...*Sakura proceeds to ask this to Mew Ichigo, with a look of complete wonderment and fascination on her face*...*Which is then followed, while Angel Bluebell currently has a sweatdrop still very much present on her face, along with her right eye now currently twitching slightly as well. As Mew Ichigo, just simply proceeds to close both of her eyes, and with a small smile present on her face. She then proceeds to answer Sakura's current question*"

"Yes they are...Oh right, I forgot to introduce myself, I'm...*Mew Ichigo proceeds to attempt to introduce herself, only for Zachary to now come into the frame of shot, and then proceed to speak up on behalf of Mew Ichigo. Which, though Mew Ichigo winds up being slightly startled by his sudden interjection at first. She winds up recovering rather quickly, as Zachary then proceeds to speak up*"

"You're Mew Ichigo, the leader of The Mew Mews...Which viewers...for those who don't already*Zachary proceeds to say this statement of his, only for Mew Ichigo to then proceed to suddenly interject. As she is now not quite amused with the fact, that Zachary had just proceeded to interrupt her. And given her position as a team leader, and with being the main heroine of the Tokyo Mew Mew anime. This wasn't something that I blamed her for doing in the slightest. And this is then followed, by Mew Ichigo proceeding to confirm this, by then proceeding to blow up somewhat at Zachary*"

"Okay, well that was slightly rude of you to do that!...Didn't...*Mew Ichigo proceeds to say this in a now very ticked off sounding expression. Which not too long after noticing the present tickmark on one side of her face. Angel Bluebell then proceeds to try and interject in a more polite manner, in an effort to try and defuse the currently escalating situation, between Mew Ichigo, and Zachary*"

"If I may politely interject for a moment her Mew Ichigo?...Zachary means well by what he just did, and I do understand that you weren't a fan of him doing that...Oh right, let me introduce myself properly...I'm Angel Bluebell, one of the two present leaders of The Love Angels...and important ally to the Sailor Senshi...Who are...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to say this statement, in the most polite manner she can say it in, given the current situation. Which thankfully, seems to wind up doing the trick. In fact...*"

"Wait a sec, did you just say that you're allied with the Sailor Senshi?...*Mew Ichigo now proceeds to say this to Angel Bluebell, as the pupils in her eyes, now suddenly proceed to change to stars. And this is then followed, by her then proceeding to speak up again*...As in Sailor Moon?...Those Sailor Senshi?...*Mew Ichigo proceeds to say this, now with a bit of excitement present in her tone*"

"U-uh...y-yeah?...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to say this, while now looking a tad bit more nervous then she was a second ago. As she now know full well, that Mew Ichigo, is now pretty much on board with being an ally in our current fight against Crowley*...Mind you viewers...I am quite a bit reserved about it...But, I do really feel, as though she, Mew Mint, and Mew Lettuce, could prove to be very important allies in this upcoming fight with Crowley...and that something that you will all be reading about in the next few chapters...but for now viewers...this is going to be the end of this current chapter...But don't worry we will be getting right back into the action in the next chapter...see you all there...okay?...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to say this, while smiling with both of her eyes closed*"
Chapter 122: Maid To Serve, And Maid To Fight!: Catering To The Public On The Side, At Cafe Mew Mew! (Part 1) New
"Hello there viewers...Keiko here...*I proceed to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. To which I then proceed to bring my attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers. I also now proceed to clear my throat, as I then proceed to continue, to properly address the viewers*...Now then viewers...we will now dive right into, what is now going to be the next arc of this crossover...Oh, and like always viewers...a chapter recap is in order then viewers...let us begin, okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

Date: April 27, 2002

Okay, so getting right back into the current situation. Which for the record, was had actually been right in the middle of a current fight, between Quiche, Mew Ichigo, Mew Mint, and Mew Lettuce.

"Which for those who don't know already...Sorry, Angel Bluebell here viewers...Anyway, as I was about to address to all of you...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to try and continue her fourth wall break. Only for someone who she never expected to interject into her fourth wall break, now proceeds to come into the frame of shot, and then proceeds to speak up. Which not surprisingly, then proceeds to scare the absolute daylights out of her*"

"Oh, your name is Angel Bluebell? And I see that you can speak to the viewers as well...Hello there viewers...Mew Ichigo here...*Mew Ichigo proceeds to say this, while she proceeds to use her catlike speed and agility, to leap up into the air, and then land right next to Angel Blueell. Which also winds up catching her quite off guard*"

"Oh, so you have Fourth Wall Awareness as well...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to say this, while a sweatdrop now proceeds to become visible, and then slowly make its way down one side of her face. As Mew Ichigo simply just nods in response to what Angel Bluebell had just said*...Well viewers...I think it is best that I...*Angel Bluebell now proceeds to try and speak up again, in order to attempt to continue her current fourth wall break. Only this time, Sakura now proceeds to come into the frame of shot, and proceeds to interrupt her by cutting her off mid sentence. And with fascination currently present on her face. Sakura now proceeds to ask Mew Ichigo a question that she currently has for her*"

" are those cat ears of your real?...*Sakura proceeds to ask this to Mew Ichigo, with a look of complete wonderment and fascination on her face*...*Which is then followed, while Angel Bluebell currently has a sweatdrop still very much present on her face, along with her right eye now currently twitching slightly as well. As Mew Ichigo, just simply proceeds to close both of her eyes, and with a small smile present on her face. She then proceeds to answer Sakura's current question*"

"Yes they are...Oh right, I forgot to introduce myself, I'm...*Mew Ichigo proceeds to attempt to introduce herself, only for Zachary to now come into the frame of shot, and then proceed to speak up on behalf of Mew Ichigo. Which, though Mew Ichigo winds up being slightly startled by his sudden interjection at first. She winds up recovering rather quickly, as Zachary then proceeds to speak up*"

"You're Mew Ichigo, the leader of The Mew Mews...Which viewers...for those who don't already*Zachary proceeds to say this statement of his, only for Mew Ichigo to then proceed to suddenly interject. As she is now not quite amused with the fact, that Zachary had just proceeded to interrupt her. And given her position as a team leader, and with being the main heroine of the Tokyo Mew Mew anime. This wasn't something that I blamed her for doing in the slightest. And this is then followed, by Mew Ichigo proceeding to confirm this, by then proceeding to blow up somewhat at Zachary*"

"Okay, well that was slightly rude of you to do that!...Didn't...*Mew Ichigo proceeds to say this in a now very ticked off sounding expression. Which not too long after noticing the present tickmark on one side of her face. Angel Bluebell then proceeds to try and interject in a more polite manner, in an effort to try and defuse the currently escalating situation, between Mew Ichigo, and Zachary*"

"If I may politely interject for a moment her Mew Ichigo?...Zachary means well by what he just did, and I do understand that you weren't a fan of him doing that...Oh right, let me introduce myself properly...I'm Angel Bluebell, one of the two present leaders of The Love Angels...and important ally to the Sailor Senshi...Who are...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to say this statement, in the most polite manner she can say it in, given the current situation. Which thankfully, seems to wind up doing the trick. In fact...*"

"Wait a sec, did you just say that you're allied with the Sailor Senshi?...*Mew Ichigo now proceeds to say this to Angel Bluebell, as the pupils in her eyes, now suddenly proceed to change to stars. And this is then followed, by her then proceeding to speak up again*...As in Sailor Moon?...Those Sailor Senshi?...*Mew Ichigo proceeds to say this, now with a bit of excitement present in her tone*"

"U-uh...y-yeah?...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to say this, while now looking a tad bit more nervous then she was a second ago. As she now know full well, that Mew Ichigo, is now pretty much on board with being an ally in our current fight against Crowley*...Mind you viewers...I am quite a bit reserved about it...But, I do really feel, as though she, Mew Mint, and Mew Lettuce, could prove to be very important allies in this upcoming fight with Crowley...and that something that you will all be reading about in the next few chapters...but for now viewers...this is going to be the end of this current chapter...But don't worry we will be getting right back into the action in the next chapter...see you all there...okay?...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to say this, while smiling with both of her eyes closed*"

Date: April 27, 2002

Okay, so since the last chapter. And after he had been shocked pretty severely, as well as several times by Misaka. Quiche had then chose to flee the scene. Which was probably done, because like Pluie, Aquelda, and the rest of Raindevila's henchman. And also along with the rest of the villains rogues gallery.

Which Angel Bluebell, Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, Angel Daisy, Angel Salvia, Limone, Eternal Sailor Moon, Super Sailor Mercury, Super Sailor Mars, Super Sailor Jupiter, Super Sailor Venus, Super Sailor Saturn, Super Sailor Uranus, Super Sailor Neptune, Super Sailor Pluto, Tuxedo Mask, Sakura, Zachary, Li, Kero, Yue, Misaka, me, Kuroko, Mitsuko Kongo, Touma Kamijou, Sugiita Gunha, Misaki Shokuhou, Belldandy, Urd, Skuld, Lieutenant Rukia Kuchiki, Lieutenant Renji Abarai, Captain Toshiro Hitsugaya, Lieutenant Rangiku Matsumoto, Former Gotei 13 Captain Yoruichi Shihouin, Captain Kenpachi Zaraki, 3rd Seat Ikkaku Madarame, Lieutenant Yachiru Kusajishi, and Captain Byakuya Kuchiki, had all gone and fought against, and had done so, on more then one occasion.

But, nothing could have even remotely prepared me, Zachary, or Shinko, for what was currently taking place. Well not exactly, but what I actually mean by this was...well...

"You've got to be kidding me right?! I mean surely you must be?! No, in fact, heck no! There is absolutely no way that you make me wear that!" Shinko had just proceeded to say to one Ryou Shirogane. A 15 year old, with tan skin, as well as blond hair. He was also tall, had aqua blue eyes. And from what I could see, he was exactly the same, as the Tokyo Mew Mew anime had shown him in regards to his appearance. And also, Zachary actually knew about this well.

Anyway, both Ryou and Ichigo, for those who don't already know, both had what was called a Mew mark. Which is a type of mark, that is a sort of brand, that is to show that they are a Mew Mew. And as for Ryou's Mew mark? Well from what I knew from the anime, was on the side of his neck. But at the moment, it was currently covered with the collar of his shirt.

And as it just so happened, Ryou was the owner of the one and only Cafe Mew Mew. Which was basically a maid cafe, which was used to hide the the secrecy that was the Mew Project. Which was the project that had turned Ichigo into Mew Ichigo.

But, on the subject of Ryou, he had just told Shinko, along with Misaka, Zachary, Sakura, Momoko, and me, that we would be wearing maid outfits, as well as helping to cater to the customers at Cafe Mew Mew.

But, as of this current moment, we were the only ones that were currently in the Tokyo Mew Mew anime canon timeline. Well, that any of currently knew of at the current moment. But, this was something, that could very well not wind up being the case. In fact, we would be meeting up with a few of our allies in a couple hours time from this current moment. But, more on that in a little bit.

And as for why Shinko was currently still so upset...

"But you have to hear me out Shinko, as I think that you would look quite cute in a maid outfit. And besides..." Ryou tried to speak up to Shinko in response, only for her to then try, and then proceed to cut him off mid statement, in what was the most polite way that she could currently muster.

Which given her currently peeved sort of mood, from what I could currently see. As could Zachary, was the very same politeness of hers, that she was now starting to lose quite quickly.

But, as she was about to learn...

"Shinko, I am honestly finding it quite hard to understand exactly why you have a problem with wearing that maid outfit," I now proceeded to speak up to Shinko with. Which, upon hearing Shinko say this. I then noticed, as did Zachary, that she then briefly turned to me, in order to try and ask me exactly what it was that I meant by me saying this.

"Wait a sec Keiko, you're okay with wearing that?" Shinko now proceeded to ask me, with a now completely small comedic sort of small eyed and shocked looking expression, now present on her face.

"Yes Shinko, I am. As this isn't the only time, in which I have had to wear a maid outfit like that one. In fact Shinko, me and Misaka, have had to wear similar maid outfits, during every single one of Tokiwadai Middle Schools Summer Festivals. Isn't that right Misaka?" I now proceeded to say to Shinko, with a very knowing, and closed eyes smile, currently present on my face.

This was true, as back in "Chapter 13: The Two Tokiwadai Aces, The Tokiwadai School Festival, And The Violin Duet." Since me and Misaka indeed had had to wear a maid outfit, during Tokiwadai Middle Schools Midsummer Festival. And also, we both had had to perform a violin duet. Which from what I remember from when we had both played it, the song was actually the season one opening song to A Certain Scientific Railgun, which was 'Only My Railgun,' by fripSide.

And quite strangely, me and Misaka, weren't the only ones that were okay with wearing the Cafe Mew Mew maid outfits. As, with this now in mind, Zachary then proceeded to speak up as well. As a way to attempt to further convince Shinko, that wearing a maid outfit, or in his case a butler outfit, for obvious reasons. Was something that wasn't as big of a deal, as Shinko was currently making it out to be.

"I am with Keiko on this one Shinko. As like Keiko and Misaka, me and Sakura, have also had experience with wearing such outfits. Which in case you viewers need some context. During one of the episodes of the Star Card arc of Going In Almost Completely Blind, me and Sakura, had been part of a maid cafe at Tomoeda Elementary School. Mind you, Sakura was wearing a maid outfit, and me a butler outfit. So yes Shinko, it would seem that you and Momoko. No offense intended by the way Momoko. But it seems that both you and Momoko, are the only ones that don't have any sort of past experience with wearing these types of outfits. Which again Momoko, I don't mean any sort of offense regarding you in this particular conversation," Zachary proceeded to say. And while he had proceeded, while he had been saying this particular statement. Zachary had briefly turned his attention, slightly to the right of him, in order to briefly address the viewers.

And as for Momoko, she didn't wind up taking any offense to Zachary's statement. Which was a relief, to both him and Shinko. But, as for Shinko's particular response on this statement of mine that I had just said...

"Well I guess it would be alright then. As me and Momoko, also sort of have a bit of experience with this sort of thing. I mean after all viewers, I have transformed dozens of times into my usual armored battle outfit, over the course of this fanfic. So it is only natural here viewers...that I..." Shinko proceeded to say, only for someone else, to now proceed to interject once again, into her current fourth wall break.

Which not surprisingly, had now caused a sweatdrop to slowly form, and then slowly make its way down one side of Zachary's face.

"Hey Shinko?...You're doing it again...*I proceed to say this to Shinko with a sweatdrop of my own, and a similar small eyed expression to the one that Shinko had recently shown both currently present on my face. But, the only difference, is that it is a sort of mischievous looking small eyed sort of expression. Similar to the expression that Hinagiku Tomano had made in a previous chapter of the Going In Completely Blind fanfic*"

And not surprisingly...

"And you're one to be talking about having somewhat lengthy fourth wall breaks Keiko!...As don't you also have this exact same issue with your fourth wall breaks?" Shinko now proceeded to say back to me. And she had said this, with a now similarly looking mischievous small eyed sort of expression, present on her face as well.

And with regard to my pretty much valid response given the current situation...

"And I am still currently working on fixing that Shinko!...You know, that was a very low blow coming from you by the way!...And mind you, that wasn't even in the back...that was in the face...And yes viewers...that was a little bit of Amazon Prime's: The Grand Tour humor for you all...courtesy of one Richard Hammond...Oh, and remember viewers...rear wheel drive is best, because as Richard Hammond himself once said...It is so you don't see the tree that kills you...*I proceed to say this, only for Shinko to now proceed to start to giggle quite audibly. Which not surprisingly, was then followed by me turning my attention to Shinko, with a very visible tickmark, now present on my face. Which was having to do with something that I felt at the current moment, needed to be said*...What's so damn funny Shinko!? Would you please care to tell me, what exactly it is, that you seem to currently find so damn funny?!"

"I mean, you're kidding right Keiko?...You can't even get Richard Hammond's quote from that episode of Top Gear right!...And I should know I said this very same statement back in 'chapter 38: Running In Top Gear!: Angel Saliva, The Lone Wolf Love Angel!'...And as for the proper way to say that quote of Hammond's viewers...for those who haven't read that particular chapter...for possibly having skimmed through it...It is said as...'Now remember, oversteer is best, because you don't see the tree that kills you.'...And that Keiko, is the proper way to say that quote...So Keiko, if you're going to say it, then at least say it right...As you did look like quite the immense lumpty when you said it...*Shinko now proceeds to quickly clear her throat, before then proceeding to continue to address the viewers*...But anyway viewers...this now marks the end of this particular chapter...and we will be getting right back into the action, in the next chapter...So viewers...with this now very much fresh on all of your minds...we all look forward to seeing you in the next chapter...okay?...*Shinko proceeds to say this, while smiling, with both of her eyes closed*"

"O-okay...well that was something...wasn't it viewers? Shinko herself had just said to all of you viewers...both me and her, look forward to seeing you both in the next viewers...see you there...okay?"

"Okay, thanks for that Zachary...I guess...*I proceed to let out a somewhat audible sort of sigh. And also while a sweatdrop, proceeds to temporarily appear, on one side of my face. Which then winds up disappearing. As I then, now proceed to address the viewers*...But anyway heard it from the both of them...see you lot in the next chapter...okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"
Chapter 123: Maid To Serve, And Maid To Fight!: Catering To The Public On The Side, At Cafe Mew Mew! (Part 2) New
"Hello there viewers...Keiko here once again...*I proceed to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. To which I then proceed to bring my attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers. I also now proceed to clear my throat, as I then proceed to continue, to properly address the viewers*...Now then viewers...we will now dive right into, what is now going to be the next arc of this crossover...Oh, and like always viewers...a chapter recap is in order then viewers...let us begin, okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

Date: April 27, 2002

Okay, so since the last chapter. And after he had been shocked pretty severely, as well as several times by Misaka. Quiche had then chose to flee the scene. Which was probably done, because like Pluie, Aquelda, and the rest of Raindevila's henchman. And also along with the rest of the villains rogues gallery.

Which Angel Bluebell, Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, Angel Daisy, Angel Salvia, Limone, Eternal Sailor Moon, Super Sailor Mercury, Super Sailor Mars, Super Sailor Jupiter, Super Sailor Venus, Super Sailor Saturn, Super Sailor Uranus, Super Sailor Neptune, Super Sailor Pluto, Tuxedo Mask, Sakura, Zachary, Li, Kero, Yue, Misaka, me, Kuroko, Mitsuko Kongo, Touma Kamijou, Sugiita Gunha, Misaki Shokuhou, Belldandy, Urd, Skuld, Lieutenant Rukia Kuchiki, Lieutenant Renji Abarai, Captain Toshiro Hitsugaya, Lieutenant Rangiku Matsumoto, Former Gotei 13 Captain Yoruichi Shihouin, Captain Kenpachi Zaraki, 3rd Seat Ikkaku Madarame, Lieutenant Yachiru Kusajishi, and Captain Byakuya Kuchiki, had all gone and fought against, and had done so, on more then one occasion.

But, nothing could have even remotely prepared me, Zachary, or Shinko, for what was currently taking place. Well not exactly, but what I actually mean by this was...well...

"You've got to be kidding me right?! I mean surely you must be?! No, in fact, heck no! There is absolutely no way that you make me wear that!" Shinko had just proceeded to say to one Ryou Shirogane. A 15 year old, with tan skin, as well as blond hair. He was also tall, had aqua blue eyes. And from what I could see, he was exactly the same, as the Tokyo Mew Mew anime had shown him in regards to his appearance. And also, Zachary actually knew about this well.

Anyway, both Ryou and Ichigo, for those who don't already know, both had what was called a Mew mark. Which is a type of mark, that is a sort of brand, that is to show that they are a Mew Mew. And as for Ryou's Mew mark? Well from what I knew from the anime, was on the side of his neck. But at the moment, it was currently covered with the collar of his shirt.

And as it just so happened, Ryou was the owner of the one and only Cafe Mew Mew. Which was basically a maid cafe, which was used to hide the the secrecy that was the Mew Project. Which was the project that had turned Ichigo into Mew Ichigo.

But, on the subject of Ryou, he had just told Shinko, along with Misaka, Zachary, Sakura, Momoko, and me, that we would be wearing maid outfits, as well as helping to cater to the customers at Cafe Mew Mew.

But, as of this current moment, we were the only ones that were currently in the Tokyo Mew Mew anime canon timeline. Well, that any of currently knew of at the current moment. But, this was something, that could very well not wind up being the case. In fact, we would be meeting up with a few of our allies in a couple hours time from this current moment. But, more on that in a little bit.

And as for why Shinko was currently still so upset...

"But you have to hear me out Shinko, as I think that you would look quite cute in a maid outfit. And besides..." Ryou tried to speak up to Shinko in response, only for her to then try, and then proceed to cut him off mid statement, in what was the most polite way that she could currently muster.

Which given her currently peeved sort of mood, from what I could currently see. As could Zachary, was the very same politeness of hers, that she was now starting to lose quite quickly.

But, as she was about to learn...

"Shinko, I am honestly finding it quite hard to understand exactly why you have a problem with wearing that maid outfit," I now proceeded to speak up to Shinko with. Which, upon hearing Shinko say this. I then noticed, as did Zachary, that she then briefly turned to me, in order to try and ask me exactly what it was that I meant by me saying this.

"Wait a sec Keiko, you're okay with wearing that?" Shinko now proceeded to ask me, with a now completely small comedic sort of small eyed and shocked looking expression, now present on her face.

"Yes Shinko, I am. As this isn't the only time, in which I have had to wear a maid outfit like that one. In fact Shinko, me and Misaka, have had to wear similar maid outfits, during every single one of Tokiwadai Middle Schools Summer Festivals. Isn't that right Misaka?" I now proceeded to say to Shinko, with a very knowing, and closed eyes smile, currently present on my face.

This was true, as back in "Chapter 13: The Two Tokiwadai Aces, The Tokiwadai School Festival, And The Violin Duet." Since me and Misaka indeed had had to wear a maid outfit, during Tokiwadai Middle Schools Midsummer Festival. And also, we both had had to perform a violin duet. Which from what I remember from when we had both played it, the song was actually the season one opening song to A Certain Scientific Railgun, which was 'Only My Railgun,' by fripSide.

And quite strangely, me and Misaka, weren't the only ones that were okay with wearing the Cafe Mew Mew maid outfits. As, with this now in mind, Zachary then proceeded to speak up as well. As a way to attempt to further convince Shinko, that wearing a maid outfit, or in his case a butler outfit, for obvious reasons. Was something that wasn't as big of a deal, as Shinko was currently making it out to be.

"I am with Keiko on this one Shinko. As like Keiko and Misaka, me and Sakura, have also had experience with wearing such outfits. Which in case you viewers need some context. During one of the episodes of the Star Card arc of Going In Almost Completely Blind, me and Sakura, had been part of a maid cafe at Tomoeda Elementary School. Mind you, Sakura was wearing a maid outfit, and me a butler outfit. So yes Shinko, it would seem that you and Momoko. No offense intended by the way Momoko. But it seems that both you and Momoko, are the only ones that don't have any sort of past experience with wearing these types of outfits. Which again Momoko, I don't mean any sort of offense regarding you in this particular conversation," Zachary proceeded to say. And while he had proceeded, while he had been saying this particular statement. Zachary had briefly turned his attention, slightly to the right of him, in order to briefly address the viewers.

And as for Momoko, she didn't wind up taking any offense to Zachary's statement. Which was a relief, to both him and Shinko. But, as for Shinko's particular response on this statement of mine that I had just said...

"Well I guess it would be alright then. As me and Momoko, also sort of have a bit of experience with this sort of thing. I mean after all viewers, I have transformed dozens of times into my usual armored battle outfit, over the course of this fanfic. So it is only natural here viewers...that I..." Shinko proceeded to say, only for someone else, to now proceed to interject once again, into her current fourth wall break.

Which not surprisingly, had now caused a sweatdrop to slowly form, and then slowly make its way down one side of Zachary's face.

"Hey Shinko?...You're doing it again...*I proceed to say this to Shinko with a sweatdrop of my own, and a similar small eyed expression to the one that Shinko had recently shown both currently present on my face. But, the only difference, is that it is a sort of mischievous looking small eyed sort of expression. Similar to the expression that Hinagiku Tomano had made in a previous chapter of the Going In Completely Blind fanfic*"

And not surprisingly...

"And you're one to be talking about having somewhat lengthy fourth wall breaks Keiko!...As don't you also have this exact same issue with your fourth wall breaks?" Shinko now proceeded to say back to me. And she had said this, with a now similarly looking mischievous small eyed sort of expression, present on her face as well.

And with regard to my pretty much valid response given the current situation...

"And I am still currently working on fixing that Shinko!...You know, that was a very low blow coming from you by the way!...And mind you, that wasn't even in the back...that was in the face...And yes viewers...that was a little bit of Amazon Prime's: The Grand Tour humor for you all...courtesy of one Richard Hammond...Oh, and remember viewers...rear wheel drive is best, because as Richard Hammond himself once said...It is so you don't see the tree that kills you...*I proceed to say this, only for Shinko to now proceed to start to giggle quite audibly. Which not surprisingly, was then followed by me turning my attention to Shinko, with a very visible tickmark, now present on my face. Which was having to do with something that I felt at the current moment, needed to be said*...What's so damn funny Shinko!? Would you please care to tell me, what exactly it is, that you seem to currently find so damn funny?!"

"I mean, you're kidding right Keiko?...You can't even get Richard Hammond's quote from that episode of Top Gear right!...And I should know I said this very same statement back in 'chapter 38: Running In Top Gear!: Angel Saliva, The Lone Wolf Love Angel!'...And as for the proper way to say that quote of Hammond's viewers...for those who haven't read that particular chapter...for possibly having skimmed through it...It is said as...'Now remember, oversteer is best, because you don't see the tree that kills you.'...And that Keiko, is the proper way to say that quote...So Keiko, if you're going to say it, then at least say it right...As you did look like quite the immense lumpty when you said it...*Shinko now proceeds to quickly clear her throat, before then proceeding to continue to address the viewers*...But anyway viewers...this now marks the end of this particular chapter...and we will be getting right back into the action, in the next chapter...So viewers...with this now very much fresh on all of your minds...we all look forward to seeing you in the next chapter...okay?...*Shinko proceeds to say this, while smiling, with both of her eyes closed*"

"O-okay...well that was something...wasn't it viewers? Shinko herself had just said to all of you viewers...both me and her, look forward to seeing you both in the next viewers...see you there...okay?"

"Okay, thanks for that Zachary...I guess...*I proceed to let out a somewhat audible sort of sigh. And also while a sweatdrop, proceeds to temporarily appear, on one side of my face. Which then winds up disappearing. As I then, now proceed to address the viewers*...But anyway heard it from the both of them...see you lot in the next chapter...okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

And now that the chapter recap is now done. We will now proceed right into the current chapter.

Date: April 28, 2002

Okay, so proceeding into the next day. And into the current situation...

"My, don't you look cute in your maid outfit," A male customer that I had just finished taking their order had just said to me. Which surprisingly, since I had not been expecting it, I had now proceeded to lightly blush.

"O-oh...well thank you..." I proceeded to somewhat nervously say back to them in response. And as for the cute maid outfit, that the customer said that I looked in? Well it was a slight light blue colored maid outfit. With a white apron, that was similar in style to the maid outfits, that me and Misaka had worn during the most recent Summer Festival at Tokiwadai Middle School back in chapter 13 of this fanfic.

But thankfully, and unlike back then, Kuroko wasn't currently here to try any of her perverted antics on me regarding my maid outfit. But shockingly...

"Man, I really hope that Kuroko is doing alright...wherever she may be...Which by the way viewers...for those of you who want to try and jump to any immediate and very incorrect assumptions...I am only worried about Kuroko's well being...and as such, I am in no way considering Kuroko, to be anything more then a friend...I mean surely you all should've known Shinko had mentioned this back in the second chapter of Going In Completely she was not only referring to herself, but to me and Zachary as well...But anyway viewers...I now seem to be waffling a bit here...So, what do you say that we now get back to the chapter at hand...okay?" I thought to myself. Which as usual during this thought of mine, and similar previous thoughts. I had briefly turned my attention, slightly to the right of me, in order to briefly address the viewers. And I had also done this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner.

But anyway, getting back to the current situation...

"So Keiko, how are things going?" Ichigo proceeded to ask, as she walked up to me, in order to check how things were going with me as a maid at Cafe Mew Mew.

"It's going very well Ichigo, thanks for asking," I proceeded to say to Ichigo in response. Which I had said, while briefly smiling with both of my eyes closed.

But, with regard to others who were having a bit more difficulty...

"Oopsie, sorry about that..." The unmistakable voice of one Momoko Hanasaki now proceeded to say. Which she had said with a bit of nervous tone to her voice.

" offense...but you really need to be a tad bit more attentive with carrying all of those dishes back to the kitchen..." I now heard Shinko proceed to say to Momoko. As Momoko had just dropped a couple of the dishes that she had been taking back to the kitchen. And not surprisingly, they had all hit the floor, and had shattered into several fractured and jagged pieces.

And not surprisingly...

"Well, at least Momoko means well...But still, I am really not at all that surprised that she and Shinko seem to be having the most trouble with serving as both of them don't have the experience, that me, Misaka, Zachary, and Sakura have...But is both the effort, and also the thought that counts here...Because as long as you try your best..." I then proceeded to think to myself. Which was once again followed, during me having this thought. I had once again briefly turned my attention, slightly to the right of me in order to briefly address the viewers. With the only difference this time being, that I was now smiling with both of my eyes open.

Well, I had actually started to smile with both of my eyes closed, only for me to then snap them open quickly. As yet another crashing sound was heard. As a couple more dishes had now proceeded to hit the floor and shatter into several more broken and jagged pieces. Only this time, it was Shinko, and not Momoko, that had caused this to happen.

And upon letting out yet another big sigh, and then turning my attention over to Misaka. Who at the moment, had just finished taking a customers order. And after briefly smiling with both of her eyes closed. I once again had another thought...

" least we can consider this a sort of brief break from having to fight against Crowley...Which unfortunately, I don't exactly know where he currently is hiding at the moment...And why do I think, that this very fact...Is probably going to wind up forcing us all to travel through many different forms and dimensions of media...Until we finally do wind up finding him...And yes read that part of my thought right...As these three fanfics, are actually nowhere even remotely close to being done with...I mean after all viewers...This was somewhat planned from the very start...As due to this, with the exception of a few forms of media, for obvious reasons...some due to a...*ahem*...big brand cartoon mouse...and others...because of less obvious reasons...that I won't be going into...But anyway viewers...this does mean, that you can all look forward to these three fanfics, being progressed for many more possible years to come...But viewers...this now marks the end of this particular chapter...But just to give you viewers a heads up...the next chapter will wind up being a non action filler chapter...So like all of the other previous chapters like will once again have my full permission to skip it...But for now viewers...I will be seeing you lot in the next chapter...okay?" I thought to myself. Which was once again followed, during me having this thought. I had once again briefly turned my attention, slightly to the right of me in order to briefly address the viewers. And I had done this, as usual, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head tilted to one side in a very cute looking manner.
Chapter 124: From Here To Eternity, And From Here To Infinity!: The Mew Mews Join The Fight Against Crowley! (Part 1) New
"Hello there viewers...Keiko here once again...*I proceed to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. To which I then proceed to bring my attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers. I also now proceed to clear my throat, as I then proceed to continue, to properly address the viewers*...Now then viewers...we will now dive right into, what is now going to be the next arc of this crossover...Oh, and like always viewers...a chapter recap is in order then viewers...let us begin, okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

Date: April 28, 2002

Okay, so proceeding into the next day. And into the current situation...

"My, don't you look cute in your maid outfit," A male customer that I had just finished taking their order had just said to me. Which surprisingly, since I had not been expecting it, I had now proceeded to lightly blush.

"O-oh...well thank you..." I proceeded to somewhat nervously say back to them in response. And as for the cute maid outfit, that the customer said that I looked in? Well it was a slight light blue colored maid outfit. With a white apron, that was similar in style to the maid outfits, that me and Misaka had worn during the most recent Summer Festival at Tokiwadai Middle School back in chapter 13 of this fanfic.

But thankfully, and unlike back then, Kuroko wasn't currently here to try any of her perverted antics on me regarding my maid outfit. But shockingly...

"Man, I really hope that Kuroko is doing alright...wherever she may be...Which by the way viewers...for those of you who want to try and jump to any immediate and very incorrect assumptions...I am only worried about Kuroko's well being...and as such, I am in no way considering Kuroko, to be anything more then a friend...I mean surely you all should've known Shinko had mentioned this back in the second chapter of Going In Completely she was not only referring to herself, but to me and Zachary as well...But anyway viewers...I now seem to be waffling a bit here...So, what do you say that we now get back to the chapter at hand...okay?" I thought to myself. Which as usual during this thought of mine, and similar previous thoughts. I had briefly turned my attention, slightly to the right of me, in order to briefly address the viewers. And I had also done this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner.

But anyway, getting back to the current situation...

"So Keiko, how are things going?" Ichigo proceeded to ask, as she walked up to me, in order to check how things were going with me as a maid at Cafe Mew Mew.

"It's going very well Ichigo, thanks for asking," I proceeded to say to Ichigo in response. Which I had said, while briefly smiling with both of my eyes closed.

But, with regard to others who were having a bit more difficulty...

"Oopsie, sorry about that..." The unmistakable voice of one Momoko Hanasaki now proceeded to say. Which she had said with a bit of nervous tone to her voice.

" offense...but you really need to be a tad bit more attentive with carrying all of those dishes back to the kitchen..." I now heard Shinko proceed to say to Momoko. As Momoko had just dropped a couple of the dishes that she had been taking back to the kitchen. And not surprisingly, they had all hit the floor, and had shattered into several fractured and jagged pieces.

And not surprisingly...

"Well, at least Momoko means well...But still, I am really not at all that surprised that she and Shinko seem to be having the most trouble with serving as both of them don't have the experience, that me, Misaka, Zachary, and Sakura have...But is both the effort, and also the thought that counts here...Because as long as you try your best..." I then proceeded to think to myself. Which was once again followed, during me having this thought. I had once again briefly turned my attention, slightly to the right of me in order to briefly address the viewers. With the only difference this time being, that I was now smiling with both of my eyes open.

Well, I had actually started to smile with both of my eyes closed, only for me to then snap them open quickly. As yet another crashing sound was heard. As a couple more dishes had now proceeded to hit the floor and shatter into several more broken and jagged pieces. Only this time, it was Shinko, and not Momoko, that had caused this to happen.

And upon letting out yet another big sigh, and then turning my attention over to Misaka. Who at the moment, had just finished taking a customers order. And after briefly smiling with both of her eyes closed. I once again had another thought...

" least we can consider this a sort of brief break from having to fight against Crowley...Which unfortunately, I don't exactly know where he currently is hiding at the moment...And why do I think, that this very fact...Is probably going to wind up forcing us all to travel through many different forms and dimensions of media...Until we finally do wind up finding him...And yes read that part of my thought right...As these three fanfics, are actually nowhere even remotely close to being done with...I mean after all viewers...This was somewhat planned from the very start...As due to this, with the exception of a few forms of media, for obvious reasons...some due to a...*ahem*...big brand cartoon mouse...and others...because of less obvious reasons...that I won't be going into...But anyway viewers...this does mean, that you can all look forward to these three fanfics, being progressed for many more possible years to come...But viewers...this now marks the end of this particular chapter...But just to give you viewers a heads up...the next chapter will wind up being a non action filler chapter...So like all of the other previous chapters like will once again have my full permission to skip it...But for now viewers...I will be seeing you lot in the next chapter...okay?" I thought to myself. Which was once again followed, during me having this thought. I had once again briefly turned my attention, slightly to the right of me in order to briefly address the viewers. And I had done this, as usual, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head tilted to one side in a very cute looking manner.

And now that the chapter recap is now done. We will now proceed right into the current chapter.

Date: April 28, 2002

Okay, so after the end of our current shifts at Cafe Mew Mew. And as well as following the unfortunate incident of Momoko and Shinko having broken several of the Cafe's dishes. We were all now having to deal with another not so convenient situation. And well, when I say that, what I truly mean by that is...well...

"Okay seriously Quiche?! Can't somebody like you learn to take some sort of hint?!" Shinko had just proceeded to say, as she was currently staring at Quiche. Who was currently just a little too close to Shinko's face for comfort. Which also, and not surprisingly, was causing her, to once again become uneasy.

But thankfully...

"Okay Quiche, as you clearly didn't get Misaka's message the last time that you tried this! I think that it's about time that we both..." I had now proceeded to say, just as electricity, had now started to violently and audibly crackle through the bangs of my long light blue hair. And not surprisingly, so was Misaka. As she as well, was not at all amused with Quiche's current perverted advance on Shinko. And given their past experiences with one Kuroko Shirai, this was something that I didn't exactly blame us both for feeling either.

But then...

"Well, I figured that you would wind up having a problem with me again...So to help with that, I brought a few new friends along to help assist me...I think that you will recognize them...hmm Shinko?" Quiche now proceeded to say, as this was then followed by a certain male voice, that she thought that we all had heard the last of, then proceeded to speak up.

"Well, if it isn't Angel Bluebell and her sister Wedding Peach...So your real name is Shinko is it? Then I guess I can kill you and your allies, with now knowing that I know your true identities," The unmistakable voice of Pluie, now proceeded to speak up with. Which was then followed, by him giving one of the most evil and arrogant looking smirks, that I had ever seen any villain give to anyone.

And not surprisingly...

"Like hell you will Pluie! Come on Misaka, it appears that we have an old 'friend' to deal with. And Shinko? If I were you, then I would have you and Momoko right now!" I proceeded to say.

Which thankfully, was then followed, by Shinko reaching into her skirt pocket, and pulling out her Saint Sword Of Bluebell, and Momoko also reaching into her skirt pocket, and pulling out her Saint Miroir.

And more importantly, this was then followed, by Zachary and Sakura, then proceeding to pull out their respective Star Keys. And, with the presence of Ichigo, Minto, and Retasu. They also then proceeded to ready their respective Mew Pendants, and then proceeded to transform into their Mew Mew forms.

"Key of the stars, with powers burning bright, reveal the staff, and shine your light, Release!" Zachary and Sakura both chanted in unison. And after a sever gust of wind and sand. Both of their respective Star Keys expanded into their respective Star Staffs. Which was then followed by both of them twirling them, and then finishing off with their usual battle ready poses.

"Beautiful Wedding Flower!" Momoko then proceeded to call out. And in two separate flashes of light, she was in her usual DX battle outfit.

"Elegant Wedding Flower!" Shinko then proceeded to call out. And in a single flash of light, Shinko was in her usual battle outfit. And was Angel Bluebell once again.

"Mew Mew Strawberry, Metamorphose!" Ichigo proceeded to call out. And in a quick flash of light, she was Mew Ichigo. Which was then followed by her then doing her signature pose.

"Mew Mew Mint, Metamorphose!" Minto proceeded to call out. And in a quick flash of light, she was Mew Mint. Which was then followed by her then doing her signature pose.

"Mew Mew Lettuce, Metamorphose!" Retasu proceeded to call out. And in a quick flash of light, she was Mew Lettuce. Which was then followed by her then doing her signature pose.

And as per usual, as the sound of chiming bells then suddenly proceeded to fill the air. Wedding Peach then proceeded to start her introduction.

"Grace, beauty, and the will of a hero, are something that is truly special and unique! On a bright afternoon such as this, how dare you attempt to harm us or our friends! I can never forgive you for committing such an act of evil! I am the Love Angel! I am Wedding Peach, and I am extremely angry with you!" Wedding Peach proceeded to say. Which was followed by her pointing her left hand at Pluie and Quiche. Which was then followed, by her swinging her other arm into an upward arc. Which she then finished, with her arm bent, and her hand in a tightly closed fist.

"Well done as always Wedding Peach! Well viewers, it looks like it's my turn now!" Angel Bluebell proceeded to say. Which during her authoritative and powerful statement, she had briefly turned her attention, slightly to the left of her, in order to briefly address the viewers.

And this was then followed, by Angel Bluebell then proceeding to start her usual introduction, as she held her Saint Sword Of Bluebell straight up with her left hand. "The nature of the Bluebell, is to spread joy and love, allowing friendships to remain strong! I cannot forgive those who commit acts of evil! I am the Love Angel! I am Angel Bluebell, and I am very angry with you!" Angel Bluebell proceeded to quite passionately say.

Which was then followed during this, by her proceeding to swing her Saint Sword Of Bluebell, up towards, and then over, her right armor clad shoulder. And, as she swing it downwards again, she stopped it mid downward swing. To which she then held it in front of her, in a battle ready stance, and then struck her usual pose.

"For the earth's future, I'll be at your service Nya~!" Mew Ichigo proceeded to say. Which she then finished off, with her signature pose.

"I'm Mew Mint! I'm the cool and collected one, but when it comes to protecting the planet, I'll always be there!" Mew Mint proceeded to say. Which she then finished off, with her signature pose.

"I'm Mew Lettuce! I'm the shy one, but when it comes to protecting the planet, I'll always be there!" Mew Lettuce proceeded to say. Which she then finished off, with her signature pose.

"So you see Pluie, and you as well Quiche. When it comes to fighting against us, I think that you'll find, that from your past fights against us Pluie. And as someone once said 'this time, you don't stand, a ghost of a chance.' Now then Pluie, shall we begin with trouncing you and Quiche?! Because as long as we of the Four Aces Alliance exist, there is absolutely no way that we can let you win against us!" I had now proceeded to say to both Pluie and Quiche. Which I had somehow managed to say, with about the same amount of passion and authority, as Angel Bluebell herself had said her statement with.

And this, actually wound up surprising me slightly. But, I chose to think nothing of it for the time being. But, what none of us currently realized, was that we were all going to be involved in what was about to soon become one of the most elaborate and complicated villain hunts in anime, and media history. As we would soon realize, that because of what had happened with Crowley back in Academy City. We would learn at some point in the far future, that he was actually hiding, in the one place that none of us would even consider to look.

"But viewers...oh right, sorry about that...Keiko here again...*I proceed to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. To which I then proceed to bring my attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers. I also now proceed to clear my throat, as I then proceed to continue, to properly address the viewers*...But anyway viewers...this now marks the end of this chapter...But don't worry, as we will wind up getting right back into the action in the next chapter...So viewers...I hope to see you lot there...okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"
Chapter 125: From Here To Eternity, And From Here To Infinity!: The Mew Mews Join The Fight Against Crowley! (Part 2) New
"Hello there viewers...Keiko here once again...*I proceed to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. To which I then proceed to bring my attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers. I also now proceed to clear my throat, as I then proceed to continue, to properly address the viewers*...Now then viewers...we will now dive right into, what is now going to be the next arc of this crossover...Oh, and like always viewers...a chapter recap is in order then viewers...let us begin, okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

Date: April 28, 2002

Okay, so after the end of our current shifts at Cafe Mew Mew. And as well as following the unfortunate incident of Momoko and Shinko having broken several of the Cafe's dishes. We were all now having to deal with another not so convenient situation. And well, when I say that, what I truly mean by that is...well...

"Okay seriously Quiche?! Can't somebody like you learn to take some sort of hint?!" Shinko had just proceeded to say, as she was currently staring at Quiche. Who was currently just a little too close to Shinko's face for comfort. Which also, and not surprisingly, was causing her, to once again become uneasy.

But thankfully...

"Okay Quiche, as you clearly didn't get Misaka's message the last time that you tried this! I think that it's about time that we both..." I had now proceeded to say, just as electricity, had now started to violently and audibly crackle through the bangs of my long light blue hair. And not surprisingly, so was Misaka. As she as well, was not at all amused with Quiche's current perverted advance on Shinko. And given their past experiences with one Kuroko Shirai, this was something that I didn't exactly blame us both for feeling either.

But then...

"Well, I figured that you would wind up having a problem with me again...So to help with that, I brought a few new friends along to help assist me...I think that you will recognize them...hmm Shinko?" Quiche now proceeded to say, as this was then followed by a certain male voice, that she thought that we all had heard the last of, then proceeded to speak up.

"Well, if it isn't Angel Bluebell and her sister Wedding Peach...So your real name is Shinko is it? Then I guess I can kill you and your allies, with now knowing that I know your true identities," The unmistakable voice of Pluie, now proceeded to speak up with. Which was then followed, by him giving one of the most evil and arrogant looking smirks, that I had ever seen any villain give to anyone.

And not surprisingly...

"Like hell you will Pluie! Come on Misaka, it appears that we have an old 'friend' to deal with. And Shinko? If I were you, then I would have you and Momoko right now!" I proceeded to say.

Which thankfully, was then followed, by Shinko reaching into her skirt pocket, and pulling out her Saint Sword Of Bluebell, and Momoko also reaching into her skirt pocket, and pulling out her Saint Miroir.

And more importantly, this was then followed, by Zachary and Sakura, then proceeding to pull out their respective Star Keys. And, with the presence of Ichigo, Minto, and Retasu. They also then proceeded to ready their respective Mew Pendants, and then proceeded to transform into their Mew Mew forms.

"Key of the stars, with powers burning bright, reveal the staff, and shine your light, Release!" Zachary and Sakura both chanted in unison. And after a sever gust of wind and sand. Both of their respective Star Keys expanded into their respective Star Staffs. Which was then followed by both of them twirling them, and then finishing off with their usual battle ready poses.

"Beautiful Wedding Flower!" Momoko then proceeded to call out. And in two separate flashes of light, she was in her usual DX battle outfit.

"Elegant Wedding Flower!" Shinko then proceeded to call out. And in a single flash of light, Shinko was in her usual battle outfit. And was Angel Bluebell once again.

"Mew Mew Strawberry, Metamorphose!" Ichigo proceeded to call out. And in a quick flash of light, she was Mew Ichigo. Which was then followed by her then doing her signature pose.

"Mew Mew Mint, Metamorphose!" Minto proceeded to call out. And in a quick flash of light, she was Mew Mint. Which was then followed by her then doing her signature pose.

"Mew Mew Lettuce, Metamorphose!" Retasu proceeded to call out. And in a quick flash of light, she was Mew Lettuce. Which was then followed by her then doing her signature pose.

And as per usual, as the sound of chiming bells then suddenly proceeded to fill the air. Wedding Peach then proceeded to start her introduction.

"Grace, beauty, and the will of a hero, are something that is truly special and unique! On a bright afternoon such as this, how dare you attempt to harm us or our friends! I can never forgive you for committing such an act of evil! I am the Love Angel! I am Wedding Peach, and I am extremely angry with you!" Wedding Peach proceeded to say. Which was followed by her pointing her left hand at Pluie and Quiche. Which was then followed, by her swinging her other arm into an upward arc. Which she then finished, with her arm bent, and her hand in a tightly closed fist.

"Well done as always Wedding Peach! Well viewers, it looks like it's my turn now!" Angel Bluebell proceeded to say. Which during her authoritative and powerful statement, she had briefly turned her attention, slightly to the left of her, in order to briefly address the viewers.

And this was then followed, by Angel Bluebell then proceeding to start her usual introduction, as she held her Saint Sword Of Bluebell straight up with her left hand. "The nature of the Bluebell, is to spread joy and love, allowing friendships to remain strong! I cannot forgive those who commit acts of evil! I am the Love Angel! I am Angel Bluebell, and I am very angry with you!" Angel Bluebell proceeded to quite passionately say.

Which was then followed during this, by her proceeding to swing her Saint Sword Of Bluebell, up towards, and then over, her right armor clad shoulder. And, as she swing it downwards again, she stopped it mid downward swing. To which she then held it in front of her, in a battle ready stance, and then struck her usual pose.

"For the earth's future, I'll be at your service Nya~!" Mew Ichigo proceeded to say. Which she then finished off, with her signature pose.

"I'm Mew Mint! I'm the cool and collected one, but when it comes to protecting the planet, I'll always be there!" Mew Mint proceeded to say. Which she then finished off, with her signature pose.

"I'm Mew Lettuce! I'm the shy one, but when it comes to protecting the planet, I'll always be there!" Mew Lettuce proceeded to say. Which she then finished off, with her signature pose.

"So you see Pluie, and you as well Quiche. When it comes to fighting against us, I think that you'll find, that from your past fights against us Pluie. And as someone once said 'this time, you don't stand, a ghost of a chance.' Now then Pluie, shall we begin with trouncing you and Quiche?! Because as long as we of the Four Aces Alliance exist, there is absolutely no way that we can let you win against us!" I had now proceeded to say to both Pluie and Quiche. Which I had somehow managed to say, with about the same amount of passion and authority, as Angel Bluebell herself had said her statement with.

And this, actually wound up surprising me slightly. But, I chose to think nothing of it for the time being. But, what none of us currently realized, was that we were all going to be involved in what was about to soon become one of the most elaborate and complicated villain hunts in anime, and media history. As we would soon realize, that because of what had happened with Crowley back in Academy City. We would learn at some point in the far future, that he was actually hiding, in the one place that none of us would even consider to look.

"But viewers...oh right, sorry about that...Keiko here again...*I proceed to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. To which I then proceed to bring my attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers. I also now proceed to clear my throat, as I then proceed to continue, to properly address the viewers*...But anyway viewers...this now marks the end of this chapter...But don't worry, as we will wind up getting right back into the action in the next chapter...So viewers...I hope to see you lot there...okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

And now that the chapter recap is now done. We will now proceed right into the current chapter.

Date: April 28, 2002

Okay, getting back to the very shocking and somewhat precarious sort of situation, that we all currently found ourselves in...

"I am surprised that you aren't all happy to see me again," Pluie had now said, with an all too recognizable heavy ounce of arrogance to his tone. Which not surprisingly, was met by several disgusted and very fed up looking expressions from me, as well as everyone else on our side.

And with regard to some of those reactions...

"Save it Pluie, as you know as well as I do, that the feeling isn't exactly mutual when considering me and the rest of The Four Aces Alliance! And while we're on the subject here've probably all been wondering, exactly as to why Pluie is now miraculously back from the dead again...isn't that right?...Well viewers...I think you'll find, that as it was explained in a previous chapter...these three fanfics, are playing off of a premise so too speak...that I have rightfully coined the 'Marvel's What If Principle.'...So basically viewers...since Sakura and Zachary's invincibility spell was used in the timeline back in their own it was in fact during a dream that they had both been having back in 'Chapter 76: A Polite Invitation!: Enter Sailor Pluto, The Sailor Guardian Of Time And Space!'...and then again in a more recent chapter back when we had fought against the rouges gallery at the lab...Their invincibility spell...unfortunately in this case viewers...only worked for both the Going In Almost Completely Blind timeline, and the Railgun Aces timeline...So in other words viewers...lets just say...that we all still have a very long way to go, with regard to completely being done with the rouges gallery for you will all actually wind up realizing in the upcoming future chapters...But anyway viewers...lets now get back to the chapter...shall we?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

And, with regard to Pluie's current resulting reaction...

"You know Shinko, I really have become quite tired and fed up...With you and your sisters quite irritating plot foiling antics!...But no matter, as it is finally time for you both to die! So, farewell...Angel Bluebell and Wedding Peach!" Pluie now proceeded to say. Which was then followed, by him then conjuring up his all too familiar sword of darkness. Which was then followed, by him proceeding to swing it forward, in an aggressive swiping motion.

And this was then followed, by a bolt like wave of black evil energy...

But, as it proceeded to make its way towards Angel Bluebell and Wedding Peach, she then just couldn't help, but then give off a cocky sort of smirk...

"What are you smirking at Shinko?!" Pluie now proceeded to ask her, as he had now taken immediate notice of her cocky looking smirk, that had just found its way onto her face.

"Oh nothing really Pluie. It's just that you've once again underestimated us, isn't that right...Sailor Moon?" Angel Bluebell proceeded to say. Which was due to the fact, that as Pluie had proceeded to launch his attack, she had actually begun to feel an all too familiar, but very much present magical aura.

And knowing full well who it belonged to, she just couldn't help but give off her current cocky smirk. I mean, wouldn't you?

And sure enough...

"How dare you return, and seek to try and tear us and our friends apart all over again! I am the Pretty Guardian, who fights for love and for justice, I am Sailor Moon! And now in the name of the moon, I'll punish you!" Eternal Sailor Moon proceeded to say. Which was followed, by her doing her signature pose, while pointing at Pluie.

"I am the Pretty Guardian, who fights for Love and Intelligence, I am Sailor Mercury! Douse yourself in water and repent!" Super Sailor Mercury said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am the Pretty Guardian who fights for Love and for Passion! I am Sailor Mars! In the name of Mars, I'll chastise you!" Super Sailor Mars said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am the Pretty Guardian who fights for Love and for Courage! I am Sailor Jupiter! I'll fill you regret, It'll leave you numb!" Super Sailor Jupiter said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am the Pretty Guardian who Fights for Love and for Beauty! I am Sailor Venus! In the name of Venus, I'll punish you with the power of love!" Super Sailor Venus said as she struck her usual pose.

And, just as the Outer Senshi, then proceeded to start their respective introduction. I had then noticed, that an immense amount of cherry blossoms, had now begun to fall.

And upon seeing these cherry blossoms, that seemed to start falling out of nowhere, I then realized something...

"Oh, so cherry blossoms do in fact start to fall when the Outer Senshi proceed to start their respective introductions...Well looks as though that part about the Sailor Moon anime...was completely accurate to the letter...But anyways viewers...back to the well as the current fight at hand," I thought to myself, which during this very thought. I had proceeded to briefly turn my attention slightly to the right of me, in order to briefly address the viewers.

But getting back to the remaining introductions...

"I am an emissary from the abyss of Death. Protected by Saturn, the Outer Planet of Destruction, the Guardian of Silence. I am Sailor Saturn." Sailor Saturn said as she struck her usual pose.

"Protected by Uranus, the Planet of the Wind. Guardian of Heavens. I am Sailor Uranus!" Super Sailor Uranus said as she struck her usual pose.

"Protected by Neptune, the Outer Planet of the Seas, Guardian of the Deep Sea. I am Sailor Neptune." Super Sailor Neptune said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am the Keeper of the Door of Space and Time. I am Sailor Pluto, Guardian of the Underworld." Super Sailor Pluto said as she struck her usual pose.

And right after Super Sailor Pluto had finished her usual introduction, and had struck her usual pose...

"Oh wow...they are even more impressive in person!" Mew Ichigo had now proceeded to say. Which not surprisingly, was then met with several sweatdrops and somewhat uneasy sort of expressions, from Mew Mint, Mew Lettuce, me, Angel Bluebell, Wedding Peach. And also, from Eternal Sailor Moon, and the rest of the Inner Senshi.

Which since they weren't really expecting Mew Ichigo to react in a similar manner to Chibiusa when she had first seen the Senshi since coming from Crystal Tokyo in the 30th century of the Sailor Moon anime canon timeline. Which was also Shinko and the Love Angels anime canon timeline as well. And also, Angel Bluebell and Wedding Peach weren't expecting it either, since they still weren't exactly used to Mew Ichigo's cat like hyper personality yet.

But getting back to the current situation at hand...

"Damn you Sailor Moon! You always did seem to be a thorn in mine and Queen Beryl's side! Also, did you miss me?!" The unmistakable currently disembodied voice of Jadeite, now proceeded to speak up with. As he then proceeded to fade into existence from out of nothing.

"Yep Jadeite, we're pretty stubborn, you can best be assured of that!" Zachary had now proceeded to say, as he wound up somewhat quoting one Captain America's Steve Rogers, from Avengers: Endgame.

"And don't we all know it viewers...Oh right...Keiko here again viewers...sorry about that...*I proceed to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. To which I then proceed to bring my attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers. I also now proceed to clear my throat, as I then proceed to continue, to properly address the viewers*...But anyway viewers...this now marks the end of this chapter...But don't worry, as we will wind up getting right back into the action in the next chapter...So viewers...I hope to see you lot there...okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"
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Chapter 126: From Here To Eternity, And From Here To Infinity!: The Mew Mews Join The Fight Against Crowley! (Part 3) New
"Hello there viewers...Keiko here...*I proceed to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. To which I then proceed to bring my attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers. I also now proceed to clear my throat, as I then proceed to continue, to properly address the viewers*...Now then viewers...we will now dive right into, what is now going to be the next arc of this crossover...Oh, and like always viewers...a chapter recap is in order then viewers...shall we begin?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

Date: April 28, 2002

Okay, getting back to the very shocking and somewhat precarious sort of situation, that we all currently found ourselves in...

"I am surprised that you aren't all happy to see me again," Pluie had now said, with an all too recognizable heavy ounce of arrogance to his tone. Which not surprisingly, was met by several disgusted and very fed up looking expressions from me, as well as everyone else on our side.

And with regard to some of those reactions...

"Save it Pluie, as you know as well as I do, that the feeling isn't exactly mutual when considering me and the rest of The Four Aces Alliance! And while we're on the subject here've probably all been wondering, exactly as to why Pluie is now miraculously back from the dead again...isn't that right?...Well viewers...I think you'll find, that as it was explained in a previous chapter...these three fanfics, are playing off of a premise so too speak...that I have rightfully coined the 'Marvel's What If Principle.'...So basically viewers...since Sakura and Zachary's invincibility spell was used in the interconnected timeline back in their own it was in fact during a dream that they had both been having back in 'Chapter 76: A Polite Invitation!: Enter Sailor Pluto, The Sailor Guardian Of Time And Space!'...and then again in a more recent chapter back when we had fought against the rouges gallery at the lab...Their invincibility spell...unfortunately in this case viewers...only worked for both the Going In Almost Completely Blind timeline, and the Railgun Aces timeline...So in other words viewers...lets just say...that we all still have a very long way to go, with regard to completely being done with the rouges gallery for you will all actually wind up realizing in the upcoming future chapters...But anyway viewers...lets now get back to the chapter...shall we?...*I proceed to say this, while proceeding to smile with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

And, with regard to Pluie's current resulting reaction...

"You know Shinko, I really have become quite tired and fed up...With you and your sisters quite irritating plot foiling antics!...But no matter, as it is finally time for you both to die! So, farewell...Angel Bluebell and Wedding Peach!" Pluie now proceeded to say. Which was then followed, by him then conjuring up his all too familiar sword of darkness. Which was then followed, by him proceeding to swing it forward, in an aggressive swiping motion.

And this was then followed, by a bolt like wave of black evil energy...

But, as it proceeded to make its way towards Angel Bluebell and Wedding Peach, she then just couldn't help, but then give off a cocky sort of smirk...

"What are you smirking at Shinko?!" Pluie now proceeded to ask me, as he had now taken immediate notice of her cocky looking smirk, that had just found its way onto her face.

"Oh nothing really Pluie. It's just that you've once again underestimated us, isn't that right...Sailor Moon?" Angel Bluebell proceeded to say. Which was due to the fact, that as Pluie had proceeded to launch his attack, she had then begun to feel an all too familiar, but very much present magical aura.

And knowing full well who it belonged to, she just couldn't help but give off her current cocky smirk. I mean, wouldn't you?

And sure enough...

"How dare you return, and seek to try and tear us and our friends apart all over again! I am the Pretty Guardian, who fights for love and for justice, I am Sailor Moon! And now in the name of the moon, I'll punish you!" Eternal Sailor Moon proceeded to say. Which was followed, by her doing her signature pose, while pointing at Pluie.

"I am the Pretty Guardian, who fights for Love and Intelligence, I am Sailor Mercury! Douse yourself in water and repent!" Super Sailor Mercury said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am the Pretty Guardian who fights for Love and for Passion! I am Sailor Mars! In the name of Mars, I'll chastise you!" Super Sailor Mars said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am the Pretty Guardian who fights for Love and for Courage! I am Sailor Jupiter! I'll fill you regret, It'll leave you numb!" Super Sailor Jupiter said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am the Pretty Guardian who Fights for Love and for Beauty! I am Sailor Venus! In the name of Venus, I'll punish you with the power of love!" Super Sailor Venus said as she struck her usual pose.

And, just as the Outer Senshi, then proceeded to start their respective introduction. I had then noticed, that an immense amount of cherry blossoms, had now begun to fall.

And upon seeing these cherry blossoms, that seemed to start falling out of nowhere, I then realized something...

"Oh, so cherry blossoms do in fact start to fall when the Outer Senshi proceed to start their respective introductions...Well looks as though that part about the Sailor Moon anime...was completely accurate to the letter...But anyways viewers...back to the well as the current fight at hand," I thought to myself, which during this very thought. I had proceeded to briefly turn my attention slightly to the right of me, in order to briefly address the viewers.

But getting back to the remaining introductions...

"I am an emissary from the abyss of Death. Protected by Saturn, the Outer Planet of Destruction, the Guardian of Silence. I am Sailor Saturn." Sailor Saturn said as she struck her usual pose.

"Protected by Uranus, the Planet of the Wind. Guardian of Heavens. I am Sailor Uranus!" Super Sailor Uranus said as she struck her usual pose.

"Protected by Neptune, the Outer Planet of the Seas, Guardian of the Deep Sea. I am Sailor Neptune." Super Sailor Neptune said as she struck her usual pose.

"I am the Keeper of the Door of Space and Time. I am Sailor Pluto, Guardian of the Underworld." Super Sailor Pluto said as she struck her usual pose.

And right after Super Sailor Pluto had finished her usual introduction, and had struck her usual pose...

"Oh wow...they are even more impressive in person!" Mew Ichigo had now proceeded to say. Which not surprisingly, was then met with several sweatdrops and somewhat uneasy sort of expressions, from Mew Mint, Mew Lettuce, me, Wedding Peach. And also, from Eternal Sailor Moon, and the rest of the Inner Senshi.

Which since they weren't really expecting Mew Ichigo to react in a similar manner to Chibiusa when she had first seen the Senshi since coming from Crystal Tokyo in the 30th century of the Sailor Moon anime canon timeline. Which was also Shinko and the Love Angels anime canon timeline as well. And also, Angel Bluebell and Wedding Peach weren't expecting it either, since they still weren't exactly used to Mew Ichigo's cat like hyper personality yet.

But getting back to the current situation at hand...

"Damn you Sailor Moon! You always did seem to be a thorn in mine and Queen Beryl's side! Also, did you miss me?!" The unmistakable currently disembodied voice of Jadeite, now proceeded to speak up with. As he then proceeded to fade into existence from out of nothing.

"Yep Jadeite, we're pretty stubborn, you can best be assured of that!" Zachary had now proceeded to say, as he wound up somewhat quoting one Captain America's Steve Rogers, from Avengers: Endgame.

"And don't we all know it viewers...Oh right...Keiko here again viewers...sorry about that...*I proceed to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. To which I then proceed to bring my attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers. I also now proceed to clear my throat, as I then proceed to continue, to properly address the viewers*...But anyway viewers...this now marks the end of this chapter...But don't worry, as we will wind up getting right back into the action in the next chapter...So viewers...I hope to see you lot there...okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

And now that the chapter recap is now done. We will now proceed right into the current chapter.

Date: April 28, 2002

Okay, so getting back to the current situation, and the battle at hand...

"Ah...Sailor Moon, right on time like always..." Jadeite now proceeded to say. Which he had said, with quite a bit of disdain and arrogance to his tone.

"Save it for someone whose more interested in your arrogant and disdainful sounding demeanor Jadeite! As you know full well as much as me, and the rest of the Four Aces, that you have yet to have any sort of advantage against us! And that quite honestly Jadeite, isn't something that is going to wind up changing for you and the rest of the rouges gallery, anytime soon!" Angel Bluebell, had now proceeded to say. As she had already become quickly fed up with Jadeite's demeanor regarding Sailor Moon, and the rest of the Sailor Senshi.

Which from how she had her similarly first outburst. Which had taken place back on August 9th against Galaxia and Beryl, this wasn't something that I really blamed her for. And to be plainly honest, me and Misaka weren't at all shocked by her current reaction either.

But, getting back to the situation at hand...

"Damn you Bluebell...How dare you make a fool out of me!..." Jadeite now proceeded to respond back to Angel Bluebell with. As he was now even more irritated by Angel Bluebells sudden interruption of his statement.

But, seeing as how Angel Bluebell now once again had a cocky smirk present on her face. Which had quickly reappeared after she had noticed, that Jadeite's left eye had suddenly begun to twitch. This, like her now dissipated outburst, was also something that I didn't blame her for either.

And as for Angel Bluebells response...

"No Jadeite, as I think that you will find that you're the one that just made a fool of yourself. I was only reacting to your statement. Which for the record viewers, is..." Angel Bluebell had now proceeded to say to Jadeite in response.

But then...

"Bluebell, look out! Behind you!" Sakura had now proceeded to shout to her with. Which was due to a very quick and high speed attack making its way to Angel Bluebell from behind her.

Which thankfully though, was quickly followed, by an all too familiar looking whip, proceeding to shoot forward from the side of her, and then proceed to yank her slightly sideways, and out of the current trajectory of the attack, just in time.

And upon realizing what had just happened, I like Angel Bluebell, could now only give off a small and cocky smirk.

And as a way to confirm this, just as Angel Bluebell planted her feet back down onto the ground again, and the whip uncoiled from around her torso...

"In the language of flowers, the nature of the pure lily is special, it means that it will bloom and grant love!" Angel Lily said, as she said her introduction, and then struck a pose, while she held her Saint Spiral Whip at the ready.

"The daisy is the emblem of the pure and innocent heart. For it's power can withstand even the most evil wind!" Angel Daisy said, as she said her introduction, and then struck a pose, while she held her Saint Rolling Boomerangs at the ready.

"In the language of flowers, salvia means a burning heart! The warrior from heaven, Angel Salvia, is here to do battle! All you devils who mislead innocent hearts, I will erase your filthy souls!" Angel Salvia said, as she then struck a pose, while she held her Saint Twin Swords at the ready.

And not surprisingly...

"Well, it would seem as though The Trinity is once again together...So then Jadeite...what do you say that we now proceed to go forward, and ahead with trouncing you, Pluie, and Quiche now...hmm?" I now proceeded to say, as electricity had now once again proceeded to crackle, through the bangs of my long light blue hair.

"Well said there Keiko, let's teach these villains a lesson about teamwork!" Misaka now proceeded to say to me in response, as electricity, had now also started to crackle, through the bangs of her brown hair.

"And also viewers...Oh right, Keiko here...*I proceed to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. To which I then proceed to bring my attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers. I also now proceed to clear my throat, as I then proceed to continue, to properly address the viewers*...But anyway viewers...this now marks the end of this chapter...But don't worry, as we will wind up getting right back into the action in the next chapter...So viewers...I hope to see you lot there...okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"
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Chapter 127: Not As Clear And Simple As It Seems!: A Hollow(ed) Reunion Of Sorts! (Part 1) New
"Hello there viewers...Keiko here...*I proceed to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. To which I then proceed to bring my attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers. I also now proceed to clear my throat, as I then proceed to continue, to properly address the viewers*...Now then viewers...we will now dive right into, what is going to wind up being one heck of a plot twist in this chapter...Oh, and like always viewers...a chapter recap is in order then viewers...shall we begin?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

Date: April 28, 2002

Okay, so getting back to the current situation, and the battle at hand...

"Ah...Sailor Moon, right on time like always..." Jadeite now proceeded to say. Which he had said, with quite a bit of disdain and arrogance to his tone.

"Save it for someone whose more interested in your arrogant and disdainful sounding demeanor Jadeite! As you know full well as much as me, and the rest of the Four Aces, that you have yet to have any sort of advantage against us! And that quite honestly Jadeite, isn't something that is going to wind up changing for you and the rest of the rouges gallery, anytime soon!" Angel Bluebell, had now proceeded to say. As she had already become quickly fed up with Jadeite's demeanor regarding Sailor Moon, and the rest of the Sailor Senshi.

Which from how she had her similarly first outburst. Which had taken place back on August 9th against Galaxia and Beryl, this wasn't something that I really blamed her for. And to be plainly honest, me and Misaka weren't at all shocked by her current reaction either.

But, getting back to the situation at hand...

"Damn you Bluebell...How dare you make a fool out of me!..." Jadeite now proceeded to respond back to Angel Bluebell with. As he was now even more irritated by Angel Bluebells sudden interruption of his statement.

But, seeing as how Angel Bluebell now once again hada cocky smirk present on her face. Which had quickly reappeared after she had noticed, that Jadeite's left eye had suddenly begun to twitch. This, like her now dissipated outburst, was also something that I didn't blame her for either.

And as for Angel Bluebells response...

"No Jadeite, as I think that you will find that you're the one that just made a fool of yourself. I was only reacting to your statement. Which for the record viewers, is..." Angel Bluebell had now proceeded to say to Jadeite in response.

But then...

"Bluebell, look out! Behind you!" Sakura had now proceeded to shout to her with. Which was due to a very quick and high speed attack making its way to Angel Bluebell from behind her.

Which thankfully though, was quickly followed, by an all too familiar looking whip, proceeding to shoot forward from the side of her, and then proceed to yank her slightly sideways, and out of the current trajectory of the attack, just in time.

And upon realizing what had just happened, I like Angel Bluebell, could now only give off a small and cocky smirk.

And as a way to confirm this, just as Angel Bluebell planted her feet back down onto the ground again, and the whip uncoiled from around her torso...

"In the language of flowers, the nature of the pure lily is special, it means that it will bloom and grant love!" Angel Lily said, as she said her introduction, and then struck a pose, while she held her Saint Spiral Whip at the ready.

"The daisy is the emblem of the pure and innocent heart. For it's power can withstand even the most evil wind!" Angel Daisy said, as she said her introduction, and then struck a pose, while she held her Saint Rolling Boomerangs at the ready.

"In the language of flowers, salvia means a burning heart! The warrior from heaven, Angel Salvia, is here to do battle! All you devils who mislead innocent hearts, I will erase your filthy souls!" Angel Salvia said, as she then struck a pose, while she held her Saint Twin Swords at the ready.

And not surprisingly...

"Well, it would seem as though The Trinity is once again together...So then Jadeite...what do you say that we now proceed to go forward, and ahead with trouncing you, Pluie, and Quiche now...hmm?" I now proceeded to say, as electricity had now once again proceeded to crackle, through the bangs of my long light blue hair.

"Well said there Keiko, let's teach these villains a lesson about teamwork!" Misaka now proceeded to say to me in response, as electricity, had now also started to crackle, through the bangs of her brown hair.

"And also viewers...Oh right, Keiko here...*I proceed to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. To which I then proceed to bring my attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers. I also now proceed to clear my throat, as I then proceed to continue, to properly address the viewers*...But anyway viewers...this now marks the end of this chapter...But don't worry, as we will wind up getting right back into the action in the next chapter...So viewers...I hope to see you lot there...okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

And now that the chapter recap is now done. We will now proceed right into the current chapter.

Date: April 28, 2002

Okay, so as it would seem, our old villains of the rogues gallery had somehow managed to make a return. But, as it was about to made clear to all of us on our side, this wasn't actually the case. In fact, with the impending and soon arrival of more of our allies. We were about to learn, that even though something may look like it is too good to be true. In this case, it was the return of the same villains from the last battle. This, was actually a complete lie, in fact...

"Okay, so it seems that you villains didn't learn the last time. So Wedding Peach, I think that it's about time that we..." Angel Bluebell had now proceeded to say, as she held her Saint Sword Of Bluebell at the ready.

But, however...

"Bluebell, those are not the same villains that you and the rest of us fought against back in Academy City!" The unmistakable voice of one Rukia Kuchiki now proceeded to call out to us from seemingly out of nowhere.

Which was then followed, by Rukia then proceeding to use her Sode no Shirayuki's Shikai. "Now Dance...Sode no Shirayuki...Some no mai, Tsukishiro!" Rukia now proceeded to call out. Which was then quickly followed, by a wall of ice then proceeding to encase both Jadeite and Pluie in a block of ice.

But, the only difference this time, was that once they were both encased in ice. I was then able to immediately make out, that who we thought were Jadeite and Pluie, were actually what appeared to be hollows, that had been impersonating both of them.

And given some of the crazy things, that the hollows from the Bleach anime were able to do. This wasn't really something that I seemed to find all that surprising.

But, with regard to a certain someone's immediate reaction to this sudden realization...

"Alright Quiche, start talking right now! Just how do you have hollows in your possession?!" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to ask Quiche in a very demanding tone.

"Oh, so now you want to ask me for information? Sorry Bluebell, but I don't do handouts," Quiche now proceeded to say, which he had said, with a very sly looking smirk currently present on his face.

And, not surprisingly...

"Oh, I think that you'll find Quiche, that we can be very persuasive. In fact Renji, would you care to demonstrate exactly what I mean by this?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to speak up with.

As right on cue...

"Now Roar...Zabimaru!" The unmistakable voice of Renji Abarai now proceeded to call out his Zanpakuto's Shikai. As this was then followed, by his Zabimaru to then break into its several sectioned form.

And before Quiche could even react, he was completely tied up in several of Zabimaru's separate sections.

"Now Quiche, if I were you, then I would start talking now!" Zachary now proceeded to say.

"Alright, I get the message. I got the hollows from..." Quiche proceeded to speak up with. Only for someone else to now decide to interject.

"I wouldn't tell them if I were you Quiche, as that would wind up leading to your untimely end," A currently unrecognizable disembodied male voice, now proceeded to speak up with.

And, upon the figure, now proceeding to fade into existence. We were all met, with a very uneasy feeling. Which as it turned out, happened to be an overwhelming amount of spiritual pressure.

And as for this particular figure, and what he looked like? Well, he was a tall man of seeming middle age, with a long face, broad chin, pronounced cheekbones, and reddish-brown eyes topped by thin eyebrows.

He had long black hair, that reached down to his lower back. And was paired with well-kept mutton chops plus a connected mustache. But apart from that, he seemed to be clean-shaven.

He was also wearing what looked like standard attire. Which consisted of a white, double-breasted trench coat that had a mysterious looking symbol on the middle, with large buttoned cuffs and lapels, white trousers, and trench boots. And over this, he was wearing a tattered, ankle-length, maroon-black cloak, that had a red ribbon near the neck, and was fastened to the left with a single large button.

And as for who this person was...well about that...

"Hello everyone, I hope that I'm not intruding into your little fight? But, what do you say, that we get serious now?" The mysterious man proceeded to say, as both of his fists, had now proceeded to glow a very bright looking white color.

And, though not one of us knew who this mysterious man was. We were soon going to learn, that this fight that we were all about to undertake, and be involved in, was going to wind up being our toughest fight to date.

"And that is going to wind up being quite a bit of an understatement viewers...Oh right...Keiko here...sorry about that...*I proceed to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. To which I then proceed to bring my attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers. I also now proceed to clear my throat, as I then proceed to continue, to properly address the viewers*...Now then viewers...I bet you weren't expecting that sort of plot twist now were you?...I mean, did you honestly think that we were all going to be doing the same fight with the rogues gallery all over again?...I mean, if you did assume that, then you honestly don't know what truly awaits you all in the upcoming chapters of these three fanfics...In fact viewers...this is going to wind up having more twists, then M. Night Shyamalan has in his movies...But anyway viewers...this now marks the end of this particular chapter...But you don't need to worry about this being the current case we will be getting right back into the action in the very next chapter...So then viewers...with this all still very fresh on all of your minds...I look forward to seeing you lot there...okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"
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Chapter 128: Quincies And Wandenreich!: A Hollow(ed) Reunion Of Sorts! (Part 2) New
"Hello there viewers...Keiko here...*I proceed to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. To which I then proceed to bring my attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers. I also now proceed to clear my throat, as I then proceed to continue, to properly address the viewers*...Now then viewers...we will now dive right into, what is going to wind up being one heck of a plot twist in this chapter...Oh, and like always viewers...a chapter recap is in order then viewers...shall we begin?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

Date: April 28, 2002

Okay, so as it would seem, our old villains of the rogues gallery had somehow managed to make a return. But, as it was about to made clear to all of us on our side, this wasn't actually the case. In fact, with the impending and soon arrival of more of our allies. We were about to learn, that even though something may look like it is too good to be true. In this case, it was the return of the same villains from the last battle. This, was actually a complete lie, in fact...

"Okay, so it seems that you villains didn't learn the last time. So Wedding Peach, I think that it's about time that we..." Angel Bluebell had now proceeded to say, as she held her Saint Sword Of Bluebell at the ready.

But, however...

"Bluebell, those are not the same villains that you and the rest of us fought against back in Academy City!" The unmistakable voice of one Rukia Kuchiki now proceeded to call out to us from seemingly out of nowhere.

Which was then followed, by Rukia then proceeding to use her Sode no Shirayuki's Shikai. "Now Dance...Sode no Shirayuki...Some no mai, Tsukishiro!" Rukia now proceeded to call out. Which was then quickly followed, by a wall of ice then proceeding to encase both Jadeite and Pluie in a block of ice.

But, the only difference this time, was that once they were both encased in ice. I was then able to immediately make out, that who we thought were Jadeite and Pluie, were actually what appeared to be hollows, that had been impersonating both of them.

And given some of the crazy things, that the hollows from the Bleach anime were able to do. This wasn't really something that I seemed to find all that surprising.

But, with regard to a certain someone's immediate reaction to this sudden realization...

"Alright Quiche, start talking right now! Just how do you have hollows in your possession?!" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to ask Quiche in a very demanding tone.

"Oh, so now you want to ask me for information? Sorry Bluebell, but I don't do handouts," Quiche now proceeded to say, which he had said, with a very sly looking smirk currently present on his face.

And, not surprisingly...

"Oh, I think that you'll find Quiche, that we can be very persuasive. In fact Renji, would you care to demonstrate exactly what I mean by this?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to speak up with.

As right on cue...

"Now Roar...Zabimaru!" The unmistakable voice of Renji Abarai now proceeded to call out his Zanpakuto's Shikai. As this was then followed, by his Zabimaru to then break into its several sectioned form.

And before Quiche could even react, he was completely tied up in several of Zabimaru's separate sections.

"Now Quiche, if I were you, then I would start talking now!" Zachary now proceeded to say.

"Alright, I get the message. I got the hollows from..." Quiche proceeded to speak up with. Only for someone else to now decide to interject.

"I wouldn't tell them if I were you Quiche, as that would wind up leading to your untimely end," A currently unrecognizable disembodied male voice, now proceeded to speak up with.

And, upon the figure, now proceeding to fade into existence. We were all met, with a very uneasy feeling. Which as it turned out, happened to be an overwhelming amount of spiritual pressure.

And as for this particular figure, and what he looked like? Well, he was a tall man of seeming middle age, with a long face, broad chin, pronounced cheekbones, and reddish-brown eyes topped by thin eyebrows.

He had long black hair, that reached down to his lower back. And was paired with well-kept mutton chops plus a connected mustache. But apart from that, he seemed to be clean-shaven.

He was also wearing what looked like standard attire. Which consisted of a white, double-breasted trench coat that had a mysterious looking symbol on the middle, with large buttoned cuffs and lapels, white trousers, and trench boots. And over this, he was wearing a tattered, ankle-length, maroon-black cloak, that had a red ribbon near the neck, and was fastened to the left with a single large button.

And as for who this person was...well about that...

"Hello everyone, I hope that I'm not intruding into your little fight? But, what do you say, that we get serious now?" The mysterious man proceeded to say, as both of his fists, had now proceeded to glow a very bright looking white color.

And, though not one of us knew who this mysterious man was. We were soon going to learn, that this fight that we were all about to undertake, and be involved in, was going to wind up being our toughest fight to date.

"And that is going to wind up being quite a bit of an understatement viewers...Oh right...Keiko here...sorry about that...*I proceed to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. To which I then proceed to bring my attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers. I also now proceed to clear my throat, as I then proceed to continue, to properly address the viewers*...Now then viewers...I bet you weren't expecting that sort of plot twist now were you?...I mean, did you honestly think that we were all going to be doing the same fight with the rogues gallery all over again?...I mean, if you did assume that, then you honestly don't know what truly awaits you all in the upcoming chapters of these three fanfics...In fact viewers...this is going to wind up having more twists, then M. Night Shyamalan has in his movies...But anyway viewers...this now marks the end of this particular chapter...But you don't need to worry about this being the current case we will be getting right back into the action in the very next chapter...So then viewers...with this all still very fresh on all of your minds...I look forward to seeing you lot there...okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

And now that the chapter recap is now done. We will now proceed right into the current chapter.

Date: April 28, 2002

Okay, so getting back to the current situation...

"Well, I see that I've gotten your attention now haven't I? Now then, let me show you all why you should fear the Quincies!" The mysterious man in white now proceeded to say.

Which interestingly enough, was then followed by yet another high speed attack, then proceeding to try and hit Angel Bluebell from behind.

But thankfully...

"Saint...Spiral Whip!" Angel Lily now proceeded to once again call out, as her Saint Spiral Whip once again proceeded to speed forth, wrap itself around Angel Bluebell's torso. And then once again proceed to tug her slightly sideways, and out of the trajectory of the high speed attack.

And not surprisingly...

"Alright, who keeps trying to attack us...identify and show yourself to us right now!" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say, which was just after she had planted her blue high heel clad feet down onto the ground again. And Angel Lily's Saint Spiral Whip, had once again uncoiled from around Angel Bluebell's torso.

And to the surprise of both Rukia and Renji...

"Well, I see that my arrows keep missing their marks...Hello's been awhile hasn't it?" An unfamiliar sounding male voice now proceeded to speak up with. Well, it wasn't familiar to most of us. But to me at least, I knew exactly who this voice belonged to. And so, with this in mind...

"Well Uryu Ishida, I would say, that it clearly hasn't been long enough, now has it?" I now proceeded to say. Now realizing exactly who he was. But, as for why he was working with the bad guys, this was something that I wasn't able to understand. But, it would soon become quite apparent, as to why this was in fact the case.

"Alright Quincy, I would start talking if I were you! Just why are you siding with the enemy?!" Misaka now proceeded to speak up with, as electricity was still proceeding to crackle quite violently, through the bangs of her brown hair.

"My, aren't we the snippy one?" Uryu now proceeded to say to Misaka in a somewhat snide sounding sort of tone.

"Watch your tone Uryu! Unless you want to get a sudden shock to your system, then I suggest that you watch your tone when speaking to Misaka!" I now proceeded to say, as I had now gotten quite fed up with Uryu's current tone. As with a tickmark now becoming quite prominent and present, on one side of my face. The crackling of electricity, had now become much more violent, as it proceeded to crackle, through the bangs of my long light blue hair.

"My, aren't you the arrogant one?" Uryu now proceeded to say to me.

And not surprisingly...

"Saint...Rolling Boomerang!" Angel Daisy now proceeded to speak up with. To which she now proceeded to throw both of her Saint Rolling Boomerangs towards Uryu.

But, as a shock to all of us, Uryu simply just wound up using another one of his Reishi based arrows, to snipe both of Angel Daisy's Saint Rolling Boomerangs out of the air. And this, not surprisingly, wound up sending a shock through me and Misaka.

But, the only trouble with Uryu in this situation. Was that if we wound up launching more attacks his way, then there was no way that his arrows would wind up being able to snipe them all out of the air.

And so, with this in mind, and with Angel Bluebell proceeding to give a nod to Eternal Sailor Moon, and the rest of the Senshi...





"Venus...Love And Beauty Shock!"

"Death Reborn...Revolution!"




And upon all of the Sailor Senshi, proceeding to launch their respective attacks towards Uryu. I was very confident, that Uryu wasn't going to be able to dodge them all. But, what was about to happen, was going to wind up sending us all, into yet another fight. But, it wasn't going to be in this particular anime dimension...

"But in fact viewers...sorry, Keiko here again...*I proceed to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. To which I then proceed to bring my attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers. I also now proceed to clear my throat, as I then proceed to continue, to properly address the viewers*...Now then viewers...this now marks the end of this chapter...But don't worry we will be getting right back into the action in the next then viewers...I will see you lot in the next chapter...okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"
Chapter 129: Claymores, And Reflectors!: Welcome To Blue Reflection Ray! New
"Hello there viewers...Keiko here...*I proceed to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. To which I then proceed to bring my attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers. I also now proceed to clear my throat, as I then proceed to continue, to properly address the viewers*...Now then viewers...we will now dive right into, what is going to wind up being the next anime show to be featured in this chapter...And this one, for those who know of it, is going to be what will wind up giving these three fanfics, the further attention that they deserve..Oh, and like always viewers...a chapter recap is in order then viewers...shall we begin?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

Date: April 28, 2002

Okay, so getting back to the current situation...

"Well, I see that I've gotten your attention now haven't I? Now then, let me show you all why you should fear the Quincies!" The mysterious man in white now proceeded to say.

Which interestingly enough, was then followed by yet another high speed attack, then proceeding to try and hit Angel Bluebell from behind.

But thankfully...

"Saint...Spiral Whip!" Angel Lily now proceeded to once again call out, as her Saint Spiral Whip once again proceeded to speed forth, wrap itself around Angel Bluebell's torso. And then once again proceed to tug her slightly sideways, and out of the trajectory of the high speed attack.

And not surprisingly...

"Alright, who keeps trying to attack us...identify and show yourself to us right now!" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say, which was just after she had planted her blue high heel clad feet down onto the ground again. And Angel Lily's Saint Spiral Whip, had once again uncoiled from around Angel Bluebell's torso.

And to the surprise of both Rukia and Renji...

"Well, I see that my arrows keep missing their marks...Hello's been awhile hasn't it?" An unfamiliar sounding male voice now proceeded to speak up with. Well, it wasn't familiar to most of us. But to me at least, I knew exactly who this voice belonged to. And so, with this in mind...

"Well Uryu Ishida, I would say, that it clearly hasn't been long enough, now has it?" I now proceeded to say. Now realizing exactly who he was. But, as for why he was working with the bad guys, this was something that I wasn't able to understand. But, it would soon become quite apparent, as to why this was in fact the case.

"Alright Quincy, I would start talking if I were you! Just why are you siding with the enemy?!" Misaka now proceeded to speak up with, as electricity was still proceeding to crackle quite violently, through the bangs of her brown hair.

"My, aren't we the snippy one?" Uryu now proceeded to say to Misaka in a somewhat snide sounding sort of tone.

"Watch your tone Uryu! Unless you want to get a sudden shock to your system, then I suggest that you watch your tone when speaking to Misaka!" I now proceeded to say, as I had now gotten quite fed up with Uryu's current tone. As with a tickmark now becoming quite prominent and present, on one side of my face. The crackling of electricity, had now become much more violent, as it proceeded to crackle, through the bangs of my long light blue hair.

"My, aren't you the arrogant one?" Uryu now proceeded to say to me.

And not surprisingly...

"Saint...Rolling Boomerang!" Angel Daisy now proceeded to speak up with. To which she now proceeded to throw both of her Saint Rolling Boomerangs towards Uryu.

But, as a shock to all of us, Uryu simply just wound up using another one of his Reishi based arrows, to snipe both of Angel Daisy's Saint Rolling Boomerangs out of the air. And this, not surprisingly, wound up sending a shock through me and Misaka.

But, the only trouble with Uryu in this situation. Was that if we wound up launching more attacks his way, then there was no way that his arrows would wind up being able to snipe them all out of the air.

And so, with this in mind, and with Angel Bluebell proceeding to give a nod to Eternal Sailor Moon, and the rest of the Senshi...





"Venus...Love And Beauty Shock!"

"Death Reborn...Revolution!"




And upon all of the Sailor Senshi, proceeding to launch their respective attacks towards Uryu. I was very confident, that Uryu wasn't going to be able to dodge them all. But, what was about to happen, was going to wind up sending us all, into yet another fight. But, it wasn't going to be in this particular anime dimension...

"But in fact viewers...sorry, Keiko here again...*I proceed to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. To which I then proceed to bring my attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers. I also now proceed to clear my throat, as I then proceed to continue, to properly address the viewers*...Now then viewers...this now marks the end of this chapter...But don't worry we will be getting right back into the action in the next then viewers...I will see you lot in the next chapter...okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

And now that the chapter recap is now done. We will now proceed right into the current chapter.

Date: April 28, 2002

Okay, so getting back to the current situation. Which was currently the somewhat shocking discovery of one Uryu Ishida currently working for a group of Quincies called The Wandenreich...

"Okay, timeout for a second here viewers...Yes, this is Keiko, sorry to interrupt you all with another out of the blue fourth wall break...But I feel that this needs to be addressed...for those who haven't yet seen 'Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War'...or TYBW...And this is because for those who don't know of the Wandenreich...I will just tell you all right now, that it has nothing to do with...*ahem*...well, you know...I don't need to say anything, as you know exactly what it is...and for those who don't know?...Well then don't you look very daft...*I now proceed to clear my throat, as I then once again proceed to address the viewers*...Now then viewers, lets just continue with the story now shall we?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

Okay, so getting back to the current situation from the last chapter...





"Venus...Love And Beauty Shock!"

"Death Reborn...Revolution!"




And, just as all of the Senshi's respective attacks almost made it to Uryu. Something very unexpected then happened.

And the only way that we were able to tell that something was drastically wrong, was when a blinding white flash occurred. And this was then followed, by the flash expanding outwards, while temporarily blinding all of us.

And to make things worse, once the light had died down. I then noticed, that we were no longer in that open field, which was where we had been fighting against Quiche, Uryu, and that mysterious man.

And the reason for this? Well about that...

"Hey you! Who are you guys, and why are you here!? Start talking now!" A now unfamiliar female voice proceeded to say to me, as well as the rest of the Four Aces Alliance. And during this person saying their statement, they had proceeded to take their sword, which appeared to be a red colored sword, in the form of a Scottish Claymore. And proceeded to put the tip of the Claymores blade towards my throat. And given that it was a Scottish Claymore sword. Well, that was what it seemed to resemble anyway, I then had a thought suddenly enter my mind.

"Wait hold on a sec here!...So this female, has the same kind of sword that was once wielded by William Wallace?!...And mind you viewers...for those who haven't watched the Deadliest Warrior episode, 'William Wallace vs. Shaka Zulu'...then I would highly recommend that you go and watch then viewers...back to the story, and the current chapter at hand," I thought to myself. Which during this thought, I had briefly turned my attention, slightly to the right of me, in order to briefly address the viewers.

And upon me then proceeding to simply scoff in response. After I had had my thought based fourth wall break. I then, as a smirk proceeded to make its way onto my face. I then proceeded to speak up.

"Well, aren't we the one to who wants to just get straight to the point?" I proceeded to say. As while I was still smirking, I simply wound up letting electricity proceed to spark through the bangs of my long light blue hair. And this was then followed, by me then proceeding to conjure up an iron sand compose sword. By using my electricity, to fashion it from the iron sand out of the ground beneath me.

And, as I proceeded to slam my iron sand composed sword against this persons red colored Claymore sword. I was then greeted, by my blade then proceeding to slice right through their red colored Claymore sword, just as I had intended it to do.

And not surprisingly...

"Who are you?!" The female now asked, as she looked at her currently sheared red Claymore sword with a look of complete shock on her face.

"The question is, who are you? And is this how you greet people?! Misaka, would you care to help me in showing her the catastrophic mistake that she just made?!" I now proceeded to say. And not surprisingly, and with her not having to say a single word to me in response. Misaka simply wound up conjuring up her own iron sand composed sword, from using the iron sand from the ground beneath her, with the use of her own electricity.

But weirdly...

"Hold it Keiko! You and Misaka need to stop jumping the gun! We need to at least hear her out!" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say to me and Misaka. Which not surprisingly, caused me to now display a look of complete and total shock.

And given what I had already been through with Misaka, Kuroko, and the rest of our friends back in Academy City. This was a first for me. Well when I say that...

"Are you serious right now Bluebell?! Did you not just see her threaten me?!" I now proceeded to say, as a look of slight irritation had now made itself present on my face.

"Yes Keiko, I did!...But!...I also just saw you attack her in response! And the last time that I checked Keiko, we're not the kind of heroes who do that! Unless we're attacked first, and last I checked Keiko, she hasn't done least, not yet," Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say back to me in response.

Which upon me now realizing this...

"*I proceed to let out a somewhat immense sigh*...Okay, fine Bluebell...we'll do it your way...because after all viewers...she did play a huge role in how things went against our final battle with the rogues gallery...But for now viewers...this now marks the end of this particular chapter...But like last time viewers...we will get right back into the action in the next viewers...see you lot there...okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"
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Chapter 130: Of Sheared And Shattered Blades!: Never Underestimate The Four Aces Alliance! New
"Hello there viewers...Keiko here again...*I proceed to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. To which I then proceed to bring my attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers. I also now proceed to clear my throat, as I then proceed to continue, to properly address the viewers*...And yes viewers...I am well aware that it hasn't bee very long...But anyway viewers...we will now dive right into, what is going to wind up being the next anime show to be featured in this chapter...And this one, for those who know of it, is going to be what will wind up giving these three fanfics, the further attention that they deserve...Oh, and like always viewers...a chapter recap is in order then viewers...shall we begin?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

Date: April 28, 2002

Okay, so getting back to the current situation. Which was currently the somewhat shocking discovery of one Uryu Ishida currently working for a group of Quincies called The Wandenreich...

"Okay, timeout for a second here viewers...Yes, this is Keiko, sorry to interrupt you all with another out of the blue fourth wall break...But I feel that this needs to be addressed...for those who haven't yet seen 'Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War'...or TYBW...And this is because for those who don't know of the Wandenreich...I will just tell you all right now, that it has nothing to do with...*ahem*...well, you know...I don't need to say anything, as you know exactly what it is...and for those who don't know?...Well then don't you look very daft...*I now proceed to clear my throat, as I then once again proceed to address the viewers*...Now then viewers, lets just continue with the story now shall we?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

Okay, so getting back to the current situation from the last chapter...





"Venus...Love And Beauty Shock!"

"Death Reborn...Revolution!"




And, just as all of the Senshi's respective attacks almost made it to Uryu. Something very unexpected then happened.

And the only way that we were able to tell that something was drastically wrong, was when a blinding white flash occurred. And this was then followed, by the flash expanding outwards, while temporarily blinding all of us.

And to make things worse, once the light had died down. I then noticed, that we were no longer in that open field, which was where we had been fighting against Quiche, Uryu, and that mysterious man.

And the reason for this? Well about that...

"Hey you! Who are you guys, and why are you here!? Start talking now!" A now unfamiliar female voice proceeded to say to me, as well as the rest of the Four Aces Alliance. And during this person saying their statement, they had proceeded to take their sword, which appeared to be a red colored sword, in the form of a Scottish Claymore. And proceeded to put the tip of the Claymores blade towards my throat. And given that it was a Scottish Claymore sword. Well, that was what it seemed to resemble anyway. I then had a thought suddenly enter my mind.

"Wait hold on a sec here!...So this female, has the same kind of sword that was once wielded by William Wallace?!...And mind you viewers...for those who haven't watched the Deadliest Warrior episode, 'William Wallace vs. Shaka Zulu'...then I would highly recommend that you go and watch then viewers...back to the story, and the current chapter at hand," I thought to myself. Which during this thought, I had briefly turned my attention, slightly to the right of me, in order to briefly address the viewers.

And upon me then proceeding to simply scoff in response. After I had had my thought based fourth wall break. I then, as a smirk proceeded to make its way onto my face. I then proceeded to speak up.

"Well, aren't we the one to who wants to just get straight to the point?" I proceeded to say. As while I was still smirking, I simply wound up letting electricity proceed to spark through the bangs of my long light blue hair. And this was then followed, by me then proceeding to conjure up an iron sand compose sword. By using my electricity, to fashion it from the iron sand out of the ground beneath me.

And, as I proceeded to slam my iron sand composed sword against this persons red colored Claymore sword. I was then greeted, by my blade then proceeding to slice right through their red colored Claymore sword, just as I had intended it to do.

And not surprisingly...

"Who are you?!" The female now asked, as she looked at her currently sheared red Claymore sword with a look of complete shock on her face.

"The question is, who are you? And is this how you greet people?! Misaka, would you care to help me in showing her the catastrophic mistake that she just made?!" I now proceeded to say. And not surprisingly, and with her not having to say a single word to me in response. Misaka simply wound up conjuring up her own iron sand composed sword, from using the iron sand from the ground beneath her, with the use of her own electricity.

But weirdly...

"Hold it Keiko! You and Misaka need to stop jumping the gun! We need to at least hear her out!" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say to me and Misaka. Which not surprisingly, caused me to now display a look of complete and total shock.

And given what I had already been through with Misaka, Kuroko, and the rest of our friends back in Academy City. This was a first for me. Well, when I say that...

"Are you serious right now Bluebell?! Did you not just see her threaten me?!" I now proceeded to say, as a look of slight irritation had now made itself present on my face.

"Yes Keiko, I did!...But!...I also just saw you attack her in response! And the last time that I checked Keiko, we're not the kind of heroes who do that! Unless we're attacked first, and last I checked Keiko, she hasn't done least, not yet," Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say back to me in response.

Which upon me now realizing this...

"*I proceed to let out a somewhat immense sigh*...Okay, fine Bluebell...we'll do it your way...because after all viewers...she did play a huge role in how things went against our final battle with the rogues gallery...But for now viewers...this now marks the end of this particular chapter...But like last time viewers...we will get right back into the action in the next viewers...see you lot there...okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

And now that the chapter recap is now done. We will now proceed right into the current chapter.

Date: April 17, 2021

Okay, so things had now gotten a little bit out of hand with Angel Bluebell suddenly telling me to at least try and hear the female out. Especially since I had just used my iron sand composed sword to slice through and completely shear and shatter her dark pink Claymore sword, pretty much all the way to its guard.

But, as I was about to learn, there was actually a very good reason, as to why Angel Bluebell had done this. And what I mean by this is...

"What are you implying with your statement exactly Bluebell?" I now proceeded to ask Angel Bluebell. Which now that I had calmed down a tad from being irritated. I was now going to learn exactly why Angel Bluebell had approached this current situation in her current manner.

And sure enough...

"I mean after all Keiko, all it a 'single spark'...isn't that right Keiko?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say. Which upon her putting a bit of emphasis on the words 'single spark,' I then realized what she meant. Well, when I say that...

"Uh, so Bluebell? How about you stop acting like the Riddler for a moment okay? I mean after all viewers, Jim Carrey was crazy enough in the role as it was. Alrighty then," I now proceeded to say. Which I had said in this manner, because I now knew exactly what Angel Bluebell had been trying to say to me.

But not surprisingly...

"Uh, Keiko...what are you and Bluebell talking about? Stop speaking in riddles. Because for all I know, the viewers have probably stopped reading by this point. And it would've been in a large part to you and Keiko speaking in this manner," Zachary now proceeded to speak up with saying to me. And this was while he had a complete small eyed and comedic looking expression on his face. Which pretty much all but indicated, that he didn't quite understand what me and Angel Bluebell were trying to do by saying our respective statements.

But thankfully...

"My Zachary, aren't we just 'one card short?'" I now proceeded to say. And just before Zachary proceeded to then get irritated...

"Forget it Keiko, just proceed! He doesn't get it!" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say. Which was then quickly followed, by her quickly leaping forward at a good speed, with her Saint Sword Of Bluebell drawn back. And a split second later, her Saint Sword Of Bluebell, all but disintegrated the rest of the dirty blonde haired girls dark pink colored Claymore sword.

As the moment that her Saint Sword Of Bluebells blade, made contact with the guard and handle of her dark pink colored Claymore sword. The rest of it simply wound up shattering into several pieces, and then simply disintegrated into nothing.

But, just as this had happened...

Angel Bluebell was then struck in the back by an all too familiar looking white colored arrow at speed.

"Oh sorry, am I interrupting?" Uryu Ishida now proceeded to speak up. As he used one of his white gloved fingers to adjust his glasses slightly on his face.

And not surprisingly...

"That depends Uryu...are you prepared to see our response?" I now proceeded to say. While still with my iron sand composed sword in hand. I then proceeded to leap forward towards Uryu.

And not surprisingly, my iron sand composed sword, wound up simply swinging at air. Since Uryu just simply went, and proceeded to easily dodge my advance on him.

"You're going to have to try harder then that to land a hit on me Mrs. Arrogant," Uryu somewhat snidely said to me in response.

"Oh, I'm not the one you should be concerned with keeping your eyes on Uryu. Didn't anyone ever wind up telling you that it isn't rocket science, to not take your eyes off of the main intended target? Isn't that right Rukia?" I now proceeded to say, with a smug looking smirk now finding its way onto my face.

And sure enough...

"Now Dance, Sode no Shirayuki!...Some no mai, Tsukishiro!" The voice of one Rukia Kuchiki now proceeded to say. As she called out her Sode no Shirayuki's Shikai.

And not surprisingly, and as I had intended. Uryu wasn't able to react in time. As an all too familiar wall of ice, then surrounded him, trapping him inside, and thus, was currently unable to move.

"My Uryu, aren't we just 'Cold As Ice?'" I now proceeded to say.

But, I still knew full well, that our fight against the Quincies, was still far from being over. And to make matters just that much more complicated. We now had these females with dark pink colored Claymore swords to deal with now as well. And though we did not know who they truly were yet. We would learn of a newer type of magical girl, called a Reflector.

"But you see viewers...Oh right, Keiko here again...*I proceed to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. To which I then proceed to bring my attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers. I also now proceed to clear my throat, as I then proceed to continue, to properly address the viewers*...And for now viewers...this now marks the end of this particular chapter...But like last time viewers...we will get right back into the action in the next viewers...see you lot there...okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"
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Chapter 131: Blown Tires, Auto-Throttle Failures, And Asymmetrical Thrust!: Why Consistent Maintenance Of An Aircraft Is Paramount! New
"Hello there viewers...Keiko here...*I proceed to say this, while traditionally bowing to the viewers, before bringing my attention back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers*...And so viewers, we will now be heading right into yet another non action filler chapter...So, let us now get on with the chapter...And yes viewers...I am well aware that now is not the best time to be doing this...But I did say that I would do at least one of these a couple of chapters back...Now then viewers...with that in mind...shall we proceed?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*...

And this time, we will be looking into three specific accidents...

And as you can probably tell by this particular chapters title viewers, we will be talking about three aviation accidents, that have to do with blown aircraft tires, auto-throttle failures, and asymmetrical thrust...

Now then viewers...on with the first accident...

And we will start, by going back to July 25, 2000...Which coincidentally enough viewers...happens to be one of the dates in one of these three fanfics...and the reason for this viewers...for those who don't know, has to do with the first, and only fatal accident of the Concorde...

And no, not the band named Concord...But the supersonic passenger aircraft, that was able to travel at almost twice the speed of sound...Now I am sure you've all noticed from reading the second chapter of this particular fanfic...

Then you will have noticed, that I mentioned this particular aircraft during one of my thoughts...

But anyway viewers...on July 25, 2000...Concorde Flight Air France 4590...aircraft tail registration F-BTSC...was taking off from Paris' Charles De Gaulle Airport...and was due to fly to John F. Kennedy Airport in New York...

At the time of the accident, Flight AF4590 was carrying 3 pilots...6 flight attendants, and 100 passengers...for a total of 109 passengers and crew...

But unfortunately, as Flight 4590 just managed to accelerate past V1...or its decision speed...a aircraft wear strip...that had been dropped onto Runway a Continental Airlines DC-10...operating as Continental Airlines Flight 55...Which had departed Runway 26R just 5 minutes before Flight 4590...

Anyway, the wear strip, wound up being struck by Flight 4590...ruptured at least one of its tires...and the tire shrapnel, wound up flying upwards, and impacted Flight 4590s Fuel Tank #5...

Now thought the tire didn't rupture the tank in question...It still wound up sending a series of pressure waves through the tank...causing it to find a weak spot, and thus caused the tank to rupture...

And the resulting fuel...wound up pouring out of the tank, and wound up instantly igniting...once it had come into contact with some sparking and frayed wires, that had been sliced through by another of the tire shrapnel fragments...

And unfortunately, after just 120 seconds...Flight 4590...stalled, and crashed into a nearby airport hotel...the impact and resulting post crash fire, killing all 109 passengers and crew, and another 4 people on the ground inside of the hotel...

And to add salt to the wound...this would wind up playing a big role, in the eventual retiring of the Concorde...which would carry passengers for the last time, in 2003...

Which interestingly Jeremy Clarkson, wound up traveling on that final Concorde flight in 2003...

But anyway viewers...let us now move onto the second accident...

And for this, we will be heading back all the March 31, Tarom Flight Airbus A310-324...took off from Henri Coandă International Airport in Bucharest, Romania...

At the time...Tarom Flight 371...was carrying 2 pilots...9 flight attendants...and 49 passengers...for a total of 60 passengers and crew...

And unfortunately...only 89 seconds after takeoff...and 27 seconds...after the captain of Flight 371 had become incapacitated...most likely due to a heart attack...

Flight 371 smashed into the a speed of 324 knots...or 600 km/h...or 373 mph...for those who want the various conversions of its speed at the point of impact...

And this wound up killing all 60 people on board instantly...

And as for the cause of this accident?...Well it had to do with the Airbus A310s auto-throttle system...

Which due to an previous fault in the auto throttle system in the A310s number one engine...caused the throttle to drop all the way back to idle...and thus, wound up causing an thrust asymmetry...

Now then viewers...we will now move onto the third, and final accident...

And we will go to a little bit more of a recent January 9, 2021 in fact...when Sriwijaya Air Flight 182...A Boeing 737-524...had just taken off from Soekarno–Hatta International Indonesia...

At the time of the accident...Sriwijaya Air Flight 182...was carrying 50 passengers...2 pilots...4 flight attendants...and another 6 crew members deadheading..

And unfortunately...only a mere 4 minutes into its the short 90 minute flight...a bad case of cable binding...caused Flight 182s right hand engine thrust lever to jam...keeping it from moving order to transition both of Flight 182s engines, from takeoff thrust, to climb thrust...

And this wound up forcing the left hand engines thrust lever, to move back...all the way to idle...

And unfortunately...the crew was not able to realize the thrust lever split, until just 4 seconds before impact with the ocean...

And by that point, it was already too just upon approaching the speed of sound...Flight 182 impacted the water off the coast of Indonesia...the impact killing all 62 people on board...

And that marks the end of this chapter...But you don't need to worry about there being another possible non action filler chapter after this one...As we will be getting right back into the action, in the next chapter...

So then viewers...see you lot there...okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"
Chapter 132: Like A Moth Drawn To The Flame!: How One Simple Minor Mistake, Can Wind Up Costing You Dearly! New
"Hello there viewers...Keiko here again...*I proceed to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. To which I then proceed to bring my attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers. I also now proceed to clear my throat, as I then proceed to continue, to properly address the viewers*...And yes viewers...I am still very much well aware, that it hasn't been very long...But anyway viewers...we will now dive right into, what is going to wind up being the next anime show to be featured in this chapter...And this one, for those who know of it, is going to be what will wind up giving these three fanfics, the further attention that they deserve...Oh, and like always viewers...a chapter recap is in order then viewers...shall we begin?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

Date: April 17, 2021

Okay, so things had now gotten a little bit out of hand with Angel Bluebell suddenly telling me to at least try and hear the female out. Especially since I had just used my iron sand composed sword to slice through and completely shear and shatter her dark pink Claymore sword, pretty much all the way to its guard.

But, as I was about to learn, there was actually a very good reason, as to why Angel Bluebell had done this. And what I mean by this is...

"What are you implying with your statement exactly Bluebell?" I now proceeded to ask Angel Bluebell. Which now that I had calmed down a tad from being irritated. I was now going to learn exactly why Angel Bluebell had approached this current situation in her current manner.

And sure enough...

"I mean after all Keiko, all it a 'single spark'...isn't that right Keiko?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say. Which upon her putting a bit of emphasis on the words 'single spark,' I then realized what she meant. Well, when I say that...

"Uh, so Bluebell? How about you stop acting like the Riddler for a moment okay? I mean after all viewers, Jim Carrey was crazy enough in the role as it was. Alrighty then," I now proceeded to say. Which I had said in this manner, because I now knew exactly what Angel Bluebell had been trying to say to me.

But not surprisingly...

"Uh, Keiko...what are you and Bluebell talking about? Stop speaking in riddles. Because for all I know, the viewers have probably stopped reading by this point. And it would've been in a large part to you and Keiko speaking in this manner," Zachary now proceeded to speak up with saying to me. And this was while he had a complete small eyed and comedic looking expression on his face. Which pretty much all but indicated, that he didn't quite understand what me and Angel Bluebell were trying to do by saying our respective statements.

But thankfully...

"My Zachary, aren't we just 'one card short?'" I now proceeded to say. And just before Zachary proceeded to then get irritated...

"Forget it Keiko, just proceed! He doesn't get it!" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say. Which was then quickly followed, by her quickly leaping forward at a good speed, with her Saint Sword Of Bluebell drawn back. And a split second later, her Saint Sword Of Bluebell, all but disintegrated the rest of the dirty blonde haired girls dark pink colored Claymore sword.

As the moment that her Saint Sword Of Bluebells blade, made contact with the guard and handle of her dark pink colored Claymore sword. The rest of it simply wound up shattering into several pieces, and then simply disintegrated into nothing.

But, just as this had happened...

Angel Bluebell was then struck in the back by an all too familiar looking white colored arrow at speed.

"Oh sorry, am I interrupting?" Uryu Ishida now proceeded to speak up. As he used one of his white gloved fingers to adjust his glasses slightly on his face.

And not surprisingly...

"That depends Uryu...are you prepared to see our response?" I now proceeded to say. While still with my iron sand composed sword in hand. I then proceeded to leap forward towards Uryu.

And not surprisingly, my iron sand composed sword, wound up simply swinging at air. Since Uryu just simply went, and proceeded to easily dodge my advance on him.

"You're going to have to try harder then that to land a hit on me Mrs. Arrogant," Uryu somewhat snidely said to me in response.

"Oh, I'm not the one you should be concerned with keeping your eyes on Uryu. Didn't anyone ever wind up telling you that it isn't rocket science, to not take your eyes off of the main intended target? Isn't that right Rukia?" I now proceeded to say, with a smug looking smirk now finding its way onto my face.

And sure enough...

"Now Dance, Sode no Shirayuki!...Some no mai, Tsukishiro!" The voice of one Rukia Kuchiki now proceeded to say. As she called out her Sode no Shirayuki's Shikai.

And not surprisingly, and as I had intended. Uryu wasn't able to react in time. As an all too familiar wall of ice, then surrounded him, trapping him inside, and thus, was currently unable to move.

"My Uryu, aren't we just 'Cold As Ice?'" I now proceeded to say.

But, I still knew full well, that our fight against the Quincies, was still far from being over. And to make matters just that much more complicated. We now had these females with dark pink colored Claymore swords to deal with now as well. And though we did not know who they truly were yet. We would learn of a newer type of magical girl, called a Reflector.

"But you see viewers...Oh right, Keiko here again...*I proceed to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. To which I then proceed to bring my attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers. I also now proceed to clear my throat, as I then proceed to continue, to properly address the viewers*...And for now viewers...this now marks the end of this particular chapter...But like last time viewers...we will get right back into the action in the next viewers...see you lot there...okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

And now that the chapter recap is now done. We will now proceed right into the current chapter.

Date: April 17, 2021

Okay, so given the current situation. What with Uryu currently frozen in a wall of ice that had just been created from Rukia's Sode no Shirayuki's Shikai. We were all about to learn, that this, was only the beginning, in what was soon going to become, and all out fight across dimensions. Even more so, then it was already.

But, getting back to the current situation at hand...

" that was your witty one-liner? To quote a song title from the band Foreigner?" Zachary now proceeded to say in regard to me. As he wasn't exactly a fan, of how I had gone and stated, that Uryu, was 'Cold As Ice,' in a somewhat cheesy sort of manner.

"Oh lighten up Zachary! And besides, aren't you sometimes cheesy in this sort of manner yourself on some occasions?" I now proceeded to say back to Zachary in response. While giving the sort of all too similar smirk, that one Anya Forger from Spy X Family, or Frieren from Frieren: Beyond Journey's End, both sometimes tended to give on occasion.

And not surprisingly...

"Uh...well see...the thing is...Oh why do I need to bother with answering you, that's not the point that I am trying to make here Keiko! And you know full well what I am trying to say! So stop trying to flip it back to me like that! I mean my goodness, you're as irritating of a professional gas-lighter as those Vtubers from Hololive tend to sometimes do on occasion to each other!..."Not that there is anything wrong with that you know full well that I enjoy an occasional Vtuber gaslight just as much as the next person..."

"Oh really that thought you just had isn't self contradictory then?" I now proceeded to say. Since I was able to tell that he had been speaking to the viewers in a thought based fourth wall break. And this was due to the fact, that I also tended to give a similar sort of expression, when I did my thought based fourth wall breaks.

And not surprisingly...

"Oh Keiko, whatever do you mean?" Zachary now proceeded to say back to me in response, in a very feeble attempt, to try and feign ignorance.

"Nothing Zachary, nothing at all...Just that I know full well that you were being self contradictory...Which by the way viewers..." I proceeded to think to myself. Which during this thought, I had briefly turned my attention, as well as my eyesight, slightly and briefly to the right of me, in order to briefly address the viewers.

But then...

"Hey Keiko? You're doing it again," Misaka now proceeded to say to me in response. Which she had said to me, with a deadpan looking sort of expression present on her face. Which was in order to help let me know, that now wasn't exactly the best time, to be addressing the viewers.

And the reason was as follows...

"Hey Keiko, pay attention, we have a situation to deal with here!" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to chime in with saying to me.

As when I looked in her direction, I was then greeted by the same dirty blonde haired female from before. Only she now once again had her dark pink colored Claymore sword in hand. Which she currently had its blade pressed quite firmly against Angel Bluebells Saint Sword Of Bluebell. And her Claymore looked to be completely undamaged now.

And this, came as a shock to me. "Are you serious right now?!...I sheared her swords blade to pieces!...How in the word is it back together again?!...Am I missing something here viewers?!" I thought to myself. Which during this very same thought, I had briefly turned my eyesight, as well as my attention, slightly and briefly to the right of me again, in order to briefly address the viewers.

"Well then it seems that I will have to be a little more thorough this time with destroying her sword!" I now proceeded to say. Which, with my iron sand and electricity composed sword still in hand. I then proceeded to attempt to leap forward, in order to make completely sure this time, that her sword didn't have a chance to come back together again.

But unfortunately...

"I wouldn't try that tactic of yours if I were you little miss sparky," the very annoying sounding voice of Quiche now proceeded to speak up with. As he then simply wound up leaping in front of me, with both of his Sai drawn, and had used them, to block my advance on the girl with the dark pink colored Claymore.

"I don't have time for this, out of my way you pervert!" I now proceeded to say, as after I had proceeded to lightly scoff with a tad bit of frustration. I then proceeded to take a pretty hefty swing at Quiche, with my iron sand and electricity composed sword.

But strangely...

"You don't mind if I 'cut in' on this now, do you?" The unmistakable voice of Kenpachi Zaraki now chimed in with saying.

And, now knowing full well that I needed to get out of the way. I then, now slightly fearing for my own safety at the moment, proceeded to leap to the side, and then action roll out of the way. And this was just as Kenpachi's Zanpakuto, had proceeded to slam against Quiche's Sai with a great amount of force. Which caused a sort of reverberating metal crashing noise.

But more importantly, the force of his swing wound up generating so much force, that it wound up knocking both of the Sai out of Quiche's hands.

And as a sort of follow up...

"Now then, do you have any last words before I proceed to carve you up like a Turkey?" Kenpachi proceeded to say to Quiche, as he held the tip of his Zanpakuto quite close to Quiche's throat.

And, this was then followed, by Quiche then proceeding to smirk. And at first I didn't know why. But, with the sound of an inhuman type roar, now proceeding to reverberate throughout the area that we were all in. I then knew exactly why.

And upon the appearance, of a quite inhuman looking creature. I then realized, that this, was what was called a Chimera Anima. Which was a sort of creature, that tended to be used quite a bit by the Cyniclons in the Tokyo Mew Mew anime. And it was then that I knew, that things in this fight, weren't about to get any easier, anytime soon.

"And that viewers, is going to wind up becoming quite the understatement...Oh right, sorry...Keiko here viewers...*I proceed to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. To which I then proceed to bring my attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers. I also now proceed to clear my throat, as I then proceed to continue, to properly address the viewers*...Now then viewers...this now marks the end of this particular chapter...But don't worry yourselves we will be getting right back into the action in the next chapter...So then viewers...with that still very much fresh on all of your minds...I will see you lot in the next chapter...okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"
Chapter 133: Standing Ones Ground, Whilst Pouring It On!: The Heroes Of Blue Reflection Ray Join The Fight! New
"Hello there viewers...Keiko here again...*I proceed to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. To which I then proceed to bring my attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers. I also now proceed to clear my throat, as I then proceed to continue, to properly address the viewers*...And yes viewers...I am still very much well aware, that it hasn't been very long...But anyway viewers...we will now dive right into, what is going to wind up being the next anime show to be featured in this chapter...And this one, for those who know of it, is going to be what will wind up giving these three fanfics, the further attention that they so rightfully deserve...Oh, and like always viewers...a chapter recap is in order then viewers...shall we begin?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

Date: April 17, 2021

Okay, so given the current situation. What with Uryu currently frozen in a wall of ice that had just been created from Rukia's Sode no Shirayuki's Shikai. We were all about to learn, that this, was only the beginning, in what was soon going to become, and all out fight across dimensions. Even more so, then it was already.

But, getting back to the current situation at hand...

" that was your witty one-liner? To quote a song title from the band Foreigner?" Zachary now proceeded to say in regard to me. As he wasn't exactly a fan, of how I had gone and stated, that Uryu, was 'Cold As Ice,' in a somewhat cheesy sort of manner.

"Oh lighten up Zachary! And besides, aren't you sometimes cheesy in this sort of manner yourself on some occasions?" I now proceeded to say back to Zachary in response. While giving the sort of all too similar smirk, that one Anya Forger from Spy X Family, or Frieren from Frieren: Beyond Journey's End, both sometimes tended to give on occasion.

And not surprisingly...

"Uh...well see...the thing is...Oh why do I need to bother with answering you, that's not the point that I am trying to make here Keiko! And you know full well what I am trying to say! So stop trying to flip it back to me like that! I mean my goodness, you're as irritating of a professional gas-lighter as those Vtubers from Hololive tend to sometimes do on occasion to each other!..."Not that there is anything wrong with that you know full well that I enjoy an occasional Vtuber gaslight just as much as the next person..."

"Oh really that thought you just had isn't self contradictory then?" I now proceeded to say. Since I was able to tell that he had been speaking to the viewers in a thought based fourth wall break. And this was due to the fact, that I also tended to give a similar sort of expression, when I did my thought based fourth wall breaks.

And not surprisingly...

"Oh Keiko, whatever do you mean?" Zachary now proceeded to say back to me in response, in a very feeble attempt, to try and feign ignorance.

"Nothing Zachary, nothing at all...Just that I know full well that you were being self contradictory...Which by the way viewers..." I proceeded to think to myself. Which during this thought, I had briefly turned my attention, as well as my eyesight, slightly and briefly to the right of me, in order to briefly address the viewers.

But then...

"Hey Keiko? You're doing it again," Misaka now proceeded to say to me in response. Which she had said to me, with a deadpan looking sort of expression present on her face. Which was in order to help let me know, that now wasn't exactly the best time, to be addressing the viewers.

And the reason was as follows...

"Hey Keiko, pay attention, we have a situation to deal with here!" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to chime in with saying to me.

As when I looked in her direction, I was then greeted by the same dirty blonde haired female from before. Only she now once again had her dark pink colored Claymore sword in hand. Which she currently had its blade pressed quite firmly against Angel Bluebells Saint Sword Of Bluebell. And her Claymore looked to be completely undamaged now.

And this, came as a shock to me. "Are you serious right now?!...I sheared her swords blade to pieces!...How in the word is it back together again?!...Am I missing something here viewers?!" I thought to myself. Which during this very same thought, I had briefly turned my eyesight, as well as my attention, slightly and briefly to the right of me again, in order to briefly address the viewers.

"Well then it seems that I will have to be a little more thorough this time with destroying her sword!" I now proceeded to say. Which, with my iron sand and electricity composed sword still in hand. I then proceeded to attempt to leap forward, in order to make completely sure this time, that her sword didn't have a chance to come back together again.

But unfortunately...

"I wouldn't try that tactic of yours if I were you little miss sparky," the very annoying sounding voice of Quiche now proceeded to speak up with. As he then simply wound up leaping in front of me, with both of his Sai drawn, and had used them, to block my advance on the girl with the dark pink colored Claymore.

"I don't have time for this, out of my way you pervert!" I now proceeded to say, as after I had proceeded to lightly scoff with a tad bit of frustration. I then proceeded to take a pretty hefty swing at Quiche, with my iron sand and electricity composed sword.

But strangely...

"You don't mind if I 'cut in' on this now, do you?" The unmistakable voice of Kenpachi Zaraki now chimed in with saying.

And, now knowing full well that I needed to get out of the way. I then, now slightly fearing for my own safety at the moment, proceeded to leap to the side, and then action roll out of the way. And this was just as Kenpachi's Zanpakuto, had proceeded to slam against Quiche's Sai with a great amount of force. Which caused a sort of reverberating metal crashing noise.

But more importantly, the force of his swing wound up generating so much force, that it wound up knocking both of the Sai out of Quiche's hands.

And as a sort of follow up...

"Now then, do you have any last words before I proceed to carve you up like a Turkey?" Kenpachi proceeded to say to Quiche, as he held the tip of his Zanpakuto quite close to Quiche's throat.

And, this was then followed, by Quiche then proceeding to smirk. And at first I didn't know why. But, with the sound of an inhuman type roar, now proceeding to reverberate throughout the area that we were all in. I then knew exactly why.

And upon the appearance, of a quite inhuman looking creature. I then realized, that this, was what was called a Chimera Anima. Which was a sort of creature, that tended to be used quite a bit by the Cyniclons in the Tokyo Mew Mew anime. And it was then that I knew, that things in this fight, weren't about to get any easier, anytime soon.

"And that viewers, is going to wind up becoming quite the understatement...Oh right, sorry...Keiko here viewers...*I proceed to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. To which I then proceed to bring my attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers. I also now proceed to clear my throat, as I then proceed to continue, to properly address the viewers*...Now then viewers...this now marks the end of this particular chapter...But don't worry yourselves we will be getting right back into the action in the next chapter...So then viewers...with that still very much fresh on all of your minds...I will see you lot in the next chapter...okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

And now that the chapter recap is now done. We will now proceed right into the current chapter.

Date: April 17, 2021

Okay, so as it was still the case from the previous chapter, Angel Bluebell still had her Saint Sword Of Bluebells blade pressed very firmly against the dirty blonde haired girls dark pink Claymore.

But, as was the case of what was about to take place. We were all soon about to learn, that even though this female in question, was obviously a pretty obvious villain in this particular anime canon timeline. There are in fact those in this particular anime dimension, that were in fact heroes.

And sure enough, as a way to confirm this very clear and obvious fact...

"Just who are you people? And why are you all dressed up like that?" A now unrecognizable sounding female voice suddenly wound up saying out of the blue, and out of nowhere. And this female had said this particular statement of theirs, in a somewhat confused sounding tone.

Which, unlike the all too obvious arrogant, and anger induced sounding tone, that the dirty blonde haired girl had said to me, right as we all had first arrived here. And this had all but pretty much clued me, as well as Zachary, and Angel Bluebell in on the clear and obvious fact, that this female, was more then likely a hero, rather then a villain.

And upon Angel Bluebell then taking a split second, to put her other hand onto the blade of her Saint Sword Of Bluebell. And while proceeding to use it as leverage. She then proceeded to apply more then enough of the necessary force, to force a deflection of the dirty blonde haired girls Claymore upwards. And as Angel Bluebell had also intended to have happen, this also had forced her to leap back from her by about a couple of feet.

And this was because she feared that Angel Bluebell was going to then try and attempt a follow up swing against her. But instead, Angel Bluebell wound up taking this moment, to take a look at the female, whose voice that me and her, had just heard say there statement but just a moment prior.

And once me, Zachary, and Angel Bluebell, had briefly turned all of our respective attentions, towards the source of the female voice in question. We were all then greeted, by three females. And each of them weirdly, seemed to be dressed up in a similar looking sort of attire, to the dirty blonde haired girl. Whose dark pink colored Claymore that I had just seen Angel Bluebell forcefully deflected but just a moment earlier as well.

However, as Angel Bluebell had also previously deduced. These three females, seemed to be a little more like the three people who one would assume to be the heroes, rather then the villains.

And this was due to the clear fact, that one of the females in question, had both pink colored hair, pink colored eyes. Which were in fact the same color as Mew Ichigo had, when she was transformed into her Mew Mew form. She also had on a pink sundress with a big tie at the center. There were also some black accents on her dress. And around her arms were sleeve-like garments. And as for the Claymore she was currently holding in her right hand? Well that was a somewhat light blue color, rather then the dark pink that the dirty blonde haired girl had in her respective Claymore sword.

As for the girl on her left? She was currently wearing a two-toned blue dress with pink accessories. She was also wearing long blue boots and gloves. The dress also had ruffled shoulders and cutaways around her midriff. And like the first mentioned female, she too wielded a light blue colored sword in her right hand.

And as for the final girl of the three? She had blonde and pink hair. Which interestingly, she also happened to have a pale blue flower on the right side of her head. And her outfit was a combination, of the colors white, green, yellow and blue.

But interestingly enough, Zachary didn't consider any of the outfits, that these three females were currently wearing to be even the least bit strange looking. But, I guess that is what was to be expected, since both he and Sakura had worn quite a few of Madison's battle outfits throughout the years, when they had both been capturing and transforming all of the clow cards. And also, when we they been capturing the clear cards.

And as a sort of way for us to confirm as to whether or not they were a friend, or a foe...

"I take it that you're the heroes then?" Angel Bluebell proceeded to ask the three aforementioned females in a somewhat nervous sort of tone.

"Well that depends on who you are to us," The girl with the blonde and pink hair proceeded to reply back to Angel Bluebell with.

"Well, let me ask you this, do we look like the kind of people who would attempt to harm innocent people? Sailor Moon, would you or anyone else attempt to help me out here with explaining this?" I now noticed that Angel Bluebell had now proceeded to say, while she briefly turned her attention towards everyone else.


"You're joking right Bluebell? Please tell me that you're joking with that statement right?" Li now proceeded to say to her in response.

"Well Li, then let me ask you this! Do I look like I am joking to you?!" Angel Bluebell proceeded to say back to Li in response. And this was while I then took notice that Angel Bluebell now displayed a sort of small eye expression on her face. Which she was displaying, in order to pretty much say to Li, 'you're kidding with you saying that statement of yours, right Li?'

"Well Bluebell..." Li then attempted to say to her in response, right before she proceeded to interject him mid statement.

"Actually Li, on second thought, don't answer that," Angel Bluebell proceeded to say in response, as a sweatdrop then became present, and then proceeded to make its way down one side of her face.

But thankfully...

"Yes, you can trust us. We're on your side her," Sailor Mercury now proceeded to say to the girl with the blonde and pink hair in response.

And sure enough...

"Thank you Mercury, and you have my thanks," Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say, while I noticed that she had then proceeded to smile at Sailor Mercury, with both of her eyes closed, and her head slightly tilted to one side.

But then...

"Bluebell, behind you!" Eternal Sailor Moon now proceeded to call out to her.

And just as Angel Bluebell turned her attention just behind her. She was then greeted by the dirty blonde haired girl, once again proceeding to leap forward towards her with her dark pink colored Claymore sword.

But thankfully...

Just before she committedly loaded up an overhead swing with her dark pink colored Claymore sword above her. Angel Bluebell was then thankfully greeted, by the form of Angle Salvia, proceeding to dash out in front of her, and use her Saint Twin Swords to block the heavy downward swing from the dirty blonde haired girls dark pink colored Claymore sword.

And as the dark pink Claymore in question slammed hard against both of Angel Salvia's Saint Twin Swords. It then wound up making, a very loud and audible sounding metal crashing noise.

"Thanks for the save there Salvia, you have my thanks. And also, is this now more then enough proof for you three that we're on your side?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say, as she once again proceeded to turn her attention back to the three females.

And thankfully, as a way to help confirm that this had done the trick...

"Well, what do you both say that we help them?" The girl with the blond and pink colored hair said, as she held her light blue sword at the ready.

And without a single word then being exchanged between the three of them, the three newly arrived allies, proceeded to leap forward into the fray. And finally, it looked as though our fight, had now gotten a bit easier.

But, as we were all about to discover, this wasn't the case, at least not yet anyway. And as what was about to still happen. This was going to wind up being the case, in more ways then one.

"And believe me viewers...Oh right, Bluebell here again viewers...sorry about that...Now then viewers, this now marks the end of this chapter...But don't worry, as we will be getting right back into the action in the next chapter viewers...And more importantly, we will be heading into the next form of media in the next chapter as well...So you won't want to miss that either viewers...So viewers...see you all in the next chapter...okay?...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to say this, while smiling with both of her eyes closed*"

"Indeed Bluebell...Zachary here by the way viewers...So Angel Bluebell just said...we both look forward to seeing you all in the next chapter...okay?"

"And thank you for your statement as well Zachary...Oh right, Keiko here again viewers...sorry about that...*I proceed to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. To which I then proceed to bring my attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers. I also now proceed to clear my throat, as I then proceed to continue, to properly address the viewers*...Now then viewers...this now marks the end of this particular chapter...But don't worry yourselves we will be getting right back into the action in the next chapter...Which believe it or not, will have you reading about us winding up in yet another anime world...does the name Cephiro ring any bells?...*I proceed to say this, while my smile then proceeds to become a bit more broad*...So then viewers...with that still very much fresh on all of your minds...I will see you lot in the next chapter...okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"
Chapter 134: Meeting A Magic Knight Trio!: Welcome To Magic Knight Rayearth, And The World Of Cephiro! New
"Hello there viewers...Keiko here again...*I proceed to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. To which I then proceed to bring my attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers. I also now proceed to clear my throat, as I then proceed to continue, to properly address the viewers*...So anyways viewers, I think that you can tell from this current chapters title, exactly what the next anime is going to be...Now as usual viewers, before I proceed forward with this current upcoming chapter...and like always viewers...a chapter recap is in order then viewers...let us begin the chapter recap now, okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

Date: April 17, 2021

Okay, so as it was still the case from the previous chapter, Angel Bluebell still had her Saint Sword Of Bluebells blade pressed very firmly against the dirty blonde haired girls dark pink Claymore.

But, as was the case of what was about to take place. We were all soon about to learn, that even though this female in question, was obviously a pretty obvious villain in this particular anime canon timeline. There are in fact those in this particular anime dimension, that were in fact heroes.

And sure enough, as a way to confirm this very clear and obvious fact...

"Just who are you people? And why are you all dressed up like that?" A now unrecognizable sounding female voice suddenly wound up saying out of the blue, and out of nowhere. And this female had said this particular statement of theirs, in a somewhat confused sounding tone.

Which, unlike the all too obvious arrogant, and anger induced sounding tone, that the dirty blonde haired girl had said to me, right as we all had first arrived here. And this had all but pretty much clued me, as well as Zachary, and Angel Bluebell in on the clear and obvious fact, that this female, was more then likely a hero, rather then a villain.

And upon Angel Bluebell then taking a split second, to put her other hand onto the blade of her Saint Sword Of Bluebell. And while proceeding to use it as leverage. She then proceeded to apply more then enough of the necessary force, to force a deflection of the dirty blonde haired girls Claymore upwards. And as Angel Bluebell had also intended to have happen, this also had forced her to leap back from her by about a couple of feet.

And this was because she feared that Angel Bluebell was going to then try and attempt a follow up swing against her. But instead, Angel Bluebell wound up taking this moment, to take a look at the female, whose voice that me and her, had just heard say there statement but just a moment prior.

And once me, Zachary, and Angel Bluebell, had briefly turned all of our respective attentions, towards the source of the female voice in question. We were all then greeted, by three females. And each of them weirdly, seemed to be dressed up in a similar looking sort of attire, to the dirty blonde haired girl. Whose dark pink colored Claymore that I had just seen Angel Bluebell forcefully deflected but just a moment earlier as well.

However, as Angel Bluebell had also previously deduced. These three females, seemed to be a little more like the three people who one would assume to be the heroes, rather then the villains.

And this was due to the clear fact, that one of the females in question, had both pink colored hair, pink colored eyes. Which were in fact the same color as Mew Ichigo had, when she was transformed into her Mew Mew form. She also had on a pink sundress with a big tie at the center. There were also some black accents on her dress. And around her arms were sleeve-like garments. And as for the Claymore she was currently holding in her right hand? Well that was a somewhat light blue color, rather then the dark pink that the dirty blonde haired girl had in her respective Claymore sword.

As for the girl on her left? She was currently wearing a two-toned blue dress with pink accessories. She was also wearing long blue boots and gloves. The dress also had ruffled shoulders and cutaways around her midriff. And like the first mentioned female, she too wielded a light blue colored sword in her right hand.

And as for the final girl of the three? She had blonde and pink hair. Which interestingly, she also happened to have a pale blue flower on the right side of her head. And her outfit was a combination, of the colors white, green, yellow and blue.

But interestingly enough, Zachary didn't consider any of the outfits, that these three females were currently wearing to be even the least bit strange looking. But, I guess that is what was to be expected, since both he and Sakura had worn quite a few of Madison's battle outfits throughout the years, when they had both been capturing and transforming all of the clow cards. And also, when we they been capturing the clear cards.

And as a sort of way for us to confirm as to whether or not they were a friend, or a foe...

"I take it that you're the heroes then?" Angel Bluebell proceeded to ask the three aforementioned females in a somewhat nervous sort of tone.

"Well that depends on who you are to us," The girl with the blonde and pink hair proceeded to reply back to Angel Bluebell with.

"Well, let me ask you this, do we look like the kind of people who would attempt to harm innocent people? Sailor Moon, would you or anyone else attempt to help me out here with explaining this?" I now noticed that Angel Bluebell had now proceeded to say, while she briefly turned her attention towards everyone else.


"You're joking right Bluebell? Please tell me that you're joking with that statement right?" Li now proceeded to say to her in response.

"Well Li, then let me ask you this! Do I look like I am joking to you?!" Angel Bluebell proceeded to say back to Li in response. And this was while I then took notice that Angel Bluebell now displayed a sort of small eye expression on her face. Which she was displaying, in order to pretty much say to Li, 'you're kidding with you saying that statement of yours, right Li?'

"Well Bluebell..." Li then attempted to say to her in response, right before she proceeded to interject him mid statement.

"Actually Li, on second thought, don't answer that," Angel Bluebell proceeded to say in response, as a sweatdrop then became present, and then proceeded to make its way down one side of her face.

But thankfully...

"Yes, you can trust us. We're on your side here," Sailor Mercury now proceeded to say to the girl with the blonde and pink hair in response.

And sure enough...

"Thank you Mercury, and you have my thanks," Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say, while I noticed that she had then proceeded to smile at Sailor Mercury, with both of her eyes closed, and her head slightly tilted to one side.

But then...

"Bluebell, behind you!" Eternal Sailor Moon now proceeded to call out to her.

And just as Angel Bluebell turned her attention just behind her. She was then greeted by the dirty blonde haired girl, once again proceeding to leap forward towards her with her dark pink colored Claymore sword.

But thankfully...

Just before she committedly loaded up an overhead swing with her dark pink colored Claymore sword above her. Angel Bluebell was then thankfully greeted, by the form of Angle Salvia, proceeding to dash out in front of her, and use her Saint Twin Swords to block the heavy downward swing from the dirty blonde haired girls dark pink colored Claymore sword.

And as the dark pink Claymore in question slammed hard against both of Angel Salvia's Saint Twin Swords. It then wound up making, a very loud and audible sounding metal crashing noise.

"Thanks for the save there Salvia, you have my thanks. And also, is this now more then enough proof for you three that we're on your side?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say, as she once again proceeded to turn her attention back to the three females.

And thankfully, as a way to help confirm that this had done the trick...

"Well, what do you both say that we help them?" The girl with the blond and pink colored hair said, as she held her light blue sword at the ready.

And without a single word then being exchanged between the three of them, the three newly arrived allies, proceeded to leap forward into the fray. And finally, it looked as though our fight, had now gotten a bit easier.

But, as we were all about to discover, this wasn't the case, at least not yet anyway. And as what was about to still happen. This was going to wind up being the case, in more ways then one.

"And believe me viewers...Oh right, Bluebell here again viewers...sorry about that...Now then viewers, this now marks the end of this chapter...But don't worry, as we will be getting right back into the action in the next chapter viewers...And more importantly, we will be heading into the next form of media in the next chapter as well...So you won't want to miss that either viewers...So viewers...see you all in the next chapter...okay?...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to say this, while smiling with both of her eyes closed*"

"Indeed Bluebell...Zachary here by the way viewers...So Angel Bluebell just said...we both look forward to seeing you all in the next chapter...okay?"

"And thank you for your statement as well Zachary...Oh right, Keiko here again viewers...sorry about that...*I proceed to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. To which I then proceed to bring my attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers. I also now proceed to clear my throat, as I then proceed to continue, to properly address the viewers*...Now then viewers...this now marks the end of this particular chapter...But don't worry yourselves we will be getting right back into the action in the next chapter...Which believe it or not, will have you reading about us winding up in yet another anime world...does the name Cephiro ring any bells?...*I proceed to say this, while my smile then proceeds to become a bit more broad*...So then viewers...with that still very much fresh on all of your minds...I will see you lot in the next chapter...okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

And now that the chapter recap is now done. We will now proceed right into the current chapter.

Date: April 17, 2021

Okay, so things in the current situation, had now started to turn into pretty much an overwhelming advantage for those on our side of this fight. But, as we were about to all learn, there was always more to things, then just a simple fight, of good versus evil. And given what was about to happen, this couldn't be any further from the truth if it tried.

But getting back into the current situation at hand...

"Well sis, it would appear that we have a trio of new allies. So I would say, that things are in a pretty good standing with regards to our overall footing in this fight," Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say over to Wedding Peach. Who at the moment, had actually been standing not that far from where she currently was.

And the good news, was that because Angel Salvia, was able to use her Saint Twin Swords, to block the heavy overhead swing from the dirty blonde haired girls dark pink colored Claymore sword. She was able to more easily say her statement to Wedding Peach, without having to divert her attention, like she had been forced to do back in the last chapter.

But, however...

"Bluebell look out, on your right!" Both me and her then heard the unmistakable voice, of one Captain Toshiro Hitsugaya now proceed to yell over to her with.

Which, just as she proceeded to look slightly to her right, Angel Bluebell was then greeted, by the long black haired man with the mustache and white trench coat from before. And he had just gone, and had fired a similar high speed Reishi based attack, like Uryu had did with his arrow. That had wound up striking me in the back.

But the good news was, that due to her high durability while she was transformed into Angel Bluebell, she was able to not only recover from the hit quickly. But the pain that she would've felt when just as Shinko, was as usual, non existent. As she was currently Angel Bluebell, and not Shinko.

But, just as the attack was about a foot or so from her. She was then greeted, as were the rest of us, with yet another blinding white light. Which not only wound up blinding me and her, but everyone else who was present in the area that we had all just been in.

But, once the light had died down, we were all then greeted with the fact, that we had all now been transported to what appeared to be on a somewhat flat and open area. Which as I then noticed, seemed to be made and composed, of mostly green trees and grass.

But, the most bizarre thing about this area, was as I looked just slightly to my left, as did Angel Bluebell as well for that matter. I was then greeted by the appearance, of a floating piece of land up in the air. And on it, had what appeared to be a giant clear looking crystal. That almost seemed to in some way, represent the Crystal Palace, that was in Crystal Tokyo, in the 30th Century of the Sailor Moon anime.

"And for the record viewers...Oh right, Bluebell here again...Now, you're probably already wondering, for those who don't know, exactly what particular anime we're in at the moment...Well viewers...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to say this, only for somebody, to then proceed to cut her of mid-sentence*"

"Hey you! The girl with the long blue hair! Were you just speaking to the viewers by any chance?!" A now new unfamiliar female voice proceeded to shout out to her from over to her left. Which not surprisingly, I had now noticed, had now caused Angel Bluebells left eye to start twitching slightly. Since she now knew full well, that we had all now wound up, in yet another anime, where one or more of the characters, had fourth wall awareness.

But, as I then proceeded along with Angel Bluebell, to my attention towards the source of the female voice. We were both then greeted by the appearance, of three females. One had long red hair. Another had long blue hair, that seemed to be even as long as Angel Bluebells long blue hair. And the final girl, had short wavy blonde hair.

But upon taking a somewhat closer look at the three of them, I then noticed, along with Angel Bluebell. That all three of them seemed to be wearing small bits of what appeared to be a form of armor. And as for the girl who had shouted out her statement to me. Well...

"Y-yes...and you three are?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to ask the three of them.

But surprisingly...

"Now what kind of a statement is that?!" The girl with the long blue hair now proceeded to say to her in response.

"Umi don't say that to her that way, it is quite rude," The girl with the long red hair proceeded to say back to her in response.

"Oh, so the girl with the long blue hair is named Umi?...The same name as the field spell card from the Yugioh Trading Card Game of the same name...Well viewers...that should be easy for all of you Yugioh players to remember...right?...I mean, when most of you can be bothered to read your card effects, as well as your opponents...Oh I'm sorry, was that a bit too harsh?...Well then, how about taking the time to read your opponents card effects?...It would wind up helping to save you all the headache of losing a duel that you otherwise would've won!...Oh, and for those of you who tend to sometimes cheat in the game?...You should be ashamed of yourselves!...I can't begin to tell you the amount of times that I have heard about someone getting banned from participating in tournaments, either because they marked their card sleeves...or stacked their decks to produce the perfect hand during each duel!...I didn't know that you were all striving to be the real life version of Bandit Keith?!...But anyway viewers...let us now get back to the story...okay?" I thought to myself. Which during me having this thought, I had briefly and slightly turned my eyesight, slightly to the left of me, in order to briefly address the viewers.

But getting back to the current situation. And, with me then noticing a sweatdrop now proceeding to appear on the back of Angel Bluebells head. I then saw her, then proceed let out a somewhat audible sigh, while she loo,ed slightly down with both of her eyes closed.

And during this instance, I then noticed, that she had then proceeded to slightly turn her eyesight and attention, both slightly and briefly to the left of her, in order to briefly address the viewers.

But, as a sort of way for Angel Bluebell to try and respond to what the girl that we both now knew was named Umi...

"Well you see Umi..." Angel Bluebell started to proceed to say back to her in response. Only for her to once again be cut short mid statement. As once again, she wound up sensing the impending trajectory, of yet another attack heading in our direction again.

But strangely...

"Mokona is so glad to see more of you here," A voice now proceeded to say, as a white colored looking creature with what looked to be somewhat matted looking bunny ears, and a red jewel in the center of its forehead, proceeded to come bounding over to her, and stopped in front of Angel Bluebell.

And, with a sort of small eyed expression on her face...

"Uh...h-hi there..." Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say.

But then...

"Oh it's so cute!" The voice of Misaka now proceeded to speak up with. Which wound up catching Angel Bluebell completely off guard.

"Uh...well that was somewhat predictable of you Misaka...I mean after all viewers...she is a fan of it's only natural that she thinks that Mokona is cute as well...But anyway viewers...back to the chapter, as well as the current situation at hand," I thought to myself. Which once again, while I had been having my thought. I had once again proceeded to turn both my eyesight, as well as my attention, slightly to the right of me, in order to briefly address the viewers.

And, just to make things in the current situation just a bit much more unpredictable...

"Oh how cute, he looks a lot like Chappy The Rabbit!" Rukia Kuchiki now proceeded to speak up with. Which she had said, while matching Misaka's level of both excitement, and joyous tone.

And not surprisingly...

"Well there goes Misaka again...And Rukia as well apparently...But since Misaka is still very much obsessed with Gekota...I am just going to let her slide on this...I mean besides viewers, Mokona is actually pretty cute...And also, let me welcome you all to the land of Cephiro...or as the anime canon that features it...Magic Knight Rayearth...Which as I have been told, is quite the underrated gem of an anime...In fact, it is made by CLAMP...the very same company who made Cardcaptor Sakura...and Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles...Which believe it or not may in fact wind up reading about in the future chapters of these three fanfics...a little bit more of enticing foreshadowing to make you viewers want to read on...You're welcome by the way...But anyway viewers...this now marks the end of this particular chapter...But don't worry we will be getting right back into the action, in the next chapter...So viewers...see you all there, okay?" I thought to myself.

Which during this very same thought, I had once again briefly turned both my attention and eyesight, slightly and briefly to the right of me, in order to briefly address the viewers. But the only difference this time, was that I had said the last part, while smiling with both of my eyes closed.
Chapter 135: Fourth Wall Breaks, Magic Knights, And Quincies!: Gaslighting Uryu Ishida, And The Magic Knights Join The Fight! New
"Hello there viewers...Keiko here again...*I proceed to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. To which I then proceed to bring my attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers. I also now proceed to clear my throat, as I then proceed to continue, to properly address the viewers*...So anyways viewers as usual, before I proceed forward with this current upcoming chapter...and like always viewers...a chapter recap is in order then viewers...let us begin the chapter recap now, okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

Date: April 17, 2021

Okay, so things in the current situation, had now started to turn into pretty much an overwhelming advantage for those on our side of this fight. But, as we were about to all learn, there was always more to things, then just a simple fight, of good versus evil. And given what was about to happen, this couldn't be any further from the truth if it tried.

But getting back into the current situation at hand...

"Well sis, it would appear that we have a trio of new allies. So I would say, that things are in a pretty good standing with regards to our overall footing in this fight," Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say over to Wedding Peach. Who at the moment, had actually been standing not that far from where she currently was.

And the good news, was that because Angel Salvia, was able to use her Saint Twin Swords, to block the heavy overhead swing from the dirty blonde haired girls dark pink colored Claymore sword. She was able to more easily say her statement to Wedding Peach, without having to divert her attention, like she had been forced to do back in the last chapter.

But, however...

"Bluebell look out, on your right!" Both me and her then heard the unmistakable voice, of one Captain Toshiro Hitsugaya now proceed to yell over to her with.

Which, just as she proceeded to look slightly to her right, Angel Bluebell was then greeted, by the long black haired man with the mustache and white trench coat from before. And he had just gone, and had fired a similar high speed Reishi based attack, like Uryu had did with his arrow. That had wound up striking me in the back.

But the good news was, that due to her high durability while she was transformed into Angel Bluebell, she was able to not only recover from the hit quickly. But the pain that she would've felt when just as Shinko, was as usual, non existent. As she was currently Angel Bluebell, and not Shinko.

But, just as the attack was about a foot or so from her. She was then greeted, as were the rest of us, with yet another blinding white light. Which not only wound up blinding me and her, but everyone else who was present in the area that we had all just been in.

But, once the light had died down, we were all then greeted with the fact, that we had all now been transported to what appeared to be on a somewhat flat and open area. Which as I then noticed, seemed to be made and composed, of mostly green trees and grass.

But, the most bizarre thing about this area, was as I looked just slightly to my left, as did Angel Bluebell as well for that matter. I was then greeted by the appearance, of a floating piece of land up in the air. And on it, had what appeared to be a giant clear looking crystal. That almost seemed to in some way, represent the Crystal Palace, that was in Crystal Tokyo, in the 30th Century of the Sailor Moon anime.

"And for the record viewers...Oh right, Bluebell here again...Now, you're probably already wondering, for those who don't know, exactly what particular anime we're in at the moment...Well viewers...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to say this, only for somebody, to then proceed to cut her of mid-sentence*"

"Hey you! The girl with the long blue hair! Were you just speaking to the viewers by any chance?!" A now new unfamiliar female voice proceeded to shout out to her from over to her left. Which not surprisingly, I had now noticed, had now caused Angel Bluebells left eye to start twitching slightly. Since she now knew full well, that we had all now wound up, in yet another anime, where one or more of the characters, had fourth wall awareness.

But, as I then proceeded along with Angel Bluebell, to my attention towards the source of the female voice. We were both then greeted by the appearance, of three females. One had long red hair. Another had long blue hair, that seemed to be even as long as Angel Bluebells long blue hair. And the final girl, had short wavy blonde hair.

But upon taking a somewhat closer look at the three of them, I then noticed, along with Angel Bluebell. That all three of them seemed to be wearing small bits of what appeared to be a form of armor. And as for the girl who had shouted out her statement to me. Well...

"Y-yes...and you three are?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to ask the three of them.

But surprisingly...

"Now what kind of a statement is that?!" The girl with the long blue hair now proceeded to say to her in response.

"Umi don't say that to her that way, it is quite rude," The girl with the long red hair proceeded to say back to her in response.

"Oh, so the girl with the long blue hair is named Umi?...The same name as the field spell card from the Yugioh Trading Card Game of the same name...Well viewers...that should be easy for all of you Yugioh players to remember...right?...I mean, when most of you can be bothered to read your card effects, as well as your opponents...Oh I'm sorry, was that a bit too harsh?...Well then, how about taking the time to read your opponents card effects?...It would wind up helping to save you all the headache of losing a duel that you otherwise would've won!...Oh, and for those of you who tend to sometimes cheat in the game?...You should be ashamed of yourselves!...I can't begin to tell you the amount of times that I have heard about someone getting banned from participating in tournaments, either because they marked their card sleeves...or stacked their decks to produce the perfect hand during each duel!...I didn't know that you were all striving to be the real life version of Bandit Keith?!...But anyway viewers...let us now get back to the story...okay?" I thought to myself. Which during me having this thought, I had briefly and slightly turned my eyesight, slightly to the left of me, in order to briefly address the viewers.

But getting back to the current situation. And, with me then noticing a sweatdrop now proceeding to appear on the back of Angel Bluebells head. I then saw her, then proceed let out a somewhat audible sigh, while she loo,ed slightly down with both of her eyes closed.

And during this instance, I then noticed, that she had then proceeded to slightly turn her eyesight and attention, both slightly and briefly to the left of her, in order to briefly address the viewers.

But, as a sort of way for Angel Bluebell to try and respond to what the girl that we both now knew was named Umi...

"Well you see Umi..." Angel Bluebell started to proceed to say back to her in response. Only for her to once again be cut short mid statement. As once again, she wound up sensing the impending trajectory, of yet another attack heading in our direction again.

But strangely...

"Mokona is so glad to see more of you here," A voice now proceeded to say, as a white colored looking creature with what looked to be somewhat matted looking bunny ears, and a red jewel in the center of its forehead, proceeded to come bounding over to her, and stopped in front of Angel Bluebell.

And, with a sort of small eyed expression on her face...

"Uh...h-hi there..." Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say.

But then...

"Oh it's so cute!" The voice of Misaka now proceeded to speak up with. Which wound up catching Angel Bluebell completely off guard.

"Uh...well that was somewhat predictable of you Misaka...I mean after all viewers...she is a fan of it's only natural that she thinks that Mokona is cute as well...But anyway viewers...back to the chapter, as well as the current situation at hand," I thought to myself. Which once again, while I had been having my thought. I had once again proceeded to turn both my eyesight, as well as my attention, slightly to the right of me, in order to briefly address the viewers.

And, just to make things in the current situation just a bit much more unpredictable...

"Oh how cute, he looks a lot like Chappy The Rabbit!" Rukia Kuchiki now proceeded to speak up with. Which she had said, while matching Misaka's level of both excitement, and joyous tone.

And not surprisingly...

"Well there goes Misaka again...And Rukia as well apparently...But since Misaka is still very much obsessed with Gekota...I am just going to let her slide on this...I mean besides viewers, Mokona is actually pretty cute...And also, let me welcome you all to the land of Cephiro...or as the anime canon that features it...Magic Knight Rayearth...Which as I have been told, is quite the underrated gem of an anime...In fact, it is made by CLAMP...the very same company who made Cardcaptor Sakura...and Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles...Which believe it or not may in fact wind up reading about in the future chapters of these three fanfics...a little bit more of enticing foreshadowing to make you viewers want to read on...You're welcome by the way...But anyway viewers...this now marks the end of this particular chapter...But don't worry we will be getting right back into the action, in the next chapter...So viewers...see you all there, okay?" I thought to myself.

Which during this very same thought, I had once again briefly turned both my attention and eyesight, slightly and briefly to the right of me, in order to briefly address the viewers. But the only difference this time, was that I had said the last part, while smiling with both of my eyes closed.

And now that the chapter recap is now done. We will now proceed right into the current chapter.

Date: October 17, 1994

Okay, so as it currently stood, all of us had now landed in the world of Cephiro. Or, to put it a more simpler variant of terms, the anime canon timeline, of Magic Knight Rayearth. But, as we were about to learn. If you even proceed to take your eyes off of your opponents, for even a split second.

Then what can happen is. Well about that...

"How dare you freeze me in that wall of ice and then proceed to forget about me!" The unmistakably irritated sounding voice of one Uryu Ishida now proceeded to yell out to Angel Bluebell and everyone else, while a tickmark was now currently present on one side of his face.

And not surprisingly...

"Wait, you're still here Uryu?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say back to him in response. While she was currently trying her absolute best not to show the clear fact, that she was trying very very hard at the moment, to cover up the fact that she was currently snickering.

"Oh, and by the way viewers...Bluebell here by the way viewers...Anyway...if any of you are at all wondering why Uryu is no longer frozen in ice anymore?...Well, that has to do in large part, to the fact that that ice, can be easily broken out of, if Uryu uses even a small bit of his Reishi...So for those of you viewers, who are going to try and claim to me, that this isn't logical...Then need I remind you all, that these three fanfics, are not yours to dictate, on how they are told to all of you...If you don't like the way that these three fanfics are being told to you, then stop reading, it is as simple as that...But I guarantee, that you won't be able to find another trio of fanfics like these anywhere else on the net...So, if your one and only complaint, is that this isn't being told to your liking as of right now?...Then that is quite honestly your issue, and therefore has nothing to do with me, in any sort of way, shape, or form...No one forced you to read these three fanfics...So don't go acting as though I need to cater to your lack of a clear ability, to want to look past any anime canon timelines usual canonized events...So because these three fanfics are different, and they deviate from canon...that is going to wind up being your excuse to not want to read on?...But, I think that I am once again getting a bit carried away with my fourth wall break at the moment here viewers...So then, what do you say, that we get back to the chapter at hand now...hmm?...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to say this, while smiling with both of her eyes closed*"

But anyway, getting back to the current situation at hand. And not surprisingly at all...

"I've been here the whole time! And I would also very much appreciate it if you didn't try to gaslight me!" Uryu now proceeded to say back to Angel Bluebell in response.

And as for Angel Bluebells response? Well...

"Oh I'm sorry Uryu, but whatever do you mean? And just what might I ask, is a gaslight? So you want one of us to cook you some food? Is that what you're trying to convey?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say. While by this point, she had now pretty much all but given up, with attempting to hide her now clearly audible snickering.

And just as I had intended...

"I mean honestly, why do I even bother trying to talk to you?!" Uryu now proceeded to say back to Angel Bluebell in response. While the same tickmark from before, was still very much present, on one side of his face.

And as for Angel Bluebells response? Well about that...

"Because you need someone to converse with, to help you talk about your life's current problems? I mean I don't know what you want me to say to you Ishida. As I am pretty sure that Ichigo would've probably been better in telling you..." Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say. Which during this, her snickering as well as her smirk, had now quickly changed over, to a small eyed, and straight mouthed expression.

But then...

"What do you know about Ichigo?! You act as though you know him!" Uryu now proceeded to respond back to Angel Bluebell with.

"Well technically Ishida, I never acted as though I knew him. Isn't that right viewers?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say to Uryu. Which during the end of her statement back to him in response, she had proceeded to slightly turn her eyesight, slightly to her left, in order to briefly address the viewers.

And as for Uryu's response...

"Hey, don't involve the viewers! You and I are talking, so leave this conversation between just the both of us!" Uryu now proceeded to say back to Angel Bluebell with.

And as for Angel Bluebells response back to him...

"And you expect me to adhere to that Uryu? Also Uryu, since when is there any sort of rules governing fourth wall breaks? I don't remember any rules about that existing? Zachary, Keiko? Is there any rules regarding that? I don't remember there being any. So is Uryu just currently trying to make a sort of invalid excuse, as to why he is now not the only one who can speak to the viewers whenever he wants?" Angel Bluebell had now proceeded to say. While during this, with her smirk now back on her face, she had briefly turned her attention towards me and Zachary. Which was in order to try and hammer home this fact being the case.

And as for both of our responses...

"Not that I am aware of Bluebell. I mean after all viewers, Deadpool didn't have that sort of restriction, so why should any of us have that either? And She-Hulk didn't have that restriction either. So Uryu, do you need anymore examples? Or should we just leave it at that? Because if the three of us didn't know any better, then we would say that you're what most people call. Wait, what would we call him? Zachary, would you care at all, to help me and Bluebell weigh in on this?" I now proceeded to say to Uryu in response. Which during my statement, I had turned my attention over to Zachary, to try and have him weigh in on Uryu's current upset demeanor.

And as for my response, and so called weigh in on the current conversation...

"Well Keiko, I would have to say that Uryu here, is currently being what most people sometimes tend to refer to, as being jealous. I mean after all viewers, the three of us aren't the only ones currently here, who can choose to break the fourth wall whenever we want. Isn't that right Sakura?" Zachary now proceeded to say. Which during he statement, I noticed that he had briefly turned her attention to behind him, when he had addressed Sakura.

But then...

"Can we just finally get back on track please?! The viewers have probably stopped reading this chapter by this point!" Super Sailor Mars now proceeded to yell out towards the three of us. Which she had proceeded to say, with quite a bit of frustration and anger in her tone. Which not surprisingly, had now caused me, Angel Bluebell, and Zachary, to snap to attention almost immediately.

Well when I say that...

"Uh...well aren't we just a little bit fired up, aren't we Mars?...But then again...she does sometimes tend to get a little bit heated from time to time...So there's that I guess...But anyway viewers...let us now get back to the current chapter at hand...okay?" I proceeded to think to myself. Which during this, I had briefly turned both my attention and eyesight, slightly and briefly to the left of me, in order to briefly address the viewers.

Okay, so getting back to the chapter, and away from my thought based fourth wall break...

"Okay alright Mars, I get the point, back to the..." Angel Bluebell proceeded to say, only to have someone else, now proceed to cut her off mid statement.

"Bluebell, on your right!" The voice of one Rukia Kuchiki now proceeded to say to her. Which she had proceeded to say with quite a bit of concern in her tone.

And, once Angel Bluebell had then proceeded, to turn her attention slightly over towards her right. She was just able, to make out a fast approaching spear. "Are you serious right now?! I mean honestly, you think that I can't dodge that?!" She now proceeded to say, while she then proceeded to quickly action roll out of the way.

And this was just as the fast approaching spear, managed to speed by Bluebell, and then off into the distance, as it wound up missing her by quite a substantial margin.

And as for who threw it? Well about that...

"Damn it, how did I miss?" A now unrecognizable female sounding voice now proceeded to yell out in frustration. Which was then followed, by the sudden appearance of a female, who looked to be currently dressed, in a purple bejeweled, and armored outfit.

And not surprisingly...

"I'm sorry, is a circus coming to town that I wasn't aware of? Or was an eggplant your overall inspiration for that outfit of yours?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say to the oddly dressed female in question. Which was while, the small eyed expression from before, was now once again present on her face.

But as for the current situation. Despite me, as well as Zachary, now trying extremely hard to try and contain our laughter from having just heard Angel Bluebells quite humorous and witty comment...

"How dare you proceed to insult me! Do you know who it is that you're talking to?!" The woman in the purple bejeweled outfit proceeded to say back to Angel Bluebell in response. With quite a bit of anger to her current tone.

But before either Bluebell, or anyone else on our side, could even respond to what she had just said back to her in response...

"Fire Arrow!" The voice of the girl with the long red hair now proceeded to call out. Which as both me, Zachary, and Angel Bluebell proceeded to turn our attention towards her. We were all then greeted, by a stream of fire, then proceeding to slam into the girl with the purple bejeweled outfit with quite a bit of ferocity.

And, by the time it had died down about a second or so later. Me, Zachary, and Bluebell then noticed, that the girl with the purple bejeweled outfit, was no longer there.

"Wait what just happened?!...So she...can wield Super Sailor Mars can?!...Well then...she might wind up being quite the useful ally...and so can the other two...Oh, and by the way viewers...this now marks the end of this particular chapter...But don't worry we will be getting right back into the action in the next chapter...okay?" I proceeded to think to myself. Which during this, I had briefly turned both my attention and eyesight, slightly and briefly to the right of me, in order to briefly address the viewers.
Chapter 136: Modus Operandi, We All Have One!: Helping To Hone The Magic Of The Three Magic Knights! New
"Hello there viewers...Keiko here again...*I proceed to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. To which I then proceed to bring my attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers. I also now proceed to clear my throat, as I then proceed to continue, to properly address the viewers*...Yes viewers...two chapters in a single day...I know, crazy right?...But anyways viewers as usual, before I proceed forward with this current upcoming chapter...and like always viewers...a chapter recap is in order then viewers...let us begin the chapter recap now, okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

Date: October 17, 1994

Okay, so as it currently stood, all of us had now landed in the world of Cephiro. Or, to put it a more simpler variant of terms, the anime canon timeline, of Magic Knight Rayearth. But, as we were about to learn. If you even proceed to take your eyes off of your opponents, for even a split second.

Then what can happen is. Well about that...

"How dare you freeze me in that wall of ice and then proceed to forget about me!" The unmistakably irritated sounding voice of one Uryu Ishida now proceeded to yell out to Angel Bluebell and everyone else, while a tickmark was now currently present on one side of his face.

And not surprisingly...

"Wait, you're still here Uryu?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say back to him in response. While she was currently trying her absolute best not to show the clear fact, that she was trying very very hard at the moment, to cover up the fact that she was currently snickering.

"Oh, and by the way viewers...Bluebell here by the way viewers...Anyway...if any of you are at all wondering why Uryu is no longer frozen in ice anymore?...Well, that has to do in large part, to the fact that that ice, can be easily broken out of, if Uryu uses even a small bit of his Reishi...So for those of you viewers, who are going to try and claim to me, that this isn't logical...Then need I remind you all, that these three fanfics, are not yours to dictate, on how they are told to all of you...If you don't like the way that these three fanfics are being told to you, then stop reading, it is as simple as that...But I guarantee, that you won't be able to find another trio of fanfics like these anywhere else on the net...So, if your one and only complaint, is that this isn't being told to your liking as of right now?...Then that is quite honestly your issue, and therefore has nothing to do with me, in any sort of way, shape, or form...No one forced you to read these three fanfics...So don't go acting as though I need to cater to your lack of a clear ability, to want to look past any anime canon timelines usual canonized events...So because these three fanfics are different, and they deviate from canon...that is going to wind up being your excuse to not want to read on?...But, I think that I am once again getting a bit carried away with my fourth wall break at the moment here viewers...So then, what do you say, that we get back to the chapter at hand now...hmm?...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to say this, while smiling with both of her eyes closed*"

But anyway, getting back to the current situation at hand. And not surprisingly at all...

"I've been here the whole time! And I would also very much appreciate it if you didn't try to gaslight me!" Uryu now proceeded to say back to Angel Bluebell in response.

And as for Angel Bluebells response? Well...

"Oh I'm sorry Uryu, but whatever do you mean? And just what might I ask, is a gaslight? So you want one of us to cook you some food? Is that what you're trying to convey?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say. While by this point, she had now pretty much all but given up, with attempting to hide her now clearly audible snickering.

And just as I had intended...

"I mean honestly, why do I even bother trying to talk to you?!" Uryu now proceeded to say back to Angel Bluebell in response. While the same tickmark from before, was still very much present, on one side of his face.

And as for Angel Bluebells response? Well about that...

"Because you need someone to converse with, to help you talk about your life's current problems? I mean I don't know what you want me to say to you Ishida. As I am pretty sure that Ichigo would've probably been better in telling you..." Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say. Which during this, her snickering as well as her smirk, had now quickly changed over, to a small eyed, and straight mouthed expression.

But then...

"What do you know about Ichigo?! You act as though you know him!" Uryu now proceeded to respond back to Angel Bluebell with.

"Well technically Ishida, I never acted as though I knew him. Isn't that right viewers?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say to Uryu. Which during the end of her statement back to him in response, she had proceeded to slightly turn her eyesight, slightly to her left, in order to briefly address the viewers.

And as for Uryu's response...

"Hey, don't involve the viewers! You and I are talking, so leave this conversation between just the both of us!" Uryu now proceeded to say back to Angel Bluebell with.

And as for Angel Bluebells response back to him...

"And you expect me to adhere to that Uryu? Also Uryu, since when is there any sort of rules governing fourth wall breaks? I don't remember any rules about that existing? Zachary, Keiko? Is there any rules regarding that? I don't remember there being any. So is Uryu just currently trying to make a sort of invalid excuse, as to why he is now not the only one who can speak to the viewers whenever he wants?" Angel Bluebell had now proceeded to say. While during this, with her smirk now back on her face, she had briefly turned her attention towards me and Zachary. Which was in order to try and hammer home this fact being the case.

And as for both of our responses...

"Not that I am aware of Bluebell. I mean after all viewers, Deadpool didn't have that sort of restriction, so why should any of us have that either? And She-Hulk didn't have that restriction either. So Uryu, do you need anymore examples? Or should we just leave it at that? Because if the three of us didn't know any better, then we would say that you're what most people call. Wait, what would we call him? Zachary, would you care at all, to help me and Bluebell weigh in on this?" I now proceeded to say to Uryu in response. Which during my statement, I had turned my attention over to Zachary, to try and have him weigh in on Uryu's current upset demeanor.

And as for my response, and so called weigh in on the current conversation...

"Well Keiko, I would have to say that Uryu here, is currently being what most people sometimes tend to refer to, as being jealous. I mean after all viewers, the three of us aren't the only ones currently here, who can choose to break the fourth wall whenever we want. Isn't that right Sakura?" Zachary now proceeded to say. Which during he statement, I noticed that he had briefly turned her attention to behind him, when he had addressed Sakura.

But then...

"Can we just finally get back on track please?! The viewers have probably stopped reading this chapter by this point!" Super Sailor Mars now proceeded to yell out towards the three of us. Which she had proceeded to say, with quite a bit of frustration and anger in her tone. Which not surprisingly, had now caused me, Angel Bluebell, and Zachary, to snap to attention almost immediately.

Well when I say that...

"Uh...well aren't we just a little bit fired up, aren't we Mars?...But then again...she does sometimes tend to get a little bit heated from time to time...So there's that I guess...But anyway viewers...let us now get back to the current chapter at hand...okay?" I proceeded to think to myself. Which during this, I had briefly turned both my attention and eyesight, slightly and briefly to the left of me, in order to briefly address the viewers.

Okay, so getting back to the chapter, and away from my thought based fourth wall break...

"Okay alright Mars, I get the point, back to the..." Angel Bluebell proceeded to say, only to have someone else, now proceed to cut her off mid statement.

"Bluebell, on your right!" The voice of one Rukia Kuchiki now proceeded to say to her. Which she had proceeded to say with quite a bit of concern in her tone.

And, once Angel Bluebell had then proceeded, to turn her attention slightly over towards her right. She was just able, to make out a fast approaching spear. "Are you serious right now?! I mean honestly, you think that I can't dodge that?!" She now proceeded to say, while she then proceeded to quickly action roll out of the way.

And this was just as the fast approaching spear, managed to speed by Bluebell, and then off into the distance, as it wound up missing her by quite a substantial margin.

And as for who threw it? Well about that...

"Damn it, how did I miss?" A now unrecognizable female sounding voice now proceeded to yell out in frustration. Which was then followed, by the sudden appearance of a female, who looked to be currently dressed, in a purple bejeweled, and armored outfit.

And not surprisingly...

"I'm sorry, is a circus coming to town that I wasn't aware of? Or was an eggplant your overall inspiration for that outfit of yours?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say to the oddly dressed female in question. Which was while, the small eyed expression from before, was now once again present on her face.

But as for the current situation. Despite me, as well as Zachary, now trying extremely hard to try and contain our laughter from having just heard Angel Bluebells quite humorous and witty comment...

"How dare you proceed to insult me! Do you know who it is that you're talking to?!" The woman in the purple bejeweled outfit proceeded to say back to Angel Bluebell in response. With quite a bit of anger to her current tone.

But before either Bluebell, or anyone else on our side, could even respond to what she had just said back to her in response...

"Fire Arrow!" The voice of the girl with the long red hair now proceeded to call out. Which as both me, Zachary, and Angel Bluebell proceeded to turn our attention towards her. We were all then greeted, by a stream of fire, then proceeding to slam into the girl with the purple bejeweled outfit with quite a bit of ferocity.

And, by the time it had died down about a second or so later. Me, Zachary, and Bluebell then noticed, that the girl with the purple bejeweled outfit, was no longer there.

"Wait what just happened?!...So she...can wield Super Sailor Mars can?!...Well then...she might wind up being quite the useful ally...and so can the other two...Oh, and by the way viewers...this now marks the end of this particular chapter...But don't worry we will be getting right back into the action in the next chapter...okay?" I proceeded to think to myself. Which during this, I had briefly turned both my attention and eyesight, slightly and briefly to the right of me, in order to briefly address the viewers.

And now that the chapter recap is now done. We will now proceed right into the current chapter.

Date: October 17, 1994

Okay, so Angel Bluebell along with everyone else, had just witnessed the absolute ferocity of the fire magic that the girl with the long red hair possessed. And interestingly enough, she was about to learn, the magic that she, Umi, and the other girl possessed, were actually not that far from their own.

And what I mean by this is...

"Are you serious right now, you almost killed Bluebell with that spell of yours!" The voice of Angel Salvia now proceeded to say to the girl with the long red hair in response.

But before things got anymore out of hand...

"Salvia it's okay, I'm fine. Thank you very much for your concern, but I can tell from her, that both she, Umi, and the other girl, still have a lot to learn with mastering the magic that the three of them now wield," I now heard Angel Bluebell now proceed to say back to Angel Salvia in response with. Which I noticed that she had said, while she proceeded to briefly turn to Angel Salvia, while proceeding to smile at her, with both of her eyes closed.

Which thankfully, seemed to do the trick. As I then notice Angel Salvia, then proceed to simply just wind up nodding back to Angel Bluebell in response. Which she did, in order to indicate that she understood.

"Good, now then is anyone willing to help the three of them with further mastering their magic? Sakura, Zachary, how about you?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to ask, while I then noticed, that she had then proceeded, to turn her attention back to everyone else. To which she then proceeded to ask Sakura and Zachary, about whether or not they would be willing to teach the three new magic knights, on how to use their magic more effectively.

And thankfully, yet not surprisingly...

"Sure Bluebell, we would both be happy to..." Zachary had proceeded to say back to Angel Bluebell in response. Only for Li, to then proceed to cut him off mid sentence.

"Hold on a moment Zachary, we're not even sure still that we can trust the three of them," Li now proceeded to interject back to Zachary with in response.

But thankfully...

"Well Li, do you happen to have a better idea then Bluebell does? Because if you do, then I am all ears," Zachary now proceeded to say back to Li in response. Which not surprisingly, was then met by Li then proceeding to just simply look back at Zachary, with a now small eyed and weary looking expression on his face.

Which pretty much all but clued me, Angel Bluebell and him in, on the fact that his answer, was in fact no.

"Okay, so if there are no objections to this, then I would say..." Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say. Only once again, for someone to now proceed to cut her off mid statement.

"Hold on, you and I were still talking! Don't just pretend to think that I am not still here!" Uryu now proceeded to once again speak up to Angel Bluebell in response with. And once again, the tickmark from before, was now once again present, on one side of his face.

"Not at all Uryu, I was just getting quite bored with having to argue with you over what was basically clear nonsense. You don't have a problem with that do you?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say. While I took notice of the fact, that Angel Bluebell had then proceeded to look at him, with the sort of cold looking expression, that would even make one Captain Unohana proud. Which sent even a chill down my back as well.

And as for the reason as to why...

"Okay, wasn't exactly expecting Angel be able to make an expression like that...Almost makes me remember the look that the dorm supervisor at Tokiwadai gave me, Misaka, and Kuroko, back in just the 2nd episode chapter of this fanfic...Which by the way viewers...for those of you didn't know, is the Aphrodisiac chapter of this particular fanfic...But anyway viewers...let us now get back to the current chapter, as well as the current situation at hand okay?" I proceeded to think to myself.

Which as usual, during me having this thought, I had briefly turned my eyesight, as well as my attention slightly to the left of me, in order to briefly address the viewers.

But getting back to the current situation. And sure enough with regard to Uryu's very predictable response...

"Nope, not at all..." Uryu now proceeded to quickly say back to Angel Bluebell in response. With an expression now present on his face, that all but clued me and her in on the fact, that he pretty much understood not to try and interrupt Angel Bluebell again.

"Good..." Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say. Which during this very same thought, and as usual. I ten took notice, that she had turned both her eyesight and attention, slightly and briefly to the right of her, in order to briefly address the viewers.

But then...

"Bluebell, on your left!" The voice of one Renji Abarai now proceeded to call out to her with.

And, like last time, when she proceeded to turn slightly to her left. Bluebell was then greeted, by the onrushing form, of yet another ball of bright white light.

"Oh come on...not again! This is now beginning to get quite old..." I now proceed to think to myself, which was then quickly followed, by the light then proceeding to expand quickly outwards, and then once again blind all of us.

And, once the light had died down, I was then met with the clear fact, that we had all now been deposited into what appeared to be a street of a town of sorts.

But then...

"Who are you guys? And why are you all dressed up? Rukia, is that you? And Renji as well? Nice to see the both of you again!" A very chipper sounding female voice now proceeded to call out to all of us.

And upon me, as well as Angel Bluebell, then proceeding to turn towards the source of the female voice. We were both then greeted, by the form of a somewhat buxom girl, with long orange colored hair. And though I didn't know who she was at the current moment, Angel Bluebell however did.

Which as usual, while I had briefly taken a moment, to look over at Angel Bluebell. I then noticed, that she had now once again, briefly turned her eyesight, as well as her attention, slightly and briefly to the right of her, in order to briefly address the viewers.

"And that viewers...Oh right, Keiko here again sorry about that...*I proceed to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. To which I then proceed to bring my attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers. I also now proceed to clear my throat, as I then proceed to continue, to properly address the viewers*...So now viewers, this now marks the end of this particular chapter...But don't worry we will be jumping right back into the action, in the next chapter...So viewers...with that now still very much fresh on all of your minds...See you lot in the next chapter...okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"
Chapter 137: Explaining The Past While Looking Towards The Future!: Enter Ichigo Kurosaki, The Substitute Soul Reaper! New
"Hello there viewers...Keiko here again...*I proceed to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. To which I then proceed to bring my attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers. I also now proceed to clear my throat, as I then proceed to continue, to properly address the viewers*...Yes viewers...two chapters in a single day...I know, crazy right?...But anyways viewers as usual, before I proceed forward with this current upcoming chapter...and like always viewers...a chapter recap is in order then viewers...let us begin the chapter recap now, okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

Date: October 17, 1994

Okay, so Angel Bluebell along with everyone else, had just witnessed the absolute ferocity of the fire magic that the girl with the long red hair possessed. And interestingly enough, she was about to learn, the magic that she, Umi, and the other girl possessed, were actually not that far from their own.

And what I mean by this is...

"Are you serious right now, you almost killed Bluebell with that spell of yours!" The voice of Angel Salvia now proceeded to say to the girl with the long red hair in response.

But before things got anymore out of hand...

"Salvia it's okay, I'm fine. Thank you very much for your concern, but I can tell from her, that both she, Umi, and the other girl, still have a lot to learn with mastering the magic that the three of them now wield," I now heard Angel Bluebell now proceed to say back to Angel Salvia in response with. Which I noticed that she had said, while she proceeded to briefly turn to Angel Salvia, while proceeding to smile at her, with both of her eyes closed.

Which thankfully, seemed to do the trick. As I then notice Angel Salvia, then proceed to simply just wind up nodding back to Angel Bluebell in response. Which she did, in order to indicate that she understood.

"Good, now then is anyone willing to help the three of them with further mastering their magic? Sakura, Zachary, how about you?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to ask, while I then noticed, that she had then proceeded, to turn her attention back to everyone else. To which she then proceeded to ask Sakura and Zachary, about whether or not they would be willing to teach the three new magic knights, on how to use their magic more effectively.

And thankfully, yet not surprisingly...

"Sure Bluebell, we would both be happy to..." Zachary had proceeded to say back to Angel Bluebell in response. Only for Li, to then proceed to cut him off mid sentence.

"Hold on a moment Zachary, we're not even sure still that we can trust the three of them," Li now proceeded to interject back to Zachary with in response.

But thankfully...

"Well Li, do you happen to have a better idea then Bluebell does? Because if you do, then I am all ears," Zachary now proceeded to say back to Li in response. Which not surprisingly, was then met by Li then proceeding to just simply look back at Zachary, with a now small eyed and weary looking expression on his face.

Which pretty much all but clued me, Angel Bluebell and him in, on the fact that his answer, was in fact no.

"Okay, so if there are no objections to this, then I would say..." Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say. Only once again, for someone to now proceed to cut her off mid statement.

"Hold on, you and I were still talking! Don't just pretend to think that I am not still here!" Uryu now proceeded to once again speak up to Angel Bluebell in response with. And once again, the tickmark from before, was now once again present, on one side of his face.

"Not at all Uryu, I was just getting quite bored with having to argue with you over what was basically clear nonsense. You don't have a problem with that do you?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say. While I took notice of the fact, that Angel Bluebell had then proceeded to look at him, with the sort of cold looking expression, that would even make one Captain Unohana proud. Which sent even a chill down my back as well.

And as for the reason as to why...

"Okay, wasn't exactly expecting Angel be able to make an expression like that...Almost makes me remember the look that the dorm supervisor at Tokiwadai gave me, Misaka, and Kuroko, back in just the 2nd episode chapter of this fanfic...Which by the way viewers...for those of you didn't know, is the Aphrodisiac chapter of this particular fanfic...But anyway viewers...let us now get back to the current chapter, as well as the current situation at hand okay?" I proceeded to think to myself.

Which as usual, during me having this thought, I had briefly turned my eyesight, as well as my attention slightly to the left of me, in order to briefly address the viewers.

But getting back to the current situation. And sure enough with regard to Uryu's very predictable response...

"Nope, not at all..." Uryu now proceeded to quickly say back to Angel Bluebell in response. With an expression now present on his face, that all but clued me and her in on the fact, that he pretty much understood not to try and interrupt Angel Bluebell again.

"Good..." Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say. Which during this very same thought, and as usual. I then took notice, that she had turned both her eyesight and attention, slightly and briefly to the right of her, in order to briefly address the viewers.

But then...

"Bluebell, on your left!" The voice of one Renji Abarai now proceeded to call out to her with.

And, like last time, when she proceeded to turn slightly to her left. Bluebell was then greeted, by the onrushing form, of yet another ball of bright white light.

"Oh come on...not again! This is now beginning to get quite old..." I now proceed to think to myself, which was then quickly followed, by the light then proceeding to expand quickly outwards, and then once again blind all of us.

And, once the light had died down, I was then met with the clear fact, that we had all now been deposited into what appeared to be a street of a town of sorts.

But then...

"Who are you guys? And why are you all dressed up? Rukia, is that you? And Renji as well? Nice to see the both of you again!" A very chipper sounding female voice now proceeded to call out to all of us.

And upon me, as well as Angel Bluebell, then proceeding to turn towards the source of the female voice. We were both then greeted, by the form of a somewhat buxom girl, with long orange colored hair. And though I didn't know who she was at the current moment, Angel Bluebell however did.

Which as usual, while I had briefly taken a moment, to look over at Angel Bluebell. I then noticed, that she had now once again, briefly turned her eyesight, as well as her attention, slightly and briefly to the right of her, in order to briefly address the viewers.

"And that viewers...Oh right, Keiko here again sorry about that...*I proceed to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. To which I then proceed to bring my attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers. I also now proceed to clear my throat, as I then proceed to continue, to properly address the viewers*...So now viewers, this now marks the end of this particular chapter...But don't worry we will be jumping right back into the action, in the next chapter...So viewers...with that now still very much fresh on all of your minds...See you lot in the next chapter...okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

And now that the chapter recap is now done. We will now proceed right into the current chapter.

October 11, 2022

Okay, so things regarding our hopping from one anime dimension canon timeline to another? Well that had now taken a somewhat disastrous turn. As we had all just wound up, in the Bleach anime canon timeline.

"But viewers, if I may interject with you all for a moment...Sorry, Angel Bluebell here again...*Angel Bluebell now proceeds to clear her throat, as she then proceeds to continue to address the viewers*...Now then viewers...I know that you're all more then likely having the same currently lingering question...'But Bluebell, why were you and everyone else of The Four Aces Alliance trying so desperately to avoid a couple different anime or media related timelines?'...Well viewers, let me put it to you into more simpler terms...As the Bleach anime timeline, due to its several dangerous events...classifies it as a timeline that one would like to avoid if possible...others that are not it are including, but not limited to...the timelines that are related to a...*ahem*...big brand cartoon mouse of a certain name that I dare not mention...others include...any harem related anime...such as, but not limited to...Highschool DxD...Heaven's Lost Property...Sekirei...Infinite get the gist...right viewers?...And also...*Angel Bluebell now proceeds to further explain her reasoning, only for someone to now proceed to cut her off again mid statement*"

"Hey, who are you, and what are you all doing here? Wait, Rukia? Is that you? Renji, you're here as well?..." A somewhat confused sounding male voice now proceeded to speak up with.

And with her now proceeding to emit a very audible sigh from her lips, Bluebell then proceeded to turn her attention towards the source of the male voice. And sure enough...

"Yes Ichigo, they're here, you're not imagining things. Now if you'll excuse me..." Bluebell now proceeded to say, only for Ichigo to once again proceed to cut her off again mid sentence.

"Wait a sec, you can see them? Just how on earth is that possible?!" Ichigo now proceeded to respond back to Bluebell with. Which not surprisingly, had now caused Bluebell's left eye to start twitching.

And as a way to try and relieve some of her currently quite rapidly building stress...

"Rukia, would you care to help me in explaining to him, exactly why all of us can see you, Renji, and everyone else? Because I..." Angel Blueblel now proceeded to try and tell Rukia. Only once again, she was then cut off again mid statement. But thankfully, it was then that the person who had now interrupted Bluebell this time, had now proceeded to help clear the confusion, that one Ichigo Kurosaki was currently experiencing.

"We can all see them, due to the fact that we like you, aren't entirely human," Super Sailor Pluto now proceeded to speak up with, as a helpful means to clear the confusion that Ichigo was currently experiencing.

"Okay, and you are who exactly?" Ichigo now proceeded to ask Super Sailor Pluto in response. Which he had proceeded to ask Super Sailor Pluto, while still sounding quite confused.

And upon realizing the currently lingering issue, Angel Bluebell now proceeded to finally try and speak up, as a means to try and explain to Ichigo, exactly who we were. As since trying to explain it to him in the normal sense, would wind up with all of us being here for several hours.

And so, with this in mind Bluebell proceeded to quickly explain things to Ichigo. And what I mean by this is...

"Nearly a millennia ago, there was once a kingdom known as the Silver Millennium. The kingdom was ruled by Queen Serenity and her court, made up of the rulers of the other planets. Everything was peaceful until an ancient evil emerged, reducing the once plentiful kingdom to ruble and ashes. That is when Queen Serenity used the last of her strength to send the princess, and her court to the future to be reborn as well as sealing the evil. Now with them being reborn, the ancient evil broke free from the seal and began a search for the Silver Crystal. With the enemy rising once again, the Mau guardians began to search for the rest of their allies. Sailor Venus was the first to be found by her guardian, Artemis. Sailor Moon was next, and over time, they were able to find each other. Sailor Moon however, was the Hime, that they had been looking for the whole time but... unfortunately, she had only awakened as Princess Serenity when Prince Endymion, the one that she had fallen in love with during the Silver Millennium, protected her from an enemy attack. With him in enemy hands, they used him as a means to get to both her and the Crystal, it succeeded, but they were able to defeat them in the end..." Angel Bluebell proceeded to explain.

And she had wound up using the very same long winded explanation that Usagi herself had told to her and the rest of the Love Angels, back when they all had first met each other for the first time. Back on April 5, 1999. In what eventually would wind up helping to spawn the catalyst, that would wind up leading to all of this that was to follow.

And as for the rest of the explanation...

"There are three realms that exist, the Angels, the Humans, and the devils. All three realms once existed in harmony, but then the Devils began to revolt and invaded the Angels under Raindevila's command who was after the Saint Something Four. Both sides fought with equal strength until an devil named Uragano entered the fray. Aphrodite, Queen of the Angels, sent out her sister, me and Momoko's mother, Celeste with three other warriors also named Angel Salvia, Angel Daisy and Angel Lily, but during a fight with the devils, Angel Daisy and Angel Lily were blasted away from the battle to somewhere unknown. Our mother and Angel Salvia fought against Uragano, but when Celeste and Uragano blasted each other, they both fell from the Angel World and into the Human world. My mother lost her memory, that's when she met my dad and was given the name Sakura. He brought her to the hospital and visited her everyday, eventually, after my mom recovered, my father proposed to her. But one year before Momoko was born they had and raised another daughter, who they named Shinko, who mysteriously disappeared, mom's memory returned, meaning she had to return to the Angel World," Angel Bluebell now proceeded to follow up with saying.

And like before, she had used the same very long winded explanation, that Momoko had used to explain their history to the Senshi, also back on April 5, 1999.

And once she had finally finished explaining everything. Angel Bluebell then proceeded to look back at both Orihime and Ichigo. And as for Ichigo, well she could currently tell from his current expression, that he was having a sort of tough time believing everything that Bluebell had just said to him regarding her explanation.

But as for Orihime...

"Wow, that sounded so wonderful! It sounded like you all really went through some very tough times!" Orihime had now proceeded to say in response to both of Angel Bluebells pretty long winded explanations. And she had said this while clapping her hands, as though she had put on some sort of stunning stage performance.

And as for her response to this...

"Uh...t-thank you?" Angel Bluebell proceeded to say back to Orihime in response. While her eyes, currently now had confused like looking swirls in place of her normal eyes. To pretty much explain the clear and obvious fact, as well as help clue in to the viewers, that she was currently a little bit dazed and confused at the current moment. Since she wasn't really expecting Orihime, to respond in the chipper sort of way that she had just done.

And as for my overall thoughts regarding this...

"Okay, so what the actual heck just happened?!...I wasn't expecting Orihime to act as though Bluebell just put on a big stage performance...Is that how she always tended to act in the Bleach anime canon timeline?...Because...that might actually need to take a bit of getting used to a bit more then it took for me to get used to Kuroko's personality...Oh, and by the way viewers...that believe it or not..isn't going to take very long for me to do at all, if you were all at all wondering about that being an issue for me or not...Oh, and this also now marks the end of this particular chapter...Consider it a sort of reprieve from the usual action packed chapters in these three fanfics...But don't worry we will be getting back into the action, in the next chapter...So viewers...see you all in the next chapter...okay?" I proceeded to think to myself.

Which as usual, while I had been having this very same thought, I had briefly turned my eyesight, as well as my attention, slightly and briefly to the left of me, in order to briefly address the viewers.
Chapter 138: Not For The Faint Of Heart!: Enter Bambietta Basterbine, E: The Explode! New
"Hello there viewers...Keiko here again...*I proceed to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. To which I then proceed to bring my attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers. I also now proceed to clear my throat, as I then proceed to continue, to properly address the viewers*...Now viewers as usual, before I proceed forward with this current upcoming chapter...and like always viewers...a chapter recap is in order then viewers...let us begin the chapter recap now, okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

October 11, 2022

Okay, so things regarding our hopping from one anime dimension canon timeline to another? Well that had now taken a somewhat disastrous turn. As we had all just wound up, in the Bleach anime canon timeline.

"But viewers, if I may interject with you all for a moment...Sorry, Angel Bluebell here again...*Angel Bluebell now proceeds to clear her throat, as she then proceeds to continue to address the viewers*...Now then viewers...I know that you're all more then likely having the same currently lingering question...'But Bluebell, why were you and everyone else of The Four Aces Alliance trying so desperately to avoid a couple different anime or media related timelines?'...Well viewers, let me put it to you into more simpler terms...As the Bleach anime timeline, due to its several dangerous events...classifies it as a timeline that one would like to avoid if possible...others that are not it are including, but not limited to...the timelines that are related to a...*ahem*...big brand cartoon mouse of a certain name that I dare not mention...others include...any harem related anime...such as, but not limited to...Highschool DxD...Heaven's Lost Property...Sekirei...Infinite get the gist...right viewers?...And also...*Angel Bluebell now proceeds to further explain her reasoning, only for someone to now proceed to cut her off again mid statement*"

"Hey, who are you, and what are you all doing here? Wait, Rukia? Is that you? Renji, you're here as well?..." A somewhat confused sounding male voice now proceeded to speak up with.

And with her now proceeding to emit a very audible sigh from her lips, Bluebell then proceeded to turn her attention towards the source of the male voice. And sure enough...

"Yes Ichigo, they're here, you're not imagining things. Now if you'll excuse me..." Bluebell now proceeded to say, only for Ichigo to once again proceed to cut her off again mid sentence.

"Wait a sec, you can see them? Just how on earth is that possible?!" Ichigo now proceeded to respond back to Bluebell with. Which not surprisingly, had now caused Bluebell's left eye to start twitching.

And as a way to try and relieve some of her currently quite rapidly building stress...

"Rukia, would you care to help me in explaining to him, exactly why all of us can see you, Renji, and everyone else? Because I..." Angel Blueblel now proceeded to try and tell Rukia. Only once again, she was then cut off again mid statement. But thankfully, it was then that the person who had now interrupted Bluebell this time, had now proceeded to help clear the confusion, that one Ichigo Kurosaki was currently experiencing.

"We can all see them, due to the fact that we like you, aren't entirely human," Super Sailor Pluto now proceeded to speak up with, as a helpful means to clear the confusion that Ichigo was currently experiencing.

"Okay, and you are who exactly?" Ichigo now proceeded to ask Super Sailor Pluto in response. Which he had proceeded to ask Super Sailor Pluto, while still sounding quite confused.

And upon realizing the currently lingering issue, Angel Bluebell now proceeded to finally try and speak up, as a means to try and explain to Ichigo, exactly who we were. As since trying to explain it to him in the normal sense, would wind up with all of us being here for several hours.

And so, with this in mind Bluebell proceeded to quickly explain things to Ichigo. And what I mean by this is...

"Nearly a millennia ago, there was once a kingdom known as the Silver Millennium. The kingdom was ruled by Queen Serenity and her court, made up of the rulers of the other planets. Everything was peaceful until an ancient evil emerged, reducing the once plentiful kingdom to ruble and ashes. That is when Queen Serenity used the last of her strength to send the princess, and her court to the future to be reborn as well as sealing the evil. Now with them being reborn, the ancient evil broke free from the seal and began a search for the Silver Crystal. With the enemy rising once again, the Mau guardians began to search for the rest of their allies. Sailor Venus was the first to be found by her guardian, Artemis. Sailor Moon was next, and over time, they were able to find each other. Sailor Moon however, was the Hime, that they had been looking for the whole time but... unfortunately, she had only awakened as Princess Serenity when Prince Endymion, the one that she had fallen in love with during the Silver Millennium, protected her from an enemy attack. With him in enemy hands, they used him as a means to get to both her and the Crystal, it succeeded, but they were able to defeat them in the end..." Angel Bluebell proceeded to explain.

And she had wound up using the very same long winded explanation that Usagi herself had told to her and the rest of the Love Angels, back when they all had first met each other for the first time. Back on April 5, 1999. In what eventually would wind up helping to spawn the catalyst, that would wind up leading to all of this that was to follow.

And as for the rest of the explanation...

"There are three realms that exist, the Angels, the Humans, and the devils. All three realms once existed in harmony, but then the Devils began to revolt and invaded the Angels under Raindevila's command who was after the Saint Something Four. Both sides fought with equal strength until an devil named Uragano entered the fray. Aphrodite, Queen of the Angels, sent out her sister, me and Momoko's mother, Celeste with three other warriors also named Angel Salvia, Angel Daisy and Angel Lily, but during a fight with the devils, Angel Daisy and Angel Lily were blasted away from the battle to somewhere unknown. Our mother and Angel Salvia fought against Uragano, but when Celeste and Uragano blasted each other, they both fell from the Angel World and into the Human world. My mother lost her memory, that's when she met my dad and was given the name Sakura. He brought her to the hospital and visited her everyday, eventually, after my mom recovered, my father proposed to her. But one year before Momoko was born they had and raised another daughter, who they named Shinko, who mysteriously disappeared, mom's memory returned, meaning she had to return to the Angel World," Angel Bluebell now proceeded to follow up with saying.

And like before, she had used the same very long winded explanation, that Momoko had used to explain their history to the Senshi, also back on April 5, 1999.

And once she had finally finished explaining everything. Angel Bluebell then proceeded to look back at both Orihime and Ichigo. And as for Ichigo, well she could currently tell from his current expression, that he was having a sort of tough time believing everything that Bluebell had just said to him regarding her explanation.

But as for Orihime...

"Wow, that sounded so wonderful! It sounded like you all really went through some very tough times!" Orihime had now proceeded to say in response to both of Angel Bluebells pretty long winded explanations. And she had said this while clapping her hands, as though she had put on some sort of stunning stage performance.

And as for her response to this...

"Uh...t-thank you?" Angel Bluebell proceeded to say back to Orihime in response. While her eyes, currently now had confused like looking swirls in place of her normal eyes. To pretty much explain the clear and obvious fact, as well as help clue in to the viewers, that she was currently a little bit dazed and confused at the current moment. Since she wasn't really expecting Orihime, to respond in the chipper sort of way that she had just done.

And as for my overall thoughts regarding this...

"Okay, so what the actual heck just happened?!...I wasn't expecting Orihime to act as though Bluebell just put on a big stage performance...Is that how she always tended to act in the Bleach anime canon timeline?...Because...that might actually need to take a bit of getting used to a bit more then it took for me to get used to Kuroko's personality...Oh, and by the way viewers...that believe it or not..isn't going to take very long for me to do at all, if you were all at all wondering about that being an issue for me or not...Oh, and this also now marks the end of this particular chapter...Consider it a sort of reprieve from the usual action packed chapters in these three fanfics...But don't worry we will be getting back into the action, in the next chapter...So viewers...see you all in the next chapter...okay?" I proceeded to think to myself.

Which as usual, while I had been having this very same thought, I had briefly turned my eyesight, as well as my attention, slightly and briefly to the left of me, in order to briefly address the viewers.

And now that the chapter recap is now done. We will now proceed right into the current chapter.

October 11, 2022

Okay, so as it currently stood. I had just witnessed Angel Bluebell explain. And quite lengthily I might add to Ichigo Kurosaki, of the history surrounding her, the Love Angels, and also the history regarding the Sailor Senshi. And also, Angel Bluebell had just finally recovered from Orihime Inoue, proceeding act as though she had just put on a stunning sort of stage performance in front of her and Ichigo.

But as was the current situation shortly after this. Well about that...

"So yea Ichigo, that's pretty much the whole short version of how..." Angel Bluebell began to say to Ichigo. Only once again, she was then cut off mid sentence. And, while her left eye had now once again proceeded to twitch quite visibly...

"Bluebell watch out, on your right!" Yoruichi now proceeded to call over to her with a bit of concern in her tone.

And sure enough, just as she proceeded to turn her attention, slightly over to my right. Bluebell was then once again greeted, by yet another Reishi based attack. But only this time, it wasn't from Uryu.

And once she had proceeded to once again action roll out of the way, and trajectory of the Reishi based attack. Angel Bluebell then, with her left eye still very much twitching, then proceeded to speak up.

"Alright, who just did that?! Show yourself right now!" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to speak up with quite angrily. And this was while once again, the expression on her face, had now once again changed back to a similar looking expression, that would once again make Captain Unohana proud.

"Damn it! How did I miss you?!" A now somewhat arrogant sounding female voice proceeded to call out from just over to Angel Bluebell's right.

And not surprisingly...

"Well maybe it's because you're not as good a shot as you think? Also, and this is just a current question I have for you. Why are you wearing white like Uryu and that man with the mustache? Because wouldn't a stain be pretty obvious to spot on that? Oh and speaking of which, you got a bit of a..." Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say to the girl that had just tried to attack her with one of her Reishi based attacks. And she had said this, with a cheeky sort of smile currently present on her face.

"Shut up! I don't want to hear another word from you! Why are you this irritating to listen to?!" The girl now proceeded to say back to Angel Bluebell with a now clearly evident amount of anger in her tone. And this not surprisingly, had now caused me to laugh a little bit. But thankfully, I was able to contain it enough, so that it wasn't noticed.

And not surprisingly, regarding Angel Bluebell's response back to her...

"Oh really, and just what are you going to do if I don't comply to your quite frankly arrogant induced statement? Because from where I am standing, it looks like you don't have a chance against me. Isn't that right Lily? Would you care to show her what I mean?" Bluebell now proceeded to say over to Angel Lily. Who from simply nodding back to her in response, then proceeded to use her Saint Spiral Whip, to attempt to make an example out of this quite clear tsundere of a Wandenreich female villain.

"Gladly Bluebell...Saint...Spiral Whip!" Angel Lily proceeded to call out, as she summoned up her Saint Spiral Whip, with just a quick wave of her right hand over her leg band. And in a flash of light, her Saint Spiral Whip appeared in her right hand.

Which was then followed, by Angel Lily then proceeding to lash her Saint Spiral Whip outwards, and towards the girl at an immense speed. Which as both of them had intended, wound up coiling around her torso, and restricted her, so that she couldn't move.

"Now then Mrs. Arrogant, shall I now show you why it isn't exactly nice nor polite, to try and interrupt somebody while they're trying to speak to somebody else?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say. Only for the girl in question, who both me and her now noticed was a slender young girl with long, straight, dark brown hair and brown eyes.

Her attire was also a variation of the same white uniform, that Uryu was currently wearing. Which consisted of a hooded cloak, a thigh-length trench coat, knee-high boots, a miniskirt, and black stockings with a red trim on the gloves and boots. She was also wearing a red heart-shaped belt buckle and a white cap with gold trimmings, which featured a black peak and the same symbol that was present on Uryu's outfit, which was emblazoned on its front.

But as for her so called response...

"How dare you talk to me like that! Do you know who it is that you're dealing with?!" The girl now proceeded to say back to Angel Bluebell in response, as Bluebell then noticed that her eyes had now started to glow slightly red. And a sadistic looking sort of smirk, was now present upon her face.

"Now then, I am Bambietta Basterbine! Or as I am also sometimes referred to as...E: The Explode!" Bambietta now proceeded to say, as a few spots of the same red aura, now proceeded to appear on Angel Lily's Saint Spiral Whip.

And upon hearing, as well as seeing Angel Bluebell, then proceed to let out a now pretty audible sort of sigh...

"Well Bambi, that was a pretty poor decision on your part just now. But I guess we all can't be as blatantly arrogant as you can, now can we?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say. Which was just as the red spots, had now proceeded to self detonate.

But, once the explosions had settled, Bambietta was met with something that she didn't expect to see. Which was Angel Lily's Saint Spiral Whip, still very much wrapped tightly around her.

And not surprisingly...

"What the?! Why didn't that work?! Just who the heck are you?!" Bambietta now proceeded to say over to Angel Bluebell and Angel Lily. Which she had now said, with a now very noticeable tickmark present, on one side of her face.

"Well Little Ms. Bambi, a great magician. Or in our case, great magical girls, never reveals their secrets. Which for the record viewers, is a slight bit of a reference to the original Yugioh anime, and it was in the episode 'Face Off Part 2'...So I do highly recommend that you go and watch it. Because it's gonna be amazing!" Angel Bluebell then proceeded to say, as she then briefly turned her attention slightly over to the left of her, in order to briefly address the viewers.

But as for Bambietta and her response...

"Who are you talking to?" Bambietta proceeded to ask Bluebell, with a bit of confusion in her tone.

And with Bluebell now proceeding to desperately hide the clear fact, that she was now fighting so hard not to laugh...

"Uh...well you see...don't worry about it you have a couple more bigger problems on your hands...For you see, you made a very bad decision to try and threaten me with that attack of yours...As I think you'll find Bambi, that like that of a certain Substitute Soul Reaper...I won't be sympathetic with having you deal with the now unavoidable consequences of your quite clearly arrogant fueled and induced actions...So with that in mind...Zachary, Keiko?...What do you say that we spring into action now so too speak...hmm?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say.

Which during this, Bluebell had briefly without turning her attention off of Bambietta. She had then proceeded to speak to me and Zachary. Which as of right now, we were already at the ready. Which was in order to help teach Bambietta, and the rest of the Wandenreich, that when you try and attack one of us, you wind up attacking all of us.

And the price that they would all wind up paying, would be as a result of their own recklessness, and arrogance.

And speaking of which. Though she couldn't see either of us with her back currently to us. Zachary and Sakura, both already had a Star Card of theirs at the ready. Me and Misaka already had electricity proceeding to visibly and somewhat violently crackle and spark through the bangs of our hair.

Kuroko had a pin dart of hers already in her right hand, and at the ready. Angel Salvia had her Saint Twin Swords already drawn and at the ready. Angel Daisy had already summoned forth her Saint Rolling Boomerang, and had them both already at the ready. Super Sailor Mars, already had her Flame Sniper at the ready, with the Flame Arrow already drawn back in the Flame Sniper's fire based string.

Eternal Sailor Moon already had her Kaleidoscope Rod at the ready. Li had his Jian drawn, and one of his elemental talismans at the ready. Super Sailor Jupiter was already in one of her signature fighting stances. Super Sailor Mercury currently had her visor already activated.

And as for everyone else? Well they were also already ready, for Angel Bluebell, to just say the word. And then, what would wind up transpiring, was to wind up being known, as The Thousand-Year Blood War.

"And for the record viewers...Oh right, Angel Bluebell here, sorry about that...But anyway viewers...this now marks the end of this particular chapter...But don't worry...because as usual, we will be getting right back into the action in the next chapter...and what will be the beginning of our next big fight...So viewers...with that now still very much fresh on all of your minds...see you all in the next chapter...okay?...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to say this, while smiling with both of her eyes closed*"

"Well said there Bluebell...Oh right Zachary here again viewers...sorry about that...But as Bluebell just said...see you all in the next chapter...okay?"

"Thank you and well said there as well Zachary...Oh right, Keiko here again viewers...and also, this also now marks the end of this current chapter...But don't worry we will be getting back into the action, in the next chapter...So viewers...see you all in the next chapter...okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"
Chapter 139: Flirting With Disaster!: The Wandenreich And Sternritters Vs. The Four Aces Alliance! (Part 1) New
"Hello there viewers...Keiko here again...*I proceed to say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers as usual. To which I then proceed to bring my attention and eyesight back up again, in order to continue to address the viewers. I also now proceed to clear my throat, as I then proceed to continue, to properly address the viewers*...Now viewers as usual, before I proceed forward with this current upcoming chapter...and like always viewers...a chapter recap is in order then viewers...let us begin the chapter recap now, okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

October 11, 2022

Okay, so as it currently stood. I had just witnessed Angel Bluebell explain. And quite lengthily I might add to Ichigo Kurosaki, of the history surrounding her, the Love Angels, and also the history regarding the Sailor Senshi. And also, Angel Bluebell had just finally recovered from Orihime Inoue, proceeding act as though she had just put on a stunning sort of stage performance in front of her and Ichigo.

But as was the current situation shortly after this. Well about that...

"So yea Ichigo, that's pretty much the whole short version of how..." Angel Bluebell began to say to Ichigo. Only once again, she was then cut off mid sentence. And, while her left eye had now once again proceeded to twitch quite visibly...

"Bluebell watch out, on your right!" Yoruichi now proceeded to call over to her with a bit of concern in her tone.

And sure enough, just as she proceeded to turn her attention, slightly over to my right. Bluebell was then once again greeted, by yet another Reishi based attack. But only this time, it wasn't from Uryu.

And once she had proceeded to once again action roll out of the way, and trajectory of the Reishi based attack. Angel Bluebell then, with her left eye still very much twitching, then proceeded to speak up.

"Alright, who just did that?! Show yourself right now!" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to speak up with quite angrily. And this was while once again, the expression on her face, had now once again changed back to a similar looking expression, that would once again make Captain Unohana proud.

"Damn it! How did I miss you?!" A now somewhat arrogant sounding female voice proceeded to call out from just over to Angel Bluebell's right.

And not surprisingly...

"Well maybe it's because you're not as good a shot as you think? Also, and this is just a current question I have for you. Why are you wearing white like Uryu and that man with the mustache? Because wouldn't a stain be pretty obvious to spot on that? Oh and speaking of which, you got a bit of a..." Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say to the girl that had just tried to attack her with one of her Reishi based attacks. And she had said this, with a cheeky sort of smile currently present on her face.

"Shut up! I don't want to hear another word from you! Why are you this irritating to listen to?!" The girl now proceeded to say back to Angel Bluebell with a now clearly evident amount of anger in her tone. And this not surprisingly, had now caused me to laugh a little bit. But thankfully, I was able to contain it enough, so that it wasn't noticed.

And not surprisingly, regarding Angel Bluebell's response back to her...

"Oh really, and just what are you going to do if I don't comply to your quite frankly arrogant induced statement? Because from where I am standing, it looks like you don't have a chance against me. Isn't that right Lily? Would you care to show her what I mean?" Bluebell now proceeded to say over to Angel Lily. Who from simply nodding back to her in response, then proceeded to use her Saint Spiral Whip, to attempt to make an example out of this quite clear tsundere of a Wandenreich female villain.

"Gladly Bluebell...Saint...Spiral Whip!" Angel Lily proceeded to call out, as she summoned up her Saint Spiral Whip, with just a quick wave of her right hand over her leg band. And in a flash of light, her Saint Spiral Whip appeared in her right hand.

Which was then followed, by Angel Lily then proceeding to lash her Saint Spiral Whip outwards, and towards the girl at an immense speed. Which as both of them had intended, wound up coiling around her torso, and restricted her, so that she couldn't move.

"Now then Mrs. Arrogant, shall I now show you why it isn't exactly nice nor polite, to try and interrupt somebody while they're trying to speak to somebody else?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say. Only for the girl in question, who both me and her now noticed was a slender young girl with long, straight, dark brown hair and brown eyes.

Her attire was also a variation of the same white uniform, that Uryu was currently wearing. Which consisted of a hooded cloak, a thigh-length trench coat, knee-high boots, a miniskirt, and black stockings with a red trim on the gloves and boots. She was also wearing a red heart-shaped belt buckle and a white cap with gold trimmings, which featured a black peak and the same symbol that was present on Uryu's outfit, which was emblazoned on its front.

But as for her so called response...

"How dare you talk to me like that! Do you know who it is that you're dealing with?!" The girl now proceeded to say back to Angel Bluebell in response, as Bluebell then noticed that her eyes had now started to glow slightly red. And a sadistic looking sort of smirk, was now present upon her face.

"Now then, I am Bambietta Basterbine! Or as I am also sometimes referred to as...E: The Explode!" Bambietta now proceeded to say, as a few spots of the same red aura, now proceeded to appear on Angel Lily's Saint Spiral Whip.

And upon hearing, as well as seeing Angel Bluebell, then proceed to let out a now pretty audible sort of sigh...

"Well Bambi, that was a pretty poor decision on your part just now. But I guess we all can't be as blatantly arrogant as you can, now can we?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say. Which was just as the red spots, had now proceeded to self detonate.

But, once the explosions had settled, Bambietta was met with something that she didn't expect to see. Which was Angel Lily's Saint Spiral Whip, still very much wrapped tightly around her.

And not surprisingly...

"What the?! Why didn't that work?! Just who the heck are you?!" Bambietta now proceeded to say over to Angel Bluebell and Angel Lily. Which she had now said, with a now very noticeable tickmark present, on one side of her face.

"Well Little Ms. Bambi, a great magician. Or in our case, great magical girls, never reveals their secrets. Which for the record viewers, is a slight bit of a reference to the original Yugioh anime, and it was in the episode 'Face Off Part 2'...So I do highly recommend that you go and watch it. Because it's gonna be amazing!" Angel Bluebell then proceeded to say, as she then briefly turned her attention slightly over to the left of her, in order to briefly address the viewers.

But as for Bambietta and her response...

"Who are you talking to?" Bambietta proceeded to ask Bluebell, with a bit of confusion in her tone.

And with Bluebell now proceeding to desperately hide the clear fact, that she was now fighting so hard not to laugh...

"Uh...well you see...don't worry about it you have a couple more bigger problems on your hands...For you see, you made a very bad decision to try and threaten me with that attack of yours...As I think you'll find Bambi, that like that of a certain Substitute Soul Reaper...I won't be sympathetic with having you deal with the now unavoidable consequences of your quite clearly arrogant fueled and induced actions...So with that in mind...Zachary, Keiko?...What do you say that we spring into action now so too speak...hmm?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say.

Which during this, Bluebell had briefly without turning her attention off of Bambietta. She had then proceeded to speak to me and Zachary. Which as of right now, we were already at the ready. Which was in order to help teach Bambietta, and the rest of the Wandenreich, that when you try and attack one of us, you wind up attacking all of us.

And the price that they would all wind up paying, would be as a result of their own recklessness, and arrogance.

And speaking of which. Though she couldn't see either of us with her back currently to us. Zachary and Sakura, both already had a Star Card of theirs at the ready. Me and Misaka already had electricity proceeding to visibly and somewhat violently crackle and spark through the bangs of our hair.

Kuroko had a pin dart of hers already in her right hand, and at the ready. Angel Salvia had her Saint Twin Swords already drawn and at the ready. Angel Daisy had already summoned forth her Saint Rolling Boomerang, and had them both already at the ready. Super Sailor Mars, already had her Flame Sniper at the ready, with the Flame Arrow already drawn back in the Flame Sniper's fire based string.

Eternal Sailor Moon already had her Kaleidoscope Rod at the ready. Li had his Jian drawn, and one of his elemental talismans at the ready. Super Sailor Jupiter was already in one of her signature fighting stances. Super Sailor Mercury currently had her visor already activated.

And as for everyone else? Well they were also already ready, for Angel Bluebell, to just say the word. And then, what would wind up transpiring, was to wind up being known, as The Thousand-Year Blood War.

"And for the record viewers...Oh right, Angel Bluebell here, sorry about that...But anyway viewers...this now marks the end of this particular chapter...But don't worry...because as usual, we will be getting right back into the action in the next chapter...and what will be the beginning of our next big fight...So viewers...with that now still very much fresh on all of your minds...see you all in the next chapter...okay?...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to say this, while smiling with both of her eyes closed*"

"Well said there Bluebell...Oh right Zachary here again viewers...sorry about that...But as Bluebell just said...see you all in the next chapter...okay?"

"Thank you and well said there as well Zachary...Oh right, Keiko here again viewers...and also, this also now marks the end of this current chapter...But don't worry we will be getting back into the action, in the next chapter...So viewers...see you all in the next chapter...okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

And now that the chapter recap is now done. We will now proceed right into the current chapter.

October 11, 2022

Okay, so as of last chapter, we were all currently in battle ready stances. And given what was about to transpire, what with the impending fight against the Wandenreich and Sternritters. The fact that there were a bit more of us, then of them, was going to prove to be very beneficial.

But getting back to the current situation at hand...

"My my Bambi, you allowed them to do this to you? Talk about being straight up pathetic," another unrecognizable female voice now proceeded to speak up in regard to Bambietta's current situation. And they had said this, with a bit of disdain and degradation in their tone.

And not surprisingly...

"Shut up Giselle! They just caught me off guard!" Bambietta proceeded to say back to the girl who had just degraded her in response.

And interestingly enough, this girl was not the only one who had just arrived on the scene. In fact, 3 other girls were also currently present with her as well.

The girl who had first spoken up to Bambietta, who from Bambietta just having exploded so too speak back to her in response. Was how me and Bluebell now knew, that she was named Giselle.

She had blue eyes and long, black hair extending down to her lower back, with two strands sticking up like antennae. Her attire was another variation of the Sternritter's typical white uniform, consisting of a trench coat with long sleeves, white shoes, and black leggings. She was also currently wearing a small white cap, which featured a black peak, and the Wandenreich insignia emblazoned on its front, on the side of her head. She was also currently wearing a blue heart buckle on her waist.

And as for the rest of the three girls that were currently standing on either side of Giselle. One of them was a petite young girl with chin-length blonde hair and golden eyes. Her attire was yet another variation of the Sternritter's typical white uniform. Which consisted of a skirt in place of the signature trench coat, gloves, patterned leggings, and a white cap with gold trimmings. Which also featured a black peak and the Wandenreich insignia emblazoned on its front. She was also currently wearing a golden heart buckle on her waist.

Another was an imposingly tall and well-endowed girl of slender build. She was light-skinned with long wavy pink hair and short bangs that framed her forehead and pink eyes. Her attire was yet another variation of the Sternritter's typical white uniform. Which consisted of a frilled skirt, frilled gloves, frilled boots, leggings, a belt with a heart-shaped buckle, a large purple bow with a white Wandenreich symbol around her neck, and a white cap with gold trimmings. Which featured a black peak and the Wandenreich insignia emblazoned on its front, turned sideways.

And as for the final of the three other girls? Well she was a tall and well-endowed young woman with long, light-green hair. She had blue eyes, prominent eyelashes, and thin, lightning-bolt shaped eyebrows. Her attire unlike the others, was a heavily modified and revealing variation of the regular Sternritter's white uniform. Which consisted of the typical double-breasted jacket, which she currently had tied up to reveal her midriff as it was currently unbuttoned, as well as the fabric being removed on the sides.

Which had been done to display get what I mean. As well as a pair of short-shorts, which were held up by a black belt with a green heart-shaped buckle attached to the side. She was also currently wearing a white cap on her head with gold trimmings. Which featured a black peak and the Wandenreich insignia emblazoned on its front, and a pair of bulky, shaft-heeled boots.

And as for my response...

"Well, I take it that you four are related to little Ms. Bambi here? Oh and you, the girl with the long light-green hair? Can we please put Prancer and Dancer back in their sheds please? Some of us aren't exactly a fan of you putting your...*ahem*...priced fruit on display, alright?" Angel Bluebell had then proceeded to say. While she was now once again displaying a small eyed and straight mouthed expression on her face.

And this had also caused me to now have a much harder time with trying to contain my current laughter. But thankfully, I was able to keep it contained enough, so that no one noticed.

And not surprisingly...

"What did you just say to her?! How dare you talk to any of us like that!" Bambietta now proceeded to speak up with.

And as for Angel Bluebells response...

"Bambi, I need you to stop yelling at me, the adults are talking right now, okay? So why don't you just stop talking, for a little bit alright? Because you're starting to irritate me now more then I already am! And I thought that both Potamos and Petora were irritating to listen to...isn't that right viewers?" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say back to Bambietta, while a tickmark was now present on one side of her face.

Which did wind up disappearing about a second later, when she then proceeded to once again turn slightly to the right of her, in order to briefly address the viewers.

And not surprisingly...

"Who are you talking to?! Stop ignoring me damn it!" Bambietta now proceeded to say back to Angel Bluebell in response. Only now she was more irritated.

But as for Angel Bluebell...

"Bambi, I will do whatever I deem to be necessary! Because unlike you, I am not the type of person who hates everyone and everything! And tries to blowup everything and everyone to try and solve their problems, alright! Now I will tell you this one last time Bambi, don't attempt to interrupt me again! Or you will quickly find out just how unsympathetic I can truly be to a villainous tsundere like you!" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say back to Bambietta in response. While once again, she was displaying the same expression, that one Captain Unohana usually wore, when she usually scared the living daylights out of someone, and thus make them understand that she meant business with her statement.

But then...

"Alright enough of this! Bambi, it's your call on how we proceed!" Giselle now proceeded to say to Bambietta. Which she now said, with a very malign looking smirk present on her face.

And sure enough...

"Alright, time to show you just how badly you screwed up! Alright Bambies, lets fight!" Bambietta now proceeded to speak up. As once again, both of her eyes proceeded to glow red again.

And as for Angel Bluebells response...

"I gave you all chance to back down. But I guess that isn't in the cards for any of you Bambies. So then, what do you say, that we show you Bambies, what the 'Four Aces,' can do! You Sternritters and Wandenreich are very foolish, and you will now lose...everything!" Angel Bluebell now proceeded to say. While channeling a similar demeanor, that would make even Heath Ledgers Joker proud.

But more importantly, she had just gone and said this statement of hers, along with the two words that the rest of those on our side had been waiting for. And thus, the fight against the Sternritters and Wandenreich, was about to begin.

And before it was over, both the Sternritters and Wandenreich, would wind up realizing, that when you try to attack us. Then you had best be ready to lose, and lose quite badly.

"And also viewers...Oh right, Angel Bluebell here, sorry about that...But anyway viewers...this now marks the end of this particular chapter...But don't worry...because as usual, we will be getting right back into the action in the next chapter...and what will be the start of our fight, against the Bambies, Sternritters, and the rest of the Wandenreich...So viewers...with that now still very much fresh on all of your minds...see you all in the next chapter...okay?...*Angel Bluebell proceeds to say this, while smiling with both of her eyes closed*"

"Well said there Bluebell, and yes viewers...this is Keiko again...and also, this also now marks the end of this current chapter...But don't worry we will be getting back into the action, in the next chapter...So viewers...see you all in the next chapter...okay?...*I proceed to say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"