2025-AT-08: Staff and Aleksey A E

And as always, insulting and arguing with the council proves to be a flawless defense strategy...
really have no idea why he wasn't banned right then and there for literally buying a Black Sun patch
Tossing out slurs in a post where one is trying to explain how one is definitely not being bigoted against the group in question is certainly an interesting tactic.
Aleksey A E said:
Goodbye. I won't write anything else, because there's no point in it.
Aleksey A E proceeded to make nine posts after this

Omicron said:
This would make the DM exchange itself potentially grounds for a permaban. But then you look at everything else and it's a wonder Aleksey has stayed with us this long; they show a total inability to restrain themselves, to acknowledge fault, or to adapt their behavior in any way whatsoever.
SV has a real problem in responding to some of the most openly hateful behavior you've ever seen with a standard infraction and it's allowed more than one incredibly toxic member of the community to stick around long past when they should have been removed. It's been an issue for basically the entire life of the forum. To wit, I thought this dude had already been shitcanned. "A great deal of latitude has been extended to" is a phrase we shouldn't be seeing for this amount of bile, especially after the example of directly supporting Neo-Nazis to troll other users.
Yeah I'm gonna echo the "this guy probably shouldn't have been allowed to stick around this long" statements. Literally doing that one Matt Bors comic where a guy starts doing explicit neo Nazi shit to own the libs.

Edit: here's the comic for context:

Fault Right | The Nib

Calling racists racist is what makes them be racist! Absolutely.
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The bit that impresses me is that they said (paraphrasing) "I am sorry that I'm in this situation, so you're wrong about me not expressing remorse."

Yet another example of how "you won't give me a fair hearing, so I may as well double down" is a bad strategy.
I have not yet read anything of the tribunal except the initial staff accusation but, um, I find it very hard to believe that anything else needs to be said. the reported private message in question is completely and utterly unacceptable, and I've been mostly displeased but unsurprised that he hadn't gotten the boot after the nazi-merch-to-own-the-libs thing.

And ... having read the rest of the tribunal now, uh ... yeah no that's about right.
Some councilors had vaguely insightful comments but there's only so much to say about a case like this.
I do not admit the points of fanaticism, since I bought the Nazi symbol precisely because I was angry at another user

Also Aleksey, literally the next paragraph:
I also reject any accusations regarding support for neo-Nazism.

The fact he stuck it out as long as he did is a showing of SVs relative leniency. Someone buying Nazi memorabilia unironically and boasting about it is enough for far worse to happen to them in some places than merely getting warned on a forum. Combined with all the other most typical forms of Nazi-adjacent attitudes they frequently expressed, this run is a legendary run.
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Too lenient, actually. Anyone who goes "I'mma support Nazis" should be banned on the spot. Why it took so long for Aleksey to get the boot when he stayed as long to say heinously racist, homophobic, transphobic and Islamophobic shit speaks negatively of how the site handles his kind.
really have no idea why he wasn't banned right then and there for literally buying a Black Sun patch

Unless rule 1 was violated the mods can't just throw people out. They do get thrown out due to their disregard for the rules here. But it's through the tribunal that people can see what kind of people get perma'd.

That said, being banned for Rule 2 is still proof SV believes in the Tribunal system and their example will serve as an example to others if they ever show up in other communities.
Too lenient, actually. Anyone who goes "I'mma support Nazis" should be banned on the spot. Why it took so long for Aleksey to get the boot when he stayed as long to say heinously racist, homophobic, transphobic and Islamophobic shit speaks negatively of how the site handles his kind.

Not as negatively as how we handled the Sietch founder, but hey, progress right?
I'll add my voice to the chorus of "why wasn't this person banned after the Nazi patch stuff" by noting that if it was IMO already banworthy by itself, it came after the first infraction less than a year before where they literally said:

Why don't you stick your accusations up your ass. I wish you someday to experience the shit that the Roma do. It's hard to be tolerant when bastards walk into your yard and literally say "don't move or you'll die" and you, being a ten-year-old boy, can't do anything and they don't give a shit about the police. I want you to experience the same shit.

as a followup to a user quoting news of anti-Roma pogroms.
Tbh, while cringe-worthy, the above is not a 200 point infraction on its own. If the standard for perma-bans on SV was anywhere that low, then there would a heck of a lot more perma ban tribunals.

It's actually been a while since I last saw a 200 point infraction go by - I think it was issued by foamy, but I don't remember the context at this point. I do remember that it was a lot of higher in cringe scale than this.

I looked up the infracting posts that Datcord listed - first 2 entries are 2022 / early 2023 - so I think the points given would have decayed. The next four, however, are December 2024 onward, and the DM issue is probably what tipped it over to the user-review state. It looks like they got exactly the same set of chances as all other users get...
The fact he stuck it out as long as he did is a showing of SVs relative leniency. Someone buying Nazi memorabilia unironically and boasting about it is enough for far worse to happen to them in some places than merely getting warned on a forum. Combined with all the other most typical forms of Nazi-adjacent attitudes they frequently expressed, this run is a legendary run.
Honestly, that wasn't a case of someone just buying nazi memorabilia.

That was a case of a Ukranian user buying nazi memorabilia to spite other users who were treating putins propaganda as being something worth talking about, rather than dismissing instantly.
Gets accused of anti-Roma bigotry, then uses a anti-Roma slur in their first appeal post.

It couldn't have been anything but Permaban.
I really don't believe someone who was just offended by being smeared by association with neo-Nazism and had no neo-Nazi inclinations would respond by buying a Black Sun patch. Far as I'm concerned they were at least fascist-adjacent the whole time.