Out of interest, how is NPC dialogue in general?
As in, I recall in DD1, NPCs had one line of dialogue outside of quests, and that line is mostly something like "times are hard indeed" or some such contentless dialogue.
So I'm hoping NPCs now have some reactivity to whatever is happening around them. It would make the world feel more alive, rather than populated by cardboard.
It always got a bit weird that the "human" NPCs talk about how Pawns are "not really people" due to lack of emotional and social reactions, when Pawns have far more reactions than the average NPC.
It's not really any better i think.
Very little chatter, not very varied so far, i have seen occasional conversations from npc's, but not often and i honestly have not paid any attention to them, and if you talk to them, they do have basicly one line to give you, if that.
Pawn chatter is, better, than it was in DG1, but still not brilliant, and they are super impressed by my brilliant tactic of slamming high Frigor into a goblins face.
Also somewhat critical about having two sorceres and a mage in a single party, and not without cause i'll admit, having more balanced party seems lot more effective in this one (i blame (and mourn) the lack of tornado).
What there are, however, is lot more people on the road, i've had something like a dozen people fighting a single ogre (including my group of 4), pawns, patrols, wandering merchants, ox carts...
And, without having moved to the second nation, i have so far found 5 population centers.
The main city, 3 villages, and a military camp (though the camp was basicly what the military camp outside starting village was, so not a big whoop).
Also occasional enemy groups fighting each other, which is fun, though they tend to prioritize me the moment they see me.