هذه النهاية Thread Two: To Allah We Belong and To Him We Return (Giant Robot Quest)

Nah, regenerating a significant portion of your body (Including foreign metal that makes up...most of it, frankly) is just hungry work.
What a great success this mission is. No one dies, we got an core, and the robots didn't get completely destroyed.

Now we learn to ignore spending extra time on school work and put more time into sims and cradle so that we can actually fight rather than just be a shield or force push someone away. I mean, being a pilot who spend extra time on school work rather than piloting?

Johnathan must feel pretty bummed out.
It's been a month and a half since it updated, but I finally caught up to the right thread.
It's ridiculously top-tier but not unheard of (Khadijah and Umar both have scores in that range). Ghazali scores have never been documented as increasing after 14-or-so, but efficiency rates can increase (so, say, Kim's 53% efficiency could increase to 70%, bringing her EGS to 7, or theoretically breach 100% though that would probably be bad).
Hmm. You don't say.
Because if you did say that, we'd take it as a challenge.
They inevitably drop with age, though.
...When do we meet the hilariously traumatized eight year old?
Remains facing North.
Hmm. Does it change if the person who's making it is dizzy?
You nearly fall, but years of freerunning and the like with Sam kick in, you turn the tumble into a roll and come back up swinging.
John knows parkour?!
you get a glimpse of something deep in its body, a small, black organ scarcely larger than your cockpit,
Ooh, interesting. Anyone wanna bet it is a cockpit?